00007 #define R__DICTIONARY_FILENAME iodIiodIsrcdIG__IO
00008 #include "RConfig.h"
00009 #if !defined(R__ACCESS_IN_SYMBOL)
00011 #define private public
00012 #define protected public
00013 #endif
00016 namespace std {} using namespace std;
00017 #include "G__IO.h"
00019 #include "TClass.h"
00020 #include "TBuffer.h"
00021 #include "TMemberInspector.h"
00022 #include "TError.h"
00024 #ifndef G__ROOT
00025 #define G__ROOT
00026 #endif
00028 #include "RtypesImp.h"
00029 #include "TIsAProxy.h"
00033 namespace ROOT {
00034 namespace Shadow {
00035 }
00036 }
00039 namespace ROOT {
00040 void TVirtualArray_ShowMembers(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp);
00041 static void TVirtualArray_Dictionary();
00042 static void delete_TVirtualArray(void *p);
00043 static void deleteArray_TVirtualArray(void *p);
00044 static void destruct_TVirtualArray(void *p);
00047 static TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstanceLocal(const ::TVirtualArray*)
00048 {
00049 ::TVirtualArray *ptr = 0;
00050 static ::TVirtualIsAProxy* isa_proxy = new ::TIsAProxy(typeid(::TVirtualArray),0);
00051 static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo
00052 instance("TVirtualArray", 0, "include/TVirtualArray.h", 27,
00053 typeid(::TVirtualArray), DefineBehavior(ptr, ptr),
00054 0, &TVirtualArray_Dictionary, isa_proxy, 9,
00055 sizeof(::TVirtualArray) );
00056 instance.SetDelete(&delete_TVirtualArray);
00057 instance.SetDeleteArray(&deleteArray_TVirtualArray);
00058 instance.SetDestructor(&destruct_TVirtualArray);
00059 return &instance;
00060 }
00061 TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstance(const ::TVirtualArray*)
00062 {
00063 return GenerateInitInstanceLocal((::TVirtualArray*)0);
00064 }
00066 static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo *_R__UNIQUE_(Init) = GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TVirtualArray*)0x0); R__UseDummy(_R__UNIQUE_(Init));
00069 static void TVirtualArray_Dictionary() {
00070 ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TVirtualArray*)0x0)->GetClass();
00071 }
00073 }
00075 namespace TStreamerInfoActions {
00076 namespace ROOT {
00077 inline ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstance();
00078 static void TStreamerInfoActions_Dictionary();
00081 inline ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstance()
00082 {
00083 static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo
00084 instance("TStreamerInfoActions", 0 , "include/TStreamerInfoActions.h", 19,
00085 ::ROOT::DefineBehavior((void*)0,(void*)0),
00086 &TStreamerInfoActions_Dictionary, 0);
00087 return &instance;
00088 }
00090 ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo *(*_R__UNIQUE_(InitFunctionKeeper))() = &GenerateInitInstance;
00092 static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo *_R__UNIQUE_(Init) = GenerateInitInstance(); R__UseDummy(_R__UNIQUE_(Init));
00095 static void TStreamerInfoActions_Dictionary() {
00096 GenerateInitInstance()->GetClass();
00097 }
00099 }
00100 }
00102 namespace ROOT {
00103 void TStreamerInfoActionscLcLTActionSequence_ShowMembers(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp);
00104 static void delete_TStreamerInfoActionscLcLTActionSequence(void *p);
00105 static void deleteArray_TStreamerInfoActionscLcLTActionSequence(void *p);
00106 static void destruct_TStreamerInfoActionscLcLTActionSequence(void *p);
00109 static TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstanceLocal(const ::TStreamerInfoActions::TActionSequence*)
00110 {
00111 ::TStreamerInfoActions::TActionSequence *ptr = 0;
00112 static ::TVirtualIsAProxy* isa_proxy = new ::TInstrumentedIsAProxy< ::TStreamerInfoActions::TActionSequence >(0);
00113 static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo
00114 instance("TStreamerInfoActions::TActionSequence", ::TStreamerInfoActions::TActionSequence::Class_Version(), "include/TStreamerInfoActions.h", 110,
00115 typeid(::TStreamerInfoActions::TActionSequence), DefineBehavior(ptr, ptr),
00116 &::TStreamerInfoActions::TActionSequence::Dictionary, isa_proxy, 4,
00117 sizeof(::TStreamerInfoActions::TActionSequence) );
00118 instance.SetDelete(&delete_TStreamerInfoActionscLcLTActionSequence);
00119 instance.SetDeleteArray(&deleteArray_TStreamerInfoActionscLcLTActionSequence);
00120 instance.SetDestructor(&destruct_TStreamerInfoActionscLcLTActionSequence);
00121 return &instance;
00122 }
00123 TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstance(const ::TStreamerInfoActions::TActionSequence*)
00124 {
00125 return GenerateInitInstanceLocal((::TStreamerInfoActions::TActionSequence*)0);
00126 }
00128 static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo *_R__UNIQUE_(Init) = GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TStreamerInfoActions::TActionSequence*)0x0); R__UseDummy(_R__UNIQUE_(Init));
00129 }
00131 namespace ROOT {
00132 void TFile_ShowMembers(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp);
00133 static void *new_TFile(void *p = 0);
00134 static void *newArray_TFile(Long_t size, void *p);
00135 static void delete_TFile(void *p);
00136 static void deleteArray_TFile(void *p);
00137 static void destruct_TFile(void *p);
00138 static void streamer_TFile(TBuffer &buf, void *obj);
00141 static TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstanceLocal(const ::TFile*)
00142 {
00143 ::TFile *ptr = 0;
00144 static ::TVirtualIsAProxy* isa_proxy = new ::TInstrumentedIsAProxy< ::TFile >(0);
00145 static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo
00146 instance("TFile", ::TFile::Class_Version(), "include/TFile.h", 41,
00147 typeid(::TFile), DefineBehavior(ptr, ptr),
00148 &::TFile::Dictionary, isa_proxy, 1,
00149 sizeof(::TFile) );
00150 instance.SetNew(&new_TFile);
00151 instance.SetNewArray(&newArray_TFile);
00152 instance.SetDelete(&delete_TFile);
00153 instance.SetDeleteArray(&deleteArray_TFile);
00154 instance.SetDestructor(&destruct_TFile);
00155 instance.SetStreamerFunc(&streamer_TFile);
00156 return &instance;
00157 }
00158 TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstance(const ::TFile*)
00159 {
00160 return GenerateInitInstanceLocal((::TFile*)0);
00161 }
00163 static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo *_R__UNIQUE_(Init) = GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TFile*)0x0); R__UseDummy(_R__UNIQUE_(Init));
00164 }
00166 namespace ROOT {
00167 void TArchiveMember_ShowMembers(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp);
00168 static void *new_TArchiveMember(void *p = 0);
00169 static void *newArray_TArchiveMember(Long_t size, void *p);
00170 static void delete_TArchiveMember(void *p);
00171 static void deleteArray_TArchiveMember(void *p);
00172 static void destruct_TArchiveMember(void *p);
00175 static TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstanceLocal(const ::TArchiveMember*)
00176 {
00177 ::TArchiveMember *ptr = 0;
00178 static ::TVirtualIsAProxy* isa_proxy = new ::TInstrumentedIsAProxy< ::TArchiveMember >(0);
00179 static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo
00180 instance("TArchiveMember", ::TArchiveMember::Class_Version(), "include/TArchiveFile.h", 81,
00181 typeid(::TArchiveMember), DefineBehavior(ptr, ptr),
00182 &::TArchiveMember::Dictionary, isa_proxy, 4,
00183 sizeof(::TArchiveMember) );
00184 instance.SetNew(&new_TArchiveMember);
00185 instance.SetNewArray(&newArray_TArchiveMember);
00186 instance.SetDelete(&delete_TArchiveMember);
00187 instance.SetDeleteArray(&deleteArray_TArchiveMember);
00188 instance.SetDestructor(&destruct_TArchiveMember);
00189 return &instance;
00190 }
00191 TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstance(const ::TArchiveMember*)
00192 {
00193 return GenerateInitInstanceLocal((::TArchiveMember*)0);
00194 }
00196 static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo *_R__UNIQUE_(Init) = GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TArchiveMember*)0x0); R__UseDummy(_R__UNIQUE_(Init));
00197 }
00199 namespace ROOT {
00200 void TArchiveFile_ShowMembers(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp);
00201 static void delete_TArchiveFile(void *p);
00202 static void deleteArray_TArchiveFile(void *p);
00203 static void destruct_TArchiveFile(void *p);
00206 static TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstanceLocal(const ::TArchiveFile*)
00207 {
00208 ::TArchiveFile *ptr = 0;
00209 static ::TVirtualIsAProxy* isa_proxy = new ::TInstrumentedIsAProxy< ::TArchiveFile >(0);
00210 static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo
00211 instance("TArchiveFile", ::TArchiveFile::Class_Version(), "include/TArchiveFile.h", 40,
00212 typeid(::TArchiveFile), DefineBehavior(ptr, ptr),
00213 &::TArchiveFile::Dictionary, isa_proxy, 4,
00214 sizeof(::TArchiveFile) );
00215 instance.SetDelete(&delete_TArchiveFile);
00216 instance.SetDeleteArray(&deleteArray_TArchiveFile);
00217 instance.SetDestructor(&destruct_TArchiveFile);
00218 return &instance;
00219 }
00220 TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstance(const ::TArchiveFile*)
00221 {
00222 return GenerateInitInstanceLocal((::TArchiveFile*)0);
00223 }
00225 static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo *_R__UNIQUE_(Init) = GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TArchiveFile*)0x0); R__UseDummy(_R__UNIQUE_(Init));
00226 }
00228 namespace ROOT {
00229 void TStreamerInfo_ShowMembers(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp);
00230 static void *new_TStreamerInfo(void *p = 0);
00231 static void *newArray_TStreamerInfo(Long_t size, void *p);
00232 static void delete_TStreamerInfo(void *p);
00233 static void deleteArray_TStreamerInfo(void *p);
00234 static void destruct_TStreamerInfo(void *p);
00235 static void streamer_TStreamerInfo(TBuffer &buf, void *obj);
00238 static TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstanceLocal(const ::TStreamerInfo*)
00239 {
00240 ::TStreamerInfo *ptr = 0;
00241 static ::TVirtualIsAProxy* isa_proxy = new ::TInstrumentedIsAProxy< ::TStreamerInfo >(0);
00242 static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo
00243 instance("TStreamerInfo", ::TStreamerInfo::Class_Version(), "include/TStreamerInfo.h", 49,
00244 typeid(::TStreamerInfo), DefineBehavior(ptr, ptr),
00245 &::TStreamerInfo::Dictionary, isa_proxy, 1,
00246 sizeof(::TStreamerInfo) );
00247 instance.SetNew(&new_TStreamerInfo);
00248 instance.SetNewArray(&newArray_TStreamerInfo);
00249 instance.SetDelete(&delete_TStreamerInfo);
00250 instance.SetDeleteArray(&deleteArray_TStreamerInfo);
00251 instance.SetDestructor(&destruct_TStreamerInfo);
00252 instance.SetStreamerFunc(&streamer_TStreamerInfo);
00253 return &instance;
00254 }
00255 TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstance(const ::TStreamerInfo*)
00256 {
00257 return GenerateInitInstanceLocal((::TStreamerInfo*)0);
00258 }
00260 static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo *_R__UNIQUE_(Init) = GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TStreamerInfo*)0x0); R__UseDummy(_R__UNIQUE_(Init));
00261 }
00263 namespace ROOT {
00264 void TBufferFile_ShowMembers(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp);
00265 static void delete_TBufferFile(void *p);
00266 static void deleteArray_TBufferFile(void *p);
00267 static void destruct_TBufferFile(void *p);
00268 static void streamer_TBufferFile(TBuffer &buf, void *obj);
00271 static TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstanceLocal(const ::TBufferFile*)
00272 {
00273 ::TBufferFile *ptr = 0;
00274 static ::TVirtualIsAProxy* isa_proxy = new ::TInstrumentedIsAProxy< ::TBufferFile >(0);
00275 static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo
00276 instance("TBufferFile", ::TBufferFile::Class_Version(), "include/TBufferFile.h", 51,
00277 typeid(::TBufferFile), DefineBehavior(ptr, ptr),
00278 &::TBufferFile::Dictionary, isa_proxy, 0,
00279 sizeof(::TBufferFile) );
00280 instance.SetDelete(&delete_TBufferFile);
00281 instance.SetDeleteArray(&deleteArray_TBufferFile);
00282 instance.SetDestructor(&destruct_TBufferFile);
00283 instance.SetStreamerFunc(&streamer_TBufferFile);
00284 return &instance;
00285 }
00286 TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstance(const ::TBufferFile*)
00287 {
00288 return GenerateInitInstanceLocal((::TBufferFile*)0);
00289 }
00291 static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo *_R__UNIQUE_(Init) = GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TBufferFile*)0x0); R__UseDummy(_R__UNIQUE_(Init));
00292 }
00294 namespace ROOT {
00295 void TCollectionProxyFactory_ShowMembers(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp);
00296 static void TCollectionProxyFactory_Dictionary();
00297 static void *new_TCollectionProxyFactory(void *p = 0);
00298 static void *newArray_TCollectionProxyFactory(Long_t size, void *p);
00299 static void delete_TCollectionProxyFactory(void *p);
00300 static void deleteArray_TCollectionProxyFactory(void *p);
00301 static void destruct_TCollectionProxyFactory(void *p);
00304 static TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstanceLocal(const ::TCollectionProxyFactory*)
00305 {
00306 ::TCollectionProxyFactory *ptr = 0;
00307 static ::TVirtualIsAProxy* isa_proxy = new ::TIsAProxy(typeid(::TCollectionProxyFactory),0);
00308 static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo
00309 instance("TCollectionProxyFactory", "include/TCollectionProxyFactory.h", 78,
00310 typeid(::TCollectionProxyFactory), DefineBehavior(ptr, ptr),
00311 0, &TCollectionProxyFactory_Dictionary, isa_proxy, 1,
00312 sizeof(::TCollectionProxyFactory) );
00313 instance.SetNew(&new_TCollectionProxyFactory);
00314 instance.SetNewArray(&newArray_TCollectionProxyFactory);
00315 instance.SetDelete(&delete_TCollectionProxyFactory);
00316 instance.SetDeleteArray(&deleteArray_TCollectionProxyFactory);
00317 instance.SetDestructor(&destruct_TCollectionProxyFactory);
00318 return &instance;
00319 }
00320 TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstance(const ::TCollectionProxyFactory*)
00321 {
00322 return GenerateInitInstanceLocal((::TCollectionProxyFactory*)0);
00323 }
00325 static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo *_R__UNIQUE_(Init) = GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TCollectionProxyFactory*)0x0); R__UseDummy(_R__UNIQUE_(Init));
00328 static void TCollectionProxyFactory_Dictionary() {
00329 ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TCollectionProxyFactory*)0x0)->GetClass();
00330 }
00332 }
00334 namespace ROOT {
00335 void TGenCollectionProxy_ShowMembers(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp);
00336 static void TGenCollectionProxy_Dictionary();
00337 static void delete_TGenCollectionProxy(void *p);
00338 static void deleteArray_TGenCollectionProxy(void *p);
00339 static void destruct_TGenCollectionProxy(void *p);
00340 static void streamer_TGenCollectionProxy(TBuffer &buf, void *obj);
00343 static TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstanceLocal(const ::TGenCollectionProxy*)
00344 {
00345 ::TGenCollectionProxy *ptr = 0;
00346 static ::TVirtualIsAProxy* isa_proxy = new ::TIsAProxy(typeid(::TGenCollectionProxy),0);
00347 static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo
00348 instance("TGenCollectionProxy", "include/TGenCollectionProxy.h", 51,
00349 typeid(::TGenCollectionProxy), DefineBehavior(ptr, ptr),
00350 0, &TGenCollectionProxy_Dictionary, isa_proxy, 1,
00351 sizeof(::TGenCollectionProxy) );
00352 instance.SetDelete(&delete_TGenCollectionProxy);
00353 instance.SetDeleteArray(&deleteArray_TGenCollectionProxy);
00354 instance.SetDestructor(&destruct_TGenCollectionProxy);
00355 instance.SetStreamerFunc(&streamer_TGenCollectionProxy);
00356 return &instance;
00357 }
00358 TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstance(const ::TGenCollectionProxy*)
00359 {
00360 return GenerateInitInstanceLocal((::TGenCollectionProxy*)0);
00361 }
00363 static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo *_R__UNIQUE_(Init) = GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TGenCollectionProxy*)0x0); R__UseDummy(_R__UNIQUE_(Init));
00366 static void TGenCollectionProxy_Dictionary() {
00367 ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TGenCollectionProxy*)0x0)->GetClass();
00368 }
00370 }
00372 namespace ROOT {
00373 void TGenCollectionProxycLcLValue_ShowMembers(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp);
00374 static void TGenCollectionProxycLcLValue_Dictionary();
00375 static void delete_TGenCollectionProxycLcLValue(void *p);
00376 static void deleteArray_TGenCollectionProxycLcLValue(void *p);
00377 static void destruct_TGenCollectionProxycLcLValue(void *p);
00380 static TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstanceLocal(const ::TGenCollectionProxy::Value*)
00381 {
00382 ::TGenCollectionProxy::Value *ptr = 0;
00383 static ::TVirtualIsAProxy* isa_proxy = new ::TIsAProxy(typeid(::TGenCollectionProxy::Value),0);
00384 static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo
00385 instance("TGenCollectionProxy::Value", "include/TGenCollectionProxy.h", 81,
00386 typeid(::TGenCollectionProxy::Value), DefineBehavior(ptr, ptr),
00387 0, &TGenCollectionProxycLcLValue_Dictionary, isa_proxy, 1,
00388 sizeof(::TGenCollectionProxy::Value) );
00389 instance.SetDelete(&delete_TGenCollectionProxycLcLValue);
00390 instance.SetDeleteArray(&deleteArray_TGenCollectionProxycLcLValue);
00391 instance.SetDestructor(&destruct_TGenCollectionProxycLcLValue);
00392 return &instance;
00393 }
00394 TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstance(const ::TGenCollectionProxy::Value*)
00395 {
00396 return GenerateInitInstanceLocal((::TGenCollectionProxy::Value*)0);
00397 }
00399 static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo *_R__UNIQUE_(Init) = GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TGenCollectionProxy::Value*)0x0); R__UseDummy(_R__UNIQUE_(Init));
00402 static void TGenCollectionProxycLcLValue_Dictionary() {
00403 ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TGenCollectionProxy::Value*)0x0)->GetClass();
00404 }
00406 }
00408 namespace ROOT {
00409 void TGenCollectionProxycLcLMethod_ShowMembers(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp);
00410 static void TGenCollectionProxycLcLMethod_Dictionary();
00411 static void *new_TGenCollectionProxycLcLMethod(void *p = 0);
00412 static void *newArray_TGenCollectionProxycLcLMethod(Long_t size, void *p);
00413 static void delete_TGenCollectionProxycLcLMethod(void *p);
00414 static void deleteArray_TGenCollectionProxycLcLMethod(void *p);
00415 static void destruct_TGenCollectionProxycLcLMethod(void *p);
00418 static TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstanceLocal(const ::TGenCollectionProxy::Method*)
00419 {
00420 ::TGenCollectionProxy::Method *ptr = 0;
00421 static ::TVirtualIsAProxy* isa_proxy = new ::TIsAProxy(typeid(::TGenCollectionProxy::Method),0);
00422 static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo
00423 instance("TGenCollectionProxy::Method", "include/TGenCollectionProxy.h", 213,
00424 typeid(::TGenCollectionProxy::Method), DefineBehavior(ptr, ptr),
00425 0, &TGenCollectionProxycLcLMethod_Dictionary, isa_proxy, 1,
00426 sizeof(::TGenCollectionProxy::Method) );
00427 instance.SetNew(&new_TGenCollectionProxycLcLMethod);
00428 instance.SetNewArray(&newArray_TGenCollectionProxycLcLMethod);
00429 instance.SetDelete(&delete_TGenCollectionProxycLcLMethod);
00430 instance.SetDeleteArray(&deleteArray_TGenCollectionProxycLcLMethod);
00431 instance.SetDestructor(&destruct_TGenCollectionProxycLcLMethod);
00432 return &instance;
00433 }
00434 TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstance(const ::TGenCollectionProxy::Method*)
00435 {
00436 return GenerateInitInstanceLocal((::TGenCollectionProxy::Method*)0);
00437 }
00439 static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo *_R__UNIQUE_(Init) = GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TGenCollectionProxy::Method*)0x0); R__UseDummy(_R__UNIQUE_(Init));
00442 static void TGenCollectionProxycLcLMethod_Dictionary() {
00443 ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TGenCollectionProxy::Method*)0x0)->GetClass();
00444 }
00446 }
00448 namespace ROOT {
00449 void TEmulatedCollectionProxy_ShowMembers(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp);
00450 static void TEmulatedCollectionProxy_Dictionary();
00451 static void delete_TEmulatedCollectionProxy(void *p);
00452 static void deleteArray_TEmulatedCollectionProxy(void *p);
00453 static void destruct_TEmulatedCollectionProxy(void *p);
00454 static void streamer_TEmulatedCollectionProxy(TBuffer &buf, void *obj);
00457 static TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstanceLocal(const ::TEmulatedCollectionProxy*)
00458 {
00459 ::TEmulatedCollectionProxy *ptr = 0;
00460 static ::TVirtualIsAProxy* isa_proxy = new ::TIsAProxy(typeid(::TEmulatedCollectionProxy),0);
00461 static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo
00462 instance("TEmulatedCollectionProxy", "include/TEmulatedCollectionProxy.h", 31,
00463 typeid(::TEmulatedCollectionProxy), DefineBehavior(ptr, ptr),
00464 0, &TEmulatedCollectionProxy_Dictionary, isa_proxy, 1,
00465 sizeof(::TEmulatedCollectionProxy) );
00466 instance.SetDelete(&delete_TEmulatedCollectionProxy);
00467 instance.SetDeleteArray(&deleteArray_TEmulatedCollectionProxy);
00468 instance.SetDestructor(&destruct_TEmulatedCollectionProxy);
00469 instance.SetStreamerFunc(&streamer_TEmulatedCollectionProxy);
00470 return &instance;
00471 }
00472 TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstance(const ::TEmulatedCollectionProxy*)
00473 {
00474 return GenerateInitInstanceLocal((::TEmulatedCollectionProxy*)0);
00475 }
00477 static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo *_R__UNIQUE_(Init) = GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TEmulatedCollectionProxy*)0x0); R__UseDummy(_R__UNIQUE_(Init));
00480 static void TEmulatedCollectionProxy_Dictionary() {
00481 ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TEmulatedCollectionProxy*)0x0)->GetClass();
00482 }
00484 }
00486 namespace ROOT {
00487 void TCollectionStreamer_ShowMembers(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp);
00488 static void TCollectionStreamer_Dictionary();
00489 static void *new_TCollectionStreamer(void *p = 0);
00490 static void *newArray_TCollectionStreamer(Long_t size, void *p);
00491 static void delete_TCollectionStreamer(void *p);
00492 static void deleteArray_TCollectionStreamer(void *p);
00493 static void destruct_TCollectionStreamer(void *p);
00496 static TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstanceLocal(const ::TCollectionStreamer*)
00497 {
00498 ::TCollectionStreamer *ptr = 0;
00499 static ::TVirtualIsAProxy* isa_proxy = new ::TIsAProxy(typeid(::TCollectionStreamer),0);
00500 static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo
00501 instance("TCollectionStreamer", "include/TCollectionProxyFactory.h", 142,
00502 typeid(::TCollectionStreamer), DefineBehavior(ptr, ptr),
00503 0, &TCollectionStreamer_Dictionary, isa_proxy, 1,
00504 sizeof(::TCollectionStreamer) );
00505 instance.SetNew(&new_TCollectionStreamer);
00506 instance.SetNewArray(&newArray_TCollectionStreamer);
00507 instance.SetDelete(&delete_TCollectionStreamer);
00508 instance.SetDeleteArray(&deleteArray_TCollectionStreamer);
00509 instance.SetDestructor(&destruct_TCollectionStreamer);
00510 return &instance;
00511 }
00512 TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstance(const ::TCollectionStreamer*)
00513 {
00514 return GenerateInitInstanceLocal((::TCollectionStreamer*)0);
00515 }
00517 static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo *_R__UNIQUE_(Init) = GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TCollectionStreamer*)0x0); R__UseDummy(_R__UNIQUE_(Init));
00520 static void TCollectionStreamer_Dictionary() {
00521 ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TCollectionStreamer*)0x0)->GetClass();
00522 }
00524 }
00526 namespace ROOT {
00527 void TCollectionClassStreamer_ShowMembers(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp);
00528 static void TCollectionClassStreamer_Dictionary();
00529 static void *new_TCollectionClassStreamer(void *p = 0);
00530 static void *newArray_TCollectionClassStreamer(Long_t size, void *p);
00531 static void delete_TCollectionClassStreamer(void *p);
00532 static void deleteArray_TCollectionClassStreamer(void *p);
00533 static void destruct_TCollectionClassStreamer(void *p);
00536 static TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstanceLocal(const ::TCollectionClassStreamer*)
00537 {
00538 ::TCollectionClassStreamer *ptr = 0;
00539 static ::TVirtualIsAProxy* isa_proxy = new ::TIsAProxy(typeid(::TCollectionClassStreamer),0);
00540 static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo
00541 instance("TCollectionClassStreamer", "include/TCollectionProxyFactory.h", 175,
00542 typeid(::TCollectionClassStreamer), DefineBehavior(ptr, ptr),
00543 0, &TCollectionClassStreamer_Dictionary, isa_proxy, 1,
00544 sizeof(::TCollectionClassStreamer) );
00545 instance.SetNew(&new_TCollectionClassStreamer);
00546 instance.SetNewArray(&newArray_TCollectionClassStreamer);
00547 instance.SetDelete(&delete_TCollectionClassStreamer);
00548 instance.SetDeleteArray(&deleteArray_TCollectionClassStreamer);
00549 instance.SetDestructor(&destruct_TCollectionClassStreamer);
00550 return &instance;
00551 }
00552 TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstance(const ::TCollectionClassStreamer*)
00553 {
00554 return GenerateInitInstanceLocal((::TCollectionClassStreamer*)0);
00555 }
00557 static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo *_R__UNIQUE_(Init) = GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TCollectionClassStreamer*)0x0); R__UseDummy(_R__UNIQUE_(Init));
00560 static void TCollectionClassStreamer_Dictionary() {
00561 ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TCollectionClassStreamer*)0x0)->GetClass();
00562 }
00564 }
00566 namespace ROOT {
00567 void TCollectionMemberStreamer_ShowMembers(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp);
00568 static void TCollectionMemberStreamer_Dictionary();
00569 static void *new_TCollectionMemberStreamer(void *p = 0);
00570 static void *newArray_TCollectionMemberStreamer(Long_t size, void *p);
00571 static void delete_TCollectionMemberStreamer(void *p);
00572 static void deleteArray_TCollectionMemberStreamer(void *p);
00573 static void destruct_TCollectionMemberStreamer(void *p);
00576 static TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstanceLocal(const ::TCollectionMemberStreamer*)
00577 {
00578 ::TCollectionMemberStreamer *ptr = 0;
00579 static ::TVirtualIsAProxy* isa_proxy = new ::TIsAProxy(typeid(::TCollectionMemberStreamer),0);
00580 static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo
00581 instance("TCollectionMemberStreamer", "include/TCollectionProxyFactory.h", 221,
00582 typeid(::TCollectionMemberStreamer), DefineBehavior(ptr, ptr),
00583 0, &TCollectionMemberStreamer_Dictionary, isa_proxy, 1,
00584 sizeof(::TCollectionMemberStreamer) );
00585 instance.SetNew(&new_TCollectionMemberStreamer);
00586 instance.SetNewArray(&newArray_TCollectionMemberStreamer);
00587 instance.SetDelete(&delete_TCollectionMemberStreamer);
00588 instance.SetDeleteArray(&deleteArray_TCollectionMemberStreamer);
00589 instance.SetDestructor(&destruct_TCollectionMemberStreamer);
00590 return &instance;
00591 }
00592 TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstance(const ::TCollectionMemberStreamer*)
00593 {
00594 return GenerateInitInstanceLocal((::TCollectionMemberStreamer*)0);
00595 }
00597 static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo *_R__UNIQUE_(Init) = GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TCollectionMemberStreamer*)0x0); R__UseDummy(_R__UNIQUE_(Init));
00600 static void TCollectionMemberStreamer_Dictionary() {
00601 ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TCollectionMemberStreamer*)0x0)->GetClass();
00602 }
00604 }
00606 namespace ROOT {
00607 void TKey_ShowMembers(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp);
00608 static void *new_TKey(void *p = 0);
00609 static void *newArray_TKey(Long_t size, void *p);
00610 static void delete_TKey(void *p);
00611 static void deleteArray_TKey(void *p);
00612 static void destruct_TKey(void *p);
00613 static void streamer_TKey(TBuffer &buf, void *obj);
00616 static TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstanceLocal(const ::TKey*)
00617 {
00618 ::TKey *ptr = 0;
00619 static ::TVirtualIsAProxy* isa_proxy = new ::TInstrumentedIsAProxy< ::TKey >(0);
00620 static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo
00621 instance("TKey", ::TKey::Class_Version(), "include/TKey.h", 39,
00622 typeid(::TKey), DefineBehavior(ptr, ptr),
00623 &::TKey::Dictionary, isa_proxy, 1,
00624 sizeof(::TKey) );
00625 instance.SetNew(&new_TKey);
00626 instance.SetNewArray(&newArray_TKey);
00627 instance.SetDelete(&delete_TKey);
00628 instance.SetDeleteArray(&deleteArray_TKey);
00629 instance.SetDestructor(&destruct_TKey);
00630 instance.SetStreamerFunc(&streamer_TKey);
00631 return &instance;
00632 }
00633 TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstance(const ::TKey*)
00634 {
00635 return GenerateInitInstanceLocal((::TKey*)0);
00636 }
00638 static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo *_R__UNIQUE_(Init) = GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TKey*)0x0); R__UseDummy(_R__UNIQUE_(Init));
00639 }
00641 namespace ROOT {
00642 void TDirectoryFile_ShowMembers(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp);
00643 static void *new_TDirectoryFile(void *p = 0);
00644 static void *newArray_TDirectoryFile(Long_t size, void *p);
00645 static void delete_TDirectoryFile(void *p);
00646 static void deleteArray_TDirectoryFile(void *p);
00647 static void destruct_TDirectoryFile(void *p);
00648 static void streamer_TDirectoryFile(TBuffer &buf, void *obj);
00651 static TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstanceLocal(const ::TDirectoryFile*)
00652 {
00653 ::TDirectoryFile *ptr = 0;
00654 static ::TVirtualIsAProxy* isa_proxy = new ::TInstrumentedIsAProxy< ::TDirectoryFile >(0);
00655 static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo
00656 instance("TDirectoryFile", ::TDirectoryFile::Class_Version(), "include/TDirectoryFile.h", 33,
00657 typeid(::TDirectoryFile), DefineBehavior(ptr, ptr),
00658 &::TDirectoryFile::Dictionary, isa_proxy, 1,
00659 sizeof(::TDirectoryFile) );
00660 instance.SetNew(&new_TDirectoryFile);
00661 instance.SetNewArray(&newArray_TDirectoryFile);
00662 instance.SetDelete(&delete_TDirectoryFile);
00663 instance.SetDeleteArray(&deleteArray_TDirectoryFile);
00664 instance.SetDestructor(&destruct_TDirectoryFile);
00665 instance.SetStreamerFunc(&streamer_TDirectoryFile);
00666 return &instance;
00667 }
00668 TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstance(const ::TDirectoryFile*)
00669 {
00670 return GenerateInitInstanceLocal((::TDirectoryFile*)0);
00671 }
00673 static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo *_R__UNIQUE_(Init) = GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TDirectoryFile*)0x0); R__UseDummy(_R__UNIQUE_(Init));
00674 }
00676 namespace ROOT {
00677 void TEmulatedMapProxy_ShowMembers(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp);
00678 static void TEmulatedMapProxy_Dictionary();
00679 static void delete_TEmulatedMapProxy(void *p);
00680 static void deleteArray_TEmulatedMapProxy(void *p);
00681 static void destruct_TEmulatedMapProxy(void *p);
00682 static void streamer_TEmulatedMapProxy(TBuffer &buf, void *obj);
00685 static TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstanceLocal(const ::TEmulatedMapProxy*)
00686 {
00687 ::TEmulatedMapProxy *ptr = 0;
00688 static ::TVirtualIsAProxy* isa_proxy = new ::TIsAProxy(typeid(::TEmulatedMapProxy),0);
00689 static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo
00690 instance("TEmulatedMapProxy", "include/TEmulatedMapProxy.h", 25,
00691 typeid(::TEmulatedMapProxy), DefineBehavior(ptr, ptr),
00692 0, &TEmulatedMapProxy_Dictionary, isa_proxy, 1,
00693 sizeof(::TEmulatedMapProxy) );
00694 instance.SetDelete(&delete_TEmulatedMapProxy);
00695 instance.SetDeleteArray(&deleteArray_TEmulatedMapProxy);
00696 instance.SetDestructor(&destruct_TEmulatedMapProxy);
00697 instance.SetStreamerFunc(&streamer_TEmulatedMapProxy);
00698 return &instance;
00699 }
00700 TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstance(const ::TEmulatedMapProxy*)
00701 {
00702 return GenerateInitInstanceLocal((::TEmulatedMapProxy*)0);
00703 }
00705 static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo *_R__UNIQUE_(Init) = GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TEmulatedMapProxy*)0x0); R__UseDummy(_R__UNIQUE_(Init));
00708 static void TEmulatedMapProxy_Dictionary() {
00709 ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TEmulatedMapProxy*)0x0)->GetClass();
00710 }
00712 }
00714 namespace ROOT {
00715 void TFileCacheRead_ShowMembers(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp);
00716 static void *new_TFileCacheRead(void *p = 0);
00717 static void *newArray_TFileCacheRead(Long_t size, void *p);
00718 static void delete_TFileCacheRead(void *p);
00719 static void deleteArray_TFileCacheRead(void *p);
00720 static void destruct_TFileCacheRead(void *p);
00723 static TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstanceLocal(const ::TFileCacheRead*)
00724 {
00725 ::TFileCacheRead *ptr = 0;
00726 static ::TVirtualIsAProxy* isa_proxy = new ::TInstrumentedIsAProxy< ::TFileCacheRead >(0);
00727 static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo
00728 instance("TFileCacheRead", ::TFileCacheRead::Class_Version(), "include/TFileCacheRead.h", 31,
00729 typeid(::TFileCacheRead), DefineBehavior(ptr, ptr),
00730 &::TFileCacheRead::Dictionary, isa_proxy, 4,
00731 sizeof(::TFileCacheRead) );
00732 instance.SetNew(&new_TFileCacheRead);
00733 instance.SetNewArray(&newArray_TFileCacheRead);
00734 instance.SetDelete(&delete_TFileCacheRead);
00735 instance.SetDeleteArray(&deleteArray_TFileCacheRead);
00736 instance.SetDestructor(&destruct_TFileCacheRead);
00737 return &instance;
00738 }
00739 TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstance(const ::TFileCacheRead*)
00740 {
00741 return GenerateInitInstanceLocal((::TFileCacheRead*)0);
00742 }
00744 static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo *_R__UNIQUE_(Init) = GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TFileCacheRead*)0x0); R__UseDummy(_R__UNIQUE_(Init));
00745 }
00747 namespace ROOT {
00748 void TFileCacheWrite_ShowMembers(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp);
00749 static void *new_TFileCacheWrite(void *p = 0);
00750 static void *newArray_TFileCacheWrite(Long_t size, void *p);
00751 static void delete_TFileCacheWrite(void *p);
00752 static void deleteArray_TFileCacheWrite(void *p);
00753 static void destruct_TFileCacheWrite(void *p);
00756 static TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstanceLocal(const ::TFileCacheWrite*)
00757 {
00758 ::TFileCacheWrite *ptr = 0;
00759 static ::TVirtualIsAProxy* isa_proxy = new ::TInstrumentedIsAProxy< ::TFileCacheWrite >(0);
00760 static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo
00761 instance("TFileCacheWrite", ::TFileCacheWrite::Class_Version(), "include/TFileCacheWrite.h", 30,
00762 typeid(::TFileCacheWrite), DefineBehavior(ptr, ptr),
00763 &::TFileCacheWrite::Dictionary, isa_proxy, 4,
00764 sizeof(::TFileCacheWrite) );
00765 instance.SetNew(&new_TFileCacheWrite);
00766 instance.SetNewArray(&newArray_TFileCacheWrite);
00767 instance.SetDelete(&delete_TFileCacheWrite);
00768 instance.SetDeleteArray(&deleteArray_TFileCacheWrite);
00769 instance.SetDestructor(&destruct_TFileCacheWrite);
00770 return &instance;
00771 }
00772 TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstance(const ::TFileCacheWrite*)
00773 {
00774 return GenerateInitInstanceLocal((::TFileCacheWrite*)0);
00775 }
00777 static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo *_R__UNIQUE_(Init) = GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TFileCacheWrite*)0x0); R__UseDummy(_R__UNIQUE_(Init));
00778 }
00780 namespace ROOT {
00781 void TFree_ShowMembers(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp);
00782 static void *new_TFree(void *p = 0);
00783 static void *newArray_TFree(Long_t size, void *p);
00784 static void delete_TFree(void *p);
00785 static void deleteArray_TFree(void *p);
00786 static void destruct_TFree(void *p);
00787 static void streamer_TFree(TBuffer &buf, void *obj);
00790 static TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstanceLocal(const ::TFree*)
00791 {
00792 ::TFree *ptr = 0;
00793 static ::TVirtualIsAProxy* isa_proxy = new ::TInstrumentedIsAProxy< ::TFree >(0);
00794 static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo
00795 instance("TFree", ::TFree::Class_Version(), "include/TFree.h", 29,
00796 typeid(::TFree), DefineBehavior(ptr, ptr),
00797 &::TFree::Dictionary, isa_proxy, 0,
00798 sizeof(::TFree) );
00799 instance.SetNew(&new_TFree);
00800 instance.SetNewArray(&newArray_TFree);
00801 instance.SetDelete(&delete_TFree);
00802 instance.SetDeleteArray(&deleteArray_TFree);
00803 instance.SetDestructor(&destruct_TFree);
00804 instance.SetStreamerFunc(&streamer_TFree);
00805 return &instance;
00806 }
00807 TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstance(const ::TFree*)
00808 {
00809 return GenerateInitInstanceLocal((::TFree*)0);
00810 }
00812 static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo *_R__UNIQUE_(Init) = GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TFree*)0x0); R__UseDummy(_R__UNIQUE_(Init));
00813 }
00815 namespace ROOT {
00816 void TMapFile_ShowMembers(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp);
00817 static void delete_TMapFile(void *p);
00818 static void deleteArray_TMapFile(void *p);
00819 static void destruct_TMapFile(void *p);
00820 static void streamer_TMapFile(TBuffer &buf, void *obj);
00823 static TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstanceLocal(const ::TMapFile*)
00824 {
00825 ::TMapFile *ptr = 0;
00826 static ::TVirtualIsAProxy* isa_proxy = new ::TInstrumentedIsAProxy< ::TMapFile >(0);
00827 static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo
00828 instance("TMapFile", ::TMapFile::Class_Version(), "include/TMapFile.h", 54,
00829 typeid(::TMapFile), DefineBehavior(ptr, ptr),
00830 &::TMapFile::Dictionary, isa_proxy, 0,
00831 sizeof(::TMapFile) );
00832 instance.SetDelete(&delete_TMapFile);
00833 instance.SetDeleteArray(&deleteArray_TMapFile);
00834 instance.SetDestructor(&destruct_TMapFile);
00835 instance.SetStreamerFunc(&streamer_TMapFile);
00836 return &instance;
00837 }
00838 TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstance(const ::TMapFile*)
00839 {
00840 return GenerateInitInstanceLocal((::TMapFile*)0);
00841 }
00843 static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo *_R__UNIQUE_(Init) = GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMapFile*)0x0); R__UseDummy(_R__UNIQUE_(Init));
00844 }
00846 namespace ROOT {
00847 void TKeyMapFile_ShowMembers(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp);
00848 static void *new_TKeyMapFile(void *p = 0);
00849 static void *newArray_TKeyMapFile(Long_t size, void *p);
00850 static void delete_TKeyMapFile(void *p);
00851 static void deleteArray_TKeyMapFile(void *p);
00852 static void destruct_TKeyMapFile(void *p);
00853 static void streamer_TKeyMapFile(TBuffer &buf, void *obj);
00856 static TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstanceLocal(const ::TKeyMapFile*)
00857 {
00858 ::TKeyMapFile *ptr = 0;
00859 static ::TVirtualIsAProxy* isa_proxy = new ::TInstrumentedIsAProxy< ::TKeyMapFile >(0);
00860 static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo
00861 instance("TKeyMapFile", ::TKeyMapFile::Class_Version(), "include/TKeyMapFile.h", 31,
00862 typeid(::TKeyMapFile), DefineBehavior(ptr, ptr),
00863 &::TKeyMapFile::Dictionary, isa_proxy, 0,
00864 sizeof(::TKeyMapFile) );
00865 instance.SetNew(&new_TKeyMapFile);
00866 instance.SetNewArray(&newArray_TKeyMapFile);
00867 instance.SetDelete(&delete_TKeyMapFile);
00868 instance.SetDeleteArray(&deleteArray_TKeyMapFile);
00869 instance.SetDestructor(&destruct_TKeyMapFile);
00870 instance.SetStreamerFunc(&streamer_TKeyMapFile);
00871 return &instance;
00872 }
00873 TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstance(const ::TKeyMapFile*)
00874 {
00875 return GenerateInitInstanceLocal((::TKeyMapFile*)0);
00876 }
00878 static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo *_R__UNIQUE_(Init) = GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TKeyMapFile*)0x0); R__UseDummy(_R__UNIQUE_(Init));
00879 }
00881 namespace ROOT {
00882 void TLockFile_ShowMembers(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp);
00883 static void delete_TLockFile(void *p);
00884 static void deleteArray_TLockFile(void *p);
00885 static void destruct_TLockFile(void *p);
00886 static void streamer_TLockFile(TBuffer &buf, void *obj);
00889 static TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstanceLocal(const ::TLockFile*)
00890 {
00891 ::TLockFile *ptr = 0;
00892 static ::TVirtualIsAProxy* isa_proxy = new ::TInstrumentedIsAProxy< ::TLockFile >(0);
00893 static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo
00894 instance("TLockFile", ::TLockFile::Class_Version(), "include/TLockFile.h", 39,
00895 typeid(::TLockFile), DefineBehavior(ptr, ptr),
00896 &::TLockFile::Dictionary, isa_proxy, 0,
00897 sizeof(::TLockFile) );
00898 instance.SetDelete(&delete_TLockFile);
00899 instance.SetDeleteArray(&deleteArray_TLockFile);
00900 instance.SetDestructor(&destruct_TLockFile);
00901 instance.SetStreamerFunc(&streamer_TLockFile);
00902 return &instance;
00903 }
00904 TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstance(const ::TLockFile*)
00905 {
00906 return GenerateInitInstanceLocal((::TLockFile*)0);
00907 }
00909 static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo *_R__UNIQUE_(Init) = GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TLockFile*)0x0); R__UseDummy(_R__UNIQUE_(Init));
00910 }
00912 namespace ROOT {
00913 void TMapRec_ShowMembers(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp);
00914 static void TMapRec_Dictionary();
00915 static void delete_TMapRec(void *p);
00916 static void deleteArray_TMapRec(void *p);
00917 static void destruct_TMapRec(void *p);
00920 static TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstanceLocal(const ::TMapRec*)
00921 {
00922 ::TMapRec *ptr = 0;
00923 static ::TVirtualIsAProxy* isa_proxy = new ::TIsAProxy(typeid(::TMapRec),0);
00924 static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo
00925 instance("TMapRec", "include/TMapFile.h", 155,
00926 typeid(::TMapRec), DefineBehavior(ptr, ptr),
00927 0, &TMapRec_Dictionary, isa_proxy, 0,
00928 sizeof(::TMapRec) );
00929 instance.SetDelete(&delete_TMapRec);
00930 instance.SetDeleteArray(&deleteArray_TMapRec);
00931 instance.SetDestructor(&destruct_TMapRec);
00932 return &instance;
00933 }
00934 TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstance(const ::TMapRec*)
00935 {
00936 return GenerateInitInstanceLocal((::TMapRec*)0);
00937 }
00939 static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo *_R__UNIQUE_(Init) = GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMapRec*)0x0); R__UseDummy(_R__UNIQUE_(Init));
00942 static void TMapRec_Dictionary() {
00943 ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMapRec*)0x0)->GetClass();
00944 }
00946 }
00948 namespace ROOT {
00949 void TStreamerInfoActionscLcLTConfiguration_ShowMembers(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp);
00950 static void TStreamerInfoActionscLcLTConfiguration_Dictionary();
00951 static void delete_TStreamerInfoActionscLcLTConfiguration(void *p);
00952 static void deleteArray_TStreamerInfoActionscLcLTConfiguration(void *p);
00953 static void destruct_TStreamerInfoActionscLcLTConfiguration(void *p);
00956 static TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstanceLocal(const ::TStreamerInfoActions::TConfiguration*)
00957 {
00958 ::TStreamerInfoActions::TConfiguration *ptr = 0;
00959 static ::TVirtualIsAProxy* isa_proxy = new ::TIsAProxy(typeid(::TStreamerInfoActions::TConfiguration),0);
00960 static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo
00961 instance("TStreamerInfoActions::TConfiguration", "include/TStreamerInfoActions.h", 21,
00962 typeid(::TStreamerInfoActions::TConfiguration), DefineBehavior(ptr, ptr),
00963 0, &TStreamerInfoActionscLcLTConfiguration_Dictionary, isa_proxy, 1,
00964 sizeof(::TStreamerInfoActions::TConfiguration) );
00965 instance.SetDelete(&delete_TStreamerInfoActionscLcLTConfiguration);
00966 instance.SetDeleteArray(&deleteArray_TStreamerInfoActionscLcLTConfiguration);
00967 instance.SetDestructor(&destruct_TStreamerInfoActionscLcLTConfiguration);
00968 return &instance;
00969 }
00970 TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstance(const ::TStreamerInfoActions::TConfiguration*)
00971 {
00972 return GenerateInitInstanceLocal((::TStreamerInfoActions::TConfiguration*)0);
00973 }
00975 static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo *_R__UNIQUE_(Init) = GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TStreamerInfoActions::TConfiguration*)0x0); R__UseDummy(_R__UNIQUE_(Init));
00978 static void TStreamerInfoActionscLcLTConfiguration_Dictionary() {
00979 ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TStreamerInfoActions::TConfiguration*)0x0)->GetClass();
00980 }
00982 }
00984 namespace ROOT {
00985 void TStreamerInfoActionscLcLTConfiguredAction_ShowMembers(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp);
00986 static void *new_TStreamerInfoActionscLcLTConfiguredAction(void *p = 0);
00987 static void *newArray_TStreamerInfoActionscLcLTConfiguredAction(Long_t size, void *p);
00988 static void delete_TStreamerInfoActionscLcLTConfiguredAction(void *p);
00989 static void deleteArray_TStreamerInfoActionscLcLTConfiguredAction(void *p);
00990 static void destruct_TStreamerInfoActionscLcLTConfiguredAction(void *p);
00993 static TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstanceLocal(const ::TStreamerInfoActions::TConfiguredAction*)
00994 {
00995 ::TStreamerInfoActions::TConfiguredAction *ptr = 0;
00996 static ::TVirtualIsAProxy* isa_proxy = new ::TInstrumentedIsAProxy< ::TStreamerInfoActions::TConfiguredAction >(0);
00997 static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo
00998 instance("TStreamerInfoActions::TConfiguredAction", ::TStreamerInfoActions::TConfiguredAction::Class_Version(), "include/TStreamerInfoActions.h", 59,
00999 typeid(::TStreamerInfoActions::TConfiguredAction), DefineBehavior(ptr, ptr),
01000 &::TStreamerInfoActions::TConfiguredAction::Dictionary, isa_proxy, 4,
01001 sizeof(::TStreamerInfoActions::TConfiguredAction) );
01002 instance.SetNew(&new_TStreamerInfoActionscLcLTConfiguredAction);
01003 instance.SetNewArray(&newArray_TStreamerInfoActionscLcLTConfiguredAction);
01004 instance.SetDelete(&delete_TStreamerInfoActionscLcLTConfiguredAction);
01005 instance.SetDeleteArray(&deleteArray_TStreamerInfoActionscLcLTConfiguredAction);
01006 instance.SetDestructor(&destruct_TStreamerInfoActionscLcLTConfiguredAction);
01007 return &instance;
01008 }
01009 TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstance(const ::TStreamerInfoActions::TConfiguredAction*)
01010 {
01011 return GenerateInitInstanceLocal((::TStreamerInfoActions::TConfiguredAction*)0);
01012 }
01014 static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo *_R__UNIQUE_(Init) = GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TStreamerInfoActions::TConfiguredAction*)0x0); R__UseDummy(_R__UNIQUE_(Init));
01015 }
01017 namespace ROOT {
01018 void TVirtualObject_ShowMembers(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp);
01019 static void TVirtualObject_Dictionary();
01020 static void delete_TVirtualObject(void *p);
01021 static void deleteArray_TVirtualObject(void *p);
01022 static void destruct_TVirtualObject(void *p);
01025 static TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstanceLocal(const ::TVirtualObject*)
01026 {
01027 ::TVirtualObject *ptr = 0;
01028 static ::TVirtualIsAProxy* isa_proxy = new ::TIsAProxy(typeid(::TVirtualObject),0);
01029 static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo
01030 instance("TVirtualObject", 0, "include/TVirtualObject.h", 30,
01031 typeid(::TVirtualObject), DefineBehavior(ptr, ptr),
01032 0, &TVirtualObject_Dictionary, isa_proxy, 9,
01033 sizeof(::TVirtualObject) );
01034 instance.SetDelete(&delete_TVirtualObject);
01035 instance.SetDeleteArray(&deleteArray_TVirtualObject);
01036 instance.SetDestructor(&destruct_TVirtualObject);
01037 return &instance;
01038 }
01039 TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstance(const ::TVirtualObject*)
01040 {
01041 return GenerateInitInstanceLocal((::TVirtualObject*)0);
01042 }
01044 static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo *_R__UNIQUE_(Init) = GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TVirtualObject*)0x0); R__UseDummy(_R__UNIQUE_(Init));
01047 static void TVirtualObject_Dictionary() {
01048 ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TVirtualObject*)0x0)->GetClass();
01049 }
01051 }
01053 namespace ROOT {
01054 void TZIPMember_ShowMembers(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp);
01055 static void *new_TZIPMember(void *p = 0);
01056 static void *newArray_TZIPMember(Long_t size, void *p);
01057 static void delete_TZIPMember(void *p);
01058 static void deleteArray_TZIPMember(void *p);
01059 static void destruct_TZIPMember(void *p);
01062 static TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstanceLocal(const ::TZIPMember*)
01063 {
01064 ::TZIPMember *ptr = 0;
01065 static ::TVirtualIsAProxy* isa_proxy = new ::TInstrumentedIsAProxy< ::TZIPMember >(0);
01066 static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo
01067 instance("TZIPMember", ::TZIPMember::Class_Version(), "include/TZIPFile.h", 143,
01068 typeid(::TZIPMember), DefineBehavior(ptr, ptr),
01069 &::TZIPMember::Dictionary, isa_proxy, 4,
01070 sizeof(::TZIPMember) );
01071 instance.SetNew(&new_TZIPMember);
01072 instance.SetNewArray(&newArray_TZIPMember);
01073 instance.SetDelete(&delete_TZIPMember);
01074 instance.SetDeleteArray(&deleteArray_TZIPMember);
01075 instance.SetDestructor(&destruct_TZIPMember);
01076 return &instance;
01077 }
01078 TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstance(const ::TZIPMember*)
01079 {
01080 return GenerateInitInstanceLocal((::TZIPMember*)0);
01081 }
01083 static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo *_R__UNIQUE_(Init) = GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TZIPMember*)0x0); R__UseDummy(_R__UNIQUE_(Init));
01084 }
01086 namespace ROOT {
01087 void TZIPFile_ShowMembers(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp);
01088 static void *new_TZIPFile(void *p = 0);
01089 static void *newArray_TZIPFile(Long_t size, void *p);
01090 static void delete_TZIPFile(void *p);
01091 static void deleteArray_TZIPFile(void *p);
01092 static void destruct_TZIPFile(void *p);
01095 static TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstanceLocal(const ::TZIPFile*)
01096 {
01097 ::TZIPFile *ptr = 0;
01098 static ::TVirtualIsAProxy* isa_proxy = new ::TInstrumentedIsAProxy< ::TZIPFile >(0);
01099 static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo
01100 instance("TZIPFile", ::TZIPFile::Class_Version(), "include/TZIPFile.h", 41,
01101 typeid(::TZIPFile), DefineBehavior(ptr, ptr),
01102 &::TZIPFile::Dictionary, isa_proxy, 4,
01103 sizeof(::TZIPFile) );
01104 instance.SetNew(&new_TZIPFile);
01105 instance.SetNewArray(&newArray_TZIPFile);
01106 instance.SetDelete(&delete_TZIPFile);
01107 instance.SetDeleteArray(&deleteArray_TZIPFile);
01108 instance.SetDestructor(&destruct_TZIPFile);
01109 return &instance;
01110 }
01111 TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstance(const ::TZIPFile*)
01112 {
01113 return GenerateInitInstanceLocal((::TZIPFile*)0);
01114 }
01116 static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo *_R__UNIQUE_(Init) = GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TZIPFile*)0x0); R__UseDummy(_R__UNIQUE_(Init));
01117 }
01119 namespace TStreamerInfoActions {
01121 TClass *TActionSequence::fgIsA = 0;
01124 const char *TActionSequence::Class_Name()
01125 {
01126 return "TStreamerInfoActions::TActionSequence";
01127 }
01130 const char *TActionSequence::ImplFileName()
01131 {
01132 return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TStreamerInfoActions::TActionSequence*)0x0)->GetImplFileName();
01133 }
01136 int TActionSequence::ImplFileLine()
01137 {
01138 return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TStreamerInfoActions::TActionSequence*)0x0)->GetImplFileLine();
01139 }
01142 void TActionSequence::Dictionary()
01143 {
01144 fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TStreamerInfoActions::TActionSequence*)0x0)->GetClass();
01145 }
01148 TClass *TActionSequence::Class()
01149 {
01150 if (!fgIsA) fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TStreamerInfoActions::TActionSequence*)0x0)->GetClass();
01151 return fgIsA;
01152 }
01154 }
01156 TClass *TFile::fgIsA = 0;
01159 const char *TFile::Class_Name()
01160 {
01161 return "TFile";
01162 }
01165 const char *TFile::ImplFileName()
01166 {
01167 return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TFile*)0x0)->GetImplFileName();
01168 }
01171 int TFile::ImplFileLine()
01172 {
01173 return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TFile*)0x0)->GetImplFileLine();
01174 }
01177 void TFile::Dictionary()
01178 {
01179 fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TFile*)0x0)->GetClass();
01180 }
01183 TClass *TFile::Class()
01184 {
01185 if (!fgIsA) fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TFile*)0x0)->GetClass();
01186 return fgIsA;
01187 }
01190 TClass *TArchiveMember::fgIsA = 0;
01193 const char *TArchiveMember::Class_Name()
01194 {
01195 return "TArchiveMember";
01196 }
01199 const char *TArchiveMember::ImplFileName()
01200 {
01201 return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TArchiveMember*)0x0)->GetImplFileName();
01202 }
01205 int TArchiveMember::ImplFileLine()
01206 {
01207 return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TArchiveMember*)0x0)->GetImplFileLine();
01208 }
01211 void TArchiveMember::Dictionary()
01212 {
01213 fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TArchiveMember*)0x0)->GetClass();
01214 }
01217 TClass *TArchiveMember::Class()
01218 {
01219 if (!fgIsA) fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TArchiveMember*)0x0)->GetClass();
01220 return fgIsA;
01221 }
01224 TClass *TArchiveFile::fgIsA = 0;
01227 const char *TArchiveFile::Class_Name()
01228 {
01229 return "TArchiveFile";
01230 }
01233 const char *TArchiveFile::ImplFileName()
01234 {
01235 return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TArchiveFile*)0x0)->GetImplFileName();
01236 }
01239 int TArchiveFile::ImplFileLine()
01240 {
01241 return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TArchiveFile*)0x0)->GetImplFileLine();
01242 }
01245 void TArchiveFile::Dictionary()
01246 {
01247 fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TArchiveFile*)0x0)->GetClass();
01248 }
01251 TClass *TArchiveFile::Class()
01252 {
01253 if (!fgIsA) fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TArchiveFile*)0x0)->GetClass();
01254 return fgIsA;
01255 }
01258 TClass *TStreamerInfo::fgIsA = 0;
01261 const char *TStreamerInfo::Class_Name()
01262 {
01263 return "TStreamerInfo";
01264 }
01267 const char *TStreamerInfo::ImplFileName()
01268 {
01269 return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TStreamerInfo*)0x0)->GetImplFileName();
01270 }
01273 int TStreamerInfo::ImplFileLine()
01274 {
01275 return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TStreamerInfo*)0x0)->GetImplFileLine();
01276 }
01279 void TStreamerInfo::Dictionary()
01280 {
01281 fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TStreamerInfo*)0x0)->GetClass();
01282 }
01285 TClass *TStreamerInfo::Class()
01286 {
01287 if (!fgIsA) fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TStreamerInfo*)0x0)->GetClass();
01288 return fgIsA;
01289 }
01292 TClass *TBufferFile::fgIsA = 0;
01295 const char *TBufferFile::Class_Name()
01296 {
01297 return "TBufferFile";
01298 }
01301 const char *TBufferFile::ImplFileName()
01302 {
01303 return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TBufferFile*)0x0)->GetImplFileName();
01304 }
01307 int TBufferFile::ImplFileLine()
01308 {
01309 return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TBufferFile*)0x0)->GetImplFileLine();
01310 }
01313 void TBufferFile::Dictionary()
01314 {
01315 fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TBufferFile*)0x0)->GetClass();
01316 }
01319 TClass *TBufferFile::Class()
01320 {
01321 if (!fgIsA) fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TBufferFile*)0x0)->GetClass();
01322 return fgIsA;
01323 }
01326 TClass *TKey::fgIsA = 0;
01329 const char *TKey::Class_Name()
01330 {
01331 return "TKey";
01332 }
01335 const char *TKey::ImplFileName()
01336 {
01337 return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TKey*)0x0)->GetImplFileName();
01338 }
01341 int TKey::ImplFileLine()
01342 {
01343 return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TKey*)0x0)->GetImplFileLine();
01344 }
01347 void TKey::Dictionary()
01348 {
01349 fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TKey*)0x0)->GetClass();
01350 }
01353 TClass *TKey::Class()
01354 {
01355 if (!fgIsA) fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TKey*)0x0)->GetClass();
01356 return fgIsA;
01357 }
01360 TClass *TDirectoryFile::fgIsA = 0;
01363 const char *TDirectoryFile::Class_Name()
01364 {
01365 return "TDirectoryFile";
01366 }
01369 const char *TDirectoryFile::ImplFileName()
01370 {
01371 return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TDirectoryFile*)0x0)->GetImplFileName();
01372 }
01375 int TDirectoryFile::ImplFileLine()
01376 {
01377 return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TDirectoryFile*)0x0)->GetImplFileLine();
01378 }
01381 void TDirectoryFile::Dictionary()
01382 {
01383 fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TDirectoryFile*)0x0)->GetClass();
01384 }
01387 TClass *TDirectoryFile::Class()
01388 {
01389 if (!fgIsA) fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TDirectoryFile*)0x0)->GetClass();
01390 return fgIsA;
01391 }
01394 TClass *TFileCacheRead::fgIsA = 0;
01397 const char *TFileCacheRead::Class_Name()
01398 {
01399 return "TFileCacheRead";
01400 }
01403 const char *TFileCacheRead::ImplFileName()
01404 {
01405 return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TFileCacheRead*)0x0)->GetImplFileName();
01406 }
01409 int TFileCacheRead::ImplFileLine()
01410 {
01411 return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TFileCacheRead*)0x0)->GetImplFileLine();
01412 }
01415 void TFileCacheRead::Dictionary()
01416 {
01417 fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TFileCacheRead*)0x0)->GetClass();
01418 }
01421 TClass *TFileCacheRead::Class()
01422 {
01423 if (!fgIsA) fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TFileCacheRead*)0x0)->GetClass();
01424 return fgIsA;
01425 }
01428 TClass *TFileCacheWrite::fgIsA = 0;
01431 const char *TFileCacheWrite::Class_Name()
01432 {
01433 return "TFileCacheWrite";
01434 }
01437 const char *TFileCacheWrite::ImplFileName()
01438 {
01439 return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TFileCacheWrite*)0x0)->GetImplFileName();
01440 }
01443 int TFileCacheWrite::ImplFileLine()
01444 {
01445 return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TFileCacheWrite*)0x0)->GetImplFileLine();
01446 }
01449 void TFileCacheWrite::Dictionary()
01450 {
01451 fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TFileCacheWrite*)0x0)->GetClass();
01452 }
01455 TClass *TFileCacheWrite::Class()
01456 {
01457 if (!fgIsA) fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TFileCacheWrite*)0x0)->GetClass();
01458 return fgIsA;
01459 }
01462 TClass *TFree::fgIsA = 0;
01465 const char *TFree::Class_Name()
01466 {
01467 return "TFree";
01468 }
01471 const char *TFree::ImplFileName()
01472 {
01473 return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TFree*)0x0)->GetImplFileName();
01474 }
01477 int TFree::ImplFileLine()
01478 {
01479 return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TFree*)0x0)->GetImplFileLine();
01480 }
01483 void TFree::Dictionary()
01484 {
01485 fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TFree*)0x0)->GetClass();
01486 }
01489 TClass *TFree::Class()
01490 {
01491 if (!fgIsA) fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TFree*)0x0)->GetClass();
01492 return fgIsA;
01493 }
01496 TClass *TMapFile::fgIsA = 0;
01499 const char *TMapFile::Class_Name()
01500 {
01501 return "TMapFile";
01502 }
01505 const char *TMapFile::ImplFileName()
01506 {
01507 return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMapFile*)0x0)->GetImplFileName();
01508 }
01511 int TMapFile::ImplFileLine()
01512 {
01513 return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMapFile*)0x0)->GetImplFileLine();
01514 }
01517 void TMapFile::Dictionary()
01518 {
01519 fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMapFile*)0x0)->GetClass();
01520 }
01523 TClass *TMapFile::Class()
01524 {
01525 if (!fgIsA) fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMapFile*)0x0)->GetClass();
01526 return fgIsA;
01527 }
01530 TClass *TKeyMapFile::fgIsA = 0;
01533 const char *TKeyMapFile::Class_Name()
01534 {
01535 return "TKeyMapFile";
01536 }
01539 const char *TKeyMapFile::ImplFileName()
01540 {
01541 return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TKeyMapFile*)0x0)->GetImplFileName();
01542 }
01545 int TKeyMapFile::ImplFileLine()
01546 {
01547 return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TKeyMapFile*)0x0)->GetImplFileLine();
01548 }
01551 void TKeyMapFile::Dictionary()
01552 {
01553 fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TKeyMapFile*)0x0)->GetClass();
01554 }
01557 TClass *TKeyMapFile::Class()
01558 {
01559 if (!fgIsA) fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TKeyMapFile*)0x0)->GetClass();
01560 return fgIsA;
01561 }
01564 TClass *TLockFile::fgIsA = 0;
01567 const char *TLockFile::Class_Name()
01568 {
01569 return "TLockFile";
01570 }
01573 const char *TLockFile::ImplFileName()
01574 {
01575 return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TLockFile*)0x0)->GetImplFileName();
01576 }
01579 int TLockFile::ImplFileLine()
01580 {
01581 return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TLockFile*)0x0)->GetImplFileLine();
01582 }
01585 void TLockFile::Dictionary()
01586 {
01587 fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TLockFile*)0x0)->GetClass();
01588 }
01591 TClass *TLockFile::Class()
01592 {
01593 if (!fgIsA) fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TLockFile*)0x0)->GetClass();
01594 return fgIsA;
01595 }
01597 namespace TStreamerInfoActions {
01599 TClass *TConfiguredAction::fgIsA = 0;
01602 const char *TConfiguredAction::Class_Name()
01603 {
01604 return "TStreamerInfoActions::TConfiguredAction";
01605 }
01608 const char *TConfiguredAction::ImplFileName()
01609 {
01610 return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TStreamerInfoActions::TConfiguredAction*)0x0)->GetImplFileName();
01611 }
01614 int TConfiguredAction::ImplFileLine()
01615 {
01616 return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TStreamerInfoActions::TConfiguredAction*)0x0)->GetImplFileLine();
01617 }
01620 void TConfiguredAction::Dictionary()
01621 {
01622 fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TStreamerInfoActions::TConfiguredAction*)0x0)->GetClass();
01623 }
01626 TClass *TConfiguredAction::Class()
01627 {
01628 if (!fgIsA) fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TStreamerInfoActions::TConfiguredAction*)0x0)->GetClass();
01629 return fgIsA;
01630 }
01632 }
01634 TClass *TZIPMember::fgIsA = 0;
01637 const char *TZIPMember::Class_Name()
01638 {
01639 return "TZIPMember";
01640 }
01643 const char *TZIPMember::ImplFileName()
01644 {
01645 return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TZIPMember*)0x0)->GetImplFileName();
01646 }
01649 int TZIPMember::ImplFileLine()
01650 {
01651 return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TZIPMember*)0x0)->GetImplFileLine();
01652 }
01655 void TZIPMember::Dictionary()
01656 {
01657 fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TZIPMember*)0x0)->GetClass();
01658 }
01661 TClass *TZIPMember::Class()
01662 {
01663 if (!fgIsA) fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TZIPMember*)0x0)->GetClass();
01664 return fgIsA;
01665 }
01668 TClass *TZIPFile::fgIsA = 0;
01671 const char *TZIPFile::Class_Name()
01672 {
01673 return "TZIPFile";
01674 }
01677 const char *TZIPFile::ImplFileName()
01678 {
01679 return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TZIPFile*)0x0)->GetImplFileName();
01680 }
01683 int TZIPFile::ImplFileLine()
01684 {
01685 return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TZIPFile*)0x0)->GetImplFileLine();
01686 }
01689 void TZIPFile::Dictionary()
01690 {
01691 fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TZIPFile*)0x0)->GetClass();
01692 }
01695 TClass *TZIPFile::Class()
01696 {
01697 if (!fgIsA) fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TZIPFile*)0x0)->GetClass();
01698 return fgIsA;
01699 }
01702 void TBufferFile::Streamer(TBuffer &R__b)
01703 {
01706 TBuffer::Streamer(R__b);
01707 }
01710 void TBufferFile::ShowMembers(TMemberInspector &R__insp)
01711 {
01713 TClass *R__cl = ::TBufferFile::IsA();
01714 if (R__cl || R__insp.IsA()) { }
01715 R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fMapCount", &fMapCount);
01716 R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fMapSize", &fMapSize);
01717 R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fDisplacement", &fDisplacement);
01718 R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fPidOffset", &fPidOffset);
01719 R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fMap", &fMap);
01720 R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fClassMap", &fClassMap);
01721 R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fInfo", &fInfo);
01722 R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fInfoStack", (void*)&fInfoStack);
01723 R__insp.InspectMember("TBufferFile::InfoList_t", (void*)&fInfoStack, "fInfoStack.", false);
01724 TBuffer::ShowMembers(R__insp);
01725 }
01727 namespace ROOT {
01729 static void delete_TBufferFile(void *p) {
01730 delete ((::TBufferFile*)p);
01731 }
01732 static void deleteArray_TBufferFile(void *p) {
01733 delete [] ((::TBufferFile*)p);
01734 }
01735 static void destruct_TBufferFile(void *p) {
01736 typedef ::TBufferFile current_t;
01737 ((current_t*)p)->~current_t();
01738 }
01740 static void streamer_TBufferFile(TBuffer &buf, void *obj) {
01741 ((::TBufferFile*)obj)->::TBufferFile::Streamer(buf);
01742 }
01743 }
01746 void TDirectoryFile::ShowMembers(TMemberInspector &R__insp)
01747 {
01749 TClass *R__cl = ::TDirectoryFile::IsA();
01750 if (R__cl || R__insp.IsA()) { }
01751 R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fModified", &fModified);
01752 R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fWritable", &fWritable);
01753 R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fDatimeC", &fDatimeC);
01754 R__insp.InspectMember(fDatimeC, "fDatimeC.");
01755 R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fDatimeM", &fDatimeM);
01756 R__insp.InspectMember(fDatimeM, "fDatimeM.");
01757 R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fNbytesKeys", &fNbytesKeys);
01758 R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fNbytesName", &fNbytesName);
01759 R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fBufferSize", &fBufferSize);
01760 R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fSeekDir", &fSeekDir);
01761 R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fSeekParent", &fSeekParent);
01762 R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fSeekKeys", &fSeekKeys);
01763 R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fFile", &fFile);
01764 R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fKeys", &fKeys);
01765 TDirectory::ShowMembers(R__insp);
01766 }
01768 namespace ROOT {
01770 static void *new_TDirectoryFile(void *p) {
01771 return p ? new(p) ::TDirectoryFile : new ::TDirectoryFile;
01772 }
01773 static void *newArray_TDirectoryFile(Long_t nElements, void *p) {
01774 return p ? new(p) ::TDirectoryFile[nElements] : new ::TDirectoryFile[nElements];
01775 }
01777 static void delete_TDirectoryFile(void *p) {
01778 delete ((::TDirectoryFile*)p);
01779 }
01780 static void deleteArray_TDirectoryFile(void *p) {
01781 delete [] ((::TDirectoryFile*)p);
01782 }
01783 static void destruct_TDirectoryFile(void *p) {
01784 typedef ::TDirectoryFile current_t;
01785 ((current_t*)p)->~current_t();
01786 }
01788 static void streamer_TDirectoryFile(TBuffer &buf, void *obj) {
01789 ((::TDirectoryFile*)obj)->::TDirectoryFile::Streamer(buf);
01790 }
01791 }
01794 void TFile::ShowMembers(TMemberInspector &R__insp)
01795 {
01797 TClass *R__cl = ::TFile::IsA();
01798 if (R__cl || R__insp.IsA()) { }
01799 R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fSumBuffer", &fSumBuffer);
01800 R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fSum2Buffer", &fSum2Buffer);
01801 R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fBytesWrite", &fBytesWrite);
01802 R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fBytesRead", &fBytesRead);
01803 R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fBytesReadExtra", &fBytesReadExtra);
01804 R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fBEGIN", &fBEGIN);
01805 R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fEND", &fEND);
01806 R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fSeekFree", &fSeekFree);
01807 R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fSeekInfo", &fSeekInfo);
01808 R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fD", &fD);
01809 R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fVersion", &fVersion);
01810 R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fCompress", &fCompress);
01811 R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fNbytesFree", &fNbytesFree);
01812 R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fNbytesInfo", &fNbytesInfo);
01813 R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fWritten", &fWritten);
01814 R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fNProcessIDs", &fNProcessIDs);
01815 R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fReadCalls", &fReadCalls);
01816 R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fRealName", &fRealName);
01817 R__insp.InspectMember(fRealName, "fRealName.");
01818 R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fOption", &fOption);
01819 R__insp.InspectMember(fOption, "fOption.");
01820 R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fUnits", &fUnits);
01821 R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fFree", &fFree);
01822 R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fClassIndex", &fClassIndex);
01823 R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fProcessIDs", &fProcessIDs);
01824 R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fOffset", &fOffset);
01825 R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fArchive", &fArchive);
01826 R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fCacheRead", &fCacheRead);
01827 R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fCacheWrite", &fCacheWrite);
01828 R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fArchiveOffset", &fArchiveOffset);
01829 R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fIsArchive", &fIsArchive);
01830 R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fNoAnchorInName", &fNoAnchorInName);
01831 R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fIsRootFile", &fIsRootFile);
01832 R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fInitDone", &fInitDone);
01833 R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fMustFlush", &fMustFlush);
01834 R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fAsyncHandle", &fAsyncHandle);
01835 R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fAsyncOpenStatus", &fAsyncOpenStatus);
01836 R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fUrl", &fUrl);
01837 R__insp.InspectMember(fUrl, "fUrl.");
01838 R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fInfoCache", &fInfoCache);
01839 R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fOpenPhases", &fOpenPhases);
01840 TDirectoryFile::ShowMembers(R__insp);
01841 }
01843 namespace ROOT {
01845 static void *new_TFile(void *p) {
01846 return p ? new(p) ::TFile : new ::TFile;
01847 }
01848 static void *newArray_TFile(Long_t nElements, void *p) {
01849 return p ? new(p) ::TFile[nElements] : new ::TFile[nElements];
01850 }
01852 static void delete_TFile(void *p) {
01853 delete ((::TFile*)p);
01854 }
01855 static void deleteArray_TFile(void *p) {
01856 delete [] ((::TFile*)p);
01857 }
01858 static void destruct_TFile(void *p) {
01859 typedef ::TFile current_t;
01860 ((current_t*)p)->~current_t();
01861 }
01863 static void streamer_TFile(TBuffer &buf, void *obj) {
01864 ((::TFile*)obj)->::TFile::Streamer(buf);
01865 }
01866 }
01869 void TFileCacheRead::Streamer(TBuffer &R__b)
01870 {
01873 if (R__b.IsReading()) {
01874 R__b.ReadClassBuffer(TFileCacheRead::Class(),this);
01875 } else {
01876 R__b.WriteClassBuffer(TFileCacheRead::Class(),this);
01877 }
01878 }
01881 void TFileCacheRead::ShowMembers(TMemberInspector &R__insp)
01882 {
01884 TClass *R__cl = ::TFileCacheRead::IsA();
01885 if (R__cl || R__insp.IsA()) { }
01886 R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fBufferSizeMin", &fBufferSizeMin);
01887 R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fBufferSize", &fBufferSize);
01888 R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fBufferLen", &fBufferLen);
01889 R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fAsyncReading", &fAsyncReading);
01890 R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fNseek", &fNseek);
01891 R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fNtot", &fNtot);
01892 R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fNb", &fNb);
01893 R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fSeekSize", &fSeekSize);
01894 R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fSeek", &fSeek);
01895 R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fSeekSort", &fSeekSort);
01896 R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fSeekIndex", &fSeekIndex);
01897 R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fPos", &fPos);
01898 R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fSeekLen", &fSeekLen);
01899 R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fSeekSortLen", &fSeekSortLen);
01900 R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fSeekPos", &fSeekPos);
01901 R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fLen", &fLen);
01902 R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fFile", &fFile);
01903 R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fBuffer", &fBuffer);
01904 R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fIsSorted", &fIsSorted);
01905 R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fIsTransferred", &fIsTransferred);
01906 TObject::ShowMembers(R__insp);
01907 }
01909 namespace ROOT {
01911 static void *new_TFileCacheRead(void *p) {
01912 return p ? new(p) ::TFileCacheRead : new ::TFileCacheRead;
01913 }
01914 static void *newArray_TFileCacheRead(Long_t nElements, void *p) {
01915 return p ? new(p) ::TFileCacheRead[nElements] : new ::TFileCacheRead[nElements];
01916 }
01918 static void delete_TFileCacheRead(void *p) {
01919 delete ((::TFileCacheRead*)p);
01920 }
01921 static void deleteArray_TFileCacheRead(void *p) {
01922 delete [] ((::TFileCacheRead*)p);
01923 }
01924 static void destruct_TFileCacheRead(void *p) {
01925 typedef ::TFileCacheRead current_t;
01926 ((current_t*)p)->~current_t();
01927 }
01928 }
01931 void TFileCacheWrite::Streamer(TBuffer &R__b)
01932 {
01935 if (R__b.IsReading()) {
01936 R__b.ReadClassBuffer(TFileCacheWrite::Class(),this);
01937 } else {
01938 R__b.WriteClassBuffer(TFileCacheWrite::Class(),this);
01939 }
01940 }
01943 void TFileCacheWrite::ShowMembers(TMemberInspector &R__insp)
01944 {
01946 TClass *R__cl = ::TFileCacheWrite::IsA();
01947 if (R__cl || R__insp.IsA()) { }
01948 R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fSeekStart", &fSeekStart);
01949 R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fBufferSize", &fBufferSize);
01950 R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fNtot", &fNtot);
01951 R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fFile", &fFile);
01952 R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fBuffer", &fBuffer);
01953 R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fRecursive", &fRecursive);
01954 TObject::ShowMembers(R__insp);
01955 }
01957 namespace ROOT {
01959 static void *new_TFileCacheWrite(void *p) {
01960 return p ? new(p) ::TFileCacheWrite : new ::TFileCacheWrite;
01961 }
01962 static void *newArray_TFileCacheWrite(Long_t nElements, void *p) {
01963 return p ? new(p) ::TFileCacheWrite[nElements] : new ::TFileCacheWrite[nElements];
01964 }
01966 static void delete_TFileCacheWrite(void *p) {
01967 delete ((::TFileCacheWrite*)p);
01968 }
01969 static void deleteArray_TFileCacheWrite(void *p) {
01970 delete [] ((::TFileCacheWrite*)p);
01971 }
01972 static void destruct_TFileCacheWrite(void *p) {
01973 typedef ::TFileCacheWrite current_t;
01974 ((current_t*)p)->~current_t();
01975 }
01976 }
01979 void TFree::Streamer(TBuffer &R__b)
01980 {
01983 UInt_t R__s, R__c;
01984 if (R__b.IsReading()) {
01985 Version_t R__v = R__b.ReadVersion(&R__s, &R__c); if (R__v) { }
01986 TObject::Streamer(R__b);
01987 R__b >> fFirst;
01988 R__b >> fLast;
01989 R__b.CheckByteCount(R__s, R__c, TFree::IsA());
01990 } else {
01991 R__c = R__b.WriteVersion(TFree::IsA(), kTRUE);
01992 TObject::Streamer(R__b);
01993 R__b << fFirst;
01994 R__b << fLast;
01995 R__b.SetByteCount(R__c, kTRUE);
01996 }
01997 }
02000 void TFree::ShowMembers(TMemberInspector &R__insp)
02001 {
02003 TClass *R__cl = ::TFree::IsA();
02004 if (R__cl || R__insp.IsA()) { }
02005 R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fFirst", &fFirst);
02006 R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fLast", &fLast);
02007 TObject::ShowMembers(R__insp);
02008 }
02010 namespace ROOT {
02012 static void *new_TFree(void *p) {
02013 return p ? new(p) ::TFree : new ::TFree;
02014 }
02015 static void *newArray_TFree(Long_t nElements, void *p) {
02016 return p ? new(p) ::TFree[nElements] : new ::TFree[nElements];
02017 }
02019 static void delete_TFree(void *p) {
02020 delete ((::TFree*)p);
02021 }
02022 static void deleteArray_TFree(void *p) {
02023 delete [] ((::TFree*)p);
02024 }
02025 static void destruct_TFree(void *p) {
02026 typedef ::TFree current_t;
02027 ((current_t*)p)->~current_t();
02028 }
02030 static void streamer_TFree(TBuffer &buf, void *obj) {
02031 ((::TFree*)obj)->::TFree::Streamer(buf);
02032 }
02033 }
02036 void TKey::ShowMembers(TMemberInspector &R__insp)
02037 {
02039 TClass *R__cl = ::TKey::IsA();
02040 if (R__cl || R__insp.IsA()) { }
02041 R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fVersion", &fVersion);
02042 R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fNbytes", &fNbytes);
02043 R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fObjlen", &fObjlen);
02044 R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fDatime", &fDatime);
02045 R__insp.InspectMember(fDatime, "fDatime.");
02046 R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fKeylen", &fKeylen);
02047 R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fCycle", &fCycle);
02048 R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fSeekKey", &fSeekKey);
02049 R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fSeekPdir", &fSeekPdir);
02050 R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fClassName", &fClassName);
02051 R__insp.InspectMember(fClassName, "fClassName.");
02052 R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fLeft", &fLeft);
02053 R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fBuffer", &fBuffer);
02054 R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fBufferRef", &fBufferRef);
02055 R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fPidOffset", &fPidOffset);
02056 R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fMotherDir", &fMotherDir);
02057 TNamed::ShowMembers(R__insp);
02058 }
02060 namespace ROOT {
02062 static void *new_TKey(void *p) {
02063 return p ? new(p) ::TKey : new ::TKey;
02064 }
02065 static void *newArray_TKey(Long_t nElements, void *p) {
02066 return p ? new(p) ::TKey[nElements] : new ::TKey[nElements];
02067 }
02069 static void delete_TKey(void *p) {
02070 delete ((::TKey*)p);
02071 }
02072 static void deleteArray_TKey(void *p) {
02073 delete [] ((::TKey*)p);
02074 }
02075 static void destruct_TKey(void *p) {
02076 typedef ::TKey current_t;
02077 ((current_t*)p)->~current_t();
02078 }
02080 static void streamer_TKey(TBuffer &buf, void *obj) {
02081 ((::TKey*)obj)->::TKey::Streamer(buf);
02082 }
02083 }
02086 void TKeyMapFile::Streamer(TBuffer &R__b)
02087 {
02090 TNamed::Streamer(R__b);
02091 }
02094 void TKeyMapFile::ShowMembers(TMemberInspector &R__insp)
02095 {
02097 TClass *R__cl = ::TKeyMapFile::IsA();
02098 if (R__cl || R__insp.IsA()) { }
02099 R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fMapFile", &fMapFile);
02100 TNamed::ShowMembers(R__insp);
02101 }
02103 namespace ROOT {
02105 static void *new_TKeyMapFile(void *p) {
02106 return p ? new(p) ::TKeyMapFile : new ::TKeyMapFile;
02107 }
02108 static void *newArray_TKeyMapFile(Long_t nElements, void *p) {
02109 return p ? new(p) ::TKeyMapFile[nElements] : new ::TKeyMapFile[nElements];
02110 }
02112 static void delete_TKeyMapFile(void *p) {
02113 delete ((::TKeyMapFile*)p);
02114 }
02115 static void deleteArray_TKeyMapFile(void *p) {
02116 delete [] ((::TKeyMapFile*)p);
02117 }
02118 static void destruct_TKeyMapFile(void *p) {
02119 typedef ::TKeyMapFile current_t;
02120 ((current_t*)p)->~current_t();
02121 }
02123 static void streamer_TKeyMapFile(TBuffer &buf, void *obj) {
02124 ((::TKeyMapFile*)obj)->::TKeyMapFile::Streamer(buf);
02125 }
02126 }
02129 void TMapFile::Streamer(TBuffer &R__b)
02130 {
02133 TObject::Streamer(R__b);
02134 }
02137 void TMapFile::ShowMembers(TMemberInspector &R__insp)
02138 {
02140 TClass *R__cl = ::TMapFile::IsA();
02141 if (R__cl || R__insp.IsA()) { }
02142 R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fFd", &fFd);
02143 R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fVersion", &fVersion);
02144 R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fName", &fName);
02145 R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fTitle", &fTitle);
02146 R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fOption", &fOption);
02147 R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fMmallocDesc", &fMmallocDesc);
02148 R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fBaseAddr", &fBaseAddr);
02149 R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fSize", &fSize);
02150 R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fFirst", &fFirst);
02151 R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fLast", &fLast);
02152 R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fOffset", &fOffset);
02153 R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fDirectory", &fDirectory);
02154 R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fBrowseList", &fBrowseList);
02155 R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fWritable", &fWritable);
02156 R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fSemaphore", &fSemaphore);
02157 R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fhSemaphore", &fhSemaphore);
02158 R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fGetting", &fGetting);
02159 R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fWritten", &fWritten);
02160 R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fSumBuffer", &fSumBuffer);
02161 R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fSum2Buffer", &fSum2Buffer);
02162 TObject::ShowMembers(R__insp);
02163 }
02165 namespace ROOT {
02167 static void delete_TMapFile(void *p) {
02168 delete ((::TMapFile*)p);
02169 }
02170 static void deleteArray_TMapFile(void *p) {
02171 delete [] ((::TMapFile*)p);
02172 }
02173 static void destruct_TMapFile(void *p) {
02174 typedef ::TMapFile current_t;
02175 ((current_t*)p)->~current_t();
02176 }
02178 static void streamer_TMapFile(TBuffer &buf, void *obj) {
02179 ((::TMapFile*)obj)->::TMapFile::Streamer(buf);
02180 }
02181 }
02183 namespace ROOT {
02185 static void delete_TMapRec(void *p) {
02186 delete ((::TMapRec*)p);
02187 }
02188 static void deleteArray_TMapRec(void *p) {
02189 delete [] ((::TMapRec*)p);
02190 }
02191 static void destruct_TMapRec(void *p) {
02192 typedef ::TMapRec current_t;
02193 ((current_t*)p)->~current_t();
02194 }
02195 }
02198 void TArchiveFile::Streamer(TBuffer &R__b)
02199 {
02202 if (R__b.IsReading()) {
02203 R__b.ReadClassBuffer(TArchiveFile::Class(),this);
02204 } else {
02205 R__b.WriteClassBuffer(TArchiveFile::Class(),this);
02206 }
02207 }
02210 void TArchiveFile::ShowMembers(TMemberInspector &R__insp)
02211 {
02213 TClass *R__cl = ::TArchiveFile::IsA();
02214 if (R__cl || R__insp.IsA()) { }
02215 R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fArchiveName", &fArchiveName);
02216 R__insp.InspectMember(fArchiveName, "fArchiveName.");
02217 R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fMemberName", &fMemberName);
02218 R__insp.InspectMember(fMemberName, "fMemberName.");
02219 R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fMemberIndex", &fMemberIndex);
02220 R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fFile", &fFile);
02221 R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fMembers", &fMembers);
02222 R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fCurMember", &fCurMember);
02223 TObject::ShowMembers(R__insp);
02224 }
02226 namespace ROOT {
02228 static void delete_TArchiveFile(void *p) {
02229 delete ((::TArchiveFile*)p);
02230 }
02231 static void deleteArray_TArchiveFile(void *p) {
02232 delete [] ((::TArchiveFile*)p);
02233 }
02234 static void destruct_TArchiveFile(void *p) {
02235 typedef ::TArchiveFile current_t;
02236 ((current_t*)p)->~current_t();
02237 }
02238 }
02241 void TArchiveMember::Streamer(TBuffer &R__b)
02242 {
02245 if (R__b.IsReading()) {
02246 R__b.ReadClassBuffer(TArchiveMember::Class(),this);
02247 } else {
02248 R__b.WriteClassBuffer(TArchiveMember::Class(),this);
02249 }
02250 }
02253 void TArchiveMember::ShowMembers(TMemberInspector &R__insp)
02254 {
02256 TClass *R__cl = ::TArchiveMember::IsA();
02257 if (R__cl || R__insp.IsA()) { }
02258 R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fName", &fName);
02259 R__insp.InspectMember(fName, "fName.");
02260 R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fComment", &fComment);
02261 R__insp.InspectMember(fComment, "fComment.");
02262 R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fModTime", &fModTime);
02263 R__insp.InspectMember(fModTime, "fModTime.");
02264 R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fPosition", &fPosition);
02265 R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fFilePosition", &fFilePosition);
02266 R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fCsize", &fCsize);
