GSI Object Oriented Online Offline (Go4)  GO4-5.3.2
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1 /*********************************************************************
2  * Copyright:
3  * GSI, Gesellschaft fuer Schwerionenforschung mbH
4  * Planckstr. 1
5  * D-64291 Darmstadt
6  * Germany
7  * created 1. 3.1996 by Horst Goeringer
8  *********************************************************************
9  * rawclin.h
10  * structures and definitions needed for rawserv clients only
11  *********************************************************************
12  * 3. 2.1998, H.G.: add iFileSize to srawRetrList
13  * 17. 1.2001, H.G.: add srawAPIFile for API clients
14  * 22. 1.2001, H.G.: pad OS names with trailing blanks
15  * 7. 2.2001, H.G.: in srawAPIFile: srawObjAttr added
16  * 18. 7.2001, H.G.: add mover node name to srawRetrList
17  * 24. 8.2001, H.G.: add stage flag to srawRetrList
18  * 5. 8.2002, H.G.: srawAPIClient: replace iSockServ by iSockMaster
19  * and iSockMover, add cNodeMover
20  * 14.10.2002, H.G.: ported to Lynx
21  * 27. 1.2003, H.G.: structure srawCliActionComm added
22  * 3. 2.2003, H.G.: add master number to srawRetrList
23  * 14. 2.2003, H.G.: srawCliActionComm: iDebug -> iReqMaster
24  * 17. 2.2003, H.G.: srawCliActionComm: add tape infos
25  * new statics iPortMaster, iPortMover
26  * 18. 2.2003, H.G.: rename sTapeFileList->srawTapeFileList
27  * 10. 4.2003, H.G.: add iFileType to srawRetrList
28  * 11. 6.2003, H.G.: srawCliActionComm: new iAltQuery, iMaxQuery
29  * 5.12.2003, H.G.: srawCliActionComm: new iFilesIgnore
30  * 23. 2.2004, H.G.: srawCliActionComm: new iObjArchiveDB,
31  * iObjStaged -> iObjStageDB
32  * srawRetrList: new iArchiveFS, iStage -> iStageFS
33  * 4. 3.2004, H.G.: srawRetrList: new cArchiveDate, cOwner
34  * 20. 8.2004, H.G.: srawAPIFile: new iAction, iBufsizeServD->iMassSto
35  * 15.12.2004, H.G.: srawAPIFile: iBufsizeServ->iOpMode
36  * 13. 3.2006, H.G.: declare iPortMaster, iPortMover in sources
37  * 9.10.2006, H.G.: srawCliActionComm: new iATLServer
38  * 8. 2.2007, H.G.: srawRetrList: iMaster -> iATLServer
39  * 19. 3.2008, H.G.: srawRetrList: cNodeMover -> cMoverStage,
40  * iArchiveFS -> iCacheFS
41  * new: cMoverCache, iRestoHighHigh, iRestoHighLow,
42  * iRestoLowHigh
43  * 8. 4.2008, H.G.: declare and set cPathPrefix,cDataFSHigh
44  * declare iPathPrefix, iDataFSHigh
45  * 8. 5.2008, H.G.: move static declaration [p]cOS -> rawcommn.h
46  * 9. 5.2008, H.G.: remove srawArchList
47  * (replaced by srawFileList in rawcommn.h)
48  * 2. 6.2008, H.G.: replace long->int if 64bit client (ifdef SYSTEM64)
49  * server still 32 bit
50  * 3. 9.2008, H.G.: move cDataFSHigh, iDataFSHigh -> rawcommn.h
51  * 16.10.2008, H.G.: srawRetrList: add iPoolId
52  * 14.11.2008, H.G.: indicate display mode in srawAPIFile.iOpMode
53  * 12. 2.2009, H.G.: add structure srawCopyCache to srawAPIFile
54  * 13.11.2009, H.G.: srawRetrList: enhance for recursive/parallel stage:
55  * add cNamehl, iFileSize2, iFileSet
56  * enlarge cNamell (MAX_OBJ_LL -> MAX_OBJ_LL_N) and
57  * cNamehl (MAX_OBJ_HL -> MAX_OBJ_HL_N)
58  * 18.12.2009, H.G.: MAX_OBJ_HL_N -> MAX_OBJ_HL,
60  * 13. 9.2010, H.G.: srawCliActionComm: new iOS64
61  * srawRetrList: 'long' iFileSize -> 2* 'int'
62  * 15. 9.2010, H.G.: discard flag SYSTEM64,
63  * srawTapeFileList: iFileSize 'long' -> 'int'
64  *********************************************************************
65  * */
67 static int iMB = 1024000; /* 1 MB */
68 static char cPathPrefix[16] = "@PATH:"; /* for filelist */
69 static int iPathPrefix = 0; /* >0: path for files in filelist */
