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Graphic Plot of Phase-Space Distributions

A graphic plot of a phase-space intensity distribution is initiated at zi by the command: 8 D(RAW) (P)H(ASE_SPACE) <identifier> (f,g) <total number of particles> <f-dimension of plot> <g-dimension of plot> <total number of mass values> <total number of energy values> <up to 10 values for contour lines (% of max. intensity)> ; [example: D   H   E   (X,A)   1000   0.025   0.050   1   1 ;]

If no values for the contour lines are given, the values 0.1,0.3,0.5,0.7 and 0.9 are used.
Look at the PP-command for more information.

For the commands DB,DS,DE a large number of steps in z direction gives better results, but will increase the calculation time. For draft pictures, set the number of steps to 1. Since a step cannot be larger than an optical element, this is often good compromise between quality of the picture and calculation time.
