[1989] [1990] [1991] [1992] [1993] [1994] [1995] [1996] [1997] [1998] [1999] [2000] [2001] [2002] [2003] [2004] [2005] [2006] [2007] [2008] [2009] [2010] [2011] [2012]
SPARC: Atomic Physics
with Highly-Charged Heavy Ions
and Th. Stöhlker
STORI 2005 Conference Proceedings, Schriften
des Forschungszentrums, Jülich,
Matter and Materials, Volume 30, ISSN 1433-5506, ISBN 3-89336-406-8 (2005)
Diagnostics of Spin–Polarized Heavy Ion
Beams at Storage Rings
Andrey Surzhykov, Stephan Fritzsche, Thomas Stöhlker, Stanislav Tashenov
STORI 2005 Conference Proceedings, Schriften des Forschungszentrums, Jülich,
Matter and Materials, Volume 30, ISSN 1433-5506, ISBN 3-89336-406-8 (2005)
Diagnostics of Spin-Polarized Ion Beams
by Hard X-Ray Polarimetry of Recombination Transition
S. Tashenov, Th. Stöhlker, C. Brandau, S. Fritzsche, A. Gumberidze, S. Hagmann,
C. Kozhuharov, T. Krings, D. Protic, R. Reuschl, J. Rzadkiewicz, D. Schneider,
U. Spillmann, A. Surzhykov, S.Trotsenko
STORI 2005 Conference Proceedings, Schriften des Forschungszentrums, Jülich,
Matter and Materials, Volume 30, ISSN 1433-5506, ISBN 3-89336-406-8 (2005)
Determination of Nuclear Ground State
Properties with Large Atomic Cross Sections – Isotopic Shift Measurements
by Means of Dielectronic Recombination
C. Brandau, C. Kozhuharov, A. Müller, S. Schippers, H.-J. Kluge, P. H.Mokler,
Th. Stöhlker, A. Wolf
STORI 2005 Conference Proceedings, Schriften des Forschungszentrums, Jülich,
Matter and Materials, Volume 30, ISSN 1433-5506, ISBN 3-89336-406-8 (2005)
Radiative Recombination into High-Z,
Few-Electron Ions: Cross sections and Angular distributions
S. Fritzsche, A. Surzhykov, and Th. Stöhlker
Phys. Rev. A 72, 012704 (2005)
measurement of beta(-) decay to bound and continuum electron states
T. Ohtsubo, L. Maier, C. Scheidenberger, F. Attallah, K. Beckert,
P. Beller. F.
Bosch, D. Boutin, T. Feastermann, B. Franczak,
B. Franzke, H. Geissel, M. Hausmann, M. Hellström, E. Kaza, P. Kienle, O.
Klepper, H.-J. Kluge, C. Kozhuharov, Yu. A. Litvinov, M. Matos, G. Münzenberg,
F. Nolden, Yu. N. Novikov, M. Portillo, T. Radon, J. Stadlmann, M. Steck,
Th. Stöhlker, K. Sümmerer, K. Takahashi, H. Weick, M. Winkler, and
T. Yamaguchi
Phys. Rev.
Lett. 95, 052501 (2005)
Quantum Dynamics at Strong Electric Fields:
The Ground State Lamb Shift in Hydrogenlike Uranium
A. Gumberidze, Th. Stöhlker, D. Banas, K. Beckert, P. Beller, H.F. Beyer,
F. Bosch, S. Hagmann, C. Kozhuharov, D. Liesen, F. Nolden, X. Ma, P.H. Mokler,
M. Steck, D. Sierpowski, S. Tachenov
Physical Review Letter 94, 223001 (2005)
Application of Radiative Electron Capture for the Diagnostics of Spin-Polarized
Ion Beams at Storage Rings
Andrey Surzhykov, Stephan Fritzsche Thomas Stöhlker, Stanislav Tashenov
Physical Review Letter 94, 203202 (2005)
Relativistic quantum dynamics in strong fields: photon emission from heavy,
few-electron ions
S. Fritzsche, P. Indelicato, Th. Stöhlker
J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 38 No 9 (14 May 2005) S707-S726
Electron stripping cross-sections for fast, low charge state uranium ions
R.E. Olson, R.L. Watson, V. Horvat, K.E. Zaharakis, R.D. DuBois, Th. Stöhlker
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 544, 333 (2005)
X-ray emission studies
in relativistic collisions of Li-like uranium ions with gaseous target
D. Banaś, Th. Stöhlker, D.C. Ionescu, H.F. Beyer, F. Bosch, A. Bräuning-Demian,
A. Gumberidze, S. Hagmann, C. Kozhuharov, X. Ma, P.H. Mokler, R. Mann, D. Sierpowski,
S. Tachenov, Z. Stachura and A. Warczak
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 235, 326 (2005)
Charge Exchange and X-Ray Emission in 70 MeV/u Bi – Au Collisions
