
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 // @(#)root/geom:$Id: TGeoPara.cxx 27731 2009-03-09 17:40:56Z brun $
00002 // Author: Andrei Gheata   31/01/02
00003 // TGeoPara::Contains() implemented by Mihaela Gheata
00005 /*************************************************************************
00006  * Copyright (C) 1995-2000, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers.               *
00007  * All rights reserved.                                                  *
00008  *                                                                       *
00009  * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE.                         *
00010  * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS.             *
00011  *************************************************************************/
00013 //_____________________________________________________________________________
00014 // TGeoPara - parallelipeped class. It has 6 parameters :
00015 //         dx, dy, dz - half lengths in X, Y, Z
00016 //         alpha - angle w.r.t the Y axis from center of low Y edge to
00017 //                 center of high Y edge [deg]
00018 //         theta, phi - polar and azimuthal angles of the segment between
00019 //                 low and high Z surfaces [deg]
00020 //
00021 //_____________________________________________________________________________
00022 //
00023 //Begin_Html
00024 /*
00025 <img src="gif/t_para.gif">
00026 */
00027 //End_Html
00028 //Begin_Html
00029 /*
00030 <img src="gif/t_paradivX.gif">
00031 */
00032 //End_Html
00033 //Begin_Html
00034 /*
00035 <img src="gif/t_paradivY.gif">
00036 */
00037 //End_Html
00038 //Begin_Html
00039 /*
00040 <img src="gif/t_paradivZ.gif">
00041 */
00042 //End_Html
00044 #include "Riostream.h"
00046 #include "TGeoManager.h"
00047 #include "TGeoMatrix.h"
00048 #include "TGeoVolume.h"
00049 #include "TGeoPara.h"
00050 #include "TMath.h"
00052 ClassImp(TGeoPara)
00054 //_____________________________________________________________________________
00055 TGeoPara::TGeoPara()
00056 {
00057 // Default constructor
00058    SetShapeBit(TGeoShape::kGeoPara);
00059    fX = fY = fZ = 0;
00060    fAlpha = 0;
00061    fTheta = 0;
00062    fPhi = 0;
00063    fTxy = 0;
00064    fTxz = 0;
00065    fTyz = 0;
00066 }   
00068 //_____________________________________________________________________________
00069 TGeoPara::TGeoPara(Double_t dx, Double_t dy, Double_t dz, Double_t alpha,
00070                    Double_t theta, Double_t phi)
00071            :TGeoBBox(0, 0, 0)
00072 {
00073 // Default constructor specifying minimum and maximum radius
00074    SetShapeBit(TGeoShape::kGeoPara);
00075    fX = dx;
00076    fY = dy;
00077    fZ = dz;
00078    fAlpha = alpha;
00079    fTheta = theta;
00080    fPhi = phi;
00081    fTxy = TMath::Tan(alpha*TMath::DegToRad());
00082    Double_t tth = TMath::Tan(theta*TMath::DegToRad());
00083    Double_t ph  = phi*TMath::DegToRad();
00084    fTxz = tth*TMath::Cos(ph);
00085    fTyz = tth*TMath::Sin(ph);
00086    if ((fX<0) || (fY<0) || (fZ<0)) {
00087 //      printf("para : %f %f %f\n", fX, fY, fZ);
00088       SetShapeBit(kGeoRunTimeShape);
00089    }
00090    else ComputeBBox();
00091 }
00093 //_____________________________________________________________________________
00094 TGeoPara::TGeoPara(const char *name, Double_t dx, Double_t dy, Double_t dz, Double_t alpha,
00095                    Double_t theta, Double_t phi)
00096            :TGeoBBox(name, 0, 0, 0)
00097 {
00098 // Default constructor specifying minimum and maximum radius
00099    SetShapeBit(TGeoShape::kGeoPara);
00100    fX = dx;
00101    fY = dy;
00102    fZ = dz;
00103    fAlpha = alpha;
00104    fTheta = theta;
00105    fPhi = phi;
00106    fTxy = TMath::Tan(alpha*TMath::DegToRad());
00107    Double_t tth = TMath::Tan(theta*TMath::DegToRad());
00108    Double_t ph  = phi*TMath::DegToRad();
00109    fTxz = tth*TMath::Cos(ph);
00110    fTyz = tth*TMath::Sin(ph);
00111    if ((fX<0) || (fY<0) || (fZ<0)) {
