TGHtml Class Reference

#include <TGHtml.h>

Inheritance diagram for TGHtml:

TGView TGView TGWidget TGCompositeFrame TGWidget TGCompositeFrame TGWidget TGCompositeFrame TGWidget TGCompositeFrame List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 TGHtml (const TGWindow *p, int w, int h, int id=-1)
virtual ~TGHtml ()
virtual Bool_t HandleFocusChange (Event_t *event)
virtual Bool_t HandleButton (Event_t *event)
virtual Bool_t HandleMotion (Event_t *event)
virtual Bool_t HandleIdleEvent (TGIdleHandler *i)
virtual Bool_t HandleTimer (TTimer *timer)
virtual Bool_t ProcessMessage (Long_t, Long_t, Long_t)
virtual void DrawRegion (Int_t x, Int_t y, UInt_t w, UInt_t h)
virtual Bool_t ItemLayout ()
Bool_t HandleHtmlInput (TGHtmlInput *pr, Event_t *event)
Bool_t HandleRadioButton (TGHtmlInput *p)
int ParseText (char *text, const char *index=0)
void SetTableRelief (int relief)
int GetTableRelief () const
void SetRuleRelief (int relief)
int GetRuleRelief () const
int GetRulePadding () const
void UnderlineLinks (int onoff)
void SetBaseUri (const char *uri)
const char * GetBaseUri () const
int GotoAnchor (const char *name)
virtual void Clear (Option_t *="")
virtual char * ResolveUri (const char *uri)
virtual TImageLoadImage (const char *uri, int w=0, int h=0)
virtual int IsVisited (const char *)
virtual int ProcessToken (TGHtmlElement *, const char *, int)
virtual TGFontGetFont (int iFont)
virtual int ProcessFrame ()
virtual TGFrameProcessApplet (TGHtmlInput *)
virtual int FormCreate (TGHtmlForm *, const char *, const char *)
virtual int FormAction (TGHtmlForm *, int)
virtual char * GetFontName ()
virtual char * ProcessScript (TGHtmlScript *)
const char * GetText () const
int GetMarginWidth ()
int GetMarginHeight ()
TGHtmlInputGetInputElement (int x, int y)
const char * GetHref (int x, int y, const char **target=0)
TGHtmlImageGetImage (TGHtmlImageMarkup *p)
int InArea (TGHtmlMapArea *p, int left, int top, int x, int y)
TGHtmlElementGetMap (const char *name)
void ResetBlocks ()
int ElementCoords (TGHtmlElement *p, int i, int pct, int *coords)
TGHtmlElementTableDimensions (TGHtmlTable *pStart, int lineWidth)
int CellSpacing (TGHtmlElement *pTable)
void MoveVertically (TGHtmlElement *p, TGHtmlElement *pLast, int dy)
void PrintList (TGHtmlElement *first, TGHtmlElement *last)
char * GetTokenName (TGHtmlElement *p)
char * DumpToken (TGHtmlElement *p)
void EncodeText (TGString *str, const char *z)
void AppendArglist (TGString *str, TGHtmlMarkupElement *pElem)
TGHtmlElementFindEndNest (TGHtmlElement *sp, int en, TGHtmlElement *lp)
TGStringListTokens (TGHtmlElement *p, TGHtmlElement *pEnd)
TGStringTableText (TGHtmlTable *pTable, int flags)
virtual void MouseOver (const char *uri)
virtual void MouseDown (const char *uri)
virtual void ButtonClicked (const char *name, const char *val)
virtual void SubmitClicked (const char *val)
virtual void CheckToggled (const char *name, Bool_t on, const char *val)
virtual void RadioChanged (const char *name, const char *val)
virtual void InputSelected (const char *name, const char *val)
virtual void SavePrimitive (ostream &out, Option_t *="")
 TGHtml (const TGWindow *p, int w, int h, int id=-1)
virtual ~TGHtml ()
virtual Bool_t HandleFocusChange (Event_t *event)
virtual Bool_t HandleButton (Event_t *event)
virtual Bool_t HandleMotion (Event_t *event)
virtual Bool_t HandleIdleEvent (TGIdleHandler *i)
virtual Bool_t HandleTimer (TTimer *timer)
virtual Bool_t ProcessMessage (Long_t, Long_t, Long_t)
virtual void DrawRegion (Int_t x, Int_t y, UInt_t w, UInt_t h)
virtual Bool_t ItemLayout ()
Bool_t HandleHtmlInput (TGHtmlInput *pr, Event_t *event)
Bool_t HandleRadioButton (TGHtmlInput *p)
int ParseText (char *text, const char *index=0)
void SetTableRelief (int relief)
int GetTableRelief () const
void SetRuleRelief (int relief)
int GetRuleRelief () const
int GetRulePadding () const
void UnderlineLinks (int onoff)
void SetBaseUri (const char *uri)
const char * GetBaseUri () const
int GotoAnchor (const char *name)
virtual void Clear (Option_t *="")
virtual char * ResolveUri (const char *uri)
virtual TImageLoadImage (const char *uri, int w=0, int h=0)
virtual int IsVisited (const char *)
virtual int ProcessToken (TGHtmlElement *, const char *, int)
virtual TGFontGetFont (int iFont)
virtual int ProcessFrame ()
virtual TGFrameProcessApplet (TGHtmlInput *)
virtual int FormCreate (TGHtmlForm *, const char *, const char *)
virtual int FormAction (TGHtmlForm *, int)
virtual char * GetFontName ()
virtual char * ProcessScript (TGHtmlScript *)
const char * GetText () const
int GetMarginWidth ()
int GetMarginHeight ()
TGHtmlInputGetInputElement (int x, int y)
const char * GetHref (int x, int y, const char **target=0)
TGHtmlImageGetImage (TGHtmlImageMarkup *p)
int InArea (TGHtmlMapArea *p, int left, int top, int x, int y)
TGHtmlElementGetMap (const char *name)
void ResetBlocks ()
int ElementCoords (TGHtmlElement *p, int i, int pct, int *coords)
TGHtmlElementTableDimensions (TGHtmlTable *pStart, int lineWidth)
int CellSpacing (TGHtmlElement *pTable)
void MoveVertically (TGHtmlElement *p, TGHtmlElement *pLast, int dy)
void PrintList (TGHtmlElement *first, TGHtmlElement *last)
char * GetTokenName (TGHtmlElement *p)
char * DumpToken (TGHtmlElement *p)
void EncodeText (TGString *str, const char *z)
void AppendArglist (TGString *str, TGHtmlMarkupElement *pElem)
TGHtmlElementFindEndNest (TGHtmlElement *sp, int en, TGHtmlElement *lp)
TGStringListTokens (TGHtmlElement *p, TGHtmlElement *pEnd)
TGStringTableText (TGHtmlTable *pTable, int flags)
virtual void MouseOver (const char *uri)
virtual void MouseDown (const char *uri)
virtual void ButtonClicked (const char *name, const char *val)
virtual void SubmitClicked (const char *val)
virtual void CheckToggled (const char *name, Bool_t on, const char *val)
virtual void RadioChanged (const char *name, const char *val)
virtual void InputSelected (const char *name, const char *val)
virtual void SavePrimitive (ostream &out, Option_t *="")

Protected Member Functions

void HClear ()
void ClearGcCache ()
void ResetLayoutContext ()
void Redraw ()
void ComputeVirtualSize ()
void ScheduleRedraw ()
void RedrawArea (int left, int top, int right, int bottom)
void RedrawBlock (TGHtmlBlock *p)
void RedrawEverything ()
void RedrawText (int y)
float ColorDistance (ColorStruct_t *pA, ColorStruct_t *pB)
int IsDarkColor (ColorStruct_t *p)
int IsLightColor (ColorStruct_t *p)
int GetColorByName (const char *zColor)
int GetDarkShadowColor (int iBgColor)
int GetLightShadowColor (int iBgColor)
int GetColorByValue (ColorStruct_t *pRef)
void FlashCursor ()
GContext_t GetGC (int color, int font)
GContext_t GetAnyGC ()
void AnimateImage (TGHtmlImage *image)
void ImageChanged (TGHtmlImage *image, int newWidth, int newHeight)
int GetImageAlignment (TGHtmlElement *p)
int GetImageAt (int x, int y)
const char * GetPctWidth (TGHtmlElement *p, char *opt, char *ret)
void TableBgndImage (TGHtmlElement *p)
TGHtmlElementFillOutBlock (TGHtmlBlock *p)
void UnlinkAndFreeBlock (TGHtmlBlock *pBlock)
void AppendBlock (TGHtmlElement *pToken, TGHtmlBlock *pBlock)
void StringHW (const char *str, int *h, int *w)
TGHtmlElementMinMax (TGHtmlElement *p, int *pMin, int *pMax, int lineWidth, int hasbg)
void DrawSelectionBackground (TGHtmlBlock *pBlock, Drawable_t Drawable_t, int x, int y)
void DrawRect (Drawable_t drawable, TGHtmlElement *src, int x, int y, int w, int h, int depth, int relief)
void BlockDraw (TGHtmlBlock *pBlock, Drawable_t wid, int left, int top, int width, int height, Pixmap_t pixmap)
void DrawImage (TGHtmlImageMarkup *image, Drawable_t wid, int left, int top, int right, int bottom)
void DrawTableBgnd (int x, int y, int w, int h, Drawable_t d, TImage *image)
TGHtmlElementFindStartOfNextBlock (TGHtmlElement *p, int *pCnt)
void FormBlocks ()
void AppendElement (TGHtmlElement *pElem)
int Tokenize ()
void AppToken (TGHtmlElement *pNew, TGHtmlElement *p, int offs)
TGHtmlMarkupElementMakeMarkupEntry (int objType, int type, int argc, int arglen[], char *argv[])
void TokenizerAppend (const char *text)
TGHtmlElementInsertToken (TGHtmlElement *pToken, char *zType, char *zArgs, int offs)
SHtmlTokenMap_tNameToPmap (char *zType)
int NameToType (char *zType)
const char * TypeToName (int type)
int TextInsertCmd (int argc, char **argv)
SHtmlTokenMap_tGetMarkupMap (int n)
TGHtmlElementTokenByIndex (int N, int flag)
int TokenNumber (TGHtmlElement *p)
void MaxIndex (TGHtmlElement *p, int *pIndex, int isLast)
int IndexMod (TGHtmlElement **pp, int *ip, char *cp)
void FindIndexInBlock (TGHtmlBlock *pBlock, int x, TGHtmlElement **ppToken, int *pIndex)
void IndexToBlockIndex (SHtmlIndex_t sIndex, TGHtmlBlock **ppBlock, int *piIndex)
int DecodeBaseIndex (const char *zBase, TGHtmlElement **ppToken, int *pIndex)
int GetIndex (const char *zIndex, TGHtmlElement **ppToken, int *pIndex)
void LayoutDoc ()
int MapControls ()
void UnmapControls ()
void DeleteControls ()
int ControlSize (TGHtmlInput *p)
void SizeAndLink (TGFrame *frame, TGHtmlInput *pElem)
int FormCount (TGHtmlInput *p, int radio)
void AddFormInfo (TGHtmlElement *p)
void AddSelectOptions (TGListBox *lb, TGHtmlElement *p, TGHtmlElement *pEnd)
void AppendText (TGString *str, TGHtmlElement *pFirst, TGHtmlElement *pEnd)
void UpdateSelection (int forceUpdate)
void UpdateSelectionDisplay ()
void LostSelection ()
int SelectionSet (const char *startIx, const char *endIx)
void UpdateInsert ()
int SetInsert (const char *insIx)
const char * GetUid (const char *string)
ColorStruct_tAllocColor (const char *name)
ColorStruct_tAllocColorByValue (ColorStruct_t *color)
void FreeColor (ColorStruct_t *color)
SHtmlStyle_t GetCurrentStyle ()
void PushStyleStack (int tag, SHtmlStyle_t style)
SHtmlStyle_t PopStyleStack (int tag)
void MakeInvisible (TGHtmlElement *p_first, TGHtmlElement *p_last)
int GetLinkColor (const char *zURL)
void AddStyle (TGHtmlElement *p)
void Sizer ()
int NextMarkupType (TGHtmlElement *p)
TGHtmlElementAttrElem (const char *name, char *value)
virtual void UpdateBackgroundStart ()
 ClassDef (TGHtml, 0)
void HClear ()
void ClearGcCache ()
void ResetLayoutContext ()
void Redraw ()
void ComputeVirtualSize ()
void ScheduleRedraw ()
void RedrawArea (int left, int top, int right, int bottom)
void RedrawBlock (TGHtmlBlock *p)
void RedrawEverything ()
void RedrawText (int y)
float ColorDistance (ColorStruct_t *pA, ColorStruct_t *pB)
int IsDarkColor (ColorStruct_t *p)
int IsLightColor (ColorStruct_t *p)
int GetColorByName (const char *zColor)
int GetDarkShadowColor (int iBgColor)
int GetLightShadowColor (int iBgColor)
int GetColorByValue (ColorStruct_t *pRef)
void FlashCursor ()
GContext_t GetGC (int color, int font)
GContext_t GetAnyGC ()
void AnimateImage (TGHtmlImage *image)
void ImageChanged (TGHtmlImage *image, int newWidth, int newHeight)
int GetImageAlignment (TGHtmlElement *p)
int GetImageAt (int x, int y)
const char * GetPctWidth (TGHtmlElement *p, char *opt, char *ret)
void TableBgndImage (TGHtmlElement *p)
TGHtmlElementFillOutBlock (TGHtmlBlock *p)
void UnlinkAndFreeBlock (TGHtmlBlock *pBlock)
void AppendBlock (TGHtmlElement *pToken, TGHtmlBlock *pBlock)
void StringHW (const char *str, int *h, int *w)
TGHtmlElementMinMax (TGHtmlElement *p, int *pMin, int *pMax, int lineWidth, int hasbg)
void DrawSelectionBackground (TGHtmlBlock *pBlock, Drawable_t Drawable_t, int x, int y)
void DrawRect (Drawable_t drawable, TGHtmlElement *src, int x, int y, int w, int h, int depth, int relief)
void BlockDraw (TGHtmlBlock *pBlock, Drawable_t wid, int left, int top, int width, int height, Pixmap_t pixmap)
void DrawImage (TGHtmlImageMarkup *image, Drawable_t wid, int left, int top, int right, int bottom)
void DrawTableBgnd (int x, int y, int w, int h, Drawable_t d, TImage *image)
TGHtmlElementFindStartOfNextBlock (TGHtmlElement *p, int *pCnt)
void FormBlocks ()
void AppendElement (TGHtmlElement *pElem)
int Tokenize ()
void AppToken (TGHtmlElement *pNew, TGHtmlElement *p, int offs)
TGHtmlMarkupElementMakeMarkupEntry (int objType, int type, int argc, int arglen[], char *argv[])
void TokenizerAppend (const char *text)
TGHtmlElementInsertToken (TGHtmlElement *pToken, char *zType, char *zArgs, int offs)
SHtmlTokenMap_tNameToPmap (char *zType)
int NameToType (char *zType)
const char * TypeToName (int type)
int TextInsertCmd (int argc, char **argv)
SHtmlTokenMap_tGetMarkupMap (int n)
TGHtmlElementTokenByIndex (int N, int flag)
int TokenNumber (TGHtmlElement *p)
void MaxIndex (TGHtmlElement *p, int *pIndex, int isLast)
int IndexMod (TGHtmlElement **pp, int *ip, char *cp)
void FindIndexInBlock (TGHtmlBlock *pBlock, int x, TGHtmlElement **ppToken, int *pIndex)
void IndexToBlockIndex (SHtmlIndex_t sIndex, TGHtmlBlock **ppBlock, int *piIndex)
int DecodeBaseIndex (const char *zBase, TGHtmlElement **ppToken, int *pIndex)
int GetIndex (const char *zIndex, TGHtmlElement **ppToken, int *pIndex)
void LayoutDoc ()
int MapControls ()
void UnmapControls ()
void DeleteControls ()
int ControlSize (TGHtmlInput *p)
void SizeAndLink (TGFrame *frame, TGHtmlInput *pElem)
int FormCount (TGHtmlInput *p, int radio)
void AddFormInfo (TGHtmlElement *p)
void AddSelectOptions (TGListBox *lb, TGHtmlElement *p, TGHtmlElement *pEnd)
void AppendText (TGString *str, TGHtmlElement *pFirst, TGHtmlElement *pEnd)
void UpdateSelection (int forceUpdate)
void UpdateSelectionDisplay ()
void LostSelection ()
int SelectionSet (const char *startIx, const char *endIx)
void UpdateInsert ()
int SetInsert (const char *insIx)
const char * GetUid (const char *string)
ColorStruct_tAllocColor (const char *name)
ColorStruct_tAllocColorByValue (ColorStruct_t *color)
void FreeColor (ColorStruct_t *color)
SHtmlStyle_t GetCurrentStyle ()
void PushStyleStack (int tag, SHtmlStyle_t style)
SHtmlStyle_t PopStyleStack (int tag)
void MakeInvisible (TGHtmlElement *p_first, TGHtmlElement *p_last)
int GetLinkColor (const char *zURL)
void AddStyle (TGHtmlElement *p)
void Sizer ()
int NextMarkupType (TGHtmlElement *p)
TGHtmlElementAttrElem (const char *name, char *value)
virtual void UpdateBackgroundStart ()
 ClassDef (TGHtml, 0)

