GSI Object Oriented Online Offline (Go4)
This is the complete list of members for TGo4Picture, including all inherited members.
Add(TString &s, const char *buf) | TGo4Picture | inlinestatic |
AddCondition(TNamed *cond=0) | TGo4Picture | |
AddCondition(Int_t posy, Int_t posx, TNamed *cond=0) | TGo4Picture | |
AddGraph(TGraph *gr, Option_t *DrawOption=0) | TGo4Picture | |
AddGraph(Int_t posy, Int_t posx, TGraph *gr, Option_t *DrawOption=0) | TGo4Picture | |
AddH1(TH1 *histo, Option_t *DrawOption=0) | TGo4Picture | |
AddH1(Int_t posy, Int_t posx, TH1 *histo, Option_t *DrawOption=0) | TGo4Picture | |
AddHStack(THStack *st, Option_t *DrawOption=0) | TGo4Picture | |
AddHStack(Int_t posy, Int_t posx, THStack *st, Option_t *DrawOption=0) | TGo4Picture | |
AddObject(TObject *obj, Option_t *DrawOption=0) | TGo4Picture | |
AddObject(Int_t posy, Int_t posx, TObject *obj, Option_t *DrawOption=0) | TGo4Picture | |
AddObjName(const char *name, Option_t *DrawOption=0) | TGo4Picture | |
AddObjName(Int_t posy, Int_t posx, const char *name, Option_t *DrawOption=0) | TGo4Picture | |
AddSpecialObject(TObject *obj, Option_t *drawopt=0) | TGo4Picture | |
AddSpecialObjectXml(const char *xmlcode, Option_t *drawopt=0) | TGo4Picture | |
AddSubPicture(TGo4Picture *pic) | TGo4Picture | protected |
Cast(TObject *obj, TClass *cl) | TGo4Picture | protected |
ChangeDrawOption(Int_t kind, Int_t value) | TGo4Picture | |
CheckIndex(Int_t &index) | TGo4Picture | protected |
CheckPosition(Int_t posy, Int_t posx) | TGo4Picture | protected |
Clear(Option_t *option="") | TGo4Picture | virtual |
ClearAllOptions(Short_t index=UndefIndex) | TGo4Picture | protected |
ClearFillAtt(Int_t index=UndefIndex) | TGo4Picture | |
ClearFullRange(Int_t naxis=-1) | TGo4Picture | |
ClearLineAtt(Int_t index=UndefIndex) | TGo4Picture | |
ClearLogScales() | TGo4Picture | |
ClearMarkerAtt(Int_t index=UndefIndex) | TGo4Picture | |
ClearObjNames(Bool_t recursive=kFALSE) | TGo4Picture | |
ClearOption(Short_t index, Short_t typ) | TGo4Picture | protected |
ClearOption(Int_t pos) | TGo4Picture | protected |
ClearRange(Int_t naxis=-1) | TGo4Picture | |
ClearRangeX() | TGo4Picture | |
ClearRangeY() | TGo4Picture | |
ClearRangeZ() | TGo4Picture | |
ClearRebin(Int_t index=UndefIndex) | TGo4Picture | |
CopyOptionsFrom(TGo4Picture *source) | TGo4Picture | |
Draw(Option_t *option="") | TGo4Picture | virtual |
DrawPic(TVirtualPad *pad) | TGo4Picture | protected |
ExtendOptPos(Short_t index, Short_t typ) | TGo4Picture | protected |
fiLastIndex | TGo4Picture | private |
fiNDivX | TGo4Picture | private |
fiNDivY | TGo4Picture | private |
FindOptPos(Short_t index, Short_t typ) const | TGo4Picture | protected |
FindPic(Int_t posy, Int_t posx) | TGo4Picture | |
FindStyle(Int_t index=UndefIndex) | TGo4Picture | |
fiOptSize | TGo4Picture | private |
fiPosX | TGo4Picture | private |
fiPosY | TGo4Picture | private |
fxNames | TGo4Picture | private |
