Lecture SS 2015



The Physics of Extreme Electromagnetic Fields: Experiment and Theory

Prof. Dr. Thomas Stöhlker
Dr. Andrey Surzhykov

Wednesday, 10.15 - 12.00 (Lecture)
Thursday 10.00-11.30 (Tutorial, biweekly)
Room: Seminar room Helmholtz Institute, Fröbelstieg 3


Transperencies presented during the lecture:

15/04/2015: Introduction

22/04/2015: Experiment: Hydrogen Atom and Dirac Theory

29/04/2015: Experiment: Lamb Shift, Hyperfine Structure and Quasimolecules

06/05/2015: Theory: from Schrödinger to Dirac equation, solutions with negative energy

13/05/2015: Theory: bound-state solutions of Dirac equation, quantum numbers

20/05/2015: Theory: bound-state Dirac wave functions,QED corrections
Material: Dirac wavefunctions (mathematica netbook)

27/05/2015: Experiment: Laboratory Astrophysics

03/06/2015: Theory: Interaction of ions with elecromagnetic fields

04/06/2015: Tutorial: E1 selection rules

10/06/2015: Experiments: KeyExperiments

17/06/2015: Theory: Interaction of ions with elecromagnetic fields

18/06/2015: Tutorial:multipole expansion and photoionization

24/06/2015: Experimental: Auger decay, dielectronic recombination, double ionization

01/07/2015: Theory:interelectronic interactions

08/07/2015: Theory: many electron systems

15/07/2015: Experimental: Exotic atoms