Reflex Namespace Reference


class  Any
class  BadAnyCast
class  Base
class  ClassBuilderImpl
class  ClassBuilder
class  ClassBuilderT
struct  EnvironBase
struct  Environ
struct  Address
struct  CollType
struct  Pushback
struct  Insert
struct  MapInsert
class  CollFuncTable
struct  CFTGenerator
struct  CFTNullGenerator
struct  Proxy
struct  StdBitSetHelper
struct  CollType< StdBitSetHelper< Bitset_t > >
struct  Pushback< StdBitSetHelper< Bitset_t > >
struct  Proxy< StdBitSetHelper< B > >
class  EnumBuilder
class  EnumBuilderT
class  FunctionBuilder
class  FunctionBuilderImpl
class  FunctionBuilderT
class  GenreflexMemberBuilder
class  NamespaceBuilder
struct  NewDelFunctions
struct  NewDelFunctionsT
class  OnDemandBuilder
class  OnDemandBuilderForScope
class  Literal
struct  BaseOffset
struct  TypeDistiller
class  TypeDistiller< T * >
class  TypeDistiller< T[N]>
class  TypeDistiller< const T >
class  TypeDistiller< volatile T >
class  TypeDistiller< const volatile T >
class  TypeDistiller< T & >
class  TypeDistiller< const T & >
class  TypeDistiller< volatile T & >
class  TypeDistiller< const volatile T & >
class  FunctionDistiller< R(void)>
class  FunctionDistiller< __R_TN__ R(__R_TN__ T0)>
class  FunctionDistiller< __R_TN__ R(__R_TN__ T0, __R_TN__ T1)>
class  FunctionDistiller< __R_TN__ R(__R_TN__ T0, __R_TN__ T1, __R_TN__ T2)>
class  FunctionDistiller< __R_TN__ R(__R_TN__ T0, __R_TN__ T1, __R_TN__ T2, __R_TN__ T3)>
class  FunctionDistiller< __R_TN__ R(__R_TN__ T0, __R_TN__ T1, __R_TN__ T2, __R_TN__ T3, __R_TN__ T4)>
class  FunctionDistiller< __R_TN__ R(__R_TN__ T0, __R_TN__ T1, __R_TN__ T2, __R_TN__ T3, __R_TN__ T4, __R_TN__ T5)>
class  FunctionDistiller< __R_TN__ R(__R_TN__ T0, __R_TN__ T1, __R_TN__ T2, __R_TN__ T3, __R_TN__ T4, __R_TN__ T5, __R_TN__ T6)>
class  FunctionDistiller< __R_TN__ R(__R_TN__ T0, __R_TN__ T1, __R_TN__ T2, __R_TN__ T3, __R_TN__ T4, __R_TN__ T5, __R_TN__ T6, __R_TN__ T7)>
class  FunctionDistiller< __R_TN__ R(__R_TN__ T0, __R_TN__ T1, __R_TN__ T2, __R_TN__ T3, __R_TN__ T4, __R_TN__ T5, __R_TN__ T6, __R_TN__ T7, __R_TN__ T8)>
class  FunctionDistiller< __R_TN__ R(__R_TN__ T0, __R_TN__ T1, __R_TN__ T2, __R_TN__ T3, __R_TN__ T4, __R_TN__ T5, __R_TN__ T6, __R_TN__ T7, __R_TN__ T8, __R_TN__ T9)>
class  FunctionDistiller< __R_TN__ R(__R_TN__ T0, __R_TN__ T1, __R_TN__ T2, __R_TN__ T3, __R_TN__ T4, __R_TN__ T5, __R_TN__ T6, __R_TN__ T7, __R_TN__ T8, __R_TN__ T9, __R_TN__ T10)>
class  FunctionDistiller< __R_TN__ R(__R_TN__ T0, __R_TN__ T1, __R_TN__ T2, __R_TN__ T3, __R_TN__ T4, __R_TN__ T5, __R_TN__ T6, __R_TN__ T7, __R_TN__ T8, __R_TN__ T9, __R_TN__ T10, __R_TN__ T11)>
class  FunctionDistiller< __R_TN__ R(__R_TN__ T0, __R_TN__ T1, __R_TN__ T2, __R_TN__ T3, __R_TN__ T4, __R_TN__ T5, __R_TN__ T6, __R_TN__ T7, __R_TN__ T8, __R_TN__ T9, __R_TN__ T10, __R_TN__ T11, __R_TN__ T12)>
class  FunctionDistiller< __R_TN__ R(__R_TN__ T0, __R_TN__ T1, __R_TN__ T2, __R_TN__ T3, __R_TN__ T4, __R_TN__ T5, __R_TN__ T6, __R_TN__ T7, __R_TN__ T8, __R_TN__ T9, __R_TN__ T10, __R_TN__ T11, __R_TN__ T12, __R_TN__ T13)>
class  FunctionDistiller< __R_TN__ R(__R_TN__ T0, __R_TN__ T1, __R_TN__ T2, __R_TN__ T3, __R_TN__ T4, __R_TN__ T5, __R_TN__ T6, __R_TN__ T7, __R_TN__ T8, __R_TN__ T9, __R_TN__ T10, __R_TN__ T11, __R_TN__ T12, __R_TN__ T13, __R_TN__ T14)>
class  FunctionDistiller< __R_TN__ R(__R_TN__ T0, __R_TN__ T1, __R_TN__ T2, __R_TN__ T3, __R_TN__ T4, __R_TN__ T5, __R_TN__ T6, __R_TN__ T7, __R_TN__ T8, __R_TN__ T9, __R_TN__ T10, __R_TN__ T11, __R_TN__ T12, __R_TN__ T13, __R_TN__ T14, __R_TN__ T15)>
class  TypedefBuilderImpl
class  TypedefBuilder
class  UnionBuilderImpl
class  UnionBuilder
class  VariableBuilder
class  VariableBuilderImpl
class  VariableBuilderT
class  ICallback
class  BuilderContainer
class  LiteralString
class  MemberBase
class  MemberTemplateImpl
class  MemberTemplateName
class  OwnedMember
class  OwnedMemberTemplate
class  OwnedPropertyList
class  PropertyListImpl
class  ScopeBase
class  ScopeName
class  TypeBase
class  TypeName
class  TypeTemplateImpl
class  TypeTemplateName
class  Instance
class  NullType
class  UnknownType
class  ProtectedClass
class  ProtectedEnum
class  ProtectedStruct
class  ProtectedUnion
class  PrivateClass
class  PrivateEnum
class  PrivateStruct
class  PrivateUnion
class  UnnamedClass
class  UnnamedEnum
class  UnnamedNamespace
class  UnnamedStruct
class  UnnamedUnion
class  Member
class  MemberTemplate
class  Object
class  PluginService
class  PropertyList
class  Scope
class  SharedLibrary
class  Type
class  TypeTemplate
class  ValueObject
struct  Proxy< std::vector< T, A > >
struct  Proxy< std::list< T, A > >
struct  Proxy< std::deque< T, A > >
struct  Proxy< std::set< K, T, A > >
struct  Proxy< std::multiset< K, T, A > >
struct  Proxy< std::map< K, T, R, A > >
struct  Proxy< std::multimap< K, T, R, A > >
struct  Proxy< std::queue< K, T > >
struct  Proxy< std::stack< K, T > >
class  TypeDistiller< std::string >


