
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 // stress inversion of matrices with varios methods 
00002 #include "Math/SMatrix.h"
00003 #include "TMatrixTSym.h"
00004 #include "TDecompChol.h"
00005 #include "TDecompBK.h"
00007 #include "TRandom.h"
00008 #include <vector>
00009 #include <string>
00010 #include <iostream>
00011 #include <cmath>
00012 #include <limits>
00014 #include "TStopwatch.h"
00016 // matrix size
00017 #ifndef N
00018 #define N 5
00019 #endif
00021 bool doSelfTest = true; 
00023 //timer
00024 namespace test { 
00027 #ifdef REPORT_TIME
00028    void reportTime( std::string s, double time); 
00029 #endif
00031    void printTime(TStopwatch & time, std::string s) { 
00032       int pr = std::cout.precision(8);
00033       std::cout << s << "\t" << " time = " << time.RealTime() << "\t(sec)\t" 
00034          //    << time.CpuTime() 
00035                 << std::endl;
00036       std::cout.precision(pr);
00037    }
00041    class Timer {
00043    public: 
00045       Timer(const std::string & s = "") : fName(s), fTime(0) 
00046       {
00047          fWatch.Start();
00048       }
00049       Timer(double & t, const std::string & s = "") : fName(s), fTime(&t) 
00050       {
00051          fWatch.Start();
00052       } 
00054       ~Timer() { 
00055          fWatch.Stop();
00056          printTime(fWatch,fName);
00057 #ifdef REPORT_TIME
00058          // report time
00059          reportTime(fName, fWatch.RealTime() );
00060 #endif
00061          if (fTime) *fTime += fWatch.RealTime();
00062       }
00065    private: 
00067       std::string fName;
00068       double * fTime; 
00069       TStopwatch fWatch; 
00071    }; 
00072 }
00074 using namespace ROOT::Math; 
00078 typedef  SMatrix<double,N,N, MatRepSym<double,N> >  SymMatrix; 
00080 // create matrix
00081 template<class M> 
00082 M * createMatrix() { 
00083    return new M(); 
00084 }
00085 // specialized for TMatrix 
00086 template<>
00087 TMatrixTSym<double> * createMatrix<TMatrixTSym<double> >() { 
00088    return new TMatrixTSym<double>(N); 
00089 } 
00091 //print matrix
00092 template<class M> 
00093 void printMatrix(const M & m) { 
00094    std::cout << m << std::endl;
00095 }
00096 template<>
00097 void printMatrix<TMatrixTSym<double> >(const TMatrixTSym<double> & m ) { 
00098    m.Print(); 
00099 } 
00101 // generate matrices 
00102 template<class M> 
00103 void genMatrix(M  & m ) { 
00104    TRandom & r = *gRandom; 
00105    // generate first diagonal elemets
00106    for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
00107       double maxVal = i*10000/(N-1) + 1;  // max condition is 10^4 
00108       m(i,i) = r.Uniform(0, maxVal);  
00109    }
00110    for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
00111       for (int j = 0; j < i; ++j) {         
00112          double v = 0.3*std::sqrt( m(i,i) * m(j,j) ); // this makes the matrix pos defined 
00113          m(i,j) = r.Uniform(0, v);
00114          m(j,i) = m(i,j); // needed for TMatrix
00115       }
00116    }   
00117 }
00119 // generate all matrices
00120 template<class M>
00121 void generate(std::vector<M*> & v) { 
00122    int n = v.size(); 
00123    gRandom->SetSeed(111);
00124    for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
00125       v[i] = createMatrix<M>();
00126       genMatrix(*v[i] ); 
00127    }
00128 }
00131 struct Choleski {};
00132 struct BK {};
00133 struct QR {};
00134 struct Cramer {};
00135 struct Default {};
00137 template <class M, class Type>
00138 struct TestInverter { 
00139    static bool Inv ( const M & , M & ) { return false;} 
00140    static bool Inv2 ( M & ) { return false;} 
00141 };
00143 template <>
00144 struct TestInverter<SymMatrix, Choleski> { 
00145    static bool Inv ( const SymMatrix & m, SymMatrix & result ) {
00146       int ifail = 0; 
00147       result = m.InverseChol(ifail);
00148       return  ifail == 0;