71 /* definitions for command interface */
72 #define MAX_CMDPARM 20 /* max number of command parameters */
73 #define MAX_CMDPARM_LEN 256 /* max length of command parameters */
75 typedef struct /* list of tape file names and sizes */
76 {
77  char cFileName[MAX_TAPE_FILE+1];
78  unsigned int iFileSize; /* file size (byte), clitape: 4 byte okay */
80  void *pNext;
83 /* communication buffer passed to client action routines */
84 typedef struct
85 {
86  int iAction; /* client action according to ACTION */
87  int iSocket; /* socket id for connection to server */
88  int iPort; /* port number entry server */
89  char cNode[MAX_NODE]; /* node name requested entry server */
90  int iReqMaster; /* used for requested ATL server */
91  srawComm sComm; /* communication structure client/server */
92  int iTapeFile; /* =0: disk file, =1: tape file, =2: tape filelist */
93  int iScanTape; /* =1: scan input tape before archive */
94  char *pcTape; /* logical tape volume name */
95  char *pcFile; /* specified file name on disk or tape */
96  int *piBuffer; /* ptr to query data area */
97  int *piDataMover; /* ptr to data mover list */
98  int *piObjBuf; /* buffer containing object list of TSM */
99  int *piFileList;/* buffer containing list of files to be archived */
100  int iBuffers; /* no. of filelist buffers in chain */
101  int iObjSelect; /* no. of TSM objects selected */
102  int iObjStageDB; /* no. of TSM objects in StagePool */
103  int iObjArchiveDB; /* no. of objects in ArchivePool */
104  int iPurge; /* no. of files to be removed from filelist */
105  int iStatus; /* output: status for caller */
106  int iAltQuery; /* query alternate entry server (not used) */
107  int iMaxQuery; /* max no. of queries per buffer */
108  int iFilesIgnore; /* 1st files in list to ignore */
109  int iATLServer; /* =1 aixtsm1, =2 gsitsma, =0 both */
110  char cMsg[STATUS_LEN]; /* message in case of error */
111  int iOS64; /* =0: 4 byte filesize, =1: 8 byte filesize */
114 typedef struct /* info for TSM object list */
115 {
116  int iFileSet; /* no. of file set (handled parallel) */
117  char cNamehl[MAX_OBJ_HL]; /* object high level name */
118  char cNamell[MAX_OBJ_LL]; /* object low level name */
119  unsigned int iObjHigh; /* upper four bytes object Id */
120  unsigned int iObjLow; /* lower four bytes object Id */
121  unsigned int iRestoHigh; /* top four bytes restore order */
122  unsigned int iRestoHighHigh; /* hi_hi four bytes restore order */
123  unsigned int iRestoHighLow; /* hi_lo four bytes restore order */
124  unsigned int iRestoLowHigh; /* lo_hi four bytes restore order */
125  unsigned int iRestoLow; /* lo_lo four bytes restore order */
126  int iFileType; /* fixed record or stream file */
127  int iBufsizeFile; /* record length */
128  unsigned int iFileSize; /* file size (byte), overlaid with 'long' */
129  unsigned int iFileSize2; /* both in total 8 byte */
130  int iATLServer; /* ATL server: =1: aixtsm1, =2: gsitsma */
131  int iPoolId;/* from query: RC poolId (staged), WC poolId (cached) */
132  char cMoverStage[MAX_NODE]; /* node name data mover if staged */
133  int iStageFS; /* > 0: in StagePool, no. of StageFS */
134  char cMoverCache[MAX_NODE]; /* name data mover if in write cache */
135  int iCacheFS; /* > 0: in write cache, no. of writeCacheFS */
136  char cArchiveDate[MAX_DATE]; /* creation date in ArchivePool */
137  char cOwner[MAX_OWNER]; /* account name of archiving user */
138 } srawRetrList;
140 typedef struct /* API file control block */
141 {
