TGeoVolume Class Reference

#include <TGeoVolume.h>

Inheritance diagram for TGeoVolume:

TAtt3D TAttFill TAttLine TGeoAtt TNamed TAtt3D TAttFill TAttLine TGeoAtt TNamed TGeoVolumeAssembly TGeoVolumeAssembly TGeoVolumeMulti TGeoVolumeMulti List of all members.

Public Types

enum  EGeoVolumeTypes
enum  EGeoVolumeTypes

Public Member Functions

 TGeoVolume ()
 TGeoVolume (const char *name, const TGeoShape *shape, const TGeoMedium *med=0)
virtual ~TGeoVolume ()
virtual void cd (Int_t inode) const
void Browse (TBrowser *b)
Double_t Capacity () const
void CheckShapes ()
void ClearNodes ()
void ClearShape ()
void CleanAll ()
virtual TGeoVolumeCloneVolume () const
void CloneNodesAndConnect (TGeoVolume *newmother) const
void CheckGeometry (Int_t nrays=1, Double_t startx=0, Double_t starty=0, Double_t startz=0) const
void CheckOverlaps (Double_t ovlp=0.1, Option_t *option="") const
Int_t CountNodes (Int_t nlevels=1000, Int_t option=0)
Bool_t Contains (Double_t *point) const
virtual Bool_t IsAssembly () const
virtual Bool_t IsFolder () const
Bool_t IsRunTime () const
virtual Bool_t IsVolumeMulti () const
virtual void AddNode (const TGeoVolume *vol, Int_t copy_no, TGeoMatrix *mat=0, Option_t *option="")
void AddNodeOffset (const TGeoVolume *vol, Int_t copy_no, Double_t offset=0, Option_t *option="")
virtual void AddNodeOverlap (const TGeoVolume *vol, Int_t copy_no, TGeoMatrix *mat=0, Option_t *option="")
virtual TGeoVolumeDivide (const char *divname, Int_t iaxis, Int_t ndiv, Double_t start, Double_t step, Int_t numed=0, Option_t *option="")
virtual Int_t DistancetoPrimitive (Int_t px, Int_t py)
virtual void Draw (Option_t *option="")
virtual void DrawOnly (Option_t *option="")
TH2FLegoPlot (Int_t ntheta=20, Double_t themin=0., Double_t themax=180., Int_t nphi=60, Double_t phimin=0., Double_t phimax=360., Double_t rmin=0., Double_t rmax=9999999, Option_t *option="")
virtual void Paint (Option_t *option="")
void PrintNodes () const
void PrintVoxels () const
void ReplayCreation (const TGeoVolume *other)
virtual void ExecuteEvent (Int_t event, Int_t px, Int_t py)
Bool_t IsActive () const
Bool_t IsActiveDaughters () const
Bool_t IsAdded () const
Bool_t IsReplicated () const
Bool_t IsSelected () const
Bool_t IsCylVoxels () const
Bool_t IsXYZVoxels () const
Bool_t IsTopVolume () const
Bool_t IsValid () const
virtual Bool_t IsVisible () const
Bool_t IsVisibleDaughters () const
Bool_t IsVisContainers () const
Bool_t IsVisLeaves () const
Bool_t IsVisOnly () const
Bool_t IsAllInvisible () const
Bool_t IsRaytracing () const
Int_t Export (const char *filename, const char *name="", Option_t *option="")
TGeoNodeFindNode (const char *name) const
void FindOverlaps () const
Bool_t FindMatrixOfDaughterVolume (TGeoVolume *vol) const
virtual Int_t GetCurrentNodeIndex () const
virtual Int_t GetNextNodeIndex () const
TObjArrayGetNodes ()
Int_t GetNdaughters () const
Int_t GetNtotal () const
virtual Int_t GetByteCount () const
TGeoManagerGetGeoManager () const
TGeoMaterialGetMaterial () const
TGeoMediumGetMedium () const
TObjectGetField () const
TGeoPatternFinderGetFinder () const
TGeoVoxelFinderGetVoxels () const
const char * GetIconName () const
Int_t GetIndex (const TGeoNode *node) const
TGeoNodeGetNode (const char *name) const
TGeoNodeGetNode (Int_t i) const
Int_t GetNodeIndex (const TGeoNode *node, Int_t *check_list, Int_t ncheck) const
Int_t GetNumber () const
virtual char * GetObjectInfo (Int_t px, Int_t py) const
Bool_t GetOptimalVoxels () const
Option_tGetOption () const
char * GetPointerName () const
Char_t GetTransparency () const
TGeoShapeGetShape () const
void GrabFocus ()
void Gsord (Int_t)
Bool_t IsStyleDefault () const
void InspectMaterial () const
void InspectShape () const
virtual TGeoVolumeMakeCopyVolume (TGeoShape *newshape)
void MakeCopyNodes (const TGeoVolume *other)
TGeoVolumeMakeReflectedVolume (const char *newname="") const
Bool_t OptimizeVoxels ()
void RandomPoints (Int_t npoints=1000000, Option_t *option="")
void RandomRays (Int_t nrays=10000, Double_t startx=0, Double_t starty=0, Double_t startz=0)
void Raytrace (Bool_t flag=kTRUE)
void RegisterYourself (Option_t *option="")
void RemoveNode (TGeoNode *node)
TGeoNodeReplaceNode (TGeoNode *nodeorig, TGeoShape *newshape=0, TGeoMatrix *newpos=0, TGeoMedium *newmed=0)
void SaveAs (const char *filename, Option_t *option="") const
virtual void SavePrimitive (ostream &out, Option_t *option="")
void SelectVolume (Bool_t clear=kFALSE)
void SetActivity (Bool_t flag=kTRUE)
void SetActiveDaughters (Bool_t flag=kTRUE)
void SetAsTopVolume ()
void SetAdded ()
void SetReplicated ()
void SetCurrentPoint (Double_t x, Double_t y, Double_t z)
void SetCylVoxels (Bool_t flag=kTRUE)
void SetNodes (TObjArray *nodes)
void SetShape (const TGeoShape *shape)
void SetTransparency (Char_t transparency=0)
void SetField (TObject *field)
void SetOption (const char *option)
void SetAttVisibility (Bool_t vis)
virtual void SetVisibility (Bool_t vis=kTRUE)
virtual void SetVisContainers (Bool_t flag=kTRUE)
virtual void SetVisLeaves (Bool_t flag=kTRUE)
virtual void SetVisOnly (Bool_t flag=kTRUE)
virtual void SetLineColor (Color_t lcolor)
virtual void SetLineStyle (Style_t lstyle)
virtual void SetLineWidth (Width_t lwidth)
void SetInvisible ()
virtual void SetMedium (TGeoMedium *medium)
void SetVoxelFinder (TGeoVoxelFinder *finder)
void SetFinder (TGeoPatternFinder *finder)
void SetNumber (Int_t number)
void SetNtotal (Int_t ntotal)
void SortNodes ()
void UnmarkSaved ()
Bool_t Valid () const
void VisibleDaughters (Bool_t vis=kTRUE)
void InvisibleAll (Bool_t flag=kTRUE)
void Voxelize (Option_t *option)
Double_t Weight (Double_t precision=0.01, Option_t *option="va")
Double_t WeightA () const
 TGeoVolume ()
 TGeoVolume (const char *name, const TGeoShape *shape, const TGeoMedium *med=0)
virtual ~TGeoVolume ()
virtual void cd (Int_t inode) const
void Browse (TBrowser *b)
Double_t Capacity () const
void CheckShapes ()
void ClearNodes ()
void ClearShape ()
void CleanAll ()
virtual TGeoVolumeCloneVolume () const
void CloneNodesAndConnect (TGeoVolume *newmother) const
void CheckGeometry (Int_t nrays=1, Double_t startx=0, Double_t starty=0, Double_t startz=0) const
void CheckOverlaps (Double_t ovlp=0.1, Option_t *option="") const
Int_t CountNodes (Int_t nlevels=1000, Int_t option=0)
Bool_t Contains (Double_t *point) const
virtual Bool_t IsAssembly () const
virtual Bool_t IsFolder () const
Bool_t IsRunTime () const
virtual Bool_t IsVolumeMulti () const
virtual void AddNode (const TGeoVolume *vol, Int_t copy_no, TGeoMatrix *mat=0, Option_t *option="")
void AddNodeOffset (const TGeoVolume *vol, Int_t copy_no, Double_t offset=0, Option_t *option="")
virtual void AddNodeOverlap (const TGeoVolume *vol, Int_t copy_no, TGeoMatrix *mat=0, Option_t *option="")
virtual TGeoVolumeDivide (const char *divname, Int_t iaxis, Int_t ndiv, Double_t start, Double_t step, Int_t numed=0, Option_t *option="")
virtual Int_t DistancetoPrimitive (Int_t px, Int_t py)
virtual void Draw (Option_t *option="")
virtual void DrawOnly (Option_t *option="")
TH2FLegoPlot (Int_t ntheta=20, Double_t themin=0., Double_t themax=180., Int_t nphi=60, Double_t phimin=0., Double_t phimax=360., Double_t rmin=0., Double_t rmax=9999999, Option_t *option="")
virtual void Paint (Option_t *option="")
void PrintNodes () const
void PrintVoxels () const
void ReplayCreation (const TGeoVolume *other)
virtual void ExecuteEvent (Int_t event, Int_t px, Int_t py)
Bool_t IsActive () const
Bool_t IsActiveDaughters () const
Bool_t IsAdded () const
Bool_t IsReplicated () const
Bool_t IsSelected () const
Bool_t IsCylVoxels () const
Bool_t IsXYZVoxels () const
Bool_t IsTopVolume () const
Bool_t IsValid () const
virtual Bool_t IsVisible () const
Bool_t IsVisibleDaughters () const
Bool_t IsVisContainers () const
Bool_t IsVisLeaves () const
Bool_t IsVisOnly () const
Bool_t IsAllInvisible () const
Bool_t IsRaytracing () const
Int_t Export (const char *filename, const char *name="", Option_t *option="")
TGeoNodeFindNode (const char *name) const
void FindOverlaps () const
Bool_t FindMatrixOfDaughterVolume (TGeoVolume *vol) const
virtual Int_t GetCurrentNodeIndex () const
virtual Int_t GetNextNodeIndex () const
TObjArrayGetNodes ()
Int_t GetNdaughters () const
Int_t GetNtotal () const
virtual Int_t GetByteCount () const
TGeoManagerGetGeoManager () const
TGeoMaterialGetMaterial () const
TGeoMediumGetMedium () const
TObjectGetField () const
TGeoPatternFinderGetFinder () const
TGeoVoxelFinderGetVoxels () const
const char * GetIconName () const
Int_t GetIndex (const TGeoNode *node) const
TGeoNodeGetNode (const char *name) const
TGeoNodeGetNode (Int_t i) const
Int_t GetNodeIndex (const TGeoNode *node, Int_t *check_list, Int_t ncheck) const
Int_t GetNumber () const
virtual char * GetObjectInfo (Int_t px, Int_t py) const
Bool_t GetOptimalVoxels () const
Option_tGetOption () const
char * GetPointerName () const
Char_t GetTransparency () const
TGeoShapeGetShape () const
void GrabFocus ()
void Gsord (Int_t)
Bool_t IsStyleDefault () const
void InspectMaterial () const
void InspectShape () const
virtual TGeoVolumeMakeCopyVolume (TGeoShape *newshape)
void MakeCopyNodes (const TGeoVolume *other)
TGeoVolumeMakeReflectedVolume (const char *newname="") const
Bool_t OptimizeVoxels ()
void RandomPoints (Int_t npoints=1000000, Option_t *option="")
void RandomRays (Int_t nrays=10000, Double_t startx=0, Double_t starty=0, Double_t startz=0)
void Raytrace (Bool_t flag=kTRUE)
void RegisterYourself (Option_t *option="")
void RemoveNode (TGeoNode *node)
TGeoNodeReplaceNode (TGeoNode *nodeorig, TGeoShape *newshape=0, TGeoMatrix *newpos=0, TGeoMedium *newmed=0)
void SaveAs (const char *filename, Option_t *option="") const
virtual void SavePrimitive (ostream &out, Option_t *option="")
void SelectVolume (Bool_t clear=kFALSE)
void SetActivity (Bool_t flag=kTRUE)
void SetActiveDaughters (Bool_t flag=kTRUE)
void SetAsTopVolume ()
void SetAdded ()
void SetReplicated ()
void SetCurrentPoint (Double_t x, Double_t y, Double_t z)
void SetCylVoxels (Bool_t flag=kTRUE)
void SetNodes (TObjArray *nodes)
void SetShape (const TGeoShape *shape)
void SetTransparency (Char_t transparency=0)
void SetField (TObject *field)
void SetOption (const char *option)
void SetAttVisibility (Bool_t vis)
virtual void SetVisibility (Bool_t vis=kTRUE)
virtual void SetVisContainers (Bool_t flag=kTRUE)
virtual void SetVisLeaves (Bool_t flag=kTRUE)
virtual void SetVisOnly (Bool_t flag=kTRUE)
virtual void SetLineColor (Color_t lcolor)
virtual void SetLineStyle (Style_t lstyle)
virtual void SetLineWidth (Width_t lwidth)
void SetInvisible ()
virtual void SetMedium (TGeoMedium *medium)
void SetVoxelFinder (TGeoVoxelFinder *finder)
void SetFinder (TGeoPatternFinder *finder)
void SetNumber (Int_t number)
void SetNtotal (Int_t ntotal)
void SortNodes ()
void UnmarkSaved ()
Bool_t Valid () const
void VisibleDaughters (Bool_t vis=kTRUE)
void InvisibleAll (Bool_t flag=kTRUE)
void Voxelize (Option_t *option)
Double_t Weight (Double_t precision=0.01, Option_t *option="va")
Double_t WeightA () const

Static Public Member Functions

static TGeoVolumeImport (const char *filename, const char *name="", Option_t *option="")
static TGeoVolumeImport (const char *filename, const char *name="", Option_t *option="")

Protected Member Functions

 TGeoVolume (const TGeoVolume &)
TGeoVolumeoperator= (const TGeoVolume &)
 TGeoVolume (const TGeoVolume &)
TGeoVolumeoperator= (const TGeoVolume &)

Protected Attributes

 pointer to TGeoManager owning this volume
TString fOption
 just a hook for now
Int_t fNumber
 option - if any
Int_t fNtotal
 pointer to TGeoManager owning this volume

Detailed Description

Definition at line 60 of file TGeoVolume.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

enum TGeoVolume::EGeoVolumeTypes

Definition at line 83 of file TGeoVolume.h.

enum TGeoVolume::EGeoVolumeTypes

Definition at line 83 of file TGeoVolume.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

TGeoVolume::TGeoVolume ( const TGeoVolume  )  [protected]

Definition at line 409 of file TGeoVolume.cxx.

