========================================================================== Description: This subroutine initialize the library: Arguments: nout = a flag to activate some behaviour. If nout = 1 an output file with the lattice is produced (the routines diagnostics_alat and diagnostics_alattice1 are invoked). If nout = -10 the lattice is lodaed, but without using LDCS and FINDQUADRUPOLE. This option is useful when you want to read several time a large lattice and in the normal mode (nout .ne. -10) it is very slow. WARNING the option nout = -10 should never be used the first time micromap is initialized. flattice = string with the name of the lattice. nsim11 = this is the number of the simulation which will be appended to the name of some ouput file. This value is loaded in the variable "nsim, nsimulation" which are stored in common-2Dsc-simulation.f. ========================================================================== subroutine initimml(nout,flattice,nsim11) COMMONS: common-initi.f common-mml-lattice.f common-2Dsc-simulation.f common-2Dsc-beam.f SUBROUTINES USED: timeexini composelattice_n1 load_nameele_labelele set_position set_pipes diagnostics_alat diagnostics_alattice1 load_pinch_quadrupole load_pinch_dipole load_pinch_drift FINDELE FINDQUADRUPOLE LDCS messages_n micromap-index Mon Jul 17 08:57:30 CEST 2017