GSI Object Oriented Online Offline (Go4)  GO4-5.3.2
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TGo4Picture Class Reference

#include <TGo4Picture.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for TGo4Picture:

Public Types

enum  Indexes { UndefIndex = -2, PictureIndex = -1 }

Public Member Functions

 TGo4Picture ()
 TGo4Picture (const char *name, const char *title, Int_t ndivy=1, Int_t ndivx=1)
virtual ~TGo4Picture ()
void SetDrawHeader (Bool_t draw=kTRUE)
Bool_t IsDrawHeader ()
void SetDivision (Int_t ndivy, Int_t ndivx)
Int_t GetDivX ()
Int_t GetDivY ()
Bool_t IsDivided ()
TGo4Pictureoperator() (int posy, int posx)
TGo4PicturePic (Int_t posy, Int_t posx)
TGo4PictureFindPic (Int_t posy, Int_t posx)
void SetLinesDivision (Int_t numlines, const Int_t *numbers)
void SetLinesDivision (Int_t numlines, Int_t n0=1, Int_t n1=1, Int_t n2=1, Int_t n3=1, Int_t n4=1, Int_t n5=1, Int_t n6=1, Int_t n7=1, Int_t n8=1, Int_t n9=1)
TGo4PictureLPic (Int_t nline, Int_t ncol)
void AddH1 (TH1 *histo, Option_t *DrawOption=0)
void AddH1 (Int_t posy, Int_t posx, TH1 *histo, Option_t *DrawOption=0)
void AddHStack (THStack *st, Option_t *DrawOption=0)
void AddHStack (Int_t posy, Int_t posx, THStack *st, Option_t *DrawOption=0)
void AddGraph (TGraph *gr, Option_t *DrawOption=0)
void AddGraph (Int_t posy, Int_t posx, TGraph *gr, Option_t *DrawOption=0)
void AddCondition (TNamed *cond=0)
void AddCondition (Int_t posy, Int_t posx, TNamed *cond=0)
void ClearObjNames (Bool_t recursive=kFALSE)
void SetRangeX (Double_t min, Double_t max)
Bool_t GetRangeX (Double_t &min, Double_t &max)
void ClearRangeX ()
void SetRangeY (Double_t min, Double_t max)
Bool_t GetRangeY (Double_t &min, Double_t &max)
void ClearRangeY ()
void SetRangeZ (Double_t min, Double_t max)
Bool_t GetRangeZ (Double_t &min, Double_t &max)
void ClearRangeZ ()
void SetLogScale (Int_t nscale=0, Int_t zn=1)
Int_t GetLogScale (Int_t nscale=0)
void GetLogScales (TVirtualPad *pad)
void ClearLogScales ()
void SetSelectedIndex (Int_t index=PictureIndex)
void SetLineAtt (Color_t color, Style_t style, Width_t width, Int_t index=UndefIndex)
void SetLineAtt (TAttLine *line, Int_t index=UndefIndex)
Bool_t GetLineAtt (TAttLine *line, Int_t index=UndefIndex)
void ClearLineAtt (Int_t index=UndefIndex)
void SetFillAtt (Color_t color, Style_t style, Int_t index=UndefIndex)
void SetFillAtt (TAttFill *fill, Int_t index=UndefIndex)
Bool_t GetFillAtt (TAttFill *fill, Int_t index=UndefIndex)
void ClearFillAtt (Int_t index=UndefIndex)
void SetMarkerAtt (Color_t color, Size_t size, Style_t style, Int_t index=UndefIndex)
void SetMarkerAtt (TAttMarker *marker, Int_t index=UndefIndex)
Bool_t GetMarkerAtt (TAttMarker *marker, Int_t index=UndefIndex)
void ClearMarkerAtt (Int_t index=UndefIndex)
void SetRebinX (Int_t ngroupx, Int_t index=UndefIndex)
void SetRebinY (Int_t ngroupy, Int_t index=UndefIndex)
Int_t GetRebinX (Int_t index=UndefIndex)
Int_t GetRebinY (Int_t index=UndefIndex)
void ClearRebin (Int_t index=UndefIndex)
void SetDrawAttributes (TObject *obj, Int_t index=UndefIndex)
void GetDrawAttributes (TObject *obj, Int_t index=UndefIndex)
virtual void SetDrawOption (Option_t *option="")
virtual void SetDrawOption (Option_t *option, Int_t index)
virtual Option_t * GetDrawOption ()
virtual Option_t * GetDrawOption (Int_t index)
void SetHisStats (Bool_t on)
Bool_t IsHisStats () const
void SetFrameAttr (Double_t left, Double_t top, Double_t right, Double_t bottom)
void SetFrameAttr (TPad *pad)
Bool_t GetFrameAttr (TPad *pad)
void SetStatsAttr (Double_t x1, Double_t y1, Double_t x2, Double_t y2, Int_t optstat=1111, const char *statformat="6.4g", Int_t optfit=1111, const char *fitformat="5.4g")
void SetStatsAttr (TPaveStats *stats)
Bool_t GetStatsAttr (TPaveStats *stats)
void SetHisContour (Int_t nlvl)
Int_t GetHisContour () const
void SetHisTitle (bool on)
Bool_t IsHisTitle () const
void SetTitleAttr (Double_t x1, Double_t y1, Double_t x2, Double_t y2, Double_t textsize=0.)
void SetTitleAttr (TPaveText *titl)
Bool_t HasTitleAttr ()
Bool_t GetTitleAttr (TPaveText *titl)
void SetTitleTime (Bool_t on=kTRUE)
Bool_t IsTitleTime () const
void SetTitleDate (Bool_t on=kTRUE)
Bool_t IsTitleDate () const
void SetTitleItem (Bool_t on=kTRUE)
Bool_t IsTitleItem () const
void SetLegendDraw (bool on)
bool IsLegendDraw () const
void SetCrosshair (bool on)
bool IsCrosshair () const
void SetAutoScale (bool on)
bool IsAutoScale () const
void SetSuperimpose (bool on)
bool IsSuperimpose () const
void SetApplyToAll (bool on)
bool IsApplyToAll () const
void SetAutoZoom (bool on)
bool IsAutoZoom () const
virtual void Draw (Option_t *option="")
virtual void Clear (Option_t *option="")
virtual void Print (Option_t *option="") const
virtual void SavePrimitive (std::ofstream &fs, Option_t *="")
void AddObjName (const char *name, Option_t *DrawOption=0)
void AddObjName (Int_t posy, Int_t posx, const char *name, Option_t *DrawOption=0)
void AddObject (TObject *obj, Option_t *DrawOption=0)
void AddObject (Int_t posy, Int_t posx, TObject *obj, Option_t *DrawOption=0)
void Reset ()
void UpdateFrom (TGo4Picture *source, TClass *selectedobjclass=0)
void CopyOptionsFrom (TGo4Picture *source)
Int_t GetNumObjNames ()
const char * GetObjName (Int_t n)
Bool_t IsObjNames ()
void AddSpecialObject (TObject *obj, Option_t *drawopt=0)
void AddSpecialObjectXml (const char *xmlcode, Option_t *drawopt=0)
TList * GetSpecialObjects () const
void SetStyle (TStyle *style, Int_t index=UndefIndex)
TStyle * FindStyle (Int_t index=UndefIndex)
TStyle * GetStyle (Int_t index=UndefIndex)
void SetAxisLabelFontSize (Int_t naxis, Float_t LabelSize, Int_t index=UndefIndex)
void SetAxisTitleFontSize (Int_t naxis, Float_t TitleSize, Int_t index=UndefIndex)
void SetAxisAtt (Int_t naxis, Color_t AxisColor, Color_t LabelColor, Style_t LabelFont, Float_t LabelOffset, Float_t LabelSize, Int_t Ndivisions, Float_t TickLength, Color_t TitleColor, Style_t TitleFont, Float_t TitleOffset, Float_t TitleSize, Bool_t decimals, const char *ticks, Int_t bits, Int_t index=UndefIndex)
void SetXAxisAttTime (Bool_t timedisplay, const char *format, Int_t index=UndefIndex)
Bool_t IsXAxisTimeDisplay ()
void SetXAxisTimeDisplay (Bool_t on)
void SetXAxisTimeFormat (const char *format)
const char * GetXAxisTimeFormat ()
void SetXYRatioOne (Bool_t on)
Bool_t IsXYRatioOne ()
void SetPadAtt (Int_t BorderMode, Int_t BorderSize, Int_t Gridx, Int_t Gridy, Double_t Phi, Double_t Theta, Int_t Tickx, Int_t Ticky, Int_t index=PictureIndex)
void SetContentModified (bool on=true)
bool IsContentModified () const
void SetPadModified (bool on=true)
bool IsPadModified () const
void SetFullRangeDim (Int_t ndim)
Int_t GetFullRangeDim () const
void SetFullRange (Int_t naxis, Double_t min, Double_t max)
Bool_t GetFullRange (Int_t naxis, Double_t &min, Double_t &max)
void ClearFullRange (Int_t naxis=-1)
void SetRange (Int_t naxis, Double_t min, Double_t max)
Bool_t GetRange (Int_t naxis, Double_t &min, Double_t &max)
void ClearRange (Int_t naxis=-1)
void ChangeDrawOption (Int_t kind, Int_t value)
Long_t GetTotalSize ()

