
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 // $Id: TGHtmlForm.cxx,v 1.3 2007/05/18 16:00:28 brun Exp $
00002 // Author:  Valeriy Onuchin   03/05/2007
00004 /*************************************************************************
00005  * Copyright (C) 1995-2001, Rene Brun, Fons Rademakers and Reiner Rohlfs *
00006  * All rights reserved.                                                  *
00007  *                                                                       *
00008  * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE.                         *
00009  * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS.             *
00010  *************************************************************************/
00012 /**************************************************************************
00014     HTML widget for xclass. Based on tkhtml 1.28
00015     Copyright (C) 1997-2000 D. Richard Hipp <>
00016     Copyright (C) 2002-2003 Hector Peraza.
00018     This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
00019     modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
00020     License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
00021     version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
00023     This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
00024     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
00026     Library General Public License for more details.
00028     You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
00029     License along with this library; if not, write to the Free
00030     Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
00032 **************************************************************************/
00034 // Routines used for processing HTML makeup for forms.
00036 #include <string.h>
00037 #include <stdlib.h>
00038 #include <stdarg.h>
00040 #include "TGHtml.h"
00041 #include "TGButton.h"
00042 #include "TGTextEntry.h"
00043 #include "TGListBox.h"
00044 #include "TGTextEdit.h"
00045 #include "TGComboBox.h"
00048 //______________________________________________________________________________
00049 void TGHtml::UnmapControls()
00050 {
00051    // Unmap any input control that is currently mapped.
00053    TGHtmlInput *p;
00055    for (p = fFirstInput; p; p = p->fINext) {
00056       if (p->fFrame != 0 /*&& p->fFrame->IsMapped()*/) {
00057          p->fFrame->UnmapWindow();
00058       }
00059    }
00060 }
00062 //______________________________________________________________________________
00063 int TGHtml::MapControls()
00064 {
00065    // Map any control that should be visible according to the
00066    // current scroll position. At the same time, if any controls that
00067    // should not be visible are mapped, unmap them. After this routine
00068    // finishes, all <INPUT> controls should be in their proper places
00069    // regardless of where they might have been before.
00070    //
00071    // Return the number of controls that are currently visible.
00073    TGHtmlInput *p;     // For looping over all controls
00074    int x, y, w, h;    // Part of the virtual canvas that is visible
00075    int cnt = 0;       // Number of visible controls
00077    x = fVisible.fX;
00078    y = fVisible.fY;
00079    w = fCanvas->GetWidth();
00080    h = fCanvas->GetHeight();
00081    for (p = fFirstInput; p; p = p->fINext) {
00082       if (p->fFrame == 0) continue;
00083       if (p->fY < y + h && p->fY + p->fH > y &&
00084           p->fX < x + w && p->fX + p->fW > x) {
00085          // The control should be visible. Make is so if it isn't already
00086          p->fFrame->MoveResize(p->fX - x, p->fY + fFormPadding/2 - y,
00087                              p->fW, p->fH - fFormPadding);
00088          /*if (!p->fFrame->IsMapped())*/ p->fFrame->MapWindow();
00089          ++cnt;
00090       } else {
00091          // This control should not be visible. Unmap it.
00092          /*if (p->fFrame->IsMapped())*/ p->fFrame->UnmapWindow();
00093       }
00094    }
00096    return cnt;
00097 }
00099 //______________________________________________________________________________
00100 void TGHtml::DeleteControls()
00101 {
00102    // Delete all input controls. This happens when the TGHtml widget
00103    // is cleared.
00105    TGHtmlInput *p;        // For looping over all controls
00107    p = fFirstInput;
00108    fFirstInput = 0;
00109    fLastInput = 0;
00110    fNInput = 0;
00112    if (p == 0) return;
00114    for (; p; p = p->fINext) {
00115       if (p->fPForm && ((TGHtmlForm *)p->fPForm)->fHasctl) {
00116          ((TGHtmlForm *)p->fPForm)->fHasctl = 0;
00117       }
00118       if (p->fFrame) {
00119          if (!fExiting) p->fFrame->DestroyWindow();
00120          delete p->fFrame;
00121          p->fFrame = 0;
00122       }
00123       p->fSized = 0;
00124    }
00125 }
00127 //______________________________________________________________________________
00128 static int InputType(TGHtmlElement *p)
00129 {
00130    // Return an appropriate type value for the given <INPUT> markup.
