Vc  1.3.2-dev
SIMD Vector Classes for C++
Vector< T, Abi > Class Template Reference

Detailed Description

template<typename T, typename Abi = VectorAbi::Best<T>>
class Vc::Vector< T, Abi >

The main vector class for expressing data parallelism.

are specializations of this class. For most cases there are no API differences for the specializations. Make use of Vector<T> for generic programming, otherwise you might prefer to use the *_v aliases.

See also
Vc::float_v, Vc::double_v, Vc::int_v, Vc::uint_v, Vc::short_v, Vc::ushort_v

Definition at line 44 of file types.h.

#include <Vc/vector.h>

Public Types

using abi = Abi
 The ABI tag type of the current template instantiation.
using EntryType = typename VectorTraits< T, Abi >::EntryType
 The type of the entries in the vector.
using value_type = EntryType
 The type of the entries in the vector. More...
using MaskType = Vc::Mask< T, Abi >
 The type of the mask used for masked operations and returned from comparisons.
using mask_type = MaskType
 The type of the mask used for masked operations and returned from comparisons. More...
using IndexType = Vc::SimdArray< int, VectorTraits< T, Abi >::size()>
 The type of the vector used for indexes in gather and scatter operations.
using index_type = IndexType
 The type of the vector used for indexes in gather and scatter operations. More...

Public Member Functions

void setZero ()
 Set all entries to zero.
void setZero (MaskType mask)
 Set all entries to zero where the mask is set. More...
void setZeroInverted (MaskType mask)
 Set all entries to zero where the mask is not set. More...
void setQnan ()
 Set all entries to the bit representation of a QNaN.
void setQnan (MaskType mask)
 Set all entries to the bit representation of a QNaN where the mask is set. More...
Common::WriteMaskedVector< Vector, MaskTypeoperator() (MaskType mask)
 Writemask the vector before an assignment. More...
Vector sorted () const
 Return a sorted copy of the vector. More...
Compile-Time Constant Initialization
 Vector ()=default
 Construct a zero-initialized vector object. More...
 Vector (VectorSpecialInitializerZero)
 Construct a vector with the entries initialized to zero. More...
 Vector (VectorSpecialInitializerOne)
 Construct a vector with the entries initialized to one. More...
 Vector (VectorSpecialInitializerIndexesFromZero)
 Construct a vector with the entries initialized to 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ... More...
Conversion/Broadcast Constructors
template<typename U >
 Vector (Vector< U, abi > x, enable_if< Traits::is_implicit_cast_allowed< U, T >::value >=nullarg)
 Implict conversion from compatible Vector<U, Abi> types.
 Vector (EntryType a)
 Broadcast Constructor. More...
template<typename U >
 Vector (U a, enable_if< std::is_same< U, int >::value &&!std::is_same< U, EntryType >::value >=nullarg)
Loads & Stores
 Vector (const EntryType *mem)
 Construct a vector from loading its entries from the array at mem. More...
template<typename Flags , typename = enable_if<Traits::is_load_store_flag<Flags>::value>>
 Vector (const EntryType *mem, Flags flags)
 Construct a vector from loading its entries from the array at mem. More...
template<typename U , typename Flags = DefaultLoadTag, typename = enable_if< (!std::is_integral<U>::value || !std::is_integral<EntryType>::value || sizeof(EntryType) >= sizeof(U)>
 Vector (const U *x, Flags flags=Flags())
void load (const EntryType *mem)
 Load the vector entries from mem, overwriting the previous values. More...
template<typename Flags >
enable_if< Traits::is_load_store_flag< Flags >::value, void > load (const EntryType *mem, Flags flags)
 Load the vector entries from mem, overwriting the previous values. More...
template<typename U , typename Flags = DefaultLoadTag>
load_concept< U, Flags >::type load (const U *mem, Flags=Flags()) 1
template<typename U , typename Flags = DefaultStoreTag, typename = enable_if<std::is_arithmetic<U>::value &&Traits::is_load_store_flag<Flags>::value>>
void store (U *mem, Flags flags=Flags()) const 1
 Store the vector data to mem. More...
template<typename U , typename Flags = DefaultStoreTag, typename = enable_if<std::is_arithmetic<U>::value &&Traits::is_load_store_flag<Flags>::value>>
void Vc_VDECL store (U *mem, MaskType mask, Flags flags=Flags()) const 1
 Store the vector data to mem where mask is set. More...
void store (EntryType *mem) const
 The following store overloads support classes that have a cast operator to EntryType *.
template<typename Flags , typename = enable_if<Traits::is_load_store_flag<Flags>::value>>
void store (EntryType *mem, Flags flags) const
void Vc_VDECL store (EntryType *mem, MaskType mask) const
template<typename Flags , typename = enable_if<Traits::is_load_store_flag<Flags>::value>>
void Vc_VDECL store (EntryType *mem, MaskType mask, Flags flags) const
Gather constructors and member functions

Constructs or loads a vector from the objects at mem[indexes[0]], mem[indexes[1]], mem[indexes[2]], ...

All gather functions optionally take a mask as last argument. In that case only the entries that are selected in the mask are accessed in memory and copied to the vector. This enables invalid indexes in the indexes vector if those are masked off in mask.