Protected Attributes

int fNToken
int fNInput
int fNForm
int fVarId
int fInputIdx
int fRadioIdx
SHtmlIndex_t fSelBegin
SHtmlIndex_t fSelEnd
Html_16_t fSelStartIndex
Html_16_t fSelEndIndex
int fInsOnTime
int fInsOffTime
int fInsStatus
SHtmlIndex_t fIns
int fInsIndex
char * fZText
int fNText
int fNAlloc
int fNComplete
int fICol
int fIPlaintext
int fParaAlignment
int fRowAlignment
int fAnchorFlags
int fInDt
int fInTr
int fInTd
TGHtmlLayoutContext fLayoutContext
int fHighlightWidth
TGInsets fMargins
TGFontfAFont [N_FONT]
char fFontValid [(N_FONT+7)/8]
ColorStruct_tfApColor [N_COLOR]
Long_t fColorUsed
int fIDark [N_COLOR]
int fILight [N_COLOR]
GcCache_t fAGcCache [N_CACHE_GC]
int fGcNextToFree
int fLastGC
int fFormPadding
int fOverrideFonts
int fOverrideColors
int fUnderlineLinks
int fHasScript
int fHasFrames
int fAddEndTags
int fTableBorderMin
int fVarind
int fExportSelection
int fTableRelief
int fRuleRelief
int fRulePadding
const char * fZBase
char * fZBaseHref
Cursor_t fCursor
int fMaxX
int fMaxY
int fDirtyLeft
int fDirtyTop
int fDirtyRight
int fDirtyBottom
int fFlags
int fIdind
int fInParse
char * fZGoto
const char * fLastUri
int fExiting
char * fZText
TGFontfAFont [N_FONT]
ColorStruct_tfApColor [N_COLOR]
const char * fZBase
char * fZBaseHref
char * fZGoto
const char * fLastUri

Detailed Description

Definition at line 871 of file TGHtml.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

TGHtml::TGHtml ( const TGWindow p,
int  w,
int  h,
int  id = -1 

Definition at line 71 of file TGHtml.cxx.

References TGFrame::AddInput(), ALIGN_None, AllocColor(), COLOR_Background, COLOR_Normal, COLOR_Selection, COLOR_Unvisited, COLOR_Visited, DEF_HTML_EXPORT_SEL, DEF_HTML_INSERT_OFF_TIME, DEF_HTML_INSERT_ON_TIME, DEF_HTML_SELECTION_COLOR, DEF_HTML_UNVISITED, DEF_HTML_VISITED, fAddEndTags, fAFont, fAGcCache, fAnchorFlags, fAnchorStart, fApColor, fBgColor, fBgImage, GcCache_t::fColor, fColorUsed, fCursor, fDirtyBottom, fDirtyLeft, fDirtyRight, fDirtyTop, fExiting, fExportSelection, fExts, fFgColor, fFirstBlock, fFirstInput, fFlags, GcCache_t::fFont, fFontValid, fFormElemLast, fFormElemStart, fFormPadding, fFormStart, GcCache_t::fGc, fGcNextToFree, fHasFrames, fHasScript, fHighlightBgColorPtr, fHighlightColorPtr, fHighlightWidth, TGView::fHsb, SHtmlIndex_t::fI, fICol, fIDark, fIdind, fIdle, fILight, fImageList, fInDt, fInnerList, fInParse, fInputIdx, fIns, fInsIndex, fInsOffTime, fInsOnTime, fInsStatus, fInsTimer, fInTd, fInTr, fIPlaintext, fLastBlock, fLastGC, fLastInput, fLastSized, fLastUri, fLoEndPtr, fLoFormStart, fMaxX, fMaxY, fNAlloc, fNComplete, fNewLinkColor, fNextPlaced, fNForm, fNInput, fNText, fNToken, fOldLinkColor, fOverrideColors, fOverrideFonts, SHtmlIndex_t::fP, fParaAlignment, fPFirst, fPInsBlock, fPLast, fPScript, fPSelEndBlock, fPSelStartBlock, fRadioIdx, fRowAlignment, fRulePadding, fRuleRelief, fSelBegin, fSelectionColor, fSelEnd, fSelEndIndex, fSelStartIndex, fStyleStack, fTableBorderMin, fTableRelief, fUidTable, fUnderlineLinks, fVarId, fVarind, TGView::fVsb, TGView::fXMargin, TGView::fYMargin, fZBase, fZBaseHref, fZGoto, fZText, HTML_RELIEF_RAISED, HTML_RELIEF_SUNKEN, i, kButtonPressMask, kButtonReleaseMask, kExposureMask, kFocusChangeMask, kPointer, kPointerMotionMask, kTRUE, LARGE_NUMBER, N_CACHE_GC, N_COLOR, N_FONT, RELAYOUT, ResetLayoutContext(), RESIZE_ELEMENTS, TGScrollBar::SetAccelerated(), TGView::SetBackgroundColor(), and TGView::SetBackgroundPixmap().

TGHtml::~TGHtml (  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 216 of file TGHtml.cxx.

References fAFont, TGObject::fClient, fExiting, fIdle, fInsTimer, TGClient::FreeFont(), HClear(), i, and N_FONT.

TGHtml::TGHtml ( const TGWindow p,
int  w,
int  h,
int  id = -1 

virtual TGHtml::~TGHtml (  )  [virtual]

Member Function Documentation

Bool_t TGHtml::HandleFocusChange ( Event_t event  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from TGCompositeFrame.

Definition at line 1116 of file TGHtml.cxx.

References fFlags, Event_t::fType, GOT_FOCUS, kFocusIn, kTRUE, REDRAW_FOCUS, ScheduleRedraw(), and UpdateInsert().

Bool_t TGHtml::HandleButton ( Event_t event  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from TGView.

Definition at line 1331 of file TGHtml.cxx.

References TGView::fCanvas, Event_t::fCode, TGView::fScrollVal, Event_t::fType, TGView::fVisible, TGLongPosition::fX, Event_t::fX, TGLongPosition::fY, Event_t::fY, TGFrame::GetHeight(), GetHref(), GetInputElement(), TGView::HandleButton(), HandleHtmlInput(), kButton1, kButton4, kButton5, kButtonPress, kTRUE, TMath::Max(), MouseDown(), pr(), ResolveUri(), TGView::ScrollToPosition(), SetInsert(), sprintf(), x, and y.

Bool_t TGHtml::HandleMotion ( Event_t event  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from TGCompositeFrame.

Definition at line 1375 of file TGHtml.cxx.

References TGObject::fId, fLastUri, TGView::fVisible, TGLongPosition::fX, Event_t::fX, TGLongPosition::fY, Event_t::fY, GetHref(), gVirtualX, kHand, kPointer, kTRUE, MouseOver(), ResolveUri(), x, and y.

Bool_t TGHtml::HandleIdleEvent ( TGIdleHandler i  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from TGWindow.

Definition at line 757 of file TGHtml.cxx.

References fIdle, kFALSE, kTRUE, NULL, and Redraw().

Bool_t TGHtml::HandleTimer ( TTimer timer  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from TGWindow.

Definition at line 988 of file TGHtml.cxx.

References AnimateImage(), fImageList, fInsTimer, FlashCursor(), TGHtmlImage::fPNext, TGHtmlImage::fTimer, kTRUE, NULL, and t.

Bool_t TGHtml::ProcessMessage ( Long_t  ,
Long_t  ,
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TGView.

Definition at line 667 of file TGHtmlForm.cxx.

References TGView::ProcessMessage().

void TGHtml::DrawRegion ( Int_t  x,
Int_t  y,
UInt_t  w,
UInt_t  h 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TGView.

Definition at line 789 of file TGHtml.cxx.

References TGView::DrawRegion(), TGView::fCanvas, fDirtyBottom, fDirtyLeft, fDirtyRight, fDirtyTop, fFlags, TGFrame::GetHeight(), TGFrame::GetWidth(), Redraw(), REDRAW_PENDING, and RedrawArea().

Referenced by ImageChanged().

Bool_t TGHtml::ItemLayout (  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from TGView.

Definition at line 818 of file TGHtml.cxx.

References ComputeVirtualSize(), fFirstBlock, fFlags, fLastBlock, fMaxX, fMaxY, fNextPlaced, FormBlocks(), SHtmlIndex_t::fP, fPFirst, fSelBegin, fSelEnd, fVarId, HSCROLL, kTRUE, LayoutDoc(), MapControls(), Redraw(), RELAYOUT, ResetLayoutContext(), ScheduleRedraw(), UpdateInsert(), UpdateSelection(), and VSCROLL.

Bool_t TGHtml::HandleHtmlInput ( TGHtmlInput pr,
Event_t event 

Definition at line 1160 of file TGHtml.cxx.

References TGFrame::AddInput(), b, ButtonClicked(), CheckToggled(), Event_t::fCode, Event_t::fCount, Event_t::fFormat, Event_t::fHandle, Event_t::fHeight, Event_t::fSendEvent, Event_t::fState, Event_t::fTime, Event_t::fType, Event_t::fUser, Event_t::fWidth, Event_t::fWindow, Event_t::fX, Event_t::fXRoot, Event_t::fY, Event_t::fYRoot, TGObject::GetId(), gVirtualX, TGRadioButton::HandleButton(), TGCheckButton::HandleButton(), HandleRadioButton(), INPUT_TYPE_Button, INPUT_TYPE_Checkbox, INPUT_TYPE_Password, INPUT_TYPE_Radio, INPUT_TYPE_Select, INPUT_TYPE_Submit, INPUT_TYPE_Text, InputSelected(), TGCheckButton::IsDown(), TGRadioButton::IsDown(), kButtonPressMask, kButtonReleaseMask, kPointerMotionMask, kTRUE, name, pr(), RadioChanged(), TGFrame::RemoveInput(), TGTextEntry::SetFocus(), SubmitClicked(), and val.

Referenced by HandleButton().

Bool_t TGHtml::HandleRadioButton ( TGHtmlInput p  ) 

Definition at line 1251 of file TGHtml.cxx.

References fFirstInput, if(), INPUT_TYPE_Radio, kButtonUp, p, and pr().

Referenced by HandleHtmlInput().

int TGHtml::ParseText ( char *  text,
const char *  index = 0 

Definition at line 305 of file TGHtml.cxx.

References AddStyle(), ALIGN_None, EXTEND_LAYOUT, fAnchorFlags, fAnchorStart, fFlags, fFormStart, SHtmlIndex_t::fI, fInDt, fInnerList, fLoEndPtr, fLoFormStart, fNInput, SHtmlIndex_t::fP, fParaAlignment, fPFirst, fPLast, TGHtmlElement::fPNext, TGHtmlElement::fPPrev, fRowAlignment, GetIndex(), kFALSE, kTRUE, REDRAW_TEXT, RELAYOUT, ScheduleRedraw(), and TokenizerAppend().

Referenced by CalendarWindow::CalendarWindow(), TGRootIDE::Selected(), TGHtmlBrowser::Selected(), update_html_summary(), CalendarWindow::UpdateHTML(), and SplitGLView::UpdateSummary().

void TGHtml::SetTableRelief ( int  relief  ) 

Definition at line 368 of file TGHtml.cxx.

References fFlags, fTableRelief, RedrawEverything(), and RELAYOUT.

int TGHtml::GetTableRelief (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 896 of file TGHtml.h.

References fTableRelief.

void TGHtml::SetRuleRelief ( int  relief  ) 

Definition at line 380 of file TGHtml.cxx.

References fFlags, fRuleRelief, RedrawEverything(), and RELAYOUT.

int TGHtml::GetRuleRelief (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 899 of file TGHtml.h.

References fRuleRelief.

Referenced by TGHtmlLayoutContext::DoBreakMarkup().

int TGHtml::GetRulePadding (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 900 of file TGHtml.h.

References fRulePadding.

Referenced by TGHtmlLayoutContext::DoBreakMarkup().

void TGHtml::UnderlineLinks ( int  onoff  ) 

Definition at line 392 of file TGHtml.cxx.

References fAnchorFlags, fAnchorStart, SHtmlStyle_t::fColor, SHtmlStyle_t::fFlags, fPFirst, fUnderlineLinks, GetCurrentStyle(), GetLinkColor(), Html_A, Html_EndA, if(), p, PopStyleStack(), PushStyleStack(), RedrawEverything(), STY_Anchor, and STY_Underline.

void TGHtml::SetBaseUri ( const char *  uri  ) 

Definition at line 435 of file TGHtml.cxx.

References fZBase, and StrDup().

Referenced by TGHtmlBrowser::CheckAnchors(), TGRootIDE::Selected(), and TGHtmlBrowser::Selected().

const char* TGHtml::GetBaseUri (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 905 of file TGHtml.h.

References fZBase.

Referenced by TGHtmlBrowser::CheckAnchors().

int TGHtml::GotoAnchor ( const char *  name  ) 

Definition at line 445 of file TGHtml.cxx.

References fPFirst, TGView::fVisible, TGLongPosition::fX, Html_A, kTRUE, p, and TGView::ScrollToPosition().

Referenced by TGHtmlBrowser::CheckAnchors(), and TGHtmlBrowser::Selected().

void TGHtml::Clear ( Option_t = ""  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from TGView.

Definition at line 293 of file TGHtml.cxx.

References TGView::Clear(), fFlags, HClear(), HSCROLL, REDRAW_TEXT, ScheduleRedraw(), and VSCROLL.

Referenced by TGRootIDE::Selected(), TGHtmlBrowser::Selected(), update_html_summary(), CalendarWindow::UpdateHTML(), and SplitGLView::UpdateSummary().

char * TGHtml::ResolveUri ( const char *  uri  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 296 of file TGHtmlUri.cxx.

References TGHtmlUri::BuildUri(), TGHtmlUri::fZAuthority, fZBase, fZBaseHref, TGHtmlUri::fZFragment, TGHtmlUri::fZPath, TGHtmlUri::fZQuery, TGHtmlUri::fZScheme, j, ReplaceStr(), result(), sprintf(), strcat(), and strcpy().

Referenced by AddStyle(), GetImage(), HandleButton(), HandleMotion(), and TableBgndImage().

TImage * TGHtml::LoadImage ( const char *  uri,
int  w = 0,
int  h = 0 
) [virtual]

Definition at line 262 of file TGHtmlImage.cxx.

References TString::BeginsWith(), TString::EndsWith(), image, TImage::Open(), and ReadRemoteImage().

Referenced by AddStyle(), and TableBgndImage().

virtual int TGHtml::IsVisited ( const char *   )  [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 922 of file TGHtml.h.

References kFALSE.

Referenced by GetLinkColor().

virtual int TGHtml::ProcessToken ( TGHtmlElement ,
const char *  ,
) [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 926 of file TGHtml.h.

References kFALSE.