00132    int type = INPUT_TYPE_Unknown;
00133    const char *z;
00134    int i;
00135    static struct {
00136       const char *zName;
00137       int type;
00138    } types[] = {
00139       { "checkbox",  INPUT_TYPE_Checkbox },
00140       { "file",      INPUT_TYPE_File     },
00141       { "hidden",    INPUT_TYPE_Hidden   },
00142       { "image",     INPUT_TYPE_Image    },
00143       { "password",  INPUT_TYPE_Password },
00144       { "radio",     INPUT_TYPE_Radio    },
00145       { "reset",     INPUT_TYPE_Reset    },
00146       { "submit",    INPUT_TYPE_Submit   },
00147       { "text",      INPUT_TYPE_Text     },
00148       { "name",      INPUT_TYPE_Text     },
00149       { "textfield", INPUT_TYPE_Text     },
00150       { "button",    INPUT_TYPE_Button   },
00151       { "name",      INPUT_TYPE_Text     },
00152    };
00154    switch (p->fType) {
00155       case Html_INPUT:
00156          z = p->MarkupArg("type", "text");
00157          if (z == 0) break;
00158          for (i = 0; i < int(sizeof(types) / sizeof(types[0])); i++) {
00159             if (strcasecmp(types[i].zName, z) == 0) {
00160                type = types[i].type;
00161                break;
00162             }
00163          }
00164          break;
00166       case Html_SELECT:
00167          type = INPUT_TYPE_Select;
00168          break;
00170       case Html_TEXTAREA:
00171          type = INPUT_TYPE_TextArea;
00172          break;
00174       case Html_APPLET:
00175       case Html_IFRAME:
00176       case Html_EMBED:
00177          type = INPUT_TYPE_Applet;
00178          break;
00180       default:
00181          CANT_HAPPEN;
00182          break;
00183    }
00184    return type;
00185 }
00187 //______________________________________________________________________________
00188 void TGHtml::SizeAndLink(TGFrame *frame, TGHtmlInput *pElem)
00189 {
00190    // 'frame' is the child widget that is used to implement an input
00191    // element. Query the widget for its size and put that information
00192    // in the pElem structure that represents the input.
00195    pElem->fFrame = frame;
00196    if (pElem->fFrame == 0) {
00197       pElem->Empty();
00198    } else if (pElem->fItype == INPUT_TYPE_Hidden) {
00199       pElem->fW = 0;
00200       pElem->fH = 0;
00201       pElem->fFlags &= ~HTML_Visible;
00202       pElem->fStyle.fFlags |= STY_Invisible;
00203    } else {
00204       pElem->fW = frame->GetDefaultWidth();
00205       pElem->fH = frame->GetDefaultHeight() + fFormPadding;
00206       pElem->fFlags |= HTML_Visible;
00207       pElem->fHtml = this;
00208    }
00209    pElem->fINext = 0;
00210    if (fFirstInput == 0) {
00211       fFirstInput = pElem;
00212    } else {
00213       fLastInput->fINext = pElem;
00214    }
00215    fLastInput = pElem;
00216    pElem->fSized = 1;
00218 #if 0
00219    if (pElem->fFrame) {
00220       pElem->fFrame->ChangeOptions(pElem->fFrame->GetOptions() | kOwnBackground);
00221       pElem->fFrame->SetBackgroundColor(_defaultFrameBackground);
00222    }
00223 #else
00224    if (pElem->fFrame) {
00225       int bg = pElem->fStyle.fBgcolor;
00226       //int fg = pElem->fStyle.color;
00227       ColorStruct_t *cbg = fApColor[bg];
00228       //ColorStruct_t *cfg = fApColor[fg];
00229       pElem->fFrame->ChangeOptions(pElem->fFrame->GetOptions() | kOwnBackground);
00230       pElem->fFrame->SetBackgroundColor(cbg->fPixel);
00231    }
00232 #endif
00234    if (pElem->fFrame) {
00235       // the following is needed by some embedded widgets like
00236       // TGListBox and TGTextEdit
00237       pElem->fFrame->MapSubwindows();
00238       pElem->fFrame->Layout();
00239    }
00240 }
00242 //______________________________________________________________________________
00243 void TGHtml::AppendText(TGString *str, TGHtmlElement *pFirs,
