ftraster.c File Reference

#include <ft2build.h>
#include "ftraster.h"
#include "rastpic.h"
#include "rasterrs.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


union  Alignment_
struct  TPoint_
struct  TProfile_
struct  TBand_
struct  TWorker_
struct  TRaster_


#define RASTER_GRAY_LINES   2048
#define FT_COMPONENT   trace_raster
#define Raster_Err_None   Raster_Err_Ok
#define Raster_Err_Not_Ini   Raster_Err_Raster_Uninitialized
#define Raster_Err_Overflow   Raster_Err_Raster_Overflow
#define Raster_Err_Neg_Height   Raster_Err_Raster_Negative_Height
#define Raster_Err_Invalid   Raster_Err_Invalid_Outline
#define Raster_Err_Unsupported   Raster_Err_Cannot_Render_Glyph
#define FT_MEM_SET(d, s, c)   ft_memset( d, s, c )
#define FT_MEM_ZERO(dest, count)   FT_MEM_SET( dest, 0, count )
#define FMulDiv(a, b, c)   ( (a) * (b) / (c) )
#define SMulDiv   FT_MulDiv
#define TRUE   1
#define FALSE   0
#define NULL   (void*)0
#define SUCCESS   0
#define FAILURE   1
#define MaxBezier   32
#define Pixel_Bits   6
#define Flow_Up   0x8
#define Overshoot_Top   0x10
#define Overshoot_Bottom   0x20
#define AlignProfileSize   ( ( sizeof ( TProfile ) + sizeof ( Alignment ) - 1 ) / sizeof ( long ) )
#define RAS_ARGS   PWorker worker,
#define RAS_ARG   PWorker worker
#define RAS_VARS   worker,
#define RAS_VAR   worker
#define FT_UNUSED_RASTER   FT_UNUSED( worker )
#define FLOOR(x)   ( (x) & -ras.precision )
#define CEILING(x)   ( ( (x) + ras.precision - 1 ) & -ras.precision )
#define TRUNC(x)   ( (signed long)(x) >> ras.precision_bits )
#define FRAC(x)   ( (x) & ( ras.precision - 1 ) )
#define SCALED(x)   ( ( (x) << ras.scale_shift ) - ras.precision_half )
#define IS_BOTTOM_OVERSHOOT(x)   ( CEILING( x ) - x >= ras.precision_half )
#define IS_TOP_OVERSHOOT(x)   ( x - FLOOR( x ) >= ras.precision_half )
#define ras   (*worker)
#define SWAP_(x, y)


typedef int Int
typedef unsigned int UInt
typedef short Short
typedef unsigned short UShort
typedef unsigned shortPUShort
typedef long Long
typedef longPLong
typedef unsigned long ULong
typedef unsigned char Byte
typedef unsigned char * PByte
typedef char Bool
typedef Alignment_ Alignment
typedef Alignment_PAlignment
typedef TPoint_ TPoint
typedef enum TStates_ TStates
typedef TProfile_ TProfile
typedef TProfilePProfile
typedef PProfile TProfileList
typedef PProfilePProfileList
typedef TBand_ TBand
typedef TWorker_ TWorker
typedef TWorker_PWorker
typedef void Function_Sweep_Init (RAS_ARGS Short *min, Short *max)
typedef void Function_Sweep_Span (RAS_ARGS Short y, FT_F26Dot6 x1, FT_F26Dot6 x2, PProfile left, PProfile right)
typedef void Function_Sweep_Step (RAS_ARG)
typedef TRaster_ TRaster
typedef TRaster_PRaster
typedef void(*) TSplitter (TPoint *base)


