TProofServ Class Reference

#include <TProofServ.h>

Inheritance diagram for TProofServ:

TApplication TApplication TQObject TObject TQObject TObject TQObject TObject TQObject TObject TProofServLite TProofServLite TXProofServ List of all members.

Public Types

enum  EStatusBits
enum  EQueryAction
enum  EStatusBits
enum  EQueryAction

Public Member Functions

 TProofServ (Int_t *argc, char **argv, FILE *flog=0)
virtual ~TProofServ ()
virtual Int_t CreateServer ()
TProofGetProof () const
const char * GetService () const
const char * GetConfDir () const
const char * GetConfFile () const
const char * GetUser () const
const char * GetGroup () const
const char * GetWorkDir () const
const char * GetImage () const
const char * GetSessionTag () const
const char * GetSessionDir () const
const char * GetPackageDir () const
const char * GetDataDir () const
Int_t GetProtocol () const
const char * GetOrdinal () const
Int_t GetGroupId () const
Int_t GetGroupSize () const
Int_t GetLogLevel () const
TSocketGetSocket () const
Float_t GetRealTime () const
Float_t GetCpuTime () const
Int_t GetQuerySeqNum () const
Int_t GetTotSessions () const
Int_t GetActSessions () const
Float_t GetEffSessions () const
void GetOptions (Int_t *argc, char **argv)
TListGetEnabledPackages () const
Int_t GetInflateFactor () const
Long64_t GetMsgSizeHWM () const
const char * GetPrefix () const
void FlushLogFile ()
TProofLockPathGetCacheLock ()
Int_t CopyFromCache (const char *name, Bool_t cpbin)
Int_t CopyToCache (const char *name, Int_t opt=0)
virtual EQueryAction GetWorkers (TList *workers, Int_t &prioritychange, Bool_t resume=kFALSE)
virtual void HandleException (Int_t sig)
virtual Int_t HandleSocketInput (TMessage *mess, Bool_t all)
virtual void HandleSocketInput ()
virtual void HandleUrgentData ()
virtual void HandleSigPipe ()
virtual void HandleTermination ()
void Interrupt ()
Bool_t IsEndMaster () const
Bool_t IsMaster () const
Bool_t IsParallel () const
Bool_t IsTopMaster () const
void Run (Bool_t retrn=kFALSE)
void Print (Option_t *option="") const
void RestartComputeTime ()
TObjectGet (const char *namecycle)
TDSetElementGetNextPacket (Long64_t totalEntries=-1)
virtual void ReleaseWorker (const char *)
void Reset (const char *dir)
Int_t ReceiveFile (const char *file, Bool_t bin, Long64_t size)
virtual Int_t SendAsynMessage (const char *msg, Bool_t lf=kTRUE)
virtual void SendLogFile (Int_t status=0, Int_t start=-1, Int_t end=-1)
void SendStatistics ()
void SendParallel (Bool_t async=kFALSE)
Int_t UpdateSessionStatus (Int_t xst=-1)
virtual void DisableTimeout ()
virtual void EnableTimeout ()
virtual void Terminate (Int_t status)
void LogToMaster (Bool_t on=kTRUE)
 TProofServ (Int_t *argc, char **argv, FILE *flog=0)
virtual ~TProofServ ()
virtual Int_t CreateServer ()
TProofGetProof () const
const char * GetService () const
const char * GetConfDir () const
const char * GetConfFile () const
const char * GetUser () const
const char * GetGroup () const
const char * GetWorkDir () const
const char * GetImage () const
const char * GetSessionTag () const
const char * GetSessionDir () const
const char * GetPackageDir () const
const char * GetDataDir () const
Int_t GetProtocol () const
const char * GetOrdinal () const
Int_t GetGroupId () const
Int_t GetGroupSize () const
Int_t GetLogLevel () const
TSocketGetSocket () const
Float_t GetRealTime () const
Float_t GetCpuTime () const
Int_t GetQuerySeqNum () const
Int_t GetTotSessions () const
Int_t GetActSessions () const
Float_t GetEffSessions () const
void GetOptions (Int_t *argc, char **argv)
TListGetEnabledPackages () const
Int_t GetInflateFactor () const
Long64_t GetMsgSizeHWM () const
const char * GetPrefix () const
void FlushLogFile ()
TProofLockPathGetCacheLock ()
Int_t CopyFromCache (const char *name, Bool_t cpbin)
Int_t CopyToCache (const char *name, Int_t opt=0)
virtual EQueryAction GetWorkers (TList *workers, Int_t &prioritychange, Bool_t resume=kFALSE)
virtual void HandleException (Int_t sig)
virtual Int_t HandleSocketInput (TMessage *mess, Bool_t all)
virtual void HandleSocketInput ()
virtual void HandleUrgentData ()
virtual void HandleSigPipe ()
virtual void HandleTermination ()
void Interrupt ()
Bool_t IsEndMaster () const
Bool_t IsMaster () const
Bool_t IsParallel () const
Bool_t IsTopMaster () const
void Run (Bool_t retrn=kFALSE)
void Print (Option_t *option="") const
void RestartComputeTime ()
TObjectGet (const char *namecycle)
TDSetElementGetNextPacket (Long64_t totalEntries=-1)
virtual void ReleaseWorker (const char *)
void Reset (const char *dir)
Int_t ReceiveFile (const char *file, Bool_t bin, Long64_t size)
virtual Int_t SendAsynMessage (const char *msg, Bool_t lf=kTRUE)
virtual void SendLogFile (Int_t status=0, Int_t start=-1, Int_t end=-1)
void SendStatistics ()
void SendParallel (Bool_t async=kFALSE)
Int_t UpdateSessionStatus (Int_t xst=-1)
virtual void DisableTimeout ()
virtual void EnableTimeout ()
virtual void Terminate (Int_t status)
void LogToMaster (Bool_t on=kTRUE)

Static Public Member Functions

static Long_t GetVirtMemMax ()
static Long_t GetResMemMax ()
static Float_t GetMemHWM ()
static Float_t GetMemStop ()
static FILE * SetErrorHandlerFile (FILE *ferr)
static void ErrorHandler (Int_t level, Bool_t abort, const char *location, const char *msg)
static void ResolveKeywords (TString &fname, const char *path=0)
static void SetLastMsg (const char *lastmsg)
static Bool_t IsActive ()
static TProofServThis ()
static Long_t GetVirtMemMax ()
static Long_t GetResMemMax ()
static Float_t GetMemHWM ()
static Float_t GetMemStop ()
static FILE * SetErrorHandlerFile (FILE *ferr)
static void ErrorHandler (Int_t level, Bool_t abort, const char *location, const char *msg)
static void ResolveKeywords (TString &fname, const char *path=0)
static void SetLastMsg (const char *lastmsg)
static Bool_t IsActive ()
static TProofServThis ()

Protected Member Functions

virtual void HandleArchive (TMessage *mess, TString *slb=0)
virtual Int_t HandleCache (TMessage *mess, TString *slb=0)
virtual void HandleCheckFile (TMessage *mess, TString *slb=0)
virtual Int_t HandleDataSets (TMessage *mess, TString *slb=0)
virtual void HandleSubmerger (TMessage *mess)
virtual void HandleFork (TMessage *mess)
virtual void HandleLibIncPath (TMessage *mess)
virtual void HandleProcess (TMessage *mess, TString *slb=0)
virtual void HandleQueryList (TMessage *mess)
virtual void HandleRemove (TMessage *mess, TString *slb=0)
virtual void HandleRetrieve (TMessage *mess, TString *slb=0)
virtual void HandleWorkerLists (TMessage *mess)
virtual void ProcessNext (TString *slb=0)
virtual Int_t Setup ()
Int_t SetupCommon ()
virtual void MakePlayer ()
virtual void DeletePlayer ()
virtual Int_t Fork ()
Int_t GetSessionStatus ()
Bool_t IsIdle ()
Bool_t UnlinkDataDir (const char *path)
virtual void HandleArchive (TMessage *mess, TString *slb=0)
virtual Int_t HandleCache (TMessage *mess, TString *slb=0)
virtual void HandleCheckFile (TMessage *mess, TString *slb=0)
virtual Int_t HandleDataSets (TMessage *mess, TString *slb=0)
virtual void HandleSubmerger (TMessage *mess)
virtual void HandleFork (TMessage *mess)
virtual void HandleLibIncPath (TMessage *mess)
virtual void HandleProcess (TMessage *mess, TString *slb=0)
virtual void HandleQueryList (TMessage *mess)
virtual void HandleRemove (TMessage *mess, TString *slb=0)
virtual void HandleRetrieve (TMessage *mess, TString *slb=0)
virtual void HandleWorkerLists (TMessage *mess)
virtual void ProcessNext (TString *slb=0)
virtual Int_t Setup ()
Int_t SetupCommon ()
virtual void MakePlayer ()
virtual void DeletePlayer ()
virtual Int_t Fork ()
Int_t GetSessionStatus ()
Bool_t IsIdle ()
Bool_t UnlinkDataDir (const char *path)

Static Protected Attributes

static TString fgLastMsg

Private Member Functions

void RedirectOutput (const char *dir=0, const char *mode="w")
Int_t CatMotd ()
Int_t UnloadPackage (const char *package)
Int_t UnloadPackages ()
Int_t OldAuthSetup (TString &wconf)
Int_t GetPriority ()
TProofQueryResultMakeQueryResult (Long64_t nentries, const char *opt, TList *inl, Long64_t first, TDSet *dset, const char *selec, TObject *elist)
void SetQueryRunning (TProofQueryResult *pq)
Int_t SendResults (TSocket *sock, TList *outlist=0, TQueryResult *pq=0)
Bool_t AcceptResults (Int_t connections, TVirtualProofPlayer *mergerPlayer)
Int_t RegisterDataSets (TList *in, TList *out)
void SetIdle (Bool_t st=kTRUE)
Bool_t IsWaiting ()
Int_t WaitingQueries ()
Int_t QueueQuery (TProofQueryResult *pq)
TProofQueryResultNextQuery ()
Int_t CleanupWaitingQueries (Bool_t del=kTRUE, TList *qls=0)
void RedirectOutput (const char *dir=0, const char *mode="w")
Int_t CatMotd ()
Int_t UnloadPackage (const char *package)
Int_t UnloadPackages ()
Int_t OldAuthSetup (TString &wconf)
Int_t GetPriority ()
TProofQueryResultMakeQueryResult (Long64_t nentries, const char *opt, TList *inl, Long64_t first, TDSet *dset, const char *selec, TObject *elist)
void SetQueryRunning (TProofQueryResult *pq)
Int_t SendResults (TSocket *sock, TList *outlist=0, TQueryResult *pq=0)
Bool_t AcceptResults (Int_t connections, TVirtualProofPlayer *mergerPlayer)
Int_t RegisterDataSets (TList *in, TList *out)
void SetIdle (Bool_t st=kTRUE)
Bool_t IsWaiting ()
Int_t WaitingQueries ()
Int_t QueueQuery (TProofQueryResult *pq)
TProofQueryResultNextQuery ()
Int_t CleanupWaitingQueries (Bool_t del=kTRUE, TList *qls=0)

Private Attributes

TString fService
TString fUser
TString fGroup
TString fConfDir
TString fConfFile
TString fWorkDir
TString fImage
TString fSessionTag
TString fTopSessionTag
TString fSessionDir
TString fPackageDir
TString fCacheDir
TString fQueryDir
TString fDataSetDir
TString fDataDir
TString fAdminPath
TString fArchivePath
FILE * fLogFile
Int_t fLogFileDes
Int_t fProtocol
TString fOrdinal
Int_t fGroupId
Int_t fGroupSize
Int_t fLogLevel
Int_t fNcmd
Int_t fGroupPriority
Bool_t fEndMaster
Bool_t fMasterServ
Bool_t fInterrupt
Float_t fRealTime
Float_t fCpuTime
TStopwatch fLatency
TStopwatch fCompute
Int_t fQuerySeqNum
Int_t fTotSessions
Int_t fActSessions
Float_t fEffSessions
Bool_t fIdle
TString fPrefix
Bool_t fRealTimeLog
Int_t fInflateFactor
Int_t fCompressMsg
Bool_t fSendLogToMaster
Int_t fMergedWorkers
Int_t fMaxQueries
Long64_t fMaxBoxSize
Long64_t fHWMBoxSize
Long64_t fMsgSizeHWM
FILE * fLogFile

Static Private Attributes

static Long_t fgVirtMemMax
static Long_t fgResMemMax
static Float_t fgMemHWM
static Float_t fgMemStop
static FILE * fgErrorHandlerFile
static Int_t fgRecursive
static Int_t fgLogToSysLog
static TString fgSysLogService
static TString fgSysLogEntity
static FILE * fgErrorHandlerFile


class TProofServLite
class TXProofServ

Detailed Description

Definition at line 73 of file TProofServ.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

enum TProofServ::EStatusBits

Reimplemented from TApplication.

Definition at line 79 of file TProofServ.h.

enum TProofServ::EQueryAction

Definition at line 80 of file TProofServ.h.

enum TProofServ::EStatusBits

Reimplemented from TApplication.

Definition at line 79 of file TProofServ.h.

enum TProofServ::EQueryAction

Definition at line 80 of file TProofServ.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

TProofServ::TProofServ ( Int_t argc,
char **  argv,
FILE *  flog = 0 

Definition at line 528 of file TProofServ.cxx.

