
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 //
00002 // File generated by core/utils/src/rootcint_tmp at Wed Apr 20 13:27:13 2011
00004 // Do NOT change. Changes will be lost next time file is generated
00005 //
00007 #define R__DICTIONARY_FILENAME coredImetadIsrcdIG__Meta
00008 #include "RConfig.h" //rootcint 4834
00009 #if !defined(R__ACCESS_IN_SYMBOL)
00010 //Break the privacy of classes -- Disabled for the moment
00011 #define private public
00012 #define protected public
00013 #endif
00015 // Since CINT ignores the std namespace, we need to do so in this file.
00016 namespace std {} using namespace std;
00017 #include "G__Meta.h"
00019 #include "TCollectionProxyInfo.h"
00020 #include "TClass.h"
00021 #include "TBuffer.h"
00022 #include "TMemberInspector.h"
00023 #include "TError.h"
00025 #ifndef G__ROOT
00026 #define G__ROOT
00027 #endif
00029 #include "RtypesImp.h"
00030 #include "TIsAProxy.h"
00034 namespace ROOT {
00035    namespace Shadow {
00036       #if !(defined(R__ACCESS_IN_SYMBOL) || defined(R__USE_SHADOW_CLASS))
00037       typedef ::TClassStreamer TClassStreamer;
00038       #else
00039       class TClassStreamer  {
00040          public:
00041          //friend XX;
00042          // To force the creation of a virtual table, throw just in case.
00043          virtual ~TClassStreamer() throw() {};
00044          void* fStreamer; //
00045          ::TClassRef fOnFileClass; //
00046       };
00047       #endif
00049       #if !(defined(R__ACCESS_IN_SYMBOL) || defined(R__USE_SHADOW_CLASS))
00050       typedef ::TMemberStreamer TMemberStreamer;
00051       #else
00052       class TMemberStreamer  {
00053          public:
00054          //friend XX;
00055          // To force the creation of a virtual table, throw just in case.
00056          virtual ~TMemberStreamer() throw() {};
00057          void* fStreamer; //
00058          ::TClassRef fOnFileClass; //
00059       };
00060       #endif
00062       #if !(defined(R__ACCESS_IN_SYMBOL) || defined(R__USE_SHADOW_CLASS))
00063       typedef ::TClassRef TClassRef;
00064       #else
00065       class TClassRef  {
00066          public:
00067          //friend XX;
00068          string fClassName; //Name of referenced class
00069          ::TClass* fClassPtr; //! Ptr to the TClass object
00070          ::TClassRef* fPrevious; //! link to the previous refs
00071          ::TClassRef* fNext; //! link to the next refs 
00072       };
00073       #endif
00075    } // of namespace Shadow
00076 } // of namespace ROOT
00079 namespace ROOT {
00080    void TClass_ShowMembers(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp);
00081    static void *new_TClass(void *p = 0);
00082    static void *newArray_TClass(Long_t size, void *p);
00083    static void delete_TClass(void *p);
00084    static void deleteArray_TClass(void *p);
00085    static void destruct_TClass(void *p);
00086    static void streamer_TClass(TBuffer &buf, void *obj);
00088    // Function generating the singleton type initializer
00089    static TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstanceLocal(const ::TClass*)
00090    {
00091       ::TClass *ptr = 0;
00092       static ::TVirtualIsAProxy* isa_proxy = new ::TInstrumentedIsAProxy< ::TClass >(0);
00093       static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo 
00094          instance("TClass", ::TClass::Class_Version(), "include/TClass.h", 65,
00095                   typeid(::TClass), DefineBehavior(ptr, ptr),
00096                   &::TClass::Dictionary, isa_proxy, 0,
00097                   sizeof(::TClass) );
00098       instance.SetNew(&new_TClass);
00099       instance.SetNewArray(&newArray_TClass);
00100       instance.SetDelete(&delete_TClass);
00101       instance.SetDeleteArray(&deleteArray_TClass);
00102       instance.SetDestructor(&destruct_TClass);
00103       instance.SetStreamerFunc(&streamer_TClass);
00104       return &instance;
00105    }
00106    TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstance(const ::TClass*)
00107    {
00108       return GenerateInitInstanceLocal((::TClass*)0);
00109    }
00110    // Static variable to force the class initialization
00111    static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo *_R__UNIQUE_(Init) = GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TClass*)0x0); R__UseDummy(_R__UNIQUE_(Init));
00112 } // end of namespace ROOT
00114 namespace ROOT {
00115    void TClassStreamer_ShowMembers(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp);
00116    static void TClassStreamer_Dictionary();
00117    static void delete_TClassStreamer(void *p);
00118    static void deleteArray_TClassStreamer(void *p);
00119    static void destruct_TClassStreamer(void *p);
00121    // Function generating the singleton type initializer
00122    static TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstanceLocal(const ::TClassStreamer*)
00123    {
00124       // Make sure the shadow class has the right sizeof
00125       R__ASSERT(sizeof(::TClassStreamer) == sizeof(::ROOT::Shadow::TClassStreamer));
00126       ::TClassStreamer *ptr = 0;
00127       static ::TVirtualIsAProxy* isa_proxy = new ::TIsAProxy(typeid(::TClassStreamer),0);
00128       static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo 
00129          instance("TClassStreamer", "include/TClassStreamer.h", 27,
00130                   typeid(::TClassStreamer), DefineBehavior(ptr, ptr),
00131                   &TClassStreamer_ShowMembers, &TClassStreamer_Dictionary, isa_proxy, 4,
00132                   sizeof(::TClassStreamer) );
00133       instance.SetDelete(&delete_TClassStreamer);
00134       instance.SetDeleteArray(&deleteArray_TClassStreamer);
00135       instance.SetDestructor(&destruct_TClassStreamer);
00136       return &instance;
00137    }
00138    TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstance(const ::TClassStreamer*)
00139    {
00140       return GenerateInitInstanceLocal((::TClassStreamer*)0);
00141    }
00142    // Static variable to force the class initialization
00143    static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo *_R__UNIQUE_(Init) = GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TClassStreamer*)0x0); R__UseDummy(_R__UNIQUE_(Init));
00145    // Dictionary for non-ClassDef classes
00146    static void TClassStreamer_Dictionary() {
00147       ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TClassStreamer*)0x0)->GetClass();
00148    }
00150 } // end of namespace ROOT
00152 namespace ROOT {
00153    void TMemberStreamer_ShowMembers(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp);
00154    static void TMemberStreamer_Dictionary();
00155    static void delete_TMemberStreamer(void *p);
00156    static void deleteArray_TMemberStreamer(void *p);
00157    static void destruct_TMemberStreamer(void *p);
00159    // Function generating the singleton type initializer
00160    static TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstanceLocal(const ::TMemberStreamer*)
00161    {
00162       // Make sure the shadow class has the right sizeof
00163       R__ASSERT(sizeof(::TMemberStreamer) == sizeof(::ROOT::Shadow::TMemberStreamer));
00164       ::TMemberStreamer *ptr = 0;
00165       static ::TVirtualIsAProxy* isa_proxy = new ::TIsAProxy(typeid(::TMemberStreamer),0);
00166       static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo 
00167          instance("TMemberStreamer", "include/TMemberStreamer.h", 27,
00168                   typeid(::TMemberStreamer), DefineBehavior(ptr, ptr),
00169                   &TMemberStreamer_ShowMembers, &TMemberStreamer_Dictionary, isa_proxy, 4,
00170                   sizeof(::TMemberStreamer) );
00171       instance.SetDelete(&delete_TMemberStreamer);
00172       instance.SetDeleteArray(&deleteArray_TMemberStreamer);
00173       instance.SetDestructor(&destruct_TMemberStreamer);
00174       return &instance;
00175    }
00176    TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstance(const ::TMemberStreamer*)
00177    {
00178       return GenerateInitInstanceLocal((::TMemberStreamer*)0);
00179    }
00180    // Static variable to force the class initialization
00181    static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo *_R__UNIQUE_(Init) = GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMemberStreamer*)0x0); R__UseDummy(_R__UNIQUE_(Init));
00183    // Dictionary for non-ClassDef classes
00184    static void TMemberStreamer_Dictionary() {
00185       ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMemberStreamer*)0x0)->GetClass();
00186    }
00188 } // end of namespace ROOT
00190 namespace ROOT {
00191    void TVirtualIsAProxy_ShowMembers(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp);
00192    static void TVirtualIsAProxy_Dictionary();
00193    static void delete_TVirtualIsAProxy(void *p);
00194    static void deleteArray_TVirtualIsAProxy(void *p);
00195    static void destruct_TVirtualIsAProxy(void *p);
00197    // Function generating the singleton type initializer
00198    static TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstanceLocal(const ::TVirtualIsAProxy*)
00199    {
00200       ::TVirtualIsAProxy *ptr = 0;
00201       static ::TVirtualIsAProxy* isa_proxy = new ::TIsAProxy(typeid(::TVirtualIsAProxy),0);
00202       static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo 
00203          instance("TVirtualIsAProxy", "include/TVirtualIsAProxy.h", 27,
00204                   typeid(::TVirtualIsAProxy), DefineBehavior(ptr, ptr),
00205                   0, &TVirtualIsAProxy_Dictionary, isa_proxy, 0,
00206                   sizeof(::TVirtualIsAProxy) );
00207       instance.SetDelete(&delete_TVirtualIsAProxy);
00208       instance.SetDeleteArray(&deleteArray_TVirtualIsAProxy);
00209       instance.SetDestructor(&destruct_TVirtualIsAProxy);
00210       return &instance;
00211    }
00212    TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstance(const ::TVirtualIsAProxy*)
00213    {
00214       return GenerateInitInstanceLocal((::TVirtualIsAProxy*)0);
00215    }
00216    // Static variable to force the class initialization
00217    static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo *_R__UNIQUE_(Init) = GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TVirtualIsAProxy*)0x0); R__UseDummy(_R__UNIQUE_(Init));
00219    // Dictionary for non-ClassDef classes
00220    static void TVirtualIsAProxy_Dictionary() {
00221       ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TVirtualIsAProxy*)0x0)->GetClass();
00222    }
00224 } // end of namespace ROOT
00226    namespace ROOT {
00227       inline ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstance();
00228       static void ROOT_Dictionary();
00230       // Function generating the singleton type initializer
00231       inline ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstance()
00232       {
00233          static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo 
00234             instance("ROOT", 0 /*version*/, "include/TVirtualStreamerInfo.h", 35,
00235                      ::ROOT::DefineBehavior((void*)0,(void*)0),
00236                      &ROOT_Dictionary, 0);
00237          return &instance;
00238       }
00239       // Insure that the inline function is _not_ optimized away by the compiler
00240       ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo *(*_R__UNIQUE_(InitFunctionKeeper))() = &GenerateInitInstance;  
00241       // Static variable to force the class initialization
00242       static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo *_R__UNIQUE_(Init) = GenerateInitInstance(); R__UseDummy(_R__UNIQUE_(Init));
00244       // Dictionary for non-ClassDef classes
00245       static void ROOT_Dictionary() {
00246          GenerateInitInstance()->GetClass();
00247       }
00249    }
00251 namespace ROOT {
00252    void TMethod_ShowMembers(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp);
00253    static void *new_TMethod(void *p = 0);
00254    static void *newArray_TMethod(Long_t size, void *p);
00255    static void delete_TMethod(void *p);
00256    static void deleteArray_TMethod(void *p);
00257    static void destruct_TMethod(void *p);
00258    static void streamer_TMethod(TBuffer &buf, void *obj);
00260    // Function generating the singleton type initializer
00261    static TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstanceLocal(const ::TMethod*)
00262    {
00263       ::TMethod *ptr = 0;
00264       static ::TVirtualIsAProxy* isa_proxy = new ::TInstrumentedIsAProxy< ::TMethod >(0);
00265       static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo 
00266          instance("TMethod", ::TMethod::Class_Version(), "include/TMethod.h", 40,
00267                   typeid(::TMethod), DefineBehavior(ptr, ptr),
00268                   &::TMethod::Dictionary, isa_proxy, 0,
00269                   sizeof(::TMethod) );
00270       instance.SetNew(&new_TMethod);
00271       instance.SetNewArray(&newArray_TMethod);
00272       instance.SetDelete(&delete_TMethod);
00273       instance.SetDeleteArray(&deleteArray_TMethod);
00274       instance.SetDestructor(&destruct_TMethod);
00275       instance.SetStreamerFunc(&streamer_TMethod);
00276       return &instance;
00277    }
00278    TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstance(const ::TMethod*)
00279    {
00280       return GenerateInitInstanceLocal((::TMethod*)0);
00281    }
00282    // Static variable to force the class initialization
00283    static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo *_R__UNIQUE_(Init) = GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMethod*)0x0); R__UseDummy(_R__UNIQUE_(Init));
00284 } // end of namespace ROOT
00286 namespace ROOT {
00287    void TVirtualStreamerInfo_ShowMembers(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp);
00288    static void delete_TVirtualStreamerInfo(void *p);
00289    static void deleteArray_TVirtualStreamerInfo(void *p);
00290    static void destruct_TVirtualStreamerInfo(void *p);
00291    static void streamer_TVirtualStreamerInfo(TBuffer &buf, void *obj);
00293    // Function generating the singleton type initializer
00294    static TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstanceLocal(const ::TVirtualStreamerInfo*)
00295    {
00296       ::TVirtualStreamerInfo *ptr = 0;
00297       static ::TVirtualIsAProxy* isa_proxy = new ::TInstrumentedIsAProxy< ::TVirtualStreamerInfo >(0);
00298       static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo 
00299          instance("TVirtualStreamerInfo", ::TVirtualStreamerInfo::Class_Version(), "include/TVirtualStreamerInfo.h", 37,
00300                   typeid(::TVirtualStreamerInfo), DefineBehavior(ptr, ptr),
00301                   &::TVirtualStreamerInfo::Dictionary, isa_proxy, 1,
00302                   sizeof(::TVirtualStreamerInfo) );
00303       instance.SetDelete(&delete_TVirtualStreamerInfo);
00304       instance.SetDeleteArray(&deleteArray_TVirtualStreamerInfo);
00305       instance.SetDestructor(&destruct_TVirtualStreamerInfo);
00306       instance.SetStreamerFunc(&streamer_TVirtualStreamerInfo);
00307       return &instance;
00308    }
00309    TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstance(const ::TVirtualStreamerInfo*)
00310    {
00311       return GenerateInitInstanceLocal((::TVirtualStreamerInfo*)0);
00312    }
00313    // Static variable to force the class initialization
00314    static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo *_R__UNIQUE_(Init) = GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TVirtualStreamerInfo*)0x0); R__UseDummy(_R__UNIQUE_(Init));
00315 } // end of namespace ROOT
00317 namespace ROOT {
00318    void TStreamerElement_ShowMembers(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp);
00319    static void *new_TStreamerElement(void *p = 0);
00320    static void *newArray_TStreamerElement(Long_t size, void *p);
00321    static void delete_TStreamerElement(void *p);
00322    static void deleteArray_TStreamerElement(void *p);
00323    static void destruct_TStreamerElement(void *p);
00324    static void streamer_TStreamerElement(TBuffer &buf, void *obj);
00326    // Function generating the singleton type initializer
00327    static TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstanceLocal(const ::TStreamerElement*)
00328    {
00329       ::TStreamerElement *ptr = 0;
00330       static ::TVirtualIsAProxy* isa_proxy = new ::TInstrumentedIsAProxy< ::TStreamerElement >(0);
00331       static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo 
00332          instance("TStreamerElement", ::TStreamerElement::Class_Version(), "include/TStreamerElement.h", 32,
00333                   typeid(::TStreamerElement), DefineBehavior(ptr, ptr),
00334                   &::TStreamerElement::Dictionary, isa_proxy, 1,
00335                   sizeof(::TStreamerElement) );
00336       instance.SetNew(&new_TStreamerElement);
00337       instance.SetNewArray(&newArray_TStreamerElement);
00338       instance.SetDelete(&delete_TStreamerElement);
00339       instance.SetDeleteArray(&deleteArray_TStreamerElement);
00340       instance.SetDestructor(&destruct_TStreamerElement);
00341       instance.SetStreamerFunc(&streamer_TStreamerElement);
00342       return &instance;
00343    }
00344    TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstance(const ::TStreamerElement*)
00345    {
00346       return GenerateInitInstanceLocal((::TStreamerElement*)0);
00347    }
00348    // Static variable to force the class initialization
00349    static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo *_R__UNIQUE_(Init) = GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TStreamerElement*)0x0); R__UseDummy(_R__UNIQUE_(Init));
00350 } // end of namespace ROOT
00352 namespace ROOT {
00353    void TDictionary_ShowMembers(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp);
00354    static void delete_TDictionary(void *p);
00355    static void deleteArray_TDictionary(void *p);
00356    static void destruct_TDictionary(void *p);
00357    static void streamer_TDictionary(TBuffer &buf, void *obj);
00359    // Function generating the singleton type initializer
00360    static TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstanceLocal(const ::TDictionary*)
00361    {
00362       ::TDictionary *ptr = 0;
00363       static ::TVirtualIsAProxy* isa_proxy = new ::TInstrumentedIsAProxy< ::TDictionary >(0);
00364       static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo 
00365          instance("TDictionary", ::TDictionary::Class_Version(), "include/TDictionary.h", 86,
00366                   typeid(::TDictionary), DefineBehavior(ptr, ptr),
00367                   &::TDictionary::Dictionary, isa_proxy, 0,
00368                   sizeof(::TDictionary) );
00369       instance.SetDelete(&delete_TDictionary);
00370       instance.SetDeleteArray(&deleteArray_TDictionary);
00371       instance.SetDestructor(&destruct_TDictionary);
00372       instance.SetStreamerFunc(&streamer_TDictionary);
00373       return &instance;
00374    }
00375    TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstance(const ::TDictionary*)
00376    {
00377       return GenerateInitInstanceLocal((::TDictionary*)0);
00378    }
00379    // Static variable to force the class initialization
00380    static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo *_R__UNIQUE_(Init) = GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TDictionary*)0x0); R__UseDummy(_R__UNIQUE_(Init));
00381 } // end of namespace ROOT
00383 namespace ROOT {
00384    void TBaseClass_ShowMembers(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp);
00385    static void *new_TBaseClass(void *p = 0);
00386    static void *newArray_TBaseClass(Long_t size, void *p);
00387    static void delete_TBaseClass(void *p);
00388    static void deleteArray_TBaseClass(void *p);
00389    static void destruct_TBaseClass(void *p);
00390    static void streamer_TBaseClass(TBuffer &buf, void *obj);
00392    // Function generating the singleton type initializer
00393    static TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstanceLocal(const ::TBaseClass*)
00394    {
00395       ::TBaseClass *ptr = 0;
00396       static ::TVirtualIsAProxy* isa_proxy = new ::TInstrumentedIsAProxy< ::TBaseClass >(0);
00397       static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo 
00398          instance("TBaseClass", ::TBaseClass::Class_Version(), "include/TBaseClass.h", 35,
00399                   typeid(::TBaseClass), DefineBehavior(ptr, ptr),
00400                   &::TBaseClass::Dictionary, isa_proxy, 0,
00401                   sizeof(::TBaseClass) );
00402       instance.SetNew(&new_TBaseClass);
00403       instance.SetNewArray(&newArray_TBaseClass);
00404       instance.SetDelete(&delete_TBaseClass);
00405       instance.SetDeleteArray(&deleteArray_TBaseClass);
00406       instance.SetDestructor(&destruct_TBaseClass);
00407       instance.SetStreamerFunc(&streamer_TBaseClass);
00408       return &instance;
00409    }
00410    TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstance(const ::TBaseClass*)
00411    {
00412       return GenerateInitInstanceLocal((::TBaseClass*)0);
00413    }
00414    // Static variable to force the class initialization
00415    static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo *_R__UNIQUE_(Init) = GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TBaseClass*)0x0); R__UseDummy(_R__UNIQUE_(Init));
00416 } // end of namespace ROOT
00418 namespace ROOT {
00419    void TDataMember_ShowMembers(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp);
00420    static void *new_TDataMember(void *p = 0);
00421    static void *newArray_TDataMember(Long_t size, void *p);
00422    static void delete_TDataMember(void *p);
00423    static void deleteArray_TDataMember(void *p);
00424    static void destruct_TDataMember(void *p);
00425    static void streamer_TDataMember(TBuffer &buf, void *obj);
00427    // Function generating the singleton type initializer
00428    static TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstanceLocal(const ::TDataMember*)
00429    {
00430       ::TDataMember *ptr = 0;
00431       static ::TVirtualIsAProxy* isa_proxy = new ::TInstrumentedIsAProxy< ::TDataMember >(0);
00432       static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo 
00433          instance("TDataMember", ::TDataMember::Class_Version(), "include/TDataMember.h", 33,
00434                   typeid(::TDataMember), DefineBehavior(ptr, ptr),
00435                   &::TDataMember::Dictionary, isa_proxy, 0,
00436                   sizeof(::TDataMember) );
00437       instance.SetNew(&new_TDataMember);
00438       instance.SetNewArray(&newArray_TDataMember);
00439       instance.SetDelete(&delete_TDataMember);
00440       instance.SetDeleteArray(&deleteArray_TDataMember);
00441       instance.SetDestructor(&destruct_TDataMember);
00442       instance.SetStreamerFunc(&streamer_TDataMember);
00443       return &instance;
00444    }
00445    TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstance(const ::TDataMember*)
00446    {
00447       return GenerateInitInstanceLocal((::TDataMember*)0);
00448    }
00449    // Static variable to force the class initialization
00450    static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo *_R__UNIQUE_(Init) = GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TDataMember*)0x0); R__UseDummy(_R__UNIQUE_(Init));
00451 } // end of namespace ROOT
00453 namespace ROOT {
00454    void TClassRef_ShowMembers(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp);
00455    static void TClassRef_Dictionary();
00456    static void *new_TClassRef(void *p = 0);
00457    static void *newArray_TClassRef(Long_t size, void *p);
00458    static void delete_TClassRef(void *p);
00459    static void deleteArray_TClassRef(void *p);
00460    static void destruct_TClassRef(void *p);
00462    // Function generating the singleton type initializer
00463    static TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstanceLocal(const ::TClassRef*)
00464    {
00465       // Make sure the shadow class has the right sizeof
00466       R__ASSERT(sizeof(::TClassRef) == sizeof(::ROOT::Shadow::TClassRef));
00467       ::TClassRef *ptr = 0;
00468       static ::TVirtualIsAProxy* isa_proxy = new ::TIsAProxy(typeid(::TClassRef),0);
00469       static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo 
00470          instance("TClassRef", "include/TClassRef.h", 33,
00471                   typeid(::TClassRef), DefineBehavior(ptr, ptr),
00472                   &TClassRef_ShowMembers, &TClassRef_Dictionary, isa_proxy, 4,
00473                   sizeof(::TClassRef) );
00474       instance.SetNew(&new_TClassRef);
00475       instance.SetNewArray(&newArray_TClassRef);
00476       instance.SetDelete(&delete_TClassRef);
00477       instance.SetDeleteArray(&deleteArray_TClassRef);
00478       instance.SetDestructor(&destruct_TClassRef);
00479       return &instance;
00480    }
00481    TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstance(const ::TClassRef*)
00482    {
00483       return GenerateInitInstanceLocal((::TClassRef*)0);
00484    }
00485    // Static variable to force the class initialization
00486    static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo *_R__UNIQUE_(Init) = GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TClassRef*)0x0); R__UseDummy(_R__UNIQUE_(Init));
00488    // Dictionary for non-ClassDef classes
00489    static void TClassRef_Dictionary() {
00490       ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TClassRef*)0x0)->GetClass();
00491    }
00493 } // end of namespace ROOT
00495 namespace ROOT {
00496    void TRealData_ShowMembers(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp);
00497    static void *new_TRealData(void *p = 0);
00498    static void *newArray_TRealData(Long_t size, void *p);
00499    static void delete_TRealData(void *p);
00500    static void deleteArray_TRealData(void *p);
00501    static void destruct_TRealData(void *p);
00503    // Function generating the singleton type initializer
00504    static TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstanceLocal(const ::TRealData*)
00505    {
00506       ::TRealData *ptr = 0;
00507       static ::TVirtualIsAProxy* isa_proxy = new ::TInstrumentedIsAProxy< ::TRealData >(0);
00508       static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo 
00509          instance("TRealData", ::TRealData::Class_Version(), "include/TRealData.h", 34,
00510                   typeid(::TRealData), DefineBehavior(ptr, ptr),
00511                   &::TRealData::Dictionary, isa_proxy, 4,
00512                   sizeof(::TRealData) );
00513       instance.SetNew(&new_TRealData);
00514       instance.SetNewArray(&newArray_TRealData);
00515       instance.SetDelete(&delete_TRealData);
00516       instance.SetDeleteArray(&deleteArray_TRealData);
00517       instance.SetDestructor(&destruct_TRealData);
00518       return &instance;
00519    }
00520    TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstance(const ::TRealData*)
00521    {
00522       return GenerateInitInstanceLocal((::TRealData*)0);
00523    }
00524    // Static variable to force the class initialization
00525    static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo *_R__UNIQUE_(Init) = GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TRealData*)0x0); R__UseDummy(_R__UNIQUE_(Init));
00526 } // end of namespace ROOT
00528 namespace ROOT {
00529    void TMethodCall_ShowMembers(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp);
00530    static void *new_TMethodCall(void *p = 0);
00531    static void *newArray_TMethodCall(Long_t size, void *p);
00532    static void delete_TMethodCall(void *p);
00533    static void deleteArray_TMethodCall(void *p);
00534    static void destruct_TMethodCall(void *p);
00535    static void streamer_TMethodCall(TBuffer &buf, void *obj);
00537    // Function generating the singleton type initializer
00538    static TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstanceLocal(const ::TMethodCall*)
00539    {
00540       ::TMethodCall *ptr = 0;
00541       static ::TVirtualIsAProxy* isa_proxy = new ::TInstrumentedIsAProxy< ::TMethodCall >(0);
00542       static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo 
00543          instance("TMethodCall", ::TMethodCall::Class_Version(), "include/TMethodCall.h", 37,
00544                   typeid(::TMethodCall), DefineBehavior(ptr, ptr),
00545                   &::TMethodCall::Dictionary, isa_proxy, 0,
00546                   sizeof(::TMethodCall) );
00547       instance.SetNew(&new_TMethodCall);
00548       instance.SetNewArray(&newArray_TMethodCall);
00549       instance.SetDelete(&delete_TMethodCall);
00550       instance.SetDeleteArray(&deleteArray_TMethodCall);
00551       instance.SetDestructor(&destruct_TMethodCall);
00552       instance.SetStreamerFunc(&streamer_TMethodCall);
00553       return &instance;
00554    }
00555    TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstance(const ::TMethodCall*)
00556    {
00557       return GenerateInitInstanceLocal((::TMethodCall*)0);
00558    }
00559    // Static variable to force the class initialization
00560    static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo *_R__UNIQUE_(Init) = GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMethodCall*)0x0); R__UseDummy(_R__UNIQUE_(Init));
00561 } // end of namespace ROOT
00563 namespace ROOT {
00564    void ROOTcLcLTSchemaRuleSet_ShowMembers(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp);
00565    static void *new_ROOTcLcLTSchemaRuleSet(void *p = 0);
00566    static void *newArray_ROOTcLcLTSchemaRuleSet(Long_t size, void *p);
00567    static void delete_ROOTcLcLTSchemaRuleSet(void *p);
00568    static void deleteArray_ROOTcLcLTSchemaRuleSet(void *p);
00569    static void destruct_ROOTcLcLTSchemaRuleSet(void *p);
00570    static void streamer_ROOTcLcLTSchemaRuleSet(TBuffer &buf, void *obj);
00572    // Function generating the singleton type initializer
00573    static TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstanceLocal(const ::ROOT::TSchemaRuleSet*)
00574    {
00575       ::ROOT::TSchemaRuleSet *ptr = 0;
00576       static ::TVirtualIsAProxy* isa_proxy = new ::TInstrumentedIsAProxy< ::ROOT::TSchemaRuleSet >(0);
00577       static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo 
00578          instance("ROOT::TSchemaRuleSet", ::ROOT::TSchemaRuleSet::Class_Version(), "include/TSchemaRuleSet.h", 31,
00579                   typeid(::ROOT::TSchemaRuleSet), DefineBehavior(ptr, ptr),
00580                   &::ROOT::TSchemaRuleSet::Dictionary, isa_proxy, 1,
00581                   sizeof(::ROOT::TSchemaRuleSet) );
00582       instance.SetNew(&new_ROOTcLcLTSchemaRuleSet);
00583       instance.SetNewArray(&newArray_ROOTcLcLTSchemaRuleSet);
00584       instance.SetDelete(&delete_ROOTcLcLTSchemaRuleSet);
00585       instance.SetDeleteArray(&deleteArray_ROOTcLcLTSchemaRuleSet);
00586       instance.SetDestructor(&destruct_ROOTcLcLTSchemaRuleSet);
00587       instance.SetStreamerFunc(&streamer_ROOTcLcLTSchemaRuleSet);
00588       return &instance;
00589    }
00590    TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstance(const ::ROOT::TSchemaRuleSet*)
00591    {
00592       return GenerateInitInstanceLocal((::ROOT::TSchemaRuleSet*)0);
00593    }
00594    // Static variable to force the class initialization
00595    static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo *_R__UNIQUE_(Init) = GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::ROOT::TSchemaRuleSet*)0x0); R__UseDummy(_R__UNIQUE_(Init));
00596 } // end of namespace ROOT
00598 namespace ROOT {
00599    void TClassGenerator_ShowMembers(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp);
00601    // Function generating the singleton type initializer
00602    static TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstanceLocal(const ::TClassGenerator*)
00603    {
00604       ::TClassGenerator *ptr = 0;
00605       static ::TVirtualIsAProxy* isa_proxy = new ::TInstrumentedIsAProxy< ::TClassGenerator >(0);
00606       static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo 
00607          instance("TClassGenerator", ::TClassGenerator::Class_Version(), "include/TClassGenerator.h", 30,
00608                   typeid(::TClassGenerator), DefineBehavior(ptr, ptr),
00609                   &::TClassGenerator::Dictionary, isa_proxy, 4,
00610                   sizeof(::TClassGenerator) );
00611       return &instance;
00612    }
00613    TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstance(const ::TClassGenerator*)
00614    {
00615       return GenerateInitInstanceLocal((::TClassGenerator*)0);
00616    }
00617    // Static variable to force the class initialization
00618    static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo *_R__UNIQUE_(Init) = GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TClassGenerator*)0x0); R__UseDummy(_R__UNIQUE_(Init));
00619 } // end of namespace ROOT
00621 namespace ROOT {
00622    void TClassMenuItem_ShowMembers(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp);
00623    static void *new_TClassMenuItem(void *p = 0);
00624    static void *newArray_TClassMenuItem(Long_t size, void *p);
00625    static void delete_TClassMenuItem(void *p);
00626    static void deleteArray_TClassMenuItem(void *p);
00627    static void destruct_TClassMenuItem(void *p);
00628    static void streamer_TClassMenuItem(TBuffer &buf, void *obj);
00630    // Function generating the singleton type initializer
00631    static TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstanceLocal(const ::TClassMenuItem*)
00632    {
00633       ::TClassMenuItem *ptr = 0;
00634       static ::TVirtualIsAProxy* isa_proxy = new ::TInstrumentedIsAProxy< ::TClassMenuItem >(0);
00635       static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo 
00636          instance("TClassMenuItem", ::TClassMenuItem::Class_Version(), "include/TClassMenuItem.h", 35,
00637                   typeid(::TClassMenuItem), DefineBehavior(ptr, ptr),
00638                   &::TClassMenuItem::Dictionary, isa_proxy, 0,
00639                   sizeof(::TClassMenuItem) );
00640       instance.SetNew(&new_TClassMenuItem);
00641       instance.SetNewArray(&newArray_TClassMenuItem);
00642       instance.SetDelete(&delete_TClassMenuItem);
00643       instance.SetDeleteArray(&deleteArray_TClassMenuItem);
00644       instance.SetDestructor(&destruct_TClassMenuItem);
00645       instance.SetStreamerFunc(&streamer_TClassMenuItem);
00646       return &instance;
00647    }
00648    TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstance(const ::TClassMenuItem*)
00649    {
00650       return GenerateInitInstanceLocal((::TClassMenuItem*)0);
00651    }
00652    // Static variable to force the class initialization
00653    static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo *_R__UNIQUE_(Init) = GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TClassMenuItem*)0x0); R__UseDummy(_R__UNIQUE_(Init));
00654 } // end of namespace ROOT
00656 namespace ROOT {
00657    void TDataType_ShowMembers(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp);
00658    static void *new_TDataType(void *p = 0);
00659    static void *newArray_TDataType(Long_t size, void *p);
00660    static void delete_TDataType(void *p);
00661    static void deleteArray_TDataType(void *p);
00662    static void destruct_TDataType(void *p);
00663    static void streamer_TDataType(TBuffer &buf, void *obj);
00665    // Function generating the singleton type initializer
00666    static TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstanceLocal(const ::TDataType*)
00667    {
00668       ::TDataType *ptr = 0;
00669       static ::TVirtualIsAProxy* isa_proxy = new ::TInstrumentedIsAProxy< ::TDataType >(0);
00670       static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo 
00671          instance("TDataType", ::TDataType::Class_Version(), "include/TDataType.h", 40,
00672                   typeid(::TDataType), DefineBehavior(ptr, ptr),
00673                   &::TDataType::Dictionary, isa_proxy, 0,
00674                   sizeof(::TDataType) );
00675       instance.SetNew(&new_TDataType);
00676       instance.SetNewArray(&newArray_TDataType);
00677       instance.SetDelete(&delete_TDataType);
00678       instance.SetDeleteArray(&deleteArray_TDataType);
00679       instance.SetDestructor(&destruct_TDataType);
00680       instance.SetStreamerFunc(&streamer_TDataType);
00681       return &instance;
00682    }
00683    TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstance(const ::TDataType*)
00684    {
00685       return GenerateInitInstanceLocal((::TDataType*)0);
00686    }
00687    // Static variable to force the class initialization
00688    static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo *_R__UNIQUE_(Init) = GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TDataType*)0x0); R__UseDummy(_R__UNIQUE_(Init));
00689 } // end of namespace ROOT
00691 namespace ROOT {
00692    void TFunction_ShowMembers(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp);
00693    static void *new_TFunction(void *p = 0);
00694    static void *newArray_TFunction(Long_t size, void *p);
00695    static void delete_TFunction(void *p);
00696    static void deleteArray_TFunction(void *p);
00697    static void destruct_TFunction(void *p);
00698    static void streamer_TFunction(TBuffer &buf, void *obj);
00700    // Function generating the singleton type initializer
00701    static TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstanceLocal(const ::TFunction*)
00702    {
00703       ::TFunction *ptr = 0;
00704       static ::TVirtualIsAProxy* isa_proxy = new ::TInstrumentedIsAProxy< ::TFunction >(0);
00705       static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo 
00706          instance("TFunction", ::TFunction::Class_Version(), "include/TFunction.h", 29,
00707                   typeid(::TFunction), DefineBehavior(ptr, ptr),
00708                   &::TFunction::Dictionary, isa_proxy, 0,
00709                   sizeof(::TFunction) );
00710       instance.SetNew(&new_TFunction);
00711       instance.SetNewArray(&newArray_TFunction);
00712       instance.SetDelete(&delete_TFunction);
00713       instance.SetDeleteArray(&deleteArray_TFunction);
00714       instance.SetDestructor(&destruct_TFunction);
00715       instance.SetStreamerFunc(&streamer_TFunction);
00716       return &instance;
00717    }
00718    TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstance(const ::TFunction*)
00719    {
00720       return GenerateInitInstanceLocal((::TFunction*)0);
00721    }
00722    // Static variable to force the class initialization
00723    static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo *_R__UNIQUE_(Init) = GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TFunction*)0x0); R__UseDummy(_R__UNIQUE_(Init));
00724 } // end of namespace ROOT
00726 namespace ROOT {
00727    void TGlobal_ShowMembers(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp);
00728    static void *new_TGlobal(void *p = 0);
00729    static void *newArray_TGlobal(Long_t size, void *p);
00730    static void delete_TGlobal(void *p);
00731    static void deleteArray_TGlobal(void *p);
00732    static void destruct_TGlobal(void *p);
00733    static void streamer_TGlobal(TBuffer &buf, void *obj);
00735    // Function generating the singleton type initializer
00736    static TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstanceLocal(const ::TGlobal*)
00737    {
00738       ::TGlobal *ptr = 0;
00739       static ::TVirtualIsAProxy* isa_proxy = new ::TInstrumentedIsAProxy< ::TGlobal >(0);
00740       static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo 
00741          instance("TGlobal", ::TGlobal::Class_Version(), "include/TGlobal.h", 29,
00742                   typeid(::TGlobal), DefineBehavior(ptr, ptr),
00743                   &::TGlobal::Dictionary, isa_proxy, 0,
00744                   sizeof(::TGlobal) );
00745       instance.SetNew(&new_TGlobal);
00746       instance.SetNewArray(&newArray_TGlobal);
00747       instance.SetDelete(&delete_TGlobal);
00748       instance.SetDeleteArray(&deleteArray_TGlobal);
00749       instance.SetDestructor(&destruct_TGlobal);
00750       instance.SetStreamerFunc(&streamer_TGlobal);
00751       return &instance;
00752    }
00753    TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstance(const ::TGlobal*)
00754    {
00755       return GenerateInitInstanceLocal((::TGlobal*)0);
00756    }
00757    // Static variable to force the class initialization
00758    static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo *_R__UNIQUE_(Init) = GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TGlobal*)0x0); R__UseDummy(_R__UNIQUE_(Init));
00759 } // end of namespace ROOT
00761 namespace ROOT {
00762    void TInterpreter_ShowMembers(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp);
00763    static void delete_TInterpreter(void *p);
00764    static void deleteArray_TInterpreter(void *p);
00765    static void destruct_TInterpreter(void *p);
00766    static void streamer_TInterpreter(TBuffer &buf, void *obj);
00768    // Function generating the singleton type initializer
00769    static TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstanceLocal(const ::TInterpreter*)
00770    {
00771       ::TInterpreter *ptr = 0;
00772       static ::TVirtualIsAProxy* isa_proxy = new ::TInstrumentedIsAProxy< ::TInterpreter >(0);
00773       static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo 
00774          instance("TInterpreter", ::TInterpreter::Class_Version(), "include/TInterpreter.h", 39,
00775                   typeid(::TInterpreter), DefineBehavior(ptr, ptr),
00776                   &::TInterpreter::Dictionary, isa_proxy, 0,
00777                   sizeof(::TInterpreter) );
00778       instance.SetDelete(&delete_TInterpreter);
00779       instance.SetDeleteArray(&deleteArray_TInterpreter);
00780       instance.SetDestructor(&destruct_TInterpreter);
00781       instance.SetStreamerFunc(&streamer_TInterpreter);
00782       return &instance;
00783    }
00784    TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstance(const ::TInterpreter*)
00785    {
00786       return GenerateInitInstanceLocal((::TInterpreter*)0);
00787    }
00788    // Static variable to force the class initialization
00789    static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo *_R__UNIQUE_(Init) = GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TInterpreter*)0x0); R__UseDummy(_R__UNIQUE_(Init));
00790 } // end of namespace ROOT
00792 namespace ROOT {
00793    void TIsAProxy_ShowMembers(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp);
00794    static void TIsAProxy_Dictionary();
00795    static void delete_TIsAProxy(void *p);
00796    static void deleteArray_TIsAProxy(void *p);
00797    static void destruct_TIsAProxy(void *p);
00799    // Function generating the singleton type initializer
00800    static TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstanceLocal(const ::TIsAProxy*)
00801    {
00802       ::TIsAProxy *ptr = 0;
00803       static ::TVirtualIsAProxy* isa_proxy = new ::TIsAProxy(typeid(::TIsAProxy),0);
00804       static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo 
00805          instance("TIsAProxy", "include/TIsAProxy.h", 30,
00806                   typeid(::TIsAProxy), DefineBehavior(ptr, ptr),
00807                   0, &TIsAProxy_Dictionary, isa_proxy, 0,
00808                   sizeof(::TIsAProxy) );
00809       instance.SetDelete(&delete_TIsAProxy);
00810       instance.SetDeleteArray(&deleteArray_TIsAProxy);
00811       instance.SetDestructor(&destruct_TIsAProxy);
00812       return &instance;
00813    }
00814    TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstance(const ::TIsAProxy*)
00815    {
00816       return GenerateInitInstanceLocal((::TIsAProxy*)0);
00817    }
00818    // Static variable to force the class initialization
00819    static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo *_R__UNIQUE_(Init) = GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TIsAProxy*)0x0); R__UseDummy(_R__UNIQUE_(Init));
00821    // Dictionary for non-ClassDef classes
00822    static void TIsAProxy_Dictionary() {
00823       ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TIsAProxy*)0x0)->GetClass();
00824    }
00826 } // end of namespace ROOT
00828 namespace ROOT {
00829    void TMethodArg_ShowMembers(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp);
00830    static void *new_TMethodArg(void *p = 0);
00831    static void *newArray_TMethodArg(Long_t size, void *p);
00832    static void delete_TMethodArg(void *p);
00833    static void deleteArray_TMethodArg(void *p);
00834    static void destruct_TMethodArg(void *p);
00835    static void streamer_TMethodArg(TBuffer &buf, void *obj);
00837    // Function generating the singleton type initializer
00838    static TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstanceLocal(const ::TMethodArg*)
00839    {
00840       ::TMethodArg *ptr = 0;
00841       static ::TVirtualIsAProxy* isa_proxy = new ::TInstrumentedIsAProxy< ::TMethodArg >(0);
00842       static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo 
00843          instance("TMethodArg", ::TMethodArg::Class_Version(), "include/TMethodArg.h", 33,
00844                   typeid(::TMethodArg), DefineBehavior(ptr, ptr),
00845                   &::TMethodArg::Dictionary, isa_proxy, 0,
00846                   sizeof(::TMethodArg) );
00847       instance.SetNew(&new_TMethodArg);
00848       instance.SetNewArray(&newArray_TMethodArg);
00849       instance.SetDelete(&delete_TMethodArg);
00850       instance.SetDeleteArray(&deleteArray_TMethodArg);
00851       instance.SetDestructor(&destruct_TMethodArg);
00852       instance.SetStreamerFunc(&streamer_TMethodArg);
00853       return &instance;
00854    }
00855    TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstance(const ::TMethodArg*)
00856    {
00857       return GenerateInitInstanceLocal((::TMethodArg*)0);
00858    }
00859    // Static variable to force the class initialization
00860    static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo *_R__UNIQUE_(Init) = GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMethodArg*)0x0); R__UseDummy(_R__UNIQUE_(Init));
00861 } // end of namespace ROOT
00863 namespace ROOT {
00864    void ROOTcLcLTSchemaRule_ShowMembers(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp);
00865    static void *new_ROOTcLcLTSchemaRule(void *p = 0);
00866    static void *newArray_ROOTcLcLTSchemaRule(Long_t size, void *p);
00867    static void delete_ROOTcLcLTSchemaRule(void *p);
00868    static void deleteArray_ROOTcLcLTSchemaRule(void *p);
00869    static void destruct_ROOTcLcLTSchemaRule(void *p);
00871    // Function generating the singleton type initializer
00872    static TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstanceLocal(const ::ROOT::TSchemaRule*)
00873    {
00874       ::ROOT::TSchemaRule *ptr = 0;
00875       static ::TVirtualIsAProxy* isa_proxy = new ::TInstrumentedIsAProxy< ::ROOT::TSchemaRule >(0);
00876       static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo 
00877          instance("ROOT::TSchemaRule", ::ROOT::TSchemaRule::Class_Version(), "include/TSchemaRule.h", 22,
00878                   typeid(::ROOT::TSchemaRule), DefineBehavior(ptr, ptr),
00879                   &::ROOT::TSchemaRule::Dictionary, isa_proxy, 4,
00880                   sizeof(::ROOT::TSchemaRule) );
00881       instance.SetNew(&new_ROOTcLcLTSchemaRule);
00882       instance.SetNewArray(&newArray_ROOTcLcLTSchemaRule);
00883       instance.SetDelete(&delete_ROOTcLcLTSchemaRule);
00884       instance.SetDeleteArray(&deleteArray_ROOTcLcLTSchemaRule);
00885       instance.SetDestructor(&destruct_ROOTcLcLTSchemaRule);
00886       return &instance;
00887    }
00888    TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstance(const ::ROOT::TSchemaRule*)
00889    {
00890       return GenerateInitInstanceLocal((::ROOT::TSchemaRule*)0);
00891    }
00892    // Static variable to force the class initialization
00893    static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo *_R__UNIQUE_(Init) = GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::ROOT::TSchemaRule*)0x0); R__UseDummy(_R__UNIQUE_(Init));
00894 } // end of namespace ROOT
00896 namespace ROOT {
00897    void ROOTcLcLTSchemaRulecLcLTSources_ShowMembers(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp);
00898    static void *new_ROOTcLcLTSchemaRulecLcLTSources(void *p = 0);
00899    static void *newArray_ROOTcLcLTSchemaRulecLcLTSources(Long_t size, void *p);
00900    static void delete_ROOTcLcLTSchemaRulecLcLTSources(void *p);
00901    static void deleteArray_ROOTcLcLTSchemaRulecLcLTSources(void *p);
00902    static void destruct_ROOTcLcLTSchemaRulecLcLTSources(void *p);
00904    // Function generating the singleton type initializer
00905    static TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstanceLocal(const ::ROOT::TSchemaRule::TSources*)
00906    {
00907       ::ROOT::TSchemaRule::TSources *ptr = 0;
00908       static ::TVirtualIsAProxy* isa_proxy = new ::TInstrumentedIsAProxy< ::ROOT::TSchemaRule::TSources >(0);
00909       static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo 
00910          instance("ROOT::TSchemaRule::TSources", ::ROOT::TSchemaRule::TSources::Class_Version(), "include/TSchemaRule.h", 25,
00911                   typeid(::ROOT::TSchemaRule::TSources), DefineBehavior(ptr, ptr),
00912                   &::ROOT::TSchemaRule::TSources::Dictionary, isa_proxy, 4,
00913                   sizeof(::ROOT::TSchemaRule::TSources) );
00914       instance.SetNew(&new_ROOTcLcLTSchemaRulecLcLTSources);
00915       instance.SetNewArray(&newArray_ROOTcLcLTSchemaRulecLcLTSources);
00916       instance.SetDelete(&delete_ROOTcLcLTSchemaRulecLcLTSources);
00917       instance.SetDeleteArray(&deleteArray_ROOTcLcLTSchemaRulecLcLTSources);
00918       instance.SetDestructor(&destruct_ROOTcLcLTSchemaRulecLcLTSources);
00919       return &instance;
00920    }
00921    TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstance(const ::ROOT::TSchemaRule::TSources*)
00922    {
00923       return GenerateInitInstanceLocal((::ROOT::TSchemaRule::TSources*)0);
00924    }
00925    // Static variable to force the class initialization
00926    static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo *_R__UNIQUE_(Init) = GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::ROOT::TSchemaRule::TSources*)0x0); R__UseDummy(_R__UNIQUE_(Init));
00927 } // end of namespace ROOT
00929 namespace ROOT {
00930    void ROOTcLcLTSchemaMatch_ShowMembers(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp);
00931    static void *new_ROOTcLcLTSchemaMatch(void *p = 0);
00932    static void *newArray_ROOTcLcLTSchemaMatch(Long_t size, void *p);
00933    static void delete_ROOTcLcLTSchemaMatch(void *p);
00934    static void deleteArray_ROOTcLcLTSchemaMatch(void *p);
00935    static void destruct_ROOTcLcLTSchemaMatch(void *p);
00937    // Function generating the singleton type initializer
00938    static TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstanceLocal(const ::ROOT::TSchemaMatch*)
00939    {
00940       ::ROOT::TSchemaMatch *ptr = 0;
00941       static ::TVirtualIsAProxy* isa_proxy = new ::TInstrumentedIsAProxy< ::ROOT::TSchemaMatch >(0);
00942       static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo 
00943          instance("ROOT::TSchemaMatch", ::ROOT::TSchemaMatch::Class_Version(), "include/TSchemaRuleSet.h", 20,
00944                   typeid(::ROOT::TSchemaMatch), DefineBehavior(ptr, ptr),
00945                   &::ROOT::TSchemaMatch::Dictionary, isa_proxy, 4,
00946                   sizeof(::ROOT::TSchemaMatch) );
00947       instance.SetNew(&new_ROOTcLcLTSchemaMatch);
00948       instance.SetNewArray(&newArray_ROOTcLcLTSchemaMatch);
00949       instance.SetDelete(&delete_ROOTcLcLTSchemaMatch);
00950       instance.SetDeleteArray(&deleteArray_ROOTcLcLTSchemaMatch);
00951       instance.SetDestructor(&destruct_ROOTcLcLTSchemaMatch);
00952       return &instance;
00953    }
00954    TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstance(const ::ROOT::TSchemaMatch*)
00955    {
00956       return GenerateInitInstanceLocal((::ROOT::TSchemaMatch*)0);
00957    }
00958    // Static variable to force the class initialization
00959    static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo *_R__UNIQUE_(Init) = GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::ROOT::TSchemaMatch*)0x0); R__UseDummy(_R__UNIQUE_(Init));
00960 } // end of namespace ROOT
00962 namespace ROOT {
00963    void TStreamerBasicType_ShowMembers(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp);
00964    static void *new_TStreamerBasicType(void *p = 0);
00965    static void *newArray_TStreamerBasicType(Long_t size, void *p);
00966    static void delete_TStreamerBasicType(void *p);
00967    static void deleteArray_TStreamerBasicType(void *p);
00968    static void destruct_TStreamerBasicType(void *p);
00969    static void streamer_TStreamerBasicType(TBuffer &buf, void *obj);
00971    // Function generating the singleton type initializer
00972    static TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstanceLocal(const ::TStreamerBasicType*)
00973    {
00974       ::TStreamerBasicType *ptr = 0;
00975       static ::TVirtualIsAProxy* isa_proxy = new ::TInstrumentedIsAProxy< ::TStreamerBasicType >(0);
00976       static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo 
00977          instance("TStreamerBasicType", ::TStreamerBasicType::Class_Version(), "include/TStreamerElement.h", 226,
00978                   typeid(::TStreamerBasicType), DefineBehavior(ptr, ptr),
00979                   &::TStreamerBasicType::Dictionary, isa_proxy, 1,
00980                   sizeof(::TStreamerBasicType) );
00981       instance.SetNew(&new_TStreamerBasicType);
00982       instance.SetNewArray(&newArray_TStreamerBasicType);
00983       instance.SetDelete(&delete_TStreamerBasicType);
00984       instance.SetDeleteArray(&deleteArray_TStreamerBasicType);
00985       instance.SetDestructor(&destruct_TStreamerBasicType);
00986       instance.SetStreamerFunc(&streamer_TStreamerBasicType);
00987       return &instance;
00988    }
00989    TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstance(const ::TStreamerBasicType*)
00990    {
00991       return GenerateInitInstanceLocal((::TStreamerBasicType*)0);
00992    }
00993    // Static variable to force the class initialization
00994    static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo *_R__UNIQUE_(Init) = GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TStreamerBasicType*)0x0); R__UseDummy(_R__UNIQUE_(Init));
00995 } // end of namespace ROOT
00997 namespace ROOT {
00998    void TStreamerBase_ShowMembers(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp);
00999    static void *new_TStreamerBase(void *p = 0);
01000    static void *newArray_TStreamerBase(Long_t size, void *p);
01001    static void delete_TStreamerBase(void *p);
01002    static void deleteArray_TStreamerBase(void *p);
01003    static void destruct_TStreamerBase(void *p);
01004    static void streamer_TStreamerBase(TBuffer &buf, void *obj);
01006    // Function generating the singleton type initializer
01007    static TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstanceLocal(const ::TStreamerBase*)
01008    {
01009       ::TStreamerBase *ptr = 0;
01010       static ::TVirtualIsAProxy* isa_proxy = new ::TInstrumentedIsAProxy< ::TStreamerBase >(0);
01011       static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo 
01012          instance("TStreamerBase", ::TStreamerBase::Class_Version(), "include/TStreamerElement.h", 121,
01013                   typeid(::TStreamerBase), DefineBehavior(ptr, ptr),
01014                   &::TStreamerBase::Dictionary, isa_proxy, 1,
01015                   sizeof(::TStreamerBase) );
01016       instance.SetNew(&new_TStreamerBase);
01017       instance.SetNewArray(&newArray_TStreamerBase);
01018       instance.SetDelete(&delete_TStreamerBase);
01019       instance.SetDeleteArray(&deleteArray_TStreamerBase);
01020       instance.SetDestructor(&destruct_TStreamerBase);
01021       instance.SetStreamerFunc(&streamer_TStreamerBase);
01022       return &instance;
01023    }
01024    TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstance(const ::TStreamerBase*)
01025    {
01026       return GenerateInitInstanceLocal((::TStreamerBase*)0);
01027    }
01028    // Static variable to force the class initialization
01029    static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo *_R__UNIQUE_(Init) = GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TStreamerBase*)0x0); R__UseDummy(_R__UNIQUE_(Init));
01030 } // end of namespace ROOT
01032 namespace ROOT {
01033    void TStreamerBasicPointer_ShowMembers(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp);
01034    static void *new_TStreamerBasicPointer(void *p = 0);
01035    static void *newArray_TStreamerBasicPointer(Long_t size, void *p);
01036    static void delete_TStreamerBasicPointer(void *p);
01037    static void deleteArray_TStreamerBasicPointer(void *p);
01038    static void destruct_TStreamerBasicPointer(void *p);
01039    static void streamer_TStreamerBasicPointer(TBuffer &buf, void *obj);
01041    // Function generating the singleton type initializer
01042    static TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstanceLocal(const ::TStreamerBasicPointer*)
01043    {
01044       ::TStreamerBasicPointer *ptr = 0;
01045       static ::TVirtualIsAProxy* isa_proxy = new ::TInstrumentedIsAProxy< ::TStreamerBasicPointer >(0);
01046       static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo 
01047          instance("TStreamerBasicPointer", ::TStreamerBasicPointer::Class_Version(), "include/TStreamerElement.h", 157,
01048                   typeid(::TStreamerBasicPointer), DefineBehavior(ptr, ptr),
01049                   &::TStreamerBasicPointer::Dictionary, isa_proxy, 1,
01050                   sizeof(::TStreamerBasicPointer) );
01051       instance.SetNew(&new_TStreamerBasicPointer);
01052       instance.SetNewArray(&newArray_TStreamerBasicPointer);
01053       instance.SetDelete(&delete_TStreamerBasicPointer);
01054       instance.SetDeleteArray(&deleteArray_TStreamerBasicPointer);
01055       instance.SetDestructor(&destruct_TStreamerBasicPointer);
01056       instance.SetStreamerFunc(&streamer_TStreamerBasicPointer);
01057       return &instance;
01058    }
01059    TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstance(const ::TStreamerBasicPointer*)
01060    {
01061       return GenerateInitInstanceLocal((::TStreamerBasicPointer*)0);
01062    }
01063    // Static variable to force the class initialization
01064    static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo *_R__UNIQUE_(Init) = GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TStreamerBasicPointer*)0x0); R__UseDummy(_R__UNIQUE_(Init));
01065 } // end of namespace ROOT
01067 namespace ROOT {
01068    void TStreamerLoop_ShowMembers(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp);
01069    static void *new_TStreamerLoop(void *p = 0);
01070    static void *newArray_TStreamerLoop(Long_t size, void *p);
01071    static void delete_TStreamerLoop(void *p);
01072    static void deleteArray_TStreamerLoop(void *p);
01073    static void destruct_TStreamerLoop(void *p);
01074    static void streamer_TStreamerLoop(TBuffer &buf, void *obj);
01076    // Function generating the singleton type initializer
01077    static TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstanceLocal(const ::TStreamerLoop*)
01078    {
01079       ::TStreamerLoop *ptr = 0;
01080       static ::TVirtualIsAProxy* isa_proxy = new ::TInstrumentedIsAProxy< ::TStreamerLoop >(0);
01081       static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo 
01082          instance("TStreamerLoop", ::TStreamerLoop::Class_Version(), "include/TStreamerElement.h", 192,
01083                   typeid(::TStreamerLoop), DefineBehavior(ptr, ptr),
01084                   &::TStreamerLoop::Dictionary, isa_proxy, 1,
01085                   sizeof(::TStreamerLoop) );
01086       instance.SetNew(&new_TStreamerLoop);
01087       instance.SetNewArray(&newArray_TStreamerLoop);
01088       instance.SetDelete(&delete_TStreamerLoop);
01089       instance.SetDeleteArray(&deleteArray_TStreamerLoop);
01090       instance.SetDestructor(&destruct_TStreamerLoop);
01091       instance.SetStreamerFunc(&streamer_TStreamerLoop);
01092       return &instance;
01093    }
01094    TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstance(const ::TStreamerLoop*)
01095    {
01096       return GenerateInitInstanceLocal((::TStreamerLoop*)0);
01097    }
01098    // Static variable to force the class initialization
01099    static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo *_R__UNIQUE_(Init) = GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TStreamerLoop*)0x0); R__UseDummy(_R__UNIQUE_(Init));
01100 } // end of namespace ROOT
01102 namespace ROOT {
01103    void TStreamerObject_ShowMembers(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp);
01104    static void *new_TStreamerObject(void *p = 0);
01105    static void *newArray_TStreamerObject(Long_t size, void *p);
01106    static void delete_TStreamerObject(void *p);
01107    static void deleteArray_TStreamerObject(void *p);
01108    static void destruct_TStreamerObject(void *p);
01109    static void streamer_TStreamerObject(TBuffer &buf, void *obj);
01111    // Function generating the singleton type initializer
01112    static TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstanceLocal(const ::TStreamerObject*)
01113    {
01114       ::TStreamerObject *ptr = 0;
01115       static ::TVirtualIsAProxy* isa_proxy = new ::TInstrumentedIsAProxy< ::TStreamerObject >(0);
01116       static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo 
01117          instance("TStreamerObject", ::TStreamerObject::Class_Version(), "include/TStreamerElement.h", 248,
01118                   typeid(::TStreamerObject), DefineBehavior(ptr, ptr),
01119                   &::TStreamerObject::Dictionary, isa_proxy, 1,
01120                   sizeof(::TStreamerObject) );
01121       instance.SetNew(&new_TStreamerObject);
01122       instance.SetNewArray(&newArray_TStreamerObject);
01123       instance.SetDelete(&delete_TStreamerObject);
01124       instance.SetDeleteArray(&deleteArray_TStreamerObject);
01125       instance.SetDestructor(&destruct_TStreamerObject);
01126       instance.SetStreamerFunc(&streamer_TStreamerObject);
01127       return &instance;
01128    }
01129    TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstance(const ::TStreamerObject*)
01130    {
01131       return GenerateInitInstanceLocal((::TStreamerObject*)0);
01132    }
01133    // Static variable to force the class initialization
01134    static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo *_R__UNIQUE_(Init) = GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TStreamerObject*)0x0); R__UseDummy(_R__UNIQUE_(Init));
01135 } // end of namespace ROOT
01137 namespace ROOT {
01138    void TStreamerObjectAny_ShowMembers(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp);
01139    static void *new_TStreamerObjectAny(void *p = 0);
01140    static void *newArray_TStreamerObjectAny(Long_t size, void *p);
01141    static void delete_TStreamerObjectAny(void *p);
01142    static void deleteArray_TStreamerObjectAny(void *p);
01143    static void destruct_TStreamerObjectAny(void *p);
01144    static void streamer_TStreamerObjectAny(TBuffer &buf, void *obj);
01146    // Function generating the singleton type initializer
01147    static TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstanceLocal(const ::TStreamerObjectAny*)
01148    {
01149       ::TStreamerObjectAny *ptr = 0;
01150       static ::TVirtualIsAProxy* isa_proxy = new ::TInstrumentedIsAProxy< ::TStreamerObjectAny >(0);
01151       static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo 
01152          instance("TStreamerObjectAny", ::TStreamerObjectAny::Class_Version(), "include/TStreamerElement.h", 267,
01153                   typeid(::TStreamerObjectAny), DefineBehavior(ptr, ptr),
01154                   &::TStreamerObjectAny::Dictionary, isa_proxy, 1,
01155                   sizeof(::TStreamerObjectAny) );
01156       instance.SetNew(&new_TStreamerObjectAny);
01157       instance.SetNewArray(&newArray_TStreamerObjectAny);
01158       instance.SetDelete(&delete_TStreamerObjectAny);
01159       instance.SetDeleteArray(&deleteArray_TStreamerObjectAny);
01160       instance.SetDestructor(&destruct_TStreamerObjectAny);
01161       instance.SetStreamerFunc(&streamer_TStreamerObjectAny);
01162       return &instance;
01163    }
01164    TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstance(const ::TStreamerObjectAny*)
01165    {
01166       return GenerateInitInstanceLocal((::TStreamerObjectAny*)0);
01167    }
01168    // Static variable to force the class initialization
01169    static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo *_R__UNIQUE_(Init) = GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TStreamerObjectAny*)0x0); R__UseDummy(_R__UNIQUE_(Init));
01170 } // end of namespace ROOT
01172 namespace ROOT {
01173    void TStreamerObjectPointer_ShowMembers(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp);
01174    static void *new_TStreamerObjectPointer(void *p = 0);
01175    static void *newArray_TStreamerObjectPointer(Long_t size, void *p);
01176    static void delete_TStreamerObjectPointer(void *p);
01177    static void deleteArray_TStreamerObjectPointer(void *p);
01178    static void destruct_TStreamerObjectPointer(void *p);
01179    static void streamer_TStreamerObjectPointer(TBuffer &buf, void *obj);
01181    // Function generating the singleton type initializer
01182    static TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstanceLocal(const ::TStreamerObjectPointer*)
01183    {
01184       ::TStreamerObjectPointer *ptr = 0;
01185       static ::TVirtualIsAProxy* isa_proxy = new ::TInstrumentedIsAProxy< ::TStreamerObjectPointer >(0);
01186       static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo 
01187          instance("TStreamerObjectPointer", ::TStreamerObjectPointer::Class_Version(), "include/TStreamerElement.h", 286,
01188                   typeid(::TStreamerObjectPointer), DefineBehavior(ptr, ptr),
01189                   &::TStreamerObjectPointer::Dictionary, isa_proxy, 1,
01190                   sizeof(::TStreamerObjectPointer) );
01191       instance.SetNew(&new_TStreamerObjectPointer);
01192       instance.SetNewArray(&newArray_TStreamerObjectPointer);
01193       instance.SetDelete(&delete_TStreamerObjectPointer);
01194       instance.SetDeleteArray(&deleteArray_TStreamerObjectPointer);
01195       instance.SetDestructor(&destruct_TStreamerObjectPointer);
01196       instance.SetStreamerFunc(&streamer_TStreamerObjectPointer);
01197       return &instance;
01198    }
01199    TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstance(const ::TStreamerObjectPointer*)
01200    {
01201       return GenerateInitInstanceLocal((::TStreamerObjectPointer*)0);
01202    }
01203    // Static variable to force the class initialization
01204    static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo *_R__UNIQUE_(Init) = GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TStreamerObjectPointer*)0x0); R__UseDummy(_R__UNIQUE_(Init));
01205 } // end of namespace ROOT
01207 namespace ROOT {
01208    void TStreamerObjectAnyPointer_ShowMembers(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp);
01209    static void *new_TStreamerObjectAnyPointer(void *p = 0);
01210    static void *newArray_TStreamerObjectAnyPointer(Long_t size, void *p);
01211    static void delete_TStreamerObjectAnyPointer(void *p);
01212    static void deleteArray_TStreamerObjectAnyPointer(void *p);
01213    static void destruct_TStreamerObjectAnyPointer(void *p);
01214    static void streamer_TStreamerObjectAnyPointer(TBuffer &buf, void *obj);
01216    // Function generating the singleton type initializer
01217    static TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstanceLocal(const ::TStreamerObjectAnyPointer*)
01218    {
01219       ::TStreamerObjectAnyPointer *ptr = 0;
01220       static ::TVirtualIsAProxy* isa_proxy = new ::TInstrumentedIsAProxy< ::TStreamerObjectAnyPointer >(0);
01221       static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo 
01222          instance("TStreamerObjectAnyPointer", ::TStreamerObjectAnyPointer::Class_Version(), "include/TStreamerElement.h", 307,
01223                   typeid(::TStreamerObjectAnyPointer), DefineBehavior(ptr, ptr),
01224                   &::TStreamerObjectAnyPointer::Dictionary, isa_proxy, 1,
01225                   sizeof(::TStreamerObjectAnyPointer) );
01226       instance.SetNew(&new_TStreamerObjectAnyPointer);
01227       instance.SetNewArray(&newArray_TStreamerObjectAnyPointer);
01228       instance.SetDelete(&delete_TStreamerObjectAnyPointer);
01229       instance.SetDeleteArray(&deleteArray_TStreamerObjectAnyPointer);
01230       instance.SetDestructor(&destruct_TStreamerObjectAnyPointer);
01231       instance.SetStreamerFunc(&streamer_TStreamerObjectAnyPointer);
01232       return &instance;
01233    }
01234    TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstance(const ::TStreamerObjectAnyPointer*)
01235    {
01236       return GenerateInitInstanceLocal((::TStreamerObjectAnyPointer*)0);
01237    }
01238    // Static variable to force the class initialization
01239    static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo *_R__UNIQUE_(Init) = GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TStreamerObjectAnyPointer*)0x0); R__UseDummy(_R__UNIQUE_(Init));
01240 } // end of namespace ROOT
01242 namespace ROOT {
01243    void TStreamerString_ShowMembers(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp);
01244    static void *new_TStreamerString(void *p = 0);
01245    static void *newArray_TStreamerString(Long_t size, void *p);
01246    static void delete_TStreamerString(void *p);
01247    static void deleteArray_TStreamerString(void *p);
01248    static void destruct_TStreamerString(void *p);
01249    static void streamer_TStreamerString(TBuffer &buf, void *obj);
01251    // Function generating the singleton type initializer
01252    static TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstanceLocal(const ::TStreamerString*)
01253    {
01254       ::TStreamerString *ptr = 0;
01255       static ::TVirtualIsAProxy* isa_proxy = new ::TInstrumentedIsAProxy< ::TStreamerString >(0);
01256       static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo 
01257          instance("TStreamerString", ::TStreamerString::Class_Version(), "include/TStreamerElement.h", 328,
01258                   typeid(::TStreamerString), DefineBehavior(ptr, ptr),
01259                   &::TStreamerString::Dictionary, isa_proxy, 1,
01260                   sizeof(::TStreamerString) );
01261       instance.SetNew(&new_TStreamerString);
01262       instance.SetNewArray(&newArray_TStreamerString);
01263       instance.SetDelete(&delete_TStreamerString);
01264       instance.SetDeleteArray(&deleteArray_TStreamerString);
01265       instance.SetDestructor(&destruct_TStreamerString);
01266       instance.SetStreamerFunc(&streamer_TStreamerString);
01267       return &instance;
01268    }
01269    TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstance(const ::TStreamerString*)
01270    {
01271       return GenerateInitInstanceLocal((::TStreamerString*)0);
01272    }
01273    // Static variable to force the class initialization
01274    static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo *_R__UNIQUE_(Init) = GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TStreamerString*)0x0); R__UseDummy(_R__UNIQUE_(Init));
01275 } // end of namespace ROOT
01277 namespace ROOT {
01278    void TStreamerSTL_ShowMembers(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp);
01279    static void *new_TStreamerSTL(void *p = 0);
01280    static void *newArray_TStreamerSTL(Long_t size, void *p);
01281    static void delete_TStreamerSTL(void *p);
01282    static void deleteArray_TStreamerSTL(void *p);
01283    static void destruct_TStreamerSTL(void *p);
01284    static void streamer_TStreamerSTL(TBuffer &buf, void *obj);
01286    // Function generating the singleton type initializer
01287    static TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstanceLocal(const ::TStreamerSTL*)
01288    {
01289       ::TStreamerSTL *ptr = 0;
01290       static ::TVirtualIsAProxy* isa_proxy = new ::TInstrumentedIsAProxy< ::TStreamerSTL >(0);
01291       static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo 
01292          instance("TStreamerSTL", ::TStreamerSTL::Class_Version(), "include/TStreamerElement.h", 346,
01293                   typeid(::TStreamerSTL), DefineBehavior(ptr, ptr),
01294                   &::TStreamerSTL::Dictionary, isa_proxy, 1,
01295                   sizeof(::TStreamerSTL) );
01296       instance.SetNew(&new_TStreamerSTL);
01297       instance.SetNewArray(&newArray_TStreamerSTL);
01298       instance.SetDelete(&delete_TStreamerSTL);
01299       instance.SetDeleteArray(&deleteArray_TStreamerSTL);
01300       instance.SetDestructor(&destruct_TStreamerSTL);
01301       instance.SetStreamerFunc(&streamer_TStreamerSTL);
01302       return &instance;
01303    }
01304    TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstance(const ::TStreamerSTL*)
01305    {
01306       return GenerateInitInstanceLocal((::TStreamerSTL*)0);
01307    }
01308    // Static variable to force the class initialization
01309    static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo *_R__UNIQUE_(Init) = GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TStreamerSTL*)0x0); R__UseDummy(_R__UNIQUE_(Init));
01310 } // end of namespace ROOT
01312 namespace ROOT {
01313    void TStreamerSTLstring_ShowMembers(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp);
01314    static void *new_TStreamerSTLstring(void *p = 0);
01315    static void *newArray_TStreamerSTLstring(Long_t size, void *p);
01316    static void delete_TStreamerSTLstring(void *p);
01317    static void deleteArray_TStreamerSTLstring(void *p);
01318    static void destruct_TStreamerSTLstring(void *p);
01319    static void streamer_TStreamerSTLstring(TBuffer &buf, void *obj);
01321    // Function generating the singleton type initializer
01322    static TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstanceLocal(const ::TStreamerSTLstring*)
01323    {
01324       ::TStreamerSTLstring *ptr = 0;
01325       static ::TVirtualIsAProxy* isa_proxy = new ::TInstrumentedIsAProxy< ::TStreamerSTLstring >(0);
01326       static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo 
01327          instance("TStreamerSTLstring", ::TStreamerSTLstring::Class_Version(), "include/TStreamerElement.h", 382,
01328                   typeid(::TStreamerSTLstring), DefineBehavior(ptr, ptr),
01329                   &::TStreamerSTLstring::Dictionary, isa_proxy, 1,
01330                   sizeof(::TStreamerSTLstring) );
01331       instance.SetNew(&new_TStreamerSTLstring);
01332       instance.SetNewArray(&newArray_TStreamerSTLstring);
01333       instance.SetDelete(&delete_TStreamerSTLstring);
01334       instance.SetDeleteArray(&deleteArray_TStreamerSTLstring);
01335       instance.SetDestructor(&destruct_TStreamerSTLstring);
01336       instance.SetStreamerFunc(&streamer_TStreamerSTLstring);
01337       return &instance;
01338    }
01339    TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstance(const ::TStreamerSTLstring*)
01340    {
01341       return GenerateInitInstanceLocal((::TStreamerSTLstring*)0);
01342    }
01343    // Static variable to force the class initialization
01344    static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo *_R__UNIQUE_(Init) = GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TStreamerSTLstring*)0x0); R__UseDummy(_R__UNIQUE_(Init));
01345 } // end of namespace ROOT
01347 namespace ROOT {
01348    void TStreamerArtificial_ShowMembers(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp);
01349    static void delete_TStreamerArtificial(void *p);
01350    static void deleteArray_TStreamerArtificial(void *p);
01351    static void destruct_TStreamerArtificial(void *p);
01352    static void streamer_TStreamerArtificial(TBuffer &buf, void *obj);
01354    // Function generating the singleton type initializer
01355    static TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstanceLocal(const ::TStreamerArtificial*)
01356    {
01357       ::TStreamerArtificial *ptr = 0;
01358       static ::TVirtualIsAProxy* isa_proxy = new ::TInstrumentedIsAProxy< ::TStreamerArtificial >(0);
01359       static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo 
01360          instance("TStreamerArtificial", ::TStreamerArtificial::Class_Version(), "include/TStreamerElement.h", 406,
01361                   typeid(::TStreamerArtificial), DefineBehavior(ptr, ptr),
01362                   &::TStreamerArtificial::Dictionary, isa_proxy, 1,
01363                   sizeof(::TStreamerArtificial) );
01364       instance.SetDelete(&delete_TStreamerArtificial);
01365       instance.SetDeleteArray(&deleteArray_TStreamerArtificial);
01366       instance.SetDestructor(&destruct_TStreamerArtificial);
01367       instance.SetStreamerFunc(&streamer_TStreamerArtificial);
01368       return &instance;
01369    }
01370    TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstance(const ::TStreamerArtificial*)
01371    {
01372       return GenerateInitInstanceLocal((::TStreamerArtificial*)0);
01373    }
01374    // Static variable to force the class initialization
01375    static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo *_R__UNIQUE_(Init) = GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TStreamerArtificial*)0x0); R__UseDummy(_R__UNIQUE_(Init));
01376 } // end of namespace ROOT
01378 namespace ROOT {
01379    void TToggle_ShowMembers(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp);
01380    static void *new_TToggle(void *p = 0);
01381    static void *newArray_TToggle(Long_t size, void *p);
01382    static void delete_TToggle(void *p);
01383    static void deleteArray_TToggle(void *p);
01384    static void destruct_TToggle(void *p);
01385    static void streamer_TToggle(TBuffer &buf, void *obj);
01387    // Function generating the singleton type initializer
01388    static TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstanceLocal(const ::TToggle*)
01389    {
01390       ::TToggle *ptr = 0;
01391       static ::TVirtualIsAProxy* isa_proxy = new ::TInstrumentedIsAProxy< ::TToggle >(0);
01392       static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo 
01393          instance("TToggle", ::TToggle::Class_Version(), "include/TToggle.h", 51,
01394                   typeid(::TToggle), DefineBehavior(ptr, ptr),
01395                   &::TToggle::Dictionary, isa_proxy, 0,
01396                   sizeof(::TToggle) );
01397       instance.SetNew(&new_TToggle);
01398       instance.SetNewArray(&newArray_TToggle);
01399       instance.SetDelete(&delete_TToggle);
01400       instance.SetDeleteArray(&deleteArray_TToggle);
01401       instance.SetDestructor(&destruct_TToggle);
01402       instance.SetStreamerFunc(&streamer_TToggle);
01403       return &instance;
01404    }
01405    TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstance(const ::TToggle*)
01406    {
01407       return GenerateInitInstanceLocal((::TToggle*)0);
01408    }
01409    // Static variable to force the class initialization
01410    static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo *_R__UNIQUE_(Init) = GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TToggle*)0x0); R__UseDummy(_R__UNIQUE_(Init));
01411 } // end of namespace ROOT
01413 namespace ROOT {
01414    void TToggleGroup_ShowMembers(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp);
01415    static void *new_TToggleGroup(void *p = 0);
01416    static void *newArray_TToggleGroup(Long_t size, void *p);
01417    static void delete_TToggleGroup(void *p);
01418    static void deleteArray_TToggleGroup(void *p);
01419    static void destruct_TToggleGroup(void *p);
01420    static void streamer_TToggleGroup(TBuffer &buf, void *obj);
01422    // Function generating the singleton type initializer
01423    static TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstanceLocal(const ::TToggleGroup*)
01424    {
01425       ::TToggleGroup *ptr = 0;
01426       static ::TVirtualIsAProxy* isa_proxy = new ::TInstrumentedIsAProxy< ::TToggleGroup >(0);
01427       static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo 
01428          instance("TToggleGroup", ::TToggleGroup::Class_Version(), "include/TToggleGroup.h", 36,
01429                   typeid(::TToggleGroup), DefineBehavior(ptr, ptr),
01430                   &::TToggleGroup::Dictionary, isa_proxy, 0,
01431                   sizeof(::TToggleGroup) );
01432       instance.SetNew(&new_TToggleGroup);
01433       instance.SetNewArray(&newArray_TToggleGroup);
01434       instance.SetDelete(&delete_TToggleGroup);
01435       instance.SetDeleteArray(&deleteArray_TToggleGroup);
01436       instance.SetDestructor(&destruct_TToggleGroup);
01437       instance.SetStreamerFunc(&streamer_TToggleGroup);
01438       return &instance;
01439    }
01440    TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstance(const ::TToggleGroup*)
01441    {
01442       return GenerateInitInstanceLocal((::TToggleGroup*)0);
01443    }
01444    // Static variable to force the class initialization
01445    static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo *_R__UNIQUE_(Init) = GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TToggleGroup*)0x0); R__UseDummy(_R__UNIQUE_(Init));
01446 } // end of namespace ROOT
01448 //______________________________________________________________________________
01449 TClass *TClass::fgIsA = 0;  // static to hold class pointer
01451 //______________________________________________________________________________
01452 const char *TClass::Class_Name()
01453 {
01454    return "TClass";
01455 }
01457 //______________________________________________________________________________
01458 const char *TClass::ImplFileName()
01459 {
01460    return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TClass*)0x0)->GetImplFileName();
01461 }
01463 //______________________________________________________________________________
01464 int TClass::ImplFileLine()
01465 {
01466    return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TClass*)0x0)->GetImplFileLine();
01467 }
01469 //______________________________________________________________________________
01470 void TClass::Dictionary()
01471 {
01472    fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TClass*)0x0)->GetClass();
01473 }
01475 //______________________________________________________________________________
01476 TClass *TClass::Class()
01477 {
01478    if (!fgIsA) fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TClass*)0x0)->GetClass();
01479    return fgIsA;
01480 }
01482 //______________________________________________________________________________
01483 TClass *TMethod::fgIsA = 0;  // static to hold class pointer
01485 //______________________________________________________________________________
01486 const char *TMethod::Class_Name()
01487 {
01488    return "TMethod";
01489 }
01491 //______________________________________________________________________________
01492 const char *TMethod::ImplFileName()
01493 {
01494    return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMethod*)0x0)->GetImplFileName();
01495 }
01497 //______________________________________________________________________________
01498 int TMethod::ImplFileLine()
01499 {
01500    return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMethod*)0x0)->GetImplFileLine();
01501 }
01503 //______________________________________________________________________________
01504 void TMethod::Dictionary()
01505 {
01506    fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMethod*)0x0)->GetClass();
01507 }
01509 //______________________________________________________________________________
01510 TClass *TMethod::Class()
01511 {
01512    if (!fgIsA) fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMethod*)0x0)->GetClass();
01513    return fgIsA;
01514 }
01516 //______________________________________________________________________________
01517 TClass *TVirtualStreamerInfo::fgIsA = 0;  // static to hold class pointer
01519 //______________________________________________________________________________
01520 const char *TVirtualStreamerInfo::Class_Name()
01521 {
01522    return "TVirtualStreamerInfo";
01523 }
01525 //______________________________________________________________________________
01526 const char *TVirtualStreamerInfo::ImplFileName()
01527 {
01528    return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TVirtualStreamerInfo*)0x0)->GetImplFileName();
01529 }
01531 //______________________________________________________________________________
01532 int TVirtualStreamerInfo::ImplFileLine()
01533 {
01534    return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TVirtualStreamerInfo*)0x0)->GetImplFileLine();
01535 }
01537 //______________________________________________________________________________
01538 void TVirtualStreamerInfo::Dictionary()
01539 {
01540    fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TVirtualStreamerInfo*)0x0)->GetClass();
01541 }
01543 //______________________________________________________________________________
01544 TClass *TVirtualStreamerInfo::Class()
01545 {
01546    if (!fgIsA) fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TVirtualStreamerInfo*)0x0)->GetClass();
01547    return fgIsA;
01548 }
01550 //______________________________________________________________________________
01551 TClass *TStreamerElement::fgIsA = 0;  // static to hold class pointer
01553 //______________________________________________________________________________
01554 const char *TStreamerElement::Class_Name()
01555 {
01556    return "TStreamerElement";
01557 }
01559 //______________________________________________________________________________
01560 const char *TStreamerElement::ImplFileName()
01561 {
01562    return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TStreamerElement*)0x0)->GetImplFileName();
01563 }
01565 //______________________________________________________________________________
01566 int TStreamerElement::ImplFileLine()
01567 {
01568    return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TStreamerElement*)0x0)->GetImplFileLine();
01569 }
01571 //______________________________________________________________________________
01572 void TStreamerElement::Dictionary()
01573 {
01574    fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TStreamerElement*)0x0)->GetClass();
01575 }
01577 //______________________________________________________________________________
01578 TClass *TStreamerElement::Class()
01579 {
01580    if (!fgIsA) fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TStreamerElement*)0x0)->GetClass();
01581    return fgIsA;
01582 }
01584 //______________________________________________________________________________
01585 TClass *TDictionary::fgIsA = 0;  // static to hold class pointer
01587 //______________________________________________________________________________
01588 const char *TDictionary::Class_Name()
01589 {
01590    return "TDictionary";
01591 }
01593 //______________________________________________________________________________
01594 const char *TDictionary::ImplFileName()
01595 {
01596    return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TDictionary*)0x0)->GetImplFileName();
01597 }
01599 //______________________________________________________________________________
01600 int TDictionary::ImplFileLine()
01601 {
01602    return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TDictionary*)0x0)->GetImplFileLine();
01603 }
01605 //______________________________________________________________________________
01606 void TDictionary::Dictionary()
01607 {
01608    fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TDictionary*)0x0)->GetClass();
01609 }
01611 //______________________________________________________________________________
01612 TClass *TDictionary::Class()
01613 {
01614    if (!fgIsA) fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TDictionary*)0x0)->GetClass();
01615    return fgIsA;
01616 }
01618 //______________________________________________________________________________
01619 TClass *TBaseClass::fgIsA = 0;  // static to hold class pointer
01621 //______________________________________________________________________________
01622 const char *TBaseClass::Class_Name()
01623 {
01624    return "TBaseClass";
01625 }
01627 //______________________________________________________________________________
01628 const char *TBaseClass::ImplFileName()
01629 {
01630    return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TBaseClass*)0x0)->GetImplFileName();
01631 }
01633 //______________________________________________________________________________
01634 int TBaseClass::ImplFileLine()
01635 {
01636    return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TBaseClass*)0x0)->GetImplFileLine();
01637 }
01639 //______________________________________________________________________________
01640 void TBaseClass::Dictionary()
01641 {
01642    fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TBaseClass*)0x0)->GetClass();
01643 }
01645 //______________________________________________________________________________
01646 TClass *TBaseClass::Class()
01647 {
01648    if (!fgIsA) fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TBaseClass*)0x0)->GetClass();
01649    return fgIsA;
01650 }
01652 //______________________________________________________________________________
01653 TClass *TDataMember::fgIsA = 0;  // static to hold class pointer
01655 //______________________________________________________________________________
01656 const char *TDataMember::Class_Name()
01657 {
01658    return "TDataMember";
01659 }
01661 //______________________________________________________________________________
01662 const char *TDataMember::ImplFileName()
01663 {
01664    return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TDataMember*)0x0)->GetImplFileName();
01665 }
01667 //______________________________________________________________________________
01668 int TDataMember::ImplFileLine()
01669 {
01670    return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TDataMember*)0x0)->GetImplFileLine();
01671 }
01673 //______________________________________________________________________________
01674 void TDataMember::Dictionary()
01675 {
01676    fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TDataMember*)0x0)->GetClass();
01677 }
01679 //______________________________________________________________________________
01680 TClass *TDataMember::Class()
01681 {
01682    if (!fgIsA) fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TDataMember*)0x0)->GetClass();
01683    return fgIsA;
01684 }
01686 //______________________________________________________________________________
01687 TClass *TRealData::fgIsA = 0;  // static to hold class pointer
01689 //______________________________________________________________________________
01690 const char *TRealData::Class_Name()
01691 {
01692    return "TRealData";
01693 }
01695 //______________________________________________________________________________
01696 const char *TRealData::ImplFileName()
01697 {
01698    return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TRealData*)0x0)->GetImplFileName();
01699 }
01701 //______________________________________________________________________________
01702 int TRealData::ImplFileLine()
01703 {
01704    return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TRealData*)0x0)->GetImplFileLine();
01705 }
01707 //______________________________________________________________________________
01708 void TRealData::Dictionary()
01709 {
01710    fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TRealData*)0x0)->GetClass();
01711 }
01713 //______________________________________________________________________________
01714 TClass *TRealData::Class()
01715 {
01716    if (!fgIsA) fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TRealData*)0x0)->GetClass();
01717    return fgIsA;
01718 }
01720 //______________________________________________________________________________
01721 TClass *TMethodCall::fgIsA = 0;  // static to hold class pointer
01723 //______________________________________________________________________________
01724 const char *TMethodCall::Class_Name()
01725 {
01726    return "TMethodCall";
01727 }
01729 //______________________________________________________________________________
01730 const char *TMethodCall::ImplFileName()
01731 {
01732    return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMethodCall*)0x0)->GetImplFileName();
01733 }
01735 //______________________________________________________________________________
01736 int TMethodCall::ImplFileLine()
01737 {
01738    return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMethodCall*)0x0)->GetImplFileLine();
01739 }
01741 //______________________________________________________________________________
01742 void TMethodCall::Dictionary()
01743 {
01744    fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMethodCall*)0x0)->GetClass();
01745 }
01747 //______________________________________________________________________________
01748 TClass *TMethodCall::Class()
01749 {
01750    if (!fgIsA) fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMethodCall*)0x0)->GetClass();
01751    return fgIsA;
01752 }
01754       namespace ROOT {
01755 //______________________________________________________________________________
01756 TClass *TSchemaRuleSet::fgIsA = 0;  // static to hold class pointer
01758 //______________________________________________________________________________
01759 const char *TSchemaRuleSet::Class_Name()
01760 {
01761    return "ROOT::TSchemaRuleSet";
01762 }
01764 //______________________________________________________________________________
01765 const char *TSchemaRuleSet::ImplFileName()
01766 {
01767    return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::ROOT::TSchemaRuleSet*)0x0)->GetImplFileName();
01768 }
01770 //______________________________________________________________________________
01771 int TSchemaRuleSet::ImplFileLine()
01772 {
01773    return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::ROOT::TSchemaRuleSet*)0x0)->GetImplFileLine();
01774 }
01776 //______________________________________________________________________________
01777 void TSchemaRuleSet::Dictionary()
01778 {
01779    fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::ROOT::TSchemaRuleSet*)0x0)->GetClass();
01780 }
01782 //______________________________________________________________________________
01783 TClass *TSchemaRuleSet::Class()
01784 {
01785    if (!fgIsA) fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::ROOT::TSchemaRuleSet*)0x0)->GetClass();
01786    return fgIsA;
01787 }
01789 } // namespace ROOT
01790 //______________________________________________________________________________
01791 TClass *TClassGenerator::fgIsA = 0;  // static to hold class pointer
01793 //______________________________________________________________________________
01794 const char *TClassGenerator::Class_Name()
01795 {
01796    return "TClassGenerator";
01797 }
01799 //______________________________________________________________________________
01800 const char *TClassGenerator::ImplFileName()
01801 {
01802    return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TClassGenerator*)0x0)->GetImplFileName();
01803 }
01805 //______________________________________________________________________________
01806 int TClassGenerator::ImplFileLine()
01807 {
01808    return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TClassGenerator*)0x0)->GetImplFileLine();
01809 }
01811 //______________________________________________________________________________
01812 void TClassGenerator::Dictionary()
01813 {
01814    fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TClassGenerator*)0x0)->GetClass();
01815 }
01817 //______________________________________________________________________________
01818 TClass *TClassGenerator::Class()
01819 {
01820    if (!fgIsA) fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TClassGenerator*)0x0)->GetClass();
01821    return fgIsA;
01822 }
01824 //______________________________________________________________________________
01825 TClass *TClassMenuItem::fgIsA = 0;  // static to hold class pointer
01827 //______________________________________________________________________________
01828 const char *TClassMenuItem::Class_Name()
01829 {
01830    return "TClassMenuItem";
01831 }
01833 //______________________________________________________________________________
01834 const char *TClassMenuItem::ImplFileName()
01835 {
01836    return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TClassMenuItem*)0x0)->GetImplFileName();
01837 }
01839 //______________________________________________________________________________
01840 int TClassMenuItem::ImplFileLine()
01841 {
01842    return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TClassMenuItem*)0x0)->GetImplFileLine();
01843 }
01845 //______________________________________________________________________________
01846 void TClassMenuItem::Dictionary()
01847 {
01848    fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TClassMenuItem*)0x0)->GetClass();
01849 }
01851 //______________________________________________________________________________
01852 TClass *TClassMenuItem::Class()
01853 {
01854    if (!fgIsA) fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TClassMenuItem*)0x0)->GetClass();
01855    return fgIsA;
01856 }
01858 //______________________________________________________________________________
01859 TClass *TDataType::fgIsA = 0;  // static to hold class pointer
01861 //______________________________________________________________________________
01862 const char *TDataType::Class_Name()
01863 {
01864    return "TDataType";
01865 }
01867 //______________________________________________________________________________
01868 const char *TDataType::ImplFileName()
01869 {
01870    return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TDataType*)0x0)->GetImplFileName();
01871 }
01873 //______________________________________________________________________________
01874 int TDataType::ImplFileLine()
01875 {
01876    return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TDataType*)0x0)->GetImplFileLine();
01877 }
01879 //______________________________________________________________________________
01880 void TDataType::Dictionary()
01881 {
01882    fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TDataType*)0x0)->GetClass();
01883 }
01885 //______________________________________________________________________________
01886 TClass *TDataType::Class()
01887 {
01888    if (!fgIsA) fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TDataType*)0x0)->GetClass();
01889    return fgIsA;
01890 }
01892 //______________________________________________________________________________
01893 TClass *TFunction::fgIsA = 0;  // static to hold class pointer
01895 //______________________________________________________________________________
01896 const char *TFunction::Class_Name()
01897 {
01898    return "TFunction";
01899 }
01901 //______________________________________________________________________________
01902 const char *TFunction::ImplFileName()
01903 {
01904    return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TFunction*)0x0)->GetImplFileName();
01905 }
01907 //______________________________________________________________________________
01908 int TFunction::ImplFileLine()
01909 {
01910    return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TFunction*)0x0)->GetImplFileLine();
01911 }
01913 //______________________________________________________________________________
01914 void TFunction::Dictionary()
01915 {
01916    fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TFunction*)0x0)->GetClass();
01917 }
01919 //______________________________________________________________________________
01920 TClass *TFunction::Class()
01921 {
01922    if (!fgIsA) fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TFunction*)0x0)->GetClass();
01923    return fgIsA;
01924 }
01926 //______________________________________________________________________________
01927 TClass *TGlobal::fgIsA = 0;  // static to hold class pointer
01929 //______________________________________________________________________________
01930 const char *TGlobal::Class_Name()
01931 {
01932    return "TGlobal";
01933 }
01935 //______________________________________________________________________________
01936 const char *TGlobal::ImplFileName()
01937 {
01938    return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TGlobal*)0x0)->GetImplFileName();
01939 }
01941 //______________________________________________________________________________
01942 int TGlobal::ImplFileLine()
01943 {
01944    return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TGlobal*)0x0)->GetImplFileLine();
01945 }
01947 //______________________________________________________________________________
01948 void TGlobal::Dictionary()
01949 {
01950    fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TGlobal*)0x0)->GetClass();
01951 }
01953 //______________________________________________________________________________
01954 TClass *TGlobal::Class()
01955 {
01956    if (!fgIsA) fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TGlobal*)0x0)->GetClass();
01957    return fgIsA;
01958 }
01960 //______________________________________________________________________________
01961 TClass *TInterpreter::fgIsA = 0;  // static to hold class pointer
01963 //______________________________________________________________________________
01964 const char *TInterpreter::Class_Name()
01965 {
01966    return "TInterpreter";
01967 }
01969 //______________________________________________________________________________
01970 const char *TInterpreter::ImplFileName()
01971 {
01972    return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TInterpreter*)0x0)->GetImplFileName();
01973 }
01975 //______________________________________________________________________________
01976 int TInterpreter::ImplFileLine()
01977 {
01978    return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TInterpreter*)0x0)->GetImplFileLine();
01979 }
01981 //______________________________________________________________________________
01982 void TInterpreter::Dictionary()
01983 {
01984    fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TInterpreter*)0x0)->GetClass();
01985 }
01987 //______________________________________________________________________________
01988 TClass *TInterpreter::Class()
01989 {
01990    if (!fgIsA) fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TInterpreter*)0x0)->GetClass();
01991    return fgIsA;
01992 }
01994 //______________________________________________________________________________
01995 TClass *TMethodArg::fgIsA = 0;  // static to hold class pointer
01997 //______________________________________________________________________________
01998 const char *TMethodArg::Class_Name()
01999 {
02000    return "TMethodArg";
02001 }
02003 //______________________________________________________________________________
02004 const char *TMethodArg::ImplFileName()
02005 {
02006    return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMethodArg*)0x0)->GetImplFileName();
02007 }
02009 //______________________________________________________________________________
02010 int TMethodArg::ImplFileLine()
02011 {
02012    return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMethodArg*)0x0)->GetImplFileLine();
02013 }
02015 //______________________________________________________________________________
02016 void TMethodArg::Dictionary()
02017 {
02018    fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMethodArg*)0x0)->GetClass();
02019 }
02021 //______________________________________________________________________________
02022 TClass *TMethodArg::Class()
02023 {
02024    if (!fgIsA) fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMethodArg*)0x0)->GetClass();
02025    return fgIsA;
02026 }
02028       namespace ROOT {
02029 //______________________________________________________________________________
02030 TClass *TSchemaRule::fgIsA = 0;  // static to hold class pointer
02032 //______________________________________________________________________________
02033 const char *TSchemaRule::Class_Name()
02034 {
02035    return "ROOT::TSchemaRule";
02036 }
02038 //______________________________________________________________________________
02039 const char *TSchemaRule::ImplFileName()
02040 {
02041    return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::ROOT::TSchemaRule*)0x0)->GetImplFileName();
02042 }
02044 //______________________________________________________________________________
02045 int TSchemaRule::ImplFileLine()
02046 {
02047    return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::ROOT::TSchemaRule*)0x0)->GetImplFileLine();
02048 }
02050 //______________________________________________________________________________
02051 void TSchemaRule::Dictionary()
02052 {
02053    fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::ROOT::TSchemaRule*)0x0)->GetClass();
02054 }
02056 //______________________________________________________________________________
02057 TClass *TSchemaRule::Class()
02058 {
02059    if (!fgIsA) fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::ROOT::TSchemaRule*)0x0)->GetClass();
02060    return fgIsA;
02061 }
02063 } // namespace ROOT
02064       namespace ROOT {
02065 //______________________________________________________________________________
02066 TClass *TSchemaRule::TSources::fgIsA = 0;  // static to hold class pointer
02068 //______________________________________________________________________________
02069 const char *TSchemaRule::TSources::Class_Name()
02070 {
02071    return "ROOT::TSchemaRule::TSources";
02072 }
02074 //______________________________________________________________________________
02075 const char *TSchemaRule::TSources::ImplFileName()
02076 {
02077    return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::ROOT::TSchemaRule::TSources*)0x0)->GetImplFileName();
02078 }
02080 //______________________________________________________________________________
02081 int TSchemaRule::TSources::ImplFileLine()
02082 {
02083    return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::ROOT::TSchemaRule::TSources*)0x0)->GetImplFileLine();
02084 }
02086 //______________________________________________________________________________
02087 void TSchemaRule::TSources::Dictionary()
02088 {
02089    fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::ROOT::TSchemaRule::TSources*)0x0)->GetClass();
02090 }
02092 //______________________________________________________________________________
02093 TClass *TSchemaRule::TSources::Class()
02094 {
02095    if (!fgIsA) fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::ROOT::TSchemaRule::TSources*)0x0)->GetClass();
02096    return fgIsA;
02097 }
02099 } // namespace ROOT
02100       namespace ROOT {
02101 //______________________________________________________________________________
02102 TClass *TSchemaMatch::fgIsA = 0;  // static to hold class pointer
02104 //______________________________________________________________________________
02105 const char *TSchemaMatch::Class_Name()
02106 {
02107    return "ROOT::TSchemaMatch";
02108 }
02110 //______________________________________________________________________________
02111 const char *TSchemaMatch::ImplFileName()
02112 {
02113    return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::ROOT::TSchemaMatch*)0x0)->GetImplFileName();
02114 }
02116 //______________________________________________________________________________
02117 int TSchemaMatch::ImplFileLine()
02118 {
02119    return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::ROOT::TSchemaMatch*)0x0)->GetImplFileLine();
02120 }
02122 //______________________________________________________________________________
02123 void TSchemaMatch::Dictionary()
02124 {
02125    fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::ROOT::TSchemaMatch*)0x0)->GetClass();
02126 }
02128 //______________________________________________________________________________
02129 TClass *TSchemaMatch::Class()
02130 {
02131    if (!fgIsA) fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::ROOT::TSchemaMatch*)0x0)->GetClass();
02132    return fgIsA;
02133 }
02135 } // namespace ROOT
02136 //______________________________________________________________________________
02137 TClass *TStreamerBasicType::fgIsA = 0;  // static to hold class pointer
02139 //______________________________________________________________________________
02140 const char *TStreamerBasicType::Class_Name()
02141 {
02142    return "TStreamerBasicType";
02143 }
02145 //______________________________________________________________________________
02146 const char *TStreamerBasicType::ImplFileName()
02147 {
02148    return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TStreamerBasicType*)0x0)->GetImplFileName();
02149 }
02151 //______________________________________________________________________________
02152 int TStreamerBasicType::ImplFileLine()
02153 {
02154    return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TStreamerBasicType*)0x0)->GetImplFileLine();
02155 }
02157 //______________________________________________________________________________
02158 void TStreamerBasicType::Dictionary()
02159 {
02160    fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TStreamerBasicType*)0x0)->GetClass();
02161 }
02163 //______________________________________________________________________________
02164 TClass *TStreamerBasicType::Class()
02165 {
02166    if (!fgIsA) fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TStreamerBasicType*)0x0)->GetClass();
02167    return fgIsA;
02168 }
02170 //______________________________________________________________________________
02171 TClass *TStreamerBase::fgIsA = 0;  // static to hold class pointer
02173 //______________________________________________________________________________
02174 const char *TStreamerBase::Class_Name()
02175 {
02176    return "TStreamerBase";
02177 }
02179 //______________________________________________________________________________
02180 const char *TStreamerBase::ImplFileName()
02181 {
02182    return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TStreamerBase*)0x0)->GetImplFileName();
02183 }
02185 //______________________________________________________________________________
02186 int TStreamerBase::ImplFileLine()
02187 {
02188    return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TStreamerBase*)0x0)->GetImplFileLine();
02189 }
02191 //______________________________________________________________________________
02192 void TStreamerBase::Dictionary()
02193 {
02194    fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TStreamerBase*)0x0)->GetClass();
02195 }
02197 //______________________________________________________________________________
02198 TClass *TStreamerBase::Class()
02199 {
02200    if (!fgIsA) fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TStreamerBase*)0x0)->GetClass();
02201    return fgIsA;
02202 }
02204 //______________________________________________________________________________
02205 TClass *TStreamerBasicPointer::fgIsA = 0;  // static to hold class pointer
02207 //______________________________________________________________________________
02208 const char *TStreamerBasicPointer::Class_Name()
02209 {
02210    return "TStreamerBasicPointer";
02211 }
02213 //______________________________________________________________________________
02214 const char *TStreamerBasicPointer::ImplFileName()
02215 {
02216    return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TStreamerBasicPointer*)0x0)->GetImplFileName();
02217 }
02219 //______________________________________________________________________________
02220 int TStreamerBasicPointer::ImplFileLine()
02221 {
02222    return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TStreamerBasicPointer*)0x0)->GetImplFileLine();
02223 }
02225 //______________________________________________________________________________
02226 void TStreamerBasicPointer::Dictionary()
02227 {
02228    fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TStreamerBasicPointer*)0x0)->GetClass();
02229 }
02231 //______________________________________________________________________________
02232 TClass *TStreamerBasicPointer::Class()
02233 {
02234    if (!fgIsA) fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TStreamerBasicPointer*)0x0)->GetClass();
02235    return fgIsA;
02236 }
02238 //______________________________________________________________________________
02239 TClass *TStreamerLoop::fgIsA = 0;  // static to hold class pointer
02241 //______________________________________________________________________________
02242 const char *TStreamerLoop::Class_Name()
02243 {
02244    return "TStreamerLoop";
02245 }
02247 //______________________________________________________________________________
02248 const char *TStreamerLoop::ImplFileName()
02249 {
02250    return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TStreamerLoop*)0x0)->GetImplFileName();
02251 }
02253 //______________________________________________________________________________
02254 int TStreamerLoop::ImplFileLine()
02255 {
02256    return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TStreamerLoop*)0x0)->GetImplFileLine();
02257 }
02259 //______________________________________________________________________________
02260 void TStreamerLoop::Dictionary()
02261 {
02262    fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TStreamerLoop*)0x0)->GetClass();
02263 }
02265 //______________________________________________________________________________
02266 TClass *TStreamerLoop::Class()
02267 {
02268    if (!fgIsA) fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TStreamerLoop*)0x0)->GetClass();
02269    return fgIsA;
02270 }
02272 //______________________________________________________________________________
02273 TClass *TStreamerObject::fgIsA = 0;  // static to hold class pointer
02275 //______________________________________________________________________________
02276 const char *TStreamerObject::Class_Name()
02277 {
02278    return "TStreamerObject";
02279 }
02281 //______________________________________________________________________________
02282 const char *TStreamerObject::ImplFileName()
02283 {
02284    return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TStreamerObject*)0x0)->GetImplFileName();
02285 }
02287 //______________________________________________________________________________
02288 int TStreamerObject::ImplFileLine()
02289 {
02290    return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TStreamerObject*)0x0)->GetImplFileLine();
02291 }
02293 //______________________________________________________________________________
02294 void TStreamerObject::Dictionary()
02295 {
02296    fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TStreamerObject*)0x0)->GetClass();
02297 }
02299 //______________________________________________________________________________
02300 TClass *TStreamerObject::Class()
02301 {
02302    if (!fgIsA) fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TStreamerObject*)0x0)->GetClass();
02303    return fgIsA;
02304 }
02306 //______________________________________________________________________________
02307 TClass *TStreamerObjectAny::fgIsA = 0;  // static to hold class pointer
02309 //______________________________________________________________________________
02310 const char *TStreamerObjectAny::Class_Name()
02311 {
02312    return "TStreamerObjectAny";
02313 }
02315 //______________________________________________________________________________
02316 const char *TStreamerObjectAny::ImplFileName()
02317 {
02318    return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TStreamerObjectAny*)0x0)->GetImplFileName();
02319 }
02321 //______________________________________________________________________________
02322 int TStreamerObjectAny::ImplFileLine()
02323 {
02324    return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TStreamerObjectAny*)0x0)->GetImplFileLine();
02325 }
02327 //______________________________________________________________________________
02328 void TStreamerObjectAny::Dictionary()
02329 {
02330    fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TStreamerObjectAny*)0x0)->GetClass();
02331 }
02333 //______________________________________________________________________________
02334 TClass *TStreamerObjectAny::Class()
02335 {
02336    if (!fgIsA) fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TStreamerObjectAny*)0x0)->GetClass();
02337    return fgIsA;
02338 }
02340 //______________________________________________________________________________
02341 TClass *TStreamerObjectPointer::fgIsA = 0;  // static to hold class pointer
02343 //______________________________________________________________________________
02344 const char *TStreamerObjectPointer::Class_Name()
02345 {
02346    return "TStreamerObjectPointer";
02347 }
02349 //______________________________________________________________________________
02350 const char *TStreamerObjectPointer::ImplFileName()
02351 {
02352    return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TStreamerObjectPointer*)0x0)->GetImplFileName();
02353 }
02355 //______________________________________________________________________________
02356 int TStreamerObjectPointer::ImplFileLine()
02357 {
02358    return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TStreamerObjectPointer*)0x0)->GetImplFileLine();
02359 }
02361 //______________________________________________________________________________
02362 void TStreamerObjectPointer::Dictionary()
02363 {
02364    fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TStreamerObjectPointer*)0x0)->GetClass();
02365 }
02367 //______________________________________________________________________________
02368 TClass *TStreamerObjectPointer::Class()
02369 {
02370    if (!fgIsA) fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TStreamerObjectPointer*)0x0)->GetClass();
02371    return fgIsA;
02372 }
02374 //______________________________________________________________________________
02375 TClass *TStreamerObjectAnyPointer::fgIsA = 0;  // static to hold class pointer
02377 //______________________________________________________________________________
02378 const char *TStreamerObjectAnyPointer::Class_Name()
02379 {
02380    return "TStreamerObjectAnyPointer";
02381 }
02383 //______________________________________________________________________________
02384 const char *TStreamerObjectAnyPointer::ImplFileName()
02385 {
02386    return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TStreamerObjectAnyPointer*)0x0)->GetImplFileName();
02387 }
02389 //______________________________________________________________________________
02390 int TStreamerObjectAnyPointer::ImplFileLine()
02391 {
02392    return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TStreamerObjectAnyPointer*)0x0)->GetImplFileLine();
02393 }
02395 //______________________________________________________________________________
02396 void TStreamerObjectAnyPointer::Dictionary()
02397 {
02398    fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TStreamerObjectAnyPointer*)0x0)->GetClass();
02399 }
02401 //______________________________________________________________________________
02402 TClass *TStreamerObjectAnyPointer::Class()
02403 {
02404    if (!fgIsA) fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TStreamerObjectAnyPointer*)0x0)->GetClass();
02405    return fgIsA;
02406 }
02408 //______________________________________________________________________________
02409 TClass *TStreamerString::fgIsA = 0;  // static to hold class pointer
02411 //______________________________________________________________________________
02412 const char *TStreamerString::Class_Name()
02413 {
02414    return "TStreamerString";
02415 }
02417 //______________________________________________________________________________
02418 const char *TStreamerString::ImplFileName()
02419 {
02420    return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TStreamerString*)0x0)->GetImplFileName();
02421 }
02423 //______________________________________________________________________________
02424 int TStreamerString::ImplFileLine()
02425 {
02426    return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TStreamerString*)0x0)->GetImplFileLine();
02427 }
02429 //______________________________________________________________________________
02430 void TStreamerString::Dictionary()
02431 {
02432    fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TStreamerString*)0x0)->GetClass();
02433 }
02435 //______________________________________________________________________________
02436 TClass *TStreamerString::Class()
02437 {
02438    if (!fgIsA) fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TStreamerString*)0x0)->GetClass();
02439    return fgIsA;
02440 }
02442 //______________________________________________________________________________
02443 TClass *TStreamerSTL::fgIsA = 0;  // static to hold class pointer
02445 //______________________________________________________________________________
02446 const char *TStreamerSTL::Class_Name()
02447 {
02448    return "TStreamerSTL";
02449 }
02451 //______________________________________________________________________________
02452 const char *TStreamerSTL::ImplFileName()
02453 {
02454    return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TStreamerSTL*)0x0)->GetImplFileName();
02455 }
02457 //______________________________________________________________________________
02458 int TStreamerSTL::ImplFileLine()
02459 {
02460    return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TStreamerSTL*)0x0)->GetImplFileLine();
02461 }
02463 //______________________________________________________________________________
02464 void TStreamerSTL::Dictionary()
02465 {
02466    fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TStreamerSTL*)0x0)->GetClass();
02467 }
02469 //______________________________________________________________________________
02470 TClass *TStreamerSTL::Class()
02471 {
02472    if (!fgIsA) fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TStreamerSTL*)0x0)->GetClass();
02473    return fgIsA;
02474 }
02476 //______________________________________________________________________________
02477 TClass *TStreamerSTLstring::fgIsA = 0;  // static to hold class pointer
02479 //______________________________________________________________________________
02480 const char *TStreamerSTLstring::Class_Name()
02481 {
02482    return "TStreamerSTLstring";
02483 }
02485 //______________________________________________________________________________
02486 const char *TStreamerSTLstring::ImplFileName()
02487 {
02488    return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TStreamerSTLstring*)0x0)->GetImplFileName();
02489 }
02491 //______________________________________________________________________________
02492 int TStreamerSTLstring::ImplFileLine()
02493 {
02494    return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TStreamerSTLstring*)0x0)->GetImplFileLine();
02495 }
02497 //______________________________________________________________________________
02498 void TStreamerSTLstring::Dictionary()
02499 {
02500    fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TStreamerSTLstring*)0x0)->GetClass();
02501 }
02503 //______________________________________________________________________________
02504 TClass *TStreamerSTLstring::Class()
02505 {
02506    if (!fgIsA) fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TStreamerSTLstring*)0x0)->GetClass();
02507    return fgIsA;
02508 }
02510 //______________________________________________________________________________
02511 TClass *TStreamerArtificial::fgIsA = 0;  // static to hold class pointer
02513 //______________________________________________________________________________
02514 const char *TStreamerArtificial::Class_Name()
02515 {
02516    return "TStreamerArtificial";
02517 }
02519 //______________________________________________________________________________
02520 const char *TStreamerArtificial::ImplFileName()
02521 {
02522    return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TStreamerArtificial*)0x0)->GetImplFileName();
02523 }
02525 //______________________________________________________________________________
02526 int TStreamerArtificial::ImplFileLine()
02527 {
02528    return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TStreamerArtificial*)0x0)->GetImplFileLine();
02529 }
02531 //______________________________________________________________________________
02532 void TStreamerArtificial::Dictionary()
02533 {
02534    fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TStreamerArtificial*)0x0)->GetClass();
02535 }
02537 //______________________________________________________________________________
02538 TClass *TStreamerArtificial::Class()
02539 {
02540    if (!fgIsA) fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TStreamerArtificial*)0x0)->GetClass();
02541    return fgIsA;
02542 }
02544 //______________________________________________________________________________
02545 TClass *TToggle::fgIsA = 0;  // static to hold class pointer
02547 //______________________________________________________________________________
02548 const char *TToggle::Class_Name()
02549 {
02550    return "TToggle";
02551 }
02553 //______________________________________________________________________________
02554 const char *TToggle::ImplFileName()
02555 {
02556    return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TToggle*)0x0)->GetImplFileName();
02557 }
02559 //______________________________________________________________________________
02560 int TToggle::ImplFileLine()
02561 {
02562    return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TToggle*)0x0)->GetImplFileLine();
02563 }
02565 //______________________________________________________________________________
02566 void TToggle::Dictionary()
02567 {
02568    fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TToggle*)0x0)->GetClass();
02569 }
02571 //______________________________________________________________________________
02572 TClass *TToggle::Class()
02573 {
02574    if (!fgIsA) fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TToggle*)0x0)->GetClass();
02575    return fgIsA;
02576 }
02578 //______________________________________________________________________________
02579 TClass *TToggleGroup::fgIsA = 0;  // static to hold class pointer
02581 //______________________________________________________________________________
02582 const char *TToggleGroup::Class_Name()
02583 {
02584    return "TToggleGroup";
02585 }
02587 //______________________________________________________________________________
02588 const char *TToggleGroup::ImplFileName()
02589 {
02590    return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TToggleGroup*)0x0)->GetImplFileName();
02591 }
02593 //______________________________________________________________________________
02594 int TToggleGroup::ImplFileLine()
02595 {
02596    return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TToggleGroup*)0x0)->GetImplFileLine();
02597 }
02599 //______________________________________________________________________________
02600 void TToggleGroup::Dictionary()
02601 {
02602    fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TToggleGroup*)0x0)->GetClass();
02603 }
02605 //______________________________________________________________________________
02606 TClass *TToggleGroup::Class()
02607 {
02608    if (!fgIsA) fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TToggleGroup*)0x0)->GetClass();
02609    return fgIsA;
02610 }
02612 //______________________________________________________________________________
02613 void TBaseClass::Streamer(TBuffer &R__b)
02614 {
02615    // Stream an object of class TBaseClass.
