
Go to the documentation of this file.
00002 // Author: Anna Kreshuk, March 2007
00004 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
00005 //
00006 //___A stress test for the TEntryList class and operations with it___
00007 //   
00008 //   The functions below test different properties of TEntryList
00009 //   - Test1() - assembling entry lists for smaller chains from the lists
00010 //               for bigger chains and vice versa + using them in TTree::Draw
00011 //   - Test2() - adding and subtracting entry lists in different order
00012 //               and using ">>+elist" in TTree::Draw
00013 //   - Test3() - transforming TEventList objects into TEntryList objects for a TChain
00014 //   - Test4() - same as Test3() but for a TTree 
00015 //
00016 //   To run in batch mode, do
00017 //     stressEntryList
00018 //     stressEntryList 1000
00019 //     stressEntryList 1000 10
00020 //   Here the 1st parameter is the number of entries in each TTree, 
00021 //            2nd parameter is the number of created files
00022 //   Default values are 10000 10
00023 //
00024 //   An example of output when all tests pass:
00025 // **********************************************************************
00026 // ***************Starting TEntryList stress test************************
00027 // **********************************************************************
00028 // **********Generating 10 data files, 2 trees of 10000 in each**********
00029 // **********************************************************************
00030 // Test1: Applying different entry lists to different chains --------- OK
00031 // Test2: Adding and subtracting entry lists-------------------------- OK
00032 // Test3: TEntryList and TEventList for TChain------------------------ OK
00033 // Test4: TEntryList and TEventList for TTree------------------------- OK
00034 // **********************************************************************
00035 // *******************Deleting the data files****************************
00036 // **********************************************************************
00038 #include <stdlib.h>
00039 #include "TApplication.h"
00040 #include "TEntryList.h"
00041 #include "TEventList.h"
00042 #include "TTree.h"
00043 #include "TChain.h"
00044 #include "TRandom.h"
00045 #include "TH1F.h"
00046 #include "TCut.h"
00047 #include "TFile.h"
00048 #include "TSystem.h"
00050 Int_t stressEntryList(Int_t nentries = 10000, Int_t nfiles = 10);
00051 void MakeTrees(Int_t nentries, Int_t nfiles);
00053 Bool_t Test1()
00054 {
00055    //Test the functionality of entry lists for chains:
00056    //making new entry lists out of parts of other entry lists
00057    //applying same entry lists to different chains, etc
00059    Int_t wrongentries1, wrongentries2, wrongentries3, wrongentries4, wrongentries5;
00060    TChain *bigchain = new TChain("bigchain", "bigchain");
00061    bigchain->Add("stressEntryListTrees*.root/tree1");
00062    bigchain->Add("stressEntryListTrees*.root/tree2");
00064    TChain *smallchain = new TChain("smallchain", "smallchain");
00065    smallchain->Add("stressEntryListTrees*.root/tree1");
00067    //create an entry list for the small chain
00068    TCut cut = "x<0 && y>0";
00069    smallchain->Draw(">>elist_small", cut, "entrylist");
00070    TEntryList *elist_small = (TEntryList*)gDirectory->Get("elist_small");
00072    //check if the entry list contains correct entries
00073    Int_t range = 100;
00074    TH1F *hx = new TH1F("hx", "hx", range, -range, range);
