============================================================== DESCRIPTION: Transport a particle whose coordinates are stored in the vector X through the element N for a length DS. Note that if the element has a finite length, DS can be of any length. If the element has no length, then DS it is not considered and becomes a dummy variable. If a particle is at the longitudinal position S, in order to find in what element this particle is, one should use the subroutine FINELE. ARGUMENTS: X = particle coordinates X(1) = x [M] X(2) = px [RAD] X(3) = y [M] X(4) = py [RAD] X(5) = (longitudinal coordinate [M]) here dummy variable X(6) = relative off-momentum = (p - ps)/ps [1] NL = flag for lattice nonlinearities: 1 = on; 0 = off ndisp = flag for dispersion : 1 = on; 0 = off nchar = flag for chromticity : 1 = on; 0 = off ncav = flag for cavity : 1 = on; 0 = off npipe = flag for activating the geometrical limitiations: 1 = on; 0 = off. CHECK IF THE PARTICLE IS LOST: This subroutine automatically checks if the particle tracked is lost (scraped). The variable NPARCHECK, part of the common "common-2Dsc-beam.f", is set to NPARCHECK=1 if the particle during tracking is found beyond transverse aperture limitations at the entrance/exit of each and any element from S1 to S2. If S1 to S2 are inside one element, then the check is done anyway. To distinguish if the particle is scraped or not, the variable NPARCHECK should just be initialized before calling DYNAMP, and then you look at it after you have tracked the particle. ============================================================= subroutine tipomap(x,ds,n,nlin,ndisp,nchr,ncav,npipe) COMMONS: common-initi.f common-mml-lattice.f common-2Dsc-beam.f SUBROUTINES USED: y checks if the particle tracked ing DYNAMP, ec_force npar_check messages_n micromap-index Mon Jul 17 08:57:31 CEST 2017