02617    TDictionary::Streamer(R__b);
02618 }
02620 //______________________________________________________________________________
02621 void TBaseClass::ShowMembers(TMemberInspector &R__insp)
02622 {
02623       // Inspect the data members of an object of class TBaseClass.
02624       TClass *R__cl = ::TBaseClass::IsA();
02625       if (R__cl || R__insp.IsA()) { }
02626       R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fInfo", &fInfo);
02627       R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fClassPtr", (void*)&fClassPtr);
02628       R__insp.InspectMember("TClassRef", (void*)&fClassPtr, "fClassPtr.", false);
02629       R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fClass", &fClass);
02630       TDictionary::ShowMembers(R__insp);
02631 }
02633 namespace ROOT {
02634    // Wrappers around operator new
02635    static void *new_TBaseClass(void *p) {
02636       return  p ? new(p) ::TBaseClass : new ::TBaseClass;
02637    }
02638    static void *newArray_TBaseClass(Long_t nElements, void *p) {
02639       return p ? new(p) ::TBaseClass[nElements] : new ::TBaseClass[nElements];
02640    }
02641    // Wrapper around operator delete
02642    static void delete_TBaseClass(void *p) {
02643       delete ((::TBaseClass*)p);
02644    }
02645    static void deleteArray_TBaseClass(void *p) {
02646       delete [] ((::TBaseClass*)p);
02647    }
02648    static void destruct_TBaseClass(void *p) {
02649       typedef ::TBaseClass current_t;
02650       ((current_t*)p)->~current_t();
02651    }
02652    // Wrapper around a custom streamer member function.
02653    static void streamer_TBaseClass(TBuffer &buf, void *obj) {
02654       ((::TBaseClass*)obj)->::TBaseClass::Streamer(buf);
02655    }
02656 } // end of namespace ROOT for class ::TBaseClass
02658 //______________________________________________________________________________
02659 void TClass::Streamer(TBuffer &R__b)
02660 {
02661    // Stream an object of class TClass.
02663    TDictionary::Streamer(R__b);
02664 }
02666 //______________________________________________________________________________
02667 void TClass::ShowMembers(TMemberInspector &R__insp)
02668 {
02669       // Inspect the data members of an object of class TClass.
02670       TClass *R__cl = ::TClass::IsA();
02671       if (R__cl || R__insp.IsA()) { }
02672       R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fStreamerInfo", &fStreamerInfo);
02673       R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fConversionStreamerInfo", &fConversionStreamerInfo);
02674       R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fRealData", &fRealData);
02675       R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fBase", &fBase);
02676       R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fData", &fData);
02677       R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fMethod", &fMethod);
02678       R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fAllPubData", &fAllPubData);
02679       R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fAllPubMethod", &fAllPubMethod);
02680       R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fClassMenuList", &fClassMenuList);
02681       R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fDeclFileName", &fDeclFileName);
02682       R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fImplFileName", &fImplFileName);
02683       R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fDeclFileLine", &fDeclFileLine);
02684       R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fImplFileLine", &fImplFileLine);
02685       R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fInstanceCount", &fInstanceCount);
02686       R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fOnHeap", &fOnHeap);
02687       R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fCheckSum", &fCheckSum);
02688       R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fCollectionProxy", &fCollectionProxy);
02689       R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fClassVersion", &fClassVersion);
02690       R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fClassInfo", &fClassInfo);
02691       R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fContextMenuTitle", &fContextMenuTitle);
02692       R__insp.InspectMember(fContextMenuTitle, "fContextMenuTitle.");
02693       R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fTypeInfo", &fTypeInfo);
02694       R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fShowMembers", &fShowMembers);
02695       R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fInterShowMembers", &fInterShowMembers);
02696       R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fStreamer", &fStreamer);
02697       R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fSharedLibs", &fSharedLibs);
02698       R__insp.InspectMember(fSharedLibs, "fSharedLibs.");
02699       R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fIsA", &fIsA);
02700       R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fGlobalIsA", &fGlobalIsA);
02701       R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fIsAMethod", &fIsAMethod);
02702       R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fNew", &fNew);
02703       R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fNewArray", &fNewArray);
02704       R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fDelete", &fDelete);
02705       R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fDeleteArray", &fDeleteArray);
02706       R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fDestructor", &fDestructor);
02707       R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fDirAutoAdd", &fDirAutoAdd);
02708       R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fStreamerFunc", &fStreamerFunc);
02709       R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fSizeof", &fSizeof);
02710       R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fProperty", &fProperty);
02711       R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fVersionUsed", &fVersionUsed);
02712       R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fIsOffsetStreamerSet", &fIsOffsetStreamerSet);
02713       R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fOffsetStreamer", &fOffsetStreamer);
02714       R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fStreamerType", &fStreamerType);
02715       R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fCurrentInfo", &fCurrentInfo);
02716       R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fRefStart", &fRefStart);
02717       R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fRefProxy", &fRefProxy);
02718       R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fSchemaRules", &fSchemaRules);
02719       R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fStreamerImpl", &fStreamerImpl);
02720       TDictionary::ShowMembers(R__insp);
02721 }
02723 namespace ROOT {
02724    // Wrappers around operator new
02725    static void *new_TClass(void *p) {
02726       return  p ? new(p) ::TClass : new ::TClass;
02727    }
02728    static void *newArray_TClass(Long_t nElements, void *p) {
02729       return p ? new(p) ::TClass[nElements] : new ::TClass[nElements];
02730    }
02731    // Wrapper around operator delete
02732    static void delete_TClass(void *p) {
02733       delete ((::TClass*)p);
02734    }
02735    static void deleteArray_TClass(void *p) {
02736       delete [] ((::TClass*)p);
02737    }
02738    static void destruct_TClass(void *p) {
02739       typedef ::TClass current_t;
02740       ((current_t*)p)->~current_t();
02741    }
02742    // Wrapper around a custom streamer member function.
02743    static void streamer_TClass(TBuffer &buf, void *obj) {
02744       ((::TClass*)obj)->::TClass::Streamer(buf);
02745    }
02746 } // end of namespace ROOT for class ::TClass
02748 //______________________________________________________________________________
02749 namespace ROOT {
02750    void TClassStreamer_ShowMembers(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp)
02751    {
02752       // Inspect the data members of an object of class TClassStreamer.
02753       typedef ::ROOT::Shadow::TClassStreamer ShadowClass;
02754       ShadowClass *sobj = (ShadowClass*)obj;
02755       if (sobj) { } // Dummy usage just in case there is no datamember.
02757       TClass *R__cl  = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TClassStreamer*)0x0)->GetClass();
02758       if (R__cl || R__insp.IsA()) { }
02759       R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fStreamer", &sobj->fStreamer);
02760       R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fOnFileClass", (void*)&sobj->fOnFileClass);
02761       R__insp.InspectMember("TClassRef", (void*)&sobj->fOnFileClass, "fOnFileClass.", false);
02762    }
02764 }
02766 namespace ROOT {
02767    // Wrapper around operator delete
02768    static void delete_TClassStreamer(void *p) {
02769       delete ((::TClassStreamer*)p);
02770    }
02771    static void deleteArray_TClassStreamer(void *p) {
02772       delete [] ((::TClassStreamer*)p);
02773    }
02774    static void destruct_TClassStreamer(void *p) {
02775       typedef ::TClassStreamer current_t;
02776       ((current_t*)p)->~current_t();
02777    }
02778 } // end of namespace ROOT for class ::TClassStreamer
02780 //______________________________________________________________________________
02781 namespace ROOT {
02782    void TMemberStreamer_ShowMembers(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp)
02783    {
02784       // Inspect the data members of an object of class TMemberStreamer.
02785       typedef ::ROOT::Shadow::TMemberStreamer ShadowClass;
02786       ShadowClass *sobj = (ShadowClass*)obj;
02787       if (sobj) { } // Dummy usage just in case there is no datamember.
02789       TClass *R__cl  = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TMemberStreamer*)0x0)->GetClass();
02790       if (R__cl || R__insp.IsA()) { }
02791       R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fStreamer", &sobj->fStreamer);
02792       R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fOnFileClass", (void*)&sobj->fOnFileClass);
02793       R__insp.InspectMember("TClassRef", (void*)&sobj->fOnFileClass, "fOnFileClass.", false);
02794    }
02796 }
02798 namespace ROOT {
02799    // Wrapper around operator delete
02800    static void delete_TMemberStreamer(void *p) {
02801       delete ((::TMemberStreamer*)p);
02802    }
02803    static void deleteArray_TMemberStreamer(void *p) {
02804       delete [] ((::TMemberStreamer*)p);
02805    }
02806    static void destruct_TMemberStreamer(void *p) {
02807       typedef ::TMemberStreamer current_t;
02808       ((current_t*)p)->~current_t();
02809    }
02810 } // end of namespace ROOT for class ::TMemberStreamer
02812 //______________________________________________________________________________
02813 namespace ROOT {
02814    void TClassRef_ShowMembers(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp)
02815    {
02816       // Inspect the data members of an object of class TClassRef.
02817       typedef ::ROOT::Shadow::TClassRef ShadowClass;
02818       ShadowClass *sobj = (ShadowClass*)obj;
02819       if (sobj) { } // Dummy usage just in case there is no datamember.
02821       TClass *R__cl  = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::TClassRef*)0x0)->GetClass();
02822       if (R__cl || R__insp.IsA()) { }
02823       R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fClassName", (void*)&sobj->fClassName);
02824       R__insp.InspectMember("string", (void*)&sobj->fClassName, "fClassName.", false);
02825       R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fClassPtr", &sobj->fClassPtr);
02826       R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fPrevious", &sobj->fPrevious);
02827       R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fNext", &sobj->fNext);
02828    }
02830 }
02832 namespace ROOT {
02833    // Wrappers around operator new
02834    static void *new_TClassRef(void *p) {
02835       return  p ? ::new((::ROOT::TOperatorNewHelper*)p) ::TClassRef : new ::TClassRef;
02836    }
02837    static void *newArray_TClassRef(Long_t nElements, void *p) {
02838       return p ? ::new((::ROOT::TOperatorNewHelper*)p) ::TClassRef[nElements] : new ::TClassRef[nElements];
02839    }
02840    // Wrapper around operator delete
02841    static void delete_TClassRef(void *p) {
02842       delete ((::TClassRef*)p);
02843    }
02844    static void deleteArray_TClassRef(void *p) {
02845       delete [] ((::TClassRef*)p);
02846    }
02847    static void destruct_TClassRef(void *p) {
02848       typedef ::TClassRef current_t;
02849       ((current_t*)p)->~current_t();
02850    }
02851 } // end of namespace ROOT for class ::TClassRef
02853 //______________________________________________________________________________
02854 void TClassGenerator::Streamer(TBuffer &R__b)
02855 {
02856    // Stream an object of class TClassGenerator.
02858    if (R__b.IsReading()) {
02859       R__b.ReadClassBuffer(TClassGenerator::Class(),this);
02860    } else {
02861       R__b.WriteClassBuffer(TClassGenerator::Class(),this);
02862    }
02863 }
02865 //______________________________________________________________________________
02866 void TClassGenerator::ShowMembers(TMemberInspector &R__insp)
02867 {
02868       // Inspect the data members of an object of class TClassGenerator.
02869       TClass *R__cl = ::TClassGenerator::IsA();
02870       if (R__cl || R__insp.IsA()) { }
02871       TObject::ShowMembers(R__insp);
02872 }
02874 namespace ROOT {
02875 } // end of namespace ROOT for class ::TClassGenerator
02877 //______________________________________________________________________________
02878 void TDataMember::Streamer(TBuffer &R__b)
02879 {
02880    // Stream an object of class TDataMember.
02882    TDictionary::Streamer(R__b);
02883 }
02885 //______________________________________________________________________________
02886 void TDataMember::ShowMembers(TMemberInspector &R__insp)
02887 {
02888       // Inspect the data members of an object of class TDataMember.
02889       TClass *R__cl = ::TDataMember::IsA();
02890       if (R__cl || R__insp.IsA()) { }
02891       R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fInfo", &fInfo);
02892       R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fClass", &fClass);
02893       R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fDataType", &fDataType);
02894       R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fOffset", &fOffset);
02895       R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fSTLCont", &fSTLCont);
02896       R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fProperty", &fProperty);
02897       R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fTypeName", &fTypeName);
02898       R__insp.InspectMember(fTypeName, "fTypeName.");
02899       R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fFullTypeName", &fFullTypeName);
02900       R__insp.InspectMember(fFullTypeName, "fFullTypeName.");
02901       R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fTrueTypeName", &fTrueTypeName);
02902       R__insp.InspectMember(fTrueTypeName, "fTrueTypeName.");
02903       R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fValueGetter", &fValueGetter);
02904       R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fValueSetter", &fValueSetter);
02905       R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fOptions", &fOptions);
02906       TDictionary::ShowMembers(R__insp);
02907 }
02909 namespace ROOT {
02910    // Wrappers around operator new
02911    static void *new_TDataMember(void *p) {
02912       return  p ? new(p) ::TDataMember : new ::TDataMember;
02913    }
02914    static void *newArray_TDataMember(Long_t nElements, void *p) {
02915       return p ? new(p) ::TDataMember[nElements] : new ::TDataMember[nElements];
02916    }
02917    // Wrapper around operator delete
02918    static void delete_TDataMember(void *p) {
02919       delete ((::TDataMember*)p);
02920    }
02921    static void deleteArray_TDataMember(void *p) {
02922       delete [] ((::TDataMember*)p);
02923    }
02924    static void destruct_TDataMember(void *p) {
02925       typedef ::TDataMember current_t;
02926       ((current_t*)p)->~current_t();
02927    }
02928    // Wrapper around a custom streamer member function.
02929    static void streamer_TDataMember(TBuffer &buf, void *obj) {
02930       ((::TDataMember*)obj)->::TDataMember::Streamer(buf);
02931    }
02932 } // end of namespace ROOT for class ::TDataMember
02934 //______________________________________________________________________________
02935 void TDataType::Streamer(TBuffer &R__b)
02936 {
02937    // Stream an object of class TDataType.
02939    TDictionary::Streamer(R__b);
02940 }
02942 //______________________________________________________________________________
02943 void TDataType::ShowMembers(TMemberInspector &R__insp)
02944 {
02945       // Inspect the data members of an object of class TDataType.
02946       TClass *R__cl = ::TDataType::IsA();
02947       if (R__cl || R__insp.IsA()) { }
02948       R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fInfo", &fInfo);
02949       R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fSize", &fSize);
02950       R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fType", &fType);
02951       R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fProperty", &fProperty);
02952       R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fTrueName", &fTrueName);
02953       R__insp.InspectMember(fTrueName, "fTrueName.");
02954       TDictionary::ShowMembers(R__insp);
02955 }
02957 namespace ROOT {
02958    // Wrappers around operator new
02959    static void *new_TDataType(void *p) {
02960       return  p ? new(p) ::TDataType : new ::TDataType;
02961    }
02962    static void *newArray_TDataType(Long_t nElements, void *p) {
02963       return p ? new(p) ::TDataType[nElements] : new ::TDataType[nElements];
02964    }
02965    // Wrapper around operator delete
02966    static void delete_TDataType(void *p) {
02967       delete ((::TDataType*)p);
02968    }
02969    static void deleteArray_TDataType(void *p) {
02970       delete [] ((::TDataType*)p);
02971    }
02972    static void destruct_TDataType(void *p) {
02973       typedef ::TDataType current_t;
02974       ((current_t*)p)->~current_t();
02975    }
02976    // Wrapper around a custom streamer member function.
02977    static void streamer_TDataType(TBuffer &buf, void *obj) {
02978       ((::TDataType*)obj)->::TDataType::Streamer(buf);
02979    }
02980 } // end of namespace ROOT for class ::TDataType
02982 //______________________________________________________________________________
02983 void TDictionary::Streamer(TBuffer &R__b)
02984 {
02985    // Stream an object of class TDictionary.
02987    TNamed::Streamer(R__b);
02988 }
02990 //______________________________________________________________________________
02991 void TDictionary::ShowMembers(TMemberInspector &R__insp)
02992 {
02993       // Inspect the data members of an object of class TDictionary.
02994       TClass *R__cl = ::TDictionary::IsA();
02995       if (R__cl || R__insp.IsA()) { }
02996       TNamed::ShowMembers(R__insp);
02997 }
02999 namespace ROOT {
03000    // Wrapper around operator delete
03001    static void delete_TDictionary(void *p) {
03002       delete ((::TDictionary*)p);
03003    }
03004    static void deleteArray_TDictionary(void *p) {
03005       delete [] ((::TDictionary*)p);
03006    }
03007    static void destruct_TDictionary(void *p) {
03008       typedef ::TDictionary current_t;
03009       ((current_t*)p)->~current_t();
03010    }
03011    // Wrapper around a custom streamer member function.
03012    static void streamer_TDictionary(TBuffer &buf, void *obj) {
03013       ((::TDictionary*)obj)->::TDictionary::Streamer(buf);
03014    }
03015 } // end of namespace ROOT for class ::TDictionary
03017 //______________________________________________________________________________
03018 void TFunction::Streamer(TBuffer &R__b)
03019 {
03020    // Stream an object of class TFunction.
03022    TDictionary::Streamer(R__b);
03023 }
03025 //______________________________________________________________________________
03026 void TFunction::ShowMembers(TMemberInspector &R__insp)
03027 {
03028       // Inspect the data members of an object of class TFunction.
03029       TClass *R__cl = ::TFunction::IsA();
03030       if (R__cl || R__insp.IsA()) { }
03031       R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fInfo", &fInfo);
03032       R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fMangledName", &fMangledName);
03033       R__insp.InspectMember(fMangledName, "fMangledName.");
03034       R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fSignature", &fSignature);
03035       R__insp.InspectMember(fSignature, "fSignature.");
03036       R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fMethodArgs", &fMethodArgs);
03037       TDictionary::ShowMembers(R__insp);
03038 }
03040 namespace ROOT {
03041    // Wrappers around operator new
03042    static void *new_TFunction(void *p) {
03043       return  p ? new(p) ::TFunction : new ::TFunction;
03044    }
03045    static void *newArray_TFunction(Long_t nElements, void *p) {
03046       return p ? new(p) ::TFunction[nElements] : new ::TFunction[nElements];
03047    }
03048    // Wrapper around operator delete
03049    static void delete_TFunction(void *p) {
03050       delete ((::TFunction*)p);
03051    }
03052    static void deleteArray_TFunction(void *p) {
03053       delete [] ((::TFunction*)p);
03054    }
03055    static void destruct_TFunction(void *p) {
03056       typedef ::TFunction current_t;
03057       ((current_t*)p)->~current_t();
03058    }
03059    // Wrapper around a custom streamer member function.
03060    static void streamer_TFunction(TBuffer &buf, void *obj) {
03061       ((::TFunction*)obj)->::TFunction::Streamer(buf);
03062    }
03063 } // end of namespace ROOT for class ::TFunction
03065       namespace ROOT {
03066 //______________________________________________________________________________
03067 void TSchemaMatch::Streamer(TBuffer &R__b)
03068 {
03069    // Stream an object of class ROOT::TSchemaMatch.
03071    if (R__b.IsReading()) {
03072       R__b.ReadClassBuffer(ROOT::TSchemaMatch::Class(),this);
03073    } else {
03074       R__b.WriteClassBuffer(ROOT::TSchemaMatch::Class(),this);
03075    }
03076 }
03078 } // namespace ROOT
03079 //______________________________________________________________________________
03080       namespace ROOT {
03081 void TSchemaMatch::ShowMembers(TMemberInspector &R__insp)
03082 {
03083       // Inspect the data members of an object of class ROOT::TSchemaMatch.
03084       TClass *R__cl = ::ROOT::TSchemaMatch::IsA();
03085       if (R__cl || R__insp.IsA()) { }
03086       TObjArray::ShowMembers(R__insp);
03087 }
03089 } // namespace ROOT
03090 namespace ROOT {
03091    // Wrappers around operator new
03092    static void *new_ROOTcLcLTSchemaMatch(void *p) {
03093       return  p ? new(p) ::ROOT::TSchemaMatch : new ::ROOT::TSchemaMatch;
03094    }
03095    static void *newArray_ROOTcLcLTSchemaMatch(Long_t nElements, void *p) {
03096       return p ? new(p) ::ROOT::TSchemaMatch[nElements] : new ::ROOT::TSchemaMatch[nElements];
03097    }
03098    // Wrapper around operator delete
03099    static void delete_ROOTcLcLTSchemaMatch(void *p) {
03100       delete ((::ROOT::TSchemaMatch*)p);
03101    }
03102    static void deleteArray_ROOTcLcLTSchemaMatch(void *p) {
03103       delete [] ((::ROOT::TSchemaMatch*)p);
03104    }
03105    static void destruct_ROOTcLcLTSchemaMatch(void *p) {
03106       typedef ::ROOT::TSchemaMatch current_t;
03107       ((current_t*)p)->~current_t();
03108    }
03109 } // end of namespace ROOT for class ::ROOT::TSchemaMatch
03111       namespace ROOT {
03112 //______________________________________________________________________________
03113 void TSchemaRule::Streamer(TBuffer &R__b)
03114 {
03115    // Stream an object of class ROOT::TSchemaRule.
03117    if (R__b.IsReading()) {
03118       R__b.ReadClassBuffer(ROOT::TSchemaRule::Class(),this);
03119    } else {
03120       R__b.WriteClassBuffer(ROOT::TSchemaRule::Class(),this);
03121    }
03122 }
03124 } // namespace ROOT
03125 //______________________________________________________________________________
03126       namespace ROOT {
03127 void TSchemaRule::ShowMembers(TMemberInspector &R__insp)
03128 {
03129       // Inspect the data members of an object of class ROOT::TSchemaRule.
03130       TClass *R__cl = ::ROOT::TSchemaRule::IsA();
03131       if (R__cl || R__insp.IsA()) { }
03132       R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fVersion", &fVersion);
03133       R__insp.InspectMember(fVersion, "fVersion.");
03134       R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fVersionVect", &fVersionVect);
03135       R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fChecksum", &fChecksum);
03136       R__insp.InspectMember(fChecksum, "fChecksum.");
03137       R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fChecksumVect", &fChecksumVect);
03138       R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fSourceClass", &fSourceClass);
03139       R__insp.InspectMember(fSourceClass, "fSourceClass.");
03140       R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fTargetClass", &fTargetClass);
03141       R__insp.InspectMember(fTargetClass, "fTargetClass.");
03142       R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fTarget", &fTarget);
03143       R__insp.InspectMember(fTarget, "fTarget.");
03144       R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fTargetVect", &fTargetVect);
03145       R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fSource", &fSource);
03146       R__insp.InspectMember(fSource, "fSource.");
03147       R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fSourceVect", &fSourceVect);
03148       R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fInclude", &fInclude);
03149       R__insp.InspectMember(fInclude, "fInclude.");
03150       R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fIncludeVect", &fIncludeVect);
03151       R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fCode", &fCode);
03152       R__insp.InspectMember(fCode, "fCode.");
03153       R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fEmbed", &fEmbed);
03154       R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fReadFuncPtr", &fReadFuncPtr);
03155       R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fReadRawFuncPtr", &fReadRawFuncPtr);
03156       R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fRuleType", &fRuleType);
03157       R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fAttributes", &fAttributes);
03158       R__insp.InspectMember(fAttributes, "fAttributes.");
03159       TObject::ShowMembers(R__insp);
03160 }
03162 } // namespace ROOT
03163 namespace ROOT {
03164    // Wrappers around operator new
03165    static void *new_ROOTcLcLTSchemaRule(void *p) {
03166       return  p ? new(p) ::ROOT::TSchemaRule : new ::ROOT::TSchemaRule;
03167    }
03168    static void *newArray_ROOTcLcLTSchemaRule(Long_t nElements, void *p) {
03169       return p ? new(p) ::ROOT::TSchemaRule[nElements] : new ::ROOT::TSchemaRule[nElements];
03170    }
03171    // Wrapper around operator delete
03172    static void delete_ROOTcLcLTSchemaRule(void *p) {
03173       delete ((::ROOT::TSchemaRule*)p);
03174    }
03175    static void deleteArray_ROOTcLcLTSchemaRule(void *p) {
03176       delete [] ((::ROOT::TSchemaRule*)p);
03177    }
03178    static void destruct_ROOTcLcLTSchemaRule(void *p) {
03179       typedef ::ROOT::TSchemaRule current_t;
03180       ((current_t*)p)->~current_t();
03181    }
03182 } // end of namespace ROOT for class ::ROOT::TSchemaRule
03184       namespace ROOT {
03185 //______________________________________________________________________________
03186 void TSchemaRule::TSources::Streamer(TBuffer &R__b)
03187 {
03188    // Stream an object of class ROOT::TSchemaRule::TSources.
03190    if (R__b.IsReading()) {
03191       R__b.ReadClassBuffer(ROOT::TSchemaRule::TSources::Class(),this);
03192    } else {
03193       R__b.WriteClassBuffer(ROOT::TSchemaRule::TSources::Class(),this);
03194    }
03195 }
03197 } // namespace ROOT
03198 //______________________________________________________________________________
03199       namespace ROOT {
03200 void TSchemaRule::TSources::ShowMembers(TMemberInspector &R__insp)
03201 {
03202       // Inspect the data members of an object of class ROOT::TSchemaRule::TSources.
03203       TClass *R__cl = ::ROOT::TSchemaRule::TSources::IsA();
03204       if (R__cl || R__insp.IsA()) { }
03205       R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fDimensions", &fDimensions);
03206       R__insp.InspectMember(fDimensions, "fDimensions.");
03207       TNamed::ShowMembers(R__insp);
03208 }
03210 } // namespace ROOT
03211 namespace ROOT {
03212    // Wrappers around operator new
03213    static void *new_ROOTcLcLTSchemaRulecLcLTSources(void *p) {
03214       return  p ? new(p) ::ROOT::TSchemaRule::TSources : new ::ROOT::TSchemaRule::TSources;
03215    }
03216    static void *newArray_ROOTcLcLTSchemaRulecLcLTSources(Long_t nElements, void *p) {
03217       return p ? new(p) ::ROOT::TSchemaRule::TSources[nElements] : new ::ROOT::TSchemaRule::TSources[nElements];
03218    }
03219    // Wrapper around operator delete
03220    static void delete_ROOTcLcLTSchemaRulecLcLTSources(void *p) {
03221       delete ((::ROOT::TSchemaRule::TSources*)p);
03222    }
03223    static void deleteArray_ROOTcLcLTSchemaRulecLcLTSources(void *p) {
03224       delete [] ((::ROOT::TSchemaRule::TSources*)p);
03225    }
03226    static void destruct_ROOTcLcLTSchemaRulecLcLTSources(void *p) {
03227       typedef ::ROOT::TSchemaRule::TSources current_t;
03228       ((current_t*)p)->~current_t();
03229    }
03230 } // end of namespace ROOT for class ::ROOT::TSchemaRule::TSources
03232 //______________________________________________________________________________
03233       namespace ROOT {
03234 void TSchemaRuleSet::ShowMembers(TMemberInspector &R__insp)
03235 {
03236       // Inspect the data members of an object of class ROOT::TSchemaRuleSet.
03237       TClass *R__cl = ::ROOT::TSchemaRuleSet::IsA();
03238       if (R__cl || R__insp.IsA()) { }
03239       R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fPersistentRules", &fPersistentRules);
03240       R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fRemainingRules", &fRemainingRules);
03241       R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fAllRules", &fAllRules);
03242       R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fClass", (void*)&fClass);
03243       R__insp.InspectMember("TClassRef", (void*)&fClass, "fClass.", true);
03244       R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fClassName", &fClassName);
03245       R__insp.InspectMember(fClassName, "fClassName.");
03246       R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fVersion", &fVersion);
03247       R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fCheckSum", &fCheckSum);
03248       TObject::ShowMembers(R__insp);
03249 }
03251 } // namespace ROOT
03252 namespace ROOT {
03253    // Wrappers around operator new
03254    static void *new_ROOTcLcLTSchemaRuleSet(void *p) {
03255       return  p ? new(p) ::ROOT::TSchemaRuleSet : new ::ROOT::TSchemaRuleSet;
03256    }
03257    static void *newArray_ROOTcLcLTSchemaRuleSet(Long_t nElements, void *p) {
03258       return p ? new(p) ::ROOT::TSchemaRuleSet[nElements] : new ::ROOT::TSchemaRuleSet[nElements];
03259    }
03260    // Wrapper around operator delete
03261    static void delete_ROOTcLcLTSchemaRuleSet(void *p) {
03262       delete ((::ROOT::TSchemaRuleSet*)p);
03263    }
03264    static void deleteArray_ROOTcLcLTSchemaRuleSet(void *p) {
03265       delete [] ((::ROOT::TSchemaRuleSet*)p);
03266    }
03267    static void destruct_ROOTcLcLTSchemaRuleSet(void *p) {
03268       typedef ::ROOT::TSchemaRuleSet current_t;
03269       ((current_t*)p)->~current_t();
03270    }
03271    // Wrapper around a custom streamer member function.
03272    static void streamer_ROOTcLcLTSchemaRuleSet(TBuffer &buf, void *obj) {
03273       ((::ROOT::TSchemaRuleSet*)obj)->::ROOT::TSchemaRuleSet::Streamer(buf);
03274    }
03275 } // end of namespace ROOT for class ::ROOT::TSchemaRuleSet
03277 //______________________________________________________________________________
03278 void TGlobal::Streamer(TBuffer &R__b)
03279 {
03280    // Stream an object of class TGlobal.
03282    TDictionary::Streamer(R__b);
03283 }
03285 //______________________________________________________________________________
03286 void TGlobal::ShowMembers(TMemberInspector &R__insp)
03287 {
03288       // Inspect the data members of an object of class TGlobal.
03289       TClass *R__cl = ::TGlobal::IsA();
03290       if (R__cl || R__insp.IsA()) { }
03291       R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fInfo", &fInfo);
03292       TDictionary::ShowMembers(R__insp);
03293 }
03295 namespace ROOT {
03296    // Wrappers around operator new
03297    static void *new_TGlobal(void *p) {
03298       return  p ? new(p) ::TGlobal : new ::TGlobal;
03299    }
03300    static void *newArray_TGlobal(Long_t nElements, void *p) {
03301       return p ? new(p) ::TGlobal[nElements] : new ::TGlobal[nElements];
03302    }
03303    // Wrapper around operator delete
03304    static void delete_TGlobal(void *p) {
03305       delete ((::TGlobal*)p);
03306    }
03307    static void deleteArray_TGlobal(void *p) {
03308       delete [] ((::TGlobal*)p);
03309    }
03310    static void destruct_TGlobal(void *p) {
03311       typedef ::TGlobal current_t;
03312       ((current_t*)p)->~current_t();
03313    }
03314    // Wrapper around a custom streamer member function.
03315    static void streamer_TGlobal(TBuffer &buf, void *obj) {
03316       ((::TGlobal*)obj)->::TGlobal::Streamer(buf);
03317    }
03318 } // end of namespace ROOT for class ::TGlobal
03320 //______________________________________________________________________________
03321 void TMethod::Streamer(TBuffer &R__b)
03322 {
03323    // Stream an object of class TMethod.
03325    TFunction::Streamer(R__b);
03326 }
03328 //______________________________________________________________________________
03329 void TMethod::ShowMembers(TMemberInspector &R__insp)
03330 {
03331       // Inspect the data members of an object of class TMethod.
03332       TClass *R__cl = ::TMethod::IsA();
03333       if (R__cl || R__insp.IsA()) { }
03334       R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fClass", &fClass);
03335       R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fMenuItem", &fMenuItem);
03336       R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fGetter", &fGetter);
03337       R__insp.InspectMember(fGetter, "fGetter.");
03338       R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fGetterMethod", &fGetterMethod);
03339       R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fSetterMethod", &fSetterMethod);
03340       TFunction::ShowMembers(R__insp);
03341 }
03343 namespace ROOT {
03344    // Wrappers around operator new
03345    static void *new_TMethod(void *p) {
03346       return  p ? new(p) ::TMethod : new ::TMethod;
03347    }
03348    static void *newArray_TMethod(Long_t nElements, void *p) {
03349       return p ? new(p) ::TMethod[nElements] : new ::TMethod[nElements];
03350    }
03351    // Wrapper around operator delete
03352    static void delete_TMethod(void *p) {
03353       delete ((::TMethod*)p);
03354    }
03355    static void deleteArray_TMethod(void *p) {
03356       delete [] ((::TMethod*)p);
03357    }
03358    static void destruct_TMethod(void *p) {
03359       typedef ::TMethod current_t;
03360       ((current_t*)p)->~current_t();
03361    }
03362    // Wrapper around a custom streamer member function.
03363    static void streamer_TMethod(TBuffer &buf, void *obj) {
03364       ((::TMethod*)obj)->::TMethod::Streamer(buf);
03365    }
03366 } // end of namespace ROOT for class ::TMethod
03368 //______________________________________________________________________________
03369 void TMethodArg::Streamer(TBuffer &R__b)
03370 {
03371    // Stream an object of class TMethodArg.
03373    TDictionary::Streamer(R__b);
03374 }
03376 //______________________________________________________________________________
03377 void TMethodArg::ShowMembers(TMemberInspector &R__insp)
03378 {
03379       // Inspect the data members of an object of class TMethodArg.
03380       TClass *R__cl = ::TMethodArg::IsA();
03381       if (R__cl || R__insp.IsA()) { }
03382       R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fInfo", &fInfo);
03383       R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fMethod", &fMethod);
03384       R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fDataMember", &fDataMember);
03385       TDictionary::ShowMembers(R__insp);
03386 }
03388 namespace ROOT {
03389    // Wrappers around operator new
03390    static void *new_TMethodArg(void *p) {
03391       return  p ? new(p) ::TMethodArg : new ::TMethodArg;
03392    }
03393    static void *newArray_TMethodArg(Long_t nElements, void *p) {
03394       return p ? new(p) ::TMethodArg[nElements] : new ::TMethodArg[nElements];
03395    }
03396    // Wrapper around operator delete
03397    static void delete_TMethodArg(void *p) {
03398       delete ((::TMethodArg*)p);
03399    }
03400    static void deleteArray_TMethodArg(void *p) {
03401       delete [] ((::TMethodArg*)p);
03402    }
03403    static void destruct_TMethodArg(void *p) {
03404       typedef ::TMethodArg current_t;
03405       ((current_t*)p)->~current_t();
03406    }
03407    // Wrapper around a custom streamer member function.
03408    static void streamer_TMethodArg(TBuffer &buf, void *obj) {
03409       ((::TMethodArg*)obj)->::TMethodArg::Streamer(buf);
03410    }
03411 } // end of namespace ROOT for class ::TMethodArg
03413 //______________________________________________________________________________
03414 void TMethodCall::Streamer(TBuffer &R__b)
03415 {
03416    // Stream an object of class TMethodCall.
03418    TObject::Streamer(R__b);
03419 }
03421 //______________________________________________________________________________
03422 void TMethodCall::ShowMembers(TMemberInspector &R__insp)
03423 {
03424       // Inspect the data members of an object of class TMethodCall.
03425       TClass *R__cl = ::TMethodCall::IsA();
03426       if (R__cl || R__insp.IsA()) { }
03427       R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fFunc", &fFunc);
03428       R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fOffset", &fOffset);
03429       R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fClass", &fClass);
03430       R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fMetPtr", &fMetPtr);
03431       R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fMethod", &fMethod);
03432       R__insp.InspectMember(fMethod, "fMethod.");
03433       R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fParams", &fParams);
03434       R__insp.InspectMember(fParams, "fParams.");
03435       R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fProto", &fProto);
03436       R__insp.InspectMember(fProto, "fProto.");
03437       R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fDtorOnly", &fDtorOnly);
03438       R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fRetType", &fRetType);
03439       TObject::ShowMembers(R__insp);
03440 }
03442 namespace ROOT {
03443    // Wrappers around operator new
03444    static void *new_TMethodCall(void *p) {
03445       return  p ? new(p) ::TMethodCall : new ::TMethodCall;
03446    }
03447    static void *newArray_TMethodCall(Long_t nElements, void *p) {
03448       return p ? new(p) ::TMethodCall[nElements] : new ::TMethodCall[nElements];
03449    }
03450    // Wrapper around operator delete
03451    static void delete_TMethodCall(void *p) {
03452       delete ((::TMethodCall*)p);
03453    }
03454    static void deleteArray_TMethodCall(void *p) {
03455       delete [] ((::TMethodCall*)p);
03456    }
03457    static void destruct_TMethodCall(void *p) {
03458       typedef ::TMethodCall current_t;
03459       ((current_t*)p)->~current_t();
03460    }
03461    // Wrapper around a custom streamer member function.
03462    static void streamer_TMethodCall(TBuffer &buf, void *obj) {
03463       ((::TMethodCall*)obj)->::TMethodCall::Streamer(buf);
03464    }
03465 } // end of namespace ROOT for class ::TMethodCall
03467 //______________________________________________________________________________
03468 void TInterpreter::Streamer(TBuffer &R__b)
03469 {
03470    // Stream an object of class TInterpreter.
03472    TNamed::Streamer(R__b);
03473 }
03475 //______________________________________________________________________________
03476 void TInterpreter::ShowMembers(TMemberInspector &R__insp)
03477 {
03478       // Inspect the data members of an object of class TInterpreter.
03479       TClass *R__cl = ::TInterpreter::IsA();
03480       if (R__cl || R__insp.IsA()) { }
03481       TNamed::ShowMembers(R__insp);
03482 }
03484 namespace ROOT {
03485    // Wrapper around operator delete
03486    static void delete_TInterpreter(void *p) {
03487       delete ((::TInterpreter*)p);
03488    }
03489    static void deleteArray_TInterpreter(void *p) {
03490       delete [] ((::TInterpreter*)p);
03491    }
03492    static void destruct_TInterpreter(void *p) {
03493       typedef ::TInterpreter current_t;
03494       ((current_t*)p)->~current_t();
03495    }
03496    // Wrapper around a custom streamer member function.
03497    static void streamer_TInterpreter(TBuffer &buf, void *obj) {
03498       ((::TInterpreter*)obj)->::TInterpreter::Streamer(buf);
03499    }
03500 } // end of namespace ROOT for class ::TInterpreter
03502 //______________________________________________________________________________
03503 void TClassMenuItem::Streamer(TBuffer &R__b)
03504 {
03505    // Stream an object of class TClassMenuItem.
03507    TObject::Streamer(R__b);
03508 }
03510 //______________________________________________________________________________
03511 void TClassMenuItem::ShowMembers(TMemberInspector &R__insp)
03512 {
03513       // Inspect the data members of an object of class TClassMenuItem.
03514       TClass *R__cl = ::TClassMenuItem::IsA();
03515       if (R__cl || R__insp.IsA()) { }
03516       R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fType", &fType);
03517       R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fSelfObjectPos", &fSelfObjectPos);
03518       R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fSelf", &fSelf);
03519       R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fToggle", &fToggle);
03520       R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fTitle", &fTitle);
03521       R__insp.InspectMember(fTitle, "fTitle.");
03522       R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fCalledObject", &fCalledObject);
03523       R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fFunctionName", &fFunctionName);
03524       R__insp.InspectMember(fFunctionName, "fFunctionName.");
03525       R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fArgs", &fArgs);
03526       R__insp.InspectMember(fArgs, "fArgs.");
03527       R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fSubMenu", &fSubMenu);
03528       R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fParent", &fParent);
03529       TObject::ShowMembers(R__insp);
03530 }
03532 namespace ROOT {
03533    // Wrappers around operator new
03534    static void *new_TClassMenuItem(void *p) {
03535       return  p ? new(p) ::TClassMenuItem : new ::TClassMenuItem;
03536    }
03537    static void *newArray_TClassMenuItem(Long_t nElements, void *p) {
03538       return p ? new(p) ::TClassMenuItem[nElements] : new ::TClassMenuItem[nElements];
03539    }
03540    // Wrapper around operator delete
03541    static void delete_TClassMenuItem(void *p) {
03542       delete ((::TClassMenuItem*)p);
03543    }
03544    static void deleteArray_TClassMenuItem(void *p) {
03545       delete [] ((::TClassMenuItem*)p);
03546    }
03547    static void destruct_TClassMenuItem(void *p) {
03548       typedef ::TClassMenuItem current_t;
03549       ((current_t*)p)->~current_t();
03550    }
03551    // Wrapper around a custom streamer member function.
03552    static void streamer_TClassMenuItem(TBuffer &buf, void *obj) {
03553       ((::TClassMenuItem*)obj)->::TClassMenuItem::Streamer(buf);
03554    }
03555 } // end of namespace ROOT for class ::TClassMenuItem
03557 namespace ROOT {
03558    // Wrapper around operator delete
03559    static void delete_TVirtualIsAProxy(void *p) {
03560       delete ((::TVirtualIsAProxy*)p);
03561    }
03562    static void deleteArray_TVirtualIsAProxy(void *p) {
03563       delete [] ((::TVirtualIsAProxy*)p);
03564    }
03565    static void destruct_TVirtualIsAProxy(void *p) {
03566       typedef ::TVirtualIsAProxy current_t;
03567       ((current_t*)p)->~current_t();
03568    }
03569 } // end of namespace ROOT for class ::TVirtualIsAProxy
03571 //______________________________________________________________________________
03572 void TVirtualStreamerInfo::ShowMembers(TMemberInspector &R__insp)
03573 {
03574       // Inspect the data members of an object of class TVirtualStreamerInfo.
03575       TClass *R__cl = ::TVirtualStreamerInfo::IsA();
03576       if (R__cl || R__insp.IsA()) { }
03577       R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fOptimized", &fOptimized);
03578       R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fIsBuilt", &fIsBuilt);
03579       TNamed::ShowMembers(R__insp);
03580 }
03582 namespace ROOT {
03583    // Wrapper around operator delete
03584    static void delete_TVirtualStreamerInfo(void *p) {
03585       delete ((::TVirtualStreamerInfo*)p);
03586    }
03587    static void deleteArray_TVirtualStreamerInfo(void *p) {
03588       delete [] ((::TVirtualStreamerInfo*)p);
03589    }
03590    static void destruct_TVirtualStreamerInfo(void *p) {
03591       typedef ::TVirtualStreamerInfo current_t;
03592       ((current_t*)p)->~current_t();
03593    }
03594    // Wrapper around a custom streamer member function.
03595    static void streamer_TVirtualStreamerInfo(TBuffer &buf, void *obj) {
03596       ((::TVirtualStreamerInfo*)obj)->::TVirtualStreamerInfo::Streamer(buf);
03597    }
03598 } // end of namespace ROOT for class ::TVirtualStreamerInfo
03600 namespace ROOT {
03601    // Wrapper around operator delete
03602    static void delete_TIsAProxy(void *p) {
03603       delete ((::TIsAProxy*)p);
03604    }
03605    static void deleteArray_TIsAProxy(void *p) {
03606       delete [] ((::TIsAProxy*)p);
03607    }
03608    static void destruct_TIsAProxy(void *p) {
03609       typedef ::TIsAProxy current_t;
03610       ((current_t*)p)->~current_t();
03611    }
03612 } // end of namespace ROOT for class ::TIsAProxy
03614 //______________________________________________________________________________
03615 void TRealData::Streamer(TBuffer &R__b)
03616 {
03617    // Stream an object of class TRealData.
03619    if (R__b.IsReading()) {
03620       R__b.ReadClassBuffer(TRealData::Class(),this);
03621    } else {
03622       R__b.WriteClassBuffer(TRealData::Class(),this);
03623    }
03624 }
03626 //______________________________________________________________________________
03627 void TRealData::ShowMembers(TMemberInspector &R__insp)
03628 {
03629       // Inspect the data members of an object of class TRealData.
03630       TClass *R__cl = ::TRealData::IsA();
03631       if (R__cl || R__insp.IsA()) { }
03632       R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fDataMember", &fDataMember);
03633       R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fThisOffset", &fThisOffset);
03634       R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fName", &fName);
03635       R__insp.InspectMember(fName, "fName.");
03636       R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fStreamer", &fStreamer);
03637       R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fIsObject", &fIsObject);
03638       TObject::ShowMembers(R__insp);
03639 }
03641 namespace ROOT {
03642    // Wrappers around operator new
03643    static void *new_TRealData(void *p) {
03644       return  p ? new(p) ::TRealData : new ::TRealData;
03645    }
03646    static void *newArray_TRealData(Long_t nElements, void *p) {
03647       return p ? new(p) ::TRealData[nElements] : new ::TRealData[nElements];
03648    }
03649    // Wrapper around operator delete
03650    static void delete_TRealData(void *p) {
03651       delete ((::TRealData*)p);
03652    }
03653    static void deleteArray_TRealData(void *p) {
03654       delete [] ((::TRealData*)p);
03655    }
03656    static void destruct_TRealData(void *p) {
03657       typedef ::TRealData current_t;
03658       ((current_t*)p)->~current_t();
03659    }
03660 } // end of namespace ROOT for class ::TRealData
03662 //______________________________________________________________________________
03663 void TStreamerArtificial::ShowMembers(TMemberInspector &R__insp)
03664 {
03665       // Inspect the data members of an object of class TStreamerArtificial.
03666       TClass *R__cl = ::TStreamerArtificial::IsA();
03667       if (R__cl || R__insp.IsA()) { }
03668       R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fReadFunc", &fReadFunc);
03669       R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fReadRawFunc", &fReadRawFunc);
03670       TStreamerElement::ShowMembers(R__insp);
03671 }
03673 namespace ROOT {
03674    // Wrapper around operator delete
03675    static void delete_TStreamerArtificial(void *p) {
03676       delete ((::TStreamerArtificial*)p);
03677    }
03678    static void deleteArray_TStreamerArtificial(void *p) {
03679       delete [] ((::TStreamerArtificial*)p);
03680    }
03681    static void destruct_TStreamerArtificial(void *p) {
03682       typedef ::TStreamerArtificial current_t;
03683       ((current_t*)p)->~current_t();
03684    }
03685    // Wrapper around a custom streamer member function.
03686    static void streamer_TStreamerArtificial(TBuffer &buf, void *obj) {
03687       ((::TStreamerArtificial*)obj)->::TStreamerArtificial::Streamer(buf);
03688    }
03689 } // end of namespace ROOT for class ::TStreamerArtificial
03691 //______________________________________________________________________________
03692 void TStreamerBase::ShowMembers(TMemberInspector &R__insp)
03693 {
03694       // Inspect the data members of an object of class TStreamerBase.
03695       TClass *R__cl = ::TStreamerBase::IsA();
03696       if (R__cl || R__insp.IsA()) { }
03697       R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fBaseVersion", &fBaseVersion);
03698       R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fBaseClass", &fBaseClass);
03699       R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fNewBaseClass", &fNewBaseClass);
03700       R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fStreamerFunc", &fStreamerFunc);
03701       TStreamerElement::ShowMembers(R__insp);
03702 }
03704 namespace ROOT {
03705    // Wrappers around operator new
03706    static void *new_TStreamerBase(void *p) {
03707       return  p ? new(p) ::TStreamerBase : new ::TStreamerBase;
03708    }
03709    static void *newArray_TStreamerBase(Long_t nElements, void *p) {
03710       return p ? new(p) ::TStreamerBase[nElements] : new ::TStreamerBase[nElements];
03711    }
03712    // Wrapper around operator delete
03713    static void delete_TStreamerBase(void *p) {
03714       delete ((::TStreamerBase*)p);
03715    }
03716    static void deleteArray_TStreamerBase(void *p) {
03717       delete [] ((::TStreamerBase*)p);
03718    }
03719    static void destruct_TStreamerBase(void *p) {
03720       typedef ::TStreamerBase current_t;
03721       ((current_t*)p)->~current_t();
03722    }
03723    // Wrapper around a custom streamer member function.
03724    static void streamer_TStreamerBase(TBuffer &buf, void *obj) {
03725       ((::TStreamerBase*)obj)->::TStreamerBase::Streamer(buf);
03726    }
03727 } // end of namespace ROOT for class ::TStreamerBase
03729 //______________________________________________________________________________
03730 void TStreamerBasicPointer::ShowMembers(TMemberInspector &R__insp)
03731 {
03732       // Inspect the data members of an object of class TStreamerBasicPointer.
03733       TClass *R__cl = ::TStreamerBasicPointer::IsA();
03734       if (R__cl || R__insp.IsA()) { }
03735       R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fCountVersion", &fCountVersion);
03736       R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fCountName", &fCountName);
03737       R__insp.InspectMember(fCountName, "fCountName.");
03738       R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fCountClass", &fCountClass);
03739       R__insp.InspectMember(fCountClass, "fCountClass.");
03740       R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fCounter", &fCounter);
03741       TStreamerElement::ShowMembers(R__insp);
03742 }
03744 namespace ROOT {
03745    // Wrappers around operator new
03746    static void *new_TStreamerBasicPointer(void *p) {
03747       return  p ? new(p) ::TStreamerBasicPointer : new ::TStreamerBasicPointer;
03748    }
03749    static void *newArray_TStreamerBasicPointer(Long_t nElements, void *p) {
03750       return p ? new(p) ::TStreamerBasicPointer[nElements] : new ::TStreamerBasicPointer[nElements];
03751    }
03752    // Wrapper around operator delete
03753    static void delete_TStreamerBasicPointer(void *p) {
03754       delete ((::TStreamerBasicPointer*)p);
03755    }
03756    static void deleteArray_TStreamerBasicPointer(void *p) {
03757       delete [] ((::TStreamerBasicPointer*)p);
03758    }
03759    static void destruct_TStreamerBasicPointer(void *p) {
03760       typedef ::TStreamerBasicPointer current_t;
03761       ((current_t*)p)->~current_t();
03762    }
03763    // Wrapper around a custom streamer member function.
03764    static void streamer_TStreamerBasicPointer(TBuffer &buf, void *obj) {
03765       ((::TStreamerBasicPointer*)obj)->::TStreamerBasicPointer::Streamer(buf);
03766    }
03767 } // end of namespace ROOT for class ::TStreamerBasicPointer
03769 //______________________________________________________________________________
03770 void TStreamerLoop::ShowMembers(TMemberInspector &R__insp)
03771 {
03772       // Inspect the data members of an object of class TStreamerLoop.
03773       TClass *R__cl = ::TStreamerLoop::IsA();
03774       if (R__cl || R__insp.IsA()) { }
03775       R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fCountVersion", &fCountVersion);
03776       R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fCountName", &fCountName);
03777       R__insp.InspectMember(fCountName, "fCountName.");
03778       R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fCountClass", &fCountClass);
03779       R__insp.InspectMember(fCountClass, "fCountClass.");
03780       R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fCounter", &fCounter);
03781       TStreamerElement::ShowMembers(R__insp);
03782 }
03784 namespace ROOT {
03785    // Wrappers around operator new
03786    static void *new_TStreamerLoop(void *p) {
03787       return  p ? new(p) ::TStreamerLoop : new ::TStreamerLoop;
03788    }
03789    static void *newArray_TStreamerLoop(Long_t nElements, void *p) {
03790       return p ? new(p) ::TStreamerLoop[nElements] : new ::TStreamerLoop[nElements];
03791    }
03792    // Wrapper around operator delete
03793    static void delete_TStreamerLoop(void *p) {
03794       delete ((::TStreamerLoop*)p);
03795    }
03796    static void deleteArray_TStreamerLoop(void *p) {
03797       delete [] ((::TStreamerLoop*)p);
03798    }
03799    static void destruct_TStreamerLoop(void *p) {
03800       typedef ::TStreamerLoop current_t;
03801       ((current_t*)p)->~current_t();
03802    }
03803    // Wrapper around a custom streamer member function.
03804    static void streamer_TStreamerLoop(TBuffer &buf, void *obj) {
03805       ((::TStreamerLoop*)obj)->::TStreamerLoop::Streamer(buf);
03806    }
03807 } // end of namespace ROOT for class ::TStreamerLoop
03809 //______________________________________________________________________________
03810 void TStreamerBasicType::ShowMembers(TMemberInspector &R__insp)
03811 {
03812       // Inspect the data members of an object of class TStreamerBasicType.
03813       TClass *R__cl = ::TStreamerBasicType::IsA();
03814       if (R__cl || R__insp.IsA()) { }
03815       R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fCounter", &fCounter);
03816       TStreamerElement::ShowMembers(R__insp);
03817 }
03819 namespace ROOT {
03820    // Wrappers around operator new
03821    static void *new_TStreamerBasicType(void *p) {
03822       return  p ? new(p) ::TStreamerBasicType : new ::TStreamerBasicType;
03823    }
03824    static void *newArray_TStreamerBasicType(Long_t nElements, void *p) {
03825       return p ? new(p) ::TStreamerBasicType[nElements] : new ::TStreamerBasicType[nElements];
03826    }
03827    // Wrapper around operator delete
03828    static void delete_TStreamerBasicType(void *p) {
03829       delete ((::TStreamerBasicType*)p);
03830    }
03831    static void deleteArray_TStreamerBasicType(void *p) {
03832       delete [] ((::TStreamerBasicType*)p);
03833    }
03834    static void destruct_TStreamerBasicType(void *p) {
03835       typedef ::TStreamerBasicType current_t;
03836       ((current_t*)p)->~current_t();
03837    }
03838    // Wrapper around a custom streamer member function.
03839    static void streamer_TStreamerBasicType(TBuffer &buf, void *obj) {
03840       ((::TStreamerBasicType*)obj)->::TStreamerBasicType::Streamer(buf);
03841    }
03842 } // end of namespace ROOT for class ::TStreamerBasicType
03844 //______________________________________________________________________________
03845 void TStreamerObject::ShowMembers(TMemberInspector &R__insp)
03846 {
03847       // Inspect the data members of an object of class TStreamerObject.
03848       TClass *R__cl = ::TStreamerObject::IsA();
03849       if (R__cl || R__insp.IsA()) { }
03850       TStreamerElement::ShowMembers(R__insp);
03851 }
03853 namespace ROOT {
03854    // Wrappers around operator new
03855    static void *new_TStreamerObject(void *p) {
03856       return  p ? new(p) ::TStreamerObject : new ::TStreamerObject;
03857    }
03858    static void *newArray_TStreamerObject(Long_t nElements, void *p) {
03859       return p ? new(p) ::TStreamerObject[nElements] : new ::TStreamerObject[nElements];
03860    }
03861    // Wrapper around operator delete
03862    static void delete_TStreamerObject(void *p) {
03863       delete ((::TStreamerObject*)p);
03864    }
03865    static void deleteArray_TStreamerObject(void *p) {
03866       delete [] ((::TStreamerObject*)p);
03867    }
03868    static void destruct_TStreamerObject(void *p) {
03869       typedef ::TStreamerObject current_t;
03870       ((current_t*)p)->~current_t();
03871    }
03872    // Wrapper around a custom streamer member function.
03873    static void streamer_TStreamerObject(TBuffer &buf, void *obj) {
03874       ((::TStreamerObject*)obj)->::TStreamerObject::Streamer(buf);
03875    }
03876 } // end of namespace ROOT for class ::TStreamerObject
03878 //______________________________________________________________________________
03879 void TStreamerObjectAny::ShowMembers(TMemberInspector &R__insp)
03880 {
03881       // Inspect the data members of an object of class TStreamerObjectAny.
03882       TClass *R__cl = ::TStreamerObjectAny::IsA();
03883       if (R__cl || R__insp.IsA()) { }
03884       TStreamerElement::ShowMembers(R__insp);
03885 }
03887 namespace ROOT {
03888    // Wrappers around operator new
03889    static void *new_TStreamerObjectAny(void *p) {
03890       return  p ? new(p) ::TStreamerObjectAny : new ::TStreamerObjectAny;
03891    }
03892    static void *newArray_TStreamerObjectAny(Long_t nElements, void *p) {
03893       return p ? new(p) ::TStreamerObjectAny[nElements] : new ::TStreamerObjectAny[nElements];
03894    }
03895    // Wrapper around operator delete
03896    static void delete_TStreamerObjectAny(void *p) {
03897       delete ((::TStreamerObjectAny*)p);
03898    }
03899    static void deleteArray_TStreamerObjectAny(void *p) {
03900       delete [] ((::TStreamerObjectAny*)p);
03901    }
03902    static void destruct_TStreamerObjectAny(void *p) {
03903       typedef ::TStreamerObjectAny current_t;
03904       ((current_t*)p)->~current_t();
03905    }
03906    // Wrapper around a custom streamer member function.
03907    static void streamer_TStreamerObjectAny(TBuffer &buf, void *obj) {
03908       ((::TStreamerObjectAny*)obj)->::TStreamerObjectAny::Streamer(buf);
03909    }
03910 } // end of namespace ROOT for class ::TStreamerObjectAny
03912 //______________________________________________________________________________
03913 void TStreamerObjectPointer::ShowMembers(TMemberInspector &R__insp)
03914 {
03915       // Inspect the data members of an object of class TStreamerObjectPointer.
03916       TClass *R__cl = ::TStreamerObjectPointer::IsA();
03917       if (R__cl || R__insp.IsA()) { }
03918       TStreamerElement::ShowMembers(R__insp);
03919 }
03921 namespace ROOT {
03922    // Wrappers around operator new
03923    static void *new_TStreamerObjectPointer(void *p) {
03924       return  p ? new(p) ::TStreamerObjectPointer : new ::TStreamerObjectPointer;
03925    }
03926    static void *newArray_TStreamerObjectPointer(Long_t nElements, void *p) {
03927       return p ? new(p) ::TStreamerObjectPointer[nElements] : new ::TStreamerObjectPointer[nElements];
03928    }
03929    // Wrapper around operator delete
03930    static void delete_TStreamerObjectPointer(void *p) {
03931       delete ((::TStreamerObjectPointer*)p);
03932    }
03933    static void deleteArray_TStreamerObjectPointer(void *p) {
03934       delete [] ((::TStreamerObjectPointer*)p);
03935    }
03936    static void destruct_TStreamerObjectPointer(void *p) {
03937       typedef ::TStreamerObjectPointer current_t;
03938       ((current_t*)p)->~current_t();
03939    }
03940    // Wrapper around a custom streamer member function.
03941    static void streamer_TStreamerObjectPointer(TBuffer &buf, void *obj) {
03942       ((::TStreamerObjectPointer*)obj)->::TStreamerObjectPointer::Streamer(buf);
03943    }
03944 } // end of namespace ROOT for class ::TStreamerObjectPointer
03946 //______________________________________________________________________________
03947 void TStreamerObjectAnyPointer::ShowMembers(TMemberInspector &R__insp)
03948 {
03949       // Inspect the data members of an object of class TStreamerObjectAnyPointer.
03950       TClass *R__cl = ::TStreamerObjectAnyPointer::IsA();
03951       if (R__cl || R__insp.IsA()) { }
03952       TStreamerElement::ShowMembers(R__insp);
03953 }
03955 namespace ROOT {
03956    // Wrappers around operator new
03957    static void *new_TStreamerObjectAnyPointer(void *p) {
03958       return  p ? new(p) ::TStreamerObjectAnyPointer : new ::TStreamerObjectAnyPointer;
03959    }
03960    static void *newArray_TStreamerObjectAnyPointer(Long_t nElements, void *p) {
03961       return p ? new(p) ::TStreamerObjectAnyPointer[nElements] : new ::TStreamerObjectAnyPointer[nElements];
03962    }
03963    // Wrapper around operator delete
03964    static void delete_TStreamerObjectAnyPointer(void *p) {
03965       delete ((::TStreamerObjectAnyPointer*)p);
03966    }
03967    static void deleteArray_TStreamerObjectAnyPointer(void *p) {
03968       delete [] ((::TStreamerObjectAnyPointer*)p);
03969    }
03970    static void destruct_TStreamerObjectAnyPointer(void *p) {
03971       typedef ::TStreamerObjectAnyPointer current_t;
03972       ((current_t*)p)->~current_t();
03973    }
03974    // Wrapper around a custom streamer member function.
03975    static void streamer_TStreamerObjectAnyPointer(TBuffer &buf, void *obj) {
03976       ((::TStreamerObjectAnyPointer*)obj)->::TStreamerObjectAnyPointer::Streamer(buf);
03977    }
03978 } // end of namespace ROOT for class ::TStreamerObjectAnyPointer
03980 //______________________________________________________________________________
03981 void TStreamerString::ShowMembers(TMemberInspector &R__insp)
03982 {
03983       // Inspect the data members of an object of class TStreamerString.
03984       TClass *R__cl = ::TStreamerString::IsA();
03985       if (R__cl || R__insp.IsA()) { }
03986       TStreamerElement::ShowMembers(R__insp);
03987 }
03989 namespace ROOT {
03990    // Wrappers around operator new
03991    static void *new_TStreamerString(void *p) {
03992       return  p ? new(p) ::TStreamerString : new ::TStreamerString;
03993    }
03994    static void *newArray_TStreamerString(Long_t nElements, void *p) {
03995       return p ? new(p) ::TStreamerString[nElements] : new ::TStreamerString[nElements];
03996    }
03997    // Wrapper around operator delete
03998    static void delete_TStreamerString(void *p) {
03999       delete ((::TStreamerString*)p);
04000    }
04001    static void deleteArray_TStreamerString(void *p) {
04002       delete [] ((::TStreamerString*)p);
04003    }
04004    static void destruct_TStreamerString(void *p) {
04005       typedef ::TStreamerString current_t;
04006       ((current_t*)p)->~current_t();
04007    }
04008    // Wrapper around a custom streamer member function.
04009    static void streamer_TStreamerString(TBuffer &buf, void *obj) {
04010       ((::TStreamerString*)obj)->::TStreamerString::Streamer(buf);
04011    }
04012 } // end of namespace ROOT for class ::TStreamerString
04014 //______________________________________________________________________________
04015 void TStreamerSTL::ShowMembers(TMemberInspector &R__insp)
04016 {
04017       // Inspect the data members of an object of class TStreamerSTL.
04018       TClass *R__cl = ::TStreamerSTL::IsA();
04019       if (R__cl || R__insp.IsA()) { }
04020       R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fSTLtype", &fSTLtype);
04021       R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fCtype", &fCtype);
04022       TStreamerElement::ShowMembers(R__insp);
04023 }
04025 namespace ROOT {
04026    // Wrappers around operator new
04027    static void *new_TStreamerSTL(void *p) {
04028       return  p ? new(p) ::TStreamerSTL : new ::TStreamerSTL;
04029    }
04030    static void *newArray_TStreamerSTL(Long_t nElements, void *p) {
04031       return p ? new(p) ::TStreamerSTL[nElements] : new ::TStreamerSTL[nElements];
04032    }
04033    // Wrapper around operator delete
04034    static void delete_TStreamerSTL(void *p) {
04035       delete ((::TStreamerSTL*)p);
04036    }
04037    static void deleteArray_TStreamerSTL(void *p) {
04038       delete [] ((::TStreamerSTL*)p);
04039    }
04040    static void destruct_TStreamerSTL(void *p) {
04041       typedef ::TStreamerSTL current_t;
04042       ((current_t*)p)->~current_t();
04043    }
04044    // Wrapper around a custom streamer member function.
04045    static void streamer_TStreamerSTL(TBuffer &buf, void *obj) {
04046       ((::TStreamerSTL*)obj)->::TStreamerSTL::Streamer(buf);
04047    }
04048 } // end of namespace ROOT for class ::TStreamerSTL
04050 //______________________________________________________________________________
04051 void TStreamerSTLstring::ShowMembers(TMemberInspector &R__insp)
04052 {
04053       // Inspect the data members of an object of class TStreamerSTLstring.
04054       TClass *R__cl = ::TStreamerSTLstring::IsA();
04055       if (R__cl || R__insp.IsA()) { }
04056       TStreamerSTL::ShowMembers(R__insp);
04057 }
04059 namespace ROOT {
04060    // Wrappers around operator new
04061    static void *new_TStreamerSTLstring(void *p) {
04062       return  p ? new(p) ::TStreamerSTLstring : new ::TStreamerSTLstring;
04063    }
04064    static void *newArray_TStreamerSTLstring(Long_t nElements, void *p) {
04065       return p ? new(p) ::TStreamerSTLstring[nElements] : new ::TStreamerSTLstring[nElements];
04066    }
04067    // Wrapper around operator delete
04068    static void delete_TStreamerSTLstring(void *p) {
04069       delete ((::TStreamerSTLstring*)p);
04070    }
04071    static void deleteArray_TStreamerSTLstring(void *p) {
04072       delete [] ((::TStreamerSTLstring*)p);
04073    }
04074    static void destruct_TStreamerSTLstring(void *p) {
04075       typedef ::TStreamerSTLstring current_t;
04076       ((current_t*)p)->~current_t();
04077    }
04078    // Wrapper around a custom streamer member function.
04079    static void streamer_TStreamerSTLstring(TBuffer &buf, void *obj) {
04080       ((::TStreamerSTLstring*)obj)->::TStreamerSTLstring::Streamer(buf);
04081    }
04082 } // end of namespace ROOT for class ::TStreamerSTLstring
04084 //______________________________________________________________________________
04085 void TStreamerElement::ShowMembers(TMemberInspector &R__insp)
04086 {
04087       // Inspect the data members of an object of class TStreamerElement.
04088       TClass *R__cl = ::TStreamerElement::IsA();
04089       if (R__cl || R__insp.IsA()) { }
04090       R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fType", &fType);
04091       R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fSize", &fSize);
04092       R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fArrayLength", &fArrayLength);
04093       R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fArrayDim", &fArrayDim);
04094       R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fMaxIndex[5]", fMaxIndex);
04095       R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fOffset", &fOffset);
04096       R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fTObjectOffset", &fTObjectOffset);
04097       R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fNewType", &fNewType);
04098       R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fTypeName", &fTypeName);
04099       R__insp.InspectMember(fTypeName, "fTypeName.");
04100       R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fClassObject", &fClassObject);
04101       R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fNewClass", &fNewClass);
04102       R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fStreamer", &fStreamer);
04103       R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fXmin", &fXmin);
04104       R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fXmax", &fXmax);
04105       R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fFactor", &fFactor);
04106       TNamed::ShowMembers(R__insp);
04107 }
04109 namespace ROOT {
04110    // Wrappers around operator new
04111    static void *new_TStreamerElement(void *p) {
04112       return  p ? new(p) ::TStreamerElement : new ::TStreamerElement;
04113    }
04114    static void *newArray_TStreamerElement(Long_t nElements, void *p) {
04115       return p ? new(p) ::TStreamerElement[nElements] : new ::TStreamerElement[nElements];
04116    }
04117    // Wrapper around operator delete
04118    static void delete_TStreamerElement(void *p) {
04119       delete ((::TStreamerElement*)p);
04120    }
04121    static void deleteArray_TStreamerElement(void *p) {
04122       delete [] ((::TStreamerElement*)p);
04123    }
04124    static void destruct_TStreamerElement(void *p) {
04125       typedef ::TStreamerElement current_t;
04126       ((current_t*)p)->~current_t();
04127    }
04128    // Wrapper around a custom streamer member function.
04129    static void streamer_TStreamerElement(TBuffer &buf, void *obj) {
04130       ((::TStreamerElement*)obj)->::TStreamerElement::Streamer(buf);
04131    }
04132 } // end of namespace ROOT for class ::TStreamerElement
04134 //______________________________________________________________________________
04135 void TToggle::Streamer(TBuffer &R__b)
04136 {
04137    // Stream an object of class TToggle.
04139    TNamed::Streamer(R__b);
04140 }
04142 //______________________________________________________________________________
04143 void TToggle::ShowMembers(TMemberInspector &R__insp)
04144 {
04145       // Inspect the data members of an object of class TToggle.
04146       TClass *R__cl = ::TToggle::IsA();
04147       if (R__cl || R__insp.IsA()) { }
04148       R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fState", &fState);
04149       R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fOnValue", &fOnValue);
04150       R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fOffValue", &fOffValue);
04151       R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fValue", &fValue);
04152       R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "fInitialized", &fInitialized);
04153       R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fObject", &fObject);
04154       R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fGetter", &fGetter);
04155       R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fSetter", &fSetter);
04156       R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fTglVariable", &fTglVariable);
04157       TNamed::ShowMembers(R__insp);
04158 }
04160 namespace ROOT {
04161    // Wrappers around operator new
04162    static void *new_TToggle(void *p) {
04163       return  p ? new(p) ::TToggle : new ::TToggle;
04164    }
04165    static void *newArray_TToggle(Long_t nElements, void *p) {
04166       return p ? new(p) ::TToggle[nElements] : new ::TToggle[nElements];
04167    }
04168    // Wrapper around operator delete
04169    static void delete_TToggle(void *p) {
04170       delete ((::TToggle*)p);
04171    }
04172    static void deleteArray_TToggle(void *p) {
04173       delete [] ((::TToggle*)p);
04174    }
04175    static void destruct_TToggle(void *p) {
04176       typedef ::TToggle current_t;
04177       ((current_t*)p)->~current_t();
04178    }
04179    // Wrapper around a custom streamer member function.
04180    static void streamer_TToggle(TBuffer &buf, void *obj) {
04181       ((::TToggle*)obj)->::TToggle::Streamer(buf);
04182    }
04183 } // end of namespace ROOT for class ::TToggle
04185 //______________________________________________________________________________
04186 void TToggleGroup::Streamer(TBuffer &R__b)
04187 {
04188    // Stream an object of class TToggleGroup.
04190    TNamed::Streamer(R__b);
04191 }
04193 //______________________________________________________________________________
04194 void TToggleGroup::ShowMembers(TMemberInspector &R__insp)
04195 {
04196       // Inspect the data members of an object of class TToggleGroup.
04197       TClass *R__cl = ::TToggleGroup::IsA();
04198       if (R__cl || R__insp.IsA()) { }
04199       R__insp.Inspect(R__cl, R__insp.GetParent(), "*fToggles", &fToggles);
04200       TNamed::ShowMembers(R__insp);
04201 }
04203 namespace ROOT {
04204    // Wrappers around operator new
04205    static void *new_TToggleGroup(void *p) {
04206       return  p ? new(p) ::TToggleGroup : new ::TToggleGroup;
04207    }
04208    static void *newArray_TToggleGroup(Long_t nElements, void *p) {
04209       return p ? new(p) ::TToggleGroup[nElements] : new ::TToggleGroup[nElements];
04210    }
04211    // Wrapper around operator delete
04212    static void delete_TToggleGroup(void *p) {
04213       delete ((::TToggleGroup*)p);
04214    }
04215    static void deleteArray_TToggleGroup(void *p) {
04216       delete [] ((::TToggleGroup*)p);
04217    }
04218    static void destruct_TToggleGroup(void *p) {
04219       typedef ::TToggleGroup current_t;
04220       ((current_t*)p)->~current_t();
04221    }
04222    // Wrapper around a custom streamer member function.
04223    static void streamer_TToggleGroup(TBuffer &buf, void *obj) {
04224       ((::TToggleGroup*)obj)->::TToggleGroup::Streamer(buf);
04225    }
04226 } // end of namespace ROOT for class ::TToggleGroup
04228 namespace ROOT {
04229    void vectorlEpairlEintcOintgRsPgR_ShowMembers(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp);
04230    static void vectorlEpairlEintcOintgRsPgR_Dictionary();
04231    static void *new_vectorlEpairlEintcOintgRsPgR(void *p = 0);
04232    static void *newArray_vectorlEpairlEintcOintgRsPgR(Long_t size, void *p);
04233    static void delete_vectorlEpairlEintcOintgRsPgR(void *p);
04234    static void deleteArray_vectorlEpairlEintcOintgRsPgR(void *p);
04235    static void destruct_vectorlEpairlEintcOintgRsPgR(void *p);
04237    // Function generating the singleton type initializer
04238    static TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstanceLocal(const vector<pair<int,int> >*)
04239    {
04240       vector<pair<int,int> > *ptr = 0;
04241       static ::TVirtualIsAProxy* isa_proxy = new ::TIsAProxy(typeid(vector<pair<int,int> >),0);
04242       static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo 
04243          instance("vector<pair<int,int> >", -2, "prec_stl/vector", 49,
04244                   typeid(vector<pair<int,int> >), DefineBehavior(ptr, ptr),
04245                   0, &vectorlEpairlEintcOintgRsPgR_Dictionary, isa_proxy, 4,
04246                   sizeof(vector<pair<int,int> >) );
04247       instance.SetNew(&new_vectorlEpairlEintcOintgRsPgR);
04248       instance.SetNewArray(&newArray_vectorlEpairlEintcOintgRsPgR);
04249       instance.SetDelete(&delete_vectorlEpairlEintcOintgRsPgR);
04250       instance.SetDeleteArray(&deleteArray_vectorlEpairlEintcOintgRsPgR);
04251       instance.SetDestructor(&destruct_vectorlEpairlEintcOintgRsPgR);
04252       instance.AdoptCollectionProxyInfo(TCollectionProxyInfo::Generate(TCollectionProxyInfo::Pushback< vector<pair<int,int> > >()));
04253       return &instance;
04254    }
04255    // Static variable to force the class initialization
04256    static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo *_R__UNIQUE_(Init) = GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const vector<pair<int,int> >*)0x0); R__UseDummy(_R__UNIQUE_(Init));
04258    // Dictionary for non-ClassDef classes
04259    static void vectorlEpairlEintcOintgRsPgR_Dictionary() {
04260       ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const vector<pair<int,int> >*)0x0)->GetClass();
04261    }
04263 } // end of namespace ROOT
04265 namespace ROOT {
04266    // Wrappers around operator new
04267    static void *new_vectorlEpairlEintcOintgRsPgR(void *p) {
04268       return  p ? ::new((::ROOT::TOperatorNewHelper*)p) vector<pair<int,int> > : new vector<pair<int,int> >;
04269    }
04270    static void *newArray_vectorlEpairlEintcOintgRsPgR(Long_t nElements, void *p) {
04271       return p ? ::new((::ROOT::TOperatorNewHelper*)p) vector<pair<int,int> >[nElements] : new vector<pair<int,int> >[nElements];
04272    }
04273    // Wrapper around operator delete
04274    static void delete_vectorlEpairlEintcOintgRsPgR(void *p) {
04275       delete ((vector<pair<int,int> >*)p);
04276    }
04277    static void deleteArray_vectorlEpairlEintcOintgRsPgR(void *p) {
04278       delete [] ((vector<pair<int,int> >*)p);
04279    }
04280    static void destruct_vectorlEpairlEintcOintgRsPgR(void *p) {
04281       typedef vector<pair<int,int> > current_t;
04282       ((current_t*)p)->~current_t();
04283    }
04284 } // end of namespace ROOT for class vector<pair<int,int> >
04286 /********************************************************
04287 * core/meta/src/G__Meta.cxx
04289 *          FROM HEADER FILES LISTED IN G__setup_cpp_environmentXXX().