References TSystem::AccessPathName(), TString::Atoi(), c, TString::Data(), TMessage::EnableSchemaEvolutionForAll(), TObject::Error(), ErrorHandler(), fActSessions, fArchivePath, fCacheLock, fCompressMsg, fCpuTime, fDataSetManager, fEffSessions, fEnabledPackages, fGlobalPackageDirList, fgLogToSysLog, fgMemHWM, fgMemStop, fgResMemMax, fGroupId, fGroupPriority, fGroupSize, fgSysLogService, fgVirtMemMax, fHWMBoxSize, fIdle, fIdleTOTimer, fInflateFactor, fInputHandler, fInterrupt, fLogFile, fLogFileDes, fLogLevel, fMaxBoxSize, fMaxQueries, fMergedWorkers, fMergingMonitor, fMergingSocket, fMsgSizeHWM, fNcmd, fOrdinal, TString::Format(), fPackageLock, fPlayer, fPrefix, fProof, fProtocol, fQMgr, fQMtx, fQueryLock, fQuerySeqNum, fQueuedMsg, fRealTime, fRealTimeLog, fReaperTimer, fSendLogToMaster, fService, fShutdownTimer, fSocket, fTotSessions, fWaitingQueries, gEnv, gErrorAbortLevel, TSystem::Getenv(), GetOptions(), TEnv::GetValue(), gProofDebugLevel, gProofDebugMask, gProofServ, gProofServDebug, gSystem, TObject::Info(), TString::IsDigit(), IsMaster(), TString::IsNull(), kEnvChange, kFALSE, kHighMemory, kLogCons, kLogLocal5, kLogPid, kReadPermission, kSysError, kTRUE, TSystem::Openlog(), TEnv::ReadFile(), TString::Remove(), TObject::ResetBit(), TProofServLogHandler::SetDefaultPrefix(), SetErrorHandler(), SetErrorHandlerFile(), TCollection::SetOwner(), strtol(), test(), and TObject::Warning().

TProofServ::~TProofServ (  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 942 of file TProofServ.cxx.

References close, fCacheLock, fEnabledPackages, fGlobalPackageDirList, fLogFileDes, fPackageLock, fQMtx, fQueryLock, fSocket, fWaitingQueries, and SafeDelete.

TProofServ::TProofServ ( Int_t argc,
char **  argv,
FILE *  flog = 0 

virtual TProofServ::~TProofServ (  )  [virtual]

Member Function Documentation

void TProofServ::RedirectOutput ( const char *  dir = 0,
const char *  mode = "w" 
) [private]

Definition at line 2291 of file TProofServ.cxx.

References TString::Data(), fLogFile, fopen, fOrdinal, TString::Format(), fProtocol, fSessionDir, fWorkDir, IsMaster(), kPROOF_WorkDir, snprintf, TObject::SysError(), and TObject::Warning().

Referenced by TProofServLite::CreateServer(), TXProofServ::CreateServer(), CreateServer(), and TProofServLite::SetupOnFork().

Int_t TProofServ::CatMotd (  )  [private]

Definition at line 959 of file TProofServ.cxx.

References c, close, creat(), TString::Data(), EOF, TSystem::ExpandPathName(), fclose(), flags, fopen, GetConfDir(), TSystem::Getenv(), TSystem::GetPathInfo(), GetWorkDir(), gSystem, id, kFALSE, kTRUE, Long64_t, size, and TSystem::Unlink().

Referenced by TXProofServ::CreateServer(), and CreateServer().

Int_t TProofServ::UnloadPackage ( const char *  package  )  [private]

Definition at line 2566 of file TProofServ.cxx.

References TSystem::AccessPathName(), fEnabledPackages, TList::FindObject(), TSystem::GetIncludePath(), gInterpreter, gSystem, TObject::Info(), TString::Length(), pack(), PDB, TList::Remove(), TString::Remove(), TString::ReplaceAll(), TSystem::SetIncludePath(), TSystem::Unlink(), and TObject::Warning().

Referenced by HandleCache(), and UnloadPackages().

Int_t TProofServ::UnloadPackages (  )  [private]

Definition at line 2605 of file TProofServ.cxx.

References fEnabledPackages, TObject::Info(), PDB, and UnloadPackage().

Referenced by HandleCache().

Int_t TProofServ::OldAuthSetup ( TString wconf  )  [private]

Definition at line 3227 of file TProofServ.cxx.

References TString::Data(), TSystem::DynamicPathName(), TSystem::DynFindSymbol(), TObject::Error(), fOrdinal, fProtocol, fSocket, fUser, gSystem, IsMaster(), kFALSE, kTRUE, TSystem::Load(), and p.

Referenced by Setup().

Int_t TProofServ::GetPriority (  )  [private]

Definition at line 5955 of file TProofServ.cxx.

References TSQLServer::Connect(), TString::Data(), TObject::Error(), fGroup, TString::Form(), gEnv, TEnv::GetValue(), TObject::IsZombie(), TSQLServer::Query(), and row.

Referenced by SetupCommon().

TProofQueryResult * TProofServ::MakeQueryResult ( Long64_t  nentries,
const char *  opt,
TList inl,
Long64_t  first,
TDSet dset,
const char *  selec,
TObject elist 
) [private]

Definition at line 3266 of file TProofServ.cxx.

References TSystem::BaseName(), elist, fQMgr, fQueryDir, gSystem, TQueryResultManager::IncrementSeqNum(), kFALSE, kTRUE, TDSet::kWriteV3, TQueryResultManager::SeqNum(), TNamed::SetTitle(), TDSet::SetWriteV3(), and TObject::TestBit().

Referenced by HandleProcess().

void TProofServ::SetQueryRunning ( TProofQueryResult pq  )  [private]

Definition at line 3300 of file TProofServ.cxx.

References fEnabledPackages, fflush(), TString::Format(), fProof, TProof::GetBytesRead(), TProof::GetCpuTime(), TQueryResult::GetEntries(), TObjString::GetName(), TProof::GetParallel(), TQueryResult::GetSeqNum(), TObject::Info(), lseek, Printf(), SEEK_END, TQueryResult::SetProcessInfo(), and TProofQueryResult::SetRunning().

Referenced by ProcessNext().

Int_t TProofServ::SendResults ( TSocket sock,
TList outlist = 0,
TQueryResult pq = 0 
) [private]

Definition at line 3792 of file TProofServ.cxx.

References TMessage::CompLength(), TMessage::Compress(), TString::Data(), fCompressMsg, fMsgSizeHWM, TString::Form(), fPlayer, fPrefix, fProtocol, TVirtualProofPlayer::GetOutputList(), TCollection::GetSize(), TObject::Info(), IsTopMaster(), kFALSE, kPROOF_OUTPUTLIST, kPROOF_OUTPUTOBJECT, TBuffer::Length(), o, PDB, TMessage::Reset(), TSocket::Send(), SendAsynMessage(), TSocket::SendObject(), TMessage::SetCompressionLevel(), type, and TMessage::WriteObject().

Referenced by HandleProcess(), HandleSubmerger(), and ProcessNext().

Bool_t TProofServ::AcceptResults ( Int_t  connections,
TVirtualProofPlayer mergerPlayer 
) [private]

Definition at line 2021 of file TProofServ.cxx.

References TServerSocket::Accept(), TMonitor::Add(), TVirtualProofPlayer::AddOutputObject(), TList::At(), TBuffer::BufferSize(), xmlio::Class, TString::Data(), TMonitor::DeActivateAll(), TObject::Error(), fMergingMonitor, fMergingSocket, fOrdinal, TMonitor::GetActive(), TMonitor::GetListOfDeActives(), TCollection::GetSize(), i, TObject::Info(), kFALSE, kTRUE, TBuffer::Length(), o, PDB, TBufferFile::ReadObject(), TMonitor::Remove(), TMonitor::RemoveAll(), result(), s, SafeDelete, TMonitor::Select(), size, type, and TMessage::What().

Referenced by HandleSubmerger().

Int_t TProofServ::RegisterDataSets ( TList in,
TList out 
) [private]

Definition at line 4178 of file TProofServ.cxx.

References TString::Data(), TObject::Error(), fcn(), fDataSetManager, fLogFile, FlushLogFile(), TString::Form(), TString::Format(), fSocket, TFileCollection::GetList(), TNamed::GetName(), TCollection::GetSize(), TObject::Info(), TDataSetManager::kAllowRegister, TDataSetManager::kAllowVerify, kFALSE, kTRUE, o, out, PDB, TFileCollection::Print(), TDataSetManager::RegisterDataSet(), TObject::ResetBit(), SafeDelete, SendAsynMessage(), TObject::SetBit(), TObject::TestBit(), and TObject::Warning().

Referenced by ProcessNext().

void TProofServ::SetIdle ( Bool_t  st = kTRUE  )  [private]

Definition at line 6642 of file TProofServ.cxx.

References fIdle, fQMtx, and R__LOCKGUARD.

Referenced by HandleProcess(), HandleSocketInput(), HandleSubmerger(), and ProcessNext().

Bool_t TProofServ::IsWaiting (  )  [private]

Definition at line 6650 of file TProofServ.cxx.

References fIdle, fQMtx, fWaitingQueries, TCollection::GetSize(), kFALSE, kTRUE, and R__LOCKGUARD.

Int_t TProofServ::WaitingQueries (  )  [private]

Definition at line 6659 of file TProofServ.cxx.

References fQMtx, fWaitingQueries, TCollection::GetSize(), and R__LOCKGUARD.

Referenced by HandleProcess(), and HandleSocketInput().

Int_t TProofServ::QueueQuery ( TProofQueryResult pq  )  [private]

Definition at line 6667 of file TProofServ.cxx.

References TList::Add(), fQMtx, fWaitingQueries, TCollection::GetSize(), and R__LOCKGUARD.

Referenced by HandleProcess().

TProofQueryResult * TProofServ::NextQuery (  )  [private]

Definition at line 6677 of file TProofServ.cxx.

References TList::First(), fQMtx, fWaitingQueries, R__LOCKGUARD, and TList::Remove().

Referenced by ProcessNext().

Int_t TProofServ::CleanupWaitingQueries ( Bool_t  del = kTRUE,
TList qls = 0 
) [private]

Definition at line 6688 of file TProofServ.cxx.

References TList::Delete(), TList::FindObject(), fQMtx, fWaitingQueries, TCollection::GetSize(), o, R__LOCKGUARD, TList::Remove(), and TCollection::SetOwner().

Referenced by HandleRemove().

void TProofServ::HandleArchive ( TMessage mess,
TString slb = 0 
) [protected, virtual]

Definition at line 3340 of file TProofServ.cxx.

References TSystem::AccessPathName(), TString::Data(), fArchivePath, TString::Form(), TString::Format(), fQMgr, fTopSessionTag, gSystem, TObject::Info(), TString::Insert(), k, TString::Length(), TQueryResultManager::LocateQuery(), TFile::Open(), PDB, TString::ReplaceAll(), TQueryResultManager::SaveQuery(), TQueryResult::SetArchived(), and TObject::Write().

Referenced by HandleSocketInput().

Int_t TProofServ::HandleCache ( TMessage mess,
TString slb = 0 
) [protected, virtual]

Definition at line 4765 of file TProofServ.cxx.

References TSystem::AccessPathName(), TList::Add(), TSystem::AddIncludePath(), TBuffer::BufferSize(), TProof::BuildPackage(), TSystem::ChangeDirectory(), TProof::ClearCache(), TProof::ClearPackage(), TProof::ClearPackages(), CopyFromCache(), CopyToCache(), TString::Data(), dir(), TProof::DisablePackage(), TProof::DisablePackages(), TObject::Error(), TSystem::Exec(), TMethodCall::Execute(), fCacheDir, fCacheLock, fclose(), fEnabledPackages, fflush(), fGlobalPackageDirList, TMD5::FileChecksum(), TList::FindObject(), TCollection::FindObject(), TList::First(), fopen, fOrdinal, TString::Form(), TString::Format(), fPackageDir, fPackageLock, fProof, TSystem::FreeDirectory(), fSocket, TProofServLogHandler::GetCmdRtn(), TSystem::GetDirEntry(), TSystem::Getenv(), TSystem::GetIncludePath(), TMacro::GetLineWith(), TROOT::GetListOfGlobalFunctions(), TFunction::GetListOfMethodArgs(), TObjString::GetName(), TNamed::GetName(), TFunction::GetNargs(), TCollection::GetSize(), TObjString::GetString(), TROOT::GetSvnRevision(), TNamed::GetTitle(), TROOT::GetVersion(), gROOT, gSystem, TSystem::HostName(), TObject::Info(), TMethodCall::InitWithPrototype(), IsMaster(), k, TProof::kBuildOnSlavesNoWait, TProof::kBuildPackage, TProof::kBuildSubPackage, TProof::kClearCache, TProof::kClearPackage, TProof::kClearPackages, TProof::kClearSubCache, TProof::kCollectBuildResults, TProof::kDisablePackage, TProof::kDisablePackages, TProof::kDisableSubPackage, TProof::kDisableSubPackages, kExecutePermission, kFALSE, kGUNZIP, TProof::kListEnabledPackages, TProof::kListPackages, TProof::kLoadMacro, TProof::kLoadPackage, kLS, kPROOF_PACKAGE_LIST, kReadPermission, kRM, TProof::kShowCache, TProof::kShowEnabledPackages, TProof::kShowPackages, TProof::kShowSubCache, TProof::kShowSubPackages, kTRUE, TProof::kUnloadPackage, TProof::kUnloadPackages, kUNTAR3, kWritePermission, TString::Length(), TBuffer::Length(), TProof::Load(), TROOT::LoadMacro(), TProof::LoadPackage(), TProofLockPath::Lock(), LogToMaster(), TSystem::OpenDirectory(), pack(), par, PDB, TROOT::ProcessLine(), TMessage::Reset(), TMethodCall::ResetParam(), SafeDelete, TMacro::SaveSource(), TSocket::Send(), SendAsynMessage(), TMethodCall::SetParam(), TObjString::SetString(), TProof::ShowCache(), TProof::ShowEnabledPackages(), TProof::ShowPackages(), str, TSystem::Symlink(), TSystem::TempDirectory(), type, TSystem::Unlink(), UnloadPackage(), TProof::UnloadPackage(), TProof::UnloadPackages(), UnloadPackages(), TProofLockPath::Unlock(), TProof::UploadPackage(), TSystem::Which(), TSystem::WorkingDirectory(), and TMD5::WriteChecksum().

