cernstaff.C File Reference

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void cernstaff ()

Function Documentation

void cernstaff (  ) 

Definition at line 3 of file cernstaff.C.

References TSystem::AccessPathName(), THStack::Add(), TLegend::AddEntry(), TPaveText::AddText(), arrow(), c1, TCanvas::cd(), TPad::Divide(), TPaveText::Draw(), TH1::Draw(), TTree::Draw(), THStack::Draw(), TLegend::Draw(), gDirectory, TDirectory::Get(), gPad, gROOT, gSystem, kBlue, kCyan, kGreen, kRed, kYellow, TH1::LabelsOption(), legend, TROOT::ProcessLine(), TAttFill::SetFillColor(), TAttFill::SetFillStyle(), TAttMarker::SetMarkerSize(), TAttMarker::SetMarkerStyle(), TH1::SetMaximum(), TH1::SetMinimum(), TH1::SetStats(), TH1::SetTitle(), and T.

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