DABC (Data Acquisition Backbone Core)  2.9.9
Data Fields
srawComm Struct Reference

#include <rawapi/rawcommn.h>

Data Fields

char cApplType [MAX_APPLTYPE]
char cDataFS [MAX_FULL_FILE]
char cliNode [MAX_NODE]
char cNamefs [MAX_OBJ_FS]
char cNamehl [MAX_OBJ_HL]
char cNamell [MAX_OBJ_LL]
char cNodeCacheMgr [MAX_NODE]
char cNodeFC [MAX_NODE]
char cNodeRC [MAX_NODE]
char cNodeWC [MAX_NODE]
char cOS [MAX_OS]
char cOwner [MAX_OWNER]
char cTapeLib [16]
int iAction
int iArchDev
int iATLServer
int iBufsizeFile
int iClient32
int iCommLen
int iDataFS
int iExecStatus
unsigned int iFileSize
unsigned int iFileSize2
int iFileType
int iFSidFC
int iFSidWC
int iGlobalActionId
int iIdent
unsigned int iObjHigh
unsigned int iObjLow
int iPoolIdRC
int iPoolIdWC
int iReservation
int iStageFSid
int iSynchId
int iWaitTime

Detailed Description

Definition at line 487 of file rawcommn.h.

Field Documentation

◆ iIdent

int srawComm::iIdent

Definition at line 489 of file rawcommn.h.

◆ iAction

int srawComm::iAction

Definition at line 490 of file rawcommn.h.

◆ iCommLen

int srawComm::iCommLen

Definition at line 491 of file rawcommn.h.

◆ cNamefs

char srawComm::cNamefs[MAX_OBJ_FS]

Definition at line 492 of file rawcommn.h.

◆ cNamehl

char srawComm::cNamehl[MAX_OBJ_HL]

Definition at line 493 of file rawcommn.h.

◆ cNamell

char srawComm::cNamell[MAX_OBJ_LL]

Definition at line 494 of file rawcommn.h.

◆ cOwner

char srawComm::cOwner[MAX_OWNER]

Definition at line 495 of file rawcommn.h.

◆ cOS

char srawComm::cOS[MAX_OS]

Definition at line 496 of file rawcommn.h.

◆ cApplType

char srawComm::cApplType[MAX_APPLTYPE]

Definition at line 497 of file rawcommn.h.

◆ iFileType

int srawComm::iFileType

Definition at line 498 of file rawcommn.h.

◆ iBufsizeFile

int srawComm::iBufsizeFile

Definition at line 499 of file rawcommn.h.

◆ iFileSize

unsigned int srawComm::iFileSize

Definition at line 500 of file rawcommn.h.

◆ iFileSize2

unsigned int srawComm::iFileSize2

Definition at line 501 of file rawcommn.h.

◆ iArchDev

int srawComm::iArchDev

Definition at line 502 of file rawcommn.h.

◆ iObjHigh

unsigned int srawComm::iObjHigh

Definition at line 503 of file rawcommn.h.

◆ iObjLow

unsigned int srawComm::iObjLow

Definition at line 504 of file rawcommn.h.

◆ cliNode

char srawComm::cliNode[MAX_NODE]

Definition at line 505 of file rawcommn.h.

◆ iExecStatus

int srawComm::iExecStatus

Definition at line 506 of file rawcommn.h.

◆ iWaitTime

int srawComm::iWaitTime

Definition at line 508 of file rawcommn.h.

◆ iSynchId

int srawComm::iSynchId

Definition at line 509 of file rawcommn.h.

◆ cTapeLib

char srawComm::cTapeLib[16]

Definition at line 516 of file rawcommn.h.

◆ cNodeCacheMgr

char srawComm::cNodeCacheMgr[MAX_NODE]

Definition at line 517 of file rawcommn.h.

◆ iATLServer

int srawComm::iATLServer

Definition at line 518 of file rawcommn.h.

◆ iPoolIdRC

int srawComm::iPoolIdRC

Definition at line 522 of file rawcommn.h.

◆ cNodeRC

char srawComm::cNodeRC[MAX_NODE]

Definition at line 523 of file rawcommn.h.

◆ iStageFSid

int srawComm::iStageFSid

Definition at line 524 of file rawcommn.h.

◆ iPoolIdWC

int srawComm::iPoolIdWC

Definition at line 525 of file rawcommn.h.

◆ cNodeWC

char srawComm::cNodeWC[MAX_NODE]

Definition at line 526 of file rawcommn.h.

◆ iFSidWC

int srawComm::iFSidWC

Definition at line 527 of file rawcommn.h.

◆ cNodeFC

char srawComm::cNodeFC[MAX_NODE]

Definition at line 528 of file rawcommn.h.

◆ iFSidFC

int srawComm::iFSidFC

Definition at line 529 of file rawcommn.h.

◆ iDataFS

int srawComm::iDataFS

Definition at line 530 of file rawcommn.h.

◆ cDataFS

char srawComm::cDataFS[MAX_FULL_FILE]

Definition at line 533 of file rawcommn.h.

◆ iClient32

int srawComm::iClient32

Definition at line 534 of file rawcommn.h.

◆ iReservation

int srawComm::iReservation

Definition at line 535 of file rawcommn.h.

◆ iGlobalActionId

int srawComm::iGlobalActionId

Definition at line 542 of file rawcommn.h.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: