Program announcement
RISING physics with relativistic ion-beams at GSI
April 6, 2001
GSI, Darmstadt
Dear participants and colleagues,
please find enclosed the program of the workshop on 'RISING Physics with relativistic ion-beams at GSI'. The workshop will be held in the foyer of the GSI guest house at GSI, Darmstadt on April 6, 2001 and will start at 9:00 AM. You may also find the program on the RISING web page: http://www-aix.gsi.de/~wolle/EB_at_GSI/main.html.
The focus of the 'RISING physics with relativistic beams' workshop will be on the physics program and the experimental methods of future radioactive heavy ion beam experiments with EUROBALL detectors at GSI. If you are interested in attending this workshop please fill in the questionnaire below. All participants are encouraged to bring along some transparencies to present additional physics ideas during the discussion time.
Workshop Program:
Friday, April 6.
9:00 Welcome and introduction
Status and future plans for the gamma spectroscopy program at GANIL
(F. Azaiez, Orsay)
Perspectives for gamma-ray spectroscopy at the coupled-cyclotron facility
at MSU
(T. Glasmacher, MSU)
The use of EXOGAM detectors with high v/c products
(P. Nolan, Liverpool)
MINIBALL and position sensitive gamma-detection
(D. Weisshaar, Cologne)
Quadrupole Collectivity in the neutron-rich Se, Ge, Zn, and Ni Isotopes
(H. Scheit, Heidelberg)
10:50-11:10 Coffee
Microscopic Theory of Nuclei with large Neutron Excess
(P. Ring, TU Munich)
Relativistic Coulex of proton-rich and neutron-rich even Ca isotopes
(H. Grawe, GSI)
Spectroscopy of isotopes in the Sn-132 region and the r-process matter
flow in the A~130 region.
(B. Pfeiffer, Mainz)
Reactions of high-energy secondary beams studied with the LAND experiment
(T. Aumann, GSI)
E1 strength from Coulomb excitation in nuclei around the driplines
(A. Bracco, Milano)
13:00 - 14:00 Lunch
RISING Setups for relativistic beam experiments
(J. Simpson, Daresbury)
Relativistic energy Coulomb excitation of metastable states: isomer tagging
(Z. Podolyak, Surrey)
Measurements of Particle-Gamma Angular Correlations at Relativistic Energies
(H.J. Wollersheim, GSI)
Lifetime measurements at relativistic energies
(J. Gerl, GSI)
Nuclear Moments measurement using relativistic exotic heavy ions
(S. K. Mandal, GSI):
Limitations for GSI-Experiments at Relativistic Energies
(H.J. Wollersheim, GSI)
15:30 - 15:45 Coffee
Round table discussion:
- Technical Requirement Discussion
- Allocation of Responsibilities for Proposals
17:30 End
With best regards.
Peter Reiter
Workshop on:
RISING Physics with relativistic ion-beams at GSI
April 6, 2001
GSI, Darmstadt
First name:
...................will participate in the workshop
...................want to present a contribution
title of the contribution
For accomodation please contact:
Regina Fischer
e-mail: Regina.Fischer@physik.uni-muenchen.de
phone: xx49-89-289 14078
fax: xx49-89-289 14072
GSI guest house: Mrs. S. Seubert
e-mail: guest-office@gsi.de
phone: xx49-6159-712625
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