HADES - Workshop on Simulations I

Workshop on Simulations I

Monday 26 - Tuesday 27 April, 1999
 Theory Seminar Room (SB 3rd floor)
GSI, Darmstadt

    Workshop Program (the Workshop Proceedings are also available)

Monday 26 April Simulation Software Development
10:15 - 10:45 Orientation-Coffee
10:45 - 11:00 Opening M. Kagarlis Agenda
11:00  - 11:30 Particle Generators R. Schicker
11:30 - 12:00 Particles through
the spectrometer
R. Holzmann HGEANT
12:00 - 13:00 Lunch (GSI canteen)
13:00 - 14:30 Detector simulations
& digitization
A. Nekhaev
J. Otwinowski
W. Przygoda 
14:30 - 15:30 Analysis framework M. Sanchez
D. Bertini
Simulated event 
15:30 - 16:00 Proposal for a GUI D. Vasiliev
16:45 - 17:00 Coffee
17:00 - 17.30 Toward a standard
simulation library
M. Kagarlis Pluto++
17:30 - 19.00 Discussion:  Tasks for further software development
19:00 Buffet dinner (Guest-House Lounge)
Tuesday 27 April MC simulations
9:00 - 9:30 Coffee
9:30 - 10.00 Introduction R. Holzmann Preparing for 
  beam time
10:00 - 10.30 Latest DLS results V. Metag
10:30 - 12.30 Discussion:  What measurements are possible during the first run?
12:30 - 13:30 Lunch (GSI canteen)
13:30 - 14:00 Theoretical input C. Ernst QMD
    14:00 - 14:30 E. Bratkovskaya BUU
14:30 - 16:15 Discussion:  Finalize list of simulation tasks - assignments
End of meeting


    Tentative Agenda

The following is a tentative list of priorities, which may serve as a starting
      point for discussion towards adopting a simulations agenda:
Software Development
Software Development
1. Interface to HGEANT 1. Preparing for the first test run:
Beam particles? Energies? Angles?
What to expect?
1. Link with theoretical models
(e.g. medium effects, QMD, BUU etc)
1. Heavy-ion reactions
2. Consolidate GEANT geometry 2. Detector efficiencies
& normalization
2. Enable heavy-ion calculations 2. Background calculations (combinatorial, conversion)
3. Consolidate GEANT digitizers 3. HADES reaction-dependent 
Filters (pion/proton beam)
3. Build data bases for:
  • Branching Ratios
  • Form Factors
  • Spectral Functions
  • In-medium elementary cross sections
  • 3. Pion-beam physics
    4. Interface to HYDRA 4. Reference trajectories 4. Enable automatic selection of the decay path for a given beam and target  
    5. GUI 5. Multiplicities, resolution etc. for DLS reactions (e.g. Ca+Ca) with partially completed spectrometer (e.g. 2 sectors, no MDC-4) 5. Develop high-level (physics) analysis tools and merge with the analysis framework  
    6. Enable non-isotropic decays 6. Alternative to GEANT:
    Polynomial fits for  fast tracking 
    through the HADES media
    6. Additional sources (e.g. thermal, cosmics)  
    7. Additional decay modes
    (e.g. VDM Dalitz distribution)

        Goals of the Workshop

    Identify a  "Simulations" team:
            Learn of the activities of Collaboration members
            with an interest on issues related to simulations.
    Adopt a common framework:
            A common simulations platform will facilitate
            acceptance studies and guarantee consistency
            in comparisons of results among detector groups.
    Set priorities:
            Agree on a tentative agenda for simulation software
            development and calculations, distribute tasks,
            set deadlines, and arrange for regular future contacts
            to report progress.
    Identify liaisons:
          Appoint a contact person from each detector group
            to import the simulation software to their group, and
            communicate requests to the developers.

        Non-GSI Participants

    1.  Alvarez Pol, Héctor  (Santiago) 10.  Pechenov, Vladimir (Dubna)
    2.  Benovic, Martin (Bratislava) 11.  Pleier, Marc-Andre (Giessen)
    3.  Bratkovskaya, Elena (Giessen) 12.  Przygoda, Witold (Munich)
    4.  Eberl, Thomas (Munich) 13.  Ritman, James (Giessen)
    5.  Ernst, Christoph (Frankfurt) 14.  Sanchez, Manuel  (Santiago)
    6.  Finocchiaro, Paolo (Catania) 15.  Schoen, Walter (Munich)
    7.  Lori, Ileana (Milano) 16.  Tlusty, Pavel (Rez)
    8.  Metag, Volker (Giessen) 17.  Vasiliev, Dmitry  (Catania)
    9.  Otwinowski, Jacek (Cracow)

    Contact Kagarlis@gsi.de for comments and suggestions.