Here is a list of all class members with links to the classes they belong to:
- Get()
: TGo4FitModel
, TGo4FitterAbstract
, TGo4FitParsList
- Get0MaxAmplFactor()
: TGo4FitPeakFinder
- Get0MaxWidth()
: TGo4FitPeakFinder
- Get0MinWidth()
: TGo4FitPeakFinder
- Get1LineWidth()
: TGo4FitPeakFinder
- Get2ChannelSum()
: TGo4FitPeakFinder
- Get2NoiseFactor()
: TGo4FitPeakFinder
- Get2NoiseMinimum()
: TGo4FitPeakFinder
- GetAction()
: TGo4FitterAbstract
- GetAmplError()
: TGo4FitComponent
- GetAmplFullName()
: TGo4FitComponent
- GetAmplIndex()
: TGo4FitComponent
- GetAmplName()
: TGo4FitComponent
- GetAmplPar()
: TGo4FitComponent
- GetAmplValue()
: TGo4FitComponent
- GetAssigment()
: TGo4FitModel
- GetAssignedConnection()
: TGo4FitModel
- GetAxis()
: TGo4FitLinearTrans
- GetAxisForIndex()
: TGo4FitModelGaussN
- GetAxisNumbers()
: TGo4FitModelGaussN
- GetAxisTrans()
: TGo4FitData
- GetAxisTransSlot()
: TGo4FitData
- GetBinsDevs()
: TGo4FitData
- GetBinsResult()
: TGo4FitData
- GetBinsSize()
: TGo4FitData
- GetBinsValues()
: TGo4FitData
- GetClass()
: TGo4FitSlot
- GetClearModels()
: TGo4FitPeakFinder
- GetCoefB()
: TGo4FitLinearTrans
- GetCoefK()
: TGo4FitLinearTrans
- GetCommand()
: TGo4FitterOutput
, TGo4FitMinuit
- GetComp()
: TGo4Fitter
- GetConnectedSlot()
: TGo4FitSlot
- GetContourPlot()
: TGo4FitMinuitResult
- GetCovarParName()
: TGo4FitModelGaussN
- GetData()
: TGo4FitDataIter
, TGo4Fitter
, TGo4FitDataGraphIter
, TGo4FitDataHistogramIter
, TGo4FitDataProfileIter
, TGo4FitDataRidge
, TGo4FitDataRidgeIter
- GetDataAsModel()
: TGo4FitModelFromData
- GetDataBinsDevs()
: TGo4Fitter
- GetDataBinsResult()
: TGo4Fitter
- GetDataBinsSize()
: TGo4Fitter
- GetDataBinsValues()
: TGo4Fitter
- GetDataFullIndex()
: TGo4FitModel
- GetDataIndexesSize()
: TGo4FitModel
- GetDataName()
: TGo4Fitter
, TGo4FitPeakFinder
- GetDataType()
: TGo4FitData
- GetDeviation()
: TGo4FitDataIter
- GetEpsilon()
: TGo4FitParameter
- GetError()
: TGo4FitParameter
- GetExcludeLessThen()
: TGo4FitData
- GetExpression()
: TGo4FitModelFormula
, TGo4FitDependency
- GetExprPar()
: TGo4FitModelFormula
- GetExprParName()
: TGo4FitModelFormula
- GetFitFunctionType()
: TGo4Fitter
- GetFixed()
: TGo4FitParameter
- GetFullIndex()
: TGo4FitData
- GetFullName()
: TGo4FitNamed
- GetFuncPar()
: TGo4FitModelFunction
- GetFuncParName()
: TGo4FitModelFunction
- GetFunctionName()
: TGo4FitModelFunction
- GetGraph()
: TGo4FitDataGraph
- GetGroupIndex()
: TGo4FitModel
- GetHistogram()
: TGo4FitDataHistogram
- GetIndexesSize()
: TGo4FitData
- GetInitValue()
: TGo4FitDependency
- GetLibraryName()
: TGo4FitModelFunction
- GetMaxNumAxis()
: TGo4FitModelPolynom
- GetMemoryUsage()
: TGo4Fitter
- GetModel()
: TGo4Fitter
- GetModelBins()
: TGo4FitModel
- GetModelBinsValues()
: TGo4Fitter
- GetNeeded()
: TGo4FitSlot
- GetNumActions()
: TGo4FitterAbstract
- GetNumAxis()
: TGo4FitModelGauss1
, TGo4FitMatrixTrans
- GetNumAxis1()
: TGo4FitModelGauss2
- GetNumAxis2()
: TGo4FitModelGauss2
