Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
TGo4AppControlTimerTimer with main purpose to block the root TApplication loop during thread execution
TGo4BufferQueueClass containing a pointer queue for TBuffers
TGo4CancelExceptionCancel thread associated with runnable or with threadname
TGo4ClientTaskThis class controls a client application running in a task which is controlled by another server task via transport channels which are held by a task handler object
TGo4ComAction1Example command calling action routine 1 of example application
TGo4ComAction2Example command calling action routine 2 of example application
TGo4ComDisconnectSlaveMaster command: current slave is removed (disconnected) from server
TGo4ComExecLineCommand executes string as CINT macro
TGo4CommandThis is the Go4 Abstract Command Class; part of the Base command pattern
TGo4CommandInvokerClass that knows Command Object; When Client gets the Command it is passed to the Invoker who sets the CommandClient as receiver and calls its Execute method
TGo4CommandRunnableRunnable responsible for command exchange between transport (socket) and buffer (queue) In receiver mode, commands are received from transport, checked if sync or not, the command receiver of system (client) commands is set to the clienttask, sync commands are executed directly, async commands are passed to the queue in not receiver mode, runnables waits for the queue and sends all commands from the queue over the transport thread
TGo4ComMasterQuitMaster Command to quit (terminate) the master application
TGo4ComQuitCommand to quit (terminate) the client, after successful quit, the client may be removed from taskmanager on the server side
TGo4ComRemoveClientServer command: current client is removed (disconnected) from server
TGo4ComServerQuitServer Command to quit (terminate) the server and the application all clients are removed before
TGo4ComStartCommand calling the virtual method Start() of Client Task class; this method is overridden by user client, thus any start action of the application may be invoked by this (e.g
TGo4ComStopCommand calling the virtual method Stop() of Client Task class; this method is overridden by user client, thus any stop action of the application may be invoked by this (e.g
TGo4ConnectorRunnableRunnable to handle connection request from a new client which connects to a listening Transport channel (socket) on a fixed port number (e.g
TGo4ControlExceptionException Class responsible for runtime control actions: Exception mechanism is used as command pattern here; concrete exceptions act on single threads or the thread manager
TGo4ControllerRunnableRunnable performing the main action of example client task: getting commands out of command queue, sending objects into data queue thread
TGo4CreateExceptionCreate a thread associated with the runnable
TGo4DataRunnableRunnable responsible for data object exchange between transport (socket) and buffer (queue) In receiver mode, data objects are received from transport and passed to the queue in non receiver mode, runnables waits for the queue and sends all data objects from the queue over the transport thread
TGo4ExampleApplicationExample application class; this class may also run as standalone application without the threaded client-server mechanism (e.g
TGo4ExampleClientExample class for a client application; this may be the analysis client later on which keeps the analysis class itself as aggregate and provides threads to work on analysis
TGo4ExampleControllerExample class for a user control interface (might be a kind of GUI later on); methods of this class are used to request commands from the user and to display results which are sent by the client
TGo4ExampleServerExample class for a server task that fits to the example application
TGo4LocalCommandRunnableRunnable which executes all local commands on the server side to prevent gui from blocking
TGo4LoggingRunnableRunnable performing control watcher functions of example client task: status of application is send to status queue thread
TGo4MainRunnableRunnable performing the main action of example client task: getting commands out of command queue, sending objects into data queue thread
TGo4ObjectQueueClass containing a pointer queue for objects
TGo4ObjectStatusOne entry of the object names folder
TGo4ParameterBase class for all parameter aggregations, e.g
TGo4QueueBase class for all threadsafe pointer queues
TGo4RemoteCommandThis command is a container for commands to be send from master to slave via inter-process transport
TGo4RemoveExceptionException with default handler which removes TGo4Thread of given name from the threadhandlerlist of given TGo4Runnable (usually the exception throwing runnable) and deletes it; if no threadname is specified, the respective thread of the runnable is removed
TGo4ReplaceExceptionException with the effect of removing old TGo4Thread from TGo4ThreadHandler and creating and starting new TGo4Thread with new runnable fxNewRunnable
TGo4RestartExceptionException which cancels and recreates a thread associated with runnable, or associated with a given name
TGo4RunnableBase class for all go4 runnables
TGo4SlaveBaseclass for all slave process entities
TGo4StartExceptionStart thread associated with runnable
TGo4StatusRunnableRunnable responsible for status object exchange between transport (socket) and buffer (queue) In receiver mode, status objects are received from transport and passed to the queue in non receiver mode, runnables waits for the queue and sends all status objects from the queue over the transport thread
TGo4TaskConnectorTimerTimer aggregated to the servertask which is responsible to open and handle the negotiation requests of the clients
TGo4TaskHandlerThis class is responsible for the interconnection of two tasks: provided are three communication channels (data, command, status), one thread runnable is acting on each transport channel (e.g
TGo4TaskHandlerCommandListClass containing all command prototypes of the TaskHandler system commands (and the basic test commands); may be derived by application or user command list class which can add own commands into the list using AddCommand Method of TGo4CommandProtoList Base Class
TGo4TaskHandlerRunnableThis is the abstract interface for all runnables associated with the taskhandler class interface
TGo4TaskOwnerBaseclass for all instances that can own a TGo4Task
TGo4TerminateExceptionException which terminates the threadmanager and the application
TGo4TestRunnableExample of a user defined runnable subclass
TGo4TestThreadManagerExample of a user subclass of the threadmanager
TGo4ThreadClass that encapsulates a root TThread which calls a user runnable Method (TGo4Runnable::Run()) in a loop
TGo4ThreadExceptionException base class for all exceptions acting on a thread
TGo4ThreadHandlerThread Handler holds array of Go4Thread Objects; each Go4Thread handles one TThread and Mutex, Condition
TGo4ThreadManagerBase class for classes that shall be accessed from a thread /runnable instance
TGo4WatchRunnableRunnable performing control watcher functions of example client task: status of application is send to status queue thread

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