namespace  Dummy
namespace  OTools
namespace  Tools


typedef void *(*) NewFunc_t (void *)
typedef void *(*) NewArrFunc_t (long size, void *arena)
typedef void(*) DelFunc_t (void *)
typedef void(*) DelArrFunc_t (void *)
typedef void(*) DesFunc_t (void *)
typedef std::vector< std::stringStdString_Cont_Type_t
typedef StdString_Cont_Type_t::const_iterator StdString_Iterator
typedef StdString_Cont_Type_t::const_reverse_iterator Reverse_StdString_Iterator
typedef std::vector< TypeType_Cont_Type_t
typedef Type_Cont_Type_t::const_iterator Type_Iterator
typedef Type_Cont_Type_t::const_reverse_iterator Reverse_Type_Iterator
typedef std::vector< BaseBase_Cont_Type_t
typedef Base_Cont_Type_t::const_iterator Base_Iterator
typedef Base_Cont_Type_t::const_reverse_iterator Reverse_Base_Iterator
typedef std::vector< ScopeScope_Cont_Type_t
typedef Scope_Cont_Type_t::const_iterator Scope_Iterator
typedef Scope_Cont_Type_t::const_reverse_iterator Reverse_Scope_Iterator
typedef std::vector< ObjectObject_Cont_Type_t
typedef Object_Cont_Type_t::const_iterator Object_Iterator
typedef Object_Cont_Type_t::const_reverse_iterator Reverse_Object_Iterator
typedef std::vector< MemberMember_Cont_Type_t
typedef Member_Cont_Type_t::const_iterator Member_Iterator
typedef Member_Cont_Type_t::const_reverse_iterator Reverse_Member_Iterator
typedef std::vector< TypeTemplateTypeTemplate_Cont_Type_t
typedef TypeTemplate_Cont_Type_t::const_iterator TypeTemplate_Iterator
typedef TypeTemplate_Cont_Type_t::const_reverse_iterator Reverse_TypeTemplate_Iterator
typedef std::vector< MemberTemplateMemberTemplate_Cont_Type_t
typedef MemberTemplate_Cont_Type_t::const_iterator MemberTemplate_Iterator
typedef MemberTemplate_Cont_Type_t::const_reverse_iterator Reverse_MemberTemplate_Iterator
typedef void(*) StubFunction (void *, void *, const std::vector< void * > &, void *)
typedef size_t(*) OffsetFunction (void *)