Referenced by HandleSocketInput().

void TProofServ::HandleCheckFile ( TMessage mess,
TString slb = 0 
) [protected, virtual]

Definition at line 4582 of file TProofServ.cxx.

References TSystem::AccessPathName(), TString::BeginsWith(), TBuffer::BufferSize(), CopyFromCache(), TString::Data(), TObject::Error(), TSystem::Exec(), fCacheDir, fCacheLock, TMD5::FileChecksum(), TString::Format(), fPackageDir, fPackageLock, fProof, fProtocol, fSocket, TSystem::Getenv(), gSystem, TObject::Info(), IsMaster(), TProof::kCp, TProof::kCpBin, kExecutePermission, kFALSE, kGUNZIP, TString::kLeading, kPROOF_CHECKFILE, kPROOF_FATAL, TProof::kRemoveOld, kRM, kTRUE, TProof::kUntar, kUNTAR, kWritePermission, TString::Length(), TBuffer::Length(), TProofLockPath::Lock(), md5, PDB, TMD5::ReadChecksum(), TString::Remove(), TMessage::Reset(), TSocket::Send(), TString::Strip(), TProofLockPath::Unlock(), TProof::UploadPackage(), TSystem::Which(), and TMD5::WriteChecksum().

Referenced by HandleSocketInput().

Int_t TProofServ::HandleDataSets ( TMessage mess,
TString slb = 0 
) [protected, virtual]

Definition at line 6064 of file TProofServ.cxx.

References xmlio::Class, TDataSetManager::ClearCache(), TString::Data(), TMap::DeleteAll(), TObject::Error(), TDataSetManager::ExistsDataSet(), fc, fDataSetManager, fLogFile, TString::Form(), fSocket, gDebug, TDataSetManager::GetDataSet(), TDataSetManager::GetDataSets(), TFileCollection::GetFilesOnServer(), TDataSetManager::GetGroupQuotaMap(), TFileCollection::GetList(), TCollection::GetSize(), TMap::GetValue(), TObject::Info(), k, TDataSetManager::kAllowRegister, TDataSetManager::kAllowVerify, TProof::kCache, TProof::kCheckDataSetName, TDataSetManager::kCheckQuota, TDataSetManager::kExport, TProof::kGetDataSet, TProof::kGetDataSets, TProof::kGetQuota, TString::kIgnoreCase, kMESS_OK, kNPOS, TDataSetManager::kReadShort, TProof::kRegisterDataSet, TProof::kRemoveDataSet, TDataSetManager::kSetDefaultTree, TProof::kSetDefaultTreeName, TProof::kShowDataSets, TProof::kShowQuota, TProof::kVerifyDataSet, TDataSetManager::RegisterDataSet(), TDataSetManager::RemoveDataSet(), TDataSetManager::ScanDataSet(), TSocket::SendObject(), TDataSetManager::ShowCache(), TDataSetManager::ShowDataSets(), TDataSetManager::ShowQuota(), TObject::TestBit(), and TObject::Warning().

Referenced by HandleSocketInput().

void TProofServ::HandleSubmerger ( TMessage mess  )  [protected, virtual]

Definition at line 6296 of file TProofServ.cxx.

References AcceptResults(), TVirtualProofPlayer::AddOutputObject(), TVirtualProofPlayer::Create(), TString::Data(), DeletePlayer(), TObject::Error(), fMergingMonitor, fMergingSocket, fOrdinal, TString::Form(), fPlayer, fProof, fSocket, TVirtualProofPlayer::GetOutputList(), GetPrefix(), TObject::Info(), TMonitor::Interrupt(), IsMaster(), TProof::kBeMerger, kFALSE, TProof::kMergerDown, TProof::kOutputSent, TProof::kOutputSize, kPROOF_SETIDLE, kPROOF_SUBMERGER, TProof::kSendOutput, TProof::kStopMerging, kTRUE, TVirtualProofPlayer::MergeOutput(), name, o, PDB, XrdMonCtrCollector::port, TList::Remove(), SafeDelete, TSocket::Send(), SendAsynMessage(), SendLogFile(), SendResults(), SetIdle(), TCollection::SetOwner(), t, and TObject::Warning().

Referenced by HandleSocketInput().

void TProofServ::HandleFork ( TMessage mess  )  [protected, virtual]

Definition at line 6496 of file TProofServ.cxx.

References TObject::Info().

Referenced by HandleSocketInput().

void TProofServ::HandleLibIncPath ( TMessage mess  )  [protected, virtual]

Definition at line 4456 of file TProofServ.cxx.

References TSystem::AccessPathName(), TProof::AddDynamicPath(), TSystem::AddIncludePath(), TProof::AddIncludePath(), TString::Data(), TObject::Error(), TSystem::ExpandPathName(), TString::Format(), fProof, TSystem::GetDynamicPath(), TSystem::GetIncludePath(), TObjString::GetName(), gInterpreter, gSystem, TObject::Info(), IsMaster(), kIterBackward, kNPOS, kReadPermission, TProof::RemoveDynamicPath(), TProof::RemoveIncludePath(), TString::ReplaceAll(), TSystem::SetDynamicPath(), TSystem::SetIncludePath(), and type.

Referenced by HandleSocketInput().

void TProofServ::HandleProcess ( TMessage mess,
TString slb = 0 
) [protected, virtual]

Definition at line 3450 of file TProofServ.cxx.

References TList::Add(), TVirtualProofPlayer::AddInput(), TProof::AddWorkers(), TProof::AssertDataSet(), TBuffer::BufferSize(), xmlio::Class, TString::Data(), DeletePlayer(), elist, emsg(), TObject::Error(), fCacheDir, fDataSetManager, TObject::FindObject(), fMergingSocket, fOrdinal, TString::Form(), TString::Format(), fPlayer, fPrefix, fProof, fProtocol, fQMgr, fQuerySeqNum, fSocket, TVirtualPerfStats::GetBytesRead(), TProofProgressStatus::GetBytesRead(), TProofProgressStatus::GetEntries(), TCollection::GetEntries(), TVirtualProofPlayer::GetEventsProcessed(), TVirtualProofPlayer::GetExitStatus(), TProof::GetInputData(), TVirtualProofPlayer::GetInputList(), TDSet::GetListOfElements(), TServerSocket::GetLocalPort(), TObject::GetName(), GetOrdinal(), TVirtualProofPlayer::GetOutputList(), TProof::GetParameter(), TCollection::GetSize(), GetWorkers(), gPerfStats, TObject::Info(), IsIdle(), IsMaster(), IsTopMaster(), TVirtualProofPlayer::kAborted, TDSet::kEmpty, kFALSE, kHighMemory, TProof::kOutputSize, kPROOF_QUERYSUBMITTED, kPROOF_SETIDLE, kPROOF_STARTPROCESS, kPROOF_STOPPROCESS, kPROOF_SUBMERGER, kQueryEnqueued, kQueryOK, kQueryStop, kTRUE, TBuffer::Length(), Long64_t, m, MakePlayer(), MakeQueryResult(), nentries, o, PDB, TVirtualProofPlayer::Process(), ProcessNext(), TQueryResultManager::Queries(), QueueQuery(), TProof::ResetMergers(), SafeDelete, TProof::SaveInputData(), TQueryResultManager::SaveQuery(), TSocket::Send(), SendAsynMessage(), SendLogFile(), SendResults(), TDSet::SetEntryList(), SetIdle(), TQueryResult::SetInputList(), TCollection::SetOwner(), TObject::TestBit(), TProof::UseDynamicStartup(), WaitingQueries(), and TObject::Warning().

Referenced by HandleSocketInput().

void TProofServ::HandleQueryList ( TMessage mess  )  [protected, virtual]

Definition at line 4256 of file TProofServ.cxx.

References TList::Add(), TQueryResult::CloneInfo(), TQueryResultManager::DrawQueries(), fQMgr, fQueryDir, TQueryResult::fSeqNum, fSocket, TString::Index(), TObject::Info(), kNPOS, kPROOF_QUERYLIST, m, PDB, TQueryResultManager::PreviousQueries(), TQueryResultManager::Queries(), TString::Remove(), TQueryResultManager::ScanPreviousQueries(), and TSocket::Send().

Referenced by HandleSocketInput().

void TProofServ::HandleRemove ( TMessage mess,
TString slb = 0 
) [protected, virtual]

Definition at line 4315 of file TProofServ.cxx.

References TQueryResultManager::CleanupQueriesDir(), CleanupWaitingQueries(), fQMgr, TNamed::GetName(), gSystem, TObject::Info(), kFALSE, TQueryResultManager::LockSession(), PDB, TQueryResultManager::RemoveQuery(), SafeDelete, TSystem::Unlink(), and TObject::Warning().

Referenced by HandleSocketInput().

void TProofServ::HandleRetrieve ( TMessage mess,
TString slb = 0 
) [protected, virtual]

Definition at line 4379 of file TProofServ.cxx.

References d, TString::Data(), TString::Format(), fPrefix, fProtocol, fQMgr, fSocket, TQueryResult::GetInputList(), TNamed::GetName(), TNamed::GetTitle(), TObject::Info(), k, kPROOF_RETRIEVE, kTRUE, TQueryResultManager::LocateQuery(), o, TFile::Open(), PDB, SendAsynMessage(), and TSocket::SendObject().

Referenced by HandleSocketInput().

void TProofServ::HandleWorkerLists ( TMessage mess  )  [protected, virtual]

Definition at line 5382 of file TProofServ.cxx.

References TProof::ActivateWorker(), TProof::DeactivateWorker(), fProof, TProof::GetListOfActiveSlaves(), TProof::GetListOfBadSlaves(), TProof::GetListOfSlaves(), TCollection::GetSize(), TObject::Info(), TProof::kActivateWorker, TProof::kDeactivateWorker, ord, PDB, and TObject::Warning().

Referenced by HandleSocketInput().

void TProofServ::ProcessNext ( TString slb = 0  )  [protected, virtual]

Definition at line 3963 of file TProofServ.cxx.

References TList::Add(), TVirtualProofPlayer::AddInput(), TVirtualProofPlayer::AddQueryResult(), TProof::AskStatistics(), xmlio::Class, TQueryResult::CloneInfo(), TString::Data(), DeletePlayer(), elist, TObject::Error(), TSystem::Exec(), fDataSetManager, TQueryResultManager::FinalizeQuery(), TList::FindObject(), fMaxQueries, TString::Form(), TString::Format(), fPlayer, fProof, fProtocol, fQMgr, fQuerySeqNum, fSocket, gEnv, TQueryResult::GetBytes(), TQueryResult::GetEntries(), TVirtualProofPlayer::GetEventsProcessed(), TVirtualProofPlayer::GetExitStatus(), TQueryResult::GetFirst(), TQueryResult::GetInputList(), TQueryResult::GetInputObject(), TNamed::GetName(), TObject::GetName(), TDSet::GetNumOfFiles(), TDSet::GetObjName(), TQueryResult::GetOptions(), TVirtualProofPlayer::GetOutputList(), TVirtualProofPlayer::GetProgressStatus(), TQueryResult::GetSelecHdr(), TQueryResult::GetSelecImp(), TQueryResult::GetSeqNum(), TNamed::GetTitle(), TQueryResult::GetUsedCPU(), TEnv::GetValue(), gSystem, TQueryResultManager::IncrementDrawQueries(), TObject::Info(), TQueryResult::IsDraw(), IsMaster(), TVirtualProofPlayer::kAborted, kFALSE, TVirtualProofPlayer::kFinished, kNPOS, kPROOF_STARTPROCESS, kPROOF_STOPPROCESS, kRM, kTRUE, TString::Last(), TString::Length(), Long64_t, TEnv::Lookup(), m, MakePlayer(), nentries, NextQuery(), o, PDB, TVirtualProofPlayer::Process(), TQueryResultManager::Queries(), RegisterDataSets(), TList::Remove(), TString::Remove(), TVirtualProofPlayer::RemoveQueryResult(), TProof::RemoveWorkers(), TQueryResultManager::ResetTime(), TQueryResultManager::SaveQuery(), TMacro::SaveSource(), TSocket::Send(), SendResults(), TVirtualProofPlayer::SetCurrentQuery(), SetIdle(), TQueryResult::SetInputList(), SetQueryRunning(), TProof::UseDynamicStartup(), and TObject::Warning().

Referenced by HandleProcess(), and HandleSocketInput().

Int_t TProofServ::Setup (  )  [protected, virtual]

Definition at line 2623 of file TProofServ.cxx.

References TString::BeginsWith(), TString::Data(), TString::EndsWith(), TObject::Error(), TSystem::ExpandPathName(), fConfDir, fConfFile, fOrdinal, TString::Form(), TString::Format(), fPrefix, fProtocol, fSessionDir, fSessionTag, fSocket, fTopSessionTag, fUser, fWorkDir, gEnv, TProofResourcesStatic::GetFileName(), TProofResourcesStatic::GetMaster(), TSystem::GetPid(), TSystem::GetUserInfo(), TEnv::GetValue(), TProofNodeInfo::GetWorkDir(), gProofDebugLevel, gSystem, TSystem::HomeDirectory(), TSystem::HostName(), TString::Index(), TObject::Info(), IsMaster(), TString::IsNull(), TProofResources::IsValid(), kKeepAlive, kNoDelay, kNPOS, kProcessGroup, kPROOF_Protocol, kPROOF_WorkDir, kROOTD_PROTOCOL, OldAuthSetup(), TSocket::Recv(), TString::Remove(), TSocket::Send(), TProofServLogHandler::SetDefaultPrefix(), TSystem::Setenv(), TSocket::SetOption(), SetupCommon(), snprintf, str, u, what, and workdir.

