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Summary of Network Service Defaults and Alternatives

Table 5-1 lists the default network services setup of an NCD terminal, the alternatives, and where to get more information. When you add a terminal to the network using ncdinstall, the defaults are in effect.

Table 5-1 Default Network Services and Alternatives
Address Resolution Service
The terminal uses ARP for address resolution. Entries are added to the terminal's ARP cache as addresses are resolved. Add entries manually to the ARP table. "Configuring the ARP Cache (Resolved Addresses)"
ARP table entries last for 20 minutes Change the timeouts for complete and incomplete entries.
Name Service
The terminal uses IEN 116 protocol for name service unless NVRAM is set to factory defaults and BOOTP/DHCP supplies name server information. Use DNS instead of IEN 116. "Using a Name Service"
Configure the local name cache manually.
The terminal uses the boot host as the name server host. Specify other name servers.
The fully qualified domain name must be specified when referring to network hosts. Specify the domain name suffix.
The terminal does not send a reverse name request to discover its own hostname when it boots. Configure the terminal to send a reverse name request. "Using a Name Service"
Name cache parameters are set to their default values. Redefine the name cache parameter values.
File Service
File service is from the boot host. Specify initial file servers. "Configuring How a Terminal Accesses Files"
Configure the file service table to add other hosts and file systems.
Routes are automatically placed into the routing table. Manually configure the routing table. "Configuring Routing (Accessing Remote Networks)"
The boot host is the default gateway. Specify default gateways.
Router discovery is used to discover neighboring gateways. Turn off router discovery.
TCP Performance
TCP performance parameters have default values. Customize the TCP performance parameters. "Setting TCP Performance Parameters"

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