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Hardware Installation


Workstations purchased from DEC are "customer installable". The hardware installation guide delivered with the machine (or device) gives clear instructions on how to do this. If in doubt do not continue but call DEC field service for assistance (tel. 046/055 544).

Add-ons such as a second disk drive to be installed in an already existing extension box MUST be installed by a field service engineer. In general if it is nescessary to open an expansion box you should call DEC. When the machine has been installed be sure to fill in the acceptance form and send it to DEC. This starts the guarantee and will ensure that your machine is registered in the DEC data base at St. Sulpice. Failure to do this will almost certainly cause delays when calling for support.

SCSI Identification Settings

The following is a recommendation for the connection of SCSI devices to VAXstations and DECstations at CERN. It is based on a recommendation from DEC and although only a recommendation, compliance with it should make life easier for system managers and field service engineers.

DECstation 2100/3100

      SCSI ID    Device                                
         0       free
         1       free   
         2       Disk
         3       System Disk (factory setting for internal drive)
         4       CDROM (or second tape unit if no CD will be attached)
         5       First tape unit / floppy disk drive 
         6       CPU     
         7       See Note 3 


  1. ID 0 has the lowest priority.
  2. The slower devices should have a higher priority (except for the CPU). Tape drives should have the highest priority, followed by the RRD40 (CDROM) which is a bit faster and then the disk drives.
  3. ID 7 was originally reserved for a Realtime CPU, which doesn't exist. It has a higher priority than the CPU and should not be used for the connection of disk drives as this may cause the system to malfunction.

DECstation 5000

On the DECstation 5000 series machines the SCSI controller uses ID 7 leaving ID settings 0 - 6 free for use.

      SCSI ID    Device                         
         0       free             
         1       free  
         2       Disk 
         3       System Disk (factory setting for internal drive)
         4       CDROM (or second tape unit if no CD will be attached)
         5       First tape unit / floppy disk drive
         6       free  
         7       CPU                             

Connection to the Network

Before Ordering

Most buildings are equipped with Ethernet cables, either thick wire or thin wire Ethernet. DEC workstations are shipped with the following interfaces:

  VAXstation 3100             Thick/Thin        
  VAXstation 4000/60          Thick/Thin           
  VAXstation 4000/VLC         Thick               
  DECstation 2100/3100        Thick/Thin          
  DECstation 5000/20          Thick                
  DECstation 5000/25          Thick                
  DECstation 5000/120         Thick                
  DECstation 5000/125         Thick                
  DECstation 5000/133         Thick                
  DECstation 5000/200         Thin                 
  DECstation 5000/240         Thick      

It is advisable to check what is available in the building/office where the machine will be installed before an order is placed. If necessary a Thick/Thin Wire Station Adapter (DESTA) can then be ordered with the machine thus avoiding frustrating delays after the station has been delivered. The necessary cables may be obtained from CN division (See section Making the Connection.)

Making the Connection

In order not to inconvenience other network users the connection of the workstation to the network should be made outside normal working hours, or at lunch time. This connection can be prepared in advance. Before making any connection send a mail to sohet@cernvm.cern.ch giving details of the location, type of connection (thick or thin wire) and any cables that you require. This should be done well before the expected delivery of the workstation in order to avoid delays in the event of problems.

For further information on how to (or how not to) connect your workstation to the CERN network refer to the "ETHERNET Guide technique d'installation"(1) which can be obtained from the User Consultancy Office in the Computer Centre (Bldg 513).

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