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Printer Plot of Phase-Space Distributions

A printer plot of a phase-space intensity distribution is initiated at zi by the command: 7 P(RINT) P(HASE_SPACE) <identifier> (f,g) <total number of particles> <f-dimension of plot> <g-dimension of plot> <total number of mass values> <total number of energy values> ; [example: P   P   E   (X,A)   1000   0.025   0.050   1   1 ;]

The following choices are possible for either f or g in (f,g):

xxxxxxxxxxx		  		 X = final X-position 		 XI = initial X-position 

A = final A-angle AI = initial A-angle
G = mass (quantized)
D = energy
Y = final Y-position YI = initial Y-position
B = final B-angle BI = initial B-angle
T = final time
The total number of mass values are distributed equally over the mass widths defined in the ``D(EVIATION) P(ARAMETER)''-command. The same is valid for the number of energy values. If this number is 0, the distribution of energy values is continous.

There are three possible choices for the <identifier>: All parameters following (f,g) can be omitted. As default the <identifier> equals P and GICO assumes 1000 particles and one mass; the size of the plot is chosen automatically by the program according to a first-order calculation. If the identifier for the phasespace is followed by a T, the plot is made with particles already traced, provided those particles exist. The values for the number of particles, masses and energies have no meaning in this case.
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