Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy Group
Please address all mail directly to the person you want to contact via...
- GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung mbH
- Bereich Gammaspektroskopie
- Planckstraße 1
- D-64291 Darmstadt
- Germany
Secretary Siglind Raiß
- Phone: +49/(0)6159/71-2412
- Fax: +49/(0)6159/71-2902
Assistant Secretary Luise Dörsching-Steitz
- Phone: +49/(0)6159/71-2127
- Fax: +49/(0)6159/71-2902
The following people are involved in or related to the RISING / PreSPEC group
at GSI.
Please note that individual homepages belong to the respective persons and are
beyond the web masters' control. Therefore, we will take neither responsibility nor
blame for availbility, design or contents of those pages and subsequent links contained
GSI staff
- Jürgen Gerl
is head of GSI's VEGA / Euroball group
- Hans-Jürgen Wollersheim
is senior scientist and manager of the PreSPEC project
- Magdalena Gorska
is a scientist, an expert in shell model nuclei and responsible for RISING particle detectors
- Henning Schaffner
is engineer; he is involved in electronics and data acquisition
- Ivan Kojouharov
is physicist; he is our expert on semiconductor detectors
- Stephane Pietri
scientist; he is a staff member of the FRS team
- Bogdan Szczepanczyk
is mechanical technician
- Plamen Boutachkov
visiting scientist (post-doc); he is involved in PreSPEC project
- Pushpendra Pal Singh
visiting scientist (post-doc); he is involved in AGATA project
- Frederic Ameil
visiting scientist (post-doc); he is involved in PreSPEC/AGATA project
- Namita Goel
NUSTAR Technical and Administrative Officer (TAO)
N. Goel: Determination of position-dependent pulse shapes of Ge detectors (TU-Darmstadt)
PhD Thesis: Spatial characterisation of a 36-fold segmented AGATA detector via a novel scanning system
PhD Talk: Spatial characterisation of a 36-fold segmented AGATA detector via a novel scanning system
- Michael Reese
student from the TU Darmstadt
- Giulia Guastalla
student from the TU Darmstadt
- Tobias Habermann
student from the Johann Wolfgang Goethe university
- Nora Gregor
Master student from the TU Darmstadt
Bachelor Thesis: The double-sided silicon strip detector with excellent position, energy and time resolution
Bachelor Talk: The double-sided silicon strip detector with excellent position, energy and time resolution
Master Thesis: The double-sided silicon strip detector for position, energy loss and especially time-of-flight measurements in slowed-down beam experiments
- Prof. Dr. Herbert Ströbele
is Professor of physics with the Institut für Kernphysik, Universität Frankfurt am Main
- Prof. Thomas W. Elze
is Professor of physics with the Institut für Kernphysik, Universität Frankfurt am Main
- Prof. Wolfram von Oertzen
is Professor of physics with Freie Universität Berlin and Hahn-Meitner-Institut, Berlin
- Prof. Dirk Schwalm
is director of the Max-Planck-Institut für Kernphysik, Heidelberg and
Professor of physics with 2. Physikalisches Institut der Universität Heidelberg
- Prof. Reinhard Kulessa
is Professor of physics at the Jaggelonian University Cracow
Visiting Scientists
- Jurek Grebosz
is a physicist and computer specialist from Institute of Nuclear Physics Cracow
- Jasmina Kojouharova
is a specialist for fluid mechanics and heat transmission
- Rakesh Kumar
is a physicist and detector specialist from IUAC New Delhi India
PhD Thesis: Nuclear Structure Investigation Using Particle-Gamma Coincidence Technique
PhD Talk: Nuclear Structure Investigation Using Particle-Gamma Coincidence Technique
A double-sided Si-strip detector as an active stopper
Former members of the VEGA / Euroball group
- Edana Merchan
visiting scientist (post-doc); she is involved in PreSPEC/AGATA project
- Robert Hoischen
Diploma Thesis: An isomer study of the 54Ni: preparations, simulations and first results
- Tobias Engert
former Diploma student from the Hochschule Darmstadt
Diploma Thesis: Entwicklung von Fertigungsverfahren zur kompletten Bearbeitung von Germanium
PhD Thesis: Surface characterisation and surface protection of Germanium detector crystals
T.Engert: Surface Characterisation of Germanium detectors
poster (Liverpool)
- Farheen Naqvi
former student from Delhi university (Univ. Köln)
PhD Thesis: Probing the collectivity in neutron-rich Cd isotopes via gamma-ray spectroscopy
PhD Talk: Probing the collectivity in neutron-rich Cd isotopes via gamma-ray spectroscopy
poster Isomer spectroscopy of 127Cd
- Jochen Kunkel
Diploma student from the Hochschule Darmstadt
- Samuel Lago
Diploma student from the Hochschule Darmstadt
Diploma thesis: Untersuchung von elektrischen Feldverteilungen und Ladungsträgersammlung in ortsempfindlichen Germanium Detectoren
- Lucia Caceres
Primera identificacion de estados excitados en el nucleo N=Z 82Nb mediante la espectroscopia de rayos gamma
PhD Thesis: Nuclear structure studies in the vicinity of the double-magic 132Sn nucleus
ENAM08 poster: Isomeric decays in126,128,130Cd
- Pieter Doornenbal
Diploma Thesis: Doppler-Shift korrigierte Gamma-Spektroskopie nach einem Coulomb-Anregungsexperiment
PhD Thesis: In-beam gamma-ray spectroscopy of two-step fragmentation reactions at relativistic energies - The case of