enum  TYPE


template<class E>
void throw_exception (const E &e)
template<typename ValueType>
ValueType * any_cast (Any *operand)
template<typename ValueType>
const ValueType * any_cast (const Any *operand)
template<typename ValueType>
ValueType any_cast (const Any &operand)
RFLX_API std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &, const Any &)
template<typename FUNC>
void * FuncToVoidPtr (FUNC f)
template<typename FUNC>
FUNC VoidPtrToFunc (void *p)
RFLX_API Type TypeBuilder (const char *n, unsigned int modifiers=0)
RFLX_API Type ConstBuilder (const Type &t)
RFLX_API Type VolatileBuilder (const Type &t)
RFLX_API Type PointerBuilder (const Type &t, const std::type_info &ti=typeid(UnknownType))
RFLX_API Type PointerToMemberBuilder (const Type &t, const Scope &s, const std::type_info &ti=typeid(UnknownType))
RFLX_API Type ReferenceBuilder (const Type &t)
RFLX_API Type ArrayBuilder (const Type &t, size_t n, const std::type_info &ti=typeid(UnknownType))
RFLX_API Type EnumTypeBuilder (const char *, const char *items="", const std::type_info &ti=typeid(UnknownType), unsigned int modifiers=0)
RFLX_API Type TypedefTypeBuilder (const char *Name, const Type &t, REPRESTYPE represType=REPRES_NOTYPE)
RFLX_API Type FunctionTypeBuilder (const Type &r, const std::vector< Reflex::Type > &p, const std::type_info &ti=typeid(UnknownType))
RFLX_API Type FunctionTypeBuilder (const Type &r)
RFLX_API Type FunctionTypeBuilder (const Type &r, const Type &t0)
RFLX_API Type FunctionTypeBuilder (const Type &r, const Type &t0, const Type &t1)
RFLX_API Type FunctionTypeBuilder (const Type &r, const Type &t0, const Type &t1, const Type &t2)
RFLX_API Type FunctionTypeBuilder (const Type &r, const Type &t0, const Type &t1, const Type &t2, const Type &t3)
RFLX_API Type FunctionTypeBuilder (const Type &r, const Type &t0, const Type &t1, const Type &t2, const Type &t3, const Type &t4)
RFLX_API Type FunctionTypeBuilder (const Type &r, const Type &t0, const Type &t1, const Type &t2, const Type &t3, const Type &t4, const Type &t5)
RFLX_API Type FunctionTypeBuilder (const Type &r, const Type &t0, const Type &t1, const Type &t2, const Type &t3, const Type &t4, const Type &t5, const Type &t6)
RFLX_API Type FunctionTypeBuilder (const Type &r, const Type &t0, const Type &t1, const Type &t2, const Type &t3, const Type &t4, const Type &t5, const Type &t6, const Type &t7)
RFLX_API Type FunctionTypeBuilder (const Type &r, const Type &t0, const Type &t1, const Type &t2, const Type &t3, const Type &t4, const Type &t5, const Type &t6, const Type &t7, const Type &t8)
RFLX_API Type FunctionTypeBuilder (const Type &r, const Type &t0, const Type &t1, const Type &t2, const Type &t3, const Type &t4, const Type &t5, const Type &t6, const Type &t7, const Type &t8, const Type &t9)
RFLX_API Type FunctionTypeBuilder (const Type &r, const Type &t0, const Type &t1, const Type &t2, const Type &t3, const Type &t4, const Type &t5, const Type &t6, const Type &t7, const Type &t8, const Type &t9, const Type &t10)
RFLX_API Type FunctionTypeBuilder (const Type &r, const Type &t0, const Type &t1, const Type &t2, const Type &t3, const Type &t4, const Type &t5, const Type &t6, const Type &t7, const Type &t8, const Type &t9, const Type &t10, const Type &t11)
RFLX_API Type FunctionTypeBuilder (const Type &r, const Type &t0, const Type &t1, const Type &t2, const Type &t3, const Type &t4, const Type &t5, const Type &t6, const Type &t7, const Type &t8, const Type &t9, const Type &t10, const Type &t11, const Type &t12)
RFLX_API Type FunctionTypeBuilder (const Type &r, const Type &t0, const Type &t1, const Type &t2, const Type &t3, const Type &t4, const Type &t5, const Type &t6, const Type &t7, const Type &t8, const Type &t9, const Type &t10, const Type &t11, const Type &t12, const Type &t13)
RFLX_API Type FunctionTypeBuilder (const Type &r, const Type &t0, const Type &t1, const Type &t2, const Type &t3, const Type &t4, const Type &t5, const Type &t6, const Type &t7, const Type &t8, const Type &t9, const Type &t10, const Type &t11, const Type &t12, const Type &t13, const Type &t14)
RFLX_API Type FunctionTypeBuilder (const Type &r, const Type &t0, const Type &t1, const Type &t2, const Type &t3, const Type &t4, const Type &t5, const Type &t6, const Type &t7, const Type &t8, const Type &t9, const Type &t10, const Type &t11, const Type &t12, const Type &t13, const Type &t14, const Type &t15)
RFLX_API Type FunctionTypeBuilder (const Type &r, const Type &t0, const Type &t1, const Type &t2, const Type &t3, const Type &t4, const Type &t5, const Type &t6, const Type &t7, const Type &t8, const Type &t9, const Type &t10, const Type &t11, const Type &t12, const Type &t13, const Type &t14, const Type &t15, const Type &t16)
RFLX_API Type FunctionTypeBuilder (const Type &r, const Type &t0, const Type &t1, const Type &t2, const Type &t3, const Type &t4, const Type &t5, const Type &t6, const Type &t7, const Type &t8, const Type &t9, const Type &t10, const Type &t11, const Type &t12, const Type &t13, const Type &t14, const Type &t15, const Type &t16, const Type &t17)
RFLX_API Type FunctionTypeBuilder (const Type &r, const Type &t0, const Type &t1, const Type &t2, const Type &t3, const Type &t4, const Type &t5, const Type &t6, const Type &t7, const Type &t8, const Type &t9, const Type &t10, const Type &t11, const Type &t12, const Type &t13, const Type &t14, const Type &t15, const Type &t16, const Type &t17, const Type &t18)
RFLX_API Type FunctionTypeBuilder (const Type &r, const Type &t0, const Type &t1, const Type &t2, const Type &t3, const Type &t4, const Type &t5, const Type &t6, const Type &t7, const Type &t8, const Type &t9, const Type &t10, const Type &t11, const Type &t12, const Type &t13, const Type &t14, const Type &t15, const Type &t16, const Type &t17, const Type &t18, const Type &t19)
RFLX_API Type FunctionTypeBuilder (const Type &r, const Type &t0, const Type &t1, const Type &t2, const Type &t3, const Type &t4, const Type &t5, const Type &t6, const Type &t7, const Type &t8, const Type &t9, const Type &t10, const Type &t11, const Type &t12, const Type &t13, const Type &t14, const Type &t15, const Type &t16, const Type &t17, const Type &t18, const Type &t19, const Type &t20)
RFLX_API Type FunctionTypeBuilder (const Type &r, const Type &t0, const Type &t1, const Type &t2, const Type &t3, const Type &t4, const Type &t5, const Type &t6, const Type &t7, const Type &t8, const Type &t9, const Type &t10, const Type &t11, const Type &t12, const Type &t13, const Type &t14, const Type &t15, const Type &t16, const Type &t17, const Type &t18, const Type &t19, const Type &t20, const Type &t21)
RFLX_API Type FunctionTypeBuilder (const Type &r, const Type &t0, const Type &t1, const Type &t2, const Type &t3, const Type &t4, const Type &t5, const Type &t6, const Type &t7, const Type &t8, const Type &t9, const Type &t10, const Type &t11, const Type &t12, const Type &t13, const Type &t14, const Type &t15, const Type &t16, const Type &t17, const Type &t18, const Type &t19, const Type &t20, const Type &t21, const Type &t22)
RFLX_API Type FunctionTypeBuilder (const Type &r, const Type &t0, const Type &t1, const Type &t2, const Type &t3, const Type &t4, const Type &t5, const Type &t6, const Type &t7, const Type &t8, const Type &t9, const Type &t10, const Type &t11, const Type &t12, const Type &t13, const Type &t14, const Type &t15, const Type &t16, const Type &t17, const Type &t18, const Type &t19, const Type &t20, const Type &t21, const Type &t22, const Type &t23)
RFLX_API Type FunctionTypeBuilder (const Type &r, const Type &t0, const Type &t1, const Type &t2, const Type &t3, const Type &t4, const Type &t5, const Type &t6, const Type &t7, const Type &t8, const Type &t9, const Type &t10, const Type &t11, const Type &t12, const Type &t13, const Type &t14, const Type &t15, const Type &t16, const Type &t17, const Type &t18, const Type &t19, const Type &t20, const Type &t21, const Type &t22, const Type &t23, const Type &t24)
RFLX_API Type FunctionTypeBuilder (const Type &r, const Type &t0, const Type &t1, const Type &t2, const Type &t3, const Type &t4, const Type &t5, const Type &t6, const Type &t7, const Type &t8, const Type &t9, const Type &t10, const Type &t11, const Type &t12, const Type &t13, const Type &t14, const Type &t15, const Type &t16, const Type &t17, const Type &t18, const Type &t19, const Type &t20, const Type &t21, const Type &t22, const Type &t23, const Type &t24, const Type &t25)
RFLX_API Type FunctionTypeBuilder (const Type &r, const Type &t0, const Type &t1, const Type &t2, const Type &t3, const Type &t4, const Type &t5, const Type &t6, const Type &t7, const Type &t8, const Type &t9, const Type &t10, const Type &t11, const Type &t12, const Type &t13, const Type &t14, const Type &t15, const Type &t16, const Type &t17, const Type &t18, const Type &t19, const Type &t20, const Type &t21, const Type &t22, const Type &t23, const Type &t24, const Type &t25, const Type &t26)
RFLX_API Type FunctionTypeBuilder (const Type &r, const Type &t0, const Type &t1, const Type &t2, const Type &t3, const Type &t4, const Type &t5, const Type &t6, const Type &t7, const Type &t8, const Type &t9, const Type &t10, const Type &t11, const Type &t12, const Type &t13, const Type &t14, const Type &t15, const Type &t16, const Type &t17, const Type &t18, const Type &t19, const Type &t20, const Type &t21, const Type &t22, const Type &t23, const Type &t24, const Type &t25, const Type &t26, const Type &t27)
RFLX_API Type FunctionTypeBuilder (const Type &r, const Type &t0, const Type &t1, const Type &t2, const Type &t3, const Type &t4, const Type &t5, const Type &t6, const Type &t7, const Type &t8, const Type &t9, const Type &t10, const Type &t11, const Type &t12, const Type &t13, const Type &t14, const Type &t15, const Type &t16, const Type &t17, const Type &t18, const Type &t19, const Type &t20, const Type &t21, const Type &t22, const Type &t23, const Type &t24, const Type &t25, const Type &t26, const Type &t27, const Type &t28)
RFLX_API Type FunctionTypeBuilder (const Type &r, const Type &t0, const Type &t1, const Type &t2, const Type &t3, const Type &t4, const Type &t5, const Type &t6, const Type &t7, const Type &t8, const Type &t9, const Type &t10, const Type &t11, const Type &t12, const Type &t13, const Type &t14, const Type &t15, const Type &t16, const Type &t17, const Type &t18, const Type &t19, const Type &t20, const Type &t21, const Type &t22, const Type &t23, const Type &t24, const Type &t25, const Type &t26, const Type &t27, const Type &t28, const Type &t29)
RFLX_API Type FunctionTypeBuilder (const Type &r, const Type &t0, const Type &t1, const Type &t2, const Type &t3, const Type &t4, const Type &t5, const Type &t6, const Type &t7, const Type &t8, const Type &t9, const Type &t10, const Type &t11, const Type &t12, const Type &t13, const Type &t14, const Type &t15, const Type &t16, const Type &t17, const Type &t18, const Type &t19, const Type &t20, const Type &t21, const Type &t22, const Type &t23, const Type &t24, const Type &t25, const Type &t26, const Type &t27, const Type &t28, const Type &t29, const Type &t30)
RFLX_API Type FunctionTypeBuilder (const Type &r, const Type &t0, const Type &t1, const Type &t2, const Type &t3, const Type &t4, const Type &t5, const Type &t6, const Type &t7, const Type &t8, const Type &t9, const Type &t10, const Type &t11, const Type &t12, const Type &t13, const Type &t14, const Type &t15, const Type &t16, const Type &t17, const Type &t18, const Type &t19, const Type &t20, const Type &t21, const Type &t22, const Type &t23, const Type &t24, const Type &t25, const Type &t26, const Type &t27, const Type &t28, const Type &t29, const Type &t30, const Type &t31)
template<typename C, typename M>
size_t offsetOf (M C::*member)
template<typename T>
const TypeGetType ()
RFLX_API void InstallClassCallback (ICallback *cb)
RFLX_API void UninstallClassCallback (ICallback *cb)
RFLX_API void FireClassCallback (const Type &)
RFLX_API void FireFunctionCallback (const Member &)
RFLX_API std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &s, const PropertyListImpl &p)
RFLX_API const std::stringArgv0 ()
size_t NPos ()
size_t NPos ()
template<class T>
T Object_Cast (const Object &o)
template<class T>
T Object_Cast (const Object &o)
RFLX_API std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &s, const PropertyList &p)
bool operator< (const Scope &lh, const Scope &rh)
bool operator== (const Scope &lh, const Scope &rh)
bool operator< (const Scope &lh, const Scope &rh)
bool operator== (const Scope &lh, const Scope &rh)