04291 ********************************************************/
04293 #ifdef G__MEMTEST
04294 #undef malloc
04295 #undef free
04296 #endif
04298 #if defined(__GNUC__) && __GNUC__ >= 4 && ((__GNUC_MINOR__ == 2 && __GNUC_PATCHLEVEL__ >= 1) || (__GNUC_MINOR__ >= 3))
04299 #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wstrict-aliasing"
04300 #endif
04302 extern "C" void G__cpp_reset_tagtableG__Meta();
04304 extern "C" void G__set_cpp_environmentG__Meta() {
04305   G__add_compiledheader("TObject.h");
04306   G__add_compiledheader("TMemberInspector.h");
04307   G__add_compiledheader("TBaseClass.h");
04308   G__add_compiledheader("TClassGenerator.h");
04309   G__add_compiledheader("TClass.h");
04310   G__add_compiledheader("TClassMenuItem.h");
04311   G__add_compiledheader("TClassRef.h");
04312   G__add_compiledheader("TClassStreamer.h");
04313   G__add_compiledheader("TDataMember.h");
04314   G__add_compiledheader("TDataType.h");
04315   G__add_compiledheader("TDictionary.h");
04316   G__add_compiledheader("TFunction.h");
04317   G__add_compiledheader("TGenericClassInfo.h");
04318   G__add_compiledheader("TGlobal.h");
04319   G__add_compiledheader("TInterpreter.h");
04320   G__add_compiledheader("TIsAProxy.h");
04321   G__add_compiledheader("TMemberStreamer.h");
04322   G__add_compiledheader("TMethodArg.h");
04323   G__add_compiledheader("TMethodCall.h");
04324   G__add_compiledheader("TMethod.h");
04325   G__add_compiledheader("TRealData.h");
04326   G__add_compiledheader("TSchemaHelper.h");
04327   G__add_compiledheader("TSchemaRule.h");
04328   G__add_compiledheader("TSchemaRuleSet.h");
04329   G__add_compiledheader("TStreamerElement.h");
04330   G__add_compiledheader("TStreamer.h");
04331   G__add_compiledheader("TToggleGroup.h");
04332   G__add_compiledheader("TToggle.h");
04333   G__add_compiledheader("TVirtualIsAProxy.h");
04334   G__add_compiledheader("TVirtualRefProxy.h");
04335   G__add_compiledheader("TVirtualStreamerInfo.h");
04336   G__cpp_reset_tagtableG__Meta();
04337 }
04338 #include <new>
04339 extern "C" int G__cpp_dllrevG__Meta() { return(30051515); }
04341 /*********************************************************
04342 * Member function Interface Method
04343 *********************************************************/
04345 /* TClass */
04346 static int G__G__Meta_6_0_19(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
04347 {
04348    TClass* p = NULL;
04349    char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
04350    int n = G__getaryconstruct();
04351    if (n) {
04352      if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
04353        p = new TClass[n];
04354      } else {
04355        p = new((void*) gvp) TClass[n];
04356      }
04357    } else {
04358      if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
04359        p = new TClass;
04360      } else {
04361        p = new((void*) gvp) TClass;
04362      }
04363    }
04364    result7->obj.i = (long) p;
04365    result7->ref = (long) p;
04366    G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClass));
04367    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
04368 }
04370 static int G__G__Meta_6_0_20(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
04371 {
04372    TClass* p = NULL;
04373    char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
04374    switch (libp->paran) {
04375    case 2:
04376      //m: 2
04377      if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
04378        p = new TClass((const char*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Bool_t) G__int(libp->para[1]));
04379      } else {
04380        p = new((void*) gvp) TClass((const char*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Bool_t) G__int(libp->para[1]));
04381      }
04382      break;
04383    case 1:
04384      //m: 1
04385      if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
04386        p = new TClass((const char*) G__int(libp->para[0]));
04387      } else {
04388        p = new((void*) gvp) TClass((const char*) G__int(libp->para[0]));
04389      }
04390      break;
04391    }
04392    result7->obj.i = (long) p;
04393    result7->ref = (long) p;
04394    G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClass));
04395    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
04396 }
04398 static int G__G__Meta_6_0_21(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
04399 {
04400    TClass* p = NULL;
04401    char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
04402    switch (libp->paran) {
04403    case 7:
04404      //m: 7
04405      if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
04406        p = new TClass(
04407 (const char*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Version_t) G__int(libp->para[1])
04408 , (const char*) G__int(libp->para[2]), (const char*) G__int(libp->para[3])
04409 , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[4]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[5])
04410 , (Bool_t) G__int(libp->para[6]));
04411      } else {
04412        p = new((void*) gvp) TClass(
04413 (const char*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Version_t) G__int(libp->para[1])
04414 , (const char*) G__int(libp->para[2]), (const char*) G__int(libp->para[3])
04415 , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[4]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[5])
04416 , (Bool_t) G__int(libp->para[6]));
04417      }
04418      break;
04419    case 6:
04420      //m: 6
04421      if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
04422        p = new TClass(
04423 (const char*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Version_t) G__int(libp->para[1])
04424 , (const char*) G__int(libp->para[2]), (const char*) G__int(libp->para[3])
04425 , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[4]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[5]));
04426      } else {
04427        p = new((void*) gvp) TClass(
04428 (const char*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Version_t) G__int(libp->para[1])
04429 , (const char*) G__int(libp->para[2]), (const char*) G__int(libp->para[3])
04430 , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[4]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[5]));
04431      }
04432      break;
04433    case 5:
04434      //m: 5
04435      if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
04436        p = new TClass(
04437 (const char*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Version_t) G__int(libp->para[1])
04438 , (const char*) G__int(libp->para[2]), (const char*) G__int(libp->para[3])
04439 , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[4]));
04440      } else {
04441        p = new((void*) gvp) TClass(
04442 (const char*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Version_t) G__int(libp->para[1])
04443 , (const char*) G__int(libp->para[2]), (const char*) G__int(libp->para[3])
04444 , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[4]));
04445      }
04446      break;
04447    case 4:
04448      //m: 4
04449      if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
04450        p = new TClass(
04451 (const char*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Version_t) G__int(libp->para[1])
04452 , (const char*) G__int(libp->para[2]), (const char*) G__int(libp->para[3]));
04453      } else {
04454        p = new((void*) gvp) TClass(
04455 (const char*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Version_t) G__int(libp->para[1])
04456 , (const char*) G__int(libp->para[2]), (const char*) G__int(libp->para[3]));
04457      }
04458      break;
04459    case 3:
04460      //m: 3
04461      if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
04462        p = new TClass(
04463 (const char*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Version_t) G__int(libp->para[1])
04464 , (const char*) G__int(libp->para[2]));
04465      } else {
04466        p = new((void*) gvp) TClass(
04467 (const char*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Version_t) G__int(libp->para[1])
04468 , (const char*) G__int(libp->para[2]));
04469      }
04470      break;
04471    case 2:
04472      //m: 2
04473      if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
04474        p = new TClass((const char*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Version_t) G__int(libp->para[1]));
04475      } else {
04476        p = new((void*) gvp) TClass((const char*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Version_t) G__int(libp->para[1]));
04477      }
04478      break;
04479    }
04480    result7->obj.i = (long) p;
04481    result7->ref = (long) p;
04482    G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClass));
04483    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
04484 }
04486 static int G__G__Meta_6_0_22(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
04487 {
04488    TClass* p = NULL;
04489    char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
04490    switch (libp->paran) {
04491    case 10:
04492      //m: 10
04493      if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
04494        p = new TClass(
04495 (const char*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Version_t) G__int(libp->para[1])
04496 , *(type_info*) libp->para[2].ref, (TVirtualIsAProxy*) G__int(libp->para[3])
04497 , (ShowMembersFunc_t) G__int(libp->para[4]), (const char*) G__int(libp->para[5])
04498 , (const char*) G__int(libp->para[6]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[7])
04499 , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[8]), (Bool_t) G__int(libp->para[9]));
04500      } else {
04501        p = new((void*) gvp) TClass(
04502 (const char*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Version_t) G__int(libp->para[1])
04503 , *(type_info*) libp->para[2].ref, (TVirtualIsAProxy*) G__int(libp->para[3])
04504 , (ShowMembersFunc_t) G__int(libp->para[4]), (const char*) G__int(libp->para[5])
04505 , (const char*) G__int(libp->para[6]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[7])
04506 , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[8]), (Bool_t) G__int(libp->para[9]));
04507      }
04508      break;
04509    case 9:
04510      //m: 9
04511      if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
04512        p = new TClass(
04513 (const char*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Version_t) G__int(libp->para[1])
04514 , *(type_info*) libp->para[2].ref, (TVirtualIsAProxy*) G__int(libp->para[3])
04515 , (ShowMembersFunc_t) G__int(libp->para[4]), (const char*) G__int(libp->para[5])
04516 , (const char*) G__int(libp->para[6]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[7])
04517 , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[8]));
04518      } else {
04519        p = new((void*) gvp) TClass(
04520 (const char*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Version_t) G__int(libp->para[1])
04521 , *(type_info*) libp->para[2].ref, (TVirtualIsAProxy*) G__int(libp->para[3])
04522 , (ShowMembersFunc_t) G__int(libp->para[4]), (const char*) G__int(libp->para[5])
04523 , (const char*) G__int(libp->para[6]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[7])
04524 , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[8]));
04525      }
04526      break;
04527    }
04528    result7->obj.i = (long) p;
04529    result7->ref = (long) p;
04530    G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClass));
04531    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
04532 }
04534 static int G__G__Meta_6_0_23(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
04535 {
04536    switch (libp->paran) {
04537    case 1:
04538       ((TClass*) G__getstructoffset())->AddInstance((Bool_t) G__int(libp->para[0]));
04539       G__setnull(result7);
04540       break;
04541    case 0:
04542       ((TClass*) G__getstructoffset())->AddInstance();
04543       G__setnull(result7);
04544       break;
04545    }
04546    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
04547 }
04549 static int G__G__Meta_6_0_24(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
04550 {
04551       ((TClass*) G__getstructoffset())->AddImplFile((const char*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (int) G__int(libp->para[1]));
04552       G__setnull(result7);
04553    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
04554 }
04556 static int G__G__Meta_6_0_25(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
04557 {
04558       ((TClass*) G__getstructoffset())->AddRef((TClassRef*) G__int(libp->para[0]));
04559       G__setnull(result7);
04560    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
04561 }
04563 static int G__G__Meta_6_0_26(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
04564 {
04565       G__letint(result7, 103, (long) TClass::AddRule((const char*) G__int(libp->para[0])));
04566    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
04567 }
04569 static int G__G__Meta_6_0_27(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
04570 {
04571       G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TClass::ReadRules((const char*) G__int(libp->para[0])));
04572    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
04573 }
04575 static int G__G__Meta_6_0_28(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
04576 {
04577       G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TClass::ReadRules());
04578    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
04579 }
04581 static int G__G__Meta_6_0_29(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
04582 {
04583       ((TClass*) G__getstructoffset())->AdoptSchemaRules((ROOT::TSchemaRuleSet*) G__int(libp->para[0]));
04584       G__setnull(result7);
04585    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
04586 }
04588 static int G__G__Meta_6_0_31(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
04589 {
04590    switch (libp->paran) {
04591    case 2:
04592       ((TClass*) G__getstructoffset())->BuildRealData((void*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Bool_t) G__int(libp->para[1]));
04593       G__setnull(result7);
04594       break;
04595    case 1:
04596       ((TClass*) G__getstructoffset())->BuildRealData((void*) G__int(libp->para[0]));
04597       G__setnull(result7);
04598       break;
04599    case 0:
04600       ((TClass*) G__getstructoffset())->BuildRealData();
04601       G__setnull(result7);
04602       break;
04603    }
04604    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
04605 }
04607 static int G__G__Meta_6_0_32(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
04608 {
04609       ((TClass*) G__getstructoffset())->BuildEmulatedRealData((const char*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Long_t) G__int(libp->para[1])
04610 , (TClass*) G__int(libp->para[2]));
04611       G__setnull(result7);
04612    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
04613 }
04615 static int G__G__Meta_6_0_33(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
04616 {
04617       ((const TClass*) G__getstructoffset())->CalculateStreamerOffset();
04618       G__setnull(result7);
04619    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
04620 }
04622 static int G__G__Meta_6_0_34(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
04623 {
04624    switch (libp->paran) {
04625    case 3:
04626       G__letint(result7, 103, (long) ((const TClass*) G__getstructoffset())->CallShowMembers((void*) G__int(libp->para[0]), *(TMemberInspector*) libp->para[1].ref
04627 , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[2])));
04628       break;
04629    case 2:
04630       G__letint(result7, 103, (long) ((const TClass*) G__getstructoffset())->CallShowMembers((void*) G__int(libp->para[0]), *(TMemberInspector*) libp->para[1].ref));
04631       break;
04632    }
04633    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
04634 }
04636 static int G__G__Meta_6_0_35(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
04637 {
04638       G__letint(result7, 103, (long) ((const TClass*) G__getstructoffset())->CanSplit());
04639    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
04640 }
04642 static int G__G__Meta_6_0_36(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
04643 {
04644       G__letint(result7, 103, (long) ((TClass*) G__getstructoffset())->CanIgnoreTObjectStreamer());
04645    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
04646 }
04648 static int G__G__Meta_6_0_38(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
04649 {
04650       ((TClass*) G__getstructoffset())->CopyCollectionProxy(*(TVirtualCollectionProxy*) libp->para[0].ref);
04651       G__setnull(result7);
04652    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
04653 }
04655 static int G__G__Meta_6_0_41(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
04656 {
04657       ((const TClass*) G__getstructoffset())->Dump((void*) G__int(libp->para[0]));
04658       G__setnull(result7);
04659    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
04660 }
04662 static int G__G__Meta_6_0_42(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
04663 {
04664       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) ((const TClass*) G__getstructoffset())->EscapeChars((const char*) G__int(libp->para[0])));
04665    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
04666 }
04668 static int G__G__Meta_6_0_43(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
04669 {
04670       G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ((const TClass*) G__getstructoffset())->FindStreamerInfo((UInt_t) G__int(libp->para[0])));
04671    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
04672 }
04674 static int G__G__Meta_6_0_44(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
04675 {
04676       G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ((const TClass*) G__getstructoffset())->GetConversionStreamerInfo((const char*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1])));
04677    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
04678 }
04680 static int G__G__Meta_6_0_45(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
04681 {
04682       G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ((const TClass*) G__getstructoffset())->FindConversionStreamerInfo((const char*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (UInt_t) G__int(libp->para[1])));
04683    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
04684 }
04686 static int G__G__Meta_6_0_46(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
04687 {
04688       G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ((const TClass*) G__getstructoffset())->GetConversionStreamerInfo((TClass*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1])));
04689    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
04690 }
04692 static int G__G__Meta_6_0_47(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
04693 {
04694       G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ((const TClass*) G__getstructoffset())->FindConversionStreamerInfo((TClass*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (UInt_t) G__int(libp->para[1])));
04695    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
04696 }
04698 static int G__G__Meta_6_0_48(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
04699 {
04700       G__letint(result7, 103, (long) ((const TClass*) G__getstructoffset())->HasDefaultConstructor());
04701    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
04702 }
04704 static int G__G__Meta_6_0_49(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
04705 {
04706    switch (libp->paran) {
04707    case 1:
04708       G__letint(result7, 104, (long) ((const TClass*) G__getstructoffset())->GetCheckSum((UInt_t) G__int(libp->para[0])));
04709       break;
04710    case 0:
04711       G__letint(result7, 104, (long) ((const TClass*) G__getstructoffset())->GetCheckSum());
04712       break;
04713    }
04714    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
04715 }
04717 static int G__G__Meta_6_0_50(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
04718 {
04719       G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ((const TClass*) G__getstructoffset())->GetCollectionProxy());
04720    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
04721 }
04723 static int G__G__Meta_6_0_51(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
04724 {
04725       G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ((const TClass*) G__getstructoffset())->GetIsAProxy());
04726    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
04727 }
04729 static int G__G__Meta_6_0_52(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
04730 {
04731       G__letint(result7, 115, (long) ((const TClass*) G__getstructoffset())->GetClassVersion());
04732    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
04733 }
04735 static int G__G__Meta_6_0_53(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
04736 {
04737       G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ((const TClass*) G__getstructoffset())->GetDataMember((const char*) G__int(libp->para[0])));
04738    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
04739 }
04741 static int G__G__Meta_6_0_54(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
04742 {
04743       G__letint(result7, 108, (long) ((const TClass*) G__getstructoffset())->GetDataMemberOffset((const char*) G__int(libp->para[0])));
04744    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
04745 }
04747 static int G__G__Meta_6_0_55(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
04748 {
04749       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) ((const TClass*) G__getstructoffset())->GetDeclFileName());
04750    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
04751 }
04753 static int G__G__Meta_6_0_56(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
04754 {
04755       G__letint(result7, 115, (long) ((const TClass*) G__getstructoffset())->GetDeclFileLine());
04756    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
04757 }
04759 static int G__G__Meta_6_0_57(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
04760 {
04761       G__letint(result7, 89, (long) ((const TClass*) G__getstructoffset())->GetDelete());
04762    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
04763 }
04765 static int G__G__Meta_6_0_58(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
04766 {
04767       G__letint(result7, 89, (long) ((const TClass*) G__getstructoffset())->GetDestructor());
04768    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
04769 }
04771 static int G__G__Meta_6_0_59(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
04772 {
04773       G__letint(result7, 89, (long) ((const TClass*) G__getstructoffset())->GetDeleteArray());
04774    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
04775 }
04777 static int G__G__Meta_6_0_60(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
04778 {
04779       G__letint(result7, 89, (long) ((const TClass*) G__getstructoffset())->GetClassInfo());
04780    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
04781 }
04783 static int G__G__Meta_6_0_61(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
04784 {
04785       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) ((const TClass*) G__getstructoffset())->GetContextMenuTitle());
04786    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
04787 }
04789 static int G__G__Meta_6_0_62(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
04790 {
04791       G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ((TClass*) G__getstructoffset())->GetCurrentStreamerInfo());
04792    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
04793 }
04795 static int G__G__Meta_6_0_63(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
04796 {
04797       G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ((TClass*) G__getstructoffset())->GetListOfDataMembers());
04798    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
04799 }
04801 static int G__G__Meta_6_0_64(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
04802 {
04803       G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ((TClass*) G__getstructoffset())->GetListOfBases());
04804    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
04805 }
04807 static int G__G__Meta_6_0_65(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
04808 {
04809       G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ((TClass*) G__getstructoffset())->GetListOfMethods());
04810    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
04811 }
04813 static int G__G__Meta_6_0_66(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
04814 {
04815       G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ((const TClass*) G__getstructoffset())->GetListOfRealData());
04816    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
04817 }
04819 static int G__G__Meta_6_0_67(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
04820 {
04821       G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ((TClass*) G__getstructoffset())->GetListOfAllPublicMethods());
04822    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
04823 }
04825 static int G__G__Meta_6_0_68(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
04826 {
04827       G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ((TClass*) G__getstructoffset())->GetListOfAllPublicDataMembers());
04828    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
04829 }
04831 static int G__G__Meta_6_0_69(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
04832 {
04833       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) ((const TClass*) G__getstructoffset())->GetImplFileName());
04834    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
04835 }
04837 static int G__G__Meta_6_0_70(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
04838 {
04839       G__letint(result7, 115, (long) ((const TClass*) G__getstructoffset())->GetImplFileLine());
04840    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
04841 }
04843 static int G__G__Meta_6_0_71(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
04844 {
04845       G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ((const TClass*) G__getstructoffset())->GetActualClass((void*) G__int(libp->para[0])));
04846    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
04847 }
04849 static int G__G__Meta_6_0_72(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
04850 {
04851       G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ((TClass*) G__getstructoffset())->GetBaseClass((const char*) G__int(libp->para[0])));
04852    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
04853 }
04855 static int G__G__Meta_6_0_73(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
04856 {
04857       G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ((TClass*) G__getstructoffset())->GetBaseClass((TClass*) G__int(libp->para[0])));
04858    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
04859 }
04861 static int G__G__Meta_6_0_74(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
04862 {
04863       G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((TClass*) G__getstructoffset())->GetBaseClassOffset((TClass*) G__int(libp->para[0])));
04864    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
04865 }
04867 static int G__G__Meta_6_0_75(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
04868 {
04869       G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ((TClass*) G__getstructoffset())->GetBaseDataMember((const char*) G__int(libp->para[0])));
04870    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
04871 }
04873 static int G__G__Meta_6_0_76(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
04874 {
04875       G__letint(result7, 89, (long) ((const TClass*) G__getstructoffset())->GetDirectoryAutoAdd());
04876    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
04877 }
04879 static int G__G__Meta_6_0_77(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
04880 {
04881       G__letint(result7, 104, (long) ((const TClass*) G__getstructoffset())->GetInstanceCount());
04882    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
04883 }
04885 static int G__G__Meta_6_0_78(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
04886 {
04887       G__letint(result7, 104, (long) ((const TClass*) G__getstructoffset())->GetHeapInstanceCount());
04888    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
04889 }
04891 static int G__G__Meta_6_0_79(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
04892 {
04893       ((TClass*) G__getstructoffset())->GetMenuItems((TList*) G__int(libp->para[0]));
04894       G__setnull(result7);
04895    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
04896 }
04898 static int G__G__Meta_6_0_80(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
04899 {
04900       G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ((const TClass*) G__getstructoffset())->GetMenuList());
04901    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
04902 }
04904 static int G__G__Meta_6_0_81(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
04905 {
04906       G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ((TClass*) G__getstructoffset())->GetMethod((const char*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (const char*) G__int(libp->para[1])));
04907    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
04908 }
04910 static int G__G__Meta_6_0_82(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
04911 {
04912       G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ((TClass*) G__getstructoffset())->GetMethodWithPrototype((const char*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (const char*) G__int(libp->para[1])));
04913    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
04914 }
04916 static int G__G__Meta_6_0_83(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
04917 {
04918       G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ((TClass*) G__getstructoffset())->GetMethodAny((const char*) G__int(libp->para[0])));
04919    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
04920 }
04922 static int G__G__Meta_6_0_84(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
04923 {
04924       G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ((TClass*) G__getstructoffset())->GetMethodAllAny((const char*) G__int(libp->para[0])));
04925    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
04926 }
04928 static int G__G__Meta_6_0_85(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
04929 {
04930       G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((TClass*) G__getstructoffset())->GetNdata());
04931    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
04932 }
04934 static int G__G__Meta_6_0_86(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
04935 {
04936       G__letint(result7, 89, (long) ((const TClass*) G__getstructoffset())->GetNew());
04937    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
04938 }
04940 static int G__G__Meta_6_0_87(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
04941 {
04942       G__letint(result7, 89, (long) ((const TClass*) G__getstructoffset())->GetNewArray());
04943    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
04944 }
04946 static int G__G__Meta_6_0_88(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
04947 {
04948       G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((TClass*) G__getstructoffset())->GetNmethods());
04949    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
04950 }
04952 static int G__G__Meta_6_0_89(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
04953 {
04954       G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ((const TClass*) G__getstructoffset())->GetRealData((const char*) G__int(libp->para[0])));
04955    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
04956 }
04958 static int G__G__Meta_6_0_90(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
04959 {
04960       G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ((const TClass*) G__getstructoffset())->GetReferenceProxy());
04961    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
04962 }
04964 static int G__G__Meta_6_0_91(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
04965 {
04966       G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ((const TClass*) G__getstructoffset())->GetSchemaRules());
04967    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
04968 }
04970 static int G__G__Meta_6_0_92(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
04971 {
04972    switch (libp->paran) {
04973    case 1:
04974       G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ((TClass*) G__getstructoffset())->GetSchemaRules((Bool_t) G__int(libp->para[0])));
04975       break;
04976    case 0:
04977       G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ((TClass*) G__getstructoffset())->GetSchemaRules());
04978       break;
04979    }
04980    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
04981 }
04983 static int G__G__Meta_6_0_93(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
04984 {
04985       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) ((TClass*) G__getstructoffset())->GetSharedLibs());
04986    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
04987 }
04989 static int G__G__Meta_6_0_94(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
04990 {
04991       G__letint(result7, 89, (long) ((const TClass*) G__getstructoffset())->GetShowMembersWrapper());
04992    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
04993 }
04995 static int G__G__Meta_6_0_95(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
04996 {
04997       G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ((const TClass*) G__getstructoffset())->GetStreamer());
04998    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
04999 }
05001 static int G__G__Meta_6_0_96(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
05002 {
05003       G__letint(result7, 89, (long) ((const TClass*) G__getstructoffset())->GetStreamerFunc());
05004    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
05005 }
05007 static int G__G__Meta_6_0_97(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
05008 {
05009       G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ((const TClass*) G__getstructoffset())->GetStreamerInfos());
05010    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
05011 }
05013 static int G__G__Meta_6_0_98(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
05014 {
05015    switch (libp->paran) {
05016    case 1:
05017       G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ((const TClass*) G__getstructoffset())->GetStreamerInfo((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0])));
05018       break;
05019    case 0:
05020       G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ((const TClass*) G__getstructoffset())->GetStreamerInfo());
05021       break;
05022    }
05023    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
05024 }
05026 static int G__G__Meta_6_0_99(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
05027 {
05028       G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ((const TClass*) G__getstructoffset())->GetTypeInfo());
05029    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
05030 }
05032 static int G__G__Meta_6_0_100(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
05033 {
05034    switch (libp->paran) {
05035    case 1:
05036       ((TClass*) G__getstructoffset())->IgnoreTObjectStreamer((Bool_t) G__int(libp->para[0]));
05037       G__setnull(result7);
05038       break;
05039    case 0:
05040       ((TClass*) G__getstructoffset())->IgnoreTObjectStreamer();
05041       G__setnull(result7);
05042       break;
05043    }
05044    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
05045 }
05047 static int G__G__Meta_6_0_103(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
05048 {
05049       ((TClass*) G__getstructoffset())->InterpretedShowMembers((void*) G__int(libp->para[0]), *(TMemberInspector*) libp->para[1].ref);
05050       G__setnull(result7);
05051    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
05052 }
05054 static int G__G__Meta_6_0_105(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
05055 {
05056       G__letint(result7, 103, (long) ((const TClass*) G__getstructoffset())->IsLoaded());
05057    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
05058 }
05060 static int G__G__Meta_6_0_106(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
05061 {
05062       G__letint(result7, 103, (long) ((const TClass*) G__getstructoffset())->IsForeign());
05063    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
05064 }
05066 static int G__G__Meta_6_0_107(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
05067 {
05068       G__letint(result7, 103, (long) ((const TClass*) G__getstructoffset())->IsStartingWithTObject());
05069    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
05070 }
05072 static int G__G__Meta_6_0_108(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
05073 {
05074       G__letint(result7, 103, (long) ((const TClass*) G__getstructoffset())->IsTObject());
05075    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
05076 }
05078 static int G__G__Meta_6_0_110(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
05079 {
05080       ((TClass*) G__getstructoffset())->MakeCustomMenuList();
05081       G__setnull(result7);
05082    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
05083 }
05085 static int G__G__Meta_6_0_111(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
05086 {
05087       ((const TClass*) G__getstructoffset())->Move((void*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (void*) G__int(libp->para[1]));
05088       G__setnull(result7);
05089    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
05090 }
05092 static int G__G__Meta_6_0_112(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
05093 {
05094    switch (libp->paran) {
05095    case 1:
05096       G__letint(result7, 89, (long) ((const TClass*) G__getstructoffset())->New((TClass::ENewType) G__int(libp->para[0])));
05097       break;
05098    case 0:
05099       G__letint(result7, 89, (long) ((const TClass*) G__getstructoffset())->New());
05100       break;
05101    }
05102    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
05103 }
05105 static int G__G__Meta_6_0_113(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
05106 {
05107    switch (libp->paran) {
05108    case 2:
05109       G__letint(result7, 89, (long) ((const TClass*) G__getstructoffset())->New((void*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (TClass::ENewType) G__int(libp->para[1])));
05110       break;
05111    case 1:
05112       G__letint(result7, 89, (long) ((const TClass*) G__getstructoffset())->New((void*) G__int(libp->para[0])));
05113       break;
05114    }
05115    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
05116 }
05118 static int G__G__Meta_6_0_114(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
05119 {
05120    switch (libp->paran) {
05121    case 2:
05122       G__letint(result7, 89, (long) ((const TClass*) G__getstructoffset())->NewArray((Long_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (TClass::ENewType) G__int(libp->para[1])));
05123       break;
05124    case 1:
05125       G__letint(result7, 89, (long) ((const TClass*) G__getstructoffset())->NewArray((Long_t) G__int(libp->para[0])));
05126       break;
05127    }
05128    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
05129 }
05131 static int G__G__Meta_6_0_115(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
05132 {
05133    switch (libp->paran) {
05134    case 3:
05135       G__letint(result7, 89, (long) ((const TClass*) G__getstructoffset())->NewArray((Long_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (void*) G__int(libp->para[1])
05136 , (TClass::ENewType) G__int(libp->para[2])));
05137       break;
05138    case 2:
05139       G__letint(result7, 89, (long) ((const TClass*) G__getstructoffset())->NewArray((Long_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (void*) G__int(libp->para[1])));
05140       break;
05141    }
05142    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
05143 }
05145 static int G__G__Meta_6_0_116(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
05146 {
05147       ((TClass*) G__getstructoffset())->PostLoadCheck();
05148       G__setnull(result7);
05149    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
05150 }
05152 static int G__G__Meta_6_0_118(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
05153 {
05154       G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((TClass*) G__getstructoffset())->ReadBuffer(*(TBuffer*) libp->para[0].ref, (void*) G__int(libp->para[1])
05155 , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[2]), (UInt_t) G__int(libp->para[3])
05156 , (UInt_t) G__int(libp->para[4])));
05157    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
05158 }
05160 static int G__G__Meta_6_0_119(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
05161 {
05162       G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((TClass*) G__getstructoffset())->ReadBuffer(*(TBuffer*) libp->para[0].ref, (void*) G__int(libp->para[1])));
05163    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
05164 }
05166 static int G__G__Meta_6_0_120(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
05167 {
05168       ((TClass*) G__getstructoffset())->RemoveRef((TClassRef*) G__int(libp->para[0]));
05169       G__setnull(result7);
05170    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
05171 }
05173 static int G__G__Meta_6_0_121(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
05174 {
05175    switch (libp->paran) {
05176    case 2:
05177       ((const TClass*) G__getstructoffset())->ReplaceWith((TClass*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Bool_t) G__int(libp->para[1]));
05178       G__setnull(result7);
05179       break;
05180    case 1:
05181       ((const TClass*) G__getstructoffset())->ReplaceWith((TClass*) G__int(libp->para[0]));
05182       G__setnull(result7);
05183       break;
05184    }
05185    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
05186 }
05188 static int G__G__Meta_6_0_122(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
05189 {
05190       ((TClass*) G__getstructoffset())->ResetClassInfo((Long_t) G__int(libp->para[0]));
05191       G__setnull(result7);
05192    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
05193 }
05195 static int G__G__Meta_6_0_123(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
05196 {
05197       ((TClass*) G__getstructoffset())->ResetInstanceCount();
05198       G__setnull(result7);
05199    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
05200 }
05202 static int G__G__Meta_6_0_124(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
05203 {
05204       ((TClass*) G__getstructoffset())->ResetMenuList();
05205       G__setnull(result7);
05206    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
05207 }
05209 static int G__G__Meta_6_0_125(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
05210 {
05211       G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((const TClass*) G__getstructoffset())->Size());
05212    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
05213 }
05215 static int G__G__Meta_6_0_126(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
05216 {
05217       ((TClass*) G__getstructoffset())->SetCollectionProxy(*(ROOT::TCollectionProxyInfo*) libp->para[0].ref);
05218       G__setnull(result7);
05219    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
05220 }
05222 static int G__G__Meta_6_0_127(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
05223 {
05224       ((TClass*) G__getstructoffset())->SetContextMenuTitle((const char*) G__int(libp->para[0]));
05225       G__setnull(result7);
05226    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
05227 }
05229 static int G__G__Meta_6_0_128(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
05230 {
05231       ((TClass*) G__getstructoffset())->SetCurrentStreamerInfo((TVirtualStreamerInfo*) G__int(libp->para[0]));
05232       G__setnull(result7);
05233    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
05234 }
05236 static int G__G__Meta_6_0_129(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
05237 {
05238       ((TClass*) G__getstructoffset())->SetGlobalIsA((IsAGlobalFunc_t) G__int(libp->para[0]));
05239       G__setnull(result7);
05240    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
05241 }
05243 static int G__G__Meta_6_0_130(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
05244 {
05245       ((TClass*) G__getstructoffset())->SetDeclFile((const char*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (int) G__int(libp->para[1]));
05246       G__setnull(result7);
05247    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
05248 }
05250 static int G__G__Meta_6_0_131(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
05251 {
05252       ((TClass*) G__getstructoffset())->SetDelete((ROOT::DelFunc_t) G__int(libp->para[0]));
05253       G__setnull(result7);
05254    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
05255 }
05257 static int G__G__Meta_6_0_132(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
05258 {
05259       ((TClass*) G__getstructoffset())->SetDeleteArray((ROOT::DelArrFunc_t) G__int(libp->para[0]));
05260       G__setnull(result7);
05261    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
05262 }
05264 static int G__G__Meta_6_0_133(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
05265 {
05266       ((TClass*) G__getstructoffset())->SetDirectoryAutoAdd((ROOT::DirAutoAdd_t) G__int(libp->para[0]));
05267       G__setnull(result7);
05268    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
05269 }
05271 static int G__G__Meta_6_0_134(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
05272 {
05273       ((TClass*) G__getstructoffset())->SetDestructor((ROOT::DesFunc_t) G__int(libp->para[0]));
05274       G__setnull(result7);
05275    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
05276 }
05278 static int G__G__Meta_6_0_135(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
05279 {
05280       ((TClass*) G__getstructoffset())->SetImplFileName((const char*) G__int(libp->para[0]));
05281       G__setnull(result7);
05282    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
05283 }
05285 static int G__G__Meta_6_0_136(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
05286 {
05287       ((TClass*) G__getstructoffset())->SetNew((ROOT::NewFunc_t) G__int(libp->para[0]));
05288       G__setnull(result7);
05289    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
05290 }
05292 static int G__G__Meta_6_0_137(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
05293 {
05294       ((TClass*) G__getstructoffset())->SetNewArray((ROOT::NewArrFunc_t) G__int(libp->para[0]));
05295       G__setnull(result7);
05296    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
05297 }
05299 static int G__G__Meta_6_0_138(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
05300 {
05301    switch (libp->paran) {
05302    case 2:
05303       G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ((TClass*) G__getstructoffset())->SetStreamerInfo((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (const char*) G__int(libp->para[1])));
05304       break;
05305    case 1:
05306       G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ((TClass*) G__getstructoffset())->SetStreamerInfo((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0])));
05307       break;
05308    }
05309    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
05310 }
05312 static int G__G__Meta_6_0_139(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
05313 {
05314       ((TClass*) G__getstructoffset())->SetUnloaded();
05315       G__setnull(result7);
05316    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
05317 }
05319 static int G__G__Meta_6_0_140(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
05320 {
05321    switch (libp->paran) {
05322    case 3:
05323       G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((TClass*) G__getstructoffset())->WriteBuffer(*(TBuffer*) libp->para[0].ref, (void*) G__int(libp->para[1])
05324 , (const char*) G__int(libp->para[2])));
05325       break;
05326    case 2:
05327       G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((TClass*) G__getstructoffset())->WriteBuffer(*(TBuffer*) libp->para[0].ref, (void*) G__int(libp->para[1])));
05328       break;
05329    }
05330    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
05331 }
05333 static int G__G__Meta_6_0_141(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
05334 {
05335       ((TClass*) G__getstructoffset())->AdoptReferenceProxy((TVirtualRefProxy*) G__int(libp->para[0]));
05336       G__setnull(result7);
05337    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
05338 }
05340 static int G__G__Meta_6_0_142(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
05341 {
05342       ((TClass*) G__getstructoffset())->AdoptStreamer((TClassStreamer*) G__int(libp->para[0]));
05343       G__setnull(result7);
05344    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
05345 }
05347 static int G__G__Meta_6_0_143(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
05348 {
05349       ((TClass*) G__getstructoffset())->AdoptMemberStreamer((const char*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (TMemberStreamer*) G__int(libp->para[1]));
05350       G__setnull(result7);
05351    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
05352 }
05354 static int G__G__Meta_6_0_144(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
05355 {
05356       ((TClass*) G__getstructoffset())->SetMemberStreamer((const char*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (MemberStreamerFunc_t) G__int(libp->para[1]));
05357       G__setnull(result7);
05358    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
05359 }
05361 static int G__G__Meta_6_0_145(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
05362 {
05363       ((TClass*) G__getstructoffset())->SetStreamerFunc((ClassStreamerFunc_t) G__int(libp->para[0]));
05364       G__setnull(result7);
05365    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
05366 }
05368 static int G__G__Meta_6_0_146(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
05369 {
05370       TClass::AddClass((TClass*) G__int(libp->para[0]));
05371       G__setnull(result7);
05372    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
05373 }
05375 static int G__G__Meta_6_0_147(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
05376 {
05377       TClass::RemoveClass((TClass*) G__int(libp->para[0]));
05378       G__setnull(result7);
05379    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
05380 }
05382 static int G__G__Meta_6_0_148(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
05383 {
05384    switch (libp->paran) {
05385    case 3:
05386       G__letint(result7, 85, (long) TClass::GetClass((const char*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Bool_t) G__int(libp->para[1])
05387 , (Bool_t) G__int(libp->para[2])));
05388       break;
05389    case 2:
05390       G__letint(result7, 85, (long) TClass::GetClass((const char*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Bool_t) G__int(libp->para[1])));
05391       break;
05392    case 1:
05393       G__letint(result7, 85, (long) TClass::GetClass((const char*) G__int(libp->para[0])));
05394       break;
05395    }
05396    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
05397 }
05399 static int G__G__Meta_6_0_149(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
05400 {
05401    switch (libp->paran) {
05402    case 3:
05403       G__letint(result7, 85, (long) TClass::GetClass(*(type_info*) libp->para[0].ref, (Bool_t) G__int(libp->para[1])
05404 , (Bool_t) G__int(libp->para[2])));
05405       break;
05406    case 2:
05407       G__letint(result7, 85, (long) TClass::GetClass(*(type_info*) libp->para[0].ref, (Bool_t) G__int(libp->para[1])));
05408       break;
05409    case 1:
05410       G__letint(result7, 85, (long) TClass::GetClass(*(type_info*) libp->para[0].ref));
05411       break;
05412    }
05413    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
05414 }
05416 static int G__G__Meta_6_0_150(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
05417 {
05418       G__letint(result7, 89, (long) TClass::GetDict((const char*) G__int(libp->para[0])));
05419    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
05420 }
05422 static int G__G__Meta_6_0_151(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
05423 {
05424       G__letint(result7, 89, (long) TClass::GetDict(*(type_info*) libp->para[0].ref));
05425    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
05426 }
05428 static int G__G__Meta_6_0_152(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
05429 {
05430       G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TClass::AutoBrowse((TObject*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (TBrowser*) G__int(libp->para[1])));
05431    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
05432 }
05434 static int G__G__Meta_6_0_153(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
05435 {
05436       G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TClass::IsCallingNew());
05437    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
05438 }
05440 static int G__G__Meta_6_0_154(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
05441 {
05442       G__letint(result7, 85, (long) TClass::Load(*(TBuffer*) libp->para[0].ref));
05443    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
05444 }
05446 static int G__G__Meta_6_0_155(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
05447 {
05448       ((const TClass*) G__getstructoffset())->Store(*(TBuffer*) libp->para[0].ref);
05449       G__setnull(result7);
05450    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
05451 }
05453 static int G__G__Meta_6_0_156(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
05454 {
05455       G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((const TClass*) G__getstructoffset())->Browse((void*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (TBrowser*) G__int(libp->para[1])));
05456    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
05457 }
05459 static int G__G__Meta_6_0_157(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
05460 {
05461    switch (libp->paran) {
05462    case 2:
05463       ((TClass*) G__getstructoffset())->DeleteArray((void*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Bool_t) G__int(libp->para[1]));
05464       G__setnull(result7);
05465       break;
05466    case 1:
05467       ((TClass*) G__getstructoffset())->DeleteArray((void*) G__int(libp->para[0]));
05468       G__setnull(result7);
05469       break;
05470    }
05471    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
05472 }
05474 static int G__G__Meta_6_0_158(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
05475 {
05476    switch (libp->paran) {
05477    case 2:
05478       ((TClass*) G__getstructoffset())->Destructor((void*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Bool_t) G__int(libp->para[1]));
05479       G__setnull(result7);
05480       break;
05481    case 1:
05482       ((TClass*) G__getstructoffset())->Destructor((void*) G__int(libp->para[0]));
05483       G__setnull(result7);
05484       break;
05485    }
05486    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
05487 }
05489 static int G__G__Meta_6_0_159(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
05490 {
05491    switch (libp->paran) {
05492    case 3:
05493       G__letint(result7, 89, (long) ((TClass*) G__getstructoffset())->DynamicCast((TClass*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (void*) G__int(libp->para[1])
05494 , (Bool_t) G__int(libp->para[2])));
05495       break;
05496    case 2:
05497       G__letint(result7, 89, (long) ((TClass*) G__getstructoffset())->DynamicCast((TClass*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (void*) G__int(libp->para[1])));
05498       break;
05499    }
05500    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
05501 }
05503 static int G__G__Meta_6_0_160(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
05504 {
05505       G__letint(result7, 103, (long) ((const TClass*) G__getstructoffset())->IsFolder((void*) G__int(libp->para[0])));
05506    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
05507 }
05509 static int G__G__Meta_6_0_161(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
05510 {
05511    switch (libp->paran) {
05512    case 3:
05513       ((const TClass*) G__getstructoffset())->Streamer((void*) G__int(libp->para[0]), *(TBuffer*) libp->para[1].ref
05514 , (TClass*) G__int(libp->para[2]));
05515       G__setnull(result7);
05516       break;
05517    case 2:
05518       ((const TClass*) G__getstructoffset())->Streamer((void*) G__int(libp->para[0]), *(TBuffer*) libp->para[1].ref);
05519       G__setnull(result7);
05520       break;
05521    }
05522    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
05523 }
05525 static int G__G__Meta_6_0_162(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
05526 {
05527       G__letint(result7, 85, (long) TClass::Class());
05528    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
05529 }
05531 static int G__G__Meta_6_0_163(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
05532 {
05533       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TClass::Class_Name());
05534    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
05535 }
05537 static int G__G__Meta_6_0_164(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
05538 {
05539       G__letint(result7, 115, (long) TClass::Class_Version());
05540    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
05541 }
05543 static int G__G__Meta_6_0_165(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
05544 {
05545       TClass::Dictionary();
05546       G__setnull(result7);
05547    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
05548 }
05550 static int G__G__Meta_6_0_169(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
05551 {
05552       ((TClass*) G__getstructoffset())->StreamerNVirtual(*(TBuffer*) libp->para[0].ref);
05553       G__setnull(result7);
05554    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
05555 }
05557 static int G__G__Meta_6_0_170(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
05558 {
05559       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TClass::DeclFileName());
05560    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
05561 }
05563 static int G__G__Meta_6_0_171(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
05564 {
05565       G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TClass::ImplFileLine());
05566    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
05567 }
05569 static int G__G__Meta_6_0_172(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
05570 {
05571       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TClass::ImplFileName());
05572    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
05573 }
05575 static int G__G__Meta_6_0_173(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
05576 {
05577       G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TClass::DeclFileLine());
05578    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
05579 }
05581 // automatic destructor
05582 typedef TClass G__TTClass;
05583 static int G__G__Meta_6_0_174(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
05584 {
05585    char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
05586    long soff = G__getstructoffset();
05587    int n = G__getaryconstruct();
05588    //
05589    //has_a_delete: 1
05590    //has_own_delete1arg: 0
05591    //has_own_delete2arg: 0
05592    //
05593    if (!soff) {
05594      return(1);
05595    }
05596    if (n) {
05597      if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) {
05598        delete[] (TClass*) soff;
05599      } else {
05600        G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID);
05601        for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
05602          ((TClass*) (soff+(sizeof(TClass)*i)))->~G__TTClass();
05603        }
05604        G__setgvp((long)gvp);
05605      }
05606    } else {
05607      if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) {
05608        delete (TClass*) soff;
05609      } else {
05610        G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID);
05611        ((TClass*) (soff))->~G__TTClass();
05612        G__setgvp((long)gvp);
05613      }
05614    }
05615    G__setnull(result7);
05616    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
05617 }
05620 /* TClassStreamer */
05621 static int G__G__Meta_15_0_2(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
05622 {
05623    TClassStreamer* p = NULL;
05624    char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
05625    //m: 1
05626    if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
05627      p = new TClassStreamer((ClassStreamerFunc_t) G__int(libp->para[0]));
05628    } else {
05629      p = new((void*) gvp) TClassStreamer((ClassStreamerFunc_t) G__int(libp->para[0]));
05630    }
05631    result7->obj.i = (long) p;
05632    result7->ref = (long) p;
05633    G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClassStreamer));
05634    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
05635 }
05637 static int G__G__Meta_15_0_3(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
05638 {
05639    TClassStreamer* p = NULL;
05640    char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
05641    //m: 1
05642    if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
05643      p = new TClassStreamer(*(TClassStreamer*) libp->para[0].ref);
05644    } else {
05645      p = new((void*) gvp) TClassStreamer(*(TClassStreamer*) libp->para[0].ref);
05646    }
05647    result7->obj.i = (long) p;
05648    result7->ref = (long) p;
05649    G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClassStreamer));
05650    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
05651 }
05653 static int G__G__Meta_15_0_4(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
05654 {
05655       ((TClassStreamer*) G__getstructoffset())->SetOnFileClass((TClass*) G__int(libp->para[0]));
05656       G__setnull(result7);
05657    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
05658 }
05660 static int G__G__Meta_15_0_5(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
05661 {
05662       G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ((const TClassStreamer*) G__getstructoffset())->GetOnFileClass());
05663    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
05664 }
05666 static int G__G__Meta_15_0_6(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
05667 {
05668       G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ((const TClassStreamer*) G__getstructoffset())->Generate());
05669    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
05670 }
05672 static int G__G__Meta_15_0_7(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
05673 {
05674       ((TClassStreamer*) G__getstructoffset())->operator()(*(TBuffer*) libp->para[0].ref, (void*) G__int(libp->para[1]));
05675       G__setnull(result7);
05676    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
05677 }
05679 static int G__G__Meta_15_0_8(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
05680 {
05681       ((TClassStreamer*) G__getstructoffset())->Stream(*(TBuffer*) libp->para[0].ref, (void*) G__int(libp->para[1])
05682 , (TClass*) G__int(libp->para[2]));
05683       G__setnull(result7);
05684    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
05685 }
05687 // automatic destructor
05688 typedef TClassStreamer G__TTClassStreamer;
05689 static int G__G__Meta_15_0_9(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
05690 {
05691    char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
05692    long soff = G__getstructoffset();
05693    int n = G__getaryconstruct();
05694    //
05695    //has_a_delete: 0
05696    //has_own_delete1arg: 0
05697    //has_own_delete2arg: 0
05698    //
05699    if (!soff) {
05700      return(1);
05701    }
05702    if (n) {
05703      if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) {
05704        delete[] (TClassStreamer*) soff;
05705      } else {
05706        G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID);
05707        for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
05708          ((TClassStreamer*) (soff+(sizeof(TClassStreamer)*i)))->~G__TTClassStreamer();
05709        }
05710        G__setgvp((long)gvp);
05711      }
05712    } else {
05713      if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) {
05714        delete (TClassStreamer*) soff;
05715      } else {
05716        G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID);
05717        ((TClassStreamer*) (soff))->~G__TTClassStreamer();
05718        G__setgvp((long)gvp);
05719      }
05720    }
05721    G__setnull(result7);
05722    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
05723 }
05725 // automatic assignment operator
05726 static int G__G__Meta_15_0_10(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
05727 {
05728    TClassStreamer* dest = (TClassStreamer*) G__getstructoffset();
05729    *dest = *(TClassStreamer*) libp->para[0].ref;
05730    const TClassStreamer& obj = *dest;
05731    result7->ref = (long) (&obj);
05732    result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj);
05733    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
05734 }
05737 /* TMemberStreamer */
05738 static int G__G__Meta_16_0_2(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
05739 {
05740    TMemberStreamer* p = NULL;
05741    char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
05742    //m: 1
05743    if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
05744      p = new TMemberStreamer((MemberStreamerFunc_t) G__int(libp->para[0]));
05745    } else {
05746      p = new((void*) gvp) TMemberStreamer((MemberStreamerFunc_t) G__int(libp->para[0]));
05747    }
05748    result7->obj.i = (long) p;
05749    result7->ref = (long) p;
05750    G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TMemberStreamer));
05751    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
05752 }
05754 static int G__G__Meta_16_0_3(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
05755 {
05756    TMemberStreamer* p = NULL;
05757    char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
05758    //m: 1
05759    if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
05760      p = new TMemberStreamer(*(TMemberStreamer*) libp->para[0].ref);
05761    } else {
05762      p = new((void*) gvp) TMemberStreamer(*(TMemberStreamer*) libp->para[0].ref);
05763    }
05764    result7->obj.i = (long) p;
05765    result7->ref = (long) p;
05766    G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TMemberStreamer));
05767    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
05768 }
05770 static int G__G__Meta_16_0_4(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
05771 {
05772       ((TMemberStreamer*) G__getstructoffset())->SetOnFileClass((TClass*) G__int(libp->para[0]));
05773       G__setnull(result7);
05774    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
05775 }
05777 static int G__G__Meta_16_0_5(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
05778 {
05779       G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ((const TMemberStreamer*) G__getstructoffset())->GetOnFileClass());
05780    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
05781 }
05783 static int G__G__Meta_16_0_6(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
05784 {
05785    switch (libp->paran) {
05786    case 3:
05787       ((TMemberStreamer*) G__getstructoffset())->operator()(*(TBuffer*) libp->para[0].ref, (void*) G__int(libp->para[1])
05788 , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[2]));
05789       G__setnull(result7);
05790       break;
05791    case 2:
05792       ((TMemberStreamer*) G__getstructoffset())->operator()(*(TBuffer*) libp->para[0].ref, (void*) G__int(libp->para[1]));
05793       G__setnull(result7);
05794       break;
05795    }
05796    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
05797 }
05799 // automatic destructor
05800 typedef TMemberStreamer G__TTMemberStreamer;
05801 static int G__G__Meta_16_0_7(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
05802 {
05803    char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
05804    long soff = G__getstructoffset();
05805    int n = G__getaryconstruct();
05806    //
05807    //has_a_delete: 0
05808    //has_own_delete1arg: 0
05809    //has_own_delete2arg: 0
05810    //
05811    if (!soff) {
05812      return(1);
05813    }
05814    if (n) {
05815      if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) {
05816        delete[] (TMemberStreamer*) soff;
05817      } else {
05818        G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID);
05819        for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
05820          ((TMemberStreamer*) (soff+(sizeof(TMemberStreamer)*i)))->~G__TTMemberStreamer();
05821        }
05822        G__setgvp((long)gvp);
05823      }
05824    } else {
05825      if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) {
05826        delete (TMemberStreamer*) soff;
05827      } else {
05828        G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID);
05829        ((TMemberStreamer*) (soff))->~G__TTMemberStreamer();
05830        G__setgvp((long)gvp);
05831      }
05832    }
05833    G__setnull(result7);
05834    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
05835 }
05837 // automatic assignment operator
05838 static int G__G__Meta_16_0_8(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
05839 {
05840    TMemberStreamer* dest = (TMemberStreamer*) G__getstructoffset();
05841    *dest = *(TMemberStreamer*) libp->para[0].ref;
05842    const TMemberStreamer& obj = *dest;
05843    result7->ref = (long) (&obj);
05844    result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj);
05845    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
05846 }
05849 /* TVirtualIsAProxy */
05850 static int G__G__Meta_18_0_1(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
05851 {
05852       ((TVirtualIsAProxy*) G__getstructoffset())->SetClass((TClass*) G__int(libp->para[0]));
05853       G__setnull(result7);
05854    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
05855 }
05857 static int G__G__Meta_18_0_2(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
05858 {
05859       G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ((TVirtualIsAProxy*) G__getstructoffset())->operator()((void*) G__int(libp->para[0])));
05860    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
05861 }
05863 // automatic destructor
05864 typedef TVirtualIsAProxy G__TTVirtualIsAProxy;
05865 static int G__G__Meta_18_0_3(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
05866 {
05867    char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
05868    long soff = G__getstructoffset();
05869    int n = G__getaryconstruct();
05870    //
05871    //has_a_delete: 0
05872    //has_own_delete1arg: 0
05873    //has_own_delete2arg: 0
05874    //
05875    if (!soff) {
05876      return(1);
05877    }
05878    if (n) {
05879      if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) {
05880        delete[] (TVirtualIsAProxy*) soff;
05881      } else {
05882        G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID);
05883        for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
05884          ((TVirtualIsAProxy*) (soff+(sizeof(TVirtualIsAProxy)*i)))->~G__TTVirtualIsAProxy();
05885        }
05886        G__setgvp((long)gvp);
05887      }
05888    } else {
05889      if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) {
05890        delete (TVirtualIsAProxy*) soff;
05891      } else {
05892        G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID);
05893        ((TVirtualIsAProxy*) (soff))->~G__TTVirtualIsAProxy();
05894        G__setgvp((long)gvp);
05895      }
05896    }
05897    G__setnull(result7);
05898    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
05899 }
05901 // automatic assignment operator
05902 static int G__G__Meta_18_0_4(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
05903 {
05904    TVirtualIsAProxy* dest = (TVirtualIsAProxy*) G__getstructoffset();
05905    *dest = *(TVirtualIsAProxy*) libp->para[0].ref;
05906    const TVirtualIsAProxy& obj = *dest;
05907    result7->ref = (long) (&obj);
05908    result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj);
05909    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
05910 }
05913 /* ROOT */
05914 static int G__G__Meta_19_0_1(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
05915 {
05916       G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ROOT::CreateClass(
05917 (const char*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Version_t) G__int(libp->para[1])
05918 , *(type_info*) libp->para[2].ref, (TVirtualIsAProxy*) G__int(libp->para[3])
05919 , (ShowMembersFunc_t) G__int(libp->para[4]), (const char*) G__int(libp->para[5])
05920 , (const char*) G__int(libp->para[6]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[7])
05921 , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[8])));
05922    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
05923 }
05925 static int G__G__Meta_19_0_2(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
05926 {
05927       ROOT::AddClass((const char*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Version_t) G__int(libp->para[1])
05928 , *(type_info*) libp->para[2].ref, (VoidFuncPtr_t) G__int(libp->para[3])
05929 , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[4]));
05930       G__setnull(result7);
05931    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
05932 }
05934 static int G__G__Meta_19_0_3(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
05935 {
05936       ROOT::RemoveClass((const char*) G__int(libp->para[0]));
05937       G__setnull(result7);
05938    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
05939 }
05941 static int G__G__Meta_19_0_4(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
05942 {
05943       ROOT::ResetClassVersion((TClass*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (const char*) G__int(libp->para[1])
05944 , (Short_t) G__int(libp->para[2]));
05945       G__setnull(result7);
05946    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
05947 }
05949 static int G__G__Meta_19_0_5(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
05950 {
05951       G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ROOT::RegisterClassTemplate((const char*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (const char*) G__int(libp->para[1])
05952 , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[2])));
05953    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
05954 }
05956 static int G__G__Meta_19_0_6(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
05957 {
05958       G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ROOT::DefineBehavior((void*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (void*) G__int(libp->para[1])));
05959    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
05960 }
05962 static int G__G__Meta_19_0_7(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
05963 {
05964       G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ROOT::CreateClass((const char*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Version_t) G__int(libp->para[1])
05965 , (const char*) G__int(libp->para[2]), (const char*) G__int(libp->para[3])
05966 , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[4]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[5])));
05967    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
05968 }
05971 /* TMethod */
05972 static int G__G__Meta_79_0_2(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
05973 {
05974    TMethod* p = NULL;
05975    char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
05976    switch (libp->paran) {
05977    case 2:
05978      //m: 2
05979      if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
05980        p = new TMethod((MethodInfo_t*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (TClass*) G__int(libp->para[1]));
05981      } else {
05982        p = new((void*) gvp) TMethod((MethodInfo_t*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (TClass*) G__int(libp->para[1]));
05983      }
05984      break;
05985    case 1:
05986      //m: 1
05987      if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
05988        p = new TMethod((MethodInfo_t*) G__int(libp->para[0]));
05989      } else {
05990        p = new((void*) gvp) TMethod((MethodInfo_t*) G__int(libp->para[0]));
05991      }
05992      break;
05993    case 0:
05994      int n = G__getaryconstruct();
05995      if (n) {
05996        if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
05997          p = new TMethod[n];
05998        } else {
05999          p = new((void*) gvp) TMethod[n];
06000        }
06001      } else {
06002        if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
06003          p = new TMethod;
06004        } else {
06005          p = new((void*) gvp) TMethod;
06006        }
06007      }
06008      break;
06009    }
06010    result7->obj.i = (long) p;
06011    result7->ref = (long) p;
06012    G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TMethod));
06013    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06014 }
06016 static int G__G__Meta_79_0_3(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06017 {
06018    TMethod* p = NULL;
06019    char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
06020    //m: 1
06021    if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
06022      p = new TMethod(*(TMethod*) libp->para[0].ref);
06023    } else {
06024      p = new((void*) gvp) TMethod(*(TMethod*) libp->para[0].ref);
06025    }
06026    result7->obj.i = (long) p;
06027    result7->ref = (long) p;
06028    G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TMethod));
06029    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06030 }
06032 static int G__G__Meta_79_0_4(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06033 {
06034       {
06035          const TMethod& obj = ((TMethod*) G__getstructoffset())->operator=(*(TMethod*) libp->para[0].ref);
06036          result7->ref = (long) (&obj);
06037          result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj);
06038       }
06039    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06040 }
06042 static int G__G__Meta_79_0_6(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06043 {
06044       G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ((const TMethod*) G__getstructoffset())->GetClass());
06045    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06046 }
06048 static int G__G__Meta_79_0_7(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06049 {
06050       G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((const TMethod*) G__getstructoffset())->IsMenuItem());
06051    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06052 }
06054 static int G__G__Meta_79_0_8(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06055 {
06056       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) ((TMethod*) G__getstructoffset())->GetCommentString());
06057    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06058 }
06060 static int G__G__Meta_79_0_9(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06061 {
06062       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) ((const TMethod*) G__getstructoffset())->Getter());
06063    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06064 }
06066 static int G__G__Meta_79_0_10(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06067 {
06068       G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ((TMethod*) G__getstructoffset())->GetterMethod());
06069    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06070 }
06072 static int G__G__Meta_79_0_11(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06073 {
06074       G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ((TMethod*) G__getstructoffset())->SetterMethod());
06075    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06076 }
06078 static int G__G__Meta_79_0_12(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06079 {
06080       G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ((TMethod*) G__getstructoffset())->FindDataMember());
06081    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06082 }
06084 static int G__G__Meta_79_0_14(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06085 {
06086       ((TMethod*) G__getstructoffset())->SetMenuItem((EMenuItemKind) G__int(libp->para[0]));
06087       G__setnull(result7);
06088    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06089 }
06091 static int G__G__Meta_79_0_15(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06092 {
06093       G__letint(result7, 85, (long) TMethod::Class());
06094    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06095 }
06097 static int G__G__Meta_79_0_16(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06098 {
06099       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TMethod::Class_Name());
06100    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06101 }
06103 static int G__G__Meta_79_0_17(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06104 {
06105       G__letint(result7, 115, (long) TMethod::Class_Version());
06106    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06107 }
06109 static int G__G__Meta_79_0_18(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06110 {
06111       TMethod::Dictionary();
06112       G__setnull(result7);
06113    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06114 }
06116 static int G__G__Meta_79_0_22(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06117 {
06118       ((TMethod*) G__getstructoffset())->StreamerNVirtual(*(TBuffer*) libp->para[0].ref);
06119       G__setnull(result7);
06120    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06121 }
06123 static int G__G__Meta_79_0_23(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06124 {
06125       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TMethod::DeclFileName());
06126    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06127 }
06129 static int G__G__Meta_79_0_24(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06130 {
06131       G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TMethod::ImplFileLine());
06132    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06133 }
06135 static int G__G__Meta_79_0_25(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06136 {
06137       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TMethod::ImplFileName());
06138    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06139 }
06141 static int G__G__Meta_79_0_26(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06142 {
06143       G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TMethod::DeclFileLine());
06144    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06145 }
06147 // automatic destructor
06148 typedef TMethod G__TTMethod;
06149 static int G__G__Meta_79_0_27(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06150 {
06151    char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
06152    long soff = G__getstructoffset();
06153    int n = G__getaryconstruct();
06154    //
06155    //has_a_delete: 1
06156    //has_own_delete1arg: 0
06157    //has_own_delete2arg: 0
06158    //
06159    if (!soff) {
06160      return(1);
06161    }
06162    if (n) {
06163      if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) {
06164        delete[] (TMethod*) soff;
06165      } else {
06166        G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID);
06167        for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
06168          ((TMethod*) (soff+(sizeof(TMethod)*i)))->~G__TTMethod();
06169        }
06170        G__setgvp((long)gvp);
06171      }
06172    } else {
06173      if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) {
06174        delete (TMethod*) soff;
06175      } else {
06176        G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID);
06177        ((TMethod*) (soff))->~G__TTMethod();
06178        G__setgvp((long)gvp);
06179      }
06180    }
06181    G__setnull(result7);
06182    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06183 }
06186 /* TVirtualStreamerInfo */
06187 static int G__G__Meta_84_0_5(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06188 {
06189       ((TVirtualStreamerInfo*) G__getstructoffset())->Build();
06190       G__setnull(result7);
06191    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06192 }
06194 static int G__G__Meta_84_0_6(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06195 {
06196       ((TVirtualStreamerInfo*) G__getstructoffset())->BuildCheck();
06197       G__setnull(result7);
06198    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06199 }
06201 static int G__G__Meta_84_0_7(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06202 {
06203       ((TVirtualStreamerInfo*) G__getstructoffset())->BuildEmulated((TFile*) G__int(libp->para[0]));
06204       G__setnull(result7);
06205    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06206 }
06208 static int G__G__Meta_84_0_8(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06209 {
06210       ((TVirtualStreamerInfo*) G__getstructoffset())->BuildOld();
06211       G__setnull(result7);
06212    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06213 }
06215 static int G__G__Meta_84_0_9(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06216 {
06217       G__letint(result7, 103, (long) ((TVirtualStreamerInfo*) G__getstructoffset())->BuildFor((TClass*) G__int(libp->para[0])));
06218    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06219 }
06221 static int G__G__Meta_84_0_10(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06222 {
06223       ((const TVirtualStreamerInfo*) G__getstructoffset())->CallShowMembers((void*) G__int(libp->para[0]), *(TMemberInspector*) libp->para[1].ref);
06224       G__setnull(result7);
06225    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06226 }
06228 static int G__G__Meta_84_0_12(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06229 {
06230       G__letint(result7, 103, (long) ((TVirtualStreamerInfo*) G__getstructoffset())->CompareContent((TClass*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (TVirtualStreamerInfo*) G__int(libp->para[1])
06231 , (Bool_t) G__int(libp->para[2]), (Bool_t) G__int(libp->para[3])));
06232    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06233 }
06235 static int G__G__Meta_84_0_13(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06236 {
06237       ((TVirtualStreamerInfo*) G__getstructoffset())->Compile();
06238       G__setnull(result7);
06239    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06240 }
06242 static int G__G__Meta_84_0_14(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06243 {
06244    switch (libp->paran) {
06245    case 2:
06246       ((TVirtualStreamerInfo*) G__getstructoffset())->ForceWriteInfo((TFile*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Bool_t) G__int(libp->para[1]));
06247       G__setnull(result7);
06248       break;
06249    case 1:
06250       ((TVirtualStreamerInfo*) G__getstructoffset())->ForceWriteInfo((TFile*) G__int(libp->para[0]));
06251       G__setnull(result7);
06252       break;
06253    }
06254    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06255 }
06257 static int G__G__Meta_84_0_15(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06258 {
06259    switch (libp->paran) {
06260    case 3:
06261       G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((TVirtualStreamerInfo*) G__getstructoffset())->GenerateHeaderFile((const char*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (TList*) G__int(libp->para[1])
06262 , (TList*) G__int(libp->para[2])));
06263       break;
06264    case 2:
06265       G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((TVirtualStreamerInfo*) G__getstructoffset())->GenerateHeaderFile((const char*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (TList*) G__int(libp->para[1])));
06266       break;
06267    case 1:
06268       G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((TVirtualStreamerInfo*) G__getstructoffset())->GenerateHeaderFile((const char*) G__int(libp->para[0])));
06269       break;
06270    }
06271    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06272 }
06274 static int G__G__Meta_84_0_16(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06275 {
06276       G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ((const TVirtualStreamerInfo*) G__getstructoffset())->GetActualClass((void*) G__int(libp->para[0])));
06277    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06278 }
06280 static int G__G__Meta_84_0_17(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06281 {
06282       G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ((const TVirtualStreamerInfo*) G__getstructoffset())->GetClass());
06283    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06284 }
06286 static int G__G__Meta_84_0_18(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06287 {
06288       G__letint(result7, 104, (long) ((const TVirtualStreamerInfo*) G__getstructoffset())->GetCheckSum());
06289    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06290 }
06292 static int G__G__Meta_84_0_19(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06293 {
06294       G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((const TVirtualStreamerInfo*) G__getstructoffset())->GetClassVersion());
06295    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06296 }
06298 static int G__G__Meta_84_0_20(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06299 {
06300       G__letint(result7, 75, (long) ((const TVirtualStreamerInfo*) G__getstructoffset())->GetElems());
06301    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06302 }
06304 static int G__G__Meta_84_0_21(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06305 {
06306       G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ((const TVirtualStreamerInfo*) G__getstructoffset())->GetElements());
06307    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06308 }
06310 static int G__G__Meta_84_0_22(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06311 {
06312       G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((const TVirtualStreamerInfo*) G__getstructoffset())->GetOffset((const char*) G__int(libp->para[0])));
06313    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06314 }
06316 static int G__G__Meta_84_0_23(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06317 {
06318       G__letint(result7, 73, (long) ((const TVirtualStreamerInfo*) G__getstructoffset())->GetOffsets());
06319    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06320 }
06322 static int G__G__Meta_84_0_24(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06323 {
06324       G__letint(result7, 115, (long) ((const TVirtualStreamerInfo*) G__getstructoffset())->GetOldVersion());
06325    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06326 }
06328 static int G__G__Meta_84_0_25(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06329 {
06330       G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((const TVirtualStreamerInfo*) G__getstructoffset())->GetOnFileClassVersion());
06331    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06332 }
06334 static int G__G__Meta_84_0_26(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06335 {
06336       G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((const TVirtualStreamerInfo*) G__getstructoffset())->GetNumber());
06337    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06338 }
06340 static int G__G__Meta_84_0_27(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06341 {
06342       G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((const TVirtualStreamerInfo*) G__getstructoffset())->GetSize());
06343    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06344 }
06346 static int G__G__Meta_84_0_28(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06347 {
06348       G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ((const TVirtualStreamerInfo*) G__getstructoffset())->GetStreamerElement((const char*) G__int(libp->para[0]), *(Int_t*) G__Intref(&libp->para[1])));
06349    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06350 }
06352 static int G__G__Meta_84_0_29(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06353 {
06354       G__letint(result7, 103, (long) ((const TVirtualStreamerInfo*) G__getstructoffset())->IsBuilt());
06355    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06356 }
06358 static int G__G__Meta_84_0_30(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06359 {
06360       G__letint(result7, 103, (long) ((const TVirtualStreamerInfo*) G__getstructoffset())->IsCompiled());
06361    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06362 }
06364 static int G__G__Meta_84_0_31(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06365 {
06366       G__letint(result7, 103, (long) ((const TVirtualStreamerInfo*) G__getstructoffset())->IsOptimized());
06367    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06368 }
06370 static int G__G__Meta_84_0_32(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06371 {
06372       G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((const TVirtualStreamerInfo*) G__getstructoffset())->IsRecovered());
06373    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06374 }
06376 static int G__G__Meta_84_0_34(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06377 {
06378       G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ((TVirtualStreamerInfo*) G__getstructoffset())->NewInfo((TClass*) G__int(libp->para[0])));
06379    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06380 }
06382 static int G__G__Meta_84_0_35(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06383 {
06384    switch (libp->paran) {
06385    case 1:
06386       G__letint(result7, 89, (long) ((TVirtualStreamerInfo*) G__getstructoffset())->New((void*) G__int(libp->para[0])));
06387       break;
06388    case 0:
06389       G__letint(result7, 89, (long) ((TVirtualStreamerInfo*) G__getstructoffset())->New());
06390       break;
06391    }
06392    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06393 }
06395 static int G__G__Meta_84_0_36(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06396 {
06397    switch (libp->paran) {
06398    case 2:
06399       G__letint(result7, 89, (long) ((TVirtualStreamerInfo*) G__getstructoffset())->NewArray((Long_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (void*) G__int(libp->para[1])));
06400       break;
06401    case 1:
06402       G__letint(result7, 89, (long) ((TVirtualStreamerInfo*) G__getstructoffset())->NewArray((Long_t) G__int(libp->para[0])));
06403       break;
06404    }
06405    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06406 }
06408 static int G__G__Meta_84_0_37(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06409 {
06410    switch (libp->paran) {
06411    case 2:
06412       ((TVirtualStreamerInfo*) G__getstructoffset())->Destructor((void*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Bool_t) G__int(libp->para[1]));
06413       G__setnull(result7);
06414       break;
06415    case 1:
06416       ((TVirtualStreamerInfo*) G__getstructoffset())->Destructor((void*) G__int(libp->para[0]));
06417       G__setnull(result7);
06418       break;
06419    }
06420    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06421 }
06423 static int G__G__Meta_84_0_38(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06424 {
06425    switch (libp->paran) {
06426    case 2:
06427       ((TVirtualStreamerInfo*) G__getstructoffset())->DeleteArray((void*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Bool_t) G__int(libp->para[1]));
06428       G__setnull(result7);
06429       break;
06430    case 1:
06431       ((TVirtualStreamerInfo*) G__getstructoffset())->DeleteArray((void*) G__int(libp->para[0]));
06432       G__setnull(result7);
06433       break;
06434    }
06435    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06436 }
06438 static int G__G__Meta_84_0_39(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06439 {
06440       ((TVirtualStreamerInfo*) G__getstructoffset())->SetCheckSum((UInt_t) G__int(libp->para[0]));
06441       G__setnull(result7);
06442    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06443 }
06445 static int G__G__Meta_84_0_40(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06446 {
06447       ((TVirtualStreamerInfo*) G__getstructoffset())->SetClass((TClass*) G__int(libp->para[0]));
06448       G__setnull(result7);
06449    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06450 }
06452 static int G__G__Meta_84_0_41(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06453 {
06454       ((TVirtualStreamerInfo*) G__getstructoffset())->SetClassVersion((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]));
06455       G__setnull(result7);
06456    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06457 }
06459 static int G__G__Meta_84_0_42(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06460 {
06461    switch (libp->paran) {
06462    case 1:
06463       G__letint(result7, 103, (long) TVirtualStreamerInfo::SetStreamMemberWise((Bool_t) G__int(libp->para[0])));
06464       break;
06465    case 0:
06466       G__letint(result7, 103, (long) TVirtualStreamerInfo::SetStreamMemberWise());
06467       break;
06468    }
06469    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06470 }
06472 static int G__G__Meta_84_0_43(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06473 {
06474       ((TVirtualStreamerInfo*) G__getstructoffset())->TagFile((TFile*) G__int(libp->para[0]));
06475       G__setnull(result7);
06476    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06477 }
06479 static int G__G__Meta_84_0_44(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06480 {
06481       ((TVirtualStreamerInfo*) G__getstructoffset())->Update((TClass*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (TClass*) G__int(libp->para[1]));
06482       G__setnull(result7);
06483    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06484 }
06486 static int G__G__Meta_84_0_45(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06487 {
06488       G__letint(result7, 85, (long) TVirtualStreamerInfo::GetElementCounter((const char*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (TClass*) G__int(libp->para[1])));
06489    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06490 }
06492 static int G__G__Meta_84_0_46(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06493 {
06494       G__letint(result7, 103, (long) TVirtualStreamerInfo::CanOptimize());
06495    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06496 }
06498 static int G__G__Meta_84_0_47(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06499 {
06500       G__letint(result7, 103, (long) TVirtualStreamerInfo::GetStreamMemberWise());
06501    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06502 }
06504 static int G__G__Meta_84_0_48(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06505 {
06506    switch (libp->paran) {
06507    case 1:
06508       TVirtualStreamerInfo::Optimize((Bool_t) G__int(libp->para[0]));
06509       G__setnull(result7);
06510       break;
06511    case 0:
06512       TVirtualStreamerInfo::Optimize();
06513       G__setnull(result7);
06514       break;
06515    }
06516    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06517 }
06519 static int G__G__Meta_84_0_49(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06520 {
06521       G__letint(result7, 103, (long) TVirtualStreamerInfo::CanDelete());
06522    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06523 }
06525 static int G__G__Meta_84_0_50(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06526 {
06527    switch (libp->paran) {
06528    case 1:
06529       TVirtualStreamerInfo::SetCanDelete((Bool_t) G__int(libp->para[0]));
06530       G__setnull(result7);
06531       break;
06532    case 0:
06533       TVirtualStreamerInfo::SetCanDelete();
06534       G__setnull(result7);
06535       break;
06536    }
06537    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06538 }
06540 static int G__G__Meta_84_0_51(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06541 {
06542       TVirtualStreamerInfo::SetFactory((TVirtualStreamerInfo*) G__int(libp->para[0]));
06543       G__setnull(result7);
06544    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06545 }
06547 static int G__G__Meta_84_0_52(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06548 {
06549       G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ((TVirtualStreamerInfo*) G__getstructoffset())->GenEmulatedProxy((const char*) G__int(libp->para[0])));
06550    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06551 }
06553 static int G__G__Meta_84_0_53(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06554 {
06555       G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ((TVirtualStreamerInfo*) G__getstructoffset())->GenEmulatedClassStreamer((const char*) G__int(libp->para[0])));
06556    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06557 }
06559 static int G__G__Meta_84_0_54(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06560 {
06561       G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ((TVirtualStreamerInfo*) G__getstructoffset())->GenExplicitProxy(*(ROOT::TCollectionProxyInfo*) libp->para[0].ref, (TClass*) G__int(libp->para[1])));
06562    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06563 }
06565 static int G__G__Meta_84_0_55(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06566 {
06567       G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ((TVirtualStreamerInfo*) G__getstructoffset())->GenExplicitClassStreamer(*(ROOT::TCollectionProxyInfo*) libp->para[0].ref, (TClass*) G__int(libp->para[1])));
06568    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06569 }
06571 static int G__G__Meta_84_0_56(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06572 {
06573       G__letint(result7, 85, (long) TVirtualStreamerInfo::Factory());
06574    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06575 }
06577 static int G__G__Meta_84_0_57(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06578 {
06579       G__letint(result7, 85, (long) TVirtualStreamerInfo::Class());
06580    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06581 }
06583 static int G__G__Meta_84_0_58(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06584 {
06585       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TVirtualStreamerInfo::Class_Name());
06586    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06587 }
06589 static int G__G__Meta_84_0_59(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06590 {
06591       G__letint(result7, 115, (long) TVirtualStreamerInfo::Class_Version());
06592    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06593 }
06595 static int G__G__Meta_84_0_60(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06596 {
06597       TVirtualStreamerInfo::Dictionary();
06598       G__setnull(result7);
06599    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06600 }
06602 static int G__G__Meta_84_0_64(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06603 {
06604       ((TVirtualStreamerInfo*) G__getstructoffset())->StreamerNVirtual(*(TBuffer*) libp->para[0].ref);
06605       G__setnull(result7);
06606    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06607 }
06609 static int G__G__Meta_84_0_65(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06610 {
06611       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TVirtualStreamerInfo::DeclFileName());
06612    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06613 }
06615 static int G__G__Meta_84_0_66(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06616 {
06617       G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TVirtualStreamerInfo::ImplFileLine());
06618    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06619 }
06621 static int G__G__Meta_84_0_67(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06622 {
06623       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TVirtualStreamerInfo::ImplFileName());
06624    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06625 }
06627 static int G__G__Meta_84_0_68(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06628 {
06629       G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TVirtualStreamerInfo::DeclFileLine());
06630    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06631 }
06633 // automatic destructor
06634 typedef TVirtualStreamerInfo G__TTVirtualStreamerInfo;
06635 static int G__G__Meta_84_0_69(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06636 {
06637    char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
06638    long soff = G__getstructoffset();
06639    int n = G__getaryconstruct();
06640    //
06641    //has_a_delete: 1
06642    //has_own_delete1arg: 0
06643    //has_own_delete2arg: 0
06644    //
06645    if (!soff) {
06646      return(1);
06647    }
06648    if (n) {
06649      if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) {
06650        delete[] (TVirtualStreamerInfo*) soff;
06651      } else {
06652        G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID);
06653        for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
06654          ((TVirtualStreamerInfo*) (soff+(sizeof(TVirtualStreamerInfo)*i)))->~G__TTVirtualStreamerInfo();
06655        }
06656        G__setgvp((long)gvp);
06657      }
06658    } else {
06659      if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) {
06660        delete (TVirtualStreamerInfo*) soff;
06661      } else {
06662        G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID);
06663        ((TVirtualStreamerInfo*) (soff))->~G__TTVirtualStreamerInfo();
06664        G__setgvp((long)gvp);
06665      }
06666    }
06667    G__setnull(result7);
06668    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06669 }
06672 /* TStreamerElement */
06673 static int G__G__Meta_85_0_3(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06674 {
06675    TStreamerElement* p = NULL;
06676    char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
06677    int n = G__getaryconstruct();
06678    if (n) {
06679      if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
06680        p = new TStreamerElement[n];
06681      } else {
06682        p = new((void*) gvp) TStreamerElement[n];
06683      }
06684    } else {
06685      if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
06686        p = new TStreamerElement;
06687      } else {
06688        p = new((void*) gvp) TStreamerElement;
06689      }
06690    }
06691    result7->obj.i = (long) p;
06692    result7->ref = (long) p;
06693    G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerElement));
06694    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06695 }
06697 static int G__G__Meta_85_0_4(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06698 {
06699    TStreamerElement* p = NULL;
06700    char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
06701    //m: 5
06702    if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
06703      p = new TStreamerElement(
06704 (const char*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (const char*) G__int(libp->para[1])
06705 , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[2]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[3])
06706 , (const char*) G__int(libp->para[4]));
06707    } else {
06708      p = new((void*) gvp) TStreamerElement(
06709 (const char*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (const char*) G__int(libp->para[1])
06710 , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[2]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[3])
06711 , (const char*) G__int(libp->para[4]));
06712    }
06713    result7->obj.i = (long) p;
06714    result7->ref = (long) p;
06715    G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerElement));
06716    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06717 }
06719 static int G__G__Meta_85_0_5(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06720 {
06721       G__letint(result7, 103, (long) ((const TStreamerElement*) G__getstructoffset())->CannotSplit());
06722    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06723 }
06725 static int G__G__Meta_85_0_6(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06726 {
06727       G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((const TStreamerElement*) G__getstructoffset())->GetArrayDim());
06728    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06729 }
06731 static int G__G__Meta_85_0_7(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06732 {
06733       G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((const TStreamerElement*) G__getstructoffset())->GetArrayLength());
06734    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06735 }
06737 static int G__G__Meta_85_0_8(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06738 {
06739       G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ((const TStreamerElement*) G__getstructoffset())->GetClassPointer());
06740    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06741 }
06743 static int G__G__Meta_85_0_9(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06744 {
06745       G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ((const TStreamerElement*) G__getstructoffset())->GetClass());
06746    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06747 }
06749 static int G__G__Meta_85_0_10(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06750 {
06751       G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((const TStreamerElement*) G__getstructoffset())->GetExecID());
06752    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06753 }
06755 static int G__G__Meta_85_0_11(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06756 {
06757       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) ((const TStreamerElement*) G__getstructoffset())->GetFullName());
06758    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06759 }
06761 static int G__G__Meta_85_0_12(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06762 {
06763       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) ((const TStreamerElement*) G__getstructoffset())->GetInclude());
06764    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06765 }
06767 static int G__G__Meta_85_0_13(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06768 {
06769       G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((const TStreamerElement*) G__getstructoffset())->GetMaxIndex((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0])));
06770    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06771 }
06773 static int G__G__Meta_85_0_14(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06774 {
06775       G__letint(result7, 107, (long) ((const TStreamerElement*) G__getstructoffset())->GetMethod());
06776    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06777 }
06779 static int G__G__Meta_85_0_15(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06780 {
06781       G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ((const TStreamerElement*) G__getstructoffset())->GetStreamer());
06782    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06783 }
06785 static int G__G__Meta_85_0_16(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06786 {
06787       G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((const TStreamerElement*) G__getstructoffset())->GetSize());
06788    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06789 }
06791 static int G__G__Meta_85_0_17(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06792 {
06793       G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((const TStreamerElement*) G__getstructoffset())->GetNewType());
06794    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06795 }
06797 static int G__G__Meta_85_0_18(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06798 {
06799       G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ((const TStreamerElement*) G__getstructoffset())->GetNewClass());
06800    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06801 }
06803 static int G__G__Meta_85_0_19(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06804 {
06805       G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((const TStreamerElement*) G__getstructoffset())->GetType());
06806    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06807 }
06809 static int G__G__Meta_85_0_20(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06810 {
06811       G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((const TStreamerElement*) G__getstructoffset())->GetOffset());
06812    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06813 }
06815 static int G__G__Meta_85_0_21(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06816 {
06817       G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((const TStreamerElement*) G__getstructoffset())->GetTObjectOffset());
06818    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06819 }
06821 static int G__G__Meta_85_0_22(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06822 {
06823       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) ((const TStreamerElement*) G__getstructoffset())->GetTypeName());
06824    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06825 }
06827 static int G__G__Meta_85_0_23(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06828 {
06829       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) ((const TStreamerElement*) G__getstructoffset())->GetTypeNameBasic());
06830    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06831 }
06833 static int G__G__Meta_85_0_24(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06834 {
06835       G__letdouble(result7, 100, (double) ((const TStreamerElement*) G__getstructoffset())->GetFactor());
06836    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06837 }
06839 static int G__G__Meta_85_0_25(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06840 {
06841       G__letdouble(result7, 100, (double) ((const TStreamerElement*) G__getstructoffset())->GetXmin());
06842    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06843 }
06845 static int G__G__Meta_85_0_26(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06846 {
06847       G__letdouble(result7, 100, (double) ((const TStreamerElement*) G__getstructoffset())->GetXmax());
06848    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06849 }
06851 static int G__G__Meta_85_0_27(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06852 {
06853    switch (libp->paran) {
06854    case 1:
06855       ((TStreamerElement*) G__getstructoffset())->Init((TObject*) G__int(libp->para[0]));
06856       G__setnull(result7);
06857       break;
06858    case 0:
06859       ((TStreamerElement*) G__getstructoffset())->Init();
06860       G__setnull(result7);
06861       break;
06862    }
06863    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06864 }
06866 static int G__G__Meta_85_0_28(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06867 {
06868       G__letint(result7, 103, (long) ((const TStreamerElement*) G__getstructoffset())->IsaPointer());
06869    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06870 }
06872 static int G__G__Meta_85_0_29(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06873 {
06874       G__letint(result7, 103, (long) ((const TStreamerElement*) G__getstructoffset())->HasCounter());
06875    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06876 }
06878 static int G__G__Meta_85_0_30(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06879 {
06880       G__letint(result7, 103, (long) ((TStreamerElement*) G__getstructoffset())->IsOldFormat((const char*) G__int(libp->para[0])));
06881    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06882 }
06884 static int G__G__Meta_85_0_31(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06885 {
06886       G__letint(result7, 103, (long) ((const TStreamerElement*) G__getstructoffset())->IsBase());
06887    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06888 }
06890 static int G__G__Meta_85_0_33(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06891 {
06892       ((TStreamerElement*) G__getstructoffset())->SetArrayDim((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]));
06893       G__setnull(result7);
06894    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06895 }
06897 static int G__G__Meta_85_0_34(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06898 {
06899       ((TStreamerElement*) G__getstructoffset())->SetMaxIndex((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1]));
06900       G__setnull(result7);
06901    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06902 }
06904 static int G__G__Meta_85_0_35(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06905 {
06906       ((TStreamerElement*) G__getstructoffset())->SetOffset((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]));
06907       G__setnull(result7);
06908    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06909 }
06911 static int G__G__Meta_85_0_36(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06912 {
06913       ((TStreamerElement*) G__getstructoffset())->SetTObjectOffset((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]));
06914       G__setnull(result7);
06915    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06916 }
06918 static int G__G__Meta_85_0_37(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06919 {
06920       ((TStreamerElement*) G__getstructoffset())->SetStreamer((TMemberStreamer*) G__int(libp->para[0]));
06921       G__setnull(result7);
06922    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06923 }
06925 static int G__G__Meta_85_0_38(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06926 {
06927       ((TStreamerElement*) G__getstructoffset())->SetSize((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]));
06928       G__setnull(result7);
06929    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06930 }
06932 static int G__G__Meta_85_0_39(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06933 {
06934       ((TStreamerElement*) G__getstructoffset())->SetNewType((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]));
06935       G__setnull(result7);
06936    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06937 }
06939 static int G__G__Meta_85_0_40(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06940 {
06941       ((TStreamerElement*) G__getstructoffset())->SetNewClass((TClass*) G__int(libp->para[0]));
06942       G__setnull(result7);
06943    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06944 }
06946 static int G__G__Meta_85_0_41(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06947 {
06948       ((TStreamerElement*) G__getstructoffset())->SetType((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]));
06949       G__setnull(result7);
06950    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06951 }
06953 static int G__G__Meta_85_0_42(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06954 {
06955       ((TStreamerElement*) G__getstructoffset())->SetTypeName((const char*) G__int(libp->para[0]));
06956       G__setnull(result7);
06957    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06958 }
06960 static int G__G__Meta_85_0_43(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06961 {
06962       ((TStreamerElement*) G__getstructoffset())->Update((TClass*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (TClass*) G__int(libp->para[1]));
06963       G__setnull(result7);
06964    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06965 }
06967 static int G__G__Meta_85_0_44(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06968 {
06969       G__letint(result7, 85, (long) TStreamerElement::Class());
06970    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06971 }
06973 static int G__G__Meta_85_0_45(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06974 {
06975       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TStreamerElement::Class_Name());
06976    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06977 }
06979 static int G__G__Meta_85_0_46(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06980 {
06981       G__letint(result7, 115, (long) TStreamerElement::Class_Version());
06982    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06983 }
06985 static int G__G__Meta_85_0_47(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06986 {
06987       TStreamerElement::Dictionary();
06988       G__setnull(result7);
06989    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06990 }
06992 static int G__G__Meta_85_0_51(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
06993 {
06994       ((TStreamerElement*) G__getstructoffset())->StreamerNVirtual(*(TBuffer*) libp->para[0].ref);
06995       G__setnull(result7);
06996    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
06997 }
06999 static int G__G__Meta_85_0_52(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07000 {
07001       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TStreamerElement::DeclFileName());
07002    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07003 }
07005 static int G__G__Meta_85_0_53(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07006 {
07007       G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TStreamerElement::ImplFileLine());
07008    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07009 }
07011 static int G__G__Meta_85_0_54(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07012 {
07013       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TStreamerElement::ImplFileName());
07014    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07015 }
07017 static int G__G__Meta_85_0_55(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07018 {
07019       G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TStreamerElement::DeclFileLine());
07020    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07021 }
07023 // automatic destructor
07024 typedef TStreamerElement G__TTStreamerElement;
07025 static int G__G__Meta_85_0_56(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07026 {
07027    char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
07028    long soff = G__getstructoffset();
07029    int n = G__getaryconstruct();
07030    //
07031    //has_a_delete: 1
07032    //has_own_delete1arg: 0
07033    //has_own_delete2arg: 0
07034    //
07035    if (!soff) {
07036      return(1);
07037    }
07038    if (n) {
07039      if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) {
07040        delete[] (TStreamerElement*) soff;
07041      } else {
07042        G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID);
07043        for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
07044          ((TStreamerElement*) (soff+(sizeof(TStreamerElement)*i)))->~G__TTStreamerElement();
07045        }
07046        G__setgvp((long)gvp);
07047      }
07048    } else {
07049      if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) {
07050        delete (TStreamerElement*) soff;
07051      } else {
07052        G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID);
07053        ((TStreamerElement*) (soff))->~G__TTStreamerElement();
07054        G__setgvp((long)gvp);
07055      }
07056    }
07057    G__setnull(result7);
07058    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07059 }
07062 /* TDictionary */
07063 static int G__G__Meta_111_0_3(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07064 {
07065       G__letint(result7, 108, (long) ((const TDictionary*) G__getstructoffset())->Property());
07066    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07067 }
07069 static int G__G__Meta_111_0_4(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07070 {
07071       G__letint(result7, 85, (long) TDictionary::Class());
07072    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07073 }
07075 static int G__G__Meta_111_0_5(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07076 {
07077       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TDictionary::Class_Name());
07078    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07079 }
07081 static int G__G__Meta_111_0_6(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07082 {
07083       G__letint(result7, 115, (long) TDictionary::Class_Version());
07084    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07085 }
07087 static int G__G__Meta_111_0_7(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07088 {
07089       TDictionary::Dictionary();
07090       G__setnull(result7);
07091    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07092 }
07094 static int G__G__Meta_111_0_11(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07095 {
07096       ((TDictionary*) G__getstructoffset())->StreamerNVirtual(*(TBuffer*) libp->para[0].ref);
07097       G__setnull(result7);
07098    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07099 }
07101 static int G__G__Meta_111_0_12(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07102 {
07103       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TDictionary::DeclFileName());
07104    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07105 }
07107 static int G__G__Meta_111_0_13(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07108 {
07109       G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TDictionary::ImplFileLine());
07110    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07111 }
07113 static int G__G__Meta_111_0_14(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07114 {
07115       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TDictionary::ImplFileName());
07116    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07117 }
07119 static int G__G__Meta_111_0_15(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07120 {
07121       G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TDictionary::DeclFileLine());
07122    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07123 }
07125 // automatic destructor
07126 typedef TDictionary G__TTDictionary;
07127 static int G__G__Meta_111_0_16(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07128 {
07129    char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
07130    long soff = G__getstructoffset();
07131    int n = G__getaryconstruct();
07132    //
07133    //has_a_delete: 1
07134    //has_own_delete1arg: 0
07135    //has_own_delete2arg: 0
07136    //
07137    if (!soff) {
07138      return(1);
07139    }
07140    if (n) {
07141      if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) {
07142        delete[] (TDictionary*) soff;
07143      } else {
07144        G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID);
07145        for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
07146          ((TDictionary*) (soff+(sizeof(TDictionary)*i)))->~G__TTDictionary();
07147        }
07148        G__setgvp((long)gvp);
07149      }
07150    } else {
07151      if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) {
07152        delete (TDictionary*) soff;
07153      } else {
07154        G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID);
07155        ((TDictionary*) (soff))->~G__TTDictionary();
07156        G__setgvp((long)gvp);
07157      }
07158    }
07159    G__setnull(result7);
07160    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07161 }
07163 // automatic assignment operator
07164 static int G__G__Meta_111_0_17(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07165 {
07166    TDictionary* dest = (TDictionary*) G__getstructoffset();
07167    *dest = *(TDictionary*) libp->para[0].ref;
07168    const TDictionary& obj = *dest;
07169    result7->ref = (long) (&obj);
07170    result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj);
07171    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07172 }
07175 /* TBaseClass */
07176 static int G__G__Meta_122_0_3(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07177 {
07178    TBaseClass* p = NULL;
07179    char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
07180    switch (libp->paran) {
07181    case 2:
07182      //m: 2
07183      if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
07184        p = new TBaseClass((BaseClassInfo_t*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (TClass*) G__int(libp->para[1]));
07185      } else {
07186        p = new((void*) gvp) TBaseClass((BaseClassInfo_t*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (TClass*) G__int(libp->para[1]));
07187      }
07188      break;
07189    case 1:
07190      //m: 1
07191      if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
07192        p = new TBaseClass((BaseClassInfo_t*) G__int(libp->para[0]));
07193      } else {
07194        p = new((void*) gvp) TBaseClass((BaseClassInfo_t*) G__int(libp->para[0]));
07195      }
07196      break;
07197    case 0:
07198      int n = G__getaryconstruct();
07199      if (n) {
07200        if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
07201          p = new TBaseClass[n];
07202        } else {
07203          p = new((void*) gvp) TBaseClass[n];
07204        }
07205      } else {
07206        if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
07207          p = new TBaseClass;
07208        } else {
07209          p = new((void*) gvp) TBaseClass;
07210        }
07211      }
07212      break;
07213    }
07214    result7->obj.i = (long) p;
07215    result7->ref = (long) p;
07216    G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TBaseClass));
07217    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07218 }
07220 static int G__G__Meta_122_0_6(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07221 {
07222    switch (libp->paran) {
07223    case 1:
07224       G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ((TBaseClass*) G__getstructoffset())->GetClassPointer((Bool_t) G__int(libp->para[0])));
07225       break;
07226    case 0:
07227       G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ((TBaseClass*) G__getstructoffset())->GetClassPointer());
07228       break;
07229    }
07230    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07231 }
07233 static int G__G__Meta_122_0_7(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07234 {
07235       G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((const TBaseClass*) G__getstructoffset())->GetDelta());
07236    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07237 }
07239 static int G__G__Meta_122_0_9(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07240 {
07241       G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((TBaseClass*) G__getstructoffset())->IsSTLContainer());
07242    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07243 }
07245 static int G__G__Meta_122_0_11(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07246 {
07247       G__letint(result7, 85, (long) TBaseClass::Class());
07248    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07249 }
07251 static int G__G__Meta_122_0_12(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07252 {
07253       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TBaseClass::Class_Name());
07254    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07255 }
07257 static int G__G__Meta_122_0_13(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07258 {
07259       G__letint(result7, 115, (long) TBaseClass::Class_Version());
07260    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07261 }
07263 static int G__G__Meta_122_0_14(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07264 {
07265       TBaseClass::Dictionary();
07266       G__setnull(result7);
07267    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07268 }
07270 static int G__G__Meta_122_0_18(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07271 {
07272       ((TBaseClass*) G__getstructoffset())->StreamerNVirtual(*(TBuffer*) libp->para[0].ref);
07273       G__setnull(result7);
07274    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07275 }
07277 static int G__G__Meta_122_0_19(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07278 {
07279       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TBaseClass::DeclFileName());
07280    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07281 }
07283 static int G__G__Meta_122_0_20(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07284 {
07285       G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TBaseClass::ImplFileLine());
07286    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07287 }
07289 static int G__G__Meta_122_0_21(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07290 {
07291       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TBaseClass::ImplFileName());
07292    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07293 }
07295 static int G__G__Meta_122_0_22(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07296 {
07297       G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TBaseClass::DeclFileLine());
07298    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07299 }
07301 // automatic destructor
07302 typedef TBaseClass G__TTBaseClass;
07303 static int G__G__Meta_122_0_23(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07304 {
07305    char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
07306    long soff = G__getstructoffset();
07307    int n = G__getaryconstruct();
07308    //
07309    //has_a_delete: 1
07310    //has_own_delete1arg: 0
07311    //has_own_delete2arg: 0
07312    //
07313    if (!soff) {
07314      return(1);
07315    }
07316    if (n) {
07317      if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) {
07318        delete[] (TBaseClass*) soff;
07319      } else {
07320        G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID);
07321        for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
07322          ((TBaseClass*) (soff+(sizeof(TBaseClass)*i)))->~G__TTBaseClass();
07323        }
07324        G__setgvp((long)gvp);
07325      }
07326    } else {
07327      if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) {
07328        delete (TBaseClass*) soff;
07329      } else {
07330        G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID);
07331        ((TBaseClass*) (soff))->~G__TTBaseClass();
07332        G__setgvp((long)gvp);
07333      }
07334    }
07335    G__setnull(result7);
07336    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07337 }
07340 /* TDataMember */
07341 static int G__G__Meta_123_0_3(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07342 {
07343    TDataMember* p = NULL;
07344    char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
07345    switch (libp->paran) {
07346    case 2:
07347      //m: 2
07348      if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
07349        p = new TDataMember((DataMemberInfo_t*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (TClass*) G__int(libp->para[1]));
07350      } else {
07351        p = new((void*) gvp) TDataMember((DataMemberInfo_t*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (TClass*) G__int(libp->para[1]));
07352      }
07353      break;
07354    case 1:
07355      //m: 1
07356      if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
07357        p = new TDataMember((DataMemberInfo_t*) G__int(libp->para[0]));
07358      } else {
07359        p = new((void*) gvp) TDataMember((DataMemberInfo_t*) G__int(libp->para[0]));
07360      }
07361      break;
07362    case 0:
07363      int n = G__getaryconstruct();
07364      if (n) {
07365        if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
07366          p = new TDataMember[n];
07367        } else {
07368          p = new((void*) gvp) TDataMember[n];
07369        }
07370      } else {
07371        if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
07372          p = new TDataMember;
07373        } else {
07374          p = new((void*) gvp) TDataMember;
07375        }
07376      }
07377      break;
07378    }
07379    result7->obj.i = (long) p;
07380    result7->ref = (long) p;
07381    G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TDataMember));
07382    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07383 }
07385 static int G__G__Meta_123_0_4(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07386 {
07387       G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((const TDataMember*) G__getstructoffset())->GetArrayDim());
07388    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07389 }
07391 static int G__G__Meta_123_0_5(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07392 {
07393       G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((const TDataMember*) G__getstructoffset())->GetMaxIndex((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0])));
07394    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07395 }
07397 static int G__G__Meta_123_0_6(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07398 {
07399       G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ((const TDataMember*) G__getstructoffset())->GetClass());
07400    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07401 }
07403 static int G__G__Meta_123_0_7(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07404 {
07405       G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ((const TDataMember*) G__getstructoffset())->GetDataType());
07406    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07407 }
07409 static int G__G__Meta_123_0_8(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07410 {
07411       G__letint(result7, 108, (long) ((const TDataMember*) G__getstructoffset())->GetOffset());
07412    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07413 }
07415 static int G__G__Meta_123_0_9(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07416 {
07417       G__letint(result7, 108, (long) ((const TDataMember*) G__getstructoffset())->GetOffsetCint());
07418    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07419 }
07421 static int G__G__Meta_123_0_10(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07422 {
07423       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) ((const TDataMember*) G__getstructoffset())->GetTypeName());
07424    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07425 }
07427 static int G__G__Meta_123_0_11(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07428 {
07429       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) ((const TDataMember*) G__getstructoffset())->GetFullTypeName());
07430    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07431 }
07433 static int G__G__Meta_123_0_12(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07434 {
07435       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) ((const TDataMember*) G__getstructoffset())->GetTrueTypeName());
07436    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07437 }
07439 static int G__G__Meta_123_0_13(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07440 {
07441       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) ((const TDataMember*) G__getstructoffset())->GetArrayIndex());
07442    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07443 }
07445 static int G__G__Meta_123_0_14(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07446 {
07447       G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((const TDataMember*) G__getstructoffset())->GetUnitSize());
07448    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07449 }
07451 static int G__G__Meta_123_0_15(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07452 {
07453       G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ((const TDataMember*) G__getstructoffset())->GetOptions());
07454    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07455 }
07457 static int G__G__Meta_123_0_16(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07458 {
07459       G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ((TDataMember*) G__getstructoffset())->SetterMethod((TClass*) G__int(libp->para[0])));
07460    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07461 }
07463 static int G__G__Meta_123_0_17(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07464 {
07465    switch (libp->paran) {
07466    case 1:
07467       G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ((TDataMember*) G__getstructoffset())->GetterMethod((TClass*) G__int(libp->para[0])));
07468       break;
07469    case 0:
07470       G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ((TDataMember*) G__getstructoffset())->GetterMethod());
07471       break;
07472    }
07473    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07474 }
07476 static int G__G__Meta_123_0_18(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07477 {
07478       G__letint(result7, 103, (long) ((const TDataMember*) G__getstructoffset())->IsBasic());
07479    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07480 }
07482 static int G__G__Meta_123_0_19(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07483 {
07484       G__letint(result7, 103, (long) ((const TDataMember*) G__getstructoffset())->IsEnum());
07485    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07486 }
07488 static int G__G__Meta_123_0_20(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07489 {
07490       G__letint(result7, 103, (long) ((const TDataMember*) G__getstructoffset())->IsaPointer());
07491    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07492 }
07494 static int G__G__Meta_123_0_21(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07495 {
07496       G__letint(result7, 103, (long) ((const TDataMember*) G__getstructoffset())->IsPersistent());
07497    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07498 }
07500 static int G__G__Meta_123_0_22(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07501 {
07502       G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((TDataMember*) G__getstructoffset())->IsSTLContainer());
07503    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07504 }
07506 static int G__G__Meta_123_0_24(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07507 {
07508       G__letint(result7, 85, (long) TDataMember::Class());
07509    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07510 }
07512 static int G__G__Meta_123_0_25(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07513 {
07514       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TDataMember::Class_Name());
07515    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07516 }
07518 static int G__G__Meta_123_0_26(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07519 {
07520       G__letint(result7, 115, (long) TDataMember::Class_Version());
07521    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07522 }
07524 static int G__G__Meta_123_0_27(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07525 {
07526       TDataMember::Dictionary();
07527       G__setnull(result7);
07528    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07529 }
07531 static int G__G__Meta_123_0_31(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07532 {
07533       ((TDataMember*) G__getstructoffset())->StreamerNVirtual(*(TBuffer*) libp->para[0].ref);
07534       G__setnull(result7);
07535    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07536 }
07538 static int G__G__Meta_123_0_32(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07539 {
07540       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TDataMember::DeclFileName());
07541    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07542 }
07544 static int G__G__Meta_123_0_33(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07545 {
07546       G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TDataMember::ImplFileLine());
07547    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07548 }
07550 static int G__G__Meta_123_0_34(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07551 {
07552       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TDataMember::ImplFileName());
07553    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07554 }
07556 static int G__G__Meta_123_0_35(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07557 {
07558       G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TDataMember::DeclFileLine());
07559    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07560 }
07562 // automatic destructor
07563 typedef TDataMember G__TTDataMember;
07564 static int G__G__Meta_123_0_36(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07565 {
07566    char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
07567    long soff = G__getstructoffset();
07568    int n = G__getaryconstruct();
07569    //
07570    //has_a_delete: 1
07571    //has_own_delete1arg: 0
07572    //has_own_delete2arg: 0
07573    //
07574    if (!soff) {
07575      return(1);
07576    }
07577    if (n) {
07578      if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) {
07579        delete[] (TDataMember*) soff;
07580      } else {
07581        G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID);
07582        for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
07583          ((TDataMember*) (soff+(sizeof(TDataMember)*i)))->~G__TTDataMember();
07584        }
07585        G__setgvp((long)gvp);
07586      }
07587    } else {
07588      if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) {
07589        delete (TDataMember*) soff;
07590      } else {
07591        G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID);
07592        ((TDataMember*) (soff))->~G__TTDataMember();
07593        G__setgvp((long)gvp);
07594      }
07595    }
07596    G__setnull(result7);
07597    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07598 }
07601 /* TClassRef */
07602 static int G__G__Meta_124_0_5(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07603 {
07604    TClassRef* p = NULL;
07605    char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
07606    int n = G__getaryconstruct();
07607    if (n) {
07608      if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
07609        p = new TClassRef[n];
07610      } else {
07611        p = new((void*) gvp) TClassRef[n];
07612      }
07613    } else {
07614      if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
07615        p = new TClassRef;
07616      } else {
07617        p = new((void*) gvp) TClassRef;
07618      }
07619    }
07620    result7->obj.i = (long) p;
07621    result7->ref = (long) p;
07622    G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClassRef));
07623    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07624 }
07626 static int G__G__Meta_124_0_6(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07627 {
07628    TClassRef* p = NULL;
07629    char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
07630    //m: 1
07631    if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
07632      p = new TClassRef((TClass*) G__int(libp->para[0]));
07633    } else {
07634      p = new((void*) gvp) TClassRef((TClass*) G__int(libp->para[0]));
07635    }
07636    result7->obj.i = (long) p;
07637    result7->ref = (long) p;
07638    G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClassRef));
07639    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07640 }
07642 static int G__G__Meta_124_0_7(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07643 {
07644    TClassRef* p = NULL;
07645    char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
07646    //m: 1
07647    if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
07648      p = new TClassRef((const char*) G__int(libp->para[0]));
07649    } else {
07650      p = new((void*) gvp) TClassRef((const char*) G__int(libp->para[0]));
07651    }
07652    result7->obj.i = (long) p;
07653    result7->ref = (long) p;
07654    G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClassRef));
07655    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07656 }
07658 static int G__G__Meta_124_0_8(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07659 {
07660    TClassRef* p = NULL;
07661    char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
07662    //m: 1
07663    if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
07664      p = new TClassRef(*(TClassRef*) libp->para[0].ref);
07665    } else {
07666      p = new((void*) gvp) TClassRef(*(TClassRef*) libp->para[0].ref);
07667    }
07668    result7->obj.i = (long) p;
07669    result7->ref = (long) p;
07670    G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClassRef));
07671    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07672 }
07674 static int G__G__Meta_124_0_9(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07675 {
07676       {
07677          const TClassRef& obj = ((TClassRef*) G__getstructoffset())->operator=(*(TClassRef*) libp->para[0].ref);
07678          result7->ref = (long) (&obj);
07679          result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj);
07680       }
07681    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07682 }
07684 static int G__G__Meta_124_0_10(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07685 {
07686       {
07687          const TClassRef& obj = ((TClassRef*) G__getstructoffset())->operator=((TClass*) G__int(libp->para[0]));
07688          result7->ref = (long) (&obj);
07689          result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj);
07690       }
07691    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07692 }
07694 static int G__G__Meta_124_0_11(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07695 {
07696       ((TClassRef*) G__getstructoffset())->SetName((const char*) G__int(libp->para[0]));
07697       G__setnull(result7);
07698    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07699 }
07701 static int G__G__Meta_124_0_12(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07702 {
07703       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) ((TClassRef*) G__getstructoffset())->GetClassName());
07704    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07705 }
07707 static int G__G__Meta_124_0_13(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07708 {
07709       G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ((const TClassRef*) G__getstructoffset())->GetClass());
07710    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07711 }
07713 static int G__G__Meta_124_0_14(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07714 {
07715       ((TClassRef*) G__getstructoffset())->Reset();
07716       G__setnull(result7);
07717    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07718 }
07720 static int G__G__Meta_124_0_15(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07721 {
07722       G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ((const TClassRef*) G__getstructoffset())->operator->());
07723    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07724 }
07726 static int G__G__Meta_124_0_16(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07727 {
07728       G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ((const TClassRef*) G__getstructoffset())->operator ::TClass*());
07729    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07730 }
07732 // automatic destructor
07733 typedef TClassRef G__TTClassRef;
07734 static int G__G__Meta_124_0_17(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07735 {
07736    char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
07737    long soff = G__getstructoffset();
07738    int n = G__getaryconstruct();
07739    //
07740    //has_a_delete: 0
07741    //has_own_delete1arg: 0
07742    //has_own_delete2arg: 0
07743    //
07744    if (!soff) {
07745      return(1);
07746    }
07747    if (n) {
07748      if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) {
07749        delete[] (TClassRef*) soff;
07750      } else {
07751        G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID);
07752        for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
07753          ((TClassRef*) (soff+(sizeof(TClassRef)*i)))->~G__TTClassRef();
07754        }
07755        G__setgvp((long)gvp);
07756      }
07757    } else {
07758      if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) {
07759        delete (TClassRef*) soff;
07760      } else {
07761        G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID);
07762        ((TClassRef*) (soff))->~G__TTClassRef();
07763        G__setgvp((long)gvp);
07764      }
07765    }
07766    G__setnull(result7);
07767    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07768 }
07771 /* TRealData */
07772 static int G__G__Meta_125_0_3(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07773 {
07774    TRealData* p = NULL;
07775    char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
07776    int n = G__getaryconstruct();
07777    if (n) {
07778      if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
07779        p = new TRealData[n];
07780      } else {
07781        p = new((void*) gvp) TRealData[n];
07782      }
07783    } else {
07784      if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
07785        p = new TRealData;
07786      } else {
07787        p = new((void*) gvp) TRealData;
07788      }
07789    }
07790    result7->obj.i = (long) p;
07791    result7->ref = (long) p;