00244                         TGHtmlElement *pEnd)
00245 {
00246    // Append all text and space tokens between pStart and pEnd to
00247    // the given TString.  [ TGTextEdit ]
00249    while (pFirs && pFirs != pEnd) {
00250       switch (pFirs->fType) {
00251          case Html_Text:
00252             str->Append(((TGHtmlTextElement *)pFirs)->fZText);
00253             break;
00255          case Html_Space:
00256             if (pFirs->fFlags & HTML_NewLine) {
00257                str->Append("\n");
00258             } else {
00259                int cnt;
00260                static char zSpaces[] = "                             ";
00261                cnt = pFirs->fCount;
00262                while (cnt > (int)sizeof(zSpaces) - 1) {
00263                   str->Append(zSpaces, sizeof(zSpaces) - 1);
00264                   cnt -= sizeof(zSpaces) - 1;
00265                }
00266                if (cnt > 0) {
00267                   str->Append(zSpaces, cnt);
00268                }
00269             }
00270             break;
00272          default:
00273             break;
00274       }
00275       pFirs = pFirs->fPNext;
00276    }
00277 }
00280 class TGHtmlLBEntry : public TGTextLBEntry {
00281 public:
00282    TGHtmlLBEntry(const TGWindow *p, TGString *s, TGString *val, int ID) :
00283       TGTextLBEntry(p, s, ID) { fVal = val; }
00284    virtual ~TGHtmlLBEntry() { if (fVal) delete fVal; }
00286    const char *GetValue() const { return fVal ? fVal->GetString() : 0; }
00288 protected:
00289    TGString *fVal;
00290 };
00293 //______________________________________________________________________________
00294 void TGHtml::AddSelectOptions(TGListBox *lb, TGHtmlElement *p,
00295                               TGHtmlElement *pEnd)
00296 {
00297    // The "p" argument points to a <select>.  This routine scans all
00298    // subsequent elements (up to the next </select>) looking for
00299    // <option> tags.  For each option tag, it appends the corresponding
00300    // entry to the "lb" listbox element.
00301    //
00302    // lb   -- An TGListBox object
00303    // p    -- The <SELECT> markup
00304    // pEnd -- The </SELECT> markup
00306    int id = 0;
00308    while (p && p != pEnd && p->fType != Html_EndSELECT) {
00309       if (p->fType == Html_OPTION) {
00310          TGString *str;
00311          int selected = -1;
00313          const char *zValue = p->MarkupArg("value", "");
00314          const char *sel = p->MarkupArg("selected", "");
00315          if (sel && !strcmp(sel, "selected"))
00316             selected = id;
00318          p = p->fPNext;
00320          str = new TGString("");
00321          while (p && p != pEnd &&
00322                 p->fType != Html_EndOPTION &&
00323                 p->fType != Html_OPTION &&
00324                 p->fType != Html_EndSELECT) {
00325             if (p->fType == Html_Text) {
00326                str->Append(((TGHtmlTextElement *)p)->fZText);
00327             } else if (p->fType == Html_Space) {
00328                str->Append(" ");
00329             }
00330             p = p->fPNext;
00331          }
00332          lb->AddEntry(new TGHtmlLBEntry(lb->GetContainer(), str,
00333                       new TGString(zValue), id),
00334                       new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsExpandX));
00335          //if (p->MarkupArg("selected", 0) != 0) lb->Select(id);
00336          if (selected >= 0)
00337             lb->Select(selected);
00338          ++id;
00339       } else {
00340          p = p->fPNext;
00341       }
00342    }
00343 }
00345 //______________________________________________________________________________
00346 int TGHtml::ControlSize(TGHtmlInput *pElem)
00347 {
00348    // This routine implements the Sizer() function for <INPUT>,
00349    // <SELECT> and <TEXTAREA> markup.