Gathers from structured data (AoS: arrays of struct) are possible via a special subscript operator of the container (array). You can use Vc::array and Vc::vector as drop-in replacements for std::array and std::vector. These container classes contain the necessary subscript operator overload. Example:

std::iota(data.begin(), data.end(), 0.f); // fill with values 0, 1, 2, ...
float_v gathered = data[indexes]; // gathered == [0, 1, 2, ...]

Alternatively, you can use Vc::Common::AdaptSubscriptOperator to extend a given container class with the necessary subscript operator. Example:

template <typename T, typename Allocator = std::allocator<T>>
using my_vector = Vc::Common::AdaptSubscriptOperator<std::vector<T, Allocator>>;
memA pointer to memory which contains objects of type MT at the offsets given by indexes.
indexesA container/vector of offsets into mem. The type of indexes (IT) may either be a pointer to integers (C-array) or a vector of integers (preferrably IndexType).
maskIf a mask is given, only the active entries will be copied from memory.
If you use a masked gather constructor the masked-off entries of the vector are zero-initilized.
template<typename MT , typename IT , typename = enable_if<Traits::has_subscript_operator<IT>::value>>
 Vector (const MT *mem, const IT &indexes)
 Gather constructor.
template<typename MT , typename IT , typename = enable_if<Vc::Traits::has_subscript_operator<IT>::value>>
 Vector (const MT *mem, const IT &indexes, MaskArgument mask)
 Masked gather constructor.
template<typename MT , typename IT , typename = enable_if<Vc::Traits::has_subscript_operator<IT>::value>>
void gather (const MT *mem, const IT &indexes)
 Gather function.
template<typename MT , typename IT , typename = enable_if<Vc::Traits::has_subscript_operator<IT>::value>>
void gather (const MT *mem, const IT &indexes, MaskArgument mask)
 Masked gather function.
Scatter functions

Stores a vector to the objects at mem[indexes[0]], mem[indexes[1]], mem[indexes[2]], ...

memA pointer to memory which contains objects of type MT at the offsets given by indexes.
template<typename MT , typename IT , typename = enable_if<Vc::Traits::has_subscript_operator<IT>::value>>
void scatter (MT *mem, IT &&indexes) const
 Scatter function.
template<typename MT , typename IT , typename = enable_if<Vc::Traits::has_subscript_operator<IT>::value>>
void scatter (MT *mem, IT &&indexes, MaskArgument mask) const
 Masked scatter function.
Scalar Subscript Operators
reference operator[] (size_t index) noexcept
 This operator can be used to modify scalar entries of the vector. More...
EntryType operator[] (size_t index) const noexcept
 This operator can be used to read scalar entries of the vector. More...
Unary Operators
MaskType operator! () const
 Determine where the vector is null. More...
Vector operator~ () const
 Inverts all bits. More...
Vector operator- () const
 Returns a new vector object with all entries negated.
Vector operator+ () const
 Returns a copy of the vector object.
Increment and Decrement Operators

The increment and decrement operators apply the increment/decrement operation per component.

The semantics are equal to the semantics of the fundamental arithmetics type T.

Over-/Underflow of signed integral types is undefined behavior and may actually break your code.
Vectoroperator++ ()
Vector operator++ (int)
Vectoroperator-- ()
Vector operator-- (int)
Arithmetic Operations

The arithmetic operations are implemented as component-wise application of the operator on the two vector objects.


void foo(float_v a, float_v b) {
const float_v product = a * b;
const float_v difference = a - b;
a += b;
auto quotient = a / b;
auto modulo = static_cast<int_v>(a) % static_cast<int_v>(b);
xThe vector to add, subtract, multiply, or divide by.
A vector object of the same type with the components filled according to a component-wise application of the operator.
If a signed integral vector operation overflows the result is undefined. (which is in agreement to the behavior of the fundamental signed integral types in C++)
Vector operator+ (const Vector &x) const
Vector operator- (const Vector &x) const
Vector operator* (const Vector &x) const
Vector operator/ (const Vector &x) const
Vector operator% (const Vector &x) const
Binary Operations

The binary operations are implemented as component-wise application of the operator on the two vector objects.


void foo(int_v a, int_v b) {
const int_v combined_bits = a | b;
const int_v masked_bits = a & b;
a ^= b; // flipped bits
A vector object of the same type with the components filled according to a component-wise application of the operator.
Vector operator| (const Vector &x) const
Vector operator& (const Vector &x) const
Vector operator^ (const Vector &x) const
Shift Operations

The shift operations are implemented as component-wise application of the operator on the two vector objects.


void foo(int_v a, int_v b) {
const int_v right = a >> b;
a <<= b;
A vector object of the same type with the components filled according to a component-wise application of the operator.
Vector operator<< (const Vector &x) const
Vector operator>> (const Vector &x) const

All comparison operators return a mask object.


void foo(const float_v &a, const float_v &b) {
const float_m mask = a < b;
xThe vector to compare against.
A mask object. Its components contain the boolean results of the component-wise compare operation.
MaskType operator== (const Vector &x) const
MaskType operator!= (const Vector &x) const
MaskType operator<= (const Vector &x) const
MaskType operator>= (const Vector &x) const
MaskType operator< (const Vector &x) const
MaskType operator> (const Vector &x) const
Horizontal Reduction Operations