02267 R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fDsize", &fDsize);
02268 R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fDirectory", &fDirectory);
02269 TObject::ShowMembers(R__insp);
02270 }
02272 namespace ROOT {
02274 static void *new_TArchiveMember(void *p) {
02275 return p ? new(p) ::TArchiveMember : new ::TArchiveMember;
02276 }
02277 static void *newArray_TArchiveMember(Long_t nElements, void *p) {
02278 return p ? new(p) ::TArchiveMember[nElements] : new ::TArchiveMember[nElements];
02279 }
02281 static void delete_TArchiveMember(void *p) {
02282 delete ((::TArchiveMember*)p);
02283 }
02284 static void deleteArray_TArchiveMember(void *p) {
02285 delete [] ((::TArchiveMember*)p);
02286 }
02287 static void destruct_TArchiveMember(void *p) {
02288 typedef ::TArchiveMember current_t;
02289 ((current_t*)p)->~current_t();
02290 }
02291 }
02294 void TZIPFile::Streamer(TBuffer &R__b)
02295 {
02298 if (R__b.IsReading()) {
02299 R__b.ReadClassBuffer(TZIPFile::Class(),this);
02300 } else {
02301 R__b.WriteClassBuffer(TZIPFile::Class(),this);
02302 }
02303 }
02306 void TZIPFile::ShowMembers(TMemberInspector &R__insp)
02307 {
02309 TClass *R__cl = ::TZIPFile::IsA();
02310 if (R__cl || R__insp.IsA()) { }
02311 R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fDirPos", &fDirPos);
02312 R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fDirSize", &fDirSize);
02313 R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fDirOffset", &fDirOffset);
02314 R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fComment", &fComment);
02315 R__insp.InspectMember(fComment, "fComment.");
02316 TArchiveFile::ShowMembers(R__insp);
02317 }
02319 namespace ROOT {
02321 static void *new_TZIPFile(void *p) {
02322 return p ? new(p) ::TZIPFile : new ::TZIPFile;
02323 }
02324 static void *newArray_TZIPFile(Long_t nElements, void *p) {
02325 return p ? new(p) ::TZIPFile[nElements] : new ::TZIPFile[nElements];
02326 }
02328 static void delete_TZIPFile(void *p) {
02329 delete ((::TZIPFile*)p);
02330 }
02331 static void deleteArray_TZIPFile(void *p) {
02332 delete [] ((::TZIPFile*)p);
02333 }
02334 static void destruct_TZIPFile(void *p) {
02335 typedef ::TZIPFile current_t;
02336 ((current_t*)p)->~current_t();
02337 }
02338 }
02341 void TZIPMember::Streamer(TBuffer &R__b)
02342 {
02345 if (R__b.IsReading()) {
02346 R__b.ReadClassBuffer(TZIPMember::Class(),this);
02347 } else {
02348 R__b.WriteClassBuffer(TZIPMember::Class(),this);
02349 }
02350 }
02353 void TZIPMember::ShowMembers(TMemberInspector &R__insp)
02354 {
02356 TClass *R__cl = ::TZIPMember::IsA();
02357 if (R__cl || R__insp.IsA()) { }
02358 R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fLocal", &fLocal);
02359 R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fLocalLen", &fLocalLen);
02360 R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fGlobal", &fGlobal);
02361 R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fGlobalLen", &fGlobalLen);
02362 R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fCRC32", &fCRC32);
02363 R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fAttrInt", &fAttrInt);
02364 R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fAttrExt", &fAttrExt);
02365 R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fMethod", &fMethod);
02366 R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fLevel", &fLevel);
02367 TArchiveMember::ShowMembers(R__insp);
02368 }
02370 namespace ROOT {
02372 static void *new_TZIPMember(void *p) {
02373 return p ? new(p) ::TZIPMember : new ::TZIPMember;
02374 }
02375 static void *newArray_TZIPMember(Long_t nElements, void *p) {
02376 return p ? new(p) ::TZIPMember[nElements] : new ::TZIPMember[nElements];
02377 }
02379 static void delete_TZIPMember(void *p) {
02380 delete ((::TZIPMember*)p);
02381 }
02382 static void deleteArray_TZIPMember(void *p) {
02383 delete [] ((::TZIPMember*)p);
02384 }
02385 static void destruct_TZIPMember(void *p) {
02386 typedef ::TZIPMember current_t;
02387 ((current_t*)p)->~current_t();
02388 }
02389 }
02392 void TLockFile::Streamer(TBuffer &R__b)
02393 {
02396 TObject::Streamer(R__b);
02397 }
02400 void TLockFile::ShowMembers(TMemberInspector &R__insp)
02401 {
02403 TClass *R__cl = ::TLockFile::IsA();
02404 if (R__cl || R__insp.IsA()) { }
02405 R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fPath", &fPath);
02406 R__insp.InspectMember(fPath, "fPath.");
02407 TObject::ShowMembers(R__insp);
02408 }
02410 namespace ROOT {
02412 static void delete_TLockFile(void *p) {
02413 delete ((::TLockFile*)p);
02414 }
02415 static void deleteArray_TLockFile(void *p) {
02416 delete [] ((::TLockFile*)p);
02417 }
02418 static void destruct_TLockFile(void *p) {
02419 typedef ::TLockFile current_t;
02420 ((current_t*)p)->~current_t();
02421 }
02423 static void streamer_TLockFile(TBuffer &buf, void *obj) {
02424 ((::TLockFile*)obj)->::TLockFile::Streamer(buf);
02425 }
02426 }
02429 void TStreamerInfo::ShowMembers(TMemberInspector &R__insp)
02430 {
02432 TClass *R__cl = ::TStreamerInfo::IsA();
02433 if (R__cl || R__insp.IsA()) { }
02434 R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fCheckSum", &fCheckSum);
02435 R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fClassVersion", &fClassVersion);
02436 R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fOnFileClassVersion", &fOnFileClassVersion);
02437 R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fNumber", &fNumber);
02438 R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fNdata", &fNdata);
02439 R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fSize", &fSize);
02440 R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fType", &fType);
02441 R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fNewType", &fNewType);
02442 R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fOffset", &fOffset);
02443 R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fLength", &fLength);
02444 R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fElem", &fElem);
02445 R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fMethod", &fMethod);
02446 R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fComp", &fComp);
02447 R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fClass", &fClass);
02448 R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fElements", &fElements);
02449 R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fOldVersion", &fOldVersion);
02450 R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fNVirtualInfoLoc", &fNVirtualInfoLoc);
02451 R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fVirtualInfoLoc", &fVirtualInfoLoc);
02452 R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fLiveCount", &fLiveCount);
02453 R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fReadObjectWise", &fReadObjectWise);
02454 R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fReadMemberWise", &fReadMemberWise);
02455 TVirtualStreamerInfo::ShowMembers(R__insp);
02456 }
02458 namespace ROOT {
02460 static void *new_TStreamerInfo(void *p) {
02461 return p ? new(p) ::TStreamerInfo : new ::TStreamerInfo;
02462 }
02463 static void *newArray_TStreamerInfo(Long_t nElements, void *p) {
02464 return p ? new(p) ::TStreamerInfo[nElements] : new ::TStreamerInfo[nElements];
02465 }
02467 static void delete_TStreamerInfo(void *p) {
02468 delete ((::TStreamerInfo*)p);
02469 }
02470 static void deleteArray_TStreamerInfo(void *p) {
02471 delete [] ((::TStreamerInfo*)p);
02472 }
02473 static void destruct_TStreamerInfo(void *p) {
02474 typedef ::TStreamerInfo current_t;
02475 ((current_t*)p)->~current_t();
02476 }
02478 static void streamer_TStreamerInfo(TBuffer &buf, void *obj) {
02479 ((::TStreamerInfo*)obj)->::TStreamerInfo::Streamer(buf);
02480 }
02481 }
02483 namespace ROOT {
02485 static void *new_TCollectionProxyFactory(void *p) {
02486 return p ? ::new((::ROOT::TOperatorNewHelper*)p) ::TCollectionProxyFactory : new ::TCollectionProxyFactory;
02487 }
02488 static void *newArray_TCollectionProxyFactory(Long_t nElements, void *p) {
02489 return p ? ::new((::ROOT::TOperatorNewHelper*)p) ::TCollectionProxyFactory[nElements] : new ::TCollectionProxyFactory[nElements];
02490 }
02492 static void delete_TCollectionProxyFactory(void *p) {
02493 delete ((::TCollectionProxyFactory*)p);
02494 }
02495 static void deleteArray_TCollectionProxyFactory(void *p) {
02496 delete [] ((::TCollectionProxyFactory*)p);
02497 }
02498 static void destruct_TCollectionProxyFactory(void *p) {
02499 typedef ::TCollectionProxyFactory current_t;
02500 ((current_t*)p)->~current_t();
02501 }
02502 }
02504 namespace ROOT {
02506 static void delete_TEmulatedCollectionProxy(void *p) {
02507 delete ((::TEmulatedCollectionProxy*)p);
02508 }
02509 static void deleteArray_TEmulatedCollectionProxy(void *p) {
02510 delete [] ((::TEmulatedCollectionProxy*)p);
02511 }
02512 static void destruct_TEmulatedCollectionProxy(void *p) {
02513 typedef ::TEmulatedCollectionProxy current_t;
02514 ((current_t*)p)->~current_t();
02515 }
02517 static void streamer_TEmulatedCollectionProxy(TBuffer &buf, void *obj) {
02518 ((::TEmulatedCollectionProxy*)obj)->::TEmulatedCollectionProxy::Streamer(buf);
02519 }
02520 }
02522 namespace ROOT {
02524 static void delete_TEmulatedMapProxy(void *p) {
02525 delete ((::TEmulatedMapProxy*)p);
02526 }
02527 static void deleteArray_TEmulatedMapProxy(void *p) {
02528 delete [] ((::TEmulatedMapProxy*)p);
02529 }
02530 static void destruct_TEmulatedMapProxy(void *p) {
02531 typedef ::TEmulatedMapProxy current_t;
02532 ((current_t*)p)->~current_t();
02533 }
02535 static void streamer_TEmulatedMapProxy(TBuffer &buf, void *obj) {
02536 ((::TEmulatedMapProxy*)obj)->::TEmulatedMapProxy::Streamer(buf);
02537 }
02538 }
02540 namespace ROOT {
02542 static void delete_TGenCollectionProxy(void *p) {
02543 delete ((::TGenCollectionProxy*)p);
02544 }
02545 static void deleteArray_TGenCollectionProxy(void *p) {
02546 delete [] ((::TGenCollectionProxy*)p);
02547 }
02548 static void destruct_TGenCollectionProxy(void *p) {
02549 typedef ::TGenCollectionProxy current_t;
02550 ((current_t*)p)->~current_t();
02551 }
02553 static void streamer_TGenCollectionProxy(TBuffer &buf, void *obj) {
02554 ((::TGenCollectionProxy*)obj)->::TGenCollectionProxy::Streamer(buf);
02555 }
02556 }
02558 namespace ROOT {
02560 static void delete_TGenCollectionProxycLcLValue(void *p) {
02561 delete ((::TGenCollectionProxy::Value*)p);
02562 }
02563 static void deleteArray_TGenCollectionProxycLcLValue(void *p) {
02564 delete [] ((::TGenCollectionProxy::Value*)p);
02565 }
02566 static void destruct_TGenCollectionProxycLcLValue(void *p) {
02567 typedef ::TGenCollectionProxy::Value current_t;
02568 ((current_t*)p)->~current_t();
02569 }
02570 }
02572 namespace ROOT {
02574 static void *new_TGenCollectionProxycLcLMethod(void *p) {
02575 return p ? ::new((::ROOT::TOperatorNewHelper*)p) ::TGenCollectionProxy::Method : new ::TGenCollectionProxy::Method;
02576 }
02577 static void *newArray_TGenCollectionProxycLcLMethod(Long_t nElements, void *p) {
02578 return p ? ::new((::ROOT::TOperatorNewHelper*)p) ::TGenCollectionProxy::Method[nElements] : new ::TGenCollectionProxy::Method[nElements];
02579 }
02581 static void delete_TGenCollectionProxycLcLMethod(void *p) {
02582 delete ((::TGenCollectionProxy::Method*)p);
02583 }
02584 static void deleteArray_TGenCollectionProxycLcLMethod(void *p) {
02585 delete [] ((::TGenCollectionProxy::Method*)p);
02586 }
02587 static void destruct_TGenCollectionProxycLcLMethod(void *p) {
02588 typedef ::TGenCollectionProxy::Method current_t;
02589 ((current_t*)p)->~current_t();
02590 }
02591 }
02593 namespace ROOT {
02595 static void *new_TCollectionStreamer(void *p) {
02596 return p ? ::new((::ROOT::TOperatorNewHelper*)p) ::TCollectionStreamer : new ::TCollectionStreamer;
02597 }
02598 static void *newArray_TCollectionStreamer(Long_t nElements, void *p) {
02599 return p ? ::new((::ROOT::TOperatorNewHelper*)p) ::TCollectionStreamer[nElements] : new ::TCollectionStreamer[nElements];
02600 }
02602 static void delete_TCollectionStreamer(void *p) {
02603 delete ((::TCollectionStreamer*)p);
02604 }
02605 static void deleteArray_TCollectionStreamer(void *p) {
02606 delete [] ((::TCollectionStreamer*)p);
02607 }
02608 static void destruct_TCollectionStreamer(void *p) {
02609 typedef ::TCollectionStreamer current_t;
02610 ((current_t*)p)->~current_t();
02611 }
02612 }
02614 namespace ROOT {
02616 static void *new_TCollectionClassStreamer(void *p) {
02617 return p ? ::new((::ROOT::TOperatorNewHelper*)p) ::TCollectionClassStreamer : new ::TCollectionClassStreamer;
02618 }
02619 static void *newArray_TCollectionClassStreamer(Long_t nElements, void *p) {
02620 return p ? ::new((::ROOT::TOperatorNewHelper*)p) ::TCollectionClassStreamer[nElements] : new ::TCollectionClassStreamer[nElements];
02621 }
02623 static void delete_TCollectionClassStreamer(void *p) {
02624 delete ((::TCollectionClassStreamer*)p);
02625 }
02626 static void deleteArray_TCollectionClassStreamer(void *p) {
02627 delete [] ((::TCollectionClassStreamer*)p);
02628 }
02629 static void destruct_TCollectionClassStreamer(void *p) {
02630 typedef ::TCollectionClassStreamer current_t;
02631 ((current_t*)p)->~current_t();
02632 }
02633 }
02635 namespace ROOT {
02637 static void *new_TCollectionMemberStreamer(void *p) {
02638 return p ? ::new((::ROOT::TOperatorNewHelper*)p) ::TCollectionMemberStreamer : new ::TCollectionMemberStreamer;
02639 }
02640 static void *newArray_TCollectionMemberStreamer(Long_t nElements, void *p) {
02641 return p ? ::new((::ROOT::TOperatorNewHelper*)p) ::TCollectionMemberStreamer[nElements] : new ::TCollectionMemberStreamer[nElements];
02642 }
02644 static void delete_TCollectionMemberStreamer(void *p) {
02645 delete ((::TCollectionMemberStreamer*)p);
02646 }
02647 static void deleteArray_TCollectionMemberStreamer(void *p) {
02648 delete [] ((::TCollectionMemberStreamer*)p);
02649 }
02650 static void destruct_TCollectionMemberStreamer(void *p) {
02651 typedef ::TCollectionMemberStreamer current_t;
02652 ((current_t*)p)->~current_t();
02653 }
02654 }
02656 namespace TStreamerInfoActions {
02658 void TConfiguredAction::Streamer(TBuffer &R__b)
02659 {
02662 if (R__b.IsReading()) {
02663 R__b.ReadClassBuffer(TStreamerInfoActions::TConfiguredAction::Class(),this);
02664 } else {
02665 R__b.WriteClassBuffer(TStreamerInfoActions::TConfiguredAction::Class(),this);
02666 }
02667 }
02669 }
02671 namespace TStreamerInfoActions {
02672 void TConfiguredAction::ShowMembers(TMemberInspector &R__insp)
02673 {
02675 TClass *R__cl = ::TStreamerInfoActions::TConfiguredAction::IsA();
02676 if (R__cl || R__insp.IsA()) { }
02677 R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fAction", &fAction);
02678 R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fVecPtrLoopAction", &fVecPtrLoopAction);
02679 R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fLoopAction", &fLoopAction);
02680 R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fConfiguration", &fConfiguration);
02681 TObject::ShowMembers(R__insp);
02682 }
02684 }
02685 namespace ROOT {
02687 static void *new_TStreamerInfoActionscLcLTConfiguredAction(void *p) {
02688 return p ? new(p) ::TStreamerInfoActions::TConfiguredAction : new ::TStreamerInfoActions::TConfiguredAction;
02689 }
02690 static void *newArray_TStreamerInfoActionscLcLTConfiguredAction(Long_t nElements, void *p) {
02691 return p ? new(p) ::TStreamerInfoActions::TConfiguredAction[nElements] : new ::TStreamerInfoActions::TConfiguredAction[nElements];
02692 }
02694 static void delete_TStreamerInfoActionscLcLTConfiguredAction(void *p) {
02695 delete ((::TStreamerInfoActions::TConfiguredAction*)p);
02696 }
02697 static void deleteArray_TStreamerInfoActionscLcLTConfiguredAction(void *p) {
02698 delete [] ((::TStreamerInfoActions::TConfiguredAction*)p);
02699 }
02700 static void destruct_TStreamerInfoActionscLcLTConfiguredAction(void *p) {
02701 typedef ::TStreamerInfoActions::TConfiguredAction current_t;
02702 ((current_t*)p)->~current_t();
02703 }
02704 }
02706 namespace TStreamerInfoActions {
02708 void TActionSequence::Streamer(TBuffer &R__b)
02709 {
02712 if (R__b.IsReading()) {
02713 R__b.ReadClassBuffer(TStreamerInfoActions::TActionSequence::Class(),this);
02714 } else {
02715 R__b.WriteClassBuffer(TStreamerInfoActions::TActionSequence::Class(),this);
02716 }
02717 }
02719 }
02721 namespace TStreamerInfoActions {
02722 void TActionSequence::ShowMembers(TMemberInspector &R__insp)
02723 {
02725 TClass *R__cl = ::TStreamerInfoActions::TActionSequence::IsA();
02726 if (R__cl || R__insp.IsA()) { }
02727 R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fStreamerInfo", &fStreamerInfo);
02728 R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fLoopConfig", &fLoopConfig);
02729 R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fActions", (void*)&fActions);
02730 R__insp.InspectMember("TStreamerInfoActions::ActionContainer_t", (void*)&fActions, "fActions.", false);
02731 TObject::ShowMembers(R__insp);
02732 }
02734 }
02735 namespace ROOT {
02737 static void delete_TStreamerInfoActionscLcLTActionSequence(void *p) {
02738 delete ((::TStreamerInfoActions::TActionSequence*)p);
02739 }
02740 static void deleteArray_TStreamerInfoActionscLcLTActionSequence(void *p) {
02741 delete [] ((::TStreamerInfoActions::TActionSequence*)p);
02742 }
02743 static void destruct_TStreamerInfoActionscLcLTActionSequence(void *p) {
02744 typedef ::TStreamerInfoActions::TActionSequence current_t;
02745 ((current_t*)p)->~current_t();
02746 }
02747 }
02749 namespace ROOT {
02751 static void delete_TStreamerInfoActionscLcLTConfiguration(void *p) {
02752 delete ((::TStreamerInfoActions::TConfiguration*)p);
02753 }
02754 static void deleteArray_TStreamerInfoActionscLcLTConfiguration(void *p) {
02755 delete [] ((::TStreamerInfoActions::TConfiguration*)p);
02756 }
02757 static void destruct_TStreamerInfoActionscLcLTConfiguration(void *p) {
02758 typedef ::TStreamerInfoActions::TConfiguration current_t;
02759 ((current_t*)p)->~current_t();
02760 }
02761 }
02763 namespace ROOT {
02765 static void delete_TVirtualArray(void *p) {
02766 delete ((::TVirtualArray*)p);
02767 }
02768 static void deleteArray_TVirtualArray(void *p) {
02769 delete [] ((::TVirtualArray*)p);
02770 }
02771 static void destruct_TVirtualArray(void *p) {
02772 typedef ::TVirtualArray current_t;
02773 ((current_t*)p)->~current_t();
02774 }
02775 }
02777 namespace ROOT {
02779 static void delete_TVirtualObject(void *p) {
02780 delete ((::TVirtualObject*)p);
02781 }
02782 static void deleteArray_TVirtualObject(void *p) {
02783 delete [] ((::TVirtualObject*)p);
02784 }
02785 static void destruct_TVirtualObject(void *p) {
02786 typedef ::TVirtualObject current_t;
02787 ((current_t*)p)->~current_t();
02788 }
02789 }
02798 #ifdef G__MEMTEST
02799 #undef malloc
02800 #undef free
02801 #endif
02803 #if defined(__GNUC__) && __GNUC__ >= 4 && ((__GNUC_MINOR__ == 2 && __GNUC_PATCHLEVEL__ >= 1) || (__GNUC_MINOR__ >= 3))
02804 #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wstrict-aliasing"
02805 #endif
02807 extern "C" void G__cpp_reset_tagtableG__IO();
02809 extern "C" void G__set_cpp_environmentG__IO() {
02810 G__add_compiledheader("TObject.h");
02811 G__add_compiledheader("TMemberInspector.h");
02812 G__add_compiledheader("TArchiveFile.h");
02813 G__add_compiledheader("TBufferFile.h");
02814 G__add_compiledheader("TCollectionProxyFactory.h");
02815 G__add_compiledheader("TContainerConverters.h");
02816 G__add_compiledheader("TDirectoryFile.h");
02817 G__add_compiledheader("TEmulatedCollectionProxy.h");
02818 G__add_compiledheader("TEmulatedMapProxy.h");
02819 G__add_compiledheader("TFileCacheRead.h");
02820 G__add_compiledheader("TFileCacheWrite.h");
02821 G__add_compiledheader("TFile.h");
02822 G__add_compiledheader("TFree.h");
02823 G__add_compiledheader("TGenCollectionProxy.h");
02824 G__add_compiledheader("TGenCollectionStreamer.h");
02825 G__add_compiledheader("TKey.h");
02826 G__add_compiledheader("TKeyMapFile.h");
02827 G__add_compiledheader("TLockFile.h");
02828 G__add_compiledheader("TMakeProject.h");
02829 G__add_compiledheader("TMapFile.h");
02830 G__add_compiledheader("TStreamerInfoActions.h");
02831 G__add_compiledheader("TStreamerInfo.h");
02832 G__add_compiledheader("TVirtualArray.h");
02833 G__add_compiledheader("TVirtualCollectionIterators.h");
02834 G__add_compiledheader("TVirtualObject.h");
02835 G__add_compiledheader("TZIPFile.h");
02836 G__cpp_reset_tagtableG__IO();
02837 }
02838 #include <new>
02839 extern "C" int G__cpp_dllrevG__IO() { return(30051515); }
02846 static int G__G__IO_89_0_1(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
02847 {
02848 TVirtualArray* p = NULL;
02849 char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
02851 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
02852 p = new TVirtualArray((TClass*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (UInt_t) G__int(libp->para[1]));
02853 } else {
02854 p = new((void*) gvp) TVirtualArray((TClass*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (UInt_t) G__int(libp->para[1]));
02855 }
02856 result7->obj.i = (long) p;
02857 result7->ref = (long) p;
02858 G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TVirtualArray));
02859 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
02860 }
02862 static int G__G__IO_89_0_2(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
02863 {
02864 G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ((TVirtualArray*) G__getstructoffset())->GetClass());
02865 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
02866 }
02868 static int G__G__IO_89_0_3(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
02869 {
02870 G__letint(result7, 67, (long) ((const TVirtualArray*) G__getstructoffset())->operator[]((UInt_t) G__int(libp->para[0])));
02871 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
02872 }
02874 static int G__G__IO_89_0_4(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
02875 {
02876 G__letint(result7, 67, (long) ((const TVirtualArray*) G__getstructoffset())->GetObjectAt((UInt_t) G__int(libp->para[0])));
02877 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
02878 }
02881 static int G__G__IO_89_0_5(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
02883 {
02884 TVirtualArray* p;
02885 void* tmp = (void*) G__int(libp->para[0]);
02886 p = new TVirtualArray(*(TVirtualArray*) tmp);
02887 result7->obj.i = (long) p;
02888 result7->ref = (long) p;
02889 G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TVirtualArray));
02890 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
02891 }
02894 typedef TVirtualArray G__TTVirtualArray;
02895 static int G__G__IO_89_0_6(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
02896 {
02897 char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
02898 long soff = G__getstructoffset();
02899 int n = G__getaryconstruct();
02905 if (!soff) {
02906 return(1);
02907 }
02908 if (n) {
02909 if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) {
02910 delete[] (TVirtualArray*) soff;
02911 } else {
02912 G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID);
02913 for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
02914 ((TVirtualArray*) (soff+(sizeof(TVirtualArray)*i)))->~G__TTVirtualArray();
02915 }
02916 G__setgvp((long)gvp);
02917 }
02918 } else {
02919 if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) {
02920 delete (TVirtualArray*) soff;
02921 } else {
02922 G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID);
02923 ((TVirtualArray*) (soff))->~G__TTVirtualArray();
02924 G__setgvp((long)gvp);
02925 }
02926 }
02927 G__setnull(result7);
02928 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
02929 }
02932 static int G__G__IO_89_0_7(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
02933 {
02934 TVirtualArray* dest = (TVirtualArray*) G__getstructoffset();
02935 *dest = *(TVirtualArray*) libp->para[0].ref;
02936 const TVirtualArray& obj = *dest;
02937 result7->ref = (long) (&obj);
02938 result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj);
02939 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
02940 }
02946 static int G__G__IO_91_0_2(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
02947 {
02948 TStreamerInfoActions::TActionSequence* p = NULL;
02949 char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
02951 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
02952 p = new TStreamerInfoActions::TActionSequence((TVirtualStreamerInfo*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (UInt_t) G__int(libp->para[1]));
02953 } else {
02954 p = new((void*) gvp) TStreamerInfoActions::TActionSequence((TVirtualStreamerInfo*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (UInt_t) G__int(libp->para[1]));
02955 }
02956 result7->obj.i = (long) p;
02957 result7->ref = (long) p;
02958 G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TStreamerInfoActionscLcLTActionSequence));
02959 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
02960 }
02962 static int G__G__IO_91_0_3(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
02963 {
02964 ((TStreamerInfoActions::TActionSequence*) G__getstructoffset())->AddAction(*(TStreamerInfoActions::TConfiguredAction*) libp->para[0].ref);
02965 G__setnull(result7);
02966 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
02967 }
02969 static int G__G__IO_91_0_4(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
02970 {
02971 ((TStreamerInfoActions::TActionSequence*) G__getstructoffset())->AddToOffset((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]));
02972 G__setnull(result7);
02973 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
02974 }
02976 static int G__G__IO_91_0_5(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
02977 {
02978 G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ((TStreamerInfoActions::TActionSequence*) G__getstructoffset())->CreateCopy());
02979 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
02980 }
02982 static int G__G__IO_91_0_6(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
02983 {
02984 G__letint(result7, 85, (long) TStreamerInfoActions::TActionSequence::CreateReadMemberWiseActions((TVirtualStreamerInfo*) G__int(libp->para[0]), *(TVirtualCollectionProxy*) libp->para[1].ref));
02985 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
02986 }
02988 static int G__G__IO_91_0_7(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
02989 {
02990 G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ((TStreamerInfoActions::TActionSequence*) G__getstructoffset())->CreateSubSequence(*(vector<Int_t>*) libp->para[0].ref, (size_t) G__int(libp->para[1])));
02991 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
02992 }
02994 static int G__G__IO_91_0_9(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
02995 {
02996 G__letint(result7, 85, (long) TStreamerInfoActions::TActionSequence::Class());
02997 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
02998 }
03000 static int G__G__IO_91_0_10(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
03001 {
03002 G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TStreamerInfoActions::TActionSequence::Class_Name());
03003 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
03004 }
03006 static int G__G__IO_91_0_11(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
03007 {
03008 G__letint(result7, 115, (long) TStreamerInfoActions::TActionSequence::Class_Version());
03009 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
03010 }
03012 static int G__G__IO_91_0_12(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
03013 {
03014 TStreamerInfoActions::TActionSequence::Dictionary();
03015 G__setnull(result7);
03016 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
03017 }
03019 static int G__G__IO_91_0_16(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
03020 {
03021 ((TStreamerInfoActions::TActionSequence*) G__getstructoffset())->StreamerNVirtual(*(TBuffer*) libp->para[0].ref);
03022 G__setnull(result7);
03023 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
03024 }
03026 static int G__G__IO_91_0_17(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
03027 {
03028 G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TStreamerInfoActions::TActionSequence::DeclFileName());
03029 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
03030 }
03032 static int G__G__IO_91_0_18(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
03033 {
03034 G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TStreamerInfoActions::TActionSequence::ImplFileLine());
03035 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
03036 }
03038 static int G__G__IO_91_0_19(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
03039 {
03040 G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TStreamerInfoActions::TActionSequence::ImplFileName());
03041 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
03042 }
03044 static int G__G__IO_91_0_20(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
03045 {
03046 G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TStreamerInfoActions::TActionSequence::DeclFileLine());
03047 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
03048 }
03051 static int G__G__IO_91_0_21(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
03053 {
03054 TStreamerInfoActions::TActionSequence* p;
03055 void* tmp = (void*) G__int(libp->para[0]);
03056 p = new TStreamerInfoActions::TActionSequence(*(TStreamerInfoActions::TActionSequence*) tmp);
03057 result7->obj.i = (long) p;
03058 result7->ref = (long) p;
03059 G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TStreamerInfoActionscLcLTActionSequence));
03060 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
03061 }
03064 typedef TStreamerInfoActions::TActionSequence G__TTStreamerInfoActionscLcLTActionSequence;
03065 static int G__G__IO_91_0_22(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
03066 {
03067 char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
03068 long soff = G__getstructoffset();
03069 int n = G__getaryconstruct();
03075 if (!soff) {
03076 return(1);
03077 }
03078 if (n) {
03079 if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) {
03080 delete[] (TStreamerInfoActions::TActionSequence*) soff;
03081 } else {
03082 G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID);
03083 for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
03084 ((TStreamerInfoActions::TActionSequence*) (soff+(sizeof(TStreamerInfoActions::TActionSequence)*i)))->~G__TTStreamerInfoActionscLcLTActionSequence();
03085 }
03086 G__setgvp((long)gvp);
03087 }
03088 } else {
03089 if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) {
03090 delete (TStreamerInfoActions::TActionSequence*) soff;
03091 } else {
03092 G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID);
03093 ((TStreamerInfoActions::TActionSequence*) (soff))->~G__TTStreamerInfoActionscLcLTActionSequence();
03094 G__setgvp((long)gvp);
03095 }
03096 }
03097 G__setnull(result7);
03098 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
03099 }
03102 static int G__G__IO_91_0_23(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
03103 {
03104 TStreamerInfoActions::TActionSequence* dest = (TStreamerInfoActions::TActionSequence*) G__getstructoffset();
03105 *dest = *(TStreamerInfoActions::TActionSequence*) libp->para[0].ref;
03106 const TStreamerInfoActions::TActionSequence& obj = *dest;
03107 result7->ref = (long) (&obj);
03108 result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj);
03109 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
03110 }
03114 static int G__G__IO_111_0_21(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
03115 {
03116 TFile* p = NULL;
03117 char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
03118 int n = G__getaryconstruct();
03119 if (n) {
03120 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
03121 p = new TFile[n];
03122 } else {
03123 p = new((void*) gvp) TFile[n];
03124 }
03125 } else {
03126 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
03127 p = new TFile;
03128 } else {
03129 p = new((void*) gvp) TFile;
03130 }
03131 }
03132 result7->obj.i = (long) p;
03133 result7->ref = (long) p;
03134 G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TFile));
03135 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
03136 }
03138 static int G__G__IO_111_0_22(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
03139 {
03140 TFile* p = NULL;
03141 char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
03142 switch (libp->paran) {
03143 case 4:
03145 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
03146 p = new TFile(
03147 (const char*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Option_t*) G__int(libp->para[1])
03148 , (const char*) G__int(libp->para[2]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[3]));
03149 } else {
03150 p = new((void*) gvp) TFile(
03151 (const char*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Option_t*) G__int(libp->para[1])
03152 , (const char*) G__int(libp->para[2]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[3]));
03153 }
03154 break;
03155 case 3:
03157 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
03158 p = new TFile(
03159 (const char*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Option_t*) G__int(libp->para[1])
03160 , (const char*) G__int(libp->para[2]));
03161 } else {
03162 p = new((void*) gvp) TFile(
03163 (const char*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Option_t*) G__int(libp->para[1])
03164 , (const char*) G__int(libp->para[2]));
03165 }
03166 break;
03167 case 2:
03169 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
03170 p = new TFile((const char*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Option_t*) G__int(libp->para[1]));
03171 } else {
03172 p = new((void*) gvp) TFile((const char*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Option_t*) G__int(libp->para[1]));
03173 }
03174 break;
03175 case 1:
03177 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
03178 p = new TFile((const char*) G__int(libp->para[0]));
03179 } else {
03180 p = new((void*) gvp) TFile((const char*) G__int(libp->para[0]));
03181 }
03182 break;
03183 }
03184 result7->obj.i = (long) p;
03185 result7->ref = (long) p;
03186 G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TFile));
03187 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
03188 }
03190 static int G__G__IO_111_0_25(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
03191 {
03192 G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ((TFile*) G__getstructoffset())->CreateKey((TDirectory*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (TObject*) G__int(libp->para[1])
03193 , (const char*) G__int(libp->para[2]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[3])));
03194 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
03195 }
03197 static int G__G__IO_111_0_26(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
03198 {
03199 G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ((TFile*) G__getstructoffset())->CreateKey((TDirectory*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (void*) G__int(libp->para[1])
03200 , (TClass*) G__int(libp->para[2]), (const char*) G__int(libp->para[3])
03201 , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[4])));
03202 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
03203 }
03205 static int G__G__IO_111_0_29(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
03206 {
03207 switch (libp->paran) {
03208 case 2:
03209 ((TFile*) G__getstructoffset())->DrawMap((const char*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Option_t*) G__int(libp->para[1]));
03210 G__setnull(result7);
03211 break;
03212 case 1:
03213 ((TFile*) G__getstructoffset())->DrawMap((const char*) G__int(libp->para[0]));
03214 G__setnull(result7);
03215 break;
03216 case 0:
03217 ((TFile*) G__getstructoffset())->DrawMap();
03218 G__setnull(result7);
03219 break;
03220 }
03221 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
03222 }
03224 static int G__G__IO_111_0_31(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
03225 {
03226 ((TFile*) G__getstructoffset())->Flush();
03227 G__setnull(result7);
03228 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
03229 }
03231 static int G__G__IO_111_0_32(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
03232 {
03233 G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ((const TFile*) G__getstructoffset())->GetArchive());
03234 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
03235 }
03237 static int G__G__IO_111_0_33(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
03238 {
03239 G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((const TFile*) G__getstructoffset())->GetBestBuffer());
03240 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
03241 }
03243 static int G__G__IO_111_0_34(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
03244 {
03245 G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((const TFile*) G__getstructoffset())->GetBytesToPrefetch());
03246 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
03247 }
03249 static int G__G__IO_111_0_35(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
03250 {
03251 G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ((const TFile*) G__getstructoffset())->GetCacheRead());
03252 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
03253 }
03255 static int G__G__IO_111_0_36(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
03256 {
03257 G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ((const TFile*) G__getstructoffset())->GetCacheWrite());
03258 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
03259 }
03261 static int G__G__IO_111_0_37(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
03262 {
03263 G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ((const TFile*) G__getstructoffset())->GetClassIndex());
03264 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
03265 }
03267 static int G__G__IO_111_0_38(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
03268 {
03269 G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((const TFile*) G__getstructoffset())->GetCompressionLevel());
03270 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
03271 }
03273 static int G__G__IO_111_0_39(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
03274 {
03275 G__letdouble(result7, 102, (double) ((TFile*) G__getstructoffset())->GetCompressionFactor());
03276 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
03277 }
03279 static int G__G__IO_111_0_40(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
03280 {
03281 G__letLonglong(result7, 110, (G__int64) ((const TFile*) G__getstructoffset())->GetEND());
03282 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
03283 }
03285 static int G__G__IO_111_0_41(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
03286 {
03287 G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((const TFile*) G__getstructoffset())->GetErrno());
03288 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
03289 }
03291 static int G__G__IO_111_0_42(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
03292 {
03293 ((const TFile*) G__getstructoffset())->ResetErrno();
03294 G__setnull(result7);
03295 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
03296 }
03298 static int G__G__IO_111_0_43(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
03299 {
03300 G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((const TFile*) G__getstructoffset())->GetFd());
03301 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
03302 }
03304 static int G__G__IO_111_0_44(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
03305 {
03306 G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ((const TFile*) G__getstructoffset())->GetEndpointUrl());
03307 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
03308 }
03310 static int G__G__IO_111_0_45(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
03311 {
03312 G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ((const TFile*) G__getstructoffset())->GetListOfProcessIDs());
03313 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
03314 }
03316 static int G__G__IO_111_0_46(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
03317 {
03318 G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ((const TFile*) G__getstructoffset())->GetListOfFree());
03319 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
03320 }
03322 static int G__G__IO_111_0_47(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
03323 {
03324 G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((const TFile*) G__getstructoffset())->GetNfree());
03325 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
03326 }
03328 static int G__G__IO_111_0_48(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
03329 {
03330 G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((const TFile*) G__getstructoffset())->GetNProcessIDs());
03331 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
03332 }
03334 static int G__G__IO_111_0_50(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
03335 {
03336 G__letLonglong(result7, 110, (G__int64) ((const TFile*) G__getstructoffset())->GetBytesRead());
03337 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
03338 }
03340 static int G__G__IO_111_0_51(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
03341 {
03342 G__letLonglong(result7, 110, (G__int64) ((const TFile*) G__getstructoffset())->GetBytesReadExtra());
03343 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
03344 }
03346 static int G__G__IO_111_0_52(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
03347 {
03348 G__letLonglong(result7, 110, (G__int64) ((const TFile*) G__getstructoffset())->GetBytesWritten());
03349 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
03350 }
03352 static int G__G__IO_111_0_53(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
03353 {
03354 G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((const TFile*) G__getstructoffset())->GetReadCalls());
03355 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
03356 }
03358 static int G__G__IO_111_0_54(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
03359 {
03360 G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((const TFile*) G__getstructoffset())->GetVersion());
03361 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
03362 }
03364 static int G__G__IO_111_0_55(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
03365 {
03366 G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((TFile*) G__getstructoffset())->GetRecordHeader((char*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Long64_t) G__Longlong(libp->para[1])
03367 , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[2]), *(Int_t*) G__Intref(&libp->para[3])
03368 , *(Int_t*) G__Intref(&libp->para[4]), *(Int_t*) G__Intref(&libp->para[5])));
03369 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
03370 }
03372 static int G__G__IO_111_0_56(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
03373 {
03374 G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((const TFile*) G__getstructoffset())->GetNbytesInfo());
03375 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
03376 }
03378 static int G__G__IO_111_0_57(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
03379 {
03380 G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((const TFile*) G__getstructoffset())->GetNbytesFree());
03381 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
03382 }
03384 static int G__G__IO_111_0_58(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
03385 {
03386 G__letLonglong(result7, 110, (G__int64) ((const TFile*) G__getstructoffset())->GetRelOffset());
03387 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
03388 }
03390 static int G__G__IO_111_0_59(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
03391 {
03392 G__letLonglong(result7, 110, (G__int64) ((const TFile*) G__getstructoffset())->GetSeekFree());
03393 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
03394 }
03396 static int G__G__IO_111_0_60(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
03397 {
03398 G__letLonglong(result7, 110, (G__int64) ((const TFile*) G__getstructoffset())->GetSeekInfo());
03399 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
03400 }
03402 static int G__G__IO_111_0_61(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
03403 {
03404 G__letLonglong(result7, 110, (G__int64) ((const TFile*) G__getstructoffset())->GetSize());
03405 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
03406 }
03408 static int G__G__IO_111_0_62(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
03409 {
03410 G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ((TFile*) G__getstructoffset())->GetStreamerInfoList());
03411 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
03412 }
03414 static int G__G__IO_111_0_63(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
03415 {
03416 G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ((TFile*) G__getstructoffset())->GetStreamerInfoCache());
03417 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
03418 }
03420 static int G__G__IO_111_0_64(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
03421 {
03422 ((TFile*) G__getstructoffset())->IncrementProcessIDs();
03423 G__setnull(result7);
03424 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
03425 }
03427 static int G__G__IO_111_0_65(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
03428 {
03429 G__letint(result7, 103, (long) ((const TFile*) G__getstructoffset())->IsArchive());
03430 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
03431 }
03433 static int G__G__IO_111_0_66(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
03434 {
03435 G__letint(result7, 103, (long) ((const TFile*) G__getstructoffset())->IsBinary());
03436 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
03437 }
03439 static int G__G__IO_111_0_67(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
03440 {
03441 G__letint(result7, 103, (long) ((const TFile*) G__getstructoffset())->IsRaw());
03442 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
03443 }
03445 static int G__G__IO_111_0_68(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
03446 {
03447 G__letint(result7, 103, (long) ((const TFile*) G__getstructoffset())->IsOpen());
03448 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
03449 }
03451 static int G__G__IO_111_0_70(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
03452 {
03453 ((TFile*) G__getstructoffset())->MakeFree((Long64_t) G__Longlong(libp->para[0]), (Long64_t) G__Longlong(libp->para[1]));
03454 G__setnull(result7);
03455 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
03456 }
03458 static int G__G__IO_111_0_71(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
03459 {
03460 switch (libp->paran) {
03461 case 3:
03462 ((TFile*) G__getstructoffset())->MakeProject((const char*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (const char*) G__int(libp->para[1])
03463 , (Option_t*) G__int(libp->para[2]));
03464 G__setnull(result7);
03465 break;
03466 case 2:
03467 ((TFile*) G__getstructoffset())->MakeProject((const char*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (const char*) G__int(libp->para[1]));
03468 G__setnull(result7);
03469 break;
03470 case 1:
03471 ((TFile*) G__getstructoffset())->MakeProject((const char*) G__int(libp->para[0]));
03472 G__setnull(result7);
03473 break;
03474 }
03475 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
03476 }
03478 static int G__G__IO_111_0_72(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
03479 {
03480 ((TFile*) G__getstructoffset())->Map();
03481 G__setnull(result7);
03482 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
03483 }
03485 static int G__G__IO_111_0_73(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
03486 {
03487 G__letint(result7, 103, (long) ((TFile*) G__getstructoffset())->Matches((const char*) G__int(libp->para[0])));
03488 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
03489 }
03491 static int G__G__IO_111_0_74(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
03492 {
03493 G__letint(result7, 103, (long) ((const TFile*) G__getstructoffset())->MustFlush());
03494 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
03495 }
03497 static int G__G__IO_111_0_77(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
03498 {
03499 G__letint(result7, 103, (long) ((TFile*) G__getstructoffset())->ReadBufferAsync((Long64_t) G__Longlong(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1])));
03500 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
03501 }
03503 static int G__G__IO_111_0_78(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
03504 {
03505 G__letint(result7, 103, (long) ((TFile*) G__getstructoffset())->ReadBuffer((char*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1])));
03506 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
03507 }
03509 static int G__G__IO_111_0_79(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
03510 {
03511 G__letint(result7, 103, (long) ((TFile*) G__getstructoffset())->ReadBuffer((char*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Long64_t) G__Longlong(libp->para[1])
03512 , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[2])));
03513 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
03514 }
03516 static int G__G__IO_111_0_80(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
03517 {
03518 G__letint(result7, 103, (long) ((TFile*) G__getstructoffset())->ReadBuffers((char*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Long64_t*) G__int(libp->para[1])
03519 , (Int_t*) G__int(libp->para[2]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[3])));
03520 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
03521 }
03523 static int G__G__IO_111_0_81(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
03524 {
03525 ((TFile*) G__getstructoffset())->ReadFree();
03526 G__setnull(result7);
03527 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
03528 }
03530 static int G__G__IO_111_0_82(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
03531 {
03532 G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ((TFile*) G__getstructoffset())->ReadProcessID((UShort_t) G__int(libp->para[0])));
03533 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
03534 }
03536 static int G__G__IO_111_0_83(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
03537 {
03538 ((TFile*) G__getstructoffset())->ReadStreamerInfo();
03539 G__setnull(result7);
03540 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
03541 }
03543 static int G__G__IO_111_0_84(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
03544 {
03545 G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((TFile*) G__getstructoffset())->Recover());
03546 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
03547 }
03549 static int G__G__IO_111_0_85(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
03550 {
03551 G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((TFile*) G__getstructoffset())->ReOpen((Option_t*) G__int(libp->para[0])));
03552 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
03553 }
03555 static int G__G__IO_111_0_86(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
03556 {
03557 switch (libp->paran) {
03558 case 2:
03559 ((TFile*) G__getstructoffset())->Seek((Long64_t) G__Longlong(libp->para[0]), (TFile::ERelativeTo) G__int(libp->para[1]));
03560 G__setnull(result7);
03561 break;
03562 case 1:
03563 ((TFile*) G__getstructoffset())->Seek((Long64_t) G__Longlong(libp->para[0]));
03564 G__setnull(result7);
03565 break;
03566 }
03567 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
03568 }
03570 static int G__G__IO_111_0_87(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
03571 {
03572 ((TFile*) G__getstructoffset())->SetCacheRead((TFileCacheRead*) G__int(libp->para[0]));
03573 G__setnull(result7);
03574 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
03575 }
03577 static int G__G__IO_111_0_88(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
03578 {
03579 ((TFile*) G__getstructoffset())->SetCacheWrite((TFileCacheWrite*) G__int(libp->para[0]));
03580 G__setnull(result7);
03581 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
03582 }
03584 static int G__G__IO_111_0_89(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
03585 {
03586 switch (libp->paran) {
03587 case 1:
03588 ((TFile*) G__getstructoffset())->SetCompressionLevel((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]));
03589 G__setnull(result7);
03590 break;
03591 case 0:
03592 ((TFile*) G__getstructoffset())->SetCompressionLevel();
03593 G__setnull(result7);
03594 break;
03595 }
03596 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
03597 }
03599 static int G__G__IO_111_0_90(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
03600 {
03601 ((TFile*) G__getstructoffset())->SetEND((Long64_t) G__Longlong(libp->para[0]));
03602 G__setnull(result7);
03603 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
03604 }
03606 static int G__G__IO_111_0_91(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
03607 {
03608 switch (libp->paran) {
03609 case 2:
03610 ((TFile*) G__getstructoffset())->SetOffset((Long64_t) G__Longlong(libp->para[0]), (TFile::ERelativeTo) G__int(libp->para[1]));
03611 G__setnull(result7);
03612 break;
03613 case 1:
03614 ((TFile*) G__getstructoffset())->SetOffset((Long64_t) G__Longlong(libp->para[0]));
03615 G__setnull(result7);
03616 break;
03617 }
03618 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
03619 }
03621 static int G__G__IO_111_0_92(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
03622 {
03623 switch (libp->paran) {
03624 case 1:
03625 ((TFile*) G__getstructoffset())->SetOption((Option_t*) G__int(libp->para[0]));
03626 G__setnull(result7);
03627 break;
03628 case 0:
03629 ((TFile*) G__getstructoffset())->SetOption();
03630 G__setnull(result7);
03631 break;
03632 }
03633 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
03634 }
03636 static int G__G__IO_111_0_93(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
03637 {
03638 switch (libp->paran) {
03639 case 1:
03640 ((TFile*) G__getstructoffset())->SetReadCalls((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]));
03641 G__setnull(result7);
03642 break;
03643 case 0:
03644 ((TFile*) G__getstructoffset())->SetReadCalls();
03645 G__setnull(result7);
03646 break;
03647 }
03648 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
03649 }
03651 static int G__G__IO_111_0_94(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
03652 {
03653 ((TFile*) G__getstructoffset())->ShowStreamerInfo();
03654 G__setnull(result7);
03655 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
03656 }
03658 static int G__G__IO_111_0_96(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
03659 {
03660 ((TFile*) G__getstructoffset())->SumBuffer((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]));
03661 G__setnull(result7);
03662 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
03663 }
03665 static int G__G__IO_111_0_97(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
03666 {
03667 switch (libp->paran) {
03668 case 2:
03669 ((TFile*) G__getstructoffset())->UseCache((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1]));
03670 G__setnull(result7);
03671 break;
03672 case 1:
03673 ((TFile*) G__getstructoffset())->UseCache((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]));
03674 G__setnull(result7);
03675 break;
03676 case 0:
03677 ((TFile*) G__getstructoffset())->UseCache();
03678 G__setnull(result7);
03679 break;
03680 }
03681 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
03682 }
03684 static int G__G__IO_111_0_98(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
03685 {
03686 G__letint(result7, 103, (long) ((TFile*) G__getstructoffset())->WriteBuffer((const char*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1])));
03687 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
03688 }
03690 static int G__G__IO_111_0_101(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
03691 {
03692 ((TFile*) G__getstructoffset())->WriteFree();
03693 G__setnull(result7);
03694 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
03695 }
03697 static int G__G__IO_111_0_102(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
03698 {
03699 ((TFile*) G__getstructoffset())->WriteHeader();
03700 G__setnull(result7);
03701 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
03702 }
03704 static int G__G__IO_111_0_103(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
03705 {
03706 G__letint(result7, 114, (long) ((TFile*) G__getstructoffset())->WriteProcessID((TProcessID*) G__int(libp->para[0])));
03707 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
03708 }
03710 static int G__G__IO_111_0_104(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
03711 {
03712 ((TFile*) G__getstructoffset())->WriteStreamerInfo();
03713 G__setnull(result7);
03714 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
03715 }
03717 static int G__G__IO_111_0_105(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
03718 {
03719 switch (libp->paran) {
03720 case 5:
03721 G__letint(result7, 85, (long) TFile::AsyncOpen((const char*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Option_t*) G__int(libp->para[1])
03722 , (const char*) G__int(libp->para[2]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[3])
03723 , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[4])));
03724 break;
03725 case 4:
03726 G__letint(result7, 85, (long) TFile::AsyncOpen((const char*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Option_t*) G__int(libp->para[1])
03727 , (const char*) G__int(libp->para[2]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[3])));
03728 break;
03729 case 3:
03730 G__letint(result7, 85, (long) TFile::AsyncOpen((const char*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Option_t*) G__int(libp->para[1])
03731 , (const char*) G__int(libp->para[2])));
03732 break;
03733 case 2:
03734 G__letint(result7, 85, (long) TFile::AsyncOpen((const char*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Option_t*) G__int(libp->para[1])));
03735 break;
03736 case 1:
03737 G__letint(result7, 85, (long) TFile::AsyncOpen((const char*) G__int(libp->para[0])));
03738 break;
03739 }
03740 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
03741 }
03743 static int G__G__IO_111_0_106(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
03744 {
03745 switch (libp->paran) {
03746 case 5:
03747 G__letint(result7, 85, (long) TFile::Open((const char*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Option_t*) G__int(libp->para[1])
03748 , (const char*) G__int(libp->para[2]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[3])
03749 , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[4])));
03750 break;
03751 case 4:
03752 G__letint(result7, 85, (long) TFile::Open((const char*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Option_t*) G__int(libp->para[1])
03753 , (const char*) G__int(libp->para[2]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[3])));
03754 break;
03755 case 3:
03756 G__letint(result7, 85, (long) TFile::Open((const char*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Option_t*) G__int(libp->para[1])
03757 , (const char*) G__int(libp->para[2])));
03758 break;
03759 case 2:
03760 G__letint(result7, 85, (long) TFile::Open((const char*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Option_t*) G__int(libp->para[1])));
03761 break;
03762 case 1:
03763 G__letint(result7, 85, (long) TFile::Open((const char*) G__int(libp->para[0])));
03764 break;
03765 }
03766 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
03767 }
03769 static int G__G__IO_111_0_107(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
03770 {
03771 G__letint(result7, 85, (long) TFile::Open((TFileOpenHandle*) G__int(libp->para[0])));
03772 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
03773 }
03775 static int G__G__IO_111_0_108(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
03776 {
03777 switch (libp->paran) {
03778 case 3:
03779 G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TFile::GetType((const char*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Option_t*) G__int(libp->para[1])
03780 , (TString*) G__int(libp->para[2])));
03781 break;
03782 case 2:
03783 G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TFile::GetType((const char*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Option_t*) G__int(libp->para[1])));
03784 break;
03785 case 1:
03786 G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TFile::GetType((const char*) G__int(libp->para[0])));
03787 break;
03788 }
03789 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
03790 }
03792 static int G__G__IO_111_0_109(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
03793 {
03794 G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TFile::GetAsyncOpenStatus((const char*) G__int(libp->para[0])));
03795 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
03796 }
03798 static int G__G__IO_111_0_110(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
03799 {
03800 G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TFile::GetAsyncOpenStatus((TFileOpenHandle*) G__int(libp->para[0])));
03801 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
03802 }
03804 static int G__G__IO_111_0_111(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
03805 {
03806 G__letint(result7, 85, (long) TFile::GetEndpointUrl((const char*) G__int(libp->para[0])));
03807 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
03808 }
03810 static int G__G__IO_111_0_112(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
03811 {
03812 G__letLonglong(result7, 110, (G__int64) TFile::GetFileBytesRead());
03813 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
03814 }
03816 static int G__G__IO_111_0_113(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
03817 {
03818 G__letLonglong(result7, 110, (G__int64) TFile::GetFileBytesWritten());
03819 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
03820 }
03822 static int G__G__IO_111_0_114(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
03823 {
03824 G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TFile::GetFileReadCalls());
03825 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
03826 }
03828 static int G__G__IO_111_0_115(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
03829 {
03830 G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TFile::GetReadaheadSize());
03831 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
03832 }
03834 static int G__G__IO_111_0_116(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
03835 {
03836 switch (libp->paran) {
03837 case 1:
03838 TFile::SetFileBytesRead((Long64_t) G__Longlong(libp->para[0]));
03839 G__setnull(result7);
03840 break;
03841 case 0:
03842 TFile::SetFileBytesRead();
03843 G__setnull(result7);
03844 break;
03845 }
03846 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
03847 }
03849 static int G__G__IO_111_0_117(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
03850 {
03851 switch (libp->paran) {
03852 case 1:
03853 TFile::SetFileBytesWritten((Long64_t) G__Longlong(libp->para[0]));
03854 G__setnull(result7);
03855 break;
03856 case 0:
03857 TFile::SetFileBytesWritten();
03858 G__setnull(result7);
03859 break;
03860 }
03861 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
03862 }
03864 static int G__G__IO_111_0_118(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
03865 {
03866 switch (libp->paran) {
03867 case 1:
03868 TFile::SetFileReadCalls((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]));
03869 G__setnull(result7);
03870 break;
03871 case 0:
03872 TFile::SetFileReadCalls();
03873 G__setnull(result7);
03874 break;
03875 }
03876 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
03877 }
03879 static int G__G__IO_111_0_119(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
03880 {
03881 switch (libp->paran) {
03882 case 1:
03883 TFile::SetReadaheadSize((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]));
03884 G__setnull(result7);
03885 break;
03886 case 0:
03887 TFile::SetReadaheadSize();
03888 G__setnull(result7);
03889 break;
03890 }
03891 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
03892 }
03894 static int G__G__IO_111_0_120(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
03895 {
03896 switch (libp->paran) {
03897 case 1:
03898 TFile::SetReadStreamerInfo((Bool_t) G__int(libp->para[0]));
03899 G__setnull(result7);
03900 break;
03901 case 0:
03902 TFile::SetReadStreamerInfo();
03903 G__setnull(result7);
03904 break;
03905 }
03906 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
03907 }
03909 static int G__G__IO_111_0_121(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
03910 {
03911 G__letLonglong(result7, 110, (G__int64) TFile::GetFileCounter());
03912 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
03913 }
03915 static int G__G__IO_111_0_122(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
03916 {
03917 TFile::IncrementFileCounter();
03918 G__setnull(result7);
03919 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
03920 }
03922 static int G__G__IO_111_0_123(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
03923 {
03924 switch (libp->paran) {
03925 case 3:
03926 G__letint(result7, 103, (long) TFile::SetCacheFileDir((const char*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Bool_t) G__int(libp->para[1])
03927 , (Bool_t) G__int(libp->para[2])));
03928 break;
03929 case 2:
03930 G__letint(result7, 103, (long) TFile::SetCacheFileDir((const char*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Bool_t) G__int(libp->para[1])));
03931 break;
03932 case 1:
03933 G__letint(result7, 103, (long) TFile::SetCacheFileDir((const char*) G__int(libp->para[0])));
03934 break;
03935 }
03936 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
03937 }
03939 static int G__G__IO_111_0_124(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
03940 {
03941 G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TFile::GetCacheFileDir());
03942 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
03943 }
03945 static int G__G__IO_111_0_125(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
03946 {
03947 switch (libp->paran) {
03948 case 2:
03949 G__letint(result7, 103, (long) TFile::ShrinkCacheFileDir((Long64_t) G__Longlong(libp->para[0]), (Long_t) G__int(libp->para[1])));
03950 break;
03951 case 1:
03952 G__letint(result7, 103, (long) TFile::ShrinkCacheFileDir((Long64_t) G__Longlong(libp->para[0])));
03953 break;
03954 }
03955 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
03956 }
03958 static int G__G__IO_111_0_126(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
03959 {
03960 switch (libp->paran) {
03961 case 4:
03962 G__letint(result7, 103, (long) TFile::Cp((const char*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (const char*) G__int(libp->para[1])
03963 , (Bool_t) G__int(libp->para[2]), (UInt_t) G__int(libp->para[3])));
03964 break;
03965 case 3:
03966 G__letint(result7, 103, (long) TFile::Cp((const char*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (const char*) G__int(libp->para[1])
03967 , (Bool_t) G__int(libp->para[2])));
03968 break;
03969 case 2:
03970 G__letint(result7, 103, (long) TFile::Cp((const char*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (const char*) G__int(libp->para[1])));
03971 break;
03972 }
03973 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
03974 }
03976 static int G__G__IO_111_0_127(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
03977 {
03978 G__letint(result7, 104, (long) TFile::SetOpenTimeout((UInt_t) G__int(libp->para[0])));
03979 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
03980 }
03982 static int G__G__IO_111_0_128(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
03983 {
03984 G__letint(result7, 104, (long) TFile::GetOpenTimeout());
03985 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
03986 }
03988 static int G__G__IO_111_0_129(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
03989 {
03990 G__letint(result7, 103, (long) TFile::SetOnlyStaged((Bool_t) G__int(libp->para[0])));
03991 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
03992 }
03994 static int G__G__IO_111_0_130(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
03995 {
03996 G__letint(result7, 103, (long) TFile::GetOnlyStaged());
03997 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
03998 }
04000 static int G__G__IO_111_0_131(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
04001 {
04002 G__letint(result7, 85, (long) TFile::Class());
04003 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
04004 }
04006 static int G__G__IO_111_0_132(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
04007 {
04008 G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TFile::Class_Name());
04009 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
04010 }
04012 static int G__G__IO_111_0_133(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
04013 {
04014 G__letint(result7, 115, (long) TFile::Class_Version());
04015 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
04016 }
04018 static int G__G__IO_111_0_134(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
04019 {
04020 TFile::Dictionary();
04021 G__setnull(result7);
04022 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
04023 }
04025 static int G__G__IO_111_0_138(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
04026 {
04027 ((TFile*) G__getstructoffset())->StreamerNVirtual(*(TBuffer*) libp->para[0].ref);
04028 G__setnull(result7);
04029 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
04030 }
04032 static int G__G__IO_111_0_139(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
04033 {
04034 G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TFile::DeclFileName());
04035 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
04036 }
04038 static int G__G__IO_111_0_140(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
04039 {
04040 G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TFile::ImplFileLine());
04041 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
04042 }
04044 static int G__G__IO_111_0_141(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
04045 {
04046 G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TFile::ImplFileName());
04047 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
04048 }
04050 static int G__G__IO_111_0_142(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
04051 {
04052 G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TFile::DeclFileLine());
04053 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
04054 }
04057 typedef TFile G__TTFile;
04058 static int G__G__IO_111_0_143(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
04059 {
04060 char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
04061 long soff = G__getstructoffset();
04062 int n = G__getaryconstruct();
04068 if (!soff) {
04069 return(1);
04070 }
04071 if (n) {
04072 if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) {
04073 delete[] (TFile*) soff;
04074 } else {
04075 G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID);
04076 for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
04077 ((TFile*) (soff+(sizeof(TFile)*i)))->~G__TTFile();
04078 }
04079 G__setgvp((long)gvp);
04080 }
04081 } else {
04082 if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) {
04083 delete (TFile*) soff;
04084 } else {
04085 G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID);
04086 ((TFile*) (soff))->~G__TTFile();
04087 G__setgvp((long)gvp);
04088 }
04089 }
04090 G__setnull(result7);
04091 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
04092 }
04096 static int G__G__IO_112_0_1(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
04097 {
04098 TArchiveMember* p = NULL;
04099 char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
04100 int n = G__getaryconstruct();
04101 if (n) {
04102 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
04103 p = new TArchiveMember[n];
04104 } else {
04105 p = new((void*) gvp) TArchiveMember[n];
04106 }
04107 } else {
04108 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
04109 p = new TArchiveMember;
04110 } else {
04111 p = new((void*) gvp) TArchiveMember;
04112 }
04113 }
04114 result7->obj.i = (long) p;
04115 result7->ref = (long) p;
04116 G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TArchiveMember));
04117 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
04118 }
04120 static int G__G__IO_112_0_2(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
04121 {
04122 TArchiveMember* p = NULL;
04123 char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
04125 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
04126 p = new TArchiveMember((const char*) G__int(libp->para[0]));
04127 } else {
04128 p = new((void*) gvp) TArchiveMember((const char*) G__int(libp->para[0]));
04129 }
04130 result7->obj.i = (long) p;
04131 result7->ref = (long) p;
04132 G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TArchiveMember));
04133 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
04134 }
04136 static int G__G__IO_112_0_3(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
04137 {
04138 TArchiveMember* p = NULL;
04139 char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
04141 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
04142 p = new TArchiveMember(*(TArchiveMember*) libp->para[0].ref);
04143 } else {
04144 p = new((void*) gvp) TArchiveMember(*(TArchiveMember*) libp->para[0].ref);
04145 }
04146 result7->obj.i = (long) p;
04147 result7->ref = (long) p;
04148 G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TArchiveMember));
04149 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
04150 }
04152 static int G__G__IO_112_0_4(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
04153 {
04154 {
04155 const TArchiveMember& obj = ((TArchiveMember*) G__getstructoffset())->operator=(*(TArchiveMember*) libp->para[0].ref);
04156 result7->ref = (long) (&obj);
04157 result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj);
04158 }
04159 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
04160 }
04162 static int G__G__IO_112_0_6(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
04163 {
04164 G__letint(result7, 67, (long) ((const TArchiveMember*) G__getstructoffset())->GetComment());
04165 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
04166 }
04168 static int G__G__IO_112_0_7(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
04169 {
04170 {
04171 const TDatime* pobj;
04172 const TDatime xobj = ((const TArchiveMember*) G__getstructoffset())->GetModTime();
04173 pobj = new TDatime(xobj);
04174 result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj);
04175 result7->ref = result7->obj.i;
04176 G__store_tempobject(*result7);
04177 }
04178 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
04179 }
04181 static int G__G__IO_112_0_8(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
04182 {
04183 G__letLonglong(result7, 110, (G__int64) ((const TArchiveMember*) G__getstructoffset())->GetPosition());
04184 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
04185 }
04187 static int G__G__IO_112_0_9(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
04188 {
04189 G__letLonglong(result7, 110, (G__int64) ((const TArchiveMember*) G__getstructoffset())->GetFilePosition());
04190 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
04191 }
04193 static int G__G__IO_112_0_10(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
04194 {
04195 G__letLonglong(result7, 110, (G__int64) ((const TArchiveMember*) G__getstructoffset())->GetCompressedSize());
04196 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
04197 }
04199 static int G__G__IO_112_0_11(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
04200 {
04201 G__letLonglong(result7, 110, (G__int64) ((const TArchiveMember*) G__getstructoffset())->GetDecompressedSize());
04202 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
04203 }
04205 static int G__G__IO_112_0_12(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
04206 {
04207 G__letint(result7, 103, (long) ((const TArchiveMember*) G__getstructoffset())->IsDirectory());
04208 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
04209 }
04211 static int G__G__IO_112_0_13(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
04212 {
04213 G__letint(result7, 85, (long) TArchiveMember::Class());
04214 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
04215 }
04217 static int G__G__IO_112_0_14(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
04218 {
04219 G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TArchiveMember::Class_Name());
04220 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
04221 }
04223 static int G__G__IO_112_0_15(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
04224 {
04225 G__letint(result7, 115, (long) TArchiveMember::Class_Version());
04226 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
04227 }
04229 static int G__G__IO_112_0_16(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
04230 {
04231 TArchiveMember::Dictionary();
04232 G__setnull(result7);
04233 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
04234 }
04236 static int G__G__IO_112_0_20(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
04237 {
04238 ((TArchiveMember*) G__getstructoffset())->StreamerNVirtual(*(TBuffer*) libp->para[0].ref);
04239 G__setnull(result7);
04240 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
04241 }
04243 static int G__G__IO_112_0_21(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
04244 {
04245 G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TArchiveMember::DeclFileName());
04246 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
04247 }
04249 static int G__G__IO_112_0_22(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
04250 {
04251 G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TArchiveMember::ImplFileLine());
04252 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
04253 }
04255 static int G__G__IO_112_0_23(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
04256 {
04257 G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TArchiveMember::ImplFileName());
04258 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
04259 }
04261 static int G__G__IO_112_0_24(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
04262 {
04263 G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TArchiveMember::DeclFileLine());
04264 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
04265 }
04268 typedef TArchiveMember G__TTArchiveMember;
04269 static int G__G__IO_112_0_25(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
04270 {
04271 char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
04272 long soff = G__getstructoffset();
04273 int n = G__getaryconstruct();
04279 if (!soff) {
04280 return(1);
04281 }
04282 if (n) {
04283 if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) {
04284 delete[] (TArchiveMember*) soff;
04285 } else {
04286 G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID);
04287 for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
04288 ((TArchiveMember*) (soff+(sizeof(TArchiveMember)*i)))->~G__TTArchiveMember();
04289 }
04290 G__setgvp((long)gvp);
04291 }
04292 } else {
04293 if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) {
04294 delete (TArchiveMember*) soff;
04295 } else {
04296 G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID);
04297 ((TArchiveMember*) (soff))->~G__TTArchiveMember();
04298 G__setgvp((long)gvp);
04299 }
04300 }
04301 G__setnull(result7);
04302 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
04303 }
04307 static int G__G__IO_113_0_6(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
04308 {
04309 G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((TArchiveFile*) G__getstructoffset())->OpenArchive());
04310 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
04311 }
04313 static int G__G__IO_113_0_7(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
04314 {
04315 G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((TArchiveFile*) G__getstructoffset())->SetCurrentMember());
04316 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
04317 }
04319 static int G__G__IO_113_0_8(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
04320 {
04321 G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((TArchiveFile*) G__getstructoffset())->SetMember((const char*) G__int(libp->para[0])));
04322 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
04323 }
04325 static int G__G__IO_113_0_9(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
04326 {
04327 G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((TArchiveFile*) G__getstructoffset())->SetMember((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0])));
04328 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
04329 }
04331 static int G__G__IO_113_0_10(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
04332 {
04333 G__letLonglong(result7, 110, (G__int64) ((const TArchiveFile*) G__getstructoffset())->GetMemberFilePosition());
04334 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
04335 }
04337 static int G__G__IO_113_0_11(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
04338 {
04339 G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ((const TArchiveFile*) G__getstructoffset())->GetMember());
04340 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
04341 }
04343 static int G__G__IO_113_0_12(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
04344 {
04345 G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ((const TArchiveFile*) G__getstructoffset())->GetMembers());
04346 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
04347 }
04349 static int G__G__IO_113_0_13(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
04350 {
04351 G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((const TArchiveFile*) G__getstructoffset())->GetNumberOfMembers());
04352 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
04353 }
04355 static int G__G__IO_113_0_14(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
04356 {
04357 G__letint(result7, 67, (long) ((const TArchiveFile*) G__getstructoffset())->GetArchiveName());
04358 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
04359 }
04361 static int G__G__IO_113_0_15(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
04362 {
04363 G__letint(result7, 67, (long) ((const TArchiveFile*) G__getstructoffset())->GetMemberName());
04364 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
04365 }
04367 static int G__G__IO_113_0_16(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
04368 {
04369 G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((const TArchiveFile*) G__getstructoffset())->GetMemberIndex());
04370 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
04371 }
04373 static int G__G__IO_113_0_17(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
04374 {
04375 G__letint(result7, 85, (long) TArchiveFile::Open((const char*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (TFile*) G__int(libp->para[1])));
04376 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
04377 }
04379 static int G__G__IO_113_0_18(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
04380 {
04381 G__letint(result7, 85, (long) TArchiveFile::Class());
04382 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
04383 }
04385 static int G__G__IO_113_0_19(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
04386 {
04387 G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TArchiveFile::Class_Name());
04388 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
04389 }
04391 static int G__G__IO_113_0_20(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
04392 {
04393 G__letint(result7, 115, (long) TArchiveFile::Class_Version());
04394 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
04395 }
04397 static int G__G__IO_113_0_21(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
04398 {
04399 TArchiveFile::Dictionary();
04400 G__setnull(result7);
04401 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
04402 }
04404 static int G__G__IO_113_0_25(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
04405 {
04406 ((TArchiveFile*) G__getstructoffset())->StreamerNVirtual(*(TBuffer*) libp->para[0].ref);
04407 G__setnull(result7);
04408 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
04409 }
04411 static int G__G__IO_113_0_26(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
04412 {
04413 G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TArchiveFile::DeclFileName());
04414 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
04415 }
04417 static int G__G__IO_113_0_27(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
04418 {
04419 G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TArchiveFile::ImplFileLine());
04420 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
04421 }
04423 static int G__G__IO_113_0_28(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
04424 {
04425 G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TArchiveFile::ImplFileName());
04426 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
04427 }
04429 static int G__G__IO_113_0_29(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
04430 {
04431 G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TArchiveFile::DeclFileLine());
04432 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
04433 }
04436 typedef TArchiveFile G__TTArchiveFile;
04437 static int G__G__IO_113_0_30(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
04438 {
04439 char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
04440 long soff = G__getstructoffset();
04441 int n = G__getaryconstruct();
04447 if (!soff) {
04448 return(1);
04449 }
04450 if (n) {
04451 if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) {
04452 delete[] (TArchiveFile*) soff;
04453 } else {
04454 G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID);
04455 for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
04456 ((TArchiveFile*) (soff+(sizeof(TArchiveFile)*i)))->~G__TTArchiveFile();
04457 }
04458 G__setgvp((long)gvp);
04459 }
04460 } else {
04461 if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) {
04462 delete (TArchiveFile*) soff;
04463 } else {
04464 G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID);
04465 ((TArchiveFile*) (soff))->~G__TTArchiveFile();
04466 G__setgvp((long)gvp);
04467 }
04468 }
04469 G__setnull(result7);
04470 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
04471 }
04475 static int G__G__IO_114_0_9(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
04476 {
04477 TStreamerInfo* p = NULL;
04478 char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
04479 int n = G__getaryconstruct();
04480 if (n) {
04481 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
04482 p = new TStreamerInfo[n];
04483 } else {
04484 p = new((void*) gvp) TStreamerInfo[n];
04485 }
04486 } else {
04487 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
04488 p = new TStreamerInfo;
04489 } else {
04490 p = new((void*) gvp) TStreamerInfo;
04491 }
04492 }
04493 result7->obj.i = (long) p;
04494 result7->ref = (long) p;
04495 G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TStreamerInfo));
04496 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
04497 }
04499 static int G__G__IO_114_0_10(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
04500 {
04501 TStreamerInfo* p = NULL;
04502 char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
04504 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
04505 p = new TStreamerInfo((TClass*) G__int(libp->para[0]));
04506 } else {
04507 p = new((void*) gvp) TStreamerInfo((TClass*) G__int(libp->para[0]));
04508 }
04509 result7->obj.i = (long) p;
04510 result7->ref = (long) p;
04511 G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TStreamerInfo));
04512 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
04513 }
04515 static int G__G__IO_114_0_21(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
04516 {
04517 ((TStreamerInfo*) G__getstructoffset())->ComputeSize();
04518 G__setnull(result7);
04519 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
04520 }
04522 static int G__G__IO_114_0_27(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
