ATIMA is a program developed at GSI which calculates various physical quantities characterizing the slowing down of protons and heavy ions in matter for specific kinetic energies ranging from 1 keV/u to 450 GeV/u such as

The program was written by Hans Geissel, Christoph Scheidenberger, Peter Malzacher, Jörg Kunzendorf, and Helmut Weick;
the C-version CATIMA by Andrej Prochazka.

Calculate on WWW with the simple program (V1.3), (V1.41) using precalculated tables from the full FORTRAN code,
or via the (extended CAtima) interface.

Download simple C program for insertion into precalculated tables.
Instructions for usage and installation atima_readme.txt.
Full set of precalculated spline tables (splines_gz.tar) download from GSI server, atima_1.41.tar.gz (1.5 GB).
When using it you should cite the authors and this web page. It is also planned to make the full code available.

on GSI LINUX you can use the same program directly on lxi... machines.
/u/weick/mocadi/exe/atima or
/WWW/weick/atima/atimawww-1.41 $zp $massp $energy $zt $at $thickness.

Python interface
A full version of ATIMA can be run with a Python wrapper to a shared library built from the original FORTRAN code.
Change the input in the Python script (, download and rename .txt to .py), also for new composite materials.
Extended functions like backwards calculations can be programmed in Python.
Different version of the compiled library:
  for GSI lxi, python2: (GSI lxi Deb10, fnumpy V5)
  for GSI lxi, python3: (GSI lxi Deb12)
  for others, python2: AtimaPy.1.4.1_ubuntu.20.04.tgz (Ubuntu 20.04, python 2+3?),

LISE++: ATIMA-1.2, 1.4 have been implemented into the program LISE++ providing an installable MS-Windows, LINUX or MAC version.



V 1998 4th order perturbation theory up to 2 GeV/u, mod. Ziegler for < 30 MeV/u
V 1.2 full LS-theory up to 450 GeV/u, splines for integrals
V 1.3 extended up to Zp=120, Zt=99
V 1.31 improved mesh for spline calculation
V 1.32 thin target approximation for straggling in evalution of splines
V 1.4 new mean charge formula for E>10 MeV/u, improves dE/dx for not fully stripped heavy ions.
V 1.41 removed Titeica in dE-straggling, already included in LS (minor correction)


Above 30 MeV/u the stopping power is obtained from the theory by Lindhard and Soerensen (LS) [1] including the following corrections: the shell corrections [2], a Barkas term [3, 4] and the Fermi-density effect [5]. The projectiles are treated as ions with the size of the nucleus with a mean charge according to ref. [6]. Below 10 MeV/u an older version of Ziegler's SRIM [7] is used. In the intermediate energy range we interpolate between the two. For high Z ions The LS theory differs substantially from the Bethe formula [8], it also considers the nuclear size effect for very relativistic ions.
Energy-loss straggling comes also from the LS-theory above 30 MeV/u. Below 10 MeV/u the theory of Firsov [9] and Hvelplund [10] is used.

Comparison to Experiment:

Before the LS theory was established significant differences in stopping-power and energy-loss straggling were observed [11,12] with the FRS at GSI. A detailed discussion of the results one can find in refs. [13,14]. The last two articles describe the basis of ATIMA 1.2 A review article [15] combines all previous obtained results.
The importance of an improved mean charge formula was shown [18] and integrated in a universal form in ATIMA 1.4. A comparison to published and yet unpublished data is in this presentation, and also in this contribution to the GSI annual scientific report 2017. The effect of charge-exchange straggling [16, 17] was observed but is not yet included in ATIMA. It can be simulated with the Monte-Carlo code MOCADI.


Unfortunately there is no article in which the name ATIMA is mentioned but there are a number of articles where the predicted values are tested and confirmed and a series of others describing the method of calculation.
[1]    J. Lindhard, A.H. Soerensen, Phys. Rev. A53 (1996) 2443.
[2]    W.H. Barkas, M.J. Berger, NASA Report SP-3013 (1964).
[3]    J.D. Jackson, R.L. McCarthy, Phys. Rev. B6 (1972) 4131.
[4]    J. Lindhard, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. 132 (1976) 1.
[5]    R.M. Sternheimer and R.F. Peierls, Phys. Rev. B3 (1971) 3681.
[6]    T.E. Pierce, M. Blann, Phys. Rev. 173 (1968) 390.
[7]    J.F. Ziegler, J.B. Biersack, U. Littmark, The Stopping and Range of Ions in Solids, Vol.1, Pergamon Press (1985).
[8]    H. Bethe, Z. Phys. 76 (1932) 293.
[9]    O.B. Firsov, Sov. Phys. JETP 5 (1957) 1192.
[10]   P. Hvelplund, Dan. Mat. Fys. Medd. Dan. Vid. Selsk. 38 no.4 (1971).
[11]    C. Scheidenberger et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 73 (1994) 50.
[12]    C. Scheidenberger et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 77 (1996) 3987.
[13]    H. Geissel, C. Scheidenberger, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. B136 (1998) 114.
[14]    C. Scheidenberger, H. Geissel, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. B135 (1998) 25.
[15]    H. Geissel et al., Nucl. Instr. and Meth.  B195 (2002) 3.
[16]    H. Weick et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 85 (2000) 2725.
[17]    H. Weick, A.H. Soerensen et al., Nucl. Instr. and Meth. B 193 (2002) 1.
[18]    H. Weick et al., Nucl. Instr. and Meth.  B 164/165 (2000) 168.


Please report your suggestions for improvements, problems and errors via electronic mail to either h.weick or c.scheidenberger both

This page was last edited by Helmut Weick, 3rd Jan 2025, contact h.weick(at), Imprint (Impressum), Privacy Policy (Datenschutzerklärung)