00350    //
00351    // A side effect of sizing these markups is that widgets are
00352    // created to represent the corresponding input controls.
00353    //
00354    // The function normally returns 0.  But if it is dealing with
00355    // a <SELECT> or <TEXTAREA> that is incomplete, 1 is returned.
00356    // In that case, the sizer will be called again at some point in
00357    // the future when more information is available.
00359    int incomplete = 0;    // kTRUE if data is incomplete
00361    if (pElem->fSized) return 0;
00363    pElem->fItype = InputType(pElem);   //// pElem->InputType();
00364                                      //// or done in the constructor!
00366 //   if (pElem->fPForm == 0) {
00367 //      pElem->Empty();
00368 //      return incomplete;
00369 //   }
00371    switch (pElem->fItype) {
00372       case INPUT_TYPE_File:
00373       case INPUT_TYPE_Hidden:
00374       case INPUT_TYPE_Image:
00375          pElem->Empty();
00376          SizeAndLink(0, pElem);
00377          break;
00379       case INPUT_TYPE_Checkbox: {
00380          pElem->fCnt = ++fNInput;
00381          TGCheckButton *f = new TGCheckButton(fCanvas, "", pElem->fCnt);
00382          if (pElem->MarkupArg("checked", 0))
00383             ((TGCheckButton *)f)->SetState(kButtonDown);
00384          f->Associate(this);
00385          f->Resize(f->GetDefaultSize());
00386          SizeAndLink(f, pElem);
00387          break;
00388       }
00390       case INPUT_TYPE_Radio: {
00391          pElem->fCnt = ++fNInput;
00392          TGRadioButton *f = new TGRadioButton(fCanvas, "", pElem->fCnt);
00393          if (pElem->MarkupArg("checked", 0))
00394             ((TGRadioButton *)f)->SetState(kButtonDown);
00395          f->Associate(this);
00396          f->Resize(f->GetDefaultSize());
00397          SizeAndLink(f, pElem);
00398          break;
00399       }
00401       case INPUT_TYPE_Reset: {
00402          pElem->fCnt = ++fNInput;
00403          const char *z = pElem->MarkupArg("value", 0);
00404          if (!z) z = "Reset";
00405          TGTextButton *f = new TGTextButton(fCanvas, new TGHotString(z), pElem->fCnt);
00406          f->RequestFocus();
00407          f->Associate(this);
00408          f->Resize(f->GetDefaultSize());
00409          SizeAndLink(f, pElem);
00410          break;
00411       }
00413       case INPUT_TYPE_Button:
00414       case INPUT_TYPE_Submit: {
00415          pElem->fCnt = ++fNInput;
00416          const char *z = pElem->MarkupArg("value", 0);
00417          if (!z) z = "Submit";
00418          TGTextButton *f = new TGTextButton(fCanvas, new TGHotString(z), pElem->fCnt);
00419          f->RequestFocus();
00420          f->Associate(this);
00421          // TODO: bg color!