fxObjects | TGo4Picture | private |
fxOptIndex | TGo4Picture | private |
fxOptObjects | TGo4Picture | private |
fxOptValue | TGo4Picture | private |
fxSpecialObjects | TGo4Picture | private |
fxSubPictures | TGo4Picture | private |
GetAxisAtt(Int_t naxis, TAxis *axis, Int_t index=UndefIndex) | TGo4Picture | protected |
GetD(Short_t index, Short_t typ, Double_t def=0.) | TGo4Picture | protected |
GetDivX() | TGo4Picture | inline |
GetDivY() | TGo4Picture | inline |
GetDrawAttributes(TObject *obj, Int_t index=UndefIndex) | TGo4Picture | |
GetDrawOption() | TGo4Picture | inlinevirtual |
GetDrawOption(Int_t index) | TGo4Picture | virtual |
GetFillAtt(TAttFill *fill, Int_t index=UndefIndex) | TGo4Picture | |
GetFrameAttr(TPad *pad) | TGo4Picture | |
GetFullRange(Int_t naxis, Double_t &min, Double_t &max) | TGo4Picture | |
GetFullRangeDim() const | TGo4Picture | |
GetH1Att(TH1 *h1, Int_t index=UndefIndex) | TGo4Picture | protected |
GetHisContour() const | TGo4Picture | |
GetI(Short_t index, Short_t typ, Long_t def=0) const | TGo4Picture | protected |
GetLineAtt(TAttLine *line, Int_t index=UndefIndex) | TGo4Picture | |
GetLogScale(Int_t nscale=0) | TGo4Picture | |
GetLogScales(TVirtualPad *pad) | TGo4Picture | |
GetMarkerAtt(TAttMarker *marker, Int_t index=UndefIndex) | TGo4Picture | |
GetNumObjNames() | TGo4Picture | |
GetObjAttIndex(TObject *obj) | TGo4Picture | protected |
GetObjName(Int_t n) | TGo4Picture | |
GetObjOption(Short_t index, Short_t typ) | TGo4Picture | protected |
GetOption(Short_t index, Short_t typ, Long_t &value) const | TGo4Picture | protected |
GetOptionD(Short_t index, Short_t typ, Double_t &value) | TGo4Picture | protected |
GetOptionF(Short_t index, Short_t typ, Float_t &value) | TGo4Picture | protected |
GetPadAtt(TPad *pad, Int_t index=UndefIndex) | TGo4Picture | protected |
GetRange(Int_t naxis, Double_t &min, Double_t &max) | TGo4Picture | |
GetRangeX(Double_t &min, Double_t &max) | TGo4Picture | |
GetRangeY(Double_t &min, Double_t &max) | TGo4Picture | |
GetRangeZ(Double_t &min, Double_t &max) | TGo4Picture | |
GetRebinX(Int_t index=UndefIndex) | TGo4Picture | |
GetRebinY(Int_t index=UndefIndex) | TGo4Picture | |
GetSpecialObjects() const | TGo4Picture | inline |
GetStatsAttr(TPaveStats *stats) | TGo4Picture | |
GetStrOption(Short_t index, Short_t typ, const char *defvalue=0) | TGo4Picture | protected |
GetStyle(Int_t index=UndefIndex) | TGo4Picture | |
GetTitleAttr(TPaveText *titl) | TGo4Picture | |
GetTotalSize() | TGo4Picture | |
GetXAxisTimeFormat() | TGo4Picture | |
HasTitleAttr() | TGo4Picture | |
Indexes enum name | TGo4Picture | |
IsApplyToAll() const | TGo4Picture | |
IsAutoScale() const | TGo4Picture | |
IsAutoZoom() const | TGo4Picture | |
IsContentModified() const | TGo4Picture | |
IsCrosshair() const | TGo4Picture | |
IsDivided() | TGo4Picture | inline |
IsDrawHeader() | TGo4Picture | |
IsHisStats() const | TGo4Picture | |
IsHisTitle() const | TGo4Picture | |
IsLegendDraw() const | TGo4Picture | |
IsObjNames() | TGo4Picture | |
IsPadModified() const | TGo4Picture | |
IsSuperimpose() const | TGo4Picture | |
IsTitleDate() const | TGo4Picture | |
IsTitleItem() const | TGo4Picture | |
IsTitleTime() const | TGo4Picture | |
IsXAxisTimeDisplay() | TGo4Picture | |
IsXYRatioOne() | TGo4Picture | |
LPic(Int_t nline, Int_t ncol) | TGo4Picture | |
MakeAxisScript(std::ostream &fs, const char *name, Int_t indx, Int_t naxis) | TGo4Picture | protected |
MakeScript(std::ostream &fs, const char *name) | TGo4Picture | protected |
operator()(int posy, int posx) | TGo4Picture | inline |
Pic(Int_t posy, Int_t posx) | TGo4Picture | |
PictureIndex enum value | TGo4Picture | |
Print(Option_t *option="") const | TGo4Picture | virtual |
PrintPic(int shift, Bool_t showopt) | TGo4Picture | protected |
Reset() | TGo4Picture | inline |
SavePrimitive(std::ofstream &fs, Option_t *="") | TGo4Picture | virtual |
SetApplyToAll(bool on) | TGo4Picture | |
SetAutoScale(bool on) | TGo4Picture | |
SetAutoZoom(bool on) | TGo4Picture | |
SetAxisAtt(Int_t naxis, Color_t AxisColor, Color_t LabelColor, Style_t LabelFont, Float_t LabelOffset, Float_t LabelSize, Int_t Ndivisions, Float_t TickLength, Color_t TitleColor, Style_t TitleFont, Float_t TitleOffset, Float_t TitleSize, Bool_t decimals, const char *ticks, Int_t bits, Int_t index=UndefIndex) | TGo4Picture | |
SetAxisAtt(Int_t naxis, TAxis *axis, Int_t index=UndefIndex) | TGo4Picture | protected |
SetAxisLabelFontSize(Int_t naxis, Float_t LabelSize, Int_t index=UndefIndex) | TGo4Picture | |
SetAxisTitleFontSize(Int_t naxis, Float_t TitleSize, Int_t index=UndefIndex) | TGo4Picture | |
SetContentModified(bool on=true) | TGo4Picture | |
SetCrosshair(bool on) | TGo4Picture | |
SetDivision(Int_t ndivy, Int_t ndivx) | TGo4Picture | |
SetDrawAttributes(TObject *obj, Int_t index=UndefIndex) | TGo4Picture | |
SetDrawHeader(Bool_t draw=kTRUE) | TGo4Picture | |
SetDrawOption(Option_t *option="") | TGo4Picture | inlinevirtual |
SetDrawOption(Option_t *option, Int_t index) | TGo4Picture | virtual |
SetFillAtt(Color_t color, Style_t style, Int_t index=UndefIndex) | TGo4Picture | |
SetFillAtt(TAttFill *fill, Int_t index=UndefIndex) | TGo4Picture | |
SetFrameAttr(Double_t left, Double_t top, Double_t right, Double_t bottom) | TGo4Picture | |
SetFrameAttr(TPad *pad) | TGo4Picture | |
SetFullRange(Int_t naxis, Double_t min, Double_t max) | TGo4Picture | |
SetFullRangeDim(Int_t ndim) | TGo4Picture | |
SetH1Att(TH1 *h1, Int_t index=UndefIndex) | TGo4Picture | protected |
SetHisContour(Int_t nlvl) | TGo4Picture | |
SetHisStats(Bool_t on) | TGo4Picture | |
SetHisTitle(bool on) | TGo4Picture | |
SetLegendDraw(bool on) | TGo4Picture | |
SetLineAtt(Color_t color, Style_t style, Width_t width, Int_t index=UndefIndex) | TGo4Picture | |
SetLineAtt(TAttLine *line, Int_t index=UndefIndex) | TGo4Picture | |
SetLinesDivision(Int_t numlines, const Int_t *numbers) | TGo4Picture | |
SetLinesDivision(Int_t numlines, Int_t n0=1, Int_t n1=1, Int_t n2=1, Int_t n3=1, Int_t n4=1, Int_t n5=1, Int_t n6=1, Int_t n7=1, Int_t n8=1, Int_t n9=1) | TGo4Picture | |
SetLogScale(Int_t nscale=0, Int_t zn=1) | TGo4Picture | |
SetMarkerAtt(Color_t color, Size_t size, Style_t style, Int_t index=UndefIndex) | TGo4Picture | |
SetMarkerAtt(TAttMarker *marker, Int_t index=UndefIndex) | TGo4Picture | |
SetObjOption(Short_t index, Short_t typ, TObject *obj) | TGo4Picture | protected |
SetOption(Short_t index, Short_t typ, Long_t value) | TGo4Picture | protected |
SetOptionD(Short_t index, Short_t typ, Double_t value) | TGo4Picture | protected |
SetOptionF(Short_t index, Short_t typ, Float_t value) | TGo4Picture | protected |
SetPadAtt(Int_t BorderMode, Int_t BorderSize, Int_t Gridx, Int_t Gridy, Double_t Phi, Double_t Theta, Int_t Tickx, Int_t Ticky, Int_t index=PictureIndex) | TGo4Picture | |
SetPadAtt(TPad *pad, Int_t index=UndefIndex) | TGo4Picture | protected |
SetPadModified(bool on=true) | TGo4Picture | |
SetPosition(Int_t posy, Int_t posx) | TGo4Picture | protected |
SetRange(Int_t naxis, Double_t min, Double_t max) | TGo4Picture | |
SetRangeX(Double_t min, Double_t max) | TGo4Picture | |
SetRangeY(Double_t min, Double_t max) | TGo4Picture | |
SetRangeZ(Double_t min, Double_t max) | TGo4Picture | |
SetRebinX(Int_t ngroupx, Int_t index=UndefIndex) | TGo4Picture | |
SetRebinY(Int_t ngroupy, Int_t index=UndefIndex) | TGo4Picture | |
SetSelectedIndex(Int_t index=PictureIndex) | TGo4Picture | inline |
SetStatsAttr(Double_t x1, Double_t y1, Double_t x2, Double_t y2, Int_t optstat=1111, const char *statformat="6.4g", Int_t optfit=1111, const char *fitformat="5.4g") | TGo4Picture | |
SetStatsAttr(TPaveStats *stats) | TGo4Picture | |
SetStrOption(Short_t index, Short_t typ, const char *value) | TGo4Picture | protected |
SetStyle(TStyle *style, Int_t index=UndefIndex) | TGo4Picture | |
SetSuperimpose(bool on) | TGo4Picture | |
SetTitleAttr(Double_t x1, Double_t y1, Double_t x2, Double_t y2, Double_t textsize=0.) | TGo4Picture | |
SetTitleAttr(TPaveText *titl) | TGo4Picture | |
SetTitleDate(Bool_t on=kTRUE) | TGo4Picture | |
SetTitleItem(Bool_t on=kTRUE) | TGo4Picture | |
SetTitleTime(Bool_t on=kTRUE) | TGo4Picture | |
SetXAxisAttTime(Bool_t timedisplay, const char *format, Int_t index=UndefIndex) | TGo4Picture | |
SetXAxisTimeDisplay(Bool_t on) | TGo4Picture | |
SetXAxisTimeFormat(const char *format) | TGo4Picture | |
SetXYRatioOne(Bool_t on) | TGo4Picture | |
TGo4Picture() | TGo4Picture | |
TGo4Picture(const char *name, const char *title, Int_t ndivy=1, Int_t ndivx=1) | TGo4Picture | |
TGo4Picture(TGo4Picture &picture) | TGo4Picture | protected |
UndefIndex enum value | TGo4Picture | |
UpdateFrom(TGo4Picture *source, TClass *selectedobjclass=0) | TGo4Picture | |
~TGo4Picture() | TGo4Picture | virtual |