enum  TStates_


static void Set_High_Precision (RAS_ARGS Int High)
static Bool New_Profile (RAS_ARGS TStates aState, Bool overshoot)
static Bool End_Profile (RAS_ARGS Bool overshoot)
static Bool Insert_Y_Turn (RAS_ARGS Int y)
static Bool Finalize_Profile_Table (RAS_ARG)
static void Split_Conic (TPoint *base)
static void Split_Cubic (TPoint *base)
static Bool Line_Up (RAS_ARGS Long x1, Long y1, Long x2, Long y2, Long miny, Long maxy)
static Bool Line_Down (RAS_ARGS Long x1, Long y1, Long x2, Long y2, Long miny, Long maxy)
static Bool Bezier_Up (RAS_ARGS Int degree, TSplitter splitter, Long miny, Long maxy)
static Bool Bezier_Down (RAS_ARGS Int degree, TSplitter splitter, Long miny, Long maxy)
static Bool Line_To (RAS_ARGS Long x, Long y)
static Bool Conic_To (RAS_ARGS Long cx, Long cy, Long x, Long y)
static Bool Cubic_To (RAS_ARGS Long cx1, Long cy1, Long cx2, Long cy2, Long x, Long y)
static Bool Decompose_Curve (RAS_ARGS UShort first, UShort last, int flipped)
static Bool Convert_Glyph (RAS_ARGS int flipped)
static void Init_Linked (TProfileList *l)
static void InsNew (PProfileList list, PProfile profile)
static void DelOld (PProfileList list, PProfile profile)
static void Sort (PProfileList list)
static void Vertical_Sweep_Init (RAS_ARGS Short *min, Short *max)
static void Vertical_Sweep_Span (RAS_ARGS Short y, FT_F26Dot6 x1, FT_F26Dot6 x2, PProfile left, PProfile right)
static void Vertical_Sweep_Drop (RAS_ARGS Short y, FT_F26Dot6 x1, FT_F26Dot6 x2, PProfile left, PProfile right)
static void Vertical_Sweep_Step (RAS_ARG)
static void Horizontal_Sweep_Init (RAS_ARGS Short *min, Short *max)
static void Horizontal_Sweep_Span (RAS_ARGS Short y, FT_F26Dot6 x1, FT_F26Dot6 x2, PProfile left, PProfile right)
static void Horizontal_Sweep_Drop (RAS_ARGS Short y, FT_F26Dot6 x1, FT_F26Dot6 x2, PProfile left, PProfile right)
static void Horizontal_Sweep_Step (RAS_ARG)
static Bool Draw_Sweep (RAS_ARG)
static int Render_Single_Pass (RAS_ARGS Bool flipped)
 Render_Glyph (RAS_ARG)
 Render_Gray_Glyph (RAS_ARG)
static void ft_black_init (PRaster raster)
static int ft_black_new (FT_Memory memory, PRaster *araster)
static void ft_black_done (PRaster raster)
static void ft_black_reset (PRaster raster, char *pool_base, long pool_size)
static void ft_black_set_mode (PRaster raster, unsigned long mode, const char *palette)
static int ft_black_render (PRaster raster, const FT_Raster_Params *params)

Define Documentation

#define AlignProfileSize   ( ( sizeof ( TProfile ) + sizeof ( Alignment ) - 1 ) / sizeof ( long ) )

Definition at line 381 of file ftraster.c.

Referenced by Convert_Glyph(), End_Profile(), and New_Profile().

#define CEILING ( x   )     ( ( (x) + ras.precision - 1 ) & -ras.precision )

Definition at line 434 of file ftraster.c.

Referenced by Bezier_Up(), Draw_Sweep(), Horizontal_Sweep_Drop(), Horizontal_Sweep_Span(), Vertical_Sweep_Drop(), and Vertical_Sweep_Span().

#define FAILURE   1

Definition at line 281 of file ftraster.c.

Referenced by Bezier_Up(), Conic_To(), Convert_Glyph(), Cubic_To(), Decompose_Curve(), Draw_Sweep(), End_Profile(), Finalize_Profile_Table(), Insert_Y_Turn(), Line_To(), Line_Up(), New_Profile(), and Render_Single_Pass().

#define FALSE   0

Definition at line 269 of file ftraster.c.

#define FLOOR ( x   )     ( (x) & -ras.precision )

Definition at line 433 of file ftraster.c.