00422          f->Resize(f->GetDefaultSize());
00423          SizeAndLink(f, pElem);
00424          break;
00425       }
00427       case INPUT_TYPE_Text: {
00428          pElem->fCnt = ++fNInput;
00429          const char *z = pElem->MarkupArg("maxlength", 0);
00430          int maxlen = z ? atoi(z) : 256;
00431          if (maxlen < 2) maxlen = 2;
00432          z = pElem->MarkupArg("size", 0);
00433          int size = z ? atoi(z) * 5 : 150;
00434          TGTextEntry *f = new TGTextEntry(fCanvas, new TGTextBuffer(maxlen),
00435                                           pElem->fCnt);
00436          z = pElem->MarkupArg("value", 0);
00437          if (z) f->AppendText(z);
00438          f->Resize(size, f->GetDefaultHeight());
00439          SizeAndLink(f, pElem);
00440          break;
00441       }
00443       case INPUT_TYPE_Password: {
00444          pElem->fCnt = ++fNInput;
00445          const char *z = pElem->MarkupArg("maxlength", 0);
00446          int maxlen = z ? atoi(z) : 256;
00447          if (maxlen < 2) maxlen = 2;
00448          z = pElem->MarkupArg("size", 0);
00449          int size = z ? atoi(z) * 5 : 150;
00450          TGTextEntry *f = new TGTextEntry(fCanvas, new TGTextBuffer(maxlen),
00451                                           pElem->fCnt);
00452          f->SetEchoMode(TGTextEntry::kPassword);
00453          z = pElem->MarkupArg("value", 0);
00454          if (z) f->AppendText(z);
00455          f->Resize(size, f->GetDefaultHeight());
00456          SizeAndLink(f, pElem);
00457          break;
00458       }
00460       case INPUT_TYPE_Select: {  // listbox or dd-listbox?
00461          pElem->fCnt = ++fNInput;
00462          const char *z = pElem->MarkupArg("size", 0);
00463          int size = z ? atoi(z) : 1;
00464          UInt_t width = 0, height = 0;
00465          if (size == 1) {
00466             TGComboBox *cb = new TGComboBox(fCanvas, pElem->fCnt);
00467             TGListBox *lb = cb->GetListBox();
00468             AddSelectOptions(lb, pElem, pElem->fPEnd);
00469             TGLBEntry *e = lb->GetSelectedEntry();
00470             if (e) lb->Select(e->EntryId(), kFALSE);
00471             lb->MapSubwindows();
00472             lb->Layout();
00473             for (int i=0;i<lb->GetNumberOfEntries();++i) {
00474                TGHtmlLBEntry *te = (TGHtmlLBEntry *)lb->GetEntry(i);
00475                if (te && te->GetText())
00476                   width = TMath::Max(width, te->GetDefaultWidth());
00477             }
00478             height = lb->GetItemVsize() ? lb->GetItemVsize()+4 : 22;
00479             cb->Resize(width > 0 ? width+30 : 200,
00480                        height > 22 ? height : 22);
00481             if (e) cb->Select(e->EntryId(), kFALSE);
00482             SizeAndLink(cb, pElem);
00483          } else {
00484             TGListBox *lb = new TGListBox(fCanvas, pElem->fCnt);
00485             z = pElem->MarkupArg("multiple", 0);
00486             if (z) lb->SetMultipleSelections(kTRUE);
00487             AddSelectOptions(lb, pElem, pElem->fPEnd);
00488             for (int i=0;i<lb->GetNumberOfEntries();++i) {
00489                TGHtmlLBEntry *te = (TGHtmlLBEntry *)lb->GetEntry(i);
00490                if (te && te->GetText())
00491                   width = TMath::Max(width, te->GetDefaultWidth());
00492             }
00493             height = lb->GetItemVsize() ? lb->GetItemVsize() : 22;
00494             lb->Resize(width > 0 ? width+30 : 200, height * size);
00495             lb->Associate(this);
00496             SizeAndLink(lb, pElem);
00497          }
00498          break;
00499       }
00501       case INPUT_TYPE_TextArea: {
00502          pElem->fCnt = ++fNInput;
00503          const char *z = pElem->MarkupArg("rows", 0);
00504          //int rows = z ? atoi(z) : 10;
00505          z = pElem->MarkupArg("cols", 0);
00506          //int cols = z ? atoi(z) : 10;
00507          TGTextEdit *f = new TGTextEdit(fCanvas, 300, 200, pElem->fCnt);
00508          TGString str("");
00509          AppendText(&str, pElem, pElem->fPEnd);
00510          //f->InsertText(&str);
00511          SizeAndLink(f, pElem);
00512          break;
00513       }
00515       case INPUT_TYPE_Applet: {
00516          //int result;
00518          TGFrame *f = ProcessApplet(pElem);
00519          if (!f) {
00520             pElem->Empty();
00521             break;
00522          }
00523          pElem->fCnt = ++fNInput;
00524          SizeAndLink(f, pElem);
00525          break;
00526       }
00528       default: {
00529          CANT_HAPPEN;
00530          pElem->fFlags &= ~HTML_Visible;
00531          pElem->fStyle.fFlags |= STY_Invisible;
00532          pElem->fFrame = 0;
00533          break;
00534       }
00535    }
00536    return incomplete;
00537 }
00539 //______________________________________________________________________________
00540 int TGHtml::FormCount(TGHtmlInput *p, int radio)
00541 {
00542    // Return the number of elments of type p in a form.