Referenced by Tokenize().

TGFont * TGHtml::GetFont ( int  iFont  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 1400 of file TGHtml.cxx.

References CANT_HAPPEN, fAFont, TGObject::fClient, FontFamily, FontIsValid, FontSetValid, FontSize, fprintf(), TGClient::FreeFont(), TGClient::GetFont(), N_FONT, name, size, and snprintf.

Referenced by BlockDraw(), DrawSelectionBackground(), FindIndexInBlock(), TGHtmlLayoutContext::Paragraph(), and Sizer().

virtual int TGHtml::ProcessFrame (  )  [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 936 of file TGHtml.h.

References kFALSE.

virtual TGFrame* TGHtml::ProcessApplet ( TGHtmlInput  )  [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 940 of file TGHtml.h.

Referenced by ControlSize().

virtual int TGHtml::FormCreate ( TGHtmlForm ,
const char *  ,
const char *   
) [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 944 of file TGHtml.h.

References kFALSE.

Referenced by AddStyle().

virtual int TGHtml::FormAction ( TGHtmlForm ,
) [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 948 of file TGHtml.h.

References kFALSE.

virtual char* TGHtml::GetFontName (  )  [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 952 of file TGHtml.h.

virtual char* TGHtml::ProcessScript ( TGHtmlScript  )  [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 956 of file TGHtml.h.

Referenced by AddStyle(), and Tokenize().

const char* TGHtml::GetText (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 960 of file TGHtml.h.

References fZText.

Referenced by TGHtmlBrowser::ProcessMessage(), and SavePrimitive().

int TGHtml::GetMarginWidth (  )  [inline]

Definition at line 962 of file TGHtml.h.

References TGInsets::fL, fMargins, and TGInsets::fR.

Referenced by TGHtmlLayoutContext::PushIndent().

int TGHtml::GetMarginHeight (  )  [inline]

Definition at line 963 of file TGHtml.h.

References TGInsets::fB, fMargins, and TGInsets::fT.

Referenced by TGHtmlLayoutContext::PushIndent().

TGHtmlInput * TGHtml::GetInputElement ( int  x,
int  y 

Definition at line 1133 of file TGHtml.cxx.

References TGView::fCanvas, fFirstInput, TGView::fVisible, TGLongPosition::fX, TGLongPosition::fY, TGFrame::GetHeight(), TGFrame::GetWidth(), if(), and p.

Referenced by HandleButton().

const char * TGHtml::GetHref ( int  x,
int  y,
const char **  target = 0 

Definition at line 1762 of file TGHtml.cxx.

References TGHtmlBlock::fBNext, TGHtmlBlock::fBottom, fFirstBlock, TGHtmlBlock::fLeft, TGHtmlElement::fPNext, TGHtmlBlock::fRight, TGHtmlBlock::fTop, TGHtmlElement::fType, Html_AREA, Html_EndMAP, Html_IMG, if(), image, and InArea().

Referenced by HandleButton(), and HandleMotion().

TGHtmlImage * TGHtml::GetImage ( TGHtmlImageMarkup p  ) 

Definition at line 155 of file TGHtmlImage.cxx.

References CANT_HAPPEN, fImageList, TGHtmlImage::fPNext, TGHtmlImage::fZHeight, TGHtmlImage::fZUrl, TGHtmlImage::fZWidth, Html_IMG, p, and ResolveUri().

Referenced by AddStyle().

int TGHtml::InArea ( TGHtmlMapArea p,
int  left,
int  top,
int  x,
int  y 

Definition at line 1511 of file TGHtml.cxx.


Referenced by GetHref().

TGHtmlElement * TGHtml::GetMap ( const char *  name  ) 

Definition at line 1530 of file TGHtml.cxx.

References fPFirst, Html_MAP, and p.

void TGHtml::ResetBlocks (  )  [inline]

Definition at line 973 of file TGHtml.h.

References fFirstBlock, and fLastBlock.

int TGHtml::ElementCoords ( TGHtmlElement p,
int  i,
int  pct,
int *  coords 

Definition at line 1810 of file TGHtml.cxx.

References TGHtmlBlock::fBottom, TGHtmlBlock::fLeft, fPLast, TGHtmlElement::fPPrev, TGHtmlBlock::fRight, TGHtmlBlock::fTop, TGHtmlElement::fType, HGCo, Html_Block, and p.

TGHtmlElement * TGHtml::TableDimensions ( TGHtmlTable pStart,
int  lineWidth 

Definition at line 353 of file TGHtmlTable.cxx.

References CellSpacing(), ColMin, COLOR_Background, ColReq, DFLT_BORDER, DFLT_CELLPADDING, DFLT_HSPACE, SHtmlStyle_t::fBgcolor, TGHtmlTable::fBgImage, TGHtmlCell::fBgImage, TGHtmlTable::fBorderWidth, TGHtmlCell::fColspan, TGHtmlElement::fCount, TGHtmlElement::fFlags, TGHtmlTable::fHasbg, TGHtmlTable::fMaxW, TGHtmlTable::fMinW, TGHtmlTable::fNCol, TGHtmlTable::fNRow, TGHtmlCell::fPEnd, TGHtmlTable::fPEnd, TGHtmlElement::fPNext, TGHtmlCell::fPRow, TGHtmlCell::fPTable, TGHtmlCell::fRowspan, TGHtmlElement::fStyle, fTableBorderMin, TGHtmlElement::fType, GetTokenName(), Html_CAPTION, Html_EndCAPTION, Html_EndTABLE, Html_EndTD, Html_EndTH, Html_EndTR, HTML_MAX_COLUMNS, Html_TABLE, Html_TD, Html_TH, Html_TR, HtmlTrace_Table1, HtmlTrace_Table4, HtmlTraceMask, i, j, LARGE_NUMBER, len, TGHtmlMarkupElement::MarkupArg(), min, MinMax(), n, p, SETMAX, TRACE, and TRACE_PUSH.

Referenced by MinMax(), and TGHtmlLayoutContext::TableLayout().

int TGHtml::CellSpacing ( TGHtmlElement pTable  ) 

Definition at line 51 of file TGHtmlTable.cxx.


Referenced by TableDimensions(), and TGHtmlLayoutContext::TableLayout().

void TGHtml::MoveVertically ( TGHtmlElement p,
TGHtmlElement pLast,
int  dy 

Definition at line 1534 of file TGHtmlTable.cxx.

References Html_A, Html_APPLET, Html_EMBED, Html_IMG, Html_INPUT, Html_LI, Html_SELECT, Html_TABLE, Html_TD, Html_Text, Html_TEXTAREA, Html_TH, and p.

void TGHtml::PrintList ( TGHtmlElement first,
TGHtmlElement last 

Definition at line 1507 of file TGHtmlParse.cxx.

References DumpToken(), Html_Block, if(), and p.

char * TGHtml::GetTokenName ( TGHtmlElement p  ) 

Definition at line 1408 of file TGHtmlParse.cxx.

References SHtmlTokenMap_t::fType, SHtmlTokenMap_t::fZName, Html_Block, Html_Space, Html_Text, HtmlMarkupMap, p, strcpy(), and strlcpy().

Referenced by TableDimensions(), and TGHtmlLayoutContext::TableLayout().

char * TGHtml::DumpToken ( TGHtmlElement p  ) 

Definition at line 1324 of file TGHtmlParse.cxx.

References TGHtmlBlock::fN, SHtmlTokenMap_t::fType, TGHtmlBlock::fZ, SHtmlTokenMap_t::fZName, Html_Block, HTML_NewLine, Html_Space, Html_Text, HtmlMarkupMap, p, sprintf(), and strcat().

Referenced by AddStyle(), and PrintList().

void TGHtml::EncodeText ( TGString str,
const char *  z 

Definition at line 639 of file TGHtmlForm.cxx.

References i, NeedToEscape, snprintf, and str.

void TGHtml::HClear (  )  [protected]

Definition at line 885 of file TGHtml.cxx.

References ALIGN_None, AllocColor(), ClearGcCache(), COLOR_Background, COLOR_Normal, COLOR_Selection, COLOR_Unvisited, COLOR_Visited, DEF_HTML_SELECTION_COLOR, DEF_HTML_UNVISITED, DEF_HTML_VISITED, DeleteControls(), fAnchorFlags, fAnchorStart, fApColor, fBgColor, fBgImage, fColorUsed, fExiting, fFgColor, fFirstBlock, fFormStart, fHasFrames, fHasScript, fIDark, fILight, fImageList, fInDt, fInnerList, fIns, fIPlaintext, fLastBlock, fLastSized, fLastUri, fMaxX, fMaxY, fNAlloc, fNComplete, fNewLinkColor, fNextPlaced, fNForm, fNInput, fNText, fNToken, fOldLinkColor, SHtmlIndex_t::fP, fParaAlignment, fPFirst, fPInsBlock, fPLast, fPSelEndBlock, fPSelStartBlock, FreeColor(), fRowAlignment, fSelBegin, fSelectionColor, fSelEnd, fStyleStack, fVarId, TGView::fVisible, TGView::fXMargin, TGView::fYMargin, fZBaseHref, fZText, i, N_COLOR, p, p2(), ResetLayoutContext(), TGView::SetBackgroundColor(), and TGView::SetBackgroundPixmap().

Referenced by Clear(), and ~TGHtml().

void TGHtml::ClearGcCache (  )  [protected]

Definition at line 500 of file TGHtml.cxx.

References fAGcCache, GcCache_t::fGc, fGcNextToFree, GcCache_t::fIndex, gVirtualX, i, and N_CACHE_GC.

Referenced by HClear().

void TGHtml::ResetLayoutContext (  )  [protected]

Definition at line 516 of file TGHtml.cxx.

References fLayoutContext, and TGHtmlLayoutContext::Reset().

Referenced by HClear(), ItemLayout(), Redraw(), and TGHtml().

void TGHtml::Redraw (  )  [protected]

Definition at line 525 of file TGHtml.cxx.

References BlockDraw(), COLOR_Background, ComputeVirtualSize(), EXTEND_LAYOUT, TGHtmlBlock::fBNext, TGHtmlBlock::fBottom, TGView::fCanvas, fDirtyBottom, fDirtyLeft, fDirtyRight, fDirtyTop, fFirstBlock, fFlags, TGRectangle::fH, fHighlightWidth, fImageList, fInParse, fLastBlock, fLastSized, TGHtmlBlock::fLeft, fMaxX, fMaxY, fNextPlaced, FONT_Any, FormBlocks(), SHtmlIndex_t::fP, fPFirst, TGHtmlImage::fPList, TGHtmlImage::fPNext, TGHtmlBlock::fRight, fSelBegin, fSelEnd, TGHtmlBlock::fTop, fVarId, TGView::fVisible, TGRectangle::fW, TGView::fWhiteGC, TGLongPosition::fX, TGRectangle::fX, TGLongPosition::fY, TGRectangle::fY, TGGC::GetGC(), GetGC(), TGFrame::GetHeight(), TGObject::GetId(), TGFrame::GetWidth(), GOT_FOCUS, gVirtualX, h, HSCROLL, kFALSE, LayoutDoc(), MapControls(), REDRAW_FOCUS, REDRAW_PENDING, REDRAW_TEXT, RELAYOUT, ResetLayoutContext(), RESIZE_ELEMENTS, TGGC::SetTileStipXOrigin(), TGGC::SetTileStipYOrigin(), STYLER_RUNNING, UpdateBackgroundStart(), UpdateInsert(), UpdateSelection(), VSCROLL, w, x, and y.

Referenced by DrawRegion(), HandleIdleEvent(), and ItemLayout().

void TGHtml::ComputeVirtualSize (  )  [protected]

Definition at line 492 of file TGHtml.cxx.

References fMaxX, fMaxY, and TGView::fVirtualSize.

Referenced by ItemLayout(), and Redraw().

void TGHtml::ScheduleRedraw (  )  [protected]

Definition at line 746 of file TGHtml.cxx.

References fFlags, fIdle, and REDRAW_PENDING.

Referenced by Clear(), HandleFocusChange(), ImageChanged(), ItemLayout(), ParseText(), RedrawArea(), and RedrawEverything().

void TGHtml::RedrawArea ( int  left,
int  top,
int  right,
int  bottom 
) [protected]

Definition at line 769 of file TGHtml.cxx.

References TGView::fCanvas, fDirtyBottom, fDirtyLeft, fDirtyRight, fDirtyTop, TGFrame::GetHeight(), TGFrame::GetWidth(), and ScheduleRedraw().

Referenced by DrawRegion(), RedrawBlock(), and RedrawText().

void TGHtml::RedrawBlock ( TGHtmlBlock p  )  [protected]

Definition at line 850 of file TGHtml.cxx.

References TGView::fVisible, TGLongPosition::fX, TGLongPosition::fY, p, and RedrawArea().

Referenced by FlashCursor(), SetInsert(), UpdateInsert(), UpdateSelection(), and UpdateSelectionDisplay().

void TGHtml::RedrawEverything (  )  [protected]

Definition at line 861 of file TGHtml.cxx.

References fFlags, REDRAW_FOCUS, REDRAW_TEXT, and ScheduleRedraw().

Referenced by ImageChanged(), SetRuleRelief(), SetTableRelief(), and UnderlineLinks().

void TGHtml::RedrawText ( int  y  )  [protected]

Definition at line 870 of file TGHtml.cxx.

References TGView::fCanvas, TGView::fVisible, TGLongPosition::fY, TGFrame::GetHeight(), LARGE_NUMBER, and RedrawArea().

Referenced by LayoutDoc().

float TGHtml::ColorDistance ( ColorStruct_t pA,
ColorStruct_t pB 
) [protected]

Definition at line 1550 of file TGHtml.cxx.

References ColorStruct_t::fBlue, ColorStruct_t::fGreen, ColorStruct_t::fRed, x, and y.

int TGHtml::IsDarkColor ( ColorStruct_t p  )  [protected]

Definition at line 1614 of file TGHtml.cxx.

References MAX_COLOR, p, x, and y.

Referenced by GetDarkShadowColor().

int TGHtml::IsLightColor ( ColorStruct_t p  )  [protected]

Definition at line 1659 of file TGHtml.cxx.

References MAX_COLOR, and p.

Referenced by GetLightShadowColor().

int TGHtml::GetColorByName ( const char *  zColor  )  [protected]

Definition at line 1564 of file TGHtml.cxx.

References AllocColor(), FreeColor(), GetColorByValue(), GetUid(), i, n, name, snprintf, and strlcpy().

Referenced by AddStyle().

int TGHtml::GetDarkShadowColor ( int  iBgColor  )  [protected]

Definition at line 1628 of file TGHtml.cxx.

References fApColor, ColorStruct_t::fBlue, ColorStruct_t::fGreen, fIDark, ColorStruct_t::fRed, GetColorByValue(), int, IsDarkColor(), MAX, MAX_COLOR, MIN, short, and val.

Referenced by DrawRect().

int TGHtml::GetLightShadowColor ( int  iBgColor  )  [protected]

Definition at line 1668 of file TGHtml.cxx.

References fApColor, ColorStruct_t::fBlue, ColorStruct_t::fGreen, fILight, ColorStruct_t::fRed, GetColorByValue(), int, IsLightColor(), MAX, MAX_COLOR, MIN, short, and val.

Referenced by DrawRect().

int TGHtml::GetColorByValue ( ColorStruct_t pRef  )  [protected]

Definition at line 1699 of file TGHtml.cxx.

References b, COLOR_MASK, ROOT::Math::gv_detail::dist(), fApColor, ColorStruct_t::fBlue, fColorUsed, ColorStruct_t::fGreen, ColorStruct_t::fRed, g, i, N_COLOR, and p.

Referenced by GetColorByName(), GetDarkShadowColor(), and GetLightShadowColor().

void TGHtml::FlashCursor (  )  [protected]

Definition at line 1010 of file TGHtml.cxx.

References fFlags, fInsOffTime, fInsOnTime, fInsStatus, fInsTimer, fPInsBlock, GOT_FOCUS, and RedrawBlock().

Referenced by HandleTimer(), and UpdateInsert().

