MOCADI Program and Utilities

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MOCADI executable (download)

Use at GSI

At GSI MOCADI is already installed and you can start it on LINUX:
  /u/weick/mocadi/exe/mocadi   < filename >    (full version but without Root tree output, linked static for 32 and 64bit)
  /u/weick/mocadi/exe/mocadiR < filename >    (full version with Root tree output, linked dynamically)
  /u/weick/mocadi/exe/gmocadi                           (GUI for mocadi)
where < filename > is the name of the MOCADI input file. The default extension of the input file is ".in" and can be omitted.

The path names to the additional data tables (mass table, ATIMA spline files) should already be set correctly, otherwise:
  export MOCADI_DIR='/u/weick/mocadi/'
  export MOCADI_DATA='/u/weick/mocadi/data'
  export MOCADI_SPLINES_GZ='/u/weick/mocadi/splines_gz' for default splines, or
  export MOCADI_SPLINES_GZ='/u/weick/mocadi/splines_gz_1.4' for the new ATIMA1.4 splines


WEDGE is a separate utility based on MOCADI source code to calculate the degrader slope necessary to make the imaging of a fragment separator achromatic or to form a monoenergetic beam.


This ATIMA is not the full ATIMA program but just a utility based on the MOCADI source code to calculate energy-loss and straggling by inserting numbers into the precalculated splines.
This is the same program used also for the ATIMA WWW-interface.

A perl script that transforms the output of a LISE++ Monte-Carlo simulation to the format needed for the READ command in MOCADI. In this way LISE++ can be used as event generator for a MOCADI simulation.
Mored detailed instruction here and with option -h.


Often one wants to create a MOCADI input file based on an existing optics calculation. This program runs GICOSY, creates the matrix files for all optical elements and based on the GICOSY output it defines the correct geometry with distances and collimators like the apertures in the optics file. Targets or matter in the beamline have to be added by hand later.
  /u/weick/gicosy/gicosy2mocadi             (input is GICOSY output file)
  /u/weick/gicosy/gicosy2mocadi-v2        (input is GICOSY input file)


In case your optics data set was not made in GICOSY but in MIRKO one can first use this conversion program. Input is a MIRKO *.mix file. It translates most elements of MIRKO correctly but not blocks and some special commands.


The inverse of above. A GICOSYOUT.DAT is used to create a MIRKO *.mix file.

This page was last modified by Dr. Helmut Weick,25th May 2018, contact h.weick(at),  Imprint (Impressum), Privacy Policy (Datenschutzerklärung)