Referenced by CreateServer().

Int_t TProofServ::SetupCommon (  )  [protected]

Definition at line 2775 of file TProofServ.cxx.

References TSystem::AccessPathName(), TList::Add(), TProof::AddEnvVar(), TQueryResultManager::ApplyMaxQueries(), TSystem::ChangeDirectory(), COMPILER, TString::Data(), TSystem::DirName(), TObject::Error(), fCacheDir, fCacheLock, fCpuTime, fDataDir, fDataSetDir, fDataSetManager, fGlobalPackageDirList, fgLogToSysLog, fGroup, fGroupPriority, fgSysLogEntity, fHWMBoxSize, fImage, TPluginManager::FindHandler(), FlushLogFile(), fMaxBoxSize, fMaxQueries, TString::Form(), TString::Format(), fPackageDir, fPackageLock, fProtocol, fQMgr, fQueryDir, fQueryLock, fRealTime, fSessionDir, fSessionTag, fSocket, fTopSessionTag, fUser, fWorkDir, gEnv, TSystem::GetBuildArch(), TSystem::GetBuildCompilerVersion(), TSystem::Getenv(), TROOT::GetPluginManager(), GetPriority(), GetProtocol(), TROOT::GetSvnRevision(), TEnv::GetValue(), TROOT::GetVersion(), gProofDebugLevel, gROOT, gSystem, h, i, TString::Index(), TObject::Info(), TString::Insert(), IsMaster(), TString::IsNull(), j, k, TObject::kInvalidObject, kLogNotice, kNPOS, kPROOF_CacheDir, kPROOF_CacheLockFile, kPROOF_DataDir, kPROOF_DataSetDir, kPROOF_PackageLockFile, kPROOF_PackDir, kPROOF_QueryDir, kPROOF_QueryLockFile, kPROOF_SESSIONTAG, kPROOF_VERSARCHCOMP, kReadPermission, kTRUE, TString::Length(), Long64_t, m, TSystem::MakeDirectory(), TSystem::mkdir(), name, opts, TString::Remove(), ResolveKeywords(), s, SafeDelete, TSocket::Send(), SendAsynMessage(), TSystem::Setenv(), TCollection::SetOwner(), TSystem::Syslog(), TSystem::TempDirectory(), TObject::TestBit(), TString::Tokenize(), TSystem::Umask(), TSystem::Unlink(), value, TObject::Warning(), and TSystem::WorkingDirectory().

Referenced by TXProofServ::Setup(), TProofServLite::Setup(), and Setup().

void TProofServ::MakePlayer (  )  [protected, virtual]

Definition at line 5918 of file TProofServ.cxx.

References TVirtualProofPlayer::Create(), DeletePlayer(), fPlayer, fProof, fSocket, IsMaster(), IsParallel(), TProof::MakePlayer(), p, and TProof::SetPlayer().

Referenced by HandleProcess(), and ProcessNext().

void TProofServ::DeletePlayer (  )  [protected, virtual]

Definition at line 5942 of file TProofServ.cxx.

References fPlayer, fProof, IsMaster(), SafeDelete, and TProof::SetPlayer().

Referenced by HandleProcess(), HandleSubmerger(), MakePlayer(), and ProcessNext().

Int_t TProofServ::Fork (  )  [protected, virtual]

Definition at line 6504 of file TProofServ.cxx.

References TReaperTimer::AddPid(), TObject::Error(), fork(), fReaperTimer, TTimer::Start(), and TObject::Warning().

Referenced by TProofServLite::HandleFork().

Int_t TProofServ::GetSessionStatus (  )  [protected]

Definition at line 6596 of file TProofServ.cxx.

References fIdle, fQMtx, fWaitingQueries, TCollection::GetSize(), and R__LOCKGUARD.

Referenced by UpdateSessionStatus().

Bool_t TProofServ::IsIdle (  )  [protected]

Definition at line 6634 of file TProofServ.cxx.

References fIdle, fQMtx, and R__LOCKGUARD.

Referenced by HandleProcess(), and HandleSocketInput().

Bool_t TProofServ::UnlinkDataDir ( const char *  path  )  [protected]

Definition at line 3174 of file TProofServ.cxx.

References FileStat_t::fMode, TString::Form(), TSystem::GetDirEntry(), TSystem::GetPathInfo(), gSystem, kFALSE, kTRUE, TSystem::OpenDirectory(), R_ISDIR(), TSystem::Unlink(), and TObject::Warning().

Referenced by Terminate(), TProofServLite::Terminate(), and TXProofServ::Terminate().

Int_t TProofServ::CreateServer (  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 731 of file TProofServ.cxx.

References a, TSystem::AddFileHandler(), TSystem::AddSignalHandler(), TString::Atoi(), CatMotd(), TString::Data(), TObject::Error(), TObject::Fatal(), fCompressMsg, fConfFile, fEndMaster, fIdleTOTimer, TPluginManager::FindHandler(), fInputHandler, fLogFile, fLogFileDes, fLogLevel, fMasterServ, TString::Form(), TString::Format(), fProof, fProtocol, fShutdownTimer, fSocket, gEnv, GetConfDir(), TSystem::Getenv(), TROOT::GetMacroPath(), GetOrdinal(), TROOT::GetPluginManager(), GetService(), TSystem::GetSockName(), TEnv::GetValue(), gInterpreter, gProofDebugLevel, gProofServDebug, gROOT, gSystem, h, TObject::Info(), TProof::IsEndMaster(), IsMaster(), TProof::IsValid(), kFALSE, kReadPermission, kTRUE, TString::Length(), LogToMaster(), TApplication::NoLogOpt(), TApplication::ProcessFile(), TApplication::ProcessLine(), RedirectOutput(), SafeDelete, SendAsynMessage(), SendLogFile(), TSocket::SetCompressionLevel(), TProofServLogHandler::SetDefaultPrefix(), Setup(), TTimer::Start(), Terminate(), and TSystem::Which().

Referenced by Run().

TProof* TProofServ::GetProof (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 243 of file TProofServ.h.

References fProof.

Referenced by TPerfStats::PacketEvent(), TPerfStats::TPerfStats(), and TPerfStats::WriteQueryLog().

const char* TProofServ::GetService (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 244 of file TProofServ.h.

References fService.

Referenced by CreateServer().

const char* TProofServ::GetConfDir (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 245 of file TProofServ.h.

References fConfDir.

Referenced by CatMotd(), and CreateServer().

const char* TProofServ::GetConfFile (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 246 of file TProofServ.h.

References fConfFile.

const char* TProofServ::GetUser (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 247 of file TProofServ.h.

References fUser.

Referenced by TProof::AddWorkers(), TPerfStats::PacketEvent(), ResolveKeywords(), TProofSuperMaster::StartSlaves(), and TPerfStats::WriteQueryLog().

const char* TProofServ::GetGroup (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 248 of file TProofServ.h.

References fGroup.

Referenced by TProof::AddWorkers(), TProof::Init(), TPerfStats::PacketEvent(), TProof::Print(), ResolveKeywords(), TProofSuperMaster::StartSlaves(), and TPerfStats::WriteQueryLog().

const char* TProofServ::GetWorkDir (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 249 of file TProofServ.h.

References fWorkDir.

Referenced by TProof::AddWorkers(), CatMotd(), SendStatistics(), and TProofSuperMaster::StartSlaves().

const char* TProofServ::GetImage (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 250 of file TProofServ.h.

References fImage.

Referenced by TProof::AddWorkers(), SendStatistics(), and TProofSuperMaster::StartSlaves().

const char* TProofServ::GetSessionTag (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 251 of file TProofServ.h.

References fTopSessionTag.

Referenced by TProofOutputFile::Init(), TIdleTOTimer::Notify(), TPerfStats::PacketEvent(), ResolveKeywords(), and TPerfStats::WriteQueryLog().

const char* TProofServ::GetSessionDir (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 252 of file TProofServ.h.

References fSessionDir.

Referenced by TProofPlayerRemote::AddOutputObject(), TProofPlayer::Process(), and TProof::SaveWorkerInfo().

const char* TProofServ::GetPackageDir (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 253 of file TProofServ.h.

References fPackageDir.

Referenced by TProof::Init().

const char* TProofServ::GetDataDir (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 254 of file TProofServ.h.

References fDataDir.

Referenced by ProofAux::GenerateTree(), HandleSocketInput(), and TProofOutputFile::Init().

Int_t TProofServ::GetProtocol (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 255 of file TProofServ.h.

References fProtocol.

Referenced by TProofPlayerSlave::HandleTimer(), TVirtualPacketizer::HandleTimer(), TProofPlayerSuperMaster::HandleTimer(), TIdleTOTimer::Notify(), and SetupCommon().

const char* TProofServ::GetOrdinal (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 256 of file TProofServ.h.

References fOrdinal.

Referenced by TProof::AddWorkers(), ClassImp(), CreateServer(), GetNextPacket(), HandleException(), HandleProcess(), HandleSocketInput(), TProofOutputFile::Init(), TProof::Print(), TProofPlayer::Process(), ResolveKeywords(), ProofAux::SlaveBegin(), TProofSuperMaster::StartSlaves(), TProofPEAC::StartSlaves(), and TProofCondor::StartSlaves().

Int_t TProofServ::GetGroupId (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 257 of file TProofServ.h.

References fGroupId.

Int_t TProofServ::GetGroupSize (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 258 of file TProofServ.h.

References fGroupSize.

Int_t TProofServ::GetLogLevel (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 259 of file TProofServ.h.

References fLogLevel.

TSocket* TProofServ::GetSocket (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 260 of file TProofServ.h.

References fSocket.

Referenced by TProof::AddWorkers(), ClassImp(), ErrorHandler(), TXSlave::HandleError(), TProof::HandleInputMessage(), TProofPlayerSlave::HandleTimer(), TProofPlayerRemote::HandleTimer(), TVirtualPacketizer::HandleTimer(), TProofPlayerSuperMaster::HandleTimer(), TXProofServInputHandler::Notify(), TShutdownTimer::Notify(), TProofPlayerRemote::Progress(), TProof::SendDataSetStatus(), TProofSuperMaster::StartSlaves(), TProofCondor::StartSlaves(), TPacketizer::ValidateFiles(), and TPacketizerAdaptive::ValidateFiles().

Float_t TProofServ::GetRealTime (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 261 of file TProofServ.h.

References fRealTime.

Float_t TProofServ::GetCpuTime (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 262 of file TProofServ.h.

References fCpuTime.

Int_t TProofServ::GetQuerySeqNum (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 263 of file TProofServ.h.

References fQuerySeqNum.

Referenced by ResolveKeywords().

Int_t TProofServ::GetTotSessions (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 265 of file TProofServ.h.

References fTotSessions.

Referenced by TProofPlayerSuperMaster::HandleTimer().

Int_t TProofServ::GetActSessions (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 266 of file TProofServ.h.

References fActSessions.

Referenced by TVirtualPacketizer::HandleTimer().

Float_t TProofServ::GetEffSessions (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 267 of file TProofServ.h.

References fEffSessions.

Referenced by TVirtualPacketizer::HandleTimer(), and TProofPlayerSuperMaster::HandleTimer().

void TProofServ::GetOptions ( Int_t argc,
char **  argv 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TApplication.

Definition at line 1221 of file TProofServ.cxx.

References TObject::Fatal(), fConfDir, fEndMaster, fMasterServ, fService, TSystem::Getenv(), gSystem, kFALSE, and kTRUE.

Referenced by TProofServ().

TList* TProofServ::GetEnabledPackages (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 270 of file TProofServ.h.

References fEnabledPackages.

Referenced by TProof::AddWorkers().

Int_t TProofServ::GetInflateFactor (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 272 of file TProofServ.h.

References fInflateFactor.

Long_t TProofServ::GetVirtMemMax (  )  [static]

Definition at line 6721 of file TProofServ.cxx.

References fgVirtMemMax.

Referenced by TProofPlayer::CheckMemUsage(), G__G__Proof_153_0_68(), and G__setup_memfuncTProofServ().

Long_t TProofServ::GetResMemMax (  )  [static]

Definition at line 6727 of file TProofServ.cxx.

References fgResMemMax.

Referenced by TProofPlayer::CheckMemUsage(), G__G__Proof_153_0_69(), and G__setup_memfuncTProofServ().

Float_t TProofServ::GetMemHWM (  )  [static]

Definition at line 6733 of file TProofServ.cxx.

References fgMemHWM.

Referenced by TProofPlayer::CheckMemUsage(), G__G__Proof_153_0_70(), and G__setup_memfuncTProofServ().

Float_t TProofServ::GetMemStop (  )  [static]

Definition at line 6739 of file TProofServ.cxx.

References fgMemStop.

Referenced by TProofPlayer::CheckMemUsage(), G__G__Proof_153_0_71(), and G__setup_memfuncTProofServ().

Long64_t TProofServ::GetMsgSizeHWM (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 279 of file TProofServ.h.

References fMsgSizeHWM.

Referenced by TProofPlayerRemote::HandleHistogram().

const char* TProofServ::GetPrefix (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 281 of file TProofServ.h.

References fPrefix.

Referenced by ErrorHandler(), TProofPlayerRemote::Finalize(), TProof::HandleInputMessage(), HandleSubmerger(), and TProof::HandleSubmerger().

void TProofServ::FlushLogFile (  ) 

Definition at line 6036 of file TProofServ.cxx.

References fLogFileDes, lseek, SEEK_END, and SEEK_SET.

