
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 // Illustrates how to use Tree friends:
00002 //   - create a simple TTree
00003 //   - Copy a subset of this TTree to a new TTree
00004 //   - Create a Tree Index
00005 //   - Make a friend TTree
00006 //   - compare two TTrees
00007 //   - Draw a variable from the first tree versus a variable
00008 //     in the friend Tree
00009 //
00010 // You can run this tutorial with:
00011 //  root > .x treefriend.C  (interpreted via CINT)
00012 //  root > .x treefriend.C+ (executed via ACLIC & the native compiler)
00013 // or, variants like:
00014 //  root > .L treefriend.C+
00015 //  root > CreateParentTree();
00016 //  root > CreateFriendTree();
00017 //  root > CompareTrees();
00018 //  root > DrawFriend();
00019 //
00020 //  Author: Rene Brun
00022 #include "TTree.h"
00023 #include "TFile.h"
00024 #include "TRandom.h"
00025 #include "TTree.h"
00026 #include "TTree.h"
00028 Int_t Run, Event;
00029 Float_t x,y,z;
00031 void CreateParentTree() {
00032    // create a simple TTree with 5 branches
00033    // Two branches ("Run" and "Event") will be used to index the Tree
00034    TFile *f = new TFile("treeparent.root","recreate");
00035    TTree *T = new TTree("T","test friend trees");
00036    T->Branch("Run",&Run,"Run/I");
00037    T->Branch("Event",&Event,"Event/I");
00038    T->Branch("x",&x,"x/F");
00039    T->Branch("y",&y,"y/F");
00040    T->Branch("z",&z,"z/F");
00041    TRandom r;
00042    for (Int_t i=0;i<10000;i++) {
00043       if (i < 5000) Run = 1;
00044       else          Run = 2;
00045       Event = i;
00046       x = r.Gaus(10,1);
00047       y = r.Gaus(20,2);
00048       z = r.Landau(2,1);
00049       T->Fill();
00050    }
00051    T->Print();
00052    T->Write();
00053    delete f;
00054 }
00055 void CreateFriendTree() {
00056    // Open the file created by CreateParentTree
00057    // Copy a subset of the TTree into a new TTree
00058    //   (see also tutorials copytree.C, copytree2.C and copytree3.C)
00059    // Create an index on the new TTree ("Run","Event")
00060    // Write the new TTree (including its index)
00062    TFile *f = new TFile("treeparent.root");
00063    TTree *T = (TTree*)f->Get("T");
00064    TFile *ff = new TFile("treefriend.root","recreate");
00065    TTree *TF = T->CopyTree("z<10");
00066    TF->SetName("TF");
00067    TF->BuildIndex("Run","Event");
00068    TF->Write();
00069    TF->Print();
00070    delete ff;
00071 }
00073 void CompareTrees() {
00074    // The two TTrees created above are compared.
00075    // The subset of entries in the small TTree must be identical
00076    // to the entries in the original TTree.
00078    TFile *f = new TFile("treeparent.root");
00079    TTree *T  = (TTree*)f->Get("T");
00080    TFile *ff = new TFile("treefriend.root");
00081    TTree *TF = (TTree*)ff->Get("TF");
00082    Int_t fRun,fEvent;
00083    Float_t fx,fy,fz;
00084    T->SetBranchAddress("Run",&Run);
00085    T->SetBranchAddress("Event",&Event);
00086    T->SetBranchAddress("x",&x);
00087    T->SetBranchAddress("y",&y);
00088    T->SetBranchAddress("z",&z);
00089    TF->SetBranchAddress("Run",&fRun);
00090    TF->SetBranchAddress("Event",&fEvent);
00091    TF->SetBranchAddress("x",&fx);
00092    TF->SetBranchAddress("y",&fy);
00093    TF->SetBranchAddress("z",&fz);
00094    T->AddFriend(TF);
00096    Int_t nentries = (Int_t)T->GetEntries();
00097    Int_t nok = 0;
00098    for (Int_t i=0;i<nentries;i++) {
00099       T->GetEntry(i);
00100       if (fRun == Run && fEvent==Event && x==fx && y==fy &&z==fz) {
00101          nok++;
00102       } else {
00103          if (TF->GetEntryWithIndex(Run,Event) > 0) {
00104             if (i <100) printf("i=%d, Run=%d, Event=%d, x=%g, y=%g, z=%g,  : fRun=%d, fEvent=%d, fx=%g, fy=%g, fz=%g\n",i,Run,Event,x,y,z,fRun,fEvent,fx,fy,fz);
00105          } 
00106       } 
00107    }
00108    printf("nok = %d, fentries=%lld\n",nok,TF->GetEntries());
00110    delete f;
00111    delete ff;
00112 }
00114 void DrawFriend() {
00115   // Draw a scatter plot of variable x in the parent TTree versus
00116   // the same variable in the subtree.
00117   // This should produce points along a straight line.
00119    TFile *f  = TFile::Open("treeparent.root");
00120    TTree *T  = (TTree*)f->Get("T");
00121    T->AddFriend("TF","treefriend.root");
00122    T->Draw("x:TF.x");
00123 }
00125 void treefriend() {
00126    CreateParentTree();
00127    CreateFriendTree();
00128    CompareTrees();
00129    DrawFriend();
00130 }

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