- Torsten Beck
former Diploma student from the Hochschule Darmstadt
Diploma Thesis: Entwicklung eines Algorithmus zur automatischen Regelung der Stickstoffversorgung eines mit Hochspannung betriebenen Germanium-Detektors
PhD Thesis: Entwicklung einer schnellen Pulsformanalyse für asymmetrische AGATA-Germanium-Detektoren
(pdf) Neue Methode zur Positionsbestimmung von Gamma-Quanten in Ge-Detektoren
PhD disputation (ppt)
- Stanislav Tashenov
visiting scientist (post-doc); he is involved in AGATA project
- Piotr Bednarczyk
is now working at the Institute of Nuclear Physics in Cracow
- Dorothee Lehmann
former Diploma student from the Hochschule Darmstadt
- Melanie Wolf
former Diploma student from the Hochschule Darmstadt
Numerische Modellierung und Bewertung der Umsetzbarkeit eines Kühlers zur Kühlung eines Germanium Detektors
Temperature Distribution Study of Composite Germanium Detector (pdf)
, (ppt)
Contribution ton COMSOL conference
M. Wolf: Best of (Physik Journal)
- I. Maden
former Diploma student from the Hochschule Darmstadt
Numerische Simulation der physikalischen Eigenschaften eines planaren 3D Germanium Pixeldetektors
- Tobias Habermann
former Diploma student from the Hochschule Darmstadt
Optimierung des elektrischen Feldes in planaren Germanium Pixeldetektoren
poster Verzerrung des elektrischen Feldes in planaren HPGE-Pixeldetektoren
- Ludmilla Riebel
former Diploma student from the Hochschule Darmstadt
Untersuchung der optimalen Kuehlung eines Germanium Detektors
- Takehiko Saito
is now working on the hyper-nuclei project at GSI
- Nami Saito
was mainly working on the AGATA- and RISING project and is now working in the GSI biology department
- Samit Mandal
was working for the RISING project and left for University of Delhi, India
- Frank Becker
was responsible for the infra-structure in the RISING project and is now working at Hauptabteilung Sicherheit FZK Karlsruhe
- Adriana Banu
former PhD student, left in 2005 for Texas A&M University
108Sn studied with intermediate-energy Coulomb excitation
A.Banu: examination (ppt)
- Radomira Lozeva
former PhD student
A new developed calorimeter telescope for identification of relativistic heavy ion reaction channels
- M.N.Mineva
former PhD student
A new isomer in 136Sb produced in the projectile fission of 238U
- Andrey Blazhev
former PhD student
- Myroslav Kavatsyuk
former PhD student
- Oksana Kavatsyuk
former PhD student
- Jiaxing Li
is a physicist from China
- Edward Lubkiewicz
was a physicist from the Jaggelonian University Cracow always in close contact to the projects of our group.
- Maurycy Rejmund
made his PhD in our group, is now working at
CSNSM at Orsay/Paris (F) but is still in close contact to the projects of our group.
High spin structure in nuclei near 208Pb studied by gamma-spectroscopy
- Yuri Kopach
former post-doc, left in 2002 to Dubna, Russia
- Pascale Mayet
- former PhD student, left in 2002
K-isomers populated by projectile fragmentation in the neutron-rich A=180-200 mass region
- Christian Schlegel
- former post-doc, left in 2001 to the Physicalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt.
- Matthias Kaspar
- former PhD student, left in 1999 to Deutsche Boerse Systems.
Musterverarbeitung kernphysikalischer Messdaten mit kuenstlichen neuronalen Netzen
Analyse der Pulsformen asymmetrischer Germanium-detektoren
- Ingo Peter
- former PhD student, is with GSI's public affairs department since 1999.
Analyse von digitalisierten Germanium-Detektorsignalen
Verstaerkter Neutronen-Paar Transfer zwischen superfluiden schweren Kernen
- Shuying Wan
- former PhD student, left in 1999 to London, Canada. Her thesis dealt with gamma-spectro scopy of exotic nuclei at relativistic energies.
- In beam gamma spectroscopy with radioactive ion beams
- Rüdiger Schubart
- former post-doc, left in 1996 to SAP-AG.
- Ralph Schubert
- former PhD student, left in 1996 to BGS; his thesis is about Coulomb excitation at relativistic energies.
- Thorsten Kröll
- former PhD student, left in 1996 to the university of Padova (I), working there on pulse shape analysis. His PhD-thesis is about Coulomb-excitation experiments.
- Boris Wagner
- former diploma student, left 1996. His Diploma-thesis is about examining a segmented Ge detector.
- Kai Vetter
- former PhD student, left in 1995 to the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, California. His thesis is about heavy ion transfer reactions.
Untersuchung von Mehrnucleonen-Transferreaktionen mit gamma-spektroskopischen Methoden
- Thomas Happ
- former post-doc, left in 1995 to Credit Suisse.
- Stefan Schremmer
- former diploma student, left in 1995. His Diploma-thesis is about the development of acitve collimators.
- Gerhard Stengel
- former diploma student, left in 1995 to Opel. His Diploma-thesis is about tracking detectors to be used in SIS experiments at relativistic energies.
- Thomas Flügel
- former diploma student, left in 1993 to start PhD-thesis at the Paul-Scherer-Institut, Switzerland.
His Diploma-thesis is about feasibility studies for active collimators.
- Bettina Metzler
- former diploma student, left in 1993. Her Diploma-thesis is a about methods to check the quality of Ge-detectors.