Referenced by TProofServLite::CreateServer(), TXProofServ::CreateServer(), TXProofServ::HandleError(), TProof::HandleInputMessage(), RegisterDataSets(), SendLogFile(), SetupCommon(), and TProofServLite::SetupOnFork().

TProofLockPath* TProofServ::GetCacheLock (  )  [inline]

Definition at line 285 of file TProofServ.h.

References fCacheLock.

Referenced by TProofPlayer::Process().

Int_t TProofServ::CopyFromCache ( const char *  name,
Bool_t  cpbin 

Definition at line 5645 of file TProofServ.cxx.

References TSystem::AccessPathName(), TString::Data(), RootCsg::dot(), TSystem::Exec(), fCacheDir, fCacheLock, fclose(), TMD5::FileChecksum(), FileStat_t::fMtime, fopen, TString::Form(), TString::Format(), TSystem::FreeDirectory(), TSystem::GetDirEntry(), TSystem::GetPathInfo(), TROOT::GetSvnRevision(), TROOT::GetVersion(), gROOT, gSystem, TObject::Info(), TString::Insert(), TProofLockPath::IsLocked(), kCP, kFALSE, kNPOS, kRM, kTRUE, TString::Last(), TString::Length(), TProofLockPath::Lock(), name, TSystem::OpenDirectory(), PDB, TString::Remove(), TString::Replace(), SafeDelete, TSystem::SplitAclicMode(), and TProofLockPath::Unlock().

Referenced by HandleCache(), HandleCheckFile(), HandleSocketInput(), and TProofPlayer::Process().

Int_t TProofServ::CopyToCache ( const char *  name,
Int_t  opt = 0 

Definition at line 5797 of file TProofServ.cxx.

References TString::Data(), RootCsg::dot(), TSystem::Exec(), fCacheDir, fCacheLock, fclose(), TMD5::FileChecksum(), FileStat_t::fMtime, fopen, TString::Form(), TString::Format(), TSystem::FreeDirectory(), TSystem::GetDirEntry(), TSystem::GetPathInfo(), TROOT::GetSvnRevision(), TROOT::GetVersion(), gROOT, gSystem, TObject::Info(), TProofLockPath::IsLocked(), kCP, kFALSE, kNPOS, kRM, kTRUE, TString::Last(), TProofLockPath::Lock(), name, TSystem::OpenDirectory(), PDB, TString::Remove(), SafeDelete, TSystem::SplitAclicMode(), and TProofLockPath::Unlock().

Referenced by HandleCache(), HandleSocketInput(), and TProofPlayer::Process().

TProofServ::EQueryAction TProofServ::GetWorkers ( TList workers,
Int_t prioritychange,
Bool_t  resume = kFALSE 
) [virtual]

Definition at line 5459 of file TProofServ.cxx.

References TList::Add(), TString::Data(), fConfDir, fConfFile, fImage, TProofResourcesStatic::GetFileName(), TProofResourcesStatic::GetMaster(), TCollection::GetSize(), TProofResourcesStatic::GetSubmasters(), TProofResourcesStatic::GetWorkers(), TObject::Info(), TString::IsNull(), TMVA::kAll, kQueryOK, kQueryStop, PDB, and TCollection::Print().

Referenced by TXProofServ::GetWorkers(), HandleProcess(), HandleSocketInput(), TProofSuperMaster::StartSlaves(), and TProof::StartSlaves().

void TProofServ::HandleException ( Int_t  sig  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from TApplication.

Definition at line 6047 of file TProofServ.cxx.

References TString::Data(), emsg(), TObject::Error(), TSystem::Exit(), fgLastMsg, GetOrdinal(), gSystem, and SendAsynMessage().

Int_t TProofServ::HandleSocketInput ( TMessage mess,
Bool_t  all 
) [virtual]

Definition at line 1385 of file TProofServ.cxx.

References TList::Add(), TProof::AddWorkers(), TString::BeginsWith(), TBuffer::BufferSize(), TQueryResultManager::CleanupSession(), CopyFromCache(), CopyToCache(), TStopwatch::CpuTime(), TVirtualProofPlayer::Create(), TString::Data(), dir(), entries, TObject::Error(), fCacheDir, fCpuTime, fgLogToSysLog, fGroupId, fGroupSize, fgSysLogEntity, fLogFile, fLogLevel, fMaxQueries, TString::Format(), fPackageDir, fPlayer, fProof, fProtocol, fQMgr, fRealTime, fRealTimeLog, fSocket, TMessage::GetClass(), TVirtualProofPlayer::GetCurrentQuery(), GetDataDir(), TDSet::GetEntries(), TProof::GetFileInCmd(), TProof::GetListOfSlaveInfos(), GetOrdinal(), TProof::GetOutputList(), TVirtualProofPlayer::GetOutputList(), TProof::GetParallel(), TProof::GetPlayer(), TQueryResult::GetSeqNum(), TSystem::GetSysInfo(), TNamed::GetTitle(), GetWorkers(), gProofDebugLevel, gProofDebugMask, gSystem, HandleArchive(), HandleCache(), HandleCheckFile(), HandleDataSets(), HandleFork(), HandleLibIncPath(), HandleProcess(), HandleQueryList(), HandleRemove(), HandleRetrieve(), HandleSubmerger(), HandleWorkerLists(), TSystem::HostName(), info, TObject::Info(), TString::Insert(), TProof::IsDataReady(), IsIdle(), IsMaster(), TString::IsNull(), IsParallel(), TProof::kBinary, TProof::kCp, kFALSE, TProof::kForward, kLogNotice, kMESS_CINT, kMESS_OBJECT, kMESS_STRING, kPROOF_ARCHIVE, kPROOF_CACHE, kPROOF_CHECKFILE, kPROOF_CLEANUPSESSION, kPROOF_DATA_READY, kPROOF_DATASETS, kPROOF_FORK, kPROOF_GETENTRIES, kPROOF_GETOUTPUTLIST, kPROOF_GETPARALLEL, kPROOF_GETSLAVEINFO, kPROOF_GETSTATS, kPROOF_GETTREEHEADER, kPROOF_GOASYNC, kPROOF_GROUPVIEW, kPROOF_LIB_INC_PATH, kPROOF_LOGFILE, kPROOF_LOGLEVEL, kPROOF_MAXQUERIES, kPROOF_PARALLEL, kPROOF_PING, kPROOF_PRINT, kPROOF_PROCESS, kPROOF_QUERYLIST, kPROOF_QUERYSUBMITTED, kPROOF_REALTIMELOG, kPROOF_REMOVE, kPROOF_RESET, kPROOF_RETRIEVE, kPROOF_SENDFILE, kPROOF_SETIDLE, kPROOF_STARTPROCESS, kPROOF_STATUS, kPROOF_STOP, kPROOF_STOPPROCESS, kPROOF_SUBMERGER, kPROOF_VALIDATE_DSET, kPROOF_WORKERLISTS, kQueryEnqueued, kQueryOK, kQueryStop, kTRUE, TString::Length(), TBuffer::Length(), LogToMaster(), Long64_t, m, mask, name, o, ord, p, PDB, TProof::Ping(), Print(), Printf(), TApplication::ProcessLine(), ProcessNext(), random, TBufferFile::ReadObject(), TBufferFile::ReadString(), TStopwatch::RealTime(), ReceiveFile(), TString::ReplaceAll(), Reset(), s, TSocket::Send(), SendAsynMessage(), TProof::SendCommand(), TProof::SendFile(), SendLogFile(), SendParallel(), SendStatistics(), SetIdle(), TProof::SetLogLevel(), TCollection::SetOwner(), TProof::SetParallel(), TProof::SetRealTimeLog(), TSlaveInfo::SetSysInfo(), size, TStopwatch::Start(), start, TVirtualProofPlayer::StopProcess(), TProof::StopProcess(), str, TSystem::Syslog(), Terminate(), TProof::TerminateWorker(), timer, TProof::UseDynamicStartup(), TProof::ValidateDSet(), WaitingQueries(), TObject::Warning(), TMessage::What(), and what.

Referenced by ClassImp(), TXProofServInputHandler::Notify(), TProofServLiteInputHandler::Notify(), and TProofServInputHandler::Notify().

void TProofServ::HandleSocketInput (  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 1253 of file TProofServ.cxx.

References TList::Add(), TString::Data(), emsg(), TObject::Error(), fgLastMsg, fgRecursive, fIdleTOTimer, TList::First(), fNcmd, TString::Form(), TString::Format(), fProof, fQueuedMsg, fSocket, gEnv, TProof::GetListOfActiveSlaves(), TProof::GetListOfInactiveSlaves(), GetOrdinal(), TCollection::GetSize(), TNamed::GetTitle(), TEnv::GetValue(), i, TObject::Info(), TString::IsNull(), kFALSE, kHighMemory, TProof::kRunning, kTRUE, PDB, TSocket::Recv(), TList::Remove(), SafeDelete, SendAsynMessage(), TProof::SetActive(), TProof::SetRunStatus(), str, Terminate(), TObject::TestBit(), TMessage::What(), and what.

Referenced by Get(), GetNextPacket(), and TXProofServ::HandleInput().

void TProofServ::HandleUrgentData (  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 2107 of file TProofServ.cxx.

References TObject::Error(), fLogFile, fProof, fRealTimeLog, fSocket, TSocket::GetOption(), gSystem, TObject::Info(), Interrupt(), TProof::Interrupt(), IsMaster(), kAtMark, kBytesToRead, kFALSE, TProof::kHardInterrupt, kOob, TProof::kShutdownInterrupt, TProof::kSoftInterrupt, n, PDB, TSocket::RecvRaw(), SendLogFile(), TSocket::SendRaw(), TProof::SetActive(), TSystem::Sleep(), and Terminate().

Referenced by TProofServInterruptHandler::Notify(), and TProofServLiteInterruptHandler::Notify().

void TProofServ::HandleSigPipe (  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 2241 of file TProofServ.cxx.

References fLogFile, fProof, fRealTimeLog, fSocket, TObject::Info(), TProof::Interrupt(), IsMaster(), kFALSE, kMESS_ACK, kPROOF_PING, TProof::kShutdownInterrupt, TSocket::Send(), TProof::SetActive(), and Terminate().

Referenced by TProofServSigPipeHandler::Notify().

virtual void TProofServ::HandleTermination (  )  [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 296 of file TProofServ.h.

References Terminate().

Referenced by TProofServTerminationHandler::Notify().

void TProofServ::Interrupt (  )  [inline]

Definition at line 297 of file TProofServ.h.

References fInterrupt, and kTRUE.

Referenced by HandleUrgentData(), and TXProofServ::HandleUrgentData().

Bool_t TProofServ::IsEndMaster (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 298 of file TProofServ.h.

References fEndMaster.

Bool_t TProofServ::IsMaster (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 299 of file TProofServ.h.

References fMasterServ.

Referenced by TXProofServ::CreateServer(), CreateServer(), DeletePlayer(), HandleCache(), HandleCheckFile(), TXProofServ::HandleError(), HandleLibIncPath(), HandleProcess(), HandleSigPipe(), HandleSocketInput(), HandleSubmerger(), TXProofServ::HandleTermination(), TProofPlayerSlave::HandleTimer(), HandleUrgentData(), TXProofServ::HandleUrgentData(), IsParallel(), MakePlayer(), OldAuthSetup(), Print(), TProofPlayerRemote::Process(), TProofPlayer::Process(), ProcessNext(), RedirectOutput(), Reset(), SendLogFile(), SendParallel(), SendStatistics(), TXProofServ::Setup(), TProofServLite::Setup(), Setup(), SetupCommon(), Terminate(), TXProofServ::Terminate(), TPerfStats::TPerfStats(), and TProofServ().

Bool_t TProofServ::IsParallel (  )  const

Definition at line 2268 of file TProofServ.cxx.

References fProof, IsMaster(), TProof::IsParallel(), and kFALSE.

Referenced by HandleSocketInput(), TProofPlayerSlave::HandleTimer(), MakePlayer(), TProofPlayerRemote::Process(), and TProofPlayer::Process().

Bool_t TProofServ::IsTopMaster (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 301 of file TProofServ.h.

References fOrdinal.

Referenced by HandleProcess(), TProof::MarkBad(), SendResults(), and TProofPlayer::UpdateAutoBin().

void TProofServ::Run ( Bool_t  retrn = kFALSE  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from TApplication.

Definition at line 2423 of file TProofServ.cxx.

References CreateServer(), and TApplication::Run().

void TProofServ::Print ( Option_t option = ""  )  const [virtual]

Reimplemented from TObject.

Definition at line 2280 of file TProofServ.cxx.

References fProof, gSystem, TSystem::HostName(), IsMaster(), TProof::Print(), and Printf().

Referenced by HandleSocketInput().

void TProofServ::RestartComputeTime (  ) 

Definition at line 1068 of file TProofServ.cxx.

References fCompute, fPlayer, TVirtualProofPlayer::GetLearnEntries(), TVirtualProofPlayer::GetProgressStatus(), TObject::Info(), kFALSE, TStopwatch::RealTime(), TProofProgressStatus::SetLearnTime(), TStopwatch::Start(), and TStopwatch::Stop().

Referenced by TEventIterTree::GetNextEvent().

TObject * TProofServ::Get ( const char *  namecycle  ) 

Definition at line 1034 of file TProofServ.cxx.

References TObject::Error(), fSocket, TMessage::GetClass(), HandleSocketInput(), kFALSE, kMESS_OBJECT, kPROOF_GETOBJECT, kTRUE, TBufferFile::ReadObject(), TSocket::Recv(), TSocket::Send(), TMessage::What(), and what.

TDSetElement * TProofServ::GetNextPacket ( Long64_t  totalEntries = -1  ) 

Definition at line 1083 of file TProofServ.cxx.

