The last additions to the GICOSY code (new)

Draw envelopes MIRKO style
D M <x-width [m]>  <y-width [m]>  <steps>   <start>  <end>  ;
A plot of x-envelope in the upper half and y-envelope in lower half of the picture, in addition a dispersion curve for x.
x width = maximum size in x direction in m,
y width = maximum size in y direction in m,
steps = plot steps over the whole plot.
start = element no. to start plot
end = element no. to end plot
The start and end are counted over all valid input lines, not only over the optical elements, so you may try a bit.

Wedge Shaped Degrader
K E <(D,X) [1/m]>  <(D,G) >  <(D,D) >  ;
The degrader is described by its first order matrix elements.
(D,D) = ratio of energy spread after and before the degrader ~ (E_in / E_out)
(D,G) = dependence of the relative energy deviation on the relative mass deviation
(D,X) = dependence of the relative energy deviation on the position X on the degrader

W F < length > < radius [m] > < B-field [T] > < G0_B [m] > < G0_E [m] > < C_B > < C_E > < R_B > < R_E > ;
The electric field strength is calulated from the known magnetic and electric rigidity of the reference ion and the electrostatic gap size.
The Wienfilter needn't deflect to zero degrees which is described by the radius, radius=0 means straight.
G0_B and G0_E specify the half gap size of the magnet and the electrostatic deflector, respectively.
The last 4 parameters seem to be for higher order components in the B and E fields.

Solenoid , (a solenoid without fringing fields  lacks all focusing properties!)

F  F   0 <I1a> <I1b>  <I4a> <I5> <I6>  ;
SOLENOID LENS <length [m]>  <B-field [T]>  <radius [m]>  ;
F  F   0 <I1a> <I1b>  <I4a> <I5> <I6>  ;

Rotation matrix by angle theta,  longitudinal shift with no optical effect or only aperture

ROTATION MATRIX <length [m]> <theta [deg]> <radius [m]> ;

Electrostatic acceleration column
a homogenous field changing the energy of the particles, (D,D) not equal 1
lens effect due to fringing fields

F  F  0 <I1b> <I4a> <I5> <I6> <I9> <I10> ;
ACCELERATION COLUMN <length [m]>  <longitudinal E-field MV/m>  <radius [m]> ;
F  F  0 <I1b> <I4a> <I5> <I6> <I9> <I10> ;

additional option for (plot of trajectories)
DRAW BEAM <x-width[m]> <y-width [m]> <no. of steps> <NX> <NA> <NG> <ND> <NY> <NB> <option>  ;

    option = 1 --> trajectories start only either in x- or y-plane,  from a parallelogram-like phase space volume
    option = 2 --> trajectories start in all combinations of x- and y-plane,                "
    option = 3 --> trajectories start only either in x- or y-plane,  from an elliptical phase space volume
    option = 4 --> trajectories start in all combinations of x- and y-plane,                "

additional option for (change name of default output files)

SYSTEM FILE <Filename> <identifier> ;
    identifier = 'E'   name of export file for matrices, NEW!
    identifier = 'F'   name of  fit file
    identifier = 'G'  name of  grafic file

additional option for (print out all matrices of every single element)

    writes all element matrices except for drifts to file

additional option for (write system matrix to file)

SAVE  MATRIX <file name> <identifier> ;
IMPORT  MATRIX <file name> <identifier> ;
    identifier = 'A' write in ASCII format to <file name>.ASC

Aperture slit to block ion trajectories in plots or ray files

APERTURE  SLIT   <identifier >   <x-wdith>   <y-width>;
    identifier = 'P'  parallelogram = rect.
    identifier = 'E'  elliptical = round

This page was last updated by Helmut Weick, 21st Feb 2022, contact h.weick(at),  Imprint (Impressum), Privacy Policy (Datenschutzerklärung)