00075    smallchain->Draw("x >> hx", cut, "goff");
00076    TH1F *hcheck = new TH1F("hcheck", "hcheck", range, -range, range);
00078    smallchain->SetEntryList(elist_small);
00079    smallchain->Draw("x >> hcheck", "", "goff");
00080    wrongentries1 = 0;
00081    for (Int_t i=1; i<=range; i++){
00082       if (TMath::Abs(hx->GetBinContent(i)-hcheck->GetBinContent(i)) > 0.1){
00083          wrongentries1++;
00084       }
00085    }
00086    if (wrongentries1 >0)
00087       printf("\nsmall list and small chain: number of wrong bins=%d\n", wrongentries1);
00089    //set this small entry list to the big chain and check the results
00090    bigchain->SetEntryList(elist_small);
00091    bigchain->Draw("x >> hcheck_", "", "goff");
00092    wrongentries2 = 0;
00093    for (Int_t i=1; i<=range; i++){
00094       if (TMath::Abs(hx->GetBinContent(i)-hcheck->GetBinContent(i)) > 0.1){
00095          wrongentries2++;
00096       }
00097    }
00098    if (wrongentries2 >0)
00099       printf("\nsmall elist and big chain: number of wrong bins=%d\n", wrongentries2);
00101    smallchain->SetEntryList(0);
00102    bigchain->SetEntryList(0);
00104    //make an entry list for a big chain
00105    bigchain->Draw(">>elist_big", cut, "entrylist");
00106    TEntryList* elist_big = (TEntryList*)gDirectory->Get("elist_big");
00107    //make a small entry list by extracting the lists, corresponding to the trees in
00108    //the small chain, from the big entry list
00109    TEntryList *list_extracted = new TEntryList("list_extracted", "list_extracted");
00110    TEntryList *elist_temp;
00111    TList *lists = elist_big->GetLists();
00112    TIter next(lists);
00113    while ((elist_temp = (TEntryList*)next())){
00114       if (!strcmp(elist_temp->GetTreeName(),"tree1"))
00115          list_extracted->Add(elist_temp);
00116    }
00118    //compare this extracted list to the list, generated by smallchain->Draw()
00119    Long64_t entry1, entry2;
00120    Int_t n=list_extracted->GetN();
00121    wrongentries3 = 0;
00122    for (Int_t i=0; i<n; i++){
00123       entry1 = list_extracted->GetEntry(i);
00124       entry2 = elist_small->GetEntry(i);
00125       if (entry1 != entry2){
00126          if (wrongentries3<10) printf("wrong entry: %d list2=%lld elist_small=%lld\n", i, entry1, entry2);
00127          wrongentries3++;
00128       }
00129    }
00130    if (wrongentries3 >0)
00131       printf("\nsmall list and extracted list: number of wrong entries = %d, n=%d\n", wrongentries3,n);
00133    //add another entry list to the extracted list
00134    elist_temp = (TEntryList*)lists->Last();
00135    list_extracted->Add(elist_temp);
00136    smallchain->SetEntryList(list_extracted);
00137    smallchain->Draw("x>>hcheck", "", "goff");
00138    wrongentries4 = 0;
00139    for (Int_t i=1; i<=range; i++){
00140       if (TMath::Abs(hx->GetBinContent(i)-hcheck->GetBinContent(i)) > 0.1){
00141          //printf("%d hx: %f hcheck %f\n", i, hx->GetBinContent(i), hcheck->GetBinContent(i));
00142          wrongentries4++;
00143       }
00144    }
00145    if (wrongentries4 >0)
00146       printf("\nextracted list with 1 wrong: number of wrong bins=%d\n", wrongentries4);
00148    //set the big entry list to the small chain and compare the results with
00149    //the entry list, generated by smallchain->Draw()
00150    smallchain->SetEntryList(elist_big);
00151    smallchain->Draw("x >> hcheck", "", "goff");
00152    wrongentries5 = 0;
00153    for (Int_t i=1; i<=range; i++){
