
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 // @(#)root/tmva $Id: Volume.h 29122 2009-06-22 06:51:30Z brun $
00002 // Author: Andreas Hoecker, Joerg Stelzer, Helge Voss, Kai Voss 
00004 /**********************************************************************************
00005  * Project: TMVA - a Root-integrated toolkit for multivariate data analysis       *
00006  * Package: TMVA                                                                  *
00007  * Class  : Volume                                                                *
00008  * Web    : http://tmva.sourceforge.net                                           *
00009  *                                                                                *
00010  * Description:                                                                   *
00011  *      Volume for BinarySearchTree                                               *
00012  *                                                                                *
00013  * Authors (alphabetical):                                                        *
00014  *      Andreas Hoecker <Andreas.Hocker@cern.ch> - CERN, Switzerland              *
00015  *      Helge Voss      <Helge.Voss@cern.ch>     - MPI-K Heidelberg, Germany      *
00016  *      Kai Voss        <Kai.Voss@cern.ch>       - U. of Victoria, Canada         *
00017  *                                                                                *
00018  * Copyright (c) 2005:                                                            *
00019  *      CERN, Switzerland                                                         * 
00020  *      U. of Victoria, Canada                                                    * 
00021  *      MPI-K Heidelberg, Germany                                                 * 
00022  *                                                                                *
00023  * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without             *
00024  * modification, are permitted according to the terms listed in LICENSE           *
00025  * (http://tmva.sourceforge.net/LICENSE)                                          *
00026  **********************************************************************************/
00028 #ifndef ROOT_TMVA_Volume
00029 #define ROOT_TMVA_Volume
00031 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
00032 //                                                                      //
00033 // Volume                                                               //
00034 //                                                                      //
00035 // Volume for BinarySearchTree                                          //
00036 //                                                                      //
00037 // volume element: cubic variable space beteen upper and lower bonds of //
00038 // nvar-dimensional variable space                                      //
00039 //                                                                      //
00040 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
00042 #include <vector>
00043 #ifndef ROOT_Rtypes
00044 #include "Rtypes.h"
00045 #endif
00046 //#include "time.h"
00048 namespace TMVA {
00050    class Volume {
00052    public:
00054       // constructors
00055       Volume( std::vector<Float_t>* l, std::vector<Float_t>* u = 0);
00056       Volume( std::vector<Double_t>* l = 0, std::vector<Double_t>* u = 0);
00057       Volume( Volume& );
00058       Volume( Float_t* l , Float_t* u , Int_t nvar );
00059       Volume( Double_t* l , Double_t* u , Int_t nvar );
00060       Volume( Float_t l , Float_t u );
00061       Volume( Double_t l , Double_t u );
00063       // destructor
00064       virtual ~Volume( void );
00066       // destruct the volue 
00067       void Delete       ( void );
00068       // "scale" the volume by multiplying each upper and lower boundary by "f" 
00069       void Scale        ( Double_t f );
00070       // "scale" the volume by symmetrically blowing up the interval in each dimension
00071       void ScaleInterval( Double_t f );
00072       void Print        ( void ) const;
00074       // allow direct access for better speed
00075       std::vector<Double_t> *fLower;    // vector with lower volume dimensions
00076       std::vector<Double_t> *fUpper;    // vector with upper volume dimensions
00078    private:
00080       Bool_t                fOwnerShip; // flag if "boundary vector" is owned by the volume of not
00081    };
00083 } // namespace TMVA
00085 #endif

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