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tex2html_wrap_inline162 -Ray Angular Correlation of Fission Fragments

The angular momentum distribution in the primary fission fragments provides information on the properties of the fissioning nucleus from the time it goes through the saddle point until shortly after scission. The angular momentum distribution of the fragments, in particular, bears a close relationship to vibrations of matter in the neck normal to the fission direction [1]. At scission this results in angular momentum of the fragments normal to their axis of separation; thus angular momentum is induced even in fragments from spontaneously fissioning nuclei such as tex2html_wrap_inline164 , which originally have spin zero. Coulomb excitation between the separating fragments can also alter the angular momentum distribution present at scission. Since the characteristics of the tex2html_wrap_inline162 -ray deexcitation of the fragments are particularly sensitive to the magnitude and orientation of the angular momentum of the fragments, studies of tex2html_wrap_inline162 -ray emission from fission have provided most of the knowledge about the angular momentum in fission.

Most of the energy released in fission is converted into translational kinetic energy of the fragments. The remaining excitation energy, which is too low to have a reasonable probability for charged particle emission, will be distributed among neutrons and gammas. Neutron emission is not expected to decrease the spin of the fragments by more than one unit of angular momentum and is as such of less importance in the determination of the initial fragment spins. Gamma emission, on the contrary, is a very suitable tool in studying initial fragment spins because the emission time, the number, the energy, and the multipolarity of the gammas strongly depend on the value of the primary angular momentum.

Figure 1: A schematic illustration of the alignment of fragment spins perpendicular to the fission axis.

Spin vectors of fission fragments are mainly oriented perpendicular to the fission direction (i.e. aligned), in accordance both with collective vibrational motion at scission (so-called bending or wriggling modes) and with postscission Coulomb excitation. This alignment of fragment spins causes the emission of the yrast tex2html_wrap_inline162 -rays to proceed anisotropically with respect to the fission axis.

Calculation of the tex2html_wrap_inline162 -Ray Angular Correlation

If one assumes that only the magnetic substate with m=0 is populated (complete alignment) and no feeding from higher-lying states is considered, the tex2html_wrap_inline162 -ray angular correlation for a strechted E2 transition ( tex2html_wrap_inline176 is given by




The Legendre polynomials are given by




tex2html_wrap_inline178 define the direction of the tex2html_wrap_inline162 -ray in the laboratory system. The excited fission fragment is measured at laboratory angles tex2html_wrap_inline182 .

Figure 2: tex2html_wrap_inline162 -ray angular correlation for the tex2html_wrap_inline186 , tex2html_wrap_inline188 , tex2html_wrap_inline190 transition as a function of tex2html_wrap_inline192 .

The Experiment

Doppler-shift corrected tex2html_wrap_inline162 -ray spectra

The experimental setup comprises a double ionization chamber, the GSI Clover detector and a thin tex2html_wrap_inline164 spontaneous fission source (1000 fissions/s) that allows the fission fragments to leave the source. In a coincidence measurement the kinetic energies of the two fission products were measured simultaneously with single tex2html_wrap_inline162 -rays. The masses of the fission fragments were determined from the measured kinetic energies. The emission angle ( tex2html_wrap_inline182 ) of the fragments were determined from the drift-time of the anode and the energy signal of the cathode sections, respectively.

The fission fragments leave the source with velocities on the order of a few percent of the speed of light (e.g. tex2html_wrap_inline227 for the Ba-isotopes). The measured energies of the tex2html_wrap_inline162 -rays emitted during the flight of the fission fragments are appreciably Doppler shifted and need to be transformed back to their rest frame to extract the transition energies. The transformation of the tex2html_wrap_inline162 -energies to their rest frame is given by


where tex2html_wrap_inline233 is the true transition energy in the de-exciting nuclei's rest frame, tex2html_wrap_inline235 is the energy measured in the lab frame, tex2html_wrap_inline192 is the angle between the fission fragment velocity vector and the direction of the emitted tex2html_wrap_inline162 -ray in the lab frame, and tex2html_wrap_inline241 . The velocities of the fission fragments are determined from the measured kinetic energies. The angle between the emitted tex2html_wrap_inline162 -ray and the direction of the moving nuclei, tex2html_wrap_inline192 , is known since the orientation of the fission axis ( tex2html_wrap_inline182 ) is measured, and the direction of the tex2html_wrap_inline162 -ray ( tex2html_wrap_inline178 ) is measured by 16 segments of the GSI Clover detector. The angle tex2html_wrap_inline192 is given by


