
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 // $Id: make_event_trees.C,v 1.11 2007/07/31 16:20:23 rdm Exp $
00002 //
00003 //
00005 #include "Riostream.h"
00006 #include "TProof.h"
00007 #include "TString.h"
00010 Bool_t make_event_trees(const char *basedir, Int_t events_per_file,
00011                         Int_t files_per_node)
00012 {
00013    // This script generates files on PROOF nodes with trees containing
00014    // Event objects.
00015    // The created files can be used for benchmarking and demonstrations.
00017    if (!gProof) {
00018       cout << "Must Start PROOF before using make_event_trees.C" << endl;
00019       return kFALSE;
00020    }
00022    if (!basedir) {
00023       cout << "'basedir' must not be empty" << endl;
00024       return kFALSE;
00025    }
00027    if (events_per_file <= 0) {
00028       cout << "events_per_file must be > 0" << endl;
00029       return kFALSE;
00030    }
00032    if (files_per_node <= 0) {
00033       cout << "files_per_node must be > 0" << endl;
00034       return kFALSE;
00035    }
00037    if (gProof->UploadPackage("event.par")) return kFALSE;
00038    if (gProof->EnablePackage("event")) return kFALSE;
00040    ofstream slavemacro("build_trees.C");
00042    slavemacro << "#include \"TSystem.h\""                                                 << endl;
00043    slavemacro << "#include \"TProof.h\""                                                  << endl;
00044    slavemacro << "#include \"TProofServ.h\""                                              << endl;
00045    slavemacro << "#include \"TRandom.h\""                                                 << endl;
00046    slavemacro << "#include \"TFile.h\""                                                   << endl;
00047    slavemacro << "#include \"TTree.h\""                                                   << endl;
00048    slavemacro << "#include \"Riostream.h\""                                               << endl;
00049    slavemacro << "#include \"event/Event.h\""                                                   << endl;
00050    slavemacro << "void build_trees(const char *basedir, Int_t nevents, Int_t nfiles) {" << endl;
00051    slavemacro << "   Int_t slave_number = -1;"                                            << endl;
00052    slavemacro << "   Int_t nslaves = 0;"                                                  << endl;
00053    if (!strncmp(gProof->GetMaster(), "localhost", 9))
00054       slavemacro << "   TString hn = \"localhost\";"                                      << endl;
00055    else
00056       slavemacro << "   TString hn = gSystem->HostName();"                                << endl;
00057    slavemacro << "   TString ord = gProofServ->GetOrdinal();"                             << endl;
00058    slavemacro <<                                                                             endl;
00059    TList* l = gProof->GetListOfSlaveInfos();
00060    for (Int_t i=0; i<l->GetSize(); i++) {
00061       TSlaveInfo* si = dynamic_cast<TSlaveInfo*>(l->At(i));
00062       if (si->fStatus != TSlaveInfo::kActive) continue;
00063       slavemacro << "   if (hn == \"";
00064       slavemacro << si->fHostName;
00065       slavemacro << "\") { nslaves++; if (ord == \"";
00066       slavemacro << si->fOrdinal;
00067       slavemacro << "\") slave_number = nslaves; }" << endl;
00068    }
00070    slavemacro << "  if (gSystem->AccessPathName(basedir)) {"                              << endl;
00071    slavemacro << "     Printf(\"No such file or directory: %s\", basedir);"               << endl;
00072    slavemacro << "     return;"                                                           << endl;
00073    slavemacro << "  }"                                                                    << endl;
00074    slavemacro <<                                                                             endl;
00075    slavemacro << "   if (slave_number >= 0) {"                                            << endl;
00076    slavemacro << "      for(Int_t i=slave_number; i<=nfiles; i+=nslaves) {"               << endl;
00077    slavemacro <<                                                                             endl;
00078    slavemacro << "         TString seed = hn;"                                            << endl;
00079    slavemacro << "         seed += \"_\";"                                                << endl;
00080    slavemacro << "         seed += i;"                                                    << endl;
00081    slavemacro << "         gRandom->SetSeed(static_cast<UInt_t>(TMath::Hash(seed)));"     << endl;
00082    slavemacro <<                                                                             endl;
00083    slavemacro << "         TString filename = basedir;"                                   << endl;
00084    slavemacro << "         filename += \"/event_tree_\";"                                 << endl;
00085    slavemacro << "         filename += seed;"                                             << endl;
00086    slavemacro << "         filename += \".root\";"                                        << endl;
00087    slavemacro << "         TDirectory* savedir = gDirectory;"                             << endl;
00088    slavemacro << "         TFile *f = TFile::Open(filename, \"RECREATE\");"               << endl;
00089    slavemacro << "         savedir->cd();"                                                << endl;
00090    slavemacro <<                                                                             endl;
00091    slavemacro << "         if (!f || f->IsZombie()) break;"                               << endl;
00092    slavemacro << "         Event event;"                                                  << endl;
00093    slavemacro << "         Event *ep = &event;"                                           << endl;
00094    slavemacro << "         TTree eventtree(\"EventTree\", \"Event Tree\");"               << endl;
00095    slavemacro << "         eventtree.SetDirectory(f);"                                    << endl;
00096    slavemacro << "         eventtree.Branch(\"event\", \"Event\", &ep, 32000, 1);"        << endl;
00097    slavemacro << "         eventtree.AutoSave();"                                         << endl;
00098    slavemacro <<                                                                             endl;
00099    slavemacro << "         for(Int_t j=0; j<nevents; j++) {"                              << endl;
00100    slavemacro << "            event.Build(j,3,0);"                                        << endl;
00101    slavemacro << "            eventtree.Fill();"                                          << endl;
00102    slavemacro << "         }"                                                             << endl;
00103    slavemacro <<                                                                             endl;
00104    slavemacro << "         savedir = gDirectory;"                                         << endl;
00105    slavemacro << "         f->cd();"                                                      << endl;
00106    slavemacro << "         eventtree.Write();"                                            << endl;
00107    slavemacro << "         eventtree.SetDirectory(0);"                                    << endl;
00108    slavemacro << "         f->Close();"                                                   << endl;
00109    slavemacro << "         delete f;"                                                     << endl;
00110    slavemacro << "         f = 0;"                                                        << endl;
00111    slavemacro << "         savedir->cd();"                                                << endl;
00112    slavemacro <<                                                                             endl;
00113    slavemacro << "      }"                                                                << endl;
00114    slavemacro << "   } else {"                                                            << endl;
00115    slavemacro << "      cout << \"Could not find slave hostname=\";"                      << endl;
00116    slavemacro << "      cout << hn << \", ordinal=\" << ord;"                             << endl;
00117    slavemacro << "      cout << \" in file production list.\" << endl;"                   << endl;
00118    slavemacro << "      cout << \"Make sure the proof.conf contains the \";"              << endl;
00119    slavemacro << "      cout << \"correct slave hostnames.\" << endl;"                    << endl;
00120    slavemacro << "   }"                                                                   << endl;
00121    slavemacro << "}"                                                                      << endl;
00123    slavemacro.close();
00125    gProof->Load("build_trees.C+");
00127    TString cmd = "build_trees(\"";
00128    cmd += basedir;
00129    cmd += "\",";
00130    cmd += events_per_file;
00131    cmd += ",";
00132    cmd += files_per_node;
00133    cmd += ")";
00135    if (gProof->Exec(cmd)<0) return kFALSE;
00137    return kTRUE;
00138 }

Generated on Tue Jul 5 15:15:07 2011 for ROOT_528-00b_version by  doxygen 1.5.1