Horizontal operations can be used to reduce the values of a vector to a scalar value.


void foo(const float_v &v) {
float min = v.min(); // smallest value in v
float sum = v.sum(); // sum of all values in v
EntryType min () const
 Returns the smallest entry in the vector.
EntryType max () const
 Returns the largest entry in the vector.
EntryType product () const
 Returns the product of all entries in the vector.
EntryType sum () const
 Returns the sum of all entries in the vector.
Vector partialSum () const
 Returns a vector containing the sum of all entries with smaller index.
EntryType min (MaskType mask) const
 Returns the smallest entry of the vector components selected by mask.
EntryType max (MaskType mask) const
 Returns the largest entry of the vector components selected by mask.
EntryType product (MaskType mask) const
 Returns the product of the vector components selected by mask.
EntryType sum (MaskType mask) const
 Returns the sum of the vector components selected by mask.
Shift and Rotate

These functions allow to shift or rotate the entries in a vector.

All functions with an amount parameter support positive and negative numbers for the shift/rotate value.


using namespace Vc;
int_v foo = int_v::IndexesFromZero() + 1; // e.g. [1, 2, 3, 4] with SSE
x = foo.shifted( 1); // [2, 3, 4, 0]
x = foo.shifted( 2); // [3, 4, 0, 0]
x = foo.shifted( 3); // [4, 0, 0, 0]
x = foo.shifted( 4); // [0, 0, 0, 0]
x = foo.shifted(-1); // [0, 1, 2, 3]
x = foo.shifted(-2); // [0, 0, 1, 2]
x = foo.shifted(-3); // [0, 0, 0, 1]
x = foo.shifted(-4); // [0, 0, 0, 0]
x = foo.rotated( 1); // [2, 3, 4, 1]
x = foo.rotated( 2); // [3, 4, 1, 2]
x = foo.rotated( 3); // [4, 1, 2, 3]
x = foo.rotated( 4); // [1, 2, 3, 4]
x = foo.rotated(-1); // [4, 1, 2, 3]
x = foo.rotated(-2); // [3, 4, 1, 2]
x = foo.rotated(-3); // [2, 3, 4, 1]
x = foo.rotated(-4); // [1, 2, 3, 4]

These functions are slightly related to the above swizzles. In any case, they are often useful for communication between SIMD lanes or binary decoding operations.

Use of these functions leads to less portable code. Consider the scalar implementation where every vector has only one entry. The shift and rotate functions have no useful task to fulfil there and you will almost certainly not get any useful results. It is recommended to add a static_assert for the assumed minimum vector size.
Vector shifted (int amount) const
 Shift vector entries to the left by amount; shifting in zeros.
Vector shifted (int amount, Vector shiftIn) const
 Shift vector entries to the left by amount; shifting in values from shiftIn (instead of zeros). More...
Vector rotated (int amount) const
 Rotate vector entries to the left by amount.
Vector reversed () const
 Returns a vector with all components reversed.
Apply/Call/Fill Functions

There are still many situations where the code needs to switch from SIMD operations to scalar execution. In this case you can, of course rely on operator[]. But there are also a number of functions that can help with common patterns.

The apply functions expect a function that returns a scalar value, i.e. a function of the form "T f(T)". The call functions do not return a value and thus the function passed does not need a return value. The fill functions are used to serially set the entries of the vector from the return values of a function.


void foo(float_v v) {
float_v logarithm = v.apply(std::log);
float_v exponential = v.apply(std::exp);

Of course, you can also use lambdas here:

float_v power = v.apply([](float f) { return std::pow(f, 0.6f); })
fA functor: this can either be a function or an object that implements operator().
template<typename F >
void callWithValuesSorted (F &&f)
 Call f sequentially, starting with the minimum up to the maximum value.
template<typename F >
void call (F &&f) const
 Call f with the scalar entries of the vector.
template<typename F >
void call (F &&f, MaskType mask) const
 As above, but skip the entries where mask is not set.
template<typename F >
Vector apply (F &&f) const
 Call f on every entry of the vector and return the results as a new vector.
template<typename F >
Vector apply (F &&f, MaskType mask) const
 As above, but skip the entries where mask is not set.
template<typename IndexT >
void fill (EntryType(&f)(IndexT))
 Fill the vector with the values [f(0), f(1), f(2), ...].
void fill (EntryType(&f)())
 Fill the vector with the values [f(), f(), f(), ...].
new/delete overloads for correct alignment
void * operator new (size_t size)
 Allocates correctly aligned memory.
void * operator new (size_t, void *p)
 Returns p.
void * operator new[] (size_t size)
 Allocates correctly aligned memory.
void * operator new[] (size_t, void *p)
 Returns p.
void operator delete (void *ptr, size_t)
 Frees aligned memory.
void operator delete (void *, void *)
 Does nothing.
void operator delete[] (void *ptr, size_t)
 Frees aligned memory.
void operator delete[] (void *, void *)
 Does nothing.