04523 {
04524 G__letint(result7, 104, (long) ((const TStreamerInfo*) G__getstructoffset())->GetCheckSum((UInt_t) G__int(libp->para[0])));
04525 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
04526 }
04528 static int G__G__IO_114_0_29(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
04529 {
04530 G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((const TStreamerInfo*) G__getstructoffset())->GetDataMemberOffset((TDataMember*) G__int(libp->para[0]), libp->para[1].ref ? *(TMemberStreamer**) libp->para[1].ref : *(TMemberStreamer**) (void*) (&G__Mlong(libp->para[1]))));
04531 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
04532 }
04534 static int G__G__IO_114_0_32(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
04535 {
04536 G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ((TStreamerInfo*) G__getstructoffset())->GetReadMemberWiseActions((Bool_t) G__int(libp->para[0])));
04537 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
04538 }
04540 static int G__G__IO_114_0_33(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
04541 {
04542 G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ((TStreamerInfo*) G__getstructoffset())->GetReadObjectWiseActions());
04543 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
04544 }
04546 static int G__G__IO_114_0_34(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
04547 {
04548 G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((const TStreamerInfo*) G__getstructoffset())->GetNdata());
04549 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
04550 }
04552 static int G__G__IO_114_0_36(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
04553 {
04554 G__letint(result7, 73, (long) ((const TStreamerInfo*) G__getstructoffset())->GetLengths());
04555 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
04556 }
04558 static int G__G__IO_114_0_37(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
04559 {
04560 G__letint(result7, 75, (long) ((const TStreamerInfo*) G__getstructoffset())->GetMethods());
04561 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
04562 }
04564 static int G__G__IO_114_0_38(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
04565 {
04566 G__letint(result7, 73, (long) ((const TStreamerInfo*) G__getstructoffset())->GetNewTypes());
04567 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
04568 }
04570 static int G__G__IO_114_0_44(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
04571 {
04572 G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((const TStreamerInfo*) G__getstructoffset())->GetSizeElements());
04573 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
04574 }
04576 static int G__G__IO_114_0_46(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
04577 {
04578 G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ((const TStreamerInfo*) G__getstructoffset())->GetStreamerElementReal((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1])));
04579 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
04580 }
04582 static int G__G__IO_114_0_47(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
04583 {
04584 G__letint(result7, 73, (long) ((const TStreamerInfo*) G__getstructoffset())->GetTypes());
04585 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
04586 }
04588 static int G__G__IO_114_0_48(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
04589 {
04590 G__letdouble(result7, 100, (double) ((const TStreamerInfo*) G__getstructoffset())->GetValue((char*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1])
04591 , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[2]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[3])));
04592 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
04593 }
04595 static int G__G__IO_114_0_49(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
04596 {
04597 G__letdouble(result7, 100, (double) ((const TStreamerInfo*) G__getstructoffset())->GetValueClones((TClonesArray*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1])
04598 , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[2]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[3])
04599 , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[4])));
04600 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
04601 }
04603 static int G__G__IO_114_0_50(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
04604 {
04605 G__letdouble(result7, 100, (double) ((const TStreamerInfo*) G__getstructoffset())->GetValueSTL((TVirtualCollectionProxy*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1])
04606 , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[2]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[3])
04607 , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[4])));
04608 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
04609 }
04611 static int G__G__IO_114_0_51(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
04612 {
04613 G__letdouble(result7, 100, (double) ((const TStreamerInfo*) G__getstructoffset())->GetValueSTLP((TVirtualCollectionProxy*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1])
04614 , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[2]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[3])
04615 , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[4])));
04616 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
04617 }
04619 static int G__G__IO_114_0_58(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
04620 {
04621 switch (libp->paran) {
04622 case 5:
04623 ((const TStreamerInfo*) G__getstructoffset())->PrintValue((const char*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (char*) G__int(libp->para[1])
04624 , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[2]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[3])
04625 , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[4]));
04626 G__setnull(result7);
04627 break;
04628 case 4:
04629 ((const TStreamerInfo*) G__getstructoffset())->PrintValue((const char*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (char*) G__int(libp->para[1])
04630 , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[2]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[3]));
04631 G__setnull(result7);
04632 break;
04633 }
04634 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
04635 }
04637 static int G__G__IO_114_0_59(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
04638 {
04639 switch (libp->paran) {
04640 case 5:
04641 ((const TStreamerInfo*) G__getstructoffset())->PrintValueClones((const char*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (TClonesArray*) G__int(libp->para[1])
04642 , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[2]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[3])
04643 , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[4]));
04644 G__setnull(result7);
04645 break;
04646 case 4:
04647 ((const TStreamerInfo*) G__getstructoffset())->PrintValueClones((const char*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (TClonesArray*) G__int(libp->para[1])
04648 , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[2]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[3]));
04649 G__setnull(result7);
04650 break;
04651 }
04652 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
04653 }
04655 static int G__G__IO_114_0_60(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
04656 {
04657 switch (libp->paran) {
04658 case 5:
04659 ((const TStreamerInfo*) G__getstructoffset())->PrintValueSTL((const char*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (TVirtualCollectionProxy*) G__int(libp->para[1])
04660 , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[2]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[3])
04661 , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[4]));
04662 G__setnull(result7);
04663 break;
04664 case 4:
04665 ((const TStreamerInfo*) G__getstructoffset())->PrintValueSTL((const char*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (TVirtualCollectionProxy*) G__int(libp->para[1])
04666 , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[2]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[3]));
04667 G__setnull(result7);
04668 break;
04669 }
04670 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
04671 }
04673 static int G__G__IO_114_0_61(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
04674 {
04675 G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((TStreamerInfo*) G__getstructoffset())->ReadBufferClones(*(TBuffer*) libp->para[0].ref, (TClonesArray*) G__int(libp->para[1])
04676 , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[2]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[3])
04677 , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[4])));
04678 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
04679 }
04681 static int G__G__IO_114_0_62(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
04682 {
04683 G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((TStreamerInfo*) G__getstructoffset())->ReadBufferSTL(*(TBuffer*) libp->para[0].ref, (TVirtualCollectionProxy*) G__int(libp->para[1])
04684 , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[2]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[3])
04685 , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[4])));
04686 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
04687 }
04689 static int G__G__IO_114_0_67(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
04690 {
04691 G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((TStreamerInfo*) G__getstructoffset())->WriteBuffer(*(TBuffer*) libp->para[0].ref, (char*) G__int(libp->para[1])
04692 , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[2])));
04693 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
04694 }
04696 static int G__G__IO_114_0_68(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
04697 {
04698 G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((TStreamerInfo*) G__getstructoffset())->WriteBufferClones(*(TBuffer*) libp->para[0].ref, (TClonesArray*) G__int(libp->para[1])
04699 , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[2]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[3])
04700 , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[4])));
04701 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
04702 }
04704 static int G__G__IO_114_0_69(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
04705 {
04706 G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((TStreamerInfo*) G__getstructoffset())->WriteBufferSTL(*(TBuffer*) libp->para[0].ref, (TVirtualCollectionProxy*) G__int(libp->para[1])
04707 , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[2]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[3])
04708 , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[4])));
04709 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
04710 }
04712 static int G__G__IO_114_0_70(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
04713 {
04714 G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((TStreamerInfo*) G__getstructoffset())->WriteBufferSTLPtrs(*(TBuffer*) libp->para[0].ref, (TVirtualCollectionProxy*) G__int(libp->para[1])
04715 , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[2]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[3])
04716 , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[4])));
04717 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
04718 }
04720 static int G__G__IO_114_0_76(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
04721 {
04722 G__letint(result7, 85, (long) TStreamerInfo::GetCurrentElement());
04723 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
04724 }
04726 static int G__G__IO_114_0_77(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
04727 {
04728 G__letint(result7, 85, (long) TStreamerInfo::Class());
04729 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
04730 }
04732 static int G__G__IO_114_0_78(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
04733 {
04734 G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TStreamerInfo::Class_Name());
04735 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
04736 }
04738 static int G__G__IO_114_0_79(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
04739 {
04740 G__letint(result7, 115, (long) TStreamerInfo::Class_Version());
04741 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
04742 }
04744 static int G__G__IO_114_0_80(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
04745 {
04746 TStreamerInfo::Dictionary();
04747 G__setnull(result7);
04748 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
04749 }
04751 static int G__G__IO_114_0_84(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
04752 {
04753 ((TStreamerInfo*) G__getstructoffset())->StreamerNVirtual(*(TBuffer*) libp->para[0].ref);
04754 G__setnull(result7);
04755 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
04756 }
04758 static int G__G__IO_114_0_85(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
04759 {
04760 G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TStreamerInfo::DeclFileName());
04761 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
04762 }
04764 static int G__G__IO_114_0_86(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
04765 {
04766 G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TStreamerInfo::ImplFileLine());
04767 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
04768 }
04770 static int G__G__IO_114_0_87(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
04771 {
04772 G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TStreamerInfo::ImplFileName());
04773 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
04774 }
04776 static int G__G__IO_114_0_88(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
04777 {
04778 G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TStreamerInfo::DeclFileLine());
04779 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
04780 }
04783 typedef TStreamerInfo G__TTStreamerInfo;
04784 static int G__G__IO_114_0_89(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
04785 {
04786 char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
04787 long soff = G__getstructoffset();
04788 int n = G__getaryconstruct();
04794 if (!soff) {
04795 return(1);
04796 }
04797 if (n) {
04798 if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) {
04799 delete[] (TStreamerInfo*) soff;
04800 } else {
04801 G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID);
04802 for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
04803 ((TStreamerInfo*) (soff+(sizeof(TStreamerInfo)*i)))->~G__TTStreamerInfo();
04804 }
04805 G__setgvp((long)gvp);
04806 }
04807 } else {
04808 if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) {
04809 delete (TStreamerInfo*) soff;
04810 } else {
04811 G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID);
04812 ((TStreamerInfo*) (soff))->~G__TTStreamerInfo();
04813 G__setgvp((long)gvp);
04814 }
04815 }
04816 G__setnull(result7);
04817 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
04818 }
04822 static int G__G__IO_116_0_8(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
04823 {
04824 TBufferFile* p = NULL;
04825 char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
04827 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
04828 p = new TBufferFile((TBuffer::EMode) G__int(libp->para[0]));
04829 } else {
04830 p = new((void*) gvp) TBufferFile((TBuffer::EMode) G__int(libp->para[0]));
04831 }
04832 result7->obj.i = (long) p;
04833 result7->ref = (long) p;
04834 G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TBufferFile));
04835 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
04836 }
04838 static int G__G__IO_116_0_9(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
04839 {
04840 TBufferFile* p = NULL;
04841 char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
04843 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
04844 p = new TBufferFile((TBuffer::EMode) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1]));
04845 } else {
04846 p = new((void*) gvp) TBufferFile((TBuffer::EMode) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1]));
04847 }
04848 result7->obj.i = (long) p;
04849 result7->ref = (long) p;
04850 G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TBufferFile));
04851 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
04852 }
04854 static int G__G__IO_116_0_10(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
04855 {
04856 TBufferFile* p = NULL;
04857 char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
04858 switch (libp->paran) {
04859 case 5:
04861 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
04862 p = new TBufferFile(
04863 (TBuffer::EMode) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1])
04864 , (void*) G__int(libp->para[2]), (Bool_t) G__int(libp->para[3])
04865 , (ReAllocCharFun_t) G__int(libp->para[4]));
04866 } else {
04867 p = new((void*) gvp) TBufferFile(
04868 (TBuffer::EMode) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1])
04869 , (void*) G__int(libp->para[2]), (Bool_t) G__int(libp->para[3])
04870 , (ReAllocCharFun_t) G__int(libp->para[4]));
04871 }
04872 break;
04873 case 4:
04875 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
04876 p = new TBufferFile(
04877 (TBuffer::EMode) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1])
04878 , (void*) G__int(libp->para[2]), (Bool_t) G__int(libp->para[3]));
04879 } else {
04880 p = new((void*) gvp) TBufferFile(
04881 (TBuffer::EMode) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1])
04882 , (void*) G__int(libp->para[2]), (Bool_t) G__int(libp->para[3]));
04883 }
04884 break;
04885 case 3:
04887 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
04888 p = new TBufferFile(
04889 (TBuffer::EMode) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1])
04890 , (void*) G__int(libp->para[2]));
04891 } else {
04892 p = new((void*) gvp) TBufferFile(
04893 (TBuffer::EMode) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1])
04894 , (void*) G__int(libp->para[2]));
04895 }
04896 break;
04897 }
04898 result7->obj.i = (long) p;
04899 result7->ref = (long) p;
04900 G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TBufferFile));
04901 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
04902 }
04904 static int G__G__IO_116_0_192(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
04905 {
04906 TBufferFile::SetGlobalReadParam((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]));
04907 G__setnull(result7);
04908 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
04909 }
04911 static int G__G__IO_116_0_193(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
04912 {
04913 TBufferFile::SetGlobalWriteParam((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]));
04914 G__setnull(result7);
04915 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
04916 }
04918 static int G__G__IO_116_0_194(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
04919 {
04920 G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TBufferFile::GetGlobalReadParam());
04921 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
04922 }
04924 static int G__G__IO_116_0_195(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
04925 {
04926 G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TBufferFile::GetGlobalWriteParam());
04927 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
04928 }
04930 static int G__G__IO_116_0_196(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
04931 {
04932 G__letint(result7, 85, (long) TBufferFile::Class());
04933 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
04934 }
04936 static int G__G__IO_116_0_197(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
04937 {
04938 G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TBufferFile::Class_Name());
04939 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
04940 }
04942 static int G__G__IO_116_0_198(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
04943 {
04944 G__letint(result7, 115, (long) TBufferFile::Class_Version());
04945 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
04946 }
04948 static int G__G__IO_116_0_199(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
04949 {
04950 TBufferFile::Dictionary();
04951 G__setnull(result7);
04952 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
04953 }
04955 static int G__G__IO_116_0_203(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
04956 {
04957 ((TBufferFile*) G__getstructoffset())->StreamerNVirtual(*(TBuffer*) libp->para[0].ref);
04958 G__setnull(result7);
04959 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
04960 }
04962 static int G__G__IO_116_0_204(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
04963 {
04964 G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TBufferFile::DeclFileName());
04965 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
04966 }
04968 static int G__G__IO_116_0_205(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
04969 {
04970 G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TBufferFile::ImplFileLine());
04971 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
04972 }
04974 static int G__G__IO_116_0_206(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
04975 {
04976 G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TBufferFile::ImplFileName());
04977 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
04978 }
04980 static int G__G__IO_116_0_207(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
04981 {
04982 G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TBufferFile::DeclFileLine());
04983 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
04984 }
04987 typedef TBufferFile G__TTBufferFile;
04988 static int G__G__IO_116_0_208(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
04989 {
04990 char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
04991 long soff = G__getstructoffset();
04992 int n = G__getaryconstruct();
04998 if (!soff) {
04999 return(1);
05000 }
05001 if (n) {
05002 if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) {
05003 delete[] (TBufferFile*) soff;
05004 } else {
05005 G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID);
05006 for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
05007 ((TBufferFile*) (soff+(sizeof(TBufferFile)*i)))->~G__TTBufferFile();
05008 }
05009 G__setgvp((long)gvp);
05010 }
05011 } else {
05012 if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) {
05013 delete (TBufferFile*) soff;
05014 } else {
05015 G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID);
05016 ((TBufferFile*) (soff))->~G__TTBufferFile();
05017 G__setgvp((long)gvp);
05018 }
05019 }
05020 G__setnull(result7);
05021 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
05022 }
05026 static int G__G__IO_172_0_1(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
05027 {
05028 G__letint(result7, 85, (long) TCollectionProxyFactory::GenEmulatedProxy((const char*) G__int(libp->para[0])));
05029 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
05030 }
05032 static int G__G__IO_172_0_2(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
05033 {
05034 G__letint(result7, 85, (long) TCollectionProxyFactory::GenEmulatedClassStreamer((const char*) G__int(libp->para[0])));
05035 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
05036 }
05038 static int G__G__IO_172_0_3(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
05039 {
05040 G__letint(result7, 85, (long) TCollectionProxyFactory::GenEmulatedMemberStreamer((const char*) G__int(libp->para[0])));
05041 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
05042 }
05044 static int G__G__IO_172_0_4(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
05045 {
05046 G__letint(result7, 85, (long) TCollectionProxyFactory::GenExplicitProxy(*(ROOT::TCollectionProxyInfo*) libp->para[0].ref, (TClass*) G__int(libp->para[1])));
05047 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
05048 }
05050 static int G__G__IO_172_0_5(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
05051 {
05052 G__letint(result7, 85, (long) TCollectionProxyFactory::GenExplicitStreamer(*(ROOT::TCollectionProxyInfo*) libp->para[0].ref, (TClass*) G__int(libp->para[1])));
05053 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
05054 }
05056 static int G__G__IO_172_0_6(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
05057 {
05058 G__letint(result7, 85, (long) TCollectionProxyFactory::GenExplicitClassStreamer(*(ROOT::TCollectionProxyInfo*) libp->para[0].ref, (TClass*) G__int(libp->para[1])));
05059 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
05060 }
05062 static int G__G__IO_172_0_7(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
05063 {
05064 G__letint(result7, 85, (long) TCollectionProxyFactory::GenExplicitMemberStreamer(*(ROOT::TCollectionProxyInfo*) libp->para[0].ref, (TClass*) G__int(libp->para[1])));
05065 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
05066 }
05069 static int G__G__IO_172_0_8(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
05070 {
05071 TCollectionProxyFactory *p;
05072 char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
05073 int n = G__getaryconstruct();
05074 if (n) {
05075 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
05076 p = new TCollectionProxyFactory[n];
05077 } else {
05078 p = new((void*) gvp) TCollectionProxyFactory[n];
05079 }
05080 } else {
05081 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
05082 p = new TCollectionProxyFactory;
05083 } else {
05084 p = new((void*) gvp) TCollectionProxyFactory;
05085 }
05086 }
05087 result7->obj.i = (long) p;
05088 result7->ref = (long) p;
05089 G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TCollectionProxyFactory));
05090 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
05091 }
05094 static int G__G__IO_172_0_9(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
05096 {
05097 TCollectionProxyFactory* p;
05098 void* tmp = (void*) G__int(libp->para[0]);
05099 p = new TCollectionProxyFactory(*(TCollectionProxyFactory*) tmp);
05100 result7->obj.i = (long) p;
05101 result7->ref = (long) p;
05102 G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TCollectionProxyFactory));
05103 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
05104 }
05107 typedef TCollectionProxyFactory G__TTCollectionProxyFactory;
05108 static int G__G__IO_172_0_10(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
05109 {
05110 char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
05111 long soff = G__getstructoffset();
05112 int n = G__getaryconstruct();
05118 if (!soff) {
05119 return(1);
05120 }
05121 if (n) {
05122 if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) {
05123 delete[] (TCollectionProxyFactory*) soff;
05124 } else {
05125 G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID);
05126 for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
05127 ((TCollectionProxyFactory*) (soff+(sizeof(TCollectionProxyFactory)*i)))->~G__TTCollectionProxyFactory();
05128 }
05129 G__setgvp((long)gvp);
05130 }
05131 } else {
05132 if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) {
05133 delete (TCollectionProxyFactory*) soff;
05134 } else {
05135 G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID);
05136 ((TCollectionProxyFactory*) (soff))->~G__TTCollectionProxyFactory();
05137 G__setgvp((long)gvp);
05138 }
05139 }
05140 G__setnull(result7);
05141 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
05142 }
05145 static int G__G__IO_172_0_11(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
05146 {
05147 TCollectionProxyFactory* dest = (TCollectionProxyFactory*) G__getstructoffset();
05148 const TCollectionProxyFactory& obj = *dest;
05149 result7->ref = (long) (&obj);
05150 result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj);
05151 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
05152 }
05156 static int G__G__IO_173_0_7(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
05157 {
05158 TGenCollectionProxy* p = NULL;
05159 char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
05161 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
05162 p = new TGenCollectionProxy(*(TGenCollectionProxy*) libp->para[0].ref);
05163 } else {
05164 p = new((void*) gvp) TGenCollectionProxy(*(TGenCollectionProxy*) libp->para[0].ref);
05165 }
05166 result7->obj.i = (long) p;
05167 result7->ref = (long) p;
05168 G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TGenCollectionProxy));
05169 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
05170 }
05172 static int G__G__IO_173_0_8(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
05173 {
05174 TGenCollectionProxy* p = NULL;
05175 char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
05177 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
05178 p = new TGenCollectionProxy(*(type_info*) libp->para[0].ref, (size_t) G__int(libp->para[1]));
05179 } else {
05180 p = new((void*) gvp) TGenCollectionProxy(*(type_info*) libp->para[0].ref, (size_t) G__int(libp->para[1]));
05181 }
05182 result7->obj.i = (long) p;
05183 result7->ref = (long) p;
05184 G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TGenCollectionProxy));
05185 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
05186 }
05188 static int G__G__IO_173_0_9(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
05189 {
05190 TGenCollectionProxy* p = NULL;
05191 char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
05193 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
05194 p = new TGenCollectionProxy(*(ROOT::TCollectionProxyInfo*) libp->para[0].ref, (TClass*) G__int(libp->para[1]));
05195 } else {
05196 p = new((void*) gvp) TGenCollectionProxy(*(ROOT::TCollectionProxyInfo*) libp->para[0].ref, (TClass*) G__int(libp->para[1]));
05197 }
05198 result7->obj.i = (long) p;
05199 result7->ref = (long) p;
05200 G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TGenCollectionProxy));
05201 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
05202 }
05204 static int G__G__IO_173_0_22(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
05205 {
05206 ((TGenCollectionProxy*) G__getstructoffset())->Resize((UInt_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Bool_t) G__int(libp->para[1]));
05207 G__setnull(result7);
05208 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
05209 }
05211 static int G__G__IO_173_0_26(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
05212 {
05213 ((TGenCollectionProxy*) G__getstructoffset())->Streamer(*(TBuffer*) libp->para[0].ref);
05214 G__setnull(result7);
05215 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
05216 }
05218 static int G__G__IO_173_0_27(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
05219 {
05220 ((TGenCollectionProxy*) G__getstructoffset())->Streamer(*(TBuffer*) libp->para[0].ref, (void*) G__int(libp->para[1])
05221 , (int) G__int(libp->para[2]));
05222 G__setnull(result7);
05223 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
05224 }
05226 static int G__G__IO_173_0_28(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
05227 {
05228 ((TGenCollectionProxy*) G__getstructoffset())->operator()(*(TBuffer*) libp->para[0].ref, (void*) G__int(libp->para[1]));
05229 G__setnull(result7);
05230 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
05231 }
05233 static int G__G__IO_173_0_29(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
05234 {
05235 ((TGenCollectionProxy*) G__getstructoffset())->ReadBuffer(*(TBuffer*) libp->para[0].ref, (void*) G__int(libp->para[1]));
05236 G__setnull(result7);
05237 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
05238 }
05240 static int G__G__IO_173_0_30(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
05241 {
05242 ((TGenCollectionProxy*) G__getstructoffset())->ReadBuffer(*(TBuffer*) libp->para[0].ref, (void*) G__int(libp->para[1])
05243 , (TClass*) G__int(libp->para[2]));
05244 G__setnull(result7);
05245 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
05246 }
05248 static int G__G__IO_173_0_31(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
05249 {
05250 ((TGenCollectionProxy*) G__getstructoffset())->SetOnFileClass((TClass*) G__int(libp->para[0]));
05251 G__setnull(result7);
05252 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
05253 }
05255 static int G__G__IO_173_0_32(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
05256 {
05257 G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ((const TGenCollectionProxy*) G__getstructoffset())->GetOnFileClass());
05258 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
05259 }
05262 typedef TGenCollectionProxy G__TTGenCollectionProxy;
05263 static int G__G__IO_173_0_41(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
05264 {
05265 char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
05266 long soff = G__getstructoffset();
05267 int n = G__getaryconstruct();
05273 if (!soff) {
05274 return(1);
05275 }
05276 if (n) {
05277 if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) {
05278 delete[] (TGenCollectionProxy*) soff;
05279 } else {
05280 G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID);
05281 for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
05282 ((TGenCollectionProxy*) (soff+(sizeof(TGenCollectionProxy)*i)))->~G__TTGenCollectionProxy();
05283 }
05284 G__setgvp((long)gvp);
05285 }
05286 } else {
05287 if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) {
05288 delete (TGenCollectionProxy*) soff;
05289 } else {
05290 G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID);
05291 ((TGenCollectionProxy*) (soff))->~G__TTGenCollectionProxy();
05292 G__setgvp((long)gvp);
05293 }
05294 }
05295 G__setnull(result7);
05296 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
05297 }
05301 static int G__G__IO_175_0_1(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
05302 {
05303 TGenCollectionProxy::Value* p = NULL;
05304 char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
05306 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
05307 p = new TGenCollectionProxy::Value(*(TGenCollectionProxy::Value*) libp->para[0].ref);
05308 } else {
05309 p = new((void*) gvp) TGenCollectionProxy::Value(*(TGenCollectionProxy::Value*) libp->para[0].ref);
05310 }
05311 result7->obj.i = (long) p;
05312 result7->ref = (long) p;
05313 G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TGenCollectionProxycLcLValue));
05314 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
05315 }
05317 static int G__G__IO_175_0_2(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
05318 {
05319 TGenCollectionProxy::Value* p = NULL;
05320 char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
05322 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
05323 p = new TGenCollectionProxy::Value(*(string*) libp->para[0].ref);
05324 } else {
05325 p = new((void*) gvp) TGenCollectionProxy::Value(*(string*) libp->para[0].ref);
05326 }
05327 result7->obj.i = (long) p;
05328 result7->ref = (long) p;
05329 G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TGenCollectionProxycLcLValue));
05330 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
05331 }
05333 static int G__G__IO_175_0_3(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
05334 {
05335 ((TGenCollectionProxy::Value*) G__getstructoffset())->DeleteItem((void*) G__int(libp->para[0]));
05336 G__setnull(result7);
05337 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
05338 }
05340 static int G__G__IO_175_0_4(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
05341 {
05342 G__letint(result7, 103, (long) ((TGenCollectionProxy::Value*) G__getstructoffset())->IsValid());
05343 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
05344 }
05347 typedef TGenCollectionProxy::Value G__TTGenCollectionProxycLcLValue;
05348 static int G__G__IO_175_0_5(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
05349 {
05350 char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
05351 long soff = G__getstructoffset();
05352 int n = G__getaryconstruct();
05358 if (!soff) {
05359 return(1);
05360 }
05361 if (n) {
05362 if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) {
05363 delete[] (TGenCollectionProxy::Value*) soff;
05364 } else {
05365 G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID);
05366 for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
05367 ((TGenCollectionProxy::Value*) (soff+(sizeof(TGenCollectionProxy::Value)*i)))->~G__TTGenCollectionProxycLcLValue();
05368 }
05369 G__setgvp((long)gvp);
05370 }
05371 } else {
05372 if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) {
05373 delete (TGenCollectionProxy::Value*) soff;
05374 } else {
05375 G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID);
05376 ((TGenCollectionProxy::Value*) (soff))->~G__TTGenCollectionProxycLcLValue();
05377 G__setgvp((long)gvp);
05378 }
05379 }
05380 G__setnull(result7);
05381 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
05382 }
05385 static int G__G__IO_175_0_6(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
05386 {
05387 TGenCollectionProxy::Value* dest = (TGenCollectionProxy::Value*) G__getstructoffset();
05388 *dest = *(TGenCollectionProxy::Value*) libp->para[0].ref;
05389 const TGenCollectionProxy::Value& obj = *dest;
05390 result7->ref = (long) (&obj);
05391 result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj);
05392 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
05393 }
05397 static int G__G__IO_177_0_1(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
05398 {
05399 TGenCollectionProxy::Method* p = NULL;
05400 char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
05401 int n = G__getaryconstruct();
05402 if (n) {
05403 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
05404 p = new TGenCollectionProxy::Method[n];
05405 } else {
05406 p = new((void*) gvp) TGenCollectionProxy::Method[n];
05407 }
05408 } else {
05409 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
05410 p = new TGenCollectionProxy::Method;
05411 } else {
05412 p = new((void*) gvp) TGenCollectionProxy::Method;
05413 }
05414 }
05415 result7->obj.i = (long) p;
05416 result7->ref = (long) p;
05417 G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TGenCollectionProxycLcLMethod));
05418 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
05419 }
05421 static int G__G__IO_177_0_2(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
05422 {
05423 TGenCollectionProxy::Method* p = NULL;
05424 char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
05426 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
05427 p = new TGenCollectionProxy::Method((TGenCollectionProxy::Method::Call_t) G__int(libp->para[0]));
05428 } else {
05429 p = new((void*) gvp) TGenCollectionProxy::Method((TGenCollectionProxy::Method::Call_t) G__int(libp->para[0]));
05430 }
05431 result7->obj.i = (long) p;
05432 result7->ref = (long) p;
05433 G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TGenCollectionProxycLcLMethod));
05434 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
05435 }
05437 static int G__G__IO_177_0_3(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
05438 {
05439 TGenCollectionProxy::Method* p = NULL;
05440 char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
05442 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
05443 p = new TGenCollectionProxy::Method(*(TGenCollectionProxy::Method*) libp->para[0].ref);
05444 } else {
05445 p = new((void*) gvp) TGenCollectionProxy::Method(*(TGenCollectionProxy::Method*) libp->para[0].ref);
05446 }
05447 result7->obj.i = (long) p;
05448 result7->ref = (long) p;
05449 G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TGenCollectionProxycLcLMethod));
05450 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
05451 }
05453 static int G__G__IO_177_0_4(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
05454 {
05455 G__letint(result7, 89, (long) ((const TGenCollectionProxy::Method*) G__getstructoffset())->invoke((void*) G__int(libp->para[0])));
05456 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
05457 }
05460 typedef TGenCollectionProxy::Method G__TTGenCollectionProxycLcLMethod;
05461 static int G__G__IO_177_0_5(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
05462 {
05463 char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
05464 long soff = G__getstructoffset();
05465 int n = G__getaryconstruct();
05471 if (!soff) {
05472 return(1);
05473 }
05474 if (n) {
05475 if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) {
05476 delete[] (TGenCollectionProxy::Method*) soff;
05477 } else {
05478 G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID);
05479 for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
05480 ((TGenCollectionProxy::Method*) (soff+(sizeof(TGenCollectionProxy::Method)*i)))->~G__TTGenCollectionProxycLcLMethod();
05481 }
05482 G__setgvp((long)gvp);
05483 }
05484 } else {
05485 if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) {
05486 delete (TGenCollectionProxy::Method*) soff;
05487 } else {
05488 G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID);
05489 ((TGenCollectionProxy::Method*) (soff))->~G__TTGenCollectionProxycLcLMethod();
05490 G__setgvp((long)gvp);
05491 }
05492 }
05493 G__setnull(result7);
05494 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
05495 }
05498 static int G__G__IO_177_0_6(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
05499 {
05500 TGenCollectionProxy::Method* dest = (TGenCollectionProxy::Method*) G__getstructoffset();
05501 *dest = *(TGenCollectionProxy::Method*) libp->para[0].ref;
05502 const TGenCollectionProxy::Method& obj = *dest;
05503 result7->ref = (long) (&obj);
05504 result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj);
05505 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
05506 }
05510 static int G__G__IO_190_0_7(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
05511 {
05512 TEmulatedCollectionProxy* p = NULL;
05513 char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
05515 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
05516 p = new TEmulatedCollectionProxy(*(TEmulatedCollectionProxy*) libp->para[0].ref);
05517 } else {
05518 p = new((void*) gvp) TEmulatedCollectionProxy(*(TEmulatedCollectionProxy*) libp->para[0].ref);
05519 }
05520 result7->obj.i = (long) p;
05521 result7->ref = (long) p;
05522 G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TEmulatedCollectionProxy));
05523 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
05524 }
05526 static int G__G__IO_190_0_8(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
05527 {
05528 TEmulatedCollectionProxy* p = NULL;
05529 char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
05531 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
05532 p = new TEmulatedCollectionProxy((const char*) G__int(libp->para[0]));
05533 } else {
05534 p = new((void*) gvp) TEmulatedCollectionProxy((const char*) G__int(libp->para[0]));
05535 }
05536 result7->obj.i = (long) p;
05537 result7->ref = (long) p;
05538 G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TEmulatedCollectionProxy));
05539 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
05540 }
05542 static int G__G__IO_190_0_26(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
05543 {
05544 G__letint(result7, 103, (long) ((const TEmulatedCollectionProxy*) G__getstructoffset())->IsValid());
05545 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
05546 }
05549 typedef TEmulatedCollectionProxy G__TTEmulatedCollectionProxy;
05550 static int G__G__IO_190_0_27(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
05551 {
05552 char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
05553 long soff = G__getstructoffset();
05554 int n = G__getaryconstruct();
05560 if (!soff) {
05561 return(1);
05562 }
05563 if (n) {
05564 if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) {
05565 delete[] (TEmulatedCollectionProxy*) soff;
05566 } else {
05567 G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID);
05568 for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
05569 ((TEmulatedCollectionProxy*) (soff+(sizeof(TEmulatedCollectionProxy)*i)))->~G__TTEmulatedCollectionProxy();
05570 }
05571 G__setgvp((long)gvp);
05572 }
05573 } else {
05574 if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) {
05575 delete (TEmulatedCollectionProxy*) soff;
05576 } else {
05577 G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID);
05578 ((TEmulatedCollectionProxy*) (soff))->~G__TTEmulatedCollectionProxy();
05579 G__setgvp((long)gvp);
05580 }
05581 }
05582 G__setnull(result7);
05583 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
05584 }
05588 static int G__G__IO_191_0_3(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
05589 {
05590 TCollectionStreamer* p = NULL;
05591 char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
05592 int n = G__getaryconstruct();
05593 if (n) {
05594 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
05595 p = new TCollectionStreamer[n];
05596 } else {
05597 p = new((void*) gvp) TCollectionStreamer[n];
05598 }
05599 } else {
05600 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
05601 p = new TCollectionStreamer;
05602 } else {
05603 p = new((void*) gvp) TCollectionStreamer;
05604 }
05605 }
05606 result7->obj.i = (long) p;
05607 result7->ref = (long) p;
05608 G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TCollectionStreamer));
05609 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
05610 }
05612 static int G__G__IO_191_0_4(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
05613 {
05614 TCollectionStreamer* p = NULL;
05615 char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
05617 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
05618 p = new TCollectionStreamer(*(TCollectionStreamer*) libp->para[0].ref);
05619 } else {
05620 p = new((void*) gvp) TCollectionStreamer(*(TCollectionStreamer*) libp->para[0].ref);
05621 }
05622 result7->obj.i = (long) p;
05623 result7->ref = (long) p;
05624 G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TCollectionStreamer));
05625 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
05626 }
05628 static int G__G__IO_191_0_5(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
05629 {
05630 ((TCollectionStreamer*) G__getstructoffset())->AdoptStreamer((TGenCollectionProxy*) G__int(libp->para[0]));
05631 G__setnull(result7);
05632 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
05633 }
05635 static int G__G__IO_191_0_6(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
05636 {
05637 ((TCollectionStreamer*) G__getstructoffset())->Streamer(*(TBuffer*) libp->para[0].ref, (void*) G__int(libp->para[1])
05638 , (int) G__int(libp->para[2]), (TClass*) G__int(libp->para[3]));
05639 G__setnull(result7);
05640 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
05641 }
05644 typedef TCollectionStreamer G__TTCollectionStreamer;
05645 static int G__G__IO_191_0_7(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
05646 {
05647 char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
05648 long soff = G__getstructoffset();
05649 int n = G__getaryconstruct();
05655 if (!soff) {
05656 return(1);
05657 }
05658 if (n) {
05659 if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) {
05660 delete[] (TCollectionStreamer*) soff;
05661 } else {
05662 G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID);
05663 for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
05664 ((TCollectionStreamer*) (soff+(sizeof(TCollectionStreamer)*i)))->~G__TTCollectionStreamer();
05665 }
05666 G__setgvp((long)gvp);
05667 }
05668 } else {
05669 if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) {
05670 delete (TCollectionStreamer*) soff;
05671 } else {
05672 G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID);
05673 ((TCollectionStreamer*) (soff))->~G__TTCollectionStreamer();
05674 G__setgvp((long)gvp);
05675 }
05676 }
05677 G__setnull(result7);
05678 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
05679 }
05683 static int G__G__IO_192_0_1(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
05684 {
05685 TCollectionClassStreamer* p = NULL;
05686 char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
05687 int n = G__getaryconstruct();
05688 if (n) {
05689 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
05690 p = new TCollectionClassStreamer[n];
05691 } else {
05692 p = new((void*) gvp) TCollectionClassStreamer[n];
05693 }
05694 } else {
05695 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
05696 p = new TCollectionClassStreamer;
05697 } else {
05698 p = new((void*) gvp) TCollectionClassStreamer;
05699 }
05700 }
05701 result7->obj.i = (long) p;
05702 result7->ref = (long) p;
05703 G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TCollectionClassStreamer));
05704 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
05705 }
05707 static int G__G__IO_192_0_2(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
05708 {
05709 TCollectionClassStreamer* p = NULL;
05710 char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
05712 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
05713 p = new TCollectionClassStreamer(*(TCollectionClassStreamer*) libp->para[0].ref);
05714 } else {
05715 p = new((void*) gvp) TCollectionClassStreamer(*(TCollectionClassStreamer*) libp->para[0].ref);
05716 }
05717 result7->obj.i = (long) p;
05718 result7->ref = (long) p;
05719 G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TCollectionClassStreamer));
05720 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
05721 }
05723 static int G__G__IO_192_0_6(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
05724 {
05725 G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ((TCollectionClassStreamer*) G__getstructoffset())->GetXYZ());
05726 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
05727 }
05730 typedef TCollectionClassStreamer G__TTCollectionClassStreamer;
05731 static int G__G__IO_192_0_7(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
05732 {
05733 char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
05734 long soff = G__getstructoffset();
05735 int n = G__getaryconstruct();
05741 if (!soff) {
05742 return(1);
05743 }
05744 if (n) {
05745 if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) {
05746 delete[] (TCollectionClassStreamer*) soff;
05747 } else {
05748 G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID);
05749 for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
05750 ((TCollectionClassStreamer*) (soff+(sizeof(TCollectionClassStreamer)*i)))->~G__TTCollectionClassStreamer();
05751 }
05752 G__setgvp((long)gvp);
05753 }
05754 } else {
05755 if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) {
05756 delete (TCollectionClassStreamer*) soff;
05757 } else {
05758 G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID);
05759 ((TCollectionClassStreamer*) (soff))->~G__TTCollectionClassStreamer();
05760 G__setgvp((long)gvp);
05761 }
05762 }
05763 G__setnull(result7);
05764 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
05765 }
05769 static int G__G__IO_193_0_1(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
05770 {
05771 TCollectionMemberStreamer* p = NULL;
05772 char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
05773 int n = G__getaryconstruct();
05774 if (n) {
05775 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
05776 p = new TCollectionMemberStreamer[n];
05777 } else {
05778 p = new((void*) gvp) TCollectionMemberStreamer[n];
05779 }
05780 } else {
05781 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
05782 p = new TCollectionMemberStreamer;
05783 } else {
05784 p = new((void*) gvp) TCollectionMemberStreamer;
05785 }
05786 }
05787 result7->obj.i = (long) p;
05788 result7->ref = (long) p;
05789 G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TCollectionMemberStreamer));
05790 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
05791 }
05793 static int G__G__IO_193_0_2(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
05794 {
05795 TCollectionMemberStreamer* p = NULL;
05796 char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
05798 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
05799 p = new TCollectionMemberStreamer(*(TCollectionMemberStreamer*) libp->para[0].ref);
05800 } else {
05801 p = new((void*) gvp) TCollectionMemberStreamer(*(TCollectionMemberStreamer*) libp->para[0].ref);
05802 }
05803 result7->obj.i = (long) p;
05804 result7->ref = (long) p;
05805 G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TCollectionMemberStreamer));
05806 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
05807 }
05810 typedef TCollectionMemberStreamer G__TTCollectionMemberStreamer;
05811 static int G__G__IO_193_0_4(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
05812 {
05813 char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
05814 long soff = G__getstructoffset();
05815 int n = G__getaryconstruct();
05821 if (!soff) {
05822 return(1);
05823 }
05824 if (n) {
05825 if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) {
05826 delete[] (TCollectionMemberStreamer*) soff;
05827 } else {
05828 G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID);
05829 for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
05830 ((TCollectionMemberStreamer*) (soff+(sizeof(TCollectionMemberStreamer)*i)))->~G__TTCollectionMemberStreamer();
05831 }
05832 G__setgvp((long)gvp);
05833 }
05834 } else {
05835 if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) {
05836 delete (TCollectionMemberStreamer*) soff;
05837 } else {
05838 G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID);
05839 ((TCollectionMemberStreamer*) (soff))->~G__TTCollectionMemberStreamer();
05840 G__setgvp((long)gvp);
05841 }
05842 }
05843 G__setnull(result7);
05844 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
05845 }
05849 static int G__G__IO_202_0_8(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
05850 {
05851 TKey* p = NULL;
05852 char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
05853 int n = G__getaryconstruct();
05854 if (n) {
05855 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
05856 p = new TKey[n];
05857 } else {
05858 p = new((void*) gvp) TKey[n];
05859 }
05860 } else {
05861 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
05862 p = new TKey;
05863 } else {
05864 p = new((void*) gvp) TKey;
05865 }
05866 }
05867 result7->obj.i = (long) p;
05868 result7->ref = (long) p;
05869 G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TKey));
05870 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
05871 }
05873 static int G__G__IO_202_0_9(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
05874 {
05875 TKey* p = NULL;
05876 char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
05878 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
05879 p = new TKey((TDirectory*) G__int(libp->para[0]));
05880 } else {
05881 p = new((void*) gvp) TKey((TDirectory*) G__int(libp->para[0]));
05882 }
05883 result7->obj.i = (long) p;
05884 result7->ref = (long) p;
05885 G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TKey));
05886 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
05887 }
05889 static int G__G__IO_202_0_10(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
05890 {
05891 TKey* p = NULL;
05892 char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
05893 switch (libp->paran) {
05894 case 5:
05896 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
05897 p = new TKey(
05898 (const char*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (const char*) G__int(libp->para[1])
05899 , (TClass*) G__int(libp->para[2]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[3])
05900 , (TDirectory*) G__int(libp->para[4]));
05901 } else {
05902 p = new((void*) gvp) TKey(
05903 (const char*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (const char*) G__int(libp->para[1])
05904 , (TClass*) G__int(libp->para[2]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[3])
05905 , (TDirectory*) G__int(libp->para[4]));
05906 }
05907 break;
05908 case 4:
05910 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
05911 p = new TKey(
05912 (const char*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (const char*) G__int(libp->para[1])
05913 , (TClass*) G__int(libp->para[2]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[3]));
05914 } else {
05915 p = new((void*) gvp) TKey(
05916 (const char*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (const char*) G__int(libp->para[1])
05917 , (TClass*) G__int(libp->para[2]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[3]));
05918 }
05919 break;
05920 }
05921 result7->obj.i = (long) p;
05922 result7->ref = (long) p;
05923 G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TKey));
05924 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
05925 }
05927 static int G__G__IO_202_0_11(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
05928 {
05929 TKey* p = NULL;
05930 char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
05931 switch (libp->paran) {
05932 case 5:
05934 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
05935 p = new TKey(
05936 *(TString*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TString*) libp->para[1].ref
05937 , (TClass*) G__int(libp->para[2]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[3])
05938 , (TDirectory*) G__int(libp->para[4]));
05939 } else {
05940 p = new((void*) gvp) TKey(
05941 *(TString*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TString*) libp->para[1].ref
05942 , (TClass*) G__int(libp->para[2]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[3])
05943 , (TDirectory*) G__int(libp->para[4]));
05944 }
05945 break;
05946 case 4:
05948 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
05949 p = new TKey(
05950 *(TString*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TString*) libp->para[1].ref
05951 , (TClass*) G__int(libp->para[2]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[3]));
05952 } else {
05953 p = new((void*) gvp) TKey(
05954 *(TString*) libp->para[0].ref, *(TString*) libp->para[1].ref
05955 , (TClass*) G__int(libp->para[2]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[3]));
05956 }
05957 break;
05958 }
05959 result7->obj.i = (long) p;
05960 result7->ref = (long) p;
05961 G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TKey));
05962 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
05963 }
05965 static int G__G__IO_202_0_12(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
05966 {
05967 TKey* p = NULL;
05968 char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
05969 switch (libp->paran) {
05970 case 4:
05972 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
05973 p = new TKey(
05974 (TObject*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (const char*) G__int(libp->para[1])
05975 , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[2]), (TDirectory*) G__int(libp->para[3]));
05976 } else {
05977 p = new((void*) gvp) TKey(
05978 (TObject*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (const char*) G__int(libp->para[1])
05979 , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[2]), (TDirectory*) G__int(libp->para[3]));
05980 }
05981 break;
05982 case 3:
05984 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
05985 p = new TKey(
05986 (TObject*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (const char*) G__int(libp->para[1])
05987 , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[2]));
05988 } else {
05989 p = new((void*) gvp) TKey(
05990 (TObject*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (const char*) G__int(libp->para[1])
05991 , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[2]));
05992 }
05993 break;
05994 }
05995 result7->obj.i = (long) p;
05996 result7->ref = (long) p;
05997 G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TKey));
05998 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
05999 }
06001 static int G__G__IO_202_0_13(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06002 {
06003 TKey* p = NULL;
06004 char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
06005 switch (libp->paran) {
06006 case 5:
06008 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
06009 p = new TKey(
06010 (void*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (TClass*) G__int(libp->para[1])
06011 , (const char*) G__int(libp->para[2]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[3])
06012 , (TDirectory*) G__int(libp->para[4]));
06013 } else {
06014 p = new((void*) gvp) TKey(
06015 (void*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (TClass*) G__int(libp->para[1])
06016 , (const char*) G__int(libp->para[2]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[3])
06017 , (TDirectory*) G__int(libp->para[4]));
06018 }
06019 break;
06020 case 4:
06022 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
06023 p = new TKey(
06024 (void*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (TClass*) G__int(libp->para[1])
06025 , (const char*) G__int(libp->para[2]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[3]));
06026 } else {
06027 p = new((void*) gvp) TKey(
06028 (void*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (TClass*) G__int(libp->para[1])
06029 , (const char*) G__int(libp->para[2]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[3]));
06030 }
06031 break;
06032 }
06033 result7->obj.i = (long) p;
06034 result7->ref = (long) p;
06035 G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TKey));
06036 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06037 }
06039 static int G__G__IO_202_0_14(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06040 {
06041 TKey* p = NULL;
06042 char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
06043 switch (libp->paran) {
06044 case 3:
06046 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
06047 p = new TKey(
06048 (Long64_t) G__Longlong(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1])
06049 , (TDirectory*) G__int(libp->para[2]));
06050 } else {
06051 p = new((void*) gvp) TKey(
06052 (Long64_t) G__Longlong(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1])
06053 , (TDirectory*) G__int(libp->para[2]));
06054 }
06055 break;
06056 case 2:
06058 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
06059 p = new TKey((Long64_t) G__Longlong(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1]));
06060 } else {
06061 p = new((void*) gvp) TKey((Long64_t) G__Longlong(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1]));
06062 }
06063 break;
06064 }
06065 result7->obj.i = (long) p;
06066 result7->ref = (long) p;
06067 G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TKey));
06068 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06069 }
06071 static int G__G__IO_202_0_17(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06072 {
06073 ((TKey*) G__getstructoffset())->DeleteBuffer();
06074 G__setnull(result7);
06075 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06076 }
06078 static int G__G__IO_202_0_19(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06079 {
06080 G__letint(result7, 67, (long) ((const TKey*) G__getstructoffset())->GetClassName());
06081 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06082 }
06084 static int G__G__IO_202_0_22(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06085 {
06086 G__letint(result7, 67, (long) ((const TKey*) G__getstructoffset())->GetBuffer());
06087 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06088 }
06090 static int G__G__IO_202_0_23(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06091 {
06092 G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ((const TKey*) G__getstructoffset())->GetBufferRef());
06093 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06094 }
06096 static int G__G__IO_202_0_24(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06097 {
06098 G__letint(result7, 115, (long) ((const TKey*) G__getstructoffset())->GetCycle());
06099 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06100 }
06102 static int G__G__IO_202_0_25(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06103 {
06104 {
06105 const TDatime& obj = ((const TKey*) G__getstructoffset())->GetDatime();
06106 result7->ref = (long) (&obj);
06107 result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj);
06108 }
06109 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06110 }
06112 static int G__G__IO_202_0_26(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06113 {
06114 G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ((const TKey*) G__getstructoffset())->GetFile());
06115 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06116 }
06118 static int G__G__IO_202_0_27(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06119 {
06120 G__letint(result7, 115, (long) ((const TKey*) G__getstructoffset())->GetKeep());
06121 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06122 }
06124 static int G__G__IO_202_0_28(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06125 {
06126 G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((const TKey*) G__getstructoffset())->GetKeylen());
06127 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06128 }
06130 static int G__G__IO_202_0_29(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06131 {
06132 G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ((const TKey*) G__getstructoffset())->GetMotherDir());
06133 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06134 }
06136 static int G__G__IO_202_0_30(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06137 {
06138 G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((const TKey*) G__getstructoffset())->GetNbytes());
06139 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06140 }
06142 static int G__G__IO_202_0_31(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06143 {
06144 G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((const TKey*) G__getstructoffset())->GetObjlen());
06145 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06146 }
06148 static int G__G__IO_202_0_32(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06149 {
06150 G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((const TKey*) G__getstructoffset())->GetVersion());
06151 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06152 }
06154 static int G__G__IO_202_0_33(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06155 {
06156 G__letLonglong(result7, 110, (G__int64) ((const TKey*) G__getstructoffset())->GetSeekKey());
06157 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06158 }
06160 static int G__G__IO_202_0_34(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06161 {
06162 G__letLonglong(result7, 110, (G__int64) ((const TKey*) G__getstructoffset())->GetSeekPdir());
06163 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06164 }
06166 static int G__G__IO_202_0_36(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06167 {
06168 ((TKey*) G__getstructoffset())->IncrementPidOffset((UShort_t) G__int(libp->para[0]));
06169 G__setnull(result7);
06170 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06171 }
06173 static int G__G__IO_202_0_38(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06174 {
06175 ((TKey*) G__getstructoffset())->Keep();
06176 G__setnull(result7);
06177 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06178 }
06180 static int G__G__IO_202_0_41(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06181 {
06182 G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((TKey*) G__getstructoffset())->Read((TObject*) G__int(libp->para[0])));
06183 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06184 }
06186 static int G__G__IO_202_0_42(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06187 {
06188 G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ((TKey*) G__getstructoffset())->ReadObj());
06189 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06190 }
06192 static int G__G__IO_202_0_43(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06193 {
06194 G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ((TKey*) G__getstructoffset())->ReadObjWithBuffer((char*) G__int(libp->para[0])));
06195 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06196 }
06198 static int G__G__IO_202_0_44(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06199 {
06200 G__letint(result7, 89, (long) ((TKey*) G__getstructoffset())->ReadObjectAny((TClass*) G__int(libp->para[0])));
06201 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06202 }
06204 static int G__G__IO_202_0_45(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06205 {
06206 ((TKey*) G__getstructoffset())->ReadBuffer(libp->para[0].ref ? *(char**) libp->para[0].ref : *(char**) (void*) (&G__Mlong(libp->para[0])));
06207 G__setnull(result7);
06208 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06209 }
06211 static int G__G__IO_202_0_46(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06212 {
06213 ((TKey*) G__getstructoffset())->ReadKeyBuffer(libp->para[0].ref ? *(char**) libp->para[0].ref : *(char**) (void*) (&G__Mlong(libp->para[0])));
06214 G__setnull(result7);
06215 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06216 }
06218 static int G__G__IO_202_0_47(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06219 {
06220 ((TKey*) G__getstructoffset())->ReadFile();
06221 G__setnull(result7);
06222 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06223 }
06225 static int G__G__IO_202_0_48(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06226 {
06227 ((TKey*) G__getstructoffset())->SetBuffer();
06228 G__setnull(result7);
06229 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06230 }
06232 static int G__G__IO_202_0_49(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06233 {
06234 ((TKey*) G__getstructoffset())->SetParent((TObject*) G__int(libp->para[0]));
06235 G__setnull(result7);
06236 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06237 }
06239 static int G__G__IO_202_0_50(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06240 {
06241 ((TKey*) G__getstructoffset())->SetMotherDir((TDirectory*) G__int(libp->para[0]));
06242 G__setnull(result7);
06243 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06244 }
06246 static int G__G__IO_202_0_52(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06247 {
06248 switch (libp->paran) {
06249 case 2:
06250 G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((TKey*) G__getstructoffset())->WriteFile((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (TFile*) G__int(libp->para[1])));
06251 break;
06252 case 1:
06253 G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((TKey*) G__getstructoffset())->WriteFile((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0])));
06254 break;
06255 case 0:
06256 G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((TKey*) G__getstructoffset())->WriteFile());
06257 break;
06258 }
06259 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06260 }
06262 static int G__G__IO_202_0_53(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06263 {
06264 G__letint(result7, 85, (long) TKey::Class());
06265 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06266 }
06268 static int G__G__IO_202_0_54(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06269 {
06270 G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TKey::Class_Name());
06271 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06272 }
06274 static int G__G__IO_202_0_55(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06275 {
06276 G__letint(result7, 115, (long) TKey::Class_Version());
06277 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06278 }
06280 static int G__G__IO_202_0_56(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06281 {
06282 TKey::Dictionary();
06283 G__setnull(result7);
06284 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06285 }
06287 static int G__G__IO_202_0_60(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06288 {
06289 ((TKey*) G__getstructoffset())->StreamerNVirtual(*(TBuffer*) libp->para[0].ref);
06290 G__setnull(result7);
06291 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06292 }
06294 static int G__G__IO_202_0_61(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06295 {
06296 G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TKey::DeclFileName());
06297 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06298 }
06300 static int G__G__IO_202_0_62(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06301 {
06302 G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TKey::ImplFileLine());
06303 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06304 }
06306 static int G__G__IO_202_0_63(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06307 {
06308 G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TKey::ImplFileName());
06309 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06310 }
06312 static int G__G__IO_202_0_64(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06313 {
06314 G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TKey::DeclFileLine());
06315 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06316 }
06319 typedef TKey G__TTKey;
06320 static int G__G__IO_202_0_65(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06321 {
06322 char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
06323 long soff = G__getstructoffset();
06324 int n = G__getaryconstruct();
06330 if (!soff) {
06331 return(1);
06332 }
06333 if (n) {
06334 if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) {
06335 delete[] (TKey*) soff;
06336 } else {
06337 G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID);
06338 for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
06339 ((TKey*) (soff+(sizeof(TKey)*i)))->~G__TTKey();
06340 }
06341 G__setgvp((long)gvp);
06342 }
06343 } else {
06344 if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) {
06345 delete (TKey*) soff;
06346 } else {
06347 G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID);
06348 ((TKey*) (soff))->~G__TTKey();
06349 G__setgvp((long)gvp);
06350 }
06351 }
06352 G__setnull(result7);
06353 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06354 }
06358 static int G__G__IO_204_0_4(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06359 {
06360 TDirectoryFile* p = NULL;
06361 char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
06362 int n = G__getaryconstruct();
06363 if (n) {
06364 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
06365 p = new TDirectoryFile[n];
06366 } else {
06367 p = new((void*) gvp) TDirectoryFile[n];
06368 }
06369 } else {
06370 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
06371 p = new TDirectoryFile;
06372 } else {
06373 p = new((void*) gvp) TDirectoryFile;
06374 }
06375 }
06376 result7->obj.i = (long) p;
06377 result7->ref = (long) p;
06378 G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TDirectoryFile));
06379 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06380 }
06382 static int G__G__IO_204_0_5(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06383 {
06384 TDirectoryFile* p = NULL;
06385 char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
06386 switch (libp->paran) {
06387 case 4:
06389 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
06390 p = new TDirectoryFile(
06391 (const char*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (const char*) G__int(libp->para[1])
06392 , (Option_t*) G__int(libp->para[2]), (TDirectory*) G__int(libp->para[3]));
06393 } else {
06394 p = new((void*) gvp) TDirectoryFile(
06395 (const char*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (const char*) G__int(libp->para[1])
06396 , (Option_t*) G__int(libp->para[2]), (TDirectory*) G__int(libp->para[3]));
06397 }
06398 break;
06399 case 3:
06401 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
06402 p = new TDirectoryFile(
06403 (const char*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (const char*) G__int(libp->para[1])
06404 , (Option_t*) G__int(libp->para[2]));
06405 } else {
06406 p = new((void*) gvp) TDirectoryFile(
06407 (const char*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (const char*) G__int(libp->para[1])
06408 , (Option_t*) G__int(libp->para[2]));
06409 }
06410 break;
06411 case 2:
06413 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
06414 p = new TDirectoryFile((const char*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (const char*) G__int(libp->para[1]));
06415 } else {
06416 p = new((void*) gvp) TDirectoryFile((const char*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (const char*) G__int(libp->para[1]));
06417 }
06418 break;
06419 }
06420 result7->obj.i = (long) p;
06421 result7->ref = (long) p;
06422 G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TDirectoryFile));
06423 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06424 }
06426 static int G__G__IO_204_0_27(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06427 {
06428 {
06429 const TDatime& obj = ((const TDirectoryFile*) G__getstructoffset())->GetCreationDate();
06430 result7->ref = (long) (&obj);
06431 result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj);
06432 }
06433 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06434 }
06436 static int G__G__IO_204_0_31(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06437 {
06438 {
06439 const TDatime& obj = ((const TDirectoryFile*) G__getstructoffset())->GetModificationDate();
06440 result7->ref = (long) (&obj);
06441 result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj);
06442 }
06443 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06444 }
06446 static int G__G__IO_204_0_54(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06447 {
06448 switch (libp->paran) {
06449 case 1:
06450 ((TDirectoryFile*) G__getstructoffset())->SetWritable((Bool_t) G__int(libp->para[0]));
06451 G__setnull(result7);
06452 break;
06453 case 0:
06454 ((TDirectoryFile*) G__getstructoffset())->SetWritable();
06455 G__setnull(result7);
06456 break;
06457 }
06458 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06459 }
06461 static int G__G__IO_204_0_63(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06462 {
06463 G__letint(result7, 85, (long) TDirectoryFile::Class());
06464 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06465 }
06467 static int G__G__IO_204_0_64(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06468 {
06469 G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TDirectoryFile::Class_Name());
06470 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06471 }
06473 static int G__G__IO_204_0_65(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06474 {
06475 G__letint(result7, 115, (long) TDirectoryFile::Class_Version());
06476 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06477 }
06479 static int G__G__IO_204_0_66(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06480 {
06481 TDirectoryFile::Dictionary();
06482 G__setnull(result7);
06483 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06484 }
06486 static int G__G__IO_204_0_70(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06487 {
06488 ((TDirectoryFile*) G__getstructoffset())->StreamerNVirtual(*(TBuffer*) libp->para[0].ref);
06489 G__setnull(result7);
06490 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06491 }
06493 static int G__G__IO_204_0_71(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06494 {
06495 G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TDirectoryFile::DeclFileName());
06496 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06497 }
06499 static int G__G__IO_204_0_72(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06500 {
06501 G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TDirectoryFile::ImplFileLine());
06502 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06503 }
06505 static int G__G__IO_204_0_73(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06506 {
06507 G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TDirectoryFile::ImplFileName());
06508 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06509 }
06511 static int G__G__IO_204_0_74(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06512 {
06513 G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TDirectoryFile::DeclFileLine());
06514 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06515 }
06518 typedef TDirectoryFile G__TTDirectoryFile;
06519 static int G__G__IO_204_0_75(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06520 {
06521 char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
06522 long soff = G__getstructoffset();
06523 int n = G__getaryconstruct();
06529 if (!soff) {
06530 return(1);
06531 }
06532 if (n) {
06533 if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) {
06534 delete[] (TDirectoryFile*) soff;
06535 } else {
06536 G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID);
06537 for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
06538 ((TDirectoryFile*) (soff+(sizeof(TDirectoryFile)*i)))->~G__TTDirectoryFile();
06539 }
06540 G__setgvp((long)gvp);
06541 }
06542 } else {
06543 if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) {
06544 delete (TDirectoryFile*) soff;
06545 } else {
06546 G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID);
06547 ((TDirectoryFile*) (soff))->~G__TTDirectoryFile();
06548 G__setgvp((long)gvp);
06549 }
06550 }
06551 G__setnull(result7);
06552 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06553 }
06557 static int G__G__IO_211_0_4(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06558 {
06559 TEmulatedMapProxy* p = NULL;
06560 char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
06562 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
06563 p = new TEmulatedMapProxy(*(TEmulatedMapProxy*) libp->para[0].ref);
06564 } else {
06565 p = new((void*) gvp) TEmulatedMapProxy(*(TEmulatedMapProxy*) libp->para[0].ref);
06566 }
06567 result7->obj.i = (long) p;
06568 result7->ref = (long) p;
06569 G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TEmulatedMapProxy));
06570 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06571 }
06573 static int G__G__IO_211_0_5(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06574 {
06575 TEmulatedMapProxy* p = NULL;
06576 char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
06578 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
06579 p = new TEmulatedMapProxy((const char*) G__int(libp->para[0]));
06580 } else {
06581 p = new((void*) gvp) TEmulatedMapProxy((const char*) G__int(libp->para[0]));
06582 }
06583 result7->obj.i = (long) p;
06584 result7->ref = (long) p;
06585 G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TEmulatedMapProxy));
06586 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06587 }
06590 typedef TEmulatedMapProxy G__TTEmulatedMapProxy;
06591 static int G__G__IO_211_0_12(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06592 {
06593 char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
06594 long soff = G__getstructoffset();
06595 int n = G__getaryconstruct();
06601 if (!soff) {
06602 return(1);
06603 }
06604 if (n) {
06605 if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) {
06606 delete[] (TEmulatedMapProxy*) soff;
06607 } else {
06608 G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID);
06609 for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
06610 ((TEmulatedMapProxy*) (soff+(sizeof(TEmulatedMapProxy)*i)))->~G__TTEmulatedMapProxy();
06611 }
06612 G__setgvp((long)gvp);
06613 }
06614 } else {
06615 if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) {
06616 delete (TEmulatedMapProxy*) soff;
06617 } else {
06618 G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID);
06619 ((TEmulatedMapProxy*) (soff))->~G__TTEmulatedMapProxy();
06620 G__setgvp((long)gvp);
06621 }
06622 }
06623 G__setnull(result7);
06624 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06625 }
06629 static int G__G__IO_213_0_3(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06630 {
06631 TFileCacheRead* p = NULL;
06632 char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
06633 int n = G__getaryconstruct();
06634 if (n) {
06635 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
06636 p = new TFileCacheRead[n];
06637 } else {
06638 p = new((void*) gvp) TFileCacheRead[n];
06639 }
06640 } else {
06641 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
06642 p = new TFileCacheRead;
06643 } else {
06644 p = new((void*) gvp) TFileCacheRead;
06645 }
06646 }
06647 result7->obj.i = (long) p;
06648 result7->ref = (long) p;
06649 G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TFileCacheRead));
06650 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06651 }
06653 static int G__G__IO_213_0_4(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06654 {
06655 TFileCacheRead* p = NULL;
06656 char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
06658 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
06659 p = new TFileCacheRead((TFile*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1]));
06660 } else {
06661 p = new((void*) gvp) TFileCacheRead((TFile*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1]));
06662 }
06663 result7->obj.i = (long) p;
06664 result7->ref = (long) p;
06665 G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TFileCacheRead));
06666 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06667 }
06669 static int G__G__IO_213_0_5(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06670 {
06671 switch (libp->paran) {
06672 case 2:
06673 ((TFileCacheRead*) G__getstructoffset())->AddBranch((TBranch*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Bool_t) G__int(libp->para[1]));
06674 G__setnull(result7);
06675 break;
06676 case 1:
06677 ((TFileCacheRead*) G__getstructoffset())->AddBranch((TBranch*) G__int(libp->para[0]));
06678 G__setnull(result7);
06679 break;
06680 }
06681 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06682 }
06684 static int G__G__IO_213_0_6(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06685 {
06686 switch (libp->paran) {
06687 case 2:
06688 ((TFileCacheRead*) G__getstructoffset())->AddBranch((const char*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Bool_t) G__int(libp->para[1]));
06689 G__setnull(result7);
06690 break;
06691 case 1:
06692 ((TFileCacheRead*) G__getstructoffset())->AddBranch((const char*) G__int(libp->para[0]));
06693 G__setnull(result7);
06694 break;
06695 }
06696 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06697 }
06699 static int G__G__IO_213_0_7(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06700 {
06701 G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((const TFileCacheRead*) G__getstructoffset())->GetBufferSize());
06702 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06703 }
06705 static int G__G__IO_213_0_8(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06706 {
06707 G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((TFileCacheRead*) G__getstructoffset())->GetUnzipBuffer((char**) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Long64_t) G__Longlong(libp->para[1])
06708 , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[2]), (Bool_t*) G__int(libp->para[3])));
06709 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06710 }
06712 static int G__G__IO_213_0_9(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06713 {
06714 G__letint(result7, 103, (long) ((const TFileCacheRead*) G__getstructoffset())->IsAsyncReading());
06715 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06716 }
06718 static int G__G__IO_213_0_10(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06719 {
06720 G__letint(result7, 103, (long) ((const TFileCacheRead*) G__getstructoffset())->IsLearning());
06721 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06722 }
06724 static int G__G__IO_213_0_11(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06725 {
06726 ((TFileCacheRead*) G__getstructoffset())->Prefetch((Long64_t) G__Longlong(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1]));
06727 G__setnull(result7);
06728 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06729 }
06731 static int G__G__IO_213_0_13(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06732 {
06733 G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((TFileCacheRead*) G__getstructoffset())->ReadBufferExt((char*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Long64_t) G__Longlong(libp->para[1])
06734 , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[2]), *(Int_t*) G__Intref(&libp->para[3])));
06735 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06736 }