where tex2html_wrap_inline182 and tex2html_wrap_inline178 are the direction of travel of the nuclei and tex2html_wrap_inline162 -ray, respectively. One has to use the positive sign if the excited fragment moves into the direction of the GSI Clover detector, and the negative sign for the opposite direction. The polar angle tex2html_wrap_inline261 is always given in a range between tex2html_wrap_inline263 and tex2html_wrap_inline265 . Two spectra after Doppler correction are shown in Fig. 3. Sharp tex2html_wrap_inline162 -ray line shapes are recovered by performing the Doppler correction on an event-by event basis. It is not known a priori whether a detected tex2html_wrap_inline162 -ray was emitted from the heavy or light fission partner and, hence, it is not determined whether Doppler correction should be performed for the heavy or light nucleus. In the present example, the Doppler correction of the heavy fragment was applied to the data set. Sharp tex2html_wrap_inline162 -ray line shapes are recovered for the heavy nuclei's tex2html_wrap_inline162 -rays, and the light nuclei's tex2html_wrap_inline162 -ray line shapes are broadened further.

Figure 3: The figure shows mass-gated and Doppler-corrected tex2html_wrap_inline162 -ray spectra. In the top spectrum the tex2html_wrap_inline188 , tex2html_wrap_inline190 transition of tex2html_wrap_inline212 at 483 keV is indicated, while the tex2html_wrap_inline188 of tex2html_wrap_inline216 at 331 keV is marked in the bottom spectrum.

Mass Measurement

The average value of the total kinetic energy released for a given mass division ( tex2html_wrap_inline318 ), and its standard deviation tex2html_wrap_inline320 , in spontaneous fission of tex2html_wrap_inline164 are well measured quantities [2, 3, 4, 5]. The tex2html_wrap_inline324 can be used to calculate the initial recoil energies of the emitted fission fragment pairs. With the inclusion of experimental conditions, such as energy loss of the recoiling fission fragments in the source material, the experimentally measured anode energies can be used to deduce the fission masses on an event-by-event basis. The resolution of the mass measurement based on the kinetic energies of the fission fragments is about 6-7 mass units (FWHM). The resolution was measured by gating the tex2html_wrap_inline162 -ray spectra on transitions in specific nuclei and projecting the measured mass for these events. An example of the mass measurement is shown in Fig. 4.

Figure 4: Measured mass resolution. The measured mass for individual nuclei are projected by setting a single gate on known tex2html_wrap_inline162 -ray transitions. For the tex2html_wrap_inline188 , tex2html_wrap_inline190 transition of tex2html_wrap_inline212 at 483 keV (red) and the tex2html_wrap_inline188 of tex2html_wrap_inline216 at 331 keV (blue) the mass distribution are displayed. The full symbols are measured with the ionization chamber facing the source side, while the open symbols are data from the backing side of the tex2html_wrap_inline164 source.

For the tex2html_wrap_inline162 -ray angular distribution study the intensities of individual tex2html_wrap_inline162 -rays were measured relative to the fission fragment axis. Prompt fission tex2html_wrap_inline162 -rays were recorded for 16 segments of the GSI Clover detector (distance from the tex2html_wrap_inline164 source: 11.4 cm) in coincidence with the fragment masses which have been measured for three different polar angular regions ( tex2html_wrap_inline350 , tex2html_wrap_inline352 , tex2html_wrap_inline354 ) and four azimuthal angular region ( tex2html_wrap_inline356 with tex2html_wrap_inline358 ). For the present experimental setup the intensities of tex2html_wrap_inline162 -ray transitions were determined at 36 different angles in one experimental run. This number is considerably smaller than the expected value of 192, which results from the symmetric position of the GSI Clover detector relative to the double ionization chamber. On the other hand it increases the statistics in the remaining spectra.

Angular distribution results are shown in Fig. 5.

Figure 5: Angular distribution of the tex2html_wrap_inline188 transitions of tex2html_wrap_inline216 at 331 keV relative to the fission axis. The line represents a calculated angular correlation if one assumes that only the magnetic with m=0 is populated (complete alignment).

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Hans-Juergen Wollersheim
Tue Nov 28 09:53:16 CET 2000