Static Public Member Functions

static constexpr size_t size ()
 Returns the number of scalar components ( \(\mathcal{W}_\mathtt{T}\)) in a vector of this type. More...
static Vector Zero ()
 Returns a vector with the entries initialized to zero.
static Vector One ()
 Returns a vector with the entries initialized to one.
static Vector IndexesFromZero ()
 Returns a vector with the entries initialized to 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ...
static Vector Random ()
 Returns a vector with pseudo-random entries. More...
template<typename G >
static Vector generate (G gen)
 Generate a vector object from return values of gen (static variant of fill).

Static Public Attributes

static constexpr size_t MemoryAlignment = VectorTraits<T, Abi>::memoryAlignment()
 Specifies the alignment requirement for aligned load and store calls for objects of this vector type.

Deprecated Members

static constexpr size_t Size = VectorTraits<T, Abi>::size()
 Returns the number of scalar components ( \(\mathcal{W}_\mathtt{T}\)) in a vector of this type. More...
template<typename S1 , typename IT >
 Vector (const S1 *array, const EntryType S1::*member1, IT indexes)
template<typename S1 , typename IT >
 Vector (const S1 *array, const EntryType S1::*member1, IT indexes, MaskArgument mask)
template<typename S1 , typename S2 , typename IT >
 Vector (const S1 *array, const S2 S1::*member1, const EntryType S2::*member2, IT indexes)
template<typename S1 , typename S2 , typename IT >
 Vector (const S1 *array, const S2 S1::*member1, const EntryType S2::*member2, IT indexes, MaskArgument mask)
template<typename S1 , typename IT1 , typename IT2 >
 Vector (const S1 *array, const EntryType *const S1::*ptrMember1, IT1 outerIndexes, IT2 innerIndexes)
template<typename S1 , typename IT1 , typename IT2 >
 Vector (const S1 *array, const EntryType *const S1::*ptrMember1, IT1 outerIndexes, IT2 innerIndexes, MaskArgument mask)
template<typename S1 , typename IT >
void gather (const S1 *array, const EntryType S1::*member1, IT indexes)
template<typename S1 , typename IT >
void gather (const S1 *array, const EntryType S1::*member1, IT indexes, MaskArgument mask)
template<typename S1 , typename S2 , typename IT >
void gather (const S1 *array, const S2 S1::*member1, const EntryType S2::*member2, IT indexes)
template<typename S1 , typename S2 , typename IT >
void gather (const S1 *array, const S2 S1::*member1, const EntryType S2::*member2, IT indexes, MaskArgument mask)
template<typename S1 , typename IT1 , typename IT2 >
void gather (const S1 *array, const EntryType *const S1::*ptrMember1, IT1 outerIndexes, IT2 innerIndexes)
template<typename S1 , typename IT1 , typename IT2 >
void gather (const S1 *array, const EntryType *const S1::*ptrMember1, IT1 outerIndexes, IT2 innerIndexes, MaskArgument mask)
template<typename S1 , typename IT >
void scatter (S1 *array, EntryType S1::*member1, IT indexes) const
template<typename S1 , typename IT >
void scatter (S1 *array, EntryType S1::*member1, IT indexes, MaskArgument mask) const
template<typename S1 , typename S2 , typename IT >
void scatter (S1 *array, S2 S1::*member1, EntryType S2::*member2, IT indexes) const
template<typename S1 , typename S2 , typename IT >
void scatter (S1 *array, S2 S1::*member1, EntryType S2::*member2, IT indexes, MaskArgument mask) const
template<typename S1 , typename IT1 , typename IT2 >
void scatter (S1 *array, EntryType *S1::*ptrMember1, IT1 outerIndexes, IT2 innerIndexes) const
template<typename S1 , typename IT1 , typename IT2 >
void scatter (S1 *array, EntryType *S1::*ptrMember1, IT1 outerIndexes, IT2 innerIndexes, MaskArgument mask) const
Vector exponent () const
 Returns the exponents of the floating-point values in the vector. More...
MaskType isNegative () const
 Returns whether a value is negative. More...
template<typename V2 >
V2 staticCast () const
 Casts the current object to V2. More...
template<typename V2 >
V2 reinterpretCast () const
 reinterpret_cast the vector components to construct a vector of type V2. More...
Vector copySign (Vector reference) const
 Copies the signs of the components of reference to the components of the current vector, returning the result. More...

Member Typedef Documentation

The type of the entries in the vector.

Definition at line 152 of file vector.h.

The type of the mask used for masked operations and returned from comparisons.

Definition at line 167 of file vector.h.

The type of the vector used for indexes in gather and scatter operations.

Definition at line 175 of file vector.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Vector ( )

Construct a zero-initialized vector object.

This constructor follows the behavior of the underlying arithmetic type T in that the expression T() zero-initializes the object. On the other hand the variable x in T x; is uninitialized. Since, for class types, both expressions call the default constructor Vector<T> x must zero-initialize x as well.

Vector ( VectorSpecialInitializerZero  )

Construct a vector with the entries initialized to zero.

See also
Vc::Zero, Zero()
Vector ( VectorSpecialInitializerOne  )

Construct a vector with the entries initialized to one.