Static Public Member Functions

static void Add (TString &s, const char *buf)

Protected Member Functions

 TGo4Picture (TGo4Picture &picture)
void AddSubPicture (TGo4Picture *pic)
Int_t GetObjAttIndex (TObject *obj)
void SetPosition (Int_t posy, Int_t posx)
Bool_t CheckPosition (Int_t posy, Int_t posx)
Int_t FindOptPos (Short_t index, Short_t typ) const
Int_t ExtendOptPos (Short_t index, Short_t typ)
void SetOption (Short_t index, Short_t typ, Long_t value)
Bool_t GetOption (Short_t index, Short_t typ, Long_t &value) const
Long_t GetI (Short_t index, Short_t typ, Long_t def=0) const
void SetOptionF (Short_t index, Short_t typ, Float_t value)
Bool_t GetOptionF (Short_t index, Short_t typ, Float_t &value)
void SetOptionD (Short_t index, Short_t typ, Double_t value)
Bool_t GetOptionD (Short_t index, Short_t typ, Double_t &value)
Double_t GetD (Short_t index, Short_t typ, Double_t def=0.)
void SetObjOption (Short_t index, Short_t typ, TObject *obj)
TObject * GetObjOption (Short_t index, Short_t typ)
void SetStrOption (Short_t index, Short_t typ, const char *value)
const char * GetStrOption (Short_t index, Short_t typ, const char *defvalue=0)
void ClearOption (Short_t index, Short_t typ)
void ClearOption (Int_t pos)
void ClearAllOptions (Short_t index=UndefIndex)
void * Cast (TObject *obj, TClass *cl)
void CheckIndex (Int_t &index)
void DrawPic (TVirtualPad *pad)
void PrintPic (int shift, Bool_t showopt)
void SetH1Att (TH1 *h1, Int_t index=UndefIndex)
void GetH1Att (TH1 *h1, Int_t index=UndefIndex)
void SetAxisAtt (Int_t naxis, TAxis *axis, Int_t index=UndefIndex)
void GetAxisAtt (Int_t naxis, TAxis *axis, Int_t index=UndefIndex)
void SetPadAtt (TPad *pad, Int_t index=UndefIndex)
void GetPadAtt (TPad *pad, Int_t index=UndefIndex)
void MakeScript (std::ostream &fs, const char *name)
void MakeAxisScript (std::ostream &fs, const char *name, Int_t indx, Int_t naxis)