07792    G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TRealData));
07793    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07794 }
07796 static int G__G__Meta_125_0_4(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07797 {
07798    TRealData* p = NULL;
07799    char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
07800    //m: 3
07801    if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
07802      p = new TRealData(
07803 (const char*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Long_t) G__int(libp->para[1])
07804 , (TDataMember*) G__int(libp->para[2]));
07805    } else {
07806      p = new((void*) gvp) TRealData(
07807 (const char*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Long_t) G__int(libp->para[1])
07808 , (TDataMember*) G__int(libp->para[2]));
07809    }
07810    result7->obj.i = (long) p;
07811    result7->ref = (long) p;
07812    G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TRealData));
07813    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07814 }
07816 static int G__G__Meta_125_0_5(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07817 {
07818       ((TRealData*) G__getstructoffset())->AdoptStreamer((TMemberStreamer*) G__int(libp->para[0]));
07819       G__setnull(result7);
07820    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07821 }
07823 static int G__G__Meta_125_0_7(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07824 {
07825       G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ((const TRealData*) G__getstructoffset())->GetDataMember());
07826    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07827 }
07829 static int G__G__Meta_125_0_8(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07830 {
07831       G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ((const TRealData*) G__getstructoffset())->GetStreamer());
07832    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07833 }
07835 static int G__G__Meta_125_0_9(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07836 {
07837       G__letint(result7, 108, (long) ((const TRealData*) G__getstructoffset())->GetThisOffset());
07838    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07839 }
07841 static int G__G__Meta_125_0_10(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07842 {
07843       G__letint(result7, 103, (long) ((const TRealData*) G__getstructoffset())->IsObject());
07844    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07845 }
07847 static int G__G__Meta_125_0_11(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07848 {
07849       ((TRealData*) G__getstructoffset())->SetIsObject((Bool_t) G__int(libp->para[0]));
07850       G__setnull(result7);
07851    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07852 }
07854 static int G__G__Meta_125_0_12(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07855 {
07856       ((TRealData*) G__getstructoffset())->WriteRealData((void*) G__int(libp->para[0]), libp->para[1].ref ? *(char**) libp->para[1].ref : *(char**) (void*) (&G__Mlong(libp->para[1])));
07857       G__setnull(result7);
07858    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07859 }
07861 static int G__G__Meta_125_0_13(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07862 {
07863       G__letint(result7, 85, (long) TRealData::Class());
07864    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07865 }
07867 static int G__G__Meta_125_0_14(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07868 {
07869       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TRealData::Class_Name());
07870    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07871 }
07873 static int G__G__Meta_125_0_15(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07874 {
07875       G__letint(result7, 115, (long) TRealData::Class_Version());
07876    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07877 }
07879 static int G__G__Meta_125_0_16(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07880 {
07881       TRealData::Dictionary();
07882       G__setnull(result7);
07883    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07884 }
07886 static int G__G__Meta_125_0_20(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07887 {
07888       ((TRealData*) G__getstructoffset())->StreamerNVirtual(*(TBuffer*) libp->para[0].ref);
07889       G__setnull(result7);
07890    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07891 }
07893 static int G__G__Meta_125_0_21(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07894 {
07895       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TRealData::DeclFileName());
07896    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07897 }
07899 static int G__G__Meta_125_0_22(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07900 {
07901       G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TRealData::ImplFileLine());
07902    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07903 }
07905 static int G__G__Meta_125_0_23(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07906 {
07907       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TRealData::ImplFileName());
07908    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07909 }
07911 static int G__G__Meta_125_0_24(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07912 {
07913       G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TRealData::DeclFileLine());
07914    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07915 }
07917 // automatic destructor
07918 typedef TRealData G__TTRealData;
07919 static int G__G__Meta_125_0_25(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07920 {
07921    char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
07922    long soff = G__getstructoffset();
07923    int n = G__getaryconstruct();
07924    //
07925    //has_a_delete: 1
07926    //has_own_delete1arg: 0
07927    //has_own_delete2arg: 0
07928    //
07929    if (!soff) {
07930      return(1);
07931    }
07932    if (n) {
07933      if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) {
07934        delete[] (TRealData*) soff;
07935      } else {
07936        G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID);
07937        for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
07938          ((TRealData*) (soff+(sizeof(TRealData)*i)))->~G__TTRealData();
07939        }
07940        G__setgvp((long)gvp);
07941      }
07942    } else {
07943      if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) {
07944        delete (TRealData*) soff;
07945      } else {
07946        G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID);
07947        ((TRealData*) (soff))->~G__TTRealData();
07948        G__setgvp((long)gvp);
07949      }
07950    }
07951    G__setnull(result7);
07952    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07953 }
07956 /* TMethodCall */
07957 static int G__G__Meta_127_0_4(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07958 {
07959    TMethodCall* p = NULL;
07960    char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
07961    int n = G__getaryconstruct();
07962    if (n) {
07963      if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
07964        p = new TMethodCall[n];
07965      } else {
07966        p = new((void*) gvp) TMethodCall[n];
07967      }
07968    } else {
07969      if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
07970        p = new TMethodCall;
07971      } else {
07972        p = new((void*) gvp) TMethodCall;
07973      }
07974    }
07975    result7->obj.i = (long) p;
07976    result7->ref = (long) p;
07977    G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TMethodCall));
07978    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07979 }
07981 static int G__G__Meta_127_0_5(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
07982 {
07983    TMethodCall* p = NULL;
07984    char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
07985    //m: 3
07986    if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
07987      p = new TMethodCall(
07988 (TClass*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (const char*) G__int(libp->para[1])
07989 , (const char*) G__int(libp->para[2]));
07990    } else {
07991      p = new((void*) gvp) TMethodCall(
07992 (TClass*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (const char*) G__int(libp->para[1])
07993 , (const char*) G__int(libp->para[2]));
07994    }
07995    result7->obj.i = (long) p;
07996    result7->ref = (long) p;
07997    G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TMethodCall));
07998    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
07999 }
08001 static int G__G__Meta_127_0_6(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
08002 {
08003    TMethodCall* p = NULL;
08004    char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
08005    //m: 2
08006    if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
08007      p = new TMethodCall((const char*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (const char*) G__int(libp->para[1]));
08008    } else {
08009      p = new((void*) gvp) TMethodCall((const char*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (const char*) G__int(libp->para[1]));
08010    }
08011    result7->obj.i = (long) p;
08012    result7->ref = (long) p;
08013    G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TMethodCall));
08014    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
08015 }
08017 static int G__G__Meta_127_0_7(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
08018 {
08019    TMethodCall* p = NULL;
08020    char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
08021    //m: 1
08022    if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
08023      p = new TMethodCall(*(TMethodCall*) libp->para[0].ref);
08024    } else {
08025      p = new((void*) gvp) TMethodCall(*(TMethodCall*) libp->para[0].ref);
08026    }
08027    result7->obj.i = (long) p;
08028    result7->ref = (long) p;
08029    G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TMethodCall));
08030    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
08031 }
08033 static int G__G__Meta_127_0_8(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
08034 {
08035       {
08036          const TMethodCall& obj = ((TMethodCall*) G__getstructoffset())->operator=(*(TMethodCall*) libp->para[0].ref);
08037          result7->ref = (long) (&obj);
08038          result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj);
08039       }
08040    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
08041 }
08043 static int G__G__Meta_127_0_9(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
08044 {
08045       ((TMethodCall*) G__getstructoffset())->Init((TClass*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (const char*) G__int(libp->para[1])
08046 , (const char*) G__int(libp->para[2]));
08047       G__setnull(result7);
08048    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
08049 }
08051 static int G__G__Meta_127_0_10(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
08052 {
08053       ((TMethodCall*) G__getstructoffset())->Init((const char*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (const char*) G__int(libp->para[1]));
08054       G__setnull(result7);
08055    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
08056 }
08058 static int G__G__Meta_127_0_11(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
08059 {
08060       ((TMethodCall*) G__getstructoffset())->InitWithPrototype((TClass*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (const char*) G__int(libp->para[1])
08061 , (const char*) G__int(libp->para[2]));
08062       G__setnull(result7);
08063    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
08064 }
08066 static int G__G__Meta_127_0_12(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
08067 {
08068       ((TMethodCall*) G__getstructoffset())->InitWithPrototype((const char*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (const char*) G__int(libp->para[1]));
08069       G__setnull(result7);
08070    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
08071 }
08073 static int G__G__Meta_127_0_13(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
08074 {
08075       G__letint(result7, 103, (long) ((const TMethodCall*) G__getstructoffset())->IsValid());
08076    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
08077 }
08079 static int G__G__Meta_127_0_15(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
08080 {
08081    switch (libp->paran) {
08082    case 1:
08083       ((TMethodCall*) G__getstructoffset())->CallDtorOnly((Bool_t) G__int(libp->para[0]));
08084       G__setnull(result7);
08085       break;
08086    case 0:
08087       ((TMethodCall*) G__getstructoffset())->CallDtorOnly();
08088       G__setnull(result7);
08089       break;
08090    }
08091    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
08092 }
08094 static int G__G__Meta_127_0_16(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
08095 {
08096       G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ((TMethodCall*) G__getstructoffset())->GetMethod());
08097    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
08098 }
08100 static int G__G__Meta_127_0_17(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
08101 {
08102       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) ((const TMethodCall*) G__getstructoffset())->GetMethodName());
08103    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
08104 }
08106 static int G__G__Meta_127_0_18(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
08107 {
08108       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) ((const TMethodCall*) G__getstructoffset())->GetParams());
08109    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
08110 }
08112 static int G__G__Meta_127_0_19(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
08113 {
08114       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) ((const TMethodCall*) G__getstructoffset())->GetProto());
08115    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
08116 }
08118 static int G__G__Meta_127_0_20(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
08119 {
08120       G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((TMethodCall*) G__getstructoffset())->ReturnType());
08121    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
08122 }
08124 static int G__G__Meta_127_0_21(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
08125 {
08126    switch (libp->paran) {
08127    case 2:
08128       ((TMethodCall*) G__getstructoffset())->SetParamPtrs((void*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1]));
08129       G__setnull(result7);
08130       break;
08131    case 1:
08132       ((TMethodCall*) G__getstructoffset())->SetParamPtrs((void*) G__int(libp->para[0]));
08133       G__setnull(result7);
08134       break;
08135    }
08136    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
08137 }
08139 static int G__G__Meta_127_0_22(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
08140 {
08141       ((TMethodCall*) G__getstructoffset())->ResetParam();
08142       G__setnull(result7);
08143    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
08144 }
08146 static int G__G__Meta_127_0_23(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
08147 {
08148       ((TMethodCall*) G__getstructoffset())->SetParam((Long_t) G__int(libp->para[0]));
08149       G__setnull(result7);
08150    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
08151 }
08153 static int G__G__Meta_127_0_24(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
08154 {
08155       ((TMethodCall*) G__getstructoffset())->SetParam((Double_t) G__double(libp->para[0]));
08156       G__setnull(result7);
08157    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
08158 }
08160 static int G__G__Meta_127_0_25(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
08161 {
08162       ((TMethodCall*) G__getstructoffset())->SetParam((Long64_t) G__Longlong(libp->para[0]));
08163       G__setnull(result7);
08164    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
08165 }
08167 static int G__G__Meta_127_0_26(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
08168 {
08169       ((TMethodCall*) G__getstructoffset())->SetParam((ULong64_t) G__ULonglong(libp->para[0]));
08170       G__setnull(result7);
08171    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
08172 }
08174 static int G__G__Meta_127_0_27(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
08175 {
08176       ((TMethodCall*) G__getstructoffset())->Execute((void*) G__int(libp->para[0]));
08177       G__setnull(result7);
08178    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
08179 }
08181 static int G__G__Meta_127_0_28(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
08182 {
08183       ((TMethodCall*) G__getstructoffset())->Execute((void*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (const char*) G__int(libp->para[1]));
08184       G__setnull(result7);
08185    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
08186 }
08188 static int G__G__Meta_127_0_29(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
08189 {
08190       ((TMethodCall*) G__getstructoffset())->Execute((void*) G__int(libp->para[0]), *(Long_t*) G__Longref(&libp->para[1]));
08191       G__setnull(result7);
08192    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
08193 }
08195 static int G__G__Meta_127_0_30(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
08196 {
08197       ((TMethodCall*) G__getstructoffset())->Execute((void*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (const char*) G__int(libp->para[1])
08198 , *(Long_t*) G__Longref(&libp->para[2]));
08199       G__setnull(result7);
08200    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
08201 }
08203 static int G__G__Meta_127_0_31(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
08204 {
08205       ((TMethodCall*) G__getstructoffset())->Execute((void*) G__int(libp->para[0]), *(Double_t*) G__Doubleref(&libp->para[1]));
08206       G__setnull(result7);
08207    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
08208 }
08210 static int G__G__Meta_127_0_32(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
08211 {
08212       ((TMethodCall*) G__getstructoffset())->Execute((void*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (const char*) G__int(libp->para[1])
08213 , *(Double_t*) G__Doubleref(&libp->para[2]));
08214       G__setnull(result7);
08215    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
08216 }
08218 static int G__G__Meta_127_0_33(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
08219 {
08220       ((TMethodCall*) G__getstructoffset())->Execute((void*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (char**) G__int(libp->para[1]));
08221       G__setnull(result7);
08222    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
08223 }
08225 static int G__G__Meta_127_0_34(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
08226 {
08227       ((TMethodCall*) G__getstructoffset())->Execute((void*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (const char*) G__int(libp->para[1])
08228 , (char**) G__int(libp->para[2]));
08229       G__setnull(result7);
08230    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
08231 }
08233 static int G__G__Meta_127_0_35(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
08234 {
08235       ((TMethodCall*) G__getstructoffset())->Execute();
08236       G__setnull(result7);
08237    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
08238 }
08240 static int G__G__Meta_127_0_36(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
08241 {
08242       ((TMethodCall*) G__getstructoffset())->Execute((const char*) G__int(libp->para[0]));
08243       G__setnull(result7);
08244    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
08245 }
08247 static int G__G__Meta_127_0_37(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
08248 {
08249       ((TMethodCall*) G__getstructoffset())->Execute(*(Long_t*) G__Longref(&libp->para[0]));
08250       G__setnull(result7);
08251    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
08252 }
08254 static int G__G__Meta_127_0_38(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
08255 {
08256       ((TMethodCall*) G__getstructoffset())->Execute((const char*) G__int(libp->para[0]), *(Long_t*) G__Longref(&libp->para[1]));
08257       G__setnull(result7);
08258    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
08259 }
08261 static int G__G__Meta_127_0_39(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
08262 {
08263       ((TMethodCall*) G__getstructoffset())->Execute(*(Double_t*) G__Doubleref(&libp->para[0]));
08264       G__setnull(result7);
08265    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
08266 }
08268 static int G__G__Meta_127_0_40(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
08269 {
08270       ((TMethodCall*) G__getstructoffset())->Execute((const char*) G__int(libp->para[0]), *(Double_t*) G__Doubleref(&libp->para[1]));
08271       G__setnull(result7);
08272    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
08273 }
08275 static int G__G__Meta_127_0_41(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
08276 {
08277       G__letint(result7, 85, (long) TMethodCall::Class());
08278    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
08279 }
08281 static int G__G__Meta_127_0_42(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
08282 {
08283       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TMethodCall::Class_Name());
08284    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
08285 }
08287 static int G__G__Meta_127_0_43(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
08288 {
08289       G__letint(result7, 115, (long) TMethodCall::Class_Version());
08290    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
08291 }
08293 static int G__G__Meta_127_0_44(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
08294 {
08295       TMethodCall::Dictionary();
08296       G__setnull(result7);
08297    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
08298 }
08300 static int G__G__Meta_127_0_48(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
08301 {
08302       ((TMethodCall*) G__getstructoffset())->StreamerNVirtual(*(TBuffer*) libp->para[0].ref);
08303       G__setnull(result7);
08304    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
08305 }
08307 static int G__G__Meta_127_0_49(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
08308 {
08309       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TMethodCall::DeclFileName());
08310    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
08311 }
08313 static int G__G__Meta_127_0_50(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
08314 {
08315       G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TMethodCall::ImplFileLine());
08316    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
08317 }
08319 static int G__G__Meta_127_0_51(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
08320 {
08321       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TMethodCall::ImplFileName());
08322    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
08323 }
08325 static int G__G__Meta_127_0_52(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
08326 {
08327       G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TMethodCall::DeclFileLine());
08328    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
08329 }
08331 // automatic destructor
08332 typedef TMethodCall G__TTMethodCall;
08333 static int G__G__Meta_127_0_53(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
08334 {
08335    char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
08336    long soff = G__getstructoffset();
08337    int n = G__getaryconstruct();
08338    //
08339    //has_a_delete: 1
08340    //has_own_delete1arg: 0
08341    //has_own_delete2arg: 0
08342    //
08343    if (!soff) {
08344      return(1);
08345    }
08346    if (n) {
08347      if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) {
08348        delete[] (TMethodCall*) soff;
08349      } else {
08350        G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID);
08351        for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
08352          ((TMethodCall*) (soff+(sizeof(TMethodCall)*i)))->~G__TTMethodCall();
08353        }
08354        G__setgvp((long)gvp);
08355      }
08356    } else {
08357      if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) {
08358        delete (TMethodCall*) soff;
08359      } else {
08360        G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID);
08361        ((TMethodCall*) (soff))->~G__TTMethodCall();
08362        G__setgvp((long)gvp);
08363      }
08364    }
08365    G__setnull(result7);
08366    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
08367 }
08370 /* ROOT::TSchemaRuleSet */
08371 static int G__G__Meta_130_0_1(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
08372 {
08373    ROOT::TSchemaRuleSet* p = NULL;
08374    char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
08375    int n = G__getaryconstruct();
08376    if (n) {
08377      if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
08378        p = new ROOT::TSchemaRuleSet[n];
08379      } else {
08380        p = new((void*) gvp) ROOT::TSchemaRuleSet[n];
08381      }
08382    } else {
08383      if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
08384        p = new ROOT::TSchemaRuleSet;
08385      } else {
08386        p = new((void*) gvp) ROOT::TSchemaRuleSet;
08387      }
08388    }
08389    result7->obj.i = (long) p;
08390    result7->ref = (long) p;
08391    G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_ROOTcLcLTSchemaRuleSet));
08392    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
08393 }
08395 static int G__G__Meta_130_0_2(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
08396 {
08397    switch (libp->paran) {
08398    case 2:
08399       G__letint(result7, 103, (long) ((ROOT::TSchemaRuleSet*) G__getstructoffset())->AddRule((ROOT::TSchemaRule*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (ROOT::TSchemaRuleSet::EConsistencyCheck) G__int(libp->para[1])));
08400       break;
08401    case 1:
08402       G__letint(result7, 103, (long) ((ROOT::TSchemaRuleSet*) G__getstructoffset())->AddRule((ROOT::TSchemaRule*) G__int(libp->para[0])));
08403       break;
08404    }
08405    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
08406 }
08408 static int G__G__Meta_130_0_3(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
08409 {
08410    switch (libp->paran) {
08411    case 2:
08412       G__letint(result7, 103, (long) ((ROOT::TSchemaRuleSet*) G__getstructoffset())->AddRules((ROOT::TSchemaRuleSet*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (ROOT::TSchemaRuleSet::EConsistencyCheck) G__int(libp->para[1])));
08413       break;
08414    case 1:
08415       G__letint(result7, 103, (long) ((ROOT::TSchemaRuleSet*) G__getstructoffset())->AddRules((ROOT::TSchemaRuleSet*) G__int(libp->para[0])));
08416       break;
08417    }
08418    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
08419 }
08421 static int G__G__Meta_130_0_4(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
08422 {
08423       G__letint(result7, 103, (long) ((const ROOT::TSchemaRuleSet*) G__getstructoffset())->HasRuleWithSourceClass(*(TString*) libp->para[0].ref));
08424    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
08425 }
08427 static int G__G__Meta_130_0_5(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
08428 {
08429       G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ((const ROOT::TSchemaRuleSet*) G__getstructoffset())->FindRules(*(TString*) libp->para[0].ref));
08430    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
08431 }
08433 static int G__G__Meta_130_0_6(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
08434 {
08435       G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ((const ROOT::TSchemaRuleSet*) G__getstructoffset())->FindRules(*(TString*) libp->para[0].ref, (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1])));
08436    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
08437 }
08439 static int G__G__Meta_130_0_7(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
08440 {
08441       G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ((const ROOT::TSchemaRuleSet*) G__getstructoffset())->FindRules(*(TString*) libp->para[0].ref, (UInt_t) G__int(libp->para[1])));
08442    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
08443 }
08445 static int G__G__Meta_130_0_8(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
08446 {
08447       G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ((const ROOT::TSchemaRuleSet*) G__getstructoffset())->FindRules(*(TString*) libp->para[0].ref, (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1])
08448 , (UInt_t) G__int(libp->para[2])));
08449    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
08450 }
08452 static int G__G__Meta_130_0_9(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
08453 {
08454       G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ((ROOT::TSchemaRuleSet*) G__getstructoffset())->GetClass());
08455    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
08456 }
08458 static int G__G__Meta_130_0_10(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
08459 {
08460       G__letint(result7, 104, (long) ((const ROOT::TSchemaRuleSet*) G__getstructoffset())->GetClassCheckSum());
08461    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
08462 }
08464 static int G__G__Meta_130_0_11(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
08465 {
08466       {
08467          const TString* pobj;
08468          const TString xobj = ((const ROOT::TSchemaRuleSet*) G__getstructoffset())->GetClassName();
08469          pobj = new TString(xobj);
08470          result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj);
08471          result7->ref = result7->obj.i;
08472          G__store_tempobject(*result7);
08473       }
08474    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
08475 }
08477 static int G__G__Meta_130_0_12(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
08478 {
08479       G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((const ROOT::TSchemaRuleSet*) G__getstructoffset())->GetClassVersion());
08480    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
08481 }
08483 static int G__G__Meta_130_0_13(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
08484 {
08485       G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ((const ROOT::TSchemaRuleSet*) G__getstructoffset())->GetRules());
08486    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
08487 }
08489 static int G__G__Meta_130_0_14(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
08490 {
08491       G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ((const ROOT::TSchemaRuleSet*) G__getstructoffset())->GetPersistentRules());
08492    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
08493 }
08495 static int G__G__Meta_130_0_15(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
08496 {
08497       ((ROOT::TSchemaRuleSet*) G__getstructoffset())->RemoveRule((ROOT::TSchemaRule*) G__int(libp->para[0]));
08498       G__setnull(result7);
08499    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
08500 }
08502 static int G__G__Meta_130_0_16(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
08503 {
08504       ((ROOT::TSchemaRuleSet*) G__getstructoffset())->RemoveRules((TObjArray*) G__int(libp->para[0]));
08505       G__setnull(result7);
08506    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
08507 }
08509 static int G__G__Meta_130_0_17(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
08510 {
08511       ((ROOT::TSchemaRuleSet*) G__getstructoffset())->SetClass((TClass*) G__int(libp->para[0]));
08512       G__setnull(result7);
08513    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
08514 }
08516 static int G__G__Meta_130_0_19(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
08517 {
08518       ((const ROOT::TSchemaRuleSet*) G__getstructoffset())->AsString(*(TString*) libp->para[0].ref);
08519       G__setnull(result7);
08520    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
08521 }
08523 static int G__G__Meta_130_0_20(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
08524 {
08525       G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ROOT::TSchemaRuleSet::Class());
08526    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
08527 }
08529 static int G__G__Meta_130_0_21(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
08530 {
08531       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) ROOT::TSchemaRuleSet::Class_Name());
08532    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
08533 }
08535 static int G__G__Meta_130_0_22(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
08536 {
08537       G__letint(result7, 115, (long) ROOT::TSchemaRuleSet::Class_Version());
08538    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
08539 }
08541 static int G__G__Meta_130_0_23(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
08542 {
08543       ROOT::TSchemaRuleSet::Dictionary();
08544       G__setnull(result7);
08545    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
08546 }
08548 static int G__G__Meta_130_0_27(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
08549 {
08550       ((ROOT::TSchemaRuleSet*) G__getstructoffset())->StreamerNVirtual(*(TBuffer*) libp->para[0].ref);
08551       G__setnull(result7);
08552    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
08553 }
08555 static int G__G__Meta_130_0_28(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
08556 {
08557       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) ROOT::TSchemaRuleSet::DeclFileName());
08558    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
08559 }
08561 static int G__G__Meta_130_0_29(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
08562 {
08563       G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ROOT::TSchemaRuleSet::ImplFileLine());
08564    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
08565 }
08567 static int G__G__Meta_130_0_30(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
08568 {
08569       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) ROOT::TSchemaRuleSet::ImplFileName());
08570    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
08571 }
08573 static int G__G__Meta_130_0_31(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
08574 {
08575       G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ROOT::TSchemaRuleSet::DeclFileLine());
08576    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
08577 }
08579 // automatic copy constructor
08580 static int G__G__Meta_130_0_32(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
08582 {
08583    ROOT::TSchemaRuleSet* p;
08584    void* tmp = (void*) G__int(libp->para[0]);
08585    p = new ROOT::TSchemaRuleSet(*(ROOT::TSchemaRuleSet*) tmp);
08586    result7->obj.i = (long) p;
08587    result7->ref = (long) p;
08588    G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_ROOTcLcLTSchemaRuleSet));
08589    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
08590 }
08592 // automatic destructor
08593 typedef ROOT::TSchemaRuleSet G__TROOTcLcLTSchemaRuleSet;
08594 static int G__G__Meta_130_0_33(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
08595 {
08596    char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
08597    long soff = G__getstructoffset();
08598    int n = G__getaryconstruct();
08599    //
08600    //has_a_delete: 1
08601    //has_own_delete1arg: 0
08602    //has_own_delete2arg: 0
08603    //
08604    if (!soff) {
08605      return(1);
08606    }
08607    if (n) {
08608      if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) {
08609        delete[] (ROOT::TSchemaRuleSet*) soff;
08610      } else {
08611        G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID);
08612        for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
08613          ((ROOT::TSchemaRuleSet*) (soff+(sizeof(ROOT::TSchemaRuleSet)*i)))->~G__TROOTcLcLTSchemaRuleSet();
08614        }
08615        G__setgvp((long)gvp);
08616      }
08617    } else {
08618      if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) {
08619        delete (ROOT::TSchemaRuleSet*) soff;
08620      } else {
08621        G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID);
08622        ((ROOT::TSchemaRuleSet*) (soff))->~G__TROOTcLcLTSchemaRuleSet();
08623        G__setgvp((long)gvp);
08624      }
08625    }
08626    G__setnull(result7);
08627    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
08628 }
08630 // automatic assignment operator
08631 static int G__G__Meta_130_0_34(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
08632 {
08633    ROOT::TSchemaRuleSet* dest = (ROOT::TSchemaRuleSet*) G__getstructoffset();
08634    *dest = *(ROOT::TSchemaRuleSet*) libp->para[0].ref;
08635    const ROOT::TSchemaRuleSet& obj = *dest;
08636    result7->ref = (long) (&obj);
08637    result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj);
08638    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
08639 }
08642 /* TClassGenerator */
08643 static int G__G__Meta_148_0_2(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
08644 {
08645       G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ((TClassGenerator*) G__getstructoffset())->GetClass((const char*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Bool_t) G__int(libp->para[1])));
08646    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
08647 }
08649 static int G__G__Meta_148_0_3(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
08650 {
08651       G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ((TClassGenerator*) G__getstructoffset())->GetClass(*(type_info*) libp->para[0].ref, (Bool_t) G__int(libp->para[1])));
08652    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
08653 }
08655 static int G__G__Meta_148_0_4(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
08656 {
08657       G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ((TClassGenerator*) G__getstructoffset())->GetClass((const char*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Bool_t) G__int(libp->para[1])
08658 , (Bool_t) G__int(libp->para[2])));
08659    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
08660 }
08662 static int G__G__Meta_148_0_5(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
08663 {
08664       G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ((TClassGenerator*) G__getstructoffset())->GetClass(*(type_info*) libp->para[0].ref, (Bool_t) G__int(libp->para[1])
08665 , (Bool_t) G__int(libp->para[2])));
08666    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
08667 }
08669 static int G__G__Meta_148_0_6(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
08670 {
08671       G__letint(result7, 85, (long) TClassGenerator::Class());
08672    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
08673 }
08675 static int G__G__Meta_148_0_7(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
08676 {
08677       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TClassGenerator::Class_Name());
08678    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
08679 }
08681 static int G__G__Meta_148_0_8(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
08682 {
08683       G__letint(result7, 115, (long) TClassGenerator::Class_Version());
08684    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
08685 }
08687 static int G__G__Meta_148_0_9(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
08688 {
08689       TClassGenerator::Dictionary();
08690       G__setnull(result7);
08691    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
08692 }
08694 static int G__G__Meta_148_0_13(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
08695 {
08696       ((TClassGenerator*) G__getstructoffset())->StreamerNVirtual(*(TBuffer*) libp->para[0].ref);
08697       G__setnull(result7);
08698    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
08699 }
08701 static int G__G__Meta_148_0_14(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
08702 {
08703       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TClassGenerator::DeclFileName());
08704    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
08705 }
08707 static int G__G__Meta_148_0_15(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
08708 {
08709       G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TClassGenerator::ImplFileLine());
08710    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
08711 }
08713 static int G__G__Meta_148_0_16(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
08714 {
08715       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TClassGenerator::ImplFileName());
08716    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
08717 }
08719 static int G__G__Meta_148_0_17(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
08720 {
08721       G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TClassGenerator::DeclFileLine());
08722    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
08723 }
08725 // automatic assignment operator
08726 static int G__G__Meta_148_0_18(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
08727 {
08728    TClassGenerator* dest = (TClassGenerator*) G__getstructoffset();
08729    *dest = *(TClassGenerator*) libp->para[0].ref;
08730    const TClassGenerator& obj = *dest;
08731    result7->ref = (long) (&obj);
08732    result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj);
08733    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
08734 }
08737 /* TClassMenuItem */
08738 static int G__G__Meta_149_0_3(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
08739 {
08740    TClassMenuItem* p = NULL;
08741    char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
08742    int n = G__getaryconstruct();
08743    if (n) {
08744      if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
08745        p = new TClassMenuItem[n];
08746      } else {
08747        p = new((void*) gvp) TClassMenuItem[n];
08748      }
08749    } else {
08750      if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
08751        p = new TClassMenuItem;
08752      } else {
08753        p = new((void*) gvp) TClassMenuItem;
08754      }
08755    }
08756    result7->obj.i = (long) p;
08757    result7->ref = (long) p;
08758    G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClassMenuItem));
08759    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
08760 }
08762 static int G__G__Meta_149_0_4(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
08763 {
08764    TClassMenuItem* p = NULL;
08765    char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
08766    switch (libp->paran) {
08767    case 8:
08768      //m: 8
08769      if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
08770        p = new TClassMenuItem(
08771 (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (TClass*) G__int(libp->para[1])
08772 , (const char*) G__int(libp->para[2]), (const char*) G__int(libp->para[3])
08773 , (TObject*) G__int(libp->para[4]), (const char*) G__int(libp->para[5])
08774 , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[6]), (Bool_t) G__int(libp->para[7]));
08775      } else {
08776        p = new((void*) gvp) TClassMenuItem(
08777 (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (TClass*) G__int(libp->para[1])
08778 , (const char*) G__int(libp->para[2]), (const char*) G__int(libp->para[3])
08779 , (TObject*) G__int(libp->para[4]), (const char*) G__int(libp->para[5])
08780 , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[6]), (Bool_t) G__int(libp->para[7]));
08781      }
08782      break;
08783    case 7:
08784      //m: 7
08785      if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
08786        p = new TClassMenuItem(
08787 (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (TClass*) G__int(libp->para[1])
08788 , (const char*) G__int(libp->para[2]), (const char*) G__int(libp->para[3])
08789 , (TObject*) G__int(libp->para[4]), (const char*) G__int(libp->para[5])
08790 , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[6]));
08791      } else {
08792        p = new((void*) gvp) TClassMenuItem(
08793 (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (TClass*) G__int(libp->para[1])
08794 , (const char*) G__int(libp->para[2]), (const char*) G__int(libp->para[3])
08795 , (TObject*) G__int(libp->para[4]), (const char*) G__int(libp->para[5])
08796 , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[6]));
08797      }
08798      break;
08799    case 6:
08800      //m: 6
08801      if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
08802        p = new TClassMenuItem(
08803 (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (TClass*) G__int(libp->para[1])
08804 , (const char*) G__int(libp->para[2]), (const char*) G__int(libp->para[3])
08805 , (TObject*) G__int(libp->para[4]), (const char*) G__int(libp->para[5]));
08806      } else {
08807        p = new((void*) gvp) TClassMenuItem(
08808 (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (TClass*) G__int(libp->para[1])
08809 , (const char*) G__int(libp->para[2]), (const char*) G__int(libp->para[3])
08810 , (TObject*) G__int(libp->para[4]), (const char*) G__int(libp->para[5]));
08811      }
08812      break;
08813    case 5:
08814      //m: 5
08815      if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
08816        p = new TClassMenuItem(
08817 (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (TClass*) G__int(libp->para[1])
08818 , (const char*) G__int(libp->para[2]), (const char*) G__int(libp->para[3])
08819 , (TObject*) G__int(libp->para[4]));
08820      } else {
08821        p = new((void*) gvp) TClassMenuItem(
08822 (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (TClass*) G__int(libp->para[1])
08823 , (const char*) G__int(libp->para[2]), (const char*) G__int(libp->para[3])
08824 , (TObject*) G__int(libp->para[4]));
08825      }
08826      break;
08827    case 4:
08828      //m: 4
08829      if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
08830        p = new TClassMenuItem(
08831 (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (TClass*) G__int(libp->para[1])
08832 , (const char*) G__int(libp->para[2]), (const char*) G__int(libp->para[3]));
08833      } else {
08834        p = new((void*) gvp) TClassMenuItem(
08835 (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (TClass*) G__int(libp->para[1])
08836 , (const char*) G__int(libp->para[2]), (const char*) G__int(libp->para[3]));
08837      }
08838      break;
08839    case 3:
08840      //m: 3
08841      if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
08842        p = new TClassMenuItem(
08843 (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (TClass*) G__int(libp->para[1])
08844 , (const char*) G__int(libp->para[2]));
08845      } else {
08846        p = new((void*) gvp) TClassMenuItem(
08847 (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (TClass*) G__int(libp->para[1])
08848 , (const char*) G__int(libp->para[2]));
08849      }
08850      break;
08851    case 2:
08852      //m: 2
08853      if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
08854        p = new TClassMenuItem((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (TClass*) G__int(libp->para[1]));
08855      } else {
08856        p = new((void*) gvp) TClassMenuItem((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]), (TClass*) G__int(libp->para[1]));
08857      }
08858      break;
08859    }
08860    result7->obj.i = (long) p;
08861    result7->ref = (long) p;
08862    G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClassMenuItem));
08863    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
08864 }
08866 static int G__G__Meta_149_0_6(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
08867 {
08868       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) ((const TClassMenuItem*) G__getstructoffset())->GetFunctionName());
08869    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
08870 }
08872 static int G__G__Meta_149_0_7(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
08873 {
08874       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) ((const TClassMenuItem*) G__getstructoffset())->GetArgs());
08875    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
08876 }
08878 static int G__G__Meta_149_0_8(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
08879 {
08880       G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ((const TClassMenuItem*) G__getstructoffset())->GetCalledObject());
08881    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
08882 }
08884 static int G__G__Meta_149_0_9(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
08885 {
08886       G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((const TClassMenuItem*) G__getstructoffset())->GetType());
08887    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
08888 }
08890 static int G__G__Meta_149_0_10(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
08891 {
08892       G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((const TClassMenuItem*) G__getstructoffset())->GetSelfObjectPos());
08893    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
08894 }
08896 static int G__G__Meta_149_0_11(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
08897 {
08898       G__letint(result7, 103, (long) ((const TClassMenuItem*) G__getstructoffset())->IsCallSelf());
08899    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
08900 }
08902 static int G__G__Meta_149_0_12(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
08903 {
08904       G__letint(result7, 103, (long) ((const TClassMenuItem*) G__getstructoffset())->IsSeparator());
08905    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
08906 }
08908 static int G__G__Meta_149_0_13(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
08909 {
08910       G__letint(result7, 103, (long) ((const TClassMenuItem*) G__getstructoffset())->IsStandardList());
08911    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
08912 }
08914 static int G__G__Meta_149_0_14(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
08915 {
08916       G__letint(result7, 103, (long) ((const TClassMenuItem*) G__getstructoffset())->IsToggle());
08917    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
08918 }
08920 static int G__G__Meta_149_0_15(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
08921 {
08922       ((TClassMenuItem*) G__getstructoffset())->SetType((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]));
08923       G__setnull(result7);
08924    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
08925 }
08927 static int G__G__Meta_149_0_16(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
08928 {
08929       ((TClassMenuItem*) G__getstructoffset())->SetTitle((const char*) G__int(libp->para[0]));
08930       G__setnull(result7);
08931    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
08932 }
08934 static int G__G__Meta_149_0_17(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
08935 {
08936       ((TClassMenuItem*) G__getstructoffset())->SetSelf((Bool_t) G__int(libp->para[0]));
08937       G__setnull(result7);
08938    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
08939 }
08941 static int G__G__Meta_149_0_18(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
08942 {
08943    switch (libp->paran) {
08944    case 1:
08945       ((TClassMenuItem*) G__getstructoffset())->SetToggle((Bool_t) G__int(libp->para[0]));
08946       G__setnull(result7);
08947       break;
08948    case 0:
08949       ((TClassMenuItem*) G__getstructoffset())->SetToggle();
08950       G__setnull(result7);
08951       break;
08952    }
08953    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
08954 }
08956 static int G__G__Meta_149_0_19(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
08957 {
08958    switch (libp->paran) {
08959    case 4:
08960       ((TClassMenuItem*) G__getstructoffset())->SetCall((TObject*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (const char*) G__int(libp->para[1])
08961 , (const char*) G__int(libp->para[2]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[3]));
08962       G__setnull(result7);
08963       break;
08964    case 3:
08965       ((TClassMenuItem*) G__getstructoffset())->SetCall((TObject*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (const char*) G__int(libp->para[1])
08966 , (const char*) G__int(libp->para[2]));
08967       G__setnull(result7);
08968       break;
08969    case 2:
08970       ((TClassMenuItem*) G__getstructoffset())->SetCall((TObject*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (const char*) G__int(libp->para[1]));
08971       G__setnull(result7);
08972       break;
08973    }
08974    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
08975 }
08977 static int G__G__Meta_149_0_20(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
08978 {
08979       G__letint(result7, 85, (long) TClassMenuItem::Class());
08980    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
08981 }
08983 static int G__G__Meta_149_0_21(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
08984 {
08985       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TClassMenuItem::Class_Name());
08986    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
08987 }
08989 static int G__G__Meta_149_0_22(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
08990 {
08991       G__letint(result7, 115, (long) TClassMenuItem::Class_Version());
08992    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
08993 }
08995 static int G__G__Meta_149_0_23(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
08996 {
08997       TClassMenuItem::Dictionary();
08998       G__setnull(result7);
08999    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
09000 }
09002 static int G__G__Meta_149_0_27(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
09003 {
09004       ((TClassMenuItem*) G__getstructoffset())->StreamerNVirtual(*(TBuffer*) libp->para[0].ref);
09005       G__setnull(result7);
09006    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
09007 }
09009 static int G__G__Meta_149_0_28(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
09010 {
09011       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TClassMenuItem::DeclFileName());
09012    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
09013 }
09015 static int G__G__Meta_149_0_29(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
09016 {
09017       G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TClassMenuItem::ImplFileLine());
09018    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
09019 }
09021 static int G__G__Meta_149_0_30(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
09022 {
09023       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TClassMenuItem::ImplFileName());
09024    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
09025 }
09027 static int G__G__Meta_149_0_31(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
09028 {
09029       G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TClassMenuItem::DeclFileLine());
09030    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
09031 }
09033 // automatic destructor
09034 typedef TClassMenuItem G__TTClassMenuItem;
09035 static int G__G__Meta_149_0_32(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
09036 {
09037    char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
09038    long soff = G__getstructoffset();
09039    int n = G__getaryconstruct();
09040    //
09041    //has_a_delete: 1
09042    //has_own_delete1arg: 0
09043    //has_own_delete2arg: 0
09044    //
09045    if (!soff) {
09046      return(1);
09047    }
09048    if (n) {
09049      if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) {
09050        delete[] (TClassMenuItem*) soff;
09051      } else {
09052        G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID);
09053        for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
09054          ((TClassMenuItem*) (soff+(sizeof(TClassMenuItem)*i)))->~G__TTClassMenuItem();
09055        }
09056        G__setgvp((long)gvp);
09057      }
09058    } else {
09059      if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) {
09060        delete (TClassMenuItem*) soff;
09061      } else {
09062        G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID);
09063        ((TClassMenuItem*) (soff))->~G__TTClassMenuItem();
09064        G__setgvp((long)gvp);
09065      }
09066    }
09067    G__setnull(result7);
09068    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
09069 }
09072 /* TDataType */
09073 static int G__G__Meta_152_0_5(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
09074 {
09075    TDataType* p = NULL;
09076    char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
09077    switch (libp->paran) {
09078    case 1:
09079      //m: 1
09080      if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
09081        p = new TDataType((TypedefInfo_t*) G__int(libp->para[0]));
09082      } else {
09083        p = new((void*) gvp) TDataType((TypedefInfo_t*) G__int(libp->para[0]));
09084      }
09085      break;
09086    case 0:
09087      int n = G__getaryconstruct();
09088      if (n) {
09089        if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
09090          p = new TDataType[n];
09091        } else {
09092          p = new((void*) gvp) TDataType[n];
09093        }
09094      } else {
09095        if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
09096          p = new TDataType;
09097        } else {
09098          p = new((void*) gvp) TDataType;
09099        }
09100      }
09101      break;
09102    }
09103    result7->obj.i = (long) p;
09104    result7->ref = (long) p;
09105    G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TDataType));
09106    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
09107 }
09109 static int G__G__Meta_152_0_6(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
09110 {
09111    TDataType* p = NULL;
09112    char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
09113    //m: 1
09114    if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
09115      p = new TDataType((const char*) G__int(libp->para[0]));
09116    } else {
09117      p = new((void*) gvp) TDataType((const char*) G__int(libp->para[0]));
09118    }
09119    result7->obj.i = (long) p;
09120    result7->ref = (long) p;
09121    G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TDataType));
09122    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
09123 }
09125 static int G__G__Meta_152_0_7(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
09126 {
09127       G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((const TDataType*) G__getstructoffset())->Size());
09128    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
09129 }
09131 static int G__G__Meta_152_0_8(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
09132 {
09133       G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((const TDataType*) G__getstructoffset())->GetType());
09134    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
09135 }
09137 static int G__G__Meta_152_0_9(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
09138 {
09139       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) ((const TDataType*) G__getstructoffset())->GetTypeName());
09140    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
09141 }
09143 static int G__G__Meta_152_0_10(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
09144 {
09145       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) ((const TDataType*) G__getstructoffset())->GetFullTypeName());
09146    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
09147 }
09149 static int G__G__Meta_152_0_11(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
09150 {
09151       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) ((const TDataType*) G__getstructoffset())->AsString((void*) G__int(libp->para[0])));
09152    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
09153 }
09155 static int G__G__Meta_152_0_13(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
09156 {
09157       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TDataType::GetTypeName((EDataType) G__int(libp->para[0])));
09158    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
09159 }
09161 static int G__G__Meta_152_0_14(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
09162 {
09163       G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TDataType::GetType(*(type_info*) libp->para[0].ref));
09164    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
09165 }
09167 static int G__G__Meta_152_0_15(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
09168 {
09169       G__letint(result7, 85, (long) TDataType::Class());
09170    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
09171 }
09173 static int G__G__Meta_152_0_16(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
09174 {
09175       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TDataType::Class_Name());
09176    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
09177 }
09179 static int G__G__Meta_152_0_17(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
09180 {
09181       G__letint(result7, 115, (long) TDataType::Class_Version());
09182    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
09183 }
09185 static int G__G__Meta_152_0_18(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
09186 {
09187       TDataType::Dictionary();
09188       G__setnull(result7);
09189    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
09190 }
09192 static int G__G__Meta_152_0_22(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
09193 {
09194       ((TDataType*) G__getstructoffset())->StreamerNVirtual(*(TBuffer*) libp->para[0].ref);
09195       G__setnull(result7);
09196    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
09197 }
09199 static int G__G__Meta_152_0_23(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
09200 {
09201       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TDataType::DeclFileName());
09202    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
09203 }
09205 static int G__G__Meta_152_0_24(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
09206 {
09207       G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TDataType::ImplFileLine());
09208    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
09209 }
09211 static int G__G__Meta_152_0_25(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
09212 {
09213       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TDataType::ImplFileName());
09214    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
09215 }
09217 static int G__G__Meta_152_0_26(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
09218 {
09219       G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TDataType::DeclFileLine());
09220    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
09221 }
09223 // automatic destructor
09224 typedef TDataType G__TTDataType;
09225 static int G__G__Meta_152_0_27(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
09226 {
09227    char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
09228    long soff = G__getstructoffset();
09229    int n = G__getaryconstruct();
09230    //
09231    //has_a_delete: 1
09232    //has_own_delete1arg: 0
09233    //has_own_delete2arg: 0
09234    //
09235    if (!soff) {
09236      return(1);
09237    }
09238    if (n) {
09239      if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) {
09240        delete[] (TDataType*) soff;
09241      } else {
09242        G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID);
09243        for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
09244          ((TDataType*) (soff+(sizeof(TDataType)*i)))->~G__TTDataType();
09245        }
09246        G__setgvp((long)gvp);
09247      }
09248    } else {
09249      if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) {
09250        delete (TDataType*) soff;
09251      } else {
09252        G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID);
09253        ((TDataType*) (soff))->~G__TTDataType();
09254        G__setgvp((long)gvp);
09255      }
09256    }
09257    G__setnull(result7);
09258    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
09259 }
09262 /* TFunction */
09263 static int G__G__Meta_156_0_2(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
09264 {
09265    TFunction* p = NULL;
09266    char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
09267    switch (libp->paran) {
09268    case 1:
09269      //m: 1
09270      if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
09271        p = new TFunction((MethodInfo_t*) G__int(libp->para[0]));
09272      } else {
09273        p = new((void*) gvp) TFunction((MethodInfo_t*) G__int(libp->para[0]));
09274      }
09275      break;
09276    case 0:
09277      int n = G__getaryconstruct();
09278      if (n) {
09279        if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
09280          p = new TFunction[n];
09281        } else {
09282          p = new((void*) gvp) TFunction[n];
09283        }
09284      } else {
09285        if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
09286          p = new TFunction;
09287        } else {
09288          p = new((void*) gvp) TFunction;
09289        }
09290      }
09291      break;
09292    }
09293    result7->obj.i = (long) p;
09294    result7->ref = (long) p;
09295    G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TFunction));
09296    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
09297 }
09299 static int G__G__Meta_156_0_3(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
09300 {
09301    TFunction* p = NULL;
09302    char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
09303    //m: 1
09304    if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
09305      p = new TFunction(*(TFunction*) libp->para[0].ref);
09306    } else {
09307      p = new((void*) gvp) TFunction(*(TFunction*) libp->para[0].ref);
09308    }
09309    result7->obj.i = (long) p;
09310    result7->ref = (long) p;
09311    G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TFunction));
09312    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
09313 }
09315 static int G__G__Meta_156_0_4(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
09316 {
09317       {
09318          const TFunction& obj = ((TFunction*) G__getstructoffset())->operator=(*(TFunction*) libp->para[0].ref);
09319          result7->ref = (long) (&obj);
09320          result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj);
09321       }
09322    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
09323 }
09325 static int G__G__Meta_156_0_6(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
09326 {
09327       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) ((const TFunction*) G__getstructoffset())->GetMangledName());
09328    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
09329 }
09331 static int G__G__Meta_156_0_7(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
09332 {
09333       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) ((const TFunction*) G__getstructoffset())->GetPrototype());
09334    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
09335 }
09337 static int G__G__Meta_156_0_8(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
09338 {
09339       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) ((TFunction*) G__getstructoffset())->GetSignature());
09340    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
09341 }
09343 static int G__G__Meta_156_0_9(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
09344 {
09345       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) ((const TFunction*) G__getstructoffset())->GetReturnTypeName());
09346    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
09347 }
09349 static int G__G__Meta_156_0_10(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
09350 {
09351       G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ((TFunction*) G__getstructoffset())->GetListOfMethodArgs());
09352    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
09353 }
09355 static int G__G__Meta_156_0_11(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
09356 {
09357       G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((const TFunction*) G__getstructoffset())->GetNargs());
09358    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
09359 }
09361 static int G__G__Meta_156_0_12(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
09362 {
09363       G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((const TFunction*) G__getstructoffset())->GetNargsOpt());
09364    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
09365 }
09367 static int G__G__Meta_156_0_13(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
09368 {
09369       G__letint(result7, 89, (long) ((const TFunction*) G__getstructoffset())->InterfaceMethod());
09370    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
09371 }
09373 static int G__G__Meta_156_0_15(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
09374 {
09375       G__letint(result7, 85, (long) TFunction::Class());
09376    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
09377 }
09379 static int G__G__Meta_156_0_16(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
09380 {
09381       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TFunction::Class_Name());
09382    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
09383 }
09385 static int G__G__Meta_156_0_17(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
09386 {
09387       G__letint(result7, 115, (long) TFunction::Class_Version());
09388    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
09389 }
09391 static int G__G__Meta_156_0_18(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
09392 {
09393       TFunction::Dictionary();
09394       G__setnull(result7);
09395    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
09396 }
09398 static int G__G__Meta_156_0_22(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
09399 {
09400       ((TFunction*) G__getstructoffset())->StreamerNVirtual(*(TBuffer*) libp->para[0].ref);
09401       G__setnull(result7);
09402    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
09403 }
09405 static int G__G__Meta_156_0_23(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
09406 {
09407       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TFunction::DeclFileName());
09408    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
09409 }
09411 static int G__G__Meta_156_0_24(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
09412 {
09413       G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TFunction::ImplFileLine());
09414    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
09415 }
09417 static int G__G__Meta_156_0_25(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
09418 {
09419       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TFunction::ImplFileName());
09420    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
09421 }
09423 static int G__G__Meta_156_0_26(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
09424 {
09425       G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TFunction::DeclFileLine());
09426    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
09427 }
09429 // automatic destructor
09430 typedef TFunction G__TTFunction;
09431 static int G__G__Meta_156_0_27(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
09432 {
09433    char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
09434    long soff = G__getstructoffset();
09435    int n = G__getaryconstruct();
09436    //
09437    //has_a_delete: 1
09438    //has_own_delete1arg: 0
09439    //has_own_delete2arg: 0
09440    //
09441    if (!soff) {
09442      return(1);
09443    }
09444    if (n) {
09445      if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) {
09446        delete[] (TFunction*) soff;
09447      } else {
09448        G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID);
09449        for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
09450          ((TFunction*) (soff+(sizeof(TFunction)*i)))->~G__TTFunction();
09451        }
09452        G__setgvp((long)gvp);
09453      }
09454    } else {
09455      if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) {
09456        delete (TFunction*) soff;
09457      } else {
09458        G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID);
09459        ((TFunction*) (soff))->~G__TTFunction();
09460        G__setgvp((long)gvp);
09461      }
09462    }
09463    G__setnull(result7);
09464    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
09465 }
09468 /* TGlobal */
09469 static int G__G__Meta_157_0_1(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
09470 {
09471    TGlobal* p = NULL;
09472    char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
09473    switch (libp->paran) {
09474    case 1:
09475      //m: 1
09476      if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
09477        p = new TGlobal((DataMemberInfo_t*) G__int(libp->para[0]));
09478      } else {
09479        p = new((void*) gvp) TGlobal((DataMemberInfo_t*) G__int(libp->para[0]));
09480      }
09481      break;
09482    case 0:
09483      int n = G__getaryconstruct();
09484      if (n) {
09485        if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
09486          p = new TGlobal[n];
09487        } else {
09488          p = new((void*) gvp) TGlobal[n];
09489        }
09490      } else {
09491        if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
09492          p = new TGlobal;
09493        } else {
09494          p = new((void*) gvp) TGlobal;
09495        }
09496      }
09497      break;
09498    }
09499    result7->obj.i = (long) p;
09500    result7->ref = (long) p;
09501    G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TGlobal));
09502    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
09503 }
09505 static int G__G__Meta_157_0_2(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
09506 {
09507    TGlobal* p = NULL;
09508    char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
09509    //m: 1
09510    if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
09511      p = new TGlobal(*(TGlobal*) libp->para[0].ref);
09512    } else {
09513      p = new((void*) gvp) TGlobal(*(TGlobal*) libp->para[0].ref);
09514    }
09515    result7->obj.i = (long) p;
09516    result7->ref = (long) p;
09517    G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TGlobal));
09518    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
09519 }
09521 static int G__G__Meta_157_0_3(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
09522 {
09523       {
09524          const TGlobal& obj = ((TGlobal*) G__getstructoffset())->operator=(*(TGlobal*) libp->para[0].ref);
09525          result7->ref = (long) (&obj);
09526          result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj);
09527       }
09528    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
09529 }
09531 static int G__G__Meta_157_0_4(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
09532 {
09533       G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((const TGlobal*) G__getstructoffset())->GetArrayDim());
09534    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
09535 }
09537 static int G__G__Meta_157_0_5(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
09538 {
09539       G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((const TGlobal*) G__getstructoffset())->GetMaxIndex((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0])));
09540    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
09541 }
09543 static int G__G__Meta_157_0_6(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
09544 {
09545       G__letint(result7, 89, (long) ((const TGlobal*) G__getstructoffset())->GetAddress());
09546    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
09547 }
09549 static int G__G__Meta_157_0_7(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
09550 {
09551       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) ((const TGlobal*) G__getstructoffset())->GetTypeName());
09552    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
09553 }
09555 static int G__G__Meta_157_0_8(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
09556 {
09557       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) ((const TGlobal*) G__getstructoffset())->GetFullTypeName());
09558    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
09559 }
09561 static int G__G__Meta_157_0_10(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
09562 {
09563       G__letint(result7, 85, (long) TGlobal::Class());
09564    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
09565 }
09567 static int G__G__Meta_157_0_11(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
09568 {
09569       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TGlobal::Class_Name());
09570    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
09571 }
09573 static int G__G__Meta_157_0_12(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
09574 {
09575       G__letint(result7, 115, (long) TGlobal::Class_Version());
09576    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
09577 }
09579 static int G__G__Meta_157_0_13(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
09580 {
09581       TGlobal::Dictionary();
09582       G__setnull(result7);
09583    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
09584 }
09586 static int G__G__Meta_157_0_17(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
09587 {
09588       ((TGlobal*) G__getstructoffset())->StreamerNVirtual(*(TBuffer*) libp->para[0].ref);
09589       G__setnull(result7);
09590    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
09591 }
09593 static int G__G__Meta_157_0_18(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
09594 {
09595       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TGlobal::DeclFileName());
09596    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
09597 }
09599 static int G__G__Meta_157_0_19(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
09600 {
09601       G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TGlobal::ImplFileLine());
09602    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
09603 }
09605 static int G__G__Meta_157_0_20(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
09606 {
09607       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TGlobal::ImplFileName());
09608    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
09609 }
09611 static int G__G__Meta_157_0_21(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
09612 {
09613       G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TGlobal::DeclFileLine());
09614    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
09615 }
09617 // automatic destructor
09618 typedef TGlobal G__TTGlobal;
09619 static int G__G__Meta_157_0_22(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
09620 {
09621    char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
09622    long soff = G__getstructoffset();
09623    int n = G__getaryconstruct();
09624    //
09625    //has_a_delete: 1
09626    //has_own_delete1arg: 0
09627    //has_own_delete2arg: 0
09628    //
09629    if (!soff) {
09630      return(1);
09631    }
09632    if (n) {
09633      if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) {
09634        delete[] (TGlobal*) soff;
09635      } else {
09636        G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID);
09637        for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
09638          ((TGlobal*) (soff+(sizeof(TGlobal)*i)))->~G__TTGlobal();
09639        }
09640        G__setgvp((long)gvp);
09641      }
09642    } else {
09643      if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) {
09644        delete (TGlobal*) soff;
09645      } else {
09646        G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID);
09647        ((TGlobal*) (soff))->~G__TTGlobal();
09648        G__setgvp((long)gvp);
09649      }
09650    }
09651    G__setnull(result7);
09652    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
09653 }
09656 /* TInterpreter */
09657 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_4(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
09658 {
09659       ((TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->AddIncludePath((const char*) G__int(libp->para[0]));
09660       G__setnull(result7);
09661    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
09662 }
09664 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_5(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
09665 {
09666       G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->AutoLoad((const char*) G__int(libp->para[0])));
09667    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
09668 }
09670 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_6(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
09671 {
09672       ((TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->ClearFileBusy();
09673       G__setnull(result7);
09674    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
09675 }
09677 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_7(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
09678 {
09679       ((TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->ClearStack();
09680       G__setnull(result7);
09681    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
09682 }
09684 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_8(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
09685 {
09686       ((TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->EnableAutoLoading();
09687       G__setnull(result7);
09688    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
09689 }
09691 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_9(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
09692 {
09693       ((TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->EndOfLineAction();
09694       G__setnull(result7);
09695    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
09696 }
09698 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_10(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
09699 {
09700       G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((const TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->GetExitCode());
09701    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
09702 }
09704 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_11(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
09705 {
09706       G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ((const TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->GetMapfile());
09707    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
09708 }
09710 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_12(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
09711 {
09712       G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((const TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->GetMore());
09713    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
09714 }
09716 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_13(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
09717 {
09718    switch (libp->paran) {
09719    case 3:
09720       G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->GenerateDictionary((const char*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (const char*) G__int(libp->para[1])
09721 , (const char*) G__int(libp->para[2])));
09722       break;
09723    case 2:
09724       G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->GenerateDictionary((const char*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (const char*) G__int(libp->para[1])));
09725       break;
09726    case 1:
09727       G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->GenerateDictionary((const char*) G__int(libp->para[0])));
09728       break;
09729    }
09730    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
09731 }
09733 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_14(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
09734 {
09735       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) ((TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->GetPrompt());
09736    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
09737 }
09739 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_15(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
09740 {
09741       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) ((TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->GetSharedLibs());
09742    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
09743 }
09745 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_16(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
09746 {
09747       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) ((TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->GetClassSharedLibs((const char*) G__int(libp->para[0])));
09748    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
09749 }
09751 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_17(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
09752 {
09753       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) ((TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->GetSharedLibDeps((const char*) G__int(libp->para[0])));
09754    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
09755 }
09757 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_18(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
09758 {
09759       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) ((TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->GetIncludePath());
09760    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
09761 }
09763 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_19(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
09764 {
09765       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) ((const TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->GetSTLIncludePath());
09766    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
09767 }
09769 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_20(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
09770 {
09771       G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ((const TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->GetRootMapFiles());
09772    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
09773 }
09775 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_21(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
09776 {
09777       G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->InitializeDictionaries());
09778    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
09779 }
09781 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_22(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
09782 {
09783       G__letint(result7, 103, (long) ((const TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->IsLoaded((const char*) G__int(libp->para[0])));
09784    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
09785 }
09787 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_23(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
09788 {
09789    switch (libp->paran) {
09790    case 2:
09791       G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->Load((const char*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Bool_t) G__int(libp->para[1])));
09792       break;
09793    case 1:
09794       G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->Load((const char*) G__int(libp->para[0])));
09795       break;
09796    }
09797    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
09798 }
09800 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_24(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
09801 {
09802    switch (libp->paran) {
09803    case 2:
09804       ((TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->LoadMacro((const char*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (TInterpreter::EErrorCode*) G__int(libp->para[1]));
09805       G__setnull(result7);
09806       break;
09807    case 1:
09808       ((TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->LoadMacro((const char*) G__int(libp->para[0]));
09809       G__setnull(result7);
09810       break;
09811    }
09812    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
09813 }
09815 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_25(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
09816 {
09817    switch (libp->paran) {
09818    case 1:
09819       G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->LoadLibraryMap((const char*) G__int(libp->para[0])));
09820       break;
09821    case 0:
09822       G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->LoadLibraryMap());
09823       break;
09824    }
09825    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
09826 }
09828 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_26(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
09829 {
09830       G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->RescanLibraryMap());
09831    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
09832 }
09834 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_27(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
09835 {
09836       G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->ReloadAllSharedLibraryMaps());
09837    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
09838 }
09840 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_28(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
09841 {
09842       G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->UnloadAllSharedLibraryMaps());
09843    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
09844 }
09846 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_29(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
09847 {
09848       G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->UnloadLibraryMap((const char*) G__int(libp->para[0])));
09849    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
09850 }
09852 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_30(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
09853 {
09854    switch (libp->paran) {
09855    case 2:
09856       G__letint(result7, 108, (long) ((TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->ProcessLine((const char*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (TInterpreter::EErrorCode*) G__int(libp->para[1])));
09857       break;
09858    case 1:
09859       G__letint(result7, 108, (long) ((TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->ProcessLine((const char*) G__int(libp->para[0])));
09860       break;
09861    }
09862    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
09863 }
09865 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_31(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
09866 {
09867    switch (libp->paran) {
09868    case 2:
09869       G__letint(result7, 108, (long) ((TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->ProcessLineSynch((const char*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (TInterpreter::EErrorCode*) G__int(libp->para[1])));
09870       break;
09871    case 1:
09872       G__letint(result7, 108, (long) ((TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->ProcessLineSynch((const char*) G__int(libp->para[0])));
09873       break;
09874    }
09875    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
09876 }
09878 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_32(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
09879 {
09880       ((TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->PrintIntro();
09881       G__setnull(result7);
09882    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
09883 }
09885 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_33(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
09886 {
09887       ((TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->SetGetline((char *(*)(const char* prompt)) G__int(libp->para[0]), (void (*)(char* line)) G__int(libp->para[1]));
09888       G__setnull(result7);
09889    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
09890 }
09892 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_34(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
09893 {
09894       ((TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->Reset();
09895       G__setnull(result7);
09896    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
09897 }
09899 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_35(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
09900 {
09901       ((TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->ResetAll();
09902       G__setnull(result7);
09903    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
09904 }
09906 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_36(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
09907 {
09908       ((TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->ResetGlobals();
09909       G__setnull(result7);
09910    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
09911 }
09913 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_37(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
09914 {
09915       ((TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->RewindDictionary();
09916       G__setnull(result7);
09917    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
09918 }
09920 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_38(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
09921 {
09922       G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->DeleteGlobal((void*) G__int(libp->para[0])));
09923    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
09924 }
09926 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_39(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
09927 {
09928       ((TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->SaveContext();
09929       G__setnull(result7);
09930    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
09931 }
09933 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_40(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
09934 {
09935       ((TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->SaveGlobalsContext();
09936       G__setnull(result7);
09937    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
09938 }
09940 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_41(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
09941 {
09942       ((TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->UpdateListOfGlobals();
09943       G__setnull(result7);
09944    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
09945 }
09947 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_42(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
09948 {
09949       ((TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->UpdateListOfGlobalFunctions();
09950       G__setnull(result7);
09951    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
09952 }
09954 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_43(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
09955 {
09956       ((TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->UpdateListOfTypes();
09957       G__setnull(result7);
09958    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
09959 }
09961 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_44(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
09962 {
09963    switch (libp->paran) {
09964    case 2:
09965       ((TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->SetClassInfo((TClass*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Bool_t) G__int(libp->para[1]));
09966       G__setnull(result7);
09967       break;
09968    case 1:
09969       ((TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->SetClassInfo((TClass*) G__int(libp->para[0]));
09970       G__setnull(result7);
09971       break;
09972    }
09973    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
09974 }
09976 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_45(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
09977 {
09978    switch (libp->paran) {
09979    case 2:
09980       G__letint(result7, 103, (long) ((TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->CheckClassInfo((const char*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Bool_t) G__int(libp->para[1])));
09981       break;
09982    case 1:
09983       G__letint(result7, 103, (long) ((TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->CheckClassInfo((const char*) G__int(libp->para[0])));
09984       break;
09985    }
09986    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
09987 }
09989 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_46(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
09990 {
09991    switch (libp->paran) {
09992    case 2:
09993       G__letint(result7, 108, (long) ((TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->Calc((const char*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (TInterpreter::EErrorCode*) G__int(libp->para[1])));
09994       break;
09995    case 1:
09996       G__letint(result7, 108, (long) ((TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->Calc((const char*) G__int(libp->para[0])));
09997       break;
09998    }
09999    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
10000 }
10002 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_47(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
10003 {
10004       ((TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->CreateListOfBaseClasses((TClass*) G__int(libp->para[0]));
10005       G__setnull(result7);
10006    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
10007 }
10009 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_48(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
10010 {
10011       ((TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->CreateListOfDataMembers((TClass*) G__int(libp->para[0]));
10012       G__setnull(result7);
10013    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
10014 }
10016 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_49(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
10017 {
10018       ((TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->CreateListOfMethods((TClass*) G__int(libp->para[0]));
10019       G__setnull(result7);
10020    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
10021 }
10023 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_50(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
10024 {
10025       ((TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->CreateListOfMethodArgs((TFunction*) G__int(libp->para[0]));
10026       G__setnull(result7);
10027    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
10028 }
10030 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_51(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
10031 {
10032       ((TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->UpdateListOfMethods((TClass*) G__int(libp->para[0]));
10033       G__setnull(result7);
10034    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
10035 }
10037 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_52(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
10038 {
10039       {
10040          TString* pobj;
10041          TString xobj = ((TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->GetMangledName((TClass*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (const char*) G__int(libp->para[1])
10042 , (const char*) G__int(libp->para[2]));
10043          pobj = new TString(xobj);
10044          result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj);
10045          result7->ref = result7->obj.i;
10046          G__store_tempobject(*result7);
10047       }
10048    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
10049 }
10051 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_53(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
10052 {
10053       {
10054          TString* pobj;
10055          TString xobj = ((TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->GetMangledNameWithPrototype((TClass*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (const char*) G__int(libp->para[1])
10056 , (const char*) G__int(libp->para[2]));
10057          pobj = new TString(xobj);
10058          result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj);
10059          result7->ref = result7->obj.i;
10060          G__store_tempobject(*result7);
10061       }
10062    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
10063 }
10065 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_54(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
10066 {
10067    switch (libp->paran) {
10068    case 2:
10069       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) ((TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->GetInterpreterTypeName((const char*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Bool_t) G__int(libp->para[1])));
10070       break;
10071    case 1:
10072       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) ((TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->GetInterpreterTypeName((const char*) G__int(libp->para[0])));
10073       break;
10074    }
10075    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
10076 }
10078 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_55(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
10079 {
10080       G__letint(result7, 89, (long) ((TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->GetInterfaceMethod((TClass*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (const char*) G__int(libp->para[1])
10081 , (const char*) G__int(libp->para[2])));
10082    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
10083 }
10085 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_56(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
10086 {
10087       G__letint(result7, 89, (long) ((TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->GetInterfaceMethodWithPrototype((TClass*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (const char*) G__int(libp->para[1])
10088 , (const char*) G__int(libp->para[2])));
10089    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
10090 }
10092 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_58(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
10093 {
10094    switch (libp->paran) {
10095    case 5:
10096       ((TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->Execute((TObject*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (TClass*) G__int(libp->para[1])
10097 , (const char*) G__int(libp->para[2]), (const char*) G__int(libp->para[3])
10098 , (int*) G__int(libp->para[4]));
10099       G__setnull(result7);
10100       break;
10101    case 4:
10102       ((TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->Execute((TObject*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (TClass*) G__int(libp->para[1])
10103 , (const char*) G__int(libp->para[2]), (const char*) G__int(libp->para[3]));
10104       G__setnull(result7);
10105       break;
10106    }
10107    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
10108 }
10110 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_59(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
10111 {
10112    switch (libp->paran) {
10113    case 5:
10114       ((TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->Execute((TObject*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (TClass*) G__int(libp->para[1])
10115 , (TMethod*) G__int(libp->para[2]), (TObjArray*) G__int(libp->para[3])
10116 , (int*) G__int(libp->para[4]));
10117       G__setnull(result7);
10118       break;
10119    case 4:
10120       ((TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->Execute((TObject*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (TClass*) G__int(libp->para[1])
10121 , (TMethod*) G__int(libp->para[2]), (TObjArray*) G__int(libp->para[3]));
10122       G__setnull(result7);
10123       break;
10124    }
10125    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
10126 }
10128 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_60(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
10129 {
10130    switch (libp->paran) {
10131    case 2:
10132       G__letint(result7, 108, (long) ((TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->ExecuteMacro((const char*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (TInterpreter::EErrorCode*) G__int(libp->para[1])));
10133       break;
10134    case 1:
10135       G__letint(result7, 108, (long) ((TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->ExecuteMacro((const char*) G__int(libp->para[0])));
10136       break;
10137    }
10138    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
10139 }
10141 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_61(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
10142 {
10143       G__letint(result7, 103, (long) ((const TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->IsErrorMessagesEnabled());
10144    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
10145 }
10147 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_62(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
10148 {
10149    switch (libp->paran) {
10150    case 1:
10151       G__letint(result7, 103, (long) ((TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->SetErrorMessages((Bool_t) G__int(libp->para[0])));
10152       break;
10153    case 0:
10154       G__letint(result7, 103, (long) ((TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->SetErrorMessages());
10155       break;
10156    }
10157    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
10158 }
10160 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_63(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
10161 {
10162       G__letint(result7, 103, (long) ((const TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->IsProcessLineLocked());
10163    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
10164 }
10166 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_64(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
10167 {
10168    switch (libp->paran) {
10169    case 1:
10170       ((TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->SetProcessLineLock((Bool_t) G__int(libp->para[0]));
10171       G__setnull(result7);
10172       break;
10173    case 0:
10174       ((TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->SetProcessLineLock();
10175       G__setnull(result7);
10176       break;
10177    }
10178    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
10179 }
10181 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_65(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
10182 {
10183       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) ((TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->TypeName((const char*) G__int(libp->para[0])));
10184    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
10185 }
10187 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_66(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
10188 {
10189       G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((const TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->DisplayClass((FILE*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (char*) G__int(libp->para[1])
10190 , (int) G__int(libp->para[2]), (int) G__int(libp->para[3])));
10191    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
10192 }
10194 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_67(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
10195 {
10196       G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((const TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->DisplayIncludePath((FILE*) G__int(libp->para[0])));
10197    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
10198 }
10200 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_68(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
10201 {
10202       G__letint(result7, 89, (long) ((const TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->FindSym((const char*) G__int(libp->para[0])));
10203    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
10204 }
10206 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_69(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
10207 {
10208       ((const TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->GenericError((const char*) G__int(libp->para[0]));
10209       G__setnull(result7);
10210    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
10211 }
10213 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_70(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
10214 {
10215       G__letint(result7, 108, (long) ((const TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->GetExecByteCode());
10216    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
10217 }
10219 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_71(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
10220 {
10221       G__letint(result7, 108, (long) ((const TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->Getgvp());
10222    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
10223 }
10225 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_72(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
10226 {
10227       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) ((const TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->Getp2f2funcname((void*) G__int(libp->para[0])));
10228    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
10229 }
10231 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_73(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
10232 {
10233       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) ((const TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->GetTopLevelMacroName());
10234    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
10235 }
10237 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_74(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
10238 {
10239       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) ((const TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->GetCurrentMacroName());
10240    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
10241 }
10243 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_75(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
10244 {
10245       G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((const TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->GetSecurityError());
10246    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
10247 }
10249 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_76(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
10250 {
10251       G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((const TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->LoadFile((const char*) G__int(libp->para[0])));
10252    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
10253 }
10255 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_77(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
10256 {
10257       ((const TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->LoadText((const char*) G__int(libp->para[0]));
10258       G__setnull(result7);
10259    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
10260 }
10262 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_78(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
10263 {
10264       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) ((const TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->MapCppName((const char*) G__int(libp->para[0])));
10265    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
10266 }
10268 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_79(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
10269 {
10270       ((const TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->SetAlloclockfunc((void (*)()) G__int(libp->para[0]));
10271       G__setnull(result7);
10272    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
10273 }
10275 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_80(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
10276 {
10277       ((const TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->SetAllocunlockfunc((void (*)()) G__int(libp->para[0]));
10278       G__setnull(result7);
10279    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
10280 }
10282 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_81(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
10283 {
10284       G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((const TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->SetClassAutoloading((int) G__int(libp->para[0])));
10285    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
10286 }
10288 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_82(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
10289 {
10290       ((const TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->SetErrmsgcallback((void*) G__int(libp->para[0]));
10291       G__setnull(result7);
10292    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
10293 }
10295 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_83(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
10296 {
10297       ((const TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->Setgvp((Long_t) G__int(libp->para[0]));
10298       G__setnull(result7);
10299    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
10300 }
10302 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_84(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
10303 {
10304       ((const TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->SetRTLD_NOW();
10305       G__setnull(result7);
10306    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
10307 }
10309 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_85(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
10310 {
10311       ((const TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->SetRTLD_LAZY();
10312       G__setnull(result7);
10313    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
10314 }
10316 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_86(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
10317 {
10318       ((const TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->SetTempLevel((int) G__int(libp->para[0]));
10319       G__setnull(result7);
10320    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
10321 }
10323 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_87(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
10324 {
10325       G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((const TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->UnloadFile((const char*) G__int(libp->para[0])));
10326    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
10327 }
10329 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_88(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
10330 {
10331       ((const TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->CallFunc_Delete((void*) G__int(libp->para[0]));
10332       G__setnull(result7);
10333    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
10334 }
10336 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_89(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
10337 {
10338       ((const TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->CallFunc_Exec((CallFunc_t*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (void*) G__int(libp->para[1]));
10339       G__setnull(result7);
10340    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
10341 }
10343 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_90(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
10344 {
10345       G__letint(result7, 108, (long) ((const TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->CallFunc_ExecInt((CallFunc_t*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (void*) G__int(libp->para[1])));
10346    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
10347 }
10349 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_91(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
10350 {
10351       G__letint(result7, 108, (long) ((const TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->CallFunc_ExecInt64((CallFunc_t*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (void*) G__int(libp->para[1])));
10352    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
10353 }
10355 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_92(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
10356 {
10357       G__letdouble(result7, 100, (double) ((const TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->CallFunc_ExecDouble((CallFunc_t*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (void*) G__int(libp->para[1])));
10358    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
10359 }
10361 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_93(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
10362 {
10363       G__letint(result7, 89, (long) ((const TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->CallFunc_Factory());
10364    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
10365 }
10367 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_94(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
10368 {
10369       G__letint(result7, 89, (long) ((const TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->CallFunc_FactoryCopy((CallFunc_t*) G__int(libp->para[0])));
10370    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
10371 }
10373 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_95(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
10374 {
10375       G__letint(result7, 89, (long) ((const TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->CallFunc_FactoryMethod((CallFunc_t*) G__int(libp->para[0])));
10376    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
10377 }
10379 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_96(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
10380 {
10381       ((const TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->CallFunc_Init((CallFunc_t*) G__int(libp->para[0]));
10382       G__setnull(result7);
10383    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
10384 }
10386 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_97(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
10387 {
10388       G__letint(result7, 103, (long) ((const TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->CallFunc_IsValid((CallFunc_t*) G__int(libp->para[0])));
10389    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
10390 }
10392 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_98(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
10393 {
10394       ((const TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->CallFunc_ResetArg((CallFunc_t*) G__int(libp->para[0]));
10395       G__setnull(result7);
10396    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
10397 }
10399 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_99(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
10400 {
10401       ((const TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->CallFunc_SetArg((CallFunc_t*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Long_t) G__int(libp->para[1]));
10402       G__setnull(result7);
10403    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
10404 }
10406 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_100(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
10407 {
10408       ((const TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->CallFunc_SetArg((CallFunc_t*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Double_t) G__double(libp->para[1]));
10409       G__setnull(result7);
10410    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
10411 }
10413 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_101(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
10414 {
10415       ((const TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->CallFunc_SetArg((CallFunc_t*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Long64_t) G__Longlong(libp->para[1]));
10416       G__setnull(result7);
10417    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
10418 }
10420 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_102(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
10421 {
10422       ((const TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->CallFunc_SetArg((CallFunc_t*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (ULong64_t) G__ULonglong(libp->para[1]));
10423       G__setnull(result7);
10424    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
10425 }
10427 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_103(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
10428 {
10429       ((const TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->CallFunc_SetArgArray((CallFunc_t*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Long_t*) G__int(libp->para[1])
10430 , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[2]));
10431       G__setnull(result7);
10432    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
10433 }
10435 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_104(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
10436 {
10437       ((const TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->CallFunc_SetArgs((CallFunc_t*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (const char*) G__int(libp->para[1]));
10438       G__setnull(result7);
10439    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
10440 }
10442 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_105(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
10443 {
10444       ((const TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->CallFunc_SetFunc((CallFunc_t*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (ClassInfo_t*) G__int(libp->para[1])
10445 , (const char*) G__int(libp->para[2]), (const char*) G__int(libp->para[3])
10446 , (Long_t*) G__int(libp->para[4]));
10447       G__setnull(result7);
10448    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
10449 }
10451 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_106(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
10452 {
10453       ((const TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->CallFunc_SetFunc((CallFunc_t*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (MethodInfo_t*) G__int(libp->para[1]));
10454       G__setnull(result7);
10455    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
10456 }
10458 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_107(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
10459 {
10460       ((const TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->CallFunc_SetFuncProto((CallFunc_t*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (ClassInfo_t*) G__int(libp->para[1])
10461 , (const char*) G__int(libp->para[2]), (const char*) G__int(libp->para[3])
10462 , (Long_t*) G__int(libp->para[4]));
10463       G__setnull(result7);
10464    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
10465 }
10467 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_108(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
10468 {
10469       G__letint(result7, 108, (long) ((const TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->ClassInfo_ClassProperty((ClassInfo_t*) G__int(libp->para[0])));
10470    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
10471 }
10473 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_109(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
10474 {
10475       ((const TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->ClassInfo_Delete((ClassInfo_t*) G__int(libp->para[0]));
10476       G__setnull(result7);
10477    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
10478 }
10480 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_110(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
10481 {
10482       ((const TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->ClassInfo_Delete((ClassInfo_t*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (void*) G__int(libp->para[1]));
10483       G__setnull(result7);
10484    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
10485 }
10487 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_111(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
10488 {
10489       ((const TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->ClassInfo_DeleteArray((ClassInfo_t*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (void*) G__int(libp->para[1])
10490 , (bool) G__int(libp->para[2]));
10491       G__setnull(result7);
10492    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
10493 }
10495 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_112(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
10496 {
10497       ((const TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->ClassInfo_Destruct((ClassInfo_t*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (void*) G__int(libp->para[1]));
10498       G__setnull(result7);
10499    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
10500 }
10502 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_113(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
10503 {
10504       G__letint(result7, 89, (long) ((const TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->ClassInfo_Factory());
10505    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
10506 }
10508 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_114(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
10509 {
10510       G__letint(result7, 89, (long) ((const TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->ClassInfo_Factory((G__value*) G__int(libp->para[0])));
10511    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
10512 }
10514 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_115(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
10515 {
10516       G__letint(result7, 89, (long) ((const TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->ClassInfo_Factory((ClassInfo_t*) G__int(libp->para[0])));
10517    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
10518 }
10520 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_116(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
10521 {
10522       G__letint(result7, 89, (long) ((const TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->ClassInfo_Factory((const char*) G__int(libp->para[0])));
10523    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
10524 }
10526 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_117(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
10527 {
10528       G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((const TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->ClassInfo_GetMethodNArg((ClassInfo_t*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (const char*) G__int(libp->para[1])
10529 , (const char*) G__int(libp->para[2])));
10530    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
10531 }
10533 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_118(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
10534 {
10535       G__letint(result7, 103, (long) ((const TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->ClassInfo_HasDefaultConstructor((ClassInfo_t*) G__int(libp->para[0])));
10536    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
10537 }
10539 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_119(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
10540 {
10541       G__letint(result7, 103, (long) ((const TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->ClassInfo_HasMethod((ClassInfo_t*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (const char*) G__int(libp->para[1])));
10542    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
10543 }
10545 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_120(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
10546 {
10547       ((const TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->ClassInfo_Init((ClassInfo_t*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (const char*) G__int(libp->para[1]));
10548       G__setnull(result7);
10549    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
10550 }
10552 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_121(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
10553 {
10554       ((const TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->ClassInfo_Init((ClassInfo_t*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (int) G__int(libp->para[1]));
10555       G__setnull(result7);
10556    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
10557 }
10559 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_122(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
10560 {
10561       G__letint(result7, 103, (long) ((const TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->ClassInfo_IsBase((ClassInfo_t*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (const char*) G__int(libp->para[1])));
10562    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
10563 }
10565 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_123(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
10566 {
10567       G__letint(result7, 103, (long) ((const TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->ClassInfo_IsEnum((const char*) G__int(libp->para[0])));
10568    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
10569 }
10571 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_124(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
10572 {
10573       G__letint(result7, 103, (long) ((const TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->ClassInfo_IsLoaded((ClassInfo_t*) G__int(libp->para[0])));
10574    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
10575 }
10577 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_125(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
10578 {
10579       G__letint(result7, 103, (long) ((const TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->ClassInfo_IsValid((ClassInfo_t*) G__int(libp->para[0])));
10580    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
10581 }
10583 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_126(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
10584 {
10585       G__letint(result7, 103, (long) ((const TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->ClassInfo_IsValidMethod((ClassInfo_t*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (const char*) G__int(libp->para[1])
10586 , (const char*) G__int(libp->para[2]), (Long_t*) G__int(libp->para[3])));
10587    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
10588 }
10590 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_127(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
10591 {
10592       G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((const TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->ClassInfo_Next((ClassInfo_t*) G__int(libp->para[0])));
10593    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
10594 }
10596 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_128(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
10597 {
10598       G__letint(result7, 89, (long) ((const TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->ClassInfo_New((ClassInfo_t*) G__int(libp->para[0])));
10599    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
10600 }
10602 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_129(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
10603 {
10604       G__letint(result7, 89, (long) ((const TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->ClassInfo_New((ClassInfo_t*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (int) G__int(libp->para[1])));
10605    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
10606 }
10608 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_130(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
10609 {
10610       G__letint(result7, 89, (long) ((const TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->ClassInfo_New((ClassInfo_t*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (int) G__int(libp->para[1])
10611 , (void*) G__int(libp->para[2])));
10612    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
10613 }
10615 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_131(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
10616 {
10617       G__letint(result7, 89, (long) ((const TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->ClassInfo_New((ClassInfo_t*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (void*) G__int(libp->para[1])));
10618    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
10619 }
10621 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_132(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
10622 {
10623       G__letint(result7, 108, (long) ((const TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->ClassInfo_Property((ClassInfo_t*) G__int(libp->para[0])));
10624    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
10625 }
10627 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_133(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
10628 {
10629       G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((const TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->ClassInfo_RootFlag((ClassInfo_t*) G__int(libp->para[0])));
10630    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
10631 }
10633 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_134(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
10634 {
10635       G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((const TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->ClassInfo_Size((ClassInfo_t*) G__int(libp->para[0])));
10636    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
10637 }
10639 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_135(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
10640 {
10641       G__letint(result7, 108, (long) ((const TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->ClassInfo_Tagnum((ClassInfo_t*) G__int(libp->para[0])));
10642    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
10643 }
10645 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_136(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
10646 {
10647       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) ((const TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->ClassInfo_FileName((ClassInfo_t*) G__int(libp->para[0])));
10648    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
10649 }
10651 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_137(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
10652 {
10653       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) ((const TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->ClassInfo_FullName((ClassInfo_t*) G__int(libp->para[0])));
10654    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
10655 }
10657 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_138(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
10658 {
10659       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) ((const TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->ClassInfo_Name((ClassInfo_t*) G__int(libp->para[0])));
10660    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
10661 }
10663 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_139(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
10664 {
10665       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) ((const TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->ClassInfo_Title((ClassInfo_t*) G__int(libp->para[0])));
10666    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
10667 }
10669 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_140(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
10670 {
10671       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) ((const TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->ClassInfo_TmpltName((ClassInfo_t*) G__int(libp->para[0])));
10672    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
10673 }
10675 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_141(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
10676 {
10677       ((const TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->BaseClassInfo_Delete((BaseClassInfo_t*) G__int(libp->para[0]));
10678       G__setnull(result7);
10679    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
10680 }
10682 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_142(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
10683 {
10684       G__letint(result7, 89, (long) ((const TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->BaseClassInfo_Factory((ClassInfo_t*) G__int(libp->para[0])));
10685    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
10686 }
10688 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_143(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
10689 {
10690       G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((const TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->BaseClassInfo_Next((BaseClassInfo_t*) G__int(libp->para[0])));
10691    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
10692 }
10694 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_144(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
10695 {
10696       G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((const TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->BaseClassInfo_Next((BaseClassInfo_t*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (int) G__int(libp->para[1])));
10697    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
10698 }
10700 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_145(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
10701 {
10702       G__letint(result7, 108, (long) ((const TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->BaseClassInfo_Offset((BaseClassInfo_t*) G__int(libp->para[0])));
10703    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
10704 }
10706 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_146(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
10707 {
10708       G__letint(result7, 108, (long) ((const TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->BaseClassInfo_Property((BaseClassInfo_t*) G__int(libp->para[0])));
10709    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
10710 }
10712 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_147(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
10713 {
10714       G__letint(result7, 108, (long) ((const TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->BaseClassInfo_Tagnum((BaseClassInfo_t*) G__int(libp->para[0])));
10715    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
10716 }
10718 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_148(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
10719 {
10720       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) ((const TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->BaseClassInfo_FullName((BaseClassInfo_t*) G__int(libp->para[0])));
10721    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
10722 }
10724 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_149(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
10725 {
10726       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) ((const TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->BaseClassInfo_Name((BaseClassInfo_t*) G__int(libp->para[0])));
10727    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
10728 }
10730 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_150(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
10731 {
10732       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) ((const TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->BaseClassInfo_TmpltName((BaseClassInfo_t*) G__int(libp->para[0])));
10733    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
10734 }
10736 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_151(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
10737 {
10738       G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((const TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->DataMemberInfo_ArrayDim((DataMemberInfo_t*) G__int(libp->para[0])));
10739    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
10740 }
10742 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_152(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
10743 {
10744       ((const TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->DataMemberInfo_Delete((DataMemberInfo_t*) G__int(libp->para[0]));
10745       G__setnull(result7);
10746    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
10747 }
10749 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_153(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
10750 {
10751    switch (libp->paran) {
10752    case 1:
10753       G__letint(result7, 89, (long) ((const TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->DataMemberInfo_Factory((ClassInfo_t*) G__int(libp->para[0])));
10754       break;
10755    case 0:
10756       G__letint(result7, 89, (long) ((const TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->DataMemberInfo_Factory());
10757       break;
10758    }
10759    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
10760 }
10762 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_154(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
10763 {
10764       G__letint(result7, 89, (long) ((const TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->DataMemberInfo_FactoryCopy((DataMemberInfo_t*) G__int(libp->para[0])));
10765    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
10766 }
10768 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_155(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
10769 {
10770       G__letint(result7, 103, (long) ((const TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->DataMemberInfo_IsValid((DataMemberInfo_t*) G__int(libp->para[0])));
10771    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
10772 }
10774 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_156(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
10775 {
10776       G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((const TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->DataMemberInfo_MaxIndex((DataMemberInfo_t*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1])));
10777    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
10778 }
10780 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_157(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
10781 {
10782       G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((const TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->DataMemberInfo_Next((DataMemberInfo_t*) G__int(libp->para[0])));
10783    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
10784 }
10786 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_158(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
10787 {
10788       G__letint(result7, 108, (long) ((const TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->DataMemberInfo_Offset((DataMemberInfo_t*) G__int(libp->para[0])));
10789    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
10790 }
10792 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_159(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
10793 {
10794       G__letint(result7, 108, (long) ((const TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->DataMemberInfo_Property((DataMemberInfo_t*) G__int(libp->para[0])));
10795    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
10796 }
10798 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_160(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
10799 {
10800       G__letint(result7, 108, (long) ((const TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->DataMemberInfo_TypeProperty((DataMemberInfo_t*) G__int(libp->para[0])));
10801    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
10802 }
10804 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_161(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
10805 {
10806       G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((const TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->DataMemberInfo_TypeSize((DataMemberInfo_t*) G__int(libp->para[0])));
10807    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
10808 }
10810 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_162(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
10811 {
10812       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) ((const TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->DataMemberInfo_TypeName((DataMemberInfo_t*) G__int(libp->para[0])));
10813    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
10814 }
10816 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_163(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
10817 {
10818       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) ((const TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->DataMemberInfo_TypeTrueName((DataMemberInfo_t*) G__int(libp->para[0])));
10819    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
10820 }
10822 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_164(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
10823 {
10824       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) ((const TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->DataMemberInfo_Name((DataMemberInfo_t*) G__int(libp->para[0])));
10825    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
10826 }
10828 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_165(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
10829 {
10830       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) ((const TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->DataMemberInfo_Title((DataMemberInfo_t*) G__int(libp->para[0])));
10831    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
10832 }
10834 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_166(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
10835 {
10836       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) ((const TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->DataMemberInfo_ValidArrayIndex((DataMemberInfo_t*) G__int(libp->para[0])));
10837    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
10838 }
10840 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_167(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
10841 {
10842       ((const TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->MethodInfo_CreateSignature((MethodInfo_t*) G__int(libp->para[0]), *(TString*) libp->para[1].ref);
10843       G__setnull(result7);
10844    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
10845 }
10847 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_168(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
10848 {
10849       ((const TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->MethodInfo_Delete((MethodInfo_t*) G__int(libp->para[0]));
10850       G__setnull(result7);
10851    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
10852 }
10854 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_169(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
10855 {
10856       G__letint(result7, 89, (long) ((const TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->MethodInfo_Factory());
10857    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
10858 }
10860 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_170(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
10861 {
10862       G__letint(result7, 89, (long) ((const TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->MethodInfo_FactoryCopy((MethodInfo_t*) G__int(libp->para[0])));
10863    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
10864 }
10866 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_171(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
10867 {
10868       G__letint(result7, 89, (long) ((const TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->MethodInfo_InterfaceMethod((MethodInfo_t*) G__int(libp->para[0])));
10869    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
10870 }
10872 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_172(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
10873 {
10874       G__letint(result7, 103, (long) ((const TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->MethodInfo_IsValid((MethodInfo_t*) G__int(libp->para[0])));
10875    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
10876 }
10878 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_173(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
10879 {
10880       G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((const TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->MethodInfo_NArg((MethodInfo_t*) G__int(libp->para[0])));
10881    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
10882 }
10884 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_174(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
10885 {
10886       G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((const TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->MethodInfo_NDefaultArg((MethodInfo_t*) G__int(libp->para[0])));
10887    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
10888 }
10890 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_175(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
10891 {
10892       G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((const TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->MethodInfo_Next((MethodInfo_t*) G__int(libp->para[0])));
10893    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
10894 }
10896 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_176(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
10897 {
10898       G__letint(result7, 108, (long) ((const TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->MethodInfo_Property((MethodInfo_t*) G__int(libp->para[0])));
10899    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
10900 }
10902 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_177(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
10903 {
10904       G__letint(result7, 89, (long) ((const TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->MethodInfo_Type((MethodInfo_t*) G__int(libp->para[0])));
10905    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
10906 }
10908 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_178(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
10909 {
10910       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) ((const TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->MethodInfo_GetMangledName((MethodInfo_t*) G__int(libp->para[0])));
10911    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
10912 }
10914 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_179(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
10915 {
10916       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) ((const TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->MethodInfo_GetPrototype((MethodInfo_t*) G__int(libp->para[0])));
10917    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
10918 }
10920 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_180(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
10921 {
10922       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) ((const TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->MethodInfo_Name((MethodInfo_t*) G__int(libp->para[0])));
10923    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
10924 }
10926 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_181(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
10927 {
10928       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) ((const TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->MethodInfo_TypeName((MethodInfo_t*) G__int(libp->para[0])));
10929    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
10930 }
10932 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_182(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
10933 {
10934       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) ((const TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->MethodInfo_Title((MethodInfo_t*) G__int(libp->para[0])));
10935    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
10936 }
10938 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_183(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
10939 {
10940       ((const TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->MethodArgInfo_Delete((MethodArgInfo_t*) G__int(libp->para[0]));
10941       G__setnull(result7);
10942    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
10943 }
10945 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_184(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
10946 {
10947       G__letint(result7, 89, (long) ((const TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->MethodArgInfo_Factory());
10948    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
10949 }
10951 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_185(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
10952 {
10953       G__letint(result7, 89, (long) ((const TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->MethodArgInfo_FactoryCopy((MethodArgInfo_t*) G__int(libp->para[0])));
10954    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
10955 }
10957 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_186(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
10958 {
10959       G__letint(result7, 103, (long) ((const TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->MethodArgInfo_IsValid((MethodArgInfo_t*) G__int(libp->para[0])));