See also
Vc::One, One()
Vector ( VectorSpecialInitializerIndexesFromZero  )

Construct a vector with the entries initialized to 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ...

See also
Vc::IndexesFromZero, IndexesFromZero()
Vector ( EntryType  a)

Broadcast Constructor.

Constructs a vector with all entries of the vector filled with the given value.

aThe scalar value to broadcast to all entries of the constructed vector.
Vector ( const EntryType mem)

Construct a vector from loading its entries from the array at mem.

memA pointer to data. The pointer must not be aligned on a MemoryAlignment boundary unless you add the Vc::Aligned flag as a second argument.

Definition at line 37 of file vector.h.

Vector ( const EntryType mem,
Flags  flags 

Construct a vector from loading its entries from the array at mem.

memA pointer to data. If flags contains the Vc::Aligned flag, the pointer must be aligned on a MemoryAlignment boundary.
flagsA (combination of) flag object(s), such as Vc::Aligned, Vc::Streaming, Vc::Unaligned, and/or Vc::PrefetchDefault.

Definition at line 50 of file vector.h.

Vector ( const S1 *  array,
const EntryType S1::*  member1,
IT  indexes 
Use Vc::array or Vc::vector subscripting instead.
arrayA pointer into memory (without alignment restrictions).
member1If array points to a struct, member1 determines the member in the struct to be read. Thus the offsets in indexes are relative to the array and not to the size of the gathered type (i.e. array[i].*member1 is accessed instead of (&(array->*member1))[i])
indexesDetermines the offsets into array where the values are gathered from/scattered to. The type of indexes can either be an integer vector or a type that supports operator[] access.

Definition at line 236 of file vector.h.

Vector ( const S1 *  array,
const EntryType S1::*  member1,
IT  indexes,
MaskArgument  mask 
Use Vc::array or Vc::vector subscripting instead.
arrayA pointer into memory (without alignment restrictions).
member1If array points to a struct, member1 determines the member in the struct to be read. Thus the offsets in indexes are relative to the array and not to the size of the gathered type (i.e. array[i].*member1 is accessed instead of (&(array->*member1))[i])
indexesDetermines the offsets into array where the values are gathered from/scattered to. The type of indexes can either be an integer vector or a type that supports operator[] access.
maskIf a mask is given only the active entries will be gathered/scattered.

Definition at line 260 of file vector.h.

Vector ( const S1 *  array,
const S2 S1::*  member1,
const EntryType S2::*  member2,
IT  indexes 
Use Vc::array or Vc::vector subscripting instead.
arrayA pointer into memory (without alignment restrictions).
member1If array points to a struct, member1 determines the member in the struct to be read. Thus the offsets in indexes are relative to the array and not to the size of the gathered type (i.e. array[i].*member1 is accessed instead of (&(array->*member1))[i])
member2If member1 is a struct then member2 selects the member to be read from that struct (i.e. array[i].*member1.*member2 is read).
indexesDetermines the offsets into array where the values are gathered from/scattered to. The type of indexes can either be an integer vector or a type that supports operator[] access.

Definition at line 286 of file vector.h.

Vector ( const S1 *  array,
const S2 S1::*  member1,
const EntryType S2::*  member2,
IT  indexes,
MaskArgument  mask 
Use Vc::array or Vc::vector subscripting instead.
arrayA pointer into memory (without alignment restrictions).
member1If array points to a struct, member1 determines the member in the struct to be read. Thus the offsets in indexes are relative to the array and not to the size of the gathered type (i.e. array[i].*member1 is accessed instead of (&(array->*member1))[i])
member2If member1 is a struct then member2 selects the member to be read from that struct (i.e. array[i].*member1.*member2 is read).
indexesDetermines the offsets into array where the values are gathered from/scattered to. The type of indexes can either be an integer vector or a type that supports operator[] access.
maskIf a mask is given only the active entries will be gathered/scattered.

Definition at line 313 of file vector.h.

Vector ( const S1 *  array,
const EntryType *const S1::*  ptrMember1,
IT1  outerIndexes,
IT2  innerIndexes 
Use Vc::array or Vc::vector subscripting instead.
arrayA pointer into memory (without alignment restrictions).
ptrMember1If array points to a struct, member1 determines the member in the struct to be read. Thus the offsets in indexes are relative to the array and not to the size of the gathered type (i.e. array[i].*member1 is accessed instead of (&(array->*member1))[i])

Definition at line 338 of file vector.h.

Vector ( const S1 *  array,
const EntryType *const S1::*  ptrMember1,
IT1  outerIndexes,
IT2  innerIndexes,
MaskArgument  mask 
Use Vc::array or Vc::vector subscripting instead.
arrayA pointer into memory (without alignment restrictions).
ptrMember1If array points to a struct, member1 determines the member in the struct to be read. Thus the offsets in indexes are relative to the array and not to the size of the gathered type (i.e. array[i].*member1 is accessed instead of (&(array->*member1))[i])
maskIf a mask is given only the active entries will be gathered/scattered.

Definition at line 362 of file vector.h.

Member Function Documentation

static constexpr size_t size ( )

Returns the number of scalar components ( \(\mathcal{W}_\mathtt{T}\)) in a vector of this type.