Referenced by Bezier_Up(), Draw_Sweep(), Horizontal_Sweep_Drop(), Horizontal_Sweep_Span(), Vertical_Sweep_Drop(), and Vertical_Sweep_Span().

#define Flow_Up   0x8

Definition at line 329 of file ftraster.c.

Referenced by Convert_Glyph(), Draw_Sweep(), End_Profile(), Finalize_Profile_Table(), New_Profile(), and Sort().

#define FMulDiv ( a,
c   )     ( (a) * (b) / (c) )

Definition at line 253 of file ftraster.c.

Referenced by Bezier_Up(), and Line_Up().

#define FRAC ( x   )     ( (x) & ( ras.precision - 1 ) )

Definition at line 436 of file ftraster.c.

Referenced by Bezier_Up(), Convert_Glyph(), and Line_Up().

#define FT_COMPONENT   trace_raster

Definition at line 177 of file ftraster.c.

#define FT_MEM_SET ( d,
c   )     ft_memset( d, s, c )

Definition at line 243 of file ftraster.c.

#define FT_MEM_ZERO ( dest,
count   )     FT_MEM_SET( dest, 0, count )

Definition at line 247 of file ftraster.c.

#define FT_UNUSED_RASTER   FT_UNUSED( worker )

Definition at line 406 of file ftraster.c.

Referenced by Horizontal_Sweep_Init(), Horizontal_Sweep_Step(), and Render_Gray_Glyph().

#define IS_BOTTOM_OVERSHOOT ( x   )     ( CEILING( x ) - x >= ras.precision_half )

Definition at line 439 of file ftraster.c.

Referenced by Conic_To(), Convert_Glyph(), Cubic_To(), and Line_To().

#define IS_TOP_OVERSHOOT ( x   )     ( x - FLOOR( x ) >= ras.precision_half )

Definition at line 440 of file ftraster.c.

Referenced by Conic_To(), Convert_Glyph(), Cubic_To(), and Line_To().

#define MaxBezier   32

Definition at line 285 of file ftraster.c.

#define NULL   (void*)0

Definition at line 273 of file ftraster.c.

#define Overshoot_Bottom   0x20

Definition at line 331 of file ftraster.c.

Referenced by End_Profile(), Horizontal_Sweep_Drop(), New_Profile(), and Vertical_Sweep_Drop().

#define Overshoot_Top   0x10

Definition at line 330 of file ftraster.c.

Referenced by End_Profile(), Horizontal_Sweep_Drop(), New_Profile(), and Vertical_Sweep_Drop().

#define Pixel_Bits   6

Definition at line 289 of file ftraster.c.

Referenced by Set_High_Precision().

#define ras   (*worker)

Definition at line 563 of file ftraster.c.

Referenced by Bezier_Down(), Bezier_Up(), Conic_To(), Convert_Glyph(), Cubic_To(), Decompose_Curve(), Draw_Sweep(), End_Profile(), Finalize_Profile_Table(), ft_black_render(), FT_DEFINE_OUTLINE_FUNCS(), RooArgSet::getStringValue(), gray_compute_cbox(), gray_convert_glyph(), gray_find_cell(), gray_hline(), gray_init_cells(), gray_raster_render(), gray_record_cell(), gray_render_conic(), gray_render_cubic(), gray_render_line(), gray_render_scanline(), gray_set_cell(), gray_start_cell(), gray_sweep(), Horizontal_Sweep_Drop(), Horizontal_Sweep_Span(), Insert_Y_Turn(), Line_Down(), Line_To(), Line_Up(), New_Profile(), Render_Glyph(), Render_Single_Pass(), Set_High_Precision(), RooArgSet::setStringValue(), Vertical_Sweep_Drop(), Vertical_Sweep_Init(), Vertical_Sweep_Span(), and Vertical_Sweep_Step().

#define RAS_ARG   PWorker worker

Definition at line 401 of file ftraster.c.

#define RAS_ARGS   PWorker worker,

Definition at line 400 of file ftraster.c.