06738 static int G__G__IO_213_0_14(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06739 {
06740 G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((TFileCacheRead*) G__getstructoffset())->ReadBuffer((char*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Long64_t) G__Longlong(libp->para[1])
06741 , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[2])));
06742 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06743 }
06745 static int G__G__IO_213_0_15(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06746 {
06747 ((TFileCacheRead*) G__getstructoffset())->SetFile((TFile*) G__int(libp->para[0]));
06748 G__setnull(result7);
06749 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06750 }
06752 static int G__G__IO_213_0_16(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06753 {
06754 switch (libp->paran) {
06755 case 1:
06756 ((TFileCacheRead*) G__getstructoffset())->SetSkipZip((Bool_t) G__int(libp->para[0]));
06757 G__setnull(result7);
06758 break;
06759 case 0:
06760 ((TFileCacheRead*) G__getstructoffset())->SetSkipZip();
06761 G__setnull(result7);
06762 break;
06763 }
06764 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06765 }
06767 static int G__G__IO_213_0_17(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06768 {
06769 ((TFileCacheRead*) G__getstructoffset())->Sort();
06770 G__setnull(result7);
06771 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06772 }
06774 static int G__G__IO_213_0_18(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06775 {
06776 G__letint(result7, 85, (long) TFileCacheRead::Class());
06777 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06778 }
06780 static int G__G__IO_213_0_19(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06781 {
06782 G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TFileCacheRead::Class_Name());
06783 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06784 }
06786 static int G__G__IO_213_0_20(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06787 {
06788 G__letint(result7, 115, (long) TFileCacheRead::Class_Version());
06789 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06790 }
06792 static int G__G__IO_213_0_21(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06793 {
06794 TFileCacheRead::Dictionary();
06795 G__setnull(result7);
06796 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06797 }
06799 static int G__G__IO_213_0_25(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06800 {
06801 ((TFileCacheRead*) G__getstructoffset())->StreamerNVirtual(*(TBuffer*) libp->para[0].ref);
06802 G__setnull(result7);
06803 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06804 }
06806 static int G__G__IO_213_0_26(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06807 {
06808 G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TFileCacheRead::DeclFileName());
06809 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06810 }
06812 static int G__G__IO_213_0_27(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06813 {
06814 G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TFileCacheRead::ImplFileLine());
06815 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06816 }
06818 static int G__G__IO_213_0_28(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06819 {
06820 G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TFileCacheRead::ImplFileName());
06821 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06822 }
06824 static int G__G__IO_213_0_29(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06825 {
06826 G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TFileCacheRead::DeclFileLine());
06827 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06828 }
06831 typedef TFileCacheRead G__TTFileCacheRead;
06832 static int G__G__IO_213_0_30(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06833 {
06834 char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
06835 long soff = G__getstructoffset();
06836 int n = G__getaryconstruct();
06842 if (!soff) {
06843 return(1);
06844 }
06845 if (n) {
06846 if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) {
06847 delete[] (TFileCacheRead*) soff;
06848 } else {
06849 G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID);
06850 for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
06851 ((TFileCacheRead*) (soff+(sizeof(TFileCacheRead)*i)))->~G__TTFileCacheRead();
06852 }
06853 G__setgvp((long)gvp);
06854 }
06855 } else {
06856 if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) {
06857 delete (TFileCacheRead*) soff;
06858 } else {
06859 G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID);
06860 ((TFileCacheRead*) (soff))->~G__TTFileCacheRead();
06861 G__setgvp((long)gvp);
06862 }
06863 }
06864 G__setnull(result7);
06865 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06866 }
06870 static int G__G__IO_214_0_3(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06871 {
06872 TFileCacheWrite* p = NULL;
06873 char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
06874 int n = G__getaryconstruct();
06875 if (n) {
06876 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
06877 p = new TFileCacheWrite[n];
06878 } else {
06879 p = new((void*) gvp) TFileCacheWrite[n];
06880 }
06881 } else {
06882 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
06883 p = new TFileCacheWrite;
06884 } else {
06885 p = new((void*) gvp) TFileCacheWrite;
06886 }
06887 }
06888 result7->obj.i = (long) p;
06889 result7->ref = (long) p;
06890 G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TFileCacheWrite));
06891 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06892 }
06894 static int G__G__IO_214_0_4(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06895 {
06896 TFileCacheWrite* p = NULL;
06897 char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
06899 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
06900 p = new TFileCacheWrite((TFile*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1]));
06901 } else {
06902 p = new((void*) gvp) TFileCacheWrite((TFile*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1]));
06903 }
06904 result7->obj.i = (long) p;
06905 result7->ref = (long) p;
06906 G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TFileCacheWrite));
06907 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06908 }
06910 static int G__G__IO_214_0_5(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06911 {
06912 G__letint(result7, 103, (long) ((TFileCacheWrite*) G__getstructoffset())->Flush());
06913 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06914 }
06916 static int G__G__IO_214_0_6(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06917 {
06918 G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((const TFileCacheWrite*) G__getstructoffset())->GetBytesInCache());
06919 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06920 }
06922 static int G__G__IO_214_0_8(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06923 {
06924 G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((TFileCacheWrite*) G__getstructoffset())->ReadBuffer((char*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Long64_t) G__Longlong(libp->para[1])
06925 , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[2])));
06926 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06927 }
06929 static int G__G__IO_214_0_9(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06930 {
06931 G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((TFileCacheWrite*) G__getstructoffset())->WriteBuffer((const char*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Long64_t) G__Longlong(libp->para[1])
06932 , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[2])));
06933 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06934 }
06936 static int G__G__IO_214_0_10(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06937 {
06938 ((TFileCacheWrite*) G__getstructoffset())->SetFile((TFile*) G__int(libp->para[0]));
06939 G__setnull(result7);
06940 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06941 }
06943 static int G__G__IO_214_0_11(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06944 {
06945 G__letint(result7, 85, (long) TFileCacheWrite::Class());
06946 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06947 }
06949 static int G__G__IO_214_0_12(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06950 {
06951 G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TFileCacheWrite::Class_Name());
06952 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06953 }
06955 static int G__G__IO_214_0_13(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06956 {
06957 G__letint(result7, 115, (long) TFileCacheWrite::Class_Version());
06958 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06959 }
06961 static int G__G__IO_214_0_14(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06962 {
06963 TFileCacheWrite::Dictionary();
06964 G__setnull(result7);
06965 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06966 }
06968 static int G__G__IO_214_0_18(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06969 {
06970 ((TFileCacheWrite*) G__getstructoffset())->StreamerNVirtual(*(TBuffer*) libp->para[0].ref);
06971 G__setnull(result7);
06972 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06973 }
06975 static int G__G__IO_214_0_19(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06976 {
06977 G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TFileCacheWrite::DeclFileName());
06978 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06979 }
06981 static int G__G__IO_214_0_20(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06982 {
06983 G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TFileCacheWrite::ImplFileLine());
06984 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06985 }
06987 static int G__G__IO_214_0_21(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06988 {
06989 G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TFileCacheWrite::ImplFileName());
06990 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06991 }
06993 static int G__G__IO_214_0_22(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06994 {
06995 G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TFileCacheWrite::DeclFileLine());
06996 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06997 }
07000 typedef TFileCacheWrite G__TTFileCacheWrite;
07001 static int G__G__IO_214_0_23(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07002 {
07003 char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
07004 long soff = G__getstructoffset();
07005 int n = G__getaryconstruct();
07011 if (!soff) {
07012 return(1);
07013 }
07014 if (n) {
07015 if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) {
07016 delete[] (TFileCacheWrite*) soff;
07017 } else {
07018 G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID);
07019 for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
07020 ((TFileCacheWrite*) (soff+(sizeof(TFileCacheWrite)*i)))->~G__TTFileCacheWrite();
07021 }
07022 G__setgvp((long)gvp);
07023 }
07024 } else {
07025 if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) {
07026 delete (TFileCacheWrite*) soff;
07027 } else {
07028 G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID);
07029 ((TFileCacheWrite*) (soff))->~G__TTFileCacheWrite();
07030 G__setgvp((long)gvp);
07031 }
07032 }
07033 G__setnull(result7);
07034 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07035 }
07039 static int G__G__IO_223_0_1(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07040 {
07041 TFree* p = NULL;
07042 char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
07043 int n = G__getaryconstruct();
07044 if (n) {
07045 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
07046 p = new TFree[n];
07047 } else {
07048 p = new((void*) gvp) TFree[n];
07049 }
07050 } else {
07051 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
07052 p = new TFree;
07053 } else {
07054 p = new((void*) gvp) TFree;
07055 }
07056 }
07057 result7->obj.i = (long) p;
07058 result7->ref = (long) p;
07059 G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TFree));
07060 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07061 }
07063 static int G__G__IO_223_0_2(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07064 {
07065 TFree* p = NULL;
07066 char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
07068 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
07069 p = new TFree(
07070 (TList*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Long64_t) G__Longlong(libp->para[1])
07071 , (Long64_t) G__Longlong(libp->para[2]));
07072 } else {
07073 p = new((void*) gvp) TFree(
07074 (TList*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Long64_t) G__Longlong(libp->para[1])
07075 , (Long64_t) G__Longlong(libp->para[2]));
07076 }
07077 result7->obj.i = (long) p;
07078 result7->ref = (long) p;
07079 G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TFree));
07080 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07081 }
07083 static int G__G__IO_223_0_3(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07084 {
07085 G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ((TFree*) G__getstructoffset())->AddFree((TList*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Long64_t) G__Longlong(libp->para[1])
07086 , (Long64_t) G__Longlong(libp->para[2])));
07087 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07088 }
07090 static int G__G__IO_223_0_4(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07091 {
07092 ((TFree*) G__getstructoffset())->FillBuffer(libp->para[0].ref ? *(char**) libp->para[0].ref : *(char**) (void*) (&G__Mlong(libp->para[0])));
07093 G__setnull(result7);
07094 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07095 }
07097 static int G__G__IO_223_0_5(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07098 {
07099 G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ((TFree*) G__getstructoffset())->GetBestFree((TList*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1])));
07100 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07101 }
07103 static int G__G__IO_223_0_6(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07104 {
07105 G__letLonglong(result7, 110, (G__int64) ((const TFree*) G__getstructoffset())->GetFirst());
07106 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07107 }
07109 static int G__G__IO_223_0_7(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07110 {
07111 G__letLonglong(result7, 110, (G__int64) ((const TFree*) G__getstructoffset())->GetLast());
07112 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07113 }
07115 static int G__G__IO_223_0_9(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07116 {
07117 ((TFree*) G__getstructoffset())->ReadBuffer(libp->para[0].ref ? *(char**) libp->para[0].ref : *(char**) (void*) (&G__Mlong(libp->para[0])));
07118 G__setnull(result7);
07119 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07120 }
07122 static int G__G__IO_223_0_10(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07123 {
07124 ((TFree*) G__getstructoffset())->SetFirst((Long64_t) G__Longlong(libp->para[0]));
07125 G__setnull(result7);
07126 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07127 }
07129 static int G__G__IO_223_0_11(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07130 {
07131 ((TFree*) G__getstructoffset())->SetLast((Long64_t) G__Longlong(libp->para[0]));
07132 G__setnull(result7);
07133 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07134 }
07136 static int G__G__IO_223_0_12(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07137 {
07138 G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((const TFree*) G__getstructoffset())->Sizeof());
07139 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07140 }
07142 static int G__G__IO_223_0_13(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07143 {
07144 G__letint(result7, 85, (long) TFree::Class());
07145 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07146 }
07148 static int G__G__IO_223_0_14(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07149 {
07150 G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TFree::Class_Name());
07151 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07152 }
07154 static int G__G__IO_223_0_15(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07155 {
07156 G__letint(result7, 115, (long) TFree::Class_Version());
07157 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07158 }
07160 static int G__G__IO_223_0_16(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07161 {
07162 TFree::Dictionary();
07163 G__setnull(result7);
07164 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07165 }
07167 static int G__G__IO_223_0_20(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07168 {
07169 ((TFree*) G__getstructoffset())->StreamerNVirtual(*(TBuffer*) libp->para[0].ref);
07170 G__setnull(result7);
07171 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07172 }
07174 static int G__G__IO_223_0_21(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07175 {
07176 G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TFree::DeclFileName());
07177 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07178 }
07180 static int G__G__IO_223_0_22(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07181 {
07182 G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TFree::ImplFileLine());
07183 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07184 }
07186 static int G__G__IO_223_0_23(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07187 {
07188 G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TFree::ImplFileName());
07189 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07190 }
07192 static int G__G__IO_223_0_24(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07193 {
07194 G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TFree::DeclFileLine());
07195 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07196 }
07199 static int G__G__IO_223_0_25(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07201 {
07202 TFree* p;
07203 void* tmp = (void*) G__int(libp->para[0]);
07204 p = new TFree(*(TFree*) tmp);
07205 result7->obj.i = (long) p;
07206 result7->ref = (long) p;
07207 G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TFree));
07208 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07209 }
07212 typedef TFree G__TTFree;
07213 static int G__G__IO_223_0_26(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07214 {
07215 char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
07216 long soff = G__getstructoffset();
07217 int n = G__getaryconstruct();
07223 if (!soff) {
07224 return(1);
07225 }
07226 if (n) {
07227 if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) {
07228 delete[] (TFree*) soff;
07229 } else {
07230 G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID);
07231 for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
07232 ((TFree*) (soff+(sizeof(TFree)*i)))->~G__TTFree();
07233 }
07234 G__setgvp((long)gvp);
07235 }
07236 } else {
07237 if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) {
07238 delete (TFree*) soff;
07239 } else {
07240 G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID);
07241 ((TFree*) (soff))->~G__TTFree();
07242 G__setgvp((long)gvp);
07243 }
07244 }
07245 G__setnull(result7);
07246 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07247 }
07250 static int G__G__IO_223_0_27(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07251 {
07252 TFree* dest = (TFree*) G__getstructoffset();
07253 *dest = *(TFree*) libp->para[0].ref;
07254 const TFree& obj = *dest;
07255 result7->ref = (long) (&obj);
07256 result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj);
07257 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07258 }
07262 static int G__G__IO_234_0_16(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07263 {
07264 TMapFile::operator delete((void*) G__int(libp->para[0]));
07265 G__setnull(result7);
07266 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07267 }
07269 static int G__G__IO_234_0_18(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07270 {
07271 switch (libp->paran) {
07272 case 1:
07273 ((TMapFile*) G__getstructoffset())->Close((Option_t*) G__int(libp->para[0]));
07274 G__setnull(result7);
07275 break;
07276 case 0:
07277 ((TMapFile*) G__getstructoffset())->Close();
07278 G__setnull(result7);
07279 break;
07280 }
07281 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07282 }
07284 static int G__G__IO_234_0_19(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07285 {
07286 G__letint(result7, 89, (long) ((const TMapFile*) G__getstructoffset())->GetBaseAddr());
07287 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07288 }
07290 static int G__G__IO_234_0_20(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07291 {
07292 G__letint(result7, 89, (long) ((const TMapFile*) G__getstructoffset())->GetBreakval());
07293 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07294 }
07296 static int G__G__IO_234_0_21(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07297 {
07298 G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ((const TMapFile*) G__getstructoffset())->GetDirectory());
07299 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07300 }
07302 static int G__G__IO_234_0_22(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07303 {
07304 G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((const TMapFile*) G__getstructoffset())->GetFd());
07305 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07306 }
07308 static int G__G__IO_234_0_23(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07309 {
07310 G__letint(result7, 89, (long) ((const TMapFile*) G__getstructoffset())->GetMmallocDesc());
07311 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07312 }
07314 static int G__G__IO_234_0_25(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07315 {
07316 G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((const TMapFile*) G__getstructoffset())->GetSize());
07317 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07318 }
07320 static int G__G__IO_234_0_26(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07321 {
07322 G__letint(result7, 67, (long) ((const TMapFile*) G__getstructoffset())->GetOption());
07323 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07324 }
07326 static int G__G__IO_234_0_28(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07327 {
07328 G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ((const TMapFile*) G__getstructoffset())->GetFirst());
07329 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07330 }
07332 static int G__G__IO_234_0_29(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07333 {
07334 G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ((const TMapFile*) G__getstructoffset())->GetLast());
07335 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07336 }
07338 static int G__G__IO_234_0_31(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07339 {
07340 G__letint(result7, 103, (long) ((const TMapFile*) G__getstructoffset())->IsWritable());
07341 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07342 }
07344 static int G__G__IO_234_0_32(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07345 {
07346 G__letint(result7, 89, (long) ((const TMapFile*) G__getstructoffset())->OrgAddress((void*) G__int(libp->para[0])));
07347 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07348 }
07350 static int G__G__IO_234_0_35(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07351 {
07352 switch (libp->paran) {
07353 case 1:
07354 G__letint(result7, 103, (long) ((TMapFile*) G__getstructoffset())->cd((const char*) G__int(libp->para[0])));
07355 break;
07356 case 0:
07357 G__letint(result7, 103, (long) ((TMapFile*) G__getstructoffset())->cd());
07358 break;
07359 }
07360 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07361 }
07363 static int G__G__IO_234_0_36(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07364 {
07365 switch (libp->paran) {
07366 case 2:
07367 ((TMapFile*) G__getstructoffset())->Add((TObject*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (const char*) G__int(libp->para[1]));
07368 G__setnull(result7);
07369 break;
07370 case 1:
07371 ((TMapFile*) G__getstructoffset())->Add((TObject*) G__int(libp->para[0]));
07372 G__setnull(result7);
07373 break;
07374 }
07375 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07376 }
07378 static int G__G__IO_234_0_37(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07379 {
07380 switch (libp->paran) {
07381 case 1:
07382 ((TMapFile*) G__getstructoffset())->Update((TObject*) G__int(libp->para[0]));
07383 G__setnull(result7);
07384 break;
07385 case 0:
07386 ((TMapFile*) G__getstructoffset())->Update();
07387 G__setnull(result7);
07388 break;
07389 }
07390 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07391 }
07393 static int G__G__IO_234_0_38(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07394 {
07395 G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ((TMapFile*) G__getstructoffset())->Remove((TObject*) G__int(libp->para[0])));
07396 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07397 }
07399 static int G__G__IO_234_0_39(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07400 {
07401 G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ((TMapFile*) G__getstructoffset())->Remove((const char*) G__int(libp->para[0])));
07402 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07403 }
07405 static int G__G__IO_234_0_40(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07406 {
07407 ((TMapFile*) G__getstructoffset())->RemoveAll();
07408 G__setnull(result7);
07409 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07410 }
07412 static int G__G__IO_234_0_41(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07413 {
07414 switch (libp->paran) {
07415 case 2:
07416 G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ((TMapFile*) G__getstructoffset())->Get((const char*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (TObject*) G__int(libp->para[1])));
07417 break;
07418 case 1:
07419 G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ((TMapFile*) G__getstructoffset())->Get((const char*) G__int(libp->para[0])));
07420 break;
07421 }
07422 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07423 }
07425 static int G__G__IO_234_0_42(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07426 {
07427 switch (libp->paran) {
07428 case 4:
07429 G__letint(result7, 85, (long) TMapFile::Create((const char*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Option_t*) G__int(libp->para[1])
07430 , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[2]), (const char*) G__int(libp->para[3])));
07431 break;
07432 case 3:
07433 G__letint(result7, 85, (long) TMapFile::Create((const char*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Option_t*) G__int(libp->para[1])
07434 , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[2])));
07435 break;
07436 case 2:
07437 G__letint(result7, 85, (long) TMapFile::Create((const char*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Option_t*) G__int(libp->para[1])));
07438 break;
07439 case 1:
07440 G__letint(result7, 85, (long) TMapFile::Create((const char*) G__int(libp->para[0])));
07441 break;
07442 }
07443 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07444 }
07446 static int G__G__IO_234_0_43(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07447 {
07448 G__letint(result7, 85, (long) TMapFile::WhichMapFile((void*) G__int(libp->para[0])));
07449 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07450 }
07452 static int G__G__IO_234_0_44(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07453 {
07454 TMapFile::SetMapAddress((Long_t) G__int(libp->para[0]));
07455 G__setnull(result7);
07456 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07457 }
07459 static int G__G__IO_234_0_45(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07460 {
07461 G__letint(result7, 85, (long) TMapFile::Class());
07462 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07463 }
07465 static int G__G__IO_234_0_46(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07466 {
07467 G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TMapFile::Class_Name());
07468 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07469 }
07471 static int G__G__IO_234_0_47(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07472 {
07473 G__letint(result7, 115, (long) TMapFile::Class_Version());
07474 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07475 }
07477 static int G__G__IO_234_0_48(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07478 {
07479 TMapFile::Dictionary();
07480 G__setnull(result7);
07481 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07482 }
07484 static int G__G__IO_234_0_52(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07485 {
07486 ((TMapFile*) G__getstructoffset())->StreamerNVirtual(*(TBuffer*) libp->para[0].ref);
07487 G__setnull(result7);
07488 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07489 }
07491 static int G__G__IO_234_0_53(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07492 {
07493 G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TMapFile::DeclFileName());
07494 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07495 }
07497 static int G__G__IO_234_0_54(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07498 {
07499 G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TMapFile::ImplFileLine());
07500 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07501 }
07503 static int G__G__IO_234_0_55(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07504 {
07505 G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TMapFile::ImplFileName());
07506 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07507 }
07509 static int G__G__IO_234_0_56(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07510 {
07511 G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TMapFile::DeclFileLine());
07512 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07513 }
07516 typedef TMapFile G__TTMapFile;
07517 static int G__G__IO_234_0_57(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07518 {
07519 char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
07520 long soff = G__getstructoffset();
07521 int n = G__getaryconstruct();
07527 if (!soff) {
07528 return(1);
07529 }
07530 if (n) {
07531 if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) {
07532 delete[] (TMapFile*) soff;
07533 } else {
07534 G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID);
07535 for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
07536 ((TMapFile*) (soff+(sizeof(TMapFile)*i)))->~G__TTMapFile();
07537 }
07538 G__setgvp((long)gvp);
07539 }
07540 } else {
07541 if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) {
07542 delete (TMapFile*) soff;
07543 } else {
07544 G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID);
07545 ((TMapFile*) (soff))->~G__TTMapFile();
07546 G__setgvp((long)gvp);
07547 }
07548 }
07549 G__setnull(result7);
07550 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07551 }
07555 static int G__G__IO_235_0_3(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07556 {
07557 TKeyMapFile* p = NULL;
07558 char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
07559 int n = G__getaryconstruct();
07560 if (n) {
07561 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
07562 p = new TKeyMapFile[n];
07563 } else {
07564 p = new((void*) gvp) TKeyMapFile[n];
07565 }
07566 } else {
07567 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
07568 p = new TKeyMapFile;
07569 } else {
07570 p = new((void*) gvp) TKeyMapFile;
07571 }
07572 }
07573 result7->obj.i = (long) p;
07574 result7->ref = (long) p;
07575 G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TKeyMapFile));
07576 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07577 }
07579 static int G__G__IO_235_0_4(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07580 {
07581 TKeyMapFile* p = NULL;
07582 char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
07584 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
07585 p = new TKeyMapFile(
07586 (const char*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (const char*) G__int(libp->para[1])
07587 , (TMapFile*) G__int(libp->para[2]));
07588 } else {
07589 p = new((void*) gvp) TKeyMapFile(
07590 (const char*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (const char*) G__int(libp->para[1])
07591 , (TMapFile*) G__int(libp->para[2]));
07592 }
07593 result7->obj.i = (long) p;
07594 result7->ref = (long) p;
07595 G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TKeyMapFile));
07596 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07597 }
07599 static int G__G__IO_235_0_6(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07600 {
07601 G__letint(result7, 85, (long) TKeyMapFile::Class());
07602 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07603 }
07605 static int G__G__IO_235_0_7(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07606 {
07607 G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TKeyMapFile::Class_Name());
07608 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07609 }
07611 static int G__G__IO_235_0_8(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07612 {
07613 G__letint(result7, 115, (long) TKeyMapFile::Class_Version());
07614 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07615 }
07617 static int G__G__IO_235_0_9(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07618 {
07619 TKeyMapFile::Dictionary();
07620 G__setnull(result7);
07621 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07622 }
07624 static int G__G__IO_235_0_13(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07625 {
07626 ((TKeyMapFile*) G__getstructoffset())->StreamerNVirtual(*(TBuffer*) libp->para[0].ref);
07627 G__setnull(result7);
07628 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07629 }
07631 static int G__G__IO_235_0_14(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07632 {
07633 G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TKeyMapFile::DeclFileName());
07634 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07635 }
07637 static int G__G__IO_235_0_15(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07638 {
07639 G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TKeyMapFile::ImplFileLine());
07640 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07641 }
07643 static int G__G__IO_235_0_16(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07644 {
07645 G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TKeyMapFile::ImplFileName());
07646 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07647 }
07649 static int G__G__IO_235_0_17(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07650 {
07651 G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TKeyMapFile::DeclFileLine());
07652 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07653 }
07656 typedef TKeyMapFile G__TTKeyMapFile;
07657 static int G__G__IO_235_0_18(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07658 {
07659 char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
07660 long soff = G__getstructoffset();
07661 int n = G__getaryconstruct();
07667 if (!soff) {
07668 return(1);
07669 }
07670 if (n) {
07671 if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) {
07672 delete[] (TKeyMapFile*) soff;
07673 } else {
07674 G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID);
07675 for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
07676 ((TKeyMapFile*) (soff+(sizeof(TKeyMapFile)*i)))->~G__TTKeyMapFile();
07677 }
07678 G__setgvp((long)gvp);
07679 }
07680 } else {
07681 if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) {
07682 delete (TKeyMapFile*) soff;
07683 } else {
07684 G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID);
07685 ((TKeyMapFile*) (soff))->~G__TTKeyMapFile();
07686 G__setgvp((long)gvp);
07687 }
07688 }
07689 G__setnull(result7);
07690 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07691 }
07695 static int G__G__IO_236_0_4(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07696 {
07697 TLockFile* p = NULL;
07698 char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
07699 switch (libp->paran) {
07700 case 2:
07702 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
07703 p = new TLockFile((const char*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1]));
07704 } else {
07705 p = new((void*) gvp) TLockFile((const char*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1]));
07706 }
07707 break;
07708 case 1:
07710 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
07711 p = new TLockFile((const char*) G__int(libp->para[0]));
07712 } else {
07713 p = new((void*) gvp) TLockFile((const char*) G__int(libp->para[0]));
07714 }
07715 break;
07716 }
07717 result7->obj.i = (long) p;
07718 result7->ref = (long) p;
07719 G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TLockFile));
07720 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07721 }
07723 static int G__G__IO_236_0_5(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07724 {
07725 G__letint(result7, 85, (long) TLockFile::Class());
07726 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07727 }
07729 static int G__G__IO_236_0_6(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07730 {
07731 G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TLockFile::Class_Name());
07732 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07733 }
07735 static int G__G__IO_236_0_7(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07736 {
07737 G__letint(result7, 115, (long) TLockFile::Class_Version());
07738 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07739 }
07741 static int G__G__IO_236_0_8(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07742 {
07743 TLockFile::Dictionary();
07744 G__setnull(result7);
07745 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07746 }
07748 static int G__G__IO_236_0_12(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07749 {
07750 ((TLockFile*) G__getstructoffset())->StreamerNVirtual(*(TBuffer*) libp->para[0].ref);
07751 G__setnull(result7);
07752 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07753 }
07755 static int G__G__IO_236_0_13(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07756 {
07757 G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TLockFile::DeclFileName());
07758 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07759 }
07761 static int G__G__IO_236_0_14(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07762 {
07763 G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TLockFile::ImplFileLine());
07764 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07765 }
07767 static int G__G__IO_236_0_15(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07768 {
07769 G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TLockFile::ImplFileName());
07770 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07771 }
07773 static int G__G__IO_236_0_16(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07774 {
07775 G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TLockFile::DeclFileLine());
07776 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07777 }
07780 typedef TLockFile G__TTLockFile;
07781 static int G__G__IO_236_0_17(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07782 {
07783 char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
07784 long soff = G__getstructoffset();
07785 int n = G__getaryconstruct();
07791 if (!soff) {
07792 return(1);
07793 }
07794 if (n) {
07795 if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) {
07796 delete[] (TLockFile*) soff;
07797 } else {
07798 G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID);
07799 for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
07800 ((TLockFile*) (soff+(sizeof(TLockFile)*i)))->~G__TTLockFile();
07801 }
07802 G__setgvp((long)gvp);
07803 }
07804 } else {
07805 if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) {
07806 delete (TLockFile*) soff;
07807 } else {
07808 G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID);
07809 ((TLockFile*) (soff))->~G__TTLockFile();
07810 G__setgvp((long)gvp);
07811 }
07812 }
07813 G__setnull(result7);
07814 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07815 }
07819 static int G__G__IO_252_0_1(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07820 {
07821 TMapRec* p = NULL;
07822 char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
07824 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
07825 p = new TMapRec(
07826 (const char*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (TObject*) G__int(libp->para[1])
07827 , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[2]), (void*) G__int(libp->para[3]));
07828 } else {
07829 p = new((void*) gvp) TMapRec(
07830 (const char*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (TObject*) G__int(libp->para[1])
07831 , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[2]), (void*) G__int(libp->para[3]));
07832 }
07833 result7->obj.i = (long) p;
07834 result7->ref = (long) p;
07835 G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TMapRec));
07836 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07837 }
07839 static int G__G__IO_252_0_2(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07840 {
07841 switch (libp->paran) {
07842 case 1:
07843 G__letint(result7, 67, (long) ((const TMapRec*) G__getstructoffset())->GetName((Long_t) G__int(libp->para[0])));
07844 break;
07845 case 0:
07846 G__letint(result7, 67, (long) ((const TMapRec*) G__getstructoffset())->GetName());
07847 break;
07848 }
07849 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07850 }
07852 static int G__G__IO_252_0_3(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07853 {
07854 switch (libp->paran) {
07855 case 1:
07856 G__letint(result7, 67, (long) ((const TMapRec*) G__getstructoffset())->GetClassName((Long_t) G__int(libp->para[0])));
07857 break;
07858 case 0:
07859 G__letint(result7, 67, (long) ((const TMapRec*) G__getstructoffset())->GetClassName());
07860 break;
07861 }
07862 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07863 }
07865 static int G__G__IO_252_0_4(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07866 {
07867 switch (libp->paran) {
07868 case 1:
07869 G__letint(result7, 89, (long) ((const TMapRec*) G__getstructoffset())->GetBuffer((Long_t) G__int(libp->para[0])));
07870 break;
07871 case 0:
07872 G__letint(result7, 89, (long) ((const TMapRec*) G__getstructoffset())->GetBuffer());
07873 break;
07874 }
07875 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07876 }
07878 static int G__G__IO_252_0_5(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07879 {
07880 G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((const TMapRec*) G__getstructoffset())->GetBufSize());
07881 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07882 }
07884 static int G__G__IO_252_0_6(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07885 {
07886 G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ((const TMapRec*) G__getstructoffset())->GetObject());
07887 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07888 }
07890 static int G__G__IO_252_0_7(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07891 {
07892 switch (libp->paran) {
07893 case 1:
07894 G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ((const TMapRec*) G__getstructoffset())->GetNext((Long_t) G__int(libp->para[0])));
07895 break;
07896 case 0:
07897 G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ((const TMapRec*) G__getstructoffset())->GetNext());
07898 break;
07899 }
07900 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07901 }
07904 static int G__G__IO_252_0_8(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07906 {
07907 TMapRec* p;
07908 void* tmp = (void*) G__int(libp->para[0]);
07909 p = new TMapRec(*(TMapRec*) tmp);
07910 result7->obj.i = (long) p;
07911 result7->ref = (long) p;
07912 G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TMapRec));
07913 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07914 }
07917 typedef TMapRec G__TTMapRec;
07918 static int G__G__IO_252_0_9(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07919 {
07920 char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
07921 long soff = G__getstructoffset();
07922 int n = G__getaryconstruct();
07928 if (!soff) {
07929 return(1);
07930 }
07931 if (n) {
07932 if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) {
07933 delete[] (TMapRec*) soff;
07934 } else {
07935 G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID);
07936 for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
07937 ((TMapRec*) (soff+(sizeof(TMapRec)*i)))->~G__TTMapRec();
07938 }
07939 G__setgvp((long)gvp);
07940 }
07941 } else {
07942 if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) {
07943 delete (TMapRec*) soff;
07944 } else {
07945 G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID);
07946 ((TMapRec*) (soff))->~G__TTMapRec();
07947 G__setgvp((long)gvp);
07948 }
07949 }
07950 G__setnull(result7);
07951 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07952 }
07955 static int G__G__IO_252_0_10(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07956 {
07957 TMapRec* dest = (TMapRec*) G__getstructoffset();
07958 *dest = *(TMapRec*) libp->para[0].ref;
07959 const TMapRec& obj = *dest;
07960 result7->ref = (long) (&obj);
07961 result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj);
07962 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07963 }
07967 static int G__G__IO_261_0_1(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07968 {
07969 TStreamerInfoActions::TConfiguration* p = NULL;
07970 char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
07972 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
07973 p = new TStreamerInfoActions::TConfiguration(
07974 (TVirtualStreamerInfo*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (UInt_t) G__int(libp->para[1])
07975 , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[2]));
07976 } else {
07977 p = new((void*) gvp) TStreamerInfoActions::TConfiguration(
07978 (TVirtualStreamerInfo*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (UInt_t) G__int(libp->para[1])
07979 , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[2]));
07980 }
07981 result7->obj.i = (long) p;
07982 result7->ref = (long) p;
07983 G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TStreamerInfoActionscLcLTConfiguration));
07984 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07985 }
07987 static int G__G__IO_261_0_2(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07988 {
07989 TStreamerInfoActions::TConfiguration* p = NULL;
07990 char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
07992 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
07993 p = new TStreamerInfoActions::TConfiguration(
07994 (TVirtualStreamerInfo*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (UInt_t) G__int(libp->para[1])
07995 , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[2]), (UInt_t) G__int(libp->para[3]));
07996 } else {
07997 p = new((void*) gvp) TStreamerInfoActions::TConfiguration(
07998 (TVirtualStreamerInfo*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (UInt_t) G__int(libp->para[1])
07999 , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[2]), (UInt_t) G__int(libp->para[3]));
08000 }
08001 result7->obj.i = (long) p;
08002 result7->ref = (long) p;
08003 G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TStreamerInfoActionscLcLTConfiguration));
08004 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
08005 }
08007 static int G__G__IO_261_0_3(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
08008 {
08009 ((TStreamerInfoActions::TConfiguration*) G__getstructoffset())->AddToOffset((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]));
08010 G__setnull(result7);
08011 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
08012 }
08014 static int G__G__IO_261_0_4(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
08015 {
08016 G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ((TStreamerInfoActions::TConfiguration*) G__getstructoffset())->Copy());
08017 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
08018 }
08020 static int G__G__IO_261_0_5(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
08021 {
08022 ((const TStreamerInfoActions::TConfiguration*) G__getstructoffset())->Print();
08023 G__setnull(result7);
08024 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
08025 }
08027 static int G__G__IO_261_0_6(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
08028 {
08029 ((const TStreamerInfoActions::TConfiguration*) G__getstructoffset())->PrintDebug(*(TBuffer*) libp->para[0].ref, (void*) G__int(libp->para[1]));
08030 G__setnull(result7);
08031 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
08032 }
08035 static int G__G__IO_261_0_7(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
08037 {
08038 TStreamerInfoActions::TConfiguration* p;
08039 void* tmp = (void*) G__int(libp->para[0]);
08040 p = new TStreamerInfoActions::TConfiguration(*(TStreamerInfoActions::TConfiguration*) tmp);
08041 result7->obj.i = (long) p;
08042 result7->ref = (long) p;
08043 G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TStreamerInfoActionscLcLTConfiguration));
08044 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
08045 }
08048 typedef TStreamerInfoActions::TConfiguration G__TTStreamerInfoActionscLcLTConfiguration;
08049 static int G__G__IO_261_0_8(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
08050 {
08051 char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
08052 long soff = G__getstructoffset();
08053 int n = G__getaryconstruct();
08059 if (!soff) {
08060 return(1);
08061 }
08062 if (n) {
08063 if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) {
08064 delete[] (TStreamerInfoActions::TConfiguration*) soff;
08065 } else {
08066 G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID);
08067 for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
08068 ((TStreamerInfoActions::TConfiguration*) (soff+(sizeof(TStreamerInfoActions::TConfiguration)*i)))->~G__TTStreamerInfoActionscLcLTConfiguration();
08069 }
08070 G__setgvp((long)gvp);
08071 }
08072 } else {
08073 if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) {
08074 delete (TStreamerInfoActions::TConfiguration*) soff;
08075 } else {
08076 G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID);
08077 ((TStreamerInfoActions::TConfiguration*) (soff))->~G__TTStreamerInfoActionscLcLTConfiguration();
08078 G__setgvp((long)gvp);
08079 }
08080 }
08081 G__setnull(result7);
08082 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
08083 }
08086 static int G__G__IO_261_0_9(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
08087 {
08088 TStreamerInfoActions::TConfiguration* dest = (TStreamerInfoActions::TConfiguration*) G__getstructoffset();
08089 *dest = *(TStreamerInfoActions::TConfiguration*) libp->para[0].ref;
08090 const TStreamerInfoActions::TConfiguration& obj = *dest;
08091 result7->ref = (long) (&obj);
08092 result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj);
08093 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
08094 }
08098 static int G__G__IO_263_0_1(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
08099 {
08100 TStreamerInfoActions::TConfiguredAction* p = NULL;
08101 char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
08102 int n = G__getaryconstruct();
08103 if (n) {
08104 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
08105 p = new TStreamerInfoActions::TConfiguredAction[n];
08106 } else {
08107 p = new((void*) gvp) TStreamerInfoActions::TConfiguredAction[n];
08108 }
08109 } else {
08110 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
08111 p = new TStreamerInfoActions::TConfiguredAction;
08112 } else {
08113 p = new((void*) gvp) TStreamerInfoActions::TConfiguredAction;
08114 }
08115 }
08116 result7->obj.i = (long) p;
08117 result7->ref = (long) p;
08118 G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TStreamerInfoActionscLcLTConfiguredAction));
08119 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
08120 }
08122 static int G__G__IO_263_0_2(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
08123 {
08124 TStreamerInfoActions::TConfiguredAction* p = NULL;
08125 char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
08127 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
08128 p = new TStreamerInfoActions::TConfiguredAction(*(TStreamerInfoActions::TConfiguredAction*) libp->para[0].ref);
08129 } else {
08130 p = new((void*) gvp) TStreamerInfoActions::TConfiguredAction(*(TStreamerInfoActions::TConfiguredAction*) libp->para[0].ref);
08131 }
08132 result7->obj.i = (long) p;
08133 result7->ref = (long) p;
08134 G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TStreamerInfoActionscLcLTConfiguredAction));
08135 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
08136 }
08138 static int G__G__IO_263_0_3(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
08139 {
08140 TStreamerInfoActions::TConfiguredAction* p = NULL;
08141 char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
08143 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
08144 p = new TStreamerInfoActions::TConfiguredAction((TStreamerInfoActions::TStreamerInfoLoopAction_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (TStreamerInfoActions::TConfiguration*) G__int(libp->para[1]));
08145 } else {
08146 p = new((void*) gvp) TStreamerInfoActions::TConfiguredAction((TStreamerInfoActions::TStreamerInfoLoopAction_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (TStreamerInfoActions::TConfiguration*) G__int(libp->para[1]));
08147 }
08148 result7->obj.i = (long) p;
08149 result7->ref = (long) p;
08150 G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TStreamerInfoActionscLcLTConfiguredAction));
08151 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
08152 }
08154 static int G__G__IO_263_0_4(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
08155 {
08156 ((const TStreamerInfoActions::TConfiguredAction*) G__getstructoffset())->PrintDebug(*(TBuffer*) libp->para[0].ref, (void*) G__int(libp->para[1]));
08157 G__setnull(result7);
08158 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
08159 }
08161 static int G__G__IO_263_0_5(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
08162 {
08163 G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((const TStreamerInfoActions::TConfiguredAction*) G__getstructoffset())->operator()(*(TBuffer*) libp->para[0].ref, (void*) G__int(libp->para[1])));
08164 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
08165 }
08167 static int G__G__IO_263_0_6(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
08168 {
08169 G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((const TStreamerInfoActions::TConfiguredAction*) G__getstructoffset())->operator()(*(TBuffer*) libp->para[0].ref, (void*) G__int(libp->para[1])
08170 , (void*) G__int(libp->para[2])));
08171 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
08172 }
08174 static int G__G__IO_263_0_7(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
08175 {
08176 G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((const TStreamerInfoActions::TConfiguredAction*) G__getstructoffset())->operator()(*(TBuffer*) libp->para[0].ref, (void*) G__int(libp->para[1])
08177 , (void*) G__int(libp->para[2]), (TStreamerInfoActions::TLoopConfiguration*) G__int(libp->para[3])));
08178 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
08179 }
08181 static int G__G__IO_263_0_8(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
08182 {
08183 G__letint(result7, 85, (long) TStreamerInfoActions::TConfiguredAction::Class());
08184 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
08185 }
08187 static int G__G__IO_263_0_9(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
08188 {
08189 G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TStreamerInfoActions::TConfiguredAction::Class_Name());
08190 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
08191 }
08193 static int G__G__IO_263_0_10(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
08194 {
08195 G__letint(result7, 115, (long) TStreamerInfoActions::TConfiguredAction::Class_Version());
08196 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
08197 }
08199 static int G__G__IO_263_0_11(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
08200 {
08201 TStreamerInfoActions::TConfiguredAction::Dictionary();
08202 G__setnull(result7);
08203 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
08204 }
08206 static int G__G__IO_263_0_15(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
08207 {
08208 ((TStreamerInfoActions::TConfiguredAction*) G__getstructoffset())->StreamerNVirtual(*(TBuffer*) libp->para[0].ref);
08209 G__setnull(result7);
08210 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
08211 }
08213 static int G__G__IO_263_0_16(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
08214 {
08215 G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TStreamerInfoActions::TConfiguredAction::DeclFileName());
08216 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
08217 }
08219 static int G__G__IO_263_0_17(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
08220 {
08221 G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TStreamerInfoActions::TConfiguredAction::ImplFileLine());
08222 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
08223 }
08225 static int G__G__IO_263_0_18(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
08226 {
08227 G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TStreamerInfoActions::TConfiguredAction::ImplFileName());
08228 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
08229 }
08231 static int G__G__IO_263_0_19(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
08232 {
08233 G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TStreamerInfoActions::TConfiguredAction::DeclFileLine());
08234 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
08235 }
08238 typedef TStreamerInfoActions::TConfiguredAction G__TTStreamerInfoActionscLcLTConfiguredAction;
08239 static int G__G__IO_263_0_20(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
08240 {
08241 char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
08242 long soff = G__getstructoffset();
08243 int n = G__getaryconstruct();
08249 if (!soff) {
08250 return(1);
08251 }
08252 if (n) {
08253 if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) {
08254 delete[] (TStreamerInfoActions::TConfiguredAction*) soff;
08255 } else {
08256 G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID);
08257 for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
08258 ((TStreamerInfoActions::TConfiguredAction*) (soff+(sizeof(TStreamerInfoActions::TConfiguredAction)*i)))->~G__TTStreamerInfoActionscLcLTConfiguredAction();
08259 }
08260 G__setgvp((long)gvp);
08261 }
08262 } else {
08263 if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) {
08264 delete (TStreamerInfoActions::TConfiguredAction*) soff;
08265 } else {
08266 G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID);
08267 ((TStreamerInfoActions::TConfiguredAction*) (soff))->~G__TTStreamerInfoActionscLcLTConfiguredAction();
08268 G__setgvp((long)gvp);
08269 }
08270 }
08271 G__setnull(result7);
08272 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
08273 }
08276 static int G__G__IO_263_0_21(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
08277 {
08278 TStreamerInfoActions::TConfiguredAction* dest = (TStreamerInfoActions::TConfiguredAction*) G__getstructoffset();
08279 *dest = *(TStreamerInfoActions::TConfiguredAction*) libp->para[0].ref;
08280 const TStreamerInfoActions::TConfiguredAction& obj = *dest;
08281 result7->ref = (long) (&obj);
08282 result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj);
08283 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
08284 }
08288 static int G__G__IO_277_0_3(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
08289 {
08290 TVirtualObject* p = NULL;
08291 char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
08293 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
08294 p = new TVirtualObject((TClass*) G__int(libp->para[0]));
08295 } else {
08296 p = new((void*) gvp) TVirtualObject((TClass*) G__int(libp->para[0]));
08297 }
08298 result7->obj.i = (long) p;
08299 result7->ref = (long) p;
08300 G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TVirtualObject));
08301 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
08302 }
08304 static int G__G__IO_277_0_4(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
08305 {
08306 G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ((const TVirtualObject*) G__getstructoffset())->GetClass());
08307 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
08308 }
08310 static int G__G__IO_277_0_5(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
08311 {
08312 G__letint(result7, 89, (long) ((const TVirtualObject*) G__getstructoffset())->GetObject());
08313 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
08314 }
08317 typedef TVirtualObject G__TTVirtualObject;
08318 static int G__G__IO_277_0_6(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
08319 {
08320 char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
08321 long soff = G__getstructoffset();
08322 int n = G__getaryconstruct();
08328 if (!soff) {
08329 return(1);
08330 }
08331 if (n) {
08332 if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) {
08333 delete[] (TVirtualObject*) soff;
08334 } else {
08335 G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID);
08336 for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
08337 ((TVirtualObject*) (soff+(sizeof(TVirtualObject)*i)))->~G__TTVirtualObject();
08338 }
08339 G__setgvp((long)gvp);
08340 }
08341 } else {
08342 if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) {
08343 delete (TVirtualObject*) soff;
08344 } else {
08345 G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID);
08346 ((TVirtualObject*) (soff))->~G__TTVirtualObject();
08347 G__setgvp((long)gvp);
08348 }
08349 }
08350 G__setnull(result7);
08351 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
08352 }
08356 static int G__G__IO_278_0_1(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
08357 {
08358 TZIPMember* p = NULL;
08359 char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
08360 int n = G__getaryconstruct();
08361 if (n) {
08362 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
08363 p = new TZIPMember[n];
08364 } else {
08365 p = new((void*) gvp) TZIPMember[n];
08366 }
08367 } else {
08368 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
08369 p = new TZIPMember;
08370 } else {
08371 p = new((void*) gvp) TZIPMember;
08372 }
08373 }
08374 result7->obj.i = (long) p;
08375 result7->ref = (long) p;
08376 G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TZIPMember));
08377 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
08378 }
08380 static int G__G__IO_278_0_2(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
08381 {
08382 TZIPMember* p = NULL;
08383 char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
08385 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
08386 p = new TZIPMember((const char*) G__int(libp->para[0]));
08387 } else {
08388 p = new((void*) gvp) TZIPMember((const char*) G__int(libp->para[0]));
08389 }
08390 result7->obj.i = (long) p;
08391 result7->ref = (long) p;
08392 G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TZIPMember));
08393 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
08394 }
08396 static int G__G__IO_278_0_3(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
08397 {
08398 TZIPMember* p = NULL;
08399 char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
08401 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
08402 p = new TZIPMember(*(TZIPMember*) libp->para[0].ref);
08403 } else {
08404 p = new((void*) gvp) TZIPMember(*(TZIPMember*) libp->para[0].ref);
08405 }
08406 result7->obj.i = (long) p;
08407 result7->ref = (long) p;
08408 G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TZIPMember));
08409 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
08410 }
08412 static int G__G__IO_278_0_4(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
08413 {
08414 {
08415 const TZIPMember& obj = ((TZIPMember*) G__getstructoffset())->operator=(*(TZIPMember*) libp->para[0].ref);
08416 result7->ref = (long) (&obj);
08417 result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj);
08418 }
08419 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
08420 }
08422 static int G__G__IO_278_0_5(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
08423 {
08424 G__letint(result7, 89, (long) ((const TZIPMember*) G__getstructoffset())->GetLocal());
08425 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
08426 }
08428 static int G__G__IO_278_0_6(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
08429 {
08430 G__letLonglong(result7, 110, (G__int64) ((const TZIPMember*) G__getstructoffset())->GetLocalLen());
08431 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
08432 }
08434 static int G__G__IO_278_0_7(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
08435 {
08436 G__letint(result7, 89, (long) ((const TZIPMember*) G__getstructoffset())->GetGlobal());
08437 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
08438 }
08440 static int G__G__IO_278_0_8(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
08441 {
08442 G__letLonglong(result7, 110, (G__int64) ((const TZIPMember*) G__getstructoffset())->GetGlobalLen());
08443 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
08444 }
08446 static int G__G__IO_278_0_9(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
08447 {
08448 G__letint(result7, 104, (long) ((const TZIPMember*) G__getstructoffset())->GetCRC32());
08449 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
08450 }
08452 static int G__G__IO_278_0_10(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
08453 {
08454 G__letint(result7, 104, (long) ((const TZIPMember*) G__getstructoffset())->GetAttrInt());
08455 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
08456 }
08458 static int G__G__IO_278_0_11(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
08459 {
08460 G__letint(result7, 104, (long) ((const TZIPMember*) G__getstructoffset())->GetAttrExt());
08461 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
08462 }
08464 static int G__G__IO_278_0_12(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
08465 {
08466 G__letint(result7, 104, (long) ((const TZIPMember*) G__getstructoffset())->GetMethod());
08467 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
08468 }
08470 static int G__G__IO_278_0_13(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
08471 {
08472 G__letint(result7, 104, (long) ((const TZIPMember*) G__getstructoffset())->GetLevel());
08473 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
08474 }
08476 static int G__G__IO_278_0_15(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
08477 {
08478 G__letint(result7, 85, (long) TZIPMember::Class());
08479 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
08480 }
08482 static int G__G__IO_278_0_16(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
08483 {
08484 G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TZIPMember::Class_Name());
08485 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
08486 }
08488 static int G__G__IO_278_0_17(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
08489 {
08490 G__letint(result7, 115, (long) TZIPMember::Class_Version());
08491 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
08492 }
08494 static int G__G__IO_278_0_18(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
08495 {
08496 TZIPMember::Dictionary();
08497 G__setnull(result7);
08498 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
08499 }
08501 static int G__G__IO_278_0_22(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
08502 {
08503 ((TZIPMember*) G__getstructoffset())->StreamerNVirtual(*(TBuffer*) libp->para[0].ref);
08504 G__setnull(result7);
08505 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
08506 }
08508 static int G__G__IO_278_0_23(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
08509 {
08510 G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TZIPMember::DeclFileName());
08511 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
08512 }
08514 static int G__G__IO_278_0_24(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
08515 {
08516 G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TZIPMember::ImplFileLine());
08517 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
08518 }
08520 static int G__G__IO_278_0_25(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
08521 {
08522 G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TZIPMember::ImplFileName());
08523 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
08524 }
08526 static int G__G__IO_278_0_26(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
08527 {
08528 G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TZIPMember::DeclFileLine());
08529 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
08530 }
08533 typedef TZIPMember G__TTZIPMember;
08534 static int G__G__IO_278_0_27(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
08535 {
08536 char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
08537 long soff = G__getstructoffset();
08538 int n = G__getaryconstruct();
08544 if (!soff) {
08545 return(1);
08546 }
08547 if (n) {
08548 if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) {
08549 delete[] (TZIPMember*) soff;
08550 } else {
08551 G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID);
08552 for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
08553 ((TZIPMember*) (soff+(sizeof(TZIPMember)*i)))->~G__TTZIPMember();
08554 }
08555 G__setgvp((long)gvp);
08556 }
08557 } else {
08558 if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) {
08559 delete (TZIPMember*) soff;
08560 } else {
08561 G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID);
08562 ((TZIPMember*) (soff))->~G__TTZIPMember();
08563 G__setgvp((long)gvp);
08564 }
08565 }
08566 G__setnull(result7);
08567 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
08568 }
08572 static int G__G__IO_279_0_8(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
08573 {
08574 TZIPFile* p = NULL;
08575 char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
08576 int n = G__getaryconstruct();
08577 if (n) {
08578 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
08579 p = new TZIPFile[n];
08580 } else {
08581 p = new((void*) gvp) TZIPFile[n];
08582 }
08583 } else {
08584 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
08585 p = new TZIPFile;
08586 } else {
08587 p = new((void*) gvp) TZIPFile;
08588 }
08589 }
08590 result7->obj.i = (long) p;
08591 result7->ref = (long) p;
08592 G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TZIPFile));
08593 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
08594 }
08596 static int G__G__IO_279_0_9(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
08597 {
08598 TZIPFile* p = NULL;
08599 char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
08601 if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
08602 p = new TZIPFile(
08603 (const char*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (const char*) G__int(libp->para[1])
08604 , (TFile*) G__int(libp->para[2]));
08605 } else {
08606 p = new((void*) gvp) TZIPFile(
08607 (const char*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (const char*) G__int(libp->para[1])
08608 , (TFile*) G__int(libp->para[2]));
08609 }
08610 result7->obj.i = (long) p;
08611 result7->ref = (long) p;
08612 G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TZIPFile));
08613 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
08614 }
08616 static int G__G__IO_279_0_13(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
08617 {
08618 G__letint(result7, 85, (long) TZIPFile::Class());
08619 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
08620 }
08622 static int G__G__IO_279_0_14(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
08623 {
08624 G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TZIPFile::Class_Name());
08625 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
08626 }
08628 static int G__G__IO_279_0_15(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
08629 {
08630 G__letint(result7, 115, (long) TZIPFile::Class_Version());
08631 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
08632 }
08634 static int G__G__IO_279_0_16(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
08635 {
08636 TZIPFile::Dictionary();
08637 G__setnull(result7);
08638 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
08639 }
08641 static int G__G__IO_279_0_20(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
08642 {
08643 ((TZIPFile*) G__getstructoffset())->StreamerNVirtual(*(TBuffer*) libp->para[0].ref);
08644 G__setnull(result7);
08645 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
08646 }
08648 static int G__G__IO_279_0_21(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
08649 {
08650 G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TZIPFile::DeclFileName());
08651 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
08652 }
08654 static int G__G__IO_279_0_22(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
08655 {
08656 G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TZIPFile::ImplFileLine());
08657 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
08658 }
08660 static int G__G__IO_279_0_23(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
08661 {
08662 G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TZIPFile::ImplFileName());
08663 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
08664 }
08666 static int G__G__IO_279_0_24(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
08667 {
08668 G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TZIPFile::DeclFileLine());
08669 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
08670 }
08673 typedef TZIPFile G__TTZIPFile;
08674 static int G__G__IO_279_0_25(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
08675 {
08676 char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
08677 long soff = G__getstructoffset();
08678 int n = G__getaryconstruct();
08684 if (!soff) {
08685 return(1);
08686 }
08687 if (n) {
08688 if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) {
08689 delete[] (TZIPFile*) soff;
08690 } else {
08691 G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID);
08692 for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
08693 ((TZIPFile*) (soff+(sizeof(TZIPFile)*i)))->~G__TTZIPFile();
08694 }
08695 G__setgvp((long)gvp);
08696 }
08697 } else {
08698 if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) {
08699 delete (TZIPFile*) soff;
08700 } else {
08701 G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID);
08702 ((TZIPFile*) (soff))->~G__TTZIPFile();
08703 G__setgvp((long)gvp);
08704 }
08705 }
08706 G__setnull(result7);
08707 return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
08708 }
08786 class G__Sizep2memfuncG__IO {
08787 public:
08788 G__Sizep2memfuncG__IO(): p(&G__Sizep2memfuncG__IO::sizep2memfunc) {}
08789 size_t sizep2memfunc() { return(sizeof(p)); }
08790 private:
08791 size_t (G__Sizep2memfuncG__IO::*p)();
08792 };
08794 size_t G__get_sizep2memfuncG__IO()
08795 {
08796 G__Sizep2memfuncG__IO a;
08797 G__setsizep2memfunc((int)a.sizep2memfunc());
08798 return((size_t)a.sizep2memfunc());
08799 }
08811 extern "C" void G__cpp_setup_inheritanceG__IO() {
08814 if(0==G__getnumbaseclass(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TStreamerInfoActionscLcLTActionSequence))) {
08815 TStreamerInfoActions::TActionSequence *G__Lderived;
08816 G__Lderived=(TStreamerInfoActions::TActionSequence*)0x1000;
08817 {
08818 TObject *G__Lpbase=(TObject*)G__Lderived;
08819 G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TStreamerInfoActionscLcLTActionSequence),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TObject),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,1);
08820 }
08821 }
08822 if(0==G__getnumbaseclass(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TFile))) {
08823 TFile *G__Lderived;
08824 G__Lderived=(TFile*)0x1000;
08825 {
08826 TDirectoryFile *G__Lpbase=(TDirectoryFile*)G__Lderived;
08827 G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TFile),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TDirectoryFile),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,1);
08828 }
08829 {
08830 TDirectory *G__Lpbase=(TDirectory*)G__Lderived;
08831 G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TFile),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TDirectory),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,0);
08832 }
08833 {
08834 TNamed *G__Lpbase=(TNamed*)G__Lderived;
08835 G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TFile),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TNamed),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,0);
08836 }
08837 {
08838 TObject *G__Lpbase=(TObject*)G__Lderived;
08839 G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TFile),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TObject),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,0);
08840 }
08841 }
08842 if(0==G__getnumbaseclass(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TArchiveMember))) {
08843 TArchiveMember *G__Lderived;
08844 G__Lderived=(TArchiveMember*)0x1000;
08845 {
08846 TObject *G__Lpbase=(TObject*)G__Lderived;
08847 G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TArchiveMember),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TObject),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,1);
08848 }
08849 }
08850 if(0==G__getnumbaseclass(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TArchiveFile))) {
08851 TArchiveFile *G__Lderived;
08852 G__Lderived=(TArchiveFile*)0x1000;
08853 {
08854 TObject *G__Lpbase=(TObject*)G__Lderived;
08855 G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TArchiveFile),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TObject),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,1);
08856 }
08857 }
08858 if(0==G__getnumbaseclass(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TStreamerInfo))) {
08859 TStreamerInfo *G__Lderived;
08860 G__Lderived=(TStreamerInfo*)0x1000;
08861 {
08862 TVirtualStreamerInfo *G__Lpbase=(TVirtualStreamerInfo*)G__Lderived;
08863 G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TStreamerInfo),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TVirtualStreamerInfo),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,1);
08864 }
08865 {
08866 TNamed *G__Lpbase=(TNamed*)G__Lderived;
08867 G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TStreamerInfo),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TNamed),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,0);
08868 }
08869 {
08870 TObject *G__Lpbase=(TObject*)G__Lderived;
08871 G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TStreamerInfo),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TObject),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,0);
08872 }
08873 }
08874 if(0==G__getnumbaseclass(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TBufferFile))) {
08875 TBufferFile *G__Lderived;
08876 G__Lderived=(TBufferFile*)0x1000;
08877 {
08878 TBuffer *G__Lpbase=(TBuffer*)G__Lderived;
08879 G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TBufferFile),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TBuffer),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,1);
08880 }
08881 {
08882 TObject *G__Lpbase=(TObject*)G__Lderived;
08883 G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TBufferFile),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TObject),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,0);
08884 }
08885 }
08886 if(0==G__getnumbaseclass(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TGenCollectionProxy))) {
08887 TGenCollectionProxy *G__Lderived;
08888 G__Lderived=(TGenCollectionProxy*)0x1000;
08889 {
08890 TVirtualCollectionProxy *G__Lpbase=(TVirtualCollectionProxy*)G__Lderived;
08891 G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TGenCollectionProxy),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TVirtualCollectionProxy),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,1);
08892 }
08893 }
08894 if(0==G__getnumbaseclass(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TEmulatedCollectionProxy))) {
08895 TEmulatedCollectionProxy *G__Lderived;
08896 G__Lderived=(TEmulatedCollectionProxy*)0x1000;
08897 {
08898 TGenCollectionProxy *G__Lpbase=(TGenCollectionProxy*)G__Lderived;
08899 G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TEmulatedCollectionProxy),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TGenCollectionProxy),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,1);
08900 }
08901 {
08902 TVirtualCollectionProxy *G__Lpbase=(TVirtualCollectionProxy*)G__Lderived;
08903 G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TEmulatedCollectionProxy),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TVirtualCollectionProxy),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,0);
08904 }
08905 }
08906 if(0==G__getnumbaseclass(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TCollectionClassStreamer))) {
08907 TCollectionClassStreamer *G__Lderived;
08908 G__Lderived=(TCollectionClassStreamer*)0x1000;
08909 {
08910 TClassStreamer *G__Lpbase=(TClassStreamer*)G__Lderived;
08911 G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TCollectionClassStreamer),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TClassStreamer),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,1);
08912 }
08913 {
08914 TCollectionStreamer *G__Lpbase=(TCollectionStreamer*)G__Lderived;
08915 G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TCollectionClassStreamer),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TCollectionStreamer),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,1);
08916 }
08917 }
08918 if(0==G__getnumbaseclass(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TCollectionMemberStreamer))) {
08919 TCollectionMemberStreamer *G__Lderived;
08920 G__Lderived=(TCollectionMemberStreamer*)0x1000;
08921 {
08922 TMemberStreamer *G__Lpbase=(TMemberStreamer*)G__Lderived;
08923 G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TCollectionMemberStreamer),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TMemberStreamer),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,1);
08924 }
08925 {
08926 TCollectionStreamer *G__Lpbase=(TCollectionStreamer*)G__Lderived;
08927 G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TCollectionMemberStreamer),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TCollectionStreamer),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,1);
08928 }
08929 }
08930 if(0==G__getnumbaseclass(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TKey))) {
08931 TKey *G__Lderived;
08932 G__Lderived=(TKey*)0x1000;
08933 {
08934 TNamed *G__Lpbase=(TNamed*)G__Lderived;
08935 G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TKey),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TNamed),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,1);
08936 }
08937 {
08938 TObject *G__Lpbase=(TObject*)G__Lderived;
08939 G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TKey),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TObject),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,0);
08940 }
08941 }
08942 if(0==G__getnumbaseclass(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TDirectoryFile))) {
08943 TDirectoryFile *G__Lderived;
08944 G__Lderived=(TDirectoryFile*)0x1000;
08945 {
08946 TDirectory *G__Lpbase=(TDirectory*)G__Lderived;
08947 G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TDirectoryFile),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TDirectory),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,1);
08948 }
08949 {
08950 TNamed *G__Lpbase=(TNamed*)G__Lderived;
08951 G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TDirectoryFile),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TNamed),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,0);
08952 }
08953 {
08954 TObject *G__Lpbase=(TObject*)G__Lderived;
08955 G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TDirectoryFile),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TObject),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,0);
08956 }
08957 }
08958 if(0==G__getnumbaseclass(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TEmulatedMapProxy))) {
08959 TEmulatedMapProxy *G__Lderived;
08960 G__Lderived=(TEmulatedMapProxy*)0x1000;
08961 {
08962 TEmulatedCollectionProxy *G__Lpbase=(TEmulatedCollectionProxy*)G__Lderived;
08963 G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TEmulatedMapProxy),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TEmulatedCollectionProxy),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,1);
08964 }
08965 {
08966 TGenCollectionProxy *G__Lpbase=(TGenCollectionProxy*)G__Lderived;
08967 G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TEmulatedMapProxy),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TGenCollectionProxy),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,0);
08968 }
08969 {
08970 TVirtualCollectionProxy *G__Lpbase=(TVirtualCollectionProxy*)G__Lderived;
08971 G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TEmulatedMapProxy),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TVirtualCollectionProxy),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,0);
08972 }
08973 }
08974 if(0==G__getnumbaseclass(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TFileCacheRead))) {
08975 TFileCacheRead *G__Lderived;
08976 G__Lderived=(TFileCacheRead*)0x1000;
08977 {
08978 TObject *G__Lpbase=(TObject*)G__Lderived;
08979 G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TFileCacheRead),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TObject),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,1);
08980 }
08981 }
08982 if(0==G__getnumbaseclass(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TFileCacheWrite))) {
08983 TFileCacheWrite *G__Lderived;
08984 G__Lderived=(TFileCacheWrite*)0x1000;
08985 {
08986 TObject *G__Lpbase=(TObject*)G__Lderived;
08987 G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TFileCacheWrite),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TObject),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,1);
08988 }
08989 }
08990 if(0==G__getnumbaseclass(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TFree))) {
08991 TFree *G__Lderived;
08992 G__Lderived=(TFree*)0x1000;
08993 {
08994 TObject *G__Lpbase=(TObject*)G__Lderived;
08995 G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TFree),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TObject),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,1);
08996 }
08997 }
08998 if(0==G__getnumbaseclass(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TMapFile))) {
08999 TMapFile *G__Lderived;
09000 G__Lderived=(TMapFile*)0x1000;
09001 {
09002 TObject *G__Lpbase=(TObject*)G__Lderived;
09003 G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TMapFile),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TObject),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,1);
09004 }
09005 }
09006 if(0==G__getnumbaseclass(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TKeyMapFile))) {
09007 TKeyMapFile *G__Lderived;
09008 G__Lderived=(TKeyMapFile*)0x1000;
09009 {
09010 TNamed *G__Lpbase=(TNamed*)G__Lderived;
09011 G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TKeyMapFile),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TNamed),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,1);
09012 }
09013 {
09014 TObject *G__Lpbase=(TObject*)G__Lderived;
09015 G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TKeyMapFile),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TObject),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,0);
09016 }
09017 }
09018 if(0==G__getnumbaseclass(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TLockFile))) {
09019 TLockFile *G__Lderived;
09020 G__Lderived=(TLockFile*)0x1000;
09021 {