GContext_t TGHtml::GetGC ( int  color,
int  font 
) [protected]

Definition at line 1028 of file TGHtml.cxx.

References fAGcCache, GcCache_t::fGc, FONT_Default, for(), i, if(), j, N_CACHE_GC, N_COLOR, N_FONT, and p.

Referenced by BlockDraw(), DrawRect(), DrawSelectionBackground(), GetAnyGC(), and Redraw().

GContext_t TGHtml::GetAnyGC (  )  [protected]

Definition at line 1100 of file TGHtml.cxx.

References COLOR_Normal, fAGcCache, FONT_Default, GetGC(), i, and p.

Referenced by DrawTableBgnd().

void TGHtml::AnimateImage ( TGHtmlImage image  )  [protected]

Definition at line 583 of file TGHtmlDraw.cxx.

Referenced by HandleTimer().

void TGHtml::ImageChanged ( TGHtmlImage image,
int  newWidth,
int  newHeight 
) [protected]

Definition at line 115 of file TGHtmlImage.cxx.

References DrawRegion(), TGHtmlImageMarkup::fAscent, fFlags, TGHtmlImageMarkup::fH, TGHtmlImage::fH, TGHtmlImageMarkup::fINext, TGHtmlImage::fPList, TGHtmlImageMarkup::fRedrawNeeded, TGHtmlImageMarkup::fW, TGHtmlImage::fW, TGHtmlImageMarkup::fX, TGHtmlImageMarkup::fY, REDRAW_IMAGES, RedrawEverything(), RELAYOUT, and ScheduleRedraw().

int TGHtml::GetImageAlignment ( TGHtmlElement p  )  [protected]

Definition at line 78 of file TGHtmlImage.cxx.

References i, IMAGE_ALIGN_AbsBottom, IMAGE_ALIGN_AbsMiddle, IMAGE_ALIGN_Bottom, IMAGE_ALIGN_Left, IMAGE_ALIGN_Middle, IMAGE_ALIGN_Right, IMAGE_ALIGN_TextTop, IMAGE_ALIGN_Top, int, p, result(), and strcasecmp.

int TGHtml::GetImageAt ( int  x,
int  y 
) [protected]

Definition at line 332 of file TGHtmlImage.cxx.

References TGHtmlBlock::fBNext, TGHtmlBlock::fBottom, fFirstBlock, TGHtmlBlock::fLeft, TGHtmlElement::fPNext, TGHtmlBlock::fRight, TGHtmlBlock::fTop, TGHtmlElement::fType, Html_IMG, if(), and TokenNumber().

const char * TGHtml::GetPctWidth ( TGHtmlElement p,
char *  opt,
char *  ret 
) [protected]

Definition at line 291 of file TGHtmlImage.cxx.

References TGView::fCanvas, fInTd, TGHtmlElement::fPPrev, TGHtmlElement::fType, TGFrame::GetHeight(), TGFrame::GetWidth(), Html_TD, m, TGHtmlElement::MarkupArg(), n, p, snprintf, tz, and val.

void TGHtml::TableBgndImage ( TGHtmlElement p  )  [protected]

Definition at line 1018 of file TGHtmlSizer.cxx.

References TGHtmlCell::fBgImage, Html_TABLE, Html_TD, Html_TH, Html_TR, LoadImage(), p, and ResolveUri().

Referenced by AddStyle().

TGHtmlElement * TGHtml::FillOutBlock ( TGHtmlBlock p  )  [protected]

Definition at line 596 of file TGHtmlDraw.cxx.

References TGHtmlLi::fAscent, SHtmlStyle_t::fColor, TGHtmlElement::fCount, TGHtmlLi::fDescent, TGHtmlElement::fFlags, SHtmlStyle_t::fFlags, SHtmlStyle_t::fFont, TGHtmlHr::fH, TGHtmlCell::fH, TGHtmlElement::fPNext, TGHtmlTextElement::fSpaceWidth, TGHtmlElement::fStyle, TGHtmlElement::fType, TGHtmlHr::fW, TGHtmlTextElement::fW, TGHtmlCell::fW, TGHtmlHr::fX, TGHtmlTextElement::fX, TGHtmlLi::fX, TGHtmlCell::fX, TGHtmlHr::fY, TGHtmlTextElement::fY, TGHtmlLi::fY, TGHtmlCell::fY, TGHtmlTextElement::fZText, Html_A, Html_Block, Html_EndA, Html_HR, Html_IMG, Html_LI, HTML_NewLine, Html_Space, Html_TABLE, Html_TD, Html_Text, Html_TH, HTML_Visible, i, image, n, p, strlcpy(), STY_FontMask, STY_Invisible, STY_Preformatted, text(), UnlinkAndFreeBlock(), x, and y.

Referenced by FormBlocks().

void TGHtml::UnlinkAndFreeBlock ( TGHtmlBlock pBlock  )  [protected]

Definition at line 64 of file TGHtmlDraw.cxx.

References fPFirst, fPLast, TGHtmlElement::fPNext, and TGHtmlElement::fPPrev.

Referenced by FillOutBlock(), and FindStartOfNextBlock().

void TGHtml::AppendBlock ( TGHtmlElement pToken,
TGHtmlBlock pBlock 
) [protected]

Definition at line 85 of file TGHtmlDraw.cxx.

References TGHtmlBlock::fBNext, TGHtmlBlock::fBPrev, fFirstBlock, fLastBlock, fPFirst, TGHtmlElement::fPNext, and TGHtmlElement::fPPrev.

Referenced by FormBlocks().

void TGHtml::StringHW ( const char *  str,
int *  h,
int *  w 
) [protected]

Definition at line 75 of file TGHtmlTable.cxx.

References nh.

Referenced by TableText().

TGHtmlElement * TGHtml::MinMax ( TGHtmlElement p,
int *  pMin,
int *  pMax,
int  lineWidth,
int  hasbg 
) [protected]

Definition at line 860 of file TGHtmlTable.cxx.

References TGHtmlElement::fPNext, TGHtmlElement::fType, TGHtmlSpaceElement::fW, Html_APPLET, Html_BLOCKQUOTE, Html_BR, Html_CAPTION, Html_DIV, Html_EMBED, Html_EndBLOCKQUOTE, Html_EndDIV, Html_EndH1, Html_EndH2, Html_EndH3, Html_EndH4, Html_EndOL, Html_EndP, Html_EndPRE, Html_EndTABLE, Html_EndTD, Html_EndTH, Html_EndTR, Html_EndUL, Html_H1, Html_H2, Html_H3, Html_H4, Html_H5, Html_H6, Html_IMG, HTML_INDENT, Html_INPUT, HTML_NewLine, Html_OL, Html_P, Html_PRE, Html_SELECT, Html_Space, Html_TABLE, Html_TD, Html_Text, Html_TEXTAREA, Html_TH, Html_TR, Html_UL, image, IMAGE_ALIGN_Left, IMAGE_ALIGN_Right, max, min, p, SETMAX, STY_NoBreak, STY_Preformatted, TableDimensions(), text(), x1, x2, and x3.

Referenced by TableDimensions().

void TGHtml::DrawSelectionBackground ( TGHtmlBlock pBlock,
Drawable_t  Drawable_t,
int  x,
int  y 
) [protected]

Definition at line 208 of file TGHtmlDraw.cxx.

References COLOR_Selection, TGHtmlBlock::fBottom, TGHtmlElement::fFlags, TGHtmlBlock::fLeft, TGHtmlBlock::fN, FONT_Any, TGHtmlElement::fPNext, fPSelEndBlock, fPSelStartBlock, TGHtmlBlock::fRight, fSelEndIndex, fSelStartIndex, TGHtmlBlock::fTop, TGHtmlTextElement::fX, TGHtmlBlock::fZ, GetFont(), GetGC(), gVirtualX, height, HTML_Selected, Html_Text, p, TGFont::TextWidth(), and width.

Referenced by BlockDraw().

void TGHtml::DrawRect ( Drawable_t  drawable,
TGHtmlElement src,
int  x,
int  y,
int  w,
int  h,
int  depth,
int  relief 
) [protected]

Definition at line 257 of file TGHtmlDraw.cxx.

References FONT_Any, GetDarkShadowColor(), GetGC(), GetLightShadowColor(), gVirtualX, height, HTML_RELIEF_FLAT, HTML_RELIEF_SUNKEN, i, and width.

Referenced by BlockDraw().

void TGHtml::BlockDraw ( TGHtmlBlock pBlock,
Drawable_t  wid,
int  left,
int  top,
int  width,
int  height,
Pixmap_t  pixmap 
) [protected]

Definition at line 311 of file TGHtmlDraw.cxx.

References CANT_HAPPEN, xmlio::cnt, depth, TGFont::DrawChars(), DrawImage(), DrawRect(), DrawSelectionBackground(), DrawTableBgnd(), TGHtmlCell::fBgImage, fBgImage, TGHtmlTable::fBorderWidth, TGHtmlBlock::fBottom, TGHtmlLi::fCnt, TGHtmlElement::fFlags, TGHtmlHr::fH, TGHtmlCell::fH, TGHtmlTable::fHasbg, fInsIndex, fInsStatus, TGHtmlBlock::fLeft, TGHtmlLi::fLtype, TGHtmlBlock::fN, fPInsBlock, TGHtmlElement::fPNext, TGHtmlCell::fPRow, TGHtmlCell::fPTable, TGHtmlBlock::fRight, fRuleRelief, fTableRelief, TGHtmlBlock::fTop, TGHtmlHr::fW, TGHtmlCell::fW, TGHtmlHr::fX, TGHtmlTextElement::fX, TGHtmlLi::fX, TGHtmlCell::fX, TGHtmlHr::fY, TGHtmlTextElement::fY, TGHtmlLi::fY, TGHtmlCell::fY, TGHtmlBlock::fZ, GetFont(), GetGC(), GetLetterIndex(), GetRomanIndex(), gVirtualX, height, Html_HR, Html_IMG, Html_LI, HTML_RELIEF_FLAT, HTML_RELIEF_RAISED, HTML_RELIEF_SUNKEN, HTML_Selected, Html_TABLE, Html_TD, Html_Text, Html_TH, HTML_Visible, image, LI_TYPE_Bullet1, LI_TYPE_Bullet2, LI_TYPE_Bullet3, LI_TYPE_Enum_1, LI_TYPE_Enum_A, LI_TYPE_Enum_a, LI_TYPE_Enum_I, LI_TYPE_Enum_i, LI_TYPE_Undefined, sprintf(), STY_StrikeThru, STY_Underline, TGFont::TextWidth(), TGFont::UnderlineChars(), w, width, x, and y.

Referenced by Redraw().

void TGHtml::DrawImage ( TGHtmlImageMarkup image,
Drawable_t  wid,
int  left,
int  top,
int  right,
int  bottom 
) [protected]

Definition at line 532 of file TGHtmlDraw.cxx.

References image, x, and y.

Referenced by BlockDraw().

void TGHtml::DrawTableBgnd ( int  x,
int  y,
int  w,
int  h,
Drawable_t  d,
TImage image 
) [protected]

Definition at line 855 of file TGHtmlDraw.cxx.

References dr, fDirtyBottom, fDirtyLeft, fDirtyRight, fDirtyTop, GCValues_t::fFillStyle, GCValues_t::fTile, GCValues_t::fTsXOrigin, GCValues_t::fTsYOrigin, TGView::fVisible, TGLongPosition::fX, TGLongPosition::fY, GetAnyGC(), gVirtualX, image, kFillSolid, kFillTiled, kGCFillStyle, kGCTile, kGCTileStipXOrigin, kGCTileStipYOrigin, mask, sx, and top().

Referenced by BlockDraw().

TGHtmlElement * TGHtml::FindStartOfNextBlock ( TGHtmlElement p,
int *  pCnt 
) [protected]

Definition at line 798 of file TGHtmlDraw.cxx.

References xmlio::cnt, Html_Block, HTML_Visible, p, and UnlinkAndFreeBlock().

Referenced by FormBlocks().

void TGHtml::FormBlocks (  )  [protected]

Definition at line 825 of file TGHtmlDraw.cxx.

References AppendBlock(), xmlio::cnt, TGHtmlElement::fCount, FillOutBlock(), FindStartOfNextBlock(), fLastBlock, and fPFirst.

Referenced by ItemLayout(), and Redraw().

void TGHtml::AppendElement ( TGHtmlElement pElem  )  [protected]

Definition at line 477 of file TGHtmlParse.cxx.

References fNToken, fPFirst, fPLast, TGHtmlElement::fPNext, and TGHtmlElement::fPPrev.

Referenced by AppToken(), and Tokenize().

int TGHtml::Tokenize (  )  [protected]

Definition at line 549 of file TGHtmlParse.cxx.

References AddFormInfo(), AppendElement(), AppToken(), argc, c, fAddEndTags, TGHtmlElement::fCount, TGHtmlElement::fElId, TGHtmlElement::fFlags, fHasFrames, fHasScript, fICol, fIdind, fIPlaintext, fNAlloc, fNComplete, TGHtmlScript::fNScript, TGHtmlScript::fNStart, SHtmlTokenMap_t::fObjType, TGHtmlElement::fOffs, SHtmlTokenMap_t::fPCollide, fPScript, SHtmlTokenMap_t::fType, TGHtmlElement::fType, SHtmlTokenMap_t::fZName, TGHtmlTextElement::fZText, fZText, gApMap, h, Html_COMMENT, Html_EndCOMMENT, Html_EndLI, Html_EndOL, Html_EndUL, Html_LI, Html_LISTING, HTML_NewLine, Html_NOFRAMES, Html_NOSCRIPT, Html_PLAINTEXT, Html_SCRIPT, Html_STYLE, Html_TABLE, Html_TEXTAREA, Html_XMP, HtmlHash(), HtmlHashInit(), HtmlTranslateEscapes(), j, MakeMarkupEntry(), memmove, mxARG, n, NextColumn(), TMVA::null(), ProcessScript(), ProcessToken(), result(), strcasecmp, and strcpy().

Referenced by TokenizerAppend().

void TGHtml::AppToken ( TGHtmlElement pNew,
TGHtmlElement p,
int  offs 
) [protected]

Definition at line 493 of file TGHtmlParse.cxx.

References AppendElement(), TGHtmlElement::fElId, fIdind, fNText, fNToken, TGHtmlElement::fOffs, fPFirst, TGHtmlElement::fPNext, TGHtmlElement::fPPrev, and p.

Referenced by InsertToken(), and Tokenize().

TGHtmlMarkupElement * TGHtml::MakeMarkupEntry ( int  objType,
int  type,
int  argc,
int  arglen[],
char *  argv[] 
) [protected]

Definition at line 1007 of file TGHtmlParse.cxx.

References O_HtmlAnchor, O_HtmlCell, O_HtmlForm, O_HtmlHr, O_HtmlImageMarkup, O_HtmlInput, O_HtmlLi, O_HtmlListStart, O_HtmlMapArea, O_HtmlRef, O_HtmlScript, and O_HtmlTable.

Referenced by InsertToken(), and Tokenize().

void TGHtml::TokenizerAppend ( const char *  text  )  [protected]

Definition at line 1072 of file TGHtmlParse.cxx.

References fNAlloc, fNComplete, fNText, fZText, len, strcpy(), Tokenize(), and UNTESTED.

Referenced by AddStyle(), and ParseText().

TGHtmlElement * TGHtml::InsertToken ( TGHtmlElement pToken,
char *  zType,
char *  zArgs,
int  offs 
) [protected]

Definition at line 1101 of file TGHtmlParse.cxx.

References AppToken(), TGHtmlElement::fElId, fIdind, SHtmlTokenMap_t::fObjType, SHtmlTokenMap_t::fPCollide, SHtmlTokenMap_t::fType, SHtmlTokenMap_t::fZName, fZText, gApMap, HtmlHash(), HtmlHashInit(), if(), MakeMarkupEntry(), strcasecmp, and strcpy().

Referenced by TextInsertCmd().

SHtmlTokenMap_t * TGHtml::NameToPmap ( char *  zType  )  [protected]

Definition at line 1282 of file TGHtmlParse.cxx.