Private Attributes

Int_t fiNDivX
Int_t fiNDivY
Int_t fiPosX
Int_t fiPosY
TObjArray * fxNames
TObjArray * fxObjects
TObjArray * fxSubPictures
Int_t fiOptSize
TArrayL fxOptIndex
TArrayL fxOptValue
TObjArray * fxOptObjects
TList * fxSpecialObjects
Int_t fiLastIndex

Detailed Description

Definition at line 41 of file TGo4Picture.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation


Definition at line 43 of file TGo4Picture.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

TGo4Picture::TGo4Picture ( )

Definition at line 131 of file TGo4Picture.cxx.

Referenced by Pic(), and UpdateFrom().

TGo4Picture::TGo4Picture ( const char *  name,
const char *  title,
Int_t  ndivy = 1,
Int_t  ndivx = 1 

Definition at line 149 of file TGo4Picture.cxx.

References SetDivision().

TGo4Picture::~TGo4Picture ( )

Definition at line 187 of file TGo4Picture.cxx.

References fxNames, fxObjects, fxOptObjects, fxSpecialObjects, and fxSubPictures.

TGo4Picture::TGo4Picture ( TGo4Picture picture)

Definition at line 168 of file TGo4Picture.cxx.

References UpdateFrom().

Member Function Documentation

static void TGo4Picture::Add ( TString &  s,
const char *  buf 

Definition at line 326 of file TGo4Picture.h.

void TGo4Picture::AddCondition ( TNamed *  cond = 0)

Definition at line 307 of file TGo4Picture.cxx.

References AddObject().

Referenced by TXXXProc::TXXXProc(), and TXXXUnpackProc::TXXXUnpackProc().

void TGo4Picture::AddCondition ( Int_t  posy,
Int_t  posx,
TNamed *  cond = 0 

Definition at line 312 of file TGo4Picture.cxx.

References AddObject().

void TGo4Picture::AddGraph ( TGraph *  gr,
Option_t *  DrawOption = 0 

Definition at line 297 of file TGo4Picture.cxx.

References AddObject().

void TGo4Picture::AddGraph ( Int_t  posy,
Int_t  posx,
TGraph *  gr,
Option_t *  DrawOption = 0 

Definition at line 302 of file TGo4Picture.cxx.

References AddObject().

void TGo4Picture::AddH1 ( TH1 *  histo,
Option_t *  DrawOption = 0 

Definition at line 277 of file TGo4Picture.cxx.

References AddObject().

void TGo4Picture::AddH1 ( Int_t  posy,
Int_t  posx,
TH1 *  histo,
Option_t *  DrawOption = 0 

Definition at line 282 of file TGo4Picture.cxx.

References AddObject().

void TGo4Picture::AddHStack ( THStack *  st,
Option_t *  DrawOption = 0 

Definition at line 287 of file TGo4Picture.cxx.

References AddObject().

void TGo4Picture::AddHStack ( Int_t  posy,
Int_t  posx,
THStack *  st,
Option_t *  DrawOption = 0 

Definition at line 292 of file TGo4Picture.cxx.

References AddObject().

void TGo4Picture::AddObject ( TObject *  obj,
Option_t *  DrawOption = 0 
void TGo4Picture::AddObject ( Int_t  posy,
Int_t  posx,
TObject *  obj,
Option_t *  DrawOption = 0 

Definition at line 383 of file TGo4Picture.cxx.

References AddObjName().

void TGo4Picture::AddObjName ( const char *  name,
Option_t *  DrawOption = 0 
void TGo4Picture::AddObjName ( Int_t  posy,
Int_t  posx,
const char *  name,
Option_t *  DrawOption = 0 

Definition at line 332 of file TGo4Picture.cxx.

References AddObjName(), and Pic().

void TGo4Picture::AddSpecialObject ( TObject *  obj,
Option_t *  drawopt = 0 

Definition at line 1779 of file TGo4Picture.cxx.

References fxSpecialObjects.

Referenced by AddSpecialObjectXml(), and TGo4ViewPanel::MakePictureForPad().

void TGo4Picture::AddSpecialObjectXml ( const char *  xmlcode,
Option_t *  drawopt = 0 

Definition at line 1789 of file TGo4Picture.cxx.

References AddSpecialObject().

void TGo4Picture::AddSubPicture ( TGo4Picture pic)

Definition at line 1769 of file TGo4Picture.cxx.

References fxSubPictures.

void * TGo4Picture::Cast ( TObject *  obj,
TClass *  cl 

Definition at line 944 of file TGo4Picture.cxx.

Referenced by GetDrawAttributes(), and SetDrawAttributes().

void TGo4Picture::ChangeDrawOption ( Int_t  kind,
Int_t  value 
void TGo4Picture::CheckIndex ( Int_t &  index)
Bool_t TGo4Picture::CheckPosition ( Int_t  posy,
Int_t  posx 

Definition at line 272 of file TGo4Picture.cxx.

References fiPosX, and fiPosY.

Referenced by FindPic().

void TGo4Picture::Clear ( Option_t *  option = "")
void TGo4Picture::ClearAllOptions ( Short_t  index = UndefIndex)

Definition at line 1646 of file TGo4Picture.cxx.

References ClearOption(), fiOptSize, fxOptIndex, fxOptObjects, and fxOptValue.

void TGo4Picture::ClearFillAtt ( Int_t  index = UndefIndex)

Definition at line 580 of file TGo4Picture.cxx.