The size of the vector. I.e. the number of scalar entries in the vector. Do not make any assumptions about the size of vectors. If you need vectors of float and int types use Vector::IndexType or SimdArray.

You can easily use if clauses to compare Vector sizes. The compiler can statically evaluate and fully optimize dead code away (very much like #ifdef, but with syntax checking).

The number of components (i.e. \(\mathcal{W}_\mathtt{T}\)) objects of this vector type store and manipulate.

Definition at line 138 of file vector.h.

static Vector Random ( )

Returns a vector with pseudo-random entries.

Currently the state of the random number generator cannot be modified and starts off with the same state. Thus you will get the same sequence of numbers for the same sequence of calls.

a new random vector. Floating-point values will be in the 0-1 range. Integers will use the full range the integer representation allows.
This function may use a very small amount of state and thus will be a weak random number generator.
void load ( const EntryType mem)

Load the vector entries from mem, overwriting the previous values.

memA pointer to data. The pointer must not be aligned on a MemoryAlignment boundary unless you add the Vc::Aligned flag as a second argument.

Definition at line 73 of file vector.h.

enable_if<Traits::is_load_store_flag<Flags>::value, void> load ( const EntryType mem,
Flags  flags 

Load the vector entries from mem, overwriting the previous values.

memA pointer to data. If flags contains the Vc::Aligned flag, the pointer must be aligned on a MemoryAlignment boundary.
flagsA (combination of) flag object(s), such as Vc::Aligned, Vc::Streaming, Vc::Unaligned, and/or Vc::PrefetchDefault.

Definition at line 89 of file vector.h.

void store ( U *  mem,
Flags  flags = Flags() 
) const

Store the vector data to mem.

memA pointer to memory, where \(\mathcal{W}_\mathtt{T}\) consecutive values will be stored.
flagsThe flags parameter can be used to select e.g. the Vc::Aligned, Vc::Unaligned, Vc::Streaming, and/or Vc::PrefetchDefault flags.
void Vc_VDECL store ( U *  mem,
MaskType  mask,
Flags  flags = Flags() 
) const

Store the vector data to mem where mask is set.

memA pointer to memory, where \(\mathcal{W}_\mathtt{T}\) consecutive values will be stored.
maskA mask object that determines which entries of the vector should be stored to mem.
flagsThe flags parameter can be used to select e.g. the Vc::Aligned, Vc::Unaligned, Vc::Streaming, and/or Vc::PrefetchDefault flags.
The masked store does not pack the values into memory. I.e. the value at offset i will be stored to mem[i], independent of whether mask[j] for any j < i is false.
void setZero ( MaskType  mask)

Set all entries to zero where the mask is set.

A 4-vector with a mask of [0111] therefore would set the last three entries to 0.

maskSelects the entries to be set to zero.
void setZeroInverted ( MaskType  mask)

Set all entries to zero where the mask is not set.

A 4-vector with a mask of [0111] therefore would set only the first entry to 0.

maskSelects the entries to not be set to zero.
void setQnan ( MaskType  mask)

Set all entries to the bit representation of a QNaN where the mask is set.

maskSelects the entries to be set to QNaN.
void gather ( const S1 *  array,
const EntryType S1::*  member1,
IT  indexes 
Use Vc::array or Vc::vector subscripting instead.
arrayA pointer into memory (without alignment restrictions).
member1If array points to a struct, member1 determines the member in the struct to be read. Thus the offsets in indexes are relative to the array and not to the size of the gathered type (i.e. array[i].*member1 is accessed instead of (&(array->*member1))[i])
indexesDetermines the offsets into array where the values are gathered from/scattered to. The type of indexes can either be an integer vector or a type that supports operator[] access.

Definition at line 387 of file vector.h.

void gather ( const S1 *  array,
const EntryType S1::*  member1,
IT  indexes,
MaskArgument  mask 
Use Vc::array or Vc::vector subscripting instead.
arrayA pointer into memory (without alignment restrictions).
member1If array points to a struct, member1 determines the member in the struct to be read. Thus the offsets in indexes are relative to the array and not to the size of the gathered type (i.e. array[i].*member1 is accessed instead of (&(array->*member1))[i])
indexesDetermines the offsets into array where the values are gathered from/scattered to. The type of indexes can either be an integer vector or a type that supports operator[] access.
maskIf a mask is given only the active entries will be gathered/scattered.

Definition at line 410 of file vector.h.

void gather ( const S1 *  array,
const S2 S1::*  member1,
const EntryType S2::*  member2,
IT  indexes 
Use Vc::array or Vc::vector subscripting instead.
arrayA pointer into memory (without alignment restrictions).
member1If array points to a struct, member1 determines the member in the struct to be read. Thus the offsets in indexes are relative to the array and not to the size of the gathered type (i.e. array[i].*member1 is accessed instead of (&(array->*member1))[i])
member2If member1 is a struct then member2 selects the member to be read from that struct (i.e. array[i].*member1.*member2 is read).
indexesDetermines the offsets into array where the values are gathered from/scattered to. The type of indexes can either be an integer vector or a type that supports operator[] access.