TGeoVolume::TGeoVolume (  ) 

Referenced by CloneVolume(), MakeCopyVolume(), TGeoVolumeMulti::MakeCopyVolume(), and ReplaceNode().

TGeoVolume::TGeoVolume ( const char *  name,
const TGeoShape shape,
const TGeoMedium med = 0 

Definition at line 378 of file TGeoVolume.cxx.

References TGeoManager::AddVolume(), TString::Data(), TObject::Fatal(), fField, fFinder, fGeoManager, fMedium, TNamed::fName, fNodes, fNtotal, fNumber, fOption, fShape, fVoxels, TGeoMedium::GetMaterial(), gGeoManager, TGeoShape::kGeoBad, kVolumeImportNodes, TObject::ResetBit(), TGeoMaterial::SetUsed(), TString::Strip(), and TObject::Warning().

TGeoVolume::~TGeoVolume (  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 454 of file TGeoVolume.cxx.

References TObjArray::Delete(), fFinder, fNodes, fVoxels, kVolumeClone, kVolumeImportNodes, and TObject::TestBit().

TGeoVolume::TGeoVolume ( const TGeoVolume  )  [protected]

TGeoVolume::TGeoVolume (  ) 

TGeoVolume::TGeoVolume ( const char *  name,
const TGeoShape shape,
const TGeoMedium med = 0 

virtual TGeoVolume::~TGeoVolume (  )  [virtual]

Member Function Documentation

TGeoVolume & TGeoVolume::operator= ( const TGeoVolume  )  [protected]

Definition at line 430 of file TGeoVolume.cxx.

References fField, fFinder, fGeoManager, fMedium, fNodes, fNtotal, fNumber, fOption, fShape, fVoxels, and TNamed::operator=().

Referenced by TGeoVolumeMulti::operator=().

void TGeoVolume::cd ( Int_t  inode  )  const [virtual]

Definition at line 845 of file TGeoVolume.cxx.

References TGeoPatternFinder::cd(), fFinder, and TGeoPatternFinder::GetDivIndex().

Referenced by PrintNodes().

void TGeoVolume::Browse ( TBrowser b  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from TObject.

Definition at line 469 of file TGeoVolume.cxx.

References b, TObject::ClassName(), GetFinder(), TNamed::GetName(), GetNdaughters(), GetNode(), GetShape(), TNamed::GetTitle(), TGeoNode::GetVolume(), i, IsAssembly(), IsVisible(), s1, TNamed::SetTitle(), and title.

Double_t TGeoVolume::Capacity (  )  const

Definition at line 501 of file TGeoVolume.cxx.

References TGeoShape::Capacity(), fShape, GetNdaughters(), GetNode(), i, and IsAssembly().

Referenced by WeightA().

void TGeoVolume::CheckShapes (  ) 

Definition at line 581 of file TGeoVolume.cxx.

References TObjArray::AddAt(), TObjArray::At(), TObject::Error(), fNodes, fShape, TObjArray::GetEntriesFast(), TGeoShape::GetMakeRuntimeShape(), TGeoNode::GetMatrix(), TNamed::GetName(), GetShape(), TGeoNode::GetVolume(), i, InspectShape(), TGeoShape::IsRunTimeShape(), TGeoNode::MakeCopyNode(), MakeCopyVolume(), and TGeoNode::SetVolume().

Referenced by TGeoNode::CheckShapes().

void TGeoVolume::ClearNodes (  )  [inline]

Definition at line 106 of file TGeoVolume.h.

References fNodes.

Referenced by CleanAll(), and TStructViewerGUI::Update().

void TGeoVolume::ClearShape (  ) 

Definition at line 574 of file TGeoVolume.cxx.

References TGeoManager::ClearShape(), fGeoManager, and fShape.

Referenced by CleanAll().

void TGeoVolume::CleanAll (  ) 

Definition at line 566 of file TGeoVolume.cxx.

References ClearNodes(), and ClearShape().

TGeoVolume * TGeoVolume::CloneVolume (  )  const [virtual]

Definition at line 1529 of file TGeoVolume.cxx.

References fField, fFinder, fMedium, fNtotal, fNumber, fOption, fShape, fVoxels, TAttFill::GetFillColor(), TAttFill::GetFillStyle(), TAttLine::GetLineColor(), TAttLine::GetLineStyle(), TAttLine::GetLineWidth(), TNamed::GetName(), i, kVolumeClone, MakeCopyNodes(), nbits, TGeoAtt::SetAttBit(), TObject::SetBit(), SetField(), TAttFill::SetFillColor(), TAttFill::SetFillStyle(), SetFinder(), SetLineColor(), SetLineStyle(), SetLineWidth(), SetNtotal(), SetNumber(), SetOption(), SetVoxelFinder(), TGeoAtt::TestAttBit(), TObject::TestBit(), and TGeoVolume().

Referenced by TGeoPhysicalNode::Align(), and MakeReflectedVolume().

void TGeoVolume::CloneNodesAndConnect ( TGeoVolume newmother  )  const

Definition at line 1573 of file TGeoVolume.cxx.

References fNodes, TObjArray::GetEntriesFast(), GetNode(), i, list, TGeoNode::SetMotherVolume(), and SetNodes().

Referenced by MakeCopyVolume(), and MakeReflectedVolume().

void TGeoVolume::CheckGeometry ( Int_t  nrays = 1,
Double_t  startx = 0,
Double_t  starty = 0,
Double_t  startz = 0 
) const

Definition at line 514 of file TGeoVolume.cxx.

References TVirtualGeoPainter::CheckGeometry(), Draw(), fGeoManager, TGeoManager::GetGeomPainter(), TGeoManager::GetTopVolume(), and TGeoManager::SetTopVolume().

void TGeoVolume::CheckOverlaps ( Double_t  ovlp = 0.1,
Option_t option = "" 
) const

Definition at line 528 of file TGeoVolume.cxx.

References TObjArray::At(), TVirtualGeoPainter::CheckOverlaps(), TGeoManager::ClearOverlaps(), TString::Contains(), fFinder, fGeoManager, TString::Format(), TObjArray::GetEntriesFast(), TGeoManager::GetGeomPainter(), TGeoManager::GetListOfOverlaps(), TNamed::GetName(), GetNdaughters(), i, TObject::Info(), TGeoManager::IsCheckingOverlaps(), kFALSE, kTRUE, name, TGeoManager::SetNsegments(), TGeoManager::SortOverlaps(), and TString::ToLower().

Referenced by TGeoNode::CheckOverlaps().

Int_t TGeoVolume::CountNodes ( Int_t  nlevels = 1000,
Int_t  option = 0 

Definition at line 628 of file TGeoVolume.cxx.

References CountNodes(), fGeoManager, fNtotal, GetNdaughters(), GetNode(), TGeoManager::GetTopVolume(), TGeoManager::GetVisOption(), TGeoNode::GetVolume(), gGeoManager, i, TGeoAtt::IsVisDaughters(), IsVisible(), IsVisibleDaughters(), kFALSE, TVirtualGeoPainter::kGeoVisDefault, TVirtualGeoPainter::kGeoVisLeaves, and kTRUE.

Referenced by TGeoManager::CloseGeometry(), and CountNodes().

Bool_t TGeoVolume::Contains ( Double_t point  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 114 of file TGeoVolume.h.

References TGeoShape::Contains(), and fShape.

Referenced by TGeoChecker::CheckOverlapsBySampling(), TGeoNavigator::FindNextBoundary(), TGeoNavigator::FindNextBoundaryAndStep(), TGeoNavigator::FindNextDaughterBoundary(), FindRad(), TGeoNavigator::GetTouchedCluster(), TGeoNavigator::GotoSafeLevel(), TGeoNode::PrintCandidates(), TGeoNavigator::SafetyOverlaps(), TGeoOverlap::SampleOverlap(), TGeoChecker::SamplePoints(), TGeoNavigator::SearchNode(), and TGeoChecker::TimingPerVolume().

virtual Bool_t TGeoVolume::IsAssembly (  )  const [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 115 of file TGeoVolume.h.

References kFALSE.

Referenced by AddNodeOverlap(), TGeoPhysicalNode::Align(), Browse(), TEveGeoNode::CanEditMainColor(), TEveGeoNode::CanEditMainTransparency(), Capacity(), TGeoNavigator::CdNext(), TGeoManager::CheckGeometry(), TGeoChecker::CheckOverlaps(), TGeoShapeAssembly::ComputeBBox(), TGeoNavigator::CrossBoundaryAndLocate(), TGeoNavigator::CrossDivisionCell(), DrawOnly(), TGeoNavigator::FindNextBoundary(), TGeoNavigator::FindNextBoundaryAndStep(), TGeoNavigator::FindNextDaughterBoundary(), TGeoVolumeAssembly::MakeAssemblyFromVolume(), TGeoChecker::MakeCheckOverlap(), TGeoChecker::NChecksPerVolume(), TGeoChecker::PropagateInGeom(), TGeoShapeAssembly::RecomputeBoxLast(), RemoveNode(), ReplaceNode(), TGeoManager::ReplaceVolume(), SavePrimitive(), TGeoNavigator::SearchNode(), TGeoVolumeEditor::SetModel(), SetVisibility(), SetVisOnly(), TGeoChecker::TimingPerVolume(), TGeoManager::TransformVolumeToAssembly(), TGeoVoxelFinder::Voxelize(), Voxelize(), and WeightA().

Bool_t TGeoVolume::IsFolder (  )  const [virtual]

Reimplemented from TObject.

Definition at line 719 of file TGeoVolume.cxx.

References kTRUE.

Bool_t TGeoVolume::IsRunTime (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 117 of file TGeoVolume.h.

References fShape, and TGeoShape::IsRunTimeShape().

Referenced by TGeoManager::AddVolume().

virtual Bool_t TGeoVolume::IsVolumeMulti (  )  const [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 118 of file TGeoVolume.h.

References kFALSE.

Referenced by TGeoManager::AddVolume(), TGeoVolumeAssembly::MakeAssemblyFromVolume(), and TGeoManager::TransformVolumeToAssembly().

void TGeoVolume::AddNode ( const TGeoVolume vol,
Int_t  copy_no,
TGeoMatrix mat = 0,
Option_t option = "" 
) [virtual]

Definition at line 852 of file TGeoVolume.cxx.

References TObjArray::Add(), TObject::Error(), fFinder, TObjArray::FindObject(), fNodes, TString::Format(), TNamed::GetName(), gGeoIdentity, IsValid(), name, TGeoNode::SetMotherVolume(), TNamed::SetName(), TGeoNode::SetNumber(), and TObject::Warning().

Referenced by TGeoVolumeAssembly::AddNode(), TGeoVolumeMulti::AddNode(), AddNodeOverlap(), TGeoVolumeMulti::AddVolume(), assembly(), TGeoChecker::CheckPoint(), TGeoVolumeEditor::DoAddNode(), TStructViewerGUI::DrawNode(), ideal(), MyDetector::Init(), TGeoBuilder::Node(), ReplayCreation(), rootgeom(), stressShapes(), and TGDMLParse::VolProcess().

void TGeoVolume::AddNodeOffset ( const TGeoVolume vol,
Int_t  copy_no,
Double_t  offset = 0,
Option_t option = "" 

Definition at line 888 of file TGeoVolume.cxx.

References TObjArray::Add(), TObject::Error(), fNodes, TString::Format(), TNamed::GetName(), IsValid(), name, TGeoNode::SetMotherVolume(), TNamed::SetName(), and TGeoNode::SetNumber().

