
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 iterplugin *plugin = 0;
00003 void runplugin()
00004 {
00005 //+ Creates and runs a simple iterator plugin connected to TGeoPainter iterator.
00006 // It demonstrates the possibility to dynamically change the color of drawn
00007 // volumes acording some arbitrary criteria *WITHOUT* changing the color of the 
00008 // same volume drawn on branches that do not match the criteria.
00009 //
00010 // To run:
00011 // root[0]   .L iterplugin.cxx+
00012 // root[1]   .x runplugin.C
00013 // root[2]   select(2,kMagenta);
00014 // root[3]   select(3,kBlue)
00015 // ...
00017    gROOT->ProcessLine(".x $ROOTSYS/tutorials/geom/rootgeom.C");
00018    plugin = new iterplugin();
00019    gGeoManager->GetGeomPainter()->SetIteratorPlugin(plugin);
00020 }
00022 void select(Int_t replica=1, Int_t color=kGreen)
00023 {
00024 // Change current color. Replica range: 1-4
00025    plugin->Select(replica, color);
00026    gGeoManager->GetGeomPainter()->ModifiedPad();
00027 }

Generated on Tue Jul 5 15:44:17 2011 for ROOT_528-00b_version by  doxygen 1.5.1