References SHtmlTokenMap_t::fPCollide, SHtmlTokenMap_t::fZName, gApMap, HtmlHash(), HtmlHashInit(), and strcasecmp.

Referenced by NameToType().

int TGHtml::NameToType ( char *  zType  )  [protected]

Definition at line 1302 of file TGHtmlParse.cxx.

References SHtmlTokenMap_t::fType, Html_Unknown, int, and NameToPmap().

const char * TGHtml::TypeToName ( int  type  )  [protected]

Definition at line 1311 of file TGHtmlParse.cxx.

References SHtmlTokenMap_t::fZName, gApMap, Html_A, and Html_EndXMP.

int TGHtml::TextInsertCmd ( int  argc,
char **  argv 
) [protected]

Definition at line 1182 of file TGHtmlParse.cxx.

References AddStyle(), GetIndex(), Html_BR, Html_Text, Html_Unknown, HtmlTranslateEscapes(), InsertToken(), l, memmove, p, strcpy(), t, and text().

SHtmlTokenMap_t * TGHtml::GetMarkupMap ( int  n  )  [protected]

Definition at line 1444 of file TGHtmlParse.cxx.

References HtmlMarkupMap.

TGHtmlElement * TGHtml::TokenByIndex ( int  N,
int  flag 
) [protected]

Definition at line 44 of file TGHtmlIndex.cxx.

References fNToken, fPFirst, fPLast, Html_Block, if(), n, and p.

Referenced by DecodeBaseIndex().

int TGHtml::TokenNumber ( TGHtmlElement p  )  [protected]

Definition at line 77 of file TGHtmlIndex.cxx.

References p.

Referenced by GetImageAt(), and SelectionSet().

void TGHtml::MaxIndex ( TGHtmlElement p,
int *  pIndex,
int  isLast 
) [protected]

Definition at line 95 of file TGHtmlIndex.cxx.

References Html_Space, Html_Text, p, and STY_Preformatted.

Referenced by DecodeBaseIndex().

int TGHtml::IndexMod ( TGHtmlElement **  pp,
int *  ip,
char *  cp 
) [protected]

Definition at line 249 of file TGHtmlIndex.cxx.

References xmlio::cnt, TGHtmlElement::fPNext, Html_Block, i, and x.

void TGHtml::FindIndexInBlock ( TGHtmlBlock pBlock,
int  x,
TGHtmlElement **  ppToken,
int *  pIndex 
) [protected]

Definition at line 123 of file TGHtmlIndex.cxx.

References TGHtmlBlock::fLeft, TGHtmlBlock::fN, TGHtmlElement::fPNext, TGHtmlBlock::fRight, TGHtmlBlock::fZ, GetFont(), Html_Block, Html_Space, Html_Text, len, TGFont::MeasureChars(), n, p, and STY_Preformatted.

void TGHtml::IndexToBlockIndex ( SHtmlIndex_t  sIndex,
TGHtmlBlock **  ppBlock,
int *  piIndex 
) [protected]

Definition at line 202 of file TGHtmlIndex.cxx.

References SHtmlIndex_t::fI, SHtmlIndex_t::fP, TGHtmlElement::fPPrev, Html_Block, Html_Space, Html_Text, n, p, and STY_Preformatted.

Referenced by UpdateInsert(), and UpdateSelection().

int TGHtml::DecodeBaseIndex ( const char *  zBase,
TGHtmlElement **  ppToken,
int *  pIndex 
) [protected]

Definition at line 305 of file TGHtmlIndex.cxx.

References buf, ROOT::Math::gv_detail::dist(), TGHtmlBlock::fBNext, TGHtmlBlock::fBottom, fFirstBlock, SHtmlIndex_t::fI, fIns, TGHtmlBlock::fLeft, TGHtmlBlock::fN, SHtmlIndex_t::fP, fPFirst, fPLast, TGHtmlElement::fPNext, TGHtmlBlock::fRight, fSelBegin, fSelEnd, TGHtmlBlock::fTop, TGHtmlElement::fType, TGView::fVisible, TGLongPosition::fX, TGLongPosition::fY, fZBase, Html_IMG, Html_INPUT, Html_LI, Html_SELECT, Html_TEXTAREA, i, if(), MaxIndex(), n, p, strlcpy(), suffix, TokenByIndex(), x, and y.

Referenced by GetIndex().

int TGHtml::GetIndex ( const char *  zIndex,
TGHtmlElement **  ppToken,
int *  pIndex 
) [protected]

Definition at line 534 of file TGHtmlIndex.cxx.

References DecodeBaseIndex().

Referenced by ParseText(), SelectionSet(), SetInsert(), and TextInsertCmd().

void TGHtml::LayoutDoc (  )  [protected]

Definition at line 1177 of file TGHtmlLayout.cxx.

References AttrElem(), TGHtmlLayoutContext::fBottom, TGView::fCanvas, fFlags, TGHtmlLayoutContext::fHeadRoom, TGHtmlLayoutContext::fHtml, fLayoutContext, TGHtmlLayoutContext::fLeft, fMaxX, TGHtmlLayoutContext::fMaxX, fMaxY, TGHtmlLayoutContext::fMaxY, fNextPlaced, TGHtmlLayoutContext::fPageWidth, fPFirst, TGHtmlLayoutContext::fPStart, TGHtmlLayoutContext::fRight, TGView::fVisible, TGLongPosition::fY, TGView::fYMargin, fZGoto, TGFrame::GetWidth(), HSCROLL, HTML_INDENT, TGHtmlLayoutContext::LayoutBlock(), p, TGHtmlLayoutContext::PushIndent(), RedrawText(), Sizer(), and VSCROLL.

Referenced by ItemLayout(), and Redraw().

int TGHtml::MapControls (  )  [protected]

Definition at line 63 of file TGHtmlForm.cxx.

References xmlio::cnt, TGView::fCanvas, fFirstInput, fFormPadding, TGView::fVisible, TGLongPosition::fX, TGLongPosition::fY, TGFrame::GetHeight(), TGFrame::GetWidth(), h, if(), p, w, x, and y.

Referenced by ItemLayout(), and Redraw().

void TGHtml::UnmapControls (  )  [protected]

Definition at line 49 of file TGHtmlForm.cxx.

References fFirstInput, and p.

void TGHtml::DeleteControls (  )  [protected]

Definition at line 100 of file TGHtmlForm.cxx.

References fExiting, fFirstInput, fLastInput, fNInput, if(), and p.

Referenced by HClear().

int TGHtml::ControlSize ( TGHtmlInput p  )  [protected]

Definition at line 346 of file TGHtmlForm.cxx.

References AddSelectOptions(), AppendText(), TGWidget::Associate(), CANT_HAPPEN, TGHtmlInput::Empty(), TGLBEntry::EntryId(), TGView::fCanvas, TGHtmlInput::fCnt, TGHtmlElement::fFlags, SHtmlStyle_t::fFlags, TGHtmlInput::fFrame, TGHtmlInput::fItype, fNInput, TGHtmlInput::fPEnd, TGHtmlInput::fSized, TGHtmlElement::fStyle, TGListBox::GetEntry(), TGListBox::GetItemVsize(), TGComboBox::GetListBox(), TGListBox::GetNumberOfEntries(), TGListBox::GetSelectedEntry(), height, HTML_Visible, i, INPUT_TYPE_Applet, INPUT_TYPE_Button, INPUT_TYPE_Checkbox, INPUT_TYPE_File, INPUT_TYPE_Hidden, INPUT_TYPE_Image, INPUT_TYPE_Password, INPUT_TYPE_Radio, INPUT_TYPE_Reset, INPUT_TYPE_Select, INPUT_TYPE_Submit, INPUT_TYPE_Text, INPUT_TYPE_TextArea, InputType(), kButtonDown, kFALSE, TGTextEntry::kPassword, kTRUE, TGListBox::Layout(), TGCompositeFrame::MapSubwindows(), TGHtmlMarkupElement::MarkupArg(), TMath::Max(), ProcessApplet(), TGListBox::Resize(), TGFrame::Resize(), TGComboBox::Select(), TGListBox::Select(), TGListBox::SetMultipleSelections(), size, SizeAndLink(), str, STY_Invisible, and width.

void TGHtml::SizeAndLink ( TGFrame frame,
TGHtmlInput pElem 
) [protected]

Definition at line 188 of file TGHtmlForm.cxx.

References TGFrame::ChangeOptions(), TGHtmlInput::Empty(), fApColor, SHtmlStyle_t::fBgcolor, fFirstInput, TGHtmlElement::fFlags, SHtmlStyle_t::fFlags, fFormPadding, TGHtmlInput::fFrame, TGHtmlInput::fH, TGHtmlInput::fHtml, TGHtmlInput::fINext, TGHtmlInput::fItype, fLastInput, ColorStruct_t::fPixel, TGHtmlInput::fSized, TGHtmlElement::fStyle, TGHtmlInput::fW, TGFrame::GetDefaultHeight(), TGFrame::GetDefaultWidth(), TGFrame::GetOptions(), HTML_Visible, INPUT_TYPE_Hidden, kOwnBackground, TGFrame::Layout(), TGFrame::MapSubwindows(), TGFrame::SetBackgroundColor(), and STY_Invisible.

Referenced by ControlSize().

int TGHtml::FormCount ( TGHtmlInput p,
int  radio 
) [protected]

Definition at line 540 of file TGHtmlForm.cxx.

References Html_INPUT, Html_OPTION, Html_SELECT, Html_TEXTAREA, INPUT_TYPE_Radio, and p.

void TGHtml::AddFormInfo ( TGHtmlElement p  )  [protected]

Definition at line 562 of file TGHtmlForm.cxx.

References fFormElemLast, fFormStart, TGHtmlInput::fINext, fInputIdx, fNForm, fRadioIdx, TGHtmlInput::fSubId, TGHtmlElement::fType, Html_EndFORM, Html_EndSELECT, Html_EndTEXTAREA, Html_FORM, Html_INPUT, Html_OPTION, Html_SELECT, Html_TEXTAREA, INPUT_TYPE_Radio, InputType(), name, p, and t.

Referenced by Tokenize().

void TGHtml::AddSelectOptions ( TGListBox lb,
TGHtmlElement p,
TGHtmlElement pEnd 
) [protected]

Definition at line 294 of file TGHtmlForm.cxx.

References TGListBox::AddEntry(), fZText, TGListBox::GetContainer(), Html_EndOPTION, Html_EndSELECT, Html_OPTION, Html_Space, Html_Text, kLHintsExpandX, kLHintsTop, p, sel, TGListBox::Select(), and str.

Referenced by ControlSize().

void TGHtml::AppendText ( TGString str,
TGHtmlElement pFirst,
TGHtmlElement pEnd 
) [protected]

Definition at line 243 of file TGHtmlForm.cxx.

References xmlio::cnt, TGHtmlElement::fPNext, TGHtmlElement::fType, fZText, HTML_NewLine, Html_Space, Html_Text, and str.

Referenced by ControlSize().

void TGHtml::UpdateSelection ( int  forceUpdate  )  [protected]

Definition at line 1856 of file TGHtml.cxx.

References ANIMATE_IMAGES, fFlags, SHtmlIndex_t::fP, fPSelEndBlock, fPSelStartBlock, fSelBegin, fSelEnd, fSelEndIndex, fSelStartIndex, IndexToBlockIndex(), RedrawBlock(), and UpdateSelectionDisplay().

Referenced by ItemLayout(), Redraw(), and SelectionSet().

void TGHtml::UpdateSelectionDisplay (  )  [protected]

Definition at line 1910 of file TGHtml.cxx.

References fFirstBlock, fPSelEndBlock, fPSelStartBlock, fSelBegin, fSelEnd, fSelEndIndex, fSelStartIndex, HTML_Selected, p, and RedrawBlock().

Referenced by LostSelection(), and UpdateSelection().

void TGHtml::LostSelection (  )  [protected]

Definition at line 1960 of file TGHtml.cxx.

References fExportSelection, SHtmlIndex_t::fP, fPSelEndBlock, fPSelStartBlock, fSelBegin, fSelEnd, and UpdateSelectionDisplay().

int TGHtml::SelectionSet ( const char *  startIx,
const char *  endIx 
) [protected]

Definition at line 1975 of file TGHtml.cxx.

References fExportSelection, SHtmlIndex_t::fI, SHtmlIndex_t::fP, fSelBegin, fSelEnd, GetIndex(), kFALSE, kTRUE, TokenNumber(), and UpdateSelection().

void TGHtml::UpdateInsert (  )  [protected]

Definition at line 2016 of file TGHtml.cxx.

References fIns, fInsIndex, fInsStatus, fInsTimer, FlashCursor(), fPInsBlock, IndexToBlockIndex(), and RedrawBlock().

Referenced by HandleFocusChange(), ItemLayout(), Redraw(), and SetInsert().

int TGHtml::SetInsert ( const char *  insIx  )  [protected]

Definition at line 2030 of file TGHtml.cxx.

References fIns, fInsStatus, SHtmlIndex_t::fP, fPInsBlock, GetIndex(), i, kFALSE, kTRUE, RedrawBlock(), and UpdateInsert().

Referenced by HandleButton().

const char * TGHtml::GetUid ( const char *  string  )  [protected]

Definition at line 466 of file TGHtml.cxx.

References THashTable::Add(), THashTable::FindObject(), and fUidTable.

Referenced by GetColorByName().

ColorStruct_t * TGHtml::AllocColor ( const char *  name  )  [protected]

Definition at line 256 of file TGHtml.cxx.

References TGObject::fClient, TGClient::GetDefaultColormap(), and gVirtualX.

Referenced by AddStyle(), GetColorByName(), HClear(), and TGHtml().

ColorStruct_t * TGHtml::AllocColorByValue ( ColorStruct_t color  )  [protected]

Definition at line 275 of file TGHtml.cxx.

References c, gClient, TGClient::GetDefaultColormap(), and gVirtualX.

void TGHtml::FreeColor ( ColorStruct_t color  )  [protected]

Definition at line 247 of file TGHtml.cxx.

References gClient, TGClient::GetDefaultColormap(), and gVirtualX.

Referenced by GetColorByName(), and HClear().

SHtmlStyle_t TGHtml::GetCurrentStyle (  )  [protected]

Definition at line 36 of file TGHtmlSizer.cxx.

References ALIGN_Left, COLOR_Background, COLOR_Normal, SHtmlStyle_t::fAlign, SHtmlStyle_t::fBgcolor, SHtmlStyle_t::fColor, SHtmlStyle_t::fExpbg, SHtmlStyle_t::fFlags, SHtmlStyle_t::fFont, SHtmlStyleStack_t::fStyle, fStyleStack, SHtmlStyle_t::fSubscript, and NormalFont.

Referenced by AddStyle(), PopStyleStack(), and UnderlineLinks().

void TGHtml::PushStyleStack ( int  tag,
SHtmlStyle_t  style 
) [protected]

Definition at line 59 of file TGHtmlSizer.cxx.

References fStyleStack, and p.

Referenced by AddStyle(), and UnderlineLinks().

SHtmlStyle_t TGHtml::PopStyleStack ( int  tag  )  [protected]

Definition at line 76 of file TGHtmlSizer.cxx.

References CANT_HAPPEN, fStyleStack, GetCurrentStyle(), Html_EndTABLE, Html_EndTD, Html_EndTH, Html_EndTR, Html_TABLE, Html_TD, Html_TH, Html_TR, Html_TypeCount, i, p, and type.

Referenced by AddStyle(), and UnderlineLinks().

void TGHtml::MakeInvisible ( TGHtmlElement p_first,
TGHtmlElement p_last 
) [protected]

Definition at line 140 of file TGHtmlSizer.cxx.

References SHtmlStyle_t::fFlags, TGHtmlElement::fPNext, TGHtmlElement::fStyle, and STY_Invisible.

Referenced by AddStyle().

int TGHtml::GetLinkColor ( const char *  zURL  )  [protected]

Definition at line 153 of file TGHtmlSizer.cxx.

References COLOR_Unvisited, COLOR_Visited, and IsVisited().