Referenced by TGeoPara::Divide(), TGeoBBox::Divide(), TGeoTube::Divide(), TGeoTubeSeg::Divide(), TGeoPcon::Divide(), TGeoTrap::Divide(), TGeoConeSeg::Divide(), TGeoTrd2::Divide(), TGeoTrd1::Divide(), TGeoPgon::Divide(), and TGeoCone::Divide().

void TGeoVolume::AddNodeOverlap ( const TGeoVolume vol,
Int_t  copy_no,
TGeoMatrix mat = 0,
Option_t option = "" 
) [virtual]

Definition at line 911 of file TGeoVolume.cxx.

References TObjArray::Add(), AddNode(), TObject::Error(), fFinder, TObjArray::FindObject(), fMedium, fNodes, TString::Format(), GetMedium(), TNamed::GetName(), gGeoIdentity, IsAssembly(), IsValid(), name, TGeoNode::SetMotherVolume(), TNamed::SetName(), TGeoNode::SetNumber(), TGeoNode::SetOverlapping(), TGeoNode::SetVirtual(), and TObject::Warning().

Referenced by TGeoVolumeMulti::AddNodeOverlap(), TGeoVolumeMulti::AddVolume(), building(), TStructViewerGUI::DrawNode(), TGeoBuilder::Node(), and ReplayCreation().

TGeoVolume * TGeoVolume::Divide ( const char *  divname,
Int_t  iaxis,
Int_t  ndiv,
Double_t  start,
Double_t  step,
Int_t  numed = 0,
Option_t option = "" 
) [virtual]

Definition at line 954 of file TGeoVolume.cxx.

References TObject::ClassName(), TString::Contains(), TGeoShape::Divide(), E, TObject::Fatal(), fFinder, fGeoManager, fNodes, fShape, TGeoShape::GetAxisName(), TGeoShape::GetAxisRange(), TGeoMedium::GetMaterial(), TGeoManager::GetMedium(), TNamed::GetName(), InspectShape(), TGeoShape::IsSameWithinTolerance(), SetMedium(), TGeoMaterial::SetUsed(), stype, TString::ToLower(), and TObject::Warning().

Referenced by TGeoVolumeMulti::AddVolume(), arb8(), box(), cone(), coneseg(), ctub(), TGeoVolumeMulti::Divide(), TGeoBuilder::Division(), TGeoVolumeEditor::DoApplyDiv(), eltu(), gtra(), ideal(), TGeoVolumeMulti::MakeCopyVolume(), para(), pcon(), pgon(), ReplayCreation(), sphere(), torus(), trap(), trd1(), trd2(), tube(), tubeseg(), and TGDMLParse::VolProcess().

Int_t TGeoVolume::DistancetoPrimitive ( Int_t  px,
Int_t  py 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TObject.

Definition at line 1047 of file TGeoVolume.cxx.

References ROOT::Math::gv_detail::dist(), TVirtualGeoPainter::DistanceToPrimitiveVol(), fGeoManager, TGeoManager::GetPainter(), and gGeoManager.

void TGeoVolume::Draw ( Option_t option = ""  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from TObject.

Definition at line 1059 of file TGeoVolume.cxx.

References TVirtualGeoPainter::DrawVolume(), fGeoManager, gEnv, TGeoManager::GetGeomPainter(), TEnv::GetValue(), gGeoManager, IsVisContainers(), kFALSE, SetVisLeaves(), and TGeoAtt::SetVisRaytrace().

Referenced by TGeoTrack::AnimateTrack(), building(), CheckGeometry(), TGeoChecker::CheckPoint(), TGeoNodeEditor::DoEditMother(), TGeoManagerEditor::DoEditVolume(), TGeoNodeEditor::DoEditVolume(), TGeoTrack::Draw(), TGeoNode::Draw(), TEveGeoNode::Draw(), TGeoNode::DrawOverlaps(), geomAlice(), geomAlice_itsv(), geomAtlas(), geomBrahms(), geomD0(), RootShower::Initialize(), RootShower::OnShowSelected(), TGeoChecker::RandomPoints(), TGeoChecker::RandomRays(), and rgeom().

void TGeoVolume::DrawOnly ( Option_t option = ""  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 1074 of file TGeoVolume.cxx.

References TVirtualGeoPainter::DrawVolume(), fGeoManager, gEnv, TGeoManager::GetGeomPainter(), TEnv::GetValue(), gGeoManager, TObject::Info(), IsAssembly(), kFALSE, SetVisOnly(), and TGeoAtt::SetVisRaytrace().

Referenced by TGeoChecker::CheckBoundaryReference(), and TGeoNode::DrawOnly().

TH2F * TGeoVolume::LegoPlot ( Int_t  ntheta = 20,
Double_t  themin = 0.,
Double_t  themax = 180.,
Int_t  nphi = 60,
Double_t  phimin = 0.,
Double_t  phimax = 360.,
Double_t  rmin = 0.,
Double_t  rmax = 9999999,
Option_t option = "" 

Definition at line 1160 of file TGeoVolume.cxx.

References fGeoManager, TGeoManager::GetGeomPainter(), TGeoManager::GetTopVolume(), hist, p, and TGeoManager::SetTopVolume().

void TGeoVolume::Paint ( Option_t option = ""  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from TObject.

Definition at line 1103 of file TGeoVolume.cxx.

References fGeoManager, gEnv, TGeoManager::GetGeomPainter(), TEnv::GetValue(), TVirtualGeoPainter::Paint(), and TVirtualGeoPainter::SetTopVolume().

void TGeoVolume::PrintNodes (  )  const

Definition at line 1149 of file TGeoVolume.cxx.

References cd(), TGeoNode::GetMatrix(), TNamed::GetName(), GetNdaughters(), GetNode(), i, and TGeoMatrix::Print().

void TGeoVolume::PrintVoxels (  )  const

Definition at line 1117 of file TGeoVolume.cxx.

References fVoxels, and TGeoVoxelFinder::Print().

void TGeoVolume::ReplayCreation ( const TGeoVolume other  ) 

Definition at line 1124 of file TGeoVolume.cxx.

References AddNode(), AddNodeOverlap(), Divide(), TGeoPatternFinder::GetDivAxis(), GetFinder(), TGeoMedium::GetId(), GetMedium(), TNamed::GetName(), GetNdaughters(), TGeoPatternFinder::GetNdiv(), GetNode(), TGeoPatternFinder::GetStart(), TGeoPatternFinder::GetStep(), TGeoNode::GetVolume(), i, ReplayCreation(), and start.

Referenced by ReplayCreation(), and TGDMLParse::VolProcess().

void TGeoVolume::ExecuteEvent ( Int_t  event,
Int_t  px,
Int_t  py 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TObject.

Definition at line 1435 of file TGeoVolume.cxx.

References TVirtualGeoPainter::ExecuteVolumeEvent(), fGeoManager, and TGeoManager::GetPainter().

Bool_t TGeoVolume::IsActive (  )  const [inline]

Reimplemented from TGeoAtt.

Definition at line 136 of file TGeoVolume.h.

References TGeoAtt::IsActive().

Referenced by TGeoNavigator::FindNextDaughterBoundary(), TGeoNavigator::GetTouchedCluster(), and TGeoNavigator::SearchNode().

Bool_t TGeoVolume::IsActiveDaughters (  )  const [inline]

Reimplemented from TGeoAtt.

Definition at line 137 of file TGeoVolume.h.

References TGeoAtt::IsActiveDaughters().

Referenced by TGeoNavigator::FindNextDaughterBoundary(), and TGeoNavigator::SearchNode().

Bool_t TGeoVolume::IsAdded (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 138 of file TGeoVolume.h.

References kVolumeAdded, and TObject::TestBit().

Referenced by TGeoVolumeDialog::BuildListTree(), and TGeoNode::TGeoNode().

Bool_t TGeoVolume::IsReplicated (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 139 of file TGeoVolume.h.

References kVolumeReplicated, and TObject::TestBit().

Bool_t TGeoVolume::IsSelected (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 140 of file TGeoVolume.h.

References kVolumeSelected, and TObject::TestBit().

Referenced by TGeoNode::CheckOverlaps(), and TGeoNode::CountDaughters().

Bool_t TGeoVolume::IsCylVoxels (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 141 of file TGeoVolume.h.

References kVoxelsCyl, and TObject::TestBit().

Bool_t TGeoVolume::IsXYZVoxels (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 142 of file TGeoVolume.h.

References kVoxelsXYZ, and TObject::TestBit().

Bool_t TGeoVolume::IsTopVolume (  )  const

Definition at line 738 of file TGeoVolume.cxx.

References fGeoManager, TGeoManager::GetTopVolume(), kFALSE, and kTRUE.

Bool_t TGeoVolume::IsValid (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 144 of file TGeoVolume.h.

References fShape, and TGeoShape::IsValid().

Referenced by AddNode(), AddNodeOffset(), and AddNodeOverlap().

virtual Bool_t TGeoVolume::IsVisible (  )  const [inline, virtual]

Reimplemented from TGeoAtt.

Definition at line 145 of file TGeoVolume.h.

References TGeoAtt::IsVisible().

Referenced by TGeoVolumeMulti::AddNode(), TGeoVolumeMulti::AddNodeOverlap(), TGeoManager::Browse(), Browse(), TGeoChecker::CheckPoint(), TGeoPainter::CountNodes(), CountNodes(), TGeoPainter::DistanceToPrimitiveVol(), TGeoVolumeMulti::Divide(), TGeoVolumeEditor::DoVisVolume(), TEveGeoNode::DumpShapeTree(), IsAllInvisible(), IsStyleDefault(), TGeoNode::IsVisible(), MakeCopyVolume(), TGeoVolumeMulti::MakeCopyVolume(), ReplaceNode(), TGeoNode::SaveAttributes(), SavePrimitive(), TGeoVolumeEditor::SetModel(), TEveGeoNodeEditor::SetModel(), and TGeoNode::SetVisibility().

Bool_t TGeoVolume::IsVisibleDaughters (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 146 of file TGeoVolume.h.

References TGeoAtt::IsVisDaughters().

Referenced by CountNodes(), TGeoVolumeEditor::DoVisDaughters(), SavePrimitive(), and TGeoVolumeEditor::SetModel().

Bool_t TGeoVolume::IsVisContainers (  )  const [inline]

Reimplemented from TGeoAtt.

Definition at line 147 of file TGeoVolume.h.

References TGeoAtt::IsVisContainers().

Referenced by TGeoPainter::CountNodes(), TGeoPainter::DistanceToPrimitiveVol(), TGeoVolumeEditor::DoViewAll(), Draw(), TGeoPainter::Paint(), SavePrimitive(), and TGeoVolumeEditor::SetModel().

Bool_t TGeoVolume::IsVisLeaves (  )  const [inline]

Reimplemented from TGeoAtt.

Definition at line 148 of file TGeoVolume.h.

References TGeoAtt::IsVisLeaves().

Referenced by TGeoPainter::CountNodes(), TGeoPainter::DistanceToPrimitiveVol(), TGeoVolumeEditor::DoViewLeaves(), TGeoPainter::Paint(), SavePrimitive(), and TGeoVolumeEditor::SetModel().

Bool_t TGeoVolume::IsVisOnly (  )  const [inline]

Reimplemented from TGeoAtt.

Definition at line 149 of file TGeoVolume.h.

References TGeoAtt::IsVisOnly().

Referenced by TGeoPainter::CountNodes(), TGeoPainter::DistanceToPrimitiveVol(), TGeoVolumeEditor::DoViewOnly(), TGeoPainter::Paint(), and TGeoVolumeEditor::SetModel().

Bool_t TGeoVolume::IsAllInvisible (  )  const

Definition at line 682 of file TGeoVolume.cxx.

References GetNdaughters(), GetNode(), i, IsVisible(), kFALSE, and kTRUE.

Bool_t TGeoVolume::IsRaytracing (  )  const

Definition at line 746 of file TGeoVolume.cxx.

References TGeoAtt::IsVisRaytrace().

Referenced by TGeoVolumeEditor::DoRaytrace(), TGeoVolumeEditor::DoViewAll(), TGeoVolumeEditor::DoViewLeaves(), TGeoVolumeEditor::DoViewOnly(), TGeoPainter::Paint(), SavePrimitive(), and TGeoVolumeEditor::SetModel().

TGeoVolume * TGeoVolume::Import ( const char *  filename,
const char *  name = "",
Option_t option = "" 
) [static]

Definition at line 760 of file TGeoVolume.cxx.

References TDirectoryFile::cd(), gFile, gGeoManager, NULL, TFile::Open(), and RegisterYourself().

Referenced by G__G__Geom1_173_0_51(), and G__setup_memfuncTGeoVolume().

Int_t TGeoVolume::Export ( const char *  filename,
const char *  name = "",
Option_t option = "" 

Definition at line 797 of file TGeoVolume.cxx.

References TString::Contains(), TString::Data(), TObject::Error(), TNamed::GetName(), TObject::Info(), TString::IsNull(), TString::Length(), TFile::Open(), SaveAs(), and TObject::Write().

TGeoNode * TGeoVolume::FindNode ( const char *  name  )  const

Definition at line 1444 of file TGeoVolume.cxx.

References TObjArray::FindObject(), and fNodes.

Referenced by geom_alias(), geom_alice_its(), geom_alice_tpc(), geom_atlas(), geom_cms(), geom_cms_stereo(), and geom_default().

void TGeoVolume::FindOverlaps (  )  const

Definition at line 1868 of file TGeoVolume.cxx.

References TObject::Error(), TGeoVoxelFinder::FindOverlaps(), fVoxels, GetNdaughters(), GetNode(), TGeoNode::IsOverlapping(), and Valid().