#define RAS_VAR   worker

Definition at line 404 of file ftraster.c.

Referenced by Convert_Glyph(), Draw_Sweep(), ft_black_render(), FT_DEFINE_OUTLINE_FUNCS(), gray_convert_glyph(), gray_move_to(), gray_raster_render(), gray_record_cell(), gray_set_cell(), and Render_Single_Pass().

#define RAS_VARS   worker,

Definition at line 403 of file ftraster.c.

Referenced by Bezier_Down(), Conic_To(), Convert_Glyph(), Cubic_To(), Decompose_Curve(), Draw_Sweep(), Finalize_Profile_Table(), Line_Down(), Line_To(), Render_Glyph(), and Render_Single_Pass().

#define Raster_Err_Invalid   Raster_Err_Invalid_Outline

Definition at line 235 of file ftraster.c.

Referenced by Decompose_Curve(), Draw_Sweep(), ft_black_render(), New_Profile(), and Render_Single_Pass().

#define Raster_Err_Neg_Height   Raster_Err_Raster_Negative_Height

Definition at line 234 of file ftraster.c.

Referenced by End_Profile().

#define Raster_Err_None   Raster_Err_Ok

Definition at line 231 of file ftraster.c.

Referenced by ft_black_render(), Render_Glyph(), and Render_Single_Pass().

#define Raster_Err_Not_Ini   Raster_Err_Raster_Uninitialized

Definition at line 232 of file ftraster.c.

Referenced by ft_black_render().

#define Raster_Err_Overflow   Raster_Err_Raster_Overflow

Definition at line 233 of file ftraster.c.

Referenced by Bezier_Up(), End_Profile(), Insert_Y_Turn(), Line_Up(), New_Profile(), and Render_Single_Pass().

#define Raster_Err_Unsupported   Raster_Err_Cannot_Render_Glyph

Definition at line 236 of file ftraster.c.

Referenced by ft_black_render(), and Render_Gray_Glyph().

#define RASTER_GRAY_LINES   2048

Definition at line 159 of file ftraster.c.

Referenced by ft_black_init().

#define SCALED ( x   )     ( ( (x) << ras.scale_shift ) - ras.precision_half )

Definition at line 437 of file ftraster.c.

#define SMulDiv   FT_MulDiv

Definition at line 258 of file ftraster.c.

Referenced by Line_Up().

#define SUCCESS   0

Definition at line 277 of file ftraster.c.

Referenced by Bezier_Up(), Conic_To(), Convert_Glyph(), Cubic_To(), Decompose_Curve(), Draw_Sweep(), End_Profile(), Finalize_Profile_Table(), Insert_Y_Turn(), Line_To(), Line_Up(), New_Profile(), and Render_Single_Pass().

#define SWAP_ ( x,
y   ) 


do                \
                       {                 \
                         Long  swap = x; \
                         x = y;          \
                         y = swap;       \
                       } while ( 0 )

Definition at line 1737 of file ftraster.c.

Referenced by Decompose_Curve().

#define TRUE   1

Definition at line 265 of file ftraster.c.

#define TRUNC ( x   )     ( (signed long)(x) >> ras.precision_bits )

Definition at line 435 of file ftraster.c.

Referenced by Bezier_Up(), Draw_Sweep(), gray_move_to(), gray_render_conic(), gray_render_cubic(), gray_render_line(), gray_render_scanline(), Horizontal_Sweep_Drop(), Horizontal_Sweep_Span(), Line_Up(), Render_Single_Pass(), Vertical_Sweep_Drop(), and Vertical_Sweep_Span().