P. Verma, P.H. Mokler, A. Bräuning-Demian, H. Bräuning, E. Berdermann, S. Chatterjee,
A. Gumberidze, S. Hagmann, C. Kozhuharov, A. Orsic-Muthig, R. Reuschl, M. Schöffler,
U. Spillmann, Th. Stöhlker, Z. Stachura, S. Tashenov and M.A. Wahab
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 235, 309 (2005)
Atomic physics with highly-charged heavy ions at the GSI future facility:
The scientific program of the SPARC collaboration
Th. Stöhlker, T. Beier, H.F. Beyer, F. Bosch, A. Bräuning-Demian, A. Gumberidze,
S. Hagmann, C. Kozhuharov, Th. Kühl, D. Liesen, R. Mann, P.H. Mokler, W. Quint,
R. Schuch and A. Warczak
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 235 494, (2005)
Polarization effects in radiative recombination of an electron with
a highly charged ion
A. E. Klasnikov, V. M. Shabaev, A. N. Artemyev, A. V. Kovtun, Th. Stöhlker,
and V.A. Yerokhin
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 235, 284 (2005)
Charge State Dependence of L-REC into Highly Charged Uranium Ions
G. Bednarz, A. Warczak, D. Sierpowski, T. Stoehlker, S. Hagmann, F. Bosch,
A. Gumberidze, C. Kozhuharov, D. Liesen, P. H. Mokler, X. Ma, Z. Stachura
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 235, 280 (2005)
Lifetime measurement of the metastable 2 3P0 state in He-like uranium
S. Toleikis, B. Manil, G. Bednarz, E. Berdermann, H.F. Beyer, F. Bosch, A.
Bräuning-Demian, A. Gumberidze, P. Indelicato, C. Kozhuharov, D. Liesen, R.
Marrus, P.H. Mokler, Z. Stachura,
Th. Stöhlker, A. Warczak
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 235, 197 (2005)
Negative-continuum dielectronic recombination into low-lying bound states
of heavy ions
A.N. Artemyev, A. E. Klasnikov, T. Beier, J. Eichler, C. Kozhuharov, V.M. Shabaev,
T. Stöhlker, V.A. Yerokhin
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 235, 270 (2005)
Polarization and alignment transfer in heavy hydrogen-like ions following
radiative electron capture
A. Surzhykov, S. Fritzsche, W.-D. Sepp, Th. Stöhlker, A. Orsic Muthig
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 276, 276 (2005)
Atomic physics with highly-charged heavy ions at the GSI future facility:
The scientific program of the SPARC collaboration
A. Gumberidze, F. Bosch, A. Bräuning-Demian, S. Hagmann, Th. Kühl, D. Liesen,
R. Schuch,
Th. Stöhlker and for the SPARC Collaboration
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 233, 28 (2005)
Challenges and opportunities
for atomic physics at FAIR: The new GSI accelerator project
S. Hagmann, H.F. Beyer, F. Bosch, A. Bräuning-Demian, H.J.
Kluge, C. Kozhuharov, T. Kuhl, D. Liesen, T. Stöhlker, J. Ullrich, R.
Moshammer, R. Mann, P. Mokler, W. Quint, R. Schuch, and A. Warczak,
Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research B 241, 5-8 (2005)
Facility at GSI for Experiments on Stored and Cooled Highly Charged Ions
at Rest
H.-J. Kluge, T. Beier, K. Blaum, M. Block, L. Dahl, S. Eliseev, F. Herfurth,
S. Heinz, O. Kester, C. Kozhuharov, T. Kühl, G. Maero, W. Nörtershäuser,
T. Stöhlker, W. Quint, G. Vorobjev, G. Werth, and a the HITRAP Collaboration
Memorial Symposium for Gerhard Soff, Frankfurt, Germany, EP Systema Budapest,
Hungary. (2005)
microstrip germanium detector for the spectroscopy of hard x-ray transitions
D. Protic, T. Stöhlker, T. Krings, I. Mohos, and U. Spillmann
Ieee Transactions on Nuclear Science
52, 3194-3198 (2005)
Hyperfine quenching
of resonances in dielectronic recombination of zinc-like Pt48+
S. Schippers, G. Gwinner, C. Brandau, S. Bohm, M. Grieser, S. Kieslich, H.
Knopp, A. Muller, R. Repnow, D. Schwalm, and A. Wolf
Nuclear Instruments & Methods
in Physics Research B 235, 265-269 (2005)