Referenced by TGeoPhysicalNode::Align(), TGeoChecker::CheckOverlaps(), TGeoChecker::CheckOverlapsBySampling(), TGeoVoxelFinder::CreateCheckList(), TGeoVoxelFinder::Efficiency(), TGeoVoxelFinder::GetCheckList(), TGeoVoxelFinder::GetNextCandidates(), TGeoVoxelFinder::GetNextVoxel(), TGeoVoxelFinder::IsSafeVoxel(), TGeoVoxelFinder::Print(), TGeoVoxelFinder::PrintVoxelLimits(), TGeoNavigator::Safety(), TGeoVoxelFinder::SortCrossedVoxels(), and TGeoManager::Voxelize().

Bool_t TGeoVolume::FindMatrixOfDaughterVolume ( TGeoVolume vol  )  const

Definition at line 2029 of file TGeoVolume.cxx.

References fGeoManager, FindMatrixOfDaughterVolume(), TGeoManager::GetHMatrix(), TGeoNode::GetMatrix(), GetNdaughters(), GetNode(), TGeoNode::GetVolume(), i, kFALSE, kTRUE, local, and TGeoHMatrix::MultiplyLeft().

Referenced by FindMatrixOfDaughterVolume().

virtual Int_t TGeoVolume::GetCurrentNodeIndex (  )  const [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 157 of file TGeoVolume.h.

Referenced by TGeoChecker::CheckOverlapsBySampling(), TGeoShapeAssembly::Safety(), and TGeoNavigator::SearchNode().

virtual Int_t TGeoVolume::GetNextNodeIndex (  )  const [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 158 of file TGeoVolume.h.

Referenced by TGeoNavigator::CdNext(), TGeoNavigator::CrossBoundaryAndLocate(), TGeoNavigator::FindNextBoundary(), TGeoNavigator::FindNextBoundaryAndStep(), and TGeoNavigator::FindNextDaughterBoundary().

TObjArray* TGeoVolume::GetNodes (  )  [inline]

Definition at line 159 of file TGeoVolume.h.

References fNodes.

Referenced by TGeoPhysicalNode::Align(), TGeoChecker::CheckPoint(), TGeoPara::Divide(), TGeoBBox::Divide(), TGeoTube::Divide(), TGeoTubeSeg::Divide(), TGeoPcon::Divide(), TGeoTrap::Divide(), TGeoConeSeg::Divide(), TGeoTrd2::Divide(), TGeoTrd1::Divide(), TGeoPgon::Divide(), TGeoCone::Divide(), TGeoVolumeEditor::DoApplyDiv(), TGeoVolumeEditor::DoRemoveNode(), TEveGeoNode::ExpandIntoListTree(), TGeoNode::FindNode(), TGeoNode::GetNodes(), MakeReflectedVolume(), TGeoNavigator::Safety(), and TGeoVolumeEditor::SetModel().

Int_t TGeoVolume::GetNdaughters (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 321 of file TGeoVolume.h.

References fNodes, and TObjArray::GetEntriesFast().

Referenced by Browse(), TGeoVolumeDialog::BuildListTree(), TGeoVoxelFinder::BuildVoxelLimits(), Capacity(), TGeoChecker::CheckGeometryFull(), CheckOverlaps(), TGeoChecker::CheckOverlaps(), TGeoChecker::CheckOverlapsBySampling(), TGeoChecker::CheckPoint(), TGeoShapeAssembly::ComputeBBox(), TGeoShapeAssembly::ComputeNormal(), TGeoShapeAssembly::Contains(), TGeoNode::CountDaughters(), TGeoPainter::CountNodes(), CountNodes(), TGeoVoxelFinder::CreateCheckList(), TGeoPainter::DistanceToPrimitiveVol(), TGeoShapeAssembly::DistFromOutside(), TGeoPara::Divide(), TGeoBBox::Divide(), TGeoTube::Divide(), TGeoTubeSeg::Divide(), TGeoPcon::Divide(), TGeoTrap::Divide(), TGeoConeSeg::Divide(), TGeoTrd2::Divide(), TGeoTrd1::Divide(), TGeoPgon::Divide(), TGeoCone::Divide(), TGeoVolumeEditor::DoAddNode(), TGeoVolumeEditor::DoEditMatrix(), TGeoVolumeDialog::DoItemClick(), TGeoVolumeEditor::DoRemoveNode(), TGeoNode::DrawOverlaps(), TGeoVoxelFinder::Efficiency(), TEveGeoNode::ExpandIntoListTree(), FindMatrixOfDaughterVolume(), TGeoNavigator::FindNextBoundary(), TGeoNavigator::FindNextBoundaryAndStep(), TGeoNavigator::FindNextDaughterBoundary(), TGeoVoxelFinder::FindOverlaps(), FindOverlaps(), TGeoVoxelFinder::GetCheckList(), GetIndex(), TGeoNode::GetNdaughters(), GetOptimalVoxels(), TGeoShapeAssembly::InspectShape(), TGeoVoxelFinder::Intersect(), TGeoVoxelFinder::IntersectAndStore(), InvisibleAll(), IsAllInvisible(), TGeoNavigator::IsSameLocation(), TGeoVolumeAssembly::MakeAssemblyFromVolume(), MakeCopyNodes(), MakeReflectedVolume(), TGeoChecker::NChecksPerVolume(), TGeoIterator::Next(), TGeoMCGeometry::NofVolDaughters(), TGeoVoxelFinder::Print(), PrintNodes(), TGeoShapeAssembly::RecomputeBoxLast(), RecursiveInvisible(), RecursiveTransparency(), RegisterYourself(), TGeoManager::ReplaceVolume(), ReplayCreation(), TGeoShapeAssembly::Safety(), SavePrimitive(), TGeoNavigator::SearchNode(), TGeoVolumeEditor::SetModel(), TGeoIterator::Skip(), TGeoVoxelFinder::SortAll(), TGeoVoxelFinder::SortCrossedVoxels(), SortNodes(), TGeoChecker::TimingPerVolume(), TGeoManager::TransformVolumeToAssembly(), TGeoVoxelFinder::Union(), TGeoMCGeometry::VolDaughterCopyNo(), TGeoMCGeometry::VolDaughterName(), TGDMLParse::VolProcess(), TGeoVoxelFinder::Voxelize(), Voxelize(), and WeightA().

Int_t TGeoVolume::GetNtotal (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 161 of file TGeoVolume.h.

References fNtotal.

Referenced by TGeoVolumeAssembly::MakeAssemblyFromVolume().

Int_t TGeoVolume::GetByteCount (  )  const [virtual]

Definition at line 1849 of file TGeoVolume.cxx.

References TString::Data(), fFinder, fNodes, fOption, fShape, TGeoShape::GetByteCount(), TGeoPatternFinder::GetByteCount(), TGeoNode::GetByteCount(), TObjArray::GetEntries(), TNamed::GetName(), and TNamed::GetTitle().

Referenced by TGeoManager::GetByteCount().

TGeoManager* TGeoVolume::GetGeoManager (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 163 of file TGeoVolume.h.

References fGeoManager.

Referenced by TGeoNode::CheckOverlaps(), TGeoNode::DistancetoPrimitive(), TGeoOverlap::DistancetoPrimitive(), TGeoOverlap::Draw(), TEveGeoNode::DumpShapeTree(), TGeoNode::ExecuteEvent(), TGeoOverlap::ExecuteEvent(), TGeoNode::GetObjectInfo(), TGeoOverlap::Paint(), and TGeoVolumeEditor::SetModel().

TGeoMaterial* TGeoVolume::GetMaterial (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 164 of file TGeoVolume.h.

References fMedium, and TGeoMedium::GetMaterial().

Referenced by TGeoShape::FillBuffer3D(), and TGeoChecker::LegoPlot().

TGeoMedium* TGeoVolume::GetMedium (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 165 of file TGeoVolume.h.

References fMedium.

Referenced by AddNodeOverlap(), TGeoChecker::CheckPoint(), TGeoManager::DefaultColors(), descend_extract(), TGeoBBox::Divide(), TGeoPara::Divide(), TGeoTube::Divide(), TGeoTubeSeg::Divide(), TGeoPcon::Divide(), TGeoTrap::Divide(), TGeoConeSeg::Divide(), TGeoTrd2::Divide(), TGeoPgon::Divide(), TGeoTrd1::Divide(), TGeoCone::Divide(), TGeoVolumeEditor::DoEditMedium(), TGeoShape::FillBuffer3D(), FindRad(), TGeoMCGeometry::GetMaterial(), TGeoNode::GetMedium(), TGeoMCGeometry::GetMedium(), TGeoBuilder::Node(), ReplaceNode(), TGeoManager::ReplaceVolume(), ReplayCreation(), SavePrimitive(), TGeoVolumeEditor::SetModel(), TGeoMCGeometry::VolId2Mate(), TGDMLParse::VolProcess(), and TGeoChecker::Weight().

TObject* TGeoVolume::GetField (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 166 of file TGeoVolume.h.

References fField.

Referenced by TGeoVolumeAssembly::MakeAssemblyFromVolume(), and ReplaceNode().

TGeoPatternFinder* TGeoVolume::GetFinder (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 167 of file TGeoVolume.h.

References fFinder.

Referenced by arb8(), box(), Browse(), TGeoChecker::CheckOverlaps(), cone(), coneseg(), ctub(), TGeoVolumeEditor::DoAddNode(), TGeoVolumeEditor::DoApplyDiv(), TGeoVolumeEditor::DoRemoveNode(), eltu(), TGeoNavigator::FindNextDaughterBoundary(), gtra(), TGeoNavigator::IsSameLocation(), MakeReflectedVolume(), TGeoChecker::NChecksPerVolume(), para(), pcon(), pgon(), TGeoNode::PrintCandidates(), ReplayCreation(), TGeoNavigator::Safety(), TGeoNavigator::SearchNode(), TGeoVolumeEditor::SetModel(), sphere(), torus(), trap(), trd1(), trd2(), tube(), and tubeseg().

TGeoVoxelFinder * TGeoVolume::GetVoxels (  )  const

Definition at line 1513 of file TGeoVolume.cxx.

References fVoxels, TGeoVoxelFinder::IsInvalid(), and NULL.

Referenced by TGeoPhysicalNode::Align(), TGeoChecker::CheckOverlaps(), TGeoChecker::CheckOverlapsBySampling(), TGeoShapeAssembly::Contains(), TGeoShapeAssembly::DistFromOutside(), TGeoNavigator::FindNextDaughterBoundary(), TGeoNavigator::IsSameLocation(), TGeoVolumeAssembly::MakeAssemblyFromVolume(), MakeReflectedVolume(), TGeoChecker::NChecksPerVolume(), TGeoManager::OptimizeVoxels(), TGeoNode::PrintCandidates(), TGeoManager::ReplaceVolume(), TGeoShapeAssembly::Safety(), TGeoNavigator::Safety(), TGeoNavigator::SearchNode(), and TGeoManager::Voxelize().

const char* TGeoVolume::GetIconName (  )  const [inline, virtual]

Reimplemented from TObject.

Definition at line 169 of file TGeoVolume.h.

References fShape, and TGeoShape::GetName().

Int_t TGeoVolume::GetIndex ( const TGeoNode node  )  const

Definition at line 1463 of file TGeoVolume.cxx.

References TObjArray::At(), fNodes, GetNdaughters(), and i.

Referenced by TGeoPhysicalNode::Align(), TGeoNavigator::cd(), TGeoChecker::CheckBoundaryReference(), TGeoVolumeDialog::DoItemClick(), and ReplaceNode().

TGeoNode * TGeoVolume::GetNode ( const char *  name  )  const

Definition at line 1840 of file TGeoVolume.cxx.

References TObjArray::FindObject(), and fNodes.

Referenced by Browse(), TGeoVoxelFinder::BuildVoxelLimits(), Capacity(), TGeoNavigator::cd(), TGeoChecker::CheckOverlaps(), TGeoChecker::CheckOverlapsBySampling(), TGeoNavigator::CheckPath(), TGeoChecker::CheckPoint(), TGeoNode::CheckShapes(), TGeoChecker::CheckVoxels(), CloneNodesAndConnect(), TGeoShapeAssembly::ComputeBBox(), TGeoShapeAssembly::ComputeNormal(), TGeoShapeAssembly::Contains(), CountNodes(), TGeoVoxelFinder::DaughterToMother(), TGeoShapeAssembly::DistFromOutside(), TGeoVolumeEditor::DoAddNode(), TGeoVolumeEditor::DoEditMatrix(), TGeoVolumeDialog::DoItemClick(), TGeoVolumeEditor::DoRemoveNode(), TGeoNode::DrawOverlaps(), FindMatrixOfDaughterVolume(), TGeoNavigator::FindNextBoundary(), TGeoNavigator::FindNextBoundaryAndStep(), TGeoNavigator::FindNextDaughterBoundary(), TGeoVoxelFinder::FindOverlaps(), FindOverlaps(), TGeoIterator::GetCurrentMatrix(), TGeoNode::GetDaughter(), TGeoIterator::GetNode(), TGeoPatternFinder::GetNodeOffset(), TGeoIterator::GetPath(), TGeoNode::InspectNode(), InvisibleAll(), IsAllInvisible(), MakeCopyNodes(), TGeoVolumeMulti::MakeCopyVolume(), MakeReflectedVolume(), TGeoChecker::NChecksPerVolume(), TGeoIterator::Next(), TGeoNode::PrintCandidates(), PrintNodes(), TGeoNode::PrintOverlaps(), TGeoShapeAssembly::RecomputeBoxLast(), RecursiveInvisible(), RecursiveTransparency(), RegisterYourself(), TGeoManager::ReplaceVolume(), ReplayCreation(), TGeoShapeAssembly::Safety(), TGeoNavigator::SafetyOverlaps(), SavePrimitive(), TGeoNavigator::SearchNode(), TGeoVolumeEditor::SetModel(), SortNodes(), TGeoMCGeometry::VolDaughterCopyNo(), TGeoMCGeometry::VolDaughterName(), TGeoVoxelFinder::Voxelize(), and WeightA().