09022 TObject *G__Lpbase=(TObject*)G__Lderived;
09023 G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TLockFile),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TObject),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,1);
09024 }
09025 }
09026 if(0==G__getnumbaseclass(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TStreamerInfoActionscLcLTConfiguredAction))) {
09027 TStreamerInfoActions::TConfiguredAction *G__Lderived;
09028 G__Lderived=(TStreamerInfoActions::TConfiguredAction*)0x1000;
09029 {
09030 TObject *G__Lpbase=(TObject*)G__Lderived;
09031 G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TStreamerInfoActionscLcLTConfiguredAction),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TObject),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,1);
09032 }
09033 }
09034 if(0==G__getnumbaseclass(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TZIPMember))) {
09035 TZIPMember *G__Lderived;
09036 G__Lderived=(TZIPMember*)0x1000;
09037 {
09038 TArchiveMember *G__Lpbase=(TArchiveMember*)G__Lderived;
09039 G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TZIPMember),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TArchiveMember),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,1);
09040 }
09041 {
09042 TObject *G__Lpbase=(TObject*)G__Lderived;
09043 G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TZIPMember),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TObject),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,0);
09044 }
09045 }
09046 if(0==G__getnumbaseclass(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TZIPFile))) {
09047 TZIPFile *G__Lderived;
09048 G__Lderived=(TZIPFile*)0x1000;
09049 {
09050 TArchiveFile *G__Lpbase=(TArchiveFile*)G__Lderived;
09051 G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TZIPFile),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TArchiveFile),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,1);
09052 }
09053 {
09054 TObject *G__Lpbase=(TObject*)G__Lderived;
09055 G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TZIPFile),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TObject),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,0);
09056 }
09057 }
09058 }
09063 extern "C" void G__cpp_setup_typetableG__IO() {
09066 G__search_typename2("Short_t",115,-1,0,-1);
09067 G__setnewtype(-1,"Signed Short integer 2 bytes (short)",0);
09068 G__search_typename2("UShort_t",114,-1,0,-1);
09069 G__setnewtype(-1,"Unsigned Short integer 2 bytes (unsigned short)",0);
09070 G__search_typename2("Int_t",105,-1,0,-1);
09071 G__setnewtype(-1,"Signed integer 4 bytes (int)",0);
09072 G__search_typename2("UInt_t",104,-1,0,-1);
09073 G__setnewtype(-1,"Unsigned integer 4 bytes (unsigned int)",0);
09074 G__search_typename2("Long_t",108,-1,0,-1);
09075 G__setnewtype(-1,"Signed long integer 4 bytes (long)",0);
09076 G__search_typename2("ULong_t",107,-1,0,-1);
09077 G__setnewtype(-1,"Unsigned long integer 4 bytes (unsigned long)",0);
09078 G__search_typename2("Float_t",102,-1,0,-1);
09079 G__setnewtype(-1,"Float 4 bytes (float)",0);
09080 G__search_typename2("Double_t",100,-1,0,-1);
09081 G__setnewtype(-1,"Double 8 bytes",0);
09082 G__search_typename2("Bool_t",103,-1,0,-1);
09083 G__setnewtype(-1,"Boolean (0=false, 1=true) (bool)",0);
09084 G__search_typename2("Version_t",115,-1,0,-1);
09085 G__setnewtype(-1,"Class version identifier (short)",0);
09086 G__search_typename2("Option_t",99,-1,256,-1);
09087 G__setnewtype(-1,"Option string (const char)",0);
09088 G__search_typename2("Long64_t",110,-1,0,-1);
09089 G__setnewtype(-1,"Portable signed long integer 8 bytes",0);
09090 G__search_typename2("vector<ROOT::TSchemaHelper>",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_vectorlEROOTcLcLTSchemaHelpercOallocatorlEROOTcLcLTSchemaHelpergRsPgR),0,-1);
09091 G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0);
09092 G__search_typename2("reverse_iterator<const_iterator>",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_reverse_iteratorlEvectorlEROOTcLcLTSchemaHelpercOallocatorlEROOTcLcLTSchemaHelpergRsPgRcLcLiteratorgR),0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_vectorlEROOTcLcLTSchemaHelpercOallocatorlEROOTcLcLTSchemaHelpergRsPgR));
09093 G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0);
09094 G__search_typename2("reverse_iterator<iterator>",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_reverse_iteratorlEvectorlEROOTcLcLTSchemaHelpercOallocatorlEROOTcLcLTSchemaHelpergRsPgRcLcLiteratorgR),0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_vectorlEROOTcLcLTSchemaHelpercOallocatorlEROOTcLcLTSchemaHelpergRsPgR));
09095 G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0);
09096 G__search_typename2("ReAllocCharFun_t",89,-1,0,-1);
09097 G__setnewtype(-1,"char *(*ReAllocCharFun_t)(char*, size_t, size_t);",0);
09098 G__search_typename2("vector<TVirtualArray*>",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_vectorlETVirtualArraymUcOallocatorlETVirtualArraymUgRsPgR),0,-1);
09099 G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0);
09100 G__search_typename2("reverse_iterator<const_iterator>",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_reverse_iteratorlEvectorlETVirtualArraymUcOallocatorlETVirtualArraymUgRsPgRcLcLiteratorgR),0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_vectorlETVirtualArraymUcOallocatorlETVirtualArraymUgRsPgR));
09101 G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0);
09102 G__search_typename2("reverse_iterator<iterator>",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_reverse_iteratorlEvectorlETVirtualArraymUcOallocatorlETVirtualArraymUgRsPgRcLcLiteratorgR),0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_vectorlETVirtualArraymUcOallocatorlETVirtualArraymUgRsPgR));
09103 G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0);
09104 G__search_typename2("vector<TStreamerInfo*>",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_vectorlETStreamerInfomUcOallocatorlETStreamerInfomUgRsPgR),0,-1);
09105 G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0);
09106 G__search_typename2("reverse_iterator<const_iterator>",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_reverse_iteratorlEvectorlETStreamerInfomUcOallocatorlETStreamerInfomUgRsPgRcLcLiteratorgR),0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_vectorlETStreamerInfomUcOallocatorlETStreamerInfomUgRsPgR));
09107 G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0);
09108 G__search_typename2("reverse_iterator<iterator>",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_reverse_iteratorlEvectorlETStreamerInfomUcOallocatorlETStreamerInfomUgRsPgRcLcLiteratorgR),0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_vectorlETStreamerInfomUcOallocatorlETStreamerInfomUgRsPgR));
09109 G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0);
09110 G__search_typename2("InfoList_t",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_vectorlETStreamerInfomUcOallocatorlETStreamerInfomUgRsPgR),0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TBufferFile));
09111 G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0);
09112 G__search_typename2("vector<bool>",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_vectorlEboolcOallocatorlEboolgRsPgR),0,-1);
09113 G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0);
09114 G__search_typename2("reverse_iterator<const_iterator>",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_reverse_iteratorlEvectorlEboolcOallocatorlEboolgRsPgRcLcLiteratorgR),0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_vectorlEboolcOallocatorlEboolgRsPgR));
09115 G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0);
09116 G__search_typename2("reverse_iterator<iterator>",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_reverse_iteratorlEvectorlEboolcOallocatorlEboolgRsPgRcLcLiteratorgR),0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_vectorlEboolcOallocatorlEboolgRsPgR));
09117 G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0);
09118 G__search_typename2("iterator<std::bidirectional_iterator_tag,TObject*,std::ptrdiff_t,const TObject**,const TObject*&>",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_iteratorlEbidirectional_iterator_tagcOTObjectmUcOlongcOconstsPTObjectmUmUcOconstsPTObjectmUaNgR),0,-1);
09119 G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0);
09120 G__search_typename2("iterator<bidirectional_iterator_tag,TObject*>",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_iteratorlEbidirectional_iterator_tagcOTObjectmUcOlongcOconstsPTObjectmUmUcOconstsPTObjectmUaNgR),0,-1);
09121 G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0);
09122 G__search_typename2("iterator<bidirectional_iterator_tag,TObject*,long>",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_iteratorlEbidirectional_iterator_tagcOTObjectmUcOlongcOconstsPTObjectmUmUcOconstsPTObjectmUaNgR),0,-1);
09123 G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0);
09124 G__search_typename2("iterator<bidirectional_iterator_tag,TObject*,long,const TObject**>",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_iteratorlEbidirectional_iterator_tagcOTObjectmUcOlongcOconstsPTObjectmUmUcOconstsPTObjectmUaNgR),0,-1);
09125 G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0);
09126 G__search_typename2("map<std::string,TObjArray*>",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_maplEstringcOTObjArraymUcOlesslEstringgRcOallocatorlEpairlEconstsPstringcOTObjArraymUgRsPgRsPgR),0,-1);
09127 G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0);
09128 G__search_typename2("map<string,TObjArray*>",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_maplEstringcOTObjArraymUcOlesslEstringgRcOallocatorlEpairlEconstsPstringcOTObjArraymUgRsPgRsPgR),0,-1);
09129 G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0);
09130 G__search_typename2("map<string,TObjArray*,less<string> >",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_maplEstringcOTObjArraymUcOlesslEstringgRcOallocatorlEpairlEconstsPstringcOTObjArraymUgRsPgRsPgR),0,-1);
09131 G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0);
09132 G__search_typename2("Info_t",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_type_info),257,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TGenCollectionProxy));
09133 G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0);
09134 G__search_typename2("Call_t",89,-1,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TGenCollectionProxycLcLMethod));
09135 G__setnewtype(-1,"void* (*Call_t)(void*);",0);
09136 G__search_typename2("Env_t",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_ROOTcLcLTCollectionProxyInfocLcLEnvironlEcharoB64cBgR),0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TGenCollectionProxy));
09137 G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0);
09138 G__search_typename2("EnvironBase_t",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_ROOTcLcLTCollectionProxyInfocLcLEnvironBase),0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TGenCollectionProxy));
09139 G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0);
09140 G__search_typename2("vector<TStaging*>",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_vectorlETGenCollectionProxycLcLTStagingmUcOallocatorlETGenCollectionProxycLcLTStagingmUgRsPgR),0,-1);
09141 G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0);
09142 G__search_typename2("reverse_iterator<const_iterator>",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_reverse_iteratorlEvectorlETGenCollectionProxycLcLTStagingmUcOallocatorlETGenCollectionProxycLcLTStagingmUgRsPgRcLcLiteratorgR),0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_vectorlETGenCollectionProxycLcLTStagingmUcOallocatorlETGenCollectionProxycLcLTStagingmUgRsPgR));
09143 G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0);
09144 G__search_typename2("reverse_iterator<iterator>",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_reverse_iteratorlEvectorlETGenCollectionProxycLcLTStagingmUcOallocatorlETGenCollectionProxycLcLTStagingmUgRsPgRcLcLiteratorgR),0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_vectorlETGenCollectionProxycLcLTStagingmUcOallocatorlETGenCollectionProxycLcLTStagingmUgRsPgR));
09145 G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0);
09146 G__search_typename2("vector<TGenCollectionProxy::TStaging*>",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_vectorlETGenCollectionProxycLcLTStagingmUcOallocatorlETGenCollectionProxycLcLTStagingmUgRsPgR),0,-1);
09147 G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0);
09148 G__search_typename2("Staged_t",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_vectorlETGenCollectionProxycLcLTStagingmUcOallocatorlETGenCollectionProxycLcLTStagingmUgRsPgR),0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TGenCollectionProxy));
09149 G__setnewtype(-1,"Collection of pre-allocated staged array for associative containers.",0);
09150 G__search_typename2("vector<EnvironBase_t*>",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_vectorlEROOTcLcLTCollectionProxyInfocLcLEnvironBasemUcOallocatorlEROOTcLcLTCollectionProxyInfocLcLEnvironBasemUgRsPgR),0,-1);
09151 G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0);
09152 G__search_typename2("reverse_iterator<const_iterator>",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_reverse_iteratorlEvectorlEROOTcLcLTCollectionProxyInfocLcLEnvironBasemUcOallocatorlEROOTcLcLTCollectionProxyInfocLcLEnvironBasemUgRsPgRcLcLiteratorgR),0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_vectorlEROOTcLcLTCollectionProxyInfocLcLEnvironBasemUcOallocatorlEROOTcLcLTCollectionProxyInfocLcLEnvironBasemUgRsPgR));
09153 G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0);
09154 G__search_typename2("reverse_iterator<iterator>",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_reverse_iteratorlEvectorlEROOTcLcLTCollectionProxyInfocLcLEnvironBasemUcOallocatorlEROOTcLcLTCollectionProxyInfocLcLEnvironBasemUgRsPgRcLcLiteratorgR),0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_vectorlEROOTcLcLTCollectionProxyInfocLcLEnvironBasemUcOallocatorlEROOTcLcLTCollectionProxyInfocLcLEnvironBasemUgRsPgR));
09155 G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0);
09156 G__search_typename2("vector<ROOT::TCollectionProxyInfo::EnvironBase*>",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_vectorlEROOTcLcLTCollectionProxyInfocLcLEnvironBasemUcOallocatorlEROOTcLcLTCollectionProxyInfocLcLEnvironBasemUgRsPgR),0,-1);
09157 G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0);
09158 G__search_typename2("Proxies_t",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_vectorlEROOTcLcLTCollectionProxyInfocLcLEnvironBasemUcOallocatorlEROOTcLcLTCollectionProxyInfocLcLEnvironBasemUgRsPgR),0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TGenCollectionProxy));
09159 G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0);
09160 G__search_typename2("Sizing_t",89,-1,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TGenCollectionProxy));
09161 G__setnewtype(-1,"void (*Sizing_t)(void *obj, size_t size);",0);
09162 G__search_typename2("Feedfunc_t",89,-1,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TGenCollectionProxy));
09163 G__setnewtype(-1,"void* (*Feedfunc_t)(void *from, void *to, size_t size);",0);
09164 G__search_typename2("ArrIterfunc_t",89,-1,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TGenCollectionProxy));
09165 G__setnewtype(-1,"void* (*ArrIterfunc_t)(void *from, size_t size);",0);
09166 G__search_typename2("Proxy_t",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TVirtualCollectionProxy),0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TCollectionProxyFactory));
09167 G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0);
09168 G__search_typename2("Info_t",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_type_info),257,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TCollectionProxyFactory));
09169 G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0);
09170 G__search_typename2("vector<char>",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_vectorlEcharcOallocatorlEchargRsPgR),0,-1);
09171 G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0);
09172 G__search_typename2("reverse_iterator<const_iterator>",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_reverse_iteratorlEvectorlEcharcOallocatorlEchargRsPgRcLcLiteratorgR),0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_vectorlEcharcOallocatorlEchargRsPgR));
09173 G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0);
09174 G__search_typename2("reverse_iterator<iterator>",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_reverse_iteratorlEvectorlEcharcOallocatorlEchargRsPgRcLcLiteratorgR),0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_vectorlEcharcOallocatorlEchargRsPgR));
09175 G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0);
09176 G__search_typename2("Cont_t",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_vectorlEcharcOallocatorlEchargRsPgR),0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TEmulatedCollectionProxy));
09177 G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0);
09178 G__search_typename2("PCont_t",85,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_vectorlEcharcOallocatorlEchargRsPgR),0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TEmulatedCollectionProxy));
09179 G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0);
09180 G__search_typename2("Next_t",89,-1,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TStreamerInfoActions));
09181 G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0);
09182 G__search_typename2("TStreamerInfoAction_t",89,-1,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TStreamerInfoActions));
09183 G__setnewtype(-1,"Int_t (*TStreamerInfoAction_t)(TBuffer &buf, void *obj, const TConfiguration *conf);",0);
09184 G__search_typename2("TStreamerInfoVecPtrLoopAction_t",89,-1,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TStreamerInfoActions));
09185 G__setnewtype(-1,"Int_t (*TStreamerInfoVecPtrLoopAction_t)(TBuffer &buf, void *iter, const void *end, const TConfiguration *conf);",0);
09186 G__search_typename2("TStreamerInfoLoopAction_t",89,-1,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TStreamerInfoActions));
09187 G__setnewtype(-1,"Int_t (*TStreamerInfoLoopAction_t)(TBuffer &buf, void *iter, const void *end, const TLoopConfiguration *loopconf, const TConfiguration *conf);",0);
09188 G__search_typename2("vector<TConfiguredAction>",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_vectorlETStreamerInfoActionscLcLTConfiguredActioncOallocatorlETStreamerInfoActionscLcLTConfiguredActiongRsPgR),0,-1);
09189 G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0);
09190 G__search_typename2("reverse_iterator<const_iterator>",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_reverse_iteratorlEvectorlETStreamerInfoActionscLcLTConfiguredActioncOallocatorlETStreamerInfoActionscLcLTConfiguredActiongRsPgRcLcLiteratorgR),0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_vectorlETStreamerInfoActionscLcLTConfiguredActioncOallocatorlETStreamerInfoActionscLcLTConfiguredActiongRsPgR));
09191 G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0);
09192 G__search_typename2("reverse_iterator<iterator>",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_reverse_iteratorlEvectorlETStreamerInfoActionscLcLTConfiguredActioncOallocatorlETStreamerInfoActionscLcLTConfiguredActiongRsPgRcLcLiteratorgR),0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_vectorlETStreamerInfoActionscLcLTConfiguredActioncOallocatorlETStreamerInfoActionscLcLTConfiguredActiongRsPgR));
09193 G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0);
09194 G__search_typename2("vector<TStreamerInfoActions::TConfiguredAction>",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_vectorlETStreamerInfoActionscLcLTConfiguredActioncOallocatorlETStreamerInfoActionscLcLTConfiguredActiongRsPgR),0,-1);
09195 G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0);
09196 G__search_typename2("ActionContainer_t",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_vectorlETStreamerInfoActionscLcLTConfiguredActioncOallocatorlETStreamerInfoActionscLcLTConfiguredActiongRsPgR),0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TStreamerInfoActions));
09197 G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0);
09198 G__search_typename2("vector<Int_t>",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_vectorlEintcOallocatorlEintgRsPgR),0,-1);
09199 G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0);
09200 G__search_typename2("reverse_iterator<const_iterator>",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_reverse_iteratorlEvectorlEintcOallocatorlEintgRsPgRcLcLiteratorgR),0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_vectorlEintcOallocatorlEintgRsPgR));
09201 G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0);
09202 G__search_typename2("reverse_iterator<iterator>",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_reverse_iteratorlEvectorlEintcOallocatorlEintgRsPgRcLcLiteratorgR),0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_vectorlEintcOallocatorlEintgRsPgR));
09203 G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0);
09204 G__search_typename2("vector<int>",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_vectorlEintcOallocatorlEintgRsPgR),0,-1);
09205 G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0);
09206 }
09215 static void G__setup_memvarTVirtualArray(void) {
09216 G__tag_memvar_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TVirtualArray));
09217 { TVirtualArray *p; p=(TVirtualArray*)0x1000; if (p) { }
09218 G__memvar_setup((void*)((long)(&p->fClass)-(long)(p)),117,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TClassRef),-1,-1,1,"fClass=",0,(char*)NULL);
09219 G__memvar_setup((void*)((long)(&p->fSize)-(long)(p)),104,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("UInt_t"),-1,1,"fSize=",0,(char*)NULL);
09220 G__memvar_setup((void*)((long)(&p->fArray)-(long)(p)),67,0,0,-1,-1,-1,1,"fArray=",0,"[fSize] ");
09221 }
09222 G__tag_memvar_reset();
09223 }
09227 static void G__setup_memvarTStreamerInfoActions(void) {
09228 G__tag_memvar_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TStreamerInfoActions));
09229 {
09230 }
09231 G__tag_memvar_reset();
09232 }
09236 static void G__setup_memvarTStreamerInfoActionscLcLTActionSequence(void) {
09237 G__tag_memvar_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TStreamerInfoActionscLcLTActionSequence));
09238 { TStreamerInfoActions::TActionSequence *p; p=(TStreamerInfoActions::TActionSequence*)0x1000; if (p) { }
09239 G__memvar_setup((void*)((long)(&p->fStreamerInfo)-(long)(p)),85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TVirtualStreamerInfo),-1,-1,1,"fStreamerInfo=",0,"StreamerInfo used to derive these actions.");
09240 G__memvar_setup((void*)((long)(&p->fLoopConfig)-(long)(p)),85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TStreamerInfoActionscLcLTLoopConfiguration),-1,-1,1,"fLoopConfig=",0,"If this is a bundle of memberwise streaming action, this configures the looping");
09241 G__memvar_setup((void*)((long)(&p->fActions)-(long)(p)),117,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_vectorlETStreamerInfoActionscLcLTConfiguredActioncOallocatorlETStreamerInfoActionscLcLTConfiguredActiongRsPgR),G__defined_typename("ActionContainer_t"),-1,1,"fActions=",0,(char*)NULL);
09242 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TClass),-1,-2,4,"fgIsA=",0,(char*)NULL);
09243 }
09244 G__tag_memvar_reset();
09245 }
09249 static void G__setup_memvarTFile(void) {
09250 G__tag_memvar_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TFile));
09251 { TFile *p; p=(TFile*)0x1000; if (p) { }
09252 G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TFilecLcLEAsyncOpenStatus),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kAOSNotAsync=%lldLL",(long long)TFile::kAOSNotAsync).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
09253 G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TFilecLcLEAsyncOpenStatus),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kAOSFailure=%lldLL",(long long)TFile::kAOSFailure).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
09254 G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TFilecLcLEAsyncOpenStatus),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kAOSInProgress=%lldLL",(long long)TFile::kAOSInProgress).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
09255 G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TFilecLcLEAsyncOpenStatus),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kAOSSuccess=%lldLL",(long long)TFile::kAOSSuccess).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
09256 G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TFilecLcLEOpenTimeOut),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kInstantTimeout=%lldLL",(long long)TFile::kInstantTimeout).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
09257 G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TFilecLcLEOpenTimeOut),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kEternalTimeout=%lldLL",(long long)TFile::kEternalTimeout).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
09258 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,100,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Double_t"),-1,2,"fSumBuffer=",0,"Sum of buffer sizes of objects written so far");
09259 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,100,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Double_t"),-1,2,"fSum2Buffer=",0,"Sum of squares of buffer sizes of objects written so far");
09260 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,110,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Long64_t"),-1,2,"fBytesWrite=",0,"Number of bytes written to this file");
09261 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,110,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Long64_t"),-1,2,"fBytesRead=",0,"Number of bytes read from this file");
09262 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,110,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Long64_t"),-1,2,"fBytesReadExtra=",0,"Number of extra bytes (overhead) read by the readahead buffer");
09263 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,110,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Long64_t"),-1,2,"fBEGIN=",0,"First used byte in file");
09264 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,110,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Long64_t"),-1,2,"fEND=",0,"Last used byte in file");
09265 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,110,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Long64_t"),-1,2,"fSeekFree=",0,"Location on disk of free segments structure");
09266 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,110,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Long64_t"),-1,2,"fSeekInfo=",0,"Location on disk of StreamerInfo record");
09267 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,105,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Int_t"),-1,2,"fD=",0,"File descriptor");
09268 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,105,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Int_t"),-1,2,"fVersion=",0,"File format version");
09269 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,105,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Int_t"),-1,2,"fCompress=",0,"Compression level from 0(not compressed) to 9 (max compression)");
09270 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,105,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Int_t"),-1,2,"fNbytesFree=",0,"Number of bytes for free segments structure");
09271 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,105,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Int_t"),-1,2,"fNbytesInfo=",0,"Number of bytes for StreamerInfo record");
09272 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,105,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Int_t"),-1,2,"fWritten=",0,"Number of objects written so far");
09273 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,105,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Int_t"),-1,2,"fNProcessIDs=",0,"Number of TProcessID written to this file");
09274 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,105,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Int_t"),-1,2,"fReadCalls=",0,"Number of read calls ( not counting the cache calls )");
09275 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,117,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TString),-1,-1,2,"fRealName=",0,"Effective real file name (not original url)");
09276 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,117,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TString),-1,-1,2,"fOption=",0,"File options");
09277 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,99,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Char_t"),-1,2,"fUnits=",0,"Number of bytes for file pointers");
09278 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TList),-1,-1,2,"fFree=",0,"Free segments linked list table");
09279 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TArrayC),-1,-1,2,"fClassIndex=",0,"!Index of TStreamerInfo classes written to this file");
09280 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TObjArray),-1,-1,2,"fProcessIDs=",0,"!Array of pointers to TProcessIDs");
09281 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,110,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Long64_t"),-1,2,"fOffset=",0,"!Seek offset cache");
09282 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TArchiveFile),-1,-1,2,"fArchive=",0,"!Archive file from which we read this file");
09283 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TFileCacheRead),-1,-1,2,"fCacheRead=",0,"!Pointer to the read cache (if any)");
09284 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TFileCacheWrite),-1,-1,2,"fCacheWrite=",0,"!Pointer to the write cache (if any)");
09285 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,110,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Long64_t"),-1,2,"fArchiveOffset=",0,"!Offset at which file starts in archive");
09286 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,103,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Bool_t"),-1,2,"fIsArchive=",0,"!True if this is a pure archive file");
09287 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,103,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Bool_t"),-1,2,"fNoAnchorInName=",0,"!True if we don't want to force the anchor to be appended to the file name");
09288 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,103,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Bool_t"),-1,2,"fIsRootFile=",0,"!True is this is a ROOT file, raw file otherwise");
09289 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,103,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Bool_t"),-1,2,"fInitDone=",0,"!True if the file has been initialized");
09290 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,103,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Bool_t"),-1,2,"fMustFlush=",0,"!True if the file buffers must be flushed");
09291 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TFileOpenHandle),-1,-1,2,"fAsyncHandle=",0,"!For proper automatic cleanup");
09292 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,105,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TFilecLcLEAsyncOpenStatus),-1,-1,2,"fAsyncOpenStatus=",0,"!Status of an asynchronous open request");
09293 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,117,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TUrl),-1,-1,2,"fUrl=",0,"!URL of file");
09294 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TList),-1,-1,2,"fInfoCache=",0,"!Cached list of the streamer infos in this file");
09295 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TList),-1,-1,2,"fOpenPhases=",0,"!Time info about open phases");
09296 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TList),-1,-2,2,"fgAsyncOpenRequests=",0,"List of handles for pending open requests");
09297 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,117,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TString),-1,-2,2,"fgCacheFileDir=",0,"Directory where to locally stage files");
09298 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,103,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Bool_t"),-2,2,"fgCacheFileDisconnected=",0,"Indicates, we trust in the files in the cache dir without stat on the cached file");
09299 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,103,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Bool_t"),-2,2,"fgCacheFileForce=",0,"Indicates, to force all READ to CACHEREAD");
09300 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,104,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("UInt_t"),-2,2,"fgOpenTimeout=",0,"Timeout for open operations in ms - 0 corresponds to blocking i/o");
09301 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,103,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Bool_t"),-2,2,"fgOnlyStaged=",0,"Before the file is opened, it is checked, that the file is staged, if not, the open fails");
09302 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,110,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Long64_t"),-2,2,"fgBytesWrite=",0,"Number of bytes written by all TFile objects");
09303 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,110,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Long64_t"),-2,2,"fgBytesRead=",0,"Number of bytes read by all TFile objects");
09304 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,110,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Long64_t"),-2,2,"fgFileCounter=",0,"Counter for all opened files");
09305 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,105,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Int_t"),-2,2,"fgReadCalls=",0,"Number of bytes read from all TFile objects");
09306 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,105,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Int_t"),-2,2,"fgReadaheadSize=",0,"Readahead buffer size");
09307 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,103,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Bool_t"),-2,2,"fgReadInfo=",0,"if true (default) ReadStreamerInfo is called when opening a file");
09308 G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TFilecLcLEStatusBits),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kRecovered=%lldLL",(long long)TFile::kRecovered).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
09309 G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TFilecLcLEStatusBits),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kHasReferences=%lldLL",(long long)TFile::kHasReferences).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
09310 G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TFilecLcLEStatusBits),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kDevNull=%lldLL",(long long)TFile::kDevNull).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
09311 G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TFilecLcLEStatusBits),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kWriteError=%lldLL",(long long)TFile::kWriteError).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
09312 G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TFilecLcLEStatusBits),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kBinaryFile=%lldLL",(long long)TFile::kBinaryFile).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
09313 G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TFilecLcLEStatusBits),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kRedirected=%lldLL",(long long)TFile::kRedirected).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
09314 G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TFilecLcLERelativeTo),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kBeg=%lldLL",(long long)TFile::kBeg).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
09315 G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TFilecLcLERelativeTo),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kCur=%lldLL",(long long)TFile::kCur).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
09316 G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TFilecLcLERelativeTo),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kEnd=%lldLL",(long long)TFile::kEnd).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
09317 G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TFilecLcLdA),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kStartBigFile=%lldLL",(long long)TFile::kStartBigFile).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
09318 G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TFilecLcLEFileType),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kDefault=%lldLL",(long long)TFile::kDefault).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
09319 G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TFilecLcLEFileType),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kLocal=%lldLL",(long long)TFile::kLocal).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
09320 G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TFilecLcLEFileType),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kNet=%lldLL",(long long)TFile::kNet).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
09321 G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TFilecLcLEFileType),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kWeb=%lldLL",(long long)TFile::kWeb).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
09322 G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TFilecLcLEFileType),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kFile=%lldLL",(long long)TFile::kFile).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
09323 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TClass),-1,-2,4,"fgIsA=",0,(char*)NULL);
09324 }
09325 G__tag_memvar_reset();
09326 }
09330 static void G__setup_memvarTArchiveMember(void) {
09331 G__tag_memvar_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TArchiveMember));
09332 { TArchiveMember *p; p=(TArchiveMember*)0x1000; if (p) { }
09333 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,117,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TString),-1,-1,2,"fName=",0,"Name of member");
09334 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,117,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TString),-1,-1,2,"fComment=",0,"Comment field");
09335 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,117,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TDatime),-1,-1,2,"fModTime=",0,"Modification time");
09336 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,110,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Long64_t"),-1,2,"fPosition=",0,"Byte position in archive");
09337 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,110,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Long64_t"),-1,2,"fFilePosition=",0,"Byte position in archive where member data starts");
09338 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,110,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Long64_t"),-1,2,"fCsize=",0,"Compressed size");
09339 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,110,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Long64_t"),-1,2,"fDsize=",0,"Decompressed size");
09340 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,103,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Bool_t"),-1,2,"fDirectory=",0,"Flag indicating this is a directory");
09341 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TClass),-1,-2,4,"fgIsA=",0,(char*)NULL);
09342 }
09343 G__tag_memvar_reset();
09344 }
09348 static void G__setup_memvarTArchiveFile(void) {
09349 G__tag_memvar_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TArchiveFile));
09350 { TArchiveFile *p; p=(TArchiveFile*)0x1000; if (p) { }
09351 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,117,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TString),-1,-1,2,"fArchiveName=",0,"Archive file name");
09352 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,117,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TString),-1,-1,2,"fMemberName=",0,"Sub-file name");
09353 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,105,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Int_t"),-1,2,"fMemberIndex=",0,"Index of sub-file in archive");
09354 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TFile),-1,-1,2,"fFile=",0,"File stream used to access the archive");
09355 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TObjArray),-1,-1,2,"fMembers=",0,"Members in this archive");
09356 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TArchiveMember),-1,-1,2,"fCurMember=",0,"Current archive member");
09357 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TClass),-1,-2,4,"fgIsA=",0,(char*)NULL);
09358 }
09359 G__tag_memvar_reset();
09360 }
09364 static void G__setup_memvarTStreamerInfo(void) {
09365 G__tag_memvar_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TStreamerInfo));
09366 { TStreamerInfo *p; p=(TStreamerInfo*)0x1000; if (p) { }
09367 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,104,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("UInt_t"),-1,4,"fCheckSum=",0,"checksum of original class");
09368 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,105,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Int_t"),-1,4,"fClassVersion=",0,"Class version identifier");
09369 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,105,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Int_t"),-1,4,"fOnFileClassVersion=",0,"!Class version identifier as stored on file.");
09370 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,105,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Int_t"),-1,4,"fNumber=",0,"!Unique identifier");
09371 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,105,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Int_t"),-1,4,"fNdata=",0,"!number of optmized types");
09372 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,105,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Int_t"),-1,4,"fSize=",0,"!size of the persistent class");
09373 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,73,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Int_t"),-1,4,"fType=",0,"![fNdata]");
09374 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,73,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Int_t"),-1,4,"fNewType=",0,"![fNdata]");
09375 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,73,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Int_t"),-1,4,"fOffset=",0,"![fNdata]");
09376 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,73,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Int_t"),-1,4,"fLength=",0,"![fNdata]");
09377 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,75,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("ULong_t"),-1,4,"fElem=",0,"![fNdata]");
09378 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,75,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("ULong_t"),-1,4,"fMethod=",0,"![fNdata]");
09379 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TStreamerInfocLcLTCompInfo),-1,-1,4,"fComp=",0,"![fNdata] additional info");
09380 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TClass),-1,-1,4,"fClass=",0,"!pointer to class");
09381 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TObjArray),-1,-1,4,"fElements=",0,"Array of TStreamerElements");
09382 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,115,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Version_t"),-1,4,"fOldVersion=",0,"! Version of the TStreamerInfo object read from the file");
09383 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,105,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Int_t"),-1,4,"fNVirtualInfoLoc=",0,"! Number of virtual info location to update.");
09384 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,75,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("ULong_t"),-1,4,"fVirtualInfoLoc=",0,"![fNVirtualInfoLoc] Location of the pointer to the TStreamerInfo inside the object (when emulated)");
09385 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,107,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("ULong_t"),-1,4,"fLiveCount=",0,"! Number of outstanding pointer to this StreamerInfo.");
09386 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TStreamerInfoActionscLcLTActionSequence),-1,-1,4,"fReadObjectWise=",0,"! List of action resulting from the compilation.");
09387 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TStreamerInfoActionscLcLTActionSequence),-1,-1,4,"fReadMemberWise=",0,"! List of action resulting from the compilation for use in member wise streaming.");
09388 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,105,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Int_t"),-2,4,"fgCount=",0,"Number of TStreamerInfo instances");
09389 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TStreamerElement),-1,-2,4,"fgElement=",0,"Pointer to current TStreamerElement");
09390 G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TStreamerInfocLcLdA),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kCannotOptimize=%lldLL",(long long)TStreamerInfo::kCannotOptimize).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
09391 G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TStreamerInfocLcLdA),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kIgnoreTObjectStreamer=%lldLL",(long long)TStreamerInfo::kIgnoreTObjectStreamer).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
09392 G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TStreamerInfocLcLdA),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kRecovered=%lldLL",(long long)TStreamerInfo::kRecovered).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
09393 G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TStreamerInfocLcLdA),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kNeedCheck=%lldLL",(long long)TStreamerInfo::kNeedCheck).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
09394 G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TStreamerInfocLcLdA),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kIsCompiled=%lldLL",(long long)TStreamerInfo::kIsCompiled).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
09395 G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TStreamerInfocLcLEReadWrite),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kBase=%lldLL",(long long)TStreamerInfo::kBase).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
09396 G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TStreamerInfocLcLEReadWrite),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kOffsetL=%lldLL",(long long)TStreamerInfo::kOffsetL).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
09397 G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TStreamerInfocLcLEReadWrite),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kOffsetP=%lldLL",(long long)TStreamerInfo::kOffsetP).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
09398 G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TStreamerInfocLcLEReadWrite),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kCounter=%lldLL",(long long)TStreamerInfo::kCounter).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
09399 G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TStreamerInfocLcLEReadWrite),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kCharStar=%lldLL",(long long)TStreamerInfo::kCharStar).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
09400 G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TStreamerInfocLcLEReadWrite),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kChar=%lldLL",(long long)TStreamerInfo::kChar).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
09401 G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TStreamerInfocLcLEReadWrite),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kShort=%lldLL",(long long)TStreamerInfo::kShort).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
09402 G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TStreamerInfocLcLEReadWrite),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kInt=%lldLL",(long long)TStreamerInfo::kInt).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
09403 G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TStreamerInfocLcLEReadWrite),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kLong=%lldLL",(long long)TStreamerInfo::kLong).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
09404 G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TStreamerInfocLcLEReadWrite),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kFloat=%lldLL",(long long)TStreamerInfo::kFloat).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
09405 G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TStreamerInfocLcLEReadWrite),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kDouble=%lldLL",(long long)TStreamerInfo::kDouble).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
09406 G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TStreamerInfocLcLEReadWrite),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kDouble32=%lldLL",(long long)TStreamerInfo::kDouble32).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
09407 G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TStreamerInfocLcLEReadWrite),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kUChar=%lldLL",(long long)TStreamerInfo::kUChar).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
09408 G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TStreamerInfocLcLEReadWrite),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kUShort=%lldLL",(long long)TStreamerInfo::kUShort).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
09409 G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TStreamerInfocLcLEReadWrite),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kUInt=%lldLL",(long long)TStreamerInfo::kUInt).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
09410 G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TStreamerInfocLcLEReadWrite),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kULong=%lldLL",(long long)TStreamerInfo::kULong).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
09411 G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TStreamerInfocLcLEReadWrite),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kBits=%lldLL",(long long)TStreamerInfo::kBits).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
09412 G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TStreamerInfocLcLEReadWrite),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kLong64=%lldLL",(long long)TStreamerInfo::kLong64).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
09413 G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TStreamerInfocLcLEReadWrite),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kULong64=%lldLL",(long long)TStreamerInfo::kULong64).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
09414 G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TStreamerInfocLcLEReadWrite),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kBool=%lldLL",(long long)TStreamerInfo::kBool).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
09415 G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TStreamerInfocLcLEReadWrite),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kFloat16=%lldLL",(long long)TStreamerInfo::kFloat16).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
09416 G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TStreamerInfocLcLEReadWrite),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kObject=%lldLL",(long long)TStreamerInfo::kObject).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
09417 G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TStreamerInfocLcLEReadWrite),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kAny=%lldLL",(long long)TStreamerInfo::kAny).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
09418 G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TStreamerInfocLcLEReadWrite),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kObjectp=%lldLL",(long long)TStreamerInfo::kObjectp).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
09419 G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TStreamerInfocLcLEReadWrite),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kObjectP=%lldLL",(long long)TStreamerInfo::kObjectP).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
09420 G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TStreamerInfocLcLEReadWrite),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kTString=%lldLL",(long long)TStreamerInfo::kTString).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
09421 G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TStreamerInfocLcLEReadWrite),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kTObject=%lldLL",(long long)TStreamerInfo::kTObject).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
09422 G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TStreamerInfocLcLEReadWrite),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kTNamed=%lldLL",(long long)TStreamerInfo::kTNamed).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
09423 G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TStreamerInfocLcLEReadWrite),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kAnyp=%lldLL",(long long)TStreamerInfo::kAnyp).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
09424 G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TStreamerInfocLcLEReadWrite),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kAnyP=%lldLL",(long long)TStreamerInfo::kAnyP).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
09425 G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TStreamerInfocLcLEReadWrite),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kAnyPnoVT=%lldLL",(long long)TStreamerInfo::kAnyPnoVT).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
09426 G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TStreamerInfocLcLEReadWrite),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kSTLp=%lldLL",(long long)TStreamerInfo::kSTLp).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
09427 G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TStreamerInfocLcLEReadWrite),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kSkip=%lldLL",(long long)TStreamerInfo::kSkip).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
09428 G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TStreamerInfocLcLEReadWrite),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kSkipL=%lldLL",(long long)TStreamerInfo::kSkipL).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
09429 G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TStreamerInfocLcLEReadWrite),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kSkipP=%lldLL",(long long)TStreamerInfo::kSkipP).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
09430 G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TStreamerInfocLcLEReadWrite),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kConv=%lldLL",(long long)TStreamerInfo::kConv).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
09431 G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TStreamerInfocLcLEReadWrite),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kConvL=%lldLL",(long long)TStreamerInfo::kConvL).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
09432 G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TStreamerInfocLcLEReadWrite),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kConvP=%lldLL",(long long)TStreamerInfo::kConvP).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
09433 G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TStreamerInfocLcLEReadWrite),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kSTL=%lldLL",(long long)TStreamerInfo::kSTL).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
09434 G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TStreamerInfocLcLEReadWrite),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kSTLstring=%lldLL",(long long)TStreamerInfo::kSTLstring).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
09435 G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TStreamerInfocLcLEReadWrite),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kStreamer=%lldLL",(long long)TStreamerInfo::kStreamer).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
09436 G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TStreamerInfocLcLEReadWrite),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kStreamLoop=%lldLL",(long long)TStreamerInfo::kStreamLoop).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
09437 G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TStreamerInfocLcLEReadWrite),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kCache=%lldLL",(long long)TStreamerInfo::kCache).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
09438 G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TStreamerInfocLcLEReadWrite),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kArtificial=%lldLL",(long long)TStreamerInfo::kArtificial).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
09439 G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TStreamerInfocLcLEReadWrite),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kCacheNew=%lldLL",(long long)TStreamerInfo::kCacheNew).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
09440 G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TStreamerInfocLcLEReadWrite),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kCacheDelete=%lldLL",(long long)TStreamerInfo::kCacheDelete).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
09441 G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TStreamerInfocLcLEReadWrite),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kMissing=%lldLL",(long long)TStreamerInfo::kMissing).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
09442 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TClass),-1,-2,4,"fgIsA=",0,(char*)NULL);
09443 }
09444 G__tag_memvar_reset();
09445 }
09449 static void G__setup_memvarTBufferFile(void) {
09450 G__tag_memvar_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TBufferFile));
09451 { TBufferFile *p; p=(TBufferFile*)0x1000; if (p) { }
09452 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,105,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Int_t"),-1,2,"fMapCount=",0,"Number of objects or classes in map");
09453 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,105,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Int_t"),-1,2,"fMapSize=",0,"Default size of map");
09454 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,105,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Int_t"),-1,2,"fDisplacement=",0,"Value to be added to the map offsets");
09455 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,114,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("UShort_t"),-1,2,"fPidOffset=",0,"Offset to be added to the pid index in this key/buffer.");
09456 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TExMap),-1,-1,2,"fMap=",0,"Map containing object,offset pairs for reading/writing");
09457 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TExMap),-1,-1,2,"fClassMap=",0,"Map containing object,class pairs for reading");
09458 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TStreamerInfo),-1,-1,2,"fInfo=",0,"Pointer to TStreamerInfo object writing/reading the buffer");
09459 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,117,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_vectorlETStreamerInfomUcOallocatorlETStreamerInfomUgRsPgR),G__defined_typename("InfoList_t"),-1,2,"fInfoStack=",0,"Stack of pointers to the TStreamerInfos");
09460 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,105,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Int_t"),-2,2,"fgMapSize=",0,"Default map size for all TBuffer objects");
09461 G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TBufferFilecLcLdA),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kMapSize=%lldLL",(long long)TBufferFile::kMapSize).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
09462 G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TBufferFilecLcLdA),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kStreamedMemberWise=%lldLL",(long long)TBufferFile::kStreamedMemberWise).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
09463 G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TBufferFilecLcLdA),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kNotDecompressed=%lldLL",(long long)TBufferFile::kNotDecompressed).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
09464 G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TBufferFilecLcLdA),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kTextBasedStreaming=%lldLL",(long long)TBufferFile::kTextBasedStreaming).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
09465 G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TBufferFilecLcLdA),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kUser1=%lldLL",(long long)TBufferFile::kUser1).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
09466 G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TBufferFilecLcLdA),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kUser2=%lldLL",(long long)TBufferFile::kUser2).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
09467 G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TBufferFilecLcLdA),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kUser3=%lldLL",(long long)TBufferFile::kUser3).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
09468 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TClass),-1,-2,4,"fgIsA=",0,(char*)NULL);
09469 }
09470 G__tag_memvar_reset();
09471 }
09475 static void G__setup_memvarTCollectionProxyFactory(void) {
09476 G__tag_memvar_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TCollectionProxyFactory));
09477 { TCollectionProxyFactory *p; p=(TCollectionProxyFactory*)0x1000; if (p) { }
09478 }
09479 G__tag_memvar_reset();
09480 }
09484 static void G__setup_memvarTGenCollectionProxy(void) {
09485 G__tag_memvar_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TGenCollectionProxy));
09486 { TGenCollectionProxy *p; p=(TGenCollectionProxy*)0x1000; if (p) { }
09487 G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TGenCollectionProxycLcLdA),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kBIT_ISSTRING=%lldLL",(long long)TGenCollectionProxy::kBIT_ISSTRING).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
09488 G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TGenCollectionProxycLcLdA),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kBIT_ISTSTRING=%lldLL",(long long)TGenCollectionProxy::kBIT_ISTSTRING).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
09489 G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TGenCollectionProxycLcLdA),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kBOOL_t=%lldLL",(long long)TGenCollectionProxy::kBOOL_t).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
09490 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TObjArray),-1,-1,2,"fReadMemberWise=",0,"Array of bundle of TStreamerInfoActions to stream out (read)");
09491 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_maplEstringcOTObjArraymUcOlesslEstringgRcOallocatorlEpairlEconstsPstringcOTObjArraymUgRsPgRsPgR),G__defined_typename("map<std::string,TObjArray*>"),-1,2,"fConversionReadMemberWise=",0,"Array of bundle of TStreamerInfoActions to stream out (read) derived from another class.");
09492 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,117,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_string),-1,-1,2,"fName=",0,"Name of the class being proxied.");
09493 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,103,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Bool_t"),-1,2,"fPointers=",0,"Flag to indicate if containee has pointers (key or value)");
09494 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,117,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TGenCollectionProxycLcLMethod),-1,-1,2,"fClear=",0,"Method cache for container accessors: clear container");
09495 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,117,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TGenCollectionProxycLcLMethod),-1,-1,2,"fSize=",0,"Container accessors: size of container");
09496 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,89,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Sizing_t"),-1,2,"fResize=",0,"Container accessors: resize container");
09497 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,117,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TGenCollectionProxycLcLMethod),-1,-1,2,"fFirst=",0,"Container accessors: generic iteration: first");
09498 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,117,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TGenCollectionProxycLcLMethod),-1,-1,2,"fNext=",0,"Container accessors: generic iteration: next");
09499 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,89,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("ArrIterfunc_t"),-1,2,"fConstruct=",0,"Container accessors: block construct");
09500 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,89,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Sizing_t"),-1,2,"fDestruct=",0,"Container accessors: block destruct");
09501 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,89,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Feedfunc_t"),-1,2,"fFeed=",0,"Container accessors: block feed");
09502 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,117,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TGenCollectionProxycLcLMethod),-1,-1,2,"fCollect=",0,"Method to collect objects from container");
09503 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,117,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TGenCollectionProxycLcLMethod0),-1,-1,2,"fCreateEnv=",0,"Method to allocate an Environment holder.");
09504 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TGenCollectionProxycLcLValue),-1,-1,2,"fValue=",0,"Descriptor of the container value type");
09505 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TGenCollectionProxycLcLValue),-1,-1,2,"fVal=",0,"Descriptor of the Value_type");
09506 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TGenCollectionProxycLcLValue),-1,-1,2,"fKey=",0,"Descriptor of the key_type");
09507 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_ROOTcLcLTCollectionProxyInfocLcLEnvironBase),G__defined_typename("EnvironBase_t"),-1,2,"fEnv=",0,"Address of the currently proxied object");
09508 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,105,0,0,-1,-1,-1,2,"fValOffset=",0,"Offset from key to value (in maps)");
09509 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,105,0,0,-1,-1,-1,2,"fValDiff=",0,"Offset between two consecutive value_types (memory layout).");
09510 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,117,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_vectorlEROOTcLcLTCollectionProxyInfocLcLEnvironBasemUcOallocatorlEROOTcLcLTCollectionProxyInfocLcLEnvironBasemUgRsPgR),G__defined_typename("Proxies_t"),-1,2,"fProxyList=",0,"Stack of recursive proxies");
09511 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,117,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_vectorlEROOTcLcLTCollectionProxyInfocLcLEnvironBasemUcOallocatorlEROOTcLcLTCollectionProxyInfocLcLEnvironBasemUgRsPgR),G__defined_typename("Proxies_t"),-1,2,"fProxyKept=",0,"Optimization: Keep proxies once they were created");
09512 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,117,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_vectorlETGenCollectionProxycLcLTStagingmUcOallocatorlETGenCollectionProxycLcLTStagingmUgRsPgR),G__defined_typename("Staged_t"),-1,2,"fStaged=",0,"Optimization: Keep staged array once they were created");
09513 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,105,0,0,-1,-1,-1,2,"fSTL_type=",0,"STL container type");
09514 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,117,1,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_type_info),G__defined_typename("Info_t"),-1,2,"fTypeinfo=",0,"Type information");
09515 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TClass),-1,-1,2,"fOnFileClass=",0,"On file class");
09516 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,89,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("CreateIterators_t"),-1,2,"fFunctionCreateIterators=",0,(char*)NULL);
09517 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,89,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("DeleteTwoIterators_t"),-1,2,"fFunctionDeleteTwoIterators=",0,(char*)NULL);
09518 }
09519 G__tag_memvar_reset();
09520 }
09524 static void G__setup_memvarTGenCollectionProxycLcLValue(void) {
09525 G__tag_memvar_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TGenCollectionProxycLcLValue));
09526 { TGenCollectionProxy::Value *p; p=(TGenCollectionProxy::Value*)0x1000; if (p) { }
09527 G__memvar_setup((void*)((long)(&p->fCtor)-(long)(p)),89,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("NewFunc_t"),-1,1,"fCtor=",0,"Method cache for containee constructor");
09528 G__memvar_setup((void*)((long)(&p->fDtor)-(long)(p)),89,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("DesFunc_t"),-1,1,"fDtor=",0,"Method cache for containee destructor");
09529 G__memvar_setup((void*)((long)(&p->fDelete)-(long)(p)),89,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("DelFunc_t"),-1,1,"fDelete=",0,"Method cache for containee delete");
09530 G__memvar_setup((void*)((long)(&p->fCase)-(long)(p)),104,0,0,-1,-1,-1,1,"fCase=",0,"type of data of Value_type");
09531 G__memvar_setup((void*)((long)(&p->fType)-(long)(p)),117,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TClassRef),-1,-1,1,"fType=",0,"TClass reference of Value_type in collection");
09532 G__memvar_setup((void*)((long)(&p->fKind)-(long)(p)),105,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_EDataType),-1,-1,1,"fKind=",0,"kind of ROOT-fundamental type");
09533 G__memvar_setup((void*)((long)(&p->fSize)-(long)(p)),104,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("size_t"),-1,1,"fSize=",0,"fSize of the contained object");
09534 }
09535 G__tag_memvar_reset();
09536 }
09540 static void G__setup_memvarTGenCollectionProxycLcLMethod(void) {
09541 G__tag_memvar_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TGenCollectionProxycLcLMethod));
09542 { TGenCollectionProxy::Method *p; p=(TGenCollectionProxy::Method*)0x1000; if (p) { }
09543 G__memvar_setup((void*)((long)(&p->call)-(long)(p)),89,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Call_t"),-1,1,"call=",0,(char*)NULL);
09544 }
09545 G__tag_memvar_reset();
09546 }
09550 static void G__setup_memvarTEmulatedCollectionProxy(void) {
09551 G__tag_memvar_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TEmulatedCollectionProxy));
09552 { TEmulatedCollectionProxy *p; p=(TEmulatedCollectionProxy*)0x1000; if (p) { }
09553 }
09554 G__tag_memvar_reset();
09555 }
09559 static void G__setup_memvarTCollectionStreamer(void) {
09560 G__tag_memvar_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TCollectionStreamer));
09561 { TCollectionStreamer *p; p=(TCollectionStreamer*)0x1000; if (p) { }
09562 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TGenCollectionProxy),-1,-1,2,"fStreamer=",0,"/ Pointer to worker streamer");
09563 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,108,0,0,-1,-1,-1,4,"G__virtualinfo=",0,(char*)NULL);
09564 }
09565 G__tag_memvar_reset();
09566 }
09570 static void G__setup_memvarTCollectionClassStreamer(void) {
09571 G__tag_memvar_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TCollectionClassStreamer));
09572 { TCollectionClassStreamer *p; p=(TCollectionClassStreamer*)0x1000; if (p) { }
09573 }
09574 G__tag_memvar_reset();
09575 }
09579 static void G__setup_memvarTCollectionMemberStreamer(void) {
09580 G__tag_memvar_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TCollectionMemberStreamer));
09581 { TCollectionMemberStreamer *p; p=(TCollectionMemberStreamer*)0x1000; if (p) { }
09582 }
09583 G__tag_memvar_reset();
09584 }
09588 static void G__setup_memvarTKey(void) {
09589 G__tag_memvar_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TKey));
09590 { TKey *p; p=(TKey*)0x1000; if (p) { }
09591 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,105,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Int_t"),-1,2,"fVersion=",0,"Key version identifier");
09592 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,105,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Int_t"),-1,2,"fNbytes=",0,"Number of bytes for the object on file");
09593 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,105,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Int_t"),-1,2,"fObjlen=",0,"Length of uncompressed object in bytes");
09594 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,117,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TDatime),-1,-1,2,"fDatime=",0,"Date/Time of insertion in file");
09595 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,115,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Short_t"),-1,2,"fKeylen=",0,"Number of bytes for the key itself");
09596 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,115,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Short_t"),-1,2,"fCycle=",0,"Cycle number");
09597 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,110,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Long64_t"),-1,2,"fSeekKey=",0,"Location of object on file");
09598 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,110,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Long64_t"),-1,2,"fSeekPdir=",0,"Location of parent directory on file");
09599 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,117,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TString),-1,-1,2,"fClassName=",0,"Object Class name");
09600 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,105,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Int_t"),-1,2,"fLeft=",0,"Number of bytes left in current segment");
09601 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,67,0,0,-1,-1,-1,2,"fBuffer=",0,"Object buffer");
09602 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TBuffer),-1,-1,2,"fBufferRef=",0,"Pointer to the TBuffer object");
09603 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,114,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("UShort_t"),-1,2,"fPidOffset=",0,"! Offset to be added to the pid index in this key/buffer. This is actually saved in the high bits of fSeekPdir");
09604 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TDirectory),-1,-1,2,"fMotherDir=",0,"! pointer to mother directory");
09605 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TClass),-1,-2,4,"fgIsA=",0,(char*)NULL);
09606 }
09607 G__tag_memvar_reset();
09608 }
09612 static void G__setup_memvarTDirectoryFile(void) {
09613 G__tag_memvar_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TDirectoryFile));
09614 { TDirectoryFile *p; p=(TDirectoryFile*)0x1000; if (p) { }
09615 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,103,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Bool_t"),-1,2,"fModified=",0,"true if directory has been modified");
09616 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,103,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Bool_t"),-1,2,"fWritable=",0,"true if directory is writable");
09617 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,117,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TDatime),-1,-1,2,"fDatimeC=",0,"Date and time when directory is created");
09618 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,117,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TDatime),-1,-1,2,"fDatimeM=",0,"Date and time of last modification");
09619 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,105,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Int_t"),-1,2,"fNbytesKeys=",0,"Number of bytes for the keys");
09620 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,105,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Int_t"),-1,2,"fNbytesName=",0,"Number of bytes in TNamed at creation time");
09621 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,105,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Int_t"),-1,2,"fBufferSize=",0,"Default buffer size to create new TKeys");
09622 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,110,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Long64_t"),-1,2,"fSeekDir=",0,"Location of directory on file");
09623 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,110,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Long64_t"),-1,2,"fSeekParent=",0,"Location of parent directory on file");
09624 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,110,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Long64_t"),-1,2,"fSeekKeys=",0,"Location of Keys record on file");
09625 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TFile),-1,-1,2,"fFile=",0,"pointer to current file in memory");
09626 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TList),-1,-1,2,"fKeys=",0,"Pointer to keys list in memory");
09627 G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TDirectoryFilecLcLdA),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kCloseDirectory=%lldLL",(long long)TDirectoryFile::kCloseDirectory).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
09628 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TClass),-1,-2,4,"fgIsA=",0,(char*)NULL);
09629 }
09630 G__tag_memvar_reset();
09631 }
09635 static void G__setup_memvarTEmulatedMapProxy(void) {
09636 G__tag_memvar_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TEmulatedMapProxy));
09637 { TEmulatedMapProxy *p; p=(TEmulatedMapProxy*)0x1000; if (p) { }
09638 }
09639 G__tag_memvar_reset();
09640 }
09644 static void G__setup_memvarTFileCacheRead(void) {
09645 G__tag_memvar_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TFileCacheRead));
09646 { TFileCacheRead *p; p=(TFileCacheRead*)0x1000; if (p) { }
09647 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,105,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Int_t"),-1,2,"fBufferSizeMin=",0,"Original size of fBuffer");
09648 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,105,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Int_t"),-1,2,"fBufferSize=",0,"Allocated size of fBuffer (at a given time)");
09649 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,105,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Int_t"),-1,2,"fBufferLen=",0,"Current buffer length (<= fBufferSize)");
09650 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,103,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Bool_t"),-1,2,"fAsyncReading=",0,(char*)NULL);
09651 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,105,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Int_t"),-1,2,"fNseek=",0,"Number of blocks to be prefetched");
09652 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,105,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Int_t"),-1,2,"fNtot=",0,"Total size of prefetched blocks");
09653 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,105,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Int_t"),-1,2,"fNb=",0,"Number of long buffers");
09654 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,105,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Int_t"),-1,2,"fSeekSize=",0,"Allocated size of fSeek");
09655 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,78,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Long64_t"),-1,2,"fSeek=",0,"[fNseek] Position on file of buffers to be prefetched");
09656 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,78,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Long64_t"),-1,2,"fSeekSort=",0,"[fNseek] Position on file of buffers to be prefetched (sorted)");
09657 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,73,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Int_t"),-1,2,"fSeekIndex=",0,"[fNseek] sorted index table of fSeek");
09658 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,78,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Long64_t"),-1,2,"fPos=",0,"[fNb] start of long buffers");
09659 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,73,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Int_t"),-1,2,"fSeekLen=",0,"[fNseek] Length of buffers to be prefetched");
09660 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,73,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Int_t"),-1,2,"fSeekSortLen=",0,"[fNseek] Length of buffers to be prefetched (sorted)");
09661 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,73,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Int_t"),-1,2,"fSeekPos=",0,"[fNseek] Position of sorted blocks in fBuffer");
09662 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,73,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Int_t"),-1,2,"fLen=",0,"[fNb] Length of long buffers");
09663 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TFile),-1,-1,2,"fFile=",0,"Pointer to file");
09664 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,67,0,0,-1,-1,-1,2,"fBuffer=",0,"[fBufferSize] buffer of contiguous prefetched blocks");
09665 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,103,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Bool_t"),-1,2,"fIsSorted=",0,"True if fSeek array is sorted");
09666 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,103,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Bool_t"),-1,2,"fIsTransferred=",0,"True when fBuffer contains something valid");
09667 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TClass),-1,-2,4,"fgIsA=",0,(char*)NULL);
09668 }
09669 G__tag_memvar_reset();
09670 }
09674 static void G__setup_memvarTFileCacheWrite(void) {
09675 G__tag_memvar_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TFileCacheWrite));
09676 { TFileCacheWrite *p; p=(TFileCacheWrite*)0x1000; if (p) { }
09677 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,110,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Long64_t"),-1,2,"fSeekStart=",0,"Seek value of first block in cache");
09678 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,105,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Int_t"),-1,2,"fBufferSize=",0,"Allocated size of fBuffer");
09679 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,105,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Int_t"),-1,2,"fNtot=",0,"Total size of cached blocks");
09680 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TFile),-1,-1,2,"fFile=",0,"Pointer to file");
09681 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,67,0,0,-1,-1,-1,2,"fBuffer=",0,"[fBufferSize] buffer of contiguous prefetched blocks");
09682 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,103,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Bool_t"),-1,2,"fRecursive=",0,"flag to avoid recursive calls");
09683 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TClass),-1,-2,4,"fgIsA=",0,(char*)NULL);
09684 }
09685 G__tag_memvar_reset();
09686 }
09690 static void G__setup_memvarTFree(void) {
09691 G__tag_memvar_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TFree));
09692 { TFree *p; p=(TFree*)0x1000; if (p) { }
09693 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,110,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Long64_t"),-1,2,"fFirst=",0,"First free word of segment");
09694 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,110,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Long64_t"),-1,2,"fLast=",0,"Last free word of segment");
09695 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TClass),-1,-2,4,"fgIsA=",0,(char*)NULL);
09696 }
09697 G__tag_memvar_reset();
09698 }
09702 static void G__setup_memvarTMapFile(void) {
09703 G__tag_memvar_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TMapFile));
09704 { TMapFile *p; p=(TMapFile*)0x1000; if (p) { }
09705 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,105,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Int_t"),-1,4,"fFd=",0,"Descriptor of mapped file");
09706 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,105,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Int_t"),-1,4,"fVersion=",0,"ROOT version (or -1 for shadow map file)");
09707 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,67,0,0,-1,-1,-1,4,"fName=",0,"Name of mapped file");
09708 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,67,0,0,-1,-1,-1,4,"fTitle=",0,"Title of mapped file");
09709 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,67,0,0,-1,-1,-1,4,"fOption=",0,"Directory creation options");
09710 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,89,0,0,-1,-1,-1,4,"fMmallocDesc=",0,"Pointer to mmalloc descriptor");
09711 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,107,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("ULong_t"),-1,4,"fBaseAddr=",0,"Base address of mapped memory region");
09712 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,105,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Int_t"),-1,4,"fSize=",0,"Original start size of memory mapped region");
09713 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TMapRec),-1,-1,4,"fFirst=",0,"List of streamed objects is shared memory");
09714 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TMapRec),-1,-1,4,"fLast=",0,"Last object in list of shared objects");
09715 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,108,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Long_t"),-1,4,"fOffset=",0,"Offset in bytes for region mapped by reader");
09716 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TDirectory),-1,-1,4,"fDirectory=",0,"Pointer to directory associated to this mapfile");
09717 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TList),-1,-1,4,"fBrowseList=",0,"List of KeyMapFile objects");
09718 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,103,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Bool_t"),-1,4,"fWritable=",0,"TRUE if mapped file opened in RDWR mode");
09719 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,105,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Int_t"),-1,4,"fSemaphore=",0,"Modification semaphore (or getpid() for WIN32)");
09720 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,107,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("ULong_t"),-1,4,"fhSemaphore=",0,"HANDLE of WIN32 Mutex object to implement semaphore");
09721 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TObject),-1,-1,4,"fGetting=",0,"Don't deadlock in update mode, when from Get() Add() is called");
09722 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,105,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Int_t"),-1,4,"fWritten=",0,"Number of objects written sofar");
09723 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,100,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Double_t"),-1,4,"fSumBuffer=",0,"Sum of buffer sizes of objects written sofar");
09724 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,100,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Double_t"),-1,4,"fSum2Buffer=",0,"Sum of squares of buffer sizes of objects written so far");
09725 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,108,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Long_t"),-2,4,"fgMapAddress=",0,"Map to this address, set address via SetMapAddress()");
09726 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,89,0,0,-1,-1,-2,4,"fgMmallocDesc=",0,"Used in Close() and operator delete()");
09727 G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TMapFilecLcLdA),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kDefaultMapSize=%lldLL",(long long)TMapFile::kDefaultMapSize).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
