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Atomic Data & Tables
Journals & Data Bases
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Atomic data and Tables
NIST Physical Reference Data - X-Ray and Gamma-Ray Data, Fundamental Physical Constants
Smithsonian Physical Tables (9th Revised Edition) - By: Forsythe, W.E. 2003
A General Internet Search Engine for Atomic Data (GENIE) - at International Atomic Energy AgencyIsrael Science and Technology Directory - List of Periodic Table Elements Sorted by Atomic Number
Databases for Atomic and Plasma Physic - Plasma Laboratory of Weizmann Institute of Science
WebElementsTM - Periodic tables (professional edition)
The Lund/LBNL Nuclear Data Search - LBNL, Berkeley, USA, Department of Physics, Lund University, Sweden
Table of physical constans - the CODATA 86 recommended values
X-Ray World Wide Web Server (Department of Physics at Uppsala University in Sweden) - X-ray Emission Lines and Electron Binding Energies
Berkeley National Laboratory - Table of Isotopes, Atomic Data, Elemental Physical Properties
CODATA Internationally recommended values of the Fundamental Physical Constants
Relativistic ion energy calculator - GSI Atomic Physics page
X-ray absorption cross sections - (McMaster) tables
Fundamental Physical Constants, Conversion of Units - Institute of Chemistry, Free University Berlin
Periodic Table of the Elements - fundamental physical constants, international system of units, SI base and derived units, unit conversionPeriodic Table of the Elements - Los Alamos National Laboratory's Chemistry Division
Table of Nuclides - Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute
Periodic Table of Elements - X-ray properties - Center for Synchrotron Radiation Research and Instrumentation, Chicago, United States
Linac Coherent Light Source - at Stanford Sychrotron Radiation laboratory
An Electron Beam Ion Trap at Physics Center in Stockholm
European Round Table for Synchrotron Radiation and Free Electron Laser at Elletra, Trieste
EBIT - The Electron Beam Ion Trap - Berkeley Lab
Cosmology with supernova - Harvard University
ACE News Archives - Energy-Dependent Electron-Capture Decay Observed in Galactic Cosmic Rays
NASA/GSFC Radiation Effects & Analysis Home Page