TFormula.cxx File Reference

#include <math.h>
#include "Riostream.h"
#include "TROOT.h"
#include "TClass.h"
#include "TFormula.h"
#include "TMath.h"
#include "TRandom.h"
#include "TFunction.h"
#include "TMethodCall.h"
#include "TObjString.h"
#include "TError.h"
#include "TFormulaPrimitive.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


#define R__EXPO(var)
#define R__GAUS(var)
#define R__LANDAU(var)
#define R__POLY(var)
#define R__EXPO(var)
#define R__GAUS(var)
#define R__LANDAU(var)
#define R__POLY(var)


 ClassImp (TFormula) TFormula


static Int_t gMAXOP = 1000
static Int_t gMAXPAR = 1000
static Int_t gMAXCONST = 1000
const Int_t gMAXSTRINGFOUND = 10
const UInt_t kOptimizationError = BIT(19)

Define Documentation

#define R__EXPO ( var   ) 


{                                                                   \
           pos++; int param = (oper & kTFOperMask);                          \
           tab[pos-1] = TMath::Exp(params[param]+params[param+1]*x[var]);    \
           continue;                                                         \

#define R__EXPO ( var   ) 


{                                                                    \
            pos++; int param = (oper & kTFOperMask);                          \
            tab[pos-1] = TMath::Exp(params[param]+params[param+1]*x[var]);  \
            continue;                                                         \

Referenced by TFormula::EvalParFast(), and TFormula::EvalParOld().

#define R__GAUS ( var   ) 


{                                                                         \
                     pos++; int param = (oper & kTFOperMask);                                  \
                     tab[pos-1] = params[param]*TMath::Gaus(x[var],params[param+1],          \
                                                             params[param+2],IsNormalized()); \
                     continue;                                                                 \

#define R__GAUS ( var   ) 


{                                                                       \
            pos++; int param = (oper & kTFOperMask);                             \
            tab[pos-1] = params[param]*TMath::Gaus(x[var],params[param+1],params[param+2],IsNormalized()); \
            continue;                                                            \

Referenced by TFormula::EvalParFast(), and TFormula::EvalParOld().

#define R__LANDAU ( var   ) 


{                                                                                       \
                      pos++; const int param = (oper & kTFOperMask);                                       \
                      tab[pos-1] = params[param]*TMath::Landau(x[var],params[param+1],params[param+2],IsNormalized()); \
                      continue;                                                                            \

#define R__LANDAU ( var   ) 


{                                                                                       \
            pos++; const int param = (oper & kTFOperMask);                                       \
            tab[pos-1] = params[param]*TMath::Landau(x[var],params[param+1],params[param+2],IsNormalized()); \
            continue;                                                                            \

Referenced by TFormula::EvalParFast(), and TFormula::EvalParOld().

#define R__POLY ( var   ) 


{                                                                  \
                        pos++; int param = (oper & kTFOperMask);                           \
                        tab[pos-1] = 0; Double_t intermede = 1;                            \
                        Int_t inter = param/100; /* arrondit */                            \
                        Int_t int1= param-inter*100-1; /* aucune simplification ! (sic) */ \
                        for (j=0 ;j<inter+1;j++) {                                         \
                        tab[pos-1] += intermede*params[j+int1];                           \
                        intermede *= x[var];                                               \
                        }                                                                  \
                        continue;                                                          \

#define R__POLY ( var   ) 


{                                                                     \
            pos++; int param = (oper & kTFOperMask);                           \
            tab[pos-1] = 0; Double_t intermede = 1;                            \
            Int_t inter = param/100; /* arrondit */                            \
            Int_t int1= param-inter*100-1; /* aucune simplification ! (sic) */ \
            for (j=0 ;j<inter+1;j++) {                                         \
               tab[pos-1] += intermede*params[j+int1];                        \
               intermede *= x[var];                                            \
            }                                                                  \
            continue;                                                          \

Referenced by TFormula::EvalParFast(), and TFormula::EvalParOld().

Function Documentation

ClassImp ( TFormula   ) 

Definition at line 34 of file TFormula.cxx.

References TFormula::EvalParOld().

Variable Documentation

Int_t gMAXCONST = 1000 [static]

Definition at line 30 of file TFormula.cxx.

Referenced by TFormula::Analyze(), TFormula::Compile(), and TFormula::SetMaxima().

Int_t gMAXOP = 1000 [static]

Definition at line 30 of file TFormula.cxx.

Referenced by TFormula::Analyze(), TFormula::Compile(), and TFormula::SetMaxima().

Int_t gMAXPAR = 1000 [static]

Definition at line 30 of file TFormula.cxx.

Referenced by TFormula::Analyze(), TFormula::Compile(), and TFormula::SetMaxima().

const Int_t gMAXSTRINGFOUND = 10

Definition at line 31 of file TFormula.cxx.

Referenced by TFormula::EvalParFast(), and TFormula::EvalParOld().

const UInt_t kOptimizationError = BIT(19)

Definition at line 32 of file TFormula.cxx.

Referenced by TFormula::EvalParFast(), and TFormula::EvalParOld().

Generated on Tue Jul 5 16:01:09 2011 for ROOT_528-00b_version by  doxygen 1.5.1