
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 {
00002    TCanvas *Ms = new TCanvas("mathsymb","Mathematical Symbols",500,600);
00004    TLatex Tl;
00005    Tl.SetTextSize(0.03);
00007    // Draw First Column
00008    Tl.SetTextAlign(12);
00009    float y, step, x1, x2;
00010    y = 0.96; step = 0.0465; x1 = 0.02; x2 = x1+0.04;
00011                Tl.DrawLatex(x1, y, "#club")           ; Tl.DrawText(x2, y, "#club");
00012    y -= step ; Tl.DrawLatex(x1, y, "#voidn")          ; Tl.DrawText(x2, y, "#voidn");
00013    y -= step ; Tl.DrawLatex(x1, y, "#leq")            ; Tl.DrawText(x2, y, "#leq");
00014    y -= step ; Tl.DrawLatex(x1, y, "#approx")         ; Tl.DrawText(x2, y, "#approx");
00015    y -= step ; Tl.DrawLatex(x1, y, "#in")             ; Tl.DrawText(x2, y, "#in");
00016    y -= step ; Tl.DrawLatex(x1, y, "#supset")         ; Tl.DrawText(x2, y, "#supset");
00017    y -= step ; Tl.DrawLatex(x1, y, "#cap")            ; Tl.DrawText(x2, y, "#cap");
00018    y -= step ; Tl.DrawLatex(x1, y, "#ocopyright")     ; Tl.DrawText(x2, y, "#ocopyright");
00019    y -= step ; Tl.DrawLatex(x1, y, "#trademark")      ; Tl.DrawText(x2, y, "#trademark");
00020    y -= step ; Tl.DrawLatex(x1, y, "#times")          ; Tl.DrawText(x2, y, "#times");
00021    y -= step ; Tl.DrawLatex(x1, y, "#bullet")         ; Tl.DrawText(x2, y, "#bullet");
00022    y -= step ; Tl.DrawLatex(x1, y, "#voidb")          ; Tl.DrawText(x2, y, "#voidb");
00023    y -= step ; Tl.DrawLatex(x1, y, "#doublequote")    ; Tl.DrawText(x2, y, "#doublequote");
00024    y -= step ; Tl.DrawLatex(x1, y, "#lbar")           ; Tl.DrawText(x2, y, "#lbar");
00025    y -= step ; Tl.DrawLatex(x1, y, "#arcbottom")      ; Tl.DrawText(x2, y, "#arcbottom");
00026    y -= step ; Tl.DrawLatex(x1, y, "#downarrow")      ; Tl.DrawText(x2, y, "#downarrow");
00027    y -= step ; Tl.DrawLatex(x1, y, "#leftrightarrow") ; Tl.DrawText(x2, y, "#leftrightarrow");
00028    y -= step ; Tl.DrawLatex(x1, y, "#Downarrow")      ; Tl.DrawText(x2, y, "#Downarrow");
00029    y -= step ; Tl.DrawLatex(x1, y, "#Leftrightarrow") ; Tl.DrawText(x2, y, "#Leftrightarrow");
00030    y -= step ; Tl.DrawLatex(x1, y, "#void8")          ; Tl.DrawText(x2, y, "#void8");
00031    y -= step ; Tl.DrawLatex(x1, y, "#hbar")           ; Tl.DrawText(x2, y, "#hbar");
00033    // Draw Second Column
00034    y = 0.96; step = 0.0465; x1 = 0.27; x2 = x1+0.04;
00035                Tl.DrawLatex(x1, y, "#diamond")        ; Tl.DrawText(x2, y, "#diamond");
00036    y -= step ; Tl.DrawLatex(x1, y, "#aleph")          ; Tl.DrawText(x2, y, "#aleph");
00037    y -= step ; Tl.DrawLatex(x1, y, "#geq")            ; Tl.DrawText(x2, y, "#geq");
00038    y -= step ; Tl.DrawLatex(x1, y, "#neq")            ; Tl.DrawText(x2, y, "#neq");
00039    y -= step ; Tl.DrawLatex(x1, y, "#notin")          ; Tl.DrawText(x2, y, "#notin");