00112 //      printf("para : %f %f %f\n", fX, fY, fZ);
00113       SetShapeBit(kGeoRunTimeShape);
00114    }
00115    else ComputeBBox();
00116 }
00118 //_____________________________________________________________________________
00119 TGeoPara::TGeoPara(Double_t *param)
00120            :TGeoBBox(0, 0, 0)
00121 {
00122 // Default constructor
00123 // param[0] = dx
00124 // param[1] = dy
00125 // param[2] = dz
00126 // param[3] = alpha
00127 // param[4] = theta
00128 // param[5] = phi
00129    SetShapeBit(TGeoShape::kGeoPara);
00130    SetDimensions(param);
00131    if ((fX<0) || (fY<0) || (fZ<0)) SetShapeBit(kGeoRunTimeShape);
00132    else ComputeBBox();
00133 }
00135 //_____________________________________________________________________________
00136 TGeoPara::~TGeoPara()
00137 {
00138 // destructor
00139 }
00141 //_____________________________________________________________________________
00142 Double_t TGeoPara::Capacity() const
00143 {
00144 // Computes capacity of the shape in [length^3]
00145    Double_t capacity = 8.*fX*fY*fZ;
00146    return capacity;
00147 }      
00149 //_____________________________________________________________________________   
00150 void TGeoPara::ComputeBBox()
00151 {
00152 // compute bounding box
00153    Double_t dx = fX+fY*TMath::Abs(fTxy)+fZ*TMath::Abs(fTxz);
00154    Double_t dy = fY+fZ*TMath::Abs(fTyz);
00155    Double_t dz = fZ;
00156    TGeoBBox::SetBoxDimensions(dx, dy, dz);
00157    memset(fOrigin, 0, 3*sizeof(Double_t));
00158 }   
00160 //_____________________________________________________________________________   
00161 void TGeoPara::ComputeNormal(Double_t *point, Double_t *dir, Double_t *norm)
00162 {
00163 // Compute normal to closest surface from POINT. 
00164    Double_t saf[3];
00165    // distance from point to higher Z face
00166    saf[0] = TMath::Abs(fZ-TMath::Abs(point[2])); // Z
00168    Double_t yt = point[1]-fTyz*point[2];      
00169    saf[1] = TMath::Abs(fY-TMath::Abs(yt));       // Y
00170    // cos of angle YZ
00171    Double_t cty = 1.0/TMath::Sqrt(1.0+fTyz*fTyz);
00173    Double_t xt = point[0]-fTxz*point[2]-fTxy*yt;      
00174    saf[2] = TMath::Abs(fX-TMath::Abs(xt));       // X
00175    // cos of angle XZ
00176    Double_t ctx = 1.0/TMath::Sqrt(1.0+fTxy*fTxy+fTxz*fTxz);
00177    saf[2] *= ctx;
00178    saf[1] *= cty;
00179    Int_t i = TMath::LocMin(3,saf);
00180    switch (i) {
00181       case 0:
00182          norm[0] = norm[1] = 0;
00183          norm[2] = TMath::Sign(1.,dir[2]);
00184          return;
00185       case 1:
00186          norm[0] = 0;   
00187          norm[1] = cty;
00188          norm[2] = - fTyz*cty;
00189          break;
00190       case 2:
00191          norm[0] = TMath::Cos(fTheta*TMath::DegToRad())*TMath::Cos(fAlpha*TMath::DegToRad());
00192          norm[1] = - TMath::Cos(fTheta*TMath::DegToRad())*TMath::Sin(fAlpha*TMath::DegToRad());
00193          norm[2] = -TMath::Sin(fTheta*TMath::DegToRad());
00194    }
00195    if (norm[0]*dir[0]+norm[1]*dir[1]+norm[2]*dir[2]<0) {
00196       norm[0] = -norm[0];
00197       norm[1] = -norm[1];
00198       norm[2] = -norm[2];
00199    }         
00200 }
00202 //_____________________________________________________________________________
00203 Bool_t TGeoPara::Contains(Double_t *point) const
00204 {
00205 // test if point is inside this sphere
00206    // test Z range
00207    if (TMath::Abs(point[2]) > fZ) return kFALSE;
00208    // check X and Y
00209    Double_t yt=point[1]-fTyz*point[2];
00210    if (TMath::Abs(yt) > fY) return kFALSE;
00211    Double_t xt=point[0]-fTxz*point[2]-fTxy*yt;
00212    if (TMath::Abs(xt) > fX) return kFALSE;
00213    return kTRUE;
00214 }
00216 //_____________________________________________________________________________
00217 Double_t TGeoPara::DistFromInside(Double_t *point, Double_t *dir, Int_t iact, Double_t step, Double_t *safe) const
00218 {
00219 // compute distance from inside point to surface of the para
00220 // Boundary safe algorithm.