10960    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
10961 }
10963 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_187(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
10964 {
10965       G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((const TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->MethodArgInfo_Next((MethodArgInfo_t*) G__int(libp->para[0])));
10966    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
10967 }
10969 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_188(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
10970 {
10971       G__letint(result7, 108, (long) ((const TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->MethodArgInfo_Property((MethodArgInfo_t*) G__int(libp->para[0])));
10972    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
10973 }
10975 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_189(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
10976 {
10977       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) ((const TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->MethodArgInfo_DefaultValue((MethodArgInfo_t*) G__int(libp->para[0])));
10978    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
10979 }
10981 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_190(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
10982 {
10983       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) ((const TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->MethodArgInfo_Name((MethodArgInfo_t*) G__int(libp->para[0])));
10984    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
10985 }
10987 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_191(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
10988 {
10989       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) ((const TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->MethodArgInfo_TypeName((MethodArgInfo_t*) G__int(libp->para[0])));
10990    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
10991 }
10993 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_192(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
10994 {
10995       ((const TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->TypeInfo_Delete((TypeInfo_t*) G__int(libp->para[0]));
10996       G__setnull(result7);
10997    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
10998 }
11000 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_193(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
11001 {
11002       G__letint(result7, 89, (long) ((const TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->TypeInfo_Factory());
11003    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
11004 }
11006 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_194(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
11007 {
11008       G__letint(result7, 89, (long) ((const TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->TypeInfo_Factory((G__value*) G__int(libp->para[0])));
11009    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
11010 }
11012 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_195(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
11013 {
11014       G__letint(result7, 89, (long) ((const TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->TypeInfo_FactoryCopy((TypeInfo_t*) G__int(libp->para[0])));
11015    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
11016 }
11018 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_196(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
11019 {
11020       ((const TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->TypeInfo_Init((TypeInfo_t*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (const char*) G__int(libp->para[1]));
11021       G__setnull(result7);
11022    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
11023 }
11025 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_197(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
11026 {
11027       G__letint(result7, 103, (long) ((const TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->TypeInfo_IsValid((TypeInfo_t*) G__int(libp->para[0])));
11028    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
11029 }
11031 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_198(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
11032 {
11033       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) ((const TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->TypeInfo_Name((TypeInfo_t*) G__int(libp->para[0])));
11034    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
11035 }
11037 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_199(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
11038 {
11039       G__letint(result7, 108, (long) ((const TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->TypeInfo_Property((TypeInfo_t*) G__int(libp->para[0])));
11040    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
11041 }
11043 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_200(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
11044 {
11045       G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((const TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->TypeInfo_RefType((TypeInfo_t*) G__int(libp->para[0])));
11046    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
11047 }
11049 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_201(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
11050 {
11051       G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((const TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->TypeInfo_Size((TypeInfo_t*) G__int(libp->para[0])));
11052    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
11053 }
11055 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_202(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
11056 {
11057       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) ((const TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->TypeInfo_TrueName((TypeInfo_t*) G__int(libp->para[0])));
11058    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
11059 }
11061 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_203(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
11062 {
11063       ((const TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->TypedefInfo_Delete((TypedefInfo_t*) G__int(libp->para[0]));
11064       G__setnull(result7);
11065    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
11066 }
11068 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_204(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
11069 {
11070       G__letint(result7, 89, (long) ((const TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->TypedefInfo_Factory());
11071    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
11072 }
11074 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_205(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
11075 {
11076       G__letint(result7, 89, (long) ((const TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->TypedefInfo_FactoryCopy((TypedefInfo_t*) G__int(libp->para[0])));
11077    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
11078 }
11080 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_206(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
11081 {
11082       ((const TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->TypedefInfo_Init((TypedefInfo_t*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (const char*) G__int(libp->para[1]));
11083       G__setnull(result7);
11084    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
11085 }
11087 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_207(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
11088 {
11089       G__letint(result7, 103, (long) ((const TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->TypedefInfo_IsValid((TypedefInfo_t*) G__int(libp->para[0])));
11090    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
11091 }
11093 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_208(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
11094 {
11095       G__letint(result7, 108, (long) ((const TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->TypedefInfo_Property((TypedefInfo_t*) G__int(libp->para[0])));
11096    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
11097 }
11099 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_209(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
11100 {
11101       G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((const TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->TypedefInfo_Size((TypedefInfo_t*) G__int(libp->para[0])));
11102    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
11103 }
11105 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_210(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
11106 {
11107       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) ((const TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->TypedefInfo_TrueName((TypedefInfo_t*) G__int(libp->para[0])));
11108    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
11109 }
11111 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_211(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
11112 {
11113       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) ((const TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->TypedefInfo_Name((TypedefInfo_t*) G__int(libp->para[0])));
11114    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
11115 }
11117 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_212(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
11118 {
11119       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) ((const TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->TypedefInfo_Title((TypedefInfo_t*) G__int(libp->para[0])));
11120    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
11121 }
11123 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_213(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
11124 {
11125       {
11126          TInterpreter*& obj = TInterpreter::Instance();
11127          result7->ref = (long) (&obj);
11128          G__letint(result7, 'U', (long)obj);
11129       }
11130    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
11131 }
11133 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_214(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
11134 {
11135       G__letint(result7, 85, (long) TInterpreter::Class());
11136    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
11137 }
11139 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_215(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
11140 {
11141       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TInterpreter::Class_Name());
11142    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
11143 }
11145 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_216(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
11146 {
11147       G__letint(result7, 115, (long) TInterpreter::Class_Version());
11148    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
11149 }
11151 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_217(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
11152 {
11153       TInterpreter::Dictionary();
11154       G__setnull(result7);
11155    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
11156 }
11158 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_221(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
11159 {
11160       ((TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset())->StreamerNVirtual(*(TBuffer*) libp->para[0].ref);
11161       G__setnull(result7);
11162    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
11163 }
11165 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_222(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
11166 {
11167       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TInterpreter::DeclFileName());
11168    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
11169 }
11171 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_223(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
11172 {
11173       G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TInterpreter::ImplFileLine());
11174    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
11175 }
11177 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_224(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
11178 {
11179       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TInterpreter::ImplFileName());
11180    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
11181 }
11183 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_225(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
11184 {
11185       G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TInterpreter::DeclFileLine());
11186    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
11187 }
11189 // automatic destructor
11190 typedef TInterpreter G__TTInterpreter;
11191 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_226(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
11192 {
11193    char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
11194    long soff = G__getstructoffset();
11195    int n = G__getaryconstruct();
11196    //
11197    //has_a_delete: 1
11198    //has_own_delete1arg: 0
11199    //has_own_delete2arg: 0
11200    //
11201    if (!soff) {
11202      return(1);
11203    }
11204    if (n) {
11205      if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) {
11206        delete[] (TInterpreter*) soff;
11207      } else {
11208        G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID);
11209        for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
11210          ((TInterpreter*) (soff+(sizeof(TInterpreter)*i)))->~G__TTInterpreter();
11211        }
11212        G__setgvp((long)gvp);
11213      }
11214    } else {
11215      if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) {
11216        delete (TInterpreter*) soff;
11217      } else {
11218        G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID);
11219        ((TInterpreter*) (soff))->~G__TTInterpreter();
11220        G__setgvp((long)gvp);
11221      }
11222    }
11223    G__setnull(result7);
11224    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
11225 }
11227 // automatic assignment operator
11228 static int G__G__Meta_160_0_227(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
11229 {
11230    TInterpreter* dest = (TInterpreter*) G__getstructoffset();
11231    *dest = *(TInterpreter*) libp->para[0].ref;
11232    const TInterpreter& obj = *dest;
11233    result7->ref = (long) (&obj);
11234    result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj);
11235    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
11236 }
11239 /* TIsAProxy */
11240 static int G__G__Meta_162_0_3(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
11241 {
11242    TIsAProxy* p = NULL;
11243    char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
11244    switch (libp->paran) {
11245    case 2:
11246      //m: 2
11247      if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
11248        p = new TIsAProxy(*(type_info*) libp->para[0].ref, (void*) G__int(libp->para[1]));
11249      } else {
11250        p = new((void*) gvp) TIsAProxy(*(type_info*) libp->para[0].ref, (void*) G__int(libp->para[1]));
11251      }
11252      break;
11253    case 1:
11254      //m: 1
11255      if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
11256        p = new TIsAProxy(*(type_info*) libp->para[0].ref);
11257      } else {
11258        p = new((void*) gvp) TIsAProxy(*(type_info*) libp->para[0].ref);
11259      }
11260      break;
11261    }
11262    result7->obj.i = (long) p;
11263    result7->ref = (long) p;
11264    G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TIsAProxy));
11265    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
11266 }
11268 // automatic destructor
11269 typedef TIsAProxy G__TTIsAProxy;
11270 static int G__G__Meta_162_0_6(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
11271 {
11272    char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
11273    long soff = G__getstructoffset();
11274    int n = G__getaryconstruct();
11275    //
11276    //has_a_delete: 0
11277    //has_own_delete1arg: 0
11278    //has_own_delete2arg: 0
11279    //
11280    if (!soff) {
11281      return(1);
11282    }
11283    if (n) {
11284      if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) {
11285        delete[] (TIsAProxy*) soff;
11286      } else {
11287        G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID);
11288        for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
11289          ((TIsAProxy*) (soff+(sizeof(TIsAProxy)*i)))->~G__TTIsAProxy();
11290        }
11291        G__setgvp((long)gvp);
11292      }
11293    } else {
11294      if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) {
11295        delete (TIsAProxy*) soff;
11296      } else {
11297        G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID);
11298        ((TIsAProxy*) (soff))->~G__TTIsAProxy();
11299        G__setgvp((long)gvp);
11300      }
11301    }
11302    G__setnull(result7);
11303    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
11304 }
11307 /* TMethodArg */
11308 static int G__G__Meta_163_0_3(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
11309 {
11310    TMethodArg* p = NULL;
11311    char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
11312    switch (libp->paran) {
11313    case 2:
11314      //m: 2
11315      if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
11316        p = new TMethodArg((MethodArgInfo_t*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (TFunction*) G__int(libp->para[1]));
11317      } else {
11318        p = new((void*) gvp) TMethodArg((MethodArgInfo_t*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (TFunction*) G__int(libp->para[1]));
11319      }
11320      break;
11321    case 1:
11322      //m: 1
11323      if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
11324        p = new TMethodArg((MethodArgInfo_t*) G__int(libp->para[0]));
11325      } else {
11326        p = new((void*) gvp) TMethodArg((MethodArgInfo_t*) G__int(libp->para[0]));
11327      }
11328      break;
11329    case 0:
11330      int n = G__getaryconstruct();
11331      if (n) {
11332        if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
11333          p = new TMethodArg[n];
11334        } else {
11335          p = new((void*) gvp) TMethodArg[n];
11336        }
11337      } else {
11338        if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
11339          p = new TMethodArg;
11340        } else {
11341          p = new((void*) gvp) TMethodArg;
11342        }
11343      }
11344      break;
11345    }
11346    result7->obj.i = (long) p;
11347    result7->ref = (long) p;
11348    G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TMethodArg));
11349    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
11350 }
11352 static int G__G__Meta_163_0_4(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
11353 {
11354       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) ((const TMethodArg*) G__getstructoffset())->GetDefault());
11355    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
11356 }
11358 static int G__G__Meta_163_0_5(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
11359 {
11360       G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ((const TMethodArg*) G__getstructoffset())->GetMethod());
11361    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
11362 }
11364 static int G__G__Meta_163_0_6(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
11365 {
11366       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) ((const TMethodArg*) G__getstructoffset())->GetTypeName());
11367    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
11368 }
11370 static int G__G__Meta_163_0_7(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
11371 {
11372       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) ((const TMethodArg*) G__getstructoffset())->GetFullTypeName());
11373    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
11374 }
11376 static int G__G__Meta_163_0_9(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
11377 {
11378       G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ((const TMethodArg*) G__getstructoffset())->GetDataMember());
11379    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
11380 }
11382 static int G__G__Meta_163_0_10(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
11383 {
11384       G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ((const TMethodArg*) G__getstructoffset())->GetOptions());
11385    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
11386 }
11388 static int G__G__Meta_163_0_11(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
11389 {
11390       G__letint(result7, 85, (long) TMethodArg::Class());
11391    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
11392 }
11394 static int G__G__Meta_163_0_12(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
11395 {
11396       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TMethodArg::Class_Name());
11397    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
11398 }
11400 static int G__G__Meta_163_0_13(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
11401 {
11402       G__letint(result7, 115, (long) TMethodArg::Class_Version());
11403    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
11404 }
11406 static int G__G__Meta_163_0_14(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
11407 {
11408       TMethodArg::Dictionary();
11409       G__setnull(result7);
11410    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
11411 }
11413 static int G__G__Meta_163_0_18(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
11414 {
11415       ((TMethodArg*) G__getstructoffset())->StreamerNVirtual(*(TBuffer*) libp->para[0].ref);
11416       G__setnull(result7);
11417    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
11418 }
11420 static int G__G__Meta_163_0_19(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
11421 {
11422       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TMethodArg::DeclFileName());
11423    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
11424 }
11426 static int G__G__Meta_163_0_20(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
11427 {
11428       G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TMethodArg::ImplFileLine());
11429    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
11430 }
11432 static int G__G__Meta_163_0_21(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
11433 {
11434       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TMethodArg::ImplFileName());
11435    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
11436 }
11438 static int G__G__Meta_163_0_22(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
11439 {
11440       G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TMethodArg::DeclFileLine());
11441    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
11442 }
11444 // automatic destructor
11445 typedef TMethodArg G__TTMethodArg;
11446 static int G__G__Meta_163_0_23(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
11447 {
11448    char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
11449    long soff = G__getstructoffset();
11450    int n = G__getaryconstruct();
11451    //
11452    //has_a_delete: 1
11453    //has_own_delete1arg: 0
11454    //has_own_delete2arg: 0
11455    //
11456    if (!soff) {
11457      return(1);
11458    }
11459    if (n) {
11460      if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) {
11461        delete[] (TMethodArg*) soff;
11462      } else {
11463        G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID);
11464        for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
11465          ((TMethodArg*) (soff+(sizeof(TMethodArg)*i)))->~G__TTMethodArg();
11466        }
11467        G__setgvp((long)gvp);
11468      }
11469    } else {
11470      if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) {
11471        delete (TMethodArg*) soff;
11472      } else {
11473        G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID);
11474        ((TMethodArg*) (soff))->~G__TTMethodArg();
11475        G__setgvp((long)gvp);
11476      }
11477    }
11478    G__setnull(result7);
11479    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
11480 }
11483 /* ROOT::TSchemaRule */
11484 static int G__G__Meta_168_0_1(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
11485 {
11486    ROOT::TSchemaRule* p = NULL;
11487    char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
11488    int n = G__getaryconstruct();
11489    if (n) {
11490      if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
11491        p = new ROOT::TSchemaRule[n];
11492      } else {
11493        p = new((void*) gvp) ROOT::TSchemaRule[n];
11494      }
11495    } else {
11496      if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
11497        p = new ROOT::TSchemaRule;
11498      } else {
11499        p = new((void*) gvp) ROOT::TSchemaRule;
11500      }
11501    }
11502    result7->obj.i = (long) p;
11503    result7->ref = (long) p;
11504    G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_ROOTcLcLTSchemaRule));
11505    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
11506 }
11508 static int G__G__Meta_168_0_2(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
11509 {
11510    ROOT::TSchemaRule* p = NULL;
11511    char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
11512    //m: 1
11513    if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
11514      p = new ROOT::TSchemaRule(*(ROOT::TSchemaRule*) libp->para[0].ref);
11515    } else {
11516      p = new((void*) gvp) ROOT::TSchemaRule(*(ROOT::TSchemaRule*) libp->para[0].ref);
11517    }
11518    result7->obj.i = (long) p;
11519    result7->ref = (long) p;
11520    G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_ROOTcLcLTSchemaRule));
11521    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
11522 }
11524 static int G__G__Meta_168_0_3(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
11525 {
11526       {
11527          const ROOT::TSchemaRule& obj = ((ROOT::TSchemaRule*) G__getstructoffset())->operator=(*(ROOT::TSchemaRule*) libp->para[0].ref);
11528          result7->ref = (long) (&obj);
11529          result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj);
11530       }
11531    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
11532 }
11534 static int G__G__Meta_168_0_4(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
11535 {
11536       G__letint(result7, 103, (long) ((ROOT::TSchemaRule*) G__getstructoffset())->operator==(*(ROOT::TSchemaRule*) libp->para[0].ref));
11537    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
11538 }
11540 static int G__G__Meta_168_0_6(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
11541 {
11542       G__letint(result7, 103, (long) ((ROOT::TSchemaRule*) G__getstructoffset())->SetFromRule((const char*) G__int(libp->para[0])));
11543    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
11544 }
11546 static int G__G__Meta_168_0_7(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
11547 {
11548       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) ((const ROOT::TSchemaRule*) G__getstructoffset())->GetVersion());
11549    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
11550 }
11552 static int G__G__Meta_168_0_8(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
11553 {
11554       G__letint(result7, 103, (long) ((ROOT::TSchemaRule*) G__getstructoffset())->SetVersion(*(TString*) libp->para[0].ref));
11555    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
11556 }
11558 static int G__G__Meta_168_0_9(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
11559 {
11560       G__letint(result7, 103, (long) ((const ROOT::TSchemaRule*) G__getstructoffset())->TestVersion((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0])));
11561    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
11562 }
11564 static int G__G__Meta_168_0_10(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
11565 {
11566       G__letint(result7, 103, (long) ((ROOT::TSchemaRule*) G__getstructoffset())->SetChecksum(*(TString*) libp->para[0].ref));
11567    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
11568 }
11570 static int G__G__Meta_168_0_11(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
11571 {
11572       G__letint(result7, 103, (long) ((const ROOT::TSchemaRule*) G__getstructoffset())->TestChecksum((UInt_t) G__int(libp->para[0])));
11573    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
11574 }
11576 static int G__G__Meta_168_0_12(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
11577 {
11578       ((ROOT::TSchemaRule*) G__getstructoffset())->SetSourceClass(*(TString*) libp->para[0].ref);
11579       G__setnull(result7);
11580    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
11581 }
11583 static int G__G__Meta_168_0_13(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
11584 {
11585       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) ((const ROOT::TSchemaRule*) G__getstructoffset())->GetSourceClass());
11586    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
11587 }
11589 static int G__G__Meta_168_0_14(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
11590 {
11591       ((ROOT::TSchemaRule*) G__getstructoffset())->SetTargetClass(*(TString*) libp->para[0].ref);
11592       G__setnull(result7);
11593    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
11594 }
11596 static int G__G__Meta_168_0_15(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
11597 {
11598       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) ((const ROOT::TSchemaRule*) G__getstructoffset())->GetTargetClass());
11599    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
11600 }
11602 static int G__G__Meta_168_0_16(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
11603 {
11604       ((ROOT::TSchemaRule*) G__getstructoffset())->SetTarget(*(TString*) libp->para[0].ref);
11605       G__setnull(result7);
11606    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
11607 }
11609 static int G__G__Meta_168_0_17(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
11610 {
11611       G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ((const ROOT::TSchemaRule*) G__getstructoffset())->GetTarget());
11612    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
11613 }
11615 static int G__G__Meta_168_0_18(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
11616 {
11617       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) ((const ROOT::TSchemaRule*) G__getstructoffset())->GetTargetString());
11618    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
11619 }
11621 static int G__G__Meta_168_0_19(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
11622 {
11623       ((ROOT::TSchemaRule*) G__getstructoffset())->SetSource(*(TString*) libp->para[0].ref);
11624       G__setnull(result7);
11625    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
11626 }
11628 static int G__G__Meta_168_0_20(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
11629 {
11630       G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ((const ROOT::TSchemaRule*) G__getstructoffset())->GetSource());
11631    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
11632 }
11634 static int G__G__Meta_168_0_21(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
11635 {
11636       ((ROOT::TSchemaRule*) G__getstructoffset())->SetEmbed((Bool_t) G__int(libp->para[0]));
11637       G__setnull(result7);
11638    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
11639 }
11641 static int G__G__Meta_168_0_22(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
11642 {
11643       G__letint(result7, 103, (long) ((const ROOT::TSchemaRule*) G__getstructoffset())->GetEmbed());
11644    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
11645 }
11647 static int G__G__Meta_168_0_23(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
11648 {
11649       G__letint(result7, 103, (long) ((const ROOT::TSchemaRule*) G__getstructoffset())->IsAliasRule());
11650    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
11651 }
11653 static int G__G__Meta_168_0_24(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
11654 {
11655       G__letint(result7, 103, (long) ((const ROOT::TSchemaRule*) G__getstructoffset())->IsRenameRule());
11656    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
11657 }
11659 static int G__G__Meta_168_0_25(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
11660 {
11661       G__letint(result7, 103, (long) ((const ROOT::TSchemaRule*) G__getstructoffset())->IsValid());
11662    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
11663 }
11665 static int G__G__Meta_168_0_26(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
11666 {
11667       ((ROOT::TSchemaRule*) G__getstructoffset())->SetCode(*(TString*) libp->para[0].ref);
11668       G__setnull(result7);
11669    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
11670 }
11672 static int G__G__Meta_168_0_27(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
11673 {
11674       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) ((const ROOT::TSchemaRule*) G__getstructoffset())->GetCode());
11675    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
11676 }
11678 static int G__G__Meta_168_0_28(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
11679 {
11680       ((ROOT::TSchemaRule*) G__getstructoffset())->SetAttributes(*(TString*) libp->para[0].ref);
11681       G__setnull(result7);
11682    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
11683 }
11685 static int G__G__Meta_168_0_29(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
11686 {
11687       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) ((const ROOT::TSchemaRule*) G__getstructoffset())->GetAttributes());
11688    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
11689 }
11691 static int G__G__Meta_168_0_30(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
11692 {
11693       G__letint(result7, 103, (long) ((const ROOT::TSchemaRule*) G__getstructoffset())->HasTarget(*(TString*) libp->para[0].ref));
11694    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
11695 }
11697 static int G__G__Meta_168_0_31(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
11698 {
11699       G__letint(result7, 103, (long) ((const ROOT::TSchemaRule*) G__getstructoffset())->HasSource(*(TString*) libp->para[0].ref));
11700    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
11701 }
11703 static int G__G__Meta_168_0_32(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
11704 {
11705       ((ROOT::TSchemaRule*) G__getstructoffset())->SetReadFunctionPointer((ROOT::TSchemaRule::ReadFuncPtr_t) G__int(libp->para[0]));
11706       G__setnull(result7);
11707    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
11708 }
11710 static int G__G__Meta_168_0_33(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
11711 {
11712       G__letint(result7, 89, (long) ((const ROOT::TSchemaRule*) G__getstructoffset())->GetReadFunctionPointer());
11713    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
11714 }
11716 static int G__G__Meta_168_0_34(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
11717 {
11718       ((ROOT::TSchemaRule*) G__getstructoffset())->SetReadRawFunctionPointer((ROOT::TSchemaRule::ReadRawFuncPtr_t) G__int(libp->para[0]));
11719       G__setnull(result7);
11720    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
11721 }
11723 static int G__G__Meta_168_0_35(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
11724 {
11725       G__letint(result7, 89, (long) ((const ROOT::TSchemaRule*) G__getstructoffset())->GetReadRawFunctionPointer());
11726    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
11727 }
11729 static int G__G__Meta_168_0_36(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
11730 {
11731       ((ROOT::TSchemaRule*) G__getstructoffset())->SetInclude(*(TString*) libp->para[0].ref);
11732       G__setnull(result7);
11733    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
11734 }
11736 static int G__G__Meta_168_0_37(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
11737 {
11738       G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ((const ROOT::TSchemaRule*) G__getstructoffset())->GetInclude());
11739    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
11740 }
11742 static int G__G__Meta_168_0_38(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
11743 {
11744       ((ROOT::TSchemaRule*) G__getstructoffset())->SetRuleType((ROOT::TSchemaRule::RuleType_t) G__int(libp->para[0]));
11745       G__setnull(result7);
11746    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
11747 }
11749 static int G__G__Meta_168_0_39(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
11750 {
11751       G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((const ROOT::TSchemaRule*) G__getstructoffset())->GetRuleType());
11752    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
11753 }
11755 static int G__G__Meta_168_0_40(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
11756 {
11757       G__letint(result7, 103, (long) ((const ROOT::TSchemaRule*) G__getstructoffset())->Conflicts((ROOT::TSchemaRule*) G__int(libp->para[0])));
11758    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
11759 }
11761 static int G__G__Meta_168_0_41(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
11762 {
11763    switch (libp->paran) {
11764    case 2:
11765       ((const ROOT::TSchemaRule*) G__getstructoffset())->AsString(*(TString*) libp->para[0].ref, (const char*) G__int(libp->para[1]));
11766       G__setnull(result7);
11767       break;
11768    case 1:
11769       ((const ROOT::TSchemaRule*) G__getstructoffset())->AsString(*(TString*) libp->para[0].ref);
11770       G__setnull(result7);
11771       break;
11772    }
11773    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
11774 }
11776 static int G__G__Meta_168_0_43(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
11777 {
11778       G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ROOT::TSchemaRule::Class());
11779    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
11780 }
11782 static int G__G__Meta_168_0_44(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
11783 {
11784       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) ROOT::TSchemaRule::Class_Name());
11785    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
11786 }
11788 static int G__G__Meta_168_0_45(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
11789 {
11790       G__letint(result7, 115, (long) ROOT::TSchemaRule::Class_Version());
11791    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
11792 }
11794 static int G__G__Meta_168_0_46(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
11795 {
11796       ROOT::TSchemaRule::Dictionary();
11797       G__setnull(result7);
11798    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
11799 }
11801 static int G__G__Meta_168_0_50(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
11802 {
11803       ((ROOT::TSchemaRule*) G__getstructoffset())->StreamerNVirtual(*(TBuffer*) libp->para[0].ref);
11804       G__setnull(result7);
11805    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
11806 }
11808 static int G__G__Meta_168_0_51(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
11809 {
11810       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) ROOT::TSchemaRule::DeclFileName());
11811    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
11812 }
11814 static int G__G__Meta_168_0_52(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
11815 {
11816       G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ROOT::TSchemaRule::ImplFileLine());
11817    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
11818 }
11820 static int G__G__Meta_168_0_53(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
11821 {
11822       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) ROOT::TSchemaRule::ImplFileName());
11823    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
11824 }
11826 static int G__G__Meta_168_0_54(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
11827 {
11828       G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ROOT::TSchemaRule::DeclFileLine());
11829    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
11830 }
11832 // automatic destructor
11833 typedef ROOT::TSchemaRule G__TROOTcLcLTSchemaRule;
11834 static int G__G__Meta_168_0_59(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
11835 {
11836    char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
11837    long soff = G__getstructoffset();
11838    int n = G__getaryconstruct();
11839    //
11840    //has_a_delete: 1
11841    //has_own_delete1arg: 0
11842    //has_own_delete2arg: 0
11843    //
11844    if (!soff) {
11845      return(1);
11846    }
11847    if (n) {
11848      if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) {
11849        delete[] (ROOT::TSchemaRule*) soff;
11850      } else {
11851        G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID);
11852        for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
11853          ((ROOT::TSchemaRule*) (soff+(sizeof(ROOT::TSchemaRule)*i)))->~G__TROOTcLcLTSchemaRule();
11854        }
11855        G__setgvp((long)gvp);
11856      }
11857    } else {
11858      if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) {
11859        delete (ROOT::TSchemaRule*) soff;
11860      } else {
11861        G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID);
11862        ((ROOT::TSchemaRule*) (soff))->~G__TROOTcLcLTSchemaRule();
11863        G__setgvp((long)gvp);
11864      }
11865    }
11866    G__setnull(result7);
11867    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
11868 }
11871 /* ROOT::TSchemaRule::TSources */
11872 static int G__G__Meta_169_0_1(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
11873 {
11874    ROOT::TSchemaRule::TSources* p = NULL;
11875    char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
11876    switch (libp->paran) {
11877    case 3:
11878      //m: 3
11879      if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
11880        p = new ROOT::TSchemaRule::TSources(
11881 (const char*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (const char*) G__int(libp->para[1])
11882 , (const char*) G__int(libp->para[2]));
11883      } else {
11884        p = new((void*) gvp) ROOT::TSchemaRule::TSources(
11885 (const char*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (const char*) G__int(libp->para[1])
11886 , (const char*) G__int(libp->para[2]));
11887      }
11888      break;
11889    case 2:
11890      //m: 2
11891      if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
11892        p = new ROOT::TSchemaRule::TSources((const char*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (const char*) G__int(libp->para[1]));
11893      } else {
11894        p = new((void*) gvp) ROOT::TSchemaRule::TSources((const char*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (const char*) G__int(libp->para[1]));
11895      }
11896      break;
11897    case 1:
11898      //m: 1
11899      if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
11900        p = new ROOT::TSchemaRule::TSources((const char*) G__int(libp->para[0]));
11901      } else {
11902        p = new((void*) gvp) ROOT::TSchemaRule::TSources((const char*) G__int(libp->para[0]));
11903      }
11904      break;
11905    case 0:
11906      int n = G__getaryconstruct();
11907      if (n) {
11908        if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
11909          p = new ROOT::TSchemaRule::TSources[n];
11910        } else {
11911          p = new((void*) gvp) ROOT::TSchemaRule::TSources[n];
11912        }
11913      } else {
11914        if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
11915          p = new ROOT::TSchemaRule::TSources;
11916        } else {
11917          p = new((void*) gvp) ROOT::TSchemaRule::TSources;
11918        }
11919      }
11920      break;
11921    }
11922    result7->obj.i = (long) p;
11923    result7->ref = (long) p;
11924    G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_ROOTcLcLTSchemaRulecLcLTSources));
11925    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
11926 }
11928 static int G__G__Meta_169_0_2(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
11929 {
11930       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) ((ROOT::TSchemaRule::TSources*) G__getstructoffset())->GetDimensions());
11931    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
11932 }
11934 static int G__G__Meta_169_0_3(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
11935 {
11936       G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ROOT::TSchemaRule::TSources::Class());
11937    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
11938 }
11940 static int G__G__Meta_169_0_4(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
11941 {
11942       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) ROOT::TSchemaRule::TSources::Class_Name());
11943    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
11944 }
11946 static int G__G__Meta_169_0_5(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
11947 {
11948       G__letint(result7, 115, (long) ROOT::TSchemaRule::TSources::Class_Version());
11949    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
11950 }
11952 static int G__G__Meta_169_0_6(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
11953 {
11954       ROOT::TSchemaRule::TSources::Dictionary();
11955       G__setnull(result7);
11956    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
11957 }
11959 static int G__G__Meta_169_0_10(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
11960 {
11961       ((ROOT::TSchemaRule::TSources*) G__getstructoffset())->StreamerNVirtual(*(TBuffer*) libp->para[0].ref);
11962       G__setnull(result7);
11963    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
11964 }
11966 static int G__G__Meta_169_0_11(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
11967 {
11968       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) ROOT::TSchemaRule::TSources::DeclFileName());
11969    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
11970 }
11972 static int G__G__Meta_169_0_12(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
11973 {
11974       G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ROOT::TSchemaRule::TSources::ImplFileLine());
11975    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
11976 }
11978 static int G__G__Meta_169_0_13(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
11979 {
11980       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) ROOT::TSchemaRule::TSources::ImplFileName());
11981    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
11982 }
11984 static int G__G__Meta_169_0_14(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
11985 {
11986       G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ROOT::TSchemaRule::TSources::DeclFileLine());
11987    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
11988 }
11990 // automatic copy constructor
11991 static int G__G__Meta_169_0_15(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
11993 {
11994    ROOT::TSchemaRule::TSources* p;
11995    void* tmp = (void*) G__int(libp->para[0]);
11996    p = new ROOT::TSchemaRule::TSources(*(ROOT::TSchemaRule::TSources*) tmp);
11997    result7->obj.i = (long) p;
11998    result7->ref = (long) p;
11999    G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_ROOTcLcLTSchemaRulecLcLTSources));
12000    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
12001 }
12003 // automatic destructor
12004 typedef ROOT::TSchemaRule::TSources G__TROOTcLcLTSchemaRulecLcLTSources;
12005 static int G__G__Meta_169_0_16(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
12006 {
12007    char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
12008    long soff = G__getstructoffset();
12009    int n = G__getaryconstruct();
12010    //
12011    //has_a_delete: 1
12012    //has_own_delete1arg: 0
12013    //has_own_delete2arg: 0
12014    //
12015    if (!soff) {
12016      return(1);
12017    }
12018    if (n) {
12019      if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) {
12020        delete[] (ROOT::TSchemaRule::TSources*) soff;
12021      } else {
12022        G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID);
12023        for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
12024          ((ROOT::TSchemaRule::TSources*) (soff+(sizeof(ROOT::TSchemaRule::TSources)*i)))->~G__TROOTcLcLTSchemaRulecLcLTSources();
12025        }
12026        G__setgvp((long)gvp);
12027      }
12028    } else {
12029      if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) {
12030        delete (ROOT::TSchemaRule::TSources*) soff;
12031      } else {
12032        G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID);
12033        ((ROOT::TSchemaRule::TSources*) (soff))->~G__TROOTcLcLTSchemaRulecLcLTSources();
12034        G__setgvp((long)gvp);
12035      }
12036    }
12037    G__setnull(result7);
12038    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
12039 }
12041 // automatic assignment operator
12042 static int G__G__Meta_169_0_17(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
12043 {
12044    ROOT::TSchemaRule::TSources* dest = (ROOT::TSchemaRule::TSources*) G__getstructoffset();
12045    *dest = *(ROOT::TSchemaRule::TSources*) libp->para[0].ref;
12046    const ROOT::TSchemaRule::TSources& obj = *dest;
12047    result7->ref = (long) (&obj);
12048    result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj);
12049    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
12050 }
12053 /* vector<pair<int,int>,allocator<pair<int,int> > > */
12054 static int G__G__Meta_173_0_1(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
12055 {
12056       {
12057          const pair<int,int>& obj = ((vector<pair<int,int>,allocator<pair<int,int> > >*) G__getstructoffset())->at((vector<pair<int,int>,allocator<pair<int,int> > >::size_type) G__int(libp->para[0]));
12058          result7->ref = (long) (&obj);
12059          result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj);
12060       }
12061    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
12062 }
12064 static int G__G__Meta_173_0_2(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
12065 {
12066       {
12067          vector<pair<int,int>,allocator<pair<int,int> > >::iterator* pobj;
12068          vector<pair<int,int>,allocator<pair<int,int> > >::iterator xobj = ((vector<pair<int,int>,allocator<pair<int,int> > >*) G__getstructoffset())->begin();
12069          pobj = new vector<pair<int,int>,allocator<pair<int,int> > >::iterator(xobj);
12070          result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj);
12071          result7->ref = result7->obj.i;
12072          G__store_tempobject(*result7);
12073       }
12074    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
12075 }
12077 static int G__G__Meta_173_0_3(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
12078 {
12079       {
12080          vector<pair<int,int>,allocator<pair<int,int> > >::iterator* pobj;
12081          vector<pair<int,int>,allocator<pair<int,int> > >::iterator xobj = ((vector<pair<int,int>,allocator<pair<int,int> > >*) G__getstructoffset())->end();
12082          pobj = new vector<pair<int,int>,allocator<pair<int,int> > >::iterator(xobj);
12083          result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj);
12084          result7->ref = result7->obj.i;
12085          G__store_tempobject(*result7);
12086       }
12087    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
12088 }
12090 static int G__G__Meta_173_0_4(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
12091 {
12092       {
12093          vector<pair<int,int>,allocator<pair<int,int> > >::reverse_iterator* pobj;
12094          vector<pair<int,int>,allocator<pair<int,int> > >::reverse_iterator xobj = ((vector<pair<int,int>,allocator<pair<int,int> > >*) G__getstructoffset())->rbegin();
12095          pobj = new vector<pair<int,int>,allocator<pair<int,int> > >::reverse_iterator(xobj);
12096          result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj);
12097          result7->ref = result7->obj.i;
12098          G__store_tempobject(*result7);
12099       }
12100    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
12101 }
12103 static int G__G__Meta_173_0_5(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
12104 {
12105       {
12106          vector<pair<int,int>,allocator<pair<int,int> > >::reverse_iterator* pobj;
12107          vector<pair<int,int>,allocator<pair<int,int> > >::reverse_iterator xobj = ((vector<pair<int,int>,allocator<pair<int,int> > >*) G__getstructoffset())->rend();
12108          pobj = new vector<pair<int,int>,allocator<pair<int,int> > >::reverse_iterator(xobj);
12109          result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj);
12110          result7->ref = result7->obj.i;
12111          G__store_tempobject(*result7);
12112       }
12113    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
12114 }
12116 static int G__G__Meta_173_0_6(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
12117 {
12118       G__letint(result7, 104, (long) ((const vector<pair<int,int>,allocator<pair<int,int> > >*) G__getstructoffset())->size());
12119    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
12120 }
12122 static int G__G__Meta_173_0_7(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
12123 {
12124       G__letint(result7, 104, (long) ((const vector<pair<int,int>,allocator<pair<int,int> > >*) G__getstructoffset())->max_size());
12125    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
12126 }
12128 static int G__G__Meta_173_0_8(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
12129 {
12130       ((vector<pair<int,int>,allocator<pair<int,int> > >*) G__getstructoffset())->resize((vector<pair<int,int>,allocator<pair<int,int> > >::size_type) G__int(libp->para[0]));
12131       G__setnull(result7);
12132    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
12133 }
12135 static int G__G__Meta_173_0_9(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
12136 {
12137       ((vector<pair<int,int>,allocator<pair<int,int> > >*) G__getstructoffset())->resize((vector<pair<int,int>,allocator<pair<int,int> > >::size_type) G__int(libp->para[0]), *((pair<int,int>*) G__int(libp->para[1])));
12138       G__setnull(result7);
12139    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
12140 }
12142 static int G__G__Meta_173_0_10(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
12143 {
12144       G__letint(result7, 104, (long) ((const vector<pair<int,int>,allocator<pair<int,int> > >*) G__getstructoffset())->capacity());
12145    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
12146 }
12148 static int G__G__Meta_173_0_11(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
12149 {
12150       G__letint(result7, 103, (long) ((const vector<pair<int,int>,allocator<pair<int,int> > >*) G__getstructoffset())->empty());
12151    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
12152 }
12154 static int G__G__Meta_173_0_12(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
12155 {
12156       {
12157          const pair<int,int>& obj = ((vector<pair<int,int>,allocator<pair<int,int> > >*) G__getstructoffset())->operator[]((vector<pair<int,int>,allocator<pair<int,int> > >::size_type) G__int(libp->para[0]));
12158          result7->ref = (long) (&obj);
12159          result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj);
12160       }
12161    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
12162 }
12164 static int G__G__Meta_173_0_13(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
12165 {
12166    vector<pair<int,int>,allocator<pair<int,int> > >* p = NULL;
12167    char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
12168    int n = G__getaryconstruct();
12169    if (n) {
12170      if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
12171        p = new vector<pair<int,int>,allocator<pair<int,int> > >[n];
12172      } else {
12173        p = new((void*) gvp) vector<pair<int,int>,allocator<pair<int,int> > >[n];
12174      }
12175    } else {
12176      if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
12177        p = new vector<pair<int,int>,allocator<pair<int,int> > >;
12178      } else {
12179        p = new((void*) gvp) vector<pair<int,int>,allocator<pair<int,int> > >;
12180      }
12181    }
12182    result7->obj.i = (long) p;
12183    result7->ref = (long) p;
12184    G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_vectorlEpairlEintcOintgRcOallocatorlEpairlEintcOintgRsPgRsPgR));
12185    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
12186 }
12188 static int G__G__Meta_173_0_14(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
12189 {
12190    vector<pair<int,int>,allocator<pair<int,int> > >* p = NULL;
12191    char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
12192    switch (libp->paran) {
12193    case 2:
12194      //m: 2
12195      if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
12196        p = new vector<pair<int,int>,allocator<pair<int,int> > >((vector<pair<int,int>,allocator<pair<int,int> > >::size_type) G__int(libp->para[0]), *(pair<int,int>*) libp->para[1].ref);
12197      } else {
12198        p = new((void*) gvp) vector<pair<int,int>,allocator<pair<int,int> > >((vector<pair<int,int>,allocator<pair<int,int> > >::size_type) G__int(libp->para[0]), *(pair<int,int>*) libp->para[1].ref);
12199      }
12200      break;
12201    case 1:
12202      //m: 1
12203      if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
12204        p = new vector<pair<int,int>,allocator<pair<int,int> > >((vector<pair<int,int>,allocator<pair<int,int> > >::size_type) G__int(libp->para[0]));
12205      } else {
12206        p = new((void*) gvp) vector<pair<int,int>,allocator<pair<int,int> > >((vector<pair<int,int>,allocator<pair<int,int> > >::size_type) G__int(libp->para[0]));
12207      }
12208      break;
12209    }
12210    result7->obj.i = (long) p;
12211    result7->ref = (long) p;
12212    G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_vectorlEpairlEintcOintgRcOallocatorlEpairlEintcOintgRsPgRsPgR));
12213    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
12214 }
12216 static int G__G__Meta_173_0_15(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
12217 {
12218    vector<pair<int,int>,allocator<pair<int,int> > >* p = NULL;
12219    char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
12220    //m: 1
12221    if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
12222      p = new vector<pair<int,int>,allocator<pair<int,int> > >(*(vector<pair<int,int>,allocator<pair<int,int> > >*) libp->para[0].ref);
12223    } else {
12224      p = new((void*) gvp) vector<pair<int,int>,allocator<pair<int,int> > >(*(vector<pair<int,int>,allocator<pair<int,int> > >*) libp->para[0].ref);
12225    }
12226    result7->obj.i = (long) p;
12227    result7->ref = (long) p;
12228    G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_vectorlEpairlEintcOintgRcOallocatorlEpairlEintcOintgRsPgRsPgR));
12229    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
12230 }
12232 static int G__G__Meta_173_0_16(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
12233 {
12234    vector<pair<int,int>,allocator<pair<int,int> > >* p = NULL;
12235    char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
12236    //m: 2
12237    if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
12238      p = new vector<pair<int,int>,allocator<pair<int,int> > >(*((vector<pair<int,int>,allocator<pair<int,int> > >::const_iterator*) G__int(libp->para[0])), *((vector<pair<int,int>,allocator<pair<int,int> > >::const_iterator*) G__int(libp->para[1])));
12239    } else {
12240      p = new((void*) gvp) vector<pair<int,int>,allocator<pair<int,int> > >(*((vector<pair<int,int>,allocator<pair<int,int> > >::const_iterator*) G__int(libp->para[0])), *((vector<pair<int,int>,allocator<pair<int,int> > >::const_iterator*) G__int(libp->para[1])));
12241    }
12242    result7->obj.i = (long) p;
12243    result7->ref = (long) p;
12244    G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_vectorlEpairlEintcOintgRcOallocatorlEpairlEintcOintgRsPgRsPgR));
12245    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
12246 }
12248 static int G__G__Meta_173_0_17(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
12249 {
12250       {
12251          const vector<pair<int,int>,allocator<pair<int,int> > >& obj = ((vector<pair<int,int>,allocator<pair<int,int> > >*) G__getstructoffset())->operator=(*(vector<pair<int,int>,allocator<pair<int,int> > >*) libp->para[0].ref);
12252          result7->ref = (long) (&obj);
12253          result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj);
12254       }
12255    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
12256 }
12258 static int G__G__Meta_173_0_18(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
12259 {
12260       ((vector<pair<int,int>,allocator<pair<int,int> > >*) G__getstructoffset())->reserve((vector<pair<int,int>,allocator<pair<int,int> > >::size_type) G__int(libp->para[0]));
12261       G__setnull(result7);
12262    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
12263 }
12265 static int G__G__Meta_173_0_19(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
12266 {
12267       {
12268          const pair<int,int>& obj = ((vector<pair<int,int>,allocator<pair<int,int> > >*) G__getstructoffset())->front();
12269          result7->ref = (long) (&obj);
12270          result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj);
12271       }
12272    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
12273 }
12275 static int G__G__Meta_173_0_20(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
12276 {
12277       {
12278          const pair<int,int>& obj = ((vector<pair<int,int>,allocator<pair<int,int> > >*) G__getstructoffset())->back();
12279          result7->ref = (long) (&obj);
12280          result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj);
12281       }
12282    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
12283 }
12285 static int G__G__Meta_173_0_21(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
12286 {
12287       ((vector<pair<int,int>,allocator<pair<int,int> > >*) G__getstructoffset())->push_back(*(pair<int,int>*) libp->para[0].ref);
12288       G__setnull(result7);
12289    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
12290 }
12292 static int G__G__Meta_173_0_22(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
12293 {
12294       ((vector<pair<int,int>,allocator<pair<int,int> > >*) G__getstructoffset())->swap(*(vector<pair<int,int>,allocator<pair<int,int> > >*) libp->para[0].ref);
12295       G__setnull(result7);
12296    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
12297 }
12299 static int G__G__Meta_173_0_23(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
12300 {
12301       {
12302          vector<pair<int,int>,allocator<pair<int,int> > >::iterator* pobj;
12303          vector<pair<int,int>,allocator<pair<int,int> > >::iterator xobj = ((vector<pair<int,int>,allocator<pair<int,int> > >*) G__getstructoffset())->insert(*((vector<pair<int,int>,allocator<pair<int,int> > >::iterator*) G__int(libp->para[0])), *(pair<int,int>*) libp->para[1].ref);
12304          pobj = new vector<pair<int,int>,allocator<pair<int,int> > >::iterator(xobj);
12305          result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj);
12306          result7->ref = result7->obj.i;
12307          G__store_tempobject(*result7);
12308       }
12309    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
12310 }
12312 static int G__G__Meta_173_0_24(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
12313 {
12314       ((vector<pair<int,int>,allocator<pair<int,int> > >*) G__getstructoffset())->insert(*((vector<pair<int,int>,allocator<pair<int,int> > >::iterator*) G__int(libp->para[0])), *((vector<pair<int,int>,allocator<pair<int,int> > >::const_iterator*) G__int(libp->para[1]))
12315 , *((vector<pair<int,int>,allocator<pair<int,int> > >::const_iterator*) G__int(libp->para[2])));
12316       G__setnull(result7);
12317    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
12318 }
12320 static int G__G__Meta_173_0_25(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
12321 {
12322       ((vector<pair<int,int>,allocator<pair<int,int> > >*) G__getstructoffset())->insert(*((vector<pair<int,int>,allocator<pair<int,int> > >::iterator*) G__int(libp->para[0])), (vector<pair<int,int>,allocator<pair<int,int> > >::size_type) G__int(libp->para[1])
12323 , *(pair<int,int>*) libp->para[2].ref);
12324       G__setnull(result7);
12325    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
12326 }
12328 static int G__G__Meta_173_0_26(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
12329 {
12330       ((vector<pair<int,int>,allocator<pair<int,int> > >*) G__getstructoffset())->pop_back();
12331       G__setnull(result7);
12332    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
12333 }
12335 static int G__G__Meta_173_0_27(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
12336 {
12337       ((vector<pair<int,int>,allocator<pair<int,int> > >*) G__getstructoffset())->erase(*((vector<pair<int,int>,allocator<pair<int,int> > >::iterator*) G__int(libp->para[0])));
12338       G__setnull(result7);
12339    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
12340 }
12342 static int G__G__Meta_173_0_28(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
12343 {
12344       ((vector<pair<int,int>,allocator<pair<int,int> > >*) G__getstructoffset())->erase(*((vector<pair<int,int>,allocator<pair<int,int> > >::iterator*) G__int(libp->para[0])), *((vector<pair<int,int>,allocator<pair<int,int> > >::iterator*) G__int(libp->para[1])));
12345       G__setnull(result7);
12346    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
12347 }
12349 static int G__G__Meta_173_0_29(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
12350 {
12351       ((vector<pair<int,int>,allocator<pair<int,int> > >*) G__getstructoffset())->clear();
12352       G__setnull(result7);
12353    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
12354 }
12356 // automatic destructor
12357 typedef vector<pair<int,int>,allocator<pair<int,int> > > G__TvectorlEpairlEintcOintgRcOallocatorlEpairlEintcOintgRsPgRsPgR;
12358 static int G__G__Meta_173_0_30(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
12359 {
12360    char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
12361    long soff = G__getstructoffset();
12362    int n = G__getaryconstruct();
12363    //
12364    //has_a_delete: 0
12365    //has_own_delete1arg: 0
12366    //has_own_delete2arg: 0
12367    //
12368    if (!soff) {
12369      return(1);
12370    }
12371    if (n) {
12372      if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) {
12373        delete[] (vector<pair<int,int>,allocator<pair<int,int> > >*) soff;
12374      } else {
12375        G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID);
12376        for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
12377          ((vector<pair<int,int>,allocator<pair<int,int> > >*) (soff+(sizeof(vector<pair<int,int>,allocator<pair<int,int> > >)*i)))->~G__TvectorlEpairlEintcOintgRcOallocatorlEpairlEintcOintgRsPgRsPgR();
12378        }
12379        G__setgvp((long)gvp);
12380      }
12381    } else {
12382      if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) {
12383        delete (vector<pair<int,int>,allocator<pair<int,int> > >*) soff;
12384      } else {
12385        G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID);
12386        ((vector<pair<int,int>,allocator<pair<int,int> > >*) (soff))->~G__TvectorlEpairlEintcOintgRcOallocatorlEpairlEintcOintgRsPgRsPgR();
12387        G__setgvp((long)gvp);
12388      }
12389    }
12390    G__setnull(result7);
12391    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
12392 }
12395 /* ROOT::TSchemaMatch */
12396 static int G__G__Meta_180_0_1(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
12397 {
12398       G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ((const ROOT::TSchemaMatch*) G__getstructoffset())->GetRuleWithSource(*(TString*) libp->para[0].ref));
12399    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
12400 }
12402 static int G__G__Meta_180_0_2(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
12403 {
12404       G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ((const ROOT::TSchemaMatch*) G__getstructoffset())->GetRuleWithTarget(*(TString*) libp->para[0].ref));
12405    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
12406 }
12408 static int G__G__Meta_180_0_3(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
12409 {
12410       G__letint(result7, 103, (long) ((const ROOT::TSchemaMatch*) G__getstructoffset())->HasRuleWithSource(*(TString*) libp->para[0].ref, (Bool_t) G__int(libp->para[1])));
12411    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
12412 }
12414 static int G__G__Meta_180_0_4(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
12415 {
12416       G__letint(result7, 103, (long) ((const ROOT::TSchemaMatch*) G__getstructoffset())->HasRuleWithTarget(*(TString*) libp->para[0].ref, (Bool_t) G__int(libp->para[1])));
12417    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
12418 }
12420 static int G__G__Meta_180_0_5(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
12421 {
12422       G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ROOT::TSchemaMatch::Class());
12423    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
12424 }
12426 static int G__G__Meta_180_0_6(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
12427 {
12428       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) ROOT::TSchemaMatch::Class_Name());
12429    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
12430 }
12432 static int G__G__Meta_180_0_7(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
12433 {
12434       G__letint(result7, 115, (long) ROOT::TSchemaMatch::Class_Version());
12435    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
12436 }
12438 static int G__G__Meta_180_0_8(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
12439 {
12440       ROOT::TSchemaMatch::Dictionary();
12441       G__setnull(result7);
12442    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
12443 }
12445 static int G__G__Meta_180_0_12(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
12446 {
12447       ((ROOT::TSchemaMatch*) G__getstructoffset())->StreamerNVirtual(*(TBuffer*) libp->para[0].ref);
12448       G__setnull(result7);
12449    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
12450 }
12452 static int G__G__Meta_180_0_13(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
12453 {
12454       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) ROOT::TSchemaMatch::DeclFileName());
12455    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
12456 }
12458 static int G__G__Meta_180_0_14(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
12459 {
12460       G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ROOT::TSchemaMatch::ImplFileLine());
12461    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
12462 }
12464 static int G__G__Meta_180_0_15(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
12465 {
12466       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) ROOT::TSchemaMatch::ImplFileName());
12467    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
12468 }
12470 static int G__G__Meta_180_0_16(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
12471 {
12472       G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ROOT::TSchemaMatch::DeclFileLine());
12473    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
12474 }
12476 // automatic destructor
12477 typedef ROOT::TSchemaMatch G__TROOTcLcLTSchemaMatch;
12478 static int G__G__Meta_180_0_17(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
12479 {
12480    char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
12481    long soff = G__getstructoffset();
12482    int n = G__getaryconstruct();
12483    //
12484    //has_a_delete: 1
12485    //has_own_delete1arg: 0
12486    //has_own_delete2arg: 0
12487    //
12488    if (!soff) {
12489      return(1);
12490    }
12491    if (n) {
12492      if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) {
12493        delete[] (ROOT::TSchemaMatch*) soff;
12494      } else {
12495        G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID);
12496        for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
12497          ((ROOT::TSchemaMatch*) (soff+(sizeof(ROOT::TSchemaMatch)*i)))->~G__TROOTcLcLTSchemaMatch();
12498        }
12499        G__setgvp((long)gvp);
12500      }
12501    } else {
12502      if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) {
12503        delete (ROOT::TSchemaMatch*) soff;
12504      } else {
12505        G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID);
12506        ((ROOT::TSchemaMatch*) (soff))->~G__TROOTcLcLTSchemaMatch();
12507        G__setgvp((long)gvp);
12508      }
12509    }
12510    G__setnull(result7);
12511    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
12512 }
12515 /* TStreamerBasicType */
12516 static int G__G__Meta_182_0_3(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
12517 {
12518    TStreamerBasicType* p = NULL;
12519    char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
12520    int n = G__getaryconstruct();
12521    if (n) {
12522      if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
12523        p = new TStreamerBasicType[n];
12524      } else {
12525        p = new((void*) gvp) TStreamerBasicType[n];
12526      }
12527    } else {
12528      if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
12529        p = new TStreamerBasicType;
12530      } else {
12531        p = new((void*) gvp) TStreamerBasicType;
12532      }
12533    }
12534    result7->obj.i = (long) p;
12535    result7->ref = (long) p;
12536    G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerBasicType));
12537    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
12538 }
12540 static int G__G__Meta_182_0_4(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
12541 {
12542    TStreamerBasicType* p = NULL;
12543    char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
12544    //m: 5
12545    if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
12546      p = new TStreamerBasicType(
12547 (const char*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (const char*) G__int(libp->para[1])
12548 , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[2]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[3])
12549 , (const char*) G__int(libp->para[4]));
12550    } else {
12551      p = new((void*) gvp) TStreamerBasicType(
12552 (const char*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (const char*) G__int(libp->para[1])
12553 , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[2]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[3])
12554 , (const char*) G__int(libp->para[4]));
12555    }
12556    result7->obj.i = (long) p;
12557    result7->ref = (long) p;
12558    G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerBasicType));
12559    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
12560 }
12562 static int G__G__Meta_182_0_5(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
12563 {
12564       G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((const TStreamerBasicType*) G__getstructoffset())->GetCounter());
12565    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
12566 }
12568 static int G__G__Meta_182_0_8(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
12569 {
12570       G__letint(result7, 85, (long) TStreamerBasicType::Class());
12571    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
12572 }
12574 static int G__G__Meta_182_0_9(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
12575 {
12576       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TStreamerBasicType::Class_Name());
12577    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
12578 }
12580 static int G__G__Meta_182_0_10(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
12581 {
12582       G__letint(result7, 115, (long) TStreamerBasicType::Class_Version());
12583    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
12584 }
12586 static int G__G__Meta_182_0_11(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
12587 {
12588       TStreamerBasicType::Dictionary();
12589       G__setnull(result7);
12590    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
12591 }
12593 static int G__G__Meta_182_0_15(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
12594 {
12595       ((TStreamerBasicType*) G__getstructoffset())->StreamerNVirtual(*(TBuffer*) libp->para[0].ref);
12596       G__setnull(result7);
12597    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
12598 }
12600 static int G__G__Meta_182_0_16(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
12601 {
12602       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TStreamerBasicType::DeclFileName());
12603    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
12604 }
12606 static int G__G__Meta_182_0_17(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
12607 {
12608       G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TStreamerBasicType::ImplFileLine());
12609    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
12610 }
12612 static int G__G__Meta_182_0_18(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
12613 {
12614       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TStreamerBasicType::ImplFileName());
12615    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
12616 }
12618 static int G__G__Meta_182_0_19(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
12619 {
12620       G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TStreamerBasicType::DeclFileLine());
12621    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
12622 }
12624 // automatic destructor
12625 typedef TStreamerBasicType G__TTStreamerBasicType;
12626 static int G__G__Meta_182_0_20(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
12627 {
12628    char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
12629    long soff = G__getstructoffset();
12630    int n = G__getaryconstruct();
12631    //
12632    //has_a_delete: 1
12633    //has_own_delete1arg: 0
12634    //has_own_delete2arg: 0
12635    //
12636    if (!soff) {
12637      return(1);
12638    }
12639    if (n) {
12640      if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) {
12641        delete[] (TStreamerBasicType*) soff;
12642      } else {
12643        G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID);
12644        for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
12645          ((TStreamerBasicType*) (soff+(sizeof(TStreamerBasicType)*i)))->~G__TTStreamerBasicType();
12646        }
12647        G__setgvp((long)gvp);
12648      }
12649    } else {
12650      if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) {
12651        delete (TStreamerBasicType*) soff;
12652      } else {
12653        G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID);
12654        ((TStreamerBasicType*) (soff))->~G__TTStreamerBasicType();
12655        G__setgvp((long)gvp);
12656      }
12657    }
12658    G__setnull(result7);
12659    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
12660 }
12663 /* TStreamerBase */
12664 static int G__G__Meta_185_0_3(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
12665 {
12666    TStreamerBase* p = NULL;
12667    char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
12668    int n = G__getaryconstruct();
12669    if (n) {
12670      if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
12671        p = new TStreamerBase[n];
12672      } else {
12673        p = new((void*) gvp) TStreamerBase[n];
12674      }
12675    } else {
12676      if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
12677        p = new TStreamerBase;
12678      } else {
12679        p = new((void*) gvp) TStreamerBase;
12680      }
12681    }
12682    result7->obj.i = (long) p;
12683    result7->ref = (long) p;
12684    G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerBase));
12685    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
12686 }
12688 static int G__G__Meta_185_0_4(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
12689 {
12690    TStreamerBase* p = NULL;
12691    char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
12692    //m: 3
12693    if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
12694      p = new TStreamerBase(
12695 (const char*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (const char*) G__int(libp->para[1])
12696 , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[2]));
12697    } else {
12698      p = new((void*) gvp) TStreamerBase(
12699 (const char*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (const char*) G__int(libp->para[1])
12700 , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[2]));
12701    }
12702    result7->obj.i = (long) p;
12703    result7->ref = (long) p;
12704    G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerBase));
12705    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
12706 }
12708 static int G__G__Meta_185_0_5(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
12709 {
12710       G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((TStreamerBase*) G__getstructoffset())->GetBaseVersion());
12711    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
12712 }
12714 static int G__G__Meta_185_0_8(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
12715 {
12716       G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ((TStreamerBase*) G__getstructoffset())->GetNewBaseClass());
12717    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
12718 }
12720 static int G__G__Meta_185_0_14(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
12721 {
12722       G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((TStreamerBase*) G__getstructoffset())->ReadBuffer(*(TBuffer*) libp->para[0].ref, (char*) G__int(libp->para[1])));
12723    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
12724 }
12726 static int G__G__Meta_185_0_15(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
12727 {
12728       ((TStreamerBase*) G__getstructoffset())->SetNewBaseClass((TClass*) G__int(libp->para[0]));
12729       G__setnull(result7);
12730    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
12731 }
12733 static int G__G__Meta_185_0_16(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
12734 {
12735       ((TStreamerBase*) G__getstructoffset())->SetBaseVersion((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]));
12736       G__setnull(result7);
12737    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
12738 }
12740 static int G__G__Meta_185_0_18(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
12741 {
12742       G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((TStreamerBase*) G__getstructoffset())->WriteBuffer(*(TBuffer*) libp->para[0].ref, (char*) G__int(libp->para[1])));
12743    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
12744 }
12746 static int G__G__Meta_185_0_19(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
12747 {
12748       G__letint(result7, 85, (long) TStreamerBase::Class());
12749    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
12750 }
12752 static int G__G__Meta_185_0_20(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
12753 {
12754       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TStreamerBase::Class_Name());
12755    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
12756 }
12758 static int G__G__Meta_185_0_21(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
12759 {
12760       G__letint(result7, 115, (long) TStreamerBase::Class_Version());
12761    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
12762 }
12764 static int G__G__Meta_185_0_22(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
12765 {
12766       TStreamerBase::Dictionary();
12767       G__setnull(result7);
12768    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
12769 }
12771 static int G__G__Meta_185_0_26(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
12772 {
12773       ((TStreamerBase*) G__getstructoffset())->StreamerNVirtual(*(TBuffer*) libp->para[0].ref);
12774       G__setnull(result7);
12775    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
12776 }
12778 static int G__G__Meta_185_0_27(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
12779 {
12780       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TStreamerBase::DeclFileName());
12781    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
12782 }
12784 static int G__G__Meta_185_0_28(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
12785 {
12786       G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TStreamerBase::ImplFileLine());
12787    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
12788 }
12790 static int G__G__Meta_185_0_29(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
12791 {
12792       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TStreamerBase::ImplFileName());
12793    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
12794 }
12796 static int G__G__Meta_185_0_30(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
12797 {
12798       G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TStreamerBase::DeclFileLine());
12799    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
12800 }
12802 // automatic destructor
12803 typedef TStreamerBase G__TTStreamerBase;
12804 static int G__G__Meta_185_0_31(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
12805 {
12806    char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
12807    long soff = G__getstructoffset();
12808    int n = G__getaryconstruct();
12809    //
12810    //has_a_delete: 1
12811    //has_own_delete1arg: 0
12812    //has_own_delete2arg: 0
12813    //
12814    if (!soff) {
12815      return(1);
12816    }
12817    if (n) {
12818      if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) {
12819        delete[] (TStreamerBase*) soff;
12820      } else {
12821        G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID);
12822        for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
12823          ((TStreamerBase*) (soff+(sizeof(TStreamerBase)*i)))->~G__TTStreamerBase();
12824        }
12825        G__setgvp((long)gvp);
12826      }
12827    } else {
12828      if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) {
12829        delete (TStreamerBase*) soff;
12830      } else {
12831        G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID);
12832        ((TStreamerBase*) (soff))->~G__TTStreamerBase();
12833        G__setgvp((long)gvp);
12834      }
12835    }
12836    G__setnull(result7);
12837    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
12838 }
12841 /* TStreamerBasicPointer */
12842 static int G__G__Meta_186_0_3(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
12843 {
12844    TStreamerBasicPointer* p = NULL;
12845    char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
12846    int n = G__getaryconstruct();
12847    if (n) {
12848      if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
12849        p = new TStreamerBasicPointer[n];
12850      } else {
12851        p = new((void*) gvp) TStreamerBasicPointer[n];
12852      }
12853    } else {
12854      if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
12855        p = new TStreamerBasicPointer;
12856      } else {
12857        p = new((void*) gvp) TStreamerBasicPointer;
12858      }
12859    }
12860    result7->obj.i = (long) p;
12861    result7->ref = (long) p;
12862    G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerBasicPointer));
12863    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
12864 }
12866 static int G__G__Meta_186_0_4(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
12867 {
12868    TStreamerBasicPointer* p = NULL;
12869    char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
12870    //m: 8
12871    if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
12872      p = new TStreamerBasicPointer(
12873 (const char*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (const char*) G__int(libp->para[1])
12874 , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[2]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[3])
12875 , (const char*) G__int(libp->para[4]), (const char*) G__int(libp->para[5])
12876 , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[6]), (const char*) G__int(libp->para[7]));
12877    } else {
12878      p = new((void*) gvp) TStreamerBasicPointer(
12879 (const char*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (const char*) G__int(libp->para[1])
12880 , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[2]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[3])
12881 , (const char*) G__int(libp->para[4]), (const char*) G__int(libp->para[5])
12882 , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[6]), (const char*) G__int(libp->para[7]));
12883    }
12884    result7->obj.i = (long) p;
12885    result7->ref = (long) p;
12886    G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerBasicPointer));
12887    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
12888 }
12890 static int G__G__Meta_186_0_5(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
12891 {
12892       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) ((const TStreamerBasicPointer*) G__getstructoffset())->GetCountClass());
12893    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
12894 }
12896 static int G__G__Meta_186_0_6(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
12897 {
12898       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) ((const TStreamerBasicPointer*) G__getstructoffset())->GetCountName());
12899    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
12900 }
12902 static int G__G__Meta_186_0_7(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
12903 {
12904       G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((const TStreamerBasicPointer*) G__getstructoffset())->GetCountVersion());
12905    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
12906 }
12908 static int G__G__Meta_186_0_14(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
12909 {
12910       ((TStreamerBasicPointer*) G__getstructoffset())->SetCountClass((const char*) G__int(libp->para[0]));
12911       G__setnull(result7);
12912    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
12913 }
12915 static int G__G__Meta_186_0_15(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
12916 {
12917       ((TStreamerBasicPointer*) G__getstructoffset())->SetCountName((const char*) G__int(libp->para[0]));
12918       G__setnull(result7);
12919    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
12920 }
12922 static int G__G__Meta_186_0_16(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
12923 {
12924       ((TStreamerBasicPointer*) G__getstructoffset())->SetCountVersion((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]));
12925       G__setnull(result7);
12926    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
12927 }
12929 static int G__G__Meta_186_0_17(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
12930 {
12931       G__letint(result7, 85, (long) TStreamerBasicPointer::Class());
12932    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
12933 }
12935 static int G__G__Meta_186_0_18(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
12936 {
12937       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TStreamerBasicPointer::Class_Name());
12938    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
12939 }
12941 static int G__G__Meta_186_0_19(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
12942 {
12943       G__letint(result7, 115, (long) TStreamerBasicPointer::Class_Version());
12944    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
12945 }
12947 static int G__G__Meta_186_0_20(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
12948 {
12949       TStreamerBasicPointer::Dictionary();
12950       G__setnull(result7);
12951    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
12952 }
12954 static int G__G__Meta_186_0_24(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
12955 {
12956       ((TStreamerBasicPointer*) G__getstructoffset())->StreamerNVirtual(*(TBuffer*) libp->para[0].ref);
12957       G__setnull(result7);
12958    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
12959 }
12961 static int G__G__Meta_186_0_25(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
12962 {
12963       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TStreamerBasicPointer::DeclFileName());
12964    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
12965 }
12967 static int G__G__Meta_186_0_26(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
12968 {
12969       G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TStreamerBasicPointer::ImplFileLine());
12970    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
12971 }
12973 static int G__G__Meta_186_0_27(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
12974 {
12975       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TStreamerBasicPointer::ImplFileName());
12976    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
12977 }
12979 static int G__G__Meta_186_0_28(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
12980 {
12981       G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TStreamerBasicPointer::DeclFileLine());
12982    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
12983 }
12985 // automatic destructor
12986 typedef TStreamerBasicPointer G__TTStreamerBasicPointer;
12987 static int G__G__Meta_186_0_29(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
12988 {
12989    char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
12990    long soff = G__getstructoffset();
12991    int n = G__getaryconstruct();
12992    //
12993    //has_a_delete: 1
12994    //has_own_delete1arg: 0
12995    //has_own_delete2arg: 0
12996    //
12997    if (!soff) {
12998      return(1);
12999    }
13000    if (n) {
13001      if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) {
13002        delete[] (TStreamerBasicPointer*) soff;
13003      } else {
13004        G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID);
13005        for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
13006          ((TStreamerBasicPointer*) (soff+(sizeof(TStreamerBasicPointer)*i)))->~G__TTStreamerBasicPointer();
13007        }
13008        G__setgvp((long)gvp);
13009      }
13010    } else {
13011      if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) {
13012        delete (TStreamerBasicPointer*) soff;
13013      } else {
13014        G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID);
13015        ((TStreamerBasicPointer*) (soff))->~G__TTStreamerBasicPointer();
13016        G__setgvp((long)gvp);
13017      }
13018    }
13019    G__setnull(result7);
13020    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
13021 }
13024 /* TStreamerLoop */
13025 static int G__G__Meta_187_0_3(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
13026 {
13027    TStreamerLoop* p = NULL;
13028    char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
13029    int n = G__getaryconstruct();
13030    if (n) {
13031      if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
13032        p = new TStreamerLoop[n];
13033      } else {
13034        p = new((void*) gvp) TStreamerLoop[n];
13035      }
13036    } else {
13037      if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
13038        p = new TStreamerLoop;
13039      } else {
13040        p = new((void*) gvp) TStreamerLoop;
13041      }
13042    }
13043    result7->obj.i = (long) p;
13044    result7->ref = (long) p;
13045    G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerLoop));
13046    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
13047 }
13049 static int G__G__Meta_187_0_4(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
13050 {
13051    TStreamerLoop* p = NULL;
13052    char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
13053    //m: 7
13054    if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
13055      p = new TStreamerLoop(
13056 (const char*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (const char*) G__int(libp->para[1])
13057 , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[2]), (const char*) G__int(libp->para[3])
13058 , (const char*) G__int(libp->para[4]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[5])
13059 , (const char*) G__int(libp->para[6]));
13060    } else {
13061      p = new((void*) gvp) TStreamerLoop(
13062 (const char*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (const char*) G__int(libp->para[1])
13063 , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[2]), (const char*) G__int(libp->para[3])
13064 , (const char*) G__int(libp->para[4]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[5])
13065 , (const char*) G__int(libp->para[6]));
13066    }
13067    result7->obj.i = (long) p;
13068    result7->ref = (long) p;
13069    G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerLoop));
13070    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
13071 }
13073 static int G__G__Meta_187_0_5(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
13074 {
13075       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) ((const TStreamerLoop*) G__getstructoffset())->GetCountClass());
13076    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
13077 }
13079 static int G__G__Meta_187_0_6(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
13080 {
13081       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) ((const TStreamerLoop*) G__getstructoffset())->GetCountName());
13082    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
13083 }
13085 static int G__G__Meta_187_0_7(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
13086 {
13087       G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((const TStreamerLoop*) G__getstructoffset())->GetCountVersion());
13088    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
13089 }
13091 static int G__G__Meta_187_0_14(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
13092 {
13093       ((TStreamerLoop*) G__getstructoffset())->SetCountClass((const char*) G__int(libp->para[0]));
13094       G__setnull(result7);
13095    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
13096 }
13098 static int G__G__Meta_187_0_15(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
13099 {
13100       ((TStreamerLoop*) G__getstructoffset())->SetCountName((const char*) G__int(libp->para[0]));
13101       G__setnull(result7);
13102    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
13103 }
13105 static int G__G__Meta_187_0_16(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
13106 {
13107       ((TStreamerLoop*) G__getstructoffset())->SetCountVersion((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]));
13108       G__setnull(result7);
13109    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
13110 }
13112 static int G__G__Meta_187_0_17(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
13113 {
13114       G__letint(result7, 85, (long) TStreamerLoop::Class());
13115    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
13116 }
13118 static int G__G__Meta_187_0_18(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
13119 {
13120       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TStreamerLoop::Class_Name());
13121    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
13122 }
13124 static int G__G__Meta_187_0_19(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
13125 {
13126       G__letint(result7, 115, (long) TStreamerLoop::Class_Version());
13127    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
13128 }
13130 static int G__G__Meta_187_0_20(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
13131 {
13132       TStreamerLoop::Dictionary();
13133       G__setnull(result7);
13134    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
13135 }
13137 static int G__G__Meta_187_0_24(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
13138 {
13139       ((TStreamerLoop*) G__getstructoffset())->StreamerNVirtual(*(TBuffer*) libp->para[0].ref);
13140       G__setnull(result7);
13141    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
13142 }
13144 static int G__G__Meta_187_0_25(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
13145 {
13146       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TStreamerLoop::DeclFileName());
13147    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
13148 }
13150 static int G__G__Meta_187_0_26(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
13151 {
13152       G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TStreamerLoop::ImplFileLine());
13153    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
13154 }
13156 static int G__G__Meta_187_0_27(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
13157 {
13158       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TStreamerLoop::ImplFileName());
13159    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
13160 }
13162 static int G__G__Meta_187_0_28(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
13163 {
13164       G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TStreamerLoop::DeclFileLine());
13165    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
13166 }
13168 // automatic destructor
13169 typedef TStreamerLoop G__TTStreamerLoop;
13170 static int G__G__Meta_187_0_29(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
13171 {
13172    char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
13173    long soff = G__getstructoffset();
13174    int n = G__getaryconstruct();
13175    //
13176    //has_a_delete: 1
13177    //has_own_delete1arg: 0
13178    //has_own_delete2arg: 0
13179    //
13180    if (!soff) {
13181      return(1);
13182    }
13183    if (n) {
13184      if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) {
13185        delete[] (TStreamerLoop*) soff;
13186      } else {
13187        G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID);
13188        for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
13189          ((TStreamerLoop*) (soff+(sizeof(TStreamerLoop)*i)))->~G__TTStreamerLoop();
13190        }
13191        G__setgvp((long)gvp);
13192      }
13193    } else {
13194      if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) {
13195        delete (TStreamerLoop*) soff;
13196      } else {
13197        G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID);
13198        ((TStreamerLoop*) (soff))->~G__TTStreamerLoop();
13199        G__setgvp((long)gvp);
13200      }
13201    }
13202    G__setnull(result7);
13203    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
13204 }
13207 /* TStreamerObject */
13208 static int G__G__Meta_188_0_3(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
13209 {
13210    TStreamerObject* p = NULL;
13211    char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
13212    int n = G__getaryconstruct();
13213    if (n) {
13214      if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
13215        p = new TStreamerObject[n];
13216      } else {
13217        p = new((void*) gvp) TStreamerObject[n];
13218      }
13219    } else {
13220      if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
13221        p = new TStreamerObject;
13222      } else {
13223        p = new((void*) gvp) TStreamerObject;
13224      }
13225    }
13226    result7->obj.i = (long) p;
13227    result7->ref = (long) p;
13228    G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerObject));
13229    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
13230 }
13232 static int G__G__Meta_188_0_4(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
13233 {
13234    TStreamerObject* p = NULL;
13235    char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
13236    //m: 4
13237    if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
13238      p = new TStreamerObject(
13239 (const char*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (const char*) G__int(libp->para[1])
13240 , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[2]), (const char*) G__int(libp->para[3]));
13241    } else {
13242      p = new((void*) gvp) TStreamerObject(
13243 (const char*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (const char*) G__int(libp->para[1])
13244 , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[2]), (const char*) G__int(libp->para[3]));
13245    }
13246    result7->obj.i = (long) p;
13247    result7->ref = (long) p;
13248    G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerObject));
13249    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
13250 }
13252 static int G__G__Meta_188_0_8(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
13253 {
13254       G__letint(result7, 85, (long) TStreamerObject::Class());
13255    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
13256 }
13258 static int G__G__Meta_188_0_9(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
13259 {
13260       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TStreamerObject::Class_Name());
13261    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
13262 }
13264 static int G__G__Meta_188_0_10(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
13265 {
13266       G__letint(result7, 115, (long) TStreamerObject::Class_Version());
13267    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
13268 }
13270 static int G__G__Meta_188_0_11(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
13271 {
13272       TStreamerObject::Dictionary();
13273       G__setnull(result7);
13274    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
13275 }
13277 static int G__G__Meta_188_0_15(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
13278 {
13279       ((TStreamerObject*) G__getstructoffset())->StreamerNVirtual(*(TBuffer*) libp->para[0].ref);
13280       G__setnull(result7);
13281    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
13282 }
13284 static int G__G__Meta_188_0_16(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
13285 {
13286       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TStreamerObject::DeclFileName());
13287    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
13288 }
13290 static int G__G__Meta_188_0_17(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
13291 {
13292       G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TStreamerObject::ImplFileLine());
13293    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
13294 }
13296 static int G__G__Meta_188_0_18(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
13297 {
13298       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TStreamerObject::ImplFileName());
13299    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
13300 }
13302 static int G__G__Meta_188_0_19(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
13303 {
13304       G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TStreamerObject::DeclFileLine());
13305    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
13306 }
13308 // automatic destructor
13309 typedef TStreamerObject G__TTStreamerObject;
13310 static int G__G__Meta_188_0_20(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
13311 {
13312    char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
13313    long soff = G__getstructoffset();
13314    int n = G__getaryconstruct();
13315    //
13316    //has_a_delete: 1
13317    //has_own_delete1arg: 0
13318    //has_own_delete2arg: 0
13319    //
13320    if (!soff) {
13321      return(1);
13322    }
13323    if (n) {
13324      if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) {
13325        delete[] (TStreamerObject*) soff;
13326      } else {
13327        G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID);
13328        for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
13329          ((TStreamerObject*) (soff+(sizeof(TStreamerObject)*i)))->~G__TTStreamerObject();
13330        }
13331        G__setgvp((long)gvp);
13332      }
13333    } else {
13334      if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) {
13335        delete (TStreamerObject*) soff;
13336      } else {
13337        G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID);
13338        ((TStreamerObject*) (soff))->~G__TTStreamerObject();
13339        G__setgvp((long)gvp);
13340      }
13341    }
13342    G__setnull(result7);
13343    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
13344 }
13347 /* TStreamerObjectAny */
13348 static int G__G__Meta_189_0_3(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
13349 {
13350    TStreamerObjectAny* p = NULL;
13351    char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
13352    int n = G__getaryconstruct();
13353    if (n) {
13354      if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
13355        p = new TStreamerObjectAny[n];
13356      } else {
13357        p = new((void*) gvp) TStreamerObjectAny[n];
13358      }
13359    } else {
13360      if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
13361        p = new TStreamerObjectAny;
13362      } else {
13363        p = new((void*) gvp) TStreamerObjectAny;
13364      }
13365    }
13366    result7->obj.i = (long) p;
13367    result7->ref = (long) p;
13368    G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerObjectAny));
13369    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
13370 }
13372 static int G__G__Meta_189_0_4(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
13373 {
13374    TStreamerObjectAny* p = NULL;
13375    char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
13376    //m: 4
13377    if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
13378      p = new TStreamerObjectAny(
13379 (const char*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (const char*) G__int(libp->para[1])
13380 , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[2]), (const char*) G__int(libp->para[3]));
13381    } else {
13382      p = new((void*) gvp) TStreamerObjectAny(
13383 (const char*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (const char*) G__int(libp->para[1])
13384 , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[2]), (const char*) G__int(libp->para[3]));
13385    }
13386    result7->obj.i = (long) p;
13387    result7->ref = (long) p;
13388    G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerObjectAny));
13389    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
13390 }
13392 static int G__G__Meta_189_0_8(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
13393 {
13394       G__letint(result7, 85, (long) TStreamerObjectAny::Class());
13395    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
13396 }
13398 static int G__G__Meta_189_0_9(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
13399 {
13400       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TStreamerObjectAny::Class_Name());
13401    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
13402 }
13404 static int G__G__Meta_189_0_10(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
13405 {
13406       G__letint(result7, 115, (long) TStreamerObjectAny::Class_Version());
13407    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
13408 }
13410 static int G__G__Meta_189_0_11(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
13411 {
13412       TStreamerObjectAny::Dictionary();
13413       G__setnull(result7);
13414    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
13415 }
13417 static int G__G__Meta_189_0_15(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
13418 {
13419       ((TStreamerObjectAny*) G__getstructoffset())->StreamerNVirtual(*(TBuffer*) libp->para[0].ref);
13420       G__setnull(result7);
13421    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
13422 }
13424 static int G__G__Meta_189_0_16(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
13425 {
13426       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TStreamerObjectAny::DeclFileName());
13427    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
13428 }
13430 static int G__G__Meta_189_0_17(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
13431 {
13432       G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TStreamerObjectAny::ImplFileLine());
13433    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
13434 }
13436 static int G__G__Meta_189_0_18(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
13437 {
13438       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TStreamerObjectAny::ImplFileName());
13439    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
13440 }
13442 static int G__G__Meta_189_0_19(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
13443 {
13444       G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TStreamerObjectAny::DeclFileLine());
13445    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
13446 }
13448 // automatic destructor
13449 typedef TStreamerObjectAny G__TTStreamerObjectAny;
13450 static int G__G__Meta_189_0_20(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
13451 {
13452    char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
13453    long soff = G__getstructoffset();
13454    int n = G__getaryconstruct();
13455    //
13456    //has_a_delete: 1
13457    //has_own_delete1arg: 0
13458    //has_own_delete2arg: 0
13459    //
13460    if (!soff) {
13461      return(1);
13462    }
13463    if (n) {
13464      if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) {
13465        delete[] (TStreamerObjectAny*) soff;
13466      } else {
13467        G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID);
13468        for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
13469          ((TStreamerObjectAny*) (soff+(sizeof(TStreamerObjectAny)*i)))->~G__TTStreamerObjectAny();
13470        }
13471        G__setgvp((long)gvp);
13472      }
13473    } else {
13474      if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) {
13475        delete (TStreamerObjectAny*) soff;
13476      } else {
13477        G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID);
13478        ((TStreamerObjectAny*) (soff))->~G__TTStreamerObjectAny();
13479        G__setgvp((long)gvp);
13480      }
13481    }
13482    G__setnull(result7);
13483    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
13484 }
13487 /* TStreamerObjectPointer */
13488 static int G__G__Meta_190_0_3(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
13489 {
13490    TStreamerObjectPointer* p = NULL;
13491    char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
13492    int n = G__getaryconstruct();
13493    if (n) {
13494      if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
13495        p = new TStreamerObjectPointer[n];
13496      } else {
13497        p = new((void*) gvp) TStreamerObjectPointer[n];
13498      }
13499    } else {
13500      if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
13501        p = new TStreamerObjectPointer;
13502      } else {
13503        p = new((void*) gvp) TStreamerObjectPointer;
13504      }
13505    }
13506    result7->obj.i = (long) p;
13507    result7->ref = (long) p;
13508    G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerObjectPointer));
13509    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
13510 }
13512 static int G__G__Meta_190_0_4(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
13513 {
13514    TStreamerObjectPointer* p = NULL;
13515    char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
13516    //m: 4
13517    if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
13518      p = new TStreamerObjectPointer(
13519 (const char*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (const char*) G__int(libp->para[1])
13520 , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[2]), (const char*) G__int(libp->para[3]));
13521    } else {
13522      p = new((void*) gvp) TStreamerObjectPointer(
13523 (const char*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (const char*) G__int(libp->para[1])
13524 , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[2]), (const char*) G__int(libp->para[3]));
13525    }
13526    result7->obj.i = (long) p;
13527    result7->ref = (long) p;
13528    G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerObjectPointer));
13529    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
13530 }
13532 static int G__G__Meta_190_0_10(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
13533 {
13534       G__letint(result7, 85, (long) TStreamerObjectPointer::Class());
13535    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
13536 }
13538 static int G__G__Meta_190_0_11(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
13539 {
13540       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TStreamerObjectPointer::Class_Name());
13541    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
13542 }
13544 static int G__G__Meta_190_0_12(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
13545 {
13546       G__letint(result7, 115, (long) TStreamerObjectPointer::Class_Version());
13547    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
13548 }
13550 static int G__G__Meta_190_0_13(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
13551 {
13552       TStreamerObjectPointer::Dictionary();
13553       G__setnull(result7);
13554    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
13555 }
13557 static int G__G__Meta_190_0_17(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
13558 {
13559       ((TStreamerObjectPointer*) G__getstructoffset())->StreamerNVirtual(*(TBuffer*) libp->para[0].ref);
13560       G__setnull(result7);
13561    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
13562 }
13564 static int G__G__Meta_190_0_18(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
13565 {
13566       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TStreamerObjectPointer::DeclFileName());
13567    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
13568 }
13570 static int G__G__Meta_190_0_19(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
13571 {
13572       G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TStreamerObjectPointer::ImplFileLine());
13573    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
13574 }
13576 static int G__G__Meta_190_0_20(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
13577 {
13578       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TStreamerObjectPointer::ImplFileName());
13579    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
13580 }
13582 static int G__G__Meta_190_0_21(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
13583 {
13584       G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TStreamerObjectPointer::DeclFileLine());
13585    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
13586 }
13588 // automatic destructor
13589 typedef TStreamerObjectPointer G__TTStreamerObjectPointer;
13590 static int G__G__Meta_190_0_22(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
13591 {
13592    char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
13593    long soff = G__getstructoffset();
13594    int n = G__getaryconstruct();
13595    //
13596    //has_a_delete: 1
13597    //has_own_delete1arg: 0
13598    //has_own_delete2arg: 0
13599    //
13600    if (!soff) {
13601      return(1);
13602    }
13603    if (n) {
13604      if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) {
13605        delete[] (TStreamerObjectPointer*) soff;
13606      } else {
13607        G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID);
13608        for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
13609          ((TStreamerObjectPointer*) (soff+(sizeof(TStreamerObjectPointer)*i)))->~G__TTStreamerObjectPointer();
13610        }
13611        G__setgvp((long)gvp);
13612      }
13613    } else {
13614      if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) {
13615        delete (TStreamerObjectPointer*) soff;
13616      } else {
13617        G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID);
13618        ((TStreamerObjectPointer*) (soff))->~G__TTStreamerObjectPointer();
13619        G__setgvp((long)gvp);
13620      }
13621    }
13622    G__setnull(result7);
13623    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
13624 }
13627 /* TStreamerObjectAnyPointer */
13628 static int G__G__Meta_191_0_3(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
13629 {
13630    TStreamerObjectAnyPointer* p = NULL;
13631    char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
13632    int n = G__getaryconstruct();
13633    if (n) {
13634      if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
13635        p = new TStreamerObjectAnyPointer[n];
13636      } else {
13637        p = new((void*) gvp) TStreamerObjectAnyPointer[n];
13638      }
13639    } else {
13640      if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
13641        p = new TStreamerObjectAnyPointer;
13642      } else {
13643        p = new((void*) gvp) TStreamerObjectAnyPointer;
13644      }
13645    }
13646    result7->obj.i = (long) p;
13647    result7->ref = (long) p;
13648    G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerObjectAnyPointer));
13649    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
13650 }
13652 static int G__G__Meta_191_0_4(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
13653 {
13654    TStreamerObjectAnyPointer* p = NULL;
13655    char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
13656    //m: 4
13657    if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
13658      p = new TStreamerObjectAnyPointer(
13659 (const char*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (const char*) G__int(libp->para[1])
13660 , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[2]), (const char*) G__int(libp->para[3]));
13661    } else {
13662      p = new((void*) gvp) TStreamerObjectAnyPointer(
13663 (const char*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (const char*) G__int(libp->para[1])
13664 , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[2]), (const char*) G__int(libp->para[3]));
13665    }
13666    result7->obj.i = (long) p;
13667    result7->ref = (long) p;
13668    G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerObjectAnyPointer));
13669    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
13670 }
13672 static int G__G__Meta_191_0_10(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
13673 {
13674       G__letint(result7, 85, (long) TStreamerObjectAnyPointer::Class());
13675    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
13676 }
13678 static int G__G__Meta_191_0_11(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
13679 {
13680       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TStreamerObjectAnyPointer::Class_Name());
13681    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
13682 }
13684 static int G__G__Meta_191_0_12(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
13685 {
13686       G__letint(result7, 115, (long) TStreamerObjectAnyPointer::Class_Version());
13687    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
13688 }
13690 static int G__G__Meta_191_0_13(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
13691 {
13692       TStreamerObjectAnyPointer::Dictionary();
13693       G__setnull(result7);
13694    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
13695 }
13697 static int G__G__Meta_191_0_17(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
13698 {
13699       ((TStreamerObjectAnyPointer*) G__getstructoffset())->StreamerNVirtual(*(TBuffer*) libp->para[0].ref);
13700       G__setnull(result7);
13701    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
13702 }
13704 static int G__G__Meta_191_0_18(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
13705 {
13706       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TStreamerObjectAnyPointer::DeclFileName());
13707    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
13708 }
13710 static int G__G__Meta_191_0_19(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
13711 {
13712       G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TStreamerObjectAnyPointer::ImplFileLine());
13713    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
13714 }
13716 static int G__G__Meta_191_0_20(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
13717 {
13718       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TStreamerObjectAnyPointer::ImplFileName());
13719    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
13720 }
13722 static int G__G__Meta_191_0_21(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
13723 {
13724       G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TStreamerObjectAnyPointer::DeclFileLine());
13725    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
13726 }
13728 // automatic destructor
13729 typedef TStreamerObjectAnyPointer G__TTStreamerObjectAnyPointer;
13730 static int G__G__Meta_191_0_22(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
13731 {
13732    char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
13733    long soff = G__getstructoffset();
13734    int n = G__getaryconstruct();
13735    //
13736    //has_a_delete: 1
13737    //has_own_delete1arg: 0
13738    //has_own_delete2arg: 0
13739    //
13740    if (!soff) {
13741      return(1);
13742    }
13743    if (n) {
13744      if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) {
13745        delete[] (TStreamerObjectAnyPointer*) soff;
13746      } else {
13747        G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID);
13748        for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
13749          ((TStreamerObjectAnyPointer*) (soff+(sizeof(TStreamerObjectAnyPointer)*i)))->~G__TTStreamerObjectAnyPointer();
13750        }
13751        G__setgvp((long)gvp);
13752      }
13753    } else {
13754      if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) {
13755        delete (TStreamerObjectAnyPointer*) soff;
13756      } else {
13757        G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID);
13758        ((TStreamerObjectAnyPointer*) (soff))->~G__TTStreamerObjectAnyPointer();
13759        G__setgvp((long)gvp);
13760      }
13761    }
13762    G__setnull(result7);
13763    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
13764 }
13767 /* TStreamerString */
13768 static int G__G__Meta_192_0_3(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
13769 {
13770    TStreamerString* p = NULL;
13771    char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
13772    int n = G__getaryconstruct();
13773    if (n) {
13774      if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
13775        p = new TStreamerString[n];
13776      } else {
13777        p = new((void*) gvp) TStreamerString[n];
13778      }
13779    } else {
13780      if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
13781        p = new TStreamerString;
13782      } else {
13783        p = new((void*) gvp) TStreamerString;
13784      }
13785    }
13786    result7->obj.i = (long) p;
13787    result7->ref = (long) p;
13788    G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerString));
13789    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
13790 }
13792 static int G__G__Meta_192_0_4(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
13793 {
13794    TStreamerString* p = NULL;
13795    char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
13796    //m: 3
13797    if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
13798      p = new TStreamerString(
13799 (const char*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (const char*) G__int(libp->para[1])
13800 , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[2]));
13801    } else {
13802      p = new((void*) gvp) TStreamerString(
13803 (const char*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (const char*) G__int(libp->para[1])
13804 , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[2]));
13805    }
13806    result7->obj.i = (long) p;
13807    result7->ref = (long) p;
13808    G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerString));
13809    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
13810 }
13812 static int G__G__Meta_192_0_7(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
13813 {
13814       G__letint(result7, 85, (long) TStreamerString::Class());
13815    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
13816 }
13818 static int G__G__Meta_192_0_8(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
13819 {
13820       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TStreamerString::Class_Name());
13821    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
13822 }
13824 static int G__G__Meta_192_0_9(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
13825 {
13826       G__letint(result7, 115, (long) TStreamerString::Class_Version());
13827    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
13828 }
13830 static int G__G__Meta_192_0_10(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
13831 {
13832       TStreamerString::Dictionary();
13833       G__setnull(result7);
13834    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
13835 }
13837 static int G__G__Meta_192_0_14(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
13838 {
13839       ((TStreamerString*) G__getstructoffset())->StreamerNVirtual(*(TBuffer*) libp->para[0].ref);
13840       G__setnull(result7);
13841    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
13842 }
13844 static int G__G__Meta_192_0_15(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
13845 {
13846       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TStreamerString::DeclFileName());
13847    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
13848 }
13850 static int G__G__Meta_192_0_16(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
13851 {
13852       G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TStreamerString::ImplFileLine());
13853    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
13854 }
13856 static int G__G__Meta_192_0_17(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
13857 {
13858       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TStreamerString::ImplFileName());
13859    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
13860 }
13862 static int G__G__Meta_192_0_18(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
13863 {
13864       G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TStreamerString::DeclFileLine());
13865    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
13866 }
13868 // automatic destructor
13869 typedef TStreamerString G__TTStreamerString;
13870 static int G__G__Meta_192_0_19(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
13871 {
13872    char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
13873    long soff = G__getstructoffset();
13874    int n = G__getaryconstruct();
13875    //
13876    //has_a_delete: 1
13877    //has_own_delete1arg: 0
13878    //has_own_delete2arg: 0
13879    //
13880    if (!soff) {
13881      return(1);
13882    }
13883    if (n) {
13884      if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) {
13885        delete[] (TStreamerString*) soff;
13886      } else {
13887        G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID);
13888        for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
13889          ((TStreamerString*) (soff+(sizeof(TStreamerString)*i)))->~G__TTStreamerString();
13890        }
13891        G__setgvp((long)gvp);
13892      }
13893    } else {
13894      if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) {
13895        delete (TStreamerString*) soff;
13896      } else {
13897        G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID);
13898        ((TStreamerString*) (soff))->~G__TTStreamerString();
13899        G__setgvp((long)gvp);
13900      }
13901    }
13902    G__setnull(result7);
13903    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
13904 }
13907 /* TStreamerSTL */
13908 static int G__G__Meta_193_0_3(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
13909 {
13910    TStreamerSTL* p = NULL;
13911    char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
13912    int n = G__getaryconstruct();
13913    if (n) {
13914      if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
13915        p = new TStreamerSTL[n];
13916      } else {
13917        p = new((void*) gvp) TStreamerSTL[n];
13918      }
13919    } else {
13920      if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
13921        p = new TStreamerSTL;
13922      } else {
13923        p = new((void*) gvp) TStreamerSTL;
13924      }
13925    }
13926    result7->obj.i = (long) p;
13927    result7->ref = (long) p;
13928    G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerSTL));
13929    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
13930 }
13932 static int G__G__Meta_193_0_4(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
13933 {
13934    TStreamerSTL* p = NULL;
13935    char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
13936    //m: 6
13937    if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
13938      p = new TStreamerSTL(
13939 (const char*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (const char*) G__int(libp->para[1])
13940 , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[2]), (const char*) G__int(libp->para[3])
13941 , (const char*) G__int(libp->para[4]), (Bool_t) G__int(libp->para[5]));
13942    } else {
13943      p = new((void*) gvp) TStreamerSTL(
13944 (const char*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (const char*) G__int(libp->para[1])
13945 , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[2]), (const char*) G__int(libp->para[3])
13946 , (const char*) G__int(libp->para[4]), (Bool_t) G__int(libp->para[5]));
13947    }
13948    result7->obj.i = (long) p;
13949    result7->ref = (long) p;
13950    G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerSTL));
13951    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
13952 }
13954 static int G__G__Meta_193_0_8(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
13955 {
13956       G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((const TStreamerSTL*) G__getstructoffset())->GetSTLtype());
13957    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
13958 }
13960 static int G__G__Meta_193_0_9(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
13961 {
13962       G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((const TStreamerSTL*) G__getstructoffset())->GetCtype());
13963    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
13964 }
13966 static int G__G__Meta_193_0_13(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
13967 {
13968       ((TStreamerSTL*) G__getstructoffset())->SetSTLtype((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]));
13969       G__setnull(result7);
13970    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
13971 }
13973 static int G__G__Meta_193_0_14(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
13974 {
13975       ((TStreamerSTL*) G__getstructoffset())->SetCtype((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]));
13976       G__setnull(result7);
13977    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
13978 }
13980 static int G__G__Meta_193_0_16(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
13981 {
13982       G__letint(result7, 85, (long) TStreamerSTL::Class());
13983    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
13984 }
13986 static int G__G__Meta_193_0_17(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
13987 {
13988       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TStreamerSTL::Class_Name());
13989    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
13990 }
13992 static int G__G__Meta_193_0_18(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
13993 {
13994       G__letint(result7, 115, (long) TStreamerSTL::Class_Version());
13995    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
13996 }
13998 static int G__G__Meta_193_0_19(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
13999 {
14000       TStreamerSTL::Dictionary();
14001       G__setnull(result7);
14002    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
14003 }
14005 static int G__G__Meta_193_0_23(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
14006 {
14007       ((TStreamerSTL*) G__getstructoffset())->StreamerNVirtual(*(TBuffer*) libp->para[0].ref);
14008       G__setnull(result7);
14009    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
14010 }
14012 static int G__G__Meta_193_0_24(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
14013 {
14014       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TStreamerSTL::DeclFileName());
14015    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
14016 }
14018 static int G__G__Meta_193_0_25(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
14019 {
14020       G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TStreamerSTL::ImplFileLine());
14021    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
14022 }
14024 static int G__G__Meta_193_0_26(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
14025 {
14026       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TStreamerSTL::ImplFileName());
14027    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
14028 }
14030 static int G__G__Meta_193_0_27(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
14031 {
14032       G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TStreamerSTL::DeclFileLine());
14033    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
14034 }
14036 // automatic destructor
14037 typedef TStreamerSTL G__TTStreamerSTL;
14038 static int G__G__Meta_193_0_28(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
14039 {
14040    char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
14041    long soff = G__getstructoffset();
14042    int n = G__getaryconstruct();
14043    //
14044    //has_a_delete: 1
14045    //has_own_delete1arg: 0
14046    //has_own_delete2arg: 0
14047    //
14048    if (!soff) {
14049      return(1);
14050    }
14051    if (n) {
14052      if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) {
14053        delete[] (TStreamerSTL*) soff;
14054      } else {
14055        G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID);
14056        for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
14057          ((TStreamerSTL*) (soff+(sizeof(TStreamerSTL)*i)))->~G__TTStreamerSTL();
14058        }
14059        G__setgvp((long)gvp);
14060      }
14061    } else {
14062      if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) {
14063        delete (TStreamerSTL*) soff;
14064      } else {
14065        G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID);
14066        ((TStreamerSTL*) (soff))->~G__TTStreamerSTL();
14067        G__setgvp((long)gvp);
14068      }
14069    }
14070    G__setnull(result7);
14071    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
14072 }
14075 /* TStreamerSTLstring */
14076 static int G__G__Meta_195_0_3(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
14077 {
14078    TStreamerSTLstring* p = NULL;
14079    char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
14080    int n = G__getaryconstruct();
14081    if (n) {
14082      if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
14083        p = new TStreamerSTLstring[n];
14084      } else {
14085        p = new((void*) gvp) TStreamerSTLstring[n];
14086      }
14087    } else {
14088      if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
14089        p = new TStreamerSTLstring;
14090      } else {
14091        p = new((void*) gvp) TStreamerSTLstring;
14092      }
14093    }
14094    result7->obj.i = (long) p;
14095    result7->ref = (long) p;
14096    G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerSTLstring));
14097    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
14098 }
14100 static int G__G__Meta_195_0_4(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
14101 {
14102    TStreamerSTLstring* p = NULL;
14103    char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
14104    //m: 5
14105    if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
14106      p = new TStreamerSTLstring(
14107 (const char*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (const char*) G__int(libp->para[1])
14108 , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[2]), (const char*) G__int(libp->para[3])
14109 , (Bool_t) G__int(libp->para[4]));
14110    } else {
14111      p = new((void*) gvp) TStreamerSTLstring(
14112 (const char*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (const char*) G__int(libp->para[1])
14113 , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[2]), (const char*) G__int(libp->para[3])
14114 , (Bool_t) G__int(libp->para[4]));
14115    }
14116    result7->obj.i = (long) p;
14117    result7->ref = (long) p;
14118    G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerSTLstring));
14119    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
14120 }
14122 static int G__G__Meta_195_0_7(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
14123 {
14124       G__letint(result7, 85, (long) TStreamerSTLstring::Class());
14125    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
14126 }
14128 static int G__G__Meta_195_0_8(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
14129 {
14130       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TStreamerSTLstring::Class_Name());
14131    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
14132 }
14134 static int G__G__Meta_195_0_9(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
14135 {
14136       G__letint(result7, 115, (long) TStreamerSTLstring::Class_Version());
14137    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
14138 }
14140 static int G__G__Meta_195_0_10(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
14141 {
14142       TStreamerSTLstring::Dictionary();
14143       G__setnull(result7);
14144    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
14145 }
14147 static int G__G__Meta_195_0_14(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
14148 {
14149       ((TStreamerSTLstring*) G__getstructoffset())->StreamerNVirtual(*(TBuffer*) libp->para[0].ref);
14150       G__setnull(result7);
14151    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
14152 }
14154 static int G__G__Meta_195_0_15(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
14155 {
14156       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TStreamerSTLstring::DeclFileName());
14157    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
14158 }
14160 static int G__G__Meta_195_0_16(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
14161 {
14162       G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TStreamerSTLstring::ImplFileLine());
14163    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
14164 }
14166 static int G__G__Meta_195_0_17(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
14167 {
14168       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TStreamerSTLstring::ImplFileName());
14169    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
14170 }
14172 static int G__G__Meta_195_0_18(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
14173 {
14174       G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TStreamerSTLstring::DeclFileLine());
14175    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
14176 }
14178 // automatic destructor
14179 typedef TStreamerSTLstring G__TTStreamerSTLstring;
14180 static int G__G__Meta_195_0_19(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
14181 {
14182    char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
14183    long soff = G__getstructoffset();
14184    int n = G__getaryconstruct();
14185    //
14186    //has_a_delete: 1
14187    //has_own_delete1arg: 0
14188    //has_own_delete2arg: 0
14189    //
14190    if (!soff) {
14191      return(1);
14192    }
14193    if (n) {
14194      if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) {
14195        delete[] (TStreamerSTLstring*) soff;
14196      } else {
14197        G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID);
14198        for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
14199          ((TStreamerSTLstring*) (soff+(sizeof(TStreamerSTLstring)*i)))->~G__TTStreamerSTLstring();
14200        }
14201        G__setgvp((long)gvp);
14202      }
14203    } else {
14204      if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) {
14205        delete (TStreamerSTLstring*) soff;
14206      } else {
14207        G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID);
14208        ((TStreamerSTLstring*) (soff))->~G__TTStreamerSTLstring();
14209        G__setgvp((long)gvp);
14210      }
14211    }
14212    G__setnull(result7);
14213    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
14214 }
14217 /* TStreamerArtificial */
14218 static int G__G__Meta_196_0_3(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
14219 {
14220    TStreamerArtificial* p = NULL;
14221    char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
14222    //m: 5
14223    if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
14224      p = new TStreamerArtificial(
14225 (const char*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (const char*) G__int(libp->para[1])
14226 , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[2]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[3])
14227 , (const char*) G__int(libp->para[4]));
14228    } else {
14229      p = new((void*) gvp) TStreamerArtificial(
14230 (const char*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (const char*) G__int(libp->para[1])
14231 , (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[2]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[3])
14232 , (const char*) G__int(libp->para[4]));
14233    }
14234    result7->obj.i = (long) p;
14235    result7->ref = (long) p;
14236    G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerArtificial));
14237    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
14238 }
14240 static int G__G__Meta_196_0_4(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
14241 {
14242       ((TStreamerArtificial*) G__getstructoffset())->SetReadFunc((ROOT::TSchemaRule::ReadFuncPtr_t) G__int(libp->para[0]));
14243       G__setnull(result7);
14244    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
14245 }
14247 static int G__G__Meta_196_0_5(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
14248 {
14249       ((TStreamerArtificial*) G__getstructoffset())->SetReadRawFunc((ROOT::TSchemaRule::ReadRawFuncPtr_t) G__int(libp->para[0]));
14250       G__setnull(result7);
14251    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
14252 }
14254 static int G__G__Meta_196_0_6(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
14255 {
14256       G__letint(result7, 89, (long) ((TStreamerArtificial*) G__getstructoffset())->GetReadFunc());
14257    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
14258 }
14260 static int G__G__Meta_196_0_7(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
14261 {
14262       G__letint(result7, 89, (long) ((TStreamerArtificial*) G__getstructoffset())->GetReadRawFunc());
14263    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
14264 }
14266 static int G__G__Meta_196_0_8(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
14267 {
14268       G__letint(result7, 85, (long) TStreamerArtificial::Class());
14269    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
14270 }
14272 static int G__G__Meta_196_0_9(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
14273 {
14274       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TStreamerArtificial::Class_Name());
14275    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
14276 }
14278 static int G__G__Meta_196_0_10(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
14279 {
14280       G__letint(result7, 115, (long) TStreamerArtificial::Class_Version());
14281    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
14282 }
14284 static int G__G__Meta_196_0_11(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
14285 {
14286       TStreamerArtificial::Dictionary();
14287       G__setnull(result7);
14288    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
14289 }
14291 static int G__G__Meta_196_0_15(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
14292 {
14293       ((TStreamerArtificial*) G__getstructoffset())->StreamerNVirtual(*(TBuffer*) libp->para[0].ref);
14294       G__setnull(result7);
14295    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
14296 }
14298 static int G__G__Meta_196_0_16(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
14299 {
14300       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TStreamerArtificial::DeclFileName());
14301    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
14302 }
14304 static int G__G__Meta_196_0_17(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
14305 {
14306       G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TStreamerArtificial::ImplFileLine());
14307    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
14308 }
14310 static int G__G__Meta_196_0_18(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
14311 {
14312       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TStreamerArtificial::ImplFileName());
14313    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
14314 }
14316 static int G__G__Meta_196_0_19(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
14317 {
14318       G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TStreamerArtificial::DeclFileLine());
14319    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
14320 }
14322 // automatic destructor
14323 typedef TStreamerArtificial G__TTStreamerArtificial;
14324 static int G__G__Meta_196_0_20(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
14325 {
14326    char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
14327    long soff = G__getstructoffset();
14328    int n = G__getaryconstruct();
14329    //
14330    //has_a_delete: 1
14331    //has_own_delete1arg: 0
14332    //has_own_delete2arg: 0
14333    //
14334    if (!soff) {
14335      return(1);
14336    }
14337    if (n) {
14338      if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) {
14339        delete[] (TStreamerArtificial*) soff;
14340      } else {
14341        G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID);
14342        for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
14343          ((TStreamerArtificial*) (soff+(sizeof(TStreamerArtificial)*i)))->~G__TTStreamerArtificial();
14344        }
14345        G__setgvp((long)gvp);
14346      }
14347    } else {
14348      if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) {
14349        delete (TStreamerArtificial*) soff;
14350      } else {
14351        G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID);
14352        ((TStreamerArtificial*) (soff))->~G__TTStreamerArtificial();
14353        G__setgvp((long)gvp);
14354      }
14355    }
14356    G__setnull(result7);
14357    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
14358 }
14361 /* TToggle */
14362 static int G__G__Meta_197_0_1(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
14363 {
14364    TToggle* p = NULL;
14365    char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
14366    int n = G__getaryconstruct();
14367    if (n) {
14368      if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
14369        p = new TToggle[n];
14370      } else {
14371        p = new((void*) gvp) TToggle[n];
14372      }
14373    } else {
14374      if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
14375        p = new TToggle;
14376      } else {
14377        p = new((void*) gvp) TToggle;
14378      }
14379    }
14380    result7->obj.i = (long) p;
14381    result7->ref = (long) p;
14382    G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TToggle));
14383    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
14384 }
14386 static int G__G__Meta_197_0_2(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
14387 {
14388       ((TToggle*) G__getstructoffset())->SetToggledObject((TObject*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (TMethod*) G__int(libp->para[1]));
14389       G__setnull(result7);
14390    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
14391 }
14393 static int G__G__Meta_197_0_3(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
14394 {
14395       ((TToggle*) G__getstructoffset())->SetToggledVariable(*(Int_t*) G__Intref(&libp->para[0]));
14396       G__setnull(result7);
14397    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
14398 }
14400 static int G__G__Meta_197_0_4(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
14401 {
14402       G__letint(result7, 103, (long) ((TToggle*) G__getstructoffset())->IsInitialized());
14403    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
14404 }
14406 static int G__G__Meta_197_0_5(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
14407 {
14408       G__letint(result7, 103, (long) ((TToggle*) G__getstructoffset())->GetState());
14409    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
14410 }
14412 static int G__G__Meta_197_0_6(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
14413 {