09728 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TClass),-1,-2,4,"fgIsA=",0,(char*)NULL);
09729 }
09730 G__tag_memvar_reset();
09731 }
09735 static void G__setup_memvarTKeyMapFile(void) {
09736 G__tag_memvar_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TKeyMapFile));
09737 { TKeyMapFile *p; p=(TKeyMapFile*)0x1000; if (p) { }
09738 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TMapFile),-1,-1,4,"fMapFile=",0,"pointer to map file");
09739 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TClass),-1,-2,4,"fgIsA=",0,(char*)NULL);
09740 }
09741 G__tag_memvar_reset();
09742 }
09746 static void G__setup_memvarTLockFile(void) {
09747 G__tag_memvar_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TLockFile));
09748 { TLockFile *p; p=(TLockFile*)0x1000; if (p) { }
09749 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,117,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TString),-1,-1,2,"fPath=",0,"path to file holding the lock");
09750 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TClass),-1,-2,4,"fgIsA=",0,(char*)NULL);
09751 }
09752 G__tag_memvar_reset();
09753 }
09757 static void G__setup_memvarTMapRec(void) {
09758 G__tag_memvar_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TMapRec));
09759 { TMapRec *p; p=(TMapRec*)0x1000; if (p) { }
09760 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,67,0,0,-1,-1,-1,4,"fName=",0,"object name");
09761 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,67,0,0,-1,-1,-1,4,"fClassName=",0,"class name");
09762 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TObject),-1,-1,4,"fObject=",0,"pointer to original object");
09763 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,89,0,0,-1,-1,-1,4,"fBuffer=",0,"buffer containing object of class name");
09764 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,105,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Int_t"),-1,4,"fBufSize=",0,"buffer size");
09765 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TMapRec),-1,-1,4,"fNext=",0,"next MapRec in list");
09766 }
09767 G__tag_memvar_reset();
09768 }
09772 static void G__setup_memvarTStreamerInfoActionscLcLTConfiguration(void) {
09773 G__tag_memvar_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TStreamerInfoActionscLcLTConfiguration));
09774 { TStreamerInfoActions::TConfiguration *p; p=(TStreamerInfoActions::TConfiguration*)0x1000; if (p) { }
09775 G__memvar_setup((void*)((long)(&p->fInfo)-(long)(p)),85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TVirtualStreamerInfo),-1,-1,1,"fInfo=",0,"TStreamerInfo form which the action is derived");
09776 G__memvar_setup((void*)((long)(&p->fElemId)-(long)(p)),104,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("UInt_t"),-1,1,"fElemId=",0,"Identifier of the TStreamerElement");
09777 G__memvar_setup((void*)((long)(&p->fOffset)-(long)(p)),105,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Int_t"),-1,1,"fOffset=",0,"Offset within the object");
09778 G__memvar_setup((void*)((long)(&p->fLength)-(long)(p)),104,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("UInt_t"),-1,1,"fLength=",0,"Number of element in a fixed length array.");
09779 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,108,0,0,-1,-1,-1,4,"G__virtualinfo=",0,(char*)NULL);
09780 }
09781 G__tag_memvar_reset();
09782 }
09786 static void G__setup_memvarTStreamerInfoActionscLcLTConfiguredAction(void) {
09787 G__tag_memvar_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TStreamerInfoActionscLcLTConfiguredAction));
09788 { TStreamerInfoActions::TConfiguredAction *p; p=(TStreamerInfoActions::TConfiguredAction*)0x1000; if (p) { }
09789 G__memvar_setup((void*)((long)(&p->fAction)-(long)(p)),89,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("TStreamerInfoAction_t"),-1,1,"fAction=",0,(char*)NULL);
09790 G__memvar_setup((void*)((long)(&p->fVecPtrLoopAction)-(long)(p)),89,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("TStreamerInfoVecPtrLoopAction_t"),-1,1,"fVecPtrLoopAction=",0,(char*)NULL);
09791 G__memvar_setup((void*)((long)(&p->fLoopAction)-(long)(p)),89,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("TStreamerInfoLoopAction_t"),-1,1,"fLoopAction=",0,(char*)NULL);
09792 G__memvar_setup((void*)((long)(&p->fConfiguration)-(long)(p)),85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TStreamerInfoActionscLcLTConfiguration),-1,-1,1,"fConfiguration=",0,(char*)NULL);
09793 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TClass),-1,-2,4,"fgIsA=",0,(char*)NULL);
09794 }
09795 G__tag_memvar_reset();
09796 }
09800 static void G__setup_memvarTVirtualObject(void) {
09801 G__tag_memvar_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TVirtualObject));
09802 { TVirtualObject *p; p=(TVirtualObject*)0x1000; if (p) { }
09803 G__memvar_setup((void*)((long)(&p->fClass)-(long)(p)),117,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TClassRef),-1,-1,1,"fClass=",0,(char*)NULL);
09804 G__memvar_setup((void*)((long)(&p->fObject)-(long)(p)),89,0,0,-1,-1,-1,1,"fObject=",0,(char*)NULL);
09805 }
09806 G__tag_memvar_reset();
09807 }
09811 static void G__setup_memvarTZIPMember(void) {
09812 G__tag_memvar_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TZIPMember));
09813 { TZIPMember *p; p=(TZIPMember*)0x1000; if (p) { }
09814 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,89,0,0,-1,-1,-1,4,"fLocal=",0,"Extra file header data");
09815 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,110,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Long64_t"),-1,4,"fLocalLen=",0,"Length of extra file header data");
09816 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,89,0,0,-1,-1,-1,4,"fGlobal=",0,"Extra directory data");
09817 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,110,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Long64_t"),-1,4,"fGlobalLen=",0,"Length of extra directory data");
09818 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,104,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("UInt_t"),-1,4,"fCRC32=",0,"CRC-32 for all decompressed data");
09819 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,104,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("UInt_t"),-1,4,"fAttrInt=",0,"Internal file attributes");
09820 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,104,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("UInt_t"),-1,4,"fAttrExt=",0,"External file attributes");
09821 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,104,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("UInt_t"),-1,4,"fMethod=",0,"Compression type");
09822 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,104,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("UInt_t"),-1,4,"fLevel=",0,"Compression level");
09823 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TClass),-1,-2,4,"fgIsA=",0,(char*)NULL);
09824 }
09825 G__tag_memvar_reset();
09826 }
09830 static void G__setup_memvarTZIPFile(void) {
09831 G__tag_memvar_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TZIPFile));
09832 { TZIPFile *p; p=(TZIPFile*)0x1000; if (p) { }
09833 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,110,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Long64_t"),-1,2,"fDirPos=",0,"Central directory position");
09834 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,110,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Long64_t"),-1,2,"fDirSize=",0,"Central directory size");
09835 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,110,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Long64_t"),-1,2,"fDirOffset=",0,"Central directory offset (from the beginning of the archive)");
09836 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,117,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TString),-1,-1,2,"fComment=",0,"Archive comment");
09837 G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TZIPFilecLcLEZIPConstants),-1,-2,2,"kARCHIVE_VERSION=20LL",0,(char*)NULL);
09838 G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TZIPFilecLcLEZIPConstants),-1,-2,2,"kDIR_HEADER_MAGIC=33639248LL",0,(char*)NULL);
09839 G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TZIPFilecLcLEZIPConstants),-1,-2,2,"kENTRY_HEADER_MAGIC=67324752LL",0,(char*)NULL);
09840 G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TZIPFilecLcLEZIPConstants),-1,-2,2,"kEND_HEADER_MAGIC=101010256LL",0,(char*)NULL);
09841 G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TZIPFilecLcLEZIPConstants),-1,-2,2,"kZIP_MAGIC_LEN=4LL",0,(char*)NULL);
09842 G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TZIPFilecLcLEZIPConstants),-1,-2,2,"kMAX_VAR_LEN=65535LL",0,(char*)NULL);
09843 G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TZIPFilecLcLEZIPConstants),-1,-2,2,"kMAX_SIZE=-1LL",0,(char*)NULL);
09844 G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TZIPFilecLcLEZIPConstants),-1,-2,2,"kDIR_MAGIC_OFF=0LL",0,(char*)NULL);
09845 G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TZIPFilecLcLEZIPConstants),-1,-2,2,"kDIR_VMADE_OFF=4LL",0,(char*)NULL);
09846 G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TZIPFilecLcLEZIPConstants),-1,-2,2,"kDIR_VMADE_LEN=2LL",0,(char*)NULL);
09847 G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TZIPFilecLcLEZIPConstants),-1,-2,2,"kDIR_VREQD_OFF=6LL",0,(char*)NULL);
09848 G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TZIPFilecLcLEZIPConstants),-1,-2,2,"kDIR_VREQD_LEN=2LL",0,(char*)NULL);
09849 G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TZIPFilecLcLEZIPConstants),-1,-2,2,"kDIR_FLAG_OFF=8LL",0,(char*)NULL);
09850 G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TZIPFilecLcLEZIPConstants),-1,-2,2,"kDIR_FLAG_LEN=2LL",0,(char*)NULL);
09851 G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TZIPFilecLcLEZIPConstants),-1,-2,2,"kDIR_METHOD_OFF=10LL",0,(char*)NULL);
09852 G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TZIPFilecLcLEZIPConstants),-1,-2,2,"kDIR_METHOD_LEN=2LL",0,(char*)NULL);
09853 G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TZIPFilecLcLEZIPConstants),-1,-2,2,"kDIR_DATE_OFF=12LL",0,(char*)NULL);
09854 G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TZIPFilecLcLEZIPConstants),-1,-2,2,"kDIR_DATE_LEN=4LL",0,(char*)NULL);
09855 G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TZIPFilecLcLEZIPConstants),-1,-2,2,"kDIR_CRC32_OFF=16LL",0,(char*)NULL);
09856 G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TZIPFilecLcLEZIPConstants),-1,-2,2,"kDIR_CRC32_LEN=4LL",0,(char*)NULL);
09857 G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TZIPFilecLcLEZIPConstants),-1,-2,2,"kDIR_CSIZE_OFF=20LL",0,(char*)NULL);
09858 G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TZIPFilecLcLEZIPConstants),-1,-2,2,"kDIR_CSIZE_LEN=4LL",0,(char*)NULL);
09859 G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TZIPFilecLcLEZIPConstants),-1,-2,2,"kDIR_USIZE_OFF=24LL",0,(char*)NULL);
09860 G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TZIPFilecLcLEZIPConstants),-1,-2,2,"kDIR_USIZE_LEN=4LL",0,(char*)NULL);
09861 G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TZIPFilecLcLEZIPConstants),-1,-2,2,"kDIR_NAMELEN_OFF=28LL",0,(char*)NULL);
09862 G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TZIPFilecLcLEZIPConstants),-1,-2,2,"kDIR_NAMELEN_LEN=2LL",0,(char*)NULL);
09863 G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TZIPFilecLcLEZIPConstants),-1,-2,2,"kDIR_EXTRALEN_OFF=30LL",0,(char*)NULL);
09864 G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TZIPFilecLcLEZIPConstants),-1,-2,2,"kDIR_EXTRALEN_LEN=2LL",0,(char*)NULL);
09865 G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TZIPFilecLcLEZIPConstants),-1,-2,2,"kDIR_COMMENTLEN_OFF=32LL",0,(char*)NULL);
09866 G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TZIPFilecLcLEZIPConstants),-1,-2,2,"kDIR_COMMENTLEN_LEN=2LL",0,(char*)NULL);
09867 G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TZIPFilecLcLEZIPConstants),-1,-2,2,"kDIR_DISK_START_OFF=34LL",0,(char*)NULL);
09868 G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TZIPFilecLcLEZIPConstants),-1,-2,2,"kDIR_DISK_START_LEN=2LL",0,(char*)NULL);
09869 G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TZIPFilecLcLEZIPConstants),-1,-2,2,"kDIR_INT_ATTR_OFF=36LL",0,(char*)NULL);
09870 G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TZIPFilecLcLEZIPConstants),-1,-2,2,"kDIR_INT_ATTR_LEN=2LL",0,(char*)NULL);
09871 G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TZIPFilecLcLEZIPConstants),-1,-2,2,"kDIR_EXT_ATTR_OFF=38LL",0,(char*)NULL);
09872 G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TZIPFilecLcLEZIPConstants),-1,-2,2,"kDIR_EXT_ATTR_LEN=4LL",0,(char*)NULL);
09873 G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TZIPFilecLcLEZIPConstants),-1,-2,2,"kDIR_ENTRY_POS_OFF=42LL",0,(char*)NULL);
09874 G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TZIPFilecLcLEZIPConstants),-1,-2,2,"kDIR_ENTRY_POS_LEN=4LL",0,(char*)NULL);
09875 G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TZIPFilecLcLEZIPConstants),-1,-2,2,"kDIR_HEADER_SIZE=46LL",0,(char*)NULL);
09876 G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TZIPFilecLcLEZIPConstants),-1,-2,2,"kEND_MAGIC_OFF=0LL",0,(char*)NULL);
09877 G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TZIPFilecLcLEZIPConstants),-1,-2,2,"kEND_DISK_OFF=4LL",0,(char*)NULL);
09878 G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TZIPFilecLcLEZIPConstants),-1,-2,2,"kEND_DISK_LEN=2LL",0,(char*)NULL);
09879 G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TZIPFilecLcLEZIPConstants),-1,-2,2,"kEND_DIR_DISK_OFF=6LL",0,(char*)NULL);
09880 G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TZIPFilecLcLEZIPConstants),-1,-2,2,"kEND_DIR_DISK_LEN=2LL",0,(char*)NULL);
09881 G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TZIPFilecLcLEZIPConstants),-1,-2,2,"kEND_DISK_HDRS_OFF=8LL",0,(char*)NULL);
09882 G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TZIPFilecLcLEZIPConstants),-1,-2,2,"kEND_DISK_HDRS_LEN=2LL",0,(char*)NULL);
09883 G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TZIPFilecLcLEZIPConstants),-1,-2,2,"kEND_TOTAL_HDRS_OFF=10LL",0,(char*)NULL);
09884 G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TZIPFilecLcLEZIPConstants),-1,-2,2,"kEND_TOTAL_HDRS_LEN=2LL",0,(char*)NULL);
09885 G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TZIPFilecLcLEZIPConstants),-1,-2,2,"kEND_DIR_SIZE_OFF=12LL",0,(char*)NULL);
09886 G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TZIPFilecLcLEZIPConstants),-1,-2,2,"kEND_DIR_SIZE_LEN=4LL",0,(char*)NULL);
09887 G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TZIPFilecLcLEZIPConstants),-1,-2,2,"kEND_DIR_OFFSET_OFF=16LL",0,(char*)NULL);
09888 G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TZIPFilecLcLEZIPConstants),-1,-2,2,"kEND_DIR_OFFSET_LEN=4LL",0,(char*)NULL);
09889 G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TZIPFilecLcLEZIPConstants),-1,-2,2,"kEND_COMMENTLEN_OFF=20LL",0,(char*)NULL);
09890 G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TZIPFilecLcLEZIPConstants),-1,-2,2,"kEND_COMMENTLEN_LEN=2LL",0,(char*)NULL);
09891 G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TZIPFilecLcLEZIPConstants),-1,-2,2,"kEND_HEADER_SIZE=22LL",0,(char*)NULL);
09892 G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TZIPFilecLcLEZIPConstants),-1,-2,2,"kENTRY_MAGIC_OFF=0LL",0,(char*)NULL);
09893 G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TZIPFilecLcLEZIPConstants),-1,-2,2,"kENTRY_VREQD_OFF=4LL",0,(char*)NULL);
09894 G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TZIPFilecLcLEZIPConstants),-1,-2,2,"kENTRY_VREQD_LEN=2LL",0,(char*)NULL);
09895 G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TZIPFilecLcLEZIPConstants),-1,-2,2,"kENTRY_FLAG_OFF=6LL",0,(char*)NULL);
09896 G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TZIPFilecLcLEZIPConstants),-1,-2,2,"kENTRY_FLAG_LEN=2LL",0,(char*)NULL);
09897 G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TZIPFilecLcLEZIPConstants),-1,-2,2,"kENTRY_METHOD_OFF=8LL",0,(char*)NULL);
09898 G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TZIPFilecLcLEZIPConstants),-1,-2,2,"kENTRY_METHOD_LEN=2LL",0,(char*)NULL);
09899 G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TZIPFilecLcLEZIPConstants),-1,-2,2,"kENTRY_DATE_OFF=10LL",0,(char*)NULL);
09900 G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TZIPFilecLcLEZIPConstants),-1,-2,2,"kENTRY_DATE_LEN=4LL",0,(char*)NULL);
09901 G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TZIPFilecLcLEZIPConstants),-1,-2,2,"kENTRY_CRC32_OFF=14LL",0,(char*)NULL);
09902 G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TZIPFilecLcLEZIPConstants),-1,-2,2,"kENTRY_CRC32_LEN=4LL",0,(char*)NULL);
09903 G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TZIPFilecLcLEZIPConstants),-1,-2,2,"kENTRY_CSIZE_OFF=18LL",0,(char*)NULL);
09904 G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TZIPFilecLcLEZIPConstants),-1,-2,2,"kENTRY_CSIZE_LEN=4LL",0,(char*)NULL);
09905 G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TZIPFilecLcLEZIPConstants),-1,-2,2,"kENTRY_USIZE_OFF=22LL",0,(char*)NULL);
09906 G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TZIPFilecLcLEZIPConstants),-1,-2,2,"kENTRY_USIZE_LEN=4LL",0,(char*)NULL);
09907 G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TZIPFilecLcLEZIPConstants),-1,-2,2,"kENTRY_NAMELEN_OFF=26LL",0,(char*)NULL);
09908 G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TZIPFilecLcLEZIPConstants),-1,-2,2,"kENTRY_NAMELEN_LEN=2LL",0,(char*)NULL);
09909 G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TZIPFilecLcLEZIPConstants),-1,-2,2,"kENTRY_EXTRALEN_OFF=28LL",0,(char*)NULL);
09910 G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TZIPFilecLcLEZIPConstants),-1,-2,2,"kENTRY_EXTRALEN_LEN=2LL",0,(char*)NULL);
09911 G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TZIPFilecLcLEZIPConstants),-1,-2,2,"kENTRY_HEADER_SIZE=30LL",0,(char*)NULL);
09912 G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TZIPFilecLcLEZIPConstants),-1,-2,2,"kSTORED=0LL",0,(char*)NULL);
09913 G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TZIPFilecLcLEZIPConstants),-1,-2,2,"kDEFLATED=8LL",0,(char*)NULL);
09914 G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TClass),-1,-2,4,"fgIsA=",0,(char*)NULL);
09915 }
09916 G__tag_memvar_reset();
09917 }
09919 extern "C" void G__cpp_setup_memvarG__IO() {
09920 }
09933 static void G__setup_memfuncTVirtualArray(void) {
09935 G__tag_memfunc_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TVirtualArray));
09936 G__memfunc_setup("TVirtualArray",1338,G__G__IO_89_0_1, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TVirtualArray), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0,
09937 "U 'TClass' - 0 - cl h - 'UInt_t' 0 - size", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
09938 G__memfunc_setup("GetClass",790,G__G__IO_89_0_2, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
09939 G__memfunc_setup("operator[]",1060,G__G__IO_89_0_3, 67, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "h - 'UInt_t' 0 - ind", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
09940 G__memfunc_setup("GetObjectAt",1068,G__G__IO_89_0_4, 67, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "h - 'UInt_t' 0 - ind", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
09942 G__memfunc_setup("TVirtualArray", 1338, G__G__IO_89_0_5, (int) ('i'), G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TVirtualArray), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TVirtualArray' - 11 - -", (char*) NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
09944 G__memfunc_setup("~TVirtualArray", 1464, G__G__IO_89_0_6, (int) ('y'), -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*) NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
09946 G__memfunc_setup("operator=", 937, G__G__IO_89_0_7, (int) ('u'), G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TVirtualArray), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TVirtualArray' - 11 - -", (char*) NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
09947 G__tag_memfunc_reset();
09948 }
09950 static void G__setup_memfuncTStreamerInfoActions(void) {
09952 G__tag_memfunc_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TStreamerInfoActions));
09953 G__tag_memfunc_reset();
09954 }
09956 static void G__setup_memfuncTStreamerInfoActionscLcLTActionSequence(void) {
09958 G__tag_memfunc_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TStreamerInfoActionscLcLTActionSequence));
09959 G__memfunc_setup("TActionSequence",1515,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TStreamerInfoActionscLcLTActionSequence), -1, 0, 0, 1, 4, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
09960 G__memfunc_setup("TActionSequence",1515,G__G__IO_91_0_2, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TStreamerInfoActionscLcLTActionSequence), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0,
09961 "U 'TVirtualStreamerInfo' - 0 - info h - 'UInt_t' 0 - maxdata", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
09962 G__memfunc_setup("AddAction",871,G__G__IO_91_0_3, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TStreamerInfoActions::TConfiguredAction' - 11 - action", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
09963 G__memfunc_setup("AddToOffset",1075,G__G__IO_91_0_4, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - delta", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
09964 G__memfunc_setup("CreateCopy",1007,G__G__IO_91_0_5, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TStreamerInfoActionscLcLTActionSequence), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
09965 G__memfunc_setup("CreateReadMemberWiseActions",2705,G__G__IO_91_0_6, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TStreamerInfoActionscLcLTActionSequence), -1, 0, 2, 3, 1, 0,
09966 "U 'TVirtualStreamerInfo' - 0 - info u 'TVirtualCollectionProxy' - 1 - proxy", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (TStreamerInfoActions::TActionSequence* (*)(TVirtualStreamerInfo*, TVirtualCollectionProxy&))(&TStreamerInfoActions::TActionSequence::CreateReadMemberWiseActions) ), 0);
09967 G__memfunc_setup("CreateSubSequence",1719,G__G__IO_91_0_7, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TStreamerInfoActionscLcLTActionSequence), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0,
09968 "u 'vector<int,allocator<int> >' 'vector<Int_t>' 11 - element_ids h - 'size_t' 0 - offset", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
09969 G__memfunc_setup("Print",525,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "C - 'Option_t' 10 '\"\"' -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
09970 G__memfunc_setup("Class",502,G__G__IO_91_0_9, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (TClass* (*)())(&TStreamerInfoActions::TActionSequence::Class) ), 0);
09971 G__memfunc_setup("Class_Name",982,G__G__IO_91_0_10, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TStreamerInfoActions::TActionSequence::Class_Name) ), 0);
09972 G__memfunc_setup("Class_Version",1339,G__G__IO_91_0_11, 115, -1, G__defined_typename("Version_t"), 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (Version_t (*)())(&TStreamerInfoActions::TActionSequence::Class_Version) ), 0);
09973 G__memfunc_setup("Dictionary",1046,G__G__IO_91_0_12, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (void (*)())(&TStreamerInfoActions::TActionSequence::Dictionary) ), 0);
09974 G__memfunc_setup("IsA",253,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
09975 G__memfunc_setup("ShowMembers",1132,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMemberInspector' - 1 - insp", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
09976 G__memfunc_setup("Streamer",835,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
09977 G__memfunc_setup("StreamerNVirtual",1656,G__G__IO_91_0_16, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
09978 G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileName",1145,G__G__IO_91_0_17, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TStreamerInfoActions::TActionSequence::DeclFileName) ), 0);
09979 G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileLine",1178,G__G__IO_91_0_18, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TStreamerInfoActions::TActionSequence::ImplFileLine) ), 0);
09980 G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileName",1171,G__G__IO_91_0_19, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TStreamerInfoActions::TActionSequence::ImplFileName) ), 0);
09981 G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileLine",1152,G__G__IO_91_0_20, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TStreamerInfoActions::TActionSequence::DeclFileLine) ), 0);
09983 G__memfunc_setup("TActionSequence", 1515, G__G__IO_91_0_21, (int) ('i'), G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TStreamerInfoActionscLcLTActionSequence), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TStreamerInfoActions::TActionSequence' - 11 - -", (char*) NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
09985 G__memfunc_setup("~TActionSequence", 1641, G__G__IO_91_0_22, (int) ('y'), -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*) NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
09987 G__memfunc_setup("operator=", 937, G__G__IO_91_0_23, (int) ('u'), G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TStreamerInfoActionscLcLTActionSequence), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TStreamerInfoActions::TActionSequence' - 11 - -", (char*) NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
09988 G__tag_memfunc_reset();
09989 }
09991 static void G__setup_memfuncTFile(void) {
09993 G__tag_memfunc_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TFile));
09994 G__memfunc_setup("GetAsyncOpenStatus",1844,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TFilecLcLEAsyncOpenStatus), -1, 0, 0, 1, 2, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
09995 G__memfunc_setup("Init",404,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 2, 0, "g - 'Bool_t' 0 - create", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
09996 G__memfunc_setup("FlushWriteCache",1505,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 0, 1, 2, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
09997 G__memfunc_setup("ReadBufferViaCache",1738,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 2, 1, 2, 0,
09998 "C - - 0 - buf i - 'Int_t' 0 - len", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
09999 G__memfunc_setup("WriteBufferViaCache",1881,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 2, 1, 2, 0,
10000 "C - - 10 - buf i - 'Int_t' 0 - len", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
10001 G__memfunc_setup("SysOpen",721,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 3, 1, 2, 0,
10002 "C - - 10 - pathname i - 'Int_t' 0 - flags "
10003 "h - 'UInt_t' 0 - mode", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10004 G__memfunc_setup("SysClose",821,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 1, 1, 2, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - fd", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10005 G__memfunc_setup("SysRead",699,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 3, 1, 2, 0,
10006 "i - 'Int_t' 0 - fd Y - - 0 - buf "
10007 "i - 'Int_t' 0 - len", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10008 G__memfunc_setup("SysWrite",842,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 3, 1, 2, 0,
10009 "i - 'Int_t' 0 - fd Y - - 10 - buf "
10010 "i - 'Int_t' 0 - len", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10011 G__memfunc_setup("SysSeek",711,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 110, -1, G__defined_typename("Long64_t"), 0, 3, 1, 2, 0,
10012 "i - 'Int_t' 0 - fd n - 'Long64_t' 0 - offset "
10013 "i - 'Int_t' 0 - whence", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10014 G__memfunc_setup("SysStat",731,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 5, 1, 2, 0,
10015 "i - 'Int_t' 0 - fd L - 'Long_t' 0 - id "
10016 "N - 'Long64_t' 0 - size L - 'Long_t' 0 - flags "
10017 "L - 'Long_t' 0 - modtime", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10018 G__memfunc_setup("SysSync",732,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 1, 1, 2, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - fd", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10019 G__memfunc_setup("DirCreateEntry",1413,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 110, -1, G__defined_typename("Long64_t"), 0, 1, 1, 2, 0, "U 'TDirectory' - 0 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10020 G__memfunc_setup("DirReadKeys",1079,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 1, 1, 2, 0, "U 'TDirectory' - 0 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10021 G__memfunc_setup("DirWriteKeys",1222,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 2, 0, "U 'TDirectory' - 0 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10022 G__memfunc_setup("DirWriteHeader",1395,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 2, 0, "U 'TDirectory' - 0 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10023 G__memfunc_setup("TFile",468,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TFile), -1, 0, 1, 1, 4, 0, "u 'TFile' - 11 - -", "Files cannot be copied", (void*) NULL, 0);
10024 G__memfunc_setup("operator=",937,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 4, 0, "u 'TFile' - 11 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
10025 G__memfunc_setup("CpProgress",1032,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 121, -1, -1, 0, 3, 3, 4, 0,
10026 "n - 'Long64_t' 0 - bytesread n - 'Long64_t' 0 - size "
10027 "u 'TStopwatch' - 1 - watch", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
10028 G__memfunc_setup("OpenFromCache",1274,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TFile), -1, 0, 5, 3, 4, 0,
10029 "C - - 10 - name C - 'Option_t' 10 '\"\"' - "
10030 "C - - 10 '\"\"' ftitle i - 'Int_t' 0 '1' compress "
10031 "i - 'Int_t' 0 '0' netopt", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
10032 G__memfunc_setup("TFile",468,G__G__IO_111_0_21, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TFile), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
10033 G__memfunc_setup("TFile",468,G__G__IO_111_0_22, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TFile), -1, 0, 4, 1, 1, 0,
10034 "C - - 10 - fname C - 'Option_t' 10 '\"\"' option "
10035 "C - - 10 '\"\"' ftitle i - 'Int_t' 0 '1' compress", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
10036 G__memfunc_setup("Close",502,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "C - 'Option_t' 10 '\"\"' option", "*MENU*", (void*) NULL, 1);
10037 G__memfunc_setup("Copy",411,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "u 'TObject' - 1 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10038 G__memfunc_setup("CreateKey",893,G__G__IO_111_0_25, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TKey), -1, 0, 4, 1, 1, 0,
10039 "U 'TDirectory' - 0 - mother U 'TObject' - 10 - obj "
10040 "C - - 10 - name i - 'Int_t' 0 - bufsize", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10041 G__memfunc_setup("CreateKey",893,G__G__IO_111_0_26, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TKey), -1, 0, 5, 1, 1, 0,
10042 "U 'TDirectory' - 0 - mother Y - - 10 - obj "
10043 "U 'TClass' - 10 - cl C - - 10 - name "
10044 "i - 'Int_t' 0 - bufsize", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10045 G__memfunc_setup("Delete",595,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "C - - 10 '\"\"' namecycle", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10046 G__memfunc_setup("Draw",398,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "C - 'Option_t' 10 '\"\"' option", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10047 G__memfunc_setup("DrawMap",684,G__G__IO_111_0_29, 121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0,
10048 "C - - 10 '\"*\"' keys C - 'Option_t' 10 '\"\"' option", "*MENU*", (void*) NULL, 1);
10049 G__memfunc_setup("FillBuffer",993,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "C - - 1 - buffer", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10050 G__memfunc_setup("Flush",514,G__G__IO_111_0_31, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10051 G__memfunc_setup("GetArchive",994,G__G__IO_111_0_32, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TArchiveFile), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
10052 G__memfunc_setup("GetBestBuffer",1288,G__G__IO_111_0_33, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
10053 G__memfunc_setup("GetBytesToPrefetch",1819,G__G__IO_111_0_34, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10054 G__memfunc_setup("GetCacheRead",1136,G__G__IO_111_0_35, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TFileCacheRead), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
10055 G__memfunc_setup("GetCacheWrite",1279,G__G__IO_111_0_36, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TFileCacheWrite), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
10056 G__memfunc_setup("GetClassIndex",1294,G__G__IO_111_0_37, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TArrayC), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
10057 G__memfunc_setup("GetCompressionLevel",1962,G__G__IO_111_0_38, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
10058 G__memfunc_setup("GetCompressionFactor",2065,G__G__IO_111_0_39, 102, -1, G__defined_typename("Float_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
10059 G__memfunc_setup("GetEND",503,G__G__IO_111_0_40, 110, -1, G__defined_typename("Long64_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10060 G__memfunc_setup("GetErrno",806,G__G__IO_111_0_41, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10061 G__memfunc_setup("ResetErrno",1033,G__G__IO_111_0_42, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10062 G__memfunc_setup("GetFd",458,G__G__IO_111_0_43, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
10063 G__memfunc_setup("GetEndpointUrl",1428,G__G__IO_111_0_44, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TUrl), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 9, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10064 G__memfunc_setup("GetListOfProcessIDs",1872,G__G__IO_111_0_45, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TObjArray), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
10065 G__memfunc_setup("GetListOfFree",1267,G__G__IO_111_0_46, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TList), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
10066 G__memfunc_setup("GetNfree",784,G__G__IO_111_0_47, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10067 G__memfunc_setup("GetNProcessIDs",1357,G__G__IO_111_0_48, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10068 G__memfunc_setup("GetOption",921,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,67, -1, G__defined_typename("Option_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10069 G__memfunc_setup("GetBytesRead",1187,G__G__IO_111_0_50, 110, -1, G__defined_typename("Long64_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10070 G__memfunc_setup("GetBytesReadExtra",1703,G__G__IO_111_0_51, 110, -1, G__defined_typename("Long64_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10071 G__memfunc_setup("GetBytesWritten",1556,G__G__IO_111_0_52, 110, -1, G__defined_typename("Long64_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10072 G__memfunc_setup("GetReadCalls",1163,G__G__IO_111_0_53, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10073 G__memfunc_setup("GetVersion",1030,G__G__IO_111_0_54, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
10074 G__memfunc_setup("GetRecordHeader",1480,G__G__IO_111_0_55, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 6, 1, 1, 0,
10075 "C - - 0 - buf n - 'Long64_t' 0 - first "
10076 "i - 'Int_t' 0 - maxbytes i - 'Int_t' 1 - nbytes "
10077 "i - 'Int_t' 1 - objlen i - 'Int_t' 1 - keylen", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
10078 G__memfunc_setup("GetNbytesInfo",1313,G__G__IO_111_0_56, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10079 G__memfunc_setup("GetNbytesFree",1303,G__G__IO_111_0_57, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10080 G__memfunc_setup("GetRelOffset",1194,G__G__IO_111_0_58, 110, -1, G__defined_typename("Long64_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
10081 G__memfunc_setup("GetSeekFree",1066,G__G__IO_111_0_59, 110, -1, G__defined_typename("Long64_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10082 G__memfunc_setup("GetSeekInfo",1076,G__G__IO_111_0_60, 110, -1, G__defined_typename("Long64_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10083 G__memfunc_setup("GetSize",699,G__G__IO_111_0_61, 110, -1, G__defined_typename("Long64_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10084 G__memfunc_setup("GetStreamerInfoList",1931,G__G__IO_111_0_62, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TList), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10085 G__memfunc_setup("GetStreamerInfoCache",1987,G__G__IO_111_0_63, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TList), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
10086 G__memfunc_setup("IncrementProcessIDs",1924,G__G__IO_111_0_64, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10087 G__memfunc_setup("IsArchive",894,G__G__IO_111_0_65, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10088 G__memfunc_setup("IsBinary",801,G__G__IO_111_0_66, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
10089 G__memfunc_setup("IsRaw",486,G__G__IO_111_0_67, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
10090 G__memfunc_setup("IsOpen",590,G__G__IO_111_0_68, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10091 G__memfunc_setup("ls",223,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "C - 'Option_t' 10 '\"\"' option", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10092 G__memfunc_setup("MakeFree",768,G__G__IO_111_0_70, 121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0,
10093 "n - 'Long64_t' 0 - first n - 'Long64_t' 0 - last", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10094 G__memfunc_setup("MakeProject",1109,G__G__IO_111_0_71, 121, -1, -1, 0, 3, 1, 1, 0,
10095 "C - - 10 - dirname C - - 10 '\"*\"' classes "
10096 "C - 'Option_t' 10 '\"new\"' option", "*MENU*", (void*) NULL, 1);
10097 G__memfunc_setup("Map",286,G__G__IO_111_0_72, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", "*MENU*", (void*) NULL, 1);
10098 G__memfunc_setup("Matches",709,G__G__IO_111_0_73, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "C - - 10 - name", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10099 G__memfunc_setup("MustFlush",939,G__G__IO_111_0_74, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10100 G__memfunc_setup("Paint",508,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "C - 'Option_t' 10 '\"\"' option", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10101 G__memfunc_setup("Print",525,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "C - 'Option_t' 10 '\"\"' option", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10102 G__memfunc_setup("ReadBufferAsync",1492,G__G__IO_111_0_77, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 2, 1, 1, 0,
10103 "n - 'Long64_t' 0 - offs i - 'Int_t' 0 - len", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10104 G__memfunc_setup("ReadBuffer",982,G__G__IO_111_0_78, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 2, 1, 1, 0,
10105 "C - - 0 - buf i - 'Int_t' 0 - len", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10106 G__memfunc_setup("ReadBuffer",982,G__G__IO_111_0_79, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 3, 1, 1, 0,
10107 "C - - 0 - buf n - 'Long64_t' 0 - pos "
10108 "i - 'Int_t' 0 - len", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10109 G__memfunc_setup("ReadBuffers",1097,G__G__IO_111_0_80, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 4, 1, 1, 0,
10110 "C - - 0 - buf N - 'Long64_t' 0 - pos "
10111 "I - 'Int_t' 0 - len i - 'Int_t' 0 - nbuf", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10112 G__memfunc_setup("ReadFree",766,G__G__IO_111_0_81, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10113 G__memfunc_setup("ReadProcessID",1256,G__G__IO_111_0_82, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TProcessID), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "r - 'UShort_t' 0 - pidf", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10114 G__memfunc_setup("ReadStreamerInfo",1611,G__G__IO_111_0_83, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10115 G__memfunc_setup("Recover",726,G__G__IO_111_0_84, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10116 G__memfunc_setup("ReOpen",585,G__G__IO_111_0_85, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "C - 'Option_t' 10 - mode", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10117 G__memfunc_setup("Seek",392,G__G__IO_111_0_86, 121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0,
10118 "n - 'Long64_t' 0 - offset i 'TFile::ERelativeTo' - 0 'kBeg' pos", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10119 G__memfunc_setup("SetCacheRead",1148,G__G__IO_111_0_87, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "U 'TFileCacheRead' - 0 - cache", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10120 G__memfunc_setup("SetCacheWrite",1291,G__G__IO_111_0_88, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "U 'TFileCacheWrite' - 0 - cache", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10121 G__memfunc_setup("SetCompressionLevel",1974,G__G__IO_111_0_89, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 '1' level", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10122 G__memfunc_setup("SetEND",515,G__G__IO_111_0_90, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "n - 'Long64_t' 0 - last", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10123 G__memfunc_setup("SetOffset",915,G__G__IO_111_0_91, 121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0,
10124 "n - 'Long64_t' 0 - offset i 'TFile::ERelativeTo' - 0 'kBeg' pos", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10125 G__memfunc_setup("SetOption",933,G__G__IO_111_0_92, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "C - 'Option_t' 10 '\">\"' option", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10126 G__memfunc_setup("SetReadCalls",1175,G__G__IO_111_0_93, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 '0' readcalls", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10127 G__memfunc_setup("ShowStreamerInfo",1648,G__G__IO_111_0_94, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10128 G__memfunc_setup("Sizeof",624,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10129 G__memfunc_setup("SumBuffer",911,G__G__IO_111_0_96, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - bufsize", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
10130 G__memfunc_setup("UseCache",769,G__G__IO_111_0_97, 121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0,
10131 "i - 'Int_t' 0 '10' maxCacheSize i - 'Int_t' 0 '0' pageSize", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10132 G__memfunc_setup("WriteBuffer",1125,G__G__IO_111_0_98, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 2, 1, 1, 0,
10133 "C - - 10 - buf i - 'Int_t' 0 - len", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10134 G__memfunc_setup("Write",523,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 3, 1, 1, 0,
10135 "C - - 10 '0' name i - 'Int_t' 0 '0' opt "
10136 "i - 'Int_t' 0 '0' bufsiz", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10137 G__memfunc_setup("Write",523,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 3, 1, 1, 8,
10138 "C - - 10 '0' name i - 'Int_t' 0 '0' opt "
10139 "i - 'Int_t' 0 '0' bufsiz", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10140 G__memfunc_setup("WriteFree",909,G__G__IO_111_0_101, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10141 G__memfunc_setup("WriteHeader",1108,G__G__IO_111_0_102, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10142 G__memfunc_setup("WriteProcessID",1399,G__G__IO_111_0_103, 114, -1, G__defined_typename("UShort_t"), 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "U 'TProcessID' - 0 - pid", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10143 G__memfunc_setup("WriteStreamerInfo",1754,G__G__IO_111_0_104, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10144 G__memfunc_setup("AsyncOpen",912,G__G__IO_111_0_105, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TFileOpenHandle), -1, 0, 5, 3, 1, 0,
10145 "C - - 10 - name C - 'Option_t' 10 '\"\"' option "
10146 "C - - 10 '\"\"' ftitle i - 'Int_t' 0 '1' compress "
10147 "i - 'Int_t' 0 '0' netopt", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (TFileOpenHandle* (*)(const char*, Option_t*, const char*, Int_t, Int_t))(&TFile::AsyncOpen) ), 0);
10148 G__memfunc_setup("Open",402,G__G__IO_111_0_106, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TFile), -1, 0, 5, 3, 1, 0,
10149 "C - - 10 - name C - 'Option_t' 10 '\"\"' option "
10150 "C - - 10 '\"\"' ftitle i - 'Int_t' 0 '1' compress "
10151 "i - 'Int_t' 0 '0' netopt", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (TFile* (*)(const char*, Option_t*, const char*, Int_t, Int_t))(&TFile::Open) ), 0);
10152 G__memfunc_setup("Open",402,G__G__IO_111_0_107, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TFile), -1, 0, 1, 3, 1, 0, "U 'TFileOpenHandle' - 0 - handle", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (TFile* (*)(TFileOpenHandle*))(&TFile::Open) ), 0);
10153 G__memfunc_setup("GetType",706,G__G__IO_111_0_108, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TFilecLcLEFileType), -1, 0, 3, 3, 1, 0,
10154 "C - - 10 - name C - 'Option_t' 10 '\"\"' option "
10155 "U 'TString' - 0 '0' prefix", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (TFile::EFileType (*)(const char*, Option_t*, TString*))(&TFile::GetType) ), 0);
10156 G__memfunc_setup("GetAsyncOpenStatus",1844,G__G__IO_111_0_109, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TFilecLcLEAsyncOpenStatus), -1, 0, 1, 3, 1, 0, "C - - 10 - name", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (TFile::EAsyncOpenStatus (*)(const char*))(&TFile::GetAsyncOpenStatus) ), 0);
10157 G__memfunc_setup("GetAsyncOpenStatus",1844,G__G__IO_111_0_110, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TFilecLcLEAsyncOpenStatus), -1, 0, 1, 3, 1, 0, "U 'TFileOpenHandle' - 0 - handle", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (TFile::EAsyncOpenStatus (*)(TFileOpenHandle*))(&TFile::GetAsyncOpenStatus) ), 0);
10158 G__memfunc_setup("GetEndpointUrl",1428,G__G__IO_111_0_111, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TUrl), -1, 0, 1, 3, 1, 1, "C - - 10 - name", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const TUrl* (*)(const char*))(&TFile::GetEndpointUrl) ), 0);
10159 G__memfunc_setup("GetFileBytesRead",1571,G__G__IO_111_0_112, 110, -1, G__defined_typename("Long64_t"), 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (Long64_t (*)())(&TFile::GetFileBytesRead) ), 0);
10160 G__memfunc_setup("GetFileBytesWritten",1940,G__G__IO_111_0_113, 110, -1, G__defined_typename("Long64_t"), 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (Long64_t (*)())(&TFile::GetFileBytesWritten) ), 0);
10161 G__memfunc_setup("GetFileReadCalls",1547,G__G__IO_111_0_114, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (Int_t (*)())(&TFile::GetFileReadCalls) ), 0);
10162 G__memfunc_setup("GetReadaheadSize",1578,G__G__IO_111_0_115, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (Int_t (*)())(&TFile::GetReadaheadSize) ), 0);
10163 G__memfunc_setup("SetFileBytesRead",1583,G__G__IO_111_0_116, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 3, 1, 0, "n - 'Long64_t' 0 '0' bytes", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (void (*)(Long64_t))(&TFile::SetFileBytesRead) ), 0);
10164 G__memfunc_setup("SetFileBytesWritten",1952,G__G__IO_111_0_117, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 3, 1, 0, "n - 'Long64_t' 0 '0' bytes", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (void (*)(Long64_t))(&TFile::SetFileBytesWritten) ), 0);
10165 G__memfunc_setup("SetFileReadCalls",1559,G__G__IO_111_0_118, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 3, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 '0' readcalls", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (void (*)(Int_t))(&TFile::SetFileReadCalls) ), 0);
10166 G__memfunc_setup("SetReadaheadSize",1590,G__G__IO_111_0_119, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 3, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 '256000' bufsize", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (void (*)(Int_t))(&TFile::SetReadaheadSize) ), 0);
10167 G__memfunc_setup("SetReadStreamerInfo",1911,G__G__IO_111_0_120, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 3, 1, 0, "g - 'Bool_t' 0 'kTRUE' readinfo", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (void (*)(Bool_t))(&TFile::SetReadStreamerInfo) ), 0);
10168 G__memfunc_setup("GetFileCounter",1408,G__G__IO_111_0_121, 110, -1, G__defined_typename("Long64_t"), 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (Long64_t (*)())(&TFile::GetFileCounter) ), 0);
10169 G__memfunc_setup("IncrementFileCounter",2053,G__G__IO_111_0_122, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (void (*)())(&TFile::IncrementFileCounter) ), 0);
10170 G__memfunc_setup("SetCacheFileDir",1439,G__G__IO_111_0_123, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 3, 3, 1, 0,
10171 "C - - 10 - cacheDir g - 'Bool_t' 0 'kTRUE' operateDisconnected "
10172 "g - 'Bool_t' 0 'kFALSE' forceCacheread", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (Bool_t (*)(const char*, Bool_t, Bool_t))(&TFile::SetCacheFileDir) ), 0);
10173 G__memfunc_setup("GetCacheFileDir",1427,G__G__IO_111_0_124, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TFile::GetCacheFileDir) ), 0);
10174 G__memfunc_setup("ShrinkCacheFileDir",1762,G__G__IO_111_0_125, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 2, 3, 1, 0,
10175 "n - 'Long64_t' 0 - shrinkSize l - 'Long_t' 0 '0' cleanupInteval", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (Bool_t (*)(Long64_t, Long_t))(&TFile::ShrinkCacheFileDir) ), 0);
10176 G__memfunc_setup("Cp",179,G__G__IO_111_0_126, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 4, 3, 1, 0,
10177 "C - - 10 - src C - - 10 - dst "
10178 "g - 'Bool_t' 0 'kTRUE' progressbar h - 'UInt_t' 0 '1000000' buffersize", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (Bool_t (*)(const char*, const char*, Bool_t, UInt_t))(&TFile::Cp) ), 0);
10179 G__memfunc_setup("SetOpenTimeout",1445,G__G__IO_111_0_127, 104, -1, G__defined_typename("UInt_t"), 0, 1, 3, 1, 0, "h - 'UInt_t' 0 - timeout", "in ms", (void*) G__func2void( (UInt_t (*)(UInt_t))(&TFile::SetOpenTimeout) ), 0);
10180 G__memfunc_setup("GetOpenTimeout",1433,G__G__IO_111_0_128, 104, -1, G__defined_typename("UInt_t"), 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", "in ms", (void*) G__func2void( (UInt_t (*)())(&TFile::GetOpenTimeout) ), 0);
10181 G__memfunc_setup("SetOnlyStaged",1318,G__G__IO_111_0_129, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 1, 3, 1, 0, "g - 'Bool_t' 0 - onlystaged", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (Bool_t (*)(Bool_t))(&TFile::SetOnlyStaged) ), 0);
10182 G__memfunc_setup("GetOnlyStaged",1306,G__G__IO_111_0_130, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (Bool_t (*)())(&TFile::GetOnlyStaged) ), 0);
10183 G__memfunc_setup("Class",502,G__G__IO_111_0_131, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (TClass* (*)())(&TFile::Class) ), 0);
10184 G__memfunc_setup("Class_Name",982,G__G__IO_111_0_132, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TFile::Class_Name) ), 0);
10185 G__memfunc_setup("Class_Version",1339,G__G__IO_111_0_133, 115, -1, G__defined_typename("Version_t"), 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (Version_t (*)())(&TFile::Class_Version) ), 0);
10186 G__memfunc_setup("Dictionary",1046,G__G__IO_111_0_134, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (void (*)())(&TFile::Dictionary) ), 0);
10187 G__memfunc_setup("IsA",253,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10188 G__memfunc_setup("ShowMembers",1132,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMemberInspector' - 1 - insp", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10189 G__memfunc_setup("Streamer",835,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10190 G__memfunc_setup("StreamerNVirtual",1656,G__G__IO_111_0_138, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
10191 G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileName",1145,G__G__IO_111_0_139, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TFile::DeclFileName) ), 0);
10192 G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileLine",1178,G__G__IO_111_0_140, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TFile::ImplFileLine) ), 0);
10193 G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileName",1171,G__G__IO_111_0_141, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TFile::ImplFileName) ), 0);
10194 G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileLine",1152,G__G__IO_111_0_142, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TFile::DeclFileLine) ), 0);
10196 G__memfunc_setup("~TFile", 594, G__G__IO_111_0_143, (int) ('y'), -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*) NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10197 G__tag_memfunc_reset();
10198 }
10200 static void G__setup_memfuncTArchiveMember(void) {
10202 G__tag_memfunc_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TArchiveMember));
10203 G__memfunc_setup("TArchiveMember",1390,G__G__IO_112_0_1, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TArchiveMember), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
10204 G__memfunc_setup("TArchiveMember",1390,G__G__IO_112_0_2, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TArchiveMember), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "C - - 10 - name", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
10205 G__memfunc_setup("TArchiveMember",1390,G__G__IO_112_0_3, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TArchiveMember), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TArchiveMember' - 11 - member", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
10206 G__memfunc_setup("operator=",937,G__G__IO_112_0_4, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TArchiveMember), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TArchiveMember' - 11 - rhs", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
10207 G__memfunc_setup("GetName",673,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 9, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10208 G__memfunc_setup("GetComment",1011,G__G__IO_112_0_6, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 9, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
10209 G__memfunc_setup("GetModTime",975,G__G__IO_112_0_7, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TDatime), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
10210 G__memfunc_setup("GetPosition",1141,G__G__IO_112_0_8, 110, -1, G__defined_typename("Long64_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
10211 G__memfunc_setup("GetFilePosition",1525,G__G__IO_112_0_9, 110, -1, G__defined_typename("Long64_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
10212 G__memfunc_setup("GetCompressedSize",1744,G__G__IO_112_0_10, 110, -1, G__defined_typename("Long64_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
10213 G__memfunc_setup("GetDecompressedSize",1945,G__G__IO_112_0_11, 110, -1, G__defined_typename("Long64_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
10214 G__memfunc_setup("IsDirectory",1137,G__G__IO_112_0_12, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
10215 G__memfunc_setup("Class",502,G__G__IO_112_0_13, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (TClass* (*)())(&TArchiveMember::Class) ), 0);
10216 G__memfunc_setup("Class_Name",982,G__G__IO_112_0_14, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TArchiveMember::Class_Name) ), 0);
10217 G__memfunc_setup("Class_Version",1339,G__G__IO_112_0_15, 115, -1, G__defined_typename("Version_t"), 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (Version_t (*)())(&TArchiveMember::Class_Version) ), 0);
10218 G__memfunc_setup("Dictionary",1046,G__G__IO_112_0_16, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (void (*)())(&TArchiveMember::Dictionary) ), 0);
10219 G__memfunc_setup("IsA",253,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10220 G__memfunc_setup("ShowMembers",1132,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMemberInspector' - 1 - insp", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10221 G__memfunc_setup("Streamer",835,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10222 G__memfunc_setup("StreamerNVirtual",1656,G__G__IO_112_0_20, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
10223 G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileName",1145,G__G__IO_112_0_21, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TArchiveMember::DeclFileName) ), 0);
10224 G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileLine",1178,G__G__IO_112_0_22, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TArchiveMember::ImplFileLine) ), 0);
10225 G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileName",1171,G__G__IO_112_0_23, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TArchiveMember::ImplFileName) ), 0);
10226 G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileLine",1152,G__G__IO_112_0_24, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TArchiveMember::DeclFileLine) ), 0);
10228 G__memfunc_setup("~TArchiveMember", 1516, G__G__IO_112_0_25, (int) ('y'), -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*) NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10229 G__tag_memfunc_reset();
10230 }
10232 static void G__setup_memfuncTArchiveFile(void) {
10234 G__tag_memfunc_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TArchiveFile));
10235 G__memfunc_setup("operator=",937,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TArchiveFile), -1, 1, 1, 1, 4, 0, "u 'TArchiveFile' - 11 - -", "Not implemented because TArchiveFile can not be copied.", (void*) NULL, 0);
10236 G__memfunc_setup("ParseUrl",814,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 4, 3, 2, 0,
10237 "C - - 10 - url u 'TString' - 1 - archive "
10238 "u 'TString' - 1 - member u 'TString' - 1 - type", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
10239 G__memfunc_setup("OpenArchive",1108,G__G__IO_113_0_6, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 3);
10240 G__memfunc_setup("SetCurrentMember",1639,G__G__IO_113_0_7, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 3);
10241 G__memfunc_setup("SetMember",900,G__G__IO_113_0_8, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "C - - 10 - member", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10242 G__memfunc_setup("SetMember",900,G__G__IO_113_0_9, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - idx", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10243 G__memfunc_setup("GetMemberFilePosition",2125,G__G__IO_113_0_10, 110, -1, G__defined_typename("Long64_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
10244 G__memfunc_setup("GetMember",888,G__G__IO_113_0_11, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TArchiveMember), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
10245 G__memfunc_setup("GetMembers",1003,G__G__IO_113_0_12, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TObjArray), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
10246 G__memfunc_setup("GetNumberOfMembers",1801,G__G__IO_113_0_13, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
10247 G__memfunc_setup("GetArchiveName",1379,G__G__IO_113_0_14, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 9, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
10248 G__memfunc_setup("GetMemberName",1273,G__G__IO_113_0_15, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 9, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
10249 G__memfunc_setup("GetMemberIndex",1392,G__G__IO_113_0_16, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
10250 G__memfunc_setup("Open",402,G__G__IO_113_0_17, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TArchiveFile), -1, 0, 2, 3, 1, 0,
10251 "C - - 10 - url U 'TFile' - 0 - file", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (TArchiveFile* (*)(const char*, TFile*))(&TArchiveFile::Open) ), 0);
10252 G__memfunc_setup("Class",502,G__G__IO_113_0_18, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (TClass* (*)())(&TArchiveFile::Class) ), 0);
10253 G__memfunc_setup("Class_Name",982,G__G__IO_113_0_19, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TArchiveFile::Class_Name) ), 0);
10254 G__memfunc_setup("Class_Version",1339,G__G__IO_113_0_20, 115, -1, G__defined_typename("Version_t"), 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (Version_t (*)())(&TArchiveFile::Class_Version) ), 0);
10255 G__memfunc_setup("Dictionary",1046,G__G__IO_113_0_21, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (void (*)())(&TArchiveFile::Dictionary) ), 0);
10256 G__memfunc_setup("IsA",253,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10257 G__memfunc_setup("ShowMembers",1132,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMemberInspector' - 1 - insp", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10258 G__memfunc_setup("Streamer",835,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10259 G__memfunc_setup("StreamerNVirtual",1656,G__G__IO_113_0_25, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
10260 G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileName",1145,G__G__IO_113_0_26, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TArchiveFile::DeclFileName) ), 0);
10261 G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileLine",1178,G__G__IO_113_0_27, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TArchiveFile::ImplFileLine) ), 0);
10262 G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileName",1171,G__G__IO_113_0_28, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TArchiveFile::ImplFileName) ), 0);
10263 G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileLine",1152,G__G__IO_113_0_29, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TArchiveFile::DeclFileLine) ), 0);
10265 G__memfunc_setup("~TArchiveFile", 1300, G__G__IO_113_0_30, (int) ('y'), -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*) NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10266 G__tag_memfunc_reset();
10267 }
10269 static void G__setup_memfuncTStreamerInfo(void) {
10271 G__tag_memfunc_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TStreamerInfo));
10272 G__memfunc_setup("GetValueAux",1099,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 100, -1, G__defined_typename("Double_t"), 0, 4, 3, 4, 0,
10273 "i - 'Int_t' 0 - type Y - - 0 - ladd "
10274 "i - - 0 - k i - 'Int_t' 0 - len", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
10275 G__memfunc_setup("PrintValueAux",1336,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 121, -1, -1, 0, 5, 3, 4, 0,
10276 "C - - 0 - ladd i - 'Int_t' 0 - atype "
10277 "U 'TStreamerElement' - 0 - aElement i - 'Int_t' 0 - aleng "
10278 "I - 'Int_t' 0 - count", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
10279 G__memfunc_setup("GenerateIncludes",1634,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 104, -1, G__defined_typename("UInt_t"), 0, 3, 1, 4, 0,
10280 "E - - 0 - fp C - - 0 - inclist "
10281 "U 'TList' - 10 - extrainfos", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
10282 G__memfunc_setup("GenerateDeclaration",1937,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 121, -1, -1, 0, 4, 1, 4, 0,
10283 "E - - 0 - fp E - - 0 - sfp "
10284 "U 'TList' - 10 - subClasses g - 'Bool_t' 0 'kTRUE' top", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
10285 G__memfunc_setup("InsertArtificialElements",2474,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 4, 0, "U 'TObjArray' - 10 - rules", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
10286 G__memfunc_setup("DestructorImpl",1473,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 4, 0,
10287 "Y - - 0 - p g - 'Bool_t' 0 - dtorOnly", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
10288 G__memfunc_setup("TStreamerInfo",1315,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TStreamerInfo), -1, 0, 1, 1, 4, 0, "u 'TStreamerInfo' - 11 - -", "TStreamerInfo are copiable. Not Implemented.", (void*) NULL, 0);
10289 G__memfunc_setup("operator=",937,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TStreamerInfo), -1, 1, 1, 1, 4, 0, "u 'TStreamerInfo' - 11 - -", "TStreamerInfo are copiable. Not Implemented.", (void*) NULL, 0);
10290 G__memfunc_setup("TStreamerInfo",1315,G__G__IO_114_0_9, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TStreamerInfo), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
10291 G__memfunc_setup("TStreamerInfo",1315,G__G__IO_114_0_10, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TStreamerInfo), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "U 'TClass' - 0 - cl", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
10292 G__memfunc_setup("Build",496,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10293 G__memfunc_setup("BuildCheck",974,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10294 G__memfunc_setup("BuildEmulated",1313,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "U 'TFile' - 0 - file", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10295 G__memfunc_setup("BuildOld",783,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10296 G__memfunc_setup("BuildFor",791,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "U 'TClass' - 10 - cl", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10297 G__memfunc_setup("CallShowMembers",1512,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 8,
10298 "Y - - 0 - obj u 'TMemberInspector' - 1 - insp", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10299 G__memfunc_setup("Clear",487,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "C - 'Option_t' 10 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10300 G__memfunc_setup("Clone",497,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TObject), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "C - - 10 '\"\"' newname", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10301 G__memfunc_setup("CompareContent",1442,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 4, 1, 1, 0,
10302 "U 'TClass' - 0 - cl U 'TVirtualStreamerInfo' - 0 - info "
10303 "g - 'Bool_t' 0 - warn g - 'Bool_t' 0 - complete", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10304 G__memfunc_setup("Compile",713,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10305 G__memfunc_setup("ComputeSize",1144,G__G__IO_114_0_21, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
10306 G__memfunc_setup("ForceWriteInfo",1414,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0,
10307 "U 'TFile' - 0 - file g - 'Bool_t' 0 'kFALSE' force", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10308 G__memfunc_setup("GenerateHeaderFile",1780,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 3, 1, 1, 0,
10309 "C - - 10 - dirname U 'TList' - 10 '0' subClasses "
10310 "U 'TList' - 10 '0' extrainfos", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10311 G__memfunc_setup("GetActualClass",1392,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TClass), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "Y - - 10 - obj", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10312 G__memfunc_setup("GetClass",790,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10313 G__memfunc_setup("GetCheckSum",1075,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,104, -1, G__defined_typename("UInt_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10314 G__memfunc_setup("GetCheckSum",1075,G__G__IO_114_0_27, 104, -1, G__defined_typename("UInt_t"), 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "h - 'UInt_t' 0 - code", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
10315 G__memfunc_setup("GetClassVersion",1532,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10316 G__memfunc_setup("GetDataMemberOffset",1881,G__G__IO_114_0_29, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 2, 1, 1, 8,
10317 "U 'TDataMember' - 0 - dm U 'TMemberStreamer' - 1 - streamer", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
10318 G__memfunc_setup("GetElements",1117,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TObjArray), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10319 G__memfunc_setup("GetElems",790,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,75, -1, G__defined_typename("ULong_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10320 G__memfunc_setup("GetReadMemberWiseActions",2397,G__G__IO_114_0_32, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TStreamerInfoActionscLcLTActionSequence), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "g - 'Bool_t' 0 - forCollection", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
10321 G__memfunc_setup("GetReadObjectWiseActions",2396,G__G__IO_114_0_33, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TStreamerInfoActionscLcLTActionSequence), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
10322 G__memfunc_setup("GetNdata",776,G__G__IO_114_0_34, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
10323 G__memfunc_setup("GetNumber",905,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10324 G__memfunc_setup("GetLengths",1013,G__G__IO_114_0_36, 73, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
10325 G__memfunc_setup("GetMethods",1012,G__G__IO_114_0_37, 75, -1, G__defined_typename("ULong_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
10326 G__memfunc_setup("GetNewTypes",1119,G__G__IO_114_0_38, 73, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
10327 G__memfunc_setup("GetOffset",903,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "C - - 10 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10328 G__memfunc_setup("GetOffsets",1018,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,73, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10329 G__memfunc_setup("GetOldVersion",1317,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,115, -1, G__defined_typename("Version_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10330 G__memfunc_setup("GetOnFileClassVersion",2105,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10331 G__memfunc_setup("GetSize",699,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10332 G__memfunc_setup("GetSizeElements",1528,G__G__IO_114_0_44, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
10333 G__memfunc_setup("GetStreamerElement",1837,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TStreamerElement), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 8,
10334 "C - - 10 - datamember i - 'Int_t' 1 - offset", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10335 G__memfunc_setup("GetStreamerElementReal",2225,G__G__IO_114_0_46, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TStreamerElement), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 8,
10336 "i - 'Int_t' 0 - i i - 'Int_t' 0 - j", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
10337 G__memfunc_setup("GetTypes",821,G__G__IO_114_0_47, 73, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
10338 G__memfunc_setup("GetValue",797,G__G__IO_114_0_48, 100, -1, G__defined_typename("Double_t"), 0, 4, 1, 1, 8,
10339 "C - - 0 - pointer i - 'Int_t' 0 - i "
10340 "i - 'Int_t' 0 - j i - 'Int_t' 0 - len", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
10341 G__memfunc_setup("GetValueClones",1409,G__G__IO_114_0_49, 100, -1, G__defined_typename("Double_t"), 0, 5, 1, 1, 8,
10342 "U 'TClonesArray' - 0 - clones i - 'Int_t' 0 - i "
10343 "i - 'Int_t' 0 - j i - 'Int_t' 0 - k "
10344 "i - 'Int_t' 0 - eoffset", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
10345 G__memfunc_setup("GetValueSTL",1040,G__G__IO_114_0_50, 100, -1, G__defined_typename("Double_t"), 0, 5, 1, 1, 8,
10346 "U 'TVirtualCollectionProxy' - 0 - cont i - 'Int_t' 0 - i "
10347 "i - 'Int_t' 0 - j i - 'Int_t' 0 - k "
10348 "i - 'Int_t' 0 - eoffset", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
10349 G__memfunc_setup("GetValueSTLP",1120,G__G__IO_114_0_51, 100, -1, G__defined_typename("Double_t"), 0, 5, 1, 1, 8,
10350 "U 'TVirtualCollectionProxy' - 0 - cont i - 'Int_t' 0 - i "
10351 "i - 'Int_t' 0 - j i - 'Int_t' 0 - k "
10352 "i - 'Int_t' 0 - eoffset", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
10353 G__memfunc_setup("ls",223,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "C - 'Option_t' 10 '\"\"' option", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10354 G__memfunc_setup("NewInfo",694,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TVirtualStreamerInfo), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "U 'TClass' - 0 - cl", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10355 G__memfunc_setup("New",298,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,89, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "Y - - 0 '0' obj", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10356 G__memfunc_setup("NewArray",809,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,89, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0,
10357 "l - 'Long_t' 0 - nElements Y - - 0 '0' ary", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10358 G__memfunc_setup("Destructor",1071,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0,
10359 "Y - - 0 - p g - 'Bool_t' 0 'kFALSE' dtorOnly", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10360 G__memfunc_setup("DeleteArray",1106,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0,
10361 "Y - - 0 - p g - 'Bool_t' 0 'kFALSE' dtorOnly", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10362 G__memfunc_setup("PrintValue",1034,G__G__IO_114_0_58, 121, -1, -1, 0, 5, 1, 1, 8,
10363 "C - - 10 - name C - - 0 - pointer "
10364 "i - 'Int_t' 0 - i i - 'Int_t' 0 - len "
10365 "i - 'Int_t' 0 '1000' lenmax", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
10366 G__memfunc_setup("PrintValueClones",1646,G__G__IO_114_0_59, 121, -1, -1, 0, 5, 1, 1, 8,
10367 "C - - 10 - name U 'TClonesArray' - 0 - clones "
10368 "i - 'Int_t' 0 - i i - 'Int_t' 0 - eoffset "
10369 "i - 'Int_t' 0 '1000' lenmax", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
10370 G__memfunc_setup("PrintValueSTL",1277,G__G__IO_114_0_60, 121, -1, -1, 0, 5, 1, 1, 8,
10371 "C - - 10 - name U 'TVirtualCollectionProxy' - 0 - cont "
10372 "i - 'Int_t' 0 - i i - 'Int_t' 0 - eoffset "
10373 "i - 'Int_t' 0 '1000' lenmax", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
10374 G__memfunc_setup("ReadBufferClones",1594,G__G__IO_114_0_61, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 5, 1, 1, 0,
10375 "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - b U 'TClonesArray' - 0 - clones "
10376 "i - 'Int_t' 0 - nc i - 'Int_t' 0 - first "
10377 "i - 'Int_t' 0 - eoffset", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
10378 G__memfunc_setup("ReadBufferSTL",1225,G__G__IO_114_0_62, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 5, 1, 1, 0,
10379 "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - b U 'TVirtualCollectionProxy' - 0 - cont "
10380 "i - 'Int_t' 0 - nc i - 'Int_t' 0 - first "
10381 "i - 'Int_t' 0 - eoffset", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
10382 G__memfunc_setup("SetCheckSum",1087,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "h - 'UInt_t' 0 - checksum", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10383 G__memfunc_setup("SetClass",802,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "U 'TClass' - 0 - cl", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10384 G__memfunc_setup("SetClassVersion",1544,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - vers", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10385 G__memfunc_setup("TagFile",668,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "U 'TFile' - 0 - fFile", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10386 G__memfunc_setup("WriteBuffer",1125,G__G__IO_114_0_67, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 3, 1, 1, 0,
10387 "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - b C - - 0 - pointer "
10388 "i - 'Int_t' 0 - first", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
10389 G__memfunc_setup("WriteBufferClones",1737,G__G__IO_114_0_68, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 5, 1, 1, 0,
10390 "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - b U 'TClonesArray' - 0 - clones "
10391 "i - 'Int_t' 0 - nc i - 'Int_t' 0 - first "
10392 "i - 'Int_t' 0 - eoffset", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
10393 G__memfunc_setup("WriteBufferSTL",1368,G__G__IO_114_0_69, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 5, 1, 1, 0,
10394 "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - b U 'TVirtualCollectionProxy' - 0 - cont "
10395 "i - 'Int_t' 0 - nc i - 'Int_t' 0 - first "
10396 "i - 'Int_t' 0 - eoffset", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
10397 G__memfunc_setup("WriteBufferSTLPtrs",1793,G__G__IO_114_0_70, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 5, 1, 1, 0,
10398 "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - b U 'TVirtualCollectionProxy' - 0 - cont "
10399 "i - 'Int_t' 0 - nc i - 'Int_t' 0 - first "
10400 "i - 'Int_t' 0 - eoffset", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
10401 G__memfunc_setup("Update",611,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0,
10402 "U 'TClass' - 10 - oldClass U 'TClass' - 0 - newClass", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10403 G__memfunc_setup("GenEmulatedProxy",1645,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TVirtualCollectionProxy), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "C - - 10 - class_name", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10404 G__memfunc_setup("GenEmulatedClassStreamer",2436,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TClassStreamer), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "C - - 10 - class_name", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10405 G__memfunc_setup("GenExplicitProxy",1662,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TVirtualCollectionProxy), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0,
10406 "u 'ROOT::TCollectionProxyInfo' - 11 - info U 'TClass' - 0 - cl", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10407 G__memfunc_setup("GenExplicitClassStreamer",2453,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TClassStreamer), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0,
10408 "u 'ROOT::TCollectionProxyInfo' - 11 - info U 'TClass' - 0 - cl", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10409 G__memfunc_setup("GetCurrentElement",1741,G__G__IO_114_0_76, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TStreamerElement), -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (TStreamerElement* (*)())(&TStreamerInfo::GetCurrentElement) ), 0);
10410 G__memfunc_setup("Class",502,G__G__IO_114_0_77, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (TClass* (*)())(&TStreamerInfo::Class) ), 0);
10411 G__memfunc_setup("Class_Name",982,G__G__IO_114_0_78, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TStreamerInfo::Class_Name) ), 0);
10412 G__memfunc_setup("Class_Version",1339,G__G__IO_114_0_79, 115, -1, G__defined_typename("Version_t"), 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (Version_t (*)())(&TStreamerInfo::Class_Version) ), 0);
10413 G__memfunc_setup("Dictionary",1046,G__G__IO_114_0_80, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (void (*)())(&TStreamerInfo::Dictionary) ), 0);
10414 G__memfunc_setup("IsA",253,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10415 G__memfunc_setup("ShowMembers",1132,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMemberInspector' - 1 - insp", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10416 G__memfunc_setup("Streamer",835,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10417 G__memfunc_setup("StreamerNVirtual",1656,G__G__IO_114_0_84, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
10418 G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileName",1145,G__G__IO_114_0_85, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TStreamerInfo::DeclFileName) ), 0);
10419 G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileLine",1178,G__G__IO_114_0_86, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TStreamerInfo::ImplFileLine) ), 0);
10420 G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileName",1171,G__G__IO_114_0_87, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TStreamerInfo::ImplFileName) ), 0);
10421 G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileLine",1152,G__G__IO_114_0_88, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TStreamerInfo::DeclFileLine) ), 0);
10423 G__memfunc_setup("~TStreamerInfo", 1441, G__G__IO_114_0_89, (int) ('y'), -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*) NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10424 G__tag_memfunc_reset();
10425 }
10427 static void G__setup_memfuncTBufferFile(void) {
10429 G__tag_memfunc_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TBufferFile));
10430 G__memfunc_setup("TBufferFile",1070,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TBufferFile), -1, 0, 0, 1, 2, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
10431 G__memfunc_setup("TBufferFile",1070,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TBufferFile), -1, 0, 1, 1, 2, 0, "u 'TBufferFile' - 11 - -", "not implemented", (void*) NULL, 0);
10432 G__memfunc_setup("operator=",937,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 2, 0, "u 'TBufferFile' - 11 - -", "not implemented", (void*) NULL, 0);
10433 G__memfunc_setup("CheckByteCount",1403,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 4, 1, 2, 0,
10434 "h - 'UInt_t' 0 - startpos h - 'UInt_t' 0 - bcnt "
10435 "U 'TClass' - 10 - clss C - - 10 - classname", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
10436 G__memfunc_setup("CheckCount",999,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 2, 0, "h - 'UInt_t' 0 - offset", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
10437 G__memfunc_setup("CheckObject",1077,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 104, -1, G__defined_typename("UInt_t"), 0, 3, 1, 2, 0,
10438 "h - 'UInt_t' 0 - offset U 'TClass' - 10 - cl "
10439 "g - 'Bool_t' 0 'kFALSE' readClass", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
10440 G__memfunc_setup("WriteObjectClass",1624,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 2, 0,
10441 "Y - - 10 - actualObjStart U 'TClass' - 10 - actualClass", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10442 G__memfunc_setup("TBufferFile",1070,G__G__IO_116_0_8, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TBufferFile), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "i 'TBuffer::EMode' - 0 - mode", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
10443 G__memfunc_setup("TBufferFile",1070,G__G__IO_116_0_9, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TBufferFile), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0,
10444 "i 'TBuffer::EMode' - 0 - mode i - 'Int_t' 0 - bufsiz", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
10445 G__memfunc_setup("TBufferFile",1070,G__G__IO_116_0_10, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TBufferFile), -1, 0, 5, 1, 1, 0,
10446 "i 'TBuffer::EMode' - 0 - mode i - 'Int_t' 0 - bufsiz "
10447 "Y - - 0 - buf g - 'Bool_t' 0 'kTRUE' adopt "
10448 "Y - 'ReAllocCharFun_t' 0 '0' reallocfunc", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
10449 G__memfunc_setup("GetMapCount",1095,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10450 G__memfunc_setup("GetMappedObject",1486,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 3, 1, 1, 8,
10451 "h - 'UInt_t' 0 - tag Y - - 1 - ptr "
10452 "U 'TClass' - 1 - ClassPtr", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10453 G__memfunc_setup("MapObject",885,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0,
10454 "U 'TObject' - 10 - obj h - 'UInt_t' 0 '1' offset", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10455 G__memfunc_setup("MapObject",885,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 3, 1, 1, 0,
10456 "Y - - 10 - obj U 'TClass' - 10 - cl "
10457 "h - 'UInt_t' 0 '1' offset", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10458 G__memfunc_setup("Reset",515,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10459 G__memfunc_setup("InitMap",690,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10460 G__memfunc_setup("ResetMap",801,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10461 G__memfunc_setup("SetReadParam",1177,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - mapsize", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10462 G__memfunc_setup("SetWriteParam",1320,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - mapsize", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10463 G__memfunc_setup("CheckObject",1077,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "U 'TObject' - 10 - obj", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10464 G__memfunc_setup("CheckObject",1077,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 2, 1, 1, 0,
10465 "Y - - 10 - obj U 'TClass' - 10 - ptrClass", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10466 G__memfunc_setup("GetVersionOwner",1553,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10467 G__memfunc_setup("CheckByteCount",1403,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 3, 1, 1, 0,
10468 "h - 'UInt_t' 0 - startpos h - 'UInt_t' 0 - bcnt "
10469 "U 'TClass' - 10 - clss", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10470 G__memfunc_setup("CheckByteCount",1403,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 3, 1, 1, 0,
10471 "h - 'UInt_t' 0 - startpos h - 'UInt_t' 0 - bcnt "
10472 "C - - 10 - classname", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10473 G__memfunc_setup("SetByteCount",1225,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0,
10474 "h - 'UInt_t' 0 - cntpos g - 'Bool_t' 0 'kFALSE' packInVersion", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10475 G__memfunc_setup("SkipVersion",1149,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "U 'TClass' - 10 '0' cl", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10476 G__memfunc_setup("ReadVersion",1122,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,115, -1, G__defined_typename("Version_t"), 0, 3, 1, 1, 0,
10477 "H - 'UInt_t' 0 '0' start H - 'UInt_t' 0 '0' bcnt "
10478 "U 'TClass' - 10 '0' cl", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10479 G__memfunc_setup("WriteVersion",1265,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,104, -1, G__defined_typename("UInt_t"), 0, 2, 1, 1, 0,
10480 "U 'TClass' - 10 - cl g - 'Bool_t' 0 'kFALSE' useBcnt", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10481 G__memfunc_setup("WriteVersionMemberWise",2273,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,104, -1, G__defined_typename("UInt_t"), 0, 2, 1, 1, 0,