TGeoNode* TGeoVolume::GetNode ( Int_t  i  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 172 of file TGeoVolume.h.

References fNodes, and TObjArray::UncheckedAt().

Int_t TGeoVolume::GetNodeIndex ( const TGeoNode node,
Int_t check_list,
Int_t  ncheck 
) const

Definition at line 1451 of file TGeoVolume.cxx.

References TObjArray::At(), fNodes, and i.

Int_t TGeoVolume::GetNumber (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 174 of file TGeoVolume.h.

References fNumber.

Referenced by TGeoManager::AddVolume(), TGeoChecker::CheckGeometryFull(), TGeoNodeCache::GetBranchNumbers(), TGeoManager::GetUID(), TGeoMCGeometry::Gsvolu(), TGeoVolumeAssembly::MakeAssemblyFromVolume(), TGeoChecker::Score(), and TGeoChecker::TimingPerVolume().

char * TGeoVolume::GetObjectInfo ( Int_t  px,
Int_t  py 
) const [virtual]

Reimplemented from TObject.

Definition at line 1477 of file TGeoVolume.cxx.

References fGeoManager, TGeoManager::GetPainter(), and TVirtualGeoPainter::GetVolumeInfo().

Bool_t TGeoVolume::GetOptimalVoxels (  )  const

Definition at line 1487 of file TGeoVolume.cxx.

References TObjArray::At(), fNodes, GetNdaughters(), TGeoNode::GetOptimalVoxels(), id, kFALSE, and kTRUE.

Option_t* TGeoVolume::GetOption (  )  const [inline, virtual]

Reimplemented from TObject.

Definition at line 177 of file TGeoVolume.h.

References TString::Data(), and fOption.

Referenced by TGeoVolumeAssembly::MakeAssemblyFromVolume().

char * TGeoVolume::GetPointerName (  )  const

Definition at line 1504 of file TGeoVolume.cxx.

References TString::Format(), TNamed::GetName(), and name.

Referenced by SavePrimitive().

Char_t TGeoVolume::GetTransparency (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 179 of file TGeoVolume.h.

References fMedium, TGeoMedium::GetMaterial(), and TGeoMaterial::GetTransparency().

Referenced by TEveGeoNode::DumpShapeTree(), TGeoShape::FillBuffer3D(), TEveGeoNode::GetMainTransparency(), TGeoPainter::PaintVolume(), and TEveGeoNode::TEveGeoNode().

TGeoShape* TGeoVolume::GetShape (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 180 of file TGeoVolume.h.

References fShape.

Referenced by AddText(), TGeoManager::AddVolume(), TGeoPhysicalNode::Align(), box(), Browse(), TGeoVoxelFinder::BuildVoxelLimits(), TGeoChecker::CheckBoundaryErrors(), TGeoManager::CheckGeometry(), TGeoChecker::CheckOverlapsBySampling(), CheckShapes(), TGeoChecker::CheckVoxels(), TGeoVolumeAssembly::CloneVolume(), TGeoShapeAssembly::ComputeBBox(), TGeoShapeAssembly::ComputeNormal(), cone(), coneseg(), TGeoShapeAssembly::Contains(), TGeoNavigator::CrossDivisionCell(), ctub(), TGeoPainter::DistanceToPrimitiveVol(), TGeoShapeAssembly::DistFromOutside(), TGeoVolumeEditor::DoApplyDiv(), TGeoVolumeEditor::DoDivFromTo(), TGeoVolumeEditor::DoDivN(), TGeoVolumeEditor::DoDivSelAxis(), TGeoVolumeEditor::DoDivStep(), TGeoVolumeEditor::DoEditShape(), TEveGeoNode::DumpShapeTree(), eltu(), TGeoShape::FillBuffer3D(), TGeoNavigator::FindNextBoundary(), TGeoNavigator::FindNextBoundaryAndStep(), TGeoNavigator::FindNextDaughterBoundary(), TGeoPatternParaX::FindNode(), TGeoPatternParaY::FindNode(), TGeoNavigator::FindNormalFast(), FindRad(), TGeoVolumeMulti::GetLastShape(), TGeoNodeMatrix::GetOptimalVoxels(), TGeoPhysicalNode::GetShape(), TGeoMCGeometry::GetShape(), TGeoPainter::GetVolumeInfo(), TGeoPainter::GrabFocus(), gtra(), hype(), ideal(), TGeoManager::IsInPhiRange(), TGeoPatternParaX::IsOnBoundary(), TGeoPatternParaY::IsOnBoundary(), TGeoNavigator::IsSameLocation(), TGeoVolumeAssembly::MakeAssemblyFromVolume(), TGeoChecker::MakeCheckOverlap(), TGeoBuilder::Node(), TGeoPainter::PaintPhysicalNode(), TGeoPainter::PaintVolume(), para(), parab(), pcon(), pgon(), TGeoChecker::RandomPoints(), TGeoChecker::RandomRays(), TGeoShapeAssembly::RecomputeBoxLast(), ReplaceNode(), rootgeom(), TGeoShapeAssembly::Safety(), TGeoNavigator::Safety(), TGeoNode::Safety(), TGeoNavigator::SafetyOverlaps(), sample_volume(), TGeoOverlap::SampleOverlap(), SavePicture(), TGeoVolumeEditor::SetModel(), TGeoOverlap::Sizeof3D(), TGeoVoxelFinder::SortAll(), TGeoVoxelFinder::SortCrossedVoxels(), sphere(), stressShapes(), TGeoChecker::Test(), TGeoChecker::TestOverlaps(), TGeoPatternParaX::TGeoPatternParaX(), TGeoPatternParaY::TGeoPatternParaY(), TGeoPatternParaZ::TGeoPatternParaZ(), TGeoPatternTrapZ::TGeoPatternTrapZ(), TGeoPatternX::TGeoPatternX(), TGeoPatternY::TGeoPatternY(), TGeoPatternZ::TGeoPatternZ(), TGeoChecker::TimingPerVolume(), torus(), trap(), trd1(), trd2(), tube(), tubeseg(), TGeoOverlap::Validate(), TGDMLParse::VolProcess(), TGeoBuilder::Volume(), TGeoVoxelFinder::Voxelize(), TGeoChecker::Weight(), WriteRef(), and xtru().

void TGeoVolume::GrabFocus (  ) 

Definition at line 1521 of file TGeoVolume.cxx.

References fGeoManager, TGeoManager::GetPainter(), and TVirtualGeoPainter::GrabFocus().

void TGeoVolume::Gsord ( Int_t   )  [inline]

Definition at line 182 of file TGeoVolume.h.

Bool_t TGeoVolume::IsStyleDefault (  )  const

Definition at line 727 of file TGeoVolume.cxx.

References TAttLine::GetLineColor(), TAttLine::GetLineStyle(), TAttLine::GetLineWidth(), gStyle, IsVisible(), kFALSE, and kTRUE.

void TGeoVolume::InspectMaterial (  )  const

Definition at line 753 of file TGeoVolume.cxx.

References fMedium, TGeoMedium::GetMaterial(), and TGeoMaterial::Print().

void TGeoVolume::InspectShape (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 185 of file TGeoVolume.h.

References fShape, and TGeoShape::InspectShape().

Referenced by TGeoChecker::CheckBoundaryReference(), CheckShapes(), Divide(), TGeoNode::InspectNode(), and TGeoOverlap::Print().

TGeoVolume * TGeoVolume::MakeCopyVolume ( TGeoShape newshape  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 1609 of file TGeoVolume.cxx.

References CloneNodesAndConnect(), fField, fFinder, fMedium, TAttFill::GetFillColor(), TAttFill::GetFillStyle(), TAttLine::GetLineColor(), TAttLine::GetLineStyle(), TAttLine::GetLineWidth(), TNamed::GetName(), IsVisible(), kVolumeClone, SetField(), TAttFill::SetFillColor(), TAttFill::SetFillStyle(), SetFinder(), SetLineColor(), SetLineStyle(), SetLineWidth(), SetVisibility(), and TGeoVolume().

Referenced by CheckShapes().

void TGeoVolume::MakeCopyNodes ( const TGeoVolume other  ) 

Definition at line 1594 of file TGeoVolume.cxx.

References TObjArray::Add(), TObjArray::Delete(), fNodes, GetNdaughters(), GetNode(), i, kVolumeImportNodes, TObject::SetBit(), and TObject::TestBit().

Referenced by TGeoVolumeAssembly::CloneVolume(), CloneVolume(), and TGeoVolumeAssembly::MakeAssemblyFromVolume().

TGeoVolume * TGeoVolume::MakeReflectedVolume ( const char *  newname = ""  )  const

Definition at line 1635 of file TGeoVolume.cxx.

References TMap::Add(), CloneNodesAndConnect(), CloneVolume(), TObject::Error(), fFinder, fGeoManager, fShape, GetFinder(), TGeoNodeMatrix::GetMatrix(), GetNdaughters(), GetNode(), GetNodes(), TMap::GetValue(), TGeoNode::GetVolume(), GetVoxels(), i, TGeoManager::IsClosed(), kFALSE, kTRUE, kVolumeImportNodes, local, TGeoPatternFinder::MakeCopy(), MakeReflectedVolume(), TGeoScaledShape::MakeScaledShape(), NULL, TGeoMatrix::ReflectZ(), TGeoMatrix::RegisterYourself(), TObject::SetBit(), SetFinder(), TGeoNodeOffset::SetFinder(), TGeoNodeMatrix::SetMatrix(), TNamed::SetName(), SetNodes(), SetShape(), TGeoNode::SetVolume(), TGeoPatternFinder::SetVolume(), and TGeoVoxelFinder::Voxelize().

Referenced by TGeoManager::ConvertReflections(), and MakeReflectedVolume().

Bool_t TGeoVolume::OptimizeVoxels (  ) 

Definition at line 1093 of file TGeoVolume.cxx.

References fGeoManager, TGeoManager::GetGeomPainter(), TNamed::GetName(), and TVirtualGeoPainter::TestVoxels().

Referenced by TGeoManager::OptimizeVoxels().

void TGeoVolume::RandomPoints ( Int_t  npoints = 1000000,
Option_t option = "" 

Definition at line 1214 of file TGeoVolume.cxx.

References fGeoManager, TGeoManager::GetTopVolume(), gGeoManager, TGeoManager::RandomPoints(), and TGeoManager::SetTopVolume().

void TGeoVolume::RandomRays ( Int_t  nrays = 10000,
Double_t  startx = 0,
Double_t  starty = 0,
Double_t  startz = 0 

Definition at line 1226 of file TGeoVolume.cxx.

References fGeoManager, TGeoManager::GetTopVolume(), gGeoManager, TGeoManager::RandomRays(), and TGeoManager::SetTopVolume().

void TGeoVolume::Raytrace ( Bool_t  flag = kTRUE  ) 

Definition at line 1238 of file TGeoVolume.cxx.

References TVirtualGeoPainter::DrawVolume(), fGeoManager, TVirtualGeoPainter::GetDrawnVolume(), TGeoManager::GetGeomPainter(), gGeoManager, kFALSE, kTRUE, TVirtualGeoPainter::ModifiedPad(), and TGeoAtt::SetVisRaytrace().

Referenced by TGeoVolumeEditor::DoRaytrace(), TGeoVolumeEditor::DoViewAll(), TGeoVolumeEditor::DoViewLeaves(), and TGeoVolumeEditor::DoViewOnly().

void TGeoVolume::RegisterYourself ( Option_t option = ""  ) 

Definition at line 1175 of file TGeoVolume.cxx.

References TObjArray::Add(), TList::Add(), TGeoManager::AddMaterial(), TGeoManager::AddShape(), TGeoManager::AddVolume(), fGeoManager, TList::FindObject(), TObjArray::FindObject(), fMedium, fShape, TGeoManager::GetListOfMaterials(), TGeoManager::GetListOfMatrices(), TGeoManager::GetListOfMedia(), TGeoManager::GetListOfShapes(), TGeoManager::GetListOfVolumes(), TGeoNode::GetMatrix(), GetNdaughters(), GetNode(), i, and TGeoShape::IsComposite().

Referenced by Import().

void TGeoVolume::RemoveNode ( TGeoNode node  ) 

Definition at line 1888 of file TGeoVolume.cxx.

References TObjArray::Compress(), TGeoShape::ComputeBBox(), fNodes, fShape, fVoxels, TObjArray::GetEntriesFast(), IsAssembly(), TObjArray::Remove(), and TGeoVoxelFinder::SetNeedRebuild().

