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Fringing Fields for Electrostatic Sector Fields

Fringing fields for electrostatic sector fields are defined by the command: 5 F(RINGING) F(IELD) <table#> <entrance or exit angle $\varepsilon>$ <curvature$\rho_{E0}/R$ of effective field boundary> [example: F   F   3   0   0.09819 ;] [F   F   1   0   0 ;]

For the entrance angle $\varepsilon$ only ``0'' is allowed up to now. The fringing-field integrals are taken from GIOSFF.DAT, if this mode is active; the coefficients are taken from GICOFF.DAT otherwise. Note that Note that $\rho_{B0}/R$ is positive or negative for a convex or a concave field boundary, respectively.