00221    if (iact<3 && safe) {
00222    // compute safety
00223       *safe = Safety(point, kTRUE);
00224       if (iact==0) return TGeoShape::Big();
00225       if (iact==1 && step<*safe) return TGeoShape::Big(); 
00226    }
00227    Double_t saf[2];
00228    Double_t snxt = TGeoShape::Big();
00229    Double_t s;
00230    saf[0] = fZ+point[2];
00231    saf[1] = fZ-point[2];
00232    if (!TGeoShape::IsSameWithinTolerance(dir[2],0)) {
00233       s = (dir[2]>0)?(saf[1]/dir[2]):(-saf[0]/dir[2]);
00234       if (s<0) return 0.0;
00235       if (s<snxt) snxt = s;
00236    }
00237    // distance from point to center axis on Y 
00238    Double_t yt = point[1]-fTyz*point[2];      
00239    saf[0] = fY+yt;
00240    saf[1] = fY-yt;
00241    Double_t dy = dir[1]-fTyz*dir[2];
00242    if (!TGeoShape::IsSameWithinTolerance(dy,0)) {
00243       s = (dy>0)?(saf[1]/dy):(-saf[0]/dy);
00244       if (s<0) return 0.0;
00245       if (s<snxt) snxt = s;
00246    }   
00247    // distance from point to center axis on X 
00248    Double_t xt = point[0]-fTxz*point[2]-fTxy*yt;      
00249    saf[0] = fX+xt;
00250    saf[1] = fX-xt;
00251    Double_t dx = dir[0]-fTxz*dir[2]-fTxy*dy;
00252    if (!TGeoShape::IsSameWithinTolerance(dx,0)) {
00253       s = (dx>0)?(saf[1]/dx):(-saf[0]/dx);
00254       if (s<0) return 0.0;
00255       if (s<snxt) snxt = s;
00256    }   
00257    return snxt;
00258 }
00260 //_____________________________________________________________________________
00261 Double_t TGeoPara::DistFromOutside(Double_t *point, Double_t *dir, Int_t iact, Double_t step, Double_t *safe) const
00262 {
00263 // compute distance from inside point to surface of the para
00264    Double_t snxt=TGeoShape::Big();
00265    if (iact<3 && safe) {
00266       // compute safe distance
00267       *safe = Safety(point, kFALSE);
00268       if (iact==0) return TGeoShape::Big();
00269       if (iact==1 && step<*safe) return TGeoShape::Big();
00270    }
00271    Bool_t in = kTRUE;
00272    Double_t safz;
00273    safz = TMath::Abs(point[2])-fZ;
00274    if (safz>0) {
00275       // outside Z
00276       if (point[2]*dir[2]>=0) return TGeoShape::Big();
00277       in = kFALSE;
00278    }   
00279    Double_t yt=point[1]-fTyz*point[2];
00280    Double_t safy = TMath::Abs(yt)-fY;
00281    Double_t dy=dir[1]-fTyz*dir[2];   
00282    if (safy>0) {
00283       if (yt*dy>=0) return TGeoShape::Big();
00284       in = kFALSE;
00285    }   
00286    Double_t xt=point[0]-fTxy*yt-fTxz*point[2];
00287    Double_t safx = TMath::Abs(xt)-fX;
00288    Double_t dx=dir[0]-fTxy*dy-fTxz*dir[2];
00289    if (safx>0) {
00290       if (xt*dx>=0) return TGeoShape::Big();
00291       in = kFALSE;
00292    }   
00293    // protection in case point is actually inside
00294    if (in) {
00295       if (safz>safx && safz>safy) {
00296          if (point[2]*dir[2]>0) return TGeoShape::Big();
00297          return 0.0;
00298       }
00299       if (safx>safy) {
00300          if (xt*dx>0) return TGeoShape::Big();
00301          return 0.0;
00302       }
00303       if (yt*dy>0) return TGeoShape::Big();
00304       return 0.0;
00305    }         
00306    Double_t xnew,ynew,znew;
00307    if (safz>0) {
00308       snxt = safz/TMath::Abs(dir[2]);
00309       xnew = point[0]+snxt*dir[0];
00310       ynew = point[1]+snxt*dir[1];
00311       znew = (point[2]>0)?fZ:(-fZ);
00312       Double_t ytn = ynew-fTyz*znew;
00313       if (TMath::Abs(ytn)<=fY) {
00314          Double_t xtn = xnew-fTxy*ytn-fTxz*znew;