Typedef Documentation

typedef std::vector<Base> Reflex::Base_Cont_Type_t

Definition at line 162 of file Kernel.h.

typedef Base_Cont_Type_t::const_iterator Reflex::Base_Iterator

Definition at line 163 of file Kernel.h.

typedef void(*) Reflex::DelArrFunc_t(void *)

Definition at line 15 of file NewDelFunctions.h.

typedef void(*) Reflex::DelFunc_t(void *)

Definition at line 14 of file NewDelFunctions.h.

typedef void(*) Reflex::DesFunc_t(void *)

Definition at line 16 of file NewDelFunctions.h.

typedef std::vector<Member> Reflex::Member_Cont_Type_t

Definition at line 174 of file Kernel.h.

typedef Member_Cont_Type_t::const_iterator Reflex::Member_Iterator

Definition at line 175 of file Kernel.h.

typedef std::vector<MemberTemplate> Reflex::MemberTemplate_Cont_Type_t

Definition at line 182 of file Kernel.h.

typedef MemberTemplate_Cont_Type_t::const_iterator Reflex::MemberTemplate_Iterator

Definition at line 183 of file Kernel.h.

typedef void*(*) Reflex::NewArrFunc_t(long size, void *arena)

Definition at line 13 of file NewDelFunctions.h.

typedef void*(*) Reflex::NewFunc_t(void *)

Definition at line 12 of file NewDelFunctions.h.

typedef std::vector<Object> Reflex::Object_Cont_Type_t

Definition at line 170 of file Kernel.h.

typedef Object_Cont_Type_t::const_iterator Reflex::Object_Iterator

Definition at line 171 of file Kernel.h.

typedef size_t(*) Reflex::OffsetFunction(void *)

typedef for function for Offset calculation

Definition at line 388 of file Kernel.h.

typedef Base_Cont_Type_t::const_reverse_iterator Reflex::Reverse_Base_Iterator

Definition at line 164 of file Kernel.h.

typedef Member_Cont_Type_t::const_reverse_iterator Reflex::Reverse_Member_Iterator

Definition at line 176 of file Kernel.h.

typedef MemberTemplate_Cont_Type_t::const_reverse_iterator Reflex::Reverse_MemberTemplate_Iterator

Definition at line 184 of file Kernel.h.

typedef Object_Cont_Type_t::const_reverse_iterator Reflex::Reverse_Object_Iterator

Definition at line 172 of file Kernel.h.

typedef Scope_Cont_Type_t::const_reverse_iterator Reflex::Reverse_Scope_Iterator

Definition at line 168 of file Kernel.h.

typedef StdString_Cont_Type_t::const_reverse_iterator Reflex::Reverse_StdString_Iterator

Definition at line 156 of file Kernel.h.

typedef Type_Cont_Type_t::const_reverse_iterator Reflex::Reverse_Type_Iterator

Definition at line 160 of file Kernel.h.

typedef TypeTemplate_Cont_Type_t::const_reverse_iterator Reflex::Reverse_TypeTemplate_Iterator

Definition at line 180 of file Kernel.h.

typedef std::vector<Scope> Reflex::Scope_Cont_Type_t

Definition at line 166 of file Kernel.h.

typedef Scope_Cont_Type_t::const_iterator Reflex::Scope_Iterator

Definition at line 167 of file Kernel.h.

typedef std::vector<std::string> Reflex::StdString_Cont_Type_t

Definition at line 152 of file Kernel.h.

typedef StdString_Cont_Type_t::const_iterator Reflex::StdString_Iterator

Definition at line 155 of file Kernel.h.

typedef void(*) Reflex::StubFunction(void *, void *, const std::vector< void * > &, void *)

typedef for function member type (necessary for return value of getter function)

Definition at line 385 of file Kernel.h.

typedef std::vector<Type> Reflex::Type_Cont_Type_t

Definition at line 158 of file Kernel.h.

typedef Type_Cont_Type_t::const_iterator Reflex::Type_Iterator

Definition at line 159 of file Kernel.h.

typedef std::vector<TypeTemplate> Reflex::TypeTemplate_Cont_Type_t

Definition at line 178 of file Kernel.h.

typedef TypeTemplate_Cont_Type_t::const_iterator Reflex::TypeTemplate_Iterator

Definition at line 179 of file Kernel.h.

