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The coordinates of the System Transfer Matrix

GICO uses symplectic coordinates with mass and energy as coordinates for transfer matrices. Sometimes it is desirable to see the Matrix based on mass and momentum instead, or to compare the Matrix to results obtained from another program like GIOS. The command that changes the coordinates is: 5 O(UTPUT) C(OORDINATES) <coord1> <coord2> <coord3> <coord4> ; [example: O   C   N   M   L   N ;] [O   C   S   E   G ;]

coord1 can be S(YMPLECTIC) or N(ONSYMPLECTIC), switching between the two different definitions of a and b. coord2 can be E(NERGY) or M(OMENTUM). coord3 can be G(ICO), which means time_difference x velocity, T(IME) or L(ENGTH). coord4 can be N(ONSCALED) or S(CALED), and has effect only, if coord3 is T(IME) or L(ENGTH). In this case, if coord4 is S(CALED), the time or length elements of the matrix are divided by the flight time or the travel distance of the reference particle. To compare the transfer matrix to GIOS, use the command O C N E T S. To compare the tranfer matrix to programs like TRANSPORT or MIRKO, use the command O C N M L N.
Note that when using coordinates different from the default, some commands (like Draw Beam etc.) may take more time than usual, because the matrix has to be converted to the new coordinates very often. Note also that in this case changing the coordinates in the middle of the system causes error.
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