References TStopwatch::Counter(), TStopwatch::CpuTime(), dir(), TObject::Error(), fCompute, fInflateFactor, fLatency, fPlayer, fProtocol, fSocket, TVirtualPerfStats::GetBytesRead(), TVirtualProofPlayer::GetCacheSize(), TProofProgressStatus::GetEntries(), TVirtualProofPlayer::GetEventsProcessed(), TVirtualProofPlayer::GetLearnEntries(), GetOrdinal(), TVirtualProofPlayer::GetProgressStatus(), gPerfStats, gSystem, HandleSocketInput(), i, TSystem::IgnoreSignal(), TProofProgressStatus::IncCPUTime(), TProofProgressStatus::IncProcTime(), TObject::Info(), kFALSE, kPROOF_GETPACKET, kPROOF_STOPPROCESS, kSigBus, kSigUser2, kTRUE, Long64_t, PDB, TProofProgressStatus::Print(), TStopwatch::RealTime(), TSocket::Recv(), TSocket::Send(), TSystem::Sleep(), TStopwatch::Start(), TStopwatch::Stop(), TMessage::What(), and what.

Referenced by TDSetProxy::Next().

virtual void TProofServ::ReleaseWorker ( const char *   )  [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 311 of file TProofServ.h.

Referenced by TProof::MarkBad(), and TProof::RemoveWorkers().

void TProofServ::Reset ( const char *  dir  ) 

Definition at line 2322 of file TProofServ.cxx.

References TString::BeginsWith(), TDirectory::cd(), TString::Data(), TDirectory::Delete(), fProof, gDirectory, gROOT, TString::Index(), IsMaster(), kNPOS, TString::Replace(), TROOT::Reset(), and TProof::SendCurrentState().

Referenced by HandleSocketInput().

Int_t TProofServ::ReceiveFile ( const char *  file,
Bool_t  bin,
Long64_t  size 

Definition at line 2349 of file TProofServ.cxx.

References buf, close, TObject::Error(), fSocket, i, j, k, kMAXBUF, Long64_t, open, p, TSocket::RecvRaw(), TObject::SysError(), w, and write.

Referenced by HandleSocketInput().

Int_t TProofServ::SendAsynMessage ( const char *  msg,
Bool_t  lf = kTRUE 
) [virtual]

Definition at line 6011 of file TProofServ.cxx.

References fSocket, TObject::Info(), kPROOF_MESSAGE, m, PDB, and TSocket::Send().

Referenced by TDSet::Add(), TProof::AssertDataSet(), TXProofServ::CreateServer(), CreateServer(), TXProofServ::GetWorkers(), HandleCache(), HandleException(), TProof::HandleInputMessage(), HandleProcess(), HandleRetrieve(), HandleSocketInput(), HandleSubmerger(), TProof::HandleSubmerger(), TProofPlayerRemote::InitPacketizer(), TDSet::Lookup(), TProof::MarkBad(), TIdleTOTimer::Notify(), TProofPlayer::Process(), RegisterDataSets(), TQueryResultManager::SaveQuery(), SendResults(), SetupCommon(), and TProof::StartSlaves().

void TProofServ::SendLogFile ( Int_t  status = 0,
Int_t  start = -1,
Int_t  end = -1 
) [virtual]

Definition at line 2436 of file TProofServ.cxx.

References buf, fflush(), fLogFileDes, FlushLogFile(), fProof, fSendLogToMaster, fSocket, TSystem::GetErrno(), TProof::GetParallel(), TObject::Info(), IsMaster(), kFALSE, kMAXBUF, kPROOF_LOGDONE, kPROOF_LOGFILE, kTRUE, len, LogToMaster(), lseek, PDB, read, TSystem::ResetErrno(), SEEK_CUR, SEEK_END, SEEK_SET, TSocket::Send(), TSocket::SendRaw(), and TObject::SysError().

Referenced by TProofServLite::CreateServer(), TXProofServ::CreateServer(), CreateServer(), HandleProcess(), HandleSocketInput(), HandleSubmerger(), HandleUrgentData(), TXProofServ::HandleUrgentData(), and TProofServLite::SetupOnFork().

void TProofServ::SendStatistics (  ) 

Definition at line 2527 of file TProofServ.cxx.

References fCpuTime, fProof, fProtocol, fRealTime, fSocket, TProof::GetBytesRead(), TProof::GetCpuTime(), TFile::GetFileBytesRead(), GetImage(), TProof::GetRealTime(), GetWorkDir(), gProofServ, gSystem, IsMaster(), kPROOF_GETSTATS, Long64_t, TSocket::Send(), workdir, and TSystem::WorkingDirectory().

Referenced by HandleSocketInput().

void TProofServ::SendParallel ( Bool_t  async = kFALSE  ) 

Definition at line 2548 of file TProofServ.cxx.

References TProof::AskParallel(), fProof, fSocket, TProof::GetParallel(), IsMaster(), kPROOF_GETPARALLEL, and TSocket::Send().

Referenced by TProof::AddWorkers(), and HandleSocketInput().

Int_t TProofServ::UpdateSessionStatus ( Int_t  xst = -1  ) 

Definition at line 6613 of file TProofServ.cxx.

References TString::Data(), fAdminPath, fclose(), fopen, fprintf(), GetSessionStatus(), TObject::Info(), and PDB.

Referenced by TXProofServ::HandleUrgentData(), and TIdleTOTimer::Notify().

virtual void TProofServ::DisableTimeout (  )  [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 322 of file TProofServ.h.

virtual void TProofServ::EnableTimeout (  )  [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 323 of file TProofServ.h.

void TProofServ::Terminate ( Int_t  status  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from TApplication.

Definition at line 3107 of file TProofServ.cxx.

References TSystem::AccessPathName(), TSystem::ChangeDirectory(), TString::Data(), TSystem::Exec(), TSystem::ExitLoop(), fCpuTime, fDataDir, fgLogToSysLog, fgResMemMax, fgSysLogEntity, fgVirtMemMax, TString::Format(), fQMgr, fQueryDir, fQueryLock, fRealTime, fSessionDir, TSystem::GetListOfFileHandlers(), TNamed::GetName(), TSystem::GetProcInfo(), TCollection::GetSize(), gSystem, TObject::Info(), IsMaster(), TString::IsNull(), kLogNotice, kRM, kWritePermission, TSystem::MakeDirectory(), pi, TQueryResultManager::Queries(), TSystem::RemoveFileHandler(), s, TSystem::Syslog(), TSystem::Unlink(), and UnlinkDataDir().

Referenced by CreateServer(), HandleSigPipe(), HandleSocketInput(), HandleTermination(), HandleUrgentData(), and TIdleTOTimer::Notify().

void TProofServ::LogToMaster ( Bool_t  on = kTRUE  )  [inline]

Definition at line 328 of file TProofServ.h.

References fSendLogToMaster.

Referenced by TXProofServ::CreateServer(), CreateServer(), ErrorHandler(), HandleCache(), HandleSocketInput(), and SendLogFile().

FILE * TProofServ::SetErrorHandlerFile ( FILE *  ferr  )  [static]

Definition at line 5510 of file TProofServ.cxx.

References fgErrorHandlerFile.

Referenced by G__G__Proof_153_0_107(), G__setup_memfuncTProofServ(), TProofPlayerRemote::RedirectOutput(), and TProofServ().

void TProofServ::ErrorHandler ( Int_t  level,
Bool_t  abort,
const char *  location,
const char *  msg 
) [static]

Definition at line 5522 of file TProofServ.cxx.

References TSystem::Abort(), buf, TString::CompareTo(), TString::Data(), fflush(), fgErrorHandlerFile, fgLogToSysLog, fgSysLogEntity, fprintf(), gEnv, gErrorIgnoreLevel, TSystem::GetPid(), GetPrefix(), GetSocket(), TEnv::GetValue(), gProofServ, gSystem, int, kBreak, kError, kFALSE, kFatal, TString::kIgnoreCase, kInfo, kLogErr, kLogInfo, kLogWarning, kPrint, kPROOF_FATAL, kSysError, kTRUE, kUnset, kWarning, LogToMaster(), TSocket::Send(), TSystem::StackTrace(), TSystem::Syslog(), and ts.

Referenced by G__G__Proof_153_0_108(), G__setup_memfuncTProofServ(), TProofPlayerRemote::RedirectOutput(), and TProofServ().

void TProofServ::ResolveKeywords ( TString fname,
const char *  path = 0 
) [static]

Definition at line 6540 of file TProofServ.cxx.

References TString::Contains(), TString::Format(), GetGroup(), GetOrdinal(), GetQuerySeqNum(), GetSessionTag(), GetUser(), gProofServ, TString::ReplaceAll(), u, and Warning().

Referenced by G__G__Proof_153_0_109(), G__setup_memfuncTProofServ(), TProofOutputFile::Init(), TProofOutputFile::SetOutputFileName(), and SetupCommon().

void TProofServ::SetLastMsg ( const char *  lastmsg  )  [static]

Definition at line 6713 of file TProofServ.cxx.

References fgLastMsg.

Referenced by G__G__Proof_153_0_110(), G__setup_memfuncTProofServ(), TProofPlayer::Process(), and TProofPlayerRemote::SetLastMergingMsg().

Bool_t TProofServ::IsActive (  )  [static]

Definition at line 3209 of file TProofServ.cxx.

References gProofServ, kFALSE, and kTRUE.

Referenced by G__G__Proof_153_0_111(), and G__setup_memfuncTProofServ().

TProofServ * TProofServ::This (  )  [static]

Definition at line 3217 of file TProofServ.cxx.

References gProofServ.

Referenced by G__G__Proof_153_0_112(), and G__setup_memfuncTProofServ().

void TProofServ::RedirectOutput ( const char *  dir = 0,
const char *  mode = "w" 
) [private]

Int_t TProofServ::CatMotd (  )  [private]

Int_t TProofServ::UnloadPackage ( const char *  package  )  [private]

Int_t TProofServ::UnloadPackages (  )  [private]

Int_t TProofServ::OldAuthSetup ( TString wconf  )  [private]

Int_t TProofServ::GetPriority (  )  [private]

TProofQueryResult* TProofServ::MakeQueryResult ( Long64_t  nentries,
const char *  opt,
TList inl,
Long64_t  first,
TDSet dset,
const char *  selec,
TObject elist 
) [private]

void TProofServ::SetQueryRunning ( TProofQueryResult pq  )  [private]

Int_t TProofServ::SendResults ( TSocket sock,
TList outlist = 0,
TQueryResult pq = 0 
) [private]

Bool_t TProofServ::AcceptResults ( Int_t  connections,
TVirtualProofPlayer mergerPlayer 
) [private]

Int_t TProofServ::RegisterDataSets ( TList in,
TList out 
) [private]

void TProofServ::SetIdle ( Bool_t  st = kTRUE  )  [private]

Bool_t TProofServ::IsWaiting (  )  [private]

Int_t TProofServ::WaitingQueries (  )  [private]

Int_t TProofServ::QueueQuery ( TProofQueryResult pq  )  [private]

TProofQueryResult* TProofServ::NextQuery (  )  [private]

Int_t TProofServ::CleanupWaitingQueries ( Bool_t  del = kTRUE,
TList qls = 0 
) [private]

virtual void TProofServ::HandleArchive ( TMessage mess,
TString slb = 0 
) [protected, virtual]

virtual Int_t TProofServ::HandleCache ( TMessage mess,
TString slb = 0 
) [protected, virtual]

virtual void TProofServ::HandleCheckFile ( TMessage mess,
TString slb = 0 
) [protected, virtual]

virtual Int_t TProofServ::HandleDataSets ( TMessage mess,
TString slb = 0 
) [protected, virtual]

virtual void TProofServ::HandleSubmerger ( TMessage mess  )  [protected, virtual]

virtual void TProofServ::HandleFork ( TMessage mess  )  [protected, virtual]

virtual void TProofServ::HandleLibIncPath ( TMessage mess  )  [protected, virtual]

virtual void TProofServ::HandleProcess ( TMessage mess,
TString slb = 0 
) [protected, virtual]

virtual void TProofServ::HandleQueryList ( TMessage mess  )  [protected, virtual]

virtual void TProofServ::HandleRemove ( TMessage mess,
TString slb = 0 
) [protected, virtual]

virtual void TProofServ::HandleRetrieve ( TMessage mess,
TString slb = 0 
) [protected, virtual]

virtual void TProofServ::HandleWorkerLists ( TMessage mess  )  [protected, virtual]

virtual void TProofServ::ProcessNext ( TString slb = 0  )  [protected, virtual]

virtual Int_t TProofServ::Setup (  )  [protected, virtual]

Int_t TProofServ::SetupCommon (  )  [protected]

virtual void TProofServ::MakePlayer (  )  [protected, virtual]

virtual void TProofServ::DeletePlayer (  )  [protected, virtual]

virtual Int_t TProofServ::Fork (  )  [protected, virtual]

Int_t TProofServ::GetSessionStatus (  )  [protected]

Bool_t TProofServ::IsIdle (  )  [protected]

Bool_t TProofServ::UnlinkDataDir ( const char *  path  )  [protected]

virtual Int_t TProofServ::CreateServer (  )  [virtual]

TProof* TProofServ::GetProof (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 243 of file TProofServ.h.

References fProof.

const char* TProofServ::GetService (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 244 of file TProofServ.h.

References fService.

const char* TProofServ::GetConfDir (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 245 of file TProofServ.h.

References fConfDir.

const char* TProofServ::GetConfFile (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 246 of file TProofServ.h.

References fConfFile.

const char* TProofServ::GetUser (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 247 of file TProofServ.h.

References fUser.

const char* TProofServ::GetGroup (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 248 of file TProofServ.h.

References fGroup.

const char* TProofServ::GetWorkDir (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 249 of file TProofServ.h.

References fWorkDir.

const char* TProofServ::GetImage (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 250 of file TProofServ.h.