00154       if (TMath::Abs(hx->GetBinContent(i)-hcheck->GetBinContent(i)) > 0.1){
00155          //printf("i=%d hx(i)=%f, hcheck(i)=%f\n", i, hx->GetBinContent(i), hcheck->GetBinContent(i)); 
00156          wrongentries5++;
00157       }
00158    }
00159    if (wrongentries5 >0)
00160       printf("\nbig elist and small chain: number of wrong bins = %d\n", wrongentries5);
00162    delete bigchain;
00163    delete smallchain;
00164    delete hx;
00165    delete hcheck;
00166    delete elist_big;
00167    delete elist_small;
00168    delete list_extracted;
00170    if (wrongentries1>0 || wrongentries2>0 || wrongentries3>0 || wrongentries4>0 || wrongentries5>0)
00171       return kFALSE;
00172    return kTRUE;
00173 }
00175 Bool_t Test2()
00176 {
00177    //Test adding and subtracting entry lists
00179    Int_t wrongentries1, wrongentries2, wrongentries3, wrongentries4, wrongentries5;
00180    TChain *chain = new TChain("chain", "chain");
00181    chain->Add("stressEntryListTrees_0.root/tree1");
00182    chain->Add("stressEntryListTrees_0.root/tree2");
00183    //chain->Add("stressEntryListTrees*.root/tree1");
00184    //chain->Add("stressEntryListTrees*.root/tree2");
00185    TCut cut1("cut1", "x>0");
00186    TCut cut2("cut2", "y<0.1 && y>-0.1");
00187    TEntryList *elist1 = new TEntryList("elist1", "elist1");
00188    chain->Draw(">>elist1", cut1, "entrylist");
00189    TEntryList *elist2 = new TEntryList("elist2", "elist2");
00190    chain->Draw(">>elist2", cut2, "entrylist");
00192    //add those 2 lists (1+2)
00193    TEntryList *elistsum = new TEntryList("elistsum", "elistsum");
00194    elistsum->Add(elist1);
00195    elistsum->Add(elist2);
00197    TEntryList *elistcheck = new TEntryList("elistcheck", "elistcheck");
00198    chain->Draw(">>elistcheck", cut1 || cut2, "entrylist");
00200    Int_t n=elistcheck->GetN();
00201    Long64_t entry1, entry2;
00202    wrongentries1=0;
00203    for (Int_t i=0; i<n; i++){
00204       entry1 = elistsum->GetEntry(i);
00205       entry2 = elistcheck->GetEntry(i);
00206       if (entry1 != entry2) {
00207          //printf("%d, sum=%lld, check=%lld\n", i, entry1, entry2);
00208          wrongentries1++;
00209       }
00210    }
00211    if (wrongentries1>0)
00212       printf("\nwrong entries (1+2)=%d\n", wrongentries1);
00214    //add in different order
00215    TEntryList *elistsum2 = new TEntryList("elistsum2", "elistsum2");
00216    elistsum2->Add(elist2);
00217    elistsum2->Add(elist1);
00218    wrongentries2 = 0;
00219    for (Int_t i=0; i<n; i++){
00220       entry1 = elistsum2->GetEntry(i);
00221       entry2 = elistcheck->GetEntry(i);
00222       if (entry1 != entry2) {
00223          //printf("%d, sum=%lld, check=%lld\n", i, entry1, entry2);
00224          wrongentries2++;
00225       }
00226     }
00227     if (wrongentries2>0)
00228       printf("\nwrong entries (2+1)=%d\n", wrongentries2);
00231    //add by using "+" in TTree::Draw
00232    TEntryList *elistsum3 = new TEntryList("elistsum3", "elistsum3");
00233    chain->Draw(">>elistsum3", cut1, "entrylist");
00234    chain->Draw(">>+elistsum3", cut2, "entrylist");
00235    wrongentries3 = 0;
00236    for (Int_t i=0; i<n; i++){
00237       entry1 = elistsum3->GetEntry(i);
00238       entry2 = elistcheck->GetEntry(i);
00239       if (entry1 != entry2) {
00240          //printf("%d, sum=%lld, check=%lld\n", i, entry1, entry2);
00241          wrongentries3++;
00242       }
00243     }
00244    if (wrongentries3>0)