Enumeration Type Documentation


Definition at line 370 of file Kernel.h.


Definition at line 26 of file Tools.h.


Definition at line 364 of file Kernel.h.


Definition at line 263 of file Kernel.h.


enum for printing names

Definition at line 306 of file Kernel.h.

enum Reflex::REPRESTYPE

enum containing all possible 'representation' types

Definition at line 337 of file Kernel.h.

enum Reflex::TYPE

enum containing all possible types and scopes

Definition at line 317 of file Kernel.h.

Function Documentation

template<typename ValueType>
ValueType Reflex::any_cast ( const Any &  operand  ) 


Definition at line 231 of file Any.h.

References result(), and throw_exception().

template<typename ValueType>
const ValueType* Reflex::any_cast ( const Any *  operand  ) 


Definition at line 224 of file Any.h.

template<typename ValueType>
ValueType* Reflex::any_cast ( Any *  operand  ) 


Definition at line 216 of file Any.h.

References Reflex::Any::fContent, and Reflex::Any::TypeInfo().

RFLX_API const std::string& Reflex::Argv0 (  ) 

the Name of the package - used for messages

Referenced by RFLX_EXCEPTIONAPI().

RFLX_API Type Reflex::ArrayBuilder ( const Type &  t,
size_t  n,
const std::type_info &  ti = typeid(UnknownType) 

Referenced by Reflex::TypeDistiller< T[N]>::Get().

RFLX_API Type Reflex::ConstBuilder ( const Type &  t  ) 

RFLX_API Type Reflex::EnumTypeBuilder ( const char *  ,
const char *  items = "",
const std::type_info &  ti = typeid(UnknownType),
unsigned int  modifiers = 0 

RFLX_API void Reflex::FireClassCallback ( const Type &   ) 

RFLX_API void Reflex::FireFunctionCallback ( const Member &   ) 

RFLX_API Type Reflex::FunctionTypeBuilder ( const Type &  r,
const Type &  t0,
const Type &  t1,
const Type &  t2,
const Type &  t3,
const Type &  t4,
const Type &  t5,
const Type &  t6,
const Type &  t7,
const Type &  t8,
const Type &  t9,
const Type &  t10,
const Type &  t11,
const Type &  t12,
const Type &  t13,
const Type &  t14,
const Type &  t15,
const Type &  t16,
const Type &  t17,
const Type &  t18,
const Type &  t19,
const Type &  t20,
const Type &  t21,
const Type &  t22,
const Type &  t23,
const Type &  t24,
const Type &  t25,
const Type &  t26,
const Type &  t27,
const Type &  t28,
const Type &  t29,
const Type &  t30,
const Type &  t31 

RFLX_API Type Reflex::FunctionTypeBuilder ( const Type &  r,
const Type &  t0,
const Type &  t1,
const Type &  t2,
const Type &  t3,
const Type &  t4,
const Type &  t5,
const Type &  t6,
const Type &  t7,
const Type &  t8,
const Type &  t9,
const Type &  t10,
const Type &  t11,
const Type &  t12,
const Type &  t13,
const Type &  t14,
const Type &  t15,
const Type &  t16,
const Type &  t17,
const Type &  t18,
const Type &  t19,
const Type &  t20,
const Type &  t21,
const Type &  t22,
const Type &  t23,
const Type &  t24,
const Type &  t25,
const Type &  t26,
const Type &  t27,
const Type &  t28,
const Type &  t29,
const Type &  t30 

RFLX_API Type Reflex::FunctionTypeBuilder ( const Type &  r,
const Type &  t0,
const Type &  t1,
const Type &  t2,
const Type &  t3,
const Type &  t4,
const Type &  t5,
const Type &  t6,
const Type &  t7,
const Type &  t8,
const Type &  t9,
const Type &  t10,
const Type &  t11,
const Type &  t12,
const Type &  t13,
const Type &  t14,
const Type &  t15,
const Type &  t16,
const Type &  t17,
const Type &  t18,
const Type &  t19,
const Type &  t20,
const Type &  t21,
const Type &  t22,
const Type &  t23,
const Type &  t24,
const Type &  t25,
const Type &  t26,
const Type &  t27,
const Type &  t28,
const Type &  t29 

RFLX_API Type Reflex::FunctionTypeBuilder ( const Type &  r,
const Type &  t0,
const Type &  t1,
const Type &  t2,
const Type &  t3,
const Type &  t4,
const Type &  t5,
const Type &  t6,
const Type &  t7,
const Type &  t8,
const Type &  t9,
const Type &  t10,
const Type &  t11,
const Type &  t12,
const Type &  t13,
const Type &  t14,
const Type &  t15,
const Type &  t16,
const Type &  t17,
const Type &  t18,
const Type &  t19,
const Type &  t20,
const Type &  t21,
const Type &  t22,
const Type &  t23,
const Type &  t24,
const Type &  t25,
const Type &  t26,
const Type &  t27,
const Type &  t28 

RFLX_API Type Reflex::FunctionTypeBuilder ( const Type &  r,
const Type &  t0,
const Type &  t1,
const Type &  t2,
const Type &  t3,
const Type &  t4,
const Type &  t5,
const Type &  t6,
const Type &  t7,
const Type &  t8,
const Type &  t9,
const Type &  t10,
const Type &  t11,
const Type &  t12,
const Type &  t13,
const Type &  t14,
const Type &  t15,
const Type &  t16,
const Type &  t17,
const Type &  t18,
const Type &  t19,
const Type &  t20,
const Type &  t21,
const Type &  t22,
const Type &  t23,
const Type &  t24,
const Type &  t25,
const Type &  t26,
const Type &  t27 

RFLX_API Type Reflex::FunctionTypeBuilder ( const Type &  r,
const Type &  t0,
const Type &  t1,
const Type &  t2,
const Type &  t3,
const Type &  t4,
const Type &  t5,
const Type &  t6,
const Type &  t7,
const Type &  t8,
const Type &  t9,
const Type &  t10,
const Type &  t11,
const Type &  t12,
const Type &  t13,
const Type &  t14,
const Type &  t15,
const Type &  t16,
const Type &  t17,
const Type &  t18,
const Type &  t19,
const Type &  t20,
const Type &  t21,
const Type &  t22,
const Type &  t23,
const Type &  t24,
const Type &  t25,
const Type &  t26 