References CheckIndex(), ClearOption(), op_FillColor, and op_FillStyle.

void TGo4Picture::ClearFullRange ( Int_t  naxis = -1)
void TGo4Picture::ClearLineAtt ( Int_t  index = UndefIndex)

Definition at line 547 of file TGo4Picture.cxx.

References CheckIndex(), ClearOption(), op_LineColor, op_LineStyle, and op_LineWidth.

void TGo4Picture::ClearLogScales ( )

Definition at line 512 of file TGo4Picture.cxx.

References ClearOption(), op_LogScaleX, op_LogScaleY, op_LogScaleZ, and PictureIndex.

void TGo4Picture::ClearMarkerAtt ( Int_t  index = UndefIndex)

Definition at line 615 of file TGo4Picture.cxx.

References CheckIndex(), ClearOption(), op_MarkerColor, op_MarkerSize, and op_MarkerStyle.

void TGo4Picture::ClearObjNames ( Bool_t  recursive = kFALSE)

Definition at line 338 of file TGo4Picture.cxx.

References ClearObjNames(), fiLastIndex, fxNames, and fxSubPictures.

Referenced by ClearObjNames().

void TGo4Picture::ClearOption ( Short_t  index,
Short_t  typ 
void TGo4Picture::ClearOption ( Int_t  pos)

Definition at line 1613 of file TGo4Picture.cxx.

References fiOptSize, fxOptIndex, fxOptObjects, fxOptValue, and op_ObjsBound.

void TGo4Picture::ClearRange ( Int_t  naxis = -1)
void TGo4Picture::ClearRangeX ( )

Definition at line 402 of file TGo4Picture.cxx.

References ClearOption(), op_RangeXMax, op_RangeXMin, and PictureIndex.

Referenced by ClearRange().

void TGo4Picture::ClearRangeY ( )

Definition at line 421 of file TGo4Picture.cxx.

References ClearOption(), op_RangeYMax, op_RangeYMin, and PictureIndex.

Referenced by ClearRange().

void TGo4Picture::ClearRangeZ ( )

Definition at line 440 of file TGo4Picture.cxx.

References ClearOption(), op_RangeZMax, op_RangeZMin, and PictureIndex.

Referenced by ClearRange().

void TGo4Picture::ClearRebin ( Int_t  index = UndefIndex)

Definition at line 653 of file TGo4Picture.cxx.

References CheckIndex(), ClearOption(), op_RebinX, and op_RebinY.

void TGo4Picture::CopyOptionsFrom ( TGo4Picture source)
void TGo4Picture::Draw ( Option_t *  option = "")

Definition at line 1701 of file TGo4Picture.cxx.

References DrawPic(), and IsDrawHeader().

void TGo4Picture::DrawPic ( TVirtualPad *  pad)
Int_t TGo4Picture::ExtendOptPos ( Short_t  index,
Short_t  typ 

Definition at line 1428 of file TGo4Picture.cxx.

References fiOptSize, fxOptIndex, and fxOptValue.

Referenced by SetObjOption(), and SetOption().

Int_t TGo4Picture::FindOptPos ( Short_t  index,
Short_t  typ 
) const
TGo4Picture * TGo4Picture::FindPic ( Int_t  posy,
Int_t  posx 
TStyle * TGo4Picture::FindStyle ( Int_t  index = UndefIndex)

Definition at line 1589 of file TGo4Picture.cxx.

References CheckIndex(), FindOptPos(), GetObjOption(), and op_Style.

Referenced by GetStyle().

void TGo4Picture::GetAxisAtt ( Int_t  naxis,
TAxis *  axis,
Int_t  index = UndefIndex 
Double_t TGo4Picture::GetD ( Short_t  index,
Short_t  typ,
Double_t  def = 0. 

Definition at line 1520 of file TGo4Picture.cxx.

References GetOptionD().

Referenced by MakeScript().

Int_t TGo4Picture::GetDivX ( )
Int_t TGo4Picture::GetDivY ( )
void TGo4Picture::GetDrawAttributes ( TObject *  obj,
Int_t  index = UndefIndex 
virtual Option_t* TGo4Picture::GetDrawOption ( )
Option_t * TGo4Picture::GetDrawOption ( Int_t  index)

Definition at line 1576 of file TGo4Picture.cxx.

References CheckIndex(), GetStrOption(), and op_Draw.

Bool_t TGo4Picture::GetFillAtt ( TAttFill *  fill,
Int_t  index = UndefIndex 

Definition at line 570 of file TGo4Picture.cxx.

References CheckIndex(), GetOption(), op_FillColor, and op_FillStyle.

Referenced by GetDrawAttributes(), and MakeScript().

Bool_t TGo4Picture::GetFrameAttr ( TPad *  pad)
Bool_t TGo4Picture::GetFullRange ( Int_t  naxis,
Double_t &  min,
Double_t &  max 
Int_t TGo4Picture::GetFullRangeDim ( ) const
void TGo4Picture::GetH1Att ( TH1 *  h1,
Int_t  index = UndefIndex 

Definition at line 691 of file TGo4Picture.cxx.

References CheckIndex(), and GetAxisAtt().

Referenced by GetDrawAttributes().

Int_t TGo4Picture::GetHisContour ( ) const
Long_t TGo4Picture::GetI ( Short_t  index,
Short_t  typ,
Long_t  def = 0 
) const

Definition at line 1457 of file TGo4Picture.cxx.

References GetOption().

Referenced by MakeScript().

Bool_t TGo4Picture::GetLineAtt ( TAttLine *  line,
Int_t  index = UndefIndex 

Definition at line 536 of file TGo4Picture.cxx.

References CheckIndex(), GetOption(), op_LineColor, op_LineStyle, and op_LineWidth.

Referenced by GetDrawAttributes(), and MakeScript().