Referenced by TGeoVolumeEditor::DoRemoveNode().

TGeoNode * TGeoVolume::ReplaceNode ( TGeoNode nodeorig,
TGeoShape newshape = 0,
TGeoMatrix newpos = 0,
TGeoMedium newmed = 0 

Definition at line 1899 of file TGeoVolume.cxx.

References TObjArray::AddAt(), TGeoShape::ComputeBBox(), TObject::Error(), fNodes, fShape, fVoxels, GetField(), TAttFill::GetFillColor(), TAttFill::GetFillStyle(), GetIndex(), TAttLine::GetLineColor(), TAttLine::GetLineStyle(), TAttLine::GetLineWidth(), GetMedium(), TNamed::GetName(), GetShape(), TGeoNode::GetVolume(), IsAssembly(), TGeoNode::IsOffset(), IsVisible(), TGeoNode::MakeCopyNode(), NULL, TObjArray::RemoveAt(), SetField(), TAttFill::SetFillColor(), TAttFill::SetFillStyle(), SetLineColor(), SetLineStyle(), SetLineWidth(), TGeoVoxelFinder::SetNeedRebuild(), SetVisibility(), TGeoNode::SetVolume(), and TGeoVolume().

void TGeoVolume::SaveAs ( const char *  filename,
Option_t option = "" 
) const [virtual]

Reimplemented from TObject.

Definition at line 1256 of file TGeoVolume.cxx.

References TObject::Error(), fGeoManager, TGeoManager::GetTopVolume(), TString::Index(), out, TString::Remove(), and TGeoManager::SetTopVolume().

Referenced by Export(), and TGeoManager::Export().

void TGeoVolume::SavePrimitive ( ostream &  out,
Option_t option = "" 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TObject.

Definition at line 1278 of file TGeoVolume.cxx.

References fFinder, fGeoManager, TAttLine::fLineColor, TAttLine::fLineStyle, TAttLine::fLineWidth, fMedium, fShape, TGeoManager::GetGeomPainter(), TGeoMedium::GetId(), TGeoNode::GetMatrix(), GetMedium(), TNamed::GetName(), GetNdaughters(), GetNode(), TGeoNode::GetNumber(), GetPointerName(), TGeoShape::GetPointerName(), TGeoMedium::GetPointerName(), TNamed::GetTitle(), TVirtualGeoPainter::GetTopVolume(), TGeoNode::GetVolume(), i, IsAssembly(), TGeoNode::IsOverlapping(), IsRaytracing(), IsVisContainers(), IsVisible(), IsVisibleDaughters(), IsVisLeaves(), kFALSE, TGeoAtt::kSaveNodesAtt, TGeoAtt::kSavePrimitiveAtt, kTRUE, TObject::SavePrimitive(), SavePrimitive(), TGeoMedium::SavePrimitive(), TGeoManager::SetAllIndex(), TGeoAtt::SetAttBit(), and TGeoAtt::TestAttBit().

Referenced by SavePrimitive().

void TGeoVolume::SelectVolume ( Bool_t  clear = kFALSE  ) 

Definition at line 1944 of file TGeoVolume.cxx.

References array, i, kVolumeSelected, len, TObject::ResetBit(), and TObject::SetBit().

Referenced by TGeoNode::CheckOverlaps(), and TGeoNode::CountDaughters().

void TGeoVolume::SetActivity ( Bool_t  flag = kTRUE  )  [inline]

Reimplemented from TGeoAtt.

Definition at line 199 of file TGeoVolume.h.

References flag, and TGeoAtt::SetActivity().

void TGeoVolume::SetActiveDaughters ( Bool_t  flag = kTRUE  )  [inline]

Reimplemented from TGeoAtt.

Definition at line 200 of file TGeoVolume.h.

References flag, and TGeoAtt::SetActiveDaughters().

void TGeoVolume::SetAsTopVolume (  ) 

Definition at line 1715 of file TGeoVolume.cxx.

References fGeoManager, and TGeoManager::SetTopVolume().

void TGeoVolume::SetAdded (  )  [inline]

Definition at line 202 of file TGeoVolume.h.

References kVolumeAdded, and TObject::SetBit().

Referenced by TGeoNode::TGeoNode().

void TGeoVolume::SetReplicated (  )  [inline]

Definition at line 203 of file TGeoVolume.h.

References kVolumeReplicated, and TObject::SetBit().

Referenced by TGeoNode::TGeoNode().

void TGeoVolume::SetCurrentPoint ( Double_t  x,
Double_t  y,
Double_t  z 

Definition at line 1722 of file TGeoVolume.cxx.

References fGeoManager, and TGeoManager::SetCurrentPoint().

Referenced by TGeoNode::SetCurrentPoint().

void TGeoVolume::SetCylVoxels ( Bool_t  flag = kTRUE  )  [inline]

Definition at line 205 of file TGeoVolume.h.

References flag, kVoxelsCyl, kVoxelsXYZ, and TObject::SetBit().

Referenced by TGeoVoxelFinder::TGeoVoxelFinder().

void TGeoVolume::SetNodes ( TObjArray nodes  )  [inline]

Definition at line 206 of file TGeoVolume.h.

References fNodes, kVolumeImportNodes, and TObject::SetBit().

Referenced by CloneNodesAndConnect(), TGeoVolumeMulti::MakeCopyVolume(), and MakeReflectedVolume().

void TGeoVolume::SetShape ( const TGeoShape shape  ) 

Definition at line 1729 of file TGeoVolume.cxx.

References TObject::Error(), and fShape.

Referenced by TGeoPhysicalNode::Align(), TGeoBuilder::MakeBox(), TGeoBuilder::MakeCone(), TGeoBuilder::MakeCons(), TGeoBuilder::MakeEltu(), TGeoBuilder::MakeHype(), TGeoBuilder::MakePara(), TGeoBuilder::MakeParaboloid(), MakeReflectedVolume(), TGeoBuilder::MakeTrd1(), TGeoBuilder::MakeTrd2(), TGeoBuilder::MakeTube(), and TGeoBuilder::MakeTubs().

void TGeoVolume::SetTransparency ( Char_t  transparency = 0  )  [inline]

Definition at line 208 of file TGeoVolume.h.

References fMedium, TGeoMedium::GetMaterial(), and TGeoMaterial::SetTransparency().

Referenced by TGeoManager::DefaultColors(), geomAlice(), geomAlice_itsv(), MyDetector::Init(), TGeoPainter::PaintVolume(), RecursiveTransparency(), and TEveGeoNode::SetMainTransparency().

void TGeoVolume::SetField ( TObject field  )  [inline]

Definition at line 209 of file TGeoVolume.h.

References fField.

Referenced by TGeoVolumeAssembly::CloneVolume(), CloneVolume(), TGeoVolumeAssembly::MakeAssemblyFromVolume(), MakeCopyVolume(), TGeoVolumeMulti::MakeCopyVolume(), ReplaceNode(), and TGeoManager::ResetUserData().

void TGeoVolume::SetOption ( const char *  option  ) 

Definition at line 1813 of file TGeoVolume.cxx.

Referenced by TGeoVolumeAssembly::CloneVolume(), CloneVolume(), and TGeoVolumeAssembly::MakeAssemblyFromVolume().

void TGeoVolume::SetAttVisibility ( Bool_t  vis  )  [inline]

Definition at line 211 of file TGeoVolume.h.

References TGeoAtt::SetVisibility().

Referenced by InvisibleAll().

void TGeoVolume::SetVisibility ( Bool_t  vis = kTRUE  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from TGeoAtt.

Definition at line 1968 of file TGeoVolume.cxx.

References TBrowser::CheckObjectItem(), fGeoManager, TROOT::GetListOfBrowsers(), TNamed::GetName(), gROOT, TObject::Info(), IsAssembly(), TGeoManager::IsClosed(), kTRUE, TBrowser::Refresh(), TGeoAtt::SetVisibility(), TGeoManager::SetVisOption(), and TGeoAtt::SetVisTouched().

Referenced by TGeoVolumeMulti::AddNode(), TGeoVolumeMulti::AddNodeOverlap(), assembly(), building(), TGeoChecker::CheckPoint(), csgdemo(), TGeoVolumeMulti::Divide(), TGeoVolumeEditor::DoVisVolume(), TEveGeoNodeEditor::DoVizVolume(), TGeoNode::DrawOverlaps(), MyDetector::Init(), MakeCopyVolume(), TGeoVolumeMulti::MakeCopyVolume(), ReplaceNode(), rootgeom(), SetInvisible(), TGeoNode::SetVisibility(), TGeoVolumeMulti::SetVisibility(), and TGeoManager::SetVolumeAttribute().

void TGeoVolume::SetVisContainers ( Bool_t  flag = kTRUE  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from TGeoAtt.

Definition at line 1988 of file TGeoVolume.cxx.

References fGeoManager, TGeoManager::IsClosed(), TVirtualGeoPainter::kGeoVisDefault, TVirtualGeoPainter::kGeoVisLeaves, TGeoAtt::SetVisContainers(), and TGeoManager::SetVisOption().

Referenced by TGeoVolumeEditor::DoViewAll(), and TEveGeoTopNode::Paint().

void TGeoVolume::SetVisLeaves ( Bool_t  flag = kTRUE  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from TGeoAtt.

Definition at line 1999 of file TGeoVolume.cxx.

References fGeoManager, TGeoManager::IsClosed(), TVirtualGeoPainter::kGeoVisDefault, TVirtualGeoPainter::kGeoVisLeaves, TGeoAtt::SetVisLeaves(), and TGeoManager::SetVisOption().

Referenced by TGeoVolumeEditor::DoViewLeaves(), Draw(), and TEveGeoTopNode::Paint().

void TGeoVolume::SetVisOnly ( Bool_t  flag = kTRUE  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from TGeoAtt.

Definition at line 2010 of file TGeoVolume.cxx.

References fGeoManager, IsAssembly(), TGeoManager::IsClosed(), TVirtualGeoPainter::kGeoVisLeaves, TVirtualGeoPainter::kGeoVisOnly, TGeoAtt::SetVisOnly(), and TGeoManager::SetVisOption().

Referenced by TGeoVolumeEditor::DoViewOnly(), DrawOnly(), and TEveGeoTopNode::Paint().

void TGeoVolume::SetLineColor ( Color_t  lcolor  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from TAttLine.

Definition at line 1819 of file TGeoVolume.cxx.

References TAttLine::SetLineColor().

Referenced by TGeoVolumeMulti::AddNode(), TGeoVolumeMulti::AddNodeOverlap(), arb8(), assembly(), box(), building(), TGeoChecker::CheckPoint(), cheongwadae(), ClassImp(), CloneVolume(), composite(), cone(), coneseg(), csgdemo(), ctub(), TGeoManager::DefaultColors(), TGeoVolumeMulti::Divide(), TStructViewerGUI::DrawNode(), eltu(), glViewerLOD(), gtra(), hype(), ideal(), MyDetector::Init(), lego(), MakeCopyVolume(), TGeoVolumeMulti::MakeCopyVolume(), mp3player(), nucleus(), TGeoPainter::PaintPhysicalNode(), TGeoPainter::PaintVolume(), para(), parab(), pcon(), pgon(), ReplaceNode(), robot(), rootgeom(), TGeoVolumeMulti::SetLineColor(), TEveGeoNode::SetMainColor(), TGeoManager::SetVolumeAttribute(), south_gate(), sphere(), station1(), station2(), tank(), torus(), trap(), trd1(), trd2(), tube(), tubeseg(), and xtru().

void TGeoVolume::SetLineStyle ( Style_t  lstyle  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from TAttLine.

Definition at line 1826 of file TGeoVolume.cxx.

References TAttLine::SetLineStyle().

Referenced by TGeoVolumeMulti::AddNode(), TGeoVolumeMulti::AddNodeOverlap(), TGeoChecker::CheckPoint(), CloneVolume(), TGeoVolumeMulti::Divide(), MakeCopyVolume(), TGeoVolumeMulti::MakeCopyVolume(), TGeoPainter::PaintPhysicalNode(), TGeoPainter::PaintVolume(), ReplaceNode(), TGeoVolumeMulti::SetLineStyle(), and TGeoManager::SetVolumeAttribute().

void TGeoVolume::SetLineWidth ( Width_t  lwidth  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from TAttLine.

Definition at line 1833 of file TGeoVolume.cxx.

References TAttLine::SetLineWidth().

Referenced by TGeoVolumeMulti::AddNode(), TGeoVolumeMulti::AddNodeOverlap(), arb8(), box(), CloneVolume(), cone(), ctub(), TGeoVolumeMulti::Divide(), TStructViewerGUI::DrawNode(), gtra(), hype(), MyDetector::Init(), MakeCopyVolume(), TGeoVolumeMulti::MakeCopyVolume(), TGeoPainter::PaintPhysicalNode(), TGeoPainter::PaintVolume(), para(), parab(), pcon(), pgon(), ReplaceNode(), TGeoVolumeMulti::SetLineWidth(), TGeoManager::SetVolumeAttribute(), sphere(), trap(), trd1(), trd2(), tube(), tubeseg(), and xtru().

void TGeoVolume::SetInvisible (  )  [inline]

Definition at line 219 of file TGeoVolume.h.

References kFALSE, and SetVisibility().

virtual void TGeoVolume::SetMedium ( TGeoMedium medium  )  [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 220 of file TGeoVolume.h.