RFLX_API Type Reflex::FunctionTypeBuilder ( const Type &  r,
const Type &  t0,
const Type &  t1,
const Type &  t2,
const Type &  t3,
const Type &  t4,
const Type &  t5,
const Type &  t6,
const Type &  t7,
const Type &  t8,
const Type &  t9,
const Type &  t10,
const Type &  t11,
const Type &  t12,
const Type &  t13,
const Type &  t14,
const Type &  t15,
const Type &  t16,
const Type &  t17,
const Type &  t18,
const Type &  t19,
const Type &  t20,
const Type &  t21,
const Type &  t22,
const Type &  t23,
const Type &  t24,
const Type &  t25 

RFLX_API Type Reflex::FunctionTypeBuilder ( const Type &  r,
const Type &  t0,
const Type &  t1,
const Type &  t2,
const Type &  t3,
const Type &  t4,
const Type &  t5,
const Type &  t6,
const Type &  t7,
const Type &  t8,
const Type &  t9,
const Type &  t10,
const Type &  t11,
const Type &  t12,
const Type &  t13,
const Type &  t14,
const Type &  t15,
const Type &  t16,
const Type &  t17,
const Type &  t18,
const Type &  t19,
const Type &  t20,
const Type &  t21,
const Type &  t22,
const Type &  t23,
const Type &  t24 

RFLX_API Type Reflex::FunctionTypeBuilder ( const Type &  r,
const Type &  t0,
const Type &  t1,
const Type &  t2,
const Type &  t3,
const Type &  t4,
const Type &  t5,
const Type &  t6,
const Type &  t7,
const Type &  t8,
const Type &  t9,
const Type &  t10,
const Type &  t11,
const Type &  t12,
const Type &  t13,
const Type &  t14,
const Type &  t15,
const Type &  t16,
const Type &  t17,
const Type &  t18,
const Type &  t19,
const Type &  t20,
const Type &  t21,
const Type &  t22,
const Type &  t23 

RFLX_API Type Reflex::FunctionTypeBuilder ( const Type &  r,
const Type &  t0,
const Type &  t1,
const Type &  t2,
const Type &  t3,
const Type &  t4,
const Type &  t5,
const Type &  t6,
const Type &  t7,
const Type &  t8,
const Type &  t9,
const Type &  t10,
const Type &  t11,
const Type &  t12,
const Type &  t13,
const Type &  t14,
const Type &  t15,
const Type &  t16,
const Type &  t17,
const Type &  t18,
const Type &  t19,
const Type &  t20,
const Type &  t21,
const Type &  t22 

RFLX_API Type Reflex::FunctionTypeBuilder ( const Type &  r,
const Type &  t0,
const Type &  t1,
const Type &  t2,
const Type &  t3,
const Type &  t4,
const Type &  t5,
const Type &  t6,
const Type &  t7,
const Type &  t8,
const Type &  t9,
const Type &  t10,
const Type &  t11,
const Type &  t12,
const Type &  t13,
const Type &  t14,
const Type &  t15,
const Type &  t16,
const Type &  t17,
const Type &  t18,
const Type &  t19,
const Type &  t20,
const Type &  t21 

RFLX_API Type Reflex::FunctionTypeBuilder ( const Type &  r,
const Type &  t0,
const Type &  t1,
const Type &  t2,
const Type &  t3,
const Type &  t4,
const Type &  t5,
const Type &  t6,
const Type &  t7,
const Type &  t8,
const Type &  t9,
const Type &  t10,
const Type &  t11,
const Type &  t12,
const Type &  t13,
const Type &  t14,
const Type &  t15,
const Type &  t16,
const Type &  t17,
const Type &  t18,
const Type &  t19,
const Type &  t20 

RFLX_API Type Reflex::FunctionTypeBuilder ( const Type &  r,
const Type &  t0,
const Type &  t1,
const Type &  t2,
const Type &  t3,
const Type &  t4,
const Type &  t5,
const Type &  t6,
const Type &  t7,
const Type &  t8,
const Type &  t9,
const Type &  t10,
const Type &  t11,
const Type &  t12,
const Type &  t13,
const Type &  t14,
const Type &  t15,
const Type &  t16,
const Type &  t17,
const Type &  t18,
const Type &  t19 

RFLX_API Type Reflex::FunctionTypeBuilder ( const Type &  r,
const Type &  t0,
const Type &  t1,
const Type &  t2,
const Type &  t3,
const Type &  t4,
const Type &  t5,
const Type &  t6,
const Type &  t7,
const Type &  t8,
const Type &  t9,
const Type &  t10,
const Type &  t11,
const Type &  t12,
const Type &  t13,
const Type &  t14,
const Type &  t15,
const Type &  t16,
const Type &  t17,
const Type &  t18 

RFLX_API Type Reflex::FunctionTypeBuilder ( const Type &  r,
const Type &  t0,
const Type &  t1,
const Type &  t2,
const Type &  t3,
const Type &  t4,
const Type &  t5,
const Type &  t6,
const Type &  t7,
const Type &  t8,
const Type &  t9,
const Type &  t10,
const Type &  t11,
const Type &  t12,
const Type &  t13,
const Type &  t14,
const Type &  t15,
const Type &  t16,
const Type &  t17 

RFLX_API Type Reflex::FunctionTypeBuilder ( const Type &  r,
const Type &  t0,
const Type &  t1,
const Type &  t2,
const Type &  t3,
const Type &  t4,
const Type &  t5,
const Type &  t6,
const Type &  t7,
const Type &  t8,
const Type &  t9,
const Type &  t10,
const Type &  t11,
const Type &  t12,
const Type &  t13,
const Type &  t14,
const Type &  t15,
const Type &  t16 

RFLX_API Type Reflex::FunctionTypeBuilder ( const Type &  r,
const Type &  t0,
const Type &  t1,
const Type &  t2,
const Type &  t3,
const Type &  t4,
const Type &  t5,
const Type &  t6,
const Type &  t7,
const Type &  t8,
const Type &  t9,
const Type &  t10,
const Type &  t11,
const Type &  t12,
const Type &  t13,
const Type &  t14,
const Type &  t15 

RFLX_API Type Reflex::FunctionTypeBuilder ( const Type &  r,
const Type &  t0,
const Type &  t1,
const Type &  t2,
const Type &  t3,
const Type &  t4,
const Type &  t5,
const Type &  t6,
const Type &  t7,
const Type &  t8,
const Type &  t9,
const Type &  t10,
const Type &  t11,
const Type &  t12,
const Type &  t13,
const Type &  t14 

RFLX_API Type Reflex::FunctionTypeBuilder ( const Type &  r,
const Type &  t0,
const Type &  t1,
const Type &  t2,
const Type &  t3,
const Type &  t4,
const Type &  t5,
const Type &  t6,
const Type &  t7,
const Type &  t8,
const Type &  t9,
const Type &  t10,
const Type &  t11,
const Type &  t12,
const Type &  t13 