00149    } 
00150    static bool Inv2 ( SymMatrix & m ) {
00151       return m.InvertChol(); 
00152    } 
00153 };
00155 template <>
00156 struct TestInverter<SymMatrix, BK> { 
00157    static bool Inv ( const SymMatrix & m, SymMatrix & result ) {
00158       int ifail = 0; 
00159       result = m.Inverse(ifail);
00160       return ifail==0;
00161    } 
00162    static bool Inv2 ( SymMatrix & m ) {
00163       return m.Invert(); 
00164    } 
00165 };
00167 template <>
00168 struct TestInverter<SymMatrix, Cramer> { 
00169    static bool Inv ( const SymMatrix & m, SymMatrix & result ) {
00170       int ifail = 0; 
00171       result = m.InverseFast(ifail);
00172       return ifail==0;
00173    } 
00174    static bool Inv2 ( SymMatrix & m ) {
00175       return m.InvertFast(); 
00176    } 
00177 };
00179 #ifdef LATER
00180 template <>
00181 struct TestInverter<SymMatrix, QR> { 
00182    static bool Inv ( const SymMatrix & m, SymMatrix & result ) {
00183       ROOT::Math::QRDecomposition<double> d; 
00184       int ifail = 0; 
00185       result = m.InverseFast(ifail);
00186       return ifail==0;
00187    } 
00188 };
00189 #endif
00191 //TMatrix functions 
00193 template <>
00194 struct TestInverter<TMatrixDSym, Default> { 
00195    static bool Inv ( const TMatrixDSym & m, TMatrixDSym & result ) {
00196       result = m; 
00197       result.Invert(); 
00198       return true;
00199    } 
00200    static bool Inv2 ( TMatrixDSym & m ) { 
00201       m.Invert(); 
00202       return true; 
00203    }
00204 };
00206 template <>
00207 struct TestInverter<TMatrixDSym, Cramer> { 
00208    static bool Inv ( const TMatrixDSym & m, TMatrixDSym & result ) {
00209       result = m; 
00210       result.InvertFast(); 
00211       return true;
00212    } 
00213    static bool Inv2 ( TMatrixDSym & m ) { 
00214       m.InvertFast(); 
00215       return true; 
00216    }
00217 };
00219 template <>
00220 struct TestInverter<TMatrixDSym, Choleski> { 
00221    static bool Inv ( const TMatrixDSym & m, TMatrixDSym & result ) {
00222       TDecompChol chol(m); 
00223       if (!chol.Decompose() ) return false; 
00224       chol.Invert(result); 
00225       return true;
00226    } 
00227 };
00229 template <>
00230 struct TestInverter<TMatrixDSym, BK> { 
00231    static bool Inv ( const TMatrixDSym & m, TMatrixDSym & result ) {
00232       TDecompBK d(m); 
00233       if (!d.Decompose() ) return false; 
00234       d.Invert(result); 
00235       return true;
00236    } 
00237 };
00240 template<class M, class T>
00241 double invert( const std::vector<M* >  & matlist, double & time,std::string s) { 
00242    M result = *(matlist.front());
00243    test::Timer t(time,s);
00244    int nloop = matlist.size(); 
00245    double sum = 0;
00246    for (int l = 0; l < nloop; l++)      
00247    {
00248       const M & m = *(matlist[l]); 
00249       bool ok = TestInverter<M,T>::Inv(m,result);
00250       if (!ok) {
00251          std::cout << "inv failed for matrix " << l << std::endl;
00252          printMatrix<M>( m);
00253          return -1; 
00254       }
00255       sum += result(0,1);
00256    }
00257    return sum; 
00258 }
00260 // invert without copying the matrices (une INv2) 
00262 template<class M, class T>
00263 double invert2( const std::vector<M* >  & matlist, double & time,std::string s) { 
00265    // copy vector of matrices 
00266    int nloop = matlist.size(); 
00267    std::vector<M *> vmat(nloop); 
00268    for (int l = 0; l < nloop; l++)      
00269    {
00270       vmat[l] = new M( *matlist[l] );
00271    }
00273    test::Timer t(time,s);
00274    double sum = 0;
00275    for (int l = 0; l < nloop; l++)      
00276    {
00277       M & m = *(vmat[l]); 
00278       bool ok = TestInverter<M,T>::Inv2(m);
00279       if (!ok) {
00280          std::cout << "inv failed for matrix " << l << std::endl;
00281          printMatrix<M>( m);