References fMedium.

Referenced by Divide(), and TGeoVolumeMulti::SetMedium().

void TGeoVolume::SetVoxelFinder ( TGeoVoxelFinder finder  )  [inline]

Definition at line 221 of file TGeoVolume.h.

References fVoxels.

Referenced by TGeoVolumeAssembly::CloneVolume(), and CloneVolume().

void TGeoVolume::SetFinder ( TGeoPatternFinder finder  )  [inline]

Definition at line 222 of file TGeoVolume.h.

References fFinder.

Referenced by TGeoManager::CleanGarbage(), CloneVolume(), TGeoBBox::Divide(), TGeoPara::Divide(), TGeoTube::Divide(), TGeoTubeSeg::Divide(), TGeoPcon::Divide(), TGeoTrap::Divide(), TGeoConeSeg::Divide(), TGeoTrd2::Divide(), TGeoPgon::Divide(), TGeoTrd1::Divide(), TGeoCone::Divide(), TGeoVolumeEditor::DoApplyDiv(), MakeCopyVolume(), and MakeReflectedVolume().

void TGeoVolume::SetNumber ( Int_t  number  )  [inline]

Definition at line 223 of file TGeoVolume.h.

References fNumber.

Referenced by TGeoManager::AddVolume(), TGeoVolumeAssembly::CloneVolume(), CloneVolume(), and TGeoVolumeAssembly::MakeAssemblyFromVolume().

void TGeoVolume::SetNtotal ( Int_t  ntotal  )  [inline]

Definition at line 224 of file TGeoVolume.h.

References fNtotal.

Referenced by TGeoVolumeAssembly::CloneVolume(), CloneVolume(), and TGeoVolumeAssembly::MakeAssemblyFromVolume().

void TGeoVolume::SortNodes (  ) 

Definition at line 1740 of file TGeoVolume.cxx.

References TObjArray::Add(), xmlio::Class, TObject::Error(), fFinder, fNodes, TNamed::GetName(), GetNdaughters(), GetNode(), TObject::InheritsFrom(), TGeoNode::IsOverlapping(), TGeoPatternFinder::SetDivIndex(), and Valid().

Referenced by TGeoManager::Voxelize().

void TGeoVolume::UnmarkSaved (  ) 

Definition at line 1426 of file TGeoVolume.cxx.

References fShape, TGeoShape::kGeoSavePrimitive, TGeoAtt::kSaveNodesAtt, TGeoAtt::kSavePrimitiveAtt, TGeoAtt::ResetAttBit(), and TObject::ResetBit().

Referenced by TGeoManager::SetAllIndex().

Bool_t TGeoVolume::Valid (  )  const

Definition at line 2022 of file TGeoVolume.cxx.

References fShape, and TGeoShape::IsValidBox().

Referenced by FindOverlaps(), SortNodes(), and Voxelize().

void TGeoVolume::VisibleDaughters ( Bool_t  vis = kTRUE  ) 

Definition at line 2059 of file TGeoVolume.cxx.

References fGeoManager, TGeoManager::IsClosed(), kTRUE, TGeoAtt::SetVisDaughters(), TGeoManager::SetVisOption(), and TGeoAtt::SetVisTouched().

Referenced by TGeoVolumeEditor::DoVisDaughters(), TEveGeoNodeEditor::DoVizVolumeDaughters(), and TGeoChecker::RandomPoints().

void TGeoVolume::InvisibleAll ( Bool_t  flag = kTRUE  ) 

Definition at line 692 of file TGeoVolume.cxx.

References fGeoManager, TROOT::GetListOfBrowsers(), GetNdaughters(), GetNode(), gROOT, i, list, SetAttVisibility(), and TGeoManager::SetVisOption().

Referenced by geomAlice(), geomAlice_itsv(), and RecursiveInvisible().

void TGeoVolume::Voxelize ( Option_t option  ) 

Definition at line 2068 of file TGeoVolume.cxx.

References TGeoShape::ComputeBBox(), TObject::Error(), fFinder, fShape, fVoxels, GetNdaughters(), IsAssembly(), TGeoVoxelFinder::IsInvalid(), kVolumeClone, TObject::TestBit(), Valid(), and TGeoVoxelFinder::Voxelize().

Referenced by TGeoManager::Voxelize().

Double_t TGeoVolume::Weight ( Double_t  precision = 0.01,
Option_t option = "va" 

Definition at line 2099 of file TGeoVolume.cxx.

References fGeoManager, TGeoManager::GetTopVolume(), TGeoManager::SetTopVolume(), top(), and TGeoManager::Weight().

Double_t TGeoVolume::WeightA (  )  const

Definition at line 2112 of file TGeoVolume.cxx.

References Capacity(), fMedium, TGeoMaterial::GetDensity(), TGeoMedium::GetMaterial(), GetNdaughters(), GetNode(), i, IsAssembly(), and WeightA().

Referenced by TGeoManager::Weight(), and WeightA().

TGeoVolume& TGeoVolume::operator= ( const TGeoVolume  )  [protected]

virtual void TGeoVolume::cd ( Int_t  inode  )  const [virtual]

void TGeoVolume::Browse ( TBrowser b  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from TObject.

Double_t TGeoVolume::Capacity (  )  const

void TGeoVolume::CheckShapes (  ) 

void TGeoVolume::ClearNodes (  )  [inline]

Definition at line 106 of file TGeoVolume.h.

References fNodes.

void TGeoVolume::ClearShape (  ) 

void TGeoVolume::CleanAll (  ) 

virtual TGeoVolume* TGeoVolume::CloneVolume (  )  const [virtual]

void TGeoVolume::CloneNodesAndConnect ( TGeoVolume newmother  )  const

void TGeoVolume::CheckGeometry ( Int_t  nrays = 1,
Double_t  startx = 0,
Double_t  starty = 0,
Double_t  startz = 0 
) const

void TGeoVolume::CheckOverlaps ( Double_t  ovlp = 0.1,
Option_t option = "" 
) const

Int_t TGeoVolume::CountNodes ( Int_t  nlevels = 1000,
Int_t  option = 0 

Bool_t TGeoVolume::Contains ( Double_t point  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 114 of file TGeoVolume.h.

References TGeoShape::Contains(), and fShape.

virtual Bool_t TGeoVolume::IsAssembly (  )  const [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 115 of file TGeoVolume.h.

References kFALSE.

virtual Bool_t TGeoVolume::IsFolder (  )  const [virtual]

Reimplemented from TObject.

Bool_t TGeoVolume::IsRunTime (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 117 of file TGeoVolume.h.

References fShape, and TGeoShape::IsRunTimeShape().

virtual Bool_t TGeoVolume::IsVolumeMulti (  )  const [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 118 of file TGeoVolume.h.

References kFALSE.

virtual void TGeoVolume::AddNode ( const TGeoVolume vol,
Int_t  copy_no,
TGeoMatrix mat = 0,
Option_t option = "" 
) [virtual]

void TGeoVolume::AddNodeOffset ( const TGeoVolume vol,
Int_t  copy_no,
Double_t  offset = 0,
Option_t option = "" 

virtual void TGeoVolume::AddNodeOverlap ( const TGeoVolume vol,
Int_t  copy_no,
TGeoMatrix mat = 0,
Option_t option = "" 
) [virtual]

virtual TGeoVolume* TGeoVolume::Divide ( const char *  divname,
Int_t  iaxis,
Int_t  ndiv,
Double_t  start,
Double_t  step,
Int_t  numed = 0,
Option_t option = "" 
) [virtual]

virtual Int_t TGeoVolume::DistancetoPrimitive ( Int_t  px,
Int_t  py 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TObject.

virtual void TGeoVolume::Draw ( Option_t option = ""  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from TObject.

virtual void TGeoVolume::DrawOnly ( Option_t option = ""  )  [virtual]

TH2F* TGeoVolume::LegoPlot ( Int_t  ntheta = 20,
Double_t  themin = 0.,
Double_t  themax = 180.,
Int_t  nphi = 60,
Double_t  phimin = 0.,
Double_t  phimax = 360.,
Double_t  rmin = 0.,
Double_t  rmax = 9999999,
Option_t option = "" 

virtual void TGeoVolume::Paint ( Option_t option = ""  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from TObject.

void TGeoVolume::PrintNodes (  )  const

void TGeoVolume::PrintVoxels (  )  const

void TGeoVolume::ReplayCreation ( const TGeoVolume other  ) 

virtual void TGeoVolume::ExecuteEvent ( Int_t  event,
Int_t  px,
Int_t  py 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TObject.

Bool_t TGeoVolume::IsActive (  )  const [inline]

Reimplemented from TGeoAtt.

Definition at line 136 of file TGeoVolume.h.

References TGeoAtt::IsActive().

Bool_t TGeoVolume::IsActiveDaughters (  )  const [inline]

Reimplemented from TGeoAtt.

Definition at line 137 of file TGeoVolume.h.

References TGeoAtt::IsActiveDaughters().

Bool_t TGeoVolume::IsAdded (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 138 of file TGeoVolume.h.

References kVolumeAdded, and TObject::TestBit().

Bool_t TGeoVolume::IsReplicated (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 139 of file TGeoVolume.h.

References kVolumeReplicated, and TObject::TestBit().

Bool_t TGeoVolume::IsSelected (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 140 of file TGeoVolume.h.

References kVolumeSelected, and TObject::TestBit().

Bool_t TGeoVolume::IsCylVoxels (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 141 of file TGeoVolume.h.

References kVoxelsCyl, and TObject::TestBit().

Bool_t TGeoVolume::IsXYZVoxels (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 142 of file TGeoVolume.h.

References kVoxelsXYZ, and TObject::TestBit().

Bool_t TGeoVolume::IsTopVolume (  )  const

Bool_t TGeoVolume::IsValid (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 144 of file TGeoVolume.h.

References fShape, and TGeoShape::IsValid().

virtual Bool_t TGeoVolume::IsVisible (  )  const [inline, virtual]

Reimplemented from TGeoAtt.

Definition at line 145 of file TGeoVolume.h.

References TGeoAtt::IsVisible().

Bool_t TGeoVolume::IsVisibleDaughters (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 146 of file TGeoVolume.h.

References TGeoAtt::IsVisDaughters().

Bool_t TGeoVolume::IsVisContainers (  )  const [inline]

Reimplemented from TGeoAtt.

Definition at line 147 of file TGeoVolume.h.

References TGeoAtt::IsVisContainers().

Bool_t TGeoVolume::IsVisLeaves (  )  const [inline]

Reimplemented from TGeoAtt.

Definition at line 148 of file TGeoVolume.h.

References TGeoAtt::IsVisLeaves().

Bool_t TGeoVolume::IsVisOnly (  )  const [inline]

Reimplemented from TGeoAtt.

Definition at line 149 of file TGeoVolume.h.

References TGeoAtt::IsVisOnly().

Bool_t TGeoVolume::IsAllInvisible (  )  const

Bool_t TGeoVolume::IsRaytracing (  )  const

static TGeoVolume* TGeoVolume::Import ( const char *  filename,
const char *  name = "",
Option_t option = "" 
) [static]

Int_t TGeoVolume::Export ( const char *  filename,
const char *  name = "",
Option_t option = "" 

TGeoNode* TGeoVolume::FindNode ( const char *  name  )  const

void TGeoVolume::FindOverlaps (  )  const

Bool_t TGeoVolume::FindMatrixOfDaughterVolume ( TGeoVolume vol  )  const

virtual Int_t TGeoVolume::GetCurrentNodeIndex (  )  const [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 157 of file TGeoVolume.h.

virtual Int_t TGeoVolume::GetNextNodeIndex (  )  const [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 158 of file TGeoVolume.h.

TObjArray* TGeoVolume::GetNodes (  )  [inline]

Definition at line 159 of file TGeoVolume.h.

References fNodes.

Int_t TGeoVolume::GetNdaughters (  )  const

Int_t TGeoVolume::GetNtotal (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 161 of file TGeoVolume.h.

References fNtotal.

virtual Int_t TGeoVolume::GetByteCount (  )  const [virtual]

TGeoManager* TGeoVolume::GetGeoManager (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 163 of file TGeoVolume.h.

References fGeoManager.

TGeoMaterial* TGeoVolume::GetMaterial (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 164 of file TGeoVolume.h.

References fMedium, and TGeoMedium::GetMaterial().

TGeoMedium* TGeoVolume::GetMedium (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 165 of file TGeoVolume.h.

References fMedium.

TObject* TGeoVolume::GetField (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 166 of file TGeoVolume.h.

References fField.

TGeoPatternFinder* TGeoVolume::GetFinder (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 167 of file TGeoVolume.h.

References fFinder.

TGeoVoxelFinder* TGeoVolume::GetVoxels (  )  const

const char* TGeoVolume::GetIconName (  )  const [inline, virtual]

Reimplemented from TObject.

Definition at line 169 of file TGeoVolume.h.

References fShape, and TGeoShape::GetName().

Int_t TGeoVolume::GetIndex ( const TGeoNode node  )  const

TGeoNode* TGeoVolume::GetNode ( const char *  name  )  const

TGeoNode* TGeoVolume::GetNode ( Int_t  i  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 172 of file TGeoVolume.h.

References fNodes, and TObjArray::UncheckedAt().