00040    y -= step ; Tl.DrawLatex(x1, y, "#subseteq")       ; Tl.DrawText(x2, y, "#subseteq");
00041    y -= step ; Tl.DrawLatex(x1, y, "#cup")            ; Tl.DrawText(x2, y, "#cup");
00042    y -= step ; Tl.DrawLatex(x1, y, "#copyright")      ; Tl.DrawText(x2, y, "#copyright");
00043    y -= step ; Tl.DrawLatex(x1, y, "#void3")          ; Tl.DrawText(x2, y, "#void3");
00044    y -= step ; Tl.DrawLatex(x1, y, "#divide")         ; Tl.DrawText(x2, y, "#divide");
00045    y -= step ; Tl.DrawLatex(x1, y, "#circ")           ; Tl.DrawText(x2, y, "#circ");
00046    y -= step ; Tl.DrawLatex(x1, y, "#infty")          ; Tl.DrawText(x2, y, "#infty");
00047    y -= step ; Tl.DrawLatex(x1, y, "#angle")          ; Tl.DrawText(x2, y, "#angle");
00048    y -= step ; Tl.DrawLatex(x1, y, "#cbar")           ; Tl.DrawText(x2, y, "#cbar");
00049    y -= step ; Tl.DrawLatex(x1, y, "#arctop")         ; Tl.DrawText(x2, y, "#arctop");
00050    y -= step ; Tl.DrawLatex(x1, y, "#leftarrow")      ; Tl.DrawText(x2, y, "#leftarrow");
00051    y -= step ; Tl.DrawLatex(x1, y, "#otimes")         ; Tl.DrawText(x2, y, "#otimes");
00052    y -= step ; Tl.DrawLatex(x1, y, "#Leftarrow")      ; Tl.DrawText(x2, y, "#Leftarrow");
00053    y -= step ; Tl.DrawLatex(x1, y, "#prod")           ; Tl.DrawText(x2, y, "#prod");
00054    y -= step ; Tl.DrawLatex(x1, y, "#Box")            ; Tl.DrawText(x2, y, "#Box");
00055    y -= step ; Tl.DrawLatex(x1, y, "#parallel")       ; Tl.DrawText(x2, y, "#parallel");
00057    // Draw Third Column
00058    y = 0.96; step = 0.0465; x1 = 0.52; x2 = x1+0.04;
00059                Tl.DrawLatex(x1, y, "#heart")          ; Tl.DrawText(x2, y, "#heart");
00060    y -= step ; Tl.DrawLatex(x1, y, "#Jgothic")        ; Tl.DrawText(x2, y, "#Jgothic");
00061    y -= step ; Tl.DrawLatex(x1, y, "#LT")             ; Tl.DrawText(x2, y, "#LT");
00062    y -= step ; Tl.DrawLatex(x1, y, "#equiv")          ; Tl.DrawText(x2, y, "#equiv");
00063    y -= step ; Tl.DrawLatex(x1, y, "#subset")         ; Tl.DrawText(x2, y, "#subset");
00064    y -= step ; Tl.DrawLatex(x1, y, "#supseteq")       ; Tl.DrawText(x2, y, "#supseteq");
00065    y -= step ; Tl.DrawLatex(x1, y, "#wedge")          ; Tl.DrawText(x2, y, "#wedge");
00066    y -= step ; Tl.DrawLatex(x1, y, "#oright")         ; Tl.DrawText(x2, y, "#oright");
00067    y -= step ; Tl.DrawLatex(x1, y, "#AA")             ; Tl.DrawText(x2, y, "#AA");
00068    y -= step ; Tl.DrawLatex(x1, y, "#pm")             ; Tl.DrawText(x2, y, "#pm");
00069    y -= step ; Tl.DrawLatex(x1, y, "#3dots")          ; Tl.DrawText(x2, y, "#3dots");
00070    y -= step ; Tl.DrawLatex(x1, y, "#nabla")          ; Tl.DrawText(x2, y, "#nabla");
00071    y -= step ; Tl.DrawLatex(x1, y, "#downleftarrow")  ; Tl.DrawText(x2, y, "#downleftarrow");