00315          if (TMath::Abs(xtn)<=fX) return snxt;
00316       }
00317    }
00318    if (safy>0) {
00319       snxt = safy/TMath::Abs(dy);
00320       znew = point[2]+snxt*dir[2];
00321       if (TMath::Abs(znew)<=fZ) {
00322          Double_t ytn = (yt>0)?fY:(-fY);
00323          xnew = point[0]+snxt*dir[0];
00324          Double_t xtn = xnew-fTxy*ytn-fTxz*znew;
00325          if (TMath::Abs(xtn)<=fX) return snxt;
00326       }
00327    }
00328    if (safx>0) {
00329       snxt = safx/TMath::Abs(dx);
00330       znew = point[2]+snxt*dir[2];
00331       if (TMath::Abs(znew)<=fZ) { 
00332          ynew = point[1]+snxt*dir[1];
00333          Double_t ytn = ynew-fTyz*znew;
00334          if (TMath::Abs(ytn)<=fY) return snxt;
00335       }
00336    }          
00337    return TGeoShape::Big();                  
00338 }
00340 //_____________________________________________________________________________
00341 TGeoVolume *TGeoPara::Divide(TGeoVolume *voldiv, const char *divname, Int_t iaxis, Int_t ndiv, 
00342                              Double_t start, Double_t step) 
00343 {
00344 //--- Divide this paralelipiped shape belonging to volume "voldiv" into ndiv equal volumes
00345 // called divname, from start position with the given step. Returns pointer
00346 // to created division cell volume. In case a wrong division axis is supplied,
00347 // returns pointer to volume to be divided.
00348    TGeoShape *shape;           //--- shape to be created
00349    TGeoVolume *vol;            //--- division volume to be created
00350    TGeoVolumeMulti *vmulti;    //--- generic divided volume
00351    TGeoPatternFinder *finder;  //--- finder to be attached
00352    TString opt = "";           //--- option to be attached
00353    Double_t end=start+ndiv*step;
00354    switch (iaxis) {
00355       case 1:                  //--- divide on X
00356          shape = new TGeoPara(step/2, fY, fZ,fAlpha,fTheta, fPhi);
00357          finder = new TGeoPatternParaX(voldiv, ndiv, start, end);
00358          opt = "X";
00359          break;
00360       case 2:                  //--- divide on Y
00361          shape = new TGeoPara(fX, step/2, fZ, fAlpha, fTheta, fPhi);
00362          finder = new TGeoPatternParaY(voldiv, ndiv, start, end);
00363          opt = "Y";
00364          break;
00365       case 3:                  //--- divide on Z
00366          shape = new TGeoPara(fX, fY, step/2, fAlpha, fTheta, fPhi);
00367          finder = new TGeoPatternParaZ(voldiv, ndiv, start, end);
00368          opt = "Z";
00369          break;
00370       default:
00371          Error("Divide", "Wrong axis type for division");
00372          return 0;            
00373    }
00374    vol = new TGeoVolume(divname, shape, voldiv->GetMedium());
00375    vmulti = gGeoManager->MakeVolumeMulti(divname, voldiv->GetMedium());
00376    vmulti->AddVolume(vol);
00377    voldiv->SetFinder(finder);
00378    finder->SetDivIndex(voldiv->GetNdaughters());
00379    for (Int_t ic=0; ic<ndiv; ic++) {
00380       voldiv->AddNodeOffset(vol, ic, start+step/2.+ic*step, opt.Data());
00381       ((TGeoNodeOffset*)voldiv->GetNodes()->At(voldiv->GetNdaughters()-1))->SetFinder(finder);    
00382    }
00383    return vmulti;
00384 }   
00386 //_____________________________________________________________________________
00387 Double_t TGeoPara::GetAxisRange(Int_t iaxis, Double_t &xlo, Double_t &xhi) const
00388 {
00389 // Get range of shape for a given axis.