Typedef Documentation

typedef union Alignment_ Alignment

typedef char Bool

Definition at line 308 of file ftraster.c.

typedef unsigned char Byte

Definition at line 307 of file ftraster.c.

typedef void Function_Sweep_Init(RAS_ARGS Short *min, Short *max)

Definition at line 417 of file ftraster.c.

typedef void Function_Sweep_Span(RAS_ARGS Short y, FT_F26Dot6 x1, FT_F26Dot6 x2, PProfile left, PProfile right)

Definition at line 421 of file ftraster.c.

typedef void Function_Sweep_Step(RAS_ARG)

Definition at line 428 of file ftraster.c.

typedef int Int

Definition at line 300 of file ftraster.c.

typedef long Long

Definition at line 304 of file ftraster.c.

typedef union Alignment_ * PAlignment

typedef unsigned char * PByte

Definition at line 307 of file ftraster.c.

typedef long * PLong

Definition at line 304 of file ftraster.c.

typedef TProfile* PProfile

Definition at line 346 of file ftraster.c.

typedef PProfile* PProfileList

Definition at line 368 of file ftraster.c.

typedef struct TRaster_ * PRaster

typedef unsigned short * PUShort

Definition at line 303 of file ftraster.c.

typedef struct TWorker_ * PWorker

Definition at line 412 of file ftraster.c.

typedef short Short

Definition at line 302 of file ftraster.c.

typedef struct TBand_ TBand

typedef struct TPoint_ TPoint

typedef struct TProfile_ TProfile

Definition at line 345 of file ftraster.c.

typedef PProfile TProfileList

Definition at line 367 of file ftraster.c.

typedef struct TRaster_ TRaster

typedef void(*) TSplitter(TPoint *base)

Definition at line 1206 of file ftraster.c.

typedef enum TStates_ TStates

typedef struct TWorker_ TWorker

Definition at line 412 of file ftraster.c.

typedef unsigned int UInt

Definition at line 301 of file ftraster.c.

typedef unsigned long ULong

Definition at line 305 of file ftraster.c.

typedef unsigned short UShort

Definition at line 303 of file ftraster.c.

Enumeration Type Documentation

enum TStates_

Definition at line 335 of file ftraster.c.

Function Documentation

static Bool Bezier_Down ( RAS_ARGS Int  degree,
TSplitter  splitter,
Long  miny,
Long  maxy 
) [static]

Definition at line 1364 of file ftraster.c.

References Bezier_Up(), ras, RAS_VARS, and result().

Referenced by Conic_To(), and Cubic_To().

static Bool Bezier_Up ( RAS_ARGS Int  degree,
TSplitter  splitter,
Long  miny,
Long  maxy 
) [static]

Definition at line 1231 of file ftraster.c.

References CEILING, FAILURE, FALSE, FLOOR, FMulDiv, FRAC, ras, Raster_Err_Overflow, SUCCESS, top(), TRUE, TRUNC, and x.

Referenced by Bezier_Down(), Conic_To(), and Cubic_To().

static Bool Conic_To ( RAS_ARGS Long  cx,
Long  cy,
Long  x,
Long  y 
) [static]

Definition at line 1509 of file ftraster.c.

References Ascending_State, Bezier_Down(), Bezier_Up(), Descending_State, End_Profile(), FAILURE, IS_BOTTOM_OVERSHOOT, IS_TOP_OVERSHOOT, New_Profile(), o, ras, RAS_VARS, Split_Conic(), SUCCESS, Unknown_State, x3, ymax, and ymin.

Referenced by Decompose_Curve().

static Bool Convert_Glyph ( RAS_ARGS int  flipped  )  [static]

Definition at line 1990 of file ftraster.c.

References AlignProfileSize, Decompose_Curve(), End_Profile(), FAILURE, FALSE, Finalize_Profile_Table(), Flow_Up, for(), FRAC, i, if(), IS_BOTTOM_OVERSHOOT, IS_TOP_OVERSHOOT, NULL, o, ras, RAS_VAR, RAS_VARS, start, SUCCESS, and Unknown_State.

Referenced by Render_Single_Pass().

static Bool Cubic_To ( RAS_ARGS Long  cx1,
Long  cy1,
Long  cx2,
Long  cy2,
Long  x,
Long  y 
) [static]

Definition at line 1629 of file ftraster.c.