00544    TGHtmlElement *q = p;
00546    switch (p->fType) {
00547       case Html_SELECT:
00548          return p->fSubId;
00549       case Html_TEXTAREA:
00550       case Html_INPUT:
00551          if (radio && p->fType == INPUT_TYPE_Radio)
00552             return p->fSubId;
00553          return ((TGHtmlForm *)p->fPForm)->fElements;
00554       case Html_OPTION:
00555          while ((q = q->fPPrev))
00556             if (q->fType == Html_SELECT) return ((TGHtmlInput *)q)->fSubId;
00557    }
00558    return -1;
00559 }
00561 //______________________________________________________________________________
00562 void TGHtml::AddFormInfo(TGHtmlElement *p)
00563 {
00564    // Add the DOM control information for form elements.
00566    TGHtmlElement *q;
00567    TGHtmlForm *f;
00568    const char *name, *z;
00569    int t;
00571    switch (p->fType) {
00572       case Html_SELECT:
00573       case Html_TEXTAREA:
00574       case Html_INPUT: {
00575          TGHtmlInput *input = (TGHtmlInput *) p;
00576          if (!(f = fFormStart)) return;
00577          input->fPForm = fFormStart;
00578          if (!f->fPFirst)
00579             f->fPFirst = p;
00580          if (fFormElemLast)
00581             fFormElemLast->fINext = input;
00582          fFormElemLast = input;
00583          input->fInpId = fInputIdx++;
00584          t = input->fItype = InputType(input);
00585          if (t == INPUT_TYPE_Radio) {
00586             if ((name = p->MarkupArg("name", 0))) {
00587                for (q = f->fPFirst; q; q = ((TGHtmlInput *)q)->fINext) {
00588                   if ((z = q->MarkupArg("name", 0)) && !strcmp(z, name)) {
00589                      input->fSubId = fRadioIdx++;
00590                      break;
00591                   }
00592                }
00593                if (!q) input->fSubId = fRadioIdx = 0;
00594             }
00595          }
00596          break;
00597       }
00599       case Html_FORM:
00600          fFormStart = (TGHtmlForm *) p;
00601          ((TGHtmlForm *)p)->fFormId = fNForm++;
00602          break;
00604       case Html_EndTEXTAREA:
00605       case Html_EndSELECT:
00606       case Html_EndFORM:
00607          fFormStart = 0;
00608          fInputIdx = 0;
00609          fRadioIdx = 0;
00610          fFormElemLast = 0;
00611          break;
00613       case Html_OPTION:
00614          if (fFormElemLast && fFormElemLast->fType == Html_SELECT)
00615             fFormElemLast->fSubId++;
00616          break;
00618       default:
00619          break;
00620    }
00621 }
00623 // The following array determines which characters can be put directly
00624 // in a query string and which must be escaped.
00626 static char gNeedEscape[] = {
00627    1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
00628    1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
00629    1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0,
00630    0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
00631    1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
00632    0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0,
00633    1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
00634    0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1,
00635 };
00636 #define NeedToEscape(C) ((C)>0 && (C)<127 && gNeedEscape[(int)(C)])
00638 //______________________________________________________________________________
00639 void TGHtml::EncodeText(TGString *str, const char *z)
00640 {
00641    // Append to the given TString an encoded version of the given text.