00245       printf("\nwrong entries with \"+\" in TChain::Draw =%d\n", wrongentries3);
00247    //subtract the second list
00248    elistsum->Subtract(elist2);
00249    n = elistsum->GetN();
00250    TEntryList *elistcheck2 = new TEntryList("elistcheck2","elistcheck2");
00251    chain->Draw(">>elistcheck2", "x>0 && (y>0.1 || y<-0.1)", "entrylist");
00253    wrongentries4 = 0;
00254    for (Int_t i=0; i<n; i++){
00255       entry1 = elistsum->GetEntry(i);
00256       entry2 = elistcheck2->GetEntry(i);
00257       if (entry1 != entry2){
00258           //printf("%d elist1=%lld elistsum=%lld\n", i, entry1, entry2);
00259          wrongentries4++;
00260       }
00261    }
00262    if (wrongentries4>0)
00263       printf("\nwrong entries after subtract 2 = %d\n", wrongentries4);
00265    //subtract the first list
00266    elistsum2->Subtract(elist1);
00267    elistcheck2->Reset();
00268    chain->Draw(">>elistcheck2", "x<0 && y<0.1 && y>-0.1", "entrylist");
00269    wrongentries5 = 0;
00270    n = elistcheck2->GetN();
00271    for (Int_t i=0; i<n; i++){
00272       entry1 = elistsum2->GetEntry(i);
00273       entry2 = elistcheck2->GetEntry(i);
00274       if (entry1 != entry2){
00275          //printf("%d elist1=%lld elistsum=%lld\n", i, entry1, entry2);
00276          wrongentries5++;
00277       }
00278    }
00279    if (wrongentries5>0)
00280       printf("\nwrong entries after subtract 1 = %d\n", wrongentries5);
00282    delete elist1;
00283    delete elist2;
00284    delete elistsum;
00285    delete elistsum2;
00286    delete elistsum3;
00287    delete elistcheck;
00288    delete elistcheck2;
00290    if (wrongentries1>0 || wrongentries2>0 || wrongentries3>0 || wrongentries4>0 || wrongentries5>0)
00291       return kFALSE;
00292    return kTRUE;
00293 }
00295 Bool_t Test3()
00296 {
00297    //Test correspondance of event lists and entry lists
00299    TChain *chain = new TChain("chain", "chain");
00300    chain->Add("stressEntryListTrees*.root/tree1");
00301    chain->Add("stressEntryListTrees*.root/tree2");
00303    TCut cut = "x<0 && y>0";
00305    chain->Draw(">>evlist", cut, "");
00306    TEventList *evlist = (TEventList*)gDirectory->Get("evlist");
00307    chain->Draw("x>>h1", cut, "goff");
00308    TH1F *h1 = (TH1F*)gDirectory->Get("h1");
00309    chain->SetEventList(evlist);
00310    chain->Draw("x>>h2", "", "goff");
00311    TH1F *h2 = (TH1F*)gDirectory->Get("h2");
00313    chain->SetEventList(0);
00314    chain->Draw(">>enlist", cut, "entrylist");
00315    TEntryList *enlist = (TEntryList*)gDirectory->Get("enlist");
00316    chain->SetEntryList(enlist);
00318    chain->Draw("x>>h3", "", "goff");
00319    TH1F *h3 = (TH1F*)gDirectory->Get("h3");
00321    Int_t wrongbins = 0;
00322    Int_t nbins1 = h1->GetNbinsX();
00324    Double_t bin1,bin2,bin3;
00325    for (Int_t i=0; i<nbins1; i++){
00326       bin1 = h1->GetBinContent(i);
00327       bin2 = h2->GetBinContent(i);
00328       bin3 = h3->GetBinContent(i);
00329       if (TMath::Abs(bin1-bin2) > 0.1 || TMath::Abs(bin1-bin3) || TMath::Abs(bin2-bin3) > 0.1) {
00330          //printf("bin1=%f, bin2=%f, bin3=%f\n", bin1, bin2, bin3);
00331          wrongbins++;
00332       }
00333    }
00334    if (wrongbins>0)
00335       printf("wrongbins=%d\n", wrongbins);
00337    delete chain;
00338    delete h1;
00339    delete h2;
00340    delete h3;
00341    delete evlist;
00342    delete enlist;
00343    if (wrongbins>0)
00344       return kFALSE;
00345    return kTRUE;
00346 }
00348 Bool_t Test4()
00349 {
00350    //Like Test3() but for trees