Definition at line 437 of file vector.h.

void gather ( const S1 *  array,
const S2 S1::*  member1,
const EntryType S2::*  member2,
IT  indexes,
MaskArgument  mask 
Use Vc::array or Vc::vector subscripting instead.
arrayA pointer into memory (without alignment restrictions).
member1If array points to a struct, member1 determines the member in the struct to be read. Thus the offsets in indexes are relative to the array and not to the size of the gathered type (i.e. array[i].*member1 is accessed instead of (&(array->*member1))[i])
member2If member1 is a struct then member2 selects the member to be read from that struct (i.e. array[i].*member1.*member2 is read).
indexesDetermines the offsets into array where the values are gathered from/scattered to. The type of indexes can either be an integer vector or a type that supports operator[] access.
maskIf a mask is given only the active entries will be gathered/scattered.

Definition at line 462 of file vector.h.

void gather ( const S1 *  array,
const EntryType *const S1::*  ptrMember1,
IT1  outerIndexes,
IT2  innerIndexes 
Use Vc::array or Vc::vector subscripting instead.
arrayA pointer into memory (without alignment restrictions).
ptrMember1If array points to a struct, member1 determines the member in the struct to be read. Thus the offsets in indexes are relative to the array and not to the size of the gathered type (i.e. array[i].*member1 is accessed instead of (&(array->*member1))[i])

Definition at line 485 of file vector.h.

void gather ( const S1 *  array,
const EntryType *const S1::*  ptrMember1,
IT1  outerIndexes,
IT2  innerIndexes,
MaskArgument  mask 
Use Vc::array or Vc::vector subscripting instead.
arrayA pointer into memory (without alignment restrictions).
ptrMember1If array points to a struct, member1 determines the member in the struct to be read. Thus the offsets in indexes are relative to the array and not to the size of the gathered type (i.e. array[i].*member1 is accessed instead of (&(array->*member1))[i])
maskIf a mask is given only the active entries will be gathered/scattered.

Definition at line 508 of file vector.h.

void scatter ( S1 *  array,
EntryType S1::*  member1,
IT  indexes 
) const
Use Vc::array or Vc::vector subscripting instead.
arrayA pointer into memory (without alignment restrictions).
member1If array points to a struct, member1 determines the member in the struct to be read. Thus the offsets in indexes are relative to the array and not to the size of the gathered type (i.e. array[i].*member1 is accessed instead of (&(array->*member1))[i])
indexesDetermines the offsets into array where the values are gathered from/scattered to. The type of indexes can either be an integer vector or a type that supports operator[] access.

Definition at line 133 of file vector.h.

void scatter ( S1 *  array,
EntryType S1::*  member1,
IT  indexes,
MaskArgument  mask 
) const
Use Vc::array or Vc::vector subscripting instead.
arrayA pointer into memory (without alignment restrictions).
member1If array points to a struct, member1 determines the member in the struct to be read. Thus the offsets in indexes are relative to the array and not to the size of the gathered type (i.e. array[i].*member1 is accessed instead of (&(array->*member1))[i])
indexesDetermines the offsets into array where the values are gathered from/scattered to. The type of indexes can either be an integer vector or a type that supports operator[] access.
maskIf a mask is given only the active entries will be gathered/scattered.

Definition at line 156 of file vector.h.

void scatter ( S1 *  array,
S2 S1::*  member1,
EntryType S2::*  member2,
IT  indexes 
) const
Use Vc::array or Vc::vector subscripting instead.
arrayA pointer into memory (without alignment restrictions).
member1If array points to a struct, member1 determines the member in the struct to be read. Thus the offsets in indexes are relative to the array and not to the size of the gathered type (i.e. array[i].*member1 is accessed instead of (&(array->*member1))[i])
member2If member1 is a struct then member2 selects the member to be read from that struct (i.e. array[i].*member1.*member2 is read).
indexesDetermines the offsets into array where the values are gathered from/scattered to. The type of indexes can either be an integer vector or a type that supports operator[] access.

Definition at line 181 of file vector.h.

void scatter ( S1 *  array,
S2 S1::*  member1,
EntryType S2::*  member2,
IT  indexes,
MaskArgument  mask 
) const
Use Vc::array or Vc::vector subscripting instead.
arrayA pointer into memory (without alignment restrictions).
member1If array points to a struct, member1 determines the member in the struct to be read. Thus the offsets in indexes are relative to the array and not to the size of the gathered type (i.e. array[i].*member1 is accessed instead of (&(array->*member1))[i])
member2If member1 is a struct then member2 selects the member to be read from that struct (i.e. array[i].*member1.*member2 is read).
indexesDetermines the offsets into array where the values are gathered from/scattered to. The type of indexes can either be an integer vector or a type that supports operator[] access.
maskIf a mask is given only the active entries will be gathered/scattered.