142  int iFileId; /* API file identifier for server connection */
143  int iFlags; /* from open */
144  int iMode; /* from open */
145  char cNodeMaster[MAX_NODE]; /* node name of entry server */
146  int iSockMaster; /* socket for connection to entry server */
147  char cNodeMover[MAX_NODE]; /* node name of data mover */
148  int iSockMover; /* socket for connection to mover */
150  int iOffset;
152  int iOpMode;
153  /* =0: 'normal' RFIO mode
154  =1: use rfio_endfile/rfio_newfile (GSI extension)
155  =2: display only, no remote file open (GSI extension) */
156  int iAction; /* =1: read from server, =2 write to server */
157  int iMassSto; /* =1: connect to GSI mass storage (ArchivePool)
158  =2: connect to GSI mass storage (DAQPool)
159  =0: connect to RFIO read/write server */
160  int iBufnoServ; /* no. of buffers transfered from/to server */
161  int iDataServ; /* no. of bytes transfered from/to server */
162  srawComm sCommAPI; /* communication buffer for API procedures */
163  srawComm sCommServ; /* copy for server in net format */
164  srawObjAttr sQueryAPI; /* query information */
166  /* info on DAQ data stream copy in net format */
167 } srawAPIFile;
unsigned int iRestoHighHigh
Definition: rawclin.h:122
unsigned int iRestoHigh
Definition: rawclin.h:121
unsigned int iObjLow
Definition: rawclin.h:120
int iSockMover
Definition: rawclin.h:148
#define MAX_OBJ_LL
Definition: rawcommn.h:266
int iOpMode
Definition: rawclin.h:152
int * piBuffer
Definition: rawclin.h:96
int iPoolId
Definition: rawclin.h:131
int iFileType
Definition: rawclin.h:126
char * pcTape
Definition: rawclin.h:94
int iATLServer
Definition: rawclin.h:130
static int iPathPrefix
Definition: rawclin.h:69
int iStageFS
Definition: rawclin.h:133
srawComm sCommAPI
Definition: rawclin.h:162
Definition: rawcommn.h:257
static char cNodeMover[MAX_NODE]
Definition: rawapin.c:211
int * piObjBuf
Definition: rawclin.h:98
int iBufnoServ
Definition: rawclin.h:160
unsigned int iObjHigh
Definition: rawclin.h:119
static char cNodeMaster[MAX_NODE]
Definition: rawapin.c:210
#define MAX_OWNER
Definition: rawcommn.h:235
int iSeekMode
Definition: rawclin.h:149
srawComm sComm
Definition: rawclin.h:91
int iSockMaster
Definition: rawclin.h:146
srawCopyCache sCopyCacheServ
Definition: rawclin.h:165
unsigned int iRestoLow
Definition: rawclin.h:125
void * pNext
Definition: rawclin.h:80
int * piDataMover
Definition: rawclin.h:97
unsigned int iFileSize
Definition: rawclin.h:78
#define MAX_NODE
Definition: rawcommn.h:225
unsigned int iFileSize2
Definition: rawclin.h:129
static int iMB
Definition: rawclin.h:67
unsigned int iRestoLowHigh
Definition: rawclin.h:124
int iFileSet
Definition: rawclin.h:116
#define STATUS_LEN
Definition: rawcommn.h:284
int iCacheFS
Definition: rawclin.h:135
unsigned int iFileSize
Definition: rawclin.h:128
int * piFileList
Definition: rawclin.h:99
unsigned int iRestoHighLow
Definition: rawclin.h:123
char * pcFile
Definition: rawclin.h:95
static char cNamehl[MAX_OBJ_HL]
Definition: rawProcn.c:165
int iAction
Definition: rawclin.h:156
int iOffset
Definition: rawclin.h:150
srawObjAttr sQueryAPI
Definition: rawclin.h:164
int iFileId
Definition: rawclin.h:142
int iBufsizeAct
Definition: rawclin.h:151
int iMassSto
Definition: rawclin.h:157
#define MAX_DATE
Definition: rawcommn.h:278
int iBufsizeFile
Definition: rawclin.h:127
int iMode
Definition: rawclin.h:144
int iDataServ
Definition: rawclin.h:161
int iFlags
Definition: rawclin.h:143
#define MAX_OBJ_HL
Definition: rawcommn.h:265
static char cPathPrefix[16]
Definition: rawclin.h:68
srawComm sCommServ
Definition: rawclin.h:163