00352    TFile f("stressEntryListTrees_0.root");
00353    TTree *tree = (TTree*)f.Get("tree1");
00354    TCut cut = "x<0 && y>0";
00355    tree->Draw(">>evlist", cut, "");
00356    TEventList *evlist = (TEventList*)gDirectory->Get("evlist");
00357    tree->Draw("x>>h1", cut, "goff");
00358    TH1F *h1 = (TH1F*)gDirectory->Get("h1");
00359    tree->SetEventList(evlist);
00360    tree->Draw("x>>h2", "", "goff");
00361    TH1F *h2 = (TH1F*)gDirectory->Get("h2");
00363    tree->SetEventList(0);
00364    tree->Draw(">>enlist", cut, "entrylist");
00365    TEntryList *enlist = (TEntryList*)gDirectory->Get("enlist");
00366    tree->SetEntryList(enlist);
00367    tree->Draw("x>>h3", "", "goff");
00368    TH1F *h3 = (TH1F*)gDirectory->Get("h3");
00369    Int_t wrongbins = 0;
00370    Int_t nbins1 = h1->GetNbinsX();
00372    Double_t bin1,bin2,bin3;
00373    for (Int_t i=0; i<nbins1; i++){
00374       bin1 = h1->GetBinContent(i);
00375       bin2 = h2->GetBinContent(i);
00376       bin3 = h3->GetBinContent(i);
00377       if (TMath::Abs(bin1-bin2) > 0.1 || TMath::Abs(bin1-bin3) || TMath::Abs(bin2-bin3) > 0.1) {
00378          //printf("bin1=%f, bin2=%f, bin3=%f\n", bin1, bin2, bin3);
00379          wrongbins++;
00380       }
00381    }
00382    if (wrongbins>0)
00383       printf("wrongbins=%d\n", wrongbins);
00385    delete h1;
00386    delete h2;
00387    delete h3;
00388    delete evlist;
00389    delete enlist;
00390    f.Close();
00392    if (wrongbins>0)
00393       return kFALSE;
00394    return kTRUE;
00395 }
00397 Bool_t Test5()
00398 {
00399 //Test entry lists with very many or very few events
00400 //Only makes sense to check if there are > 64000 events
00402    TChain *chain = new TChain("chain", "chain");
00403    chain->Add("stressEntryListTrees*.root/tree1");
00404    chain->Add("stressEntryListTrees*.root/tree2");
00405    Int_t wrongentries1=0;
00406    Int_t wrongentries2=0;
00407    Int_t wrongentries3=0;
00408    Int_t wrongentries4=0;
00409    Int_t wrongentries5=0;
00410    //Let's make a full entry list
00411    chain->Draw(">>elfull", "", "entrylist");
00412    TEntryList *elfull = (TEntryList*)gDirectory->Get("elfull");
00414    //printf("entries in the list: %lld\n", elfull->GetN());
00415    //check the contents
00416    Long64_t cur, real;
00417    Int_t ntrees = chain->GetNtrees();
00418    Long64_t *offset = chain->GetTreeOffset();
00419    //This loop will check if TEntryList::Next() is correct
00420    for (Int_t itree=0; itree<ntrees; itree++){
00421       for (Int_t i=offset[itree]; i<offset[itree+1]; i++){
00422          real = i-offset[itree];
00423          cur = elfull->GetEntry(i);
00424          if (TMath::Abs(real-cur)>0.1){
00425             //printf("real=%lld, cur=%lld\n", real, cur);
00426             wrongentries1++;
00427          }
00428       }
00429    }
00430    //printf("wrongentries1=%d\n", wrongentries1);
00431 //    //This loop will check if TEntryList::GetEntry() is correct
00432    for (Int_t itree=0; itree<ntrees; itree++){
00433       for (Int_t i=offset[itree]; i<offset[itree+1]; i+=2){
00434          real = i-offset[itree];
00435          cur = elfull->GetEntry(i);
00436          if (TMath::Abs(real-cur)>0.1){
00437             //printf("real=%lld, cur=%lld\n", real, cur);
00438             wrongentries2++;
00439          }
00440       }
00441    }
00442    //printf("wrongentries2=%d\n", wrongentries2);
00445    //now let's make an empty entry list
00446    chain->Draw(">>elempty", "x>0 && x<0", "entrylist");