10482 "U 'TClass' - 10 - cl g - 'Bool_t' 0 'kFALSE' useBcnt", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10483 G__memfunc_setup("ReadObjectAny",1275,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,89, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "U 'TClass' - 10 - cast", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10484 G__memfunc_setup("SkipObjectAny",1302,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10485 G__memfunc_setup("TagStreamerInfo",1515,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "U 'TVirtualStreamerInfo' - 0 - info", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10486 G__memfunc_setup("IncrementLevel",1437,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "U 'TVirtualStreamerInfo' - 0 - info", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10487 G__memfunc_setup("SetStreamerElementNumber",2466,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10488 G__memfunc_setup("DecrementLevel",1423,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "U 'TVirtualStreamerInfo' - 0 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10489 G__memfunc_setup("GetInfo",684,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TVirtualStreamerInfo), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10490 G__memfunc_setup("ClassBegin",987,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0,
10491 "U 'TClass' - 10 - - s - 'Version_t' 0 '-1' -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10492 G__memfunc_setup("ClassEnd",781,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "U 'TClass' - 10 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10493 G__memfunc_setup("ClassMember",1102,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 4, 1, 1, 0,
10494 "C - - 10 - - C - - 10 '0' - "
10495 "i - 'Int_t' 0 '-1' - i - 'Int_t' 0 '-1' -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10496 G__memfunc_setup("ReadBuf",665,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 2, 1, 1, 0,
10497 "Y - - 0 - buf i - 'Int_t' 0 - max", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10498 G__memfunc_setup("WriteBuf",808,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0,
10499 "Y - - 10 - buf i - 'Int_t' 0 - max", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10500 G__memfunc_setup("ReadString",1011,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,67, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0,
10501 "C - - 0 - s i - 'Int_t' 0 - max", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10502 G__memfunc_setup("WriteString",1154,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "C - - 10 - s", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10503 G__memfunc_setup("ReadClass",882,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TClass), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0,
10504 "U 'TClass' - 10 '0' cl H - 'UInt_t' 0 '0' objTag", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10505 G__memfunc_setup("WriteClass",1025,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "U 'TClass' - 10 - cl", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10506 G__memfunc_setup("ReadObject",979,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TObject), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "U 'TClass' - 10 - cl", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10507 G__memfunc_setup("WriteObject",1122,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "U 'TObject' - 10 - obj", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10508 G__memfunc_setup("WriteObjectAny",1418,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 2, 1, 1, 0,
10509 "Y - - 10 - obj U 'TClass' - 10 - ptrClass", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10510 G__memfunc_setup("GetPidOffset",1188,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,114, -1, G__defined_typename("UShort_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10511 G__memfunc_setup("SetPidOffset",1200,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "r - 'UShort_t' 0 - offset", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10512 G__memfunc_setup("GetBufferDisplacement",2131,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10513 G__memfunc_setup("SetBufferDisplacement",2143,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10514 G__memfunc_setup("SetBufferDisplacement",2143,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - skipped", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10515 G__memfunc_setup("ReadFloat16",985,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0,
10516 "F - 'Float_t' 0 - f U 'TStreamerElement' - 0 '0' ele", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10517 G__memfunc_setup("WriteFloat16",1128,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0,
10518 "F - 'Float_t' 0 - f U 'TStreamerElement' - 0 '0' ele", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10519 G__memfunc_setup("ReadDouble32",1084,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0,
10520 "D - 'Double_t' 0 - d U 'TStreamerElement' - 0 '0' ele", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10521 G__memfunc_setup("WriteDouble32",1227,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0,
10522 "D - 'Double_t' 0 - d U 'TStreamerElement' - 0 '0' ele", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10523 G__memfunc_setup("ReadWithFactor",1399,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 3, 1, 1, 0,
10524 "F - 'Float_t' 0 - ptr d - 'Double_t' 0 - factor "
10525 "d - 'Double_t' 0 - minvalue", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10526 G__memfunc_setup("ReadWithNbits",1304,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0,
10527 "F - 'Float_t' 0 - ptr i - 'Int_t' 0 - nbits", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10528 G__memfunc_setup("ReadWithFactor",1399,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 3, 1, 1, 0,
10529 "D - 'Double_t' 0 - ptr d - 'Double_t' 0 - factor "
10530 "d - 'Double_t' 0 - minvalue", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10531 G__memfunc_setup("ReadWithNbits",1304,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0,
10532 "D - 'Double_t' 0 - ptr i - 'Int_t' 0 - nbits", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10533 G__memfunc_setup("ReadArray",891,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "G - 'Bool_t' 1 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10534 G__memfunc_setup("ReadArray",891,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "C - 'Char_t' 1 - c", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10535 G__memfunc_setup("ReadArray",891,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "B - 'UChar_t' 1 - c", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10536 G__memfunc_setup("ReadArray",891,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "S - 'Short_t' 1 - h", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10537 G__memfunc_setup("ReadArray",891,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "R - 'UShort_t' 1 - h", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10538 G__memfunc_setup("ReadArray",891,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "I - 'Int_t' 1 - i", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10539 G__memfunc_setup("ReadArray",891,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "H - 'UInt_t' 1 - i", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10540 G__memfunc_setup("ReadArray",891,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "L - 'Long_t' 1 - l", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10541 G__memfunc_setup("ReadArray",891,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "K - 'ULong_t' 1 - l", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10542 G__memfunc_setup("ReadArray",891,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "N - 'Long64_t' 1 - l", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10543 G__memfunc_setup("ReadArray",891,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "M - 'ULong64_t' 1 - ll", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10544 G__memfunc_setup("ReadArray",891,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "F - 'Float_t' 1 - f", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10545 G__memfunc_setup("ReadArray",891,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "D - 'Double_t' 1 - d", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10546 G__memfunc_setup("ReadArrayFloat16",1496,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 2, 1, 1, 0,
10547 "F - 'Float_t' 1 - f U 'TStreamerElement' - 0 '0' ele", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10548 G__memfunc_setup("ReadArrayDouble32",1595,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 2, 1, 1, 0,
10549 "D - 'Double_t' 1 - d U 'TStreamerElement' - 0 '0' ele", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10550 G__memfunc_setup("ReadStaticArray",1507,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "G - 'Bool_t' 0 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10551 G__memfunc_setup("ReadStaticArray",1507,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "C - 'Char_t' 0 - c", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10552 G__memfunc_setup("ReadStaticArray",1507,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "B - 'UChar_t' 0 - c", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10553 G__memfunc_setup("ReadStaticArray",1507,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "S - 'Short_t' 0 - h", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10554 G__memfunc_setup("ReadStaticArray",1507,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "R - 'UShort_t' 0 - h", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10555 G__memfunc_setup("ReadStaticArray",1507,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "I - 'Int_t' 0 - i", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10556 G__memfunc_setup("ReadStaticArray",1507,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "H - 'UInt_t' 0 - i", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10557 G__memfunc_setup("ReadStaticArray",1507,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "L - 'Long_t' 0 - l", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10558 G__memfunc_setup("ReadStaticArray",1507,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "K - 'ULong_t' 0 - l", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10559 G__memfunc_setup("ReadStaticArray",1507,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "N - 'Long64_t' 0 - l", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10560 G__memfunc_setup("ReadStaticArray",1507,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "M - 'ULong64_t' 0 - ll", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10561 G__memfunc_setup("ReadStaticArray",1507,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "F - 'Float_t' 0 - f", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10562 G__memfunc_setup("ReadStaticArray",1507,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "D - 'Double_t' 0 - d", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10563 G__memfunc_setup("ReadStaticArrayFloat16",2112,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 2, 1, 1, 0,
10564 "F - 'Float_t' 0 - f U 'TStreamerElement' - 0 '0' ele", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10565 G__memfunc_setup("ReadStaticArrayDouble32",2211,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 2, 1, 1, 0,
10566 "D - 'Double_t' 0 - d U 'TStreamerElement' - 0 '0' ele", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10567 G__memfunc_setup("ReadFastArray",1289,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0,
10568 "G - 'Bool_t' 0 - b i - 'Int_t' 0 - n", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10569 G__memfunc_setup("ReadFastArray",1289,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0,
10570 "C - 'Char_t' 0 - c i - 'Int_t' 0 - n", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10571 G__memfunc_setup("ReadFastArrayString",1920,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0,
10572 "C - 'Char_t' 0 - c i - 'Int_t' 0 - n", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10573 G__memfunc_setup("ReadFastArray",1289,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0,
10574 "B - 'UChar_t' 0 - c i - 'Int_t' 0 - n", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10575 G__memfunc_setup("ReadFastArray",1289,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0,
10576 "S - 'Short_t' 0 - h i - 'Int_t' 0 - n", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10577 G__memfunc_setup("ReadFastArray",1289,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0,
10578 "R - 'UShort_t' 0 - h i - 'Int_t' 0 - n", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10579 G__memfunc_setup("ReadFastArray",1289,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0,
10580 "I - 'Int_t' 0 - i i - 'Int_t' 0 - n", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10581 G__memfunc_setup("ReadFastArray",1289,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0,
10582 "H - 'UInt_t' 0 - i i - 'Int_t' 0 - n", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10583 G__memfunc_setup("ReadFastArray",1289,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0,
10584 "L - 'Long_t' 0 - l i - 'Int_t' 0 - n", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10585 G__memfunc_setup("ReadFastArray",1289,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0,
10586 "K - 'ULong_t' 0 - l i - 'Int_t' 0 - n", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10587 G__memfunc_setup("ReadFastArray",1289,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0,
10588 "N - 'Long64_t' 0 - l i - 'Int_t' 0 - n", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10589 G__memfunc_setup("ReadFastArray",1289,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0,
10590 "M - 'ULong64_t' 0 - ll i - 'Int_t' 0 - n", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10591 G__memfunc_setup("ReadFastArray",1289,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0,
10592 "F - 'Float_t' 0 - f i - 'Int_t' 0 - n", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10593 G__memfunc_setup("ReadFastArray",1289,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0,
10594 "D - 'Double_t' 0 - d i - 'Int_t' 0 - n", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10595 G__memfunc_setup("ReadFastArrayFloat16",1894,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 3, 1, 1, 0,
10596 "F - 'Float_t' 0 - f i - 'Int_t' 0 - n "
10597 "U 'TStreamerElement' - 0 '0' ele", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10598 G__memfunc_setup("ReadFastArrayDouble32",1993,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 3, 1, 1, 0,
10599 "D - 'Double_t' 0 - d i - 'Int_t' 0 - n "
10600 "U 'TStreamerElement' - 0 '0' ele", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10601 G__memfunc_setup("ReadFastArray",1289,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 5, 1, 1, 0,
10602 "Y - - 0 - start U 'TClass' - 10 - cl "
10603 "i - 'Int_t' 0 '1' n U 'TMemberStreamer' - 0 '0' s "
10604 "U 'TClass' - 10 '0' onFileClass", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10605 G__memfunc_setup("ReadFastArray",1289,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 6, 1, 1, 0,
10606 "Y - - 2 - startp U 'TClass' - 10 - cl "
10607 "i - 'Int_t' 0 '1' n g - 'Bool_t' 0 'kFALSE' isPreAlloc "
10608 "U 'TMemberStreamer' - 0 '0' s U 'TClass' - 10 '0' onFileClass", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10609 G__memfunc_setup("WriteArray",1034,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0,
10610 "G - 'Bool_t' 10 - b i - 'Int_t' 0 - n", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10611 G__memfunc_setup("WriteArray",1034,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0,
10612 "C - 'Char_t' 10 - c i - 'Int_t' 0 - n", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10613 G__memfunc_setup("WriteArray",1034,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0,
10614 "B - 'UChar_t' 10 - c i - 'Int_t' 0 - n", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10615 G__memfunc_setup("WriteArray",1034,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0,
10616 "S - 'Short_t' 10 - h i - 'Int_t' 0 - n", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10617 G__memfunc_setup("WriteArray",1034,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0,
10618 "R - 'UShort_t' 10 - h i - 'Int_t' 0 - n", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10619 G__memfunc_setup("WriteArray",1034,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0,
10620 "I - 'Int_t' 10 - i i - 'Int_t' 0 - n", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10621 G__memfunc_setup("WriteArray",1034,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0,
10622 "H - 'UInt_t' 10 - i i - 'Int_t' 0 - n", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10623 G__memfunc_setup("WriteArray",1034,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0,
10624 "L - 'Long_t' 10 - l i - 'Int_t' 0 - n", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10625 G__memfunc_setup("WriteArray",1034,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0,
10626 "K - 'ULong_t' 10 - l i - 'Int_t' 0 - n", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10627 G__memfunc_setup("WriteArray",1034,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0,
10628 "N - 'Long64_t' 10 - l i - 'Int_t' 0 - n", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10629 G__memfunc_setup("WriteArray",1034,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0,
10630 "M - 'ULong64_t' 10 - ll i - 'Int_t' 0 - n", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10631 G__memfunc_setup("WriteArray",1034,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0,
10632 "F - 'Float_t' 10 - f i - 'Int_t' 0 - n", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10633 G__memfunc_setup("WriteArray",1034,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0,
10634 "D - 'Double_t' 10 - d i - 'Int_t' 0 - n", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10635 G__memfunc_setup("WriteArrayFloat16",1639,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 3, 1, 1, 0,
10636 "F - 'Float_t' 10 - f i - 'Int_t' 0 - n "
10637 "U 'TStreamerElement' - 0 '0' ele", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10638 G__memfunc_setup("WriteArrayDouble32",1738,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 3, 1, 1, 0,
10639 "D - 'Double_t' 10 - d i - 'Int_t' 0 - n "
10640 "U 'TStreamerElement' - 0 '0' ele", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10641 G__memfunc_setup("WriteFastArray",1432,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0,
10642 "G - 'Bool_t' 10 - b i - 'Int_t' 0 - n", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10643 G__memfunc_setup("WriteFastArray",1432,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0,
10644 "C - 'Char_t' 10 - c i - 'Int_t' 0 - n", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10645 G__memfunc_setup("WriteFastArrayString",2063,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0,
10646 "C - 'Char_t' 10 - c i - 'Int_t' 0 - n", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10647 G__memfunc_setup("WriteFastArray",1432,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0,
10648 "B - 'UChar_t' 10 - c i - 'Int_t' 0 - n", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10649 G__memfunc_setup("WriteFastArray",1432,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0,
10650 "S - 'Short_t' 10 - h i - 'Int_t' 0 - n", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10651 G__memfunc_setup("WriteFastArray",1432,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0,
10652 "R - 'UShort_t' 10 - h i - 'Int_t' 0 - n", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10653 G__memfunc_setup("WriteFastArray",1432,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0,
10654 "I - 'Int_t' 10 - i i - 'Int_t' 0 - n", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10655 G__memfunc_setup("WriteFastArray",1432,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0,
10656 "H - 'UInt_t' 10 - i i - 'Int_t' 0 - n", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10657 G__memfunc_setup("WriteFastArray",1432,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0,
10658 "L - 'Long_t' 10 - l i - 'Int_t' 0 - n", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10659 G__memfunc_setup("WriteFastArray",1432,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0,
10660 "K - 'ULong_t' 10 - l i - 'Int_t' 0 - n", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10661 G__memfunc_setup("WriteFastArray",1432,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0,
10662 "N - 'Long64_t' 10 - l i - 'Int_t' 0 - n", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10663 G__memfunc_setup("WriteFastArray",1432,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0,
10664 "M - 'ULong64_t' 10 - ll i - 'Int_t' 0 - n", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10665 G__memfunc_setup("WriteFastArray",1432,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0,
10666 "F - 'Float_t' 10 - f i - 'Int_t' 0 - n", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10667 G__memfunc_setup("WriteFastArray",1432,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0,
10668 "D - 'Double_t' 10 - d i - 'Int_t' 0 - n", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10669 G__memfunc_setup("WriteFastArrayFloat16",2037,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 3, 1, 1, 0,
10670 "F - 'Float_t' 10 - f i - 'Int_t' 0 - n "
10671 "U 'TStreamerElement' - 0 '0' ele", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10672 G__memfunc_setup("WriteFastArrayDouble32",2136,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 3, 1, 1, 0,
10673 "D - 'Double_t' 10 - d i - 'Int_t' 0 - n "
10674 "U 'TStreamerElement' - 0 '0' ele", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10675 G__memfunc_setup("WriteFastArray",1432,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 4, 1, 1, 0,
10676 "Y - - 0 - start U 'TClass' - 10 - cl "
10677 "i - 'Int_t' 0 '1' n U 'TMemberStreamer' - 0 '0' s", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10678 G__memfunc_setup("WriteFastArray",1432,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 5, 1, 1, 0,
10679 "Y - - 2 - startp U 'TClass' - 10 - cl "
10680 "i - 'Int_t' 0 '1' n g - 'Bool_t' 0 'kFALSE' isPreAlloc "
10681 "U 'TMemberStreamer' - 0 '0' s", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10682 G__memfunc_setup("StreamObject",1219,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 3, 1, 1, 0,
10683 "Y - - 0 - obj u 'type_info' - 11 - typeinfo "
10684 "U 'TClass' - 10 '0' onFileClass", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10685 G__memfunc_setup("StreamObject",1219,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 3, 1, 1, 0,
10686 "Y - - 0 - obj C - - 10 - className "
10687 "U 'TClass' - 10 '0' onFileClass", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10688 G__memfunc_setup("StreamObject",1219,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 3, 1, 1, 0,
10689 "Y - - 0 - obj U 'TClass' - 10 - cl "
10690 "U 'TClass' - 10 '0' onFileClass", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10691 G__memfunc_setup("StreamObject",1219,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "U 'TObject' - 0 - obj", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10692 G__memfunc_setup("ReadBool",776,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "g - 'Bool_t' 1 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10693 G__memfunc_setup("ReadChar",762,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "c - 'Char_t' 1 - c", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10694 G__memfunc_setup("ReadUChar",847,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "b - 'UChar_t' 1 - c", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10695 G__memfunc_setup("ReadShort",908,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "s - 'Short_t' 1 - h", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10696 G__memfunc_setup("ReadUShort",993,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "r - 'UShort_t' 1 - h", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10697 G__memfunc_setup("ReadInt",679,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 1 - i", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10698 G__memfunc_setup("ReadUInt",764,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "h - 'UInt_t' 1 - i", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10699 G__memfunc_setup("ReadLong",780,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "l - 'Long_t' 1 - l", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10700 G__memfunc_setup("ReadULong",865,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "k - 'ULong_t' 1 - ll", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10701 G__memfunc_setup("ReadLong64",886,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "n - 'Long64_t' 1 - ll", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10702 G__memfunc_setup("ReadULong64",971,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "m - 'ULong64_t' 1 - ll", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10703 G__memfunc_setup("ReadFloat",882,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "f - 'Float_t' 1 - f", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10704 G__memfunc_setup("ReadDouble",983,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "d - 'Double_t' 1 - d", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10705 G__memfunc_setup("ReadCharP",842,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "C - 'Char_t' 0 - c", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10706 G__memfunc_setup("ReadTString",1095,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TString' - 1 - s", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10707 G__memfunc_setup("WriteBool",919,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "g - 'Bool_t' 0 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10708 G__memfunc_setup("WriteChar",905,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "c - 'Char_t' 0 - c", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10709 G__memfunc_setup("WriteUChar",990,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "b - 'UChar_t' 0 - c", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10710 G__memfunc_setup("WriteShort",1051,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "s - 'Short_t' 0 - h", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10711 G__memfunc_setup("WriteUShort",1136,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "r - 'UShort_t' 0 - h", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10712 G__memfunc_setup("WriteInt",822,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - i", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10713 G__memfunc_setup("WriteUInt",907,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "h - 'UInt_t' 0 - i", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10714 G__memfunc_setup("WriteLong",923,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "l - 'Long_t' 0 - l", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10715 G__memfunc_setup("WriteULong",1008,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "k - 'ULong_t' 0 - l", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10716 G__memfunc_setup("WriteLong64",1029,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "n - 'Long64_t' 0 - ll", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10717 G__memfunc_setup("WriteULong64",1114,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "m - 'ULong64_t' 0 - ll", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10718 G__memfunc_setup("WriteFloat",1025,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "f - 'Float_t' 0 - f", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10719 G__memfunc_setup("WriteDouble",1126,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "d - 'Double_t' 0 - d", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10720 G__memfunc_setup("WriteCharP",985,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "C - 'Char_t' 10 - c", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10721 G__memfunc_setup("WriteTString",1238,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TString' - 11 - s", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10722 G__memfunc_setup("GetLastProcessID",1568,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TProcessID), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "U 'TRefTable' - 0 - reftable", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10723 G__memfunc_setup("GetTRefExecId",1219,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,104, -1, G__defined_typename("UInt_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10724 G__memfunc_setup("ReadProcessID",1256,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TProcessID), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "r - 'UShort_t' 0 - pidf", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10725 G__memfunc_setup("WriteProcessID",1399,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,114, -1, G__defined_typename("UShort_t"), 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "U 'TProcessID' - 0 - pid", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10726 G__memfunc_setup("ForceWriteInfo",1414,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0,
10727 "U 'TVirtualStreamerInfo' - 0 - info g - 'Bool_t' 0 - force", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10728 G__memfunc_setup("ForceWriteInfoClones",2026,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "U 'TClonesArray' - 0 - a", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10729 G__memfunc_setup("ReadClones",992,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 3, 1, 1, 0,
10730 "U 'TClonesArray' - 0 - a i - 'Int_t' 0 - nobjects "
10731 "s - 'Version_t' 0 - objvers", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10732 G__memfunc_setup("WriteClones",1135,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 2, 1, 1, 0,
10733 "U 'TClonesArray' - 0 - a i - 'Int_t' 0 - nobjects", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10734 G__memfunc_setup("ReadClassEmulated",1699,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 3, 1, 1, 0,
10735 "U 'TClass' - 10 - cl Y - - 0 - object "
10736 "U 'TClass' - 10 - onfile_class", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10737 G__memfunc_setup("ReadClassBuffer",1484,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 3, 1, 1, 0,
10738 "U 'TClass' - 10 - cl Y - - 0 - pointer "
10739 "U 'TClass' - 10 - onfile_class", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10740 G__memfunc_setup("ReadClassBuffer",1484,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 6, 1, 1, 0,
10741 "U 'TClass' - 10 - cl Y - - 0 - pointer "
10742 "i - 'Int_t' 0 - version h - 'UInt_t' 0 - start "
10743 "h - 'UInt_t' 0 - count U 'TClass' - 10 - onfile_class", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10744 G__memfunc_setup("WriteClassBuffer",1627,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 2, 1, 1, 0,
10745 "U 'TClass' - 10 - cl Y - - 0 - pointer", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10746 G__memfunc_setup("ReadSequence",1205,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 2, 1, 1, 0,
10747 "u 'TStreamerInfoActions::TActionSequence' - 11 - sequence Y - - 0 - object", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10748 G__memfunc_setup("ReadSequenceVecPtr",1801,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 3, 1, 1, 0,
10749 "u 'TStreamerInfoActions::TActionSequence' - 11 - sequence Y - - 0 - start_collection "
10750 "Y - - 0 - end_collection", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10751 G__memfunc_setup("ReadSequence",1205,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 3, 1, 1, 0,
10752 "u 'TStreamerInfoActions::TActionSequence' - 11 - sequence Y - - 0 - start_collection "
10753 "Y - - 0 - end_collection", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10754 G__memfunc_setup("SetGlobalReadParam",1770,G__G__IO_116_0_192, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 3, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - mapsize", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (void (*)(Int_t))(&TBufferFile::SetGlobalReadParam) ), 0);
10755 G__memfunc_setup("SetGlobalWriteParam",1913,G__G__IO_116_0_193, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 3, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - mapsize", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (void (*)(Int_t))(&TBufferFile::SetGlobalWriteParam) ), 0);
10756 G__memfunc_setup("GetGlobalReadParam",1758,G__G__IO_116_0_194, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (Int_t (*)())(&TBufferFile::GetGlobalReadParam) ), 0);
10757 G__memfunc_setup("GetGlobalWriteParam",1901,G__G__IO_116_0_195, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (Int_t (*)())(&TBufferFile::GetGlobalWriteParam) ), 0);
10758 G__memfunc_setup("Class",502,G__G__IO_116_0_196, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (TClass* (*)())(&TBufferFile::Class) ), 0);
10759 G__memfunc_setup("Class_Name",982,G__G__IO_116_0_197, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TBufferFile::Class_Name) ), 0);
10760 G__memfunc_setup("Class_Version",1339,G__G__IO_116_0_198, 115, -1, G__defined_typename("Version_t"), 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (Version_t (*)())(&TBufferFile::Class_Version) ), 0);
10761 G__memfunc_setup("Dictionary",1046,G__G__IO_116_0_199, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (void (*)())(&TBufferFile::Dictionary) ), 0);
10762 G__memfunc_setup("IsA",253,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10763 G__memfunc_setup("ShowMembers",1132,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMemberInspector' - 1 - insp", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10764 G__memfunc_setup("Streamer",835,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10765 G__memfunc_setup("StreamerNVirtual",1656,G__G__IO_116_0_203, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
10766 G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileName",1145,G__G__IO_116_0_204, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TBufferFile::DeclFileName) ), 0);
10767 G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileLine",1178,G__G__IO_116_0_205, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TBufferFile::ImplFileLine) ), 0);
10768 G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileName",1171,G__G__IO_116_0_206, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TBufferFile::ImplFileName) ), 0);
10769 G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileLine",1152,G__G__IO_116_0_207, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TBufferFile::DeclFileLine) ), 0);
10771 G__memfunc_setup("~TBufferFile", 1196, G__G__IO_116_0_208, (int) ('y'), -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*) NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10772 G__tag_memfunc_reset();
10773 }
10775 static void G__setup_memfuncTCollectionProxyFactory(void) {
10777 G__tag_memfunc_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TCollectionProxyFactory));
10778 G__memfunc_setup("GenEmulatedProxy",1645,G__G__IO_172_0_1, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TVirtualCollectionProxy), -1, 0, 1, 3, 1, 0, "C - - 10 - class_name", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (TVirtualCollectionProxy* (*)(const char*))(&TCollectionProxyFactory::GenEmulatedProxy) ), 0);
10779 G__memfunc_setup("GenEmulatedClassStreamer",2436,G__G__IO_172_0_2, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TClassStreamer), -1, 0, 1, 3, 1, 0, "C - - 10 - class_name", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (TClassStreamer* (*)(const char*))(&TCollectionProxyFactory::GenEmulatedClassStreamer) ), 0);
10780 G__memfunc_setup("GenEmulatedMemberStreamer",2534,G__G__IO_172_0_3, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TMemberStreamer), -1, 0, 1, 3, 1, 0, "C - - 10 - class_name", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (TMemberStreamer* (*)(const char*))(&TCollectionProxyFactory::GenEmulatedMemberStreamer) ), 0);
10781 G__memfunc_setup("GenExplicitProxy",1662,G__G__IO_172_0_4, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TVirtualCollectionProxy), G__defined_typename("TCollectionProxyFactory::Proxy_t"), 0, 2, 3, 1, 0,
10782 "u 'ROOT::TCollectionProxyInfo' - 11 - info U 'TClass' - 0 - cl", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (TCollectionProxyFactory::Proxy_t* (*)(const ROOT::TCollectionProxyInfo&, TClass*))(&TCollectionProxyFactory::GenExplicitProxy) ), 0);
10783 G__memfunc_setup("GenExplicitStreamer",1951,G__G__IO_172_0_5, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TGenCollectionStreamer), -1, 0, 2, 3, 1, 0,
10784 "u 'ROOT::TCollectionProxyInfo' - 11 - info U 'TClass' - 0 - cl", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (TGenCollectionStreamer* (*)(const ROOT::TCollectionProxyInfo&, TClass*))(&TCollectionProxyFactory::GenExplicitStreamer) ), 0);
10785 G__memfunc_setup("GenExplicitClassStreamer",2453,G__G__IO_172_0_6, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TClassStreamer), -1, 0, 2, 3, 1, 0,
10786 "u 'ROOT::TCollectionProxyInfo' - 11 - info U 'TClass' - 0 - cl", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (TClassStreamer* (*)(const ROOT::TCollectionProxyInfo&, TClass*))(&TCollectionProxyFactory::GenExplicitClassStreamer) ), 0);
10787 G__memfunc_setup("GenExplicitMemberStreamer",2551,G__G__IO_172_0_7, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TMemberStreamer), -1, 0, 2, 3, 1, 0,
10788 "u 'ROOT::TCollectionProxyInfo' - 11 - info U 'TClass' - 0 - cl", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (TMemberStreamer* (*)(const ROOT::TCollectionProxyInfo&, TClass*))(&TCollectionProxyFactory::GenExplicitMemberStreamer) ), 0);
10790 G__memfunc_setup("TCollectionProxyFactory", 2394, G__G__IO_172_0_8, (int) ('i'), G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TCollectionProxyFactory), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*) NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
10792 G__memfunc_setup("TCollectionProxyFactory", 2394, G__G__IO_172_0_9, (int) ('i'),
10793 G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TCollectionProxyFactory), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TCollectionProxyFactory' - 11 - -", (char*) NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
10795 G__memfunc_setup("~TCollectionProxyFactory", 2520, G__G__IO_172_0_10, (int) ('y'), -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*) NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
10797 G__memfunc_setup("operator=", 937, G__G__IO_172_0_11, (int) ('u'), G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TCollectionProxyFactory), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TCollectionProxyFactory' - 11 - -", (char*) NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
10798 G__tag_memfunc_reset();
10799 }
10801 static void G__setup_memfuncTGenCollectionProxy(void) {
10803 G__tag_memfunc_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TGenCollectionProxy));
10804 G__memfunc_setup("Initialize",1042,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TGenCollectionProxy), -1, 0, 0, 1, 2, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
10805 G__memfunc_setup("InitializeEx",1231,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TGenCollectionProxy), -1, 0, 0, 1, 2, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10806 G__memfunc_setup("DeleteItem",994,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 2, 8,
10807 "g - 'Bool_t' 0 - force Y - - 0 - ptr", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10808 G__memfunc_setup("CheckFunctions",1431,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 2, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
10809 G__memfunc_setup("TGenCollectionProxy",1948,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TGenCollectionProxy), -1, 0, 0, 1, 4, 0, "", "not implemented on purpose.", (void*) NULL, 0);
10810 G__memfunc_setup("Generate",811,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TVirtualCollectionProxy), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10811 G__memfunc_setup("TGenCollectionProxy",1948,G__G__IO_173_0_7, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TGenCollectionProxy), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TGenCollectionProxy' - 11 - copy", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
10812 G__memfunc_setup("TGenCollectionProxy",1948,G__G__IO_173_0_8, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TGenCollectionProxy), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0,
10813 "u 'type_info' 'TGenCollectionProxy::Info_t' 10 - typ h - 'size_t' 0 - iter_size", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
10814 G__memfunc_setup("TGenCollectionProxy",1948,G__G__IO_173_0_9, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TGenCollectionProxy), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0,
10815 "u 'ROOT::TCollectionProxyInfo' - 11 - info U 'TClass' - 0 - cl", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
10816 G__memfunc_setup("GetCollectionClass",1826,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10817 G__memfunc_setup("GetCollectionType",1742,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10818 G__memfunc_setup("GetIncrement",1221,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,107, -1, G__defined_typename("ULong_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10819 G__memfunc_setup("Sizeof",624,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,104, -1, G__defined_typename("UInt_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10820 G__memfunc_setup("PushProxy",962,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "Y - - 0 - objstart", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10821 G__memfunc_setup("PopProxy",849,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10822 G__memfunc_setup("HasPointers",1136,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10823 G__memfunc_setup("GetValueClass",1299,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10824 G__memfunc_setup("SetValueClass",1311,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "U 'TClass' - 0 - newcl", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10825 G__memfunc_setup("GetType",706,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_EDataType), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10826 G__memfunc_setup("At",181,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,89, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "h - 'UInt_t' 0 - idx", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10827 G__memfunc_setup("Clear",487,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "C - - 10 '\"\"' opt", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10828 G__memfunc_setup("Resize",626,G__G__IO_173_0_22, 121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0,
10829 "h - 'UInt_t' 0 - n g - 'Bool_t' 0 - force_delete", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10830 G__memfunc_setup("Size",411,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,104, -1, G__defined_typename("UInt_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10831 G__memfunc_setup("Allocate",805,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,89, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0,
10832 "h - 'UInt_t' 0 - n g - 'Bool_t' 0 - forceDelete", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10833 G__memfunc_setup("Commit",617,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "Y - - 0 - env", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10834 G__memfunc_setup("Streamer",835,G__G__IO_173_0_26, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - refBuffer", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10835 G__memfunc_setup("Streamer",835,G__G__IO_173_0_27, 121, -1, -1, 0, 3, 1, 1, 0,
10836 "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - refBuffer Y - - 0 - pObject "
10837 "i - - 0 - siz", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10838 G__memfunc_setup("operator()",957,G__G__IO_173_0_28, 121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0,
10839 "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - refBuffer Y - - 0 - pObject", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10840 G__memfunc_setup("ReadBuffer",982,G__G__IO_173_0_29, 121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0,
10841 "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - b Y - - 0 - obj", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10842 G__memfunc_setup("ReadBuffer",982,G__G__IO_173_0_30, 121, -1, -1, 0, 3, 1, 1, 0,
10843 "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - b Y - - 0 - obj "
10844 "U 'TClass' - 10 - onfileClass", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10845 G__memfunc_setup("SetOnFileClass",1375,G__G__IO_173_0_31, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "U 'TClass' - 0 - cl", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10846 G__memfunc_setup("GetOnFileClass",1363,G__G__IO_173_0_32, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10847 G__memfunc_setup("GetConversionReadMemberWiseActions",3459,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TStreamerInfoActionscLcLTActionSequence), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0,
10848 "U 'TClass' - 0 - oldClass i - 'Int_t' 0 - version", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10849 G__memfunc_setup("GetReadMemberWiseActions",2397,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TStreamerInfoActionscLcLTActionSequence), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - version", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10850 G__memfunc_setup("GetWriteMemberWiseActions",2540,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TStreamerInfoActionscLcLTActionSequence), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10851 G__memfunc_setup("GetFunctionCreateIterators",2679,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,89, -1, G__defined_typename("TVirtualCollectionProxy::CreateIterators_t"), 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "g - 'Bool_t' 0 'kTRUE' read", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10852 G__memfunc_setup("GetFunctionCopyIterator",2379,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,89, -1, G__defined_typename("TVirtualCollectionProxy::CopyIterator_t"), 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "g - 'Bool_t' 0 'kTRUE' read", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10853 G__memfunc_setup("GetFunctionNext",1541,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,89, -1, G__defined_typename("TVirtualCollectionProxy::Next_t"), 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "g - 'Bool_t' 0 'kTRUE' read", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10854 G__memfunc_setup("GetFunctionDeleteIterator",2563,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,89, -1, G__defined_typename("TVirtualCollectionProxy::DeleteIterator_t"), 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "g - 'Bool_t' 0 'kTRUE' read", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10855 G__memfunc_setup("GetFunctionDeleteTwoIterators",2992,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,89, -1, G__defined_typename("TVirtualCollectionProxy::DeleteTwoIterators_t"), 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "g - 'Bool_t' 0 'kTRUE' read", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10857 G__memfunc_setup("~TGenCollectionProxy", 2074, G__G__IO_173_0_41, (int) ('y'), -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*) NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10858 G__tag_memfunc_reset();
10859 }
10861 static void G__setup_memfuncTGenCollectionProxycLcLValue(void) {
10863 G__tag_memfunc_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TGenCollectionProxycLcLValue));
10864 G__memfunc_setup("Value",509,G__G__IO_175_0_1, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TGenCollectionProxycLcLValue), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TGenCollectionProxy::Value' - 11 - inside", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
10865 G__memfunc_setup("Value",509,G__G__IO_175_0_2, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TGenCollectionProxycLcLValue), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'string' - 11 - info", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
10866 G__memfunc_setup("DeleteItem",994,G__G__IO_175_0_3, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "Y - - 0 - ptr", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
10867 G__memfunc_setup("IsValid",684,G__G__IO_175_0_4, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
10869 G__memfunc_setup("~Value", 635, G__G__IO_175_0_5, (int) ('y'), -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*) NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
10871 G__memfunc_setup("operator=", 937, G__G__IO_175_0_6, (int) ('u'), G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TGenCollectionProxycLcLValue), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TGenCollectionProxy::Value' - 11 - -", (char*) NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
10872 G__tag_memfunc_reset();
10873 }
10875 static void G__setup_memfuncTGenCollectionProxycLcLMethod(void) {
10877 G__tag_memfunc_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TGenCollectionProxycLcLMethod));
10878 G__memfunc_setup("Method",609,G__G__IO_177_0_1, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TGenCollectionProxycLcLMethod), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
10879 G__memfunc_setup("Method",609,G__G__IO_177_0_2, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TGenCollectionProxycLcLMethod), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "Y - 'TGenCollectionProxy::Method::Call_t' 0 - c", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
10880 G__memfunc_setup("Method",609,G__G__IO_177_0_3, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TGenCollectionProxycLcLMethod), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TGenCollectionProxy::Method' - 11 - m", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
10881 G__memfunc_setup("invoke",652,G__G__IO_177_0_4, 89, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "Y - - 0 - obj", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
10883 G__memfunc_setup("~Method", 735, G__G__IO_177_0_5, (int) ('y'), -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*) NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
10885 G__memfunc_setup("operator=", 937, G__G__IO_177_0_6, (int) ('u'), G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TGenCollectionProxycLcLMethod), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TGenCollectionProxy::Method' - 11 - -", (char*) NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
10886 G__tag_memfunc_reset();
10887 }
10889 static void G__setup_memfuncTEmulatedCollectionProxy(void) {
10891 G__tag_memfunc_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TEmulatedCollectionProxy));
10892 G__memfunc_setup("InitializeEx",1231,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TGenCollectionProxy), -1, 0, 0, 1, 2, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10893 G__memfunc_setup("ReadItems",894,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 2, 0,
10894 "i - - 0 - nElements u 'TBuffer' - 1 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
10895 G__memfunc_setup("WriteItems",1037,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 2, 0,
10896 "i - - 0 - nElements u 'TBuffer' - 1 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
10897 G__memfunc_setup("Shrink",623,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 121, -1, -1, 0, 3, 1, 2, 0,
10898 "h - 'UInt_t' 0 - nCurr h - 'UInt_t' 0 - left "
10899 "g - 'Bool_t' 0 - force", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
10900 G__memfunc_setup("Expand",608,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 2, 0,
10901 "h - 'UInt_t' 0 - nCurr h - 'UInt_t' 0 - left", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
10902 G__memfunc_setup("Generate",811,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TVirtualCollectionProxy), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10903 G__memfunc_setup("TEmulatedCollectionProxy",2483,G__G__IO_190_0_7, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TEmulatedCollectionProxy), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TEmulatedCollectionProxy' - 11 - copy", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
10904 G__memfunc_setup("TEmulatedCollectionProxy",2483,G__G__IO_190_0_8, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TEmulatedCollectionProxy), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "C - - 10 - cl_name", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
10905 G__memfunc_setup("New",298,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,89, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10906 G__memfunc_setup("New",298,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,89, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "Y - - 0 - memory", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10907 G__memfunc_setup("NewArray",809,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,89, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - nElements", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10908 G__memfunc_setup("NewArray",809,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,89, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 8,
10909 "i - 'Int_t' 0 - nElements Y - - 0 - memory", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10910 G__memfunc_setup("Destructor",1071,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0,
10911 "Y - - 0 - p g - 'Bool_t' 0 'kFALSE' dtorOnly", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10912 G__memfunc_setup("DeleteArray",1106,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0,
10913 "Y - - 0 - p g - 'Bool_t' 0 'kFALSE' dtorOnly", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10914 G__memfunc_setup("Sizeof",624,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,104, -1, G__defined_typename("UInt_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10915 G__memfunc_setup("At",181,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,89, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "h - 'UInt_t' 0 - idx", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10916 G__memfunc_setup("Clear",487,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "C - - 10 '\"\"' opt", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10917 G__memfunc_setup("Resize",626,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0,
10918 "h - 'UInt_t' 0 - n g - 'Bool_t' 0 - force_delete", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10919 G__memfunc_setup("Size",411,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,104, -1, G__defined_typename("UInt_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10920 G__memfunc_setup("Allocate",805,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,89, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0,
10921 "h - 'UInt_t' 0 - n g - 'Bool_t' 0 - forceDelete", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10922 G__memfunc_setup("Commit",617,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "Y - - 0 - env", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10923 G__memfunc_setup("ReadBuffer",982,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0,
10924 "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - buff Y - - 0 - pObj", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10925 G__memfunc_setup("ReadBuffer",982,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 3, 1, 1, 0,
10926 "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - buff Y - - 0 - pObj "
10927 "U 'TClass' - 10 - onfile", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10928 G__memfunc_setup("Streamer",835,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - refBuffer", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10929 G__memfunc_setup("Streamer",835,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 3, 1, 1, 0,
10930 "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - buff Y - - 0 - pObj "
10931 "i - - 0 - siz", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10932 G__memfunc_setup("IsValid",684,G__G__IO_190_0_26, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
10934 G__memfunc_setup("~TEmulatedCollectionProxy", 2609, G__G__IO_190_0_27, (int) ('y'), -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*) NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10935 G__tag_memfunc_reset();
10936 }
10938 static void G__setup_memfuncTCollectionStreamer(void) {
10940 G__tag_memfunc_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TCollectionStreamer));
10941 G__memfunc_setup("operator=",937,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TCollectionStreamer), -1, 1, 1, 1, 4, 0, "u 'TCollectionStreamer' - 11 - -", "not implemented", (void*) NULL, 0);
10942 G__memfunc_setup("InvalidProxyError",1779,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 2, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
10943 G__memfunc_setup("TCollectionStreamer",1955,G__G__IO_191_0_3, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TCollectionStreamer), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
10944 G__memfunc_setup("TCollectionStreamer",1955,G__G__IO_191_0_4, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TCollectionStreamer), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TCollectionStreamer' - 11 - c", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
10945 G__memfunc_setup("AdoptStreamer",1339,G__G__IO_191_0_5, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "U 'TGenCollectionProxy' - 0 - streamer", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
10946 G__memfunc_setup("Streamer",835,G__G__IO_191_0_6, 121, -1, -1, 0, 4, 1, 1, 0,
10947 "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - refBuffer Y - - 0 - obj "
10948 "i - - 0 - siz U 'TClass' - 0 - onFileClass", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
10950 G__memfunc_setup("~TCollectionStreamer", 2081, G__G__IO_191_0_7, (int) ('y'), -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*) NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10951 G__tag_memfunc_reset();
10952 }
10954 static void G__setup_memfuncTCollectionClassStreamer(void) {
10956 G__tag_memfunc_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TCollectionClassStreamer));
10957 G__memfunc_setup("TCollectionClassStreamer",2457,G__G__IO_192_0_1, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TCollectionClassStreamer), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
10958 G__memfunc_setup("TCollectionClassStreamer",2457,G__G__IO_192_0_2, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TCollectionClassStreamer), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TCollectionClassStreamer' - 11 - c", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
10959 G__memfunc_setup("operator()",957,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0,
10960 "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - buff Y - - 0 - obj", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10961 G__memfunc_setup("Stream",620,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 3, 1, 1, 0,
10962 "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - b Y - - 0 - obj "
10963 "U 'TClass' - 10 - onfileClass", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10964 G__memfunc_setup("Generate",811,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TClassStreamer), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10965 G__memfunc_setup("GetXYZ",555,G__G__IO_192_0_6, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TGenCollectionProxy), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
10967 G__memfunc_setup("~TCollectionClassStreamer", 2583, G__G__IO_192_0_7, (int) ('y'), -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*) NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10968 G__tag_memfunc_reset();
10969 }
10971 static void G__setup_memfuncTCollectionMemberStreamer(void) {
10973 G__tag_memfunc_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TCollectionMemberStreamer));
10974 G__memfunc_setup("TCollectionMemberStreamer",2555,G__G__IO_193_0_1, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TCollectionMemberStreamer), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
10975 G__memfunc_setup("TCollectionMemberStreamer",2555,G__G__IO_193_0_2, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TCollectionMemberStreamer), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TCollectionMemberStreamer' - 11 - c", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
10976 G__memfunc_setup("operator()",957,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 3, 1, 1, 0,
10977 "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - buff Y - - 0 - obj "
10978 "i - 'Int_t' 0 '0' siz", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10980 G__memfunc_setup("~TCollectionMemberStreamer", 2681, G__G__IO_193_0_4, (int) ('y'), -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*) NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10981 G__tag_memfunc_reset();
10982 }
10984 static void G__setup_memfuncTKey(void) {
10986 G__tag_memfunc_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TKey));
10987 G__memfunc_setup("TKey",381,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TKey), -1, 0, 1, 1, 4, 0, "u 'TKey' - 11 - -", "TKey objects are not copiable.", (void*) NULL, 0);
10988 G__memfunc_setup("operator=",937,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TKey), -1, 1, 1, 1, 4, 0, "u 'TKey' - 11 - -", "TKey objects are not copiable.", (void*) NULL, 0);
10989 G__memfunc_setup("Read",380,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 1, 1, 2, 0, "C - - 10 - name", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10990 G__memfunc_setup("Create",596,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 2, 0,
10991 "i - 'Int_t' 0 - nbytes U 'TFile' - 0 '0' f", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10992 G__memfunc_setup("Build",496,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 121, -1, -1, 0, 3, 1, 2, 0,
10993 "U 'TDirectory' - 0 - motherDir C - - 10 - classname "
10994 "n - 'Long64_t' 0 - filepos", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
10995 G__memfunc_setup("Reset",515,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 2, 0, "", "Currently only for the use of TBasket.", (void*) NULL, 1);
10996 G__memfunc_setup("WriteFileKeepBuffer",1898,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 1, 1, 2, 0, "U 'TFile' - 0 '0' f", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
10997 G__memfunc_setup("TKey",381,G__G__IO_202_0_8, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TKey), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
10998 G__memfunc_setup("TKey",381,G__G__IO_202_0_9, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TKey), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "U 'TDirectory' - 0 - motherDir", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
10999 G__memfunc_setup("TKey",381,G__G__IO_202_0_10, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TKey), -1, 0, 5, 1, 1, 0,
11000 "C - - 10 - name C - - 10 - title "
11001 "U 'TClass' - 10 - cl i - 'Int_t' 0 - nbytes "
11002 "U 'TDirectory' - 0 '0' motherDir", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
11003 G__memfunc_setup("TKey",381,G__G__IO_202_0_11, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TKey), -1, 0, 5, 1, 1, 0,
11004 "u 'TString' - 11 - name u 'TString' - 11 - title "
11005 "U 'TClass' - 10 - cl i - 'Int_t' 0 - nbytes "
11006 "U 'TDirectory' - 0 '0' motherDir", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
11007 G__memfunc_setup("TKey",381,G__G__IO_202_0_12, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TKey), -1, 0, 4, 1, 1, 0,
11008 "U 'TObject' - 10 - obj C - - 10 - name "
11009 "i - 'Int_t' 0 - bufsize U 'TDirectory' - 0 '0' motherDir", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
11010 G__memfunc_setup("TKey",381,G__G__IO_202_0_13, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TKey), -1, 0, 5, 1, 1, 0,
11011 "Y - - 10 - obj U 'TClass' - 10 - cl "
11012 "C - - 10 - name i - 'Int_t' 0 - bufsize "
11013 "U 'TDirectory' - 0 '0' motherDir", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
11014 G__memfunc_setup("TKey",381,G__G__IO_202_0_14, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TKey), -1, 0, 3, 1, 1, 0,
11015 "n - 'Long64_t' 0 - pointer i - 'Int_t' 0 - nbytes "
11016 "U 'TDirectory' - 0 '0' motherDir", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
11017 G__memfunc_setup("Browse",626,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "U 'TBrowser' - 0 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
11018 G__memfunc_setup("Delete",595,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "C - 'Option_t' 10 '\"\"' option", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
11019 G__memfunc_setup("DeleteBuffer",1197,G__G__IO_202_0_17, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
11020 G__memfunc_setup("FillBuffer",993,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "C - - 1 - buffer", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
11021 G__memfunc_setup("GetClassName",1175,G__G__IO_202_0_19, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 9, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
11022 G__memfunc_setup("GetIconName",1066,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 9, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
11023 G__memfunc_setup("GetTitle",802,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 9, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
11024 G__memfunc_setup("GetBuffer",890,G__G__IO_202_0_22, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
11025 G__memfunc_setup("GetBufferRef",1175,G__G__IO_202_0_23, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TBuffer), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
11026 G__memfunc_setup("GetCycle",784,G__G__IO_202_0_24, 115, -1, G__defined_typename("Short_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
11027 G__memfunc_setup("GetDatime",884,G__G__IO_202_0_25, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TDatime), -1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 9, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
11028 G__memfunc_setup("GetFile",672,G__G__IO_202_0_26, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TFile), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
11029 G__memfunc_setup("GetKeep",677,G__G__IO_202_0_27, 115, -1, G__defined_typename("Short_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
11030 G__memfunc_setup("GetKeylen",904,G__G__IO_202_0_28, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
11031 G__memfunc_setup("GetMotherDir",1198,G__G__IO_202_0_29, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TDirectory), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
11032 G__memfunc_setup("GetNbytes",917,G__G__IO_202_0_30, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
11033 G__memfunc_setup("GetObjlen",890,G__G__IO_202_0_31, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
11034 G__memfunc_setup("GetVersion",1030,G__G__IO_202_0_32, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
11035 G__memfunc_setup("GetSeekKey",977,G__G__IO_202_0_33, 110, -1, G__defined_typename("Long64_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
11036 G__memfunc_setup("GetSeekPdir",1079,G__G__IO_202_0_34, 110, -1, G__defined_typename("Long64_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
11037 G__memfunc_setup("Hash",388,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,107, -1, G__defined_typename("ULong_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
11038 G__memfunc_setup("IncrementPidOffset",1833,G__G__IO_202_0_36, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "r - 'UShort_t' 0 - offset", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
11039 G__memfunc_setup("IsFolder",792,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
11040 G__memfunc_setup("Keep",389,G__G__IO_202_0_38, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
11041 G__memfunc_setup("ls",223,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "C - 'Option_t' 10 '\"\"' option", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
11042 G__memfunc_setup("Print",525,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "C - 'Option_t' 10 '\"\"' option", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
11043 G__memfunc_setup("Read",380,G__G__IO_202_0_41, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "U 'TObject' - 0 - obj", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
11044 G__memfunc_setup("ReadObj",663,G__G__IO_202_0_42, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TObject), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
11045 G__memfunc_setup("ReadObjWithBuffer",1677,G__G__IO_202_0_43, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TObject), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "C - - 0 - bufferRead", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
11046 G__memfunc_setup("ReadObjectAny",1275,G__G__IO_202_0_44, 89, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "U 'TClass' - 10 - expectedClass", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
11047 G__memfunc_setup("ReadBuffer",982,G__G__IO_202_0_45, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "C - - 1 - buffer", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
11048 G__memfunc_setup("ReadKeyBuffer",1279,G__G__IO_202_0_46, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "C - - 1 - buffer", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
11049 G__memfunc_setup("ReadFile",764,G__G__IO_202_0_47, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
11050 G__memfunc_setup("SetBuffer",902,G__G__IO_202_0_48, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
11051 G__memfunc_setup("SetParent",918,G__G__IO_202_0_49, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "U 'TObject' - 10 - parent", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
11052 G__memfunc_setup("SetMotherDir",1210,G__G__IO_202_0_50, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "U 'TDirectory' - 0 - dir", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
11053 G__memfunc_setup("Sizeof",624,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
11054 G__memfunc_setup("WriteFile",907,G__G__IO_202_0_52, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 2, 1, 1, 0,
11055 "i - 'Int_t' 0 '1' cycle U 'TFile' - 0 '0' f", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
11056 G__memfunc_setup("Class",502,G__G__IO_202_0_53, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (TClass* (*)())(&TKey::Class) ), 0);
11057 G__memfunc_setup("Class_Name",982,G__G__IO_202_0_54, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TKey::Class_Name) ), 0);
11058 G__memfunc_setup("Class_Version",1339,G__G__IO_202_0_55, 115, -1, G__defined_typename("Version_t"), 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (Version_t (*)())(&TKey::Class_Version) ), 0);
11059 G__memfunc_setup("Dictionary",1046,G__G__IO_202_0_56, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (void (*)())(&TKey::Dictionary) ), 0);
11060 G__memfunc_setup("IsA",253,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
11061 G__memfunc_setup("ShowMembers",1132,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMemberInspector' - 1 - insp", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
11062 G__memfunc_setup("Streamer",835,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
11063 G__memfunc_setup("StreamerNVirtual",1656,G__G__IO_202_0_60, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
11064 G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileName",1145,G__G__IO_202_0_61, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TKey::DeclFileName) ), 0);
11065 G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileLine",1178,G__G__IO_202_0_62, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TKey::ImplFileLine) ), 0);
11066 G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileName",1171,G__G__IO_202_0_63, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TKey::ImplFileName) ), 0);
11067 G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileLine",1152,G__G__IO_202_0_64, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TKey::DeclFileLine) ), 0);
11069 G__memfunc_setup("~TKey", 507, G__G__IO_202_0_65, (int) ('y'), -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*) NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
11070 G__tag_memfunc_reset();
11071 }
11073 static void G__setup_memfuncTDirectoryFile(void) {
11075 G__tag_memfunc_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TDirectoryFile));
11076 G__memfunc_setup("CleanTargets",1213,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 2, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
11077 G__memfunc_setup("TDirectoryFile",1417,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TDirectoryFile), -1, 0, 1, 1, 4, 0, "u 'TDirectoryFile' - 11 - directory", "Directories cannot be copied", (void*) NULL, 0);
11078 G__memfunc_setup("operator=",937,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 4, 0, "u 'TDirectoryFile' - 11 - -", "Directories cannot be copied", (void*) NULL, 0);
11079 G__memfunc_setup("TDirectoryFile",1417,G__G__IO_204_0_4, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TDirectoryFile), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
11080 G__memfunc_setup("TDirectoryFile",1417,G__G__IO_204_0_5, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TDirectoryFile), -1, 0, 4, 1, 1, 0,
11081 "C - - 10 - name C - - 10 - title "
11082 "C - 'Option_t' 10 '\"\"' option U 'TDirectory' - 0 '0' motherDir", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
11083 G__memfunc_setup("Append",600,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0,
11084 "U 'TObject' - 0 - obj g - 'Bool_t' 0 'kFALSE' replace", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
11085 G__memfunc_setup("Add",265,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0,
11086 "U 'TObject' - 0 - obj g - 'Bool_t' 0 'kFALSE' replace", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
11087 G__memfunc_setup("AppendKey",897,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "U 'TKey' - 0 - key", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
11088 G__memfunc_setup("Browse",626,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "U 'TBrowser' - 0 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
11089 G__memfunc_setup("Build",496,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0,
11090 "U 'TFile' - 0 '0' motherFile U 'TDirectory' - 0 '0' motherDir", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
11091 G__memfunc_setup("CloneObject",1096,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TObject), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0,
11092 "U 'TObject' - 10 - obj g - 'Bool_t' 0 'kTRUE' autoadd", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
11093 G__memfunc_setup("Close",502,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "C - 'Option_t' 10 '\"\"' option", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
11094 G__memfunc_setup("Copy",411,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "u 'TObject' - 1 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
11095 G__memfunc_setup("cd",199,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "C - - 10 '0' path", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
11096 G__memfunc_setup("Delete",595,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "C - - 10 '\"\"' namecycle", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
11097 G__memfunc_setup("FillBuffer",993,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "C - - 1 - buffer", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
11098 G__memfunc_setup("FindKey",682,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TKey), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "C - - 10 - keyname", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
11099 G__memfunc_setup("FindKeyAny",978,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TKey), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "C - - 10 - keyname", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
11100 G__memfunc_setup("FindObjectAny",1280,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TObject), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "C - - 10 - name", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
11101 G__memfunc_setup("FindObjectAnyFile",1664,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TObject), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "C - - 10 - name", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
11102 G__memfunc_setup("Get",288,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TObject), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "C - - 10 - namecycle", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
11103 G__memfunc_setup("GetDirectory",1237,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TDirectory), -1, 0, 3, 1, 1, 0,
11104 "C - - 10 - apath g - 'Bool_t' 0 'false' printError "
11105 "C - - 10 '\"GetDirectory\"' funcname", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
11106 G__memfunc_setup("GetObjectChecked",1566,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,89, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0,
11107 "C - - 10 - namecycle C - - 10 - classname", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
11108 G__memfunc_setup("GetObjectChecked",1566,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,89, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0,
11109 "C - - 10 - namecycle U 'TClass' - 10 - cl", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
11110 G__memfunc_setup("GetObjectUnchecked",1793,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,89, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "C - - 10 - namecycle", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
11111 G__memfunc_setup("GetBufferSize",1301,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
11112 G__memfunc_setup("GetCreationDate",1491,G__G__IO_204_0_27, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TDatime), -1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 9, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
11113 G__memfunc_setup("GetFile",672,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TFile), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
11114 G__memfunc_setup("GetKey",585,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TKey), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 8,
11115 "C - - 10 - name s - 'Short_t' 0 '9999' cycle", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
11116 G__memfunc_setup("GetListOfKeys",1293,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TList), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
11117 G__memfunc_setup("GetModificationDate",1908,G__G__IO_204_0_31, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TDatime), -1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 9, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
11118 G__memfunc_setup("GetNbytesKeys",1329,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
11119 G__memfunc_setup("GetNkeys",810,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
11120 G__memfunc_setup("GetSeekDir",967,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,110, -1, G__defined_typename("Long64_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
11121 G__memfunc_setup("GetSeekParent",1298,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,110, -1, G__defined_typename("Long64_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
11122 G__memfunc_setup("GetSeekKeys",1092,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,110, -1, G__defined_typename("Long64_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
11123 G__memfunc_setup("IsModified",989,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
11124 G__memfunc_setup("IsWritable",1014,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
11125 G__memfunc_setup("ls",223,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "C - 'Option_t' 10 '\"\"' option", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
11126 G__memfunc_setup("mkdir",535,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TDirectory), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0,
11127 "C - - 10 - name C - - 10 '\"\"' title", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
11128 G__memfunc_setup("OpenFile",786,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TFile), -1, 0, 5, 1, 1, 0,
11129 "C - - 10 - name C - 'Option_t' 10 '\"\"' option "
11130 "C - - 10 '\"\"' ftitle i - 'Int_t' 0 '1' compress "
11131 "i - 'Int_t' 0 '0' netopt", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
11132 G__memfunc_setup("Purge",515,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "s - 'Short_t' 0 '1' nkeep", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
11133 G__memfunc_setup("ReadAll",661,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "C - 'Option_t' 10 '\"\"' option", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
11134 G__memfunc_setup("ReadKeys",792,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "g - 'Bool_t' 0 'kTRUE' forceRead", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
11135 G__memfunc_setup("ReadTObject",1063,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 2, 1, 1, 0,
11136 "U 'TObject' - 0 - obj C - - 10 - keyname", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
11137 G__memfunc_setup("rmdir",542,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "C - - 10 - name", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
11138 G__memfunc_setup("Save",399,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
11139 G__memfunc_setup("SaveSelf",793,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "g - 'Bool_t' 0 'kFALSE' force", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
11140 G__memfunc_setup("SaveObjectAs",1178,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 3, 1, 1, 8,
11141 "U 'TObject' - 10 - obj C - - 10 '\"\"' filename "
11142 "C - 'Option_t' 10 '\"\"' option", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
11143 G__memfunc_setup("SetBufferSize",1313,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - bufsize", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
11144 G__memfunc_setup("SetModified",1101,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
11145 G__memfunc_setup("SetSeekDir",979,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "n - 'Long64_t' 0 - v", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
11146 G__memfunc_setup("SetTRefAction",1275,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0,
11147 "U 'TObject' - 0 - ref U 'TObject' - 0 - parent", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
11148 G__memfunc_setup("SetWritable",1126,G__G__IO_204_0_54, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "g - 'Bool_t' 0 'kTRUE' writable", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
11149 G__memfunc_setup("Sizeof",624,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
11150 G__memfunc_setup("Write",523,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 3, 1, 1, 0,
11151 "C - - 10 '0' name i - 'Int_t' 0 '0' opt "
11152 "i - 'Int_t' 0 '0' bufsize", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
11153 G__memfunc_setup("Write",523,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 3, 1, 1, 8,
11154 "C - - 10 '0' name i - 'Int_t' 0 '0' opt "
11155 "i - 'Int_t' 0 '0' bufsize", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
11156 G__memfunc_setup("WriteTObject",1206,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 4, 1, 1, 0,
11157 "U 'TObject' - 10 - obj C - - 10 '0' name "
11158 "C - 'Option_t' 10 '\"\"' option i - 'Int_t' 0 '0' bufsize", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
11159 G__memfunc_setup("WriteObjectAny",1418,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 5, 1, 1, 0,
11160 "Y - - 10 - obj C - - 10 - classname "
11161 "C - - 10 - name C - 'Option_t' 10 '\"\"' option "
11162 "i - 'Int_t' 0 '0' bufsize", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
11163 G__memfunc_setup("WriteObjectAny",1418,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 5, 1, 1, 0,
11164 "Y - - 10 - obj U 'TClass' - 10 - cl "
11165 "C - - 10 - name C - 'Option_t' 10 '\"\"' option "
11166 "i - 'Int_t' 0 '0' bufsize", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
11167 G__memfunc_setup("WriteDirHeader",1395,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
11168 G__memfunc_setup("WriteKeys",935,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
11169 G__memfunc_setup("Class",502,G__G__IO_204_0_63, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (TClass* (*)())(&TDirectoryFile::Class) ), 0);
11170 G__memfunc_setup("Class_Name",982,G__G__IO_204_0_64, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TDirectoryFile::Class_Name) ), 0);
11171 G__memfunc_setup("Class_Version",1339,G__G__IO_204_0_65, 115, -1, G__defined_typename("Version_t"), 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (Version_t (*)())(&TDirectoryFile::Class_Version) ), 0);
11172 G__memfunc_setup("Dictionary",1046,G__G__IO_204_0_66, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (void (*)())(&TDirectoryFile::Dictionary) ), 0);
11173 G__memfunc_setup("IsA",253,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
11174 G__memfunc_setup("ShowMembers",1132,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMemberInspector' - 1 - insp", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
11175 G__memfunc_setup("Streamer",835,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
11176 G__memfunc_setup("StreamerNVirtual",1656,G__G__IO_204_0_70, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
11177 G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileName",1145,G__G__IO_204_0_71, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TDirectoryFile::DeclFileName) ), 0);
11178 G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileLine",1178,G__G__IO_204_0_72, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TDirectoryFile::ImplFileLine) ), 0);
11179 G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileName",1171,G__G__IO_204_0_73, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TDirectoryFile::ImplFileName) ), 0);
11180 G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileLine",1152,G__G__IO_204_0_74, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TDirectoryFile::DeclFileLine) ), 0);
11182 G__memfunc_setup("~TDirectoryFile", 1543, G__G__IO_204_0_75, (int) ('y'), -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*) NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
11183 G__tag_memfunc_reset();
11184 }
11186 static void G__setup_memfuncTEmulatedMapProxy(void) {
11188 G__tag_memfunc_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TEmulatedMapProxy));
11189 G__memfunc_setup("ReadMap",666,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 2, 0,
11190 "i - - 0 - nElements u 'TBuffer' - 1 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
11191 G__memfunc_setup("WriteMap",809,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 2, 0,
11192 "i - - 0 - nElements u 'TBuffer' - 1 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
11193 G__memfunc_setup("Generate",811,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TVirtualCollectionProxy), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
11194 G__memfunc_setup("TEmulatedMapProxy",1733,G__G__IO_211_0_4, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TEmulatedMapProxy), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TEmulatedMapProxy' - 11 - copy", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
11195 G__memfunc_setup("TEmulatedMapProxy",1733,G__G__IO_211_0_5, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TEmulatedMapProxy), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "C - - 10 - cl_name", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