00390    xlo = 0;
00391    xhi = 0;
00392    Double_t dx = 0;
00393    switch (iaxis) {
00394       case 1:
00395          xlo = -fX;
00396          xhi = fX;
00397          dx = xhi-xlo;
00398          return dx;
00399       case 2:
00400          xlo = -fY;
00401          xhi = fY;
00402          dx = xhi-xlo;
00403          return dx;
00404       case 3:
00405          xlo = -fZ;
00406          xhi = fZ;
00407          dx = xhi-xlo;
00408          return dx;
00409    }
00410    return dx;
00411 }         
00413 //_____________________________________________________________________________
00414 void TGeoPara::GetBoundingCylinder(Double_t *param) const
00415 {
00416 //--- Fill vector param[4] with the bounding cylinder parameters. The order
00417 // is the following : Rmin, Rmax, Phi1, Phi2
00418    TGeoBBox::GetBoundingCylinder(param);
00419 }   
00421 //_____________________________________________________________________________
00422 Int_t TGeoPara::GetFittingBox(const TGeoBBox *parambox, TGeoMatrix *mat, Double_t &dx, Double_t &dy, Double_t &dz) const
00423 {
00424 // Fills real parameters of a positioned box inside this. Returns 0 if successfull.
00425    dx=dy=dz=0;
00426    if (mat->IsRotation()) {
00427       Error("GetFittingBox", "cannot handle parametrized rotated volumes");
00428       return 1; // ### rotation not accepted ###
00429    }
00430    //--> translate the origin of the parametrized box to the frame of this box.
00431    Double_t origin[3];
00432    mat->LocalToMaster(parambox->GetOrigin(), origin);
00433    if (!Contains(origin)) {
00434       Error("GetFittingBox", "wrong matrix - parametrized box is outside this");
00435       return 1; // ### wrong matrix ###
00436    }
00437    //--> now we have to get the valid range for all parametrized axis
00438    Double_t dd[3];
00439    dd[0] = parambox->GetDX();
00440    dd[1] = parambox->GetDY();
00441    dd[2] = parambox->GetDZ();
00442    //-> check if Z range is fixed
00443    if (dd[2]<0) {
00444       dd[2] = TMath::Min(origin[2]+fZ, fZ-origin[2]); 
00445       if (dd[2]<0) {
00446          Error("GetFittingBox", "wrong matrix");
00447          return 1;
00448       }
00449    }
00450    if (dd[0]>=0 && dd[1]>=0) {
00451       dx = dd[0];
00452       dy = dd[1];
00453       dz = dd[2];
00454       return 0;
00455    }
00456    //-> check now range at Z = origin[2] +/- dd[2]
00457    Double_t upper[8];
00458    Double_t lower[8];
00459    Double_t z=origin[2]-dd[2];
00460    lower[0]=z*fTxz-fTxy*fY-fX; 
00461    lower[1]=-fY+z*fTyz;
00462    lower[2]=z*fTxz+fTxy*fY-fX; 
00463    lower[3]=fY+z*fTyz;
00464    lower[4]=z*fTxz+fTxy*fY+fX; 
00465    lower[5]=fY+z*fTyz;
00466    lower[6]=z*fTxz-fTxy*fY+fX; 
00467    lower[7]=-fY+z*fTyz;
00468    z=origin[2]+dd[2];
00469    upper[0]=z*fTxz-fTxy*fY-fX; 
00470    upper[1]=-fY+z*fTyz;
00471    upper[2]=z*fTxz+fTxy*fY-fX; 
00472    upper[3]=fY+z*fTyz;
00473    upper[4]=z*fTxz+fTxy*fY+fX; 
00474    upper[5]=fY+z*fTyz;
00475    upper[6]=z*fTxz-fTxy*fY+fX; 
00476    upper[7]=-fY+z*fTyz;
00478    Double_t ddmin=TGeoShape::Big();
00479    for (Int_t iaxis=0; iaxis<2; iaxis++) {