00643    int i;
00645    while (*z) {
00646       for (i = 0; z[i] && !NeedToEscape(z[i]); ++i) {}
00647       if (i > 0) str->Append(z, i);
00648       z += i;
00649       while (*z && NeedToEscape(*z)) {
00650          if (*z == ' ') {
00651             str->Append("+", 1);
00652          } else if (*z == '\n') {
00653             str->Append("%0D%0A", 6);
00654          } else if (*z == '\r') {
00655             // Ignore it...
00656          } else {
00657             char zBuf[10];
00658             snprintf(zBuf, 10, "%%%02X", 0xff & *z);
00659             str->Append(zBuf, 3);
00660          }
00661          z++;
00662       }
00663    }
00664 }
00666 //______________________________________________________________________________
00667 Bool_t TGHtml::ProcessMessage(Long_t msg, Long_t p1, Long_t p2)
00668 {
00669    // Process messages (GUI events) in the html widget.
00671 /*
00672   OWidgetMessage *wmsg = (OWidgetMessage *) msg;
00673   TGHtmlInput *p;
00675   switch (msg->fType) {
00676     case MSG_BUTTON:
00677     case MSG_RADIOBUTTON:
00678     case MSG_CHECKBUTTON:
00679     case MSG_LISTBOX:
00680     case MSG_DDLISTBOX:
00681       for (p = fFirstInput; p; p = p->fINext) {
00682         if (p->fCnt == wmsg->id) {
00683           switch (p->fItype) {
00684             case INPUT_TYPE_Button:
00685             case INPUT_TYPE_Submit:
00686               if (p->fPForm) {
00687                 FormAction(p->fPForm, wmsg->id);
00688               } else {
00689                 printf("action, but no form!\n");
00690               }
00691               break;
00693             case INPUT_TYPE_Reset: {
00694               //ClearForm(p->fPForm);
00695               TGHtmlInput *pr;
00696               for (pr = fFirstInput; pr; pr = pr->fINext) {
00697                 if (pr->fPForm == p->fPForm) {
00698                   switch (pr->fItype) {
00699                     case INPUT_TYPE_Radio: {
00700                       TGRadioButton *rb = (TGRadioButton *) pr->fFrame;
00701                       if (pr->MarkupArg("checked", 0))
00702                         rb->SetState(kButtonDown);
00703                       else
00704                         rb->SetState(kButtonUp);
00705                       break;
00706                     }
00708                     case INPUT_TYPE_Checkbox: {
00709                       TGCheckButton *cb = (TGCheckButton *) pr->fFrame;
00710                       if (pr->MarkupArg("checked", 0))
00711                         cb->SetState(kButtonDown);
00712                       else
00713                         cb->SetState(kButtonUp);
00714                       break;
00715                     }
00717                     case INPUT_TYPE_Text:
00718                     case INPUT_TYPE_Password: {
00719                       TGTextEntry *te = (TGTextEntry *) pr->fFrame;
00720                       te->Clear();
00721                       const char *z = pr->MarkupArg("value", 0);
00722                       if (z) te->AddText(0, z);
00723                       break;
00724                     }
00726                     case INPUT_TYPE_Select: {
00727                       break;
00728                     }
00730                     default:
00731                       break;
00732                   }
00733                 }
00734               }
00735               break;
00736             }
00738             case INPUT_TYPE_Radio: {
00739               TGHtmlInput *pr;
00740               for (pr = fFirstInput; pr; pr = pr->fINext) {
00741                 if ((pr->fPForm == p->fPForm) &&
00742                     (pr->fItype == INPUT_TYPE_Radio)) {
00743                   if (pr != p) {
00744                     if (strcmp(pr->MarkupArg("name", ""),
00745                                p->MarkupArg("name", "")) == 0)
00746                       ((TGRadioButton *)pr->fFrame)->SetState(kButtonUp);
00747                   }
00748                 }
00749               }
00750               break;
00751             }
00753             case INPUT_TYPE_Select: {
00754               break;
00755             }
00757             default:
00758               break;
00759           }
00760           return kTRUE;
00761         }
00762       }
00763       break;
00765     default:
00766       break;
00767   }
00768 */
00769    return TGView::ProcessMessage(msg, p1, p2);
00770 }

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