References fImage.

const char* TProofServ::GetSessionTag (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 251 of file TProofServ.h.

References fTopSessionTag.

const char* TProofServ::GetSessionDir (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 252 of file TProofServ.h.

References fSessionDir.

const char* TProofServ::GetPackageDir (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 253 of file TProofServ.h.

References fPackageDir.

const char* TProofServ::GetDataDir (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 254 of file TProofServ.h.

References fDataDir.

Int_t TProofServ::GetProtocol (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 255 of file TProofServ.h.

References fProtocol.

const char* TProofServ::GetOrdinal (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 256 of file TProofServ.h.

References fOrdinal.

Int_t TProofServ::GetGroupId (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 257 of file TProofServ.h.

References fGroupId.

Int_t TProofServ::GetGroupSize (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 258 of file TProofServ.h.

References fGroupSize.

Int_t TProofServ::GetLogLevel (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 259 of file TProofServ.h.

References fLogLevel.

TSocket* TProofServ::GetSocket (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 260 of file TProofServ.h.

References fSocket.

Float_t TProofServ::GetRealTime (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 261 of file TProofServ.h.

References fRealTime.

Float_t TProofServ::GetCpuTime (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 262 of file TProofServ.h.

References fCpuTime.

Int_t TProofServ::GetQuerySeqNum (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 263 of file TProofServ.h.

References fQuerySeqNum.

Int_t TProofServ::GetTotSessions (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 265 of file TProofServ.h.

References fTotSessions.

Int_t TProofServ::GetActSessions (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 266 of file TProofServ.h.

References fActSessions.

Float_t TProofServ::GetEffSessions (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 267 of file TProofServ.h.

References fEffSessions.

void TProofServ::GetOptions ( Int_t argc,
char **  argv 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from TApplication.

TList* TProofServ::GetEnabledPackages (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 270 of file TProofServ.h.

References fEnabledPackages.

Int_t TProofServ::GetInflateFactor (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 272 of file TProofServ.h.

References fInflateFactor.

static Long_t TProofServ::GetVirtMemMax (  )  [static]

static Long_t TProofServ::GetResMemMax (  )  [static]

static Float_t TProofServ::GetMemHWM (  )  [static]

static Float_t TProofServ::GetMemStop (  )  [static]

Long64_t TProofServ::GetMsgSizeHWM (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 279 of file TProofServ.h.

References fMsgSizeHWM.

const char* TProofServ::GetPrefix (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 281 of file TProofServ.h.

References fPrefix.

void TProofServ::FlushLogFile (  ) 

TProofLockPath* TProofServ::GetCacheLock (  )  [inline]

Definition at line 285 of file TProofServ.h.

References fCacheLock.

Int_t TProofServ::CopyFromCache ( const char *  name,
Bool_t  cpbin 

Int_t TProofServ::CopyToCache ( const char *  name,
Int_t  opt = 0 

virtual EQueryAction TProofServ::GetWorkers ( TList workers,
Int_t prioritychange,
Bool_t  resume = kFALSE 
) [virtual]

virtual void TProofServ::HandleException ( Int_t  sig  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from TApplication.

virtual Int_t TProofServ::HandleSocketInput ( TMessage mess,
Bool_t  all 
) [virtual]

virtual void TProofServ::HandleSocketInput (  )  [virtual]

virtual void TProofServ::HandleUrgentData (  )  [virtual]

virtual void TProofServ::HandleSigPipe (  )  [virtual]

virtual void TProofServ::HandleTermination (  )  [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 296 of file TProofServ.h.

References Terminate().

void TProofServ::Interrupt (  )  [inline]

Definition at line 297 of file TProofServ.h.

References fInterrupt, and kTRUE.

Bool_t TProofServ::IsEndMaster (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 298 of file TProofServ.h.

References fEndMaster.

Bool_t TProofServ::IsMaster (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 299 of file TProofServ.h.

References fMasterServ.

Bool_t TProofServ::IsParallel (  )  const

Bool_t TProofServ::IsTopMaster (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 301 of file TProofServ.h.

References fOrdinal.

void TProofServ::Run ( Bool_t  retrn = kFALSE  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from TApplication.

void TProofServ::Print ( Option_t option = ""  )  const [virtual]

Reimplemented from TObject.

void TProofServ::RestartComputeTime (  ) 

TObject* TProofServ::Get ( const char *  namecycle  ) 

TDSetElement* TProofServ::GetNextPacket ( Long64_t  totalEntries = -1  ) 

virtual void TProofServ::ReleaseWorker ( const char *   )  [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 311 of file TProofServ.h.

void TProofServ::Reset ( const char *  dir  ) 

Int_t TProofServ::ReceiveFile ( const char *  file,
Bool_t  bin,
Long64_t  size 

virtual Int_t TProofServ::SendAsynMessage ( const char *  msg,
Bool_t  lf = kTRUE 
) [virtual]

virtual void TProofServ::SendLogFile ( Int_t  status = 0,
Int_t  start = -1,
Int_t  end = -1 
) [virtual]

void TProofServ::SendStatistics (  ) 

void TProofServ::SendParallel ( Bool_t  async = kFALSE  ) 

Int_t TProofServ::UpdateSessionStatus ( Int_t  xst = -1  ) 

virtual void TProofServ::DisableTimeout (  )  [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 322 of file TProofServ.h.

virtual void TProofServ::EnableTimeout (  )  [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 323 of file TProofServ.h.

virtual void TProofServ::Terminate ( Int_t  status  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from TApplication.

void TProofServ::LogToMaster ( Bool_t  on = kTRUE  )  [inline]

Definition at line 328 of file TProofServ.h.

References fSendLogToMaster.

static FILE* TProofServ::SetErrorHandlerFile ( FILE *  ferr  )  [static]

static void TProofServ::ErrorHandler ( Int_t  level,
Bool_t  abort,
const char *  location,
const char *  msg 
) [static]

static void TProofServ::ResolveKeywords ( TString fname,
const char *  path = 0 
) [static]

static void TProofServ::SetLastMsg ( const char *  lastmsg  )  [static]

static Bool_t TProofServ::IsActive (  )  [static]

static TProofServ* TProofServ::This (  )  [static]

Friends And Related Function Documentation

TProofServLite [friend]

Definition at line 75 of file TProofServ.h.

TXProofServ [friend]

Definition at line 76 of file TProofServ.h.

Member Data Documentation

TString TProofServ::fService [private]

Definition at line 83 of file TProofServ.h.

Referenced by TProofServLite::CreateServer(), TXProofServ::CreateServer(), GetOptions(), GetService(), TProofServLite::SetupOnFork(), and TProofServ().

TString TProofServ::fUser [private]

Definition at line 84 of file TProofServ.h.

Referenced by TXProofServ::CreateServer(), GetUser(), OldAuthSetup(), TXProofServ::Setup(), TProofServLite::Setup(), Setup(), and SetupCommon().

TString TProofServ::fGroup [private]

Definition at line 85 of file TProofServ.h.

Referenced by GetGroup(), GetPriority(), TXProofServ::HandleInput(), and SetupCommon().

TString TProofServ::fConfDir [private]

Definition at line 86 of file TProofServ.h.

Referenced by TProofServLite::CreateServer(), TXProofServ::CreateServer(), GetConfDir(), GetOptions(), GetWorkers(), Setup(), and TProofServLite::SetupOnFork().

TString TProofServ::fConfFile [private]

Definition at line 87 of file TProofServ.h.

Referenced by TXProofServ::CreateServer(), CreateServer(), GetConfFile(), GetWorkers(), TXProofServ::Setup(), and Setup().

TString TProofServ::fWorkDir [private]

Reimplemented from TApplication.

Definition at line 88 of file TProofServ.h.

Referenced by GetWorkDir(), RedirectOutput(), TXProofServ::Setup(), TProofServLite::Setup(), Setup(), and SetupCommon().

TString TProofServ::fImage [private]

Definition at line 89 of file TProofServ.h.

Referenced by GetImage(), TXProofServ::GetWorkers(), GetWorkers(), and SetupCommon().

TString TProofServ::fSessionTag [private]

Definition at line 90 of file TProofServ.h.

Referenced by TXProofServ::Setup(), TProofServLite::Setup(), Setup(), SetupCommon(), and TProofServLite::SetupOnFork().

TString TProofServ::fTopSessionTag [private]

Definition at line 91 of file TProofServ.h.

Referenced by TXProofServ::CreateServer(), GetSessionTag(), HandleArchive(), TXProofServ::LockSession(), TXProofServ::Setup(), TProofServLite::Setup(), Setup(), and SetupCommon().

TString TProofServ::fSessionDir [private]

Definition at line 92 of file TProofServ.h.

Referenced by GetSessionDir(), TXProofServ::LockSession(), RedirectOutput(), TXProofServ::Setup(), TProofServLite::Setup(), Setup(), SetupCommon(), TProofServLite::SetupOnFork(), Terminate(), TProofServLite::Terminate(), and TXProofServ::Terminate().

TString TProofServ::fPackageDir [private]

Definition at line 93 of file TProofServ.h.

Referenced by GetPackageDir(), HandleCache(), HandleCheckFile(), HandleSocketInput(), and SetupCommon().

THashList* TProofServ::fGlobalPackageDirList [private]

Definition at line 94 of file TProofServ.h.

Referenced by HandleCache(), SetupCommon(), TProofServ(), and ~TProofServ().

TString TProofServ::fCacheDir [private]

Definition at line 95 of file TProofServ.h.

Referenced by CopyFromCache(), CopyToCache(), HandleCache(), HandleCheckFile(), HandleProcess(), HandleSocketInput(), and SetupCommon().

TString TProofServ::fQueryDir [private]

Definition at line 96 of file TProofServ.h.

Referenced by HandleQueryList(), MakeQueryResult(), SetupCommon(), Terminate(), and TXProofServ::Terminate().

TString TProofServ::fDataSetDir [private]

Definition at line 97 of file TProofServ.h.

Referenced by SetupCommon().

TString TProofServ::fDataDir [private]

Definition at line 98 of file TProofServ.h.

Referenced by GetDataDir(), SetupCommon(), Terminate(), TProofServLite::Terminate(), and TXProofServ::Terminate().

TString TProofServ::fAdminPath [private]

Definition at line 99 of file TProofServ.h.

Referenced by TXProofServ::HandleUrgentData(), and UpdateSessionStatus().

TProofLockPath* TProofServ::fPackageLock [private]

Definition at line 100 of file TProofServ.h.

Referenced by HandleCache(), HandleCheckFile(), SetupCommon(), TProofServ(), and ~TProofServ().

TProofLockPath* TProofServ::fCacheLock [private]

Definition at line 101 of file TProofServ.h.

Referenced by CopyFromCache(), CopyToCache(), GetCacheLock(), HandleCache(), HandleCheckFile(), SetupCommon(), TProofServ(), and ~TProofServ().

TProofLockPath* TProofServ::fQueryLock [private]

Definition at line 102 of file TProofServ.h.

Referenced by TXProofServ::LockSession(), SetupCommon(), Terminate(), TXProofServ::Terminate(), TProofServ(), and ~TProofServ().

TString TProofServ::fArchivePath [private]

Definition at line 103 of file TProofServ.h.

Referenced by HandleArchive(), and TProofServ().

TSocket* TProofServ::fSocket [private]

Definition at line 104 of file TProofServ.h.

Referenced by TProofServLite::CreateServer(), TXProofServ::CreateServer(), CreateServer(), TXProofServ::DisableTimeout(), TXProofServ::EnableTimeout(), Get(), GetNextPacket(), GetSocket(), TXProofServ::GetWorkers(), HandleCache(), HandleCheckFile(), HandleDataSets(), TXProofServ::HandleError(), TXProofServ::HandleInput(), HandleProcess(), HandleQueryList(), HandleRetrieve(), HandleSigPipe(), HandleSocketInput(), HandleSubmerger(), HandleUrgentData(), TXProofServ::HandleUrgentData(), MakePlayer(), OldAuthSetup(), ProcessNext(), ReceiveFile(), RegisterDataSets(), TXProofServ::ReleaseWorker(), SendAsynMessage(), SendLogFile(), SendParallel(), SendStatistics(), TXProofServ::Setup(), TProofServLite::Setup(), Setup(), SetupCommon(), TProofServLite::SetupOnFork(), TXProofServ::Terminate(), TProofServ(), ~TProofServ(), TProofServLite::~TProofServLite(), and TXProofServ::~TXProofServ().

TProof* TProofServ::fProof [private]

Definition at line 105 of file TProofServ.h.

Referenced by TXProofServ::CreateServer(), CreateServer(), DeletePlayer(), GetProof(), HandleCache(), HandleCheckFile(), TXProofServ::HandleError(), TXProofServ::HandleInput(), HandleLibIncPath(), HandleProcess(), HandleSigPipe(), HandleSocketInput(), HandleSubmerger(), TXProofServ::HandleTermination(), HandleUrgentData(), TXProofServ::HandleUrgentData(), HandleWorkerLists(), IsParallel(), MakePlayer(), Print(), ProcessNext(), Reset(), SendLogFile(), SendParallel(), SendStatistics(), SetQueryRunning(), TXProofServ::Terminate(), and TProofServ().

TVirtualProofPlayer* TProofServ::fPlayer [private]

Definition at line 106 of file TProofServ.h.

Referenced by DeletePlayer(), GetNextPacket(), TXProofServ::HandleInput(), HandleProcess(), HandleSocketInput(), HandleSubmerger(), MakePlayer(), ProcessNext(), RestartComputeTime(), SendResults(), TXProofServ::Terminate(), and TProofServ().

FILE* TProofServ::fLogFile [private]

Definition at line 107 of file TProofServ.h.