00480       if (dd[iaxis]>=0) continue;
00481       ddmin=TGeoShape::Big();
00482       for (Int_t ivert=0; ivert<4; ivert++) {
00483          ddmin = TMath::Min(ddmin, TMath::Abs(origin[iaxis]-lower[2*ivert+iaxis]));
00484          ddmin = TMath::Min(ddmin, TMath::Abs(origin[iaxis]-upper[2*ivert+iaxis]));
00485       }
00486       dd[iaxis] = ddmin;
00487    }
00488    dx = dd[0];
00489    dy = dd[1];
00490    dz = dd[2];
00491    return 0;
00492 }   
00494 //_____________________________________________________________________________
00495 TGeoShape *TGeoPara::GetMakeRuntimeShape(TGeoShape *mother, TGeoMatrix * /*mat*/) const
00496 {
00497 // in case shape has some negative parameters, these has to be computed
00498 // in order to fit the mother
00499    if (!TestShapeBit(kGeoRunTimeShape)) return 0;
00500    if (!mother->TestShapeBit(kGeoPara)) {
00501       Error("GetMakeRuntimeShape", "invalid mother");
00502       return 0;
00503    }
00504    Double_t dx, dy, dz;
00505    if (fX<0) dx=((TGeoPara*)mother)->GetX();
00506    else dx=fX;
00507    if (fY<0) dy=((TGeoPara*)mother)->GetY();
00508    else dy=fY;
00509    if (fZ<0) dz=((TGeoPara*)mother)->GetZ();
00510    else dz=fZ;
00511    return (new TGeoPara(dx, dy, dz, fAlpha, fTheta, fPhi));
00512 }
00514 //_____________________________________________________________________________
00515 void TGeoPara::InspectShape() const
00516 {
00517 // print shape parameters
00518    printf("*** Shape %s: TGeoPara ***\n", GetName());
00519    printf("    dX = %11.5f\n", fX);
00520    printf("    dY = %11.5f\n", fY);
00521    printf("    dZ = %11.5f\n", fZ);
00522    printf("    alpha = %11.5f\n", fAlpha);
00523    printf("    theta = %11.5f\n", fTheta);
00524    printf("    phi   = %11.5f\n", fPhi);
00525    printf(" Bounding box:\n");
00526    TGeoBBox::InspectShape();
00527 }
00529 //_____________________________________________________________________________
00530 Double_t TGeoPara::Safety(Double_t *point, Bool_t in) const
00531 {
00532 // computes the closest distance from given point to this shape, according
00533 // to option. The matching point on the shape is stored in spoint.
00534    Double_t saf[3];
00535    // distance from point to higher Z face
00536    saf[0] = fZ-TMath::Abs(point[2]); // Z
00538    Double_t yt = point[1]-fTyz*point[2];      
00539    saf[1] = fY-TMath::Abs(yt);       // Y
00540    // cos of angle YZ
00541    Double_t cty = 1.0/TMath::Sqrt(1.0+fTyz*fTyz);
00543    Double_t xt = point[0]-fTxz*point[2]-fTxy*yt;      
00544    saf[2] = fX-TMath::Abs(xt);       // X
00545    // cos of angle XZ
00546    Double_t ctx = 1.0/TMath::Sqrt(1.0+fTxy*fTxy+fTxz*fTxz);
00547    saf[2] *= ctx;
00548    saf[1] *= cty;
00549    if (in) return saf[TMath::LocMin(3,saf)];
00550    for (Int_t i=0; i<3; i++) saf[i]=-saf[i];
00551    return saf[TMath::LocMax(3,saf)];
00552 }
00554 //_____________________________________________________________________________
00555 void TGeoPara::SavePrimitive(ostream &out, Option_t * /*option*/ /*= ""*/)
00556 {
00557 // Save a primitive as a C++ statement(s) on output stream "out".