Definition at line 207 of file vector.h.

void scatter ( S1 *  array,
EntryType *S1::*  ptrMember1,
IT1  outerIndexes,
IT2  innerIndexes 
) const
Use Vc::array or Vc::vector subscripting instead.
arrayA pointer into memory (without alignment restrictions).
ptrMember1If array points to a struct, member1 determines the member in the struct to be read. Thus the offsets in indexes are relative to the array and not to the size of the gathered type (i.e. array[i].*member1 is accessed instead of (&(array->*member1))[i])

Definition at line 230 of file vector.h.

void scatter ( S1 *  array,
EntryType *S1::*  ptrMember1,
IT1  outerIndexes,
IT2  innerIndexes,
MaskArgument  mask 
) const
Use Vc::array or Vc::vector subscripting instead.
arrayA pointer into memory (without alignment restrictions).
ptrMember1If array points to a struct, member1 determines the member in the struct to be read. Thus the offsets in indexes are relative to the array and not to the size of the gathered type (i.e. array[i].*member1 is accessed instead of (&(array->*member1))[i])
maskIf a mask is given only the active entries will be gathered/scattered.

Definition at line 253 of file vector.h.

reference operator[] ( size_t  index)

This operator can be used to modify scalar entries of the vector.

indexA value between 0 and Size. This value is not checked internally so you must make/be sure it is in range.
a reference to the vector entry at the given index.
The use of this function may result in suboptimal performance. Please check whether you can find a more vector-friendly way to do what you intended.
the returned object models the concept of a reference and as such it can exist longer than the data it is referencing.
to avoid lifetime issues, we strongly advice not to store any reference objects.
EntryType operator[] ( size_t  index) const

This operator can be used to read scalar entries of the vector.

indexA value between 0 and Size. This value is not checked internally so you must make/be sure it is in range.
a copy of the vector entry at the given index.
MaskType operator! ( ) const

Determine where the vector is null.

a mask which denotes the zero entries of this vector object.
Vector operator~ ( ) const

Inverts all bits.

a new vector which has all bits inverted. I.e. v & ~v == 0.
This operator is only defined for integral types T.
Common::WriteMaskedVector<Vector, MaskType> operator() ( MaskType  mask)

Writemask the vector before an assignment.

maskThe writemask to be used.
an object that can be used for any kind of masked assignment.

The returned object is only to be used for assignments and should not be assigned to a variable.


float_v v = float_v::Zero(); // v = [0, 0, 0, 0]
int_v v2 = int_v::IndexesFromZero(); // v2 = [0, 1, 2, 3]
v(v2 < 2) = 1.f; // v = [1, 1, 0, 0]
v(v2 < 3) += 1.f; // v = [2, 2, 1, 0]
++v2(v < 1.f); // v2 = [0, 1, 2, 4]
Vector shifted ( int  amount,
Vector< T, Abi >  shiftIn 
) const

Shift vector entries to the left by amount; shifting in values from shiftIn (instead of zeros).

This function can be used to create vectors from unaligned memory locations.


Vc::Memory<int_v, 256> mem;
for (int i = 0; i < 256; ++i) { mem[i] = i + 1; }
int_v a = mem.vectorAt(0);
int_v b = mem.vectorAt(int_v::Size);
int_v x = a.shifted(1, b);
// now x == mem.vectorAt(1, Vc::Unaligned)
amountThe number of entries to shift by. amount must be between -Size and Size, otherwise the result is undefined.
shiftInThe vector of values to shift in.
A new vector with values from this and shiftIn concatenated and then shifted by amount.
Vector sorted ( ) const

Return a sorted copy of the vector.

a sorted vector. The returned values are in ascending order:
v[0] <= v[1] <= v[2] <= v[3] ...
If the vector contains NaNs the result is undefined.


int_v s = v.sorted();
std::cout << v << '\n' << s << '\n';

With SSE the output would be:

[1513634383, -963914658, 1763536262, -1285037745]
[-1285037745, -963914658, 1513634383, 1763536262]

With the Scalar implementation:

Vector exponent ( ) const

Returns the exponents of the floating-point values in the vector.

A new vector object of the same type containing the exponents.
use Vc::exponent instead.
MaskType isNegative ( ) const

Returns whether a value is negative.

A new mask object indicating the sign of each vector element.
use Vc::isnegative instead.
V2 staticCast ( ) const

Casts the current object to V2.

a converted object of type Vc.
Use Vc::simd_cast instead.
V2 reinterpretCast ( ) const

reinterpret_cast the vector components to construct a vector of type V2.

An object of type V2 with the smae bit-representation.
use Vc::reinterpret_components_cast instead.
Vector copySign ( Vector< T, Abi >  reference) const

Copies the signs of the components of reference to the components of the current vector, returning the result.

referenceA vector object that determines the sign of the the result.
A new vector with sign taken from reference and absolute value taken from the current vector object.
Use Vc::copysign instead.

Member Data Documentation

constexpr size_t Size = VectorTraits<T, Abi>::size()

Returns the number of scalar components ( \(\mathcal{W}_\mathtt{T}\)) in a vector of this type.

The size of the vector. I.e. the number of scalar entries in the vector. Do not make any assumptions about the size of vectors. If you need vectors of float and int types use Vector::IndexType or SimdArray.

You can easily use if clauses to compare Vector sizes. The compiler can statically evaluate and fully optimize dead code away (very much like #ifdef, but with syntax checking).

The number of components (i.e. \(\mathcal{W}_\mathtt{T}\)) objects of this vector type store and manipulate.
Use Vc::Vector::size instead.

Definition at line 767 of file vector.h.

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