Lecture SS 2013
Modern Atomic Physics: Experiments and Theory
Prof. Dr. Thomas Stöhlker
Dr. Andrey Surzhykov
Wednesday, 10.15 - 12.00 (Lecture)
Wednesday, 16.00 - 17.45 (Tutorial, biweekly)
Room: Seminar room 205, Helmholtz Institute Jena, Fröbelstieg 3
10/04/2013: Introduction
17/04/2013: Hydrogen-like Systems and the Dirac Theory
24/04/2013: From Schrödinger to Dirac Theory Tutorial: Solutions 1
08/05/2013: Bound-state solutions of Dirac equation Mathematica Files for Dirac-Theory
15/05/2013: Lamb shift, hyperfine structure, quasimolecules and MO spectra
22/05/2013: Beyond the Dirac Equation Tutorial: Compton Scattering Overview
29/05/2013: High-Energy Photon Interactions / Radiative Processes
05/06/2013: Interaction of ions with electromagnetic fields
12/06/2013: Interaction of charged particles with matter / Cancer Therapy
19/06/2013: Many-Electron Atomic Systems
26/06/2013: Many-Electron Atomic Systems II
03/07/2013: Basics of angular momentum algebra
10/07/2013: Many-Electron Atomic Systems - Auger Decay, Dielectronic Recombination, Double Ionization