00558    if (TObject::TestBit(kGeoSavePrimitive)) return;
00559    out << "   // Shape: " << GetName() << " type: " << ClassName() << endl;
00560    out << "   dx    = " << fX << ";" << endl;
00561    out << "   dy    = " << fY << ";" << endl;
00562    out << "   dz    = " << fZ << ";" << endl;
00563    out << "   alpha = " << fAlpha<< ";" << endl;
00564    out << "   theta = " << fTheta << ";" << endl;
00565    out << "   phi   = " << fPhi << ";" << endl;
00566    out << "   TGeoShape *" << GetPointerName() << " = new TGeoPara(\"" << GetName() << "\",dx,dy,dz,alpha,theta,phi);" << endl;  
00567    TObject::SetBit(TGeoShape::kGeoSavePrimitive);
00568 }
00570 //_____________________________________________________________________________
00571 void TGeoPara::SetDimensions(Double_t *param)
00572 {
00573 // Set dimensions starting from an array.
00574    fX     = param[0];
00575    fY     = param[1];
00576    fZ     = param[2];
00577    fAlpha = param[3];
00578    fTheta = param[4];
00579    fPhi   = param[5];
00580    fTxy = TMath::Tan(param[3]*TMath::DegToRad());
00581    Double_t tth = TMath::Tan(param[4]*TMath::DegToRad());
00582    Double_t ph  = param[5]*TMath::DegToRad();
00583    fTxz   = tth*TMath::Cos(ph);
00584    fTyz   = tth*TMath::Sin(ph);
00585 }   
00587 //_____________________________________________________________________________
00588 void TGeoPara::SetPoints(Double_t *points) const
00589 {
00590 // Create PARA mesh points
00591    if (!points) return;
00592    Double_t txy = fTxy;
00593    Double_t txz = fTxz;
00594    Double_t tyz = fTyz;
00595    *points++ = -fZ*txz-txy*fY-fX; *points++ = -fY-fZ*tyz; *points++ = -fZ;
00596    *points++ = -fZ*txz+txy*fY-fX; *points++ = +fY-fZ*tyz; *points++ = -fZ;
00597    *points++ = -fZ*txz+txy*fY+fX; *points++ = +fY-fZ*tyz; *points++ = -fZ;
00598    *points++ = -fZ*txz-txy*fY+fX; *points++ = -fY-fZ*tyz; *points++ = -fZ;
00599    *points++ = +fZ*txz-txy*fY-fX; *points++ = -fY+fZ*tyz; *points++ = +fZ;
00600    *points++ = +fZ*txz+txy*fY-fX; *points++ = +fY+fZ*tyz; *points++ = +fZ;
00601    *points++ = +fZ*txz+txy*fY+fX; *points++ = +fY+fZ*tyz; *points++ = +fZ;
00602    *points++ = +fZ*txz-txy*fY+fX; *points++ = -fY+fZ*tyz; *points++ = +fZ;
00603 }
00605 //_____________________________________________________________________________
00606 void TGeoPara::SetPoints(Float_t *points) const
00607 {
00608 // create sphere mesh points
00609    if (!points) return;
00610    Double_t txy = fTxy;
00611    Double_t txz = fTxz;
00612    Double_t tyz = fTyz;
00613    *points++ = -fZ*txz-txy*fY-fX; *points++ = -fY-fZ*tyz; *points++ = -fZ;
00614    *points++ = -fZ*txz+txy*fY-fX; *points++ = +fY-fZ*tyz; *points++ = -fZ;
00615    *points++ = -fZ*txz+txy*fY+fX; *points++ = +fY-fZ*tyz; *points++ = -fZ;
00616    *points++ = -fZ*txz-txy*fY+fX; *points++ = -fY-fZ*tyz; *points++ = -fZ;
00617    *points++ = +fZ*txz-txy*fY-fX; *points++ = -fY+fZ*tyz; *points++ = +fZ;
00618    *points++ = +fZ*txz+txy*fY-fX; *points++ = +fY+fZ*tyz; *points++ = +fZ;
00619    *points++ = +fZ*txz+txy*fY+fX; *points++ = +fY+fZ*tyz; *points++ = +fZ;
00620    *points++ = +fZ*txz-txy*fY+fX; *points++ = -fY+fZ*tyz; *points++ = +fZ;
00621 }
00623 //_____________________________________________________________________________
00624 void TGeoPara::Sizeof3D() const
00625 {
00626 // fill size of this 3-D object
00627    TGeoBBox::Sizeof3D();
00628 }

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