11196 G__memfunc_setup("At",181,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,89, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "h - 'UInt_t' 0 - idx", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
11197 G__memfunc_setup("Size",411,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,104, -1, G__defined_typename("UInt_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
11198 G__memfunc_setup("ReadBuffer",982,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0,
11199 "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - buff Y - - 0 - pObj", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
11200 G__memfunc_setup("ReadBuffer",982,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 3, 1, 1, 0,
11201 "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - buff Y - - 0 - pObj "
11202 "U 'TClass' - 10 - onfile", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
11203 G__memfunc_setup("Streamer",835,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - refBuffer", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
11204 G__memfunc_setup("Streamer",835,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 3, 1, 1, 0,
11205 "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - buff Y - - 0 - pObj "
11206 "i - - 0 - siz", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
11208 G__memfunc_setup("~TEmulatedMapProxy", 1859, G__G__IO_211_0_12, (int) ('y'), -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*) NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
11209 G__tag_memfunc_reset();
11210 }
11212 static void G__setup_memfuncTFileCacheRead(void) {
11214 G__tag_memfunc_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TFileCacheRead));
11215 G__memfunc_setup("TFileCacheRead",1316,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TFileCacheRead), -1, 0, 1, 1, 4, 0, "u 'TFileCacheRead' - 11 - -", "cannot be copied", (void*) NULL, 0);
11216 G__memfunc_setup("operator=",937,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TFileCacheRead), -1, 1, 1, 1, 4, 0, "u 'TFileCacheRead' - 11 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
11217 G__memfunc_setup("TFileCacheRead",1316,G__G__IO_213_0_3, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TFileCacheRead), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
11218 G__memfunc_setup("TFileCacheRead",1316,G__G__IO_213_0_4, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TFileCacheRead), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0,
11219 "U 'TFile' - 0 - file i - 'Int_t' 0 - buffersize", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
11220 G__memfunc_setup("AddBranch",855,G__G__IO_213_0_5, 121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0,
11221 "U 'TBranch' - 0 - - g - 'Bool_t' 0 'kFALSE' -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
11222 G__memfunc_setup("AddBranch",855,G__G__IO_213_0_6, 121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0,
11223 "C - - 10 - - g - 'Bool_t' 0 'kFALSE' -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
11224 G__memfunc_setup("GetBufferSize",1301,G__G__IO_213_0_7, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
11225 G__memfunc_setup("GetUnzipBuffer",1424,G__G__IO_213_0_8, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 4, 1, 1, 0,
11226 "C - - 2 - - n - 'Long64_t' 0 - - "
11227 "i - 'Int_t' 0 - - G - 'Bool_t' 0 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
11228 G__memfunc_setup("IsAsyncReading",1396,G__G__IO_213_0_9, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
11229 G__memfunc_setup("IsLearning",1004,G__G__IO_213_0_10, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
11230 G__memfunc_setup("Prefetch",817,G__G__IO_213_0_11, 121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0,
11231 "n - 'Long64_t' 0 - pos i - 'Int_t' 0 - len", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
11232 G__memfunc_setup("Print",525,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "C - 'Option_t' 10 '\"\"' option", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
11233 G__memfunc_setup("ReadBufferExt",1287,G__G__IO_213_0_13, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 4, 1, 1, 0,
11234 "C - - 0 - buf n - 'Long64_t' 0 - pos "
11235 "i - 'Int_t' 0 - len i - 'Int_t' 1 - loc", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
11236 G__memfunc_setup("ReadBuffer",982,G__G__IO_213_0_14, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 3, 1, 1, 0,
11237 "C - - 0 - buf n - 'Long64_t' 0 - pos "
11238 "i - 'Int_t' 0 - len", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
11239 G__memfunc_setup("SetFile",684,G__G__IO_213_0_15, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "U 'TFile' - 0 - file", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
11240 G__memfunc_setup("SetSkipZip",1014,G__G__IO_213_0_16, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "g - 'Bool_t' 0 'kTRUE' -", "This function is only used by TTreeCacheUnzip (ignore it)", (void*) NULL, 1);
11241 G__memfunc_setup("Sort",424,G__G__IO_213_0_17, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
11242 G__memfunc_setup("Class",502,G__G__IO_213_0_18, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (TClass* (*)())(&TFileCacheRead::Class) ), 0);
11243 G__memfunc_setup("Class_Name",982,G__G__IO_213_0_19, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TFileCacheRead::Class_Name) ), 0);
11244 G__memfunc_setup("Class_Version",1339,G__G__IO_213_0_20, 115, -1, G__defined_typename("Version_t"), 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (Version_t (*)())(&TFileCacheRead::Class_Version) ), 0);
11245 G__memfunc_setup("Dictionary",1046,G__G__IO_213_0_21, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (void (*)())(&TFileCacheRead::Dictionary) ), 0);
11246 G__memfunc_setup("IsA",253,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
11247 G__memfunc_setup("ShowMembers",1132,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMemberInspector' - 1 - insp", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
11248 G__memfunc_setup("Streamer",835,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
11249 G__memfunc_setup("StreamerNVirtual",1656,G__G__IO_213_0_25, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
11250 G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileName",1145,G__G__IO_213_0_26, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TFileCacheRead::DeclFileName) ), 0);
11251 G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileLine",1178,G__G__IO_213_0_27, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TFileCacheRead::ImplFileLine) ), 0);
11252 G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileName",1171,G__G__IO_213_0_28, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TFileCacheRead::ImplFileName) ), 0);
11253 G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileLine",1152,G__G__IO_213_0_29, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TFileCacheRead::DeclFileLine) ), 0);
11255 G__memfunc_setup("~TFileCacheRead", 1442, G__G__IO_213_0_30, (int) ('y'), -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*) NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
11256 G__tag_memfunc_reset();
11257 }
11259 static void G__setup_memfuncTFileCacheWrite(void) {
11261 G__tag_memfunc_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TFileCacheWrite));
11262 G__memfunc_setup("TFileCacheWrite",1459,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TFileCacheWrite), -1, 0, 1, 1, 4, 0, "u 'TFileCacheWrite' - 11 - -", "cannot be copied", (void*) NULL, 0);
11263 G__memfunc_setup("operator=",937,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TFileCacheWrite), -1, 1, 1, 1, 4, 0, "u 'TFileCacheWrite' - 11 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
11264 G__memfunc_setup("TFileCacheWrite",1459,G__G__IO_214_0_3, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TFileCacheWrite), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
11265 G__memfunc_setup("TFileCacheWrite",1459,G__G__IO_214_0_4, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TFileCacheWrite), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0,
11266 "U 'TFile' - 0 - file i - 'Int_t' 0 - buffersize", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
11267 G__memfunc_setup("Flush",514,G__G__IO_214_0_5, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
11268 G__memfunc_setup("GetBytesInCache",1458,G__G__IO_214_0_6, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
11269 G__memfunc_setup("Print",525,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "C - 'Option_t' 10 '\"\"' option", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
11270 G__memfunc_setup("ReadBuffer",982,G__G__IO_214_0_8, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 3, 1, 1, 0,
11271 "C - - 0 - buf n - 'Long64_t' 0 - pos "
11272 "i - 'Int_t' 0 - len", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
11273 G__memfunc_setup("WriteBuffer",1125,G__G__IO_214_0_9, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 3, 1, 1, 0,
11274 "C - - 10 - buf n - 'Long64_t' 0 - pos "
11275 "i - 'Int_t' 0 - len", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
11276 G__memfunc_setup("SetFile",684,G__G__IO_214_0_10, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "U 'TFile' - 0 - file", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
11277 G__memfunc_setup("Class",502,G__G__IO_214_0_11, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (TClass* (*)())(&TFileCacheWrite::Class) ), 0);
11278 G__memfunc_setup("Class_Name",982,G__G__IO_214_0_12, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TFileCacheWrite::Class_Name) ), 0);
11279 G__memfunc_setup("Class_Version",1339,G__G__IO_214_0_13, 115, -1, G__defined_typename("Version_t"), 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (Version_t (*)())(&TFileCacheWrite::Class_Version) ), 0);
11280 G__memfunc_setup("Dictionary",1046,G__G__IO_214_0_14, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (void (*)())(&TFileCacheWrite::Dictionary) ), 0);
11281 G__memfunc_setup("IsA",253,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
11282 G__memfunc_setup("ShowMembers",1132,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMemberInspector' - 1 - insp", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
11283 G__memfunc_setup("Streamer",835,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
11284 G__memfunc_setup("StreamerNVirtual",1656,G__G__IO_214_0_18, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
11285 G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileName",1145,G__G__IO_214_0_19, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TFileCacheWrite::DeclFileName) ), 0);
11286 G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileLine",1178,G__G__IO_214_0_20, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TFileCacheWrite::ImplFileLine) ), 0);
11287 G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileName",1171,G__G__IO_214_0_21, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TFileCacheWrite::ImplFileName) ), 0);
11288 G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileLine",1152,G__G__IO_214_0_22, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TFileCacheWrite::DeclFileLine) ), 0);
11290 G__memfunc_setup("~TFileCacheWrite", 1585, G__G__IO_214_0_23, (int) ('y'), -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*) NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
11291 G__tag_memfunc_reset();
11292 }
11294 static void G__setup_memfuncTFree(void) {
11296 G__tag_memfunc_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TFree));
11297 G__memfunc_setup("TFree",470,G__G__IO_223_0_1, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TFree), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
11298 G__memfunc_setup("TFree",470,G__G__IO_223_0_2, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TFree), -1, 0, 3, 1, 1, 0,
11299 "U 'TList' - 0 - lfree n - 'Long64_t' 0 - first "
11300 "n - 'Long64_t' 0 - last", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
11301 G__memfunc_setup("AddFree",651,G__G__IO_223_0_3, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TFree), -1, 0, 3, 1, 1, 0,
11302 "U 'TList' - 0 - lfree n - 'Long64_t' 0 - first "
11303 "n - 'Long64_t' 0 - last", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
11304 G__memfunc_setup("FillBuffer",993,G__G__IO_223_0_4, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "C - - 1 - buffer", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
11305 G__memfunc_setup("GetBestFree",1072,G__G__IO_223_0_5, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TFree), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0,
11306 "U 'TList' - 0 - lfree i - 'Int_t' 0 - nbytes", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
11307 G__memfunc_setup("GetFirst",808,G__G__IO_223_0_6, 110, -1, G__defined_typename("Long64_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
11308 G__memfunc_setup("GetLast",692,G__G__IO_223_0_7, 110, -1, G__defined_typename("Long64_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
11309 G__memfunc_setup("ls",223,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "C - 'Option_t' 10 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
11310 G__memfunc_setup("ReadBuffer",982,G__G__IO_223_0_9, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "C - - 1 - buffer", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
11311 G__memfunc_setup("SetFirst",820,G__G__IO_223_0_10, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "n - 'Long64_t' 0 - first", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
11312 G__memfunc_setup("SetLast",704,G__G__IO_223_0_11, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "n - 'Long64_t' 0 - last", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
11313 G__memfunc_setup("Sizeof",624,G__G__IO_223_0_12, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
11314 G__memfunc_setup("Class",502,G__G__IO_223_0_13, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (TClass* (*)())(&TFree::Class) ), 0);
11315 G__memfunc_setup("Class_Name",982,G__G__IO_223_0_14, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TFree::Class_Name) ), 0);
11316 G__memfunc_setup("Class_Version",1339,G__G__IO_223_0_15, 115, -1, G__defined_typename("Version_t"), 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (Version_t (*)())(&TFree::Class_Version) ), 0);
11317 G__memfunc_setup("Dictionary",1046,G__G__IO_223_0_16, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (void (*)())(&TFree::Dictionary) ), 0);
11318 G__memfunc_setup("IsA",253,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
11319 G__memfunc_setup("ShowMembers",1132,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMemberInspector' - 1 - insp", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
11320 G__memfunc_setup("Streamer",835,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
11321 G__memfunc_setup("StreamerNVirtual",1656,G__G__IO_223_0_20, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
11322 G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileName",1145,G__G__IO_223_0_21, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TFree::DeclFileName) ), 0);
11323 G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileLine",1178,G__G__IO_223_0_22, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TFree::ImplFileLine) ), 0);
11324 G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileName",1171,G__G__IO_223_0_23, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TFree::ImplFileName) ), 0);
11325 G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileLine",1152,G__G__IO_223_0_24, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TFree::DeclFileLine) ), 0);
11327 G__memfunc_setup("TFree", 470, G__G__IO_223_0_25, (int) ('i'), G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TFree), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TFree' - 11 - -", (char*) NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
11329 G__memfunc_setup("~TFree", 596, G__G__IO_223_0_26, (int) ('y'), -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*) NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
11331 G__memfunc_setup("operator=", 937, G__G__IO_223_0_27, (int) ('u'), G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TFree), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TFree' - 11 - -", (char*) NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
11332 G__tag_memfunc_reset();
11333 }
11335 static void G__setup_memfuncTMapFile(void) {
11337 G__tag_memfunc_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TMapFile));
11338 G__memfunc_setup("TMapFile",754,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TMapFile), -1, 0, 0, 1, 2, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
11339 G__memfunc_setup("TMapFile",754,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TMapFile), -1, 0, 5, 1, 2, 0,
11340 "C - - 10 - name C - - 10 - title "
11341 "C - 'Option_t' 10 - option i - 'Int_t' 0 - size "
11342 "U 'TMapFile' - 1 - newMapFile", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
11343 G__memfunc_setup("TMapFile",754,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TMapFile), -1, 0, 2, 1, 2, 0,
11344 "u 'TMapFile' - 11 - f l - 'Long_t' 0 '0' offset", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
11345 G__memfunc_setup("operator=",937,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 2, 0, "u 'TMapFile' - 11 - rhs", "not implemented", (void*) NULL, 0);
11346 G__memfunc_setup("FindShadowMapFile",1669,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TMapFile), -1, 0, 0, 1, 2, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
11347 G__memfunc_setup("InitDirectory",1353,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 2, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
11348 G__memfunc_setup("Remove",622,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TObject), -1, 0, 2, 1, 2, 0,
11349 "U 'TObject' - 0 - obj g - 'Bool_t' 0 - lock", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
11350 G__memfunc_setup("Remove",622,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TObject), -1, 0, 2, 1, 2, 0,
11351 "C - - 10 - name g - 'Bool_t' 0 - lock", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
11352 G__memfunc_setup("SumBuffer",911,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 2, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - bufsize", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
11353 G__memfunc_setup("GetBestBuffer",1288,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 2, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
11354 G__memfunc_setup("CreateSemaphore",1528,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 2, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 '0' pid", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
11355 G__memfunc_setup("AcquireSemaphore",1646,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 2, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
11356 G__memfunc_setup("ReleaseSemaphore",1637,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 2, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
11357 G__memfunc_setup("DeleteSemaphore",1527,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 2, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
11358 G__memfunc_setup("MapToAddress",1191,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 89, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 2, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
11359 G__memfunc_setup("operator delete",1535,G__G__IO_234_0_16, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 3, 1, 0, "Y - - 0 - vp", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (void (*)(void*))(&TMapFile::operator delete) ), 0);
11360 G__memfunc_setup("Browse",626,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "U 'TBrowser' - 0 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
11361 G__memfunc_setup("Close",502,G__G__IO_234_0_18, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "C - 'Option_t' 10 '\"\"' option", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
11362 G__memfunc_setup("GetBaseAddr",1046,G__G__IO_234_0_19, 89, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
11363 G__memfunc_setup("GetBreakval",1096,G__G__IO_234_0_20, 89, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
11364 G__memfunc_setup("GetDirectory",1237,G__G__IO_234_0_21, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TDirectory), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
11365 G__memfunc_setup("GetFd",458,G__G__IO_234_0_22, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
11366 G__memfunc_setup("GetMmallocDesc",1380,G__G__IO_234_0_23, 89, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
11367 G__memfunc_setup("GetName",673,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 9, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
11368 G__memfunc_setup("GetSize",699,G__G__IO_234_0_25, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
11369 G__memfunc_setup("GetOption",921,G__G__IO_234_0_26, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 9, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
11370 G__memfunc_setup("GetTitle",802,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 9, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
11371 G__memfunc_setup("GetFirst",808,G__G__IO_234_0_28, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TMapRec), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
11372 G__memfunc_setup("GetLast",692,G__G__IO_234_0_29, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TMapRec), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
11373 G__memfunc_setup("IsFolder",792,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
11374 G__memfunc_setup("IsWritable",1014,G__G__IO_234_0_31, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
11375 G__memfunc_setup("OrgAddress",1006,G__G__IO_234_0_32, 89, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "Y - - 0 - addr", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
11376 G__memfunc_setup("Print",525,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "C - 'Option_t' 10 '\"\"' option", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
11377 G__memfunc_setup("ls",223,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "C - 'Option_t' 10 '\"\"' option", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
11378 G__memfunc_setup("cd",199,G__G__IO_234_0_35, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "C - - 10 '0' path", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
11379 G__memfunc_setup("Add",265,G__G__IO_234_0_36, 121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0,
11380 "U 'TObject' - 10 - obj C - - 10 '\"\"' name", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
11381 G__memfunc_setup("Update",611,G__G__IO_234_0_37, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "U 'TObject' - 0 '0' obj", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
11382 G__memfunc_setup("Remove",622,G__G__IO_234_0_38, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TObject), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "U 'TObject' - 0 - obj", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
11383 G__memfunc_setup("Remove",622,G__G__IO_234_0_39, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TObject), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "C - - 10 - name", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
11384 G__memfunc_setup("RemoveAll",903,G__G__IO_234_0_40, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
11385 G__memfunc_setup("Get",288,G__G__IO_234_0_41, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TObject), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0,
11386 "C - - 10 - name U 'TObject' - 0 '0' retObj", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
11387 G__memfunc_setup("Create",596,G__G__IO_234_0_42, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TMapFile), -1, 0, 4, 3, 1, 0,
11388 "C - - 10 - name C - 'Option_t' 10 '\"READ\"' option "
11389 "i - 'Int_t' 0 'kDefaultMapSize' size C - - 10 '\"\"' title", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (TMapFile* (*)(const char*, Option_t*, Int_t, const char*))(&TMapFile::Create) ), 0);
11390 G__memfunc_setup("WhichMapFile",1169,G__G__IO_234_0_43, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TMapFile), -1, 0, 1, 3, 1, 0, "Y - - 0 - addr", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (TMapFile* (*)(void*))(&TMapFile::WhichMapFile) ), 0);
11391 G__memfunc_setup("SetMapAddress",1296,G__G__IO_234_0_44, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 3, 1, 0, "l - 'Long_t' 0 - addr", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (void (*)(Long_t))(&TMapFile::SetMapAddress) ), 0);
11392 G__memfunc_setup("Class",502,G__G__IO_234_0_45, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (TClass* (*)())(&TMapFile::Class) ), 0);
11393 G__memfunc_setup("Class_Name",982,G__G__IO_234_0_46, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TMapFile::Class_Name) ), 0);
11394 G__memfunc_setup("Class_Version",1339,G__G__IO_234_0_47, 115, -1, G__defined_typename("Version_t"), 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (Version_t (*)())(&TMapFile::Class_Version) ), 0);
11395 G__memfunc_setup("Dictionary",1046,G__G__IO_234_0_48, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (void (*)())(&TMapFile::Dictionary) ), 0);
11396 G__memfunc_setup("IsA",253,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
11397 G__memfunc_setup("ShowMembers",1132,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMemberInspector' - 1 - insp", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
11398 G__memfunc_setup("Streamer",835,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
11399 G__memfunc_setup("StreamerNVirtual",1656,G__G__IO_234_0_52, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
11400 G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileName",1145,G__G__IO_234_0_53, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TMapFile::DeclFileName) ), 0);
11401 G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileLine",1178,G__G__IO_234_0_54, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TMapFile::ImplFileLine) ), 0);
11402 G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileName",1171,G__G__IO_234_0_55, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TMapFile::ImplFileName) ), 0);
11403 G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileLine",1152,G__G__IO_234_0_56, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TMapFile::DeclFileLine) ), 0);
11405 G__memfunc_setup("~TMapFile", 880, G__G__IO_234_0_57, (int) ('y'), -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*) NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
11406 G__tag_memfunc_reset();
11407 }
11409 static void G__setup_memfuncTKeyMapFile(void) {
11411 G__tag_memfunc_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TKeyMapFile));
11412 G__memfunc_setup("TKeyMapFile",1051,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TKeyMapFile), -1, 0, 1, 1, 4, 0, "u 'TKeyMapFile' - 11 - -", "TKeyMapFile objects are not copiable.", (void*) NULL, 0);
11413 G__memfunc_setup("operator=",937,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TKeyMapFile), -1, 1, 1, 1, 4, 0, "u 'TKeyMapFile' - 11 - -", "TKeyMapFile objects are not copiable.", (void*) NULL, 0);
11414 G__memfunc_setup("TKeyMapFile",1051,G__G__IO_235_0_3, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TKeyMapFile), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
11415 G__memfunc_setup("TKeyMapFile",1051,G__G__IO_235_0_4, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TKeyMapFile), -1, 0, 3, 1, 1, 0,
11416 "C - - 10 - name C - - 10 - classname "
11417 "U 'TMapFile' - 0 - mapfile", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
11418 G__memfunc_setup("Browse",626,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "U 'TBrowser' - 0 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
11419 G__memfunc_setup("Class",502,G__G__IO_235_0_6, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (TClass* (*)())(&TKeyMapFile::Class) ), 0);
11420 G__memfunc_setup("Class_Name",982,G__G__IO_235_0_7, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TKeyMapFile::Class_Name) ), 0);
11421 G__memfunc_setup("Class_Version",1339,G__G__IO_235_0_8, 115, -1, G__defined_typename("Version_t"), 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (Version_t (*)())(&TKeyMapFile::Class_Version) ), 0);
11422 G__memfunc_setup("Dictionary",1046,G__G__IO_235_0_9, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (void (*)())(&TKeyMapFile::Dictionary) ), 0);
11423 G__memfunc_setup("IsA",253,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
11424 G__memfunc_setup("ShowMembers",1132,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMemberInspector' - 1 - insp", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
11425 G__memfunc_setup("Streamer",835,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
11426 G__memfunc_setup("StreamerNVirtual",1656,G__G__IO_235_0_13, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
11427 G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileName",1145,G__G__IO_235_0_14, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TKeyMapFile::DeclFileName) ), 0);
11428 G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileLine",1178,G__G__IO_235_0_15, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TKeyMapFile::ImplFileLine) ), 0);
11429 G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileName",1171,G__G__IO_235_0_16, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TKeyMapFile::ImplFileName) ), 0);
11430 G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileLine",1152,G__G__IO_235_0_17, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TKeyMapFile::DeclFileLine) ), 0);
11432 G__memfunc_setup("~TKeyMapFile", 1177, G__G__IO_235_0_18, (int) ('y'), -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*) NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
11433 G__tag_memfunc_reset();
11434 }
11436 static void G__setup_memfuncTLockFile(void) {
11438 G__tag_memfunc_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TLockFile));
11439 G__memfunc_setup("TLockFile",861,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TLockFile), -1, 0, 1, 1, 4, 0, "u 'TLockFile' - 11 - -", "not implemented", (void*) NULL, 0);
11440 G__memfunc_setup("operator=",937,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TLockFile), -1, 1, 1, 1, 4, 0, "u 'TLockFile' - 11 - -", "not implemented", (void*) NULL, 0);
11441 G__memfunc_setup("Lock",393,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 2, 1, 2, 0,
11442 "C - - 10 - path i - 'Int_t' 0 - timeLimit", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
11443 G__memfunc_setup("TLockFile",861,G__G__IO_236_0_4, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TLockFile), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0,
11444 "C - - 10 - path i - 'Int_t' 0 '0' timeLimit", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
11445 G__memfunc_setup("Class",502,G__G__IO_236_0_5, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (TClass* (*)())(&TLockFile::Class) ), 0);
11446 G__memfunc_setup("Class_Name",982,G__G__IO_236_0_6, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TLockFile::Class_Name) ), 0);
11447 G__memfunc_setup("Class_Version",1339,G__G__IO_236_0_7, 115, -1, G__defined_typename("Version_t"), 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (Version_t (*)())(&TLockFile::Class_Version) ), 0);
11448 G__memfunc_setup("Dictionary",1046,G__G__IO_236_0_8, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (void (*)())(&TLockFile::Dictionary) ), 0);
11449 G__memfunc_setup("IsA",253,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
11450 G__memfunc_setup("ShowMembers",1132,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMemberInspector' - 1 - insp", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
11451 G__memfunc_setup("Streamer",835,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
11452 G__memfunc_setup("StreamerNVirtual",1656,G__G__IO_236_0_12, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
11453 G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileName",1145,G__G__IO_236_0_13, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TLockFile::DeclFileName) ), 0);
11454 G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileLine",1178,G__G__IO_236_0_14, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TLockFile::ImplFileLine) ), 0);
11455 G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileName",1171,G__G__IO_236_0_15, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TLockFile::ImplFileName) ), 0);
11456 G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileLine",1152,G__G__IO_236_0_16, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TLockFile::DeclFileLine) ), 0);
11458 G__memfunc_setup("~TLockFile", 987, G__G__IO_236_0_17, (int) ('y'), -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*) NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
11459 G__tag_memfunc_reset();
11460 }
11462 static void G__setup_memfuncTMapRec(void) {
11464 G__tag_memfunc_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TMapRec));
11465 G__memfunc_setup("TMapRec",652,G__G__IO_252_0_1, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TMapRec), -1, 0, 4, 1, 1, 0,
11466 "C - - 10 - name U 'TObject' - 10 - obj "
11467 "i - 'Int_t' 0 - size Y - - 0 - buf", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
11468 G__memfunc_setup("GetName",673,G__G__IO_252_0_2, 67, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 9, "l - 'Long_t' 0 '0' offset", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
11469 G__memfunc_setup("GetClassName",1175,G__G__IO_252_0_3, 67, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 9, "l - 'Long_t' 0 '0' offset", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
11470 G__memfunc_setup("GetBuffer",890,G__G__IO_252_0_4, 89, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "l - 'Long_t' 0 '0' offset", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
11471 G__memfunc_setup("GetBufSize",984,G__G__IO_252_0_5, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
11472 G__memfunc_setup("GetObject",887,G__G__IO_252_0_6, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TObject), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
11473 G__memfunc_setup("GetNext",703,G__G__IO_252_0_7, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TMapRec), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "l - 'Long_t' 0 '0' offset", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
11475 G__memfunc_setup("TMapRec", 652, G__G__IO_252_0_8, (int) ('i'), G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TMapRec), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMapRec' - 11 - -", (char*) NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
11477 G__memfunc_setup("~TMapRec", 778, G__G__IO_252_0_9, (int) ('y'), -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*) NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
11479 G__memfunc_setup("operator=", 937, G__G__IO_252_0_10, (int) ('u'), G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TMapRec), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMapRec' - 11 - -", (char*) NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
11480 G__tag_memfunc_reset();
11481 }
11483 static void G__setup_memfuncTStreamerInfoActionscLcLTConfiguration(void) {
11485 G__tag_memfunc_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TStreamerInfoActionscLcLTConfiguration));
11486 G__memfunc_setup("TConfiguration",1452,G__G__IO_261_0_1, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TStreamerInfoActionscLcLTConfiguration), -1, 0, 3, 1, 1, 0,
11487 "U 'TVirtualStreamerInfo' - 0 - info h - 'UInt_t' 0 - id "
11488 "i - 'Int_t' 0 - offset", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
11489 G__memfunc_setup("TConfiguration",1452,G__G__IO_261_0_2, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TStreamerInfoActionscLcLTConfiguration), -1, 0, 4, 1, 1, 0,
11490 "U 'TVirtualStreamerInfo' - 0 - info h - 'UInt_t' 0 - id "
11491 "i - 'Int_t' 0 - offset h - 'UInt_t' 0 - length", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
11492 G__memfunc_setup("AddToOffset",1075,G__G__IO_261_0_3, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - delta", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
11493 G__memfunc_setup("Copy",411,G__G__IO_261_0_4, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TStreamerInfoActionscLcLTConfiguration), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
11494 G__memfunc_setup("Print",525,G__G__IO_261_0_5, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
11495 G__memfunc_setup("PrintDebug",1012,G__G__IO_261_0_6, 121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 8,
11496 "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - buffer Y - - 0 - object", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
11498 G__memfunc_setup("TConfiguration", 1452, G__G__IO_261_0_7, (int) ('i'), G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TStreamerInfoActionscLcLTConfiguration), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TStreamerInfoActions::TConfiguration' - 11 - -", (char*) NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
11500 G__memfunc_setup("~TConfiguration", 1578, G__G__IO_261_0_8, (int) ('y'), -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*) NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
11502 G__memfunc_setup("operator=", 937, G__G__IO_261_0_9, (int) ('u'), G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TStreamerInfoActionscLcLTConfiguration), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TStreamerInfoActions::TConfiguration' - 11 - -", (char*) NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
11503 G__tag_memfunc_reset();
11504 }
11506 static void G__setup_memfuncTStreamerInfoActionscLcLTConfiguredAction(void) {
11508 G__tag_memfunc_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TStreamerInfoActionscLcLTConfiguredAction));
11509 G__memfunc_setup("TConfiguredAction",1720,G__G__IO_263_0_1, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TStreamerInfoActionscLcLTConfiguredAction), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
11510 G__memfunc_setup("TConfiguredAction",1720,G__G__IO_263_0_2, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TStreamerInfoActionscLcLTConfiguredAction), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TStreamerInfoActions::TConfiguredAction' - 11 - rval", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
11511 G__memfunc_setup("TConfiguredAction",1720,G__G__IO_263_0_3, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TStreamerInfoActionscLcLTConfiguredAction), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0,
11512 "Y - 'TStreamerInfoActions::TStreamerInfoLoopAction_t' 0 - action U 'TStreamerInfoActions::TConfiguration' - 0 - conf", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
11513 G__memfunc_setup("PrintDebug",1012,G__G__IO_263_0_4, 121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 8,
11514 "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - buffer Y - - 0 - object", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
11515 G__memfunc_setup("operator()",957,G__G__IO_263_0_5, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 2, 1, 1, 8,
11516 "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - buffer Y - - 0 - object", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
11517 G__memfunc_setup("operator()",957,G__G__IO_263_0_6, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 3, 1, 1, 8,
11518 "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - buffer Y - - 0 - start_collection "
11519 "Y - - 10 - end_collection", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
11520 G__memfunc_setup("operator()",957,G__G__IO_263_0_7, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 4, 1, 1, 8,
11521 "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - buffer Y - - 0 - start_collection "
11522 "Y - - 10 - end_collection U 'TStreamerInfoActions::TLoopConfiguration' - 10 - loopconf", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
11523 G__memfunc_setup("Class",502,G__G__IO_263_0_8, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (TClass* (*)())(&TStreamerInfoActions::TConfiguredAction::Class) ), 0);
11524 G__memfunc_setup("Class_Name",982,G__G__IO_263_0_9, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TStreamerInfoActions::TConfiguredAction::Class_Name) ), 0);
11525 G__memfunc_setup("Class_Version",1339,G__G__IO_263_0_10, 115, -1, G__defined_typename("Version_t"), 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (Version_t (*)())(&TStreamerInfoActions::TConfiguredAction::Class_Version) ), 0);
11526 G__memfunc_setup("Dictionary",1046,G__G__IO_263_0_11, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (void (*)())(&TStreamerInfoActions::TConfiguredAction::Dictionary) ), 0);
11527 G__memfunc_setup("IsA",253,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
11528 G__memfunc_setup("ShowMembers",1132,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMemberInspector' - 1 - insp", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
11529 G__memfunc_setup("Streamer",835,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
11530 G__memfunc_setup("StreamerNVirtual",1656,G__G__IO_263_0_15, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
11531 G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileName",1145,G__G__IO_263_0_16, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TStreamerInfoActions::TConfiguredAction::DeclFileName) ), 0);
11532 G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileLine",1178,G__G__IO_263_0_17, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TStreamerInfoActions::TConfiguredAction::ImplFileLine) ), 0);
11533 G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileName",1171,G__G__IO_263_0_18, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TStreamerInfoActions::TConfiguredAction::ImplFileName) ), 0);
11534 G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileLine",1152,G__G__IO_263_0_19, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TStreamerInfoActions::TConfiguredAction::DeclFileLine) ), 0);
11536 G__memfunc_setup("~TConfiguredAction", 1846, G__G__IO_263_0_20, (int) ('y'), -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*) NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
11538 G__memfunc_setup("operator=", 937, G__G__IO_263_0_21, (int) ('u'), G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TStreamerInfoActionscLcLTConfiguredAction), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TStreamerInfoActions::TConfiguredAction' - 11 - -", (char*) NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
11539 G__tag_memfunc_reset();
11540 }
11542 static void G__setup_memfuncTVirtualObject(void) {
11544 G__tag_memfunc_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TVirtualObject));
11545 G__memfunc_setup("TVirtualObject",1426,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TVirtualObject), -1, 0, 1, 1, 4, 0, "u 'TVirtualObject' - 11 - -", "not implemented", (void*) NULL, 0);
11546 G__memfunc_setup("operator=",937,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TVirtualObject), -1, 1, 1, 1, 4, 0, "u 'TVirtualObject' - 11 - -", "not implemented", (void*) NULL, 0);
11547 G__memfunc_setup("TVirtualObject",1426,G__G__IO_277_0_3, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TVirtualObject), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "U 'TClass' - 0 - cl", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
11548 G__memfunc_setup("GetClass",790,G__G__IO_277_0_4, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
11549 G__memfunc_setup("GetObject",887,G__G__IO_277_0_5, 89, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
11551 G__memfunc_setup("~TVirtualObject", 1552, G__G__IO_277_0_6, (int) ('y'), -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*) NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
11552 G__tag_memfunc_reset();
11553 }
11555 static void G__setup_memfuncTZIPMember(void) {
11557 G__tag_memfunc_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TZIPMember));
11558 G__memfunc_setup("TZIPMember",927,G__G__IO_278_0_1, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TZIPMember), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
11559 G__memfunc_setup("TZIPMember",927,G__G__IO_278_0_2, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TZIPMember), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "C - - 10 - name", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
11560 G__memfunc_setup("TZIPMember",927,G__G__IO_278_0_3, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TZIPMember), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TZIPMember' - 11 - member", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
11561 G__memfunc_setup("operator=",937,G__G__IO_278_0_4, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TZIPMember), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TZIPMember' - 11 - rhs", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
11562 G__memfunc_setup("GetLocal",779,G__G__IO_278_0_5, 89, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
11563 G__memfunc_setup("GetLocalLen",1066,G__G__IO_278_0_6, 110, -1, G__defined_typename("Long64_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
11564 G__memfunc_setup("GetGlobal",881,G__G__IO_278_0_7, 89, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
11565 G__memfunc_setup("GetGlobalLen",1168,G__G__IO_278_0_8, 110, -1, G__defined_typename("Long64_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
11566 G__memfunc_setup("GetCRC32",605,G__G__IO_278_0_9, 104, -1, G__defined_typename("UInt_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
11567 G__memfunc_setup("GetAttrInt",998,G__G__IO_278_0_10, 104, -1, G__defined_typename("UInt_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
11568 G__memfunc_setup("GetAttrExt",1004,G__G__IO_278_0_11, 104, -1, G__defined_typename("UInt_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
11569 G__memfunc_setup("GetMethod",897,G__G__IO_278_0_12, 104, -1, G__defined_typename("UInt_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
11570 G__memfunc_setup("GetLevel",792,G__G__IO_278_0_13, 104, -1, G__defined_typename("UInt_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
11571 G__memfunc_setup("Print",525,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "C - 'Option_t' 10 '\"\"' option", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
11572 G__memfunc_setup("Class",502,G__G__IO_278_0_15, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (TClass* (*)())(&TZIPMember::Class) ), 0);
11573 G__memfunc_setup("Class_Name",982,G__G__IO_278_0_16, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TZIPMember::Class_Name) ), 0);
11574 G__memfunc_setup("Class_Version",1339,G__G__IO_278_0_17, 115, -1, G__defined_typename("Version_t"), 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (Version_t (*)())(&TZIPMember::Class_Version) ), 0);
11575 G__memfunc_setup("Dictionary",1046,G__G__IO_278_0_18, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (void (*)())(&TZIPMember::Dictionary) ), 0);
11576 G__memfunc_setup("IsA",253,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
11577 G__memfunc_setup("ShowMembers",1132,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMemberInspector' - 1 - insp", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
11578 G__memfunc_setup("Streamer",835,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
11579 G__memfunc_setup("StreamerNVirtual",1656,G__G__IO_278_0_22, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
11580 G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileName",1145,G__G__IO_278_0_23, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TZIPMember::DeclFileName) ), 0);
11581 G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileLine",1178,G__G__IO_278_0_24, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TZIPMember::ImplFileLine) ), 0);
11582 G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileName",1171,G__G__IO_278_0_25, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TZIPMember::ImplFileName) ), 0);
11583 G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileLine",1152,G__G__IO_278_0_26, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TZIPMember::DeclFileLine) ), 0);
11585 G__memfunc_setup("~TZIPMember", 1053, G__G__IO_278_0_27, (int) ('y'), -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*) NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
11586 G__tag_memfunc_reset();
11587 }
11589 static void G__setup_memfuncTZIPFile(void) {
11591 G__tag_memfunc_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TZIPFile));
11592 G__memfunc_setup("FindEndHeader",1249,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 110, -1, G__defined_typename("Long64_t"), 0, 0, 1, 2, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
11593 G__memfunc_setup("ReadEndHeader",1244,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 1, 1, 2, 0, "n - 'Long64_t' 0 - pos", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
11594 G__memfunc_setup("ReadDirectory",1329,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 2, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
11595 G__memfunc_setup("ReadMemberHeader",1565,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 1, 1, 2, 0, "U 'TZIPMember' - 0 - member", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
11596 G__memfunc_setup("Get",288,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 104, -1, G__defined_typename("UInt_t"), 0, 2, 1, 2, 0,
11597 "Y - - 10 - buffer i - 'Int_t' 0 - bytes", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
11598 G__memfunc_setup("TZIPFile",711,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TZIPFile), -1, 0, 1, 1, 2, 0, "u 'TZIPFile' - 11 - -", "Not implemented", (void*) NULL, 0);
11599 G__memfunc_setup("operator=",937,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TZIPFile), -1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 0, "u 'TZIPFile' - 11 - -", "Not implemented", (void*) NULL, 0);
11600 G__memfunc_setup("TZIPFile",711,G__G__IO_279_0_8, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TZIPFile), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
11601 G__memfunc_setup("TZIPFile",711,G__G__IO_279_0_9, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TZIPFile), -1, 0, 3, 1, 1, 0,
11602 "C - - 10 - archive C - - 10 - member "
11603 "U 'TFile' - 0 - file", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
11604 G__memfunc_setup("OpenArchive",1108,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
11605 G__memfunc_setup("SetCurrentMember",1639,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
11606 G__memfunc_setup("Print",525,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "C - 'Option_t' 10 '\"\"' option", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
11607 G__memfunc_setup("Class",502,G__G__IO_279_0_13, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (TClass* (*)())(&TZIPFile::Class) ), 0);
11608 G__memfunc_setup("Class_Name",982,G__G__IO_279_0_14, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TZIPFile::Class_Name) ), 0);
11609 G__memfunc_setup("Class_Version",1339,G__G__IO_279_0_15, 115, -1, G__defined_typename("Version_t"), 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (Version_t (*)())(&TZIPFile::Class_Version) ), 0);
11610 G__memfunc_setup("Dictionary",1046,G__G__IO_279_0_16, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (void (*)())(&TZIPFile::Dictionary) ), 0);
11611 G__memfunc_setup("IsA",253,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
11612 G__memfunc_setup("ShowMembers",1132,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMemberInspector' - 1 - insp", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
11613 G__memfunc_setup("Streamer",835,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
11614 G__memfunc_setup("StreamerNVirtual",1656,G__G__IO_279_0_20, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
11615 G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileName",1145,G__G__IO_279_0_21, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TZIPFile::DeclFileName) ), 0);
11616 G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileLine",1178,G__G__IO_279_0_22, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TZIPFile::ImplFileLine) ), 0);
11617 G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileName",1171,G__G__IO_279_0_23, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TZIPFile::ImplFileName) ), 0);
11618 G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileLine",1152,G__G__IO_279_0_24, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TZIPFile::DeclFileLine) ), 0);
11620 G__memfunc_setup("~TZIPFile", 837, G__G__IO_279_0_25, (int) ('y'), -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*) NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
11621 G__tag_memfunc_reset();
11622 }
11628 extern "C" void G__cpp_setup_memfuncG__IO() {
11629 }
11634 static void G__cpp_setup_global0() {
11637 G__resetplocal();
11639 }
11641 static void G__cpp_setup_global1() {
11642 }
11644 static void G__cpp_setup_global2() {
11645 }
11647 static void G__cpp_setup_global3() {
11648 G__memvar_setup((void*)(&gFile),85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__IOLN_TFile),-1,-1,1,"gFile=",0,(char*)NULL);
11650 G__resetglobalenv();
11651 }
11652 extern "C" void G__cpp_setup_globalG__IO() {
11653 G__cpp_setup_global0();
11654 G__cpp_setup_global1();
11655 G__cpp_setup_global2();
11656 G__cpp_setup_global3();
11657 }
11662 static void G__cpp_setup_func0() {
11663 G__lastifuncposition();
11665 }
11667 static void G__cpp_setup_func1() {
11668 }
11670 static void G__cpp_setup_func2() {
11671 }
11673 static void G__cpp_setup_func3() {
11674 }
11676 static void G__cpp_setup_func4() {
11677 }
11679 static void G__cpp_setup_func5() {
11680 }
11682 static void G__cpp_setup_func6() {
11683 }
11685 static void G__cpp_setup_func7() {
11686 }
11688 static void G__cpp_setup_func8() {
11690 G__resetifuncposition();
11691 }
11693 extern "C" void G__cpp_setup_funcG__IO() {
11694 G__cpp_setup_func0();
11695 G__cpp_setup_func1();
11696 G__cpp_setup_func2();
11697 G__cpp_setup_func3();
11698 G__cpp_setup_func4();
11699 G__cpp_setup_func5();
11700 G__cpp_setup_func6();
11701 G__cpp_setup_func7();
11702 G__cpp_setup_func8();
11703 }
11709 G__linked_taginfo G__G__IOLN_type_info = { "type_info" , 99 , -1 };
11710 G__linked_taginfo G__G__IOLN_TClass = { "TClass" , 99 , -1 };
11711 G__linked_taginfo G__G__IOLN_TBuffer = { "TBuffer" , 99 , -1 };
11712 G__linked_taginfo G__G__IOLN_TDirectory = { "TDirectory" , 99 , -1 };
11713 G__linked_taginfo G__G__IOLN_TMemberInspector = { "TMemberInspector" , 99 , -1 };
11714 G__linked_taginfo G__G__IOLN_TObject = { "TObject" , 99 , -1 };
11715 G__linked_taginfo G__G__IOLN_TNamed = { "TNamed" , 99 , -1 };
11716 G__linked_taginfo G__G__IOLN_TString = { "TString" , 99 , -1 };
11717 G__linked_taginfo G__G__IOLN_TClassStreamer = { "TClassStreamer" , 99 , -1 };
11718 G__linked_taginfo G__G__IOLN_TMemberStreamer = { "TMemberStreamer" , 99 , -1 };
11719 G__linked_taginfo G__G__IOLN_TVirtualCollectionProxy = { "TVirtualCollectionProxy" , 99 , -1 };
11720 G__linked_taginfo G__G__IOLN_ROOT = { "ROOT" , 110 , -1 };
11721 G__linked_taginfo G__G__IOLN_string = { "string" , 99 , -1 };
11722 G__linked_taginfo G__G__IOLN_ROOTcLcLTCollectionProxyInfo = { "ROOT::TCollectionProxyInfo" , 99 , -1 };
11723 G__linked_taginfo G__G__IOLN_vectorlEROOTcLcLTSchemaHelpercOallocatorlEROOTcLcLTSchemaHelpergRsPgR = { "vector<ROOT::TSchemaHelper,allocator<ROOT::TSchemaHelper> >" , 99 , -1 };
11724 G__linked_taginfo G__G__IOLN_reverse_iteratorlEvectorlEROOTcLcLTSchemaHelpercOallocatorlEROOTcLcLTSchemaHelpergRsPgRcLcLiteratorgR = { "reverse_iterator<vector<ROOT::TSchemaHelper,allocator<ROOT::TSchemaHelper> >::iterator>" , 99 , -1 };
11725 G__linked_taginfo G__G__IOLN_TList = { "TList" , 99 , -1 };
11726 G__linked_taginfo G__G__IOLN_TBrowser = { "TBrowser" , 99 , -1 };
11727 G__linked_taginfo G__G__IOLN_TObjArray = { "TObjArray" , 99 , -1 };
11728 G__linked_taginfo G__G__IOLN_TVirtualStreamerInfo = { "TVirtualStreamerInfo" , 99 , -1 };
11729 G__linked_taginfo G__G__IOLN_TStreamerElement = { "TStreamerElement" , 99 , -1 };
11730 G__linked_taginfo G__G__IOLN_TProcessID = { "TProcessID" , 99 , -1 };
11731 G__linked_taginfo G__G__IOLN_TClonesArray = { "TClonesArray" , 99 , -1 };
11732 G__linked_taginfo G__G__IOLN_TRefTable = { "TRefTable" , 99 , -1 };
11733 G__linked_taginfo G__G__IOLN_TVirtualArray = { "TVirtualArray" , 99 , -1 };
11734 G__linked_taginfo G__G__IOLN_TStreamerInfoActions = { "TStreamerInfoActions" , 110 , -1 };
11735 G__linked_taginfo G__G__IOLN_TStreamerInfoActionscLcLTActionSequence = { "TStreamerInfoActions::TActionSequence" , 99 , -1 };
11736 G__linked_taginfo G__G__IOLN_vectorlETVirtualArraymUcOallocatorlETVirtualArraymUgRsPgR = { "vector<TVirtualArray*,allocator<TVirtualArray*> >" , 99 , -1 };
11737 G__linked_taginfo G__G__IOLN_reverse_iteratorlEvectorlETVirtualArraymUcOallocatorlETVirtualArraymUgRsPgRcLcLiteratorgR = { "reverse_iterator<vector<TVirtualArray*,allocator<TVirtualArray*> >::iterator>" , 99 , -1 };
11738 G__linked_taginfo G__G__IOLN_TBuffercLcLEMode = { "TBuffer::EMode" , 101 , -1 };
11739 G__linked_taginfo G__G__IOLN_TDatime = { "TDatime" , 99 , -1 };
11740 G__linked_taginfo G__G__IOLN_TFile = { "TFile" , 99 , -1 };
11741 G__linked_taginfo G__G__IOLN_TArchiveMember = { "TArchiveMember" , 99 , -1 };
11742 G__linked_taginfo G__G__IOLN_TArchiveFile = { "TArchiveFile" , 99 , -1 };
11743 G__linked_taginfo G__G__IOLN_TStreamerInfo = { "TStreamerInfo" , 99 , -1 };
11744 G__linked_taginfo G__G__IOLN_TExMap = { "TExMap" , 99 , -1 };
11745 G__linked_taginfo G__G__IOLN_TBufferFile = { "TBufferFile" , 99 , -1 };
11746 G__linked_taginfo G__G__IOLN_vectorlETStreamerInfomUcOallocatorlETStreamerInfomUgRsPgR = { "vector<TStreamerInfo*,allocator<TStreamerInfo*> >" , 99 , -1 };
11747 G__linked_taginfo G__G__IOLN_reverse_iteratorlEvectorlETStreamerInfomUcOallocatorlETStreamerInfomUgRsPgRcLcLiteratorgR = { "reverse_iterator<vector<TStreamerInfo*,allocator<TStreamerInfo*> >::iterator>" , 99 , -1 };
11748 G__linked_taginfo G__G__IOLN_TBufferFilecLcLdA = { "TBufferFile::$" , 101 , -1 };
11749 G__linked_taginfo G__G__IOLN_ROOTcLcLTCollectionProxyInfocLcLEnvironBase = { "ROOT::TCollectionProxyInfo::EnvironBase" , 115 , -1 };
11750 G__linked_taginfo G__G__IOLN_vectorlEboolcOallocatorlEboolgRsPgR = { "vector<bool,allocator<bool> >" , 99 , -1 };
11751 G__linked_taginfo G__G__IOLN_reverse_iteratorlEvectorlEboolcOallocatorlEboolgRsPgRcLcLiteratorgR = { "reverse_iterator<vector<bool,allocator<bool> >::iterator>" , 99 , -1 };
11752 G__linked_taginfo G__G__IOLN_iteratorlEbidirectional_iterator_tagcOTObjectmUcOlongcOconstsPTObjectmUmUcOconstsPTObjectmUaNgR = { "iterator<bidirectional_iterator_tag,TObject*,long,const TObject**,const TObject*&>" , 115 , -1 };
11753 G__linked_taginfo G__G__IOLN_TDataMember = { "TDataMember" , 99 , -1 };
11754 G__linked_taginfo G__G__IOLN_TClassRef = { "TClassRef" , 99 , -1 };
11755 G__linked_taginfo G__G__IOLN_maplEstringcOTObjArraymUcOlesslEstringgRcOallocatorlEpairlEconstsPstringcOTObjArraymUgRsPgRsPgR = { "map<string,TObjArray*,less<string>,allocator<pair<const string,TObjArray*> > >" , 99 , -1 };
11756 G__linked_taginfo G__G__IOLN_EDataType = { "EDataType" , 101 , -1 };
11757 G__linked_taginfo G__G__IOLN_TCollectionProxyFactory = { "TCollectionProxyFactory" , 99 , -1 };
11758 G__linked_taginfo G__G__IOLN_TGenCollectionProxy = { "TGenCollectionProxy" , 99 , -1 };
11759 G__linked_taginfo G__G__IOLN_TGenCollectionProxycLcLdA = { "TGenCollectionProxy::$" , 101 , -1 };
11760 G__linked_taginfo G__G__IOLN_TGenCollectionProxycLcLValue = { "TGenCollectionProxy::Value" , 115 , -1 };
11761 G__linked_taginfo G__G__IOLN_TGenCollectionProxycLcLMethod = { "TGenCollectionProxy::Method" , 99 , -1 };
11762 G__linked_taginfo G__G__IOLN_TGenCollectionProxycLcLMethod0 = { "TGenCollectionProxy::Method0" , 99 , -1 };
11763 G__linked_taginfo G__G__IOLN_ROOTcLcLTCollectionProxyInfocLcLEnvironlEcharoB64cBgR = { "ROOT::TCollectionProxyInfo::Environ<char[64]>" , 115 , -1 };
11764 G__linked_taginfo G__G__IOLN_vectorlETGenCollectionProxycLcLTStagingmUcOallocatorlETGenCollectionProxycLcLTStagingmUgRsPgR = { "vector<TGenCollectionProxy::TStaging*,allocator<TGenCollectionProxy::TStaging*> >" , 99 , -1 };
11765 G__linked_taginfo G__G__IOLN_reverse_iteratorlEvectorlETGenCollectionProxycLcLTStagingmUcOallocatorlETGenCollectionProxycLcLTStagingmUgRsPgRcLcLiteratorgR = { "reverse_iterator<vector<TGenCollectionProxy::TStaging*,allocator<TGenCollectionProxy::TStaging*> >::iterator>" , 99 , -1 };
11766 G__linked_taginfo G__G__IOLN_vectorlEROOTcLcLTCollectionProxyInfocLcLEnvironBasemUcOallocatorlEROOTcLcLTCollectionProxyInfocLcLEnvironBasemUgRsPgR = { "vector<ROOT::TCollectionProxyInfo::EnvironBase*,allocator<ROOT::TCollectionProxyInfo::EnvironBase*> >" , 99 , -1 };
11767 G__linked_taginfo G__G__IOLN_reverse_iteratorlEvectorlEROOTcLcLTCollectionProxyInfocLcLEnvironBasemUcOallocatorlEROOTcLcLTCollectionProxyInfocLcLEnvironBasemUgRsPgRcLcLiteratorgR = { "reverse_iterator<vector<ROOT::TCollectionProxyInfo::EnvironBase*,allocator<ROOT::TCollectionProxyInfo::EnvironBase*> >::iterator>" , 99 , -1 };
11768 G__linked_taginfo G__G__IOLN_TGenCollectionStreamer = { "TGenCollectionStreamer" , 99 , -1 };
11769 G__linked_taginfo G__G__IOLN_TEmulatedCollectionProxy = { "TEmulatedCollectionProxy" , 99 , -1 };
11770 G__linked_taginfo G__G__IOLN_TCollectionStreamer = { "TCollectionStreamer" , 99 , -1 };
11771 G__linked_taginfo G__G__IOLN_TCollectionClassStreamer = { "TCollectionClassStreamer" , 99 , -1 };
11772 G__linked_taginfo G__G__IOLN_TCollectionMemberStreamer = { "TCollectionMemberStreamer" , 99 , -1 };
11773 G__linked_taginfo G__G__IOLN_TKey = { "TKey" , 99 , -1 };
11774 G__linked_taginfo G__G__IOLN_TDirectoryFile = { "TDirectoryFile" , 99 , -1 };
11775 G__linked_taginfo G__G__IOLN_TDirectoryFilecLcLdA = { "TDirectoryFile::$" , 101 , -1 };
11776 G__linked_taginfo G__G__IOLN_vectorlEcharcOallocatorlEchargRsPgR = { "vector<char,allocator<char> >" , 99 , -1 };
11777 G__linked_taginfo G__G__IOLN_reverse_iteratorlEvectorlEcharcOallocatorlEchargRsPgRcLcLiteratorgR = { "reverse_iterator<vector<char,allocator<char> >::iterator>" , 99 , -1 };
11778 G__linked_taginfo G__G__IOLN_TEmulatedMapProxy = { "TEmulatedMapProxy" , 99 , -1 };
11779 G__linked_taginfo G__G__IOLN_TBranch = { "TBranch" , 99 , -1 };
11780 G__linked_taginfo G__G__IOLN_TFileCacheRead = { "TFileCacheRead" , 99 , -1 };
11781 G__linked_taginfo G__G__IOLN_TFileCacheWrite = { "TFileCacheWrite" , 99 , -1 };
11782 G__linked_taginfo G__G__IOLN_TUrl = { "TUrl" , 99 , -1 };
11783 G__linked_taginfo G__G__IOLN_TFree = { "TFree" , 99 , -1 };
11784 G__linked_taginfo G__G__IOLN_TArrayC = { "TArrayC" , 99 , -1 };
11785 G__linked_taginfo G__G__IOLN_TFileOpenHandle = { "TFileOpenHandle" , 99 , -1 };
11786 G__linked_taginfo G__G__IOLN_TStopwatch = { "TStopwatch" , 99 , -1 };
11787 G__linked_taginfo G__G__IOLN_TFilecLcLEAsyncOpenStatus = { "TFile::EAsyncOpenStatus" , 101 , -1 };
11788 G__linked_taginfo G__G__IOLN_TFilecLcLEOpenTimeOut = { "TFile::EOpenTimeOut" , 101 , -1 };
11789 G__linked_taginfo G__G__IOLN_TFilecLcLEStatusBits = { "TFile::EStatusBits" , 101 , -1 };
11790 G__linked_taginfo G__G__IOLN_TFilecLcLERelativeTo = { "TFile::ERelativeTo" , 101 , -1 };
11791 G__linked_taginfo G__G__IOLN_TFilecLcLdA = { "TFile::$" , 101 , -1 };
11792 G__linked_taginfo G__G__IOLN_TFilecLcLEFileType = { "TFile::EFileType" , 101 , -1 };
11793 G__linked_taginfo G__G__IOLN_TMapFile = { "TMapFile" , 99 , -1 };
11794 G__linked_taginfo G__G__IOLN_TKeyMapFile = { "TKeyMapFile" , 99 , -1 };
11795 G__linked_taginfo G__G__IOLN_TLockFile = { "TLockFile" , 99 , -1 };
11796 G__linked_taginfo G__G__IOLN_TMapRec = { "TMapRec" , 99 , -1 };
11797 G__linked_taginfo G__G__IOLN_TMapFilecLcLdA = { "TMapFile::$" , 101 , -1 };
11798 G__linked_taginfo G__G__IOLN_TStreamerInfocLcLTCompInfo = { "TStreamerInfo::TCompInfo" , 99 , -1 };
11799 G__linked_taginfo G__G__IOLN_TStreamerInfocLcLdA = { "TStreamerInfo::$" , 101 , -1 };
11800 G__linked_taginfo G__G__IOLN_TStreamerInfocLcLEReadWrite = { "TStreamerInfo::EReadWrite" , 101 , -1 };
11801 G__linked_taginfo G__G__IOLN_TStreamerInfoActionscLcLTConfiguration = { "TStreamerInfoActions::TConfiguration" , 99 , -1 };
11802 G__linked_taginfo G__G__IOLN_TStreamerInfoActionscLcLTLoopConfiguration = { "TStreamerInfoActions::TLoopConfiguration" , 99 , -1 };
11803 G__linked_taginfo G__G__IOLN_TStreamerInfoActionscLcLTConfiguredAction = { "TStreamerInfoActions::TConfiguredAction" , 99 , -1 };
11804 G__linked_taginfo G__G__IOLN_vectorlETStreamerInfoActionscLcLTConfiguredActioncOallocatorlETStreamerInfoActionscLcLTConfiguredActiongRsPgR = { "vector<TStreamerInfoActions::TConfiguredAction,allocator<TStreamerInfoActions::TConfiguredAction> >" , 99 , -1 };
11805 G__linked_taginfo G__G__IOLN_reverse_iteratorlEvectorlETStreamerInfoActionscLcLTConfiguredActioncOallocatorlETStreamerInfoActionscLcLTConfiguredActiongRsPgRcLcLiteratorgR = { "reverse_iterator<vector<TStreamerInfoActions::TConfiguredAction,allocator<TStreamerInfoActions::TConfiguredAction> >::iterator>" , 99 , -1 };
11806 G__linked_taginfo G__G__IOLN_vectorlEintcOallocatorlEintgRsPgR = { "vector<int,allocator<int> >" , 99 , -1 };
11807 G__linked_taginfo G__G__IOLN_reverse_iteratorlEvectorlEintcOallocatorlEintgRsPgRcLcLiteratorgR = { "reverse_iterator<vector<int,allocator<int> >::iterator>" , 99 , -1 };
11808 G__linked_taginfo G__G__IOLN_TVirtualObject = { "TVirtualObject" , 99 , -1 };
11809 G__linked_taginfo G__G__IOLN_TZIPMember = { "TZIPMember" , 99 , -1 };
11810 G__linked_taginfo G__G__IOLN_TZIPFile = { "TZIPFile" , 99 , -1 };
11811 G__linked_taginfo G__G__IOLN_TZIPFilecLcLEZIPConstants = { "TZIPFile::EZIPConstants" , 101 , -1 };
11814 extern "C" void G__cpp_reset_tagtableG__IO() {
11815 G__G__IOLN_type_info.tagnum = -1 ;
11816 G__G__IOLN_TClass.tagnum = -1 ;
11817 G__G__IOLN_TBuffer.tagnum = -1 ;
11818 G__G__IOLN_TDirectory.tagnum = -1 ;
11819 G__G__IOLN_TMemberInspector.tagnum = -1 ;
11820 G__G__IOLN_TObject.tagnum = -1 ;
11821 G__G__IOLN_TNamed.tagnum = -1 ;
11822 G__G__IOLN_TString.tagnum = -1 ;
11823 G__G__IOLN_TClassStreamer.tagnum = -1 ;
11824 G__G__IOLN_TMemberStreamer.tagnum = -1 ;
11825 G__G__IOLN_TVirtualCollectionProxy.tagnum = -1 ;
11826 G__G__IOLN_ROOT.tagnum = -1 ;
11827 G__G__IOLN_string.tagnum = -1 ;
11828 G__G__IOLN_ROOTcLcLTCollectionProxyInfo.tagnum = -1 ;
11829 G__G__IOLN_vectorlEROOTcLcLTSchemaHelpercOallocatorlEROOTcLcLTSchemaHelpergRsPgR.tagnum = -1 ;
11830 G__G__IOLN_reverse_iteratorlEvectorlEROOTcLcLTSchemaHelpercOallocatorlEROOTcLcLTSchemaHelpergRsPgRcLcLiteratorgR.tagnum = -1 ;
11831 G__G__IOLN_TList.tagnum = -1 ;
11832 G__G__IOLN_TBrowser.tagnum = -1 ;
11833 G__G__IOLN_TObjArray.tagnum = -1 ;
11834 G__G__IOLN_TVirtualStreamerInfo.tagnum = -1 ;
11835 G__G__IOLN_TStreamerElement.tagnum = -1 ;
11836 G__G__IOLN_TProcessID.tagnum = -1 ;
11837 G__G__IOLN_TClonesArray.tagnum = -1 ;
11838 G__G__IOLN_TRefTable.tagnum = -1 ;
11839 G__G__IOLN_TVirtualArray.tagnum = -1 ;
11840 G__G__IOLN_TStreamerInfoActions.tagnum = -1 ;
11841 G__G__IOLN_TStreamerInfoActionscLcLTActionSequence.tagnum = -1 ;
11842 G__G__IOLN_vectorlETVirtualArraymUcOallocatorlETVirtualArraymUgRsPgR.tagnum = -1 ;
11843 G__G__IOLN_reverse_iteratorlEvectorlETVirtualArraymUcOallocatorlETVirtualArraymUgRsPgRcLcLiteratorgR.tagnum = -1 ;
11844 G__G__IOLN_TBuffercLcLEMode.tagnum = -1 ;
11845 G__G__IOLN_TDatime.tagnum = -1 ;
11846 G__G__IOLN_TFile.tagnum = -1 ;
11847 G__G__IOLN_TArchiveMember.tagnum = -1 ;
11848 G__G__IOLN_TArchiveFile.tagnum = -1 ;
11849 G__G__IOLN_TStreamerInfo.tagnum = -1 ;
11850 G__G__IOLN_TExMap.tagnum = -1 ;
11851 G__G__IOLN_TBufferFile.tagnum = -1 ;
11852 G__G__IOLN_vectorlETStreamerInfomUcOallocatorlETStreamerInfomUgRsPgR.tagnum = -1 ;
11853 G__G__IOLN_reverse_iteratorlEvectorlETStreamerInfomUcOallocatorlETStreamerInfomUgRsPgRcLcLiteratorgR.tagnum = -1 ;
11854 G__G__IOLN_TBufferFilecLcLdA.tagnum = -1 ;
11855 G__G__IOLN_ROOTcLcLTCollectionProxyInfocLcLEnvironBase.tagnum = -1 ;
11856 G__G__IOLN_vectorlEboolcOallocatorlEboolgRsPgR.tagnum = -1 ;
11857 G__G__IOLN_reverse_iteratorlEvectorlEboolcOallocatorlEboolgRsPgRcLcLiteratorgR.tagnum = -1 ;
11858 G__G__IOLN_iteratorlEbidirectional_iterator_tagcOTObjectmUcOlongcOconstsPTObjectmUmUcOconstsPTObjectmUaNgR.tagnum = -1 ;
11859 G__G__IOLN_TDataMember.tagnum = -1 ;
11860 G__G__IOLN_TClassRef.tagnum = -1 ;
11861 G__G__IOLN_maplEstringcOTObjArraymUcOlesslEstringgRcOallocatorlEpairlEconstsPstringcOTObjArraymUgRsPgRsPgR.tagnum = -1 ;
11862 G__G__IOLN_EDataType.tagnum = -1 ;
11863 G__G__IOLN_TCollectionProxyFactory.tagnum = -1 ;
11864 G__G__IOLN_TGenCollectionProxy.tagnum = -1 ;
11865 G__G__IOLN_TGenCollectionProxycLcLdA.tagnum = -1 ;
11866 G__G__IOLN_TGenCollectionProxycLcLValue.tagnum = -1 ;
11867 G__G__IOLN_TGenCollectionProxycLcLMethod.tagnum = -1 ;
11868 G__G__IOLN_TGenCollectionProxycLcLMethod0.tagnum = -1 ;
11869 G__G__IOLN_ROOTcLcLTCollectionProxyInfocLcLEnvironlEcharoB64cBgR.tagnum = -1 ;
11870 G__G__IOLN_vectorlETGenCollectionProxycLcLTStagingmUcOallocatorlETGenCollectionProxycLcLTStagingmUgRsPgR.tagnum = -1 ;
11871 G__G__IOLN_reverse_iteratorlEvectorlETGenCollectionProxycLcLTStagingmUcOallocatorlETGenCollectionProxycLcLTStagingmUgRsPgRcLcLiteratorgR.tagnum = -1 ;
11872 G__G__IOLN_vectorlEROOTcLcLTCollectionProxyInfocLcLEnvironBasemUcOallocatorlEROOTcLcLTCollectionProxyInfocLcLEnvironBasemUgRsPgR.tagnum = -1 ;
11873 G__G__IOLN_reverse_iteratorlEvectorlEROOTcLcLTCollectionProxyInfocLcLEnvironBasemUcOallocatorlEROOTcLcLTCollectionProxyInfocLcLEnvironBasemUgRsPgRcLcLiteratorgR.tagnum = -1 ;
11874 G__G__IOLN_TGenCollectionStreamer.tagnum = -1 ;
11875 G__G__IOLN_TEmulatedCollectionProxy.tagnum = -1 ;
11876 G__G__IOLN_TCollectionStreamer.tagnum = -1 ;
11877 G__G__IOLN_TCollectionClassStreamer.tagnum = -1 ;
11878 G__G__IOLN_TCollectionMemberStreamer.tagnum = -1 ;
11879 G__G__IOLN_TKey.tagnum = -1 ;
11880 G__G__IOLN_TDirectoryFile.tagnum = -1 ;
11881 G__G__IOLN_TDirectoryFilecLcLdA.tagnum = -1 ;
11882 G__G__IOLN_vectorlEcharcOallocatorlEchargRsPgR.tagnum = -1 ;
11883 G__G__IOLN_reverse_iteratorlEvectorlEcharcOallocatorlEchargRsPgRcLcLiteratorgR.tagnum = -1 ;
11884 G__G__IOLN_TEmulatedMapProxy.tagnum = -1 ;
11885 G__G__IOLN_TBranch.tagnum = -1 ;
11886 G__G__IOLN_TFileCacheRead.tagnum = -1 ;
11887 G__G__IOLN_TFileCacheWrite.tagnum = -1 ;
11888 G__G__IOLN_TUrl.tagnum = -1 ;
11889 G__G__IOLN_TFree.tagnum = -1 ;
11890 G__G__IOLN_TArrayC.tagnum = -1 ;
11891 G__G__IOLN_TFileOpenHandle.tagnum = -1 ;
11892 G__G__IOLN_TStopwatch.tagnum = -1 ;
11893 G__G__IOLN_TFilecLcLEAsyncOpenStatus.tagnum = -1 ;
11894 G__G__IOLN_TFilecLcLEOpenTimeOut.tagnum = -1 ;
11895 G__G__IOLN_TFilecLcLEStatusBits.tagnum = -1 ;
11896 G__G__IOLN_TFilecLcLERelativeTo.tagnum = -1 ;
11897 G__G__IOLN_TFilecLcLdA.tagnum = -1 ;
11898 G__G__IOLN_TFilecLcLEFileType.tagnum = -1 ;
11899 G__G__IOLN_TMapFile.tagnum = -1 ;
11900 G__G__IOLN_TKeyMapFile.tagnum = -1 ;
11901 G__G__IOLN_TLockFile.tagnum = -1 ;
11902 G__G__IOLN_TMapRec.tagnum = -1 ;
11903 G__G__IOLN_TMapFilecLcLdA.tagnum = -1 ;
11904 G__G__IOLN_TStreamerInfocLcLTCompInfo.tagnum = -1 ;
11905 G__G__IOLN_TStreamerInfocLcLdA.tagnum = -1 ;
11906 G__G__IOLN_TStreamerInfocLcLEReadWrite.tagnum = -1 ;
11907 G__G__IOLN_TStreamerInfoActionscLcLTConfiguration.tagnum = -1 ;
11908 G__G__IOLN_TStreamerInfoActionscLcLTLoopConfiguration.tagnum = -1 ;
11909 G__G__IOLN_TStreamerInfoActionscLcLTConfiguredAction.tagnum = -1 ;
11910 G__G__IOLN_vectorlETStreamerInfoActionscLcLTConfiguredActioncOallocatorlETStreamerInfoActionscLcLTConfiguredActiongRsPgR.tagnum = -1 ;
11911 G__G__IOLN_reverse_iteratorlEvectorlETStreamerInfoActionscLcLTConfiguredActioncOallocatorlETStreamerInfoActionscLcLTConfiguredActiongRsPgRcLcLiteratorgR.tagnum = -1 ;
11912 G__G__IOLN_vectorlEintcOallocatorlEintgRsPgR.tagnum = -1 ;
11913 G__G__IOLN_reverse_iteratorlEvectorlEintcOallocatorlEintgRsPgRcLcLiteratorgR.tagnum = -1 ;
11914 G__G__IOLN_TVirtualObject.tagnum = -1 ;
11915 G__G__IOLN_TZIPMember.tagnum = -1 ;
11916 G__G__IOLN_TZIPFile.tagnum = -1 ;
11917 G__G__IOLN_TZIPFilecLcLEZIPConstants.tagnum = -1 ;
11918 }
11921 extern "C" void G__cpp_setup_tagtableG__IO() {
11924 G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__IOLN_type_info);
11925 G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__IOLN_TClass);
11926 G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__IOLN_TBuffer);
11927 G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__IOLN_TDirectory);
11928 G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__IOLN_TMemberInspector);
11929 G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__IOLN_TObject);
11930 G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__IOLN_TNamed);
11931 G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__IOLN_TString);
11932 G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__IOLN_TClassStreamer);
11933 G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__IOLN_TMemberStreamer);
11934 G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__IOLN_TVirtualCollectionProxy);
11935 G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__IOLN_ROOT);
11936 G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__IOLN_string);
11937 G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__IOLN_ROOTcLcLTCollectionProxyInfo);
11938 G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__IOLN_vectorlEROOTcLcLTSchemaHelpercOallocatorlEROOTcLcLTSchemaHelpergRsPgR);
11939 G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__IOLN_reverse_iteratorlEvectorlEROOTcLcLTSchemaHelpercOallocatorlEROOTcLcLTSchemaHelpergRsPgRcLcLiteratorgR);
11940 G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__IOLN_TList);
11941 G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__IOLN_TBrowser);
11942 G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__IOLN_TObjArray);
11943 G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__IOLN_TVirtualStreamerInfo);
11944 G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__IOLN_TStreamerElement);
11945 G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__IOLN_TProcessID);
11946 G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__IOLN_TClonesArray);
11947 G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__IOLN_TRefTable);
11948 G__tagtable_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__IOLN_TVirtualArray),sizeof(TVirtualArray),-1,623616,(char*)NULL,G__setup_memvarTVirtualArray,G__setup_memfuncTVirtualArray);
11949 G__tagtable_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__IOLN_TStreamerInfoActions),0,-1,0,(char*)NULL,G__setup_memvarTStreamerInfoActions,G__setup_memfuncTStreamerInfoActions);
11950 G__tagtable_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__IOLN_TStreamerInfoActionscLcLTActionSequence),sizeof(TStreamerInfoActions::TActionSequence),-1,324864,(char*)NULL,G__setup_memvarTStreamerInfoActionscLcLTActionSequence,G__setup_memfuncTStreamerInfoActionscLcLTActionSequence);
11951 G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__IOLN_vectorlETVirtualArraymUcOallocatorlETVirtualArraymUgRsPgR);
11952 G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__IOLN_reverse_iteratorlEvectorlETVirtualArraymUcOallocatorlETVirtualArraymUgRsPgRcLcLiteratorgR);
11953 G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__IOLN_TBuffercLcLEMode);
11954 G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__IOLN_TDatime);
11955 G__tagtable_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__IOLN_TFile),sizeof(TFile),-1,130816,"ROOT file",G__setup_memvarTFile,G__setup_memfuncTFile);
11956 G__tagtable_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__IOLN_TArchiveMember),sizeof(TArchiveMember),-1,327424,"An archive member file",G__setup_memvarTArchiveMember,G__setup_memfuncTArchiveMember);
11957 G__tagtable_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__IOLN_TArchiveFile),sizeof(TArchiveFile),-1,327426,"An archive file containing multiple sub-files (like a ZIP archive)",G__setup_memvarTArchiveFile,G__setup_memfuncTArchiveFile);
11958 G__tagtable_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__IOLN_TStreamerInfo),sizeof(TStreamerInfo),-1,130816,"Streamer information for one class version",G__setup_memvarTStreamerInfo,G__setup_memfuncTStreamerInfo);
11959 G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__IOLN_TExMap);
11960 G__tagtable_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__IOLN_TBufferFile),sizeof(TBufferFile),-1,65280,"concrete implementation of TBuffer for writing/reading to/from a ROOT file or socket.",G__setup_memvarTBufferFile,G__setup_memfuncTBufferFile);
11961 G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__IOLN_vectorlETStreamerInfomUcOallocatorlETStreamerInfomUgRsPgR);
11962 G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__IOLN_reverse_iteratorlEvectorlETStreamerInfomUcOallocatorlETStreamerInfomUgRsPgRcLcLiteratorgR);
11963 G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__IOLN_TBufferFilecLcLdA);
11964 G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__IOLN_ROOTcLcLTCollectionProxyInfocLcLEnvironBase);
11965 G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__IOLN_vectorlEboolcOallocatorlEboolgRsPgR);
11966 G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__IOLN_reverse_iteratorlEvectorlEboolcOallocatorlEboolgRsPgRcLcLiteratorgR);
11967 G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__IOLN_iteratorlEbidirectional_iterator_tagcOTObjectmUcOlongcOconstsPTObjectmUmUcOconstsPTObjectmUaNgR);
11968 G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__IOLN_TDataMember);
11969 G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__IOLN_TClassRef);
11970 G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__IOLN_maplEstringcOTObjArraymUcOlesslEstringgRcOallocatorlEpairlEconstsPstringcOTObjArraymUgRsPgRsPgR);
11971 G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__IOLN_EDataType);
11972 G__tagtable_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__IOLN_TCollectionProxyFactory),sizeof(TCollectionProxyFactory),-1,65536,(char*)NULL,G__setup_memvarTCollectionProxyFactory,G__setup_memfuncTCollectionProxyFactory);
11973 G__tagtable_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__IOLN_TGenCollectionProxy),sizeof(TGenCollectionProxy),-1,100096,(char*)NULL,G__setup_memvarTGenCollectionProxy,G__setup_memfuncTGenCollectionProxy);
11974 G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__IOLN_TGenCollectionProxycLcLdA);
11975 G__tagtable_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__IOLN_TGenCollectionProxycLcLValue),sizeof(TGenCollectionProxy::Value),-1,98816,(char*)NULL,G__setup_memvarTGenCollectionProxycLcLValue,G__setup_memfuncTGenCollectionProxycLcLValue);
11976 G__tagtable_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__IOLN_TGenCollectionProxycLcLMethod),sizeof(TGenCollectionProxy::Method),-1,99072,(char*)NULL,G__setup_memvarTGenCollectionProxycLcLMethod,G__setup_memfuncTGenCollectionProxycLcLMethod);
11977 G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__IOLN_TGenCollectionProxycLcLMethod0);
11978 G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__IOLN_ROOTcLcLTCollectionProxyInfocLcLEnvironlEcharoB64cBgR);
11979 G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__IOLN_vectorlETGenCollectionProxycLcLTStagingmUcOallocatorlETGenCollectionProxycLcLTStagingmUgRsPgR);
11980 G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__IOLN_reverse_iteratorlEvectorlETGenCollectionProxycLcLTStagingmUcOallocatorlETGenCollectionProxycLcLTStagingmUgRsPgRcLcLiteratorgR);
11981 G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__IOLN_vectorlEROOTcLcLTCollectionProxyInfocLcLEnvironBasemUcOallocatorlEROOTcLcLTCollectionProxyInfocLcLEnvironBasemUgRsPgR);
11982 G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__IOLN_reverse_iteratorlEvectorlEROOTcLcLTCollectionProxyInfocLcLEnvironBasemUcOallocatorlEROOTcLcLTCollectionProxyInfocLcLEnvironBasemUgRsPgRcLcLiteratorgR);
11983 G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__IOLN_TGenCollectionStreamer);
11984 G__tagtable_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__IOLN_TEmulatedCollectionProxy),sizeof(TEmulatedCollectionProxy),-1,99840,(char*)NULL,G__setup_memvarTEmulatedCollectionProxy,G__setup_memfuncTEmulatedCollectionProxy);
11985 G__tagtable_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__IOLN_TCollectionStreamer),sizeof(TCollectionStreamer),-1,69376,(char*)NULL,G__setup_memvarTCollectionStreamer,G__setup_memfuncTCollectionStreamer);
11986 G__tagtable_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__IOLN_TCollectionClassStreamer),sizeof(TCollectionClassStreamer),-1,100096,(char*)NULL,G__setup_memvarTCollectionClassStreamer,G__setup_memfuncTCollectionClassStreamer);
11987 G__tagtable_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__IOLN_TCollectionMemberStreamer),sizeof(TCollectionMemberStreamer),-1,100096,(char*)NULL,G__setup_memvarTCollectionMemberStreamer,G__setup_memfuncTCollectionMemberStreamer);
11988 G__tagtable_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__IOLN_TKey),sizeof(TKey),-1,130816,"Header description of a logical record on file.",G__setup_memvarTKey,G__setup_memfuncTKey);
11989 G__tagtable_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__IOLN_TDirectoryFile),sizeof(TDirectoryFile),-1,130816,"Describe directory structure in a ROOT file",G__setup_memvarTDirectoryFile,G__setup_memfuncTDirectoryFile);
11990 G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__IOLN_TDirectoryFilecLcLdA);
11991 G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__IOLN_vectorlEcharcOallocatorlEchargRsPgR);
11992 G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__IOLN_reverse_iteratorlEvectorlEcharcOallocatorlEchargRsPgRcLcLiteratorgR);
11993 G__tagtable_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__IOLN_TEmulatedMapProxy),sizeof(TEmulatedMapProxy),-1,99840,(char*)NULL,G__setup_memvarTEmulatedMapProxy,G__setup_memfuncTEmulatedMapProxy);
11994 G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__IOLN_TBranch);
11995 G__tagtable_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__IOLN_TFileCacheRead),sizeof(TFileCacheRead),-1,327424,"TFile cache when reading",G__setup_memvarTFileCacheRead,G__setup_memfuncTFileCacheRead);
11996 G__tagtable_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__IOLN_TFileCacheWrite),sizeof(TFileCacheWrite),-1,327424,"TFile cache when writing",G__setup_memvarTFileCacheWrite,G__setup_memfuncTFileCacheWrite);
11997 G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__IOLN_TUrl);
11998 G__tagtable_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__IOLN_TFree),sizeof(TFree),-1,62720,"Description of free segments on a file",G__setup_memvarTFree,G__setup_memfuncTFree);
11999 G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__IOLN_TArrayC);
12000 G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__IOLN_TFileOpenHandle);
12001 G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__IOLN_TStopwatch);
12002 G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__IOLN_TFilecLcLEAsyncOpenStatus);
12003 G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__IOLN_TFilecLcLEOpenTimeOut);
12004 G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__IOLN_TFilecLcLEStatusBits);
12005 G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__IOLN_TFilecLcLERelativeTo);
12006 G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__IOLN_TFilecLcLdA);
12007 G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__IOLN_TFilecLcLEFileType);
12008 G__tagtable_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__IOLN_TMapFile),sizeof(TMapFile),-1,65280,"Memory mapped directory structure",G__setup_memvarTMapFile,G__setup_memfuncTMapFile);
12009 G__tagtable_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__IOLN_TKeyMapFile),sizeof(TKeyMapFile),-1,65280,"Utility class for browsing TMapFile objects.",G__setup_memvarTKeyMapFile,G__setup_memfuncTKeyMapFile);
12010 G__tagtable_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__IOLN_TLockFile),sizeof(TLockFile),-1,65024,"Lock an object using a file",G__setup_memvarTLockFile,G__setup_memfuncTLockFile);
12011 G__tagtable_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__IOLN_TMapRec),sizeof(TMapRec),-1,33792,(char*)NULL,G__setup_memvarTMapRec,G__setup_memfuncTMapRec);
12012 G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__IOLN_TMapFilecLcLdA);
12013 G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__IOLN_TStreamerInfocLcLTCompInfo);
12014 G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__IOLN_TStreamerInfocLcLdA);
12015 G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__IOLN_TStreamerInfocLcLEReadWrite);
12016 G__tagtable_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__IOLN_TStreamerInfoActionscLcLTConfiguration),sizeof(TStreamerInfoActions::TConfiguration),-1,99328,(char*)NULL,G__setup_memvarTStreamerInfoActionscLcLTConfiguration,G__setup_memfuncTStreamerInfoActionscLcLTConfiguration);
12017 G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__IOLN_TStreamerInfoActionscLcLTLoopConfiguration);
12018 G__tagtable_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__IOLN_TStreamerInfoActionscLcLTConfiguredAction),sizeof(TStreamerInfoActions::TConfiguredAction),-1,325376,"A configured action",G__setup_memvarTStreamerInfoActionscLcLTConfiguredAction,G__setup_memfuncTStreamerInfoActionscLcLTConfiguredAction);
12019 G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__IOLN_vectorlETStreamerInfoActionscLcLTConfiguredActioncOallocatorlETStreamerInfoActionscLcLTConfiguredActiongRsPgR);
12020 G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__IOLN_reverse_iteratorlEvectorlETStreamerInfoActionscLcLTConfiguredActioncOallocatorlETStreamerInfoActionscLcLTConfiguredActiongRsPgRcLcLiteratorgR);
12021 G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__IOLN_vectorlEintcOallocatorlEintgRsPgR);
12022 G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__IOLN_reverse_iteratorlEvectorlEintcOallocatorlEintgRsPgRcLcLiteratorgR);
12023 G__tagtable_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__IOLN_TVirtualObject),sizeof(TVirtualObject),-1,626176,(char*)NULL,G__setup_memvarTVirtualObject,G__setup_memfuncTVirtualObject);
12024 G__tagtable_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__IOLN_TZIPMember),sizeof(TZIPMember),-1,327424,"A ZIP archive member file",G__setup_memvarTZIPMember,G__setup_memfuncTZIPMember);
12025 G__tagtable_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__IOLN_TZIPFile),sizeof(TZIPFile),-1,327424,"A ZIP archive file",G__setup_memvarTZIPFile,G__setup_memfuncTZIPFile);
12026 G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__IOLN_TZIPFilecLcLEZIPConstants);
12027 }
12028 extern "C" void G__cpp_setupG__IO(void) {
12029 G__check_setup_version(30051515,"G__cpp_setupG__IO()");
12030 G__set_cpp_environmentG__IO();
12031 G__cpp_setup_tagtableG__IO();
12033 G__cpp_setup_inheritanceG__IO();
12035 G__cpp_setup_typetableG__IO();
12037 G__cpp_setup_memvarG__IO();
12039 G__cpp_setup_memfuncG__IO();
12040 G__cpp_setup_globalG__IO();
12041 G__cpp_setup_funcG__IO();
12043 if(0==G__getsizep2memfunc()) G__get_sizep2memfuncG__IO();
12044 return;
12045 }
12046 class G__cpp_setup_initG__IO {
12047 public:
12048 G__cpp_setup_initG__IO() { G__add_setup_func("G__IO",(G__incsetup)(&G__cpp_setupG__IO)); G__call_setup_funcs(); }
12049 ~G__cpp_setup_initG__IO() { G__remove_setup_func("G__IO"); }
12050 };
12051 G__cpp_setup_initG__IO G__cpp_setup_initializerG__IO;