Referenced by TProofServLite::CreateServer(), TXProofServ::CreateServer(), CreateServer(), HandleDataSets(), HandleSigPipe(), HandleSocketInput(), HandleUrgentData(), TXProofServ::HandleUrgentData(), RedirectOutput(), RegisterDataSets(), TProofServLite::SetupOnFork(), and TProofServ().

Int_t TProofServ::fLogFileDes [private]

Definition at line 108 of file TProofServ.h.

Referenced by TProofServLite::CreateServer(), TXProofServ::CreateServer(), CreateServer(), FlushLogFile(), SendLogFile(), TProofServLite::SetupOnFork(), TProofServ(), and ~TProofServ().

TList* TProofServ::fEnabledPackages [private]

Definition at line 109 of file TProofServ.h.

Referenced by GetEnabledPackages(), HandleCache(), SetQueryRunning(), TProofServ(), UnloadPackage(), UnloadPackages(), and ~TProofServ().

Int_t TProofServ::fProtocol [private]

Definition at line 110 of file TProofServ.h.

Referenced by TXProofServ::CreateServer(), CreateServer(), GetNextPacket(), GetProtocol(), HandleCheckFile(), HandleProcess(), HandleRetrieve(), HandleSocketInput(), OldAuthSetup(), ProcessNext(), RedirectOutput(), SendResults(), SendStatistics(), TXProofServ::Setup(), TProofServLite::Setup(), Setup(), SetupCommon(), and TProofServ().

TString TProofServ::fOrdinal [private]

Definition at line 111 of file TProofServ.h.

Referenced by AcceptResults(), TProofServLite::CreateServer(), TXProofServ::CreateServer(), GetOrdinal(), HandleCache(), HandleProcess(), HandleSubmerger(), IsTopMaster(), OldAuthSetup(), RedirectOutput(), TProofServLite::Setup(), Setup(), TProofServLite::SetupOnFork(), and TProofServ().

Int_t TProofServ::fGroupId [private]

Definition at line 112 of file TProofServ.h.

Referenced by GetGroupId(), HandleSocketInput(), and TProofServ().

Int_t TProofServ::fGroupSize [private]

Definition at line 113 of file TProofServ.h.

Referenced by GetGroupSize(), HandleSocketInput(), and TProofServ().

Int_t TProofServ::fLogLevel [private]

Definition at line 114 of file TProofServ.h.

Referenced by TXProofServ::CreateServer(), CreateServer(), GetLogLevel(), HandleSocketInput(), and TProofServ().

Int_t TProofServ::fNcmd [private]

Definition at line 115 of file TProofServ.h.

Referenced by HandleSocketInput(), and TProofServ().

Int_t TProofServ::fGroupPriority [private]

Definition at line 116 of file TProofServ.h.

Referenced by TXProofServ::HandleInput(), SetupCommon(), and TProofServ().

Bool_t TProofServ::fEndMaster [private]

Definition at line 117 of file TProofServ.h.

Referenced by TXProofServ::CreateServer(), CreateServer(), GetOptions(), and IsEndMaster().

Bool_t TProofServ::fMasterServ [private]

Definition at line 118 of file TProofServ.h.

Referenced by TProofServLite::CreateServer(), TXProofServ::CreateServer(), CreateServer(), GetOptions(), IsMaster(), and TProofServLite::SetupOnFork().

Bool_t TProofServ::fInterrupt [private]

Definition at line 119 of file TProofServ.h.

Referenced by Interrupt(), and TProofServ().

Float_t TProofServ::fRealTime [private]

Definition at line 120 of file TProofServ.h.

Referenced by GetRealTime(), HandleSocketInput(), SendStatistics(), SetupCommon(), Terminate(), TXProofServ::Terminate(), and TProofServ().

Float_t TProofServ::fCpuTime [private]

Definition at line 121 of file TProofServ.h.

Referenced by GetCpuTime(), HandleSocketInput(), SendStatistics(), SetupCommon(), Terminate(), TXProofServ::Terminate(), and TProofServ().

TStopwatch TProofServ::fLatency [private]

Definition at line 122 of file TProofServ.h.

Referenced by GetNextPacket().

TStopwatch TProofServ::fCompute [private]

Definition at line 123 of file TProofServ.h.

Referenced by GetNextPacket(), and RestartComputeTime().

Int_t TProofServ::fQuerySeqNum [private]

Definition at line 124 of file TProofServ.h.

Referenced by GetQuerySeqNum(), HandleProcess(), ProcessNext(), and TProofServ().

Int_t TProofServ::fTotSessions [private]

Definition at line 126 of file TProofServ.h.

Referenced by GetTotSessions(), TXProofServ::HandleInput(), and TProofServ().

Int_t TProofServ::fActSessions [private]

Definition at line 127 of file TProofServ.h.

Referenced by GetActSessions(), TXProofServ::HandleInput(), and TProofServ().

Float_t TProofServ::fEffSessions [private]

Definition at line 128 of file TProofServ.h.

Referenced by GetEffSessions(), TXProofServ::HandleInput(), and TProofServ().

TFileHandler* TProofServ::fInputHandler [private]

Definition at line 130 of file TProofServ.h.

Referenced by CreateServer(), and TProofServ().

TQueryResultManager* TProofServ::fQMgr [private]

Definition at line 132 of file TProofServ.h.

Referenced by HandleArchive(), HandleProcess(), HandleQueryList(), HandleRemove(), HandleRetrieve(), HandleSocketInput(), MakeQueryResult(), ProcessNext(), SetupCommon(), Terminate(), TXProofServ::Terminate(), and TProofServ().

TList* TProofServ::fWaitingQueries [private]

Definition at line 134 of file TProofServ.h.

Referenced by CleanupWaitingQueries(), GetSessionStatus(), TXProofServ::GetWorkers(), TXProofServ::HandleTermination(), IsWaiting(), NextQuery(), QueueQuery(), TProofServ(), WaitingQueries(), and ~TProofServ().

Bool_t TProofServ::fIdle [private]

Definition at line 135 of file TProofServ.h.

Referenced by GetSessionStatus(), TXProofServ::HandleTermination(), IsIdle(), IsWaiting(), SetIdle(), TXProofServ::Terminate(), and TProofServ().

TMutex* TProofServ::fQMtx [private]

Definition at line 136 of file TProofServ.h.

Referenced by CleanupWaitingQueries(), GetSessionStatus(), IsIdle(), IsWaiting(), NextQuery(), QueueQuery(), SetIdle(), TProofServ(), WaitingQueries(), and ~TProofServ().

TList* TProofServ::fQueuedMsg [private]

Definition at line 138 of file TProofServ.h.

Referenced by HandleSocketInput(), and TProofServ().

TString TProofServ::fPrefix [private]

Definition at line 140 of file TProofServ.h.

Referenced by GetPrefix(), HandleProcess(), HandleRetrieve(), SendResults(), Setup(), and TProofServ().

Bool_t TProofServ::fRealTimeLog [private]

Definition at line 142 of file TProofServ.h.

Referenced by HandleSigPipe(), HandleSocketInput(), HandleUrgentData(), TXProofServ::HandleUrgentData(), and TProofServ().

TShutdownTimer* TProofServ::fShutdownTimer [private]

Definition at line 144 of file TProofServ.h.

Referenced by TXProofServ::CreateServer(), CreateServer(), and TProofServ().

TReaperTimer* TProofServ::fReaperTimer [private]

Definition at line 145 of file TProofServ.h.

Referenced by Fork(), and TProofServ().

TIdleTOTimer* TProofServ::fIdleTOTimer [private]

Definition at line 146 of file TProofServ.h.

Referenced by TXProofServ::CreateServer(), CreateServer(), HandleSocketInput(), and TProofServ().

Int_t TProofServ::fInflateFactor [private]

Definition at line 148 of file TProofServ.h.

Referenced by GetInflateFactor(), GetNextPacket(), TXProofServ::HandleInput(), and TProofServ().

Int_t TProofServ::fCompressMsg [private]

Definition at line 150 of file TProofServ.h.

Referenced by TXProofServ::CreateServer(), CreateServer(), SendResults(), and TProofServ().

TDataSetManager* TProofServ::fDataSetManager [private]

Definition at line 152 of file TProofServ.h.

Referenced by HandleDataSets(), HandleProcess(), ProcessNext(), RegisterDataSets(), SetupCommon(), and TProofServ().

Bool_t TProofServ::fSendLogToMaster [private]

Definition at line 154 of file TProofServ.h.

Referenced by LogToMaster(), SendLogFile(), and TProofServ().

TServerSocket* TProofServ::fMergingSocket [private]

Definition at line 156 of file TProofServ.h.

Referenced by AcceptResults(), HandleProcess(), HandleSubmerger(), and TProofServ().

TMonitor* TProofServ::fMergingMonitor [private]

Definition at line 157 of file TProofServ.h.

Referenced by AcceptResults(), HandleSubmerger(), and TProofServ().

Int_t TProofServ::fMergedWorkers [private]

Definition at line 158 of file TProofServ.h.

Referenced by TProofServ().

Int_t TProofServ::fMaxQueries [private]

Definition at line 161 of file TProofServ.h.

Referenced by HandleSocketInput(), ProcessNext(), SetupCommon(), and TProofServ().

Long64_t TProofServ::fMaxBoxSize [private]

Definition at line 162 of file TProofServ.h.

Referenced by SetupCommon(), and TProofServ().

Long64_t TProofServ::fHWMBoxSize [private]

Definition at line 163 of file TProofServ.h.

Referenced by SetupCommon(), and TProofServ().

Long_t TProofServ::fgVirtMemMax [static, private]

Definition at line 166 of file TProofServ.h.

Referenced by GetVirtMemMax(), Terminate(), TXProofServ::Terminate(), and TProofServ().

Long_t TProofServ::fgResMemMax [static, private]

Definition at line 167 of file TProofServ.h.

Referenced by GetResMemMax(), Terminate(), TXProofServ::Terminate(), and TProofServ().

Float_t TProofServ::fgMemHWM [static, private]

Definition at line 169 of file TProofServ.h.

Referenced by GetMemHWM(), and TProofServ().

Float_t TProofServ::fgMemStop [static, private]

Definition at line 170 of file TProofServ.h.

Referenced by GetMemStop(), and TProofServ().

Long64_t TProofServ::fMsgSizeHWM [private]

Definition at line 173 of file TProofServ.h.

Referenced by GetMsgSizeHWM(), SendResults(), and TProofServ().

FILE * TProofServ::fgErrorHandlerFile [static, private]

Definition at line 175 of file TProofServ.h.

Referenced by ErrorHandler(), and SetErrorHandlerFile().

Int_t TProofServ::fgRecursive [static, private]

Definition at line 176 of file TProofServ.h.

Referenced by HandleSocketInput().

Int_t TProofServ::fgLogToSysLog [static, private]

Definition at line 179 of file TProofServ.h.

Referenced by ErrorHandler(), HandleSocketInput(), SetupCommon(), Terminate(), TXProofServ::Terminate(), and TProofServ().

TString TProofServ::fgSysLogService [static, private]

Definition at line 180 of file TProofServ.h.

Referenced by TProofServ().

TString TProofServ::fgSysLogEntity [static, private]

Definition at line 181 of file TProofServ.h.

Referenced by ErrorHandler(), HandleSocketInput(), SetupCommon(), Terminate(), and TXProofServ::Terminate().

TString TProofServ::fgLastMsg [static, protected]

Definition at line 235 of file TProofServ.h.

Referenced by HandleException(), HandleSocketInput(), and SetLastMsg().

THashList* TProofServ::fGlobalPackageDirList [private]

Definition at line 94 of file TProofServ.h.

TProofLockPath* TProofServ::fPackageLock [private]

Definition at line 100 of file TProofServ.h.

TProofLockPath* TProofServ::fCacheLock [private]

Definition at line 101 of file TProofServ.h.

TProofLockPath* TProofServ::fQueryLock [private]

Definition at line 102 of file TProofServ.h.

TSocket* TProofServ::fSocket [private]

Definition at line 104 of file TProofServ.h.

TProof* TProofServ::fProof [private]

Definition at line 105 of file TProofServ.h.

TVirtualProofPlayer* TProofServ::fPlayer [private]

Definition at line 106 of file TProofServ.h.

FILE* TProofServ::fLogFile [private]

Definition at line 107 of file TProofServ.h.

TList* TProofServ::fEnabledPackages [private]

Definition at line 109 of file TProofServ.h.

TFileHandler* TProofServ::fInputHandler [private]

Definition at line 130 of file TProofServ.h.

TQueryResultManager* TProofServ::fQMgr [private]

Definition at line 132 of file TProofServ.h.

TList* TProofServ::fWaitingQueries [private]

Definition at line 134 of file TProofServ.h.

TMutex* TProofServ::fQMtx [private]

Definition at line 136 of file TProofServ.h.

TList* TProofServ::fQueuedMsg [private]

Definition at line 138 of file TProofServ.h.

TShutdownTimer* TProofServ::fShutdownTimer [private]

Definition at line 144 of file TProofServ.h.

TReaperTimer* TProofServ::fReaperTimer [private]

Definition at line 145 of file TProofServ.h.

TIdleTOTimer* TProofServ::fIdleTOTimer [private]

Definition at line 146 of file TProofServ.h.

TDataSetManager* TProofServ::fDataSetManager [private]

Definition at line 152 of file TProofServ.h.

TServerSocket* TProofServ::fMergingSocket [private]

Definition at line 156 of file TProofServ.h.

TMonitor* TProofServ::fMergingMonitor [private]

Definition at line 157 of file TProofServ.h.

FILE* TProofServ::fgErrorHandlerFile [static, private]

Definition at line 175 of file TProofServ.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
Generated on Tue Jul 5 16:45:27 2011 for ROOT_528-00b_version by  doxygen 1.5.1