First Announcement of the RISING workshop on

RISING physics with relativistic ion-beams at GSI

April 6, 2001

Ludwig-Maximilian University, Munich

Dear colleague,

please find enclosed the first announcement of the workshop on 'RISING Physics with relativistic ion-beams at GSI' The meeting will be held at Ludwig-Maximilian University of Munich on April 6, 2001. At the recent RISING collaboration meeting at GSI on January the participants agreed to organize three workshops to formalise the physics case and the objectives of the project. The intention of the workshop on 'RISING physics with relativistic beams' will be a discussion of the physics program as well as the technical aspects related to the realization of future experiments.

A wealth of radioactive ion beams will be provided by the SIS/FRS facility at GSI at high energies exploiting either fragmentation reactions or fission of primary relativistic heavy ion beams. These beams are available already now and experiments using a 'fast' beam are not depending on the possible constraints of a 'slowed down' beam. Beams of heavy nuclei and neutron rich nuclei from fission fragments will be delivered with sufficient intensity solely at GSI in the near future.

Outline of the workshop The nuclear structure program of the workshop will concentrate on:

Halos and skins studies using gamma-rays
Proton dripline and N=Z nuclei
Extreme neutron rich nuclei
The vicinity of unstable doubly-magic nuclei
r- and rp-process nuclei

The potentials of the different reaction mechanisms to populate excited states will be presented:
Coulomb excitation
Few nucleon removal reactions
Secondary fragmentation

Important experimental aspects are:
Ge-detector set-ups
Optimum location of detectors
Isotope identification and tracking
Combinations with other GSI instruments
Instrumentation of final set-ups for key-experiments

Since spectroscopy with relativistic ion beams is a rather untouched and challenging field, I would like to encourage all participants to consider the unique opportunities. For participation and contribution to the workshop please fill in the registration form below. Another circular with a preliminary program and organizatorial information will be sent out in March.

Looking foreward to meeting you in Munich.

With best regards.

Peter Reiter

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Please send via e-mail this registration form to:


Workshop on:

RISING Physics with relativistic ion-beams at GSI

April 6, 2001

Ludwig-Maximilian University, Munich

First name:

....................will participate in the workshop
....................want to present a contribution
title of the contribution
............................................................................ ......................

Please register as soon as possible!

For accomodation and local support please contact:

Regina Fischer
phone: xx49-89-289 14078
fax: xx49-89-289 14072

Or contact:

Peter Reiter
Tel: --49-89-289 14071
FAX --49-89-289 14072

Ludwig-Maximilian Universitaet Muenchen
Am Coulombwall 1
D-85748 Garching

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