RFLX_API Type Reflex::FunctionTypeBuilder ( const Type &  r,
const Type &  t0,
const Type &  t1,
const Type &  t2,
const Type &  t3,
const Type &  t4,
const Type &  t5,
const Type &  t6,
const Type &  t7,
const Type &  t8,
const Type &  t9,
const Type &  t10,
const Type &  t11,
const Type &  t12 

RFLX_API Type Reflex::FunctionTypeBuilder ( const Type &  r,
const Type &  t0,
const Type &  t1,
const Type &  t2,
const Type &  t3,
const Type &  t4,
const Type &  t5,
const Type &  t6,
const Type &  t7,
const Type &  t8,
const Type &  t9,
const Type &  t10,
const Type &  t11 

RFLX_API Type Reflex::FunctionTypeBuilder ( const Type &  r,
const Type &  t0,
const Type &  t1,
const Type &  t2,
const Type &  t3,
const Type &  t4,
const Type &  t5,
const Type &  t6,
const Type &  t7,
const Type &  t8,
const Type &  t9,
const Type &  t10 

RFLX_API Type Reflex::FunctionTypeBuilder ( const Type &  r,
const Type &  t0,
const Type &  t1,
const Type &  t2,
const Type &  t3,
const Type &  t4,
const Type &  t5,
const Type &  t6,
const Type &  t7,
const Type &  t8,
const Type &  t9 

RFLX_API Type Reflex::FunctionTypeBuilder ( const Type &  r,
const Type &  t0,
const Type &  t1,
const Type &  t2,
const Type &  t3,
const Type &  t4,
const Type &  t5,
const Type &  t6,
const Type &  t7,
const Type &  t8 

RFLX_API Type Reflex::FunctionTypeBuilder ( const Type &  r,
const Type &  t0,
const Type &  t1,
const Type &  t2,
const Type &  t3,
const Type &  t4,
const Type &  t5,
const Type &  t6,
const Type &  t7 

RFLX_API Type Reflex::FunctionTypeBuilder ( const Type &  r,
const Type &  t0,
const Type &  t1,
const Type &  t2,
const Type &  t3,
const Type &  t4,
const Type &  t5,
const Type &  t6 

RFLX_API Type Reflex::FunctionTypeBuilder ( const Type &  r,
const Type &  t0,
const Type &  t1,
const Type &  t2,
const Type &  t3,
const Type &  t4,
const Type &  t5 

RFLX_API Type Reflex::FunctionTypeBuilder ( const Type &  r,
const Type &  t0,
const Type &  t1,
const Type &  t2,
const Type &  t3,
const Type &  t4 

RFLX_API Type Reflex::FunctionTypeBuilder ( const Type &  r,
const Type &  t0,
const Type &  t1,
const Type &  t2,
const Type &  t3 

RFLX_API Type Reflex::FunctionTypeBuilder ( const Type &  r,
const Type &  t0,
const Type &  t1,
const Type &  t2 

RFLX_API Type Reflex::FunctionTypeBuilder ( const Type &  r,
const Type &  t0,
const Type &  t1 

RFLX_API Type Reflex::FunctionTypeBuilder ( const Type &  r,
const Type &  t0 

RFLX_API Type Reflex::FunctionTypeBuilder ( const Type &  r  ) 

RFLX_API Type Reflex::FunctionTypeBuilder ( const Type &  r,
const std::vector< Reflex::Type > &  p,
const std::type_info &  ti = typeid(UnknownType) 

Referenced by Reflex::FunctionDistiller< R(void)>::Get(), Reflex::FunctionDistiller< __R_TN__ R(__R_TN__ T0, __R_TN__ T1, __R_TN__ T2, __R_TN__ T3)>::Get(), Reflex::FunctionDistiller< __R_TN__ R(__R_TN__ T0, __R_TN__ T1, __R_TN__ T2, __R_TN__ T3, __R_TN__ T4)>::Get(), Reflex::FunctionDistiller< __R_TN__ R(__R_TN__ T0, __R_TN__ T1, __R_TN__ T2, __R_TN__ T3, __R_TN__ T4, __R_TN__ T5, __R_TN__ T6, __R_TN__ T7, __R_TN__ T8, __R_TN__ T9, __R_TN__ T10, __R_TN__ T11, __R_TN__ T12, __R_TN__ T13, __R_TN__ T14, __R_TN__ T15)>::Get(), Reflex::FunctionDistiller< __R_TN__ R(__R_TN__ T0)>::Get(), Reflex::FunctionDistiller< __R_TN__ R(__R_TN__ T0, __R_TN__ T1, __R_TN__ T2, __R_TN__ T3, __R_TN__ T4, __R_TN__ T5, __R_TN__ T6, __R_TN__ T7, __R_TN__ T8, __R_TN__ T9, __R_TN__ T10, __R_TN__ T11, __R_TN__ T12, __R_TN__ T13, __R_TN__ T14)>::Get(), Reflex::FunctionDistiller< __R_TN__ R(__R_TN__ T0, __R_TN__ T1, __R_TN__ T2, __R_TN__ T3, __R_TN__ T4, __R_TN__ T5, __R_TN__ T6, __R_TN__ T7, __R_TN__ T8, __R_TN__ T9, __R_TN__ T10, __R_TN__ T11, __R_TN__ T12, __R_TN__ T13)>::Get(), Reflex::FunctionDistiller< __R_TN__ R(__R_TN__ T0, __R_TN__ T1, __R_TN__ T2, __R_TN__ T3, __R_TN__ T4, __R_TN__ T5, __R_TN__ T6, __R_TN__ T7, __R_TN__ T8)>::Get(), Reflex::FunctionDistiller< __R_TN__ R(__R_TN__ T0, __R_TN__ T1)>::Get(), Reflex::FunctionDistiller< __R_TN__ R(__R_TN__ T0, __R_TN__ T1, __R_TN__ T2)>::Get(), Reflex::FunctionDistiller< __R_TN__ R(__R_TN__ T0, __R_TN__ T1, __R_TN__ T2, __R_TN__ T3, __R_TN__ T4, __R_TN__ T5, __R_TN__ T6, __R_TN__ T7)>::Get(), Reflex::FunctionDistiller< __R_TN__ R(__R_TN__ T0, __R_TN__ T1, __R_TN__ T2, __R_TN__ T3, __R_TN__ T4, __R_TN__ T5, __R_TN__ T6, __R_TN__ T7, __R_TN__ T8, __R_TN__ T9, __R_TN__ T10)>::Get(), Reflex::FunctionDistiller< __R_TN__ R(__R_TN__ T0, __R_TN__ T1, __R_TN__ T2, __R_TN__ T3, __R_TN__ T4, __R_TN__ T5, __R_TN__ T6, __R_TN__ T7, __R_TN__ T8, __R_TN__ T9, __R_TN__ T10, __R_TN__ T11)>::Get(), Reflex::FunctionDistiller< __R_TN__ R(__R_TN__ T0, __R_TN__ T1, __R_TN__ T2, __R_TN__ T3, __R_TN__ T4, __R_TN__ T5, __R_TN__ T6, __R_TN__ T7, __R_TN__ T8, __R_TN__ T9)>::Get(), Reflex::FunctionDistiller< __R_TN__ R(__R_TN__ T0, __R_TN__ T1, __R_TN__ T2, __R_TN__ T3, __R_TN__ T4, __R_TN__ T5, __R_TN__ T6)>::Get(), Reflex::FunctionDistiller< __R_TN__ R(__R_TN__ T0, __R_TN__ T1, __R_TN__ T2, __R_TN__ T3, __R_TN__ T4, __R_TN__ T5)>::Get(), and Reflex::FunctionDistiller< __R_TN__ R(__R_TN__ T0, __R_TN__ T1, __R_TN__ T2, __R_TN__ T3, __R_TN__ T4, __R_TN__ T5, __R_TN__ T6, __R_TN__ T7, __R_TN__ T8, __R_TN__ T9, __R_TN__ T10, __R_TN__ T11, __R_TN__ T12)>::Get().