- GetNumberOfExprPar()
: TGo4FitModelFormula
- GetNumberOfFuncPar()
: TGo4FitModelFunction
- GetNumberOfTransSlots()
: TGo4FitData
- GetNumCommands()
: TGo4FitMinuit
- GetNumComp()
: TGo4Fitter
- GetNumData()
: TGo4Fitter
- GetNumIterations()
: TGo4FitAmplEstimation
- GetNumModel()
: TGo4Fitter
- GetNumRangeCondition()
: TGo4FitComponent
- GetNumRangeCut()
: TGo4FitComponent
- GetNumResults()
: TGo4FitterAbstract
, TGo4FitMinuit
- GetObject()
: TGo4FitSlot
- GetObjectName()
: TGo4FitSlot
- GetOptions()
: TGo4FitterOutput
- GetOrderParName()
: TGo4FitModelPolynom
- GetOwned()
: TGo4FitSlot
- GetOwner()
: TGo4FitNamed
- GetOwnerFullName()
: TGo4FitNamed
- GetPad()
: TGo4FitterOutput
- GetPar()
: TGo4FitParsList
- GetParameter()
: TGo4FitDependency
- GetParEpsilon()
: TGo4FitterConfig
, TGo4FitterAbstract
, TGo4FitParsList
- GetParError()
: TGo4FitParsList
- GetParFixed()
: TGo4FitterConfig
, TGo4FitterAbstract
, TGo4FitParsList
- GetParFullName()
: TGo4FitParsList
- GetParIndex()
: TGo4FitParsList
- GetParName()
: TGo4FitParsList
- GetParRange()
: TGo4FitterConfig
, TGo4FitterAbstract
, TGo4FitParsList
- GetParsCfg()
: TGo4FitterConfig
- GetParsDepend()
: TGo4FitterConfig
- GetParsInit()
: TGo4FitterConfig
- GetParsNew()
: TGo4FitterConfig
- GetParsValues()
: TGo4FitParsList
- GetParValue()
: TGo4FitParsList
- GetPeakFinderType()
: TGo4FitPeakFinder
- GetPolynomOrder()
: TGo4FitModelPolynom
, TGo4FitPeakFinder
- GetPosition()
: TGo4FitModel
- GetPosPar()
: TGo4FitModel
- GetPosParIndex()
: TGo4FitModelFunction
, TGo4FitModelGauss2
, TGo4FitModelGaussN
, TGo4FitModelGauss1
, TGo4FitModel
, TGo4FitModelFormula
- GetPosParName()
: TGo4FitModelGaussN
- GetProfile()
: TGo4FitDataProfile
- GetRange()
: TGo4FitParameter
- GetRangeCondition()
: TGo4FitComponent
- GetRangeCut()
: TGo4FitComponent
- GetRangeMax()
: TGo4FitComponent
, TGo4FitParameter
- GetRangeMin()
: TGo4FitParameter
, TGo4FitComponent
- GetRatioName()
: TGo4FitModel
- GetRatioValueFor()
: TGo4FitModel
- GetResult()
: TGo4FitMinuit
- GetResultFF()
: TGo4FitterAbstract
- GetResultNDF()
: TGo4FitterAbstract
- GetResults()
: TGo4FitterAbstract
, TGo4FitterConfig
- GetResultValue()
: TGo4FitterAbstract
- GetSaveFlag()
: TGo4FitSlot
- GetScalesSize()
: TGo4FitData
- GetScaleValues()
: TGo4FitData
- GetSelectedAxis()
: TGo4FitDataRidge
- GetSigmaSource()
: TGo4FitData
- GetSigmaValue()
: TGo4FitData
- GetSlot()
: TGo4FitSlotList
- GetSlotList()
: TGo4FitSlotList
- GetUseBinScale()
: TGo4FitData
- GetUseBuffers()
: TGo4FitComponent
- GetUsePolynom()
: TGo4FitPeakFinder
- GetValue()
: TGo4FitParameter
- GetWidth()
: TGo4FitModel
- GetWidthPar()
: TGo4FitModel
- GetWidthParIndex()
: TGo4FitModel
, TGo4FitModelFunction
, TGo4FitModelGaussN
, TGo4FitModelFormula
, TGo4FitModelGauss2
, TGo4FitModelGauss1
- GetWidthParName()
: TGo4FitModelGaussN
- GetWidthValues()
: TGo4FitData
: TGo4FitMinuitResult
Generated on Thu Oct 28 15:54:18 2010 for Go4-Fitpackagev4.04-2 by