14414       ((TToggle*) G__getstructoffset())->SetState((Bool_t) G__int(libp->para[0]));
14415       G__setnull(result7);
14416    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
14417 }
14419 static int G__G__Meta_197_0_7(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
14420 {
14421       ((TToggle*) G__getstructoffset())->Toggle();
14422       G__setnull(result7);
14423    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
14424 }
14426 static int G__G__Meta_197_0_8(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
14427 {
14428       ((TToggle*) G__getstructoffset())->SetOnValue((Long_t) G__int(libp->para[0]));
14429       G__setnull(result7);
14430    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
14431 }
14433 static int G__G__Meta_197_0_9(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
14434 {
14435       G__letint(result7, 108, (long) ((TToggle*) G__getstructoffset())->GetOnValue());
14436    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
14437 }
14439 static int G__G__Meta_197_0_10(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
14440 {
14441       ((TToggle*) G__getstructoffset())->SetOffValue((Long_t) G__int(libp->para[0]));
14442       G__setnull(result7);
14443    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
14444 }
14446 static int G__G__Meta_197_0_11(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
14447 {
14448       G__letint(result7, 108, (long) ((TToggle*) G__getstructoffset())->GetOffValue());
14449    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
14450 }
14452 static int G__G__Meta_197_0_12(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
14453 {
14454       G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((TToggle*) G__getstructoffset())->GetValue());
14455    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
14456 }
14458 static int G__G__Meta_197_0_13(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
14459 {
14460       ((TToggle*) G__getstructoffset())->SetValue((Long_t) G__int(libp->para[0]));
14461       G__setnull(result7);
14462    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
14463 }
14465 static int G__G__Meta_197_0_14(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
14466 {
14467       G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ((const TToggle*) G__getstructoffset())->GetGetter());
14468    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
14469 }
14471 static int G__G__Meta_197_0_15(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
14472 {
14473       G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ((const TToggle*) G__getstructoffset())->GetSetter());
14474    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
14475 }
14477 static int G__G__Meta_197_0_16(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
14478 {
14479       G__letint(result7, 85, (long) TToggle::Class());
14480    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
14481 }
14483 static int G__G__Meta_197_0_17(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
14484 {
14485       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TToggle::Class_Name());
14486    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
14487 }
14489 static int G__G__Meta_197_0_18(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
14490 {
14491       G__letint(result7, 115, (long) TToggle::Class_Version());
14492    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
14493 }
14495 static int G__G__Meta_197_0_19(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
14496 {
14497       TToggle::Dictionary();
14498       G__setnull(result7);
14499    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
14500 }
14502 static int G__G__Meta_197_0_23(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
14503 {
14504       ((TToggle*) G__getstructoffset())->StreamerNVirtual(*(TBuffer*) libp->para[0].ref);
14505       G__setnull(result7);
14506    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
14507 }
14509 static int G__G__Meta_197_0_24(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
14510 {
14511       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TToggle::DeclFileName());
14512    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
14513 }
14515 static int G__G__Meta_197_0_25(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
14516 {
14517       G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TToggle::ImplFileLine());
14518    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
14519 }
14521 static int G__G__Meta_197_0_26(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
14522 {
14523       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TToggle::ImplFileName());
14524    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
14525 }
14527 static int G__G__Meta_197_0_27(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
14528 {
14529       G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TToggle::DeclFileLine());
14530    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
14531 }
14533 // automatic copy constructor
14534 static int G__G__Meta_197_0_28(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
14536 {
14537    TToggle* p;
14538    void* tmp = (void*) G__int(libp->para[0]);
14539    p = new TToggle(*(TToggle*) tmp);
14540    result7->obj.i = (long) p;
14541    result7->ref = (long) p;
14542    G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TToggle));
14543    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
14544 }
14546 // automatic destructor
14547 typedef TToggle G__TTToggle;
14548 static int G__G__Meta_197_0_29(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
14549 {
14550    char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
14551    long soff = G__getstructoffset();
14552    int n = G__getaryconstruct();
14553    //
14554    //has_a_delete: 1
14555    //has_own_delete1arg: 0
14556    //has_own_delete2arg: 0
14557    //
14558    if (!soff) {
14559      return(1);
14560    }
14561    if (n) {
14562      if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) {
14563        delete[] (TToggle*) soff;
14564      } else {
14565        G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID);
14566        for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
14567          ((TToggle*) (soff+(sizeof(TToggle)*i)))->~G__TTToggle();
14568        }
14569        G__setgvp((long)gvp);
14570      }
14571    } else {
14572      if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) {
14573        delete (TToggle*) soff;
14574      } else {
14575        G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID);
14576        ((TToggle*) (soff))->~G__TTToggle();
14577        G__setgvp((long)gvp);
14578      }
14579    }
14580    G__setnull(result7);
14581    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
14582 }
14584 // automatic assignment operator
14585 static int G__G__Meta_197_0_30(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
14586 {
14587    TToggle* dest = (TToggle*) G__getstructoffset();
14588    *dest = *(TToggle*) libp->para[0].ref;
14589    const TToggle& obj = *dest;
14590    result7->ref = (long) (&obj);
14591    result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj);
14592    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
14593 }
14596 /* TToggleGroup */
14597 static int G__G__Meta_201_0_1(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
14598 {
14599    TToggleGroup* p = NULL;
14600    char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
14601    int n = G__getaryconstruct();
14602    if (n) {
14603      if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
14604        p = new TToggleGroup[n];
14605      } else {
14606        p = new((void*) gvp) TToggleGroup[n];
14607      }
14608    } else {
14609      if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
14610        p = new TToggleGroup;
14611      } else {
14612        p = new((void*) gvp) TToggleGroup;
14613      }
14614    }
14615    result7->obj.i = (long) p;
14616    result7->ref = (long) p;
14617    G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TToggleGroup));
14618    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
14619 }
14621 static int G__G__Meta_201_0_2(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
14622 {
14623    TToggleGroup* p = NULL;
14624    char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
14625    //m: 1
14626    if ((gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) {
14627      p = new TToggleGroup(*(TToggleGroup*) libp->para[0].ref);
14628    } else {
14629      p = new((void*) gvp) TToggleGroup(*(TToggleGroup*) libp->para[0].ref);
14630    }
14631    result7->obj.i = (long) p;
14632    result7->ref = (long) p;
14633    G__set_tagnum(result7,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TToggleGroup));
14634    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
14635 }
14637 static int G__G__Meta_201_0_3(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
14638 {
14639       {
14640          const TToggleGroup& obj = ((TToggleGroup*) G__getstructoffset())->operator=(*(TToggleGroup*) libp->para[0].ref);
14641          result7->ref = (long) (&obj);
14642          result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj);
14643       }
14644    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
14645 }
14647 static int G__G__Meta_201_0_4(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
14648 {
14649       G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((TToggleGroup*) G__getstructoffset())->GetTogglesCount());
14650    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
14651 }
14653 static int G__G__Meta_201_0_5(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
14654 {
14655       G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ((TToggleGroup*) G__getstructoffset())->At((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0])));
14656    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
14657 }
14659 static int G__G__Meta_201_0_6(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
14660 {
14661       ((TToggleGroup*) G__getstructoffset())->Remove((TToggle*) G__int(libp->para[0]));
14662       G__setnull(result7);
14663    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
14664 }
14666 static int G__G__Meta_201_0_7(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
14667 {
14668       ((TToggleGroup*) G__getstructoffset())->Remove((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]));
14669       G__setnull(result7);
14670    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
14671 }
14673 static int G__G__Meta_201_0_8(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
14674 {
14675       ((TToggleGroup*) G__getstructoffset())->DeleteAll();
14676       G__setnull(result7);
14677    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
14678 }
14680 static int G__G__Meta_201_0_9(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
14681 {
14682       G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ((TToggleGroup*) G__getstructoffset())->First());
14683    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
14684 }
14686 static int G__G__Meta_201_0_10(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
14687 {
14688       G__letint(result7, 85, (long) ((TToggleGroup*) G__getstructoffset())->Last());
14689    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
14690 }
14692 static int G__G__Meta_201_0_11(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
14693 {
14694       G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((TToggleGroup*) G__getstructoffset())->IndexOf((TToggle*) G__int(libp->para[0])));
14695    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
14696 }
14698 static int G__G__Meta_201_0_12(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
14699 {
14700    switch (libp->paran) {
14701    case 2:
14702       G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((TToggleGroup*) G__getstructoffset())->Add((TToggle*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Bool_t) G__int(libp->para[1])));
14703       break;
14704    case 1:
14705       G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((TToggleGroup*) G__getstructoffset())->Add((TToggle*) G__int(libp->para[0])));
14706       break;
14707    }
14708    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
14709 }
14711 static int G__G__Meta_201_0_13(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
14712 {
14713    switch (libp->paran) {
14714    case 3:
14715       G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((TToggleGroup*) G__getstructoffset())->InsertAt((TToggle*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1])
14716 , (Bool_t) G__int(libp->para[2])));
14717       break;
14718    case 2:
14719       G__letint(result7, 105, (long) ((TToggleGroup*) G__getstructoffset())->InsertAt((TToggle*) G__int(libp->para[0]), (Int_t) G__int(libp->para[1])));
14720       break;
14721    }
14722    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
14723 }
14725 static int G__G__Meta_201_0_14(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
14726 {
14727       ((TToggleGroup*) G__getstructoffset())->Select((Int_t) G__int(libp->para[0]));
14728       G__setnull(result7);
14729    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
14730 }
14732 static int G__G__Meta_201_0_15(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
14733 {
14734       ((TToggleGroup*) G__getstructoffset())->Select((TToggle*) G__int(libp->para[0]));
14735       G__setnull(result7);
14736    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
14737 }
14739 static int G__G__Meta_201_0_16(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
14740 {
14741       G__letint(result7, 85, (long) TToggleGroup::Class());
14742    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
14743 }
14745 static int G__G__Meta_201_0_17(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
14746 {
14747       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TToggleGroup::Class_Name());
14748    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
14749 }
14751 static int G__G__Meta_201_0_18(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
14752 {
14753       G__letint(result7, 115, (long) TToggleGroup::Class_Version());
14754    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
14755 }
14757 static int G__G__Meta_201_0_19(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
14758 {
14759       TToggleGroup::Dictionary();
14760       G__setnull(result7);
14761    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
14762 }
14764 static int G__G__Meta_201_0_23(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
14765 {
14766       ((TToggleGroup*) G__getstructoffset())->StreamerNVirtual(*(TBuffer*) libp->para[0].ref);
14767       G__setnull(result7);
14768    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
14769 }
14771 static int G__G__Meta_201_0_24(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
14772 {
14773       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TToggleGroup::DeclFileName());
14774    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
14775 }
14777 static int G__G__Meta_201_0_25(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
14778 {
14779       G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TToggleGroup::ImplFileLine());
14780    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
14781 }
14783 static int G__G__Meta_201_0_26(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
14784 {
14785       G__letint(result7, 67, (long) TToggleGroup::ImplFileName());
14786    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
14787 }
14789 static int G__G__Meta_201_0_27(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
14790 {
14791       G__letint(result7, 105, (long) TToggleGroup::DeclFileLine());
14792    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
14793 }
14795 // automatic destructor
14796 typedef TToggleGroup G__TTToggleGroup;
14797 static int G__G__Meta_201_0_28(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash)
14798 {
14799    char* gvp = (char*) G__getgvp();
14800    long soff = G__getstructoffset();
14801    int n = G__getaryconstruct();
14802    //
14803    //has_a_delete: 1
14804    //has_own_delete1arg: 0
14805    //has_own_delete2arg: 0
14806    //
14807    if (!soff) {
14808      return(1);
14809    }
14810    if (n) {
14811      if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) {
14812        delete[] (TToggleGroup*) soff;
14813      } else {
14814        G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID);
14815        for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
14816          ((TToggleGroup*) (soff+(sizeof(TToggleGroup)*i)))->~G__TTToggleGroup();
14817        }
14818        G__setgvp((long)gvp);
14819      }
14820    } else {
14821      if (gvp == (char*)G__PVOID) {
14822        delete (TToggleGroup*) soff;
14823      } else {
14824        G__setgvp((long) G__PVOID);
14825        ((TToggleGroup*) (soff))->~G__TTToggleGroup();
14826        G__setgvp((long)gvp);
14827      }
14828    }
14829    G__setnull(result7);
14830    return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ;
14831 }
14834 /* Setting up global function */
14836 /*********************************************************
14837 * Member function Stub
14838 *********************************************************/
14840 /* TClass */
14842 /* TClassStreamer */
14844 /* TMemberStreamer */
14846 /* TVirtualIsAProxy */
14848 /* ROOT */
14850 /* TMethod */
14852 /* TVirtualStreamerInfo */
14854 /* TStreamerElement */
14856 /* TDictionary */
14858 /* TBaseClass */
14860 /* TDataMember */
14862 /* TClassRef */
14864 /* TRealData */
14866 /* TMethodCall */
14868 /* ROOT::TSchemaRuleSet */
14870 /* TClassGenerator */
14872 /* TClassMenuItem */
14874 /* TDataType */
14876 /* TFunction */
14878 /* TGlobal */
14880 /* TInterpreter */
14882 /* TIsAProxy */
14884 /* TMethodArg */
14886 /* ROOT::TSchemaRule */
14888 /* ROOT::TSchemaRule::TSources */
14890 /* vector<pair<int,int>,allocator<pair<int,int> > > */
14892 /* ROOT::TSchemaMatch */
14894 /* TStreamerBasicType */
14896 /* TStreamerBase */
14898 /* TStreamerBasicPointer */
14900 /* TStreamerLoop */
14902 /* TStreamerObject */
14904 /* TStreamerObjectAny */
14906 /* TStreamerObjectPointer */
14908 /* TStreamerObjectAnyPointer */
14910 /* TStreamerString */
14912 /* TStreamerSTL */
14914 /* TStreamerSTLstring */
14916 /* TStreamerArtificial */
14918 /* TToggle */
14920 /* TToggleGroup */
14922 /*********************************************************
14923 * Global function Stub
14924 *********************************************************/
14926 /*********************************************************
14927 * Get size of pointer to member function
14928 *********************************************************/
14929 class G__Sizep2memfuncG__Meta {
14930  public:
14931   G__Sizep2memfuncG__Meta(): p(&G__Sizep2memfuncG__Meta::sizep2memfunc) {}
14932     size_t sizep2memfunc() { return(sizeof(p)); }
14933   private:
14934     size_t (G__Sizep2memfuncG__Meta::*p)();
14935 };
14937 size_t G__get_sizep2memfuncG__Meta()
14938 {
14939   G__Sizep2memfuncG__Meta a;
14940   G__setsizep2memfunc((int)a.sizep2memfunc());
14941   return((size_t)a.sizep2memfunc());
14942 }
14945 /*********************************************************
14946 * virtual base class offset calculation interface
14947 *********************************************************/
14949    /* Setting up class inheritance */
14951 /*********************************************************
14952 * Inheritance information setup/
14953 *********************************************************/
14954 extern "C" void G__cpp_setup_inheritanceG__Meta() {
14956    /* Setting up class inheritance */
14957    if(0==G__getnumbaseclass(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClass))) {
14958      TClass *G__Lderived;
14959      G__Lderived=(TClass*)0x1000;
14960      {
14961        TDictionary *G__Lpbase=(TDictionary*)G__Lderived;
14962        G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClass),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TDictionary),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,1);
14963      }
14964      {
14965        TNamed *G__Lpbase=(TNamed*)G__Lderived;
14966        G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClass),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TNamed),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,0);
14967      }
14968      {
14969        TObject *G__Lpbase=(TObject*)G__Lderived;
14970        G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClass),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TObject),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,0);
14971      }
14972    }
14973    if(0==G__getnumbaseclass(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TNamed))) {
14974      TNamed *G__Lderived;
14975      G__Lderived=(TNamed*)0x1000;
14976      {
14977        TObject *G__Lpbase=(TObject*)G__Lderived;
14978        G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TNamed),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TObject),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,1);
14979      }
14980    }
14981    if(0==G__getnumbaseclass(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TMethod))) {
14982      TMethod *G__Lderived;
14983      G__Lderived=(TMethod*)0x1000;
14984      {
14985        TFunction *G__Lpbase=(TFunction*)G__Lderived;
14986        G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TMethod),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TFunction),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,1);
14987      }
14988      {
14989        TDictionary *G__Lpbase=(TDictionary*)G__Lderived;
14990        G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TMethod),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TDictionary),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,0);
14991      }
14992      {
14993        TNamed *G__Lpbase=(TNamed*)G__Lderived;
14994        G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TMethod),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TNamed),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,0);
14995      }
14996      {
14997        TObject *G__Lpbase=(TObject*)G__Lderived;
14998        G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TMethod),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TObject),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,0);
14999      }
15000    }
15001    if(0==G__getnumbaseclass(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TVirtualStreamerInfo))) {
15002      TVirtualStreamerInfo *G__Lderived;
15003      G__Lderived=(TVirtualStreamerInfo*)0x1000;
15004      {
15005        TNamed *G__Lpbase=(TNamed*)G__Lderived;
15006        G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TVirtualStreamerInfo),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TNamed),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,1);
15007      }
15008      {
15009        TObject *G__Lpbase=(TObject*)G__Lderived;
15010        G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TVirtualStreamerInfo),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TObject),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,0);
15011      }
15012    }
15013    if(0==G__getnumbaseclass(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerElement))) {
15014      TStreamerElement *G__Lderived;
15015      G__Lderived=(TStreamerElement*)0x1000;
15016      {
15017        TNamed *G__Lpbase=(TNamed*)G__Lderived;
15018        G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerElement),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TNamed),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,1);
15019      }
15020      {
15021        TObject *G__Lpbase=(TObject*)G__Lderived;
15022        G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerElement),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TObject),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,0);
15023      }
15024    }
15025    if(0==G__getnumbaseclass(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TDictionary))) {
15026      TDictionary *G__Lderived;
15027      G__Lderived=(TDictionary*)0x1000;
15028      {
15029        TNamed *G__Lpbase=(TNamed*)G__Lderived;
15030        G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TDictionary),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TNamed),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,1);
15031      }
15032      {
15033        TObject *G__Lpbase=(TObject*)G__Lderived;
15034        G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TDictionary),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TObject),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,0);
15035      }
15036    }
15037    if(0==G__getnumbaseclass(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TBaseClass))) {
15038      TBaseClass *G__Lderived;
15039      G__Lderived=(TBaseClass*)0x1000;
15040      {
15041        TDictionary *G__Lpbase=(TDictionary*)G__Lderived;
15042        G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TBaseClass),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TDictionary),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,1);
15043      }
15044      {
15045        TNamed *G__Lpbase=(TNamed*)G__Lderived;
15046        G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TBaseClass),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TNamed),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,0);
15047      }
15048      {
15049        TObject *G__Lpbase=(TObject*)G__Lderived;
15050        G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TBaseClass),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TObject),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,0);
15051      }
15052    }
15053    if(0==G__getnumbaseclass(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TDataMember))) {
15054      TDataMember *G__Lderived;
15055      G__Lderived=(TDataMember*)0x1000;
15056      {
15057        TDictionary *G__Lpbase=(TDictionary*)G__Lderived;
15058        G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TDataMember),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TDictionary),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,1);
15059      }
15060      {
15061        TNamed *G__Lpbase=(TNamed*)G__Lderived;
15062        G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TDataMember),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TNamed),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,0);
15063      }
15064      {
15065        TObject *G__Lpbase=(TObject*)G__Lderived;
15066        G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TDataMember),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TObject),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,0);
15067      }
15068    }
15069    if(0==G__getnumbaseclass(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TRealData))) {
15070      TRealData *G__Lderived;
15071      G__Lderived=(TRealData*)0x1000;
15072      {
15073        TObject *G__Lpbase=(TObject*)G__Lderived;
15074        G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TRealData),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TObject),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,1);
15075      }
15076    }
15077    if(0==G__getnumbaseclass(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TMethodCall))) {
15078      TMethodCall *G__Lderived;
15079      G__Lderived=(TMethodCall*)0x1000;
15080      {
15081        TObject *G__Lpbase=(TObject*)G__Lderived;
15082        G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TMethodCall),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TObject),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,1);
15083      }
15084    }
15085    if(0==G__getnumbaseclass(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_ROOTcLcLTSchemaRuleSet))) {
15086      ROOT::TSchemaRuleSet *G__Lderived;
15087      G__Lderived=(ROOT::TSchemaRuleSet*)0x1000;
15088      {
15089        TObject *G__Lpbase=(TObject*)G__Lderived;
15090        G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_ROOTcLcLTSchemaRuleSet),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TObject),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,1);
15091      }
15092    }
15093    if(0==G__getnumbaseclass(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClassGenerator))) {
15094      TClassGenerator *G__Lderived;
15095      G__Lderived=(TClassGenerator*)0x1000;
15096      {
15097        TObject *G__Lpbase=(TObject*)G__Lderived;
15098        G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClassGenerator),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TObject),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,1);
15099      }
15100    }
15101    if(0==G__getnumbaseclass(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClassMenuItem))) {
15102      TClassMenuItem *G__Lderived;
15103      G__Lderived=(TClassMenuItem*)0x1000;
15104      {
15105        TObject *G__Lpbase=(TObject*)G__Lderived;
15106        G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClassMenuItem),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TObject),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,1);
15107      }
15108    }
15109    if(0==G__getnumbaseclass(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TDataType))) {
15110      TDataType *G__Lderived;
15111      G__Lderived=(TDataType*)0x1000;
15112      {
15113        TDictionary *G__Lpbase=(TDictionary*)G__Lderived;
15114        G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TDataType),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TDictionary),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,1);
15115      }
15116      {
15117        TNamed *G__Lpbase=(TNamed*)G__Lderived;
15118        G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TDataType),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TNamed),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,0);
15119      }
15120      {
15121        TObject *G__Lpbase=(TObject*)G__Lderived;
15122        G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TDataType),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TObject),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,0);
15123      }
15124    }
15125    if(0==G__getnumbaseclass(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TFunction))) {
15126      TFunction *G__Lderived;
15127      G__Lderived=(TFunction*)0x1000;
15128      {
15129        TDictionary *G__Lpbase=(TDictionary*)G__Lderived;
15130        G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TFunction),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TDictionary),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,1);
15131      }
15132      {
15133        TNamed *G__Lpbase=(TNamed*)G__Lderived;
15134        G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TFunction),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TNamed),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,0);
15135      }
15136      {
15137        TObject *G__Lpbase=(TObject*)G__Lderived;
15138        G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TFunction),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TObject),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,0);
15139      }
15140    }
15141    if(0==G__getnumbaseclass(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TGlobal))) {
15142      TGlobal *G__Lderived;
15143      G__Lderived=(TGlobal*)0x1000;
15144      {
15145        TDictionary *G__Lpbase=(TDictionary*)G__Lderived;
15146        G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TGlobal),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TDictionary),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,1);
15147      }
15148      {
15149        TNamed *G__Lpbase=(TNamed*)G__Lderived;
15150        G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TGlobal),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TNamed),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,0);
15151      }
15152      {
15153        TObject *G__Lpbase=(TObject*)G__Lderived;
15154        G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TGlobal),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TObject),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,0);
15155      }
15156    }
15157    if(0==G__getnumbaseclass(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TInterpreter))) {
15158      TInterpreter *G__Lderived;
15159      G__Lderived=(TInterpreter*)0x1000;
15160      {
15161        TNamed *G__Lpbase=(TNamed*)G__Lderived;
15162        G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TInterpreter),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TNamed),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,1);
15163      }
15164      {
15165        TObject *G__Lpbase=(TObject*)G__Lderived;
15166        G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TInterpreter),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TObject),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,0);
15167      }
15168    }
15169    if(0==G__getnumbaseclass(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TIsAProxy))) {
15170      TIsAProxy *G__Lderived;
15171      G__Lderived=(TIsAProxy*)0x1000;
15172      {
15173        TVirtualIsAProxy *G__Lpbase=(TVirtualIsAProxy*)G__Lderived;
15174        G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TIsAProxy),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TVirtualIsAProxy),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,1);
15175      }
15176    }
15177    if(0==G__getnumbaseclass(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TMethodArg))) {
15178      TMethodArg *G__Lderived;
15179      G__Lderived=(TMethodArg*)0x1000;
15180      {
15181        TDictionary *G__Lpbase=(TDictionary*)G__Lderived;
15182        G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TMethodArg),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TDictionary),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,1);
15183      }
15184      {
15185        TNamed *G__Lpbase=(TNamed*)G__Lderived;
15186        G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TMethodArg),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TNamed),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,0);
15187      }
15188      {
15189        TObject *G__Lpbase=(TObject*)G__Lderived;
15190        G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TMethodArg),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TObject),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,0);
15191      }
15192    }
15193    if(0==G__getnumbaseclass(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_ROOTcLcLTSchemaRule))) {
15194      ROOT::TSchemaRule *G__Lderived;
15195      G__Lderived=(ROOT::TSchemaRule*)0x1000;
15196      {
15197        TObject *G__Lpbase=(TObject*)G__Lderived;
15198        G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_ROOTcLcLTSchemaRule),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TObject),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,1);
15199      }
15200    }
15201    if(0==G__getnumbaseclass(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_ROOTcLcLTSchemaRulecLcLTSources))) {
15202      ROOT::TSchemaRule::TSources *G__Lderived;
15203      G__Lderived=(ROOT::TSchemaRule::TSources*)0x1000;
15204      {
15205        TNamed *G__Lpbase=(TNamed*)G__Lderived;
15206        G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_ROOTcLcLTSchemaRulecLcLTSources),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TNamed),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,1);
15207      }
15208      {
15209        TObject *G__Lpbase=(TObject*)G__Lderived;
15210        G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_ROOTcLcLTSchemaRulecLcLTSources),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TObject),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,0);
15211      }
15212    }
15213    if(0==G__getnumbaseclass(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_ROOTcLcLTSchemaMatch))) {
15214      ROOT::TSchemaMatch *G__Lderived;
15215      G__Lderived=(ROOT::TSchemaMatch*)0x1000;
15216      {
15217        TObjArray *G__Lpbase=(TObjArray*)G__Lderived;
15218        G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_ROOTcLcLTSchemaMatch),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TObjArray),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,1);
15219      }
15220      {
15221        TSeqCollection *G__Lpbase=(TSeqCollection*)G__Lderived;
15222        G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_ROOTcLcLTSchemaMatch),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TSeqCollection),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,0);
15223      }
15224      {
15225        TCollection *G__Lpbase=(TCollection*)G__Lderived;
15226        G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_ROOTcLcLTSchemaMatch),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TCollection),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,0);
15227      }
15228      {
15229        TObject *G__Lpbase=(TObject*)G__Lderived;
15230        G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_ROOTcLcLTSchemaMatch),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TObject),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,0);
15231      }
15232    }
15233    if(0==G__getnumbaseclass(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerBasicType))) {
15234      TStreamerBasicType *G__Lderived;
15235      G__Lderived=(TStreamerBasicType*)0x1000;
15236      {
15237        TStreamerElement *G__Lpbase=(TStreamerElement*)G__Lderived;
15238        G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerBasicType),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerElement),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,1);
15239      }
15240      {
15241        TNamed *G__Lpbase=(TNamed*)G__Lderived;
15242        G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerBasicType),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TNamed),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,0);
15243      }
15244      {
15245        TObject *G__Lpbase=(TObject*)G__Lderived;
15246        G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerBasicType),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TObject),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,0);
15247      }
15248    }
15249    if(0==G__getnumbaseclass(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerBase))) {
15250      TStreamerBase *G__Lderived;
15251      G__Lderived=(TStreamerBase*)0x1000;
15252      {
15253        TStreamerElement *G__Lpbase=(TStreamerElement*)G__Lderived;
15254        G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerBase),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerElement),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,1);
15255      }
15256      {
15257        TNamed *G__Lpbase=(TNamed*)G__Lderived;
15258        G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerBase),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TNamed),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,0);
15259      }
15260      {
15261        TObject *G__Lpbase=(TObject*)G__Lderived;
15262        G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerBase),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TObject),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,0);
15263      }
15264    }
15265    if(0==G__getnumbaseclass(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerBasicPointer))) {
15266      TStreamerBasicPointer *G__Lderived;
15267      G__Lderived=(TStreamerBasicPointer*)0x1000;
15268      {
15269        TStreamerElement *G__Lpbase=(TStreamerElement*)G__Lderived;
15270        G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerBasicPointer),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerElement),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,1);
15271      }
15272      {
15273        TNamed *G__Lpbase=(TNamed*)G__Lderived;
15274        G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerBasicPointer),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TNamed),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,0);
15275      }
15276      {
15277        TObject *G__Lpbase=(TObject*)G__Lderived;
15278        G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerBasicPointer),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TObject),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,0);
15279      }
15280    }
15281    if(0==G__getnumbaseclass(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerLoop))) {
15282      TStreamerLoop *G__Lderived;
15283      G__Lderived=(TStreamerLoop*)0x1000;
15284      {
15285        TStreamerElement *G__Lpbase=(TStreamerElement*)G__Lderived;
15286        G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerLoop),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerElement),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,1);
15287      }
15288      {
15289        TNamed *G__Lpbase=(TNamed*)G__Lderived;
15290        G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerLoop),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TNamed),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,0);
15291      }
15292      {
15293        TObject *G__Lpbase=(TObject*)G__Lderived;
15294        G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerLoop),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TObject),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,0);
15295      }
15296    }
15297    if(0==G__getnumbaseclass(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerObject))) {
15298      TStreamerObject *G__Lderived;
15299      G__Lderived=(TStreamerObject*)0x1000;
15300      {
15301        TStreamerElement *G__Lpbase=(TStreamerElement*)G__Lderived;
15302        G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerObject),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerElement),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,1);
15303      }
15304      {
15305        TNamed *G__Lpbase=(TNamed*)G__Lderived;
15306        G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerObject),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TNamed),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,0);
15307      }
15308      {
15309        TObject *G__Lpbase=(TObject*)G__Lderived;
15310        G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerObject),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TObject),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,0);
15311      }
15312    }
15313    if(0==G__getnumbaseclass(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerObjectAny))) {
15314      TStreamerObjectAny *G__Lderived;
15315      G__Lderived=(TStreamerObjectAny*)0x1000;
15316      {
15317        TStreamerElement *G__Lpbase=(TStreamerElement*)G__Lderived;
15318        G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerObjectAny),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerElement),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,1);
15319      }
15320      {
15321        TNamed *G__Lpbase=(TNamed*)G__Lderived;
15322        G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerObjectAny),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TNamed),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,0);
15323      }
15324      {
15325        TObject *G__Lpbase=(TObject*)G__Lderived;
15326        G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerObjectAny),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TObject),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,0);
15327      }
15328    }
15329    if(0==G__getnumbaseclass(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerObjectPointer))) {
15330      TStreamerObjectPointer *G__Lderived;
15331      G__Lderived=(TStreamerObjectPointer*)0x1000;
15332      {
15333        TStreamerElement *G__Lpbase=(TStreamerElement*)G__Lderived;
15334        G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerObjectPointer),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerElement),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,1);
15335      }
15336      {
15337        TNamed *G__Lpbase=(TNamed*)G__Lderived;
15338        G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerObjectPointer),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TNamed),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,0);
15339      }
15340      {
15341        TObject *G__Lpbase=(TObject*)G__Lderived;
15342        G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerObjectPointer),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TObject),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,0);
15343      }
15344    }
15345    if(0==G__getnumbaseclass(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerObjectAnyPointer))) {
15346      TStreamerObjectAnyPointer *G__Lderived;
15347      G__Lderived=(TStreamerObjectAnyPointer*)0x1000;
15348      {
15349        TStreamerElement *G__Lpbase=(TStreamerElement*)G__Lderived;
15350        G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerObjectAnyPointer),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerElement),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,1);
15351      }
15352      {
15353        TNamed *G__Lpbase=(TNamed*)G__Lderived;
15354        G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerObjectAnyPointer),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TNamed),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,0);
15355      }
15356      {
15357        TObject *G__Lpbase=(TObject*)G__Lderived;
15358        G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerObjectAnyPointer),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TObject),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,0);
15359      }
15360    }
15361    if(0==G__getnumbaseclass(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerString))) {
15362      TStreamerString *G__Lderived;
15363      G__Lderived=(TStreamerString*)0x1000;
15364      {
15365        TStreamerElement *G__Lpbase=(TStreamerElement*)G__Lderived;
15366        G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerString),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerElement),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,1);
15367      }
15368      {
15369        TNamed *G__Lpbase=(TNamed*)G__Lderived;
15370        G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerString),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TNamed),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,0);
15371      }
15372      {
15373        TObject *G__Lpbase=(TObject*)G__Lderived;
15374        G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerString),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TObject),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,0);
15375      }
15376    }
15377    if(0==G__getnumbaseclass(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerSTL))) {
15378      TStreamerSTL *G__Lderived;
15379      G__Lderived=(TStreamerSTL*)0x1000;
15380      {
15381        TStreamerElement *G__Lpbase=(TStreamerElement*)G__Lderived;
15382        G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerSTL),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerElement),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,1);
15383      }
15384      {
15385        TNamed *G__Lpbase=(TNamed*)G__Lderived;
15386        G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerSTL),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TNamed),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,0);
15387      }
15388      {
15389        TObject *G__Lpbase=(TObject*)G__Lderived;
15390        G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerSTL),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TObject),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,0);
15391      }
15392    }
15393    if(0==G__getnumbaseclass(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerSTLstring))) {
15394      TStreamerSTLstring *G__Lderived;
15395      G__Lderived=(TStreamerSTLstring*)0x1000;
15396      {
15397        TStreamerSTL *G__Lpbase=(TStreamerSTL*)G__Lderived;
15398        G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerSTLstring),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerSTL),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,1);
15399      }
15400      {
15401        TStreamerElement *G__Lpbase=(TStreamerElement*)G__Lderived;
15402        G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerSTLstring),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerElement),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,0);
15403      }
15404      {
15405        TNamed *G__Lpbase=(TNamed*)G__Lderived;
15406        G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerSTLstring),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TNamed),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,0);
15407      }
15408      {
15409        TObject *G__Lpbase=(TObject*)G__Lderived;
15410        G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerSTLstring),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TObject),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,0);
15411      }
15412    }
15413    if(0==G__getnumbaseclass(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerArtificial))) {
15414      TStreamerArtificial *G__Lderived;
15415      G__Lderived=(TStreamerArtificial*)0x1000;
15416      {
15417        TStreamerElement *G__Lpbase=(TStreamerElement*)G__Lderived;
15418        G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerArtificial),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerElement),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,1);
15419      }
15420      {
15421        TNamed *G__Lpbase=(TNamed*)G__Lderived;
15422        G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerArtificial),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TNamed),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,0);
15423      }
15424      {
15425        TObject *G__Lpbase=(TObject*)G__Lderived;
15426        G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerArtificial),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TObject),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,0);
15427      }
15428    }
15429    if(0==G__getnumbaseclass(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TToggle))) {
15430      TToggle *G__Lderived;
15431      G__Lderived=(TToggle*)0x1000;
15432      {
15433        TNamed *G__Lpbase=(TNamed*)G__Lderived;
15434        G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TToggle),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TNamed),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,1);
15435      }
15436      {
15437        TObject *G__Lpbase=(TObject*)G__Lderived;
15438        G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TToggle),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TObject),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,0);
15439      }
15440    }
15441    if(0==G__getnumbaseclass(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TToggleGroup))) {
15442      TToggleGroup *G__Lderived;
15443      G__Lderived=(TToggleGroup*)0x1000;
15444      {
15445        TNamed *G__Lpbase=(TNamed*)G__Lderived;
15446        G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TToggleGroup),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TNamed),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,1);
15447      }
15448      {
15449        TObject *G__Lpbase=(TObject*)G__Lderived;
15450        G__inheritance_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TToggleGroup),G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TObject),(long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived,1,0);
15451      }
15452    }
15453 }
15455 /*********************************************************
15456 * typedef information setup/
15457 *********************************************************/
15458 extern "C" void G__cpp_setup_typetableG__Meta() {
15460    /* Setting up typedef entry */
15461    G__search_typename2("Short_t",115,-1,0,-1);
15462    G__setnewtype(-1,"Signed Short integer 2 bytes (short)",0);
15463    G__search_typename2("Int_t",105,-1,0,-1);
15464    G__setnewtype(-1,"Signed integer 4 bytes (int)",0);
15465    G__search_typename2("UInt_t",104,-1,0,-1);
15466    G__setnewtype(-1,"Unsigned integer 4 bytes (unsigned int)",0);
15467    G__search_typename2("Long_t",108,-1,0,-1);
15468    G__setnewtype(-1,"Signed long integer 4 bytes (long)",0);
15469    G__search_typename2("ULong_t",107,-1,0,-1);
15470    G__setnewtype(-1,"Unsigned long integer 4 bytes (unsigned long)",0);
15471    G__search_typename2("Double_t",100,-1,0,-1);
15472    G__setnewtype(-1,"Double 8 bytes",0);
15473    G__search_typename2("Bool_t",103,-1,0,-1);
15474    G__setnewtype(-1,"Boolean (0=false, 1=true) (bool)",0);
15475    G__search_typename2("Version_t",115,-1,0,-1);
15476    G__setnewtype(-1,"Class version identifier (short)",0);
15477    G__search_typename2("Long64_t",110,-1,0,-1);
15478    G__setnewtype(-1,"Portable signed long integer 8 bytes",0);
15479    G__search_typename2("ULong64_t",109,-1,0,-1);
15480    G__setnewtype(-1,"Portable unsigned long integer 8 bytes",0);
15481    G__search_typename2("ClassStreamerFunc_t",89,-1,0,-1);
15482    G__setnewtype(-1,"Streamer function for a class",0);
15483    G__search_typename2("MemberStreamerFunc_t",89,-1,0,-1);
15484    G__setnewtype(-1,"Streamer function for a data member",0);
15485    G__search_typename2("VoidFuncPtr_t",89,-1,0,-1);
15486    G__setnewtype(-1,"pointer to void function",0);
15487    G__search_typename2("ShowMembersFunc_t",89,-1,0,-1);
15488    G__setnewtype(-1,"void (*ShowMembersFunc_t)(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp);",0);
15489    G__search_typename2("IsAGlobalFunc_t",89,-1,0,-1);
15490    G__setnewtype(-1,"TClass *(*IsAGlobalFunc_t)(const TClass*, const void *obj);",0);
15491    G__search_typename2("NewFunc_t",89,-1,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_ROOT));
15492    G__setnewtype(-1,"void *(*NewFunc_t)(void *);",0);
15493    G__search_typename2("NewArrFunc_t",89,-1,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_ROOT));
15494    G__setnewtype(-1,"void *(*NewArrFunc_t)(Long_t size, void *arena);",0);
15495    G__search_typename2("DelFunc_t",89,-1,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_ROOT));
15496    G__setnewtype(-1,"void  (*DelFunc_t)(void *);",0);
15497    G__search_typename2("DelArrFunc_t",89,-1,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_ROOT));
15498    G__setnewtype(-1,"void  (*DelArrFunc_t)(void *);",0);
15499    G__search_typename2("DesFunc_t",89,-1,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_ROOT));
15500    G__setnewtype(-1,"void  (*DesFunc_t)(void *);",0);
15501    G__search_typename2("DirAutoAdd_t",89,-1,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_ROOT));
15502    G__setnewtype(-1,"void  (*DirAutoAdd_t)(void *, TDirectory*);",0);
15503    G__search_typename2("vector<ROOT::TSchemaHelper>",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_vectorlEROOTcLcLTSchemaHelpercOallocatorlEROOTcLcLTSchemaHelpergRsPgR),0,-1);
15504    G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0);
15505    G__search_typename2("reverse_iterator<const_iterator>",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_reverse_iteratorlEvectorlEROOTcLcLTSchemaHelpercOallocatorlEROOTcLcLTSchemaHelpergRsPgRcLcLiteratorgR),0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_vectorlEROOTcLcLTSchemaHelpercOallocatorlEROOTcLcLTSchemaHelpergRsPgR));
15506    G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0);
15507    G__search_typename2("reverse_iterator<iterator>",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_reverse_iteratorlEvectorlEROOTcLcLTSchemaHelpercOallocatorlEROOTcLcLTSchemaHelpergRsPgRcLcLiteratorgR),0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_vectorlEROOTcLcLTSchemaHelpercOallocatorlEROOTcLcLTSchemaHelpergRsPgR));
15508    G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0);
15509    G__search_typename2("vector<TVirtualArray*>",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_vectorlETVirtualArraymUcOallocatorlETVirtualArraymUgRsPgR),0,-1);
15510    G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0);
15511    G__search_typename2("reverse_iterator<const_iterator>",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_reverse_iteratorlEvectorlETVirtualArraymUcOallocatorlETVirtualArraymUgRsPgRcLcLiteratorgR),0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_vectorlETVirtualArraymUcOallocatorlETVirtualArraymUgRsPgR));
15512    G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0);
15513    G__search_typename2("reverse_iterator<iterator>",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_reverse_iteratorlEvectorlETVirtualArraymUcOallocatorlETVirtualArraymUgRsPgRcLcLiteratorgR),0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_vectorlETVirtualArraymUcOallocatorlETVirtualArraymUgRsPgR));
15514    G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0);
15515    G__search_typename2("CallFunc_t",121,-1,0,-1);
15516    G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0);
15517    G__search_typename2("ClassInfo_t",121,-1,0,-1);
15518    G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0);
15519    G__search_typename2("BaseClassInfo_t",121,-1,0,-1);
15520    G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0);
15521    G__search_typename2("DataMemberInfo_t",121,-1,0,-1);
15522    G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0);
15523    G__search_typename2("MethodInfo_t",121,-1,0,-1);
15524    G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0);
15525    G__search_typename2("MethodArgInfo_t",121,-1,0,-1);
15526    G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0);
15527    G__search_typename2("TypeInfo_t",121,-1,0,-1);
15528    G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0);
15529    G__search_typename2("TypedefInfo_t",121,-1,0,-1);
15530    G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0);
15531    G__search_typename2("iterator<std::bidirectional_iterator_tag,TObject*,std::ptrdiff_t,const TObject**,const TObject*&>",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_iteratorlEbidirectional_iterator_tagcOTObjectmUcOlongcOconstsPTObjectmUmUcOconstsPTObjectmUaNgR),0,-1);
15532    G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0);
15533    G__search_typename2("iterator<bidirectional_iterator_tag,TObject*>",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_iteratorlEbidirectional_iterator_tagcOTObjectmUcOlongcOconstsPTObjectmUmUcOconstsPTObjectmUaNgR),0,-1);
15534    G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0);
15535    G__search_typename2("iterator<bidirectional_iterator_tag,TObject*,long>",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_iteratorlEbidirectional_iterator_tagcOTObjectmUcOlongcOconstsPTObjectmUmUcOconstsPTObjectmUaNgR),0,-1);
15536    G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0);
15537    G__search_typename2("iterator<bidirectional_iterator_tag,TObject*,long,const TObject**>",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_iteratorlEbidirectional_iterator_tagcOTObjectmUcOlongcOconstsPTObjectmUmUcOconstsPTObjectmUaNgR),0,-1);
15538    G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0);
15539    G__search_typename2("map<std::string,TObjArray*>",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_maplEstringcOTObjArraymUcOlesslEstringgRcOallocatorlEpairlEconstsPstringcOTObjArraymUgRsPgRsPgR),0,-1);
15540    G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0);
15541    G__search_typename2("map<string,TObjArray*>",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_maplEstringcOTObjArraymUcOlesslEstringgRcOallocatorlEpairlEconstsPstringcOTObjArraymUgRsPgRsPgR),0,-1);
15542    G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0);
15543    G__search_typename2("map<string,TObjArray*,less<string> >",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_maplEstringcOTObjArraymUcOlesslEstringgRcOallocatorlEpairlEconstsPstringcOTObjArraymUgRsPgRsPgR),0,-1);
15544    G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0);
15545    G__search_typename2("StreamerImpl_t",97,-1,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClass));
15546    G__setnewtype(-1,"void (TClass::*StreamerImpl_t)(void *obj, TBuffer &b, const TClass *onfile_class) const;",0);
15547    G__search_typename2("char *(*)(const char* prompt)",49,-1,0,-1);
15548    G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0);
15549    G__search_typename2("void (*)(char* line)",49,-1,0,-1);
15550    G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0);
15551    G__search_typename2("void (*)()",49,-1,0,-1);
15552    G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0);
15553    G__search_typename2("RuleType_t",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_ROOTcLcLTSchemaRulecLcLRuleType_t),0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_ROOTcLcLTSchemaRule));
15554    G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0);
15555    G__search_typename2("ReadFuncPtr_t",89,-1,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_ROOTcLcLTSchemaRule));
15556    G__setnewtype(-1,"void (*ReadFuncPtr_t)( char*, TVirtualObject* );",0);
15557    G__search_typename2("ReadRawFuncPtr_t",89,-1,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_ROOTcLcLTSchemaRule));
15558    G__setnewtype(-1,"void (*ReadRawFuncPtr_t)( char*, TBuffer&);",0);
15559    G__search_typename2("pair<Int_t,Int_t>",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_pairlEintcOintgR),0,-1);
15560    G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0);
15561    G__search_typename2("vector<std::pair<Int_t,Int_t> >",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_vectorlEpairlEintcOintgRcOallocatorlEpairlEintcOintgRsPgRsPgR),0,-1);
15562    G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0);
15563    G__search_typename2("value_type",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_pairlEintcOintgR),0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_vectorlEpairlEintcOintgRcOallocatorlEpairlEintcOintgRsPgRsPgR));
15564    G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0);
15565    G__search_typename2("pointer",85,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_pairlEintcOintgR),0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_vectorlEpairlEintcOintgRcOallocatorlEpairlEintcOintgRsPgRsPgR));
15566    G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0);
15567    G__search_typename2("const_pointer",85,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_pairlEintcOintgR),256,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_vectorlEpairlEintcOintgRcOallocatorlEpairlEintcOintgRsPgRsPgR));
15568    G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0);
15569    G__search_typename2("reference",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_pairlEintcOintgR),1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_vectorlEpairlEintcOintgRcOallocatorlEpairlEintcOintgRsPgRsPgR));
15570    G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0);
15571    G__search_typename2("const_reference",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_pairlEintcOintgR),257,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_vectorlEpairlEintcOintgRcOallocatorlEpairlEintcOintgRsPgRsPgR));
15572    G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0);
15573    G__search_typename2("size_type",104,-1,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_vectorlEpairlEintcOintgRcOallocatorlEpairlEintcOintgRsPgRsPgR));
15574    G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0);
15575    G__search_typename2("difference_type",108,-1,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_vectorlEpairlEintcOintgRcOallocatorlEpairlEintcOintgRsPgRsPgR));
15576    G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0);
15577    G__search_typename2("const_iterator",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_vectorlEpairlEintcOintgRcOallocatorlEpairlEintcOintgRsPgRsPgRcLcLiterator),256,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_vectorlEpairlEintcOintgRcOallocatorlEpairlEintcOintgRsPgRsPgR));
15578    G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0);
15579    G__search_typename2("reverse_iterator<const_iterator>",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_reverse_iteratorlEvectorlEpairlEintcOintgRcOallocatorlEpairlEintcOintgRsPgRsPgRcLcLiteratorgR),0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_vectorlEpairlEintcOintgRcOallocatorlEpairlEintcOintgRsPgRsPgR));
15580    G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0);
15581    G__search_typename2("const_reverse_iterator",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_reverse_iteratorlEvectorlEpairlEintcOintgRcOallocatorlEpairlEintcOintgRsPgRsPgRcLcLiteratorgR),0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_vectorlEpairlEintcOintgRcOallocatorlEpairlEintcOintgRsPgRsPgR));
15582    G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0);
15583    G__search_typename2("reverse_iterator<iterator>",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_reverse_iteratorlEvectorlEpairlEintcOintgRcOallocatorlEpairlEintcOintgRsPgRsPgRcLcLiteratorgR),0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_vectorlEpairlEintcOintgRcOallocatorlEpairlEintcOintgRsPgRsPgR));
15584    G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0);
15585    G__search_typename2("reverse_iterator",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_reverse_iteratorlEvectorlEpairlEintcOintgRcOallocatorlEpairlEintcOintgRsPgRsPgRcLcLiteratorgR),0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_vectorlEpairlEintcOintgRcOallocatorlEpairlEintcOintgRsPgRsPgR));
15586    G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0);
15587    G__search_typename2("vector<pair<int,int> >",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_vectorlEpairlEintcOintgRcOallocatorlEpairlEintcOintgRsPgRsPgR),0,-1);
15588    G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0);
15589    G__search_typename2("vector<UInt_t>",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_vectorlEunsignedsPintcOallocatorlEunsignedsPintgRsPgR),0,-1);
15590    G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0);
15591    G__search_typename2("reverse_iterator<const_iterator>",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_reverse_iteratorlEvectorlEunsignedsPintcOallocatorlEunsignedsPintgRsPgRcLcLiteratorgR),0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_vectorlEunsignedsPintcOallocatorlEunsignedsPintgRsPgR));
15592    G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0);
15593    G__search_typename2("reverse_iterator<iterator>",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_reverse_iteratorlEvectorlEunsignedsPintcOallocatorlEunsignedsPintgRsPgRcLcLiteratorgR),0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_vectorlEunsignedsPintcOallocatorlEunsignedsPintgRsPgR));
15594    G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0);
15595    G__search_typename2("vector<unsigned int>",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_vectorlEunsignedsPintcOallocatorlEunsignedsPintgRsPgR),0,-1);
15596    G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0);
15597 }
15599 /*********************************************************
15600 * Data Member information setup/
15601 *********************************************************/
15603    /* Setting up class,struct,union tag member variable */
15605    /* TClass */
15606 static void G__setup_memvarTClass(void) {
15607    G__tag_memvar_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClass));
15608    { TClass *p; p=(TClass*)0x1000; if (p) { }
15609    G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClasscLcLdA),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kClassSaved=%lldLL",(long long)TClass::kClassSaved).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
15610    G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClasscLcLdA),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kIgnoreTObjectStreamer=%lldLL",(long long)TClass::kIgnoreTObjectStreamer).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
15611    G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClasscLcLdA),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kUnloaded=%lldLL",(long long)TClass::kUnloaded).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
15612    G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClasscLcLdA),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kIsTObject=%lldLL",(long long)TClass::kIsTObject).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
15613    G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClasscLcLdA),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kIsForeign=%lldLL",(long long)TClass::kIsForeign).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
15614    G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClasscLcLdA),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kIsEmulation=%lldLL",(long long)TClass::kIsEmulation).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
15615    G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClasscLcLdA),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kStartWithTObject=%lldLL",(long long)TClass::kStartWithTObject).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
15616    G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClasscLcLdA),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kWarned=%lldLL",(long long)TClass::kWarned).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
15617    G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClasscLcLdA),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kHasNameMapNode=%lldLL",(long long)TClass::kHasNameMapNode).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
15618    G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClasscLcLENewType),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kRealNew=%lldLL",(long long)TClass::kRealNew).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
15619    G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClasscLcLENewType),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kClassNew=%lldLL",(long long)TClass::kClassNew).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
15620    G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClasscLcLENewType),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kDummyNew=%lldLL",(long long)TClass::kDummyNew).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
15621    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TObjArray),-1,-1,4,"fStreamerInfo=",0,"Array of TVirtualStreamerInfo");
15622    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_maplEstringcOTObjArraymUcOlesslEstringgRcOallocatorlEpairlEconstsPstringcOTObjArraymUgRsPgRsPgR),G__defined_typename("map<std::string,TObjArray*>"),-1,4,"fConversionStreamerInfo=",0,"Array of the streamer infos derived from another class.");
15623    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TList),-1,-1,4,"fRealData=",0,"linked list for persistent members including base classes");
15624    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TList),-1,-1,4,"fBase=",0,"linked list for base classes");
15625    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TList),-1,-1,4,"fData=",0,"linked list for data members");
15626    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TList),-1,-1,4,"fMethod=",0,"linked list for methods");
15627    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TList),-1,-1,4,"fAllPubData=",0,"all public data members (including from base classes)");
15628    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TList),-1,-1,4,"fAllPubMethod=",0,"all public methods (including from base classes)");
15629    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TList),-1,-1,4,"fClassMenuList=",0,"list of class menu items");
15630    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,67,0,1,-1,-1,-1,4,"fDeclFileName=",0,"name of class declaration file");
15631    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,67,0,1,-1,-1,-1,4,"fImplFileName=",0,"name of class implementation file");
15632    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,115,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Short_t"),-1,4,"fDeclFileLine=",0,"line of class declaration");
15633    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,115,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Short_t"),-1,4,"fImplFileLine=",0,"line of class implementation");
15634    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,104,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("UInt_t"),-1,4,"fInstanceCount=",0,"number of instances of this class");
15635    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,104,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("UInt_t"),-1,4,"fOnHeap=",0,"number of instances on heap");
15636    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,104,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("UInt_t"),-1,4,"fCheckSum=",0,"checksum of data members and base classes");
15637    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TVirtualCollectionProxy),-1,-1,4,"fCollectionProxy=",0,"Collection interface");
15638    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,115,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Version_t"),-1,4,"fClassVersion=",0,"Class version Identifier");
15639    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,89,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("ClassInfo_t"),-1,4,"fClassInfo=",0,"pointer to CINT class info class");
15640    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,117,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TString),-1,-1,4,"fContextMenuTitle=",0,"context menu title");
15641    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_type_info),-1,-1,4,"fTypeInfo=",0,"pointer to the C++ type information.");
15642    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,89,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("ShowMembersFunc_t"),-1,4,"fShowMembers=",0,"pointer to the class's ShowMembers function");
15643    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,89,0,0,-1,-1,-1,4,"fInterShowMembers=",0,"Interpreter call setup for ShowMembers");
15644    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClassStreamer),-1,-1,4,"fStreamer=",0,"pointer to streamer function");
15645    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,117,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TString),-1,-1,4,"fSharedLibs=",0,"shared libraries containing class code");
15646    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TVirtualIsAProxy),-1,-1,4,"fIsA=",0,"!pointer to the class's IsA proxy.");
15647    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,89,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("IsAGlobalFunc_t"),-1,4,"fGlobalIsA=",0,"pointer to a global IsA function.");
15648    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TMethodCall),-1,-1,4,"fIsAMethod=",0,"!saved info to call a IsA member function");
15649    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,89,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("NewFunc_t"),-1,4,"fNew=",0,"pointer to a function newing one object.");
15650    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,89,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("NewArrFunc_t"),-1,4,"fNewArray=",0,"pointer to a function newing an array of objects.");
15651    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,89,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("DelFunc_t"),-1,4,"fDelete=",0,"pointer to a function deleting one object.");
15652    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,89,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("DelArrFunc_t"),-1,4,"fDeleteArray=",0,"pointer to a function deleting an array of objects.");
15653    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,89,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("DesFunc_t"),-1,4,"fDestructor=",0,"pointer to a function call an object's destructor.");
15654    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,89,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("DirAutoAdd_t"),-1,4,"fDirAutoAdd=",0,"pointer which implements the Directory Auto Add feature for this class.']'");
15655    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,89,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("ClassStreamerFunc_t"),-1,4,"fStreamerFunc=",0,"Wrapper around this class custom Streamer member function.");
15656    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,105,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Int_t"),-1,4,"fSizeof=",0,"Sizeof the class.");
15657    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,108,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Long_t"),-1,4,"fProperty=",0,"!Property");
15658    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,103,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Bool_t"),-1,4,"fVersionUsed=",0,"!Indicates whether GetClassVersion has been called");
15659    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,103,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Bool_t"),-1,4,"fIsOffsetStreamerSet=",0,"!saved remember if fOffsetStreamer has been set.");
15660    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,108,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Long_t"),-1,4,"fOffsetStreamer=",0,"!saved info to call Streamer");
15661    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,105,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Int_t"),-1,4,"fStreamerType=",0,"!cached of the streaming method to use");
15662    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TVirtualStreamerInfo),-1,-1,4,"fCurrentInfo=",0,"!cached current streamer info.");
15663    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClassRef),-1,-1,4,"fRefStart=",0,"!List of references to this object");
15664    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TVirtualRefProxy),-1,-1,4,"fRefProxy=",0,"!Pointer to reference proxy if this class represents a reference");
15665    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_ROOTcLcLTSchemaRuleSet),-1,-1,4,"fSchemaRules=",0,"! Schema evolution rules");
15666    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,97,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("StreamerImpl_t"),-1,4,"fStreamerImpl=",0,"! Pointer to the function implementing the right streaming behavior for the class represented by this object.");
15667    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_ROOTcLcLTMapTypeToTClass),G__defined_typename("IdMap_t"),-2,4,"fgIdMap=",0,"Map from typeid to TClass pointer");
15668    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,105,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClasscLcLENewType),-1,-2,4,"fgCallingNew=",0,"Intent of why/how TClass::New() is called");
15669    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,105,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Int_t"),-2,4,"fgClassCount=",0,"provides unique id for a each class");
15670    G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClasscLcLdA),-1,-2,4,"kLoading=16384LL",0,(char*)NULL);
15671    G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClasscLcLdA),-1,-2,4,"kDefault=0LL",0,(char*)NULL);
15672    G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClasscLcLdA),-1,-2,4,"kEmulated=1LL",0,(char*)NULL);
15673    G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClasscLcLdA),-1,-2,4,"kTObject=2LL",0,(char*)NULL);
15674    G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClasscLcLdA),-1,-2,4,"kInstrumented=4LL",0,(char*)NULL);
15675    G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClasscLcLdA),-1,-2,4,"kForeign=8LL",0,(char*)NULL);
15676    G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClasscLcLdA),-1,-2,4,"kExternal=16LL",0,(char*)NULL);
15677    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_THashTable),-1,-2,4,"fgClassTypedefHash=",0,(char*)NULL);
15678    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_THashTable),-1,-2,4,"fgClassShortTypedefHash=",0,(char*)NULL);
15679    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClass),-1,-2,4,"fgIsA=",0,(char*)NULL);
15680    }
15681    G__tag_memvar_reset();
15682 }
15685    /* TClassStreamer */
15686 static void G__setup_memvarTClassStreamer(void) {
15687    G__tag_memvar_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClassStreamer));
15688    { TClassStreamer *p; p=(TClassStreamer*)0x1000; if (p) { }
15689    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,108,0,0,-1,-1,-1,4,"G__virtualinfo=",0,(char*)NULL);
15690    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,89,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("ClassStreamerFunc_t"),-1,4,"fStreamer=",0,(char*)NULL);
15691    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,117,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClassRef),-1,-1,2,"fOnFileClass=",0,(char*)NULL);
15692    }
15693    G__tag_memvar_reset();
15694 }
15697    /* TMemberStreamer */
15698 static void G__setup_memvarTMemberStreamer(void) {
15699    G__tag_memvar_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TMemberStreamer));
15700    { TMemberStreamer *p; p=(TMemberStreamer*)0x1000; if (p) { }
15701    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,108,0,0,-1,-1,-1,4,"G__virtualinfo=",0,(char*)NULL);
15702    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,89,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("MemberStreamerFunc_t"),-1,4,"fStreamer=",0,(char*)NULL);
15703    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,117,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClassRef),-1,-1,4,"fOnFileClass=",0,(char*)NULL);
15704    }
15705    G__tag_memvar_reset();
15706 }
15709    /* TVirtualIsAProxy */
15710 static void G__setup_memvarTVirtualIsAProxy(void) {
15711    G__tag_memvar_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TVirtualIsAProxy));
15712    { TVirtualIsAProxy *p; p=(TVirtualIsAProxy*)0x1000; if (p) { }
15713    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,108,0,0,-1,-1,-1,4,"G__virtualinfo=",0,(char*)NULL);
15714    }
15715    G__tag_memvar_reset();
15716 }
15719    /* ROOT */
15720 static void G__setup_memvarROOT(void) {
15721    G__tag_memvar_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_ROOT));
15722    {
15723    }
15724    G__tag_memvar_reset();
15725 }
15728    /* TMethod */
15729 static void G__setup_memvarTMethod(void) {
15730    G__tag_memvar_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TMethod));
15731    { TMethod *p; p=(TMethod*)0x1000; if (p) { }
15732    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClass),-1,-1,4,"fClass=",0,"pointer to the class");
15733    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,105,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_EMenuItemKind),-1,-1,4,"fMenuItem=",0,"type of menuitem in context menu");
15734    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,117,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TString),-1,-1,4,"fGetter=",0,"state getter in case this is a *TOGGLE method");
15735    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TMethodCall),-1,-1,4,"fGetterMethod=",0,"methodcall for state getter in case this is a *TOGGLE method");
15736    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TMethodCall),-1,-1,4,"fSetterMethod=",0,"methodcall for state setter in case this is a *TOGGLE method");
15737    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClass),-1,-2,4,"fgIsA=",0,(char*)NULL);
15738    }
15739    G__tag_memvar_reset();
15740 }
15743    /* TVirtualStreamerInfo */
15744 static void G__setup_memvarTVirtualStreamerInfo(void) {
15745    G__tag_memvar_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TVirtualStreamerInfo));
15746    { TVirtualStreamerInfo *p; p=(TVirtualStreamerInfo*)0x1000; if (p) { }
15747    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,103,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Bool_t"),-1,2,"fOptimized=",0,"! true if the Streamer has been optimized");
15748    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,103,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Bool_t"),-1,2,"fIsBuilt=",0,"! true if the StreamerInfo has been 'built'");
15749    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,103,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Bool_t"),-2,2,"fgCanDelete=",0,"True if ReadBuffer can delete object");
15750    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,103,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Bool_t"),-2,2,"fgOptimize=",0,"True if optimization on");
15751    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,103,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Bool_t"),-2,2,"fgStreamMemberWise=",0,"True if the collections are to be stream \"member-wise\" (when possible).");
15752    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TVirtualStreamerInfo),-1,-2,2,"fgInfoFactory=",0,(char*)NULL);
15753    G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TVirtualStreamerInfocLcLdA),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kCannotOptimize=%lldLL",(long long)TVirtualStreamerInfo::kCannotOptimize).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
15754    G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TVirtualStreamerInfocLcLdA),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kIgnoreTObjectStreamer=%lldLL",(long long)TVirtualStreamerInfo::kIgnoreTObjectStreamer).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
15755    G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TVirtualStreamerInfocLcLdA),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kRecovered=%lldLL",(long long)TVirtualStreamerInfo::kRecovered).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
15756    G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TVirtualStreamerInfocLcLdA),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kNeedCheck=%lldLL",(long long)TVirtualStreamerInfo::kNeedCheck).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
15757    G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TVirtualStreamerInfocLcLdA),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kIsCompiled=%lldLL",(long long)TVirtualStreamerInfo::kIsCompiled).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
15758    G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TVirtualStreamerInfocLcLEReadWrite),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kBase=%lldLL",(long long)TVirtualStreamerInfo::kBase).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
15759    G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TVirtualStreamerInfocLcLEReadWrite),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kOffsetL=%lldLL",(long long)TVirtualStreamerInfo::kOffsetL).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
15760    G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TVirtualStreamerInfocLcLEReadWrite),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kOffsetP=%lldLL",(long long)TVirtualStreamerInfo::kOffsetP).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
15761    G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TVirtualStreamerInfocLcLEReadWrite),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kCounter=%lldLL",(long long)TVirtualStreamerInfo::kCounter).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
15762    G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TVirtualStreamerInfocLcLEReadWrite),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kCharStar=%lldLL",(long long)TVirtualStreamerInfo::kCharStar).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
15763    G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TVirtualStreamerInfocLcLEReadWrite),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kChar=%lldLL",(long long)TVirtualStreamerInfo::kChar).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
15764    G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TVirtualStreamerInfocLcLEReadWrite),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kShort=%lldLL",(long long)TVirtualStreamerInfo::kShort).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
15765    G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TVirtualStreamerInfocLcLEReadWrite),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kInt=%lldLL",(long long)TVirtualStreamerInfo::kInt).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
15766    G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TVirtualStreamerInfocLcLEReadWrite),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kLong=%lldLL",(long long)TVirtualStreamerInfo::kLong).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
15767    G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TVirtualStreamerInfocLcLEReadWrite),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kFloat=%lldLL",(long long)TVirtualStreamerInfo::kFloat).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
15768    G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TVirtualStreamerInfocLcLEReadWrite),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kDouble=%lldLL",(long long)TVirtualStreamerInfo::kDouble).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
15769    G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TVirtualStreamerInfocLcLEReadWrite),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kDouble32=%lldLL",(long long)TVirtualStreamerInfo::kDouble32).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
15770    G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TVirtualStreamerInfocLcLEReadWrite),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kUChar=%lldLL",(long long)TVirtualStreamerInfo::kUChar).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
15771    G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TVirtualStreamerInfocLcLEReadWrite),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kUShort=%lldLL",(long long)TVirtualStreamerInfo::kUShort).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
15772    G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TVirtualStreamerInfocLcLEReadWrite),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kUInt=%lldLL",(long long)TVirtualStreamerInfo::kUInt).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
15773    G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TVirtualStreamerInfocLcLEReadWrite),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kULong=%lldLL",(long long)TVirtualStreamerInfo::kULong).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
15774    G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TVirtualStreamerInfocLcLEReadWrite),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kBits=%lldLL",(long long)TVirtualStreamerInfo::kBits).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
15775    G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TVirtualStreamerInfocLcLEReadWrite),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kLong64=%lldLL",(long long)TVirtualStreamerInfo::kLong64).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
15776    G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TVirtualStreamerInfocLcLEReadWrite),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kULong64=%lldLL",(long long)TVirtualStreamerInfo::kULong64).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
15777    G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TVirtualStreamerInfocLcLEReadWrite),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kBool=%lldLL",(long long)TVirtualStreamerInfo::kBool).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
15778    G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TVirtualStreamerInfocLcLEReadWrite),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kFloat16=%lldLL",(long long)TVirtualStreamerInfo::kFloat16).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
15779    G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TVirtualStreamerInfocLcLEReadWrite),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kObject=%lldLL",(long long)TVirtualStreamerInfo::kObject).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
15780    G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TVirtualStreamerInfocLcLEReadWrite),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kAny=%lldLL",(long long)TVirtualStreamerInfo::kAny).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
15781    G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TVirtualStreamerInfocLcLEReadWrite),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kObjectp=%lldLL",(long long)TVirtualStreamerInfo::kObjectp).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
15782    G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TVirtualStreamerInfocLcLEReadWrite),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kObjectP=%lldLL",(long long)TVirtualStreamerInfo::kObjectP).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
15783    G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TVirtualStreamerInfocLcLEReadWrite),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kTString=%lldLL",(long long)TVirtualStreamerInfo::kTString).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
15784    G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TVirtualStreamerInfocLcLEReadWrite),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kTObject=%lldLL",(long long)TVirtualStreamerInfo::kTObject).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
15785    G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TVirtualStreamerInfocLcLEReadWrite),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kTNamed=%lldLL",(long long)TVirtualStreamerInfo::kTNamed).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
15786    G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TVirtualStreamerInfocLcLEReadWrite),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kAnyp=%lldLL",(long long)TVirtualStreamerInfo::kAnyp).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
15787    G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TVirtualStreamerInfocLcLEReadWrite),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kAnyP=%lldLL",(long long)TVirtualStreamerInfo::kAnyP).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
15788    G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TVirtualStreamerInfocLcLEReadWrite),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kAnyPnoVT=%lldLL",(long long)TVirtualStreamerInfo::kAnyPnoVT).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
15789    G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TVirtualStreamerInfocLcLEReadWrite),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kSTLp=%lldLL",(long long)TVirtualStreamerInfo::kSTLp).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
15790    G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TVirtualStreamerInfocLcLEReadWrite),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kSkip=%lldLL",(long long)TVirtualStreamerInfo::kSkip).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
15791    G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TVirtualStreamerInfocLcLEReadWrite),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kSkipL=%lldLL",(long long)TVirtualStreamerInfo::kSkipL).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
15792    G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TVirtualStreamerInfocLcLEReadWrite),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kSkipP=%lldLL",(long long)TVirtualStreamerInfo::kSkipP).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
15793    G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TVirtualStreamerInfocLcLEReadWrite),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kConv=%lldLL",(long long)TVirtualStreamerInfo::kConv).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
15794    G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TVirtualStreamerInfocLcLEReadWrite),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kConvL=%lldLL",(long long)TVirtualStreamerInfo::kConvL).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
15795    G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TVirtualStreamerInfocLcLEReadWrite),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kConvP=%lldLL",(long long)TVirtualStreamerInfo::kConvP).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
15796    G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TVirtualStreamerInfocLcLEReadWrite),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kSTL=%lldLL",(long long)TVirtualStreamerInfo::kSTL).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
15797    G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TVirtualStreamerInfocLcLEReadWrite),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kSTLstring=%lldLL",(long long)TVirtualStreamerInfo::kSTLstring).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
15798    G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TVirtualStreamerInfocLcLEReadWrite),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kStreamer=%lldLL",(long long)TVirtualStreamerInfo::kStreamer).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
15799    G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TVirtualStreamerInfocLcLEReadWrite),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kStreamLoop=%lldLL",(long long)TVirtualStreamerInfo::kStreamLoop).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
15800    G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TVirtualStreamerInfocLcLEReadWrite),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kCache=%lldLL",(long long)TVirtualStreamerInfo::kCache).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
15801    G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TVirtualStreamerInfocLcLEReadWrite),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kArtificial=%lldLL",(long long)TVirtualStreamerInfo::kArtificial).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
15802    G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TVirtualStreamerInfocLcLEReadWrite),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kCacheNew=%lldLL",(long long)TVirtualStreamerInfo::kCacheNew).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
15803    G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TVirtualStreamerInfocLcLEReadWrite),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kCacheDelete=%lldLL",(long long)TVirtualStreamerInfo::kCacheDelete).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
15804    G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TVirtualStreamerInfocLcLEReadWrite),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kMissing=%lldLL",(long long)TVirtualStreamerInfo::kMissing).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
15805    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClass),-1,-2,4,"fgIsA=",0,(char*)NULL);
15806    }
15807    G__tag_memvar_reset();
15808 }
15811    /* TStreamerElement */
15812 static void G__setup_memvarTStreamerElement(void) {
15813    G__tag_memvar_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerElement));
15814    { TStreamerElement *p; p=(TStreamerElement*)0x1000; if (p) { }
15815    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,105,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Int_t"),-1,2,"fType=",0,"element type");
15816    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,105,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Int_t"),-1,2,"fSize=",0,"sizeof element");
15817    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,105,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Int_t"),-1,2,"fArrayLength=",0,"cumulative size of all array dims");
15818    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,105,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Int_t"),-1,2,"fArrayDim=",0,"number of array dimensions");
15819    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,105,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Int_t"),-1,2,"fMaxIndex[5]=",0,"Maximum array index for array dimension \"dim\"");
15820    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,105,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Int_t"),-1,2,"fOffset=",0,"!element offset in class");
15821    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,105,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Int_t"),-1,2,"fTObjectOffset=",0,"!base offset for TObject if the element inherits from it");
15822    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,105,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Int_t"),-1,2,"fNewType=",0,"!new element type when reading");
15823    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,117,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TString),-1,-1,2,"fTypeName=",0,"Data type name of data member");
15824    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClass),-1,-1,2,"fClassObject=",0,"!pointer to class of object");
15825    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClass),-1,-1,2,"fNewClass=",0,"!new element class when reading");
15826    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TMemberStreamer),-1,-1,2,"fStreamer=",0,"!pointer to element Streamer");
15827    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,100,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Double_t"),-1,2,"fXmin=",0,"!Minimum of data member if a range is specified  [xmin,xmax,nbits]");
15828    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,100,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Double_t"),-1,2,"fXmax=",0,"!Maximum of data member if a range is specified  [xmin,xmax,nbits]");
15829    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,100,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Double_t"),-1,2,"fFactor=",0,"!Conversion factor if a range is specified fFactor = (1<<nbits/(xmax-xmin)");
15830    G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerElementcLcLESTLtype),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kSTL=%lldLL",(long long)TStreamerElement::kSTL).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
15831    G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerElementcLcLESTLtype),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kSTLstring=%lldLL",(long long)TStreamerElement::kSTLstring).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
15832    G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerElementcLcLESTLtype),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kSTLvector=%lldLL",(long long)TStreamerElement::kSTLvector).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
15833    G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerElementcLcLESTLtype),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kSTLlist=%lldLL",(long long)TStreamerElement::kSTLlist).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
15834    G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerElementcLcLESTLtype),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kSTLdeque=%lldLL",(long long)TStreamerElement::kSTLdeque).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
15835    G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerElementcLcLESTLtype),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kSTLmap=%lldLL",(long long)TStreamerElement::kSTLmap).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
15836    G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerElementcLcLESTLtype),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kSTLset=%lldLL",(long long)TStreamerElement::kSTLset).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
15837    G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerElementcLcLESTLtype),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kSTLmultimap=%lldLL",(long long)TStreamerElement::kSTLmultimap).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
15838    G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerElementcLcLESTLtype),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kSTLmultiset=%lldLL",(long long)TStreamerElement::kSTLmultiset).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
15839    G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerElementcLcLESTLtype),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kSTLbitset=%lldLL",(long long)TStreamerElement::kSTLbitset).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
15840    G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerElementcLcLdA),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kHasRange=%lldLL",(long long)TStreamerElement::kHasRange).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
15841    G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerElementcLcLdA),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kCache=%lldLL",(long long)TStreamerElement::kCache).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
15842    G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerElementcLcLdA),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kRepeat=%lldLL",(long long)TStreamerElement::kRepeat).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
15843    G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerElementcLcLdA),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kRead=%lldLL",(long long)TStreamerElement::kRead).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
15844    G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerElementcLcLdA),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kWrite=%lldLL",(long long)TStreamerElement::kWrite).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
15845    G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerElementcLcLdA),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kDoNotDelete=%lldLL",(long long)TStreamerElement::kDoNotDelete).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
15846    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClass),-1,-2,4,"fgIsA=",0,(char*)NULL);
15847    }
15848    G__tag_memvar_reset();
15849 }
15852    /* TDictionary */
15853 static void G__setup_memvarTDictionary(void) {
15854    G__tag_memvar_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TDictionary));
15855    { TDictionary *p; p=(TDictionary*)0x1000; if (p) { }
15856    G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TDictionarycLcLESTLType),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kNone=%lldLL",(long long)TDictionary::kNone).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
15857    G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TDictionarycLcLESTLType),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kVector=%lldLL",(long long)TDictionary::kVector).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
15858    G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TDictionarycLcLESTLType),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kList=%lldLL",(long long)TDictionary::kList).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
15859    G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TDictionarycLcLESTLType),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kDeque=%lldLL",(long long)TDictionary::kDeque).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
15860    G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TDictionarycLcLESTLType),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kMap=%lldLL",(long long)TDictionary::kMap).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
15861    G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TDictionarycLcLESTLType),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kMultimap=%lldLL",(long long)TDictionary::kMultimap).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
15862    G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TDictionarycLcLESTLType),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kSet=%lldLL",(long long)TDictionary::kSet).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
15863    G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TDictionarycLcLESTLType),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kMultiset=%lldLL",(long long)TDictionary::kMultiset).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
15864    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClass),-1,-2,4,"fgIsA=",0,(char*)NULL);
15865    }
15866    G__tag_memvar_reset();
15867 }
15870    /* TBaseClass */
15871 static void G__setup_memvarTBaseClass(void) {
15872    G__tag_memvar_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TBaseClass));
15873    { TBaseClass *p; p=(TBaseClass*)0x1000; if (p) { }
15874    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,89,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("BaseClassInfo_t"),-1,4,"fInfo=",0,"pointer to CINT base class info");
15875    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,117,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClassRef),-1,-1,4,"fClassPtr=",0,"pointer to the base class TClass");
15876    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClass),-1,-1,4,"fClass=",0,"pointer to parent class");
15877    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClass),-1,-2,4,"fgIsA=",0,(char*)NULL);
15878    }
15879    G__tag_memvar_reset();
15880 }
15883    /* TDataMember */
15884 static void G__setup_memvarTDataMember(void) {
15885    G__tag_memvar_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TDataMember));
15886    { TDataMember *p; p=(TDataMember*)0x1000; if (p) { }
15887    G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TDataMembercLcLdA),-1,-2,4,"kObjIsPersistent=4LL",0,(char*)NULL);
15888    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,89,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("DataMemberInfo_t"),-1,4,"fInfo=",0,"pointer to CINT data member info");
15889    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClass),-1,-1,4,"fClass=",0,"pointer to the class");
15890    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TDataType),-1,-1,4,"fDataType=",0,"pointer to data basic type descriptor");
15891    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,108,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Long_t"),-1,4,"fOffset=",0,"offset ");
15892    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,105,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Int_t"),-1,4,"fSTLCont=",0,"STL type ");
15893    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,108,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Long_t"),-1,4,"fProperty=",0,"Property");
15894    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,117,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TString),-1,-1,4,"fTypeName=",0,"data member type, e,g.: \"class TDirectory*\" -> \"TDirectory\".");
15895    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,117,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TString),-1,-1,4,"fFullTypeName=",0,"full type description of data member, e,g.: \"class TDirectory*\".");
15896    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,117,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TString),-1,-1,4,"fTrueTypeName=",0,"full type description with no typedef");
15897    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TMethodCall),-1,-1,4,"fValueGetter=",0,"method that returns a value;");
15898    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TMethodCall),-1,-1,4,"fValueSetter=",0,"method which sets value;");
15899    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TList),-1,-1,4,"fOptions=",0,"list of possible values 0=no restrictions");
15900    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClass),-1,-2,4,"fgIsA=",0,(char*)NULL);
15901    }
15902    G__tag_memvar_reset();
15903 }
15906    /* TClassRef */
15907 static void G__setup_memvarTClassRef(void) {
15908    G__tag_memvar_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClassRef));
15909    { TClassRef *p; p=(TClassRef*)0x1000; if (p) { }
15910    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,117,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_string),-1,-1,4,"fClassName=",0,"Name of referenced class");
15911    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClass),-1,-1,4,"fClassPtr=",0,"! Ptr to the TClass object");
15912    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClassRef),-1,-1,4,"fPrevious=",0,"! link to the previous refs");
15913    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClassRef),-1,-1,4,"fNext=",0,"! link to the next refs ");
15914    }
15915    G__tag_memvar_reset();
15916 }
15919    /* TRealData */
15920 static void G__setup_memvarTRealData(void) {
15921    G__tag_memvar_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TRealData));
15922    { TRealData *p; p=(TRealData*)0x1000; if (p) { }
15923    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TDataMember),-1,-1,4,"fDataMember=",0,"pointer to data member descriptor");
15924    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,108,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Long_t"),-1,4,"fThisOffset=",0,"offset with the THIS object pointer");
15925    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,117,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TString),-1,-1,4,"fName=",0,"Concatenated names of this realdata");
15926    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TMemberStreamer),-1,-1,4,"fStreamer=",0,"Object to stream the data member.");
15927    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,103,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Bool_t"),-1,4,"fIsObject=",0,"true if member is an object");
15928    G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TRealDatacLcLdA),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kTransient=%lldLL",(long long)TRealData::kTransient).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
15929    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClass),-1,-2,4,"fgIsA=",0,(char*)NULL);
15930    }
15931    G__tag_memvar_reset();
15932 }
15935    /* TMethodCall */
15936 static void G__setup_memvarTMethodCall(void) {
15937    G__tag_memvar_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TMethodCall));
15938    { TMethodCall *p; p=(TMethodCall*)0x1000; if (p) { }
15939    G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TMethodCallcLcLEReturnType),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kLong=%lldLL",(long long)TMethodCall::kLong).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
15940    G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TMethodCallcLcLEReturnType),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kDouble=%lldLL",(long long)TMethodCall::kDouble).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
15941    G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TMethodCallcLcLEReturnType),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kString=%lldLL",(long long)TMethodCall::kString).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
15942    G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TMethodCallcLcLEReturnType),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kOther=%lldLL",(long long)TMethodCall::kOther).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
15943    G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TMethodCallcLcLEReturnType),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kNone=%lldLL",(long long)TMethodCall::kNone).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
15944    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,89,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("CallFunc_t"),-1,4,"fFunc=",0,"CINT method invocation environment");
15945    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,108,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Long_t"),-1,4,"fOffset=",0,"offset added to object pointer before method invocation");
15946    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClass),-1,-1,4,"fClass=",0,"pointer to the class info");
15947    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TFunction),-1,-1,4,"fMetPtr=",0,"pointer to the method or function info");
15948    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,117,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TString),-1,-1,4,"fMethod=",0,"method name");
15949    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,117,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TString),-1,-1,4,"fParams=",0,"argument string");
15950    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,117,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TString),-1,-1,4,"fProto=",0,"prototype string");
15951    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,103,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Bool_t"),-1,4,"fDtorOnly=",0,"call only dtor and not delete when calling ~xxx");
15952    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,105,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TMethodCallcLcLEReturnType),-1,-1,4,"fRetType=",0,"method return type");
15953    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClass),-1,-2,4,"fgIsA=",0,(char*)NULL);
15954    }
15955    G__tag_memvar_reset();
15956 }
15959    /* ROOT::TSchemaRuleSet */
15960 static void G__setup_memvarROOTcLcLTSchemaRuleSet(void) {
15961    G__tag_memvar_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_ROOTcLcLTSchemaRuleSet));
15962    { ROOT::TSchemaRuleSet *p; p=(ROOT::TSchemaRuleSet*)0x1000; if (p) { }
15963    G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_ROOTcLcLTSchemaRuleSetcLcLEConsistencyCheck),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kNoCheck=%lldLL",(long long)ROOT::TSchemaRuleSet::kNoCheck).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
15964    G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_ROOTcLcLTSchemaRuleSetcLcLEConsistencyCheck),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kCheckAll=%lldLL",(long long)ROOT::TSchemaRuleSet::kCheckAll).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
15965    G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_ROOTcLcLTSchemaRuleSetcLcLEConsistencyCheck),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kCheckConflict=%lldLL",(long long)ROOT::TSchemaRuleSet::kCheckConflict).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
15966    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClass),-1,-2,4,"fgIsA=",0,(char*)NULL);
15967    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TObjArray),-1,-1,4,"fPersistentRules=",0,"Array of the rules that will be embeded in the file");
15968    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TObjArray),-1,-1,4,"fRemainingRules=",0,"! Array of non-persisten rules - just for cleanup purposes - owns the elements");
15969    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TObjArray),-1,-1,4,"fAllRules=",0,"! Array of all rules");
15970    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,117,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClassRef),-1,-1,4,"fClass=",0,"! Target class pointer (for consistency checking)");
15971    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,117,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TString),-1,-1,4,"fClassName=",0,"Target class name");
15972    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,105,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Int_t"),-1,4,"fVersion=",0,"Target class version");
15973    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,104,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("UInt_t"),-1,4,"fCheckSum=",0,"Target class checksum");
15974    }
15975    G__tag_memvar_reset();
15976 }
15979    /* TClassGenerator */
15980 static void G__setup_memvarTClassGenerator(void) {
15981    G__tag_memvar_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClassGenerator));
15982    { TClassGenerator *p; p=(TClassGenerator*)0x1000; if (p) { }
15983    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClass),-1,-2,4,"fgIsA=",0,(char*)NULL);
15984    }
15985    G__tag_memvar_reset();
15986 }
15989    /* TClassMenuItem */
15990 static void G__setup_memvarTClassMenuItem(void) {
15991    G__tag_memvar_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClassMenuItem));
15992    { TClassMenuItem *p; p=(TClassMenuItem*)0x1000; if (p) { }
15993    G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClassMenuItemcLcLEClassMenuItemType),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kPopupUserFunction=%lldLL",(long long)TClassMenuItem::kPopupUserFunction).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
15994    G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClassMenuItemcLcLEClassMenuItemType),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kPopupSeparator=%lldLL",(long long)TClassMenuItem::kPopupSeparator).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
15995    G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClassMenuItemcLcLEClassMenuItemType),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kPopupStandardList=%lldLL",(long long)TClassMenuItem::kPopupStandardList).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
15996    G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClassMenuItemcLcLdA),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kIsExternal=%lldLL",(long long)TClassMenuItem::kIsExternal).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
15997    G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClassMenuItemcLcLdA),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kIsSelf=%lldLL",(long long)TClassMenuItem::kIsSelf).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
15998    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,105,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClassMenuItemcLcLEClassMenuItemType),-1,-1,4,"fType=",0,"type flag (EClassMenuItemType)");
15999    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,105,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Int_t"),-1,4,"fSelfObjectPos=",0,"rang in argument list corresponding to the object being clicked on");
16000    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,103,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Bool_t"),-1,4,"fSelf=",0,"flag to indicate that object to be called is the selected one");
16001    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,103,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Bool_t"),-1,4,"fToggle=",0,"flag toggle method");
16002    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,117,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TString),-1,-1,4,"fTitle=",0,"title if not standard");
16003    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TObject),-1,-1,4,"fCalledObject=",0,"object to be called");
16004    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,117,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TString),-1,-1,4,"fFunctionName=",0,"name of the function or method to be called");
16005    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,117,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TString),-1,-1,4,"fArgs=",0,"arguments type list *** NOT CHECKED ***");
16006    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TList),-1,-1,4,"fSubMenu=",0,"list of submenu items");
16007    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClass),-1,-1,4,"fParent=",0,"parent class");
16008    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClass),-1,-2,4,"fgIsA=",0,(char*)NULL);
16009    }
16010    G__tag_memvar_reset();
16011 }
16014    /* TDataType */
16015 static void G__setup_memvarTDataType(void) {
16016    G__tag_memvar_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TDataType));
16017    { TDataType *p; p=(TDataType*)0x1000; if (p) { }
16018    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,89,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("TypedefInfo_t"),-1,4,"fInfo=",0,"pointer to CINT typedef info");
16019    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,105,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Int_t"),-1,4,"fSize=",0,"size of type");
16020    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,105,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_EDataType),-1,-1,4,"fType=",0,"type id");
16021    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,108,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Long_t"),-1,4,"fProperty=",0,"The property information for the (potential) underlying class");
16022    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,117,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TString),-1,-1,4,"fTrueName=",0,"True name of the (potential) underlying class ");
16023    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClass),-1,-2,4,"fgIsA=",0,(char*)NULL);
16024    }
16025    G__tag_memvar_reset();
16026 }
16029    /* TFunction */
16030 static void G__setup_memvarTFunction(void) {
16031    G__tag_memvar_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TFunction));
16032    { TFunction *p; p=(TFunction*)0x1000; if (p) { }
16033    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,89,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("MethodInfo_t"),-1,2,"fInfo=",0,"pointer to CINT function info");
16034    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,117,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TString),-1,-1,2,"fMangledName=",0,"Mangled name as determined by CINT.");
16035    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,117,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TString),-1,-1,2,"fSignature=",0,"string containing function signature");
16036    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TList),-1,-1,2,"fMethodArgs=",0,"list of function arguments");
16037    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClass),-1,-2,4,"fgIsA=",0,(char*)NULL);
16038    }
16039    G__tag_memvar_reset();
16040 }
16043    /* TGlobal */
16044 static void G__setup_memvarTGlobal(void) {
16045    G__tag_memvar_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TGlobal));
16046    { TGlobal *p; p=(TGlobal*)0x1000; if (p) { }
16047    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,89,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("DataMemberInfo_t"),-1,4,"fInfo=",0,"pointer to CINT data member info");
16048    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClass),-1,-2,4,"fgIsA=",0,(char*)NULL);
16049    }
16050    G__tag_memvar_reset();
16051 }
16054    /* TInterpreter */
16055 static void G__setup_memvarTInterpreter(void) {
16056    G__tag_memvar_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TInterpreter));
16057    { TInterpreter *p; p=(TInterpreter*)0x1000; if (p) { }
16058    G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TInterpretercLcLEErrorCode),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kNoError=%lldLL",(long long)TInterpreter::kNoError).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
16059    G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TInterpretercLcLEErrorCode),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kRecoverable=%lldLL",(long long)TInterpreter::kRecoverable).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
16060    G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TInterpretercLcLEErrorCode),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kDangerous=%lldLL",(long long)TInterpreter::kDangerous).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
16061    G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TInterpretercLcLEErrorCode),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kFatal=%lldLL",(long long)TInterpreter::kFatal).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
16062    G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TInterpretercLcLEErrorCode),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kProcessing=%lldLL",(long long)TInterpreter::kProcessing).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
16063    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClass),-1,-2,4,"fgIsA=",0,(char*)NULL);
16064    }
16065    G__tag_memvar_reset();
16066 }
16069    /* TIsAProxy */
16070 static void G__setup_memvarTIsAProxy(void) {
16071    G__tag_memvar_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TIsAProxy));
16072    { TIsAProxy *p; p=(TIsAProxy*)0x1000; if (p) { }
16073    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_type_info),-1,-1,4,"fType=",0,"Actual typeid of the proxy");
16074    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_type_info),-1,-1,4,"fLastType=",0,"Last used subtype");
16075    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClass),-1,-1,4,"fClass=",0,"Actual TClass");
16076    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClass),-1,-1,4,"fLastClass=",0,"Last used TClass");
16077    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,99,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Char_t"),-1,4,"fSubTypes[72]=",0,"map of known sub-types");
16078    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,103,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Bool_t"),-1,4,"fVirtual=",0,"Flag if class is virtual");
16079    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,89,0,0,-1,-1,-1,4,"fContext=",0,"Optional user contex");
16080    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,103,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Bool_t"),-1,4,"fInit=",0,"Initialization flag");
16081    }
16082    G__tag_memvar_reset();
16083 }
16086    /* TMethodArg */
16087 static void G__setup_memvarTMethodArg(void) {
16088    G__tag_memvar_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TMethodArg));
16089    { TMethodArg *p; p=(TMethodArg*)0x1000; if (p) { }
16090    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,89,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("MethodArgInfo_t"),-1,4,"fInfo=",0,"pointer to CINT method argument info");
16091    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TFunction),-1,-1,4,"fMethod=",0,"pointer to the method or global function");
16092    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TDataMember),-1,-1,4,"fDataMember=",0,"TDataMember pointed by this arg,to get values and options from.");
16093    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClass),-1,-2,4,"fgIsA=",0,(char*)NULL);
16094    }
16095    G__tag_memvar_reset();
16096 }
16099    /* ROOT::TSchemaRule */
16100 static void G__setup_memvarROOTcLcLTSchemaRule(void) {
16101    G__tag_memvar_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_ROOTcLcLTSchemaRule));
16102    { ROOT::TSchemaRule *p; p=(ROOT::TSchemaRule*)0x1000; if (p) { }
16103    G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_ROOTcLcLTSchemaRulecLcLRuleType_t),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kReadRule=%lldLL",(long long)ROOT::TSchemaRule::kReadRule).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
16104    G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_ROOTcLcLTSchemaRulecLcLRuleType_t),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kReadRawRule=%lldLL",(long long)ROOT::TSchemaRule::kReadRawRule).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
16105    G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_ROOTcLcLTSchemaRulecLcLRuleType_t),-1,-2,1,G__FastAllocString(2048).Format("kNone=%lldLL",(long long)ROOT::TSchemaRule::kNone).data(),0,(char*)NULL);
16106    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClass),-1,-2,4,"fgIsA=",0,(char*)NULL);
16107    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,117,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TString),-1,-1,4,"fVersion=",0,"Source version string");
16108    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_vectorlEpairlEintcOintgRcOallocatorlEpairlEintcOintgRsPgRsPgR),G__defined_typename("vector<std::pair<Int_t,Int_t> >"),-1,4,"fVersionVect=",0,"! Source version vector (for searching purposes)");
16109    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,117,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TString),-1,-1,4,"fChecksum=",0,"Source checksum string");
16110    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_vectorlEunsignedsPintcOallocatorlEunsignedsPintgRsPgR),G__defined_typename("vector<UInt_t>"),-1,4,"fChecksumVect=",0,"! Source checksum vector (for searching purposes)");
16111    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,117,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TString),-1,-1,4,"fSourceClass=",0,"Source class");
16112    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,117,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TString),-1,-1,4,"fTargetClass=",0,"Target class, this is the owner of this rule object.");
16113    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,117,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TString),-1,-1,4,"fTarget=",0,"Target data mamber string");
16114    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TObjArray),-1,-1,4,"fTargetVect=",0,"! Target data member vector (for searching purposes)");
16115    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,117,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TString),-1,-1,4,"fSource=",0,"Source data member string");
16116    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TObjArray),-1,-1,4,"fSourceVect=",0,"! Source data member vector (for searching purposes)");
16117    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,117,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TString),-1,-1,4,"fInclude=",0,"Includes string");
16118    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TObjArray),-1,-1,4,"fIncludeVect=",0,"! Includes vector");
16119    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,117,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TString),-1,-1,4,"fCode=",0,"User specified code snippet");
16120    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,103,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Bool_t"),-1,4,"fEmbed=",0,"Value determining if the rule should be embedded");
16121    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,89,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("ReadFuncPtr_t"),-1,4,"fReadFuncPtr=",0,"! Conversion function pointer for read rule");
16122    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,89,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("ReadRawFuncPtr_t"),-1,4,"fReadRawFuncPtr=",0,"! Conversion function pointer for readraw rule");
16123    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,105,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_ROOTcLcLTSchemaRulecLcLRuleType_t),G__defined_typename("RuleType_t"),-1,4,"fRuleType=",0,"Type of the rule");
16124    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,117,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TString),-1,-1,4,"fAttributes=",0,"Attributes to be applied to the member (like Owner/NotOwner)");
16125    }
16126    G__tag_memvar_reset();
16127 }
16130    /* ROOT::TSchemaRule::TSources */
16131 static void G__setup_memvarROOTcLcLTSchemaRulecLcLTSources(void) {
16132    G__tag_memvar_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_ROOTcLcLTSchemaRulecLcLTSources));
16133    { ROOT::TSchemaRule::TSources *p; p=(ROOT::TSchemaRule::TSources*)0x1000; if (p) { }
16134    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,117,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TString),-1,-1,4,"fDimensions=",0,(char*)NULL);
16135    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClass),-1,-2,4,"fgIsA=",0,(char*)NULL);
16136    }
16137    G__tag_memvar_reset();
16138 }
16141    /* vector<pair<int,int>,allocator<pair<int,int> > > */
16142 static void G__setup_memvarvectorlEpairlEintcOintgRcOallocatorlEpairlEintcOintgRsPgRsPgR(void) {
16143    G__tag_memvar_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_vectorlEpairlEintcOintgRcOallocatorlEpairlEintcOintgRsPgRsPgR));
16144    { vector<pair<int,int>,allocator<pair<int,int> > > *p; p=(vector<pair<int,int>,allocator<pair<int,int> > >*)0x1000; if (p) { }
16145    }
16146    G__tag_memvar_reset();
16147 }
16150    /* ROOT::TSchemaMatch */
16151 static void G__setup_memvarROOTcLcLTSchemaMatch(void) {
16152    G__tag_memvar_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_ROOTcLcLTSchemaMatch));
16153    { ROOT::TSchemaMatch *p; p=(ROOT::TSchemaMatch*)0x1000; if (p) { }
16154    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClass),-1,-2,4,"fgIsA=",0,(char*)NULL);
16155    }
16156    G__tag_memvar_reset();
16157 }
16160    /* TStreamerBasicType */
16161 static void G__setup_memvarTStreamerBasicType(void) {
16162    G__tag_memvar_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerBasicType));
16163    { TStreamerBasicType *p; p=(TStreamerBasicType*)0x1000; if (p) { }
16164    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,105,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Int_t"),-1,2,"fCounter=",0,"!value of data member when referenced by an array");
16165    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClass),-1,-2,4,"fgIsA=",0,(char*)NULL);
16166    }
16167    G__tag_memvar_reset();
16168 }
16171    /* TStreamerBase */
16172 static void G__setup_memvarTStreamerBase(void) {
16173    G__tag_memvar_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerBase));
16174    { TStreamerBase *p; p=(TStreamerBase*)0x1000; if (p) { }
16175    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,105,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Int_t"),-1,2,"fBaseVersion=",0,"version number of the base class FIXME: What for? What about the schema evolution issues?");
16176    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClass),-1,-1,2,"fBaseClass=",0,"!pointer to base class");
16177    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClass),-1,-1,2,"fNewBaseClass=",0,"!pointer to new base class if renamed");
16178    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,89,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("ClassStreamerFunc_t"),-1,2,"fStreamerFunc=",0,"!Pointer to a wrapper around a custom streamer member function.");
16179    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClass),-1,-2,4,"fgIsA=",0,(char*)NULL);
16180    }
16181    G__tag_memvar_reset();
16182 }
16185    /* TStreamerBasicPointer */
16186 static void G__setup_memvarTStreamerBasicPointer(void) {
16187    G__tag_memvar_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerBasicPointer));
16188    { TStreamerBasicPointer *p; p=(TStreamerBasicPointer*)0x1000; if (p) { }
16189    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,105,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Int_t"),-1,2,"fCountVersion=",0,"version number of the class with the counter");
16190    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,117,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TString),-1,-1,2,"fCountName=",0,"name of data member holding the array count");
16191    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,117,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TString),-1,-1,2,"fCountClass=",0,"name of the class with the counter");
16192    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerBasicType),-1,-1,2,"fCounter=",0,"!pointer to basic type counter");
16193    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClass),-1,-2,4,"fgIsA=",0,(char*)NULL);
16194    }
16195    G__tag_memvar_reset();
16196 }
16199    /* TStreamerLoop */
16200 static void G__setup_memvarTStreamerLoop(void) {
16201    G__tag_memvar_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerLoop));
16202    { TStreamerLoop *p; p=(TStreamerLoop*)0x1000; if (p) { }
16203    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,105,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Int_t"),-1,2,"fCountVersion=",0,"version number of the class with the counter");
16204    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,117,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TString),-1,-1,2,"fCountName=",0,"name of data member holding the array count");
16205    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,117,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TString),-1,-1,2,"fCountClass=",0,"name of the class with the counter");
16206    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerBasicType),-1,-1,2,"fCounter=",0,"!pointer to basic type counter");
16207    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClass),-1,-2,4,"fgIsA=",0,(char*)NULL);
16208    }
16209    G__tag_memvar_reset();
16210 }
16213    /* TStreamerObject */
16214 static void G__setup_memvarTStreamerObject(void) {
16215    G__tag_memvar_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerObject));
16216    { TStreamerObject *p; p=(TStreamerObject*)0x1000; if (p) { }
16217    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClass),-1,-2,4,"fgIsA=",0,(char*)NULL);
16218    }
16219    G__tag_memvar_reset();
16220 }
16223    /* TStreamerObjectAny */
16224 static void G__setup_memvarTStreamerObjectAny(void) {
16225    G__tag_memvar_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerObjectAny));
16226    { TStreamerObjectAny *p; p=(TStreamerObjectAny*)0x1000; if (p) { }
16227    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClass),-1,-2,4,"fgIsA=",0,(char*)NULL);
16228    }
16229    G__tag_memvar_reset();
16230 }
16233    /* TStreamerObjectPointer */
16234 static void G__setup_memvarTStreamerObjectPointer(void) {
16235    G__tag_memvar_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerObjectPointer));
16236    { TStreamerObjectPointer *p; p=(TStreamerObjectPointer*)0x1000; if (p) { }
16237    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClass),-1,-2,4,"fgIsA=",0,(char*)NULL);
16238    }
16239    G__tag_memvar_reset();
16240 }
16243    /* TStreamerObjectAnyPointer */
16244 static void G__setup_memvarTStreamerObjectAnyPointer(void) {
16245    G__tag_memvar_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerObjectAnyPointer));
16246    { TStreamerObjectAnyPointer *p; p=(TStreamerObjectAnyPointer*)0x1000; if (p) { }
16247    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClass),-1,-2,4,"fgIsA=",0,(char*)NULL);
16248    }
16249    G__tag_memvar_reset();
16250 }
16253    /* TStreamerString */
16254 static void G__setup_memvarTStreamerString(void) {
16255    G__tag_memvar_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerString));
16256    { TStreamerString *p; p=(TStreamerString*)0x1000; if (p) { }
16257    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClass),-1,-2,4,"fgIsA=",0,(char*)NULL);
16258    }
16259    G__tag_memvar_reset();
16260 }
16263    /* TStreamerSTL */
16264 static void G__setup_memvarTStreamerSTL(void) {
16265    G__tag_memvar_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerSTL));
16266    { TStreamerSTL *p; p=(TStreamerSTL*)0x1000; if (p) { }
16267    G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerSTLcLcLdA),-1,-2,4,"kWarned=2097152LL",0,(char*)NULL);
16268    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,105,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Int_t"),-1,2,"fSTLtype=",0,"type of STL vector");
16269    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,105,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Int_t"),-1,2,"fCtype=",0,"STL contained type");
16270    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClass),-1,-2,4,"fgIsA=",0,(char*)NULL);
16271    }
16272    G__tag_memvar_reset();
16273 }
16276    /* TStreamerSTLstring */
16277 static void G__setup_memvarTStreamerSTLstring(void) {
16278    G__tag_memvar_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerSTLstring));
16279    { TStreamerSTLstring *p; p=(TStreamerSTLstring*)0x1000; if (p) { }
16280    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClass),-1,-2,4,"fgIsA=",0,(char*)NULL);
16281    }
16282    G__tag_memvar_reset();
16283 }
16286    /* TStreamerArtificial */
16287 static void G__setup_memvarTStreamerArtificial(void) {
16288    G__tag_memvar_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerArtificial));
16289    { TStreamerArtificial *p; p=(TStreamerArtificial*)0x1000; if (p) { }
16290    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,89,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("ReadFuncPtr_t"),-1,2,"fReadFunc=",0,"!");
16291    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,89,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("ReadRawFuncPtr_t"),-1,2,"fReadRawFunc=",0,"!");
16292    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClass),-1,-2,4,"fgIsA=",0,(char*)NULL);
16293    }
16294    G__tag_memvar_reset();
16295 }
16298    /* TToggle */
16299 static void G__setup_memvarTToggle(void) {
16300    G__tag_memvar_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TToggle));
16301    { TToggle *p; p=(TToggle*)0x1000; if (p) { }
16302    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,103,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Bool_t"),-1,4,"fState=",0,"Object's state - \"a local copy\"");
16303    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,108,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Long_t"),-1,4,"fOnValue=",0,"Value recognized as switched ON (Def=1)");
16304    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,108,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Long_t"),-1,4,"fOffValue=",0,"Value recognized as switched OFF(Def=0)");
16305    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,108,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Long_t"),-1,4,"fValue=",0,"Local copy of a value returned by called function");
16306    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,103,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Bool_t"),-1,2,"fInitialized=",0,"True if either SetToggledObject or SetToggledVariable called - enables Toggle() method.");
16307    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TObject),-1,-1,2,"fObject=",0,"The object this Toggle belongs to");
16308    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TMethodCall),-1,-1,2,"fGetter=",0,"Method to Get a value of fObject;");
16309    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TMethodCall),-1,-1,2,"fSetter=",0,"Method to Set a value of fObject;");
16310    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,73,0,0,-1,G__defined_typename("Int_t"),-1,2,"fTglVariable=",0,"Alternatively: pointer to an integer value to be Toggled instead of TObjectl");
16311    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClass),-1,-2,4,"fgIsA=",0,(char*)NULL);
16312    }
16313    G__tag_memvar_reset();
16314 }
16317    /* TToggleGroup */
16318 static void G__setup_memvarTToggleGroup(void) {
16319    G__tag_memvar_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TToggleGroup));
16320    { TToggleGroup *p; p=(TToggleGroup*)0x1000; if (p) { }
16321    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TOrdCollection),-1,-1,4,"fToggles=",0,"list of TToggle objects");
16322    G__memvar_setup((void*)0,85,0,0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClass),-1,-2,4,"fgIsA=",0,(char*)NULL);
16323    }
16324    G__tag_memvar_reset();
16325 }
16327 extern "C" void G__cpp_setup_memvarG__Meta() {
16328 }
16329 /***********************************************************
16330 ************************************************************
16331 ************************************************************
16332 ************************************************************
16333 ************************************************************
16334 ************************************************************
16335 ************************************************************
16336 ***********************************************************/
16338 /*********************************************************
16339 * Member function information setup for each class
16340 *********************************************************/
16341 static void G__setup_memfuncTClass(void) {
16342    /* TClass */
16343    G__tag_memfunc_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClass));
16344    G__memfunc_setup("GetClassMethod",1399,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TMethod), -1, 0, 1, 1, 4, 0, "l - 'Long_t' 0 - faddr", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16345    G__memfunc_setup("GetClassMethod",1399,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TMethod), -1, 0, 2, 1, 4, 0, 
16346 "C - - 10 - name C - - 10 - signature", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16347    G__memfunc_setup("GetBaseClassOffsetRecurse",2513,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 1, 1, 4, 0, "U 'TClass' - 10 - base", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16348    G__memfunc_setup("Init",404,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 121, -1, -1, 0, 10, 1, 4, 0, 
16349 "C - - 10 - name s - 'Version_t' 0 - cversion "
16350 "U 'type_info' - 10 - info U 'TVirtualIsAProxy' - 0 - isa "
16351 "Y - 'ShowMembersFunc_t' 0 - showmember C - - 10 - dfil "
16352 "C - - 10 - ifil i - 'Int_t' 0 - dl "
16353 "i - 'Int_t' 0 - il g - 'Bool_t' 0 - silent", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16354    G__memfunc_setup("ForceReload",1094,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 4, 0, "U 'TClass' - 0 - oldcl", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16355    G__memfunc_setup("SetClassVersion",1544,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 4, 0, "s - 'Version_t' 0 - version", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16356    G__memfunc_setup("SetClassSize",1213,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 4, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - sizof", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16357    G__memfunc_setup("StreamerExternal",1670,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 121, -1, -1, 0, 3, 1, 4, 8, 
16358 "Y - - 0 - object u 'TBuffer' - 1 - b "
16359 "U 'TClass' - 10 - onfile_class", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16360    G__memfunc_setup("StreamerTObject",1518,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 121, -1, -1, 0, 3, 1, 4, 8, 
16361 "Y - - 0 - object u 'TBuffer' - 1 - b "
16362 "U 'TClass' - 10 - onfile_class", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16363    G__memfunc_setup("StreamerTObjectInitialized",2660,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 121, -1, -1, 0, 3, 1, 4, 8, 
16364 "Y - - 0 - object u 'TBuffer' - 1 - b "
16365 "U 'TClass' - 10 - onfile_class", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16366    G__memfunc_setup("StreamerTObjectEmulated",2335,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 121, -1, -1, 0, 3, 1, 4, 8, 
16367 "Y - - 0 - object u 'TBuffer' - 1 - b "
16368 "U 'TClass' - 10 - onfile_class", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16369    G__memfunc_setup("StreamerInstrumented",2117,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 121, -1, -1, 0, 3, 1, 4, 8, 
16370 "Y - - 0 - object u 'TBuffer' - 1 - b "
16371 "U 'TClass' - 10 - onfile_class", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16372    G__memfunc_setup("StreamerStreamerInfo",2066,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 121, -1, -1, 0, 3, 1, 4, 8, 
16373 "Y - - 0 - object u 'TBuffer' - 1 - b "
16374 "U 'TClass' - 10 - onfile_class", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16375    G__memfunc_setup("StreamerDefault",1544,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 121, -1, -1, 0, 3, 1, 4, 8, 
16376 "Y - - 0 - object u 'TBuffer' - 1 - b "
16377 "U 'TClass' - 10 - onfile_class", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16378    G__memfunc_setup("TClass",586,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClass), -1, 0, 1, 1, 4, 0, "u 'TClass' - 11 - tc", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16379    G__memfunc_setup("operator=",937,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClass), -1, 1, 1, 1, 4, 0, "u 'TClass' - 11 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16380    G__memfunc_setup("FindStreamerInfo",1616,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TVirtualStreamerInfo), -1, 0, 2, 1, 2, 8, 
16381 "U 'TObjArray' - 0 - arr h - 'UInt_t' 0 - checksum", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16382    G__memfunc_setup("GetClassShortTypedefHash",2427,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_THashTable), -1, 0, 0, 3, 2, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16383    G__memfunc_setup("TClass",586,G__G__Meta_6_0_19, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16384    G__memfunc_setup("TClass",586,G__G__Meta_6_0_20, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClass), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, 
16385 "C - - 10 - name g - 'Bool_t' 0 'kFALSE' silent", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16386    G__memfunc_setup("TClass",586,G__G__Meta_6_0_21, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClass), -1, 0, 7, 1, 1, 0, 
16387 "C - - 10 - name s - 'Version_t' 0 - cversion "
16388 "C - - 10 '0' dfil C - - 10 '0' ifil "
16389 "i - 'Int_t' 0 '0' dl i - 'Int_t' 0 '0' il "