Int_t TGo4Picture::GetLogScale ( Int_t  nscale = 0)
void TGo4Picture::GetLogScales ( TVirtualPad *  pad)

Definition at line 503 of file TGo4Picture.cxx.

References GetOption(), op_LogScaleX, op_LogScaleY, op_LogScaleZ, and PictureIndex.

Bool_t TGo4Picture::GetMarkerAtt ( TAttMarker *  marker,
Int_t  index = UndefIndex 

Definition at line 604 of file TGo4Picture.cxx.

References CheckIndex(), GetOption(), op_MarkerColor, op_MarkerSize, and op_MarkerStyle.

Referenced by GetDrawAttributes(), and MakeScript().

Int_t TGo4Picture::GetNumObjNames ( )
Int_t TGo4Picture::GetObjAttIndex ( TObject *  obj)

Definition at line 1663 of file TGo4Picture.cxx.

References GetNumObjNames(), GetObjName(), and UndefIndex.

const char * TGo4Picture::GetObjName ( Int_t  n)
TObject * TGo4Picture::GetObjOption ( Short_t  index,
Short_t  typ 

Definition at line 1548 of file TGo4Picture.cxx.

References FindOptPos(), fxOptObjects, fxOptValue, and op_ObjsBound.

Referenced by FindStyle(), and GetStrOption().

Bool_t TGo4Picture::GetOption ( Short_t  index,
Short_t  typ,
Long_t &  value 
) const
Bool_t TGo4Picture::GetOptionD ( Short_t  index,
Short_t  typ,
Double_t &  value 
Bool_t TGo4Picture::GetOptionF ( Short_t  index,
Short_t  typ,
Float_t &  value 

Definition at line 1476 of file TGo4Picture.cxx.

References GetOption().

Referenced by GetAxisAtt(), and MakeAxisScript().

void TGo4Picture::GetPadAtt ( TPad *  pad,
Int_t  index = UndefIndex 

Definition at line 926 of file TGo4Picture.cxx.

References CheckIndex(), GetDrawAttributes(), GetOption(), GetOptionD(), and op_Pad.

Referenced by GetDrawAttributes().

Bool_t TGo4Picture::GetRange ( Int_t  naxis,
Double_t &  min,
Double_t &  max 
Bool_t TGo4Picture::GetRangeX ( Double_t &  min,
Double_t &  max 

Definition at line 395 of file TGo4Picture.cxx.

References GetOptionD(), op_RangeXMax, op_RangeXMin, and PictureIndex.

Referenced by GetRange(), and MakeScript().

Bool_t TGo4Picture::GetRangeY ( Double_t &  min,
Double_t &  max 
Bool_t TGo4Picture::GetRangeZ ( Double_t &  min,
Double_t &  max 

Definition at line 433 of file TGo4Picture.cxx.

References GetOptionD(), op_RangeZMax, op_RangeZMin, and PictureIndex.

Referenced by GetRange(), and MakeScript().

Int_t TGo4Picture::GetRebinX ( Int_t  index = UndefIndex)

Definition at line 637 of file TGo4Picture.cxx.

References CheckIndex(), GetOption(), and op_RebinX.

Referenced by MakeScript(), and TGo4ViewPanel::ProcessPictureRedraw().

Int_t TGo4Picture::GetRebinY ( Int_t  index = UndefIndex)

Definition at line 645 of file TGo4Picture.cxx.

References CheckIndex(), GetOption(), and op_RebinY.

Referenced by MakeScript(), and TGo4ViewPanel::ProcessPictureRedraw().

TList* TGo4Picture::GetSpecialObjects ( ) const

Definition at line 249 of file TGo4Picture.h.

References fxSpecialObjects.

Referenced by TGo4ViewPanel::ProcessPictureRedraw(), and UpdateFrom().

Bool_t TGo4Picture::GetStatsAttr ( TPaveStats *  stats)
const char * TGo4Picture::GetStrOption ( Short_t  index,
Short_t  typ,
const char *  defvalue = 0 

Definition at line 1562 of file TGo4Picture.cxx.

References GetObjOption().

Referenced by GetAxisAtt(), GetDrawOption(), GetStatsAttr(), GetXAxisTimeFormat(), and MakeScript().

TStyle * TGo4Picture::GetStyle ( Int_t  index = UndefIndex)

Definition at line 1597 of file TGo4Picture.cxx.

References CheckIndex(), FindStyle(), op_Style, and SetObjOption().

Bool_t TGo4Picture::GetTitleAttr ( TPaveText *  titl)
Long_t TGo4Picture::GetTotalSize ( )

Returns total size, used by picture in memory

Definition at line 1797 of file TGo4Picture.cxx.

References fxNames, fxOptIndex, fxOptObjects, fxOptValue, fxSpecialObjects, fxSubPictures, GetDivX(), GetDivY(), GetTotalSize(), IsDivided(), and Pic().

Referenced by TGo4ObjectProxy::DefineObjectSize(), and GetTotalSize().

const char * TGo4Picture::GetXAxisTimeFormat ( )
Bool_t TGo4Picture::HasTitleAttr ( )
bool TGo4Picture::IsApplyToAll ( ) const

Definition at line 1218 of file TGo4Picture.cxx.

References GetOption(), op_ApplyToAll, and PictureIndex.

Referenced by MakeScript(), and TGo4ViewPanel::ProcessPictureRedraw().

bool TGo4Picture::IsAutoScale ( ) const
bool TGo4Picture::IsAutoZoom ( ) const

Definition at line 1230 of file TGo4Picture.cxx.

References GetOption(), op_AutoZoom, and PictureIndex.

Referenced by MakeScript(), and TGo4ViewPanel::ProcessPictureRedraw().

bool TGo4Picture::IsContentModified ( ) const

Definition at line 1242 of file TGo4Picture.cxx.

References GetOption(), op_ContentModified, and PictureIndex.

