Class TRootCanvas

class TRootCanvas
derived from TCanvasImp, TGMainFrame

Constructor Summary
TRootCanvas(TCanvas * c, const char * name, UInt_t width, UInt_t height)
TRootCanvas(TCanvas * c, const char * name, Int_t x, Int_t y, UInt_t width, UInt_t height)

Destructor Summary
 virtual ~TRootCanvas()

Method Summary
 const UInt_tGetCheight()
 const UInt_tGetCwidth()
 voidGetWindowGeometry(Int_t & x, Int_t & y, UInt_t & w, UInt_t & h)
 Bool_tProcessMessage(Long_t msg, Long_t parm1, Long_t parm2)
 voidSetCanvasSize(UInt_t w, UInt_t h)
 voidSetStatusText(const char * txt, Int_t partidx)
 voidSetWindowPosition(Int_t x, Int_t y)
 voidSetWindowSize(UInt_t w, UInt_t h)
 voidSetWindowTitle(const char * newTitle)
 voidShowMenuBar(Bool_t show)
 voidShowStatusBar(Bool_t show)

Methods inherited from class TCanvasImp

Methods inherited from class TGMainFrame
HandleKey, HandleClientMessage, SendCloseMessage, DontCallClose, SetWindowName, SetIconName, SetIconPixmap, SetClassHints, SetMWMHints, SetWMPosition, SetWMSize, SetWMSizeHints, SetWMState, BindKey, RemoveBind, GetMainFrame

Methods inherited from class TGCompositeFrame
GetDefaultWidth, GetDefaultHeight, GetDefaultSize, MapSubwindows, Layout, HandleButton, HandleDoubleClick, HandleCrossing, HandleMotion, HandleFocusChange, HandleSelection, ChangeOptions, GetLayoutManager, SetLayoutManager, AddFrame, RemoveFrame, ShowFrame, HideFrame, GetState, IsVisible, IsVisible, IsArranged, IsArranged, GetList

Methods inherited from class TGFrame
GetDefaultFrameBackground, GetDefaultSelectedBackground, GetWhitePixel, GetBlackPixel, GetBlackGC, GetWhiteGC, GetHilightGC, GetShadowGC, GetBckgndGC, GetEventMask, AddInput, RemoveInput, HandleEvent, HandleConfigureNotify, HandleSelectionRequest, HandleSelectionClear, HandleColormapChange, ProcessedEvent, SendMessage, Move, Resize, Resize, MoveResize, GetBackground, ChangeBackground, GetOptions, DrawBorder, GetWidth, GetHeight, GetSize, GetX, GetY, GetBorderWidth, SetWidth, SetHeight, SetSize

Methods inherited from class TGWindow
GetParent, MapWindow, MapRaised, UnmapWindow, DestroyWindow, RaiseWindow, LowerWindow, IconifyWindow, SetBackgroundColor, SetBackgroundPixmap, HandleExpose, HandleTimer, IsMapped

Methods inherited from class TGObject
GetId, Hash, IsEqual

Methods inherited from class TObject
operator=, AppendPad, Browse, ClassName, Clear, Clone, Compare, Copy, Delete, DistancetoPrimitive, Draw, DrawClass, DrawClone, Dump, Execute, Execute, ExecuteEvent, FindObject, FindObject, GetDrawOption, GetUniqueID, GetName, GetIconName, GetOption, GetObjectInfo, GetTitle, InheritsFrom, InheritsFrom, Inspect, IsFolder, IsSortable, IsOnHeap, IsZombie, Notify, ls, Paint, Pop, Print, Read, RecursiveRemove, SavePrimitive, SetDrawOption, SetUniqueID, UseCurrentStyle, Write, operatornew, operatornew, operatordelete, operatordelete, SetBit, SetBit, ResetBit, TestBit, InvertBit, Warning, Error, SysError, Fatal, AbstractMethod, MayNotUse, GetDtorOnly, SetDtorOnly, GetObjectStat, SetObjectStat

Methods inherited from class TQObject
Emit, Emit, Emit, Emit, Emit, Emit, Emit, Emit, Emit, Emit, Emit, Emit, Emit, Connect, Disconnect, HighPriority, LowPriority, HasConnection, NumberOfSignals, NumberOfConnections, Connected, Disconnected, Destroyed, ChangedBy, Message, Connect, Connect, Disconnect, Disconnect, LoadRQ_OBJECT

Constructor Detail


public TRootCanvas(TCanvas * c, const char * name, UInt_t width, UInt_t height)


public TRootCanvas(TCanvas * c, const char * name, Int_t x, Int_t y, UInt_t width, UInt_t height)
Method Detail


public virtual ~TRootCanvas()
Method Detail


public void Close()


public void CloseWindow()


public void FitCanvas()


public void ForceUpdate()


public const UInt_t GetCheight()


public const UInt_t GetCwidth()


public void GetWindowGeometry(Int_t & x, Int_t & y, UInt_t & w, UInt_t & h)


public void Iconify()


public Int_t InitWindow()


public Bool_t ProcessMessage(Long_t msg, Long_t parm1, Long_t parm2)


public void SetCanvasSize(UInt_t w, UInt_t h)


public void SetStatusText(const char * txt, Int_t partidx)


public void SetWindowPosition(Int_t x, Int_t y)


public void SetWindowSize(UInt_t w, UInt_t h)


public void SetWindowTitle(const char * newTitle)


public void Show()


public void ShowMenuBar(Bool_t show)


public void ShowStatusBar(Bool_t show)

Association Links

to Class TGLayoutHints

to Class TGLayoutHints

to Class TGLayoutHints

to Class TGLayoutHints

to Class TGLayoutHints