Referenced by AddStyle(), and UnderlineLinks().

void TGHtml::AddStyle ( TGHtmlElement p  )  [protected]

Definition at line 193 of file TGHtmlSizer.cxx.

References ALIGN_Center, ALIGN_Left, ALIGN_None, AllocColor(), TString::Append(), AppendArglist(), BoldFont, COLOR_Background, COLOR_Normal, COLOR_Unvisited, COLOR_Visited, CWFont, DumpToken(), SHtmlStyle_t::fAlign, fAnchorFlags, fAnchorStart, fApColor, SHtmlStyle_t::fBgcolor, fBgImage, TGView::fCanvas, TGHtmlLi::fCnt, TGHtmlListStart::fCnt, SHtmlStyle_t::fColor, TGHtmlMapArea::fCoords, SHtmlStyle_t::fExpbg, fFlags, SHtmlStyle_t::fFlags, SHtmlStyle_t::fFont, fFormElemStart, TGHtmlForm::fFormId, fFormStart, fInDt, fInnerList, fInTd, fInTr, TGHtmlListStart::fLPrev, TGHtmlListStart::fLtype, TGHtmlLi::fLtype, TGHtmlMapArea::fMType, TGHtmlMapArea::fNum, FontFamily, FontSize, FormCreate(), fOverrideColors, fOverrideFonts, fParaAlignment, TGHtmlForm::fPEnd, fPFirst, TGHtmlElement::fPNext, TGHtmlElement::fPPrev, fRowAlignment, SHtmlStyle_t::fSubscript, TGHtmlElement::fType, fUnderlineLinks, TGView::fWhiteGC, fZBase, fZBaseHref, GetColorByName(), GetCoords(), GetCurrentStyle(), TGGC::GetGC(), GetImage(), GetLinkColor(), TGHtmlMarkupElement::GetOrderedListType(), TGString::GetString(), TGHtmlMarkupElement::GetUnorderedListType(), gVirtualX, Html_A, Html_ADDRESS, Html_APPLET, Html_AREA, Html_B, Html_BASE, Html_BASEFONT, Html_BIG, Html_BLOCKQUOTE, Html_BODY, Html_CAPTION, Html_CENTER, Html_CITE, Html_CODE, Html_COMMENT, Html_DD, Html_DFN, Html_DIR, Html_DIV, Html_DL, Html_DT, Html_EM, Html_EMBED, Html_EndA, Html_EndADDRESS, Html_EndAPPLET, Html_EndB, Html_EndBASEFONT, Html_EndBIG, Html_EndBLOCKQUOTE, Html_EndBODY, Html_EndCAPTION, Html_EndCENTER, Html_EndCITE, Html_EndCODE, Html_EndCOMMENT, Html_EndDD, Html_EndDFN, Html_EndDIR, Html_EndDIV, Html_EndDL, Html_EndDT, Html_EndEM, Html_EndFONT, Html_EndFORM, Html_EndH1, Html_EndH2, Html_EndH3, Html_EndH4, Html_EndH5, Html_EndH6, Html_EndI, Html_EndKBD, Html_EndLISTING, Html_EndMAP, Html_EndMARQUEE, Html_EndMENU, Html_EndNOBR, Html_EndNOEMBED, Html_EndNOFRAMES, Html_EndNOSCRIPT, Html_EndOL, Html_EndP, Html_EndPRE, Html_EndS, Html_EndSAMP, Html_EndSELECT, Html_EndSMALL, Html_EndSTRIKE, Html_EndSTRONG, Html_EndSUB, Html_EndSUP, Html_EndTABLE, Html_EndTD, Html_EndTEXTAREA, Html_EndTH, Html_EndTITLE, Html_EndTR, Html_EndTT, Html_EndU, Html_EndUL, Html_EndVAR, Html_EndXMP, Html_FONT, Html_FORM, Html_H1, Html_H2, Html_H3, Html_H4, Html_H5, Html_H6, Html_HR, Html_I, Html_IMG, Html_INPUT, Html_KBD, Html_LI, Html_LISTING, Html_MAP, HTML_MAP_CIRCLE, HTML_MAP_POLY, HTML_MAP_RECT, Html_MARQUEE, Html_MENU, Html_NOBR, Html_NOEMBED, Html_NOFRAMES, Html_NOSCRIPT, Html_OL, Html_OPTION, Html_P, Html_PLAINTEXT, Html_PRE, Html_S, Html_SAMP, Html_SCRIPT, Html_SELECT, Html_SMALL, Html_STRIKE, Html_STRONG, Html_STYLE, Html_SUB, Html_SUP, Html_TABLE, Html_TD, Html_TEXTAREA, Html_TH, Html_TITLE, Html_TR, Html_TT, Html_U, Html_UL, Html_VAR, HTML_Visible, Html_XMP, HtmlTrace_Style, i, ItalicFont, kFillTiled, kGCFillStyle, kGCGraphicsExposures, kGCTile, kTRUE, LI_TYPE_Bullet1, LI_TYPE_Bullet2, LI_TYPE_Bullet3, LI_TYPE_Enum_1, list, LoadImage(), MakeInvisible(), TGHtmlMarkupElement::MarkupArg(), mask, n, N_FONT_SIZE, p, PopStyleStack(), ProcessScript(), PushStyleStack(), ResolveUri(), result(), ScaleFont(), TGView::SetBackgroundColor(), TGWindow::SetBackgroundPixmap(), TGView::SetBackgroundPixmap(), size, sprintf(), strcasecmp, StrDup(), STY_Anchor, STY_DT, STY_Invisible, STY_NoBreak, STY_Preformatted, STY_StrikeThru, STY_Underline, STYLER_RUNNING, TableBgndImage(), TokenizerAppend(), and TRACE.

Referenced by ParseText(), and TextInsertCmd().

void TGHtml::Sizer (  )  [protected]

Definition at line 1058 of file TGHtmlSizer.cxx.

References TGHtmlElement::fFlags, fLastSized, fPFirst, TGHtmlElement::fPNext, GetFont(), TGFont::GetFontMetrics(), HTML_Visible, p, and STY_Invisible.

Referenced by LayoutDoc().

int TGHtml::NextMarkupType ( TGHtmlElement p  )  [protected]

Definition at line 811 of file TGHtmlLayout.cxx.

References Html_Unknown, and p.

TGHtmlElement * TGHtml::AttrElem ( const char *  name,
char *  value 
) [protected]

Definition at line 1840 of file TGHtml.cxx.

References fPFirst, Html_A, and p.

Referenced by LayoutDoc().

void TGHtml::AppendArglist ( TGString str,
TGHtmlMarkupElement pElem 

Definition at line 1385 of file TGHtmlParse.cxx.

References TGHtmlMarkupElement::fArgv, TGHtmlElement::fCount, and str.

Referenced by AddStyle(), and TableText().

TGHtmlElement * TGHtml::FindEndNest ( TGHtmlElement sp,
int  en,
TGHtmlElement lp 

Definition at line 309 of file TGHtmlTable.cxx.

References TGHtmlElement::fPNext, TGHtmlElement::fType, Html_EndOL, Html_EndUL, Html_FORM, Html_LI, Html_OPTION, Html_TABLE, n, and p.

Referenced by TableText().

TGString * TGHtml::ListTokens ( TGHtmlElement p,
TGHtmlElement pEnd 

Definition at line 1452 of file TGHtmlParse.cxx.

References SHtmlTokenMap_t::fType, SHtmlTokenMap_t::fZName, fZText, Html_Block, HTML_NewLine, Html_Space, Html_Text, Html_Unknown, HtmlMarkupMap, p, snprintf, and str.

TGString * TGHtml::TableText ( TGHtmlTable pTable,
int  flags 

Definition at line 101 of file TGHtmlTable.cxx.

References TString::Append(), AppendArglist(), buf, TString::Data(), FindEndNest(), TGHtmlTable::fPEnd, TGHtmlElement::fType, fZText, TGString::GetLength(), TGString::GetString(), h, Html_BR, Html_CAPTION, Html_EndCAPTION, Html_EndTABLE, Html_EndTD, Html_EndTH, Html_EndTR, Html_IMG, HTML_MAX_COLUMNS, Html_Space, Html_TABLE, Html_TD, Html_Text, Html_TH, Html_TR, j, p, snprintf, str, StringHW(), and w.

virtual void TGHtml::MouseOver ( const char *  uri  )  [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 1114 of file TGHtml.h.

References TQObject::Emit().

Referenced by HandleMotion().

virtual void TGHtml::MouseDown ( const char *  uri  )  [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 1115 of file TGHtml.h.

References TQObject::Emit().

Referenced by HandleButton().

void TGHtml::ButtonClicked ( const char *  name,
const char *  val 
) [virtual]

Definition at line 1270 of file TGHtml.cxx.

References TQObject::Emit().

Referenced by HandleHtmlInput().

void TGHtml::SubmitClicked ( const char *  val  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 1323 of file TGHtml.cxx.

References TQObject::Emit().

Referenced by HandleHtmlInput().

void TGHtml::CheckToggled ( const char *  name,
Bool_t  on,
const char *  val 
) [virtual]

Definition at line 1283 of file TGHtml.cxx.

References TQObject::Emit().

Referenced by HandleHtmlInput().

void TGHtml::RadioChanged ( const char *  name,
const char *  val 
) [virtual]

Definition at line 1297 of file TGHtml.cxx.

References TQObject::Emit().

Referenced by HandleHtmlInput().

void TGHtml::InputSelected ( const char *  name,
const char *  val 
) [virtual]

Definition at line 1310 of file TGHtml.cxx.

References TQObject::Emit().

Referenced by HandleHtmlInput().

void TGHtml::SavePrimitive ( ostream &  out,
Option_t = "" 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TGCompositeFrame.

Definition at line 2055 of file TGHtml.cxx.

References TString::Data(), TGView::fCanvas, TString::Form(), TGWindow::fParent, TGFrame::GetBackground(), TGFrame::GetHeight(), TGWindow::GetName(), GetText(), TGFrame::GetWhitePixel(), TGFrame::GetWidth(), and TGText::Save().

void TGHtml::UpdateBackgroundStart (  )  [protected, virtual]

Reimplemented from TGView.

Definition at line 234 of file TGHtml.cxx.

Referenced by Redraw().

TGHtml::ClassDef ( TGHtml  ,
) [protected]

virtual Bool_t TGHtml::HandleFocusChange ( Event_t event  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from TGCompositeFrame.

virtual Bool_t TGHtml::HandleButton ( Event_t event  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from TGView.

virtual Bool_t TGHtml::HandleMotion ( Event_t event  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from TGCompositeFrame.

virtual Bool_t TGHtml::HandleIdleEvent ( TGIdleHandler i  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from TGWindow.

virtual Bool_t TGHtml::HandleTimer ( TTimer timer  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from TGWindow.

virtual Bool_t TGHtml::ProcessMessage ( Long_t  ,
Long_t  ,
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TGView.

virtual void TGHtml::DrawRegion ( Int_t  x,
Int_t  y,
UInt_t  w,
UInt_t  h 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TGView.

virtual Bool_t TGHtml::ItemLayout (  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from TGView.

Bool_t TGHtml::HandleHtmlInput ( TGHtmlInput pr,
Event_t event 

Bool_t TGHtml::HandleRadioButton ( TGHtmlInput p  ) 

int TGHtml::ParseText ( char *  text,
const char *  index = 0 

void TGHtml::SetTableRelief ( int  relief  ) 

int TGHtml::GetTableRelief (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 896 of file TGHtml.h.

References fTableRelief.

void TGHtml::SetRuleRelief ( int  relief  ) 

int TGHtml::GetRuleRelief (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 899 of file TGHtml.h.

References fRuleRelief.

int TGHtml::GetRulePadding (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 900 of file TGHtml.h.

References fRulePadding.

void TGHtml::UnderlineLinks ( int  onoff  ) 

void TGHtml::SetBaseUri ( const char *  uri  ) 

const char* TGHtml::GetBaseUri (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 905 of file TGHtml.h.

References fZBase.

int TGHtml::GotoAnchor ( const char *  name  ) 

virtual void TGHtml::Clear ( Option_t = ""  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from TGView.

virtual char* TGHtml::ResolveUri ( const char *  uri  )  [virtual]

virtual TImage* TGHtml::LoadImage ( const char *  uri,
int  w = 0,
int  h = 0 
) [virtual]

virtual int TGHtml::IsVisited ( const char *   )  [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 922 of file TGHtml.h.

References kFALSE.

virtual int TGHtml::ProcessToken ( TGHtmlElement ,
const char *  ,
) [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 926 of file TGHtml.h.

References kFALSE.

virtual TGFont* TGHtml::GetFont ( int  iFont  )  [virtual]

virtual int TGHtml::ProcessFrame (  )  [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 936 of file TGHtml.h.

References kFALSE.

virtual TGFrame* TGHtml::ProcessApplet ( TGHtmlInput  )  [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 940 of file TGHtml.h.

virtual int TGHtml::FormCreate ( TGHtmlForm ,
const char *  ,
const char *   
) [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 944 of file TGHtml.h.

References kFALSE.

virtual int TGHtml::FormAction ( TGHtmlForm ,
) [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 948 of file TGHtml.h.

References kFALSE.

virtual char* TGHtml::GetFontName (  )  [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 952 of file TGHtml.h.

virtual char* TGHtml::ProcessScript ( TGHtmlScript  )  [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 956 of file TGHtml.h.

const char* TGHtml::GetText (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 960 of file TGHtml.h.

References fZText.

int TGHtml::GetMarginWidth (  )  [inline]

Definition at line 962 of file TGHtml.h.

References TGInsets::fL, fMargins, and TGInsets::fR.

int TGHtml::GetMarginHeight (  )  [inline]

Definition at line 963 of file TGHtml.h.

References TGInsets::fB, fMargins, and TGInsets::fT.

TGHtmlInput* TGHtml::GetInputElement ( int  x,
int  y 

const char* TGHtml::GetHref ( int  x,
int  y,
const char **  target = 0 

TGHtmlImage* TGHtml::GetImage ( TGHtmlImageMarkup p  ) 

int TGHtml::InArea ( TGHtmlMapArea p,
int  left,
int  top,
int  x,
int  y 

TGHtmlElement* TGHtml::GetMap ( const char *  name  ) 

void TGHtml::ResetBlocks (  )  [inline]

Definition at line 973 of file TGHtml.h.