References Ascending_State, Bezier_Down(), Bezier_Up(), Descending_State, End_Profile(), FAILURE, IS_BOTTOM_OVERSHOOT, IS_TOP_OVERSHOOT, New_Profile(), o, ras, RAS_VARS, Split_Cubic(), SUCCESS, Unknown_State, and x4.

Referenced by Decompose_Curve().

static Bool Decompose_Curve ( RAS_ARGS UShort  first,
UShort  last,
int  flipped 
) [static]

Definition at line 1769 of file ftraster.c.

References Conic_To(), Cubic_To(), FAILURE, FT_CURVE_TAG, FT_CURVE_TAG_CONIC, FT_CURVE_TAG_CUBIC, FT_CURVE_TAG_HAS_SCANMODE, FT_CURVE_TAG_ON, Line_To(), points, ras, RAS_VARS, Raster_Err_Invalid, SCALED, SUCCESS, SWAP_, POINT::x, FT_Vector_::x, x, x1, x2, x3, POINT::y, FT_Vector_::y, and y.

Referenced by Convert_Glyph().

static void DelOld ( PProfileList  list,
PProfile  profile 
) [static]

Definition at line 2118 of file ftraster.c.

References list, and profile.

Referenced by Draw_Sweep().

static Bool Draw_Sweep ( RAS_ARG   )  [static]

Definition at line 2871 of file ftraster.c.

References CEILING, DelOld(), FAILURE, FLOOR, Flow_Up, Init_Linked(), InsNew(), ROOT::Math::Cephes::P, ROOT::Math::Cephes::Q, ras, RAS_VAR, RAS_VARS, Raster_Err_Invalid, Sort(), SUCCESS, top(), and TRUNC.

Referenced by Render_Single_Pass().

static Bool End_Profile ( RAS_ARGS Bool  overshoot  )  [static]

Definition at line 770 of file ftraster.c.

References AlignProfileSize, FAILURE, FALSE, Flow_Up, FT_ERROR, FT_TRACE1, FT_TRACE6, h, Overshoot_Bottom, Overshoot_Top, ras, Raster_Err_Neg_Height, Raster_Err_Overflow, and SUCCESS.

Referenced by Conic_To(), Convert_Glyph(), Cubic_To(), and Line_To().

static Bool Finalize_Profile_Table ( RAS_ARG   )  [static]

Definition at line 891 of file ftraster.c.

References FAILURE, Flow_Up, Insert_Y_Turn(), n, NULL, p, ras, RAS_VARS, SUCCESS, and top().

Referenced by Convert_Glyph().

static void ft_black_done ( PRaster  raster  )  [static]

Definition at line 3428 of file ftraster.c.

References FT_FREE, and TRaster_::memory.

static void ft_black_init ( PRaster  raster  )  [static]

Definition at line 3356 of file ftraster.c.

References FT_UNUSED, TRaster_::gray_width, TRaster_::grays, n, and RASTER_GRAY_LINES.

Referenced by ft_black_new().

static int ft_black_new ( FT_Memory  memory,
PRaster araster 
) [static]

Definition at line 3407 of file ftraster.c.

References ft_black_init(), FT_NEW, and TRaster_::memory.

static int ft_black_render ( PRaster  raster,
const FT_Raster_Params params 
) [static]

Definition at line 3493 of file ftraster.c.

References TRaster_::buffer, TRaster_::buffer_size, FT_Outline_::contours, FT_MEM_ZERO, FT_RASTER_FLAG_AA, FT_RASTER_FLAG_DIRECT, TRaster_::gray_width, TRaster_::grays, if(), FT_Outline_::n_contours, FT_Outline_::n_points, params, FT_Outline_::points, ras, RAS_VAR, Raster_Err_Invalid, Raster_Err_None, Raster_Err_Not_Ini, Raster_Err_Unsupported, Render_Glyph(), Render_Gray_Glyph(), sizeof(), and TRaster_::worker.

static void ft_black_reset ( PRaster  raster,
char *  pool_base,
long  pool_size 
) [static]

Definition at line 3439 of file ftraster.c.

