Lecture WS 2012
Interaction of high-energy radiation with matter
Prof. Dr. Thomas Stöhlker
Wednesday, 10.15 - 12.00 (Lecture)
Thursday, 14.15 - 16.00 (Exercises, biweekly)
Room: Seminar room 205, Helmholtz Institute Jena, Fröbelstieg 3
17/10/2012: Lecture Introduction Part 1 / Lecture Introduction Part 2
24/10/2012: Lecture Dirac Theory
01/11/2012: Photons and Particles in Matter / Radiation Safety
07/11/2012: Atoms and Radiation
14/11/2012: Photons in Matter
21/11/2012: Particles in Matter
28/11/2012: Key Experiments
05/12/2012: Nuclei and their Decay Modes
12/12/2012: Photon Detectors
13/12/2012: Exercises / Exercise Solutions Part I
19/12/2012: Cosmic Radiation
09/01/2013: Particle Detectors
10/01/2013: Exercise Solutions Part II
16/01/2013: Biological Effects
23/01/2013: Particle Accelerators
24/01/2013: Summary Lecture
06/02/2013: Novel Photon Sources