References fFirstBlock, and fLastBlock.

int TGHtml::ElementCoords ( TGHtmlElement p,
int  i,
int  pct,
int *  coords 

TGHtmlElement* TGHtml::TableDimensions ( TGHtmlTable pStart,
int  lineWidth 

int TGHtml::CellSpacing ( TGHtmlElement pTable  ) 

void TGHtml::MoveVertically ( TGHtmlElement p,
TGHtmlElement pLast,
int  dy 

void TGHtml::PrintList ( TGHtmlElement first,
TGHtmlElement last 

char* TGHtml::GetTokenName ( TGHtmlElement p  ) 

char* TGHtml::DumpToken ( TGHtmlElement p  ) 

void TGHtml::EncodeText ( TGString str,
const char *  z 

void TGHtml::HClear (  )  [protected]

void TGHtml::ClearGcCache (  )  [protected]

void TGHtml::ResetLayoutContext (  )  [protected]

void TGHtml::Redraw (  )  [protected]

void TGHtml::ComputeVirtualSize (  )  [protected]

void TGHtml::ScheduleRedraw (  )  [protected]

void TGHtml::RedrawArea ( int  left,
int  top,
int  right,
int  bottom 
) [protected]

void TGHtml::RedrawBlock ( TGHtmlBlock p  )  [protected]

void TGHtml::RedrawEverything (  )  [protected]

void TGHtml::RedrawText ( int  y  )  [protected]

float TGHtml::ColorDistance ( ColorStruct_t pA,
ColorStruct_t pB 
) [protected]

int TGHtml::IsDarkColor ( ColorStruct_t p  )  [protected]

int TGHtml::IsLightColor ( ColorStruct_t p  )  [protected]

int TGHtml::GetColorByName ( const char *  zColor  )  [protected]

int TGHtml::GetDarkShadowColor ( int  iBgColor  )  [protected]

int TGHtml::GetLightShadowColor ( int  iBgColor  )  [protected]

int TGHtml::GetColorByValue ( ColorStruct_t pRef  )  [protected]

void TGHtml::FlashCursor (  )  [protected]

GContext_t TGHtml::GetGC ( int  color,
int  font 
) [protected]

GContext_t TGHtml::GetAnyGC (  )  [protected]

void TGHtml::AnimateImage ( TGHtmlImage image  )  [protected]

void TGHtml::ImageChanged ( TGHtmlImage image,
int  newWidth,
int  newHeight 
) [protected]

int TGHtml::GetImageAlignment ( TGHtmlElement p  )  [protected]

int TGHtml::GetImageAt ( int  x,
int  y 
) [protected]

const char* TGHtml::GetPctWidth ( TGHtmlElement p,
char *  opt,
char *  ret 
) [protected]

void TGHtml::TableBgndImage ( TGHtmlElement p  )  [protected]

TGHtmlElement* TGHtml::FillOutBlock ( TGHtmlBlock p  )  [protected]

void TGHtml::UnlinkAndFreeBlock ( TGHtmlBlock pBlock  )  [protected]

void TGHtml::AppendBlock ( TGHtmlElement pToken,
TGHtmlBlock pBlock 
) [protected]

void TGHtml::StringHW ( const char *  str,
int *  h,
int *  w 
) [protected]

TGHtmlElement* TGHtml::MinMax ( TGHtmlElement p,
int *  pMin,
int *  pMax,
int  lineWidth,
int  hasbg 
) [protected]

void TGHtml::DrawSelectionBackground ( TGHtmlBlock pBlock,
Drawable_t  Drawable_t,
int  x,
int  y 
) [protected]

void TGHtml::DrawRect ( Drawable_t  drawable,
TGHtmlElement src,
int  x,
int  y,
int  w,
int  h,
int  depth,
int  relief 
) [protected]

void TGHtml::BlockDraw ( TGHtmlBlock pBlock,
Drawable_t  wid,
int  left,
int  top,
int  width,
int  height,
Pixmap_t  pixmap 
) [protected]

void TGHtml::DrawImage ( TGHtmlImageMarkup image,
Drawable_t  wid,
int  left,
int  top,
int  right,
int  bottom 
) [protected]

void TGHtml::DrawTableBgnd ( int  x,
int  y,
int  w,
int  h,
Drawable_t  d,
TImage image 
) [protected]

TGHtmlElement* TGHtml::FindStartOfNextBlock ( TGHtmlElement p,
int *  pCnt 
) [protected]

void TGHtml::FormBlocks (  )  [protected]

void TGHtml::AppendElement ( TGHtmlElement pElem  )  [protected]

int TGHtml::Tokenize (  )  [protected]

void TGHtml::AppToken ( TGHtmlElement pNew,
TGHtmlElement p,
int  offs 
) [protected]

TGHtmlMarkupElement* TGHtml::MakeMarkupEntry ( int  objType,
int  type,
int  argc,
int  arglen[],
char *  argv[] 
) [protected]

void TGHtml::TokenizerAppend ( const char *  text  )  [protected]

TGHtmlElement* TGHtml::InsertToken ( TGHtmlElement pToken,
char *  zType,
char *  zArgs,
int  offs 
) [protected]

SHtmlTokenMap_t* TGHtml::NameToPmap ( char *  zType  )  [protected]

int TGHtml::NameToType ( char *  zType  )  [protected]

const char* TGHtml::TypeToName ( int  type  )  [protected]

int TGHtml::TextInsertCmd ( int  argc,
char **  argv 
) [protected]

SHtmlTokenMap_t* TGHtml::GetMarkupMap ( int  n  )  [protected]

TGHtmlElement* TGHtml::TokenByIndex ( int  N,
int  flag 
) [protected]

int TGHtml::TokenNumber ( TGHtmlElement p  )  [protected]

void TGHtml::MaxIndex ( TGHtmlElement p,
int *  pIndex,
int  isLast 
) [protected]

int TGHtml::IndexMod ( TGHtmlElement **  pp,
int *  ip,
char *  cp 
) [protected]

void TGHtml::FindIndexInBlock ( TGHtmlBlock pBlock,
int  x,
TGHtmlElement **  ppToken,
int *  pIndex 
) [protected]

void TGHtml::IndexToBlockIndex ( SHtmlIndex_t  sIndex,
TGHtmlBlock **  ppBlock,
int *  piIndex 
) [protected]

int TGHtml::DecodeBaseIndex ( const char *  zBase,
TGHtmlElement **  ppToken,
int *  pIndex 
) [protected]

int TGHtml::GetIndex ( const char *  zIndex,
TGHtmlElement **  ppToken,
int *  pIndex 
) [protected]

void TGHtml::LayoutDoc (  )  [protected]

int TGHtml::MapControls (  )  [protected]

void TGHtml::UnmapControls (  )  [protected]

void TGHtml::DeleteControls (  )  [protected]

int TGHtml::ControlSize ( TGHtmlInput p  )  [protected]

void TGHtml::SizeAndLink ( TGFrame frame,
TGHtmlInput pElem 
) [protected]

int TGHtml::FormCount ( TGHtmlInput p,
int  radio 
) [protected]

void TGHtml::AddFormInfo ( TGHtmlElement p  )  [protected]

void TGHtml::AddSelectOptions ( TGListBox lb,
TGHtmlElement p,
TGHtmlElement pEnd 
) [protected]

void TGHtml::AppendText ( TGString str,
TGHtmlElement pFirst,
TGHtmlElement pEnd 
) [protected]

void TGHtml::UpdateSelection ( int  forceUpdate  )  [protected]

void TGHtml::UpdateSelectionDisplay (  )  [protected]

void TGHtml::LostSelection (  )  [protected]

int TGHtml::SelectionSet ( const char *  startIx,
const char *  endIx 
) [protected]

void TGHtml::UpdateInsert (  )  [protected]

int TGHtml::SetInsert ( const char *  insIx  )  [protected]

const char* TGHtml::GetUid ( const char *  string  )  [protected]

ColorStruct_t* TGHtml::AllocColor ( const char *  name  )  [protected]

ColorStruct_t* TGHtml::AllocColorByValue ( ColorStruct_t color  )  [protected]

void TGHtml::FreeColor ( ColorStruct_t color  )  [protected]

SHtmlStyle_t TGHtml::GetCurrentStyle (  )  [protected]

void TGHtml::PushStyleStack ( int  tag,
SHtmlStyle_t  style 
) [protected]

SHtmlStyle_t TGHtml::PopStyleStack ( int  tag  )  [protected]

void TGHtml::MakeInvisible ( TGHtmlElement p_first,
TGHtmlElement p_last 
) [protected]

int TGHtml::GetLinkColor ( const char *  zURL  )  [protected]

void TGHtml::AddStyle ( TGHtmlElement p  )  [protected]

void TGHtml::Sizer (  )  [protected]

int TGHtml::NextMarkupType ( TGHtmlElement p  )  [protected]

TGHtmlElement* TGHtml::AttrElem ( const char *  name,
char *  value 
) [protected]

void TGHtml::AppendArglist ( TGString str,
TGHtmlMarkupElement pElem 

TGHtmlElement* TGHtml::FindEndNest ( TGHtmlElement sp,
int  en,
TGHtmlElement lp 

TGString* TGHtml::ListTokens ( TGHtmlElement p,
TGHtmlElement pEnd 

TGString* TGHtml::TableText ( TGHtmlTable pTable,
int  flags 

virtual void TGHtml::MouseOver ( const char *  uri  )  [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 1114 of file TGHtml.h.

References TQObject::Emit().

virtual void TGHtml::MouseDown ( const char *  uri  )  [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 1115 of file TGHtml.h.

References TQObject::Emit().

virtual void TGHtml::ButtonClicked ( const char *  name,
const char *  val 
) [virtual]

virtual void TGHtml::SubmitClicked ( const char *  val  )  [virtual]

virtual void TGHtml::CheckToggled ( const char *  name,
Bool_t  on,
const char *  val 
) [virtual]

virtual void TGHtml::RadioChanged ( const char *  name,
const char *  val 
) [virtual]

virtual void TGHtml::InputSelected ( const char *  name,
const char *  val 
) [virtual]

virtual void TGHtml::SavePrimitive ( ostream &  out,
Option_t = "" 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TGCompositeFrame.

virtual void TGHtml::UpdateBackgroundStart (  )  [protected, virtual]

Reimplemented from TGView.

TGHtml::ClassDef ( TGHtml  ,
) [protected]

Member Data Documentation

TGHtmlElement* TGHtml::fPFirst [protected]

Definition at line 1127 of file TGHtml.h.

Referenced by AddStyle(), AppendBlock(), AppendElement(), AppToken(), AttrElem(), DecodeBaseIndex(), FormBlocks(), GetMap(), GotoAnchor(), HClear(), ItemLayout(), LayoutDoc(), ParseText(), Redraw(), Sizer(), TGHtml(), TokenByIndex(), UnderlineLinks(), and UnlinkAndFreeBlock().

TGHtmlElement* TGHtml::fPLast [protected]

Definition at line 1128 of file TGHtml.h.

Referenced by AppendElement(), DecodeBaseIndex(), ElementCoords(), HClear(), ParseText(), TGHtml(), TokenByIndex(), and UnlinkAndFreeBlock().

int TGHtml::fNToken [protected]

Definition at line 1129 of file TGHtml.h.

Referenced by AppendElement(), AppToken(), HClear(), TGHtml(), and TokenByIndex().

TGHtmlElement* TGHtml::fLastSized [protected]

Definition at line 1131 of file TGHtml.h.

Referenced by HClear(), Redraw(), Sizer(), and TGHtml().

TGHtmlElement* TGHtml::fNextPlaced [protected]

Definition at line 1132 of file TGHtml.h.

Referenced by HClear(), ItemLayout(), LayoutDoc(), Redraw(), and TGHtml().

TGHtmlBlock* TGHtml::fFirstBlock [protected]

Definition at line 1134 of file TGHtml.h.

Referenced by AppendBlock(), DecodeBaseIndex(), GetHref(), GetImageAt(), HClear(), ItemLayout(), Redraw(), ResetBlocks(), TGHtml(), and UpdateSelectionDisplay().

TGHtmlBlock* TGHtml::fLastBlock [protected]

Definition at line 1135 of file TGHtml.h.

Referenced by AppendBlock(), FormBlocks(), HClear(), ItemLayout(), Redraw(), ResetBlocks(), and TGHtml().

TGHtmlInput* TGHtml::fFirstInput [protected]

Definition at line 1136 of file TGHtml.h.

Referenced by DeleteControls(), GetInputElement(), HandleRadioButton(), MapControls(), SizeAndLink(), TGHtml(), and UnmapControls().

TGHtmlInput* TGHtml::fLastInput [protected]

Definition at line 1137 of file TGHtml.h.

Referenced by DeleteControls(), SizeAndLink(), and TGHtml().

int TGHtml::fNInput [protected]

Definition at line 1138 of file TGHtml.h.

Referenced by ControlSize(), DeleteControls(), HClear(), ParseText(), and TGHtml().

int TGHtml::fNForm [protected]

Definition at line 1139 of file TGHtml.h.

Referenced by AddFormInfo(), HClear(), and TGHtml().

int TGHtml::fVarId [protected]

Definition at line 1140 of file TGHtml.h.

Referenced by HClear(), ItemLayout(), Redraw(), and TGHtml().

int TGHtml::fInputIdx [protected]

Definition at line 1142 of file TGHtml.h.

Referenced by AddFormInfo(), and TGHtml().

int TGHtml::fRadioIdx [protected]

Definition at line 1143 of file TGHtml.h.

Referenced by AddFormInfo(), and TGHtml().

SHtmlIndex_t TGHtml::fSelBegin [protected]

Definition at line 1147 of file TGHtml.h.

Referenced by DecodeBaseIndex(), HClear(), ItemLayout(), LostSelection(), Redraw(), SelectionSet(), TGHtml(), UpdateSelection(), and UpdateSelectionDisplay().

SHtmlIndex_t TGHtml::fSelEnd [protected]

Definition at line 1148 of file TGHtml.h.

Referenced by DecodeBaseIndex(), HClear(), ItemLayout(), LostSelection(), Redraw(), SelectionSet(), TGHtml(), UpdateSelection(), and UpdateSelectionDisplay().

TGHtmlBlock* TGHtml::fPSelStartBlock [protected]

Definition at line 1149 of file TGHtml.h.

Referenced by DrawSelectionBackground(), HClear(), LostSelection(), TGHtml(), UpdateSelection(), and UpdateSelectionDisplay().

Html_16_t TGHtml::fSelStartIndex [protected]

Definition at line 1150 of file TGHtml.h.

Referenced by DrawSelectionBackground(), TGHtml(), UpdateSelection(), and UpdateSelectionDisplay().

Html_16_t TGHtml::fSelEndIndex [protected]

Definition at line 1152 of file TGHtml.h.

Referenced by DrawSelectionBackground(), TGHtml(), UpdateSelection(), and UpdateSelectionDisplay().

TGHtmlBlock* TGHtml::fPSelEndBlock [protected]

Definition at line 1153 of file TGHtml.h.

Referenced by DrawSelectionBackground(), HClear(), LostSelection(), TGHtml(), UpdateSelection(), and UpdateSelectionDisplay().

int TGHtml::fInsOnTime [protected]

Definition at line 1157 of file TGHtml.h.

Referenced by FlashCursor(), and TGHtml().

int TGHtml::fInsOffTime [protected]

Definition at line 1158 of file TGHtml.h.

Referenced by FlashCursor(), and TGHtml().

int TGHtml::fInsStatus [protected]

Definition at line 1159 of file TGHtml.h.

Referenced by BlockDraw(), FlashCursor(), SetInsert(), TGHtml(), and UpdateInsert().

TTimer* TGHtml::fInsTimer [protected]

Definition at line 1160 of file TGHtml.h.

Referenced by FlashCursor(), HandleTimer(), TGHtml(), UpdateInsert(), and ~TGHtml().

SHtmlIndex_t TGHtml::fIns [protected]

Definition at line 1161 of file TGHtml.h.

Referenced by DecodeBaseIndex(), HClear(), SetInsert(), TGHtml(), and UpdateInsert().

TGHtmlBlock* TGHtml::fPInsBlock [protected]

Definition at line 1162 of file TGHtml.h.

Referenced by BlockDraw(), FlashCursor(), HClear(), SetInsert(), TGHtml(), and UpdateInsert().

int TGHtml::fInsIndex [protected]

Definition at line 1163 of file TGHtml.h.

Referenced by BlockDraw(), TGHtml(), and UpdateInsert().

char* TGHtml::fZText [protected]

Definition at line 1167 of file TGHtml.h.

Referenced by AddSelectOptions(), AppendText(), GetText(), HClear(), InsertToken(), ListTokens(), TableText(), TGHtml(), Tokenize(), and TokenizerAppend().

int TGHtml::fNText [protected]

Definition at line 1168 of file TGHtml.h.

Referenced by AppToken(), HClear(), TGHtml(), and TokenizerAppend().

int TGHtml::fNAlloc [protected]

Definition at line 1169 of file TGHtml.h.

Referenced by HClear(), TGHtml(), Tokenize(), and TokenizerAppend().

int TGHtml::fNComplete [protected]

Definition at line 1170 of file TGHtml.h.

Referenced by HClear(), TGHtml(), Tokenize(), and TokenizerAppend().

int TGHtml::fICol [protected]

Definition at line 1172 of file TGHtml.h.

Referenced by TGHtml(), and Tokenize().

int TGHtml::fIPlaintext [protected]

Definition at line 1174 of file TGHtml.h.

Referenced by HClear(), TGHtml(), and Tokenize().

TGHtmlScript* TGHtml::fPScript [protected]

Definition at line 1178 of file TGHtml.h.

Referenced by TGHtml(), and Tokenize().

TGIdleHandler* TGHtml::fIdle [protected]

Definition at line 1180 of file TGHtml.h.