16390 "g - 'Bool_t' 0 'kFALSE' silent", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16391    G__memfunc_setup("TClass",586,G__G__Meta_6_0_22, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClass), -1, 0, 10, 1, 1, 0, 
16392 "C - - 10 - name s - 'Version_t' 0 - cversion "
16393 "u 'type_info' - 11 - info U 'TVirtualIsAProxy' - 0 - isa "
16394 "Y - 'ShowMembersFunc_t' 0 - showmember C - - 10 - dfil "
16395 "C - - 10 - ifil i - 'Int_t' 0 - dl "
16396 "i - 'Int_t' 0 - il g - 'Bool_t' 0 'kFALSE' silent", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16397    G__memfunc_setup("AddInstance",1086,G__G__Meta_6_0_23, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "g - 'Bool_t' 0 'kFALSE' heap", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16398    G__memfunc_setup("AddImplFile",1051,G__G__Meta_6_0_24, 121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, 
16399 "C - - 10 - filename i - - 0 - line", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16400    G__memfunc_setup("AddRef",550,G__G__Meta_6_0_25, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "U 'TClassRef' - 0 - ref", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16401    G__memfunc_setup("AddRule",673,G__G__Meta_6_0_26, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 1, 3, 1, 0, "C - - 10 - rule", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (Bool_t (*)(const char*))(&TClass::AddRule) ), 0);
16402    G__memfunc_setup("ReadRules",903,G__G__Meta_6_0_27, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 1, 3, 1, 0, "C - - 10 - filename", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (Int_t (*)(const char*))(&TClass::ReadRules) ), 0);
16403    G__memfunc_setup("ReadRules",903,G__G__Meta_6_0_28, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (Int_t (*)())(&TClass::ReadRules) ), 0);
16404    G__memfunc_setup("AdoptSchemaRules",1620,G__G__Meta_6_0_29, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "U 'ROOT::TSchemaRuleSet' - 0 - rules", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16405    G__memfunc_setup("Browse",626,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "U 'TBrowser' - 0 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
16406    G__memfunc_setup("BuildRealData",1262,G__G__Meta_6_0_31, 121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, 
16407 "Y - - 0 '0' pointer g - 'Bool_t' 0 'kFALSE' isTransient", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16408    G__memfunc_setup("BuildEmulatedRealData",2079,G__G__Meta_6_0_32, 121, -1, -1, 0, 3, 1, 1, 0, 
16409 "C - - 10 - name l - 'Long_t' 0 - offset "
16410 "U 'TClass' - 0 - cl", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16411    G__memfunc_setup("CalculateStreamerOffset",2360,G__G__Meta_6_0_33, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16412    G__memfunc_setup("CallShowMembers",1512,G__G__Meta_6_0_34, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 3, 1, 1, 8, 
16413 "Y - - 0 - obj u 'TMemberInspector' - 1 - insp "
16414 "i - 'Int_t' 0 '-1' isATObject", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16415    G__memfunc_setup("CanSplit",798,G__G__Meta_6_0_35, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16416    G__memfunc_setup("CanIgnoreTObjectStreamer",2404,G__G__Meta_6_0_36, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16417    G__memfunc_setup("Clone",497,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TObject), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "C - - 10 '\"\"' newname", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
16418    G__memfunc_setup("CopyCollectionProxy",1993,G__G__Meta_6_0_38, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TVirtualCollectionProxy' - 11 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16419    G__memfunc_setup("Draw",398,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "C - 'Option_t' 10 '\"\"' option", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
16420    G__memfunc_setup("Dump",406,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
16421    G__memfunc_setup("Dump",406,G__G__Meta_6_0_41, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "Y - - 0 - obj", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16422    G__memfunc_setup("EscapeChars",1090,G__G__Meta_6_0_42, 67, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "C - - 10 - text", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16423    G__memfunc_setup("FindStreamerInfo",1616,G__G__Meta_6_0_43, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TVirtualStreamerInfo), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "h - 'UInt_t' 0 - checksum", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16424    G__memfunc_setup("GetConversionStreamerInfo",2581,G__G__Meta_6_0_44, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TVirtualStreamerInfo), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 8, 
16425 "C - - 10 - onfile_classname i - 'Int_t' 0 - version", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16426    G__memfunc_setup("FindConversionStreamerInfo",2678,G__G__Meta_6_0_45, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TVirtualStreamerInfo), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 8, 
16427 "C - - 10 - onfile_classname h - 'UInt_t' 0 - checksum", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16428    G__memfunc_setup("GetConversionStreamerInfo",2581,G__G__Meta_6_0_46, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TVirtualStreamerInfo), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 8, 
16429 "U 'TClass' - 10 - onfile_cl i - 'Int_t' 0 - version", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16430    G__memfunc_setup("FindConversionStreamerInfo",2678,G__G__Meta_6_0_47, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TVirtualStreamerInfo), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 8, 
16431 "U 'TClass' - 10 - onfile_cl h - 'UInt_t' 0 - checksum", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16432    G__memfunc_setup("HasDefaultConstructor",2183,G__G__Meta_6_0_48, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16433    G__memfunc_setup("GetCheckSum",1075,G__G__Meta_6_0_49, 104, -1, G__defined_typename("UInt_t"), 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "h - 'UInt_t' 0 '0' code", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16434    G__memfunc_setup("GetCollectionProxy",1870,G__G__Meta_6_0_50, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TVirtualCollectionProxy), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16435    G__memfunc_setup("GetIsAProxy",1087,G__G__Meta_6_0_51, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TVirtualIsAProxy), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16436    G__memfunc_setup("GetClassVersion",1532,G__G__Meta_6_0_52, 115, -1, G__defined_typename("Version_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16437    G__memfunc_setup("GetDataMember",1266,G__G__Meta_6_0_53, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TDataMember), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "C - - 10 - datamember", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16438    G__memfunc_setup("GetDataMemberOffset",1881,G__G__Meta_6_0_54, 108, -1, G__defined_typename("Long_t"), 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "C - - 10 - membername", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16439    G__memfunc_setup("GetDeclFileName",1433,G__G__Meta_6_0_55, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 9, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16440    G__memfunc_setup("GetDeclFileLine",1440,G__G__Meta_6_0_56, 115, -1, G__defined_typename("Short_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16441    G__memfunc_setup("GetDelete",883,G__G__Meta_6_0_57, 89, -1, G__defined_typename("ROOT::DelFunc_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16442    G__memfunc_setup("GetDestructor",1359,G__G__Meta_6_0_58, 89, -1, G__defined_typename("ROOT::DesFunc_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16443    G__memfunc_setup("GetDeleteArray",1394,G__G__Meta_6_0_59, 89, -1, G__defined_typename("ROOT::DelArrFunc_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16444    G__memfunc_setup("GetClassInfo",1186,G__G__Meta_6_0_60, 89, -1, G__defined_typename("ClassInfo_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16445    G__memfunc_setup("GetContextMenuTitle",1948,G__G__Meta_6_0_61, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 9, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16446    G__memfunc_setup("GetCurrentStreamerInfo",2258,G__G__Meta_6_0_62, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TVirtualStreamerInfo), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16447    G__memfunc_setup("GetListOfDataMembers",1974,G__G__Meta_6_0_63, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TList), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16448    G__memfunc_setup("GetListOfBases",1375,G__G__Meta_6_0_64, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TList), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16449    G__memfunc_setup("GetListOfMethods",1605,G__G__Meta_6_0_65, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TList), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16450    G__memfunc_setup("GetListOfRealData",1647,G__G__Meta_6_0_66, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TList), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16451    G__memfunc_setup("GetListOfAllPublicMethods",2493,G__G__Meta_6_0_67, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TList), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16452    G__memfunc_setup("GetListOfAllPublicDataMembers",2862,G__G__Meta_6_0_68, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TList), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16453    G__memfunc_setup("GetImplFileName",1459,G__G__Meta_6_0_69, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 9, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16454    G__memfunc_setup("GetImplFileLine",1466,G__G__Meta_6_0_70, 115, -1, G__defined_typename("Short_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16455    G__memfunc_setup("GetActualClass",1392,G__G__Meta_6_0_71, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClass), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "Y - - 10 - object", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16456    G__memfunc_setup("GetBaseClass",1169,G__G__Meta_6_0_72, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClass), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "C - - 10 - classname", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16457    G__memfunc_setup("GetBaseClass",1169,G__G__Meta_6_0_73, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClass), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "U 'TClass' - 10 - base", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16458    G__memfunc_setup("GetBaseClassOffset",1784,G__G__Meta_6_0_74, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "U 'TClass' - 10 - base", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16459    G__memfunc_setup("GetBaseDataMember",1645,G__G__Meta_6_0_75, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClass), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "C - - 10 - datamember", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16460    G__memfunc_setup("GetDirectoryAutoAdd",1911,G__G__Meta_6_0_76, 89, -1, G__defined_typename("ROOT::DirAutoAdd_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16461    G__memfunc_setup("GetInstanceCount",1630,G__G__Meta_6_0_77, 104, -1, G__defined_typename("UInt_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16462    G__memfunc_setup("GetHeapInstanceCount",2012,G__G__Meta_6_0_78, 104, -1, G__defined_typename("UInt_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16463    G__memfunc_setup("GetMenuItems",1207,G__G__Meta_6_0_79, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "U 'TList' - 0 - listitems", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16464    G__memfunc_setup("GetMenuList",1105,G__G__Meta_6_0_80, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TList), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16465    G__memfunc_setup("GetMethod",897,G__G__Meta_6_0_81, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TMethod), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, 
16466 "C - - 10 - method C - - 10 - params", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16467    G__memfunc_setup("GetMethodWithPrototype",2291,G__G__Meta_6_0_82, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TMethod), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, 
16468 "C - - 10 - method C - - 10 - proto", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16469    G__memfunc_setup("GetMethodAny",1193,G__G__Meta_6_0_83, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TMethod), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "C - - 10 - method", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16470    G__memfunc_setup("GetMethodAllAny",1474,G__G__Meta_6_0_84, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TMethod), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "C - - 10 - method", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16471    G__memfunc_setup("GetNdata",776,G__G__Meta_6_0_85, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16472    G__memfunc_setup("GetNew",586,G__G__Meta_6_0_86, 89, -1, G__defined_typename("ROOT::NewFunc_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16473    G__memfunc_setup("GetNewArray",1097,G__G__Meta_6_0_87, 89, -1, G__defined_typename("ROOT::NewArrFunc_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16474    G__memfunc_setup("GetNmethods",1122,G__G__Meta_6_0_88, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16475    G__memfunc_setup("GetRealData",1054,G__G__Meta_6_0_89, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TRealData), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "C - - 10 - name", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16476    G__memfunc_setup("GetReferenceProxy",1745,G__G__Meta_6_0_90, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TVirtualRefProxy), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16477    G__memfunc_setup("GetSchemaRules",1404,G__G__Meta_6_0_91, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_ROOTcLcLTSchemaRuleSet), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 9, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16478    G__memfunc_setup("GetSchemaRules",1404,G__G__Meta_6_0_92, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_ROOTcLcLTSchemaRuleSet), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "g - 'Bool_t' 0 'kFALSE' create", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16479    G__memfunc_setup("GetSharedLibs",1281,G__G__Meta_6_0_93, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16480    G__memfunc_setup("GetShowMembersWrapper",2157,G__G__Meta_6_0_94, 89, -1, G__defined_typename("ShowMembersFunc_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16481    G__memfunc_setup("GetStreamer",1123,G__G__Meta_6_0_95, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClassStreamer), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16482    G__memfunc_setup("GetStreamerFunc",1519,G__G__Meta_6_0_96, 89, -1, G__defined_typename("ClassStreamerFunc_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16483    G__memfunc_setup("GetStreamerInfos",1634,G__G__Meta_6_0_97, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TObjArray), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16484    G__memfunc_setup("GetStreamerInfo",1519,G__G__Meta_6_0_98, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TVirtualStreamerInfo), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "i - 'Int_t' 0 '0' version", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16485    G__memfunc_setup("GetTypeInfo",1102,G__G__Meta_6_0_99, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_type_info), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 9, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16486    G__memfunc_setup("IgnoreTObjectStreamer",2130,G__G__Meta_6_0_100, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "g - 'Bool_t' 0 'kTRUE' ignore", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16487    G__memfunc_setup("InheritsFrom",1242,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "C - - 10 - cl", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
16488    G__memfunc_setup("InheritsFrom",1242,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "U 'TClass' - 10 - cl", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
16489    G__memfunc_setup("InterpretedShowMembers",2290,G__G__Meta_6_0_103, 121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, 
16490 "Y - - 0 - obj u 'TMemberInspector' - 1 - insp", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16491    G__memfunc_setup("IsFolder",792,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
16492    G__memfunc_setup("IsLoaded",773,G__G__Meta_6_0_105, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16493    G__memfunc_setup("IsForeign",902,G__G__Meta_6_0_106, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16494    G__memfunc_setup("IsStartingWithTObject",2127,G__G__Meta_6_0_107, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16495    G__memfunc_setup("IsTObject",871,G__G__Meta_6_0_108, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16496    G__memfunc_setup("ls",223,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "C - 'Option_t' 10 '\"\"' opt", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
16497    G__memfunc_setup("MakeCustomMenuList",1834,G__G__Meta_6_0_110, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16498    G__memfunc_setup("Move",407,G__G__Meta_6_0_111, 121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 8, 
16499 "Y - - 0 - arenaFrom Y - - 0 - arenaTo", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16500    G__memfunc_setup("New",298,G__G__Meta_6_0_112, 89, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "i 'TClass::ENewType' - 0 'kClassNew' defConstructor", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16501    G__memfunc_setup("New",298,G__G__Meta_6_0_113, 89, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 8, 
16502 "Y - - 0 - arena i 'TClass::ENewType' - 0 'kClassNew' defConstructor", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16503    G__memfunc_setup("NewArray",809,G__G__Meta_6_0_114, 89, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 8, 
16504 "l - 'Long_t' 0 - nElements i 'TClass::ENewType' - 0 'kClassNew' defConstructor", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16505    G__memfunc_setup("NewArray",809,G__G__Meta_6_0_115, 89, -1, -1, 0, 3, 1, 1, 8, 
16506 "l - 'Long_t' 0 - nElements Y - - 0 - arena "
16507 "i 'TClass::ENewType' - 0 'kClassNew' defConstructor", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16508    G__memfunc_setup("PostLoadCheck",1284,G__G__Meta_6_0_116, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
16509    G__memfunc_setup("Property",869,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,108, -1, G__defined_typename("Long_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
16510    G__memfunc_setup("ReadBuffer",982,G__G__Meta_6_0_118, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 5, 1, 1, 0, 
16511 "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - b Y - - 0 - pointer "
16512 "i - 'Int_t' 0 - version h - 'UInt_t' 0 - start "
16513 "h - 'UInt_t' 0 - count", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16514    G__memfunc_setup("ReadBuffer",982,G__G__Meta_6_0_119, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, 
16515 "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - b Y - - 0 - pointer", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16516    G__memfunc_setup("RemoveRef",907,G__G__Meta_6_0_120, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "U 'TClassRef' - 0 - ref", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16517    G__memfunc_setup("ReplaceWith",1112,G__G__Meta_6_0_121, 121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 8, 
16518 "U 'TClass' - 0 - newcl g - 'Bool_t' 0 'kTRUE' recurse", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16519    G__memfunc_setup("ResetClassInfo",1413,G__G__Meta_6_0_122, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "l - 'Long_t' 0 - tagnum", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16520    G__memfunc_setup("ResetInstanceCount",1857,G__G__Meta_6_0_123, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16521    G__memfunc_setup("ResetMenuList",1332,G__G__Meta_6_0_124, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16522    G__memfunc_setup("Size",411,G__G__Meta_6_0_125, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16523    G__memfunc_setup("SetCollectionProxy",1882,G__G__Meta_6_0_126, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'ROOT::TCollectionProxyInfo' - 11 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16524    G__memfunc_setup("SetContextMenuTitle",1960,G__G__Meta_6_0_127, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "C - - 10 - title", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16525    G__memfunc_setup("SetCurrentStreamerInfo",2270,G__G__Meta_6_0_128, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "U 'TVirtualStreamerInfo' - 0 - info", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16526    G__memfunc_setup("SetGlobalIsA",1146,G__G__Meta_6_0_129, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "Y - 'IsAGlobalFunc_t' 0 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16527    G__memfunc_setup("SetDeclFile",1060,G__G__Meta_6_0_130, 121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, 
16528 "C - - 10 - name i - - 0 - line", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16529    G__memfunc_setup("SetDelete",895,G__G__Meta_6_0_131, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "Y - 'ROOT::DelFunc_t' 0 - deleteFunc", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16530    G__memfunc_setup("SetDeleteArray",1406,G__G__Meta_6_0_132, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "Y - 'ROOT::DelArrFunc_t' 0 - deleteArrayFunc", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16531    G__memfunc_setup("SetDirectoryAutoAdd",1923,G__G__Meta_6_0_133, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "Y - 'ROOT::DirAutoAdd_t' 0 - dirAutoAddFunc", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16532    G__memfunc_setup("SetDestructor",1371,G__G__Meta_6_0_134, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "Y - 'ROOT::DesFunc_t' 0 - destructorFunc", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16533    G__memfunc_setup("SetImplFileName",1471,G__G__Meta_6_0_135, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "C - - 10 - implFileName", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16534    G__memfunc_setup("SetNew",598,G__G__Meta_6_0_136, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "Y - 'ROOT::NewFunc_t' 0 - newFunc", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16535    G__memfunc_setup("SetNewArray",1109,G__G__Meta_6_0_137, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "Y - 'ROOT::NewArrFunc_t' 0 - newArrayFunc", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16536    G__memfunc_setup("SetStreamerInfo",1531,G__G__Meta_6_0_138, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TVirtualStreamerInfo), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, 
16537 "i - 'Int_t' 0 - version C - - 10 '\"\"' info", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16538    G__memfunc_setup("SetUnloaded",1112,G__G__Meta_6_0_139, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16539    G__memfunc_setup("WriteBuffer",1125,G__G__Meta_6_0_140, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 3, 1, 1, 0, 
16540 "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - b Y - - 0 - pointer "
16541 "C - - 10 '\"\"' info", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16542    G__memfunc_setup("AdoptReferenceProxy",1961,G__G__Meta_6_0_141, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "U 'TVirtualRefProxy' - 0 - proxy", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16543    G__memfunc_setup("AdoptStreamer",1339,G__G__Meta_6_0_142, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "U 'TClassStreamer' - 0 - strm", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16544    G__memfunc_setup("AdoptMemberStreamer",1939,G__G__Meta_6_0_143, 121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, 
16545 "C - - 10 - name U 'TMemberStreamer' - 0 - strm", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16546    G__memfunc_setup("SetMemberStreamer",1735,G__G__Meta_6_0_144, 121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, 
16547 "C - - 10 - name Y - 'MemberStreamerFunc_t' 0 - strm", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16548    G__memfunc_setup("SetStreamerFunc",1531,G__G__Meta_6_0_145, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "Y - 'ClassStreamerFunc_t' 0 - strm", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16549    G__memfunc_setup("AddClass",767,G__G__Meta_6_0_146, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 3, 1, 0, "U 'TClass' - 0 - cl", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (void (*)(TClass*))(&TClass::AddClass) ), 0);
16550    G__memfunc_setup("RemoveClass",1124,G__G__Meta_6_0_147, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 3, 1, 0, "U 'TClass' - 0 - cl", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (void (*)(TClass*))(&TClass::RemoveClass) ), 0);
16551    G__memfunc_setup("GetClass",790,G__G__Meta_6_0_148, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClass), -1, 0, 3, 3, 1, 0, 
16552 "C - - 10 - name g - 'Bool_t' 0 'kTRUE' load "
16553 "g - 'Bool_t' 0 'kFALSE' silent", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (TClass* (*)(const char*, Bool_t, Bool_t))(&TClass::GetClass) ), 0);
16554    G__memfunc_setup("GetClass",790,G__G__Meta_6_0_149, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClass), -1, 0, 3, 3, 1, 0, 
16555 "u 'type_info' - 11 - typeinfo g - 'Bool_t' 0 'kTRUE' load "
16556 "g - 'Bool_t' 0 'kFALSE' silent", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (TClass* (*)(const type_info&, Bool_t, Bool_t))(&TClass::GetClass) ), 0);
16557    G__memfunc_setup("GetDict",676,G__G__Meta_6_0_150, 89, -1, G__defined_typename("VoidFuncPtr_t"), 0, 1, 3, 1, 0, "C - - 10 - cname", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (VoidFuncPtr_t (*)(const char*))(&TClass::GetDict) ), 0);
16558    G__memfunc_setup("GetDict",676,G__G__Meta_6_0_151, 89, -1, G__defined_typename("VoidFuncPtr_t"), 0, 1, 3, 1, 0, "u 'type_info' - 11 - info", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (VoidFuncPtr_t (*)(const type_info&))(&TClass::GetDict) ), 0);
16559    G__memfunc_setup("AutoBrowse",1035,G__G__Meta_6_0_152, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 2, 3, 1, 0, 
16560 "U 'TObject' - 0 - obj U 'TBrowser' - 0 - browser", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (Int_t (*)(TObject*, TBrowser*))(&TClass::AutoBrowse) ), 0);
16561    G__memfunc_setup("IsCallingNew",1184,G__G__Meta_6_0_153, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClasscLcLENewType), -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (TClass::ENewType (*)())(&TClass::IsCallingNew) ), 0);
16562    G__memfunc_setup("Load",384,G__G__Meta_6_0_154, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClass), -1, 0, 1, 3, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (TClass* (*)(TBuffer&))(&TClass::Load) ), 0);
16563    G__memfunc_setup("Store",525,G__G__Meta_6_0_155, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16564    G__memfunc_setup("Browse",626,G__G__Meta_6_0_156, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 2, 1, 1, 8, 
16565 "Y - - 0 - obj U 'TBrowser' - 0 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16566    G__memfunc_setup("DeleteArray",1106,G__G__Meta_6_0_157, 121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, 
16567 "Y - - 0 - ary g - 'Bool_t' 0 'kFALSE' dtorOnly", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16568    G__memfunc_setup("Destructor",1071,G__G__Meta_6_0_158, 121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, 
16569 "Y - - 0 - obj g - 'Bool_t' 0 'kFALSE' dtorOnly", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16570    G__memfunc_setup("DynamicCast",1104,G__G__Meta_6_0_159, 89, -1, -1, 0, 3, 1, 1, 0, 
16571 "U 'TClass' - 10 - base Y - - 0 - obj "
16572 "g - 'Bool_t' 0 'kTRUE' up", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16573    G__memfunc_setup("IsFolder",792,G__G__Meta_6_0_160, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "Y - - 0 - obj", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16574    G__memfunc_setup("Streamer",835,G__G__Meta_6_0_161, 121, -1, -1, 0, 3, 1, 1, 8, 
16575 "Y - - 0 - obj u 'TBuffer' - 1 - b "
16576 "U 'TClass' - 10 '0' onfile_class", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16577    G__memfunc_setup("Class",502,G__G__Meta_6_0_162, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (TClass* (*)())(&TClass::Class) ), 0);
16578    G__memfunc_setup("Class_Name",982,G__G__Meta_6_0_163, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TClass::Class_Name) ), 0);
16579    G__memfunc_setup("Class_Version",1339,G__G__Meta_6_0_164, 115, -1, G__defined_typename("Version_t"), 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (Version_t (*)())(&TClass::Class_Version) ), 0);
16580    G__memfunc_setup("Dictionary",1046,G__G__Meta_6_0_165, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (void (*)())(&TClass::Dictionary) ), 0);
16581    G__memfunc_setup("IsA",253,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
16582    G__memfunc_setup("ShowMembers",1132,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMemberInspector' - 1 - insp", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
16583    G__memfunc_setup("Streamer",835,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
16584    G__memfunc_setup("StreamerNVirtual",1656,G__G__Meta_6_0_169, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16585    G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileName",1145,G__G__Meta_6_0_170, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TClass::DeclFileName) ), 0);
16586    G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileLine",1178,G__G__Meta_6_0_171, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TClass::ImplFileLine) ), 0);
16587    G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileName",1171,G__G__Meta_6_0_172, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TClass::ImplFileName) ), 0);
16588    G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileLine",1152,G__G__Meta_6_0_173, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TClass::DeclFileLine) ), 0);
16589    // automatic destructor
16590    G__memfunc_setup("~TClass", 712, G__G__Meta_6_0_174, (int) ('y'), -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*) NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
16591    G__tag_memfunc_reset();
16592 }
16594 static void G__setup_memfuncTClassStreamer(void) {
16595    /* TClassStreamer */
16596    G__tag_memfunc_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClassStreamer));
16597    G__memfunc_setup("TClassStreamer",1421,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClassStreamer), -1, 0, 0, 1, 2, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16598    G__memfunc_setup("TClassStreamer",1421,G__G__Meta_15_0_2, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClassStreamer), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "Y - 'ClassStreamerFunc_t' 0 - pointer", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16599    G__memfunc_setup("TClassStreamer",1421,G__G__Meta_15_0_3, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClassStreamer), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TClassStreamer' - 11 - rhs", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16600    G__memfunc_setup("SetOnFileClass",1375,G__G__Meta_15_0_4, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "U 'TClass' - 10 - cl", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
16601    G__memfunc_setup("GetOnFileClass",1363,G__G__Meta_15_0_5, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 9, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
16602    G__memfunc_setup("Generate",811,G__G__Meta_15_0_6, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClassStreamer), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
16603    G__memfunc_setup("operator()",957,G__G__Meta_15_0_7, 121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, 
16604 "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - b Y - - 0 - objp", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
16605    G__memfunc_setup("Stream",620,G__G__Meta_15_0_8, 121, -1, -1, 0, 3, 1, 1, 0, 
16606 "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - b Y - - 0 - objp "
16607 "U 'TClass' - 10 - onfileClass", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
16608    // automatic destructor
16609    G__memfunc_setup("~TClassStreamer", 1547, G__G__Meta_15_0_9, (int) ('y'), -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*) NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
16610    // automatic assignment operator
16611    G__memfunc_setup("operator=", 937, G__G__Meta_15_0_10, (int) ('u'), G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClassStreamer), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TClassStreamer' - 11 - -", (char*) NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16612    G__tag_memfunc_reset();
16613 }
16615 static void G__setup_memfuncTMemberStreamer(void) {
16616    /* TMemberStreamer */
16617    G__tag_memfunc_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TMemberStreamer));
16618    G__memfunc_setup("TMemberStreamer",1519,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TMemberStreamer), -1, 0, 0, 1, 2, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16619    G__memfunc_setup("TMemberStreamer",1519,G__G__Meta_16_0_2, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TMemberStreamer), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "Y - 'MemberStreamerFunc_t' 0 - pointer", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16620    G__memfunc_setup("TMemberStreamer",1519,G__G__Meta_16_0_3, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TMemberStreamer), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMemberStreamer' - 11 - rhs", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16621    G__memfunc_setup("SetOnFileClass",1375,G__G__Meta_16_0_4, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "U 'TClass' - 10 - cl", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
16622    G__memfunc_setup("GetOnFileClass",1363,G__G__Meta_16_0_5, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 9, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
16623    G__memfunc_setup("operator()",957,G__G__Meta_16_0_6, 121, -1, -1, 0, 3, 1, 1, 0, 
16624 "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - b Y - - 0 - pmember "
16625 "i - 'Int_t' 0 '0' size", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
16626    // automatic destructor
16627    G__memfunc_setup("~TMemberStreamer", 1645, G__G__Meta_16_0_7, (int) ('y'), -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*) NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
16628    // automatic assignment operator
16629    G__memfunc_setup("operator=", 937, G__G__Meta_16_0_8, (int) ('u'), G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TMemberStreamer), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMemberStreamer' - 11 - -", (char*) NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16630    G__tag_memfunc_reset();
16631 }
16633 static void G__setup_memfuncTVirtualIsAProxy(void) {
16634    /* TVirtualIsAProxy */
16635    G__tag_memfunc_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TVirtualIsAProxy));
16636    G__memfunc_setup("SetClass",802,G__G__Meta_18_0_1, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "U 'TClass' - 0 - cl", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 3);
16637    G__memfunc_setup("operator()",957,G__G__Meta_18_0_2, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClass), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "Y - - 10 - obj", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 3);
16638    // automatic destructor
16639    G__memfunc_setup("~TVirtualIsAProxy", 1752, G__G__Meta_18_0_3, (int) ('y'), -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*) NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
16640    // automatic assignment operator
16641    G__memfunc_setup("operator=", 937, G__G__Meta_18_0_4, (int) ('u'), G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TVirtualIsAProxy), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TVirtualIsAProxy' - 11 - -", (char*) NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16642    G__tag_memfunc_reset();
16643 }
16645 static void G__setup_memfuncROOT(void) {
16646    /* ROOT */
16647    G__tag_memfunc_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_ROOT));
16648    G__memfunc_setup("CreateClass",1098,G__G__Meta_19_0_1, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClass), -1, 0, 9, 1, 1, 0, 
16649 "C - - 10 - cname s - 'Version_t' 0 - id "
16650 "u 'type_info' - 11 - info U 'TVirtualIsAProxy' - 0 - isa "
16651 "Y - 'ShowMembersFunc_t' 0 - show C - - 10 - dfil "
16652 "C - - 10 - ifil i - 'Int_t' 0 - dl "
16653 "i - 'Int_t' 0 - il", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (TClass* (*)(const char*, Version_t, const type_info&, TVirtualIsAProxy*, ShowMembersFunc_t, const char*, const char*, Int_t, Int_t))(&ROOT::CreateClass) ), 0);
16654    G__memfunc_setup("AddClass",767,G__G__Meta_19_0_2, 121, -1, -1, 0, 5, 1, 1, 0, 
16655 "C - - 10 - cname s - 'Version_t' 0 - id "
16656 "u 'type_info' - 11 - info Y - 'VoidFuncPtr_t' 0 - dict "
16657 "i - 'Int_t' 0 - pragmabits", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (void (*)(const char*, Version_t, const type_info&, VoidFuncPtr_t, Int_t))(&ROOT::AddClass) ), 0);
16658    G__memfunc_setup("RemoveClass",1124,G__G__Meta_19_0_3, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "C - - 10 - cname", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (void (*)(const char*))(&ROOT::RemoveClass) ), 0);
16659    G__memfunc_setup("ResetClassVersion",1759,G__G__Meta_19_0_4, 121, -1, -1, 0, 3, 1, 1, 0, 
16660 "U 'TClass' - 0 - - C - - 10 - - "
16661 "s - 'Short_t' 0 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (void (*)(TClass*, const char*, Short_t))(&ROOT::ResetClassVersion) ), 0);
16662    G__memfunc_setup("RegisterClassTemplate",2167,G__G__Meta_19_0_5, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TNamed), -1, 0, 3, 1, 1, 0, 
16663 "C - - 10 - name C - - 10 - file "
16664 "i - 'Int_t' 0 - line", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (TNamed* (*)(const char*, const char*, Int_t))(&ROOT::RegisterClassTemplate) ), 0);
16665    G__memfunc_setup("DefineBehavior",1403,G__G__Meta_19_0_6, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_ROOTcLcLTInitBehavior), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 1, 
16666 "Y - - 0 - - Y - - 0 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const ROOT::TInitBehavior* (*)(void*, void*))(&ROOT::DefineBehavior) ), 0);
16667    G__memfunc_setup("CreateClass",1098,G__G__Meta_19_0_7, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClass), -1, 0, 6, 1, 1, 0, 
16668 "C - - 10 - cname s - 'Version_t' 0 - id "
16669 "C - - 10 - dfil C - - 10 - ifil "
16670 "i - 'Int_t' 0 - dl i - 'Int_t' 0 - il", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (TClass* (*)(const char*, Version_t, const char*, const char*, Int_t, Int_t))(&ROOT::CreateClass) ), 0);
16671    G__tag_memfunc_reset();
16672 }
16674 static void G__setup_memfuncTMethod(void) {
16675    /* TMethod */
16676    G__tag_memfunc_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TMethod));
16677    G__memfunc_setup("CreateSignature",1542,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 4, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
16678    G__memfunc_setup("TMethod",693,G__G__Meta_79_0_2, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TMethod), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, 
16679 "Y - 'MethodInfo_t' 0 '0' info U 'TClass' - 0 '0' cl", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16680    G__memfunc_setup("TMethod",693,G__G__Meta_79_0_3, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TMethod), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMethod' - 11 - org", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16681    G__memfunc_setup("operator=",937,G__G__Meta_79_0_4, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TMethod), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMethod' - 11 - rhs", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16682    G__memfunc_setup("Clone",497,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TObject), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "C - - 10 '\"\"' newname", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
16683    G__memfunc_setup("GetClass",790,G__G__Meta_79_0_6, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16684    G__memfunc_setup("IsMenuItem",992,G__G__Meta_79_0_7, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_EMenuItemKind), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16685    G__memfunc_setup("GetCommentString",1642,G__G__Meta_79_0_8, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
16686    G__memfunc_setup("Getter",619,G__G__Meta_79_0_9, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 9, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
16687    G__memfunc_setup("GetterMethod",1228,G__G__Meta_79_0_10, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TMethodCall), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
16688    G__memfunc_setup("SetterMethod",1240,G__G__Meta_79_0_11, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TMethodCall), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
16689    G__memfunc_setup("FindDataMember",1363,G__G__Meta_79_0_12, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TDataMember), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
16690    G__memfunc_setup("GetListOfMethodArgs",1887,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TList), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
16691    G__memfunc_setup("SetMenuItem",1104,G__G__Meta_79_0_14, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "i 'EMenuItemKind' - 0 - menuItem", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
16692    G__memfunc_setup("Class",502,G__G__Meta_79_0_15, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (TClass* (*)())(&TMethod::Class) ), 0);
16693    G__memfunc_setup("Class_Name",982,G__G__Meta_79_0_16, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TMethod::Class_Name) ), 0);
16694    G__memfunc_setup("Class_Version",1339,G__G__Meta_79_0_17, 115, -1, G__defined_typename("Version_t"), 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (Version_t (*)())(&TMethod::Class_Version) ), 0);
16695    G__memfunc_setup("Dictionary",1046,G__G__Meta_79_0_18, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (void (*)())(&TMethod::Dictionary) ), 0);
16696    G__memfunc_setup("IsA",253,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
16697    G__memfunc_setup("ShowMembers",1132,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMemberInspector' - 1 - insp", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
16698    G__memfunc_setup("Streamer",835,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
16699    G__memfunc_setup("StreamerNVirtual",1656,G__G__Meta_79_0_22, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16700    G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileName",1145,G__G__Meta_79_0_23, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TMethod::DeclFileName) ), 0);
16701    G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileLine",1178,G__G__Meta_79_0_24, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TMethod::ImplFileLine) ), 0);
16702    G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileName",1171,G__G__Meta_79_0_25, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TMethod::ImplFileName) ), 0);
16703    G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileLine",1152,G__G__Meta_79_0_26, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TMethod::DeclFileLine) ), 0);
16704    // automatic destructor
16705    G__memfunc_setup("~TMethod", 819, G__G__Meta_79_0_27, (int) ('y'), -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*) NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
16706    G__tag_memfunc_reset();
16707 }
16709 static void G__setup_memfuncTVirtualStreamerInfo(void) {
16710    /* TVirtualStreamerInfo */
16711    G__tag_memfunc_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TVirtualStreamerInfo));
16712    G__memfunc_setup("operator=",937,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TVirtualStreamerInfo), -1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 0, "u 'TVirtualStreamerInfo' - 11 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16713    G__memfunc_setup("Build",496,G__G__Meta_84_0_5, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 3);
16714    G__memfunc_setup("BuildCheck",974,G__G__Meta_84_0_6, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 3);
16715    G__memfunc_setup("BuildEmulated",1313,G__G__Meta_84_0_7, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "U 'TFile' - 0 - file", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 3);
16716    G__memfunc_setup("BuildOld",783,G__G__Meta_84_0_8, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 3);
16717    G__memfunc_setup("BuildFor",791,G__G__Meta_84_0_9, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "U 'TClass' - 10 - cl", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 3);
16718    G__memfunc_setup("CallShowMembers",1512,G__G__Meta_84_0_10, 121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 8, 
16719 "Y - - 0 - obj u 'TMemberInspector' - 1 - insp", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 3);
16720    G__memfunc_setup("Clear",487,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "C - 'Option_t' 10 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 3);
16721    G__memfunc_setup("CompareContent",1442,G__G__Meta_84_0_12, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 4, 1, 1, 0, 
16722 "U 'TClass' - 0 - cl U 'TVirtualStreamerInfo' - 0 - info "
16723 "g - 'Bool_t' 0 - warn g - 'Bool_t' 0 - complete", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 3);
16724    G__memfunc_setup("Compile",713,G__G__Meta_84_0_13, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 3);
16725    G__memfunc_setup("ForceWriteInfo",1414,G__G__Meta_84_0_14, 121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, 
16726 "U 'TFile' - 0 - file g - 'Bool_t' 0 'kFALSE' force", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 3);
16727    G__memfunc_setup("GenerateHeaderFile",1780,G__G__Meta_84_0_15, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 3, 1, 1, 0, 
16728 "C - - 10 - dirname U 'TList' - 10 '0' subClasses "
16729 "U 'TList' - 10 '0' extrainfos", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 3);
16730    G__memfunc_setup("GetActualClass",1392,G__G__Meta_84_0_16, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClass), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "Y - - 10 - obj", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 3);
16731    G__memfunc_setup("GetClass",790,G__G__Meta_84_0_17, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 3);
16732    G__memfunc_setup("GetCheckSum",1075,G__G__Meta_84_0_18, 104, -1, G__defined_typename("UInt_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 3);
16733    G__memfunc_setup("GetClassVersion",1532,G__G__Meta_84_0_19, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 3);
16734    G__memfunc_setup("GetElems",790,G__G__Meta_84_0_20, 75, -1, G__defined_typename("ULong_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 3);
16735    G__memfunc_setup("GetElements",1117,G__G__Meta_84_0_21, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TObjArray), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 3);
16736    G__memfunc_setup("GetOffset",903,G__G__Meta_84_0_22, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "C - - 10 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 3);
16737    G__memfunc_setup("GetOffsets",1018,G__G__Meta_84_0_23, 73, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 3);
16738    G__memfunc_setup("GetOldVersion",1317,G__G__Meta_84_0_24, 115, -1, G__defined_typename("Version_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 3);
16739    G__memfunc_setup("GetOnFileClassVersion",2105,G__G__Meta_84_0_25, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 3);
16740    G__memfunc_setup("GetNumber",905,G__G__Meta_84_0_26, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 3);
16741    G__memfunc_setup("GetSize",699,G__G__Meta_84_0_27, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 3);
16742    G__memfunc_setup("GetStreamerElement",1837,G__G__Meta_84_0_28, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerElement), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 8, 
16743 "C - - 10 - datamember i - 'Int_t' 1 - offset", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 3);
16744    G__memfunc_setup("IsBuilt",700,G__G__Meta_84_0_29, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16745    G__memfunc_setup("IsCompiled",1001,G__G__Meta_84_0_30, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16746    G__memfunc_setup("IsOptimized",1137,G__G__Meta_84_0_31, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16747    G__memfunc_setup("IsRecovered",1115,G__G__Meta_84_0_32, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16748    G__memfunc_setup("ls",223,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "C - 'Option_t' 10 '\"\"' option", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 3);
16749    G__memfunc_setup("NewInfo",694,G__G__Meta_84_0_34, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TVirtualStreamerInfo), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "U 'TClass' - 0 - cl", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 3);
16750    G__memfunc_setup("New",298,G__G__Meta_84_0_35, 89, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "Y - - 0 '0' obj", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 3);
16751    G__memfunc_setup("NewArray",809,G__G__Meta_84_0_36, 89, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, 
16752 "l - 'Long_t' 0 - nElements Y - - 0 '0' ary", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 3);
16753    G__memfunc_setup("Destructor",1071,G__G__Meta_84_0_37, 121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, 
16754 "Y - - 0 - p g - 'Bool_t' 0 'kFALSE' dtorOnly", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 3);
16755    G__memfunc_setup("DeleteArray",1106,G__G__Meta_84_0_38, 121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, 
16756 "Y - - 0 - p g - 'Bool_t' 0 'kFALSE' dtorOnly", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 3);
16757    G__memfunc_setup("SetCheckSum",1087,G__G__Meta_84_0_39, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "h - 'UInt_t' 0 - checksum", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 3);
16758    G__memfunc_setup("SetClass",802,G__G__Meta_84_0_40, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "U 'TClass' - 0 - cl", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 3);
16759    G__memfunc_setup("SetClassVersion",1544,G__G__Meta_84_0_41, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - vers", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 3);
16760    G__memfunc_setup("SetStreamMemberWise",1928,G__G__Meta_84_0_42, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 1, 3, 1, 0, "g - 'Bool_t' 0 'kTRUE' enable", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (Bool_t (*)(Bool_t))(&TVirtualStreamerInfo::SetStreamMemberWise) ), 0);
16761    G__memfunc_setup("TagFile",668,G__G__Meta_84_0_43, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "U 'TFile' - 0 - fFile", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 3);
16762    G__memfunc_setup("Update",611,G__G__Meta_84_0_44, 121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, 
16763 "U 'TClass' - 10 - oldClass U 'TClass' - 0 - newClass", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 3);
16764    G__memfunc_setup("GetElementCounter",1738,G__G__Meta_84_0_45, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerBasicType), -1, 0, 2, 3, 1, 0, 
16765 "C - - 10 - countName U 'TClass' - 0 - cl", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (TStreamerBasicType* (*)(const char*, TClass*))(&TVirtualStreamerInfo::GetElementCounter) ), 0);
16766    G__memfunc_setup("CanOptimize",1123,G__G__Meta_84_0_46, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (Bool_t (*)())(&TVirtualStreamerInfo::CanOptimize) ), 0);
16767    G__memfunc_setup("GetStreamMemberWise",1916,G__G__Meta_84_0_47, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (Bool_t (*)())(&TVirtualStreamerInfo::GetStreamMemberWise) ), 0);
16768    G__memfunc_setup("Optimize",849,G__G__Meta_84_0_48, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 3, 1, 0, "g - 'Bool_t' 0 'kTRUE' opt", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (void (*)(Bool_t))(&TVirtualStreamerInfo::Optimize) ), 0);
16769    G__memfunc_setup("CanDelete",869,G__G__Meta_84_0_49, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (Bool_t (*)())(&TVirtualStreamerInfo::CanDelete) ), 0);
16770    G__memfunc_setup("SetCanDelete",1169,G__G__Meta_84_0_50, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 3, 1, 0, "g - 'Bool_t' 0 'kTRUE' opt", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (void (*)(Bool_t))(&TVirtualStreamerInfo::SetCanDelete) ), 0);
16771    G__memfunc_setup("SetFactory",1028,G__G__Meta_84_0_51, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 3, 1, 0, "U 'TVirtualStreamerInfo' - 0 - factory", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (void (*)(TVirtualStreamerInfo*))(&TVirtualStreamerInfo::SetFactory) ), 0);
16772    G__memfunc_setup("GenEmulatedProxy",1645,G__G__Meta_84_0_52, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TVirtualCollectionProxy), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "C - - 10 - class_name", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 3);
16773    G__memfunc_setup("GenEmulatedClassStreamer",2436,G__G__Meta_84_0_53, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClassStreamer), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "C - - 10 - class_name", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 3);
16774    G__memfunc_setup("GenExplicitProxy",1662,G__G__Meta_84_0_54, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TVirtualCollectionProxy), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, 
16775 "u 'ROOT::TCollectionProxyInfo' - 11 - info U 'TClass' - 0 - cl", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 3);
16776    G__memfunc_setup("GenExplicitClassStreamer",2453,G__G__Meta_84_0_55, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClassStreamer), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, 
16777 "u 'ROOT::TCollectionProxyInfo' - 11 - info U 'TClass' - 0 - cl", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 3);
16778    G__memfunc_setup("Factory",728,G__G__Meta_84_0_56, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TVirtualStreamerInfo), -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (TVirtualStreamerInfo* (*)())(&TVirtualStreamerInfo::Factory) ), 0);
16779    G__memfunc_setup("Class",502,G__G__Meta_84_0_57, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (TClass* (*)())(&TVirtualStreamerInfo::Class) ), 0);
16780    G__memfunc_setup("Class_Name",982,G__G__Meta_84_0_58, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TVirtualStreamerInfo::Class_Name) ), 0);
16781    G__memfunc_setup("Class_Version",1339,G__G__Meta_84_0_59, 115, -1, G__defined_typename("Version_t"), 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (Version_t (*)())(&TVirtualStreamerInfo::Class_Version) ), 0);
16782    G__memfunc_setup("Dictionary",1046,G__G__Meta_84_0_60, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (void (*)())(&TVirtualStreamerInfo::Dictionary) ), 0);
16783    G__memfunc_setup("IsA",253,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
16784    G__memfunc_setup("ShowMembers",1132,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMemberInspector' - 1 - insp", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
16785    G__memfunc_setup("Streamer",835,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
16786    G__memfunc_setup("StreamerNVirtual",1656,G__G__Meta_84_0_64, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16787    G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileName",1145,G__G__Meta_84_0_65, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TVirtualStreamerInfo::DeclFileName) ), 0);
16788    G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileLine",1178,G__G__Meta_84_0_66, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TVirtualStreamerInfo::ImplFileLine) ), 0);
16789    G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileName",1171,G__G__Meta_84_0_67, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TVirtualStreamerInfo::ImplFileName) ), 0);
16790    G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileLine",1152,G__G__Meta_84_0_68, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TVirtualStreamerInfo::DeclFileLine) ), 0);
16791    // automatic destructor
16792    G__memfunc_setup("~TVirtualStreamerInfo", 2184, G__G__Meta_84_0_69, (int) ('y'), -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*) NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
16793    G__tag_memfunc_reset();
16794 }
16796 static void G__setup_memfuncTStreamerElement(void) {
16797    /* TStreamerElement */
16798    G__tag_memfunc_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerElement));
16799    G__memfunc_setup("TStreamerElement",1633,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerElement), -1, 0, 1, 1, 4, 0, "u 'TStreamerElement' - 11 - -", "Not implemented", (void*) NULL, 0);
16800    G__memfunc_setup("operator=",937,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerElement), -1, 1, 1, 1, 4, 0, "u 'TStreamerElement' - 11 - -", "Not implemented", (void*) NULL, 0);
16801    G__memfunc_setup("TStreamerElement",1633,G__G__Meta_85_0_3, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerElement), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16802    G__memfunc_setup("TStreamerElement",1633,G__G__Meta_85_0_4, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerElement), -1, 0, 5, 1, 1, 0, 
16803 "C - - 10 - name C - - 10 - title "
16804 "i - 'Int_t' 0 - offset i - 'Int_t' 0 - dtype "
16805 "C - - 10 - typeName", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16806    G__memfunc_setup("CannotSplit",1135,G__G__Meta_85_0_5, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
16807    G__memfunc_setup("GetArrayDim",1081,G__G__Meta_85_0_6, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16808    G__memfunc_setup("GetArrayLength",1409,G__G__Meta_85_0_7, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16809    G__memfunc_setup("GetClassPointer",1527,G__G__Meta_85_0_8, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
16810    G__memfunc_setup("GetClass",790,G__G__Meta_85_0_9, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16811    G__memfunc_setup("GetExecID",818,G__G__Meta_85_0_10, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
16812    G__memfunc_setup("GetFullName",1076,G__G__Meta_85_0_11, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 9, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
16813    G__memfunc_setup("GetInclude",996,G__G__Meta_85_0_12, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 9, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
16814    G__memfunc_setup("GetMaxIndex",1086,G__G__Meta_85_0_13, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - i", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16815    G__memfunc_setup("GetMethod",897,G__G__Meta_85_0_14, 107, -1, G__defined_typename("ULong_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
16816    G__memfunc_setup("GetStreamer",1123,G__G__Meta_85_0_15, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TMemberStreamer), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16817    G__memfunc_setup("GetSize",699,G__G__Meta_85_0_16, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
16818    G__memfunc_setup("GetNewType",1004,G__G__Meta_85_0_17, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16819    G__memfunc_setup("GetNewClass",1088,G__G__Meta_85_0_18, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16820    G__memfunc_setup("GetType",706,G__G__Meta_85_0_19, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16821    G__memfunc_setup("GetOffset",903,G__G__Meta_85_0_20, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16822    G__memfunc_setup("GetTObjectOffset",1586,G__G__Meta_85_0_21, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16823    G__memfunc_setup("GetTypeName",1091,G__G__Meta_85_0_22, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 9, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16824    G__memfunc_setup("GetTypeNameBasic",1573,G__G__Meta_85_0_23, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 9, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16825    G__memfunc_setup("GetFactor",895,G__G__Meta_85_0_24, 100, -1, G__defined_typename("Double_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16826    G__memfunc_setup("GetXmin",700,G__G__Meta_85_0_25, 100, -1, G__defined_typename("Double_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16827    G__memfunc_setup("GetXmax",702,G__G__Meta_85_0_26, 100, -1, G__defined_typename("Double_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16828    G__memfunc_setup("Init",404,G__G__Meta_85_0_27, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "U 'TObject' - 0 '0' obj", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
16829    G__memfunc_setup("IsaPointer",1022,G__G__Meta_85_0_28, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
16830    G__memfunc_setup("HasCounter",1020,G__G__Meta_85_0_29, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
16831    G__memfunc_setup("IsOldFormat",1092,G__G__Meta_85_0_30, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "C - - 10 - newTypeName", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
16832    G__memfunc_setup("IsBase",567,G__G__Meta_85_0_31, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
16833    G__memfunc_setup("ls",223,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "C - 'Option_t' 10 '\"\"' option", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
16834    G__memfunc_setup("SetArrayDim",1093,G__G__Meta_85_0_33, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - dim", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
16835    G__memfunc_setup("SetMaxIndex",1098,G__G__Meta_85_0_34, 121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, 
16836 "i - 'Int_t' 0 - dim i - 'Int_t' 0 - max", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
16837    G__memfunc_setup("SetOffset",915,G__G__Meta_85_0_35, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - offset", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
16838    G__memfunc_setup("SetTObjectOffset",1598,G__G__Meta_85_0_36, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - tobjoffset", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
16839    G__memfunc_setup("SetStreamer",1135,G__G__Meta_85_0_37, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "U 'TMemberStreamer' - 0 - streamer", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
16840    G__memfunc_setup("SetSize",711,G__G__Meta_85_0_38, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - dsize", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
16841    G__memfunc_setup("SetNewType",1016,G__G__Meta_85_0_39, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - dtype", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
16842    G__memfunc_setup("SetNewClass",1100,G__G__Meta_85_0_40, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "U 'TClass' - 0 - cl", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
16843    G__memfunc_setup("SetType",718,G__G__Meta_85_0_41, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - dtype", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
16844    G__memfunc_setup("SetTypeName",1103,G__G__Meta_85_0_42, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "C - - 10 - name", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
16845    G__memfunc_setup("Update",611,G__G__Meta_85_0_43, 121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, 
16846 "U 'TClass' - 10 - oldClass U 'TClass' - 0 - newClass", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
16847    G__memfunc_setup("Class",502,G__G__Meta_85_0_44, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (TClass* (*)())(&TStreamerElement::Class) ), 0);
16848    G__memfunc_setup("Class_Name",982,G__G__Meta_85_0_45, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TStreamerElement::Class_Name) ), 0);
16849    G__memfunc_setup("Class_Version",1339,G__G__Meta_85_0_46, 115, -1, G__defined_typename("Version_t"), 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (Version_t (*)())(&TStreamerElement::Class_Version) ), 0);
16850    G__memfunc_setup("Dictionary",1046,G__G__Meta_85_0_47, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (void (*)())(&TStreamerElement::Dictionary) ), 0);
16851    G__memfunc_setup("IsA",253,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
16852    G__memfunc_setup("ShowMembers",1132,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMemberInspector' - 1 - insp", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
16853    G__memfunc_setup("Streamer",835,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
16854    G__memfunc_setup("StreamerNVirtual",1656,G__G__Meta_85_0_51, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16855    G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileName",1145,G__G__Meta_85_0_52, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TStreamerElement::DeclFileName) ), 0);
16856    G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileLine",1178,G__G__Meta_85_0_53, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TStreamerElement::ImplFileLine) ), 0);
16857    G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileName",1171,G__G__Meta_85_0_54, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TStreamerElement::ImplFileName) ), 0);
16858    G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileLine",1152,G__G__Meta_85_0_55, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TStreamerElement::DeclFileLine) ), 0);
16859    // automatic destructor
16860    G__memfunc_setup("~TStreamerElement", 1759, G__G__Meta_85_0_56, (int) ('y'), -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*) NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
16861    G__tag_memfunc_reset();
16862 }
16864 static void G__setup_memfuncTDictionary(void) {
16865    /* TDictionary */
16866    G__tag_memfunc_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TDictionary));
16867    G__memfunc_setup("Property",869,G__G__Meta_111_0_3, 108, -1, G__defined_typename("Long_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 3);
16868    G__memfunc_setup("Class",502,G__G__Meta_111_0_4, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (TClass* (*)())(&TDictionary::Class) ), 0);
16869    G__memfunc_setup("Class_Name",982,G__G__Meta_111_0_5, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TDictionary::Class_Name) ), 0);
16870    G__memfunc_setup("Class_Version",1339,G__G__Meta_111_0_6, 115, -1, G__defined_typename("Version_t"), 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (Version_t (*)())(&TDictionary::Class_Version) ), 0);
16871    G__memfunc_setup("Dictionary",1046,G__G__Meta_111_0_7, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (void (*)())(&TDictionary::Dictionary) ), 0);
16872    G__memfunc_setup("IsA",253,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
16873    G__memfunc_setup("ShowMembers",1132,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMemberInspector' - 1 - insp", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
16874    G__memfunc_setup("Streamer",835,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
16875    G__memfunc_setup("StreamerNVirtual",1656,G__G__Meta_111_0_11, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16876    G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileName",1145,G__G__Meta_111_0_12, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TDictionary::DeclFileName) ), 0);
16877    G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileLine",1178,G__G__Meta_111_0_13, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TDictionary::ImplFileLine) ), 0);
16878    G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileName",1171,G__G__Meta_111_0_14, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TDictionary::ImplFileName) ), 0);
16879    G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileLine",1152,G__G__Meta_111_0_15, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TDictionary::DeclFileLine) ), 0);
16880    // automatic destructor
16881    G__memfunc_setup("~TDictionary", 1256, G__G__Meta_111_0_16, (int) ('y'), -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*) NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
16882    // automatic assignment operator
16883    G__memfunc_setup("operator=", 937, G__G__Meta_111_0_17, (int) ('u'), G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TDictionary), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TDictionary' - 11 - -", (char*) NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16884    G__tag_memfunc_reset();
16885 }
16887 static void G__setup_memfuncTBaseClass(void) {
16888    /* TBaseClass */
16889    G__tag_memfunc_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TBaseClass));
16890    G__memfunc_setup("TBaseClass",965,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TBaseClass), -1, 0, 1, 1, 4, 0, "u 'TBaseClass' - 11 - -", "Not implemented", (void*) NULL, 0);
16891    G__memfunc_setup("operator=",937,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TBaseClass), -1, 1, 1, 1, 4, 0, "u 'TBaseClass' - 11 - -", "Not implemented", (void*) NULL, 0);
16892    G__memfunc_setup("TBaseClass",965,G__G__Meta_122_0_3, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TBaseClass), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, 
16893 "Y - 'BaseClassInfo_t' 0 '0' info U 'TClass' - 0 '0' cl", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16894    G__memfunc_setup("Browse",626,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "U 'TBrowser' - 0 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
16895    G__memfunc_setup("GetTitle",802,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 9, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
16896    G__memfunc_setup("GetClassPointer",1527,G__G__Meta_122_0_6, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClass), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "g - 'Bool_t' 0 'kTRUE' load", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16897    G__memfunc_setup("GetDelta",778,G__G__Meta_122_0_7, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16898    G__memfunc_setup("IsFolder",792,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
16899    G__memfunc_setup("IsSTLContainer",1362,G__G__Meta_122_0_9, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16900    G__memfunc_setup("Property",869,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,108, -1, G__defined_typename("Long_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
16901    G__memfunc_setup("Class",502,G__G__Meta_122_0_11, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (TClass* (*)())(&TBaseClass::Class) ), 0);
16902    G__memfunc_setup("Class_Name",982,G__G__Meta_122_0_12, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TBaseClass::Class_Name) ), 0);
16903    G__memfunc_setup("Class_Version",1339,G__G__Meta_122_0_13, 115, -1, G__defined_typename("Version_t"), 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (Version_t (*)())(&TBaseClass::Class_Version) ), 0);
16904    G__memfunc_setup("Dictionary",1046,G__G__Meta_122_0_14, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (void (*)())(&TBaseClass::Dictionary) ), 0);
16905    G__memfunc_setup("IsA",253,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
16906    G__memfunc_setup("ShowMembers",1132,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMemberInspector' - 1 - insp", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
16907    G__memfunc_setup("Streamer",835,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
16908    G__memfunc_setup("StreamerNVirtual",1656,G__G__Meta_122_0_18, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16909    G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileName",1145,G__G__Meta_122_0_19, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TBaseClass::DeclFileName) ), 0);
16910    G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileLine",1178,G__G__Meta_122_0_20, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TBaseClass::ImplFileLine) ), 0);
16911    G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileName",1171,G__G__Meta_122_0_21, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TBaseClass::ImplFileName) ), 0);
16912    G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileLine",1152,G__G__Meta_122_0_22, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TBaseClass::DeclFileLine) ), 0);
16913    // automatic destructor
16914    G__memfunc_setup("~TBaseClass", 1091, G__G__Meta_122_0_23, (int) ('y'), -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*) NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
16915    G__tag_memfunc_reset();
16916 }
16918 static void G__setup_memfuncTDataMember(void) {
16919    /* TDataMember */
16920    G__tag_memfunc_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TDataMember));
16921    G__memfunc_setup("TDataMember",1062,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TDataMember), -1, 0, 1, 1, 2, 0, "u 'TDataMember' - 11 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16922    G__memfunc_setup("operator=",937,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TDataMember), -1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 0, "u 'TDataMember' - 11 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16923    G__memfunc_setup("TDataMember",1062,G__G__Meta_123_0_3, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TDataMember), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, 
16924 "Y - 'DataMemberInfo_t' 0 '0' info U 'TClass' - 0 '0' cl", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16925    G__memfunc_setup("GetArrayDim",1081,G__G__Meta_123_0_4, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16926    G__memfunc_setup("GetMaxIndex",1086,G__G__Meta_123_0_5, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - dim", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16927    G__memfunc_setup("GetClass",790,G__G__Meta_123_0_6, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16928    G__memfunc_setup("GetDataType",1084,G__G__Meta_123_0_7, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TDataType), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", "only for basic type", (void*) NULL, 0);
16929    G__memfunc_setup("GetOffset",903,G__G__Meta_123_0_8, 108, -1, G__defined_typename("Long_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16930    G__memfunc_setup("GetOffsetCint",1301,G__G__Meta_123_0_9, 108, -1, G__defined_typename("Long_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16931    G__memfunc_setup("GetTypeName",1091,G__G__Meta_123_0_10, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 9, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16932    G__memfunc_setup("GetFullTypeName",1494,G__G__Meta_123_0_11, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 9, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16933    G__memfunc_setup("GetTrueTypeName",1507,G__G__Meta_123_0_12, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 9, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16934    G__memfunc_setup("GetArrayIndex",1303,G__G__Meta_123_0_13, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 9, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16935    G__memfunc_setup("GetUnitSize",1115,G__G__Meta_123_0_14, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16936    G__memfunc_setup("GetOptions",1036,G__G__Meta_123_0_15, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TList), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16937    G__memfunc_setup("SetterMethod",1240,G__G__Meta_123_0_16, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TMethodCall), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "U 'TClass' - 0 - cl", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16938    G__memfunc_setup("GetterMethod",1228,G__G__Meta_123_0_17, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TMethodCall), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "U 'TClass' - 0 '0' cl", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16939    G__memfunc_setup("IsBasic",670,G__G__Meta_123_0_18, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16940    G__memfunc_setup("IsEnum",593,G__G__Meta_123_0_19, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16941    G__memfunc_setup("IsaPointer",1022,G__G__Meta_123_0_20, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16942    G__memfunc_setup("IsPersistent",1261,G__G__Meta_123_0_21, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16943    G__memfunc_setup("IsSTLContainer",1362,G__G__Meta_123_0_22, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16944    G__memfunc_setup("Property",869,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,108, -1, G__defined_typename("Long_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
16945    G__memfunc_setup("Class",502,G__G__Meta_123_0_24, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (TClass* (*)())(&TDataMember::Class) ), 0);
16946    G__memfunc_setup("Class_Name",982,G__G__Meta_123_0_25, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TDataMember::Class_Name) ), 0);
16947    G__memfunc_setup("Class_Version",1339,G__G__Meta_123_0_26, 115, -1, G__defined_typename("Version_t"), 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (Version_t (*)())(&TDataMember::Class_Version) ), 0);
16948    G__memfunc_setup("Dictionary",1046,G__G__Meta_123_0_27, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (void (*)())(&TDataMember::Dictionary) ), 0);
16949    G__memfunc_setup("IsA",253,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
16950    G__memfunc_setup("ShowMembers",1132,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMemberInspector' - 1 - insp", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
16951    G__memfunc_setup("Streamer",835,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
16952    G__memfunc_setup("StreamerNVirtual",1656,G__G__Meta_123_0_31, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16953    G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileName",1145,G__G__Meta_123_0_32, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TDataMember::DeclFileName) ), 0);
16954    G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileLine",1178,G__G__Meta_123_0_33, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TDataMember::ImplFileLine) ), 0);
16955    G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileName",1171,G__G__Meta_123_0_34, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TDataMember::ImplFileName) ), 0);
16956    G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileLine",1152,G__G__Meta_123_0_35, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TDataMember::DeclFileLine) ), 0);
16957    // automatic destructor
16958    G__memfunc_setup("~TDataMember", 1188, G__G__Meta_123_0_36, (int) ('y'), -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*) NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
16959    G__tag_memfunc_reset();
16960 }
16962 static void G__setup_memfuncTClassRef(void) {
16963    /* TClassRef */
16964    G__tag_memfunc_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClassRef));
16965    G__memfunc_setup("Assign",613,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 4, 0, "u 'TClassRef' - 11 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16966    G__memfunc_setup("Assign",613,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 4, 0, "U 'TClass' - 0 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16967    G__memfunc_setup("InternalGetClass",1619,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 1, 4, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16968    G__memfunc_setup("ListReset",927,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 4, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16969    G__memfunc_setup("TClassRef",871,G__G__Meta_124_0_5, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClassRef), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16970    G__memfunc_setup("TClassRef",871,G__G__Meta_124_0_6, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClassRef), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "U 'TClass' - 0 - cl", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16971    G__memfunc_setup("TClassRef",871,G__G__Meta_124_0_7, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClassRef), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "C - - 10 - classname", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16972    G__memfunc_setup("TClassRef",871,G__G__Meta_124_0_8, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClassRef), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TClassRef' - 11 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16973    G__memfunc_setup("operator=",937,G__G__Meta_124_0_9, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClassRef), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TClassRef' - 11 - rhs", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16974    G__memfunc_setup("operator=",937,G__G__Meta_124_0_10, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClassRef), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "U 'TClass' - 0 - rhs", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16975    G__memfunc_setup("SetName",685,G__G__Meta_124_0_11, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "C - - 10 - new_name", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16976    G__memfunc_setup("GetClassName",1175,G__G__Meta_124_0_12, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16977    G__memfunc_setup("GetClass",790,G__G__Meta_124_0_13, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16978    G__memfunc_setup("Reset",515,G__G__Meta_124_0_14, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16979    G__memfunc_setup("operator->",983,G__G__Meta_124_0_15, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16980    G__memfunc_setup("operator TClass*",1536,G__G__Meta_124_0_16, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16981    // automatic destructor
16982    G__memfunc_setup("~TClassRef", 997, G__G__Meta_124_0_17, (int) ('y'), -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*) NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16983    G__tag_memfunc_reset();
16984 }
16986 static void G__setup_memfuncTRealData(void) {
16987    /* TRealData */
16988    G__tag_memfunc_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TRealData));
16989    G__memfunc_setup("TRealData",850,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TRealData), -1, 0, 1, 1, 4, 0, "u 'TRealData' - 11 - rhs", "Copying TRealData in not allowed.", (void*) NULL, 0);
16990    G__memfunc_setup("operator=",937,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TRealData), -1, 1, 1, 1, 4, 0, "u 'TRealData' - 11 - rhs", "Copying TRealData in not allowed.", (void*) NULL, 0);
16991    G__memfunc_setup("TRealData",850,G__G__Meta_125_0_3, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TRealData), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16992    G__memfunc_setup("TRealData",850,G__G__Meta_125_0_4, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TRealData), -1, 0, 3, 1, 1, 0, 
16993 "C - - 10 - name l - 'Long_t' 0 - offset "
16994 "U 'TDataMember' - 0 - datamember", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16995    G__memfunc_setup("AdoptStreamer",1339,G__G__Meta_125_0_5, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "U 'TMemberStreamer' - 0 - p", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16996    G__memfunc_setup("GetName",673,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 9, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
16997    G__memfunc_setup("GetDataMember",1266,G__G__Meta_125_0_7, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TDataMember), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16998    G__memfunc_setup("GetStreamer",1123,G__G__Meta_125_0_8, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TMemberStreamer), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
16999    G__memfunc_setup("GetThisOffset",1311,G__G__Meta_125_0_9, 108, -1, G__defined_typename("Long_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17000    G__memfunc_setup("IsObject",787,G__G__Meta_125_0_10, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17001    G__memfunc_setup("SetIsObject",1087,G__G__Meta_125_0_11, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "g - 'Bool_t' 0 - isObject", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17002    G__memfunc_setup("WriteRealData",1289,G__G__Meta_125_0_12, 121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, 
17003 "Y - - 0 - pointer C - - 1 - buffer", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17004    G__memfunc_setup("Class",502,G__G__Meta_125_0_13, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (TClass* (*)())(&TRealData::Class) ), 0);
17005    G__memfunc_setup("Class_Name",982,G__G__Meta_125_0_14, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TRealData::Class_Name) ), 0);
17006    G__memfunc_setup("Class_Version",1339,G__G__Meta_125_0_15, 115, -1, G__defined_typename("Version_t"), 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (Version_t (*)())(&TRealData::Class_Version) ), 0);
17007    G__memfunc_setup("Dictionary",1046,G__G__Meta_125_0_16, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (void (*)())(&TRealData::Dictionary) ), 0);
17008    G__memfunc_setup("IsA",253,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17009    G__memfunc_setup("ShowMembers",1132,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMemberInspector' - 1 - insp", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17010    G__memfunc_setup("Streamer",835,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17011    G__memfunc_setup("StreamerNVirtual",1656,G__G__Meta_125_0_20, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17012    G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileName",1145,G__G__Meta_125_0_21, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TRealData::DeclFileName) ), 0);
17013    G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileLine",1178,G__G__Meta_125_0_22, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TRealData::ImplFileLine) ), 0);
17014    G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileName",1171,G__G__Meta_125_0_23, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TRealData::ImplFileName) ), 0);
17015    G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileLine",1152,G__G__Meta_125_0_24, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TRealData::DeclFileLine) ), 0);
17016    // automatic destructor
17017    G__memfunc_setup("~TRealData", 976, G__G__Meta_125_0_25, (int) ('y'), -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*) NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17018    G__tag_memfunc_reset();
17019 }
17021 static void G__setup_memfuncTMethodCall(void) {
17022    /* TMethodCall */
17023    G__tag_memfunc_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TMethodCall));
17024    G__memfunc_setup("Execute",723,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 121, -1, -1, 0, 3, 1, 4, 0, 
17025 "C - - 10 - - C - - 10 - - "
17026 "I - - 0 '0' -", "versions of TObject", (void*) NULL, 1);
17027    G__memfunc_setup("Execute",723,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 121, -1, -1, 0, 3, 1, 4, 0, 
17028 "U 'TMethod' - 0 - - U 'TObjArray' - 0 - - "
17029 "I - - 0 '0' -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17030    G__memfunc_setup("InitImplementation",1882,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 121, -1, -1, 0, 5, 1, 4, 0, 
17031 "C - - 10 - methodname C - - 10 - params "
17032 "C - - 10 - proto U 'TClass' - 0 - cl "
17033 "Y - 'ClassInfo_t' 10 - cinfo", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17034    G__memfunc_setup("TMethodCall",1073,G__G__Meta_127_0_4, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TMethodCall), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17035    G__memfunc_setup("TMethodCall",1073,G__G__Meta_127_0_5, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TMethodCall), -1, 0, 3, 1, 1, 0, 
17036 "U 'TClass' - 0 - cl C - - 10 - method "
17037 "C - - 10 - params", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17038    G__memfunc_setup("TMethodCall",1073,G__G__Meta_127_0_6, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TMethodCall), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, 
17039 "C - - 10 - function C - - 10 - params", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17040    G__memfunc_setup("TMethodCall",1073,G__G__Meta_127_0_7, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TMethodCall), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMethodCall' - 11 - org", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17041    G__memfunc_setup("operator=",937,G__G__Meta_127_0_8, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TMethodCall), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMethodCall' - 11 - rhs", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17042    G__memfunc_setup("Init",404,G__G__Meta_127_0_9, 121, -1, -1, 0, 3, 1, 1, 0, 
17043 "U 'TClass' - 0 - cl C - - 10 - method "
17044 "C - - 10 - params", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17045    G__memfunc_setup("Init",404,G__G__Meta_127_0_10, 121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, 
17046 "C - - 10 - function C - - 10 - params", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17047    G__memfunc_setup("InitWithPrototype",1798,G__G__Meta_127_0_11, 121, -1, -1, 0, 3, 1, 1, 0, 
17048 "U 'TClass' - 0 - cl C - - 10 - method "
17049 "C - - 10 - proto", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17050    G__memfunc_setup("InitWithPrototype",1798,G__G__Meta_127_0_12, 121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, 
17051 "C - - 10 - function C - - 10 - proto", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17052    G__memfunc_setup("IsValid",684,G__G__Meta_127_0_13, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17053    G__memfunc_setup("Clone",497,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TObject), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "C - - 10 '\"\"' newname", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17054    G__memfunc_setup("CallDtorOnly",1207,G__G__Meta_127_0_15, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "g - 'Bool_t' 0 'kTRUE' set", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17055    G__memfunc_setup("GetMethod",897,G__G__Meta_127_0_16, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TFunction), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17056    G__memfunc_setup("GetMethodName",1282,G__G__Meta_127_0_17, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 9, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17057    G__memfunc_setup("GetParams",900,G__G__Meta_127_0_18, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 9, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17058    G__memfunc_setup("GetProto",820,G__G__Meta_127_0_19, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 9, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17059    G__memfunc_setup("ReturnType",1058,G__G__Meta_127_0_20, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TMethodCallcLcLEReturnType), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17060    G__memfunc_setup("SetParamPtrs",1222,G__G__Meta_127_0_21, 121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, 
17061 "Y - - 0 - paramArr i - 'Int_t' 0 '-1' nparam", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17062    G__memfunc_setup("ResetParam",1012,G__G__Meta_127_0_22, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17063    G__memfunc_setup("SetParam",797,G__G__Meta_127_0_23, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "l - 'Long_t' 0 - l", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17064    G__memfunc_setup("SetParam",797,G__G__Meta_127_0_24, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "d - 'Double_t' 0 - d", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17065    G__memfunc_setup("SetParam",797,G__G__Meta_127_0_25, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "n - 'Long64_t' 0 - ll", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17066    G__memfunc_setup("SetParam",797,G__G__Meta_127_0_26, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "m - 'ULong64_t' 0 - ull", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17067    G__memfunc_setup("Execute",723,G__G__Meta_127_0_27, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "Y - - 0 - object", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17068    G__memfunc_setup("Execute",723,G__G__Meta_127_0_28, 121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, 
17069 "Y - - 0 - object C - - 10 - params", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17070    G__memfunc_setup("Execute",723,G__G__Meta_127_0_29, 121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, 
17071 "Y - - 0 - object l - 'Long_t' 1 - retLong", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17072    G__memfunc_setup("Execute",723,G__G__Meta_127_0_30, 121, -1, -1, 0, 3, 1, 1, 0, 
17073 "Y - - 0 - object C - - 10 - params "
17074 "l - 'Long_t' 1 - retLong", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17075    G__memfunc_setup("Execute",723,G__G__Meta_127_0_31, 121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, 
17076 "Y - - 0 - object d - 'Double_t' 1 - retDouble", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17077    G__memfunc_setup("Execute",723,G__G__Meta_127_0_32, 121, -1, -1, 0, 3, 1, 1, 0, 
17078 "Y - - 0 - object C - - 10 - params "
17079 "d - 'Double_t' 1 - retDouble", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17080    G__memfunc_setup("Execute",723,G__G__Meta_127_0_33, 121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, 
17081 "Y - - 0 - object C - - 2 - retText", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17082    G__memfunc_setup("Execute",723,G__G__Meta_127_0_34, 121, -1, -1, 0, 3, 1, 1, 0, 
17083 "Y - - 0 - object C - - 10 - params "
17084 "C - - 2 - retText", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17085    G__memfunc_setup("Execute",723,G__G__Meta_127_0_35, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17086    G__memfunc_setup("Execute",723,G__G__Meta_127_0_36, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "C - - 10 - params", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17087    G__memfunc_setup("Execute",723,G__G__Meta_127_0_37, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "l - 'Long_t' 1 - retLong", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17088    G__memfunc_setup("Execute",723,G__G__Meta_127_0_38, 121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, 
17089 "C - - 10 - params l - 'Long_t' 1 - retLong", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17090    G__memfunc_setup("Execute",723,G__G__Meta_127_0_39, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "d - 'Double_t' 1 - retDouble", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17091    G__memfunc_setup("Execute",723,G__G__Meta_127_0_40, 121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, 
17092 "C - - 10 - params d - 'Double_t' 1 - retDouble", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17093    G__memfunc_setup("Class",502,G__G__Meta_127_0_41, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (TClass* (*)())(&TMethodCall::Class) ), 0);
17094    G__memfunc_setup("Class_Name",982,G__G__Meta_127_0_42, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TMethodCall::Class_Name) ), 0);
17095    G__memfunc_setup("Class_Version",1339,G__G__Meta_127_0_43, 115, -1, G__defined_typename("Version_t"), 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (Version_t (*)())(&TMethodCall::Class_Version) ), 0);
17096    G__memfunc_setup("Dictionary",1046,G__G__Meta_127_0_44, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (void (*)())(&TMethodCall::Dictionary) ), 0);
17097    G__memfunc_setup("IsA",253,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17098    G__memfunc_setup("ShowMembers",1132,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMemberInspector' - 1 - insp", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17099    G__memfunc_setup("Streamer",835,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17100    G__memfunc_setup("StreamerNVirtual",1656,G__G__Meta_127_0_48, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17101    G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileName",1145,G__G__Meta_127_0_49, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TMethodCall::DeclFileName) ), 0);
17102    G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileLine",1178,G__G__Meta_127_0_50, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TMethodCall::ImplFileLine) ), 0);
17103    G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileName",1171,G__G__Meta_127_0_51, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TMethodCall::ImplFileName) ), 0);
17104    G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileLine",1152,G__G__Meta_127_0_52, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TMethodCall::DeclFileLine) ), 0);
17105    // automatic destructor
17106    G__memfunc_setup("~TMethodCall", 1199, G__G__Meta_127_0_53, (int) ('y'), -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*) NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17107    G__tag_memfunc_reset();
17108 }
17110 static void G__setup_memfuncROOTcLcLTSchemaRuleSet(void) {
17111    /* ROOT::TSchemaRuleSet */
17112    G__tag_memfunc_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_ROOTcLcLTSchemaRuleSet));
17113    G__memfunc_setup("TSchemaRuleSet",1385,G__G__Meta_130_0_1, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_ROOTcLcLTSchemaRuleSet), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17114    G__memfunc_setup("AddRule",673,G__G__Meta_130_0_2, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, 
17115 "U 'ROOT::TSchemaRule' - 0 - rule i 'ROOT::TSchemaRuleSet::EConsistencyCheck' - 0 'kCheckAll' checkConsistency", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17116    G__memfunc_setup("AddRules",788,G__G__Meta_130_0_3, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, 
17117 "U 'ROOT::TSchemaRuleSet' - 0 - rules i 'ROOT::TSchemaRuleSet::EConsistencyCheck' - 0 'kCheckAll' checkConsistency", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17118    G__memfunc_setup("HasRuleWithSourceClass",2231,G__G__Meta_130_0_4, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "u 'TString' - 11 - source", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17119    G__memfunc_setup("FindRules",908,G__G__Meta_130_0_5, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TObjArray), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 9, "u 'TString' - 11 - source", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17120    G__memfunc_setup("FindRules",908,G__G__Meta_130_0_6, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_ROOTcLcLTSchemaMatch), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 9, 
17121 "u 'TString' - 11 - source i - 'Int_t' 0 - version", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17122    G__memfunc_setup("FindRules",908,G__G__Meta_130_0_7, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_ROOTcLcLTSchemaMatch), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 9, 
17123 "u 'TString' - 11 - source h - 'UInt_t' 0 - checksum", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17124    G__memfunc_setup("FindRules",908,G__G__Meta_130_0_8, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_ROOTcLcLTSchemaMatch), -1, 0, 3, 1, 1, 9, 
17125 "u 'TString' - 11 - source i - 'Int_t' 0 - version "
17126 "h - 'UInt_t' 0 - checksum", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17127    G__memfunc_setup("GetClass",790,G__G__Meta_130_0_9, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17128    G__memfunc_setup("GetClassCheckSum",1577,G__G__Meta_130_0_10, 104, -1, G__defined_typename("UInt_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17129    G__memfunc_setup("GetClassName",1175,G__G__Meta_130_0_11, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TString), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17130    G__memfunc_setup("GetClassVersion",1532,G__G__Meta_130_0_12, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17131    G__memfunc_setup("GetRules",811,G__G__Meta_130_0_13, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TObjArray), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 9, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17132    G__memfunc_setup("GetPersistentRules",1884,G__G__Meta_130_0_14, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TObjArray), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 9, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17133    G__memfunc_setup("RemoveRule",1030,G__G__Meta_130_0_15, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "U 'ROOT::TSchemaRule' - 0 - rule", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17134    G__memfunc_setup("RemoveRules",1145,G__G__Meta_130_0_16, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "U 'TObjArray' - 0 - rules", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17135    G__memfunc_setup("SetClass",802,G__G__Meta_130_0_17, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "U 'TClass' - 0 - cls", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17136    G__memfunc_setup("ls",223,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "C - 'Option_t' 10 '\"\"' option", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17137    G__memfunc_setup("AsString",811,G__G__Meta_130_0_19, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "u 'TString' - 1 - out", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17138    G__memfunc_setup("Class",502,G__G__Meta_130_0_20, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (TClass* (*)())(&ROOT::TSchemaRuleSet::Class) ), 0);
17139    G__memfunc_setup("Class_Name",982,G__G__Meta_130_0_21, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&ROOT::TSchemaRuleSet::Class_Name) ), 0);
17140    G__memfunc_setup("Class_Version",1339,G__G__Meta_130_0_22, 115, -1, G__defined_typename("Version_t"), 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (Version_t (*)())(&ROOT::TSchemaRuleSet::Class_Version) ), 0);
17141    G__memfunc_setup("Dictionary",1046,G__G__Meta_130_0_23, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (void (*)())(&ROOT::TSchemaRuleSet::Dictionary) ), 0);
17142    G__memfunc_setup("IsA",253,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17143    G__memfunc_setup("ShowMembers",1132,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMemberInspector' - 1 - insp", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17144    G__memfunc_setup("Streamer",835,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17145    G__memfunc_setup("StreamerNVirtual",1656,G__G__Meta_130_0_27, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17146    G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileName",1145,G__G__Meta_130_0_28, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&ROOT::TSchemaRuleSet::DeclFileName) ), 0);
17147    G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileLine",1178,G__G__Meta_130_0_29, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&ROOT::TSchemaRuleSet::ImplFileLine) ), 0);
17148    G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileName",1171,G__G__Meta_130_0_30, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&ROOT::TSchemaRuleSet::ImplFileName) ), 0);
17149    G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileLine",1152,G__G__Meta_130_0_31, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&ROOT::TSchemaRuleSet::DeclFileLine) ), 0);
17150    // automatic copy constructor
17151    G__memfunc_setup("TSchemaRuleSet", 1385, G__G__Meta_130_0_32, (int) ('i'), G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_ROOTcLcLTSchemaRuleSet), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'ROOT::TSchemaRuleSet' - 11 - -", (char*) NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17152    // automatic destructor
17153    G__memfunc_setup("~TSchemaRuleSet", 1511, G__G__Meta_130_0_33, (int) ('y'), -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*) NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17154    // automatic assignment operator
17155    G__memfunc_setup("operator=", 937, G__G__Meta_130_0_34, (int) ('u'), G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_ROOTcLcLTSchemaRuleSet), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'ROOT::TSchemaRuleSet' - 11 - -", (char*) NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17156    G__tag_memfunc_reset();
17157 }
17159 static void G__setup_memfuncTClassGenerator(void) {
17160    /* TClassGenerator */
17161    G__tag_memfunc_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClassGenerator));
17162    G__memfunc_setup("GetClass",790,G__G__Meta_148_0_2, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClass), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, 
17163 "C - - 10 - classname g - 'Bool_t' 0 - load", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 3);
17164    G__memfunc_setup("GetClass",790,G__G__Meta_148_0_3, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClass), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, 
17165 "u 'type_info' - 11 - typeinfo g - 'Bool_t' 0 - load", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 3);
17166    G__memfunc_setup("GetClass",790,G__G__Meta_148_0_4, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClass), -1, 0, 3, 1, 1, 0, 
17167 "C - - 10 - classname g - 'Bool_t' 0 - load "
17168 "g - 'Bool_t' 0 - silent", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17169    G__memfunc_setup("GetClass",790,G__G__Meta_148_0_5, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClass), -1, 0, 3, 1, 1, 0, 
17170 "u 'type_info' - 11 - typeinfo g - 'Bool_t' 0 - load "
17171 "g - 'Bool_t' 0 - silent", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17172    G__memfunc_setup("Class",502,G__G__Meta_148_0_6, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (TClass* (*)())(&TClassGenerator::Class) ), 0);
17173    G__memfunc_setup("Class_Name",982,G__G__Meta_148_0_7, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TClassGenerator::Class_Name) ), 0);
17174    G__memfunc_setup("Class_Version",1339,G__G__Meta_148_0_8, 115, -1, G__defined_typename("Version_t"), 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (Version_t (*)())(&TClassGenerator::Class_Version) ), 0);
17175    G__memfunc_setup("Dictionary",1046,G__G__Meta_148_0_9, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (void (*)())(&TClassGenerator::Dictionary) ), 0);
17176    G__memfunc_setup("IsA",253,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17177    G__memfunc_setup("ShowMembers",1132,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMemberInspector' - 1 - insp", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17178    G__memfunc_setup("Streamer",835,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17179    G__memfunc_setup("StreamerNVirtual",1656,G__G__Meta_148_0_13, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17180    G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileName",1145,G__G__Meta_148_0_14, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TClassGenerator::DeclFileName) ), 0);
17181    G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileLine",1178,G__G__Meta_148_0_15, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TClassGenerator::ImplFileLine) ), 0);
17182    G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileName",1171,G__G__Meta_148_0_16, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TClassGenerator::ImplFileName) ), 0);
17183    G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileLine",1152,G__G__Meta_148_0_17, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TClassGenerator::DeclFileLine) ), 0);
17184    // automatic assignment operator
17185    G__memfunc_setup("operator=", 937, G__G__Meta_148_0_18, (int) ('u'), G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClassGenerator), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TClassGenerator' - 11 - -", (char*) NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17186    G__tag_memfunc_reset();
17187 }
17189 static void G__setup_memfuncTClassMenuItem(void) {
17190    /* TClassMenuItem */
17191    G__tag_memfunc_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClassMenuItem));
17192    G__memfunc_setup("TClassMenuItem",1390,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClassMenuItem), -1, 0, 1, 1, 2, 0, "u 'TClassMenuItem' - 11 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17193    G__memfunc_setup("operator=",937,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClassMenuItem), -1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 0, "u 'TClassMenuItem' - 11 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17194    G__memfunc_setup("TClassMenuItem",1390,G__G__Meta_149_0_3, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClassMenuItem), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17195    G__memfunc_setup("TClassMenuItem",1390,G__G__Meta_149_0_4, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClassMenuItem), -1, 0, 8, 1, 1, 0, 
17196 "i - 'Int_t' 0 - type U 'TClass' - 0 - parent "
17197 "C - - 10 '\"\"' title C - - 10 '\"\"' functionname "
17198 "U 'TObject' - 0 '0' obj C - - 10 '\"\"' args "
17199 "i - 'Int_t' 0 '-1' selfobjposition g - 'Bool_t' 0 'kFALSE' self", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17200    G__memfunc_setup("GetTitle",802,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 9, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17201    G__memfunc_setup("GetFunctionName",1511,G__G__Meta_149_0_6, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 9, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17202    G__memfunc_setup("GetArgs",685,G__G__Meta_149_0_7, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 9, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17203    G__memfunc_setup("GetCalledObject",1468,G__G__Meta_149_0_8, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TObject), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17204    G__memfunc_setup("GetType",706,G__G__Meta_149_0_9, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17205    G__memfunc_setup("GetSelfObjectPos",1587,G__G__Meta_149_0_10, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17206    G__memfunc_setup("IsCallSelf",962,G__G__Meta_149_0_11, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17207    G__memfunc_setup("IsSeparator",1133,G__G__Meta_149_0_12, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17208    G__memfunc_setup("IsStandardList",1417,G__G__Meta_149_0_13, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17209    G__memfunc_setup("IsToggle",798,G__G__Meta_149_0_14, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17210    G__memfunc_setup("SetType",718,G__G__Meta_149_0_15, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - type", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17211    G__memfunc_setup("SetTitle",814,G__G__Meta_149_0_16, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "C - - 10 - title", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17212    G__memfunc_setup("SetSelf",694,G__G__Meta_149_0_17, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "g - 'Bool_t' 0 - self", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17213    G__memfunc_setup("SetToggle",910,G__G__Meta_149_0_18, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "g - 'Bool_t' 0 'kTRUE' toggle", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17214    G__memfunc_setup("SetCall",680,G__G__Meta_149_0_19, 121, -1, -1, 0, 4, 1, 1, 0, 
17215 "U 'TObject' - 0 - obj C - - 10 - method "
17216 "C - - 10 '\"\"' args i - 'Int_t' 0 '0' selfobjposition", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17217    G__memfunc_setup("Class",502,G__G__Meta_149_0_20, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (TClass* (*)())(&TClassMenuItem::Class) ), 0);
17218    G__memfunc_setup("Class_Name",982,G__G__Meta_149_0_21, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TClassMenuItem::Class_Name) ), 0);
17219    G__memfunc_setup("Class_Version",1339,G__G__Meta_149_0_22, 115, -1, G__defined_typename("Version_t"), 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (Version_t (*)())(&TClassMenuItem::Class_Version) ), 0);
17220    G__memfunc_setup("Dictionary",1046,G__G__Meta_149_0_23, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (void (*)())(&TClassMenuItem::Dictionary) ), 0);
17221    G__memfunc_setup("IsA",253,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17222    G__memfunc_setup("ShowMembers",1132,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMemberInspector' - 1 - insp", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17223    G__memfunc_setup("Streamer",835,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17224    G__memfunc_setup("StreamerNVirtual",1656,G__G__Meta_149_0_27, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17225    G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileName",1145,G__G__Meta_149_0_28, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TClassMenuItem::DeclFileName) ), 0);
17226    G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileLine",1178,G__G__Meta_149_0_29, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TClassMenuItem::ImplFileLine) ), 0);
17227    G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileName",1171,G__G__Meta_149_0_30, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TClassMenuItem::ImplFileName) ), 0);
17228    G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileLine",1152,G__G__Meta_149_0_31, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TClassMenuItem::DeclFileLine) ), 0);
17229    // automatic destructor
17230    G__memfunc_setup("~TClassMenuItem", 1516, G__G__Meta_149_0_32, (int) ('y'), -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*) NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17231    G__tag_memfunc_reset();
17232 }
17234 static void G__setup_memfuncTDataType(void) {
17235    /* TDataType */
17236    G__tag_memfunc_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TDataType));
17237    G__memfunc_setup("CheckInfo",874,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 4, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17238    G__memfunc_setup("SetType",718,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 4, 0, "C - - 10 - name", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17239    G__memfunc_setup("TDataType",880,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TDataType), -1, 0, 1, 1, 2, 0, "u 'TDataType' - 11 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17240    G__memfunc_setup("operator=",937,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TDataType), -1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 0, "u 'TDataType' - 11 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17241    G__memfunc_setup("TDataType",880,G__G__Meta_152_0_5, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TDataType), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "Y - 'TypedefInfo_t' 0 '0' info", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17242    G__memfunc_setup("TDataType",880,G__G__Meta_152_0_6, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TDataType), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "C - - 10 - typenam", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17243    G__memfunc_setup("Size",411,G__G__Meta_152_0_7, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17244    G__memfunc_setup("GetType",706,G__G__Meta_152_0_8, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17245    G__memfunc_setup("GetTypeName",1091,G__G__Meta_152_0_9, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 9, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17246    G__memfunc_setup("GetFullTypeName",1494,G__G__Meta_152_0_10, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 9, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17247    G__memfunc_setup("AsString",811,G__G__Meta_152_0_11, 67, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 9, "Y - - 0 - buf", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17248    G__memfunc_setup("Property",869,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,108, -1, G__defined_typename("Long_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17249    G__memfunc_setup("GetTypeName",1091,G__G__Meta_152_0_13, 67, -1, -1, 0, 1, 3, 1, 1, "i 'EDataType' - 0 - type", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)(EDataType))(&TDataType::GetTypeName) ), 0);
17250    G__memfunc_setup("GetType",706,G__G__Meta_152_0_14, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_EDataType), -1, 0, 1, 3, 1, 0, "u 'type_info' - 11 - typeinfo", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (EDataType (*)(const type_info&))(&TDataType::GetType) ), 0);
17251    G__memfunc_setup("Class",502,G__G__Meta_152_0_15, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (TClass* (*)())(&TDataType::Class) ), 0);
17252    G__memfunc_setup("Class_Name",982,G__G__Meta_152_0_16, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TDataType::Class_Name) ), 0);
17253    G__memfunc_setup("Class_Version",1339,G__G__Meta_152_0_17, 115, -1, G__defined_typename("Version_t"), 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (Version_t (*)())(&TDataType::Class_Version) ), 0);
17254    G__memfunc_setup("Dictionary",1046,G__G__Meta_152_0_18, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (void (*)())(&TDataType::Dictionary) ), 0);
17255    G__memfunc_setup("IsA",253,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17256    G__memfunc_setup("ShowMembers",1132,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMemberInspector' - 1 - insp", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17257    G__memfunc_setup("Streamer",835,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17258    G__memfunc_setup("StreamerNVirtual",1656,G__G__Meta_152_0_22, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17259    G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileName",1145,G__G__Meta_152_0_23, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TDataType::DeclFileName) ), 0);
17260    G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileLine",1178,G__G__Meta_152_0_24, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TDataType::ImplFileLine) ), 0);
17261    G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileName",1171,G__G__Meta_152_0_25, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TDataType::ImplFileName) ), 0);
17262    G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileLine",1152,G__G__Meta_152_0_26, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TDataType::DeclFileLine) ), 0);
17263    // automatic destructor
17264    G__memfunc_setup("~TDataType", 1006, G__G__Meta_152_0_27, (int) ('y'), -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*) NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17265    G__tag_memfunc_reset();
17266 }
17268 static void G__setup_memfuncTFunction(void) {
17269    /* TFunction */
17270    G__tag_memfunc_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TFunction));
17271    G__memfunc_setup("CreateSignature",1542,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 2, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17272    G__memfunc_setup("TFunction",922,G__G__Meta_156_0_2, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TFunction), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "Y - 'MethodInfo_t' 0 '0' info", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17273    G__memfunc_setup("TFunction",922,G__G__Meta_156_0_3, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TFunction), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TFunction' - 11 - orig", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17274    G__memfunc_setup("operator=",937,G__G__Meta_156_0_4, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TFunction), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TFunction' - 11 - rhs", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17275    G__memfunc_setup("Clone",497,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TObject), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "C - - 10 '\"\"' newname", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17276    G__memfunc_setup("GetMangledName",1369,G__G__Meta_156_0_6, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 9, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17277    G__memfunc_setup("GetPrototype",1270,G__G__Meta_156_0_7, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 9, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17278    G__memfunc_setup("GetSignature",1234,G__G__Meta_156_0_8, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17279    G__memfunc_setup("GetReturnTypeName",1731,G__G__Meta_156_0_9, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 9, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17280    G__memfunc_setup("GetListOfMethodArgs",1887,G__G__Meta_156_0_10, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TList), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17281    G__memfunc_setup("GetNargs",795,G__G__Meta_156_0_11, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17282    G__memfunc_setup("GetNargsOpt",1102,G__G__Meta_156_0_12, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17283    G__memfunc_setup("InterfaceMethod",1522,G__G__Meta_156_0_13, 89, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17284    G__memfunc_setup("Property",869,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,108, -1, G__defined_typename("Long_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17285    G__memfunc_setup("Class",502,G__G__Meta_156_0_15, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (TClass* (*)())(&TFunction::Class) ), 0);
17286    G__memfunc_setup("Class_Name",982,G__G__Meta_156_0_16, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TFunction::Class_Name) ), 0);
17287    G__memfunc_setup("Class_Version",1339,G__G__Meta_156_0_17, 115, -1, G__defined_typename("Version_t"), 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (Version_t (*)())(&TFunction::Class_Version) ), 0);
17288    G__memfunc_setup("Dictionary",1046,G__G__Meta_156_0_18, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (void (*)())(&TFunction::Dictionary) ), 0);
17289    G__memfunc_setup("IsA",253,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17290    G__memfunc_setup("ShowMembers",1132,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMemberInspector' - 1 - insp", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17291    G__memfunc_setup("Streamer",835,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17292    G__memfunc_setup("StreamerNVirtual",1656,G__G__Meta_156_0_22, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17293    G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileName",1145,G__G__Meta_156_0_23, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TFunction::DeclFileName) ), 0);
17294    G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileLine",1178,G__G__Meta_156_0_24, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TFunction::ImplFileLine) ), 0);
17295    G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileName",1171,G__G__Meta_156_0_25, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TFunction::ImplFileName) ), 0);
17296    G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileLine",1152,G__G__Meta_156_0_26, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TFunction::DeclFileLine) ), 0);
17297    // automatic destructor
17298    G__memfunc_setup("~TFunction", 1048, G__G__Meta_156_0_27, (int) ('y'), -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*) NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17299    G__tag_memfunc_reset();
17300 }
17302 static void G__setup_memfuncTGlobal(void) {
17303    /* TGlobal */
17304    G__tag_memfunc_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TGlobal));
17305    G__memfunc_setup("TGlobal",677,G__G__Meta_157_0_1, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TGlobal), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "Y - 'DataMemberInfo_t' 0 '0' info", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17306    G__memfunc_setup("TGlobal",677,G__G__Meta_157_0_2, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TGlobal), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TGlobal' - 11 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17307    G__memfunc_setup("operator=",937,G__G__Meta_157_0_3, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TGlobal), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TGlobal' - 11 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17308    G__memfunc_setup("GetArrayDim",1081,G__G__Meta_157_0_4, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17309    G__memfunc_setup("GetMaxIndex",1086,G__G__Meta_157_0_5, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - dim", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17310    G__memfunc_setup("GetAddress",998,G__G__Meta_157_0_6, 89, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17311    G__memfunc_setup("GetTypeName",1091,G__G__Meta_157_0_7, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 9, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17312    G__memfunc_setup("GetFullTypeName",1494,G__G__Meta_157_0_8, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 9, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17313    G__memfunc_setup("Property",869,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,108, -1, G__defined_typename("Long_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17314    G__memfunc_setup("Class",502,G__G__Meta_157_0_10, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (TClass* (*)())(&TGlobal::Class) ), 0);
17315    G__memfunc_setup("Class_Name",982,G__G__Meta_157_0_11, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TGlobal::Class_Name) ), 0);
17316    G__memfunc_setup("Class_Version",1339,G__G__Meta_157_0_12, 115, -1, G__defined_typename("Version_t"), 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (Version_t (*)())(&TGlobal::Class_Version) ), 0);
17317    G__memfunc_setup("Dictionary",1046,G__G__Meta_157_0_13, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (void (*)())(&TGlobal::Dictionary) ), 0);
17318    G__memfunc_setup("IsA",253,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17319    G__memfunc_setup("ShowMembers",1132,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMemberInspector' - 1 - insp", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17320    G__memfunc_setup("Streamer",835,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17321    G__memfunc_setup("StreamerNVirtual",1656,G__G__Meta_157_0_17, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17322    G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileName",1145,G__G__Meta_157_0_18, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TGlobal::DeclFileName) ), 0);
17323    G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileLine",1178,G__G__Meta_157_0_19, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TGlobal::ImplFileLine) ), 0);
17324    G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileName",1171,G__G__Meta_157_0_20, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TGlobal::ImplFileName) ), 0);
17325    G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileLine",1152,G__G__Meta_157_0_21, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TGlobal::DeclFileLine) ), 0);
17326    // automatic destructor
17327    G__memfunc_setup("~TGlobal", 803, G__G__Meta_157_0_22, (int) ('y'), -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*) NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17328    G__tag_memfunc_reset();
17329 }
17331 static void G__setup_memfuncTInterpreter(void) {
17332    /* TInterpreter */
17333    G__tag_memfunc_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TInterpreter));
17334    G__memfunc_setup("Execute",723,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 121, -1, -1, 0, 3, 1, 2, 0, 
17335 "U 'TMethod' - 0 - method U 'TObjArray' - 0 - params "
17336 "I - - 0 '0' error", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 3);
17337    G__memfunc_setup("AddIncludePath",1370,G__G__Meta_160_0_4, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "C - - 10 - path", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 3);
17338    G__memfunc_setup("AutoLoad",793,G__G__Meta_160_0_5, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "C - - 10 - classname", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 3);
17339    G__memfunc_setup("ClearFileBusy",1290,G__G__Meta_160_0_6, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 3);
17340    G__memfunc_setup("ClearStack",989,G__G__Meta_160_0_7, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", "Delete existing temporary values", (void*) NULL, 3);
17341    G__memfunc_setup("EnableAutoLoading",1694,G__G__Meta_160_0_8, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 3);
17342    G__memfunc_setup("EndOfLineAction",1458,G__G__Meta_160_0_9, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 3);
17343    G__memfunc_setup("GetExitCode",1077,G__G__Meta_160_0_10, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 3);
17344    G__memfunc_setup("GetMapfile",990,G__G__Meta_160_0_11, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TEnv), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17345    G__memfunc_setup("GetMore",691,G__G__Meta_160_0_12, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 3);
17346    G__memfunc_setup("GenerateDictionary",1857,G__G__Meta_160_0_13, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 3, 1, 1, 0, 
17347 "C - - 10 - classes C - - 10 '0' includes "
17348 "C - - 10 '0' options", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 3);
17349    G__memfunc_setup("GetPrompt",930,G__G__Meta_160_0_14, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 3);
17350    G__memfunc_setup("GetSharedLibs",1281,G__G__Meta_160_0_15, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 3);
17351    G__memfunc_setup("GetClassSharedLibs",1783,G__G__Meta_160_0_16, 67, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, "C - - 10 - cls", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 3);
17352    G__memfunc_setup("GetSharedLibDeps",1562,G__G__Meta_160_0_17, 67, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, "C - - 10 - lib", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 3);
17353    G__memfunc_setup("GetIncludePath",1393,G__G__Meta_160_0_18, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 3);
17354    G__memfunc_setup("GetSTLIncludePath",1636,G__G__Meta_160_0_19, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 9, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17355    G__memfunc_setup("GetRootMapFiles",1493,G__G__Meta_160_0_20, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TObjArray), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 3);
17356    G__memfunc_setup("InitializeDictionaries",2288,G__G__Meta_160_0_21, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 3);
17357    G__memfunc_setup("IsLoaded",773,G__G__Meta_160_0_22, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "C - - 10 - filename", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 3);
17358    G__memfunc_setup("Load",384,G__G__Meta_160_0_23, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, 
17359 "C - - 10 - filenam g - 'Bool_t' 0 'kFALSE' system", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 3);
17360    G__memfunc_setup("LoadMacro",882,G__G__Meta_160_0_24, 121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, 
17361 "C - - 10 - filename I 'TInterpreter::EErrorCode' - 0 '0' error", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 3);
17362    G__memfunc_setup("LoadLibraryMap",1395,G__G__Meta_160_0_25, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "C - - 10 '0' rootmapfile", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 3);
17363    G__memfunc_setup("RescanLibraryMap",1615,G__G__Meta_160_0_26, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 3);
17364    G__memfunc_setup("ReloadAllSharedLibraryMaps",2605,G__G__Meta_160_0_27, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 3);
17365    G__memfunc_setup("UnloadAllSharedLibraryMaps",2617,G__G__Meta_160_0_28, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 3);
17366    G__memfunc_setup("UnloadLibraryMap",1622,G__G__Meta_160_0_29, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "C - - 10 - library", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 3);
17367    G__memfunc_setup("ProcessLine",1127,G__G__Meta_160_0_30, 108, -1, G__defined_typename("Long_t"), 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, 
17368 "C - - 10 - line I 'TInterpreter::EErrorCode' - 0 '0' error", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 3);
17369    G__memfunc_setup("ProcessLineSynch",1644,G__G__Meta_160_0_31, 108, -1, G__defined_typename("Long_t"), 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, 
17370 "C - - 10 - line I 'TInterpreter::EErrorCode' - 0 '0' error", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 3);
17371    G__memfunc_setup("PrintIntro",1049,G__G__Meta_160_0_32, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 3);
17372    G__memfunc_setup("SetGetline",1012,G__G__Meta_160_0_33, 121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, 
17373 "1 - 'char *(*)(const char* prompt)' 0 - getlineFunc 1 - 'void (*)(char* line)' 0 - histaddFunc", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 3);
17374    G__memfunc_setup("Reset",515,G__G__Meta_160_0_34, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 3);
17375    G__memfunc_setup("ResetAll",796,G__G__Meta_160_0_35, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 3);
17376    G__memfunc_setup("ResetGlobals",1223,G__G__Meta_160_0_36, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 3);
17377    G__memfunc_setup("RewindDictionary",1663,G__G__Meta_160_0_37, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 3);
17378    G__memfunc_setup("DeleteGlobal",1188,G__G__Meta_160_0_38, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "Y - - 0 - obj", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 3);
17379    G__memfunc_setup("SaveContext",1140,G__G__Meta_160_0_39, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 3);
17380    G__memfunc_setup("SaveGlobalsContext",1848,G__G__Meta_160_0_40, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 3);
17381    G__memfunc_setup("UpdateListOfGlobals",1912,G__G__Meta_160_0_41, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 3);
17382    G__memfunc_setup("UpdateListOfGlobalFunctions",2750,G__G__Meta_160_0_42, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 3);
17383    G__memfunc_setup("UpdateListOfTypes",1737,G__G__Meta_160_0_43, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 3);
17384    G__memfunc_setup("SetClassInfo",1198,G__G__Meta_160_0_44, 121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, 
17385 "U 'TClass' - 0 - cl g - 'Bool_t' 0 'kFALSE' reload", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 3);
17386    G__memfunc_setup("CheckClassInfo",1376,G__G__Meta_160_0_45, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, 
17387 "C - - 10 - name g - 'Bool_t' 0 'kTRUE' autoload", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 3);
17388    G__memfunc_setup("Calc",371,G__G__Meta_160_0_46, 108, -1, G__defined_typename("Long_t"), 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, 
17389 "C - - 10 - line I 'TInterpreter::EErrorCode' - 0 '0' error", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 3);
17390    G__memfunc_setup("CreateListOfBaseClasses",2286,G__G__Meta_160_0_47, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "U 'TClass' - 0 - cl", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 3);
17391    G__memfunc_setup("CreateListOfDataMembers",2282,G__G__Meta_160_0_48, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "U 'TClass' - 0 - cl", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 3);
17392    G__memfunc_setup("CreateListOfMethods",1913,G__G__Meta_160_0_49, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "U 'TClass' - 0 - cl", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 3);
17393    G__memfunc_setup("CreateListOfMethodArgs",2195,G__G__Meta_160_0_50, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "U 'TFunction' - 0 - m", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 3);
17394    G__memfunc_setup("UpdateListOfMethods",1928,G__G__Meta_160_0_51, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "U 'TClass' - 0 - cl", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 3);
17395    G__memfunc_setup("GetMangledName",1369,G__G__Meta_160_0_52, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TString), -1, 0, 3, 1, 1, 0, 
17396 "U 'TClass' - 0 - cl C - - 10 - method "
17397 "C - - 10 - params", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 3);
17398    G__memfunc_setup("GetMangledNameWithPrototype",2763,G__G__Meta_160_0_53, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TString), -1, 0, 3, 1, 1, 0, 
17399 "U 'TClass' - 0 - cl C - - 10 - method "
17400 "C - - 10 - proto", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 3);
17401    G__memfunc_setup("GetInterpreterTypeName",2263,G__G__Meta_160_0_54, 67, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 1, 
17402 "C - - 10 - name g - 'Bool_t' 0 'kFALSE' full", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 3);
17403    G__memfunc_setup("GetInterfaceMethod",1810,G__G__Meta_160_0_55, 89, -1, -1, 0, 3, 1, 1, 0, 
17404 "U 'TClass' - 0 - cl C - - 10 - method "
17405 "C - - 10 - params", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 3);
17406    G__memfunc_setup("GetInterfaceMethodWithPrototype",3204,G__G__Meta_160_0_56, 89, -1, -1, 0, 3, 1, 1, 0, 
17407 "U 'TClass' - 0 - cl C - - 10 - method "
17408 "C - - 10 - proto", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 3);
17409    G__memfunc_setup("Execute",723,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 3, 1, 1, 0, 
17410 "C - - 10 - function C - - 10 - params "
17411 "I - - 0 '0' error", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 3);
17412    G__memfunc_setup("Execute",723,G__G__Meta_160_0_58, 121, -1, -1, 0, 5, 1, 1, 0, 
17413 "U 'TObject' - 0 - obj U 'TClass' - 0 - cl "
17414 "C - - 10 - method C - - 10 - params "
17415 "I - - 0 '0' error", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 3);
17416    G__memfunc_setup("Execute",723,G__G__Meta_160_0_59, 121, -1, -1, 0, 5, 1, 1, 0, 
17417 "U 'TObject' - 0 - obj U 'TClass' - 0 - cl "
17418 "U 'TMethod' - 0 - method U 'TObjArray' - 0 - params "
17419 "I - - 0 '0' error", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 3);
17420    G__memfunc_setup("ExecuteMacro",1221,G__G__Meta_160_0_60, 108, -1, G__defined_typename("Long_t"), 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, 
17421 "C - - 10 - filename I 'TInterpreter::EErrorCode' - 0 '0' error", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 3);
17422    G__memfunc_setup("IsErrorMessagesEnabled",2217,G__G__Meta_160_0_61, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 3);
17423    G__memfunc_setup("SetErrorMessages",1646,G__G__Meta_160_0_62, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "g - 'Bool_t' 0 'kTRUE' enable", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 3);
17424    G__memfunc_setup("IsProcessLineLocked",1909,G__G__Meta_160_0_63, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 3);
17425    G__memfunc_setup("SetProcessLineLock",1820,G__G__Meta_160_0_64, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "g - 'Bool_t' 0 'kTRUE' lock", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 3);
17426    G__memfunc_setup("TypeName",803,G__G__Meta_160_0_65, 67, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, "C - - 10 - s", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 3);
17427    G__memfunc_setup("DisplayClass",1228,G__G__Meta_160_0_66, 105, -1, -1, 0, 4, 1, 1, 8, 
17428 "E - - 0 - - C - - 0 - - "
17429 "i - - 0 - - i - - 0 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17430    G__memfunc_setup("DisplayIncludePath",1831,G__G__Meta_160_0_67, 105, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "E - - 0 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17431    G__memfunc_setup("FindSym",698,G__G__Meta_160_0_68, 89, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "C - - 10 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17432    G__memfunc_setup("GenericError",1223,G__G__Meta_160_0_69, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "C - - 10 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17433    G__memfunc_setup("GetExecByteCode",1460,G__G__Meta_160_0_70, 108, -1, G__defined_typename("Long_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17434    G__memfunc_setup("Getgvp",621,G__G__Meta_160_0_71, 108, -1, G__defined_typename("Long_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17435    G__memfunc_setup("Getp2f2funcname",1447,G__G__Meta_160_0_72, 67, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 9, "Y - - 0 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17436    G__memfunc_setup("GetTopLevelMacroName",1982,G__G__Meta_160_0_73, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 9, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17437    G__memfunc_setup("GetCurrentMacroName",1910,G__G__Meta_160_0_74, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 9, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17438    G__memfunc_setup("GetSecurityError",1666,G__G__Meta_160_0_75, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17439    G__memfunc_setup("LoadFile",768,G__G__Meta_160_0_76, 105, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "C - - 10 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17440    G__memfunc_setup("LoadText",805,G__G__Meta_160_0_77, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "C - - 10 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17441    G__memfunc_setup("MapCppName",962,G__G__Meta_160_0_78, 67, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 9, "C - - 10 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17442    G__memfunc_setup("SetAlloclockfunc",1644,G__G__Meta_160_0_79, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "1 - 'void (*)()' 0 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17443    G__memfunc_setup("SetAllocunlockfunc",1871,G__G__Meta_160_0_80, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "1 - 'void (*)()' 0 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17444    G__memfunc_setup("SetClassAutoloading",1945,G__G__Meta_160_0_81, 105, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "i - - 0 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17445    G__memfunc_setup("SetErrmsgcallback",1737,G__G__Meta_160_0_82, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "Y - - 0 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17446    G__memfunc_setup("Setgvp",633,G__G__Meta_160_0_83, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "l - 'Long_t' 0 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17447    G__memfunc_setup("SetRTLD_NOW",949,G__G__Meta_160_0_84, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17448    G__memfunc_setup("SetRTLD_LAZY",1025,G__G__Meta_160_0_85, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17449    G__memfunc_setup("SetTempLevel",1210,G__G__Meta_160_0_86, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "i - - 0 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17450    G__memfunc_setup("UnloadFile",995,G__G__Meta_160_0_87, 105, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "C - - 10 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17451    G__memfunc_setup("CallFunc_Delete",1466,G__G__Meta_160_0_88, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "Y - - 0 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17452    G__memfunc_setup("CallFunc_Exec",1260,G__G__Meta_160_0_89, 121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 8, 
17453 "Y - 'CallFunc_t' 0 - - Y - - 0 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17454    G__memfunc_setup("CallFunc_ExecInt",1559,G__G__Meta_160_0_90, 108, -1, G__defined_typename("Long_t"), 0, 2, 1, 1, 8, 
17455 "Y - 'CallFunc_t' 0 - - Y - - 0 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17456    G__memfunc_setup("CallFunc_ExecInt64",1665,G__G__Meta_160_0_91, 108, -1, G__defined_typename("Long_t"), 0, 2, 1, 1, 8, 
17457 "Y - 'CallFunc_t' 0 - - Y - - 0 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17458    G__memfunc_setup("CallFunc_ExecDouble",1863,G__G__Meta_160_0_92, 100, -1, G__defined_typename("Double_t"), 0, 2, 1, 1, 8, 
17459 "Y - 'CallFunc_t' 0 - - Y - - 0 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17460    G__memfunc_setup("CallFunc_Factory",1599,G__G__Meta_160_0_93, 89, -1, G__defined_typename("CallFunc_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17461    G__memfunc_setup("CallFunc_FactoryCopy",2010,G__G__Meta_160_0_94, 89, -1, G__defined_typename("CallFunc_t"), 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "Y - 'CallFunc_t' 0 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17462    G__memfunc_setup("CallFunc_FactoryMethod",2208,G__G__Meta_160_0_95, 89, -1, G__defined_typename("MethodInfo_t"), 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "Y - 'CallFunc_t' 0 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17463    G__memfunc_setup("CallFunc_Init",1275,G__G__Meta_160_0_96, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "Y - 'CallFunc_t' 0 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17464    G__memfunc_setup("CallFunc_IsValid",1555,G__G__Meta_160_0_97, 103, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "Y - 'CallFunc_t' 0 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17465    G__memfunc_setup("CallFunc_ResetArg",1668,G__G__Meta_160_0_98, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "Y - 'CallFunc_t' 0 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17466    G__memfunc_setup("CallFunc_SetArg",1453,G__G__Meta_160_0_99, 121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 8, 
17467 "Y - 'CallFunc_t' 0 - - l - 'Long_t' 0 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17468    G__memfunc_setup("CallFunc_SetArg",1453,G__G__Meta_160_0_100, 121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 8, 
17469 "Y - 'CallFunc_t' 0 - - d - 'Double_t' 0 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17470    G__memfunc_setup("CallFunc_SetArg",1453,G__G__Meta_160_0_101, 121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 8, 
17471 "Y - 'CallFunc_t' 0 - - n - 'Long64_t' 0 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17472    G__memfunc_setup("CallFunc_SetArg",1453,G__G__Meta_160_0_102, 121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 8, 
17473 "Y - 'CallFunc_t' 0 - - m - 'ULong64_t' 0 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17474    G__memfunc_setup("CallFunc_SetArgArray",1964,G__G__Meta_160_0_103, 121, -1, -1, 0, 3, 1, 1, 8, 
17475 "Y - 'CallFunc_t' 0 - - L - 'Long_t' 0 - - "
17476 "i - 'Int_t' 0 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17477    G__memfunc_setup("CallFunc_SetArgs",1568,G__G__Meta_160_0_104, 121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 8, 
17478 "Y - 'CallFunc_t' 0 - - C - - 10 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17479    G__memfunc_setup("CallFunc_SetFunc",1567,G__G__Meta_160_0_105, 121, -1, -1, 0, 5, 1, 1, 8, 
17480 "Y - 'CallFunc_t' 0 - - Y - 'ClassInfo_t' 0 - - "
17481 "C - - 10 - - C - - 10 - - "
17482 "L - 'Long_t' 0 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17483    G__memfunc_setup("CallFunc_SetFunc",1567,G__G__Meta_160_0_106, 121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 8, 
17484 "Y - 'CallFunc_t' 0 - - Y - 'MethodInfo_t' 0 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17485    G__memfunc_setup("CallFunc_SetFuncProto",2099,G__G__Meta_160_0_107, 121, -1, -1, 0, 5, 1, 1, 8, 
17486 "Y - 'CallFunc_t' 0 - - Y - 'ClassInfo_t' 0 - - "
17487 "C - - 10 - - C - - 10 - - "
17488 "L - 'Long_t' 0 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17489    G__memfunc_setup("ClassInfo_ClassProperty",2364,G__G__Meta_160_0_108, 108, -1, G__defined_typename("Long_t"), 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "Y - 'ClassInfo_t' 0 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17490    G__memfunc_setup("ClassInfo_Delete",1588,G__G__Meta_160_0_109, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "Y - 'ClassInfo_t' 0 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17491    G__memfunc_setup("ClassInfo_Delete",1588,G__G__Meta_160_0_110, 121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 8, 
17492 "Y - 'ClassInfo_t' 0 - - Y - - 0 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17493    G__memfunc_setup("ClassInfo_DeleteArray",2099,G__G__Meta_160_0_111, 121, -1, -1, 0, 3, 1, 1, 8, 
17494 "Y - 'ClassInfo_t' 0 - - Y - - 0 - - "
17495 "g - - 0 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17496    G__memfunc_setup("ClassInfo_Destruct",1839,G__G__Meta_160_0_112, 121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 8, 
17497 "Y - 'ClassInfo_t' 0 - - Y - - 0 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17498    G__memfunc_setup("ClassInfo_Factory",1721,G__G__Meta_160_0_113, 89, -1, G__defined_typename("ClassInfo_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17499    G__memfunc_setup("ClassInfo_Factory",1721,G__G__Meta_160_0_114, 89, -1, G__defined_typename("ClassInfo_t"), 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "U 'G__value' - 0 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17500    G__memfunc_setup("ClassInfo_Factory",1721,G__G__Meta_160_0_115, 89, -1, G__defined_typename("ClassInfo_t"), 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "Y - 'ClassInfo_t' 0 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17501    G__memfunc_setup("ClassInfo_Factory",1721,G__G__Meta_160_0_116, 89, -1, G__defined_typename("ClassInfo_t"), 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "C - - 10 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17502    G__memfunc_setup("ClassInfo_GetMethodNArg",2250,G__G__Meta_160_0_117, 105, -1, -1, 0, 3, 1, 1, 8, 
17503 "Y - 'ClassInfo_t' 0 - - C - - 10 - - "
17504 "C - - 10 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17505    G__memfunc_setup("ClassInfo_HasDefaultConstructor",3176,G__G__Meta_160_0_118, 103, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "Y - 'ClassInfo_t' 0 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17506    G__memfunc_setup("ClassInfo_HasMethod",1886,G__G__Meta_160_0_119, 103, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 8, 
17507 "Y - 'ClassInfo_t' 0 - - C - - 10 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17508    G__memfunc_setup("ClassInfo_Init",1397,G__G__Meta_160_0_120, 121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 8, 
17509 "Y - 'ClassInfo_t' 0 - - C - - 10 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17510    G__memfunc_setup("ClassInfo_Init",1397,G__G__Meta_160_0_121, 121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 8, 
17511 "Y - 'ClassInfo_t' 0 - - i - - 0 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17512    G__memfunc_setup("ClassInfo_IsBase",1560,G__G__Meta_160_0_122, 103, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 8, 