References TRaster_::buffer, TRaster_::buffer_size, NULL, and TRaster_::worker.

static void ft_black_set_mode ( PRaster  raster,
unsigned long  mode,
const char *  palette 
) [static]

Definition at line 3466 of file ftraster.c.

References FT_MAKE_TAG, FT_UNUSED, and TRaster_::grays.

static void Horizontal_Sweep_Drop ( RAS_ARGS Short  y,
FT_F26Dot6  x1,
FT_F26Dot6  x2,
PProfile  left,
PProfile  right 
) [static]

Definition at line 2510 of file ftraster.c.

References bits, CEILING, FLOOR, if(), Overshoot_Bottom, Overshoot_Top, ras, TRUNC, and x80.

Referenced by Render_Glyph().

static void Horizontal_Sweep_Init ( RAS_ARGS Short min,
Short max 
) [static]

Definition at line 2456 of file ftraster.c.


Referenced by Render_Glyph().

static void Horizontal_Sweep_Span ( RAS_ARGS Short  y,
FT_F26Dot6  x1,
FT_F26Dot6  x2,
PProfile  left,
PProfile  right 
) [static]

Definition at line 2467 of file ftraster.c.

References bits, CEILING, FLOOR, FT_UNUSED, p, ras, TRUNC, and x80.

Referenced by Render_Glyph().

static void Horizontal_Sweep_Step ( RAS_ARG   )  [static]

Definition at line 2620 of file ftraster.c.


Referenced by Render_Glyph().

static void Init_Linked ( TProfileList l  )  [static]

Definition at line 2074 of file ftraster.c.

References l, and NULL.

Referenced by Draw_Sweep().

static Bool Insert_Y_Turn ( RAS_ARGS Int  y  )  [static]

Definition at line 840 of file ftraster.c.

References FAILURE, n, ras, Raster_Err_Overflow, and SUCCESS.

Referenced by Finalize_Profile_Table().

static void InsNew ( PProfileList  list,
PProfile  profile 
) [static]

Definition at line 2087 of file ftraster.c.

References list, profile, X, and x.

Referenced by Draw_Sweep().

static Bool Line_Down ( RAS_ARGS Long  x1,
Long  y1,
Long  x2,
Long  y2,
Long  miny,
Long  maxy 
) [static]

Definition at line 1184 of file ftraster.c.

References Line_Up(), ras, RAS_VARS, and result().

Referenced by Line_To().

static Bool Line_To ( RAS_ARGS Long  x,
Long  y 
) [static]

Definition at line 1411 of file ftraster.c.

References Ascending_State, Descending_State, End_Profile(), FAILURE, IS_BOTTOM_OVERSHOOT, IS_TOP_OVERSHOOT, Line_Down(), Line_Up(), New_Profile(), ras, RAS_VARS, SUCCESS, and Unknown_State.

Referenced by Decompose_Curve().

static Bool Line_Up ( RAS_ARGS Long  x1,
Long  y1,
Long  x2,
Long  y2,
Long  miny,
Long  maxy 
) [static]

Definition at line 1045 of file ftraster.c.

References f2, FAILURE, FALSE, FMulDiv, FRAC, ras, Raster_Err_Overflow, size, SMulDiv, SUCCESS, top(), and TRUNC.

Referenced by Line_Down(), and Line_To().

static Bool New_Profile ( RAS_ARGS TStates  aState,
Bool  overshoot 
) [static]

Definition at line 697 of file ftraster.c.

References AlignProfileSize, Ascending_State, Descending_State, FAILURE, FALSE, Flow_Up, FT_ERROR, FT_TRACE6, Overshoot_Bottom, Overshoot_Top, ras, Raster_Err_Invalid, Raster_Err_Overflow, SUCCESS, and TRUE.

Referenced by Conic_To(), Cubic_To(), and Line_To().

Render_Glyph ( RAS_ARG   ) 

Definition at line 3197 of file ftraster.c.