Referenced by HandleIdleEvent(), ScheduleRedraw(), TGHtml(), and ~TGHtml().

SHtmlStyleStack_t* TGHtml::fStyleStack [protected]

Definition at line 1187 of file TGHtml.h.

Referenced by GetCurrentStyle(), HClear(), PopStyleStack(), PushStyleStack(), and TGHtml().

int TGHtml::fParaAlignment [protected]

Definition at line 1188 of file TGHtml.h.

Referenced by AddStyle(), HClear(), ParseText(), and TGHtml().

int TGHtml::fRowAlignment [protected]

Definition at line 1189 of file TGHtml.h.

Referenced by AddStyle(), HClear(), ParseText(), and TGHtml().

int TGHtml::fAnchorFlags [protected]

Definition at line 1190 of file TGHtml.h.

Referenced by AddStyle(), HClear(), ParseText(), TGHtml(), and UnderlineLinks().

int TGHtml::fInDt [protected]

Definition at line 1191 of file TGHtml.h.

Referenced by AddStyle(), HClear(), ParseText(), and TGHtml().

int TGHtml::fInTr [protected]

Definition at line 1192 of file TGHtml.h.

Referenced by AddStyle(), and TGHtml().

int TGHtml::fInTd [protected]

Definition at line 1193 of file TGHtml.h.

Referenced by AddStyle(), GetPctWidth(), and TGHtml().

TGHtmlAnchor* TGHtml::fAnchorStart [protected]

Definition at line 1194 of file TGHtml.h.

Referenced by AddStyle(), HClear(), ParseText(), TGHtml(), and UnderlineLinks().

TGHtmlForm* TGHtml::fFormStart [protected]

Definition at line 1195 of file TGHtml.h.

Referenced by AddFormInfo(), AddStyle(), HClear(), ParseText(), and TGHtml().

TGHtmlInput* TGHtml::fFormElemStart [protected]

Definition at line 1196 of file TGHtml.h.

Referenced by AddStyle(), and TGHtml().

TGHtmlInput* TGHtml::fFormElemLast [protected]

Definition at line 1197 of file TGHtml.h.

Referenced by AddFormInfo(), and TGHtml().

TGHtmlListStart* TGHtml::fInnerList [protected]

Definition at line 1198 of file TGHtml.h.

Referenced by AddStyle(), HClear(), ParseText(), and TGHtml().

TGHtmlElement* TGHtml::fLoEndPtr [protected]

Definition at line 1199 of file TGHtml.h.

Referenced by ParseText(), and TGHtml().

TGHtmlForm* TGHtml::fLoFormStart [protected]

Definition at line 1200 of file TGHtml.h.

Referenced by ParseText(), and TGHtml().

TGHtmlLayoutContext TGHtml::fLayoutContext [protected]

Definition at line 1206 of file TGHtml.h.

Referenced by LayoutDoc(), and ResetLayoutContext().

int TGHtml::fHighlightWidth [protected]

Definition at line 1210 of file TGHtml.h.

Referenced by Redraw(), and TGHtml().

TGInsets TGHtml::fMargins [protected]

Definition at line 1213 of file TGHtml.h.

Referenced by GetMarginHeight(), and GetMarginWidth().

ColorStruct_t* TGHtml::fHighlightBgColorPtr [protected]

Definition at line 1215 of file TGHtml.h.

Referenced by TGHtml().

ColorStruct_t* TGHtml::fHighlightColorPtr [protected]

Definition at line 1217 of file TGHtml.h.

Referenced by TGHtml().

TGFont* TGHtml::fAFont[N_FONT] [protected]

Definition at line 1218 of file TGHtml.h.

Referenced by GetFont(), TGHtml(), and ~TGHtml().

char TGHtml::fFontValid [protected]

Definition at line 1219 of file TGHtml.h.

Referenced by TGHtml().

ColorStruct_t* TGHtml::fApColor[N_COLOR] [protected]

Definition at line 1222 of file TGHtml.h.

Referenced by AddStyle(), GetColorByValue(), GetDarkShadowColor(), GetLightShadowColor(), HClear(), SizeAndLink(), and TGHtml().

Long_t TGHtml::fColorUsed [protected]

Definition at line 1223 of file TGHtml.h.

Referenced by GetColorByValue(), HClear(), and TGHtml().

int TGHtml::fIDark [protected]

Definition at line 1225 of file TGHtml.h.

Referenced by GetDarkShadowColor(), HClear(), and TGHtml().

int TGHtml::fILight [protected]

Definition at line 1226 of file TGHtml.h.

Referenced by GetLightShadowColor(), HClear(), and TGHtml().

ColorStruct_t* TGHtml::fBgColor [protected]

Definition at line 1227 of file TGHtml.h.

Referenced by HClear(), and TGHtml().

ColorStruct_t* TGHtml::fFgColor [protected]

Definition at line 1228 of file TGHtml.h.

Referenced by HClear(), and TGHtml().

ColorStruct_t* TGHtml::fNewLinkColor [protected]

Definition at line 1229 of file TGHtml.h.

Referenced by HClear(), and TGHtml().

ColorStruct_t* TGHtml::fOldLinkColor [protected]

Definition at line 1230 of file TGHtml.h.

Referenced by HClear(), and TGHtml().

ColorStruct_t* TGHtml::fSelectionColor [protected]

Definition at line 1231 of file TGHtml.h.

Referenced by HClear(), and TGHtml().

GcCache_t TGHtml::fAGcCache [protected]

Definition at line 1232 of file TGHtml.h.

Referenced by ClearGcCache(), GetAnyGC(), GetGC(), and TGHtml().

int TGHtml::fGcNextToFree [protected]

Definition at line 1233 of file TGHtml.h.

Referenced by ClearGcCache(), and TGHtml().

int TGHtml::fLastGC [protected]

Definition at line 1234 of file TGHtml.h.

Referenced by TGHtml().

TGHtmlImage* TGHtml::fImageList [protected]

Definition at line 1235 of file TGHtml.h.

Referenced by GetImage(), HandleTimer(), HClear(), Redraw(), and TGHtml().

TImage* TGHtml::fBgImage [protected]

Definition at line 1236 of file TGHtml.h.

Referenced by AddStyle(), BlockDraw(), HClear(), and TGHtml().

int TGHtml::fFormPadding [protected]

Definition at line 1238 of file TGHtml.h.

Referenced by MapControls(), SizeAndLink(), and TGHtml().

int TGHtml::fOverrideFonts [protected]

Definition at line 1239 of file TGHtml.h.

Referenced by AddStyle(), and TGHtml().

int TGHtml::fOverrideColors [protected]

Definition at line 1240 of file TGHtml.h.

Referenced by AddStyle(), and TGHtml().

int TGHtml::fUnderlineLinks [protected]

Definition at line 1241 of file TGHtml.h.

Referenced by AddStyle(), TGHtml(), and UnderlineLinks().

int TGHtml::fHasScript [protected]

Definition at line 1242 of file TGHtml.h.

Referenced by HClear(), TGHtml(), and Tokenize().

int TGHtml::fHasFrames [protected]

Definition at line 1243 of file TGHtml.h.

Referenced by HClear(), TGHtml(), and Tokenize().

int TGHtml::fAddEndTags [protected]

Definition at line 1244 of file TGHtml.h.

Referenced by TGHtml(), and Tokenize().

int TGHtml::fTableBorderMin [protected]

Definition at line 1245 of file TGHtml.h.

Referenced by TableDimensions(), and TGHtml().

int TGHtml::fVarind [protected]

Definition at line 1246 of file TGHtml.h.

Referenced by TGHtml().

int TGHtml::fExportSelection [protected]

Definition at line 1250 of file TGHtml.h.

Referenced by LostSelection(), SelectionSet(), and TGHtml().

int TGHtml::fTableRelief [protected]

Definition at line 1255 of file TGHtml.h.

Referenced by BlockDraw(), CellSpacing(), GetTableRelief(), SetTableRelief(), and TGHtml().

int TGHtml::fRuleRelief [protected]

Definition at line 1256 of file TGHtml.h.

Referenced by BlockDraw(), GetRuleRelief(), SetRuleRelief(), and TGHtml().

int TGHtml::fRulePadding [protected]

Definition at line 1257 of file TGHtml.h.

Referenced by GetRulePadding(), and TGHtml().

const char* TGHtml::fZBase [protected]

Definition at line 1258 of file TGHtml.h.

Referenced by AddStyle(), DecodeBaseIndex(), GetBaseUri(), ResolveUri(), SetBaseUri(), and TGHtml().

char* TGHtml::fZBaseHref [protected]

Definition at line 1259 of file TGHtml.h.

Referenced by AddStyle(), HClear(), ResolveUri(), and TGHtml().

Cursor_t TGHtml::fCursor [protected]

Definition at line 1260 of file TGHtml.h.

Referenced by TGHtml().

int TGHtml::fMaxX [protected]

Definition at line 1261 of file TGHtml.h.

Referenced by ComputeVirtualSize(), HClear(), ItemLayout(), LayoutDoc(), Redraw(), and TGHtml().

int TGHtml::fMaxY [protected]

Definition at line 1261 of file TGHtml.h.

Referenced by ComputeVirtualSize(), HClear(), ItemLayout(), LayoutDoc(), Redraw(), and TGHtml().

int TGHtml::fDirtyLeft [protected]

Definition at line 1264 of file TGHtml.h.

Referenced by DrawRegion(), DrawTableBgnd(), Redraw(), RedrawArea(), and TGHtml().

int TGHtml::fDirtyTop [protected]

Definition at line 1264 of file TGHtml.h.

Referenced by DrawRegion(), DrawTableBgnd(), Redraw(), RedrawArea(), and TGHtml().

int TGHtml::fDirtyRight [protected]

Definition at line 1267 of file TGHtml.h.

Referenced by DrawRegion(), DrawTableBgnd(), Redraw(), RedrawArea(), and TGHtml().

int TGHtml::fDirtyBottom [protected]

Definition at line 1267 of file TGHtml.h.

Referenced by DrawRegion(), DrawTableBgnd(), Redraw(), RedrawArea(), and TGHtml().

int TGHtml::fFlags [protected]

Definition at line 1268 of file TGHtml.h.

Referenced by AddStyle(), Clear(), DrawRegion(), FlashCursor(), HandleFocusChange(), ImageChanged(), ItemLayout(), LayoutDoc(), ParseText(), Redraw(), RedrawEverything(), ScheduleRedraw(), SetRuleRelief(), SetTableRelief(), TGHtml(), and UpdateSelection().

int TGHtml::fIdind [protected]

Definition at line 1269 of file TGHtml.h.

Referenced by AppToken(), InsertToken(), TGHtml(), and Tokenize().

int TGHtml::fInParse [protected]

Definition at line 1270 of file TGHtml.h.

Referenced by Redraw(), and TGHtml().

char* TGHtml::fZGoto [protected]

Definition at line 1271 of file TGHtml.h.

Referenced by LayoutDoc(), and TGHtml().

SHtmlExtensions_t* TGHtml::fExts [protected]

Definition at line 1273 of file TGHtml.h.

Referenced by TGHtml().

THashTable* TGHtml::fUidTable [protected]

Definition at line 1275 of file TGHtml.h.

Referenced by GetUid(), and TGHtml().

const char* TGHtml::fLastUri [protected]

Definition at line 1277 of file TGHtml.h.

Referenced by HandleMotion(), HClear(), and TGHtml().

int TGHtml::fExiting [protected]

Definition at line 1278 of file TGHtml.h.

Referenced by DeleteControls(), HClear(), TGHtml(), and ~TGHtml().

TGHtmlElement* TGHtml::fPFirst [protected]

Definition at line 1127 of file TGHtml.h.

TGHtmlElement* TGHtml::fPLast [protected]

Definition at line 1128 of file TGHtml.h.

TGHtmlElement* TGHtml::fLastSized [protected]

Definition at line 1131 of file TGHtml.h.

TGHtmlElement* TGHtml::fNextPlaced [protected]

Definition at line 1132 of file TGHtml.h.

TGHtmlBlock* TGHtml::fFirstBlock [protected]

Definition at line 1134 of file TGHtml.h.

TGHtmlBlock* TGHtml::fLastBlock [protected]

Definition at line 1135 of file TGHtml.h.

TGHtmlInput* TGHtml::fFirstInput [protected]

Definition at line 1136 of file TGHtml.h.

TGHtmlInput* TGHtml::fLastInput [protected]

Definition at line 1137 of file TGHtml.h.

TGHtmlBlock* TGHtml::fPSelStartBlock [protected]

Definition at line 1149 of file TGHtml.h.

TGHtmlBlock* TGHtml::fPSelEndBlock [protected]

Definition at line 1153 of file TGHtml.h.

TTimer* TGHtml::fInsTimer [protected]

Definition at line 1160 of file TGHtml.h.

TGHtmlBlock* TGHtml::fPInsBlock [protected]

Definition at line 1162 of file TGHtml.h.

char* TGHtml::fZText [protected]

Definition at line 1167 of file TGHtml.h.

TGHtmlScript* TGHtml::fPScript [protected]

Definition at line 1178 of file TGHtml.h.

TGIdleHandler* TGHtml::fIdle [protected]

Definition at line 1180 of file TGHtml.h.

SHtmlStyleStack_t* TGHtml::fStyleStack [protected]

Definition at line 1187 of file TGHtml.h.

TGHtmlAnchor* TGHtml::fAnchorStart [protected]

Definition at line 1194 of file TGHtml.h.

TGHtmlForm* TGHtml::fFormStart [protected]

Definition at line 1195 of file TGHtml.h.

TGHtmlInput* TGHtml::fFormElemStart [protected]

Definition at line 1196 of file TGHtml.h.

TGHtmlInput* TGHtml::fFormElemLast [protected]

Definition at line 1197 of file TGHtml.h.

TGHtmlListStart* TGHtml::fInnerList [protected]

Definition at line 1198 of file TGHtml.h.

TGHtmlElement* TGHtml::fLoEndPtr [protected]

Definition at line 1199 of file TGHtml.h.

TGHtmlForm* TGHtml::fLoFormStart [protected]

Definition at line 1200 of file TGHtml.h.

ColorStruct_t* TGHtml::fHighlightBgColorPtr [protected]

Definition at line 1215 of file TGHtml.h.

ColorStruct_t* TGHtml::fHighlightColorPtr [protected]

Definition at line 1217 of file TGHtml.h.

TGFont* TGHtml::fAFont[N_FONT] [protected]

Definition at line 1218 of file TGHtml.h.

ColorStruct_t* TGHtml::fApColor[N_COLOR] [protected]

Definition at line 1222 of file TGHtml.h.

ColorStruct_t* TGHtml::fBgColor [protected]

Definition at line 1227 of file TGHtml.h.

ColorStruct_t* TGHtml::fFgColor [protected]

Definition at line 1228 of file TGHtml.h.

ColorStruct_t* TGHtml::fNewLinkColor [protected]

Definition at line 1229 of file TGHtml.h.

ColorStruct_t* TGHtml::fOldLinkColor [protected]

Definition at line 1230 of file TGHtml.h.

ColorStruct_t* TGHtml::fSelectionColor [protected]

Definition at line 1231 of file TGHtml.h.

TGHtmlImage* TGHtml::fImageList [protected]

Definition at line 1235 of file TGHtml.h.

TImage* TGHtml::fBgImage [protected]

Definition at line 1236 of file TGHtml.h.

const char* TGHtml::fZBase [protected]

Definition at line 1258 of file TGHtml.h.

char* TGHtml::fZBaseHref [protected]

Definition at line 1259 of file TGHtml.h.

char* TGHtml::fZGoto [protected]

Definition at line 1271 of file TGHtml.h.

SHtmlExtensions_t* TGHtml::fExts [protected]

Definition at line 1273 of file TGHtml.h.

THashTable* TGHtml::fUidTable [protected]

Definition at line 1275 of file TGHtml.h.

const char* TGHtml::fLastUri [protected]

Definition at line 1277 of file TGHtml.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
Generated on Tue Jul 5 16:39:28 2011 for ROOT_528-00b_version by  doxygen 1.5.1