17513 "Y - 'ClassInfo_t' 0 - - C - - 10 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17514    G__memfunc_setup("ClassInfo_IsEnum",1586,G__G__Meta_160_0_123, 103, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "C - - 10 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17515    G__memfunc_setup("ClassInfo_IsLoaded",1766,G__G__Meta_160_0_124, 103, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "Y - 'ClassInfo_t' 0 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17516    G__memfunc_setup("ClassInfo_IsValid",1677,G__G__Meta_160_0_125, 103, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "Y - 'ClassInfo_t' 0 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17517    G__memfunc_setup("ClassInfo_IsValidMethod",2286,G__G__Meta_160_0_126, 103, -1, -1, 0, 4, 1, 1, 8, 
17518 "Y - 'ClassInfo_t' 0 - - C - - 10 - - "
17519 "C - - 10 - - L - 'Long_t' 0 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17520    G__memfunc_setup("ClassInfo_Next",1408,G__G__Meta_160_0_127, 105, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "Y - 'ClassInfo_t' 0 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17521    G__memfunc_setup("ClassInfo_New",1291,G__G__Meta_160_0_128, 89, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "Y - 'ClassInfo_t' 0 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17522    G__memfunc_setup("ClassInfo_New",1291,G__G__Meta_160_0_129, 89, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 8, 
17523 "Y - 'ClassInfo_t' 0 - - i - - 0 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17524    G__memfunc_setup("ClassInfo_New",1291,G__G__Meta_160_0_130, 89, -1, -1, 0, 3, 1, 1, 8, 
17525 "Y - 'ClassInfo_t' 0 - - i - - 0 - - "
17526 "Y - - 0 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17527    G__memfunc_setup("ClassInfo_New",1291,G__G__Meta_160_0_131, 89, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 8, 
17528 "Y - 'ClassInfo_t' 0 - - Y - - 0 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17529    G__memfunc_setup("ClassInfo_Property",1862,G__G__Meta_160_0_132, 108, -1, G__defined_typename("Long_t"), 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "Y - 'ClassInfo_t' 0 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17530    G__memfunc_setup("ClassInfo_RootFlag",1791,G__G__Meta_160_0_133, 105, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "Y - 'ClassInfo_t' 0 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17531    G__memfunc_setup("ClassInfo_Size",1404,G__G__Meta_160_0_134, 105, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "Y - 'ClassInfo_t' 0 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17532    G__memfunc_setup("ClassInfo_Tagnum",1613,G__G__Meta_160_0_135, 108, -1, G__defined_typename("Long_t"), 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "Y - 'ClassInfo_t' 0 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17533    G__memfunc_setup("ClassInfo_FileName",1762,G__G__Meta_160_0_136, 67, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 9, "Y - 'ClassInfo_t' 0 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17534    G__memfunc_setup("ClassInfo_FullName",1781,G__G__Meta_160_0_137, 67, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 9, "Y - 'ClassInfo_t' 0 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17535    G__memfunc_setup("ClassInfo_Name",1378,G__G__Meta_160_0_138, 67, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 9, "Y - 'ClassInfo_t' 0 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17536    G__memfunc_setup("ClassInfo_Title",1507,G__G__Meta_160_0_139, 67, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 9, "Y - 'ClassInfo_t' 0 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17537    G__memfunc_setup("ClassInfo_TmpltName",1907,G__G__Meta_160_0_140, 67, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 9, "Y - 'ClassInfo_t' 0 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17538    G__memfunc_setup("BaseClassInfo_Delete",1967,G__G__Meta_160_0_141, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "Y - 'BaseClassInfo_t' 0 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17539    G__memfunc_setup("BaseClassInfo_Factory",2100,G__G__Meta_160_0_142, 89, -1, G__defined_typename("BaseClassInfo_t"), 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "Y - 'ClassInfo_t' 0 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17540    G__memfunc_setup("BaseClassInfo_Next",1787,G__G__Meta_160_0_143, 105, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "Y - 'BaseClassInfo_t' 0 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17541    G__memfunc_setup("BaseClassInfo_Next",1787,G__G__Meta_160_0_144, 105, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 8, 
17542 "Y - 'BaseClassInfo_t' 0 - - i - - 0 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17543    G__memfunc_setup("BaseClassInfo_Offset",1987,G__G__Meta_160_0_145, 108, -1, G__defined_typename("Long_t"), 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "Y - 'BaseClassInfo_t' 0 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17544    G__memfunc_setup("BaseClassInfo_Property",2241,G__G__Meta_160_0_146, 108, -1, G__defined_typename("Long_t"), 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "Y - 'BaseClassInfo_t' 0 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17545    G__memfunc_setup("BaseClassInfo_Tagnum",1992,G__G__Meta_160_0_147, 108, -1, G__defined_typename("Long_t"), 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "Y - 'BaseClassInfo_t' 0 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17546    G__memfunc_setup("BaseClassInfo_FullName",2160,G__G__Meta_160_0_148, 67, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 9, "Y - 'BaseClassInfo_t' 0 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17547    G__memfunc_setup("BaseClassInfo_Name",1757,G__G__Meta_160_0_149, 67, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 9, "Y - 'BaseClassInfo_t' 0 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17548    G__memfunc_setup("BaseClassInfo_TmpltName",2286,G__G__Meta_160_0_150, 67, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 9, "Y - 'BaseClassInfo_t' 0 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17549    G__memfunc_setup("DataMemberInfo_ArrayDim",2262,G__G__Meta_160_0_151, 105, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "Y - 'DataMemberInfo_t' 0 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17550    G__memfunc_setup("DataMemberInfo_Delete",2064,G__G__Meta_160_0_152, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "Y - 'DataMemberInfo_t' 0 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17551    G__memfunc_setup("DataMemberInfo_Factory",2197,G__G__Meta_160_0_153, 89, -1, G__defined_typename("DataMemberInfo_t"), 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "Y - 'ClassInfo_t' 0 '0' -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17552    G__memfunc_setup("DataMemberInfo_FactoryCopy",2608,G__G__Meta_160_0_154, 89, -1, G__defined_typename("DataMemberInfo_t"), 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "Y - 'DataMemberInfo_t' 0 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17553    G__memfunc_setup("DataMemberInfo_IsValid",2153,G__G__Meta_160_0_155, 103, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "Y - 'DataMemberInfo_t' 0 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17554    G__memfunc_setup("DataMemberInfo_MaxIndex",2267,G__G__Meta_160_0_156, 105, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 8, 
17555 "Y - 'DataMemberInfo_t' 0 - - i - 'Int_t' 0 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17556    G__memfunc_setup("DataMemberInfo_Next",1884,G__G__Meta_160_0_157, 105, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "Y - 'DataMemberInfo_t' 0 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17557    G__memfunc_setup("DataMemberInfo_Offset",2084,G__G__Meta_160_0_158, 108, -1, G__defined_typename("Long_t"), 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "Y - 'DataMemberInfo_t' 0 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17558    G__memfunc_setup("DataMemberInfo_Property",2338,G__G__Meta_160_0_159, 108, -1, G__defined_typename("Long_t"), 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "Y - 'DataMemberInfo_t' 0 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17559    G__memfunc_setup("DataMemberInfo_TypeProperty",2756,G__G__Meta_160_0_160, 108, -1, G__defined_typename("Long_t"), 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "Y - 'DataMemberInfo_t' 0 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17560    G__memfunc_setup("DataMemberInfo_TypeSize",2298,G__G__Meta_160_0_161, 105, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "Y - 'DataMemberInfo_t' 0 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17561    G__memfunc_setup("DataMemberInfo_TypeName",2272,G__G__Meta_160_0_162, 67, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 9, "Y - 'DataMemberInfo_t' 0 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17562    G__memfunc_setup("DataMemberInfo_TypeTrueName",2688,G__G__Meta_160_0_163, 67, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 9, "Y - 'DataMemberInfo_t' 0 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17563    G__memfunc_setup("DataMemberInfo_Name",1854,G__G__Meta_160_0_164, 67, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 9, "Y - 'DataMemberInfo_t' 0 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17564    G__memfunc_setup("DataMemberInfo_Title",1983,G__G__Meta_160_0_165, 67, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 9, "Y - 'DataMemberInfo_t' 0 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17565    G__memfunc_setup("DataMemberInfo_ValidArrayIndex",2980,G__G__Meta_160_0_166, 67, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 9, "Y - 'DataMemberInfo_t' 0 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17566    G__memfunc_setup("MethodInfo_CreateSignature",2642,G__G__Meta_160_0_167, 121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 8, 
17567 "Y - 'MethodInfo_t' 0 - - u 'TString' - 1 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17568    G__memfunc_setup("MethodInfo_Delete",1695,G__G__Meta_160_0_168, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "Y - 'MethodInfo_t' 0 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17569    G__memfunc_setup("MethodInfo_Factory",1828,G__G__Meta_160_0_169, 89, -1, G__defined_typename("MethodInfo_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17570    G__memfunc_setup("MethodInfo_FactoryCopy",2239,G__G__Meta_160_0_170, 89, -1, G__defined_typename("MethodInfo_t"), 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "Y - 'MethodInfo_t' 0 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17571    G__memfunc_setup("MethodInfo_InterfaceMethod",2622,G__G__Meta_160_0_171, 89, -1, G__defined_typename("MethodInfo_t"), 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "Y - 'MethodInfo_t' 0 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17572    G__memfunc_setup("MethodInfo_IsValid",1784,G__G__Meta_160_0_172, 103, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "Y - 'MethodInfo_t' 0 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17573    G__memfunc_setup("MethodInfo_NArg",1460,G__G__Meta_160_0_173, 105, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "Y - 'MethodInfo_t' 0 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17574    G__memfunc_setup("MethodInfo_NDefaultArg",2169,G__G__Meta_160_0_174, 105, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "Y - 'MethodInfo_t' 0 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17575    G__memfunc_setup("MethodInfo_Next",1515,G__G__Meta_160_0_175, 105, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "Y - 'MethodInfo_t' 0 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17576    G__memfunc_setup("MethodInfo_Property",1969,G__G__Meta_160_0_176, 108, -1, G__defined_typename("Long_t"), 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "Y - 'MethodInfo_t' 0 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17577    G__memfunc_setup("MethodInfo_Type",1518,G__G__Meta_160_0_177, 89, -1, G__defined_typename("TypeInfo_t"), 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "Y - 'MethodInfo_t' 0 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17578    G__memfunc_setup("MethodInfo_GetMangledName",2469,G__G__Meta_160_0_178, 67, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 9, "Y - 'MethodInfo_t' 0 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17579    G__memfunc_setup("MethodInfo_GetPrototype",2370,G__G__Meta_160_0_179, 67, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 9, "Y - 'MethodInfo_t' 0 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17580    G__memfunc_setup("MethodInfo_Name",1485,G__G__Meta_160_0_180, 67, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 9, "Y - 'MethodInfo_t' 0 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17581    G__memfunc_setup("MethodInfo_TypeName",1903,G__G__Meta_160_0_181, 67, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 9, "Y - 'MethodInfo_t' 0 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17582    G__memfunc_setup("MethodInfo_Title",1614,G__G__Meta_160_0_182, 67, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 9, "Y - 'MethodInfo_t' 0 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17583    G__memfunc_setup("MethodArgInfo_Delete",1977,G__G__Meta_160_0_183, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "Y - 'MethodArgInfo_t' 0 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17584    G__memfunc_setup("MethodArgInfo_Factory",2110,G__G__Meta_160_0_184, 89, -1, G__defined_typename("MethodArgInfo_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17585    G__memfunc_setup("MethodArgInfo_FactoryCopy",2521,G__G__Meta_160_0_185, 89, -1, G__defined_typename("MethodArgInfo_t"), 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "Y - 'MethodArgInfo_t' 0 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17586    G__memfunc_setup("MethodArgInfo_IsValid",2066,G__G__Meta_160_0_186, 103, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "Y - 'MethodArgInfo_t' 0 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17587    G__memfunc_setup("MethodArgInfo_Next",1797,G__G__Meta_160_0_187, 105, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "Y - 'MethodArgInfo_t' 0 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17588    G__memfunc_setup("MethodArgInfo_Property",2251,G__G__Meta_160_0_188, 108, -1, G__defined_typename("Long_t"), 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "Y - 'MethodArgInfo_t' 0 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17589    G__memfunc_setup("MethodArgInfo_DefaultValue",2600,G__G__Meta_160_0_189, 67, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 9, "Y - 'MethodArgInfo_t' 0 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17590    G__memfunc_setup("MethodArgInfo_Name",1767,G__G__Meta_160_0_190, 67, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 9, "Y - 'MethodArgInfo_t' 0 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17591    G__memfunc_setup("MethodArgInfo_TypeName",2185,G__G__Meta_160_0_191, 67, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 9, "Y - 'MethodArgInfo_t' 0 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17592    G__memfunc_setup("TypeInfo_Delete",1504,G__G__Meta_160_0_192, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "Y - 'TypeInfo_t' 0 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17593    G__memfunc_setup("TypeInfo_Factory",1637,G__G__Meta_160_0_193, 89, -1, G__defined_typename("TypeInfo_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17594    G__memfunc_setup("TypeInfo_Factory",1637,G__G__Meta_160_0_194, 89, -1, G__defined_typename("TypeInfo_t"), 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "U 'G__value' - 0 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17595    G__memfunc_setup("TypeInfo_FactoryCopy",2048,G__G__Meta_160_0_195, 89, -1, G__defined_typename("TypeInfo_t"), 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "Y - 'TypeInfo_t' 0 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17596    G__memfunc_setup("TypeInfo_Init",1313,G__G__Meta_160_0_196, 121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 8, 
17597 "Y - 'TypeInfo_t' 0 - - C - - 10 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17598    G__memfunc_setup("TypeInfo_IsValid",1593,G__G__Meta_160_0_197, 103, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "Y - 'TypeInfo_t' 0 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17599    G__memfunc_setup("TypeInfo_Name",1294,G__G__Meta_160_0_198, 67, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 9, "Y - 'TypeInfo_t' 0 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17600    G__memfunc_setup("TypeInfo_Property",1778,G__G__Meta_160_0_199, 108, -1, G__defined_typename("Long_t"), 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "Y - 'TypeInfo_t' 0 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17601    G__memfunc_setup("TypeInfo_RefType",1612,G__G__Meta_160_0_200, 105, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "Y - 'TypeInfo_t' 0 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17602    G__memfunc_setup("TypeInfo_Size",1320,G__G__Meta_160_0_201, 105, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "Y - 'TypeInfo_t' 0 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17603    G__memfunc_setup("TypeInfo_TrueName",1710,G__G__Meta_160_0_202, 67, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 9, "Y - 'TypeInfo_t' 0 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17604    G__memfunc_setup("TypedefInfo_Delete",1807,G__G__Meta_160_0_203, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "Y - 'TypedefInfo_t' 0 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17605    G__memfunc_setup("TypedefInfo_Factory",1940,G__G__Meta_160_0_204, 89, -1, G__defined_typename("TypedefInfo_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17606    G__memfunc_setup("TypedefInfo_FactoryCopy",2351,G__G__Meta_160_0_205, 89, -1, G__defined_typename("TypedefInfo_t"), 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "Y - 'TypedefInfo_t' 0 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17607    G__memfunc_setup("TypedefInfo_Init",1616,G__G__Meta_160_0_206, 121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 8, 
17608 "Y - 'TypedefInfo_t' 0 - - C - - 10 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17609    G__memfunc_setup("TypedefInfo_IsValid",1896,G__G__Meta_160_0_207, 103, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "Y - 'TypedefInfo_t' 0 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17610    G__memfunc_setup("TypedefInfo_Property",2081,G__G__Meta_160_0_208, 108, -1, G__defined_typename("Long_t"), 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "Y - 'TypedefInfo_t' 0 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17611    G__memfunc_setup("TypedefInfo_Size",1623,G__G__Meta_160_0_209, 105, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "Y - 'TypedefInfo_t' 0 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17612    G__memfunc_setup("TypedefInfo_TrueName",2013,G__G__Meta_160_0_210, 67, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 9, "Y - 'TypedefInfo_t' 0 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17613    G__memfunc_setup("TypedefInfo_Name",1597,G__G__Meta_160_0_211, 67, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 9, "Y - 'TypedefInfo_t' 0 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17614    G__memfunc_setup("TypedefInfo_Title",1726,G__G__Meta_160_0_212, 67, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 9, "Y - 'TypedefInfo_t' 0 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17615    G__memfunc_setup("Instance",821,G__G__Meta_160_0_213, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TInterpreter), -1, 1, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (TInterpreter*& (*)())(&TInterpreter::Instance) ), 0);
17616    G__memfunc_setup("Class",502,G__G__Meta_160_0_214, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (TClass* (*)())(&TInterpreter::Class) ), 0);
17617    G__memfunc_setup("Class_Name",982,G__G__Meta_160_0_215, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TInterpreter::Class_Name) ), 0);
17618    G__memfunc_setup("Class_Version",1339,G__G__Meta_160_0_216, 115, -1, G__defined_typename("Version_t"), 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (Version_t (*)())(&TInterpreter::Class_Version) ), 0);
17619    G__memfunc_setup("Dictionary",1046,G__G__Meta_160_0_217, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (void (*)())(&TInterpreter::Dictionary) ), 0);
17620    G__memfunc_setup("IsA",253,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17621    G__memfunc_setup("ShowMembers",1132,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMemberInspector' - 1 - insp", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17622    G__memfunc_setup("Streamer",835,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17623    G__memfunc_setup("StreamerNVirtual",1656,G__G__Meta_160_0_221, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17624    G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileName",1145,G__G__Meta_160_0_222, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TInterpreter::DeclFileName) ), 0);
17625    G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileLine",1178,G__G__Meta_160_0_223, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TInterpreter::ImplFileLine) ), 0);
17626    G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileName",1171,G__G__Meta_160_0_224, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TInterpreter::ImplFileName) ), 0);
17627    G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileLine",1152,G__G__Meta_160_0_225, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TInterpreter::DeclFileLine) ), 0);
17628    // automatic destructor
17629    G__memfunc_setup("~TInterpreter", 1382, G__G__Meta_160_0_226, (int) ('y'), -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*) NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17630    // automatic assignment operator
17631    G__memfunc_setup("operator=", 937, G__G__Meta_160_0_227, (int) ('u'), G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TInterpreter), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TInterpreter' - 11 - -", (char*) NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17632    G__tag_memfunc_reset();
17633 }
17635 static void G__setup_memfuncTIsAProxy(void) {
17636    /* TIsAProxy */
17637    G__tag_memfunc_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TIsAProxy));
17638    G__memfunc_setup("TIsAProxy",883,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TIsAProxy), -1, 0, 1, 1, 2, 0, "u 'TIsAProxy' - 11 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17639    G__memfunc_setup("operator=",937,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TIsAProxy), -1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 0, "u 'TIsAProxy' - 11 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17640    G__memfunc_setup("TIsAProxy",883,G__G__Meta_162_0_3, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TIsAProxy), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, 
17641 "u 'type_info' - 11 - typ Y - - 0 '0' ctxt", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17642    G__memfunc_setup("SetClass",802,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "U 'TClass' - 0 - cl", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17643    G__memfunc_setup("operator()",957,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClass), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "Y - - 10 - obj", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17644    // automatic destructor
17645    G__memfunc_setup("~TIsAProxy", 1009, G__G__Meta_162_0_6, (int) ('y'), -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*) NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17646    G__tag_memfunc_reset();
17647 }
17649 static void G__setup_memfuncTMethodArg(void) {
17650    /* TMethodArg */
17651    G__tag_memfunc_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TMethodArg));
17652    G__memfunc_setup("TMethodArg",975,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TMethodArg), -1, 0, 1, 1, 4, 0, "u 'TMethodArg' - 11 - -", "Not implemented", (void*) NULL, 0);
17653    G__memfunc_setup("operator=",937,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TMethodArg), -1, 1, 1, 1, 4, 0, "u 'TMethodArg' - 11 - -", "Not implemented", (void*) NULL, 0);
17654    G__memfunc_setup("TMethodArg",975,G__G__Meta_163_0_3, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TMethodArg), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, 
17655 "Y - 'MethodArgInfo_t' 0 '0' info U 'TFunction' - 0 '0' method", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17656    G__memfunc_setup("GetDefault",997,G__G__Meta_163_0_4, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 9, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17657    G__memfunc_setup("GetMethod",897,G__G__Meta_163_0_5, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TFunction), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17658    G__memfunc_setup("GetTypeName",1091,G__G__Meta_163_0_6, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 9, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17659    G__memfunc_setup("GetFullTypeName",1494,G__G__Meta_163_0_7, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 9, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17660    G__memfunc_setup("Property",869,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,108, -1, G__defined_typename("Long_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17661    G__memfunc_setup("GetDataMember",1266,G__G__Meta_163_0_9, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TDataMember), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17662    G__memfunc_setup("GetOptions",1036,G__G__Meta_163_0_10, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TList), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17663    G__memfunc_setup("Class",502,G__G__Meta_163_0_11, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (TClass* (*)())(&TMethodArg::Class) ), 0);
17664    G__memfunc_setup("Class_Name",982,G__G__Meta_163_0_12, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TMethodArg::Class_Name) ), 0);
17665    G__memfunc_setup("Class_Version",1339,G__G__Meta_163_0_13, 115, -1, G__defined_typename("Version_t"), 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (Version_t (*)())(&TMethodArg::Class_Version) ), 0);
17666    G__memfunc_setup("Dictionary",1046,G__G__Meta_163_0_14, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (void (*)())(&TMethodArg::Dictionary) ), 0);
17667    G__memfunc_setup("IsA",253,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17668    G__memfunc_setup("ShowMembers",1132,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMemberInspector' - 1 - insp", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17669    G__memfunc_setup("Streamer",835,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17670    G__memfunc_setup("StreamerNVirtual",1656,G__G__Meta_163_0_18, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17671    G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileName",1145,G__G__Meta_163_0_19, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TMethodArg::DeclFileName) ), 0);
17672    G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileLine",1178,G__G__Meta_163_0_20, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TMethodArg::ImplFileLine) ), 0);
17673    G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileName",1171,G__G__Meta_163_0_21, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TMethodArg::ImplFileName) ), 0);
17674    G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileLine",1152,G__G__Meta_163_0_22, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TMethodArg::DeclFileLine) ), 0);
17675    // automatic destructor
17676    G__memfunc_setup("~TMethodArg", 1101, G__G__Meta_163_0_23, (int) ('y'), -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*) NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17677    G__tag_memfunc_reset();
17678 }
17680 static void G__setup_memfuncROOTcLcLTSchemaRule(void) {
17681    /* ROOT::TSchemaRule */
17682    G__tag_memfunc_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_ROOTcLcLTSchemaRule));
17683    G__memfunc_setup("TSchemaRule",1085,G__G__Meta_168_0_1, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_ROOTcLcLTSchemaRule), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17684    G__memfunc_setup("TSchemaRule",1085,G__G__Meta_168_0_2, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_ROOTcLcLTSchemaRule), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'ROOT::TSchemaRule' - 11 - rhs", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17685    G__memfunc_setup("operator=",937,G__G__Meta_168_0_3, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_ROOTcLcLTSchemaRule), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'ROOT::TSchemaRule' - 11 - rhs", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17686    G__memfunc_setup("operator==",998,G__G__Meta_168_0_4, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'ROOT::TSchemaRule' - 11 - rhs", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17687    G__memfunc_setup("Clear",487,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "C - 'Option_t' 10 '\"\"' -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17688    G__memfunc_setup("SetFromRule",1112,G__G__Meta_168_0_6, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "C - - 10 - rule", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17689    G__memfunc_setup("GetVersion",1030,G__G__Meta_168_0_7, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 9, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17690    G__memfunc_setup("SetVersion",1042,G__G__Meta_168_0_8, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TString' - 11 - version", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17691    G__memfunc_setup("TestVersion",1158,G__G__Meta_168_0_9, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - version", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17692    G__memfunc_setup("SetChecksum",1119,G__G__Meta_168_0_10, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TString' - 11 - checksum", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17693    G__memfunc_setup("TestChecksum",1235,G__G__Meta_168_0_11, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "h - 'UInt_t' 0 - checksum", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17694    G__memfunc_setup("SetSourceClass",1427,G__G__Meta_168_0_12, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TString' - 11 - classname", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17695    G__memfunc_setup("GetSourceClass",1415,G__G__Meta_168_0_13, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 9, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17696    G__memfunc_setup("SetTargetClass",1417,G__G__Meta_168_0_14, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TString' - 11 - classname", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17697    G__memfunc_setup("GetTargetClass",1405,G__G__Meta_168_0_15, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 9, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17698    G__memfunc_setup("SetTarget",915,G__G__Meta_168_0_16, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TString' - 11 - target", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17699    G__memfunc_setup("GetTarget",903,G__G__Meta_168_0_17, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TObjArray), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 9, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17700    G__memfunc_setup("GetTargetString",1534,G__G__Meta_168_0_18, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 9, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17701    G__memfunc_setup("SetSource",925,G__G__Meta_168_0_19, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TString' - 11 - source", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17702    G__memfunc_setup("GetSource",913,G__G__Meta_168_0_20, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TObjArray), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 9, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17703    G__memfunc_setup("SetEmbed",777,G__G__Meta_168_0_21, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "g - 'Bool_t' 0 - embed", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17704    G__memfunc_setup("GetEmbed",765,G__G__Meta_168_0_22, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17705    G__memfunc_setup("IsAliasRule",1086,G__G__Meta_168_0_23, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17706    G__memfunc_setup("IsRenameRule",1196,G__G__Meta_168_0_24, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17707    G__memfunc_setup("IsValid",684,G__G__Meta_168_0_25, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17708    G__memfunc_setup("SetCode",679,G__G__Meta_168_0_26, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TString' - 11 - code", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17709    G__memfunc_setup("GetCode",667,G__G__Meta_168_0_27, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 9, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17710    G__memfunc_setup("SetAttributes",1363,G__G__Meta_168_0_28, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TString' - 11 - attributes", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17711    G__memfunc_setup("GetAttributes",1351,G__G__Meta_168_0_29, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 9, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17712    G__memfunc_setup("HasTarget",899,G__G__Meta_168_0_30, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "u 'TString' - 11 - target", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17713    G__memfunc_setup("HasSource",909,G__G__Meta_168_0_31, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "u 'TString' - 11 - source", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17714    G__memfunc_setup("SetReadFunctionPointer",2255,G__G__Meta_168_0_32, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "Y - 'ROOT::TSchemaRule::ReadFuncPtr_t' 0 - ptr", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17715    G__memfunc_setup("GetReadFunctionPointer",2243,G__G__Meta_168_0_33, 89, -1, G__defined_typename("ROOT::TSchemaRule::ReadFuncPtr_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17716    G__memfunc_setup("SetReadRawFunctionPointer",2553,G__G__Meta_168_0_34, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "Y - 'ROOT::TSchemaRule::ReadRawFuncPtr_t' 0 - ptr", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17717    G__memfunc_setup("GetReadRawFunctionPointer",2541,G__G__Meta_168_0_35, 89, -1, G__defined_typename("ROOT::TSchemaRule::ReadRawFuncPtr_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17718    G__memfunc_setup("SetInclude",1008,G__G__Meta_168_0_36, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TString' - 11 - include", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17719    G__memfunc_setup("GetInclude",996,G__G__Meta_168_0_37, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TObjArray), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 9, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17720    G__memfunc_setup("SetRuleType",1126,G__G__Meta_168_0_38, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'ROOT::TSchemaRule::RuleType_t' 'ROOT::TSchemaRule::RuleType_t' 0 - type", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17721    G__memfunc_setup("GetRuleType",1114,G__G__Meta_168_0_39, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_ROOTcLcLTSchemaRulecLcLRuleType_t), G__defined_typename("ROOT::TSchemaRule::RuleType_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17722    G__memfunc_setup("Conflicts",933,G__G__Meta_168_0_40, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "U 'ROOT::TSchemaRule' - 10 - rule", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17723    G__memfunc_setup("AsString",811,G__G__Meta_168_0_41, 121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 8, 
17724 "u 'TString' - 1 - out C - - 10 '\"\"' options", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17725    G__memfunc_setup("ls",223,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "C - 'Option_t' 10 '\"\"' option", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17726    G__memfunc_setup("Class",502,G__G__Meta_168_0_43, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (TClass* (*)())(&ROOT::TSchemaRule::Class) ), 0);
17727    G__memfunc_setup("Class_Name",982,G__G__Meta_168_0_44, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&ROOT::TSchemaRule::Class_Name) ), 0);
17728    G__memfunc_setup("Class_Version",1339,G__G__Meta_168_0_45, 115, -1, G__defined_typename("Version_t"), 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (Version_t (*)())(&ROOT::TSchemaRule::Class_Version) ), 0);
17729    G__memfunc_setup("Dictionary",1046,G__G__Meta_168_0_46, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (void (*)())(&ROOT::TSchemaRule::Dictionary) ), 0);
17730    G__memfunc_setup("IsA",253,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17731    G__memfunc_setup("ShowMembers",1132,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMemberInspector' - 1 - insp", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17732    G__memfunc_setup("Streamer",835,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17733    G__memfunc_setup("StreamerNVirtual",1656,G__G__Meta_168_0_50, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17734    G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileName",1145,G__G__Meta_168_0_51, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&ROOT::TSchemaRule::DeclFileName) ), 0);
17735    G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileLine",1178,G__G__Meta_168_0_52, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&ROOT::TSchemaRule::ImplFileLine) ), 0);
17736    G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileName",1171,G__G__Meta_168_0_53, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&ROOT::TSchemaRule::ImplFileName) ), 0);
17737    G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileLine",1152,G__G__Meta_168_0_54, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&ROOT::TSchemaRule::DeclFileLine) ), 0);
17738    G__memfunc_setup("ProcessVersion",1477,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 1, 1, 4, 8, "u 'TString' - 11 - version", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17739    G__memfunc_setup("ProcessChecksum",1554,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 1, 1, 4, 8, "u 'TString' - 11 - checksum", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17740    G__memfunc_setup("ProcessList",1147,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 3, 4, 0, 
17741 "U 'TObjArray' - 0 - array u 'TString' - 11 - list", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17742    G__memfunc_setup("ProcessDeclaration",1861,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 3, 4, 0, 
17743 "U 'TObjArray' - 0 - array u 'TString' - 11 - list", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17744    // automatic destructor
17745    G__memfunc_setup("~TSchemaRule", 1211, G__G__Meta_168_0_59, (int) ('y'), -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*) NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17746    G__tag_memfunc_reset();
17747 }
17749 static void G__setup_memfuncROOTcLcLTSchemaRulecLcLTSources(void) {
17750    /* ROOT::TSchemaRule::TSources */
17751    G__tag_memfunc_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_ROOTcLcLTSchemaRulecLcLTSources));
17752    G__memfunc_setup("TSources",824,G__G__Meta_169_0_1, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_ROOTcLcLTSchemaRulecLcLTSources), -1, 0, 3, 1, 1, 0, 
17753 "C - - 10 '0' name C - - 10 '0' title "
17754 "C - - 10 '0' dims", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17755    G__memfunc_setup("GetDimensions",1337,G__G__Meta_169_0_2, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17756    G__memfunc_setup("Class",502,G__G__Meta_169_0_3, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (TClass* (*)())(&ROOT::TSchemaRule::TSources::Class) ), 0);
17757    G__memfunc_setup("Class_Name",982,G__G__Meta_169_0_4, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&ROOT::TSchemaRule::TSources::Class_Name) ), 0);
17758    G__memfunc_setup("Class_Version",1339,G__G__Meta_169_0_5, 115, -1, G__defined_typename("Version_t"), 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (Version_t (*)())(&ROOT::TSchemaRule::TSources::Class_Version) ), 0);
17759    G__memfunc_setup("Dictionary",1046,G__G__Meta_169_0_6, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (void (*)())(&ROOT::TSchemaRule::TSources::Dictionary) ), 0);
17760    G__memfunc_setup("IsA",253,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17761    G__memfunc_setup("ShowMembers",1132,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMemberInspector' - 1 - insp", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17762    G__memfunc_setup("Streamer",835,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17763    G__memfunc_setup("StreamerNVirtual",1656,G__G__Meta_169_0_10, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17764    G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileName",1145,G__G__Meta_169_0_11, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&ROOT::TSchemaRule::TSources::DeclFileName) ), 0);
17765    G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileLine",1178,G__G__Meta_169_0_12, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&ROOT::TSchemaRule::TSources::ImplFileLine) ), 0);
17766    G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileName",1171,G__G__Meta_169_0_13, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&ROOT::TSchemaRule::TSources::ImplFileName) ), 0);
17767    G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileLine",1152,G__G__Meta_169_0_14, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&ROOT::TSchemaRule::TSources::DeclFileLine) ), 0);
17768    // automatic copy constructor
17769    G__memfunc_setup("TSources", 824, G__G__Meta_169_0_15, (int) ('i'), G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_ROOTcLcLTSchemaRulecLcLTSources), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'ROOT::TSchemaRule::TSources' - 11 - -", (char*) NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17770    // automatic destructor
17771    G__memfunc_setup("~TSources", 950, G__G__Meta_169_0_16, (int) ('y'), -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*) NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17772    // automatic assignment operator
17773    G__memfunc_setup("operator=", 937, G__G__Meta_169_0_17, (int) ('u'), G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_ROOTcLcLTSchemaRulecLcLTSources), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'ROOT::TSchemaRule::TSources' - 11 - -", (char*) NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17774    G__tag_memfunc_reset();
17775 }
17777 static void G__setup_memfuncvectorlEpairlEintcOintgRcOallocatorlEpairlEintcOintgRsPgRsPgR(void) {
17778    /* vector<pair<int,int>,allocator<pair<int,int> > > */
17779    G__tag_memfunc_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_vectorlEpairlEintcOintgRcOallocatorlEpairlEintcOintgRsPgRsPgR));
17780    G__memfunc_setup("at",213,G__G__Meta_173_0_1, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_pairlEintcOintgR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "h - 'vector<pair<int,int>,allocator<pair<int,int> > >::size_type' 0 - n", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17781    G__memfunc_setup("begin",517,G__G__Meta_173_0_2, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_vectorlEpairlEintcOintgRcOallocatorlEpairlEintcOintgRsPgRsPgRcLcLiterator), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17782    G__memfunc_setup("end",311,G__G__Meta_173_0_3, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_vectorlEpairlEintcOintgRcOallocatorlEpairlEintcOintgRsPgRsPgRcLcLiterator), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17783    G__memfunc_setup("rbegin",631,G__G__Meta_173_0_4, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_reverse_iteratorlEvectorlEpairlEintcOintgRcOallocatorlEpairlEintcOintgRsPgRsPgRcLcLiteratorgR), G__defined_typename("vector<pair<int,int>,allocator<pair<int,int> > >::reverse_iterator"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17784    G__memfunc_setup("rend",425,G__G__Meta_173_0_5, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_reverse_iteratorlEvectorlEpairlEintcOintgRcOallocatorlEpairlEintcOintgRsPgRsPgRcLcLiteratorgR), G__defined_typename("vector<pair<int,int>,allocator<pair<int,int> > >::reverse_iterator"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17785    G__memfunc_setup("size",443,G__G__Meta_173_0_6, 104, -1, G__defined_typename("vector<pair<int,int>,allocator<pair<int,int> > >::size_type"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17786    G__memfunc_setup("max_size",864,G__G__Meta_173_0_7, 104, -1, G__defined_typename("vector<pair<int,int>,allocator<pair<int,int> > >::size_type"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17787    G__memfunc_setup("resize",658,G__G__Meta_173_0_8, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "h - 'vector<pair<int,int>,allocator<pair<int,int> > >::size_type' 0 - sz", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17788    G__memfunc_setup("resize",658,G__G__Meta_173_0_9, 121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, 
17789 "h - 'vector<pair<int,int>,allocator<pair<int,int> > >::size_type' 0 - sz u 'pair<int,int>' - 0 - c", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17790    G__memfunc_setup("capacity",846,G__G__Meta_173_0_10, 104, -1, G__defined_typename("vector<pair<int,int>,allocator<pair<int,int> > >::size_type"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17791    G__memfunc_setup("empty",559,G__G__Meta_173_0_11, 103, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17792    G__memfunc_setup("operator[]",1060,G__G__Meta_173_0_12, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_pairlEintcOintgR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "h - 'vector<pair<int,int>,allocator<pair<int,int> > >::size_type' 0 - n", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17793    G__memfunc_setup("vector<pair<int,int>,allocator<pair<int,int> > >",4484,G__G__Meta_173_0_13, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_vectorlEpairlEintcOintgRcOallocatorlEpairlEintcOintgRsPgRsPgR), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17794    G__memfunc_setup("vector<pair<int,int>,allocator<pair<int,int> > >",4484,G__G__Meta_173_0_14, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_vectorlEpairlEintcOintgRcOallocatorlEpairlEintcOintgRsPgRsPgR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, 
17795 "h - 'vector<pair<int,int>,allocator<pair<int,int> > >::size_type' 0 - n u 'pair<int,int>' - 11 '(pair<int,int>)()' value", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17796    G__memfunc_setup("vector<pair<int,int>,allocator<pair<int,int> > >",4484,G__G__Meta_173_0_15, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_vectorlEpairlEintcOintgRcOallocatorlEpairlEintcOintgRsPgRsPgR), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'vector<pair<int,int>,allocator<pair<int,int> > >' - 11 - x", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17797    G__memfunc_setup("vector<pair<int,int>,allocator<pair<int,int> > >",4484,G__G__Meta_173_0_16, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_vectorlEpairlEintcOintgRcOallocatorlEpairlEintcOintgRsPgRsPgR), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, 
17798 "u 'vector<pair<int,int>,allocator<pair<int,int> > >::iterator' 'vector<pair<int,int>,allocator<pair<int,int> > >::const_iterator' 10 - first u 'vector<pair<int,int>,allocator<pair<int,int> > >::iterator' 'vector<pair<int,int>,allocator<pair<int,int> > >::const_iterator' 10 - last", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17799    G__memfunc_setup("operator=",937,G__G__Meta_173_0_17, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_vectorlEpairlEintcOintgRcOallocatorlEpairlEintcOintgRsPgRsPgR), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'vector<pair<int,int>,allocator<pair<int,int> > >' - 11 - x", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17800    G__memfunc_setup("reserve",764,G__G__Meta_173_0_18, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "h - 'vector<pair<int,int>,allocator<pair<int,int> > >::size_type' 0 - n", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17801    G__memfunc_setup("front",553,G__G__Meta_173_0_19, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_pairlEintcOintgR), -1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17802    G__memfunc_setup("back",401,G__G__Meta_173_0_20, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_pairlEintcOintgR), -1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17803    G__memfunc_setup("push_back",944,G__G__Meta_173_0_21, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'pair<int,int>' - 11 - x", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17804    G__memfunc_setup("swap",443,G__G__Meta_173_0_22, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'vector<pair<int,int>,allocator<pair<int,int> > >' - 1 - x", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17805    G__memfunc_setup("insert",661,G__G__Meta_173_0_23, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_vectorlEpairlEintcOintgRcOallocatorlEpairlEintcOintgRsPgRsPgRcLcLiterator), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, 
17806 "u 'vector<pair<int,int>,allocator<pair<int,int> > >::iterator' - 0 - position u 'pair<int,int>' - 11 - x", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17807    G__memfunc_setup("insert",661,G__G__Meta_173_0_24, 121, -1, -1, 0, 3, 1, 1, 0, 
17808 "u 'vector<pair<int,int>,allocator<pair<int,int> > >::iterator' - 0 - position u 'vector<pair<int,int>,allocator<pair<int,int> > >::iterator' 'vector<pair<int,int>,allocator<pair<int,int> > >::const_iterator' 10 - first "
17809 "u 'vector<pair<int,int>,allocator<pair<int,int> > >::iterator' 'vector<pair<int,int>,allocator<pair<int,int> > >::const_iterator' 10 - last", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17810    G__memfunc_setup("insert",661,G__G__Meta_173_0_25, 121, -1, -1, 0, 3, 1, 1, 0, 
17811 "u 'vector<pair<int,int>,allocator<pair<int,int> > >::iterator' - 0 - position h - 'vector<pair<int,int>,allocator<pair<int,int> > >::size_type' 0 - n "
17812 "u 'pair<int,int>' - 11 - x", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17813    G__memfunc_setup("pop_back",831,G__G__Meta_173_0_26, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17814    G__memfunc_setup("erase",528,G__G__Meta_173_0_27, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'vector<pair<int,int>,allocator<pair<int,int> > >::iterator' - 0 - position", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17815    G__memfunc_setup("erase",528,G__G__Meta_173_0_28, 121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, 
17816 "u 'vector<pair<int,int>,allocator<pair<int,int> > >::iterator' - 0 - first u 'vector<pair<int,int>,allocator<pair<int,int> > >::iterator' - 0 - last", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17817    G__memfunc_setup("clear",519,G__G__Meta_173_0_29, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17818    // automatic destructor
17819    G__memfunc_setup("~vector<pair<int,int>,allocator<pair<int,int> > >", 4610, G__G__Meta_173_0_30, (int) ('y'), -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*) NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17820    G__tag_memfunc_reset();
17821 }
17823 static void G__setup_memfuncROOTcLcLTSchemaMatch(void) {
17824    /* ROOT::TSchemaMatch */
17825    G__tag_memfunc_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_ROOTcLcLTSchemaMatch));
17826    G__memfunc_setup("GetRuleWithSource",1733,G__G__Meta_180_0_1, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_ROOTcLcLTSchemaRule), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 9, "u 'TString' - 11 - name", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17827    G__memfunc_setup("GetRuleWithTarget",1723,G__G__Meta_180_0_2, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_ROOTcLcLTSchemaRule), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 9, "u 'TString' - 11 - name", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17828    G__memfunc_setup("HasRuleWithSource",1729,G__G__Meta_180_0_3, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 2, 1, 1, 8, 
17829 "u 'TString' - 11 - name g - 'Bool_t' 0 - needingAlloc", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17830    G__memfunc_setup("HasRuleWithTarget",1719,G__G__Meta_180_0_4, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 2, 1, 1, 8, 
17831 "u 'TString' - 11 - name g - 'Bool_t' 0 - willset", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17832    G__memfunc_setup("Class",502,G__G__Meta_180_0_5, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (TClass* (*)())(&ROOT::TSchemaMatch::Class) ), 0);
17833    G__memfunc_setup("Class_Name",982,G__G__Meta_180_0_6, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&ROOT::TSchemaMatch::Class_Name) ), 0);
17834    G__memfunc_setup("Class_Version",1339,G__G__Meta_180_0_7, 115, -1, G__defined_typename("Version_t"), 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (Version_t (*)())(&ROOT::TSchemaMatch::Class_Version) ), 0);
17835    G__memfunc_setup("Dictionary",1046,G__G__Meta_180_0_8, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (void (*)())(&ROOT::TSchemaMatch::Dictionary) ), 0);
17836    G__memfunc_setup("IsA",253,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17837    G__memfunc_setup("ShowMembers",1132,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMemberInspector' - 1 - insp", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17838    G__memfunc_setup("Streamer",835,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17839    G__memfunc_setup("StreamerNVirtual",1656,G__G__Meta_180_0_12, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17840    G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileName",1145,G__G__Meta_180_0_13, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&ROOT::TSchemaMatch::DeclFileName) ), 0);
17841    G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileLine",1178,G__G__Meta_180_0_14, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&ROOT::TSchemaMatch::ImplFileLine) ), 0);
17842    G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileName",1171,G__G__Meta_180_0_15, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&ROOT::TSchemaMatch::ImplFileName) ), 0);
17843    G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileLine",1152,G__G__Meta_180_0_16, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&ROOT::TSchemaMatch::DeclFileLine) ), 0);
17844    // automatic destructor
17845    G__memfunc_setup("~TSchemaMatch", 1296, G__G__Meta_180_0_17, (int) ('y'), -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*) NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17846    G__tag_memfunc_reset();
17847 }
17849 static void G__setup_memfuncTStreamerBasicType(void) {
17850    /* TStreamerBasicType */
17851    G__tag_memfunc_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerBasicType));
17852    G__memfunc_setup("TStreamerBasicType",1819,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerBasicType), -1, 0, 1, 1, 4, 0, "u 'TStreamerBasicType' - 11 - -", "Not implemented", (void*) NULL, 0);
17853    G__memfunc_setup("operator=",937,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerBasicType), -1, 1, 1, 1, 4, 0, "u 'TStreamerBasicType' - 11 - -", "Not implemented", (void*) NULL, 0);
17854    G__memfunc_setup("TStreamerBasicType",1819,G__G__Meta_182_0_3, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerBasicType), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17855    G__memfunc_setup("TStreamerBasicType",1819,G__G__Meta_182_0_4, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerBasicType), -1, 0, 5, 1, 1, 0, 
17856 "C - - 10 - name C - - 10 - title "
17857 "i - 'Int_t' 0 - offset i - 'Int_t' 0 - dtype "
17858 "C - - 10 - typeName", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17859    G__memfunc_setup("GetCounter",1024,G__G__Meta_182_0_5, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17860    G__memfunc_setup("GetMethod",897,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,107, -1, G__defined_typename("ULong_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17861    G__memfunc_setup("GetSize",699,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17862    G__memfunc_setup("Class",502,G__G__Meta_182_0_8, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (TClass* (*)())(&TStreamerBasicType::Class) ), 0);
17863    G__memfunc_setup("Class_Name",982,G__G__Meta_182_0_9, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TStreamerBasicType::Class_Name) ), 0);
17864    G__memfunc_setup("Class_Version",1339,G__G__Meta_182_0_10, 115, -1, G__defined_typename("Version_t"), 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (Version_t (*)())(&TStreamerBasicType::Class_Version) ), 0);
17865    G__memfunc_setup("Dictionary",1046,G__G__Meta_182_0_11, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (void (*)())(&TStreamerBasicType::Dictionary) ), 0);
17866    G__memfunc_setup("IsA",253,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17867    G__memfunc_setup("ShowMembers",1132,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMemberInspector' - 1 - insp", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17868    G__memfunc_setup("Streamer",835,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17869    G__memfunc_setup("StreamerNVirtual",1656,G__G__Meta_182_0_15, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17870    G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileName",1145,G__G__Meta_182_0_16, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TStreamerBasicType::DeclFileName) ), 0);
17871    G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileLine",1178,G__G__Meta_182_0_17, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TStreamerBasicType::ImplFileLine) ), 0);
17872    G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileName",1171,G__G__Meta_182_0_18, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TStreamerBasicType::ImplFileName) ), 0);
17873    G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileLine",1152,G__G__Meta_182_0_19, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TStreamerBasicType::DeclFileLine) ), 0);
17874    // automatic destructor
17875    G__memfunc_setup("~TStreamerBasicType", 1945, G__G__Meta_182_0_20, (int) ('y'), -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*) NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17876    G__tag_memfunc_reset();
17877 }
17879 static void G__setup_memfuncTStreamerBase(void) {
17880    /* TStreamerBase */
17881    G__tag_memfunc_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerBase));
17882    G__memfunc_setup("TStreamerBase",1298,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerBase), -1, 0, 1, 1, 4, 0, "u 'TStreamerBase' - 11 - -", "Not implemented", (void*) NULL, 0);
17883    G__memfunc_setup("operator=",937,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerBase), -1, 1, 1, 1, 4, 0, "u 'TStreamerBase' - 11 - -", "Not implemented", (void*) NULL, 0);
17884    G__memfunc_setup("TStreamerBase",1298,G__G__Meta_185_0_3, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerBase), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17885    G__memfunc_setup("TStreamerBase",1298,G__G__Meta_185_0_4, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerBase), -1, 0, 3, 1, 1, 0, 
17886 "C - - 10 - name C - - 10 - title "
17887 "i - 'Int_t' 0 - offset", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17888    G__memfunc_setup("GetBaseVersion",1409,G__G__Meta_185_0_5, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17889    G__memfunc_setup("GetClassPointer",1527,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17890    G__memfunc_setup("GetInclude",996,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 9, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17891    G__memfunc_setup("GetNewBaseClass",1467,G__G__Meta_185_0_8, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17892    G__memfunc_setup("GetMethod",897,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,107, -1, G__defined_typename("ULong_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17893    G__memfunc_setup("GetSize",699,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17894    G__memfunc_setup("Init",404,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "U 'TObject' - 0 '0' obj", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17895    G__memfunc_setup("IsBase",567,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17896    G__memfunc_setup("ls",223,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "C - 'Option_t' 10 '\"\"' option", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17897    G__memfunc_setup("ReadBuffer",982,G__G__Meta_185_0_14, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, 
17898 "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - b C - - 0 - pointer", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17899    G__memfunc_setup("SetNewBaseClass",1479,G__G__Meta_185_0_15, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "U 'TClass' - 0 - cl", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17900    G__memfunc_setup("SetBaseVersion",1421,G__G__Meta_185_0_16, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - v", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17901    G__memfunc_setup("Update",611,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, 
17902 "U 'TClass' - 10 - oldClass U 'TClass' - 0 - newClass", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17903    G__memfunc_setup("WriteBuffer",1125,G__G__Meta_185_0_18, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, 
17904 "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - b C - - 0 - pointer", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17905    G__memfunc_setup("Class",502,G__G__Meta_185_0_19, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (TClass* (*)())(&TStreamerBase::Class) ), 0);
17906    G__memfunc_setup("Class_Name",982,G__G__Meta_185_0_20, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TStreamerBase::Class_Name) ), 0);
17907    G__memfunc_setup("Class_Version",1339,G__G__Meta_185_0_21, 115, -1, G__defined_typename("Version_t"), 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (Version_t (*)())(&TStreamerBase::Class_Version) ), 0);
17908    G__memfunc_setup("Dictionary",1046,G__G__Meta_185_0_22, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (void (*)())(&TStreamerBase::Dictionary) ), 0);
17909    G__memfunc_setup("IsA",253,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17910    G__memfunc_setup("ShowMembers",1132,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMemberInspector' - 1 - insp", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17911    G__memfunc_setup("Streamer",835,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17912    G__memfunc_setup("StreamerNVirtual",1656,G__G__Meta_185_0_26, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17913    G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileName",1145,G__G__Meta_185_0_27, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TStreamerBase::DeclFileName) ), 0);
17914    G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileLine",1178,G__G__Meta_185_0_28, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TStreamerBase::ImplFileLine) ), 0);
17915    G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileName",1171,G__G__Meta_185_0_29, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TStreamerBase::ImplFileName) ), 0);
17916    G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileLine",1152,G__G__Meta_185_0_30, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TStreamerBase::DeclFileLine) ), 0);
17917    // automatic destructor
17918    G__memfunc_setup("~TStreamerBase", 1424, G__G__Meta_185_0_31, (int) ('y'), -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*) NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17919    G__tag_memfunc_reset();
17920 }
17922 static void G__setup_memfuncTStreamerBasicPointer(void) {
17923    /* TStreamerBasicPointer */
17924    G__tag_memfunc_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerBasicPointer));
17925    G__memfunc_setup("TStreamerBasicPointer",2138,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerBasicPointer), -1, 0, 1, 1, 4, 0, "u 'TStreamerBasicPointer' - 11 - -", "Not implemented", (void*) NULL, 0);
17926    G__memfunc_setup("operator=",937,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerBasicPointer), -1, 1, 1, 1, 4, 0, "u 'TStreamerBasicPointer' - 11 - -", "Not implemented", (void*) NULL, 0);
17927    G__memfunc_setup("TStreamerBasicPointer",2138,G__G__Meta_186_0_3, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerBasicPointer), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17928    G__memfunc_setup("TStreamerBasicPointer",2138,G__G__Meta_186_0_4, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerBasicPointer), -1, 0, 8, 1, 1, 0, 
17929 "C - - 10 - name C - - 10 - title "
17930 "i - 'Int_t' 0 - offset i - 'Int_t' 0 - dtype "
17931 "C - - 10 - countName C - - 10 - countClass "
17932 "i - 'Int_t' 0 - version C - - 10 - typeName", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17933    G__memfunc_setup("GetCountClass",1311,G__G__Meta_186_0_5, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 9, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17934    G__memfunc_setup("GetCountName",1194,G__G__Meta_186_0_6, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 9, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17935    G__memfunc_setup("GetCountVersion",1551,G__G__Meta_186_0_7, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17936    G__memfunc_setup("GetMethod",897,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,107, -1, G__defined_typename("ULong_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17937    G__memfunc_setup("GetSize",699,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17938    G__memfunc_setup("Init",404,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "U 'TObject' - 0 '0' obj", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17939    G__memfunc_setup("HasCounter",1020,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17940    G__memfunc_setup("IsaPointer",1022,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17941    G__memfunc_setup("SetArrayDim",1093,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - dim", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17942    G__memfunc_setup("SetCountClass",1323,G__G__Meta_186_0_14, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "C - - 10 - clname", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17943    G__memfunc_setup("SetCountName",1206,G__G__Meta_186_0_15, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "C - - 10 - name", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17944    G__memfunc_setup("SetCountVersion",1563,G__G__Meta_186_0_16, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - count", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17945    G__memfunc_setup("Class",502,G__G__Meta_186_0_17, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (TClass* (*)())(&TStreamerBasicPointer::Class) ), 0);
17946    G__memfunc_setup("Class_Name",982,G__G__Meta_186_0_18, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TStreamerBasicPointer::Class_Name) ), 0);
17947    G__memfunc_setup("Class_Version",1339,G__G__Meta_186_0_19, 115, -1, G__defined_typename("Version_t"), 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (Version_t (*)())(&TStreamerBasicPointer::Class_Version) ), 0);
17948    G__memfunc_setup("Dictionary",1046,G__G__Meta_186_0_20, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (void (*)())(&TStreamerBasicPointer::Dictionary) ), 0);
17949    G__memfunc_setup("IsA",253,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17950    G__memfunc_setup("ShowMembers",1132,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMemberInspector' - 1 - insp", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17951    G__memfunc_setup("Streamer",835,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17952    G__memfunc_setup("StreamerNVirtual",1656,G__G__Meta_186_0_24, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17953    G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileName",1145,G__G__Meta_186_0_25, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TStreamerBasicPointer::DeclFileName) ), 0);
17954    G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileLine",1178,G__G__Meta_186_0_26, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TStreamerBasicPointer::ImplFileLine) ), 0);
17955    G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileName",1171,G__G__Meta_186_0_27, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TStreamerBasicPointer::ImplFileName) ), 0);
17956    G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileLine",1152,G__G__Meta_186_0_28, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TStreamerBasicPointer::DeclFileLine) ), 0);
17957    // automatic destructor
17958    G__memfunc_setup("~TStreamerBasicPointer", 2264, G__G__Meta_186_0_29, (int) ('y'), -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*) NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17959    G__tag_memfunc_reset();
17960 }
17962 static void G__setup_memfuncTStreamerLoop(void) {
17963    /* TStreamerLoop */
17964    G__tag_memfunc_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerLoop));
17965    G__memfunc_setup("TStreamerLoop",1329,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerLoop), -1, 0, 1, 1, 4, 0, "u 'TStreamerLoop' - 11 - -", "Not implemented", (void*) NULL, 0);
17966    G__memfunc_setup("operator=",937,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerLoop), -1, 1, 1, 1, 4, 0, "u 'TStreamerLoop' - 11 - -", "Not implemented", (void*) NULL, 0);
17967    G__memfunc_setup("TStreamerLoop",1329,G__G__Meta_187_0_3, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerLoop), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17968    G__memfunc_setup("TStreamerLoop",1329,G__G__Meta_187_0_4, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerLoop), -1, 0, 7, 1, 1, 0, 
17969 "C - - 10 - name C - - 10 - title "
17970 "i - 'Int_t' 0 - offset C - - 10 - countName "
17971 "C - - 10 - countClass i - 'Int_t' 0 - version "
17972 "C - - 10 - typeName", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17973    G__memfunc_setup("GetCountClass",1311,G__G__Meta_187_0_5, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 9, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17974    G__memfunc_setup("GetCountName",1194,G__G__Meta_187_0_6, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 9, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17975    G__memfunc_setup("GetCountVersion",1551,G__G__Meta_187_0_7, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17976    G__memfunc_setup("GetInclude",996,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 9, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17977    G__memfunc_setup("GetMethod",897,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,107, -1, G__defined_typename("ULong_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17978    G__memfunc_setup("GetSize",699,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17979    G__memfunc_setup("Init",404,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "U 'TObject' - 0 '0' obj", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17980    G__memfunc_setup("IsaPointer",1022,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17981    G__memfunc_setup("HasCounter",1020,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17982    G__memfunc_setup("SetCountClass",1323,G__G__Meta_187_0_14, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "C - - 10 - clname", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17983    G__memfunc_setup("SetCountName",1206,G__G__Meta_187_0_15, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "C - - 10 - name", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17984    G__memfunc_setup("SetCountVersion",1563,G__G__Meta_187_0_16, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - count", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17985    G__memfunc_setup("Class",502,G__G__Meta_187_0_17, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (TClass* (*)())(&TStreamerLoop::Class) ), 0);
17986    G__memfunc_setup("Class_Name",982,G__G__Meta_187_0_18, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TStreamerLoop::Class_Name) ), 0);
17987    G__memfunc_setup("Class_Version",1339,G__G__Meta_187_0_19, 115, -1, G__defined_typename("Version_t"), 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (Version_t (*)())(&TStreamerLoop::Class_Version) ), 0);
17988    G__memfunc_setup("Dictionary",1046,G__G__Meta_187_0_20, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (void (*)())(&TStreamerLoop::Dictionary) ), 0);
17989    G__memfunc_setup("IsA",253,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17990    G__memfunc_setup("ShowMembers",1132,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMemberInspector' - 1 - insp", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17991    G__memfunc_setup("Streamer",835,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17992    G__memfunc_setup("StreamerNVirtual",1656,G__G__Meta_187_0_24, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
17993    G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileName",1145,G__G__Meta_187_0_25, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TStreamerLoop::DeclFileName) ), 0);
17994    G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileLine",1178,G__G__Meta_187_0_26, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TStreamerLoop::ImplFileLine) ), 0);
17995    G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileName",1171,G__G__Meta_187_0_27, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TStreamerLoop::ImplFileName) ), 0);
17996    G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileLine",1152,G__G__Meta_187_0_28, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TStreamerLoop::DeclFileLine) ), 0);
17997    // automatic destructor
17998    G__memfunc_setup("~TStreamerLoop", 1455, G__G__Meta_187_0_29, (int) ('y'), -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*) NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
17999    G__tag_memfunc_reset();
18000 }
18002 static void G__setup_memfuncTStreamerObject(void) {
18003    /* TStreamerObject */
18004    G__tag_memfunc_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerObject));
18005    G__memfunc_setup("TStreamerObject",1518,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerObject), -1, 0, 1, 1, 4, 0, "u 'TStreamerObject' - 11 - -", "Not implemented", (void*) NULL, 0);
18006    G__memfunc_setup("operator=",937,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerObject), -1, 1, 1, 1, 4, 0, "u 'TStreamerObject' - 11 - -", "Not implemented", (void*) NULL, 0);
18007    G__memfunc_setup("TStreamerObject",1518,G__G__Meta_188_0_3, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerObject), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
18008    G__memfunc_setup("TStreamerObject",1518,G__G__Meta_188_0_4, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerObject), -1, 0, 4, 1, 1, 0, 
18009 "C - - 10 - name C - - 10 - title "
18010 "i - 'Int_t' 0 - offset C - - 10 - typeName", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
18011    G__memfunc_setup("GetInclude",996,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 9, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
18012    G__memfunc_setup("GetSize",699,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
18013    G__memfunc_setup("Init",404,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "U 'TObject' - 0 '0' obj", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
18014    G__memfunc_setup("Class",502,G__G__Meta_188_0_8, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (TClass* (*)())(&TStreamerObject::Class) ), 0);
18015    G__memfunc_setup("Class_Name",982,G__G__Meta_188_0_9, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TStreamerObject::Class_Name) ), 0);
18016    G__memfunc_setup("Class_Version",1339,G__G__Meta_188_0_10, 115, -1, G__defined_typename("Version_t"), 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (Version_t (*)())(&TStreamerObject::Class_Version) ), 0);
18017    G__memfunc_setup("Dictionary",1046,G__G__Meta_188_0_11, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (void (*)())(&TStreamerObject::Dictionary) ), 0);
18018    G__memfunc_setup("IsA",253,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
18019    G__memfunc_setup("ShowMembers",1132,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMemberInspector' - 1 - insp", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
18020    G__memfunc_setup("Streamer",835,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
18021    G__memfunc_setup("StreamerNVirtual",1656,G__G__Meta_188_0_15, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
18022    G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileName",1145,G__G__Meta_188_0_16, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TStreamerObject::DeclFileName) ), 0);
18023    G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileLine",1178,G__G__Meta_188_0_17, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TStreamerObject::ImplFileLine) ), 0);
18024    G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileName",1171,G__G__Meta_188_0_18, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TStreamerObject::ImplFileName) ), 0);
18025    G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileLine",1152,G__G__Meta_188_0_19, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TStreamerObject::DeclFileLine) ), 0);
18026    // automatic destructor
18027    G__memfunc_setup("~TStreamerObject", 1644, G__G__Meta_188_0_20, (int) ('y'), -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*) NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
18028    G__tag_memfunc_reset();
18029 }
18031 static void G__setup_memfuncTStreamerObjectAny(void) {
18032    /* TStreamerObjectAny */
18033    G__tag_memfunc_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerObjectAny));
18034    G__memfunc_setup("TStreamerObjectAny",1814,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerObjectAny), -1, 0, 1, 1, 4, 0, "u 'TStreamerObjectAny' - 11 - -", "Not implemented", (void*) NULL, 0);
18035    G__memfunc_setup("operator=",937,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerObjectAny), -1, 1, 1, 1, 4, 0, "u 'TStreamerObjectAny' - 11 - -", "Not implemented", (void*) NULL, 0);
18036    G__memfunc_setup("TStreamerObjectAny",1814,G__G__Meta_189_0_3, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerObjectAny), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
18037    G__memfunc_setup("TStreamerObjectAny",1814,G__G__Meta_189_0_4, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerObjectAny), -1, 0, 4, 1, 1, 0, 
18038 "C - - 10 - name C - - 10 - title "
18039 "i - 'Int_t' 0 - offset C - - 10 - typeName", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
18040    G__memfunc_setup("GetInclude",996,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 9, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
18041    G__memfunc_setup("GetSize",699,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
18042    G__memfunc_setup("Init",404,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "U 'TObject' - 0 '0' obj", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
18043    G__memfunc_setup("Class",502,G__G__Meta_189_0_8, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (TClass* (*)())(&TStreamerObjectAny::Class) ), 0);
18044    G__memfunc_setup("Class_Name",982,G__G__Meta_189_0_9, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TStreamerObjectAny::Class_Name) ), 0);
18045    G__memfunc_setup("Class_Version",1339,G__G__Meta_189_0_10, 115, -1, G__defined_typename("Version_t"), 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (Version_t (*)())(&TStreamerObjectAny::Class_Version) ), 0);
18046    G__memfunc_setup("Dictionary",1046,G__G__Meta_189_0_11, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (void (*)())(&TStreamerObjectAny::Dictionary) ), 0);
18047    G__memfunc_setup("IsA",253,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
18048    G__memfunc_setup("ShowMembers",1132,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMemberInspector' - 1 - insp", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
18049    G__memfunc_setup("Streamer",835,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
18050    G__memfunc_setup("StreamerNVirtual",1656,G__G__Meta_189_0_15, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
18051    G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileName",1145,G__G__Meta_189_0_16, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TStreamerObjectAny::DeclFileName) ), 0);
18052    G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileLine",1178,G__G__Meta_189_0_17, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TStreamerObjectAny::ImplFileLine) ), 0);
18053    G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileName",1171,G__G__Meta_189_0_18, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TStreamerObjectAny::ImplFileName) ), 0);
18054    G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileLine",1152,G__G__Meta_189_0_19, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TStreamerObjectAny::DeclFileLine) ), 0);
18055    // automatic destructor
18056    G__memfunc_setup("~TStreamerObjectAny", 1940, G__G__Meta_189_0_20, (int) ('y'), -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*) NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
18057    G__tag_memfunc_reset();
18058 }
18060 static void G__setup_memfuncTStreamerObjectPointer(void) {
18061    /* TStreamerObjectPointer */
18062    G__tag_memfunc_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerObjectPointer));
18063    G__memfunc_setup("TStreamerObjectPointer",2255,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerObjectPointer), -1, 0, 1, 1, 4, 0, "u 'TStreamerObjectPointer' - 11 - -", "Not implemented", (void*) NULL, 0);
18064    G__memfunc_setup("operator=",937,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerObjectPointer), -1, 1, 1, 1, 4, 0, "u 'TStreamerObjectPointer' - 11 - -", "Not implemented", (void*) NULL, 0);
18065    G__memfunc_setup("TStreamerObjectPointer",2255,G__G__Meta_190_0_3, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerObjectPointer), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
18066    G__memfunc_setup("TStreamerObjectPointer",2255,G__G__Meta_190_0_4, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerObjectPointer), -1, 0, 4, 1, 1, 0, 
18067 "C - - 10 - name C - - 10 - title "
18068 "i - 'Int_t' 0 - offset C - - 10 - typeName", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
18069    G__memfunc_setup("GetInclude",996,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 9, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
18070    G__memfunc_setup("GetSize",699,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
18071    G__memfunc_setup("Init",404,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "U 'TObject' - 0 '0' obj", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
18072    G__memfunc_setup("IsaPointer",1022,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
18073    G__memfunc_setup("SetArrayDim",1093,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - dim", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
18074    G__memfunc_setup("Class",502,G__G__Meta_190_0_10, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (TClass* (*)())(&TStreamerObjectPointer::Class) ), 0);
18075    G__memfunc_setup("Class_Name",982,G__G__Meta_190_0_11, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TStreamerObjectPointer::Class_Name) ), 0);
18076    G__memfunc_setup("Class_Version",1339,G__G__Meta_190_0_12, 115, -1, G__defined_typename("Version_t"), 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (Version_t (*)())(&TStreamerObjectPointer::Class_Version) ), 0);
18077    G__memfunc_setup("Dictionary",1046,G__G__Meta_190_0_13, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (void (*)())(&TStreamerObjectPointer::Dictionary) ), 0);
18078    G__memfunc_setup("IsA",253,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
18079    G__memfunc_setup("ShowMembers",1132,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMemberInspector' - 1 - insp", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
18080    G__memfunc_setup("Streamer",835,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
18081    G__memfunc_setup("StreamerNVirtual",1656,G__G__Meta_190_0_17, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
18082    G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileName",1145,G__G__Meta_190_0_18, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TStreamerObjectPointer::DeclFileName) ), 0);
18083    G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileLine",1178,G__G__Meta_190_0_19, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TStreamerObjectPointer::ImplFileLine) ), 0);
18084    G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileName",1171,G__G__Meta_190_0_20, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TStreamerObjectPointer::ImplFileName) ), 0);
18085    G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileLine",1152,G__G__Meta_190_0_21, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TStreamerObjectPointer::DeclFileLine) ), 0);
18086    // automatic destructor
18087    G__memfunc_setup("~TStreamerObjectPointer", 2381, G__G__Meta_190_0_22, (int) ('y'), -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*) NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
18088    G__tag_memfunc_reset();
18089 }
18091 static void G__setup_memfuncTStreamerObjectAnyPointer(void) {
18092    /* TStreamerObjectAnyPointer */
18093    G__tag_memfunc_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerObjectAnyPointer));
18094    G__memfunc_setup("TStreamerObjectAnyPointer",2551,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerObjectAnyPointer), -1, 0, 1, 1, 4, 0, "u 'TStreamerObjectAnyPointer' - 11 - -", "Not implemented", (void*) NULL, 0);
18095    G__memfunc_setup("operator=",937,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerObjectAnyPointer), -1, 1, 1, 1, 4, 0, "u 'TStreamerObjectAnyPointer' - 11 - -", "Not implemented", (void*) NULL, 0);
18096    G__memfunc_setup("TStreamerObjectAnyPointer",2551,G__G__Meta_191_0_3, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerObjectAnyPointer), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
18097    G__memfunc_setup("TStreamerObjectAnyPointer",2551,G__G__Meta_191_0_4, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerObjectAnyPointer), -1, 0, 4, 1, 1, 0, 
18098 "C - - 10 - name C - - 10 - title "
18099 "i - 'Int_t' 0 - offset C - - 10 - typeName", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
18100    G__memfunc_setup("GetInclude",996,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 9, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
18101    G__memfunc_setup("GetSize",699,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
18102    G__memfunc_setup("Init",404,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "U 'TObject' - 0 '0' obj", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
18103    G__memfunc_setup("IsaPointer",1022,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
18104    G__memfunc_setup("SetArrayDim",1093,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - dim", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
18105    G__memfunc_setup("Class",502,G__G__Meta_191_0_10, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (TClass* (*)())(&TStreamerObjectAnyPointer::Class) ), 0);
18106    G__memfunc_setup("Class_Name",982,G__G__Meta_191_0_11, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TStreamerObjectAnyPointer::Class_Name) ), 0);
18107    G__memfunc_setup("Class_Version",1339,G__G__Meta_191_0_12, 115, -1, G__defined_typename("Version_t"), 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (Version_t (*)())(&TStreamerObjectAnyPointer::Class_Version) ), 0);
18108    G__memfunc_setup("Dictionary",1046,G__G__Meta_191_0_13, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (void (*)())(&TStreamerObjectAnyPointer::Dictionary) ), 0);
18109    G__memfunc_setup("IsA",253,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
18110    G__memfunc_setup("ShowMembers",1132,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMemberInspector' - 1 - insp", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
18111    G__memfunc_setup("Streamer",835,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
18112    G__memfunc_setup("StreamerNVirtual",1656,G__G__Meta_191_0_17, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
18113    G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileName",1145,G__G__Meta_191_0_18, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TStreamerObjectAnyPointer::DeclFileName) ), 0);
18114    G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileLine",1178,G__G__Meta_191_0_19, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TStreamerObjectAnyPointer::ImplFileLine) ), 0);
18115    G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileName",1171,G__G__Meta_191_0_20, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TStreamerObjectAnyPointer::ImplFileName) ), 0);
18116    G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileLine",1152,G__G__Meta_191_0_21, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TStreamerObjectAnyPointer::DeclFileLine) ), 0);
18117    // automatic destructor
18118    G__memfunc_setup("~TStreamerObjectAnyPointer", 2677, G__G__Meta_191_0_22, (int) ('y'), -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*) NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
18119    G__tag_memfunc_reset();
18120 }
18122 static void G__setup_memfuncTStreamerString(void) {
18123    /* TStreamerString */
18124    G__tag_memfunc_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerString));
18125    G__memfunc_setup("TStreamerString",1550,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerString), -1, 0, 1, 1, 4, 0, "u 'TStreamerString' - 11 - -", "Not implemented", (void*) NULL, 0);
18126    G__memfunc_setup("operator=",937,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerString), -1, 1, 1, 1, 4, 0, "u 'TStreamerString' - 11 - -", "Not implemented", (void*) NULL, 0);
18127    G__memfunc_setup("TStreamerString",1550,G__G__Meta_192_0_3, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerString), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
18128    G__memfunc_setup("TStreamerString",1550,G__G__Meta_192_0_4, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerString), -1, 0, 3, 1, 1, 0, 
18129 "C - - 10 - name C - - 10 - title "
18130 "i - 'Int_t' 0 - offset", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
18131    G__memfunc_setup("GetInclude",996,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 9, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
18132    G__memfunc_setup("GetSize",699,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
18133    G__memfunc_setup("Class",502,G__G__Meta_192_0_7, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (TClass* (*)())(&TStreamerString::Class) ), 0);
18134    G__memfunc_setup("Class_Name",982,G__G__Meta_192_0_8, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TStreamerString::Class_Name) ), 0);
18135    G__memfunc_setup("Class_Version",1339,G__G__Meta_192_0_9, 115, -1, G__defined_typename("Version_t"), 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (Version_t (*)())(&TStreamerString::Class_Version) ), 0);
18136    G__memfunc_setup("Dictionary",1046,G__G__Meta_192_0_10, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (void (*)())(&TStreamerString::Dictionary) ), 0);
18137    G__memfunc_setup("IsA",253,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
18138    G__memfunc_setup("ShowMembers",1132,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMemberInspector' - 1 - insp", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
18139    G__memfunc_setup("Streamer",835,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
18140    G__memfunc_setup("StreamerNVirtual",1656,G__G__Meta_192_0_14, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
18141    G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileName",1145,G__G__Meta_192_0_15, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TStreamerString::DeclFileName) ), 0);
18142    G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileLine",1178,G__G__Meta_192_0_16, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TStreamerString::ImplFileLine) ), 0);
18143    G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileName",1171,G__G__Meta_192_0_17, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TStreamerString::ImplFileName) ), 0);
18144    G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileLine",1152,G__G__Meta_192_0_18, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TStreamerString::DeclFileLine) ), 0);
18145    // automatic destructor
18146    G__memfunc_setup("~TStreamerString", 1676, G__G__Meta_192_0_19, (int) ('y'), -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*) NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
18147    G__tag_memfunc_reset();
18148 }
18150 static void G__setup_memfuncTStreamerSTL(void) {
18151    /* TStreamerSTL */
18152    G__tag_memfunc_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerSTL));
18153    G__memfunc_setup("TStreamerSTL",1162,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerSTL), -1, 0, 1, 1, 4, 0, "u 'TStreamerSTL' - 11 - -", "Not implemented", (void*) NULL, 0);
18154    G__memfunc_setup("operator=",937,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerSTL), -1, 1, 1, 1, 4, 0, "u 'TStreamerSTL' - 11 - -", "Not implemented", (void*) NULL, 0);
18155    G__memfunc_setup("TStreamerSTL",1162,G__G__Meta_193_0_3, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerSTL), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
18156    G__memfunc_setup("TStreamerSTL",1162,G__G__Meta_193_0_4, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerSTL), -1, 0, 6, 1, 1, 0, 
18157 "C - - 10 - name C - - 10 - title "
18158 "i - 'Int_t' 0 - offset C - - 10 - typeName "
18159 "C - - 10 - trueType g - 'Bool_t' 0 - dmPointer", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
18160    G__memfunc_setup("CannotSplit",1135,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
18161    G__memfunc_setup("IsaPointer",1022,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
18162    G__memfunc_setup("IsBase",567,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
18163    G__memfunc_setup("GetSTLtype",981,G__G__Meta_193_0_8, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
18164    G__memfunc_setup("GetCtype",805,G__G__Meta_193_0_9, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
18165    G__memfunc_setup("GetInclude",996,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 9, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
18166    G__memfunc_setup("GetSize",699,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
18167    G__memfunc_setup("ls",223,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 8, "C - 'Option_t' 10 '\"\"' option", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
18168    G__memfunc_setup("SetSTLtype",993,G__G__Meta_193_0_13, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - t", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
18169    G__memfunc_setup("SetCtype",817,G__G__Meta_193_0_14, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - t", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
18170    G__memfunc_setup("SetStreamer",1135,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "U 'TMemberStreamer' - 0 - streamer", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
18171    G__memfunc_setup("Class",502,G__G__Meta_193_0_16, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (TClass* (*)())(&TStreamerSTL::Class) ), 0);
18172    G__memfunc_setup("Class_Name",982,G__G__Meta_193_0_17, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TStreamerSTL::Class_Name) ), 0);
18173    G__memfunc_setup("Class_Version",1339,G__G__Meta_193_0_18, 115, -1, G__defined_typename("Version_t"), 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (Version_t (*)())(&TStreamerSTL::Class_Version) ), 0);
18174    G__memfunc_setup("Dictionary",1046,G__G__Meta_193_0_19, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (void (*)())(&TStreamerSTL::Dictionary) ), 0);
18175    G__memfunc_setup("IsA",253,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
18176    G__memfunc_setup("ShowMembers",1132,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMemberInspector' - 1 - insp", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
18177    G__memfunc_setup("Streamer",835,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
18178    G__memfunc_setup("StreamerNVirtual",1656,G__G__Meta_193_0_23, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
18179    G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileName",1145,G__G__Meta_193_0_24, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TStreamerSTL::DeclFileName) ), 0);
18180    G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileLine",1178,G__G__Meta_193_0_25, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TStreamerSTL::ImplFileLine) ), 0);
18181    G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileName",1171,G__G__Meta_193_0_26, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TStreamerSTL::ImplFileName) ), 0);
18182    G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileLine",1152,G__G__Meta_193_0_27, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TStreamerSTL::DeclFileLine) ), 0);
18183    // automatic destructor
18184    G__memfunc_setup("~TStreamerSTL", 1288, G__G__Meta_193_0_28, (int) ('y'), -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*) NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
18185    G__tag_memfunc_reset();
18186 }
18188 static void G__setup_memfuncTStreamerSTLstring(void) {
18189    /* TStreamerSTLstring */
18190    G__tag_memfunc_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerSTLstring));
18191    G__memfunc_setup("TStreamerSTLstring",1825,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerSTLstring), -1, 0, 1, 1, 4, 0, "u 'TStreamerSTLstring' - 11 - -", "Not implemented", (void*) NULL, 0);
18192    G__memfunc_setup("operator=",937,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerSTLstring), -1, 1, 1, 1, 4, 0, "u 'TStreamerSTLstring' - 11 - -", "Not implemented", (void*) NULL, 0);
18193    G__memfunc_setup("TStreamerSTLstring",1825,G__G__Meta_195_0_3, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerSTLstring), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
18194    G__memfunc_setup("TStreamerSTLstring",1825,G__G__Meta_195_0_4, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerSTLstring), -1, 0, 5, 1, 1, 0, 
18195 "C - - 10 - name C - - 10 - title "
18196 "i - 'Int_t' 0 - offset C - - 10 - typeName "
18197 "g - 'Bool_t' 0 - dmPointer", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
18198    G__memfunc_setup("GetInclude",996,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 9, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
18199    G__memfunc_setup("GetSize",699,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
18200    G__memfunc_setup("Class",502,G__G__Meta_195_0_7, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (TClass* (*)())(&TStreamerSTLstring::Class) ), 0);
18201    G__memfunc_setup("Class_Name",982,G__G__Meta_195_0_8, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TStreamerSTLstring::Class_Name) ), 0);
18202    G__memfunc_setup("Class_Version",1339,G__G__Meta_195_0_9, 115, -1, G__defined_typename("Version_t"), 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (Version_t (*)())(&TStreamerSTLstring::Class_Version) ), 0);
18203    G__memfunc_setup("Dictionary",1046,G__G__Meta_195_0_10, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (void (*)())(&TStreamerSTLstring::Dictionary) ), 0);
18204    G__memfunc_setup("IsA",253,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
18205    G__memfunc_setup("ShowMembers",1132,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMemberInspector' - 1 - insp", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
18206    G__memfunc_setup("Streamer",835,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
18207    G__memfunc_setup("StreamerNVirtual",1656,G__G__Meta_195_0_14, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
18208    G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileName",1145,G__G__Meta_195_0_15, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TStreamerSTLstring::DeclFileName) ), 0);
18209    G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileLine",1178,G__G__Meta_195_0_16, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TStreamerSTLstring::ImplFileLine) ), 0);
18210    G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileName",1171,G__G__Meta_195_0_17, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TStreamerSTLstring::ImplFileName) ), 0);
18211    G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileLine",1152,G__G__Meta_195_0_18, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TStreamerSTLstring::DeclFileLine) ), 0);
18212    // automatic destructor
18213    G__memfunc_setup("~TStreamerSTLstring", 1951, G__G__Meta_195_0_19, (int) ('y'), -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*) NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
18214    G__tag_memfunc_reset();
18215 }
18217 static void G__setup_memfuncTStreamerArtificial(void) {
18218    /* TStreamerArtificial */
18219    G__tag_memfunc_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerArtificial));
18220    G__memfunc_setup("TStreamerArtificial",1935,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerArtificial), -1, 0, 1, 1, 4, 0, "u 'TStreamerArtificial' - 11 - -", "Not implemented", (void*) NULL, 0);
18221    G__memfunc_setup("operator=",937,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerArtificial), -1, 1, 1, 1, 4, 0, "u 'TStreamerArtificial' - 11 - -", "Not implemented", (void*) NULL, 0);
18222    G__memfunc_setup("TStreamerArtificial",1935,G__G__Meta_196_0_3, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerArtificial), -1, 0, 5, 1, 1, 0, 
18223 "C - - 10 - name C - - 10 - title "
18224 "i - 'Int_t' 0 - offset i - 'Int_t' 0 - dtype "
18225 "C - - 10 - typeName", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
18226    G__memfunc_setup("SetReadFunc",1076,G__G__Meta_196_0_4, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "Y - 'ROOT::TSchemaRule::ReadFuncPtr_t' 0 - val", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
18227    G__memfunc_setup("SetReadRawFunc",1374,G__G__Meta_196_0_5, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "Y - 'ROOT::TSchemaRule::ReadRawFuncPtr_t' 0 - val", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
18228    G__memfunc_setup("GetReadFunc",1064,G__G__Meta_196_0_6, 89, -1, G__defined_typename("ROOT::TSchemaRule::ReadFuncPtr_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
18229    G__memfunc_setup("GetReadRawFunc",1362,G__G__Meta_196_0_7, 89, -1, G__defined_typename("ROOT::TSchemaRule::ReadRawFuncPtr_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
18230    G__memfunc_setup("Class",502,G__G__Meta_196_0_8, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (TClass* (*)())(&TStreamerArtificial::Class) ), 0);
18231    G__memfunc_setup("Class_Name",982,G__G__Meta_196_0_9, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TStreamerArtificial::Class_Name) ), 0);
18232    G__memfunc_setup("Class_Version",1339,G__G__Meta_196_0_10, 115, -1, G__defined_typename("Version_t"), 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (Version_t (*)())(&TStreamerArtificial::Class_Version) ), 0);
18233    G__memfunc_setup("Dictionary",1046,G__G__Meta_196_0_11, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (void (*)())(&TStreamerArtificial::Dictionary) ), 0);
18234    G__memfunc_setup("IsA",253,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
18235    G__memfunc_setup("ShowMembers",1132,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMemberInspector' - 1 - insp", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
18236    G__memfunc_setup("Streamer",835,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
18237    G__memfunc_setup("StreamerNVirtual",1656,G__G__Meta_196_0_15, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
18238    G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileName",1145,G__G__Meta_196_0_16, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TStreamerArtificial::DeclFileName) ), 0);
18239    G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileLine",1178,G__G__Meta_196_0_17, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TStreamerArtificial::ImplFileLine) ), 0);
18240    G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileName",1171,G__G__Meta_196_0_18, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TStreamerArtificial::ImplFileName) ), 0);
18241    G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileLine",1152,G__G__Meta_196_0_19, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TStreamerArtificial::DeclFileLine) ), 0);
18242    // automatic destructor
18243    G__memfunc_setup("~TStreamerArtificial", 2061, G__G__Meta_196_0_20, (int) ('y'), -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*) NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
18244    G__tag_memfunc_reset();
18245 }
18247 static void G__setup_memfuncTToggle(void) {
18248    /* TToggle */
18249    G__tag_memfunc_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TToggle));
18250    G__memfunc_setup("TToggle",694,G__G__Meta_197_0_1, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TToggle), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
18251    G__memfunc_setup("SetToggledObject",1609,G__G__Meta_197_0_2, 121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, 
18252 "U 'TObject' - 0 - obj U 'TMethod' - 0 - anymethod", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
18253    G__memfunc_setup("SetToggledVariable",1816,G__G__Meta_197_0_3, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 1 - var", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
18254    G__memfunc_setup("IsInitialized",1330,G__G__Meta_197_0_4, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
18255    G__memfunc_setup("GetState",801,G__G__Meta_197_0_5, 103, -1, G__defined_typename("Bool_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
18256    G__memfunc_setup("SetState",813,G__G__Meta_197_0_6, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "g - 'Bool_t' 0 - state", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
18257    G__memfunc_setup("Toggle",610,G__G__Meta_197_0_7, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
18258    G__memfunc_setup("SetOnValue",998,G__G__Meta_197_0_8, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "l - 'Long_t' 0 - lon", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
18259    G__memfunc_setup("GetOnValue",986,G__G__Meta_197_0_9, 108, -1, G__defined_typename("Long_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
18260    G__memfunc_setup("SetOffValue",1092,G__G__Meta_197_0_10, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "l - 'Long_t' 0 - lof", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
18261    G__memfunc_setup("GetOffValue",1080,G__G__Meta_197_0_11, 108, -1, G__defined_typename("Long_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
18262    G__memfunc_setup("GetValue",797,G__G__Meta_197_0_12, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
18263    G__memfunc_setup("SetValue",809,G__G__Meta_197_0_13, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "l - 'Long_t' 0 - val", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
18264    G__memfunc_setup("GetGetter",907,G__G__Meta_197_0_14, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TMethodCall), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
18265    G__memfunc_setup("GetSetter",919,G__G__Meta_197_0_15, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TMethodCall), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
18266    G__memfunc_setup("Class",502,G__G__Meta_197_0_16, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (TClass* (*)())(&TToggle::Class) ), 0);
18267    G__memfunc_setup("Class_Name",982,G__G__Meta_197_0_17, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TToggle::Class_Name) ), 0);
18268    G__memfunc_setup("Class_Version",1339,G__G__Meta_197_0_18, 115, -1, G__defined_typename("Version_t"), 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (Version_t (*)())(&TToggle::Class_Version) ), 0);
18269    G__memfunc_setup("Dictionary",1046,G__G__Meta_197_0_19, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (void (*)())(&TToggle::Dictionary) ), 0);
18270    G__memfunc_setup("IsA",253,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
18271    G__memfunc_setup("ShowMembers",1132,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMemberInspector' - 1 - insp", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
18272    G__memfunc_setup("Streamer",835,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
18273    G__memfunc_setup("StreamerNVirtual",1656,G__G__Meta_197_0_23, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
18274    G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileName",1145,G__G__Meta_197_0_24, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TToggle::DeclFileName) ), 0);
18275    G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileLine",1178,G__G__Meta_197_0_25, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TToggle::ImplFileLine) ), 0);
18276    G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileName",1171,G__G__Meta_197_0_26, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TToggle::ImplFileName) ), 0);
18277    G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileLine",1152,G__G__Meta_197_0_27, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TToggle::DeclFileLine) ), 0);
18278    // automatic copy constructor
18279    G__memfunc_setup("TToggle", 694, G__G__Meta_197_0_28, (int) ('i'), G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TToggle), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TToggle' - 11 - -", (char*) NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
18280    // automatic destructor
18281    G__memfunc_setup("~TToggle", 820, G__G__Meta_197_0_29, (int) ('y'), -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*) NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
18282    // automatic assignment operator
18283    G__memfunc_setup("operator=", 937, G__G__Meta_197_0_30, (int) ('u'), G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TToggle), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TToggle' - 11 - -", (char*) NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
18284    G__tag_memfunc_reset();
18285 }
18287 static void G__setup_memfuncTToggleGroup(void) {
18288    /* TToggleGroup */
18289    G__tag_memfunc_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TToggleGroup));
18290    G__memfunc_setup("TToggleGroup",1219,G__G__Meta_201_0_1, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TToggleGroup), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
18291    G__memfunc_setup("TToggleGroup",1219,G__G__Meta_201_0_2, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TToggleGroup), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TToggleGroup' - 11 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
18292    G__memfunc_setup("operator=",937,G__G__Meta_201_0_3, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TToggleGroup), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TToggleGroup' - 11 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
18293    G__memfunc_setup("GetTogglesCount",1534,G__G__Meta_201_0_4, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
18294    G__memfunc_setup("At",181,G__G__Meta_201_0_5, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TToggle), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - idx", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
18295    G__memfunc_setup("Remove",622,G__G__Meta_201_0_6, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "U 'TToggle' - 0 - t", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
18296    G__memfunc_setup("Remove",622,G__G__Meta_201_0_7, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - pos", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
18297    G__memfunc_setup("DeleteAll",876,G__G__Meta_201_0_8, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
18298    G__memfunc_setup("First",520,G__G__Meta_201_0_9, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TToggle), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
18299    G__memfunc_setup("Last",404,G__G__Meta_201_0_10, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TToggle), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
18300    G__memfunc_setup("IndexOf",685,G__G__Meta_201_0_11, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "U 'TToggle' - 0 - t", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
18301    G__memfunc_setup("Add",265,G__G__Meta_201_0_12, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, 
18302 "U 'TToggle' - 0 - t g - 'Bool_t' 0 '1' select", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
18303    G__memfunc_setup("InsertAt",810,G__G__Meta_201_0_13, 105, -1, G__defined_typename("Int_t"), 0, 3, 1, 1, 0, 
18304 "U 'TToggle' - 0 - t i - 'Int_t' 0 - pos "
18305 "g - 'Bool_t' 0 '1' select", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
18306    G__memfunc_setup("Select",608,G__G__Meta_201_0_14, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "i - 'Int_t' 0 - idx", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
18307    G__memfunc_setup("Select",608,G__G__Meta_201_0_15, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "U 'TToggle' - 0 - t", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
18308    G__memfunc_setup("Class",502,G__G__Meta_201_0_16, 85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (TClass* (*)())(&TToggleGroup::Class) ), 0);
18309    G__memfunc_setup("Class_Name",982,G__G__Meta_201_0_17, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TToggleGroup::Class_Name) ), 0);
18310    G__memfunc_setup("Class_Version",1339,G__G__Meta_201_0_18, 115, -1, G__defined_typename("Version_t"), 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (Version_t (*)())(&TToggleGroup::Class_Version) ), 0);
18311    G__memfunc_setup("Dictionary",1046,G__G__Meta_201_0_19, 121, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (void (*)())(&TToggleGroup::Dictionary) ), 0);
18312    G__memfunc_setup("IsA",253,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,85, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_TClass), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
18313    G__memfunc_setup("ShowMembers",1132,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TMemberInspector' - 1 - insp", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
18314    G__memfunc_setup("Streamer",835,(G__InterfaceMethod) NULL,121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
18315    G__memfunc_setup("StreamerNVirtual",1656,G__G__Meta_201_0_23, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TBuffer' - 1 - b", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0);
18316    G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileName",1145,G__G__Meta_201_0_24, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TToggleGroup::DeclFileName) ), 0);
18317    G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileLine",1178,G__G__Meta_201_0_25, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TToggleGroup::ImplFileLine) ), 0);
18318    G__memfunc_setup("ImplFileName",1171,G__G__Meta_201_0_26, 67, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (const char* (*)())(&TToggleGroup::ImplFileName) ), 0);
18319    G__memfunc_setup("DeclFileLine",1152,G__G__Meta_201_0_27, 105, -1, -1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) G__func2void( (int (*)())(&TToggleGroup::DeclFileLine) ), 0);
18320    // automatic destructor
18321    G__memfunc_setup("~TToggleGroup", 1345, G__G__Meta_201_0_28, (int) ('y'), -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*) NULL, (void*) NULL, 1);
18322    G__tag_memfunc_reset();
18323 }
18326 /*********************************************************
18327 * Member function information setup
18328 *********************************************************/
18329 extern "C" void G__cpp_setup_memfuncG__Meta() {
18330 }
18332 /*********************************************************
18333 * Global variable information setup for each class
18334 *********************************************************/
18335 static void G__cpp_setup_global0() {
18337    /* Setting up global variables */
18338    G__resetplocal();
18340 }
18342 static void G__cpp_setup_global1() {
18343 }
18345 static void G__cpp_setup_global2() {
18346    G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_EProperty),-1,-1,1,"kIsClass=1",0,(char*)NULL);
18347    G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_EProperty),-1,-1,1,"kIsStruct=2",0,(char*)NULL);
18348    G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_EProperty),-1,-1,1,"kIsUnion=4",0,(char*)NULL);
18349    G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_EProperty),-1,-1,1,"kIsEnum=8",0,(char*)NULL);
18350    G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_EProperty),-1,-1,1,"kIsNamespace=134217728",0,(char*)NULL);
18351    G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_EProperty),-1,-1,1,"kIsTypedef=16",0,(char*)NULL);
18352    G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_EProperty),-1,-1,1,"kIsFundamental=32",0,(char*)NULL);
18353    G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_EProperty),-1,-1,1,"kIsAbstract=64",0,(char*)NULL);
18354    G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_EProperty),-1,-1,1,"kIsVirtual=128",0,(char*)NULL);
18355    G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_EProperty),-1,-1,1,"kIsPureVirtual=256",0,(char*)NULL);
18356    G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_EProperty),-1,-1,1,"kIsPublic=512",0,(char*)NULL);
18357    G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_EProperty),-1,-1,1,"kIsProtected=1024",0,(char*)NULL);
18358    G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_EProperty),-1,-1,1,"kIsPrivate=2048",0,(char*)NULL);
18359    G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_EProperty),-1,-1,1,"kIsPointer=4096",0,(char*)NULL);
18360    G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_EProperty),-1,-1,1,"kIsArray=8192",0,(char*)NULL);
18361    G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_EProperty),-1,-1,1,"kIsStatic=16384",0,(char*)NULL);
18362    G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_EProperty),-1,-1,1,"kIsUsingVariable=536870912",0,(char*)NULL);
18363    G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_EProperty),-1,-1,1,"kIsDefault=32768",0,(char*)NULL);
18364    G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_EProperty),-1,-1,1,"kIsReference=65536",0,(char*)NULL);
18365    G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_EProperty),-1,-1,1,"kIsConstant=1048576",0,(char*)NULL);
18366    G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_EProperty),-1,-1,1,"kIsConstPointer=4194304",0,(char*)NULL);
18367    G__memvar_setup((void*)G__PVOID,105,0,1,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__G__MetaLN_EProperty),-1,-1,1,"kIsMethConst=268435456",0,(char*)NULL);
18369    G__resetglobalenv();
18370 }
18371 extern "C" void G__cpp_setup_globalG__Meta() {
18372   G__cpp_setup_global0();
18373   G__cpp_setup_global1();
18374   G__cpp_setup_global2();
18375 }
18377 /*********************************************************
18378 * Global function information setup for each class
18379 *********************************************************/
18380 static void G__cpp_setup_func0() {
18381    G__lastifuncposition();
18383 }
18385 static void G__cpp_setup_func1() {
18386 }
18388 static void G__cpp_setup_func2() {
18389 }
18391 static void G__cpp_setup_func3() {
18392 }
18394 static void G__cpp_setup_func4() {
18396    G__resetifuncposition();
18397 }
18399 extern "C" void G__cpp_setup_funcG__Meta() {
18400   G__cpp_setup_func0();
18401   G__cpp_setup_func1();
18402   G__cpp_setup_func2();
18403   G__cpp_setup_func3();
18404   G__cpp_setup_func4();
18405 }
18407 /*********************************************************
18408 * Class,struct,union,enum tag information setup
18409 *********************************************************/
18410 /* Setup class/struct taginfo */
18411 G__linked_taginfo G__G__MetaLN_type_info = { "type_info" , 99 , -1 };
18412 G__linked_taginfo G__G__MetaLN_TClass = { "TClass" , 99 , -1 };
18413 G__linked_taginfo G__G__MetaLN_TBuffer = { "TBuffer" , 99 , -1 };
18414 G__linked_taginfo G__G__MetaLN_TMemberInspector = { "TMemberInspector" , 99 , -1 };
18415 G__linked_taginfo G__G__MetaLN_TObject = { "TObject" , 99 , -1 };
18416 G__linked_taginfo G__G__MetaLN_TNamed = { "TNamed" , 99 , -1 };
18417 G__linked_taginfo G__G__MetaLN_TString = { "TString" , 99 , -1 };
18418 G__linked_taginfo G__G__MetaLN_TClassStreamer = { "TClassStreamer" , 99 , -1 };
18419 G__linked_taginfo G__G__MetaLN_TMemberStreamer = { "TMemberStreamer" , 99 , -1 };
18420 G__linked_taginfo G__G__MetaLN_TVirtualCollectionProxy = { "TVirtualCollectionProxy" , 99 , -1 };
18421 G__linked_taginfo G__G__MetaLN_TVirtualIsAProxy = { "TVirtualIsAProxy" , 99 , -1 };
18422 G__linked_taginfo G__G__MetaLN_ROOT = { "ROOT" , 110 , -1 };
18423 G__linked_taginfo G__G__MetaLN_ROOTcLcLTInitBehavior = { "ROOT::TInitBehavior" , 99 , -1 };
18424 G__linked_taginfo G__G__MetaLN_string = { "string" , 99 , -1 };
18425 G__linked_taginfo G__G__MetaLN_ROOTcLcLTCollectionProxyInfo = { "ROOT::TCollectionProxyInfo" , 99 , -1 };
18426 G__linked_taginfo G__G__MetaLN_vectorlEROOTcLcLTSchemaHelpercOallocatorlEROOTcLcLTSchemaHelpergRsPgR = { "vector<ROOT::TSchemaHelper,allocator<ROOT::TSchemaHelper> >" , 99 , -1 };
18427 G__linked_taginfo G__G__MetaLN_reverse_iteratorlEvectorlEROOTcLcLTSchemaHelpercOallocatorlEROOTcLcLTSchemaHelpergRsPgRcLcLiteratorgR = { "reverse_iterator<vector<ROOT::TSchemaHelper,allocator<ROOT::TSchemaHelper> >::iterator>" , 99 , -1 };
18428 G__linked_taginfo G__G__MetaLN_TList = { "TList" , 99 , -1 };
18429 G__linked_taginfo G__G__MetaLN_TBrowser = { "TBrowser" , 99 , -1 };
18430 G__linked_taginfo G__G__MetaLN_TObjArray = { "TObjArray" , 99 , -1 };
18431 G__linked_taginfo G__G__MetaLN_TMethod = { "TMethod" , 99 , -1 };
18432 G__linked_taginfo G__G__MetaLN_TVirtualStreamerInfo = { "TVirtualStreamerInfo" , 99 , -1 };
18433 G__linked_taginfo G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerElement = { "TStreamerElement" , 99 , -1 };
18434 G__linked_taginfo G__G__MetaLN_vectorlETVirtualArraymUcOallocatorlETVirtualArraymUgRsPgR = { "vector<TVirtualArray*,allocator<TVirtualArray*> >" , 99 , -1 };
18435 G__linked_taginfo G__G__MetaLN_reverse_iteratorlEvectorlETVirtualArraymUcOallocatorlETVirtualArraymUgRsPgRcLcLiteratorgR = { "reverse_iterator<vector<TVirtualArray*,allocator<TVirtualArray*> >::iterator>" , 99 , -1 };
18436 G__linked_taginfo G__G__MetaLN_EProperty = { "EProperty" , 101 , -1 };
18437 G__linked_taginfo G__G__MetaLN_TDictionary = { "TDictionary" , 99 , -1 };
18438 G__linked_taginfo G__G__MetaLN_TDictionarycLcLESTLType = { "TDictionary::ESTLType" , 101 , -1 };
18439 G__linked_taginfo G__G__MetaLN_TCollection = { "TCollection" , 99 , -1 };
18440 G__linked_taginfo G__G__MetaLN_TSeqCollection = { "TSeqCollection" , 99 , -1 };
18441 G__linked_taginfo G__G__MetaLN_iteratorlEbidirectional_iterator_tagcOTObjectmUcOlongcOconstsPTObjectmUmUcOconstsPTObjectmUaNgR = { "iterator<bidirectional_iterator_tag,TObject*,long,const TObject**,const TObject*&>" , 115 , -1 };
18442 G__linked_taginfo G__G__MetaLN_TBaseClass = { "TBaseClass" , 99 , -1 };
18443 G__linked_taginfo G__G__MetaLN_TDataMember = { "TDataMember" , 99 , -1 };
18444 G__linked_taginfo G__G__MetaLN_TClassRef = { "TClassRef" , 99 , -1 };
18445 G__linked_taginfo G__G__MetaLN_TRealData = { "TRealData" , 99 , -1 };
18446 G__linked_taginfo G__G__MetaLN_TMethodCall = { "TMethodCall" , 99 , -1 };
18447 G__linked_taginfo G__G__MetaLN_TVirtualRefProxy = { "TVirtualRefProxy" , 99 , -1 };
18448 G__linked_taginfo G__G__MetaLN_THashTable = { "THashTable" , 99 , -1 };
18449 G__linked_taginfo G__G__MetaLN_ROOTcLcLTSchemaRuleSet = { "ROOT::TSchemaRuleSet" , 99 , -1 };
18450 G__linked_taginfo G__G__MetaLN_ROOTcLcLTMapTypeToTClass = { "ROOT::TMapTypeToTClass" , 99 , -1 };
18451 G__linked_taginfo G__G__MetaLN_TClasscLcLdA = { "TClass::$" , 101 , -1 };
18452 G__linked_taginfo G__G__MetaLN_TClasscLcLENewType = { "TClass::ENewType" , 101 , -1 };
18453 G__linked_taginfo G__G__MetaLN_maplEstringcOTObjArraymUcOlesslEstringgRcOallocatorlEpairlEconstsPstringcOTObjArraymUgRsPgRsPgR = { "map<string,TObjArray*,less<string>,allocator<pair<const string,TObjArray*> > >" , 99 , -1 };
18454 G__linked_taginfo G__G__MetaLN_TFile = { "TFile" , 99 , -1 };
18455 G__linked_taginfo G__G__MetaLN_TClassGenerator = { "TClassGenerator" , 99 , -1 };
18456 G__linked_taginfo G__G__MetaLN_TClassMenuItem = { "TClassMenuItem" , 99 , -1 };
18457 G__linked_taginfo G__G__MetaLN_TClassMenuItemcLcLEClassMenuItemType = { "TClassMenuItem::EClassMenuItemType" , 101 , -1 };
18458 G__linked_taginfo G__G__MetaLN_TClassMenuItemcLcLdA = { "TClassMenuItem::$" , 101 , -1 };
18459 G__linked_taginfo G__G__MetaLN_TDataType = { "TDataType" , 99 , -1 };
18460 G__linked_taginfo G__G__MetaLN_TDataMembercLcLdA = { "TDataMember::$" , 101 , -1 };
18461 G__linked_taginfo G__G__MetaLN_EDataType = { "EDataType" , 101 , -1 };
18462 G__linked_taginfo G__G__MetaLN_TFunction = { "TFunction" , 99 , -1 };
18463 G__linked_taginfo G__G__MetaLN_TGlobal = { "TGlobal" , 99 , -1 };
18464 G__linked_taginfo G__G__MetaLN_TEnv = { "TEnv" , 99 , -1 };
18465 G__linked_taginfo G__G__MetaLN_G__value = { "G__value" , 115 , -1 };
18466 G__linked_taginfo G__G__MetaLN_TInterpreter = { "TInterpreter" , 99 , -1 };
18467 G__linked_taginfo G__G__MetaLN_TInterpretercLcLEErrorCode = { "TInterpreter::EErrorCode" , 101 , -1 };
18468 G__linked_taginfo G__G__MetaLN_TIsAProxy = { "TIsAProxy" , 99 , -1 };
18469 G__linked_taginfo G__G__MetaLN_TMethodArg = { "TMethodArg" , 99 , -1 };
18470 G__linked_taginfo G__G__MetaLN_TMethodCallcLcLEReturnType = { "TMethodCall::EReturnType" , 101 , -1 };
18471 G__linked_taginfo G__G__MetaLN_EMenuItemKind = { "EMenuItemKind" , 101 , -1 };
18472 G__linked_taginfo G__G__MetaLN_TRealDatacLcLdA = { "TRealData::$" , 101 , -1 };
18473 G__linked_taginfo G__G__MetaLN_ROOTcLcLTSchemaRule = { "ROOT::TSchemaRule" , 99 , -1 };
18474 G__linked_taginfo G__G__MetaLN_ROOTcLcLTSchemaRulecLcLTSources = { "ROOT::TSchemaRule::TSources" , 99 , -1 };
18475 G__linked_taginfo G__G__MetaLN_ROOTcLcLTSchemaRulecLcLRuleType_t = { "ROOT::TSchemaRule::RuleType_t" , 101 , -1 };
18476 G__linked_taginfo G__G__MetaLN_pairlEintcOintgR = { "pair<int,int>" , 115 , -1 };
18477 G__linked_taginfo G__G__MetaLN_vectorlEpairlEintcOintgRcOallocatorlEpairlEintcOintgRsPgRsPgR = { "vector<pair<int,int>,allocator<pair<int,int> > >" , 99 , -1 };
18478 G__linked_taginfo G__G__MetaLN_vectorlEpairlEintcOintgRcOallocatorlEpairlEintcOintgRsPgRsPgRcLcLiterator = { "vector<pair<int,int>,allocator<pair<int,int> > >::iterator" , 99 , -1 };
18479 G__linked_taginfo G__G__MetaLN_reverse_iteratorlEvectorlEpairlEintcOintgRcOallocatorlEpairlEintcOintgRsPgRsPgRcLcLiteratorgR = { "reverse_iterator<vector<pair<int,int>,allocator<pair<int,int> > >::iterator>" , 99 , -1 };
18480 G__linked_taginfo G__G__MetaLN_vectorlEunsignedsPintcOallocatorlEunsignedsPintgRsPgR = { "vector<unsigned int,allocator<unsigned int> >" , 99 , -1 };
18481 G__linked_taginfo G__G__MetaLN_reverse_iteratorlEvectorlEunsignedsPintcOallocatorlEunsignedsPintgRsPgRcLcLiteratorgR = { "reverse_iterator<vector<unsigned int,allocator<unsigned int> >::iterator>" , 99 , -1 };
18482 G__linked_taginfo G__G__MetaLN_ROOTcLcLTSchemaMatch = { "ROOT::TSchemaMatch" , 99 , -1 };
18483 G__linked_taginfo G__G__MetaLN_ROOTcLcLTSchemaRuleSetcLcLEConsistencyCheck = { "ROOT::TSchemaRuleSet::EConsistencyCheck" , 101 , -1 };
18484 G__linked_taginfo G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerBasicType = { "TStreamerBasicType" , 99 , -1 };
18485 G__linked_taginfo G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerElementcLcLESTLtype = { "TStreamerElement::ESTLtype" , 101 , -1 };
18486 G__linked_taginfo G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerElementcLcLdA = { "TStreamerElement::$" , 101 , -1 };
18487 G__linked_taginfo G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerBase = { "TStreamerBase" , 99 , -1 };
18488 G__linked_taginfo G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerBasicPointer = { "TStreamerBasicPointer" , 99 , -1 };
18489 G__linked_taginfo G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerLoop = { "TStreamerLoop" , 99 , -1 };
18490 G__linked_taginfo G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerObject = { "TStreamerObject" , 99 , -1 };
18491 G__linked_taginfo G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerObjectAny = { "TStreamerObjectAny" , 99 , -1 };
18492 G__linked_taginfo G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerObjectPointer = { "TStreamerObjectPointer" , 99 , -1 };
18493 G__linked_taginfo G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerObjectAnyPointer = { "TStreamerObjectAnyPointer" , 99 , -1 };
18494 G__linked_taginfo G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerString = { "TStreamerString" , 99 , -1 };
18495 G__linked_taginfo G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerSTL = { "TStreamerSTL" , 99 , -1 };
18496 G__linked_taginfo G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerSTLcLcLdA = { "TStreamerSTL::$" , 101 , -1 };
18497 G__linked_taginfo G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerSTLstring = { "TStreamerSTLstring" , 99 , -1 };
18498 G__linked_taginfo G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerArtificial = { "TStreamerArtificial" , 99 , -1 };
18499 G__linked_taginfo G__G__MetaLN_TToggle = { "TToggle" , 99 , -1 };
18500 G__linked_taginfo G__G__MetaLN_TOrdCollection = { "TOrdCollection" , 99 , -1 };
18501 G__linked_taginfo G__G__MetaLN_TToggleGroup = { "TToggleGroup" , 99 , -1 };
18502 G__linked_taginfo G__G__MetaLN_TVirtualStreamerInfocLcLdA = { "TVirtualStreamerInfo::$" , 101 , -1 };
18503 G__linked_taginfo G__G__MetaLN_TVirtualStreamerInfocLcLEReadWrite = { "TVirtualStreamerInfo::EReadWrite" , 101 , -1 };
18505 /* Reset class/struct taginfo */
18506 extern "C" void G__cpp_reset_tagtableG__Meta() {
18507   G__G__MetaLN_type_info.tagnum = -1 ;
18508   G__G__MetaLN_TClass.tagnum = -1 ;
18509   G__G__MetaLN_TBuffer.tagnum = -1 ;
18510   G__G__MetaLN_TMemberInspector.tagnum = -1 ;
18511   G__G__MetaLN_TObject.tagnum = -1 ;
18512   G__G__MetaLN_TNamed.tagnum = -1 ;
18513   G__G__MetaLN_TString.tagnum = -1 ;
18514   G__G__MetaLN_TClassStreamer.tagnum = -1 ;
18515   G__G__MetaLN_TMemberStreamer.tagnum = -1 ;
18516   G__G__MetaLN_TVirtualCollectionProxy.tagnum = -1 ;
18517   G__G__MetaLN_TVirtualIsAProxy.tagnum = -1 ;
18518   G__G__MetaLN_ROOT.tagnum = -1 ;
18519   G__G__MetaLN_ROOTcLcLTInitBehavior.tagnum = -1 ;
18520   G__G__MetaLN_string.tagnum = -1 ;
18521   G__G__MetaLN_ROOTcLcLTCollectionProxyInfo.tagnum = -1 ;
18522   G__G__MetaLN_vectorlEROOTcLcLTSchemaHelpercOallocatorlEROOTcLcLTSchemaHelpergRsPgR.tagnum = -1 ;
18523   G__G__MetaLN_reverse_iteratorlEvectorlEROOTcLcLTSchemaHelpercOallocatorlEROOTcLcLTSchemaHelpergRsPgRcLcLiteratorgR.tagnum = -1 ;
18524   G__G__MetaLN_TList.tagnum = -1 ;
18525   G__G__MetaLN_TBrowser.tagnum = -1 ;
18526   G__G__MetaLN_TObjArray.tagnum = -1 ;
18527   G__G__MetaLN_TMethod.tagnum = -1 ;
18528   G__G__MetaLN_TVirtualStreamerInfo.tagnum = -1 ;
18529   G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerElement.tagnum = -1 ;
18530   G__G__MetaLN_vectorlETVirtualArraymUcOallocatorlETVirtualArraymUgRsPgR.tagnum = -1 ;
18531   G__G__MetaLN_reverse_iteratorlEvectorlETVirtualArraymUcOallocatorlETVirtualArraymUgRsPgRcLcLiteratorgR.tagnum = -1 ;
18532   G__G__MetaLN_EProperty.tagnum = -1 ;
18533   G__G__MetaLN_TDictionary.tagnum = -1 ;
18534   G__G__MetaLN_TDictionarycLcLESTLType.tagnum = -1 ;
18535   G__G__MetaLN_TCollection.tagnum = -1 ;
18536   G__G__MetaLN_TSeqCollection.tagnum = -1 ;
18537   G__G__MetaLN_iteratorlEbidirectional_iterator_tagcOTObjectmUcOlongcOconstsPTObjectmUmUcOconstsPTObjectmUaNgR.tagnum = -1 ;
18538   G__G__MetaLN_TBaseClass.tagnum = -1 ;
18539   G__G__MetaLN_TDataMember.tagnum = -1 ;
18540   G__G__MetaLN_TClassRef.tagnum = -1 ;
18541   G__G__MetaLN_TRealData.tagnum = -1 ;
18542   G__G__MetaLN_TMethodCall.tagnum = -1 ;
18543   G__G__MetaLN_TVirtualRefProxy.tagnum = -1 ;
18544   G__G__MetaLN_THashTable.tagnum = -1 ;
18545   G__G__MetaLN_ROOTcLcLTSchemaRuleSet.tagnum = -1 ;
18546   G__G__MetaLN_ROOTcLcLTMapTypeToTClass.tagnum = -1 ;
18547   G__G__MetaLN_TClasscLcLdA.tagnum = -1 ;
18548   G__G__MetaLN_TClasscLcLENewType.tagnum = -1 ;
18549   G__G__MetaLN_maplEstringcOTObjArraymUcOlesslEstringgRcOallocatorlEpairlEconstsPstringcOTObjArraymUgRsPgRsPgR.tagnum = -1 ;
18550   G__G__MetaLN_TFile.tagnum = -1 ;
18551   G__G__MetaLN_TClassGenerator.tagnum = -1 ;
18552   G__G__MetaLN_TClassMenuItem.tagnum = -1 ;
18553   G__G__MetaLN_TClassMenuItemcLcLEClassMenuItemType.tagnum = -1 ;
18554   G__G__MetaLN_TClassMenuItemcLcLdA.tagnum = -1 ;
18555   G__G__MetaLN_TDataType.tagnum = -1 ;
18556   G__G__MetaLN_TDataMembercLcLdA.tagnum = -1 ;
18557   G__G__MetaLN_EDataType.tagnum = -1 ;
18558   G__G__MetaLN_TFunction.tagnum = -1 ;
18559   G__G__MetaLN_TGlobal.tagnum = -1 ;
18560   G__G__MetaLN_TEnv.tagnum = -1 ;
18561   G__G__MetaLN_G__value.tagnum = -1 ;
18562   G__G__MetaLN_TInterpreter.tagnum = -1 ;
18563   G__G__MetaLN_TInterpretercLcLEErrorCode.tagnum = -1 ;
18564   G__G__MetaLN_TIsAProxy.tagnum = -1 ;
18565   G__G__MetaLN_TMethodArg.tagnum = -1 ;
18566   G__G__MetaLN_TMethodCallcLcLEReturnType.tagnum = -1 ;
18567   G__G__MetaLN_EMenuItemKind.tagnum = -1 ;
18568   G__G__MetaLN_TRealDatacLcLdA.tagnum = -1 ;
18569   G__G__MetaLN_ROOTcLcLTSchemaRule.tagnum = -1 ;
18570   G__G__MetaLN_ROOTcLcLTSchemaRulecLcLTSources.tagnum = -1 ;
18571   G__G__MetaLN_ROOTcLcLTSchemaRulecLcLRuleType_t.tagnum = -1 ;
18572   G__G__MetaLN_pairlEintcOintgR.tagnum = -1 ;
18573   G__G__MetaLN_vectorlEpairlEintcOintgRcOallocatorlEpairlEintcOintgRsPgRsPgR.tagnum = -1 ;
18574   G__G__MetaLN_vectorlEpairlEintcOintgRcOallocatorlEpairlEintcOintgRsPgRsPgRcLcLiterator.tagnum = -1 ;
18575   G__G__MetaLN_reverse_iteratorlEvectorlEpairlEintcOintgRcOallocatorlEpairlEintcOintgRsPgRsPgRcLcLiteratorgR.tagnum = -1 ;
18576   G__G__MetaLN_vectorlEunsignedsPintcOallocatorlEunsignedsPintgRsPgR.tagnum = -1 ;
18577   G__G__MetaLN_reverse_iteratorlEvectorlEunsignedsPintcOallocatorlEunsignedsPintgRsPgRcLcLiteratorgR.tagnum = -1 ;
18578   G__G__MetaLN_ROOTcLcLTSchemaMatch.tagnum = -1 ;
18579   G__G__MetaLN_ROOTcLcLTSchemaRuleSetcLcLEConsistencyCheck.tagnum = -1 ;
18580   G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerBasicType.tagnum = -1 ;
18581   G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerElementcLcLESTLtype.tagnum = -1 ;
18582   G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerElementcLcLdA.tagnum = -1 ;
18583   G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerBase.tagnum = -1 ;
18584   G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerBasicPointer.tagnum = -1 ;
18585   G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerLoop.tagnum = -1 ;
18586   G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerObject.tagnum = -1 ;
18587   G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerObjectAny.tagnum = -1 ;
18588   G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerObjectPointer.tagnum = -1 ;
18589   G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerObjectAnyPointer.tagnum = -1 ;
18590   G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerString.tagnum = -1 ;
18591   G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerSTL.tagnum = -1 ;
18592   G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerSTLcLcLdA.tagnum = -1 ;
18593   G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerSTLstring.tagnum = -1 ;
18594   G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerArtificial.tagnum = -1 ;
18595   G__G__MetaLN_TToggle.tagnum = -1 ;
18596   G__G__MetaLN_TOrdCollection.tagnum = -1 ;
18597   G__G__MetaLN_TToggleGroup.tagnum = -1 ;
18598   G__G__MetaLN_TVirtualStreamerInfocLcLdA.tagnum = -1 ;
18599   G__G__MetaLN_TVirtualStreamerInfocLcLEReadWrite.tagnum = -1 ;
18600 }
18603 extern "C" void G__cpp_setup_tagtableG__Meta() {
18605    /* Setting up class,struct,union tag entry */
18606    G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MetaLN_type_info);
18607    G__tagtable_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MetaLN_TClass),sizeof(TClass),-1,65280,"Dictionary containing class information",G__setup_memvarTClass,G__setup_memfuncTClass);
18608    G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MetaLN_TBuffer);
18609    G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MetaLN_TMemberInspector);
18610    G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MetaLN_TObject);
18611    G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MetaLN_TNamed);
18612    G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MetaLN_TString);
18613    G__tagtable_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MetaLN_TClassStreamer),sizeof(TClassStreamer),-1,296704,(char*)NULL,G__setup_memvarTClassStreamer,G__setup_memfuncTClassStreamer);
18614    G__tagtable_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MetaLN_TMemberStreamer),sizeof(TMemberStreamer),-1,296704,(char*)NULL,G__setup_memvarTMemberStreamer,G__setup_memfuncTMemberStreamer);
18615    G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MetaLN_TVirtualCollectionProxy);
18616    G__tagtable_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MetaLN_TVirtualIsAProxy),sizeof(TVirtualIsAProxy),-1,1026,(char*)NULL,G__setup_memvarTVirtualIsAProxy,G__setup_memfuncTVirtualIsAProxy);
18617    G__tagtable_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MetaLN_ROOT),0,-1,0,(char*)NULL,G__setup_memvarROOT,G__setup_memfuncROOT);
18618    G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MetaLN_ROOTcLcLTInitBehavior);
18619    G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MetaLN_string);
18620    G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MetaLN_ROOTcLcLTCollectionProxyInfo);
18621    G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MetaLN_vectorlEROOTcLcLTSchemaHelpercOallocatorlEROOTcLcLTSchemaHelpergRsPgR);
18622    G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MetaLN_reverse_iteratorlEvectorlEROOTcLcLTSchemaHelpercOallocatorlEROOTcLcLTSchemaHelpergRsPgRcLcLiteratorgR);
18623    G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MetaLN_TList);
18624    G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MetaLN_TBrowser);
18625    G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MetaLN_TObjArray);
18626    G__tagtable_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MetaLN_TMethod),sizeof(TMethod),-1,65280,"Dictionary for a class member function (method)",G__setup_memvarTMethod,G__setup_memfuncTMethod);
18627    G__tagtable_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MetaLN_TVirtualStreamerInfo),sizeof(TVirtualStreamerInfo),-1,130855,"Abstract Interface describing Streamer information for one class",G__setup_memvarTVirtualStreamerInfo,G__setup_memfuncTVirtualStreamerInfo);
18628    G__tagtable_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerElement),sizeof(TStreamerElement),-1,130816,"Base class for one element (data member) to be Streamed",G__setup_memvarTStreamerElement,G__setup_memfuncTStreamerElement);
18629    G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MetaLN_vectorlETVirtualArraymUcOallocatorlETVirtualArraymUgRsPgR);
18630    G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MetaLN_reverse_iteratorlEvectorlETVirtualArraymUcOallocatorlETVirtualArraymUgRsPgRcLcLiteratorgR);
18631    G__tagtable_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MetaLN_EProperty),sizeof(int),-1,0,(char*)NULL,NULL,NULL);
18632    G__tagtable_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MetaLN_TDictionary),sizeof(TDictionary),-1,62721,"ABC defining interface to dictionary",G__setup_memvarTDictionary,G__setup_memfuncTDictionary);
18633    G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MetaLN_TDictionarycLcLESTLType);
18634    G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MetaLN_TCollection);
18635    G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MetaLN_TSeqCollection);
18636    G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MetaLN_iteratorlEbidirectional_iterator_tagcOTObjectmUcOlongcOconstsPTObjectmUmUcOconstsPTObjectmUaNgR);
18637    G__tagtable_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MetaLN_TBaseClass),sizeof(TBaseClass),-1,65280,"Description of a base class",G__setup_memvarTBaseClass,G__setup_memfuncTBaseClass);
18638    G__tagtable_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MetaLN_TDataMember),sizeof(TDataMember),-1,65280,"Dictionary for a class data member",G__setup_memvarTDataMember,G__setup_memfuncTDataMember);
18639    G__tagtable_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MetaLN_TClassRef),sizeof(TClassRef),-1,298752,(char*)NULL,G__setup_memvarTClassRef,G__setup_memfuncTClassRef);
18640    G__tagtable_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MetaLN_TRealData),sizeof(TRealData),-1,327424,"Description of persistent data members",G__setup_memvarTRealData,G__setup_memfuncTRealData);
18641    G__tagtable_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MetaLN_TMethodCall),sizeof(TMethodCall),-1,65280,"Method calling interface",G__setup_memvarTMethodCall,G__setup_memfuncTMethodCall);
18642    G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MetaLN_TVirtualRefProxy);
18643    G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MetaLN_THashTable);
18644    G__tagtable_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MetaLN_ROOTcLcLTSchemaRuleSet),sizeof(ROOT::TSchemaRuleSet),-1,95488,(char*)NULL,G__setup_memvarROOTcLcLTSchemaRuleSet,G__setup_memfuncROOTcLcLTSchemaRuleSet);
18645    G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MetaLN_ROOTcLcLTMapTypeToTClass);
18646    G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MetaLN_TClasscLcLdA);
18647    G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MetaLN_TClasscLcLENewType);
18648    G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MetaLN_maplEstringcOTObjArraymUcOlesslEstringgRcOallocatorlEpairlEconstsPstringcOTObjArraymUgRsPgRsPgR);
18649    G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MetaLN_TFile);
18650    G__tagtable_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MetaLN_TClassGenerator),sizeof(TClassGenerator),-1,292098,"interface for TClass generators",G__setup_memvarTClassGenerator,G__setup_memfuncTClassGenerator);
18651    G__tagtable_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MetaLN_TClassMenuItem),sizeof(TClassMenuItem),-1,65280,"One element of the class context menu",G__setup_memvarTClassMenuItem,G__setup_memfuncTClassMenuItem);
18652    G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MetaLN_TClassMenuItemcLcLEClassMenuItemType);
18653    G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MetaLN_TClassMenuItemcLcLdA);
18654    G__tagtable_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MetaLN_TDataType),sizeof(TDataType),-1,65280,"Basic data type descriptor",G__setup_memvarTDataType,G__setup_memfuncTDataType);
18655    G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MetaLN_TDataMembercLcLdA);
18656    G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MetaLN_EDataType);
18657    G__tagtable_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MetaLN_TFunction),sizeof(TFunction),-1,65280,"Dictionary for global function",G__setup_memvarTFunction,G__setup_memfuncTFunction);
18658    G__tagtable_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MetaLN_TGlobal),sizeof(TGlobal),-1,65280,"Global variable class",G__setup_memvarTGlobal,G__setup_memfuncTGlobal);
18659    G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MetaLN_TEnv);
18660    G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MetaLN_G__value);
18661    G__tagtable_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MetaLN_TInterpreter),sizeof(TInterpreter),-1,62781,"ABC defining interface to generic interpreter",G__setup_memvarTInterpreter,G__setup_memfuncTInterpreter);
18662    G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MetaLN_TInterpretercLcLEErrorCode);
18663    G__tagtable_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MetaLN_TIsAProxy),sizeof(TIsAProxy),-1,36352,(char*)NULL,G__setup_memvarTIsAProxy,G__setup_memfuncTIsAProxy);
18664    G__tagtable_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MetaLN_TMethodArg),sizeof(TMethodArg),-1,65280,"Dictionary for a method argument",G__setup_memvarTMethodArg,G__setup_memfuncTMethodArg);
18665    G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MetaLN_TMethodCallcLcLEReturnType);
18666    G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MetaLN_EMenuItemKind);
18667    G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MetaLN_TRealDatacLcLdA);
18668    G__tagtable_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MetaLN_ROOTcLcLTSchemaRule),sizeof(ROOT::TSchemaRule),-1,294656,(char*)NULL,G__setup_memvarROOTcLcLTSchemaRule,G__setup_memfuncROOTcLcLTSchemaRule);
18669    G__tagtable_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MetaLN_ROOTcLcLTSchemaRulecLcLTSources),sizeof(ROOT::TSchemaRule::TSources),-1,323840,(char*)NULL,G__setup_memvarROOTcLcLTSchemaRulecLcLTSources,G__setup_memfuncROOTcLcLTSchemaRulecLcLTSources);
18670    G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MetaLN_ROOTcLcLTSchemaRulecLcLRuleType_t);
18671    G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MetaLN_pairlEintcOintgR);
18672    G__tagtable_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MetaLN_vectorlEpairlEintcOintgRcOallocatorlEpairlEintcOintgRsPgRsPgR),sizeof(vector<pair<int,int>,allocator<pair<int,int> > >),-1,298752,(char*)NULL,G__setup_memvarvectorlEpairlEintcOintgRcOallocatorlEpairlEintcOintgRsPgRsPgR,G__setup_memfuncvectorlEpairlEintcOintgRcOallocatorlEpairlEintcOintgRsPgRsPgR);
18673    G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MetaLN_vectorlEpairlEintcOintgRcOallocatorlEpairlEintcOintgRsPgRsPgRcLcLiterator);
18674    G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MetaLN_reverse_iteratorlEvectorlEpairlEintcOintgRcOallocatorlEpairlEintcOintgRsPgRsPgRcLcLiteratorgR);
18675    G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MetaLN_vectorlEunsignedsPintcOallocatorlEunsignedsPintgRsPgR);
18676    G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MetaLN_reverse_iteratorlEvectorlEunsignedsPintcOallocatorlEunsignedsPintgRsPgRcLcLiteratorgR);
18677    G__tagtable_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MetaLN_ROOTcLcLTSchemaMatch),sizeof(ROOT::TSchemaMatch),-1,291840,(char*)NULL,G__setup_memvarROOTcLcLTSchemaMatch,G__setup_memfuncROOTcLcLTSchemaMatch);
18678    G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MetaLN_ROOTcLcLTSchemaRuleSetcLcLEConsistencyCheck);
18679    G__tagtable_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerBasicType),sizeof(TStreamerBasicType),-1,130816,"Streamer element for a basic type",G__setup_memvarTStreamerBasicType,G__setup_memfuncTStreamerBasicType);
18680    G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerElementcLcLESTLtype);
18681    G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerElementcLcLdA);
18682    G__tagtable_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerBase),sizeof(TStreamerBase),-1,130816,"Streamer element of type base class",G__setup_memvarTStreamerBase,G__setup_memfuncTStreamerBase);
18683    G__tagtable_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerBasicPointer),sizeof(TStreamerBasicPointer),-1,130816,"Streamer element for a pointer to a basic type",G__setup_memvarTStreamerBasicPointer,G__setup_memfuncTStreamerBasicPointer);
18684    G__tagtable_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerLoop),sizeof(TStreamerLoop),-1,130816,"Streamer element for a pointer to an array of objects",G__setup_memvarTStreamerLoop,G__setup_memfuncTStreamerLoop);
18685    G__tagtable_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerObject),sizeof(TStreamerObject),-1,130816,"Streamer element of type object",G__setup_memvarTStreamerObject,G__setup_memfuncTStreamerObject);
18686    G__tagtable_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerObjectAny),sizeof(TStreamerObjectAny),-1,130816,"Streamer element of type object other than TObject",G__setup_memvarTStreamerObjectAny,G__setup_memfuncTStreamerObjectAny);
18687    G__tagtable_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerObjectPointer),sizeof(TStreamerObjectPointer),-1,130816,"Streamer element of type pointer to a TObject",G__setup_memvarTStreamerObjectPointer,G__setup_memfuncTStreamerObjectPointer);
18688    G__tagtable_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerObjectAnyPointer),sizeof(TStreamerObjectAnyPointer),-1,130816,"Streamer element of type pointer to a non TObject",G__setup_memvarTStreamerObjectAnyPointer,G__setup_memfuncTStreamerObjectAnyPointer);
18689    G__tagtable_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerString),sizeof(TStreamerString),-1,130816,"Streamer element of type TString",G__setup_memvarTStreamerString,G__setup_memfuncTStreamerString);
18690    G__tagtable_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerSTL),sizeof(TStreamerSTL),-1,130816,"Streamer element of type STL container",G__setup_memvarTStreamerSTL,G__setup_memfuncTStreamerSTL);
18691    G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerSTLcLcLdA);
18692    G__tagtable_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerSTLstring),sizeof(TStreamerSTLstring),-1,130816,"Streamer element of type  C++ string",G__setup_memvarTStreamerSTLstring,G__setup_memfuncTStreamerSTLstring);
18693    G__tagtable_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MetaLN_TStreamerArtificial),sizeof(TStreamerArtificial),-1,129536,"StreamerElement injected by a TSchemaRule. Transient only to preverse forward compatibility.",G__setup_memvarTStreamerArtificial,G__setup_memfuncTStreamerArtificial);
18694    G__tagtable_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MetaLN_TToggle),sizeof(TToggle),-1,61696,"Facility for toggling datamembers on/off",G__setup_memvarTToggle,G__setup_memfuncTToggle);
18695    G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MetaLN_TOrdCollection);
18696    G__tagtable_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MetaLN_TToggleGroup),sizeof(TToggleGroup),-1,65280,"Group of contex-menu toggle objects",G__setup_memvarTToggleGroup,G__setup_memfuncTToggleGroup);
18697    G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MetaLN_TVirtualStreamerInfocLcLdA);
18698    G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd(&G__G__MetaLN_TVirtualStreamerInfocLcLEReadWrite);
18699 }
18700 extern "C" void G__cpp_setupG__Meta(void) {
18701   G__check_setup_version(30051515,"G__cpp_setupG__Meta()");
18702   G__set_cpp_environmentG__Meta();
18703   G__cpp_setup_tagtableG__Meta();
18705   G__cpp_setup_inheritanceG__Meta();
18707   G__cpp_setup_typetableG__Meta();
18709   G__cpp_setup_memvarG__Meta();
18711   G__cpp_setup_memfuncG__Meta();
18712   G__cpp_setup_globalG__Meta();
18713   G__cpp_setup_funcG__Meta();
18715    if(0==G__getsizep2memfunc()) G__get_sizep2memfuncG__Meta();
18716   return;
18717 }
18718 class G__cpp_setup_initG__Meta {
18719   public:
18720     G__cpp_setup_initG__Meta() { G__add_setup_func("G__Meta",(G__incsetup)(&G__cpp_setupG__Meta)); G__call_setup_funcs(); }
18721    ~G__cpp_setup_initG__Meta() { G__remove_setup_func("G__Meta"); }
18722 };
18723 G__cpp_setup_initG__Meta G__cpp_setup_initializerG__Meta;

Generated on Tue Jul 5 14:11:54 2011 for ROOT_528-00b_version by  doxygen 1.5.1