00072    y -= step ; Tl.DrawLatex(x1, y, "#topbar")         ; Tl.DrawText(x2, y, "#topbar");
00073    y -= step ; Tl.DrawLatex(x1, y, "#arcbar")         ; Tl.DrawText(x2, y, "#arcbar");
00074    y -= step ; Tl.DrawLatex(x1, y, "#uparrow")        ; Tl.DrawText(x2, y, "#uparrow");
00075    y -= step ; Tl.DrawLatex(x1, y, "#oplus")          ; Tl.DrawText(x2, y, "#oplus");
00076    y -= step ; Tl.DrawLatex(x1, y, "#Uparrow")        ; Tl.DrawText(x2, y, "#Uparrow");
00077    y -= step ; Tl.DrawLatex(x1, y-0.01, "#sum")       ; Tl.DrawText(x2, y, "#sum");
00078    y -= step ; Tl.DrawLatex(x1, y, "#perp")           ; Tl.DrawText(x2, y, "#perp");
00079    y -= step ; Tl.DrawLatex(x1, y, "#forall")         ; Tl.DrawText(x2, y, "#forall");  
00081    // Draw Fourth Column
00082    y = 0.96; step = 0.0465; x1 = 0.77; x2 = x1+0.04;
00083                Tl.DrawLatex(x1, y, "#spade")          ; Tl.DrawText(x2, y, "#spade");
00084    y -= step ; Tl.DrawLatex(x1, y, "#Rgothic")        ; Tl.DrawText(x2, y, "#Rgothic");
00085    y -= step ; Tl.DrawLatex(x1, y, "#GT")             ; Tl.DrawText(x2, y, "#GT");
00086    y -= step ; Tl.DrawLatex(x1, y, "#propto")         ; Tl.DrawText(x2, y, "#propto");
00087    y -= step ; Tl.DrawLatex(x1, y, "#notsubset")      ; Tl.DrawText(x2, y, "#notsubset");
00088    y -= step ; Tl.DrawLatex(x1, y, "#oslash")         ; Tl.DrawText(x2, y, "#oslash");
00089    y -= step ; Tl.DrawLatex(x1, y, "#vee")            ; Tl.DrawText(x2, y, "#vee");
00090    y -= step ; Tl.DrawLatex(x1, y, "#void1")          ; Tl.DrawText(x2, y, "#void1");
00091    y -= step ; Tl.DrawLatex(x1, y, "#aa")             ; Tl.DrawText(x2, y, "#aa");
00092    y -= step ; Tl.DrawLatex(x1, y, "#/")              ; Tl.DrawText(x2, y, "#/");
00093    y -= step ; Tl.DrawLatex(x1, y, "#upoint")         ; Tl.DrawText(x2, y, "#upoint");
00094    y -= step ; Tl.DrawLatex(x1, y, "#partial")        ; Tl.DrawText(x2, y, "#partial");
00095    y -= step ; Tl.DrawLatex(x1, y, "#corner")         ; Tl.DrawText(x2, y, "#corner");
00096    y -= step ; Tl.DrawLatex(x1, y, "#ltbar")          ; Tl.DrawText(x2, y, "#ltbar");
00097    y -= step ; Tl.DrawLatex(x1, y, "#bottombar")      ; Tl.DrawText(x2, y, "#bottombar");
00098    y -= step ; Tl.DrawLatex(x1, y, "#rightarrow")     ; Tl.DrawText(x2, y, "#rightarrow");
00099    y -= step ; Tl.DrawLatex(x1, y, "#surd")           ; Tl.DrawText(x2, y, "#surd");
00100    y -= step ; Tl.DrawLatex(x1, y, "#Rightarrow")     ; Tl.DrawText(x2, y, "#Rightarrow");
00101    y -= step ; Tl.DrawLatex(x1, y-0.015, "#int")      ; Tl.DrawText(x2, y, "#int");
00102    y -= step ; Tl.DrawLatex(x1, y, "#odot")           ; Tl.DrawText(x2, y, "#odot");
00103    y -= step ; Tl.DrawLatex(x1, y, "#exists")         ; Tl.DrawText(x2, y, "#exists");  
00105    return Ms;
00106 }

Generated on Tue Jul 5 14:14:08 2011 for ROOT_528-00b_version by  doxygen 1.5.1