00282          return -1; 
00283       }
00284       sum += m(0,1);
00285    }
00286    return sum; 
00287 }
00289 bool equal(double d1, double d2, double stol = 10000) { 
00290    std::cout.precision(12);  // tolerance is 1E-12
00291    double eps = stol * std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon(); 
00292    if ( std::abs(d1) > 0 && std::abs(d2) > 0 )
00293       return  ( std::abs( d1-d2) < eps * std::max(std::abs(d1), std::abs(d2) ) ); 
00294    else if ( d1 == 0 )  
00295       return std::abs(d2) < eps; 
00296    else // d2 = 0
00297       return std::abs(d1) < eps; 
00298 }
00300 // test matrices symmetric and positive defines 
00301 bool stressSymPosInversion(int n, bool selftest ) { 
00303    // test smatrix 
00305    std::vector<SymMatrix *> v1(n); 
00306    generate(v1);
00307    std::vector<TMatrixDSym *> v2(n); 
00308    generate(v2);
00311    bool iret = true; 
00312    double time = 0;
00313    double s1 = invert<SymMatrix, Choleski> (v1, time,"SMatrix Chol");
00314    double s2 = invert<SymMatrix, BK> (v1, time,"SMatrix   BK");
00315    double s3 = invert<SymMatrix, Cramer> (v1, time,"SMatrix Cram");
00316    bool ok = ( equal(s1,s2) && equal(s1,s3) );  
00317    if (!ok) { 
00318       std::cout << "result SMatrix choleski  " << s1 << " BK   " << s2 << " cramer " << s3 << std::endl;
00319       std::cerr <<"Error:  inversion test for SMatrix FAILED ! " << std::endl;
00320    }
00321    iret  &= ok; 
00322    std::cout << std::endl;    
00324    double m1 = invert<TMatrixDSym, Choleski> (v2, time,"TMatrix Chol");
00325    double m2 = invert<TMatrixDSym, BK> (v2, time,"TMatrix   BK");
00326    double m3 = invert<TMatrixDSym, Cramer> (v2, time,"TMatrix Cram");
00327    double m4 = invert<TMatrixDSym, Default> (v2, time,"TMatrix  Def");
00329    ok =  ( equal(m1,m2) && equal(m1,m3) && equal(m1,m4) );
00330    if (!ok) {
00331       std::cout << "result TMatrix choleski  " << m1 << " BK   " << m2 
00332                 << " cramer " << m3 << " default " << m4 << std::endl;
00333       std::cerr <<"Error:  inversion test for TMatrix FAILED ! " << std::endl;
00334    }
00335    iret  &= ok; 
00336    std::cout << std::endl; 
00339       // test using self inversion 
00340    if (selftest) { 
00341       std::cout << "\n - self inversion test \n"; 
00342       double s11 = invert2<SymMatrix, Choleski> (v1, time,"SMatrix Chol");
00343       double s12 = invert2<SymMatrix, BK> (v1, time,"SMatrix   BK");
00344       double s13 = invert2<SymMatrix, Cramer> (v1, time,"SMatrix Cram");
00345       ok =  ( equal(s11,s12) && equal(s11,s13) ); 
00346       if (!ok) {
00347          std::cout << "result SMatrix choleski  " << s11 << " BK   " << s12 << " cramer " << s13 << std::endl;
00348          std::cerr <<"Error:  self inversion test for SMatrix FAILED ! " << std::endl;
00349       }
00350       iret  &= ok; 
00351       std::cout << std::endl; 
00353       double m13 = invert2<TMatrixDSym, Cramer> (v2, time,"TMatrix Cram");
00354       double m14 = invert2<TMatrixDSym, Default> (v2, time,"TMatrix  Def");
00355       ok =  ( equal(m13,m14)  ); 
00356       if (!ok) { 
00357          std::cout << "result TMatrix  cramer " << m13 << " default " << m14 << std::endl;      
00358          std::cerr <<"Error:  self inversion test for TMatrix FAILED ! " << std::endl;
00359       }
00360       iret  &= ok; 
00361       std::cout << std::endl; 
00362    }
00364    return iret; 
00365 }
00367 int testInversion(int n = 100000) { 
00368    bool ok = stressSymPosInversion(n, doSelfTest); 
00369    std::cerr << "Test inversion of positive defined matrix ....... "; 
00370    if (ok) std::cerr << "OK \n"; 
00371    else std::cerr << "FAILED \n"; 
00372    return (ok) ? 0 : -1; 
00373 }
00375 int main() { 
00376    return testInversion(); 
00377 }

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