HypoTestInverter.cxx File Reference

#include "RooAbsPdf.h"
#include "RooAbsData.h"
#include "RooRealVar.h"
#include "TMath.h"
#include "RooStats/HybridCalculatorOriginal.h"
#include "RooStats/HybridResult.h"
#include "RooStats/HypoTestInverter.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


 ClassImp (RooStats::HypoTestInverter) using namespace RooStats

Function Documentation

ClassImp ( RooStats::HypoTestInverter   ) 

HypoTestInverter class for performing an hypothesis test inversion by scanning the hypothesis test results of the HybridCalculator for various values of the parameter of interest. By looking at the confidence level curve of the result an upper limit, where it intersects the desired confidence level, can be derived. The class implements the RooStats::IntervalCalculator interface and returns an RooStats::HypoTestInverterResult class. The result is a SimpleInterval, which via the method UpperLimit returns to the user the upper limit value.

The HypoTestInverter implements various option for performing the scan. HypoTestInverter::RunFixedScan will scan using a fixed grid the parameter of interest. HypoTestInverter::RunAutoScan will perform an automatic scan to find optimally the curve and it will stop until the desired precision is obtained. The confidence level value at a given point can be done via HypoTestInverter::RunOnePoint. The class can scan the CLs+b values or alternativly CLs (if the method HypoTestInverter::UseCLs has been called).

New contributions to this class have been written by Matthias Wolf (advanced AutoRun algorithm)

Generated on Tue Jul 5 16:08:49 2011 for ROOT_528-00b_version by  doxygen 1.5.1