00447    TEntryList *elempty = (TEntryList*)gDirectory->Get("elempty");
00448    //just a check
00449    Long64_t temp = elempty->GetEntry(3);
00450    if (TMath::Abs(temp+1)>0.1)
00451    wrongentries5++;
00453    //Merge the almost full list with the almost empty list
00454    //Note, how the chain pointer is passed to the Remove() and Enter()
00455    //functions. This is needed, because we want to remove entry #3 in 
00456    //the chain, not entry that has #3 in the currently active sublist
00458    elfull->Remove(3, chain);
00459    elempty->Enter(3, chain);
00460    elfull->Add(elempty);
00462    //This loop will check if TEntryList::Next() is correct
00463    for (Int_t itree=0; itree<ntrees-1; itree++){
00464       for (Int_t i=offset[itree]; i<offset[itree+1]; i++){
00465          real = i-offset[itree];
00466          cur = elfull->GetEntry(i);
00467          if (TMath::Abs(real-cur)>0.1){
00468             //printf("real=%lld, cur=%lld\n", real, cur);
00469             wrongentries3++;
00470          }
00471       }
00472    }
00473    //printf("wrongentries3=%d\n", wrongentries3);
00475    //This loop will check if TEntryList::GetEntry() is correct
00476    for (Int_t itree=0; itree<ntrees-1; itree++){
00477       for (Int_t i=offset[itree]; i<offset[itree+1]; i+=2){
00478          real = i-offset[itree];
00479          cur = elfull->GetEntry(i);
00480          if (TMath::Abs(real-cur)>0.1){
00481             //printf("real=%lld, cur=%lld\n", real, cur);
00482             wrongentries4++;
00483          }
00484       }
00485    }
00486    // printf("wrongentries4=%d\n", wrongentries4);
00488    //Now let's use the full and empty lists on the chain
00489    chain->SetEntryList(elfull);
00490    chain->Draw("x>>hx", "", "goff");
00491    TH1F *hx = (TH1F*)gDirectory->Get("hx");
00492    if (TMath::Abs(hx->GetEntries()-chain->GetEntries())>0.1){
00493       wrongentries5++;
00494       //printf("entries in chain: %lld, entries in histo: %f\n", chain->GetEntries(), hx->GetEntries());
00495    }
00497    elempty->Remove(3);
00498    //elempty->Print("all");
00499    chain->SetEntryList(elempty);
00500    Long64_t nen = chain->Draw("x", "", "goff");
00501    if (nen!=0) wrongentries5++;
00503    //printf("wrongentries5=%d\n", wrongentries5);
00505    delete elempty;
00506    delete elfull;
00507    delete hx;
00508    if (wrongentries1>0 || wrongentries2>0 || wrongentries3>0 || wrongentries4>0 || wrongentries5>0) 
00509       return kFALSE;
00510    else 
00511       return kTRUE;
00512 }
00515 void MakeTrees(Int_t nentries, Int_t nfiles)
00516 {
00517    //Creates nfiles files with 2 trees of nentries each
00519    TFile *f1;
00520    TTree *tree1, *tree2;
00522    Double_t x, y, z;
00523    Double_t range = nentries/100.;
00525    char buffer[50];
00526    for (Int_t ifile=0; ifile<nfiles; ifile++){
00527       sprintf(buffer, "stressEntryListTrees_%d.root", ifile);
00528       f1 = new TFile(buffer, "UPDATE");
00529       tree1 = new TTree("tree1", "tree1");
00530       tree1->Branch("x", &x, "x/D");
00531       tree1->Branch("y", &y, "y/D");
00532       tree1->Branch("z", &z, "z/D");
00533       tree2 = new TTree("tree2", "tree2");
00534       tree2->Branch("x", &x, "x/D");
00535       tree2->Branch("y", &y, "y/D");
00536       tree2->Branch("z", &z, "z/D");
00537       for (Int_t i=0; i<nentries; i++){
00538          x = gRandom->Uniform(-range, range);
00539          y = gRandom->Uniform(-range, range);
00540          z = gRandom->Uniform(-range, range);