template<typename FUNC>
void* Reflex::FuncToVoidPtr ( FUNC  f  ) 

Definition at line 29 of file TypeBuilder.h.

References fPtr, FUNC, and u.

template<typename T>
const Type& Reflex::GetType (  ) 

getType will return a reference to a Type (create it if necessery) representating the type of the template parameter

reference to Type

Definition at line 919 of file TypeBuilder.h.

References Reflex::Dummy::Get(), and t.

Referenced by ClassImp(), TBufferSQL2::ClassMember(), G__G__Base2_288_0_69(), G__G__Cont_17_0_22(), G__G__EG_176_0_20(), G__G__Eve1_147_0_17(), G__G__G3D_149_0_9(), G__G__Geom1_201_0_15(), G__G__GPad_175_0_6(), G__G__Gui1_250_0_8(), G__G__Gui2_140_0_10(), G__G__Gui2_293_0_8(), G__G__Gui2_336_0_7(), G__G__Gui3_382_0_13(), G__G__Hbook_215_0_6(), G__G__MathMore_158_0_35(), G__G__MathMore_167_0_24(), G__G__Meta_149_0_9(), G__G__Meta_152_0_8(), G__G__Meta_85_0_19(), G__G__MLP_100_0_13(), G__G__MLP_102_0_32(), G__G__Net_252_0_4(), G__G__Proof_138_0_23(), G__G__Recorder_272_0_2(), G__G__SQL_132_0_18(), G__G__SQL_187_0_5(), G__G__Table_102_0_46(), G__G__Table_155_0_24(), G__G__TMVA1_613_0_9(), G__G__Tree_135_0_64(), G__G__Tree_238_0_12(), TBranch::GetExpectedType(), and TTreePlayer::MakeClass().

RFLX_API void Reflex::InstallClassCallback ( ICallback *  cb  ) 

size_t Reflex::NPos (  )  [inline]

the max unsigned int

Definition at line 432 of file Kernel.h.

References size_t.

size_t Reflex::NPos (  )  [inline]

the max unsigned int

Definition at line 432 of file Kernel.h.

References size_t.

template<class T>
T Reflex::Object_Cast ( const Object &  o  )  [inline]

Object_Cast can be used to cast an object into a given type (no additional checks are performed for the time being)

o the object to be casted
the address of the object casted into type T

Definition at line 242 of file Object.h.

References o, and T.

template<class T>
T Reflex::Object_Cast ( const Object &  o  )  [inline]

Object_Cast can be used to cast an object into a given type (no additional checks are performed for the time being)

o the object to be casted
the address of the object casted into type T

Definition at line 242 of file Object.h.

References o, and T.

template<typename C, typename M>
size_t Reflex::offsetOf ( M C::*  member  ) 

offsetOf will calculate the Offset of a data MemberAt relative to the start of the class

MemberAt the pointer to the data MemberAt
the Offset of the data MemberAt

Definition at line 732 of file TypeBuilder.h.

References C, and size_t.

bool Reflex::operator< ( const Scope &  lh,
const Scope &  rh 
) [inline]

Definition at line 1086 of file Scope.h.

bool Reflex::operator< ( const Scope &  lh,
const Scope &  rh 
) [inline]

Definition at line 1086 of file Scope.h.

RFLX_API std::ostream& Reflex::operator<< ( std::ostream &  s,
const PropertyList &  p 

will put the property (key and value) on the ostream if printable

s the reference to the stream
the stream

RFLX_API std::ostream& Reflex::operator<< ( std::ostream &  s,
const PropertyListImpl &  p 

will put the PropertyNth (key and value) on the ostream if printable

s the reference to the stream
the stream

RFLX_API std::ostream& Reflex::operator<< ( std::ostream &  ,
const Any &   

stream operator

bool Reflex::operator== ( const Scope &  lh,
const Scope &  rh 
) [inline]

Definition at line 1095 of file Scope.h.

bool Reflex::operator== ( const Scope &  lh,
const Scope &  rh 
) [inline]

Definition at line 1095 of file Scope.h.

RFLX_API Type Reflex::PointerBuilder ( const Type &  t,
const std::type_info &  ti = typeid(UnknownType) 

Referenced by Reflex::TypeDistiller< T * >::Get().

RFLX_API Type Reflex::PointerToMemberBuilder ( const Type &  t,
const Scope &  s,
const std::type_info &  ti = typeid(UnknownType) 

RFLX_API Type Reflex::ReferenceBuilder ( const Type &  t  ) 


exception classes

Definition at line 411 of file Kernel.h.

References Argv0(), and what.

template<class E>
void Reflex::throw_exception ( const E &  e  ) 


Definition at line 209 of file Any.h.

Referenced by any_cast().

RFLX_API Type Reflex::TypeBuilder ( const char *  n,
unsigned int  modifiers = 0 

Referenced by Reflex::ClassBuilderT< C >::AddTypedef(), Reflex::TypeDistiller< std::string >::Get(), and Reflex::TypeDistiller< T >::Get().

RFLX_API Type Reflex::TypedefTypeBuilder ( const char *  Name,
const Type &  t,

RFLX_API void Reflex::UninstallClassCallback ( ICallback *  cb  ) 

template<typename FUNC>
FUNC Reflex::VoidPtrToFunc ( void *  p  ) 

Definition at line 38 of file TypeBuilder.h.

References fPtr, FUNC, and u.

RFLX_API Type Reflex::VolatileBuilder ( const Type &  t  ) 

Generated on Tue Jul 5 16:56:44 2011 for ROOT_528-00b_version by  doxygen 1.5.1