References error, FT_OUTLINE_HIGH_PRECISION, FT_OUTLINE_IGNORE_DROPOUTS, FT_OUTLINE_INCLUDE_STUBS, FT_OUTLINE_SINGLE_PASS, FT_OUTLINE_SMART_DROPOUTS, Horizontal_Sweep_Drop(), Horizontal_Sweep_Init(), Horizontal_Sweep_Span(), Horizontal_Sweep_Step(), ras, RAS_VARS, Raster_Err_None, Render_Single_Pass(), Set_High_Precision(), short, Vertical_Sweep_Drop(), Vertical_Sweep_Init(), Vertical_Sweep_Span(), and Vertical_Sweep_Step().

Referenced by ft_black_render().

Render_Gray_Glyph ( RAS_ARG   ) 

Definition at line 3345 of file ftraster.c.

References FT_UNUSED_RASTER, and Raster_Err_Unsupported.

Referenced by ft_black_render().

static int Render_Single_Pass ( RAS_ARGS Bool  flipped  )  [static]

Definition at line 3125 of file ftraster.c.

References Convert_Glyph(), Draw_Sweep(), FAILURE, i, j, k, ras, RAS_VAR, RAS_VARS, Raster_Err_Invalid, Raster_Err_None, Raster_Err_Overflow, SUCCESS, and TRUNC.

Referenced by Render_Glyph().

static void Set_High_Precision ( RAS_ARGS Int  High  )  [static]

Definition at line 654 of file ftraster.c.

References FT_TRACE6, Pixel_Bits, and ras.

Referenced by Render_Glyph().

static void Sort ( PProfileList  list  )  [static]

Definition at line 2153 of file ftraster.c.

References Flow_Up, and list.

Referenced by TDocParser::AddClassDataMembersRecursively(), ClassImp(), Draw_Sweep(), G__G__Base3_186_0_14(), G__G__Cont_162_0_29(), G__G__Cont_166_0_42(), G__G__Cont_76_0_40(), G__G__Cont_78_0_44(), G__G__Gui2_290_0_10(), G__G__Gui2_310_0_74(), G__G__Gui3_382_0_11(), G__G__Hist_104_0_105(), G__G__IO_213_0_17(), G__G__RooFitCore2_129_0_22(), G__G__Table_139_0_51(), G__G__TMVA2_437_0_22(), G__G__Tree_196_0_26(), XrdProofdSandbox::GetSessionDirs(), and testArrayFunctions().

static void Split_Conic ( TPoint base  )  [static]

Definition at line 955 of file ftraster.c.

References a, and b.

Referenced by Conic_To().

static void Split_Cubic ( TPoint base  )  [static]

Definition at line 992 of file ftraster.c.

References a, b, c, and d.

Referenced by Cubic_To().

static void Vertical_Sweep_Drop ( RAS_ARGS Short  y,
FT_F26Dot6  x1,
FT_F26Dot6  x2,
PProfile  left,
PProfile  right 
) [static]

Definition at line 2299 of file ftraster.c.

References c1, CEILING, FLOOR, Overshoot_Bottom, Overshoot_Top, ras, TRUNC, and x80.

Referenced by Render_Glyph().

static void Vertical_Sweep_Init ( RAS_ARGS Short min,
Short max 
) [static]

Definition at line 2212 of file ftraster.c.

References FT_UNUSED, and ras.

Referenced by Render_Glyph().

static void Vertical_Sweep_Span ( RAS_ARGS Short  y,
FT_F26Dot6  x1,
FT_F26Dot6  x2,
PProfile  left,
PProfile  right 
) [static]

Definition at line 2231 of file ftraster.c.

References c1, CEILING, f2, FLOOR, FT_UNUSED, ras, short, and TRUNC.

Referenced by Render_Glyph().

static void Vertical_Sweep_Step ( RAS_ARG   )  [static]

Definition at line 2440 of file ftraster.c.

References ras.

Referenced by Render_Glyph().

Generated on Tue Jul 5 15:58:25 2011 for ROOT_528-00b_version by  doxygen 1.5.1