00541          tree1->Fill();
00542          x = gRandom->Uniform(-range, range);
00543          y = gRandom->Uniform(-range, range);
00544          z = gRandom->Uniform(-range, range);
00545          tree2->Fill();
00546       }
00547       tree1->Write();
00548       tree2->Write();
00550       f1->Write();
00551       f1->Close();
00552    }
00554 }
00556 void CleanUp(Int_t nfiles)
00557 {
00558    char buffer[50];
00559    for (Int_t i=0; i<nfiles; i++){
00560       sprintf(buffer, "stressEntryListTrees_%d.root", i);
00561       gSystem->Unlink(buffer);
00562    }
00563 }
00565 Int_t stressEntryList(Int_t nentries, Int_t nfiles)
00566 {
00567    //Int_t nentries = 1000;
00568    //Int_t nfiles = 10;
00569    MakeTrees(nentries, nfiles);
00570    printf("**********************************************************************\n");
00571    printf("***************Starting TEntryList stress test************************\n");
00572    printf("**********************************************************************\n");
00573    printf("**********Generating %d data files, 2 trees of %d in each**********\n", nfiles, nentries);
00574    printf("**********************************************************************\n");
00576    Bool_t ok1=kTRUE;
00577    Bool_t ok2=kTRUE;
00578    Bool_t ok3=kTRUE;
00579    Bool_t ok4=kTRUE;
00580    Bool_t ok5=kTRUE;
00582    ok1 = Test1();
00583    if (ok1)
00584       printf("Test1: Applying different entry lists to different chains --------- OK\n");
00585    else{
00586       printf("Test1: Applying different entry lists to different chains --------- FAILED\n"); 
00588    }
00589    ok2 = Test2();
00590    if (ok2)
00591       printf("Test2: Adding and subtracting entry lists-------------------------- OK\n");
00592    else{
00593       printf("Test1: Adding and subtracting entry lists-------------------------- FAILED\n");
00594    }
00596    ok3 = Test3();
00597    if (ok3)
00598       printf("Test3: TEntryList and TEventList for TChain------------------------ OK\n");
00599    else{
00600       printf("Test3: TEntryList and TEventList for TChain------------------------ FAILED\n");
00601    }
00603    ok4 = Test4();
00604    if (ok4)  
00605       printf("Test4: TEntryList and TEventList for TTree------------------------- OK\n");
00606    else{
00607       printf("Test4: TEntryList and TEventList for TTree------------------------- FAILED\n");
00608    }
00610    ok5 = Test5();
00611    if (ok5)
00612       printf("Test5: Full and Empty TEntryList----------------------------------- OK\n");
00613    else
00614       printf("Test5: Full and Empty TEntryList----------------------------------- FAILED\n");
00616    printf("**********************************************************************\n");
00617    printf("*******************Deleting the data files****************************\n");
00618    printf("**********************************************************************\n");
00619    CleanUp(nfiles);
00620    return 0;
00621 }
00622 //_____________________________batch only_____________________
00623 #ifndef __CINT__
00625 int main(int argc, char *argv[]) 
00626 {
00627    TApplication theApp("App", &argc, argv);
00628    Int_t nentries = 10000;
00629    Int_t nfiles = 10;
00630    if (argc > 1) nentries = atoi(argv[1]);
00631    if (argc > 2) nfiles = atoi(argv[2]);
00632    stressEntryList(nentries, nfiles);
00633    return 0;
00634 }
00636 #endif

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