Int_t TGeoVolume::GetNodeIndex ( const TGeoNode node,
Int_t check_list,
Int_t  ncheck 
) const

Int_t TGeoVolume::GetNumber (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 174 of file TGeoVolume.h.

References fNumber.

virtual char* TGeoVolume::GetObjectInfo ( Int_t  px,
Int_t  py 
) const [virtual]

Reimplemented from TObject.

Bool_t TGeoVolume::GetOptimalVoxels (  )  const

Option_t* TGeoVolume::GetOption (  )  const [inline, virtual]

Reimplemented from TObject.

Definition at line 177 of file TGeoVolume.h.

References TString::Data(), and fOption.

char* TGeoVolume::GetPointerName (  )  const

Char_t TGeoVolume::GetTransparency (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 179 of file TGeoVolume.h.

References fMedium, TGeoMedium::GetMaterial(), and TGeoMaterial::GetTransparency().

TGeoShape* TGeoVolume::GetShape (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 180 of file TGeoVolume.h.

References fShape.

void TGeoVolume::GrabFocus (  ) 

void TGeoVolume::Gsord ( Int_t   )  [inline]

Definition at line 182 of file TGeoVolume.h.

Bool_t TGeoVolume::IsStyleDefault (  )  const

void TGeoVolume::InspectMaterial (  )  const

void TGeoVolume::InspectShape (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 185 of file TGeoVolume.h.

References fShape, and TGeoShape::InspectShape().

virtual TGeoVolume* TGeoVolume::MakeCopyVolume ( TGeoShape newshape  )  [virtual]

void TGeoVolume::MakeCopyNodes ( const TGeoVolume other  ) 

TGeoVolume* TGeoVolume::MakeReflectedVolume ( const char *  newname = ""  )  const

Bool_t TGeoVolume::OptimizeVoxels (  ) 

void TGeoVolume::RandomPoints ( Int_t  npoints = 1000000,
Option_t option = "" 

void TGeoVolume::RandomRays ( Int_t  nrays = 10000,
Double_t  startx = 0,
Double_t  starty = 0,
Double_t  startz = 0 

void TGeoVolume::Raytrace ( Bool_t  flag = kTRUE  ) 

void TGeoVolume::RegisterYourself ( Option_t option = ""  ) 

void TGeoVolume::RemoveNode ( TGeoNode node  ) 

TGeoNode* TGeoVolume::ReplaceNode ( TGeoNode nodeorig,
TGeoShape newshape = 0,
TGeoMatrix newpos = 0,
TGeoMedium newmed = 0 

void TGeoVolume::SaveAs ( const char *  filename,
Option_t option = "" 
) const [virtual]

Reimplemented from TObject.

virtual void TGeoVolume::SavePrimitive ( ostream &  out,
Option_t option = "" 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TObject.

void TGeoVolume::SelectVolume ( Bool_t  clear = kFALSE  ) 

void TGeoVolume::SetActivity ( Bool_t  flag = kTRUE  )  [inline]

Reimplemented from TGeoAtt.

Definition at line 199 of file TGeoVolume.h.

References flag, and TGeoAtt::SetActivity().

void TGeoVolume::SetActiveDaughters ( Bool_t  flag = kTRUE  )  [inline]

Reimplemented from TGeoAtt.

Definition at line 200 of file TGeoVolume.h.

References flag, and TGeoAtt::SetActiveDaughters().

void TGeoVolume::SetAsTopVolume (  ) 

void TGeoVolume::SetAdded (  )  [inline]

Definition at line 202 of file TGeoVolume.h.

References kVolumeAdded, and TObject::SetBit().

void TGeoVolume::SetReplicated (  )  [inline]

Definition at line 203 of file TGeoVolume.h.

References kVolumeReplicated, and TObject::SetBit().

void TGeoVolume::SetCurrentPoint ( Double_t  x,
Double_t  y,
Double_t  z 

void TGeoVolume::SetCylVoxels ( Bool_t  flag = kTRUE  )  [inline]

Definition at line 205 of file TGeoVolume.h.

References flag, kVoxelsCyl, kVoxelsXYZ, and TObject::SetBit().

void TGeoVolume::SetNodes ( TObjArray nodes  )  [inline]

Definition at line 206 of file TGeoVolume.h.

References fNodes, kVolumeImportNodes, and TObject::SetBit().

void TGeoVolume::SetShape ( const TGeoShape shape  ) 

void TGeoVolume::SetTransparency ( Char_t  transparency = 0  )  [inline]

Definition at line 208 of file TGeoVolume.h.

References fMedium, TGeoMedium::GetMaterial(), and TGeoMaterial::SetTransparency().

void TGeoVolume::SetField ( TObject field  )  [inline]

Definition at line 209 of file TGeoVolume.h.

References fField.

void TGeoVolume::SetOption ( const char *  option  ) 

void TGeoVolume::SetAttVisibility ( Bool_t  vis  )  [inline]

Definition at line 211 of file TGeoVolume.h.

References TGeoAtt::SetVisibility().

virtual void TGeoVolume::SetVisibility ( Bool_t  vis = kTRUE  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from TGeoAtt.

virtual void TGeoVolume::SetVisContainers ( Bool_t  flag = kTRUE  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from TGeoAtt.

virtual void TGeoVolume::SetVisLeaves ( Bool_t  flag = kTRUE  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from TGeoAtt.

virtual void TGeoVolume::SetVisOnly ( Bool_t  flag = kTRUE  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from TGeoAtt.

virtual void TGeoVolume::SetLineColor ( Color_t  lcolor  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from TAttLine.

virtual void TGeoVolume::SetLineStyle ( Style_t  lstyle  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from TAttLine.

virtual void TGeoVolume::SetLineWidth ( Width_t  lwidth  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from TAttLine.

void TGeoVolume::SetInvisible (  )  [inline]

Definition at line 219 of file TGeoVolume.h.

References kFALSE, and SetVisibility().

virtual void TGeoVolume::SetMedium ( TGeoMedium medium  )  [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 220 of file TGeoVolume.h.

References fMedium.

void TGeoVolume::SetVoxelFinder ( TGeoVoxelFinder finder  )  [inline]

Definition at line 221 of file TGeoVolume.h.

References fVoxels.

void TGeoVolume::SetFinder ( TGeoPatternFinder finder  )  [inline]

Definition at line 222 of file TGeoVolume.h.

References fFinder.

void TGeoVolume::SetNumber ( Int_t  number  )  [inline]

Definition at line 223 of file TGeoVolume.h.

References fNumber.

void TGeoVolume::SetNtotal ( Int_t  ntotal  )  [inline]

Definition at line 224 of file TGeoVolume.h.

References fNtotal.

void TGeoVolume::SortNodes (  ) 

void TGeoVolume::UnmarkSaved (  ) 

Bool_t TGeoVolume::Valid (  )  const

void TGeoVolume::VisibleDaughters ( Bool_t  vis = kTRUE  ) 

void TGeoVolume::InvisibleAll ( Bool_t  flag = kTRUE  ) 

void TGeoVolume::Voxelize ( Option_t option  ) 

Double_t TGeoVolume::Weight ( Double_t  precision = 0.01,
Option_t option = "va" 

Double_t TGeoVolume::WeightA (  )  const

Member Data Documentation

TObjArray* TGeoVolume::fNodes [protected]

Definition at line 67 of file TGeoVolume.h.

Referenced by AddNode(), AddNodeOffset(), AddNodeOverlap(), TGeoVolumeMulti::AddVolume(), CheckShapes(), ClearNodes(), CloneNodesAndConnect(), Divide(), FindNode(), GetByteCount(), GetIndex(), GetNdaughters(), GetNode(), GetNodeIndex(), GetNodes(), GetOptimalVoxels(), MakeCopyNodes(), TGeoVolumeMulti::MakeCopyVolume(), operator=(), RemoveNode(), ReplaceNode(), SetNodes(), SortNodes(), TGeoVolume(), and ~TGeoVolume().

TGeoShape* TGeoVolume::fShape [protected]

Definition at line 68 of file TGeoVolume.h.

Referenced by TGeoVolumeAssembly::AddNode(), Capacity(), CheckShapes(), ClearShape(), CloneVolume(), Contains(), Divide(), GetByteCount(), GetIconName(), GetShape(), InspectShape(), IsRunTime(), IsValid(), MakeReflectedVolume(), operator=(), RegisterYourself(), RemoveNode(), ReplaceNode(), SavePrimitive(), SetShape(), TGeoVolume(), TGeoVolumeAssembly::TGeoVolumeAssembly(), UnmarkSaved(), Valid(), Voxelize(), and TGeoVolumeAssembly::~TGeoVolumeAssembly().

TGeoMedium* TGeoVolume::fMedium [protected]

Definition at line 69 of file TGeoVolume.h.

Referenced by AddNodeOverlap(), CloneVolume(), TGeoVolumeMulti::Divide(), GetMaterial(), GetMedium(), GetTransparency(), InspectMaterial(), MakeCopyVolume(), TGeoVolumeMulti::MakeCopyVolume(), operator=(), RegisterYourself(), SavePrimitive(), SetMedium(), SetTransparency(), TGeoVolume(), and WeightA().

TGeoPatternFinder* TGeoVolume::fFinder [protected]

Definition at line 70 of file TGeoVolume.h.

Referenced by AddNode(), AddNodeOverlap(), cd(), CheckOverlaps(), CloneVolume(), Divide(), GetByteCount(), GetFinder(), MakeCopyVolume(), MakeReflectedVolume(), operator=(), SavePrimitive(), SetFinder(), SortNodes(), TGeoVolume(), Voxelize(), and ~TGeoVolume().

TGeoVoxelFinder* TGeoVolume::fVoxels [protected]

Definition at line 71 of file TGeoVolume.h.

Referenced by TGeoVolumeAssembly::CloneVolume(), CloneVolume(), FindOverlaps(), GetVoxels(), operator=(), PrintVoxels(), RemoveNode(), ReplaceNode(), SetVoxelFinder(), TGeoVolume(), Voxelize(), and ~TGeoVolume().

TGeoManager* TGeoVolume::fGeoManager [protected]

Definition at line 72 of file TGeoVolume.h.

Referenced by CheckGeometry(), CheckOverlaps(), ClearShape(), CountNodes(), DistancetoPrimitive(), Divide(), TGeoVolumeMulti::Divide(), Draw(), DrawOnly(), ExecuteEvent(), FindMatrixOfDaughterVolume(), GetGeoManager(), GetObjectInfo(), GrabFocus(), InvisibleAll(), IsTopVolume(), LegoPlot(), MakeReflectedVolume(), operator=(), OptimizeVoxels(), Paint(), RandomPoints(), RandomRays(), Raytrace(), RegisterYourself(), SaveAs(), SavePrimitive(), SetAsTopVolume(), SetCurrentPoint(), SetVisContainers(), SetVisibility(), SetVisLeaves(), SetVisOnly(), TGeoVolume(), TGeoVolumeAssembly::TGeoVolumeAssembly(), TGeoVolumeMulti::TGeoVolumeMulti(), VisibleDaughters(), and Weight().

TObject* TGeoVolume::fField [protected]

pointer to TGeoManager owning this volume

Definition at line 74 of file TGeoVolume.h.

Referenced by TGeoVolumeAssembly::CloneVolume(), CloneVolume(), GetField(), MakeCopyVolume(), TGeoVolumeMulti::MakeCopyVolume(), operator=(), SetField(), and TGeoVolume().

TString TGeoVolume::fOption [protected]

just a hook for now

Definition at line 75 of file TGeoVolume.h.

Referenced by TGeoVolumeMulti::AddVolume(), TGeoVolumeAssembly::CloneVolume(), CloneVolume(), TGeoVolumeMulti::Divide(), GetByteCount(), GetOption(), TGeoVolumeMulti::MakeCopyVolume(), operator=(), and TGeoVolume().

Int_t TGeoVolume::fNumber [protected]

option - if any

Definition at line 76 of file TGeoVolume.h.

Referenced by TGeoVolumeAssembly::CloneVolume(), CloneVolume(), GetNumber(), operator=(), SetNumber(), TGeoVolume(), and TGeoVolumeAssembly::TGeoVolumeAssembly().

Int_t TGeoVolume::fNtotal [protected]

Definition at line 77 of file TGeoVolume.h.

Referenced by TGeoVolumeAssembly::CloneVolume(), CloneVolume(), CountNodes(), GetNtotal(), operator=(), SetNtotal(), and TGeoVolume().

TObjArray* TGeoVolume::fNodes [protected]

Definition at line 67 of file TGeoVolume.h.

TGeoShape* TGeoVolume::fShape [protected]

Definition at line 68 of file TGeoVolume.h.

TGeoMedium* TGeoVolume::fMedium [protected]

Definition at line 69 of file TGeoVolume.h.

TGeoPatternFinder* TGeoVolume::fFinder [protected]

Definition at line 70 of file TGeoVolume.h.

TGeoVoxelFinder* TGeoVolume::fVoxels [protected]

Definition at line 71 of file TGeoVolume.h.

TGeoManager* TGeoVolume::fGeoManager [protected]

Definition at line 72 of file TGeoVolume.h.

TObject* TGeoVolume::fField [protected]

pointer to TGeoManager owning this volume

Definition at line 74 of file TGeoVolume.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
Generated on Tue Jul 5 16:39:13 2011 for ROOT_528-00b_version by  doxygen 1.5.1