I am a particle accelerator physicist working in the research division at GSI Helmholtz Center for Heavy Ion Research GmbH in Darmstadt. My primary fields of research are design of non-destructive electromagnetic detectors and their applications in heavy-ion storage ring experiments for nuclear astrophysics. These include mass and lifetime measurements of exotic radioactive ion beams.
I am a member of the GSI Atomic Physics Department and ASTRUm project as well as NuSTAR, ILIMA, SPARC and NucAR collaborations.
You can drop me an email to:
s.sanjari -(-@-)- gsi.de
Shahab Sanjari
Other info:
- Horst Klein Memorial Award for best PhD Theses in Accelerator Physics LINK 🔗 and LINK 🔗
- GSI PhD Student Award 2013 LINK 🔗 and LINK 🔗
Attended Symposia/Conferences/Workshops/Schools
- 5th annual Helmholtz meeting on Matter and Technology, Jena. LINK 🔗
ARIES Workshop on Extracting information from electromagnetic monitors in hardron accelerators, Geneva. LINK 🔗
4th annual Helmholtz meeting on Matter and Technology, Berlin. LINK 🔗
- Gamma spectroscopy course at summer school in Jyväskylä. LINK 🔗
- Origin of Nuclei in the Universe, École Joliot-Curie EJC-2016, Port-Barcarès. LINK 🔗
- Nucleosynthesis away from stability, Goethe University Frankfurt am Main. LINK 🔗
- TSI-2015: Theory for exploring experiments in light and medium-mass nuclei @ TRIUMF, Vancouver, Canada. LINK 🔗
- Symposium on Lasers & Accelerators for Science and Society, Liverpool, UK. LINK 🔗
- 7th BINP-GSI-FAIR Workshop on CR, Novosibirsk, Russia.
- STORI-2014: 9th international conference on nuclear physics at storage rings, St. Goar, Germany. LINK 🔗
- 6th BINP-GSI-FAIR Workshop on CR, GSI Darmstadt, Germany.
- EMMI-RRTF Two body beta decay collaboration, Jena 2014, Germany.
- IBIC-2014, International Beam Instrumentation Conference, Monterey, CA, USA. LINK 🔗
- TSR@ISOLDE Workshop at CERN, Geneva, Switzerland. LINK 🔗
- High Precision Experiments with Stored Exotic and Stable Ions, Lanzhou, China. LINK 🔗
- 10th Topical Workshop of the SPARC Collaboration, Jena, Germany. LINK 🔗
- CERN Accelerator School (Advanced), Trondheim, Norway. LINK 🔗
- CERN Accelerator School (Basics), Varna, Bulgaria. LINK 🔗
- CERN Accelerator School (RF for Accelerators), Ebeltoft, Denmark. LINK 🔗
- FPL-2008: International Conference on Field Programmable Logic and Applications, Heidelberg, Germany. LINK 🔗
- Schottky analysis at GSI (and FAIR) storage rings. ARIES Workshop CERN, Geneva, Switzerlan.
- Schottky detectors for storage ring experiments at GSI (and FAIR). 5th Annual Matter and Technology Meeting, Jena, Germany.
- Schottky Detectors. Atomic Physics Workshop. Bad-Nauheim, Germany.
- Status of the variable resonant Schottky cavity pickup. ILIMA Open Meeting, GSI Darmstadt, Darmstadt, Germany.
- Possible mass measurements after Tl experiment? ASTRUm Group Meeting, GSI Darmstadt, Darmstadt, Germany.
- Data acquisition for experimental Schottky systems at GSI (and FAIR). FC2WG Meeting, GSI Darmstadt, Germany.
- The new CRYRING Schottky pickup. CRYRING User Meeting, GSI Darmstadt, Germany.
- Physics with GSI storage Rings. Australian National University, Canberra, Australia.
- Non-destructive particle detection. Australian National University, Canberra, Australia.
- Une nouvelle époque: Cooling à l’ESOC! ESOC, Darmstadt, Germany.
- Ideas for a new Schottky pick-up for CRYRING. CRYRING User Meeting, GSI Darmstadt, Germany.
- Digital main control room. GSI Darmstadt, Germany.
- Integration of Schottky detectors in CR. BINP-GSI-FAIR Workshop on CR, Novosibirsk, Russia.
- Schottky resonators for CR. BINP-GSI-FAIR Workshop on CR, GSI Darmstadt, Germany.
- The new 245 MHz detector. EMMI-RRTF Two body beta decay collaboration, Jena 2014, Germany.
- Non-Destructive in-ring Detectors. Symposium on Precision Experiments with Stored Exotic and Stable Ions, 2013-11-09, Lanzhou, China.
- Non-Destructive Particle Detectors. 10th Topical Workshop of the Stored Particles Atomic Physics Research Collaboration SPARC, 2013-10-29, Jena, Germany.
- GSI Oscillations collaboration meeting. GSI Darmstadt, Germany.
- A new resonant Schottky pickup for nuclear physics measurements of highly charged ions in storage rings, M. S. Sanjari, German Physical Society Spring Meeting, 2011-03-23, Münster, Germany. LINK 🔗
- Kernfusion in den Sternen: Der 3-alpha Prozess. Goethe University Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
- The Geonium Atom. Zell, Germany.
PhD Advisor of:
- 2017 - recent: Dmytro Dmytriiev, University of Heidelberg. On going.
- 2013-2015: Xiangcheng Chen, University of Heidelberg. Topic: Non-Interceptive Position Detection for Short-Lived Radioactive Nuclei in Heavy-Ion Storage Rings LINK 🔗
Bachelor’s thesis Advisor of:
- 2014: Jeremi Piotrowski, AGH University of Science and Technology, Krakow, Poland. Topic: Przgotowanie stanowiska testowego dla detektora rezonansowego “pickup” dla FAIR (A set-up for bench-top measurements of resonant pickup structures for FAIR). LINK 🔗