Referenced by TGo4ViewPanel::ProcessPadRedraw().

bool TGo4Picture::IsCrosshair ( ) const

Definition at line 1182 of file TGo4Picture.cxx.

References GetOption(), op_Crosshair, and PictureIndex.

Bool_t TGo4Picture::IsDivided ( )
Bool_t TGo4Picture::IsDrawHeader ( )

Definition at line 202 of file TGo4Picture.cxx.

References IsTitleDate(), and IsTitleTime().

Referenced by Draw().

Bool_t TGo4Picture::IsHisStats ( ) const
Bool_t TGo4Picture::IsHisTitle ( ) const
bool TGo4Picture::IsLegendDraw ( ) const
Bool_t TGo4Picture::IsObjNames ( )

Definition at line 357 of file TGo4Picture.cxx.

References fxSubPictures, GetNumObjNames(), and IsObjNames().

Referenced by IsObjNames().

bool TGo4Picture::IsPadModified ( ) const
bool TGo4Picture::IsSuperimpose ( ) const
Bool_t TGo4Picture::IsTitleDate ( ) const
Bool_t TGo4Picture::IsTitleItem ( ) const
Bool_t TGo4Picture::IsTitleTime ( ) const
Bool_t TGo4Picture::IsXAxisTimeDisplay ( )
Bool_t TGo4Picture::IsXYRatioOne ( )
TGo4Picture * TGo4Picture::LPic ( Int_t  nline,
Int_t  ncol 

Definition at line 258 of file TGo4Picture.cxx.

References IsDivided(), and Pic().

Referenced by TXXXProc::TXXXProc(), and TXXXUnpackProc::TXXXUnpackProc().

void TGo4Picture::MakeAxisScript ( std::ostream &  fs,
const char *  name,
Int_t  indx,
Int_t  naxis 

Definition at line 1857 of file TGo4Picture.cxx.

References GetOption(), GetOptionF(), op_AxisX, op_AxisY, and op_AxisZ.

Referenced by MakeScript().

void TGo4Picture::MakeScript ( std::ostream &  fs,
const char *  name 
TGo4Picture& TGo4Picture::operator() ( int  posy,
int  posx 

Definition at line 61 of file TGo4Picture.h.

References Pic().

TGo4Picture * TGo4Picture::Pic ( Int_t  posy,
Int_t  posx 
void TGo4Picture::Print ( Option_t *  option = "") const

Definition at line 1763 of file TGo4Picture.cxx.

void TGo4Picture::PrintPic ( int  shift,
Bool_t  showopt 
void TGo4Picture::Reset ( )
void TGo4Picture::SavePrimitive ( std::ofstream &  fs,
Option_t *  = "" 

Definition at line 1844 of file TGo4Picture.cxx.

void TGo4Picture::SetApplyToAll ( bool  on)

Definition at line 1213 of file TGo4Picture.cxx.

References op_ApplyToAll, PictureIndex, and SetOption().

Referenced by TGo4ViewPanel::MakePictureForPad().

void TGo4Picture::SetAutoScale ( bool  on)
void TGo4Picture::SetAutoZoom ( bool  on)

Definition at line 1225 of file TGo4Picture.cxx.

References op_AutoZoom, PictureIndex, and SetOption().

Referenced by TGo4ViewPanel::MakePictureForPad().

void TGo4Picture::SetAxisAtt ( Int_t  naxis,
Color_t  AxisColor,
Color_t  LabelColor,
Style_t  LabelFont,
Float_t  LabelOffset,
Float_t  LabelSize,
Int_t  Ndivisions,
Float_t  TickLength,
Color_t  TitleColor,
Style_t  TitleFont,
Float_t  TitleOffset,
Float_t  TitleSize,
Bool_t  decimals,
const char *  ticks,
Int_t  bits,
Int_t  index = UndefIndex 

Definition at line 777 of file TGo4Picture.cxx.

References CheckIndex(), op_AxisX, op_AxisY, op_AxisZ, SetOption(), and SetOptionF().

Referenced by SetAxisAtt(), and SetH1Att().

void TGo4Picture::SetAxisAtt ( Int_t  naxis,
TAxis *  axis,
Int_t  index = UndefIndex 

Definition at line 820 of file TGo4Picture.cxx.

References SetAxisAtt(), and SetXAxisAttTime().

void TGo4Picture::SetAxisLabelFontSize ( Int_t  naxis,
Float_t  LabelSize,
Int_t  index = UndefIndex 

Definition at line 700 of file TGo4Picture.cxx.

References CheckIndex(), op_AxisX, op_AxisY, op_AxisZ, and SetOptionF().

Referenced by TXXXUnpackProc::TXXXUnpackProc().

void TGo4Picture::SetAxisTitleFontSize ( Int_t  naxis,
Float_t  TitleSize,
Int_t  index = UndefIndex 

Definition at line 712 of file TGo4Picture.cxx.

References CheckIndex(), op_AxisX, op_AxisY, op_AxisZ, and SetOptionF().

void TGo4Picture::SetContentModified ( bool  on = true)
void TGo4Picture::SetCrosshair ( bool  on)

Definition at line 1177 of file TGo4Picture.cxx.

References op_Crosshair, PictureIndex, and SetOption().

Referenced by ChangeDrawOption().

void TGo4Picture::SetDivision ( Int_t  ndivy,
Int_t  ndivx 
void TGo4Picture::SetDrawAttributes ( TObject *  obj,
Int_t  index = UndefIndex 
void TGo4Picture::SetDrawHeader ( Bool_t  draw = kTRUE)

Definition at line 196 of file TGo4Picture.cxx.

References SetTitleDate(), and SetTitleTime().

virtual void TGo4Picture::SetDrawOption ( Option_t *  option = "")
void TGo4Picture::SetDrawOption ( Option_t *  option,
Int_t  index 

Definition at line 1569 of file TGo4Picture.cxx.

References CheckIndex(), ClearOption(), op_Draw, and SetStrOption().

void TGo4Picture::SetFillAtt ( Color_t  color,
Style_t  style,
Int_t  index = UndefIndex 
void TGo4Picture::SetFillAtt ( TAttFill *  fill,
Int_t  index = UndefIndex 

Definition at line 562 of file TGo4Picture.cxx.

References CheckIndex(), op_FillColor, op_FillStyle, and SetOption().

void TGo4Picture::SetFrameAttr ( Double_t  left,
Double_t  top,
Double_t  right,
Double_t  bottom 
void TGo4Picture::SetFrameAttr ( TPad *  pad)

Definition at line 960 of file TGo4Picture.cxx.

References SetFrameAttr().

void TGo4Picture::SetFullRange ( Int_t  naxis,
Double_t  min,
Double_t  max 
void TGo4Picture::SetFullRangeDim ( Int_t  ndim)
void TGo4Picture::SetH1Att ( TH1 *  h1,
Int_t  index = UndefIndex 

Definition at line 682 of file TGo4Picture.cxx.

References CheckIndex(), and SetAxisAtt().

Referenced by SetDrawAttributes().

void TGo4Picture::SetHisContour ( Int_t  nlvl)

Definition at line 1051 of file TGo4Picture.cxx.

References op_HisContour, PictureIndex, and SetOption().

Referenced by ChangeDrawOption().

void TGo4Picture::SetHisStats ( Bool_t  on)
void TGo4Picture::SetHisTitle ( bool  on)

Definition at line 1063 of file TGo4Picture.cxx.

References op_HisTitle, PictureIndex, and SetOption().

Referenced by ChangeDrawOption(), and TXXXUnpackProc::TXXXUnpackProc().

void TGo4Picture::SetLegendDraw ( bool  on)

Definition at line 1165 of file TGo4Picture.cxx.

References op_LegendDraw, PictureIndex, and SetOption().

Referenced by ChangeDrawOption().

void TGo4Picture::SetLineAtt ( Color_t  color,
Style_t  style,
Width_t  width,
Int_t  index = UndefIndex 
void TGo4Picture::SetLineAtt ( TAttLine *  line,
Int_t  index = UndefIndex 

Definition at line 527 of file TGo4Picture.cxx.

References CheckIndex(), op_LineColor, op_LineStyle, op_LineWidth, and SetOption().

void TGo4Picture::SetLinesDivision ( Int_t  numlines,
const Int_t *  numbers 

Definition at line 243 of file TGo4Picture.cxx.

References Pic(), and SetDivision().

Referenced by SetLinesDivision(), TXXXProc::TXXXProc(), and TXXXUnpackProc::TXXXUnpackProc().

void TGo4Picture::SetLinesDivision ( Int_t  numlines,
Int_t  n0 = 1,
Int_t  n1 = 1,
Int_t  n2 = 1,
Int_t  n3 = 1,
Int_t  n4 = 1,
Int_t  n5 = 1,
Int_t  n6 = 1,
Int_t  n7 = 1,
Int_t  n8 = 1,
Int_t  n9 = 1 

Definition at line 250 of file TGo4Picture.cxx.

References SetLinesDivision().

void TGo4Picture::SetLogScale ( Int_t  nscale = 0,
Int_t  zn = 1 
void TGo4Picture::SetMarkerAtt ( Color_t  color,
Size_t  size,
Style_t  style,
Int_t  index = UndefIndex 

Definition at line 587 of file TGo4Picture.cxx.

References CheckIndex(), op_MarkerColor, op_MarkerSize, op_MarkerStyle, and SetOption().

Referenced by SetDrawAttributes().

void TGo4Picture::SetMarkerAtt ( TAttMarker *  marker,
Int_t  index = UndefIndex 

Definition at line 595 of file TGo4Picture.cxx.

References CheckIndex(), op_MarkerColor, op_MarkerSize, op_MarkerStyle, and SetOption().

void TGo4Picture::SetObjOption ( Short_t  index,
Short_t  typ,
TObject *  obj 

Definition at line 1528 of file TGo4Picture.cxx.

References ExtendOptPos(), FindOptPos(), fxOptObjects, fxOptValue, and op_ObjsBound.

Referenced by GetStyle(), SetStrOption(), and SetStyle().

void TGo4Picture::SetOption ( Short_t  index,
Short_t  typ,
Long_t  value 
void TGo4Picture::SetOptionD ( Short_t  index,
Short_t  typ,
Double_t  value 
void TGo4Picture::SetOptionF ( Short_t  index,
Short_t  typ,
Float_t  value 

Definition at line 1464 of file TGo4Picture.cxx.

References SetOption().

Referenced by SetAxisAtt(), SetAxisLabelFontSize(), and SetAxisTitleFontSize().

void TGo4Picture::SetPadAtt ( Int_t  BorderMode,
Int_t  BorderSize,
Int_t  Gridx,
Int_t  Gridy,
Double_t  Phi,
Double_t  Theta,
Int_t  Tickx,
Int_t  Ticky,
Int_t  index = PictureIndex 

Definition at line 889 of file TGo4Picture.cxx.

References CheckIndex(), op_Pad, SetOption(), and SetOptionD().

Referenced by SetDrawAttributes(), and SetPadAtt().

void TGo4Picture::SetPadAtt ( TPad *  pad,
Int_t  index = UndefIndex 

Definition at line 910 of file TGo4Picture.cxx.

References CheckIndex(), SetDrawAttributes(), and SetPadAtt().

void TGo4Picture::SetPadModified ( bool  on = true)
void TGo4Picture::SetPosition ( Int_t  posy,
Int_t  posx 

Definition at line 267 of file TGo4Picture.cxx.

References fiPosX, and fiPosY.

Referenced by Pic().

void TGo4Picture::SetRange ( Int_t  naxis,
Double_t  min,
Double_t  max 
void TGo4Picture::SetRangeX ( Double_t  min,
Double_t  max 

Definition at line 389 of file TGo4Picture.cxx.

References op_RangeXMax, op_RangeXMin, PictureIndex, and SetOptionD().

Referenced by SetRange().

void TGo4Picture::SetRangeY ( Double_t  min,
Double_t  max 

Definition at line 408 of file TGo4Picture.cxx.

References op_RangeYMax, op_RangeYMin, PictureIndex, and SetOptionD().

Referenced by SetRange().

void TGo4Picture::SetRangeZ ( Double_t  min,
Double_t  max 

Definition at line 427 of file TGo4Picture.cxx.

References op_RangeZMax, op_RangeZMin, PictureIndex, and SetOptionD().

Referenced by SetRange().

void TGo4Picture::SetRebinX ( Int_t  ngroupx,
Int_t  index = UndefIndex 

Definition at line 623 of file TGo4Picture.cxx.

References CheckIndex(), ClearOption(), op_RebinX, and SetOption().

Referenced by TGo4ViewPanel::MakePictureForPad().

void TGo4Picture::SetRebinY ( Int_t  ngroupy,
Int_t  index = UndefIndex 

Definition at line 630 of file TGo4Picture.cxx.

References CheckIndex(), ClearOption(), op_RebinY, and SetOption().

Referenced by TGo4ViewPanel::MakePictureForPad().

void TGo4Picture::SetSelectedIndex ( Int_t  index = PictureIndex)

Definition at line 109 of file TGo4Picture.h.

References fiLastIndex.

void TGo4Picture::SetStatsAttr ( Double_t  x1,
Double_t  y1,
Double_t  x2,
Double_t  y2,
Int_t  optstat = 1111,
const char *  statformat = "6.4g",
Int_t  optfit = 1111,
const char *  fitformat = "5.4g" 
void TGo4Picture::SetStatsAttr ( TPaveStats *  stats)

Definition at line 1010 of file TGo4Picture.cxx.

References SetStatsAttr().

void TGo4Picture::SetStrOption ( Short_t  index,
Short_t  typ,
const char *  value 

Definition at line 1556 of file TGo4Picture.cxx.

References SetObjOption().

Referenced by SetDrawOption(), SetStatsAttr(), SetXAxisAttTime(), and SetXAxisTimeFormat().

void TGo4Picture::SetStyle ( TStyle *  style,
Int_t  index = UndefIndex 

Definition at line 1582 of file TGo4Picture.cxx.

References CheckIndex(), op_Style, and SetObjOption().

void TGo4Picture::SetSuperimpose ( bool  on)
void TGo4Picture::SetTitleAttr ( Double_t  x1,
Double_t  y1,
Double_t  x2,
Double_t  y2,
Double_t  textsize = 0. 
void TGo4Picture::SetTitleAttr ( TPaveText *  titl)

Definition at line 1086 of file TGo4Picture.cxx.

References SetTitleAttr().

void TGo4Picture::SetTitleDate ( Bool_t  on = kTRUE)
void TGo4Picture::SetTitleItem ( Bool_t  on = kTRUE)

Definition at line 1153 of file TGo4Picture.cxx.

References op_TitleItem, PictureIndex, and SetOption().

Referenced by ChangeDrawOption(), and TGo4ViewPanel::SetPadDefaults().

void TGo4Picture::SetTitleTime ( Bool_t  on = kTRUE)
void TGo4Picture::SetXAxisAttTime ( Bool_t  timedisplay,
const char *  format,
Int_t  index = UndefIndex 
void TGo4Picture::SetXAxisTimeDisplay ( Bool_t  on)
void TGo4Picture::SetXAxisTimeFormat ( const char *  format)
void TGo4Picture::SetXYRatioOne ( Bool_t  on)

Definition at line 752 of file TGo4Picture.cxx.

References op_XYRatioOne, PictureIndex, and SetOption().

Referenced by ChangeDrawOption().

void TGo4Picture::UpdateFrom ( TGo4Picture source,
TClass *  selectedobjclass = 0 

Member Data Documentation

Int_t TGo4Picture::fiLastIndex

Definition at line 400 of file TGo4Picture.h.

Referenced by AddObjName(), CheckIndex(), Clear(), ClearObjNames(), and SetSelectedIndex().

Int_t TGo4Picture::fiNDivX

Definition at line 381 of file TGo4Picture.h.

Referenced by Clear(), GetDivX(), SetDivision(), and UpdateFrom().

Int_t TGo4Picture::fiNDivY

Definition at line 382 of file TGo4Picture.h.

Referenced by Clear(), GetDivY(), SetDivision(), and UpdateFrom().

Int_t TGo4Picture::fiOptSize
Int_t TGo4Picture::fiPosX

Definition at line 384 of file TGo4Picture.h.

Referenced by CheckPosition(), Clear(), SetPosition(), and UpdateFrom().

Int_t TGo4Picture::fiPosY

Definition at line 385 of file TGo4Picture.h.

Referenced by CheckPosition(), Clear(), SetPosition(), and UpdateFrom().

TObjArray* TGo4Picture::fxNames
TObjArray* TGo4Picture::fxObjects

Definition at line 389 of file TGo4Picture.h.

Referenced by ~TGo4Picture().

TArrayL TGo4Picture::fxOptIndex
TObjArray* TGo4Picture::fxOptObjects
TArrayL TGo4Picture::fxOptValue
TList* TGo4Picture::fxSpecialObjects
TObjArray* TGo4Picture::fxSubPictures

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