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The Calculation Mode

This command changes the way the transfer matrixes are calculated internally: 3 C(ALCULATION) M(ODE) <mode> ; [example: C   M   2 ;] [C   M   1 ;]

In C M 1, transfer matrixes of the main optical elements are calculated by routines generated by the program Hamilton, in C M 2, transfer matrixes are calculated by using TPSA routines. In both calculation modes, the tranfer matrices are concatenated to get the system transfer matrix. In C M 3, no transfer matrixes for single optical elements are calculated, the system transfer matrix is derived from calculating the system as a whole.
C M 2 and C M 3 both use an integrator. The accuracy of the integrator can be changed with 3 C(ALCULATION) A(CCURACY) <accuracy> ; [